SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL goodHoldwhichfastis that
goodHoldwhichfastis that Our school motto reflects our educational values – it is inclusive of all that promotes the successful transition from childhood to adulthood of those in our care. As such it is our aim that all members of our schoolappyare: in our safe and caring environment pen-minded and ready to learn iterate, numerate and independent thinkers etermined to achieve the best they can orward thinking and full of aspiration ctive members of the community elf-confident and inspired to succeed olerant and respectful of diversityHOLDFAST
THE STUDENTS AND STAFF ARE PROUD TO BE PART OF THE FAMILY THAT IS SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL. This is evident to everyone who visits us. Nothing worth having is achieved without hard work and determination and – like a stick of rock – these two attributes run deep Ithroughout.hopeyoufind this prospectus informative and useful, but I would also encourage you to find the time to come and visit our school and see us at our daily best. Tracey Savage BSc(Hons) DipEd NPQH MEd Headteacher TECHNOLOGYSANDWICHSCHOOLWelcometo“Leadersarehighlyambitiousfortheschool.Theyaredeterminedtokeeptheschoolmovingrapidlyonitsimprovementjourney.” OFSTED, MAY 2019 01
02 “We get challenged and we push ourselves. We learn new things all the time.” ELISE, KEY STAGE 3 STUDENT
WE BELIEVE THAT LEARNING IS MOST EFFECTIVE WHEN IT IS DEEP-ROOTED. TO ACHIEVE THIS, LEARNERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE AN INTEREST IN THE DIVERSE OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED TO THEM, EITHER IN OR OUT OF THE CLASSROOM. One of the best ways to learn is through asking questions of the world around us and opportunities to do this are commonplace. Learning is not restricted to just achieving good exam results – although we strive to ensure that potential is reached – it extends to lessons in social interaction and morals. In essence, we understand that the students do not only learn from the teachers, but everyone in our community, including each other. Whilst our broad curriculum gives all our students a solid knowledge base, we encourage our students to develop their interests and love of learning for particular areas – from the keen mathematician, to the avid script writer, through to the passionate musician. 03 LEARNINGENRICHEDHoldfastto
The use of ICT is commonplace in lessons, but there is still a place for books, pens, pencils and paper. For a student a typical day of lessons could include, among many other learning strategies: • presenting their findings to their peers; • reasoning their way through a logic problem; • designing and creating something unique; • working individually on a piece of examination coursework; • coaching classmates on how to improve their PE skills; • playing interactive games in a group to aid revision; • debating a topical, current affair. Teachers at STS care deeply about the students and their progress – they will always go the extra mile to ensure success. TEACHINGINSPIRATIONALHoldfastto ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL. TEACHING STYLES AT SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL ARE VARIED, REFLECTING THE UNIQUENESS AND INDIVIDUALITY OF OUR STUDENTS. 04
“Teachers challenge pupils well to achieve more, to learn new skills, and to develop their knowledge.” OFSTED, MAY 2019 05
We have an active School Council and all students are encouraged to contribute to school life via this. Staff are as enthusiastic about school trips and extra opportunities as the students and as such we provide a huge variety of experiences, for example: • first world war memorials in Belgium; • school musical productions; • aspiration-raising trips to Universities; • sport competitions (at all levels, including international); • theatre trips. In addition to these there are numerous subjectspecific trips that are planned to enhance the students’ studies. Students are also encouraged and supported in all extra-curricular hobbies and volunteering that they embrace outside of school. We celebrate all the successes of our students. 07 STS
PART IN THE ANNUAL TEN-MILE PLEDGE WALK TO RAISE MONEY FOR GOOD CAUSES. “STS does lots of charity trips such as the pledge walk and many sports activities too, which I really enjoy.” MADDIE, KEY STAGE 3 STUDENT
08“The subjects we do are really useful for later in life.” LEWIS, KEY STAGE 4 STUDENT
THE IMPORTANCE OF A ROUNDED EDUCATION THAT WILL FACILITATE SUCCESSFUL ENTRY TO A VARIETY OF HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES OR CAREERS IS REFLECTED IN THE SCHOOL’STheCURRICULUM.traditionalsubjects are balanced with vocational options to ensure that we cater for the needs and interests of all of our learners. In years 7, 8 & 9 the students study our unique ‘STS Key Stage 3 Baccalaureate’ which grounds them with a secure and wide knowledge base from which they can specialise further through their choice of GCSEs. At Key Stage 4 all students study a core programme which includes English, Maths and Science. They also all study PE and either Geography, History or an MFL subject. In addition to this there are numerous options to choose from that are designed to suit all aptitudes and abilities, with clear routes into sixth form study and beyond. The curriculum is further supported by Health Education, Careers Education and Extracurricular opportunities which ensure that the students are equipped for life outside the boundaries of subject knowledge alone. HoldCURRICULUMINNOVATIVEfastto 09
The students know when they need support that their Form Tutor will not let them down. The tutors also balance this with academic support for their tutees by mentoring them and helping them to progress well. Students are organised into four school colleges: Discovery, Endeavour, Liberty and Union. A healthy sense of competition is encouraged amongst the colleges and helps engender a true community spirit. The mutual respect between staff and students, supported by a restorative justice approach to misdemeanours, means that there is a pervading atmosphere of cooperation and a shared purpose of learning.
THE SUPPORT THAT WE GIVE TO OUR STUDENTS VIA THE EXTENSIVE PASTORAL TEAM IS RECOGNISED AS A REAL STRENGTH OF THE SCHOOL BY STUDENTS, PARENTS AND STAFF ALIKE. 10 “Pupils show respect for each other and value the work their teachers do to support them.” OFSTED, MAY 2019 “It is good to be mentored and get all your questions answered.” TOM, KEY STAGE 3 STUDENT
11 “Pupils value their morning tutorial time…they have age-appropriate sessions that are effective in helping them develop their personal, social and health skills suitably.” OFSTED, MAY 2019
“The sixth form is supportive in every way and there are a variety of options, including leadership opportunities that 100% prepare us for the future. We have more independence but also a feeling of responsibility.” PHILIPPA, 12
OUR LARGE AND INCREASING SIXTH FORM HAS A CURRICULUM THAT CATERS FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF ACADEMIC ABILITY, INTEREST AND SPECIALISM. A HoldSIXTHSUCCESSFULFORMfastto This includes traditional A-Levels, our unique Level 2 Transition Year and the Football Academy. The students are supported academically and pastorally by the Head of Sixth Form, the Head of Year 12, the Sixth Form Manager and the Transition Year Manager to ensure that they are able to study to their full potential without distraction. Extra-curricular opportunities are also a key feature of the sixth form, including a week’s worth of personalised work experience at the end of Year 12. The students understand the importance of acting as positive role models for the younger students and inspire aspiration throughout the school. The Sixth Form Leadership Team also encourages regular fundraising for both the school and a variety of good causes. “Students engage confidently with their teachers and respond maturely with considered responses… they make good progress.” MAY 2019
AT SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL WE RECOGNISE THAT THE EXPRESSION ‘NO MAN IS AN ISLAND’ APPLIES EQUALLY TO SCHOOLS. THE PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN STAFF, STUDENTS AND PARENTS ARE INVALUABLE AND KEY TO OUR SUCCESS. Further to this, STS works closely with: • The Dover, Deal and Sandwich Partnership (DDS), which encompasses primary and secondary schools across the district; • The Sandwich Town and Rural (STAR) Alliance; • Local businesses; • The Enterprise Learning Alliance; • 11th Security Force Assistance Brigade of the British Army; • Canterbury Christ Church University. PARTNERSHIPSPRODUCTIVEHoldfastto 13 “Sandwich Technology School has always gone that extra mile for my daughter. Both parents and children are a valued part of the school community, building positive partnerships together.” MRS STONE, PARENT “I found the Army programme really interesting and motivating!” JACOB, KEY STAGE 3 STUDENT
DealRdA258 A258 A257 Ash Rd StrandSt StBart’sRdDealRd SandwichRd A256 SANDWICH CANTERBURY DEAL RAMSGATE DOVER SandownRdStGeorge’sRd A256 A256 TrSandwichainStation DoverRd StwNe RamsgateRd HighStreetHighStreet S ndSt SCTECSSCHOOLTECHNOLOGYSANDWICHANH SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL Sandwich Technology School Deal Road, Sandwich Kent, CT13 0FA 01304 Y13Photographywww.sandwich-tech.kent.sch.ukadmin@sandwich-tech.kent.sch.uk610000byNestaEnsor,STSA-levelPhotographyStudent