Part of
Educate, Enable, Empower
Welcome to
Scargill Infant School A very warm welcome to our school. On behalf of all staff, we hope this will be a successful and happy year for your child. We are a three-form entry infant school and
We are keen for all our parents to be
we have 9 classes in total; 3 in Reception,
involved in school life and we look forward
3 in Year 1 and 3 in Year 2. Each class is led
to inviting you into school for stay and play
by a teacher and a team of support staff.
sessions, workshops, assemblies, curriculum
In September 2017, we became part of the
events, and coffee mornings.
Hornchurch Academy Trust. For many of our parents one of the hardest We are a popular infant school in the
decisions they need to make is to send their
London Borough of Havering. The school
child to school. By working together, we
is a pleasant, well-maintained modern
aim to ensure this is a success, enabling our
building set in its own grounds. The outdoor
children to be confident and happy learners.
areas surrounding our school are plentiful and beautifully cared for, enabling children
As a school, we value our relationships with
to use them for learning and encouraging a
parents and provide information sessions
range of wildlife to build their homes there.
on the curriculum and useful guidance for helping your child at home. Our school is a
At Scargill Infants we value everyone as
community where everyone works together
individuals and we encourage creativity,
in raising standards and ensuring children
independence and a sense of community.
enjoy their time here.
We encourage our children to care for themselves, care for each other and care
We welcome visits to the school so others
for the local and wider communities. It is
can see the exciting learning opportunities
important for our children to develop a love
available for children as well as the
of learning through an exciting curriculum
commitment of our staff.
and an understanding of how they can do this successfully.
Miss D McGahey - Head of School
Statement Educate the children to the highest standards
all staff and children to work and learn in a well-cared for, ordered and secure environment
Empower all staff and children to develop their full potential
Statement At Scargill Infant School we believe that a happy child is a successful one. We are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating learning environment where all children are valued. We aim for all children to be confident, knowledgeable, kind, and resilient, enabling them to achieve their potential and become
As a school we value: •
The happiness of children, families and staff.
Caring and respectful staff.
The development of self-confidence, self-motivation and independence.
Co-operation, collaboration and teamwork.
Praise and celebration of the achievements of every child.
Raising aspirations and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Working in partnership with others to meet the needs of all the children and their families.
All aspects of British life and culture; celebrating differences, diversity, core values and preparing children for life in Modern Britain.
independent life-long learners.
Starting School To support your child in getting ready for school please follow these steps:
Start talking about school Being able to visualise what school will actually be like is a good place to and what they will need to pack in
and making new friends.
confident they will feel.
Practise important skills Remember the more you practise something the easier it becomes. Here are some key skills that your child should be trying to master saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, using lunch or snack, getting themselves dressed, doing up their coat.
Look out for social skills Making and keeping friends can often be a challenge. It is good to remind children that others in their class may also be feeling a bit unsure and so saying hello, smiling and asking another if they want to play is a good place to start. Encourage opportunities for your child to meet and socialise with other children.
Establish good routines Establish good routines including bedtime and set opportunities for time to talk.
cutlery, sitting at a dining table to eat
view point and they will be able to ask questions about having a new teacher
talk about being at school the more
This can give your child a different
start. Talk about the journey to school their school bag. The more a child can
Talk to siblings and friends
Get things ready Make a list together for things they need for school and plan a shopping trip together.
Take time to listen Children need time and space to talk about what they might be excited about or what may be worrying them.
Organisation & Uniform Uniform
PE Lessons
Grey trousers, skirt, pinafore
PE Lessons are twice weekly. Please
or shorts
provide your child with the correct PE
Gold Scargill Infant School Polo
kit and make everything is labelled,
Burgundy Scargill Infant School
including plimsolls.
Jumper/ Cardigan •
Yellow gingham small check dress (Summer)
Black shoes or trainers (no logos)
Black or grey socks
Shoulder length hair or longer to be tied back
PE kits: black plimsolls, burgundy shorts, white t-shirt
Curriculum & Learning
Year 1 Phonics:
Year 2 SATs:
The phonics screening check is a quick and easy
Teachers are responsible for judging the
check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps
standards your child is working at in English
your school confirm whether your child has made
reading, English writing, Mathematics
the expected progress. Year 1 will take the Phonics
and Science, by the end of year 2. To help
Screening check during the summer term, usually
inform those judgements, pupils sit national
in June. How to support your child:
curriculum tests in English and Mathematics, commonly called SATs.
Check our learning slides to see what sounds. the class is covering in lessons each week.
Highlight these sounds when you read with your child.
With all books, encourage your child to sound out unfamiliar words and then blend the sounds together.
Read with your child every day.
Discuss the meaning of any words your child don’t know yet.
at Home Google Classroom Google Classroom is our online learning
This should be completed by the following
platform and children join in with live
week for ‘Turning In’. To view your child’s
lessons if they are unable to attend school.
homework, go to the Classwork section. The children will also access Google
An overview of what we learn in class is
Classroom when they are at school during
shared with parents on a Monday and it is
their lessons.
used for homework and as a way of sharing information. You will find your child’s login details in the front of their Reading Record and Homework is posted every Friday.
Reading Race
Children’s reading books are changed weekly.
Spelling words will be set as a year group and shared
Each child will take home 2 books; one is linked
as homework on a Friday. Children need to practise
to their phonics learning and the other is a fiction
these words at home (Look, Cover, Write and Check).
or non-fiction book that they choose. This helps
The following Friday they will have a spelling test in
to increase their vocabulary and word knowledge.
class and new words will be set as homework.
Each child will also get an online book weekly
Online Maths homework will be set weekly
from ‘Oxford Owl’ - which links to the phonics
for each child through MyMaths. Each piece of
sounds they have been learning that week.
homework is differentiated to suit your child’s
We expect you to read with your child at least the given number of times depending on which year group. •
Year R – Read 2 times a week
Year 1 – Read 3 times a week
Year 2 – Read 4 times a week
needs and links with what the children have been learning in class that week. Children will have a week to complete the homework, from the date that it has been set. Your child will have their own MyMaths login which can be found in your child’s reading record. English and Foundation homework will also be set linking to topics taught.
Agreement The School will: • •
Provide your child with the best
education it can.
say and be available, by mutual agreement,
Encourage your child to do their best
to talk with you if you have problems.
at all times. •
Meet your child’s individual needs.
Provide a clean and pleasant building
Inform you of your child’s progress at
Provide briefing meetings for parents as appropriate.
Encourage your child to take care of others and the environment.
and a safe place to learn. •
Listen to what you and your child have to
Provide you with opportunities for curriculum evenings and family workshops.
regular meetings.
Parents will: •
Encourage the best efforts of their children
Parents will adhere to all Scargill Infant
at all times.
School and Hornchurch Academy Trust
Support the school code of behaviour
policies, as agreed by the Board of Trustees,
Support school by wearing correct
including zero tolerance on holidays during term time.
school uniform. •
Make sure their children arrive at school on time and they are collected on time.
Make sure their children attend school regularly and provide a note of explanation if their child is absent.
Attend Open Evenings to discuss their children’s progress, once each term.
Attend curriculum evenings and family workshops organised by school.
Engage with school meetings and events
Support schools Homework Policy including Reading and Spellings.
Children will : Keep to the school’s simple rules and expectations of behaviour which are: • •
Follow all instructions given by staff
Ask permission before leaving an area.
(teaching and non-teaching).
Wear the complete school uniform correctly.
Keep hands, feet, objects and hurtful
Walk quietly in school.
words to yourself.
Together we will: •
Tackle any special needs.
Support the School’s Homework Policy.
Encourage the children to keep the
Attempt to ensure that deadlines are met.
school rules.
Understand and respect others in
Support the children in all aspects of
our community.
learning to help them achieve their best.
Contact Us Scargill Infant School, Mungo Park Road, Rainham, Essex RM13 7PL 01708 555707 envelope twitter @ScargillInfant