Upminster Infant School
Part of
Learn, Create, Achieve
“ Our school is a great place. Everyone always helps us so that we can be our best and our work is really, really good. I wish school was open every day!”
Welcome to
Upminster Infant School I am pleased to welcome you to this prospectus, which I hope will give you a good insight to our school. I hope this prospectus will give you a sense of the happy, friendly nature of our school. Our staff are committed to ensuring every pupil finds an aspect of our curriculum that they can enjoy and excel in. Upminster Infant School is in the London Borough of Havering. It is a three form entry school with 90 children in each year group. It is at the heart of Upminster and we pride ourselves with our links to the community. We very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school. If we are oversubscribed, children with Education, Health and Care plans that name the school will be given a place first, followed by looked after and previously looked after children. Children who live closest to our school and those that already have older brothers or sisters attending are priorities for places. To apply you will need to name the school on Havering Council’s admissions website, following the application process.
Learning Environment We are proud that our pupils look forward to coming into school. We offer a caring and supportive environment, where staff work together to provide the best learning opportunities. Whether in lessons, break times or extra-curricular activities, it is important that our children make the most of the many opportunities we have to offer. We believe that education is in partnership with school and home. We know that children achieve their best when they feel safe, happy and respected. Our pupils are taught to respect one another and respect adults. Children quickly get to know our staff and each other and settle into school routines that help create a positive environment for learning. We celebrate all our pupils’ successes. Our aim is to give pupils a well-rounded and truly enjoyable education that prepares them for success. A holistic approach to learning is developed across the school, with staff personalising learning to meet the needs of every child. There are always lots of opportunities for pupils to develop at Upminster Infant School. We want children to retain their individuality and to be treated in ways that enable them to flourish and grow.
“ My school is exciting, my teacher knows what I am good at and I am good at lots of things! I love my teacher and have lots of new friends.”
Creativity, Imagination
& Thinking Skills
“ I like playing with the bikes when I am outside. I can ride fast, even with my friend on the back.”
We motivate the children to achieve and we engage children’s natural sense of curiosity. The result is that the pupils become eager, confident children who have a thirst for learning. Inside and outside the classroom, there are always opportunities to develop creativity and confidence. All children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and French as part of our extra-curricular activities. All children take part in a singing assembly each week and we also have a school choir that sing at events within the local community. There are also plays, concerts and other performances throughout the school year. Keeping fit and healthy is an important part of our curriculum. Within PE, our pupils engage in athletics, dance, games and gymnastics, as well as team building activities and activities that promote the development of gross motor skills from the very start of schooling. Children have the opportunity to discover through play. They are encouraged to be autonomous in their own learning, developing independent thinking and problem solving skills. We take part in local sporting events and competitions, often with success. Meals, including a wide range of dietary specific foods, are freshly prepared in our well equipped kitchen and are both healthy and nutritious. We provide fruit for snacks and all children under five are given milk. Parents then have the option of continuing to pay for this provision.
Curriculum Our curriculum focuses on ensuring that the pupils become confident readers, writers and mathematicians. We are committed to all pupils making
Each unit of work that is delivered starts
the best progress possible whilst with us.
with a ’WOW’ event. This could be a trip
Our staff regularly check on how well
outside school or a walk around the local
our pupils are progressing and tailor
area. Students experience performances
intervention and support to ensure
and workshops to keep the curriculum
that each child meets their full potential.
alive. We understand that pupils best
The school invests in high quality teaching
achieve when they are motivated and
assistants who support and deliver high
engaged in their learning.
quality intervention programmes. We provide a range of home learning Our staff receive excellent professional
activities so that your child has the
development to make sure that standards
opportunity to develop a variety of skills.
are consistently high.
This is delivered through our successful remote learning platform.
Children throughout the school have daily phonics lessons. We ensure that there are always plenty of opportunities to practice reading throughout the day. This means that our pupils can read well by the age of seven and become readers for life. Many opportunities are provided to write across all subject areas.
“ Teachers teach us how to read, write, spell and use our phonics and teach us how to respect each other.”
“ At Upminster Infant School, we have family support workers who work with families, supporting them when required.”
Values At Upminster Infant School we have a strong focus on excellent behaviour and enthusiasm for learning. Our school rules and values emphasise appropriate behaviour in school and within the wider community. Our school values of effort, imagination, kindness, pride and respect are modelled, shared and celebrated throughout the school year. At Upminster Infant School we have an active School Council. Children are elected by their class. They discuss issues that their peers have asked them to discuss, as well as working on whole school projects, such as developing our school values. Our children develop confidence, knowledge and resilience. Children are treated as individuals and are made to feel valued. We place a great deal of focus on parental engagement and encourage our children’s families to actively take part in school life. The school has an active Parents Friends Association. When starting school we understand that choosing and joining school can be an anxious, as well as exciting time for families. We like to engage parents as soon as possible, so that they are partners in their child’s education. We like to continue to celebrate and share learning experiences with both parents and pupils.
Upminster Infant School
Contact Us Upminster Infant School, St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 3BS 01708 227320 envelope enquiries@uis.havering.sch.uk