Hornchurch Academy Trust - Report 2022

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We are absolutely thrilled to finally be a part of such a welcoming, nurturing and supportive trust.”

Hornchurch Academy Trust Annual Report 2021/22

Best EducationQualityfor All 01

Welcome from the CEO

As well as expanding the Trust, 2021/22 has also been about planning for the future. The opening of a school-led nursery at Scargill Infant School has been approved and work to make this a reality is well under way.

“Moving forward into the next academic year, we are confident that the Trust will continue to thrive.”

I hope that this latest edition provides a wider perspective of the Trust, its schools and work that takes place that makes our schools great places to be. This edition is also a reflection of six schools. On 1st July 2022, we welcomed Shears Green Infant School to the Hornchurch Academy Trust family. We are delighted to have Shears Green Infant in the Trust and look forward to a bright future together.

Chris Hobson Welcome to the second edition of the Hornchurch Academy Trust Annual Report to Parents/Carers.

During 2021/22 both Scargill Infant and Upminster Junior achieved positive outcomes in OFSTED inspections, which reflected the good work taking place both in schools and across the Trust. The reports also provided positive feedback on the new curriculum offers in both schools and more widely across the Trust that are reflected in the quality of education.

Mr C W Hobson CEO

2021/22 has seen a greater return to normality and routine in Trust schools, despite the lingering impact and management of COVID. Most importantly, consistency in on-site education has been hugely beneficial to children, staff and community. Nothing quite replicates the classroom experience!

Moving forward into the next academic year, we are confident that the Trust will continue to thrive. By working together, all children in all of our schools will continue to achieve and enjoy an excellent primary education.

Gillian Thumpston

Our ethos of partnership working within and across our schools, improves progress and outcomes across the Trust and I believe demonstrates best practice.

Welcome to our second Annual Report. Again, we have had a number of achievements to celebrate during this past year, including two very positive OFSTED inspections.

Most recently, the Board of Trustees has completed an external review of governance, the outcomes of which will help us to develop our role further. A role which includes setting a clear vision upon which the ethos and strategic direction of the Trust is based. The Annual Report demonstrates the Trust’s achievements and successes throughout the academic year.

“ The Trustees work with the leaders at every level in all our schools. The combination of their ourhighensurestalentsconsistentlyoutcomesforpupils.”

Ms G Thumpston Chair of Trustees

Welcome from the Chair of Trustees

Our work on the curriculum, offered to our children, has been recognised by OFSTED as effectively helping children to develop their subject-specific knowledge. Staff explain and model what they want pupils to know. We will continue our work to enhance the curriculum offer and raise standards, to further develop teaching and learning that is more flexible and adaptable, regardless of what the future holds.

I look forward to another successful year for the Trust community.



• Guided learning walks for governance led by the Director of Teaching and Learning have been re-established post COVID restrictions.

The Trust is the legal entity and employer and as such, views itself as one organisation that simply has individual schools within it. The Board of Trustees govern the Trust as a charitable company and are accountable as the overall responsible authority for all schools within the Multi Academy Trust. In addition, the Board of Trustees is required to fulfil its responsibilities as outlined in the Articles of Association, funding agreements and Academy Trust Handbook.

The Board of Trustees fulfil their role in line with the expectations of the seven principles of public life, whilst as a collective are required to be effective, accountable and ethical. In essence, the Board of Trustees conduct the business of the Trust as the appropriate body with ultimate accountability.

The role of governance in a Multi Academy Trust is different to that of a Local Authority maintained school.

• A Trust wide internal training programme is now available for all governance.

The role of governance in achieving best outcomes for children that attend Hornchurch Academy Trust schools is a critical one. As such, during 2021-22 a variety of work has taken place to further enhance the effectiveness of governance at all levels and the interaction between the tiers of governance:

• Second Annual Trust Governance Conference took place to support governance development.

For the reasons noted above, governance in a Multi Academy Trust is very important and involves high stakes accountability. As such, the Board of Trustees is a skills based group rather than a purely representative body. To ensure that the Board of Trustees remains fit for purpose, it engages in an annual skills audit and also commissions an external review of governance.

The role of Trust Governance

• Termly meetings between the Chairs of Local Standards Groups (LSG) and CEO to share best practice and maintain the strategic direction of the Trust.

• Cross-school visits by LSG members have taken place to share the ethos and best practice in the Trust.

• Cross Trust networking has been developed.


• National College CPD has been made available to all governance. All governance have completed key training.


• We have secured another £493k in DfE conditions funding to further improve our schools.

• A brand new MUGA (astro) opened at Scargill Junior School.

• A new and improved curriculum offer has been implemented in all Trust schools.

• We returned to our second Annual Governance Conference and did so face to face.


• The Trust is now the contracting authority for the Havering Brokerage Service on behalf of all Havering schools.


• Pupil attendance has remained above the National Average in all of our schools.

• All schools managed to remain fully open despite COVID challenges.

• We have successfully implemented a new Governance Development Programme that is available to all tiers of governance.

HAT Headlines

1855 pupils educatedbeingby HAT staff working with the HAT different languages spoken across HAT schools Breakfastwithand After School ClubsALL

• We had our first annual Leadership Conference including all Trust schools and other invited local schools.

• Professional links have been made with Viking Trust in Kent to develop ‘Trust to Trust’ support and development.

Trust achievements this year


• A new school led nursery provision was approved to be opened at Scargill Infant School.

• 2 successful OFSTED inspections resulting in ‘good’ outcomes.

• A brand new kitchen and dining facility opened at the Upminster site.

• We implemented a Management Information System (Arbor) that 94.6% of parents have now signed up to have access.

• All schools have a new and updated school brochure.

To embed the new Trust policy on Feedback &

To extend the school’s provision for supporting pupils’ good health, wellbeing and emotional needs.

To ensure teachers develop an understanding of curriculum pedagogy, so that teaching consistently impacts on progress and standards.

• Boys football team were crowned champions in the Havering U11 League.

ToMarking.ensureour school curriculum promotes and celebrates diversity.

Higher than National attendanceNational = 93.1% / Whybridge = 95.3%. 96% of Year 5 children, who took part in Bikeability, achieved Level 2. New school entrance opened in October 2021. New school logo voted for by the school of new extra-curricular clubs offered, both during and after school.

To strengthen the school’s approach to whole class reading, so that all pupils make at least good progress across the full range of reading skills.


Awards HighlightsAchievements&Whatwereour aims and achievements… Our main priorities for 2021/22     

• Runner Up for the National Big Issue School Competition.

• Winner of Tesco Community Grant for our new ‘Butterfly Room’.

 05 FundraisingEventsCommunity&42135

• 5-star accreditation in ‘Good Schools Guide 2021-2022’.

Higher than National Attendance - average 06 Red Nose £254Day Children in £198Need star star star star star accreditation5-star in Good Schools Guide 2021-2022 Jeans for GenesSave the Children, Ukraine £689Appeal £206 British Legion’s Poppy £337Appeal 95 %


To further support pupils to take responsibility for the well-being of themselves and others.

• Achieving ‘Good’ in our highly successful OFSTED inspection, which recognised our effective curriculum.

To further develop the effectiveness of subject leaders so that progress and outcomes across the curriculum are consistently high.

To further support staff to take responsibility for the well-being of themselves and others.

at this year’s Young Voices concert at the

• Participation in 10 sporting events in the Havering Sports Collective with over 70 different children representing the school. Our netball team reached the semi-finals and tag-rugby team reached ‘Finals Day’ in the borough’s tournaments. over school O2. main priorities for

FundraisingEventsCommunity& JuniorUpminsterSchool 

To develop pupils’ self-awareness and active engagement in their learning.

the year. The 126-strong choir represented the

• 3 Quality Marks underway: History; Science; Healthy Schools. A brand new kitchen / dining facility built: ‘The Bell Bistro’. An extensive curriculum enrichment offer with 14 educational visits, including 2 residential trips and 10 in-school workshops, taking place

Awards HighlightsAchievements&  07 213 What were our aims and achievements… Our

To implement and embed the restructured curriculum design in maths to deepen knowledge, understanding and reasoning.

2021/22    

08 Attended our annual Fireworks 8000+theorganisedevent,byPFA+localresidents Our Fireworksannualeventraised For school £150equipmentplaygroundForGenesforJeans£416.50 For Children in Need For Red Nose £15,000£326Day£107

To develop pupil voice through enhanced communication and encourage independent thinking and learning.

To review and develop the impact of leaders at all levels.

To ensure pupils with SEND have effective support to enable them to make good progress.

InfantUpminsterSchool 

• 93% of Year 2 children, achieved the expected phonics standard in Dec 2021. • Refurbished additional learning areas. • New kitchen opened – The Bell Bistro. • Funding received for the development of a sensory room. • Gold award for the Travel Plan . • Successful CIF bid for School development 2022-2023. Awards Achievements&  09 FundraisingEventsCommunity& Highlights Attendance average 95.4% / National average is 90%93.1%ofYear 1 children, achieved the expected phonics standards in June 2022 New school Library opened in Autumn term 2021 New school computing hub to be used for additional learning space, as well as by the school community 4213 What were our aims and achievements… Our main priorities for 2021/22    

To ensure all parts of both formative and summative assessment impacts on progress and provision.

To develop the leadership of EYFS to promote pupil-led outcomes.

10 90%passPhonicsrate AutumnlibraryNewschoolopenedinterm2021 Jeans for £312Genes Children in £277Need Appeal for £13,600UkraineRed Nose DayBritish Legion’s PoppyAppeal£248 £96 PFA fundraising to £23,000date

• Purchased a further 120 Chromebooks and 30 iPads. • Successfully launched new Phonics Scheme. • 36 pupil’s poems were published in the book ‘This is Me’ for Young Writers. • 1000 new reading books and furniture purchased for the reading areas. • Successfully introduced NTP sessions for over 60 pupils. • Launched LBQ, an evidence based interactive teaching and learning platform. • 5 Members of staff successfully completed NPQBrandprogrammes.newMulti Use Games Area installed. Successful CIF bid used to replace and upgrade school Wildliferoof.Trail completed, followed by a successful family/community gardening day. Choir participated in the Young Voices concert at the O2. Awards HighlightsAchievements&  11 213 What were our aims and achievements… Our main priorities for 2021/22     To further develop and enhance the role of leaders at all levels in order to increase leadership capacity and ability. To further develop feedback and assessment that creates a greater positive impact on improvement and teacher Towell-being.furtherimprove provision for reading and phonics to ensure we are closing the vocabulary gap. To further improve the wider curriculum ensuring there are high expectations across all subjects and a wide range of activities that take place beyond the academic. FundraisingEventsCommunity& JuniorScargillSchool 4

12 £832MorningMacmillannew1000readingbooksandfurniturepurchasedforthereadingareasCoffeeBreast Cancer Wear it Pink £276Day Remembrance Day £350Poppies Children in Need Superhero for the day £616 £293NSPCCNumberDay PyjamaramaBooktrust £250Day Save the ChristmasChildrenJumper Day£178DayforUkraine£660 Reindeer Run for BHR Hospital £601TrustDresstoImpressforPlace2Be£298 Multi Use Games Area Brandinstallednew

• Year 2 Choir live performance to raise money for our local hospitals. • Refurbished ‘Quad Area’ to provide additional outdoor space. • Year 1 and Year 2 children participating in competitive Sports Competitions. • Permission granted to open our School Nursery for September 2023. Collections and Donations: • Food donations to Rainham Foodbank • Animal Goods and Food to Wanderers Haven Animal Charity • Goods for Ukraine Appeal After School club started in January to support our £10,000families.spent on books for pleasure to develop children’s love for reading. A successful OFSTED visit in November 2021. Our main priorities for 2021/22      To develop the curriculum, provisions and outcomes in foundation subjects. To embed the Accelerated Reader programme for Reading in Year 2. Training and development of teaching phonics. To develop Middle Leader Capacity and CPD Toopportunities.continueto embed the role of the Local Standards Board and their impact. FundraisingEventsCommunity&4213 Awards WhatAchievements&Highlightswereour aims and achievements…  13 InfantScargillSchool

14 grantedPermissiontoopen our Poppy £328Appeal Children in £193Need MacMillan Coffee £205MorningNSPCCSave the Children, Ukraine £1279Appeal £119 Reindeer Run & Choir Christmas Singing for local £2249hospitals A inOFSTEDsuccessfulvisitNovember2021forNurserySchoolSeptember2023

I am absolutely delighted to welcome Shears Green Infant School into the Hornchurch Academy Trust and our family of schools. Shears Green Infant School officially joined the Trust on 1st July 2022.

Shears Green Infant School


Chris Hobson, CEO

We warmly welcome Shears Green to the Hornchurch Family

Shears Green Infant School is a welcomed addition ‘to the family’ following a long informal working relationship. It is fair to say that we believe as a Trust we have much to offer Shears Green Infant School, however we are very much looking forward to what the school can contribute to the Trust. Finally, I would like to welcome the school’s children, leadership, staff, parents/carers and community to the Trust and look forward to working in partnership to continue to develop the already high standards and expectations at Shears Green infant School.

We are a 4 form entry Infant school nestled in the Northfleet Community, just 10 minutes away from both Bluewater and Ebbsfleet International.

Hayley Kotze – Headteacher

We are delighted to now be officially a part of the Hornchurch Academy family and are excited to see where this journey will take us all.


A two year informal relationship with the Hornchurch Academy Trust has led our beautiful community at Shears Green Infant to finally find a family of schools that share our vision and values.

We wanted to form a working relationship with like-minded practitioners who have the children at the heart of all they do and who would not only challenge, support and nurture us but also be open to receive the same from a good school who could offer a wealth of expertise and experience.


At Hornchurch Academy Trust, we pride ourselves on the variety of inclusive provisions and practices available to ensure we meet the needs of all SEND pupils within our schools.

Our schools recognise that not all pupils can access all areas of learning due to a range of particular barriers. Through targeted and specialist support, we ensure that SEND pupils can access an adapted curriculum appropriate to individual needs. Pupils are supported with a range of specialist interventions, with staff having up to date training. We ensure that our interventions and provisions support all areas of SEND and along with training, these are relevant to each school’s needs.

Our schools understand the importance of adapting environments in order to support a vast range of barriers to learning. Many of our schools have developed sensory rooms, sensory areas or intervention rooms where specialised interventions and equipment are used to support specific learning needs.

Amber Gillham HAT Group SENCO

ProvisionOur for children with SEND

Through the excellent teaching and learning across the schools, in turn this ensures that pupils make sustained progress and successfully learn to be a part of the school community.

We recognise that social and emotional behaviours are a SEND area of need and have an impact on pupils learning. The schools have been working on promoting emotional wellbeing to ensure pupils progress, and to support them in having a successful transition into adult life. Schools now have trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who work with pupils who may have emotional difficulties. Several Family Support Workers work across the schools and offer support to vulnerable pupils and their families. This includes interventions and resources for families such as information mornings as well as signposting to a range of services.

5completedsuccessfully1styear.seniorleaderscompleting NPQH. 3 TA apprentices. 11 Middle Leaders completing NPQ programmes.4213 “I

HAT AchievementsTraining


Overview figures for the Trust for 2021-2022… ECTs have loved being an ECT within the Hornchurch Academy Trust this academic year. I have been supported by all colleagues across the trust, especially my mentor. I have had the chance to develop my teaching and take on additional roles - local and trust wide. I am excited to see what next year brings.”

For 2021-2022 the Trust, like the rest of the country, welcomed its first ECTs (Early Career Teachers).

This year, the Trust has focused on the development of our wider curriculum. The 5 schools in the Trust have worked collaboratively, along with Steve Mastin, an Education Consultant who has worked with the DfE on the History Curriculum, to create a systematic, purposeful and rich curriculum. Our aim is to create an exciting and engaging wider curriculum, which provides children with opportunities and encourages them to be curious of the world they live in.

Our first cohort of ECTs has been a great success with all of them continuing their development within the Trust into their second year of teaching. We welcome our new cohort of ECTs who will be joining us in July.

5 ECTs joined us in September 2021 in 3 of our schools. We have created a carefully sequenced programme for teachers, where training focuses on how children learn, as well as what they learn. To enable our training sessions to be tailored to personal needs, we continually respond to Teachers feedback and adapt our training provision to ensure best outcomes for all. A wide range of professional training sessions have been planned throughout the year, including SEND, Assessment and Science.


The Trust has been extremely successful in securing Condition Improvement Funds from the ESFA. We are very pleased to have two further projects approved for the forthcoming year. were delighted to secure funding this year that meant all Trust schools now have Sensory Rooms to support learners with additional needs.”

Expenditure 2020/21

Most of the Trust academies’ funding is obtained from the Education and Skills Funding Agency in the form of recurrent grants. During the period ending 31 August 2021 total expenditure of £7,372K was met by this funding together with other incoming resources, such as Local Authority income, self-generated income and other grants.


These will provide a new heating system for Scargill Juniors, and structural repairs and window replacements in Upminster Infants.


The main activities of the Trust is the provision of education. This is what the majority of expenditure was on. The greatest part of this expenditure is spent on staff salaries. Other support costs expenditure includes governance, maintenance, technology and depreciation.


The Trust continues to remain in a very secure position financially, again ending the last financial year 2020/21 with reserve funds that are above target. These funds are in place to ensure we are financially sustainable and are planned to be used to provide significant contributions towards improving the infrastructure and estates across all the trust schools.

The average spend per pupil across the Trust in 2020/21 was £5,001.

Funding 2020/21

This takes the total number of projects to ten, with a value in excess of £3m. These projects will again improve the consumption of energy and reduce our carbon footprint.

Staff costs: Teachers

Other Income Grants


Local OtherAuthorityDfE/ESFA

“ This year the Trust has been awarded a further £493k in environment.”children’sthatImprovementConditionsFundingwillimprovetheworking

Support & other costs

Staff costs: Support Staff

General Annual Grant

The Trust is working in partnership with Havering Education Services, as we have now become the Contracting Authority for a procurement framework called The Brokerage. The Brokerage is an invaluable service, subscribed to by the majority of schools in Havering,

which assists schools in providing economies of scale for purchasing goods and services, ensuring value for money and that procurement regulations are strictly adhered to.

The Trust has invested in a new Management Information System to provide a fully integrated cloud based system across all the academies. This transition has taken place across this year and has streamlined and aligned working practice, improved efficiencies and reduced duplication, whilst also providing parents an improved approach to two-way communication.

The MAT has continued to send termly newsletters to all parents of pupils in the Trust, creating the opportunity for them to have a whole Trust understanding of what has been happening. In addition to this, the schools send out either weekly or fortnightly newsletters, keeping parents up to date with everything that is going on or due to happen in their child’s school.

“I enjoy going onto the Chromebooks because when we use Google Classroom it’s really fun.”

New Prospectus

Each school has a newly updated prospectus which can be viewed in both booklet form and as an online interactive booklet on school websites.

Parents in school

Building on what we had set up during lockdown, all the schools in the Trust were able to offer parents a choice of either virtual or face to face appointments. This proved very successful and was well received.

MAT & Weekly Newsletter

All schools within the Trust have appointed a social media champion who have been busy celebrating the fantastic work happening in our schools on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

All schools within the Trust have moved to Arbor as their MIS provider. Arbor is a very secure and simple system to use and enables parents to be able to update their child’s information, make payments, book appointments, and much, much more via the parent portal by simply downloading the Arbor App. At school, we are then able to send emails, letters and texts via the app. This has further streamlined and improved communications with all parents.

Parents Evenings

Parent surveys have been sent out from each school using Google Forms via the Google Platform. This has enabled a quicker and more efficient method of analysing the feedback that comes back to us.

Top EdTech10 Tools MoteGoogleFlipgridJamboardKahootSlides42135

Parent Surveys

Keeping in touch with CommunitiesourSocialMedia


With the ease of restrictions, all schools within the Trust have been able to return to inviting parents to events at school. This has ranged from workshops, information evenings and sporting events.



Staff CPD

After our successful implementation of Google for Education in all five schools in the Trust, we were able to offer an extremely high quality remote education to our pupils. Due to the DfE free Chromebook scheme, we were also able to support families with the loaning of devices. Since then, we have continued to embed G Suite into our everyday teaching, including our home learning too. Pupils who were isolated were able to access their learning by joining their lessons live through Google Meet, a way of teaching that we never imagined.

Our Trust focus this year was on ensuring progression of skills and key vocabulary across the wider curriculum. The Computing Lead team have worked together throughout the year to develop medium term plans which will be used across the key stages to teach our Computing lessons. Collaborating in this way allowed us to share our knowledge and understanding with our colleagues to develop the curriculum planning for Computing which can be shared by the schools in our Trust.

Cyber Security


Alongside the implementation of Google for Education, we purchased pupil chromebooks which has allowed us to deliver a flipped learning approach within the classroom. Since July 2020, we have been working towards our goal of all classrooms having their own individual set of chromebooks. It is crucial to us that our pupils leave school with the confidence and ability to navigate this everchanging, technological world.

108679 Book GoogleScratchJ2eBusyThingsCreatorJnrMaps

Our schools are reliant on technology, so it is important that we develop staff awareness of Cyber Security to try to prevent a potential threat. All of our staff recently completed the NCSC Cyber Security Training for Schools and, as a part of our Action Plan for 2022/2023, to implement our User Awareness Training for all staff members.


23 We are proud of the attainment and progress our pupils make, and the fact that our results are always above national average. Early Years Outcomes HAT National Average 2022 Good Level Developmentof (GLD) 72% * Phonics Outcomes HAT National Average 2022 Year 1 80% * Year 2 84% * Key Stage 1 Outcomes HAT National Average 2022 Phonics 80% * Reading 78% * Writing 70% * Maths 81% * Science 89% * Key Stage 2 Outcomes HAT National Average 2022 Reading 77% 74% Writing 84% 69% Maths 73% 71% English PunctuationGrammar,&Spelling 76% 72% Combined Expected 65% 59% * Awaiting DfE National Averages

Data Headlines


Shears Green Infant School joined the Trust on 1st July 2022 meaning the Trust will be a family of 6 schools heading into the academic year 2022/23.

schools social media presence will increase following each schools appointing Social Media Leads.

The Trust will look to work with other schools that may wish to join the Trust.

The Trust will be developing its ‘Parent Pledge’ and communicate this with all parents and carers.

Future Thinking

provision will open at Scargill Infant School in 2023.


A consultation regarding a 2 week half term in Autumn will be shared with all parents/carers and stakeholders.AnewMUGA (astro) is planned to be installed at the Upminster


Parents/Carers will gain more access to information via a ‘Parent Portal’ supporting transparency and efficiency.

globe   user  

The Trust will be implementing further measures to improve and increase its Cyber

We will be working towards the ambition of the DfE White Paper that states that all schools should convert to academy status by 2030 within a family of schools in a strong Multi Academy Trust.

• School-based interventions: Family Support Workers provide support to vulnerable children and their families; morning / lunchtime clubs; focussed support at lunchtimes; sensory areas; ELSA trained teaching assistants support pupils who need support with emotional literacy.

• Staff training: Each school has a Mental Health Champion who has received training through Place2Be; staff in school receive Mental Well-Being training via the National College; ELSA training for appointed members of staff; staff training on mental health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing 25Safeguardingand

• Interventions from outside agencies: Where specialised support is required, we make referrals to a variety of organisations such as: CAMHs; Havering Inclusion Team / CAD Team; HBBS (Havering Bereavement Support Service); School nurse; Attendance Officer; Havering Young Person’s Mentoring Service; Young Carers’; Stronger Minds.

• Parent / carer involvement: Leaders and learning mentors are available on a daily basis; parent forums, workshops and coffee mornings; access to courses to support parents in promoting good mental health with their children at home.

• Listening to pupil voice: Through pupil surveys; class ‘worry boxes’; school councils sharing their views on school policies and practice.

At Hornchurch Academy Trust, we know that pupils’ wellbeing is of paramount importance. We recognise that pupils will only thrive and learn when they feel safe, secure and happy. We address pupils’ wellbeing in the following ways:

• Through the curriculum: Through statutory elements of the RSE and health curriculum and online safety lessons; e.g. mental health week; antibullying week; PE lessons; mindfulness activities; residential visits aimed at developing confidence, self-belief, trust and resilience.

Upminster Infant School Parent Survey

Scargill Junior School

Whybridge Junior School

“School is fun. I really like it when we have visitors into school. They make the learning real.”

Scargill Infant School

“My teacher says I work hard. I like sharing and playing on the scooter.” Scargill Infant School Children said…

“91% of parents stating that the school has high expectations and 95% saying that they would recommend the school to another parent. 93% of parents of a child with SEN saying that the school gives the individual the support that they require to succeed.”

“The school is supportive and offers great CPD through internal and external sources.”

At Upminster Infant School

“The school is welcoming and staff work hard to build a good relationships with us, the parents and the children.”

“The Trust offers a coaching programme where staff can choose to be coached by a trained staff member in their own school or in one of the other Trust schools. Wellbeing is a priority, where staff look after one another and there is a system in place to support staff if they need it.”

Upminster Infant School

You spoke, We listened!

Upminster Junior School

“I liked going to Colchester zoo, we saw lots of animals that we were learning about in school.”

100% of the parents surveyed said that their child does well at school and 90% would recommend it to another parent.”


Staff said…

Upminster Infant School

Parents said…

“I am very happy that my children are part of this school, it is the first year for my children and they are very welcome in this school. I want to say thank you. The headteacher and deputy head teacher are just the best.”

“After joining from another school, I think the support from the HAT Trust is significantly better.”

Whybridge Junior School Parent Survey

Hornchurch Academy Trust, Blacksmiths Lane, Rainham, Essex RM13 7AH Registered Charity No: www.hornchurchacademy.org.uk10760863@hornchacademy twitter 01708 552870 office@whybridge-jun.havering.sch.ukenvelope Contact Us

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