Reach for the Stars
Our school motto is what we encourage our students to do and at Highworth we promote a community where all members are:
• Reflective, creative and innovative
• Eager for life-long learning
• Aiming to achieve their full potential
• Considerate, confident, independent individuals
• Happy in a caring, respectful community
DuncanStudents at Highworth love learning and are highly motivated. We care about our students and they care about each other which creates a happy and supportive learning environment.
We aim to provide a broad academic curriculum that allows students to realise their own passions and interests. We want students to become confident learners who are reflective, perceptive and independent thinkers. We are an innovative school and encourage students to find creative ways to overcome challenges, better preparing them to become life-long learners as they reach for the stars.
Highworth’s strength is built upon our community and we are eager to work in partnership with you to provide a fulfilling and enjoyable educational experience. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Highworth.
It is a pleasure to introduce you to our vibrant school which combines a tradition of academic excellence with extensive pastoral support.
Joining the School
The county selection procedure is used to assess students as suitable for a grammar school education. As a designated physical disability school, we offer selective places to girls with a range of physical disabilities, including wheelchair users. Girls can be admitted to other years, following tests and the recommendation of their current school. Students (girls and boys) also join at 16+ to follow Sixth Form courses.
Every student is assigned to a Mentor Group in a Learning Community. The Mentor Group has students from every Year Group which allows students to learn from each other and share their experiences. A Mentor will lead the sessions every day and offer guidance and support to the students.
The school’s Published Admission Number (PAN) is 210. We received 238 first choice applications after sitting the 11+ selection tests for entry into Year 7, 2022. area. 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
There are seven forms of entry per year in Years 7 to 11.
Exploring the Curriculum
Key Stage 3
• A very broad range of subjects is studied including Music, Dance, Art and Drama.
• Computing is taught as a discrete subject in Years 7 to 8 and the skills learned are reinforced and developed in other subjects.
• All students study two Modern Foreign Languages in Year 7 before choosing to specialise in one of these languages in Year 8.
The Reach programme in Year 9 broadens our curriculum with: a range of physical activities; creativity through Art; the .b Mindfulness course; and an introduction to Citizenship and Politics.
• There is an extensive and comprehensive Design and Technology programme throughout the Key Stage, making use of excellent facilities.
Key Stage 4
• All students begin their GCSE courses in Year 10.
• The core subjects of English Language, English Literature, a Modern Foreign Language, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Mathematics and Religious Studies are followed by all students.
• Provision is made for a broad choice of option subjects.
• All students are required to follow courses which allow them to obtain the EBacc.
In addition to the core subjects, full GCSE courses are offered in the following subjects:
Our curriculum supports our REACH values and aims to provide continuity between the Key Stages, whilst also offering new challenges and opportunities for students moving into the next stage of their education. It is delivered via fifty periods over a two week cycle.
Key Stage 5 Curriculum
• Students typically study three A Level courses which are all two year courses.
• Nearly 30 A Level subjects are offered:
Other Aspects of the Curriculum
• All students follow a programme of: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE); Religious Education; Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development (SMSC); Physical Education; Careers Education; and Citizenship. Focus Days and Mentor Periods allow us to deliver additional enrichment experiences.
• Careers advice includes Focus Day events as well as bespoke guidance from an independent careers service and our Careers Manager. Alumni talks enhance the advice and guidance on careers given to all Year Groups.
• Compulsory Supplementary Study in Year 12 and Year 13 encourages students to develop good study habits. In addition, a programme of Co-curricular activities provides students with the opportunity to acquire broader life skills.
• There is an option for students to undertake an Extended Project to pursue their independent studies.
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Assemblies may be taken by the Headteacher, staff or students, are non-denominational and are intended to give an opportunity for collective worship, consideration of moral issues, personal reflection and the celebration of success and achievement.
All students in Years 7 to 11 attend Religious Education lessons. Religious Studies is studied by all students to GCSE and can also be taken to A Level. It plays a key role in the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students enabling them to be young people who appreciate the complexities of living in modern British society. The subject has been awarded the gold RE Quality Mark and has a county and national reputation for its innovative work.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Highworth, special educational provision means any intervention for students which is additional to, or different from the educational provision made generally for students of their age. Our SEND policy details how the school will identify students with additional educational needs and how provision is made for their inclusion into all areas of the curriculum, making reasonable adjustments where applicable, whilst recognising the need to liaise with outside agencies to offer relevant and positive support.
The school provides numerous opportunities for students to achieve their full potential. Clubs and societies are advertised in school and on the website each term. They are an opportunity for students to develop areas of personal interest and even take part in local and national competitions.
Our SIRIUS Careers and Employability Programme supports students in thinking about their skills, interests and aspirations for the future. Students are also encouraged to apply for leadership roles in the school which include Student Governors, Ambassadors, Digital Leaders and Prefects.
The Rewards System encourages all students to develop approaches and attitudes which: contribute to the school community; develop independence; and lead to successful life-long learning. We congratulate students on their successes and celebrate their achievements as a Bronze, Silver or Gold Superstar.
Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is provided for all students to help them feel ready for the world beyond school. Focus Days are provided for different Year Groups when they are off timetable and able to focus on the core themes of: health and wellbeing; relationships; and living in the wider world, alongside our SIRIUS careers programme. All staff contribute to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students in the academic curriculum, extracurricular opportunities and pastoral support system.
Becoming Student Leaders
Science Ambassadors
Being Science Ambassadors has been a great experience over the past year. We have had the opportunity to develop our leadership skills and get involved in things happening around the school.
Our job is to help around the Science Department and assist students to make sure they are learning as much as they can, while also having fun along the way! Science is a subject that we really enjoy and we have developed our interest and knowledge of the subject even more in this role.
Maths Prefects
As Maths Prefects, we help support students in developing and enhancing their mathematical skills. We encourage students to attend Maths Help sessions where we offer support, with teachers, to help build confidence in the subject.
Being a Maths Prefect not only has benefits for other students but we also have the opportunity to build our communication skills and reinforce our own learning.
The Senior Prefect Team at Highworth communicates with both staff and students to ensure every voice is heard, acknowledged and respected. We aim to build on Highworth’s previous accomplishments and offer support to every student and staff member to enable them to make the most out of their time at Highworth.
From representing the school at various functions and events, assisting with assemblies and running our own initiatives, we are well rounded in supporting Highworth and continuing with its student-focused approach.
Every student should feel happy, positive and settled in their school environment, aided through the numerous societies running at Highworth. We encourage everyone to get involved with what is on offer.
Turning feedback into action is an integral part of our agenda to ensure Highworth is responsive, considerate and welcoming to all students, staff and visitors.
The Senior Prefect Team are the leaders and representatives of the students at RepresentingHighworth. the Students
As Community Captains, our main aim is to make sure that every student feels safe and happy in each of their Learning Communities, whether it be AB, CS, EG, JP, KK, NS or VM. We work hard to ensure every student knows that we are here to give them any advice or support they need.
Some of our main roles involve: supporting our Communities on Rounders Day, Sports Day and Community Day; encouraging students to express their creativity with competitions, such as Community Drama; and so much more!
The Community Captains support the Directors of Learning and Student Support Managers to develop vibrant and successful Learning Communities.