Willowfield - Prospectus 2022

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“Pupils enjoy their education at Willowfield School.”
Ofsted 2021

Welcome from the Headteacher

Thank you for your interest in Willowfield and taking the time to read our prospectus.

We are a happy, successful, and oversubscribed mixed 11 to 16 community school.

Willowfield today is in great shape. OFSTED visited us in October 2021 and were very impressed with what they saw, commenting positively about the quality of education we offer and how safe and happy our students are.

Willowfield has been proudly serving the local community for over a century and we are delighted to continue to provide a great learning experience to the children and young people of our community. Our vision is based on inspiring, challenging and supporting every student to be the best they can be.

Willowfield students build on their strengths and overcome their personal barriers, enabling them to compete with anyone anywhere as successful, confident, well-rounded citizens able to shape the future and make a difference.

I look forward to welcoming all new Year 7 students into our school family in September and meeting all parents and carers.

I remember from my own experience as a parent that helping my children to choose the right secondary school was one of the biggest decisions we ever made as a family. Our prospectus gives you a flavour of what we are about, but I urge you to go to our website and come and visit us to get a real taste of all that Willowfield has to offer.

I know you will like what you read and see.

We look forward to welcoming you.

“At the end of the Willowfield experience, our students can compete with anyone, anywhere, professionally and personally, in the world that is their future.”

A safe and happy

learning community

Life at Willowfield is characterised by calm and purposeful learning under-pinned by mutual respect. It is an environment where staff and students enjoy happy, harmonious and very productive relationships. This atmosphere is key to our success and stems from the great pastoral support and care every student receives, making them feel valued and nurtured.

“Pupils feel safe at school because teachers look after them.” Ofsted 2021
“Pupils’ well-being is a top priority for leaders.” Ofsted 2021

learn and thrive

We have the highest expectations of all students in all areas of their development and will not allow them to settle for ordinary.

Great learning and teaching are at the heart of everything we do at Willowfield. Our young people enjoy a stimulating, broad and balanced learning experience within a great modern building.

In years 7, 8 and 9, the curriculum is planned to be diverse and inclusive, but also stretches and challenges students, enabling them to grow and develop as curious and confident learners - preparing them for the challenges ahead in Years 10 and 11.

In years 10 and 11, students go onto study subjects related to their areas of strength, interest or possible future career pathways.

We are proud of the young adults from Willowfield that leave us at the end of year 11. They go on to the next phase of their life into college, work and university as confident and successful young adults.

Ofsted 2021

Ofsted 2021

“Pupils study a broad range of subjects in Years 7, 8 and 9… they are given work that helps them to learn and be successful in later life.”
A great place to
“In classrooms there is joy in learning, engagement and purpose.” Roy Blatchford CBE, external review February 2019
“Leaders have moved the school forward since the last inspection... Much has been done to review and revise the curriculum. As a result, subjects are planned well. They are carefully sequenced and identify the components that pupils need to learn to reach clear end points.”

Great citizens and well-rounded

young adults

Enabling our students to achieve the best examination results they will need is key to our work, but not the only purpose of the curriculum and wider school experience. We aim to develop every learner holistically. We are committed to nurturing all our students into thoughtful and active citizens able to play a full part in the 21st century world they will be living and working in.

Our vision is for Willowfield students to leave us and be able to compete with anyone, anywhere, professionally and personally, in the world that is their future. We want them to be well-rounded young adults who have developed into great citizens able to play a full, positive and productive part in their 21st Century world.

“Pupils do well at school.” Ofsted 2021

An inclusive, local

community school

Roy Blatchford CBE, external review February 2019

We are proud to be a local community school that gives all of our students the best possible start in life. Our school community is amazingly diverse with more than 50 home languages spoken. Our inclusive ethos is characterised by a striking culture of mutual respect and support. Willowfield students are happy, effective learners who make great progress. We have strong partnerships with local schools and colleges and are involved in many community projects.

Students from all backgrounds and all abilities are welcomed and flourish within a safe and caring environment at Willowfield. We use a wide range of information about our young people to plan learning experiences that closely meet their needs and excite them, and we listen to their views on our teaching and their learning, and act on these to continuously improve our provision.

Ofsted 2021

WILLOWFIELD • 5 Ofsted 2021

“What strikes any visitor to Willowfield is the strong sense of community: the team-work of staff; the harmonious relationships between staff and students; the way younger and older students listen to one another’s views.”
“Ethics and citizenship lessons, and assemblies, teach pupils about the wider world, for example how government works, mental health and eating healthily.”
“Pupils are taught how to stay safe online….. as well as how to avoid the negative effects of social media.”


We expect the very best in terms of courtesy and respect from our students and they rise to meet our high expectations. Life at Willowfield is characterised by calm and purposeful learning, under-pinned by mutual respect. It is an environment where staff and students enjoy happy, harmonious and very productive relationships. This atmosphere is key to our success and stems from the great support and care every student receives, making them feel valued, listened and cared for. We believe a school is about more than just qualifications and that a safe and happy learner is an effective and successful learner.

“Procedures for identifying safeguarding concerns are clear-cut so that issues are dealt with swiftly.”
Ofsted 2021
“Pupils behave well…… know what is expected and follow the school’s rules. They move around the school calmly and sensibly. The building is clean, tidy and well-kept, a testament to the pride pupils take in their school.”
Ofsted 2021
“Pupils have opportunities to contribute to the life of the school through the ambassadors’ programme.” Ofsted 2021

the Beyondclassroom

Ofsted 2021

There is a broad and interesting extra-curricular programme on offer to all students. Students are encouraged to engage and explore, and our Artsmark Award reflects the range and quality of creative activities they can access. There are many opportunities to take on responsibilities and we have active student leadership team who play a real role in helping shape the direction of the school. Our partnerships with parents and carers are key to the happiness and success of our students. We value highly the support we receive from our parents and carers, and pride ourselves on the work we do with them to keep their children safe, happy and achieving well.

We celebrate success and ensure that parents and carers are kept informed about their child’s progress throughout their time with us. Sometimes students need some additional support to flourish and manage themselves effectively and we are committed to working closely with students and their families to develop strategies to help them fulfil their potential, overcoming any challenges to their happiness, learning and progress.

Ofsted 2021

“Pupils welcome the range of after-school clubs… after-school activities, visits, trips and themed weeks.”
“The careers education programme is comprehensive and provides pupils with independent advice about the next steps in their lives.”
“At the end of the Willowfield experience, our students can compete with anyone, anywhere, professionally and personally, in the world that is their future.”
209 Blackhorse Road Walthamstow E17 6ND T 020 8527 4065 F 020 8353 4264 E school@willowfield-school.co.uk www.willowfield-school.co.uk

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