Moulsham High School - Sixth Form Prospectus 2023

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Ofsted 2020

“ Sixth form provision is Outstanding.”


Moulsham High School Sixth Form was graded as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in 2020.

I am extremely proud of the Sixth Form at Moulsham High School. Year after year it not only produces outstanding academic outcomes but also well-rounded, confident, resilient young people who are well prepared for the challenges and adventures adulthood will bring them.

The Sixth Form’s academic success is due to the outstanding quality of education students receive on a daily basis, how rigorously their progress is monitored and the effectiveness of the intervention that is put in place for those who require additional support. The school has invested in a

large Sixth Form team of four staff – the Head of Sixth Form, the Head of Year 12, the Head of Year 13 and the Sixth Form Pastoral Manager. This ensures that every student is known and known well. The positive working relationships that exist between the Sixth Form Team and students guarantee that students feel happy and safe in school and thoroughly enjoy their post-16 education.

Belng a Sixth Former at Moulsham High School sets you up for life and I look forward to you joining us.

This directly reflects the high level provision, opportunity and wrap around care that is provided for every one of our students. We are extremely proud of our Sixth Form and the school’s strong reputation in the community has been spearheaded by the drive and initiative of our senior students. Being part of Moulsham Sixth Form community is an exciting opportunity to work alongside likeminded students and outstanding staff. You will be expected to work hard in a wide range of challenging subjects, read and research beyond the taught curriculum whilst making a valuable contribution to the school and community at large. Throughout you will be supported by both our academic and pastoral care and guidance. As a Sixth former you will have access to a number of excellent facilities to aid your learning, as well as areas exclusive to senior students. Character and personal development are an integral part of life at Moulsham. The extensive enrichment programme, opportunities for leadership and responsibility, access to the extra-curricular provision and in-depth guidance for post 18 will ensure that you develop much more than just your academic abilities.

At Moulsham we will give you every opportunity to succeed. Like many students that have gone before you we hope that you will fully utilise all of these in your journey to higher education and the workplace.

At Moulsham I have gained many skills which have helped widen my opportunities. I could not feel more prepared for university due to the incredible support, teaching and guidance.”
Moulsham High School 01
Year 13 Student

Independent Learning

During their time in the Sixth Form we expect everyone to develop their independent learning skills so that they will be equipped for the challenges of university and the workplace. Academic enrichment is on offer with an array of workshops to ensure these expectations are met.

Initially the Sixth Form will provide guidance on how to be an effective independent learner. As students progress in their courses subject staff will provide them with materials and opportunities particularly wider academic reading to extend their knowledge and skills.

Private study time will be allocated within each student’s weekly timetable. Sixth Formers are expected to spend this time in the Chaucer Building (where a wide range of resources are available, as well as specialist staff who can assist), or in other appropriate areas. In addition to working at school there is an expectation that everyone should spend a minimum of 15 hours studying outside of timetabled lessons. It is recommended that the 15 hours should be spread appropriately across their subjects.

At Moulsham we recognise that academic success can only be achieved when students also take responsibility for their own learning.
“ The school’s procedures for monitoring the quality of the education in the sixth form are highly effective.”
Ofsted 2020
02 Moulsham High School
The Sixth Form facilities and teachers have allowed me to become independent and learn for myself.”
Year 12 Student

Taking Responsibility

Our Sixth Form students are led by the Student Leadership Team.

This group includes the Heads of House, Sports Captains, a Charities Team, Student Support Team, Equality Ambassador and a Media Team.

We encourage our students to take on a variety of responsibilities that help staff and students throughout the year, including meeting and helping parents at Open Evenings, guiding visitors around the school and mentoring younger students.

We expect a high standard of dress in the Sixth Form as we believe our students are excellent role models for younger students. Sixth Form uniform is formal business dress.

The Tutor System

The tutor–student relationship is a cornerstone of our success in motivating

Sixth Formers to reach their best.

Students benefit from the support and guidance provided by the Sixth Form team; it allows us to intervene to support students should any problems arise. Throughout the year attainment is monitored and discussed with students and reported to parents at regular intervals.

Sixth Form students are registered electronically in their daily tutor periods and each of their lessons.

Moulsham Sixth Form is a fantastic experience, providing students with an opportunity to work in a friendly and supportive environment.”
Moulsham High School 05
Year 12 Student

The Enrichment Programme

Away from academic study we actively encourage our Sixth Formers to contribute to the wider life of the school and community.

All students in Years 12 and 13 take part in an enrichment programme which comprises of a series of electives. The students are encouraged to undertake at least two different electives which can take place on or off the school site and allows students to further develop as rounded individuals. Some of the options available include:

• Mentoring younger students

• Sporting activities

• Volunteering in the local community

• Work shadowing

• Gaining sports qualifications

• Running clubs and societies in school

• Christmas Party for local special needs school

• Preparation for driving

• Reading Scheme

• Science Roadshow

• ARU short courses

In the Summer Term of Year 12 we offer opportunities to support students in their next steps. During this week they have access to advice from both the higher education sector and the world of work.

Beyond lessons, sixth-form students benefit from inspirational speakers in weekly ‘cultural capital’ sessions.”
06 Moulsham High School
Ofsted 2020

Beyond Sixth Form

The majority of our Sixth Formers go on to university or higher education once they have completed their studies.

We pride ourselves on the care and guidance given to our students to help them through what can often seem the daunting process of applying to onward destinations.

Our programme of support begins in the summer term of Year 12 and provides opportunities to attend careers conferences, visit higher education facilities and careers fairs, as well as listen to visiting speakers. Throughout Year 13 all students will receive advice, encouragement and careers guidance from form tutors and the Sixth Form team, as well as specialist advice from local universities and a bespoke careers advisor.

Academic Progress

The academic progress of students is closely monitored in the Sixth Form.

An information evening is held in September for parents of Year 12 students. Consultation evenings take place in the Autumn Term for Year 13 and the Spring Term for Year 12. Attendance at lessons is recorded and any concerns regarding absence are addressed.

Student progress is reviewed by the tutor. This involves a one-to-one interview to check academic targets, monitor attainment and effort grades, and offer support where needed. Any student falling below target or struggling with the volume of work will be offered the opportunity to join our support programme and academic enrichment workshops.

Teachers plan interesting and engaging lessons which motivate students and this leads to strong progress in almost all subjects.”
...Expectations are high and students next steps are well catered for...”
Ofsted 2019
High School

Entry Requirements & Applying

To study 3 A Levels, or a combination of A Levels and BTECs, students must currently have a minimum of 42 points from their best eight GCSE results and meet the entry requirements of the subject they wish to study (see accompanying course guide).

A grade 4 in both English and Mathematics is also required and students who do not achieve this will be required to re-sit GCSE English and/or Mathematics in Year 12.

To study just Level 3 BTEC courses, students must have a minimum of 38 points to do BTECs from their best eight GCSE results. A grade 4 in both English and Mathematics is also required.

Sixth Form has approximately 250 students. We welcome applications from students at other schools. Once an application has been received we will contact your existing school for a reference and a place will be offered provided that the reference and forecast grades meet our requirements. The place will be confirmed when GCSE results are published.

Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9ES Telephone: 01245 260101 Facsimile: 01245 504555 Email:
Specialising in English & Humanities
A proud member of the Bridge Academy Trust

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