Orchards Academy (TKAT) - Prospectus 2022

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Orchards Academy’s aim is to work with students, parents and the wider community to provide a safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment where high expectations and levels of challenge enable our students to achieve academically, socially and emotionally so they can make a positive contribution to society.



I am very proud of the work we do here, the support we offer our students and their families, and the input we have into the local community. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions any parent has to make. You need to be sure that not only will your child achieve academically to the best of their ability, but that they will also be safe and happy.

I believe that here at Orchards Academy we offer the right blend of academic challenge, support and enrichment that allows every student to fulfil their potential and be

ready and able to continue into their chosen pathway of employment, higher education or vocational training.

I hope this prospectus will give you a flavour of our school and that you will take the opportunity to find out more about us. Therefore we invite you to join us on our Open Days where you will have the chance to learn more about our school community.

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Orchards Academy on behalf of the students, staff and Governors.

We aim to instil students with a love of learning which will prepare them for challenge but also for change; to teach them the value of questions as much as to value the answers and to understand that we are all learners. We are preparing students for life at a time when change will come ever faster, in an uncertain economy. Their ability to be flexible and respond to challenge and competition will become increasingly more important.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have consistently excellent academic outcomes.
Pupils make rapid progress in their learning irrespective of their starting points.” OFSTED
2/3 “
You understand the needs of pupils well and work tirelessly to meet them.” THE HEAD TEACHER: OFSTED
This is our first child entering secondary education. We couldn’t have been made more welcome.”

We pride ourselves on our extensive and outstanding transition provision. A member of the transition team led by the Senior Leadership Team meets with every child’s primary school prior to them joining. Year 6 students have opportunities to spend time within the school in order to familiarise themselves with staff and the school. Students meet with their form class and tutor and parents meet key teachers prior to starting. This ensures that the transition is as smooth as possible and an enjoyable experience for all.

Each year group has a dedicated pastoral team to ensure this smooth transition translates into academic success. The Student Support Co-ordinator alongside the Head of Year, will work with the wider pastoral team to ensure any barriers to learning are removed. This enables students to focus on their studies.

All students are encouraged to get involved with extra-curricular activities and the wider school community. There are numerous opportunities for students in Year 7, ranging from the school council to musical productions. At Orchards, we are passionate about developing and celebrating creative talent alongside academic success.

We understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be daunting for all students.
The transition process made our child feel welcome and excited about starting at Orchards Academy.”

Outside educational visits as well as events run in school help to raise aspirations and broaden horizons.

A programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education helps students to develop decision making abilities and the self-confidence to make positive life choices.

The School Council gives students a platform to air their own views and ideas for the development and improvement of the school community. Through the wider school community via Form Representatives students are encouraged to become involved in the decision making process that affects every aspect of their daily lives.

We provide the skills and the support that every student needs to make safe choices online and with their social media interactions and wider relationships, thus ensuring that every young person has the confidence to achieve their life choices.

We have a flourishing Performing Arts programme with regular whole school productions and good sports teams and sporting facilities as well as strong links with our business partners in the community.
“ My Student Support Co-ordinator is always there to listen to my problems and offer help and advice that makes me feel better about myself.” STUDENT
“ Thanks go to your amazing staff who all seem equally passionate, helpful and dedicated. They know our son so well and fully back him in everything he does.”


We have a highly developed pupil management system that enables staff to track progress and target intervention effectively.

We focus on empowering our students to succeed in all aspects of life. Our care for your child and their social and moral development is our primary concern. You will receive three communications per year with regard to progress. You will be invited to a Parent Consultation Day each year to discuss steps forward with subject teachers. In addition, there will be significant advice and guidance when your child selects their option choices.

We are a small school that has a strong pastoral support team who work hard to ensure that students are ready and able to learn.
The safety and welfare of the pupils at the school is the number one priority for you and your staff.”
Orchards Academy St Mary’s Road Swanley Kent BR8 7TE www.orchards-tkat.org T: 01322 665 231 Email: enquiries@orchards-tkat.org

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