Harris Sixth Form - Prospectus 2022

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Lord Harris of Peckham Sponsor Matthew Osborne Principal Sir Dan Moynihan Chief Executive of the Harris Federation


The Harris Sixth Form is where adult life begins and where you begin to take the first steps towards a successful career.

Whatever study or career path you want to follow, we have the right choices for you.

We are proud to have almost 2,000 students, making us one of the largest sixth forms in London. One benefit of our size is that we are able to provide a wealth of opportunities for our students that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

But equally, we are proud despite our growth to have retained an ethos that treats sixth formers as individuals, allowing and encouraging students to grow and succeed.

In addition to your work towards the subjects you take, we want you to have a fun and fully-rounded experience of sixth form education. We offer many clubs, societies and trips and there are social events throughout the academic year. As sixth formers, you will also be role-models to our younger students on campus, helping to mentor and motivate them.

We hope that you are excited by what you learn about us in this prospectus. We very much look forward to meeting you, as do the rest of our team at the Harris Sixth Form.

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Q1: How do I apply?

The courses on offer are set out later in this prospectus. Specific course details and entry criteria are available on our website: www.harrissixthform.org.uk

Once you have chosen your courses, you should complete the online application as soon as possible. This can be found on the website www.harrissixthform.org.uk/apply-now

Popular courses tend to become oversubscribed very quickly so a prompt application will help to prevent disappointment. Applications before the Christmas holidays are ideal. Applications after this will be considered, with a waiting list formed if appropriate.

Q2: How close do I need to live to a campus to get a place?

There are ten campuses within the Harris Sixth Form, located in many different parts of London. All of these have good transport links so we tend to have a reasonably wide catchment.

You should apply if you think that what we offer matches your aspirations for a successful sixth form education. www.harrissixthform.org.uk/application

Q3: How should I choose my subjects?

Above all, our advice is that you should specialise in what interests you most and what you excel at.

We are always very happy to talk through your options with you before you make your application – just call or email. We can give you the information you need about what individual subjects are like to study in sixth form, as well as advice on likely university and employer requirements for particular degree courses and career choices.

Whatever choice you make, you can expect first class teaching, small tutorial sizes and our full support as you work towards a successful and fulfilling future.

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Q4: What kinds of students are you looking for?

We are looking for young men and women with the aptitude, enthusiasm, intelligence and drive to make the most of their two years in sixth form, to demand the best and to make the most of every opportunity, every day.

Q5: Is financial assistance available?


There are travel grants and a full range of other bursaries to support eligible sixth formers.

Q6: Should I apply to Harris Sixth Form or the Harris Westminster Sixth Form?

The Harris Westminster Sixth Form is run by the Harris Federation and Westminster School. Based in central London, it is academically selective with places given to highly able young people.

Students are able to apply for both sixth forms and, if you meet the entry criteria, we would encourage you to do so.

Competition for places at the Harris Westminster Sixth Form is highly intensive. Both sixth forms are tailored to students looking for a place on a top degree course in the UK or abroad.

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Have a look at what Harris Professional Skills 6th Form has to offer. Students have the chance to learn a trade and be prepared for the world of work or the next stage

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The Harris Sixth Form involves a step change and a new relationship with teachers: our sixth formers wear suits not uniform and plan for a working day that fits in with a new type of learning.

Your two years here will be filled with opportunities to develop your experience by working with and hearing from leading practitioners in the field you are interested in. Teaching is from professionals hand-picked by Harris who understand that you are a young adult by the time you reach sixth form, and treat you accordingly. This new independence is your reward for Years 7 – 11.

All our sixth formers embark on a dedicated two week programme of work experience, university visits, lectures and short courses; and, unlike many other sixth forms,

we employ a team of full-time Careers Consultants to guide and support you as you make decisions about your future.

They will be able to give you specialist support with the preparation of university applications, CVs and the other processes you will need to follow to secure the next stage of your education and training.

We also invest time and resources in developing the skills that will set you apart from others when it comes to applying to university and for jobs. Examples of the opportunities available are workshops to develop your public speaking and consultations with experts in skills such as conveying a confident and professional image.

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The partnerships we have created give our sixth formers meaningful opportunities and access to facilities, contacts, experiences and advice that are simply not found on this scale anywhere else.

Just some of the opportunities on offer:

Links with top London universities including

• King’s College London,

• Imperial College,

• Queen Mary College,

• UCL and

• LSE,

enabling Harris sixth formers to attend their lectures and conferences.

Throughout the year Harris sixth formers who are interested in medical careers receive comprehensive advice, support and guidance on how to prepare for and tackle the various stages of the medicine applications process from experts at Medic Portal

An extensive Oxford and Cambridge preparation scheme for potential applicants, runs with the help of the two universities college and expert consultants, Oxbridge Applications.

Harris Experience Advanced was launched as a Federation Sixth Form academic enhancement programme in 2013–14. Since then, 86% of our Harris Experience Advanced students have been successful in their applications to Russell Group universities and we have many students who have accepted places at prestigious ‘Sutton Trust 13’ universities within that group.


All Harris Sixth Form students have the opportunity to sign up to the Pathway programme. Through a range of activities students have direct access to national and local employers, including companies such as SKY, KPMG and Allen and Overy. The programme includes mentoring, work placements, bespoke Insight days and contact with current apprentices. Knowledge of the labour market and development of employability skills ensures that students have the edge when applying for apprenticeships, gap year opportunities and internships. This exposure also enables students to better prepare for choosing their apprenticeship or degree route.

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We have eleven campuses in London, with an astonishing range of facilities between them in every subject we offer. Every campus so far inspected by Ofsted has been rated as ‘outstanding’.

All sixth formers have a base campus. You can discuss this with us, but most people make a decision based on where they live and the subjects they would like to study.

Some sixth formers attend two campuses to accommodate their course options. There is a free-ofcharge minibus service between sites to make this straightforward for you.

Our campuses are totally wireless and the Harris Sixth Form cloud is fully accessible on-site, at home and when you are on the move.

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They range from first aid and archery to art appreciation, learning foreign languages, sign language and cookery.

In addition to your enrichment courses, there are dozens of other extra-curricular activities and events each week.

To give you a sense of what is on offer, here are some of the most popular:

• Tennis, table tennis, squash, football, netball, rugby and basketball – played competitively and for fun, with some students achieving coaching qualifications

• Charity events at home and abroad – in recent years our students have built a school in India and taken a refurbished ambulance to a Ugandan village

• Bands, orchestras and choirs

• Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme

• Debating

• Mentoring of younger Harris Academy students and helping to run clubs and events for them

• Annual Celebration of Achievement event, where sixth formers’ effort and work is formally and publicly recognised and prizes are given out to mark outstanding achievement

Every term, you will be able to choose an enrichment course. These are fully funded and our aim is to provide activities you enjoy and which broaden your interests and experiences.
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We have a UCAS programme for all sixth formers. Our bespoke Russell Group programme offers you the opportunity to prepare for competitive applications to top universities including Oxford and Cambridge and highly competitive medical, dentistry and veterinary schools.

The programme is aspirational, informative and practical, with each sixth former linked to an external mentor who can advise and support them throughout their time here. Many students on this programme are successful in winning places on highly competitive summer schools run by Oxford, Cambridge and others in the Russell Group.

Our sixth formers have gone to Cambridge for Engineering, Imperial as well as St George’s for Medicine, King’s for Pharmacy, Bristol for Maths, Warwick for Law, Durham for Politics and UCL for History.

In addition to our relationships with good universities across London and the UK, we have strong links with the following businesses and organisations, to name but a few: Barclays Bank, Reed Smith LLB, Tuckers Solicitors, AXA, JLL Property, TFL, Civil Service, the Nuffield Foundation, Deloitte and Pret A Manger.

Students who plan on moving in to work or an apprenticeship once finishing sixth form have the opportunity to join the World of Work (WOW) programme which runs across all of our academy sixth form campuses. This dedicated programme of activities aims to inspire and raise awareness of the range of employment opportunities available. Group and one to one sessions help students apply for work and/or apprenticeships and there are many opportunities to meet with and talk to employers, training providers and relevant professional organisations. A dedicated World of Work day in July each year provides year 12 and 13 students time to update their CV, learn about the application process and attend a careers and apprenticeship fair where they can talk directly to employers and apprenticeship providers.

Various students have gone on to apprenticeships. Some of the employers they went on to work for include: Accenture, Alliance Healthcare, Veterinary practice, Barclays Bank, Chelsea Football club, Day Lewis Pharmacies, GCHQ, Hilton Hotels, J P Morgan, Laing O’Rourke, Lloyds Bank, Marks and Spencer, City Hall and Royal Bank of Scotland. The occupational areas they embarked on were wide ranging and including anything from IT and finance to vet nursing and plumbing.

The apprenticeship landscape and application processes are ever changing. Being supported by heads of sixth and professional careers advisers who are up to date with these changes enables students to successfully move on to their chosen career path.

Whatever study or career path you want to follow, we have the right choices for you through our very different – but equally ambitious – routes for your future.
As you progress through sixth form and refine your aims and aspirations, we will support your progression towards the route that suits you best.
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Listed below is the variety of courses that are available.


Art & Design Fine Art

Art & Design Photography Biology

Business Studies Chemistry Classics

Computer Science Dance

Drama & Theatre Studies Economics

English Literature

Extended Project Qualification

Film Studies


Further Maths


Government & Politics

History Mandarin Maths


Vocational Level 3 Applied Science

Vocational Level 3 Applied Criminology

Vocational Level 3 Business Studies Single

Vocational Level 3 Business Studies Double

Vocational Level 3 Health & Social Care Single

Vocational Level 3 Health & Social Care Double

Vocational Level 3 IT Single

Vocational Level 3 IT Double

Vocational Level 3 Media Single

Vocational Level 3 Performing Arts

Vocational Level 3 Sport Single

Vocational Level 3 Sport Double

Media Studies


Physical Education Physics

Product design Psychology

Religion & Philosophy

Sociology Spanish Statistics


Core Maths


English GCSE*

Maths GCSE*

*Courses at each campus vary and are subject to change. Please find the most up to date course listings on our website.

See our website, www.harrissixthform.org.uk for course locations.

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Please fill in the online application form and return it to us. If you would like advice on course selection, please contact us and we will be happy to help.


Once we receive your application form, we will assess your suitability for a place and also contact your present school and ask them about the suitability of the courses you have applied for, your achievements, your attitude to study and your predicted GCSE results.

Once we have all the information we require, we will write to you advising you of the outcome of your application.

Deadline for applications:

As popular courses tend to become oversubscribed very quickly, applications before the Christmas holidays are ideal. Applications after this will be considered but you should apply by Friday 31st March 2023 at the latest. A waiting list will be formed if appropriate.

Course discussion meetings

Will take place after the Easter Break

Taster sessions

These will take place after the GCSE exams.


Current Harris Students

Thursday 24th August 2023

External Students

Friday 25th August 2023

Start of Academic year

Monday 4th September 2023

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Tel: 0208 253 7777 Email: info@harrissixthform.org.uk WWW.HARRISSIXTHFORM.ORG.UK @HarrisSixthForm

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