1 minute read
Exam Board: OCR
Specification Code: J834
Course Overview
Digital Media plays an important part in our everyday lives and is also an important part of the UK economy. As a result, employers are looking for an increasingly skilled and technical workforce as more media products are produced digitally. This course aims to provide pupils with specific and transferable skills and a solid foundation in understanding and applying the subject, whether it is in employment or higher education in IT or Media. They’ll design, plan, create and review digital media products to meet client and target audience demands.
Overview of subject content:
The certificate consists of 3 units; 2 mandatory and 1 optional unit to make 120glh.
• Unit 1: Creative iMedia in the media industry (written paper, 1 hour and 30 minutes)
• Unit 2: Visual identity and digital graphics (assessed coursework task)
• Units 3-8: In order to provide a broad yet selective curriculum that appeals to all, the optional unit will be chosen according to pupil interest and confirmed in the autumn term.
At the end of the course, pupils will be graded on the Pass/Merit/Distinction/Distinction* system. Progression can lead to L3 Cambridge Technicals in IT
All pupils will need to complete 2 coursework units that comprise 60% of their final grade.
Exams are at the end of Year 11.
All pupils will complete an externally assessed written paper for Unit 1, which makes up the remaining 40% of their final mark.