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Upminster Junior School

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We Learn & Grow Together

Our school motto: we learn and grow together This recognises that whether it be in the

Working with parents/carers is essential

classroom, or outside of school, we can

to ensuring that we achieve our aims

achieve much more than as working

as we believe that strong partnerships,

as a group of individuals – parents/carers

coupled with high quality teaching and

are welcomed as partners in their child’s

learning and high expectations at all

education as we believe that our pupils

times, will undoubtedly help children

learn best when members of staff and

fulfil their potential and achieve well,

parents/carers work in partnership, so

whilst promoting the personal attributes

we value your involvement with your

that will prepare pupils for the next

child’s education.

stages of their lives.

Welcome to

Upminster Junior School We pride ourselves on being a popular choice by many families locally: many of our pupils’ parents attended here; indeed so did many of their parents! We are determined to focus on what really matters. As our vision statement describes we aim to ‘take children on a journey of discovery and adventure, igniting a passion for learning and exciting the imagination’. By providing a wealth of opportunity and experience the children will go on an enriching journey from the moment they enter Year 3 to the time when they leave at the end of Year 6. We hope that the information over the next few pages will give families a flavour of what life is like for pupils at Upminster Junior School.


Our School

Values Our school values underpin so much of what we do and how we do it at Upminster Junior School. We believe that, in combination, these values will provide pupils with the personal attributes to be well-rounded individuals who are able to face challenges confidently. They are:




Compassion Trust

Creativity These values are common themes in our classrooms, playground and assemblies. Our behaviour policy is based around our school values and children earn behaviour points based on these. The points could be awarded for work pupils have produced, but also their behaviour in the classroom and beyond. Throughout the week, children are also awarded ‘silver awards’ for consistently upholding the school values, and ‘gold awards’ for not only upholding the school values but supporting others as well.



Curriculum & Learning Our school follows the National Curriculum and lessons are planned so that children’s knowledge, skills and understanding are built upon previous learning. At the same time, we want children to enjoy learning and be inspired – so learning is creative, makes use of technology, is hands-on and can also take place outdoors. To bring learning to life even further, there are regular opportunities for in-school workshops and educational visits. Children can expect to carry out local visits, such as to the River Ingrebourne to carry out a river study; to visit London to see the musical Matilda in the West End; as well as carry out a week-long residential at Stubbers. Pupils explore cultures within Britain as well as beyond. They explore themes such as: migration; refugees; deforestation in the Amazon; festivals, celebrations and music in different cultures and countries. In RE children learn about the world religions and each year group visits a place of worship linked to the religion studied. In Art, they learn about famous artists, designers and architects of different age, gender and ethnicity.


We recognise the importance of reading

Key mathematical skills such as number

both in its own right but also as a means of

bonds and times tables are regularly

accessing learning across the curriculum.

practised and pupils’ learning is regularly

We follow the Accelerated Reader

assessed to ensure that pupils are on track

Programme which means that each pupil is

to achieve well.

regularly assessed in reading and receives reading books matched to their own level of

When a child needs extra support, we

development. In this way, pupils are reading

ensure this is given through adapting the

at the level that is right for them and make

learning to meet their needs; and also,

good progress.

where appropriate, to provide evidencebased interventions specifically targeted to address their needs. If you are at any time, concerned about your child’s progress, then please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher.


Our School

Community Parents/carers are regularly involved in their child’s learning. At the beginning of each academic year, parents are invited to orientation meetings, and then to parents’ evenings, workshops and assemblies throughout the year. Towards the end of the summer term, parents/carers are able to attend an ‘open afternoon’, which gives them an opportunity to see a range of their child’s work. We are also fortunate to have a very active Parents and Friends Association (PFA) which regularly organise fun events for the children, whilst raising funds for the school. Some of these activities include film nights, Christmas Fayre, Summer Fete, and not forgetting our spectacular annual Fireworks Event!


Well-being at

Upminster Junior School At Upminster Junior School, we know that the happy child is a learning child, and therefore mental well-being is of upmost importance. This is addressed regularly through our PSHE curriculum as well as through online safety lessons. It is also a key theme of our school assemblies. Pupils are encouraged to share concerns through a variety of means such as their class ‘worry box’; speaking to trusted adults/friends in the school and via the School Parliament. For pupils who need more focussed support, we have mental health trained staff who work closely with pupils to support them in the area of concern. We also have a Family Support Worker who works directly with parents/carers to assist them, when needed.



Opportunities We are keen to develop the whole child, and staff seek to discover and nurture interests and talents within each child. We pride ourselves on our extensive array of sporting and extra-curricular clubs, which take place before school, at lunchtimes and after school. There is something for everyone in our extra-curricular programme, your child really will be spoilt for choice! We also provide wrap-around care for pupils with breakfast club and after-school club operating daily for parents who require this service.


Upminster Junior School

Contact Us Upminster Junior School, St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 3BS  01708 227320 envelope admin@upminster-jun.havering.sch.uk

www.ujs.havering.sch.uk twitter @UpminsterJS

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