The Marlborough C of E School - Prospectus 2023

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The Marlborough C of E School

“ The Principal is determined and ambitious for the school. He is held in high regard by staff and parents, who recognise the efforts he is making to raise expectations and standards further. Leaders show passion and enthusiasm.” Ofsted

Welcome to The Marlborough C of E School, Woodstock.

The Marlborough C of E School is a special place. This prospectus has been designed to give you a genuine sense of what it is like to be part of our school. We have an agreed set of values and a clear vision about who we are and what we believe in. Crucially, we try to live out these values on a daily basis. What you will see here is what makes our school unique – young people who feel safe, happy, cared for and valued for who they are, completely engaged in and committed to their learning. We are also part of a successful multi-academy trust, the River Learning Trust (RLT). Through the Trust, we have the opportunity to access the best educational support, advice, guidance and challenge within a collaborative context. This has a hugely positive impact on our work as a school and supports our ambition of becoming an exceptional place to work and learn.

We are extremely popular and consistently over-subscribed, with more parents and students than ever before wishing to join us. Whilst we feel that these images and words truly reflect our school, there is no substitute for a visit to meet with and talk to our staff and students. You are guaranteed a warm welcome.


At The Marlborough Church of England School, Woodstock, we are a learning community that is committed to excellence in all we do. We believe in the enrichment of the whole person and that every individual has the right to the best possible education. We are ambitious, rigorous, uncompromising and academically outstanding, and make sure our young people are nurtured, cherished and cared for. Our school cannot simply be measured by outcomes alone, but by the people it helps to shape.

As a Church School, we are open to those of all faiths, and those of none. Our vision is rooted in the Biblical narrative expressed in Matthew 5:16, ‘’let your light shine’’.

Underpinning our vision are three values that we share and live out within our daily lives as a school. These have been agreed in our community and are Respect, Perseverance and Ambition.



We believe in mutual respect between all members of our community, regardless of background, ability, race, culture, gender or sexuality. We are all members of ‘The Marlborough Family’. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. We show empathy, compassion and kindness and treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves.

We are particularly proud of our unique association with the Ormerod Resource Base which is a specially resourced provision for students with special educational needs relating to a broad range of complex learning, behavioural and life-limiting disabilities. There are currently 25 students who are taught within the Base and, where possible, in mainstream classes around the school.

“ The Ormerod Resource Base has a profoundly positive impact on the way in which students gain a sense of what it means to be inclusive. This benefits all students because it establishes diversity as the norm.” Ofsted

“ The support we have received from the Ormerod has been transformational for both our daughter’s life and for all of our family. It is truly amazing – thank you.” Ormerod Parent



We value working hard and never giving up, especially when we find things challenging. We learn from our mistakes and have the courage to try new things and to take risks. We ask questions and show full commitment to everything we do.

“ While establishing a higher expectation of achievement, the caring ethos of the school has been maintained by staff and students.

Senior Leaders and Governors have a thorough understanding of the school. Their high expectations and aspirations for students have resulted in improvements in students’ achievement and progress.” Ofsted


Lessons are really good and the teachers help you a lot. If you are struggling they will support you, but they also let you work things out for yourself.” Year 9 Student



“ Relationships within the school are very good, the staff and pupils are mutually respectful, the modelling of behaviour by adults is very effective. Behaviour in the school is exemplary, pupils show the same courtesy to each other as to adults and demonstrate excellent learning behaviours. Pupils appreciate each other as persons of value.” SIAMS

We aim to be the best we can be. We strive for academic excellence. We aim to find everyone’s talent; to nurture it and develop it. We want the best possible futures and opportunities for ourselves and for every member of our community. We are proud to be part of our school.

“ The teachers here really challenged my son to achieve the very best he can. They have always supported him and I am proud and delighted with what he has been able to achieve this year.” Year 11 Parent


The people we help to shape...

“ The development of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness is a fundamental part of the school. The students’ ‘Electives’ programme offers a wide range of choices, which effectively support students’ progress and development in a variety of ways, many of which result in recognised awards. Students involve themselves in a range of charitable events, and participate in visits to theatres and museums as well as trips abroad.” Ofsted

The school’s Elective Programme is intrinsic to the enrichment and extension of our curriculum. It is a unique and popular feature of the school which runs on Wednesday afternoons when the normal timetable is suspended to facilitate a diverse programme of activities and opportunities for students, both on and off-site. These include engineering, IT and enterprising projects, Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, sporting and orienteering activities, drama, music, cookery and art.

The Marlborough Super-Curricular Programme (MSCP) is designed to provide challenge to our most able students by giving them opportunities to take their subjects of study further in order to expand their learning and ultimately prepare them for entry to the most competitive universities.

This often includes studying for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) as well as talks from visiting speakers, lectures and tutorials with visitors from Oxford University, mock interviews, additional reading alongside individual support and guidance through the application process.

Our Personal Development Curriculum is carefully planned and covers all aspects of pupils’ experiences to help prepare them for life in the modern world. We teach them how to stay safe in all contexts, and how to make well-informed, well-balanced decisions and choices driven by empathy and compassion.


Year 10 Student

“You get to have many experiences through the Elective Programme –it really broadens your horizons and encourages you to try new things.”

“ I have loved my first year here at Marlborough. There is always someone around you can talk to – a teacher or another adult, or even the older students. Everyone is really friendly and supportive and I couldn’t wait to get involved in everything that the school has to offer. We work really hard in lessons, but school is a lot of fun as well.” Year 7 Student


The Marlborough Family

The school’s work to keep students safe and secure is outstanding. Students have excellent understanding of how to stay safe in a variety of situations. Relationships are very positive and staff morale is high. All of the staff who responded to Ofsted’s staff survey said they were proud to work in the school.” Ofsted

Every year, the school raises money for its chosen charities and we recognise our role as part of a national and international community. Everyone is welcome at our school and it is a place where you are able to find yourself; and are allowed to be yourself. We celebrate as a community every week with our regular Whole School Assembly, which always includes student performance and a moment of silence and refection.


Sixth Form

We aim to ensure that our Sixth Form students maximise their potential and achieve at the highest levels before embarking upon the next phase of their lives. We offer diversity and choice through a broad range of subjects as well as a dynamic programme of enrichment activities and opportunities. Purpose built accommodation which includes an IT suite, quiet study areas and a central hub which opens on to a beautiful garden, enables students to study and socialise in a purposeful yet comfortable environment.

can honestly say that without the help and support of my teachers and fellow students I would never have achieved so much or be the person I am today.” Year 13 Student

“ Good and outstanding teaching is characterised by strong subject knowledge, activities which are planned to meet a range of students’ needs, and skilful questioning.” Ofsted
The Marlborough C of E School Shipton Road, Woodstock, Oxon OX20 1LP T: 01993 811431 E: Please refer to our website for further details about our School: Part of the River Learning Trust
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