26287 Whybridge Junior Prospectus

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Welcome to

Whybridge Junior School

At Whybridge Junior School we are passionate about making every learning experience count so that children are excited, motivated and engaged in learning. Our aim is for the children to develop academically, socially and emotionally so that they become well rounded individuals. The team at Whybridge Juniors work hard to provide an excellent educational experience for the children through an exciting curriculum which allows children to flourish through academic, sporting, creative and personal achievements. We pride ourselves on our children’s behaviour and attitudes which is achieved by everyone working together.

Listed in

We work closely with parents, as strong homeschool links provide the most effective journey through school. Sarah Warshow - Head of School

Good Schools Guide 2021

as #111 best school nationally


Our Whybridge

Values Our Whybridge values reflect our strong school ethos.

Courage Organisation



Team Work

Determination Politeness Perseverance Punctuality

Honesty Personal Energy





Curriculum Intent 1.

At Whybridge our curriculum has 5 key intentions: Aspiration We want our curriculum to open children’s eyes to some of the cultural and academic legacies of the global community. Our curriculum must allow children to compete and achieve at the highest level, and achieve equality of opportunities. Pupils are offered opportunities to aspire to a variety of roles – Prefects, Head Boy and Girl, School Council representatives and

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being sporting ambassadors.

Secondary school ready At its heart, our curriculum aims to


Language rich, with a love of reading We aim to foster an intrinsic love

develop children who are confident to

of reading. An enriched vocabulary

start the next stage of their educational

enables a better understanding of

journey. Knowledgeable and interested

concepts and ideas and we facilitate

in the world around them, and able to

access to knowledge beyond our

question the things that they see.

pupils’ ordinary daily experiences.

A breadth of knowledge and skills


Making a positive contribution We aim to model positive relationships,

We want our curriculum to enable

patience, kindness, and conflict

children to make links and connections

management. Our personal qualities

with the world around them. We have

are also emphasised and utilised in

a shared acknowledgement that being

our behaviour system, that encourages

able to fail is vital to children’s success

positive choices. We want each of our

in later life; hence, a growth mindset is

children to feel a sense of belonging as

modelled to children.

a member of the Whybridge family.


Curriculum & Learning At Whybridge Junior School, we strive to provide a curriculum that engages and excites. Our curriculum recognises the

Within each class work is adapted

importance of teaching children

to meet the needs of the individual

subject knowledge as well as

child. We offer inclusive provision

developing their practical skills.

for all children, including those with learning difficulties, sensory

We look to open minds and shape

impairment, physical difficulties,

the futures of all children who

social, emotional and behavioural

journey through our school; each

challenges, as well as meeting the

creating their own unique footprint.

needs of those who are especially gifted and talented.

Children explore new knowledge through themes and subject-specific units of work, where meaningful links in the curriculum enables pupils to see purpose to their learning.

80 %

of Year 5 children achieve Level 2 Bikeability accreditation



Our Curriculum


Our school clubs provide a great opportunity to extend children’s learning and engagement in special interests. We host clubs such as multisports, football, karate, crosscountry, chess and arts & crafts. We actively participate in competitive sports within the Havering Schools Collective. We benefit from purpose built facilities in school, including an astro-turf, library, adventure play park, outdoor gym and nature area. We are fortunate to have a well maintained school building and grounds and feel that children deserve the very best equipment and facilities if they are to learn effectively. We offer extensive IT resources including chromebooks for every child in Years 3 & 4, iPads in each classroom and laptops in Years 5 & 6. Online learning is an integral part of how children learn at Whybridge. At Whybridge we put great value on children having memorable experiences both in school and out. We offer residential visits and educational trips, as well as inviting expert visitors in to school to enhance the curriculum.


Health &

Well-being at Whybridge Keeping Fit

Healthy Eating

At Whybridge, our pupils enjoy keeping fit

Whybridge Junior School promotes healthy

and they understand this is an important

eating as part of its Healthy School status.

part of their lives. Pupils take part in mini

Water stations are accessible throughout

marathons, Reindeer Runs, a daily mile,

school, fruit snacks available at breaktime

as well as their regular Physical Education

and the food served at lunchtime meets the

lessons and clubs.

school food standards so that children have

ELSA & Butterfly Club Supporting pupils’ mental health and


well-being is a key ingredient to our success.

Relationships and Sex Education are taught,

Trained ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support

both as a discrete subject and as part of the

Assistants) design and run programmes for

Science and PSHE curriculum. Whybridge

pupils who need additional help to be ready

follows the Jigsaw programme for RSE and

for learning. Our lunchtime Butterfly Club is

parents are informed of the curriculum

a great place for pupils to make friends and

content and resources. Parents have the right

learn about healthy social interactions.

to withdraw their child from sex education.

Family Support Workers Being part of The Hornchurch Academy Trust enables us to have access to a trained Family Support Worker. This staff member supports family members and pupils in the areas of bereavement, social and financial stress, anxiety and mental health, behaviour management, parenting advice, along with so much more.


a healthy, balanced diet.


School Community Whybridge has a very supportive community base. A range of in-school and community events are held throughout the year, either to fundraise for charity or to support enhanced experiences and opportunities for pupils. We have just started to hold regular holiday clubs and coffee mornings again, and plan to reinstate events such as the Mother’s Day Tea, Harvest Afternoon Tea and regular uniform sales soon. These will enable families to be part of their children’s learning experiences. Whybridge also benefits from an excellent pastoral team of staff, who work closely with parents and carers, to help support them and their children with a wide range of advice and expertise, along with directing to external services, if needed. Whybridge Junior School enjoys being part of the Hornchurch Academy Trust, where staff and pupils have great opportunities to work and learn collaboratively on all sorts of projects. Our Local Standards Group, which forms part of the Governance structure at Whybridge Junior School, play an active role within school.


Contact Us Whybridge Junior School, Blacksmith’s Lane, Rainham, Essex RM13 7AH  01708 552870 envelope office@whybridge-jun.havering.sch.uk

www.whybridge-jun.havering.sch.uk twitter @whybridgejunior

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