Hornchurch Academy Trust Annual Report
whole team is very supportive. Also the working environment is positive and inclusive.”
Hornchurch Academy Trust Annual Report
whole team is very supportive. Also the working environment is positive and inclusive.”
Mr C W Hobson CEO
“Leadership and governance commit to high quality, inclusive education that facilitates equal opportunity and ambition for all.”
Welcome from the CEO, Chris Hobson
Welcome to the fourth edition of the Hornchurch Academy Trust Annual Report to Parents/Carers.
The Hornchurch Academy Trust is now an established and successful Trust (est. 2017) where learners achieve outcomes that consistently exceed both local and national averages. We were all very proud that this year’s MAT Performance Measures 2023 reported that The Hornchurch Academy Trust’s outcomes were in the top 3% nationally. In addition to this success, children and families are also afforded an extensive range of wider opportunities to support pupils wider development and personal wellbeing.
This year’s edition of the Annual Report includes a spotlight focus on our first nursery provision that opened September 2023. The nursery based at Scargill Infant School has been a real success and provides a first class provision that local families are able to access.
In addition, this year the Trust has continued to work very hard to respond to the challenges that are being faced in all schools and communities. We have expanded our support services to families, engaged with external agencies and partners and also further improved our SEND provision. In doing this, Trust leadership and governance re-affirm their commitment to high quality and inclusive education that facilitates equal opportunity and ambition to ensure all children transfer to the next stage of their education journey successfully and with confidence.
Hopefully this year’s Annual Report provides a wider insight and overview of what makes our schools such special places. The report also points towards a bright and exciting future with many new and developing projects that will continue to support all learners, enhance our provision both now and in the future.
Ms G Thumpston Chair of Trustees
Welcome from the Chair of Trustees, Gillian Thumpston
Welcome to our fourth annual report. A year in education always moves at pace with so much happening in our education communities, there is always much to reflect on and celebrate.
This year we were very proud to read the Ofsted Inspection outcomes at Upminster Infant School (November) that further reinforced not only the excellent work taking place in school, but also the wider impact of the Trust in ensuring that children receive a high quality and inclusive education and the benefits of being part of the Hornchurch Academy Trust family of schools.
This year, both myself and fellow Trustees have taken great pleasure in visiting Trust schools to speak with children, staff, parents and carers to understand their views and priorities that help to inform Board of Trustees strategic decision making. In addition, the Board of Trustees listen to many other stakeholder forums to gain valuable feedback on what is working well, but also what we could do even better. An example of this is the new and developing SEND Parent/Carer coffee mornings, where parents and schools engage in a supportive network that benefits everyone.
Despite the ongoing demands that we all face, I am confident that the work of the Trust will continue to be far reaching and support all our children and families in many different ways. I know the leaders in every Trust school along with all staff are working incredibly hard to ensure that we achieve excellent outcomes for children. This is an ambition to which we have total commitment both now and in the future.
Members of the Trust (x5)
Board of Trustees (x9)
The fourth annual Governance Conference titled ‘Reimagining Education and improving on our previous best’ took place in February. The focus also included strategic thinking on the future of artificial intelligence in education and separately how we are developing our Trust SEND strategy. In addition, governance engaged in a keynote from LIFE Education Trust CEO Julian Dutnall who spoke about the journey and growth of the Trust and its future aspirations.
All tiers of governance within a multi-academy Trust interact on a regular basis.
Whether a Member of the Trust, a Trustee or LSG member, everyone is focused on the aim ‘to advance education for public benefit’.
The work of governance is wide, varied, far reaching and very often rewarding for those who undertake the role. The work undertaken and decisions made have a direct impact on all stakeholders and most importantly, the children that attend our schools and the outcomes achieve.
Governance Role: Vice Chair of Trustees
Length of time in governance: 9 years
Length of time with HAT: Since 2018
I first became involved in governance in 2015 when I became a Parent Governor at Upminster Infant School. I then was asked to join the Trust Board at what was then Upminster Academies Trust (UAT), before becoming Vice-Chair and then Chair of UAT in 2017. It was shortly after that we were approached by the Regional Schools Commissioner to discuss merging UAT with the Hornchurch Academy Trust (HAT). The merger was completed in 2018 and as a result I joined the HAT Board of Trustees, then becoming Vice-Chair of HAT in 2022.
A Trustee is very much like a traditional school governor in many ways, only that we look objectively across all the schools in the Trust rather than one specific school. We make sure that the Trust and the schools are being run effectively, that the Trust is financially sound, and to provide the ‘checks and balances’ to the senior leadership where necessary.
We meet 4 times a year (officially) but in reality, I am in constant contact with the Chair of Trustees, the CEO and other members of the Trust leadership on a regular basis – not least as I still have 2 daughters at school within the Trust!
As well as being Vice-Chair, I am also the Link Trustee for Scargill Junior School. This means I get to do the best part of the job – visiting the school on a regular basis and seeing what the pupils are up to, hear their views, watching assemblies and speak to staff. This is the part I enjoy the most from being a Trustee.
Governance Role: Chair of LSG Upminster Infant
Length of time in governance: 14 years
Length of time with HAT: Since 2018
My governance journey
I began as a parent governor when my youngest daughter was in reception. My background is that of a primary school teacher and I felt that I could support the school and its development by becoming a member of the governing body.
When my daughter progressed on to the Upminster Junior School I was elected as a community governor for the infant school in order to continue working in this role. I also served as a parent governor for Upminster Junior School until the schools joined the Hornchurch Academy Trust, where I then remained only on the Upminster Infant School governing board.
The role of an LSG member
The Local Standards Group is an exclusive committee which meets termly with the Head of School in order to consider various aspects of the school’s performance, including curriculum and standards, safeguarding, SEND and staffing. During our meetings we discuss, question and challenge the aims, outcomes and performance of the school. We are shown evidence of the pupils learning and achievements and listen to presentations from staff members in order to keep us fully informed and able to report on to the board of Trustees.
Different members of the group take responsibility for overseeing individual aspects of the school eg, SEND, safeguarding, assessment. They may undertake visits to the school, observe lessons or meet with staff to gain a deeper understanding and report back to both the LSG and Trust.
I personally love to visit the school regularly, becoming a familiar face to the pupils and staff, and observing first-hand the day to day aspects of school life in order to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the challenges and successes of the school.
Hornchurch Academy Trust is ranked in the top 3% nationally for attainment, with all progress measures being ‘above average’. This is clearly something to be very proud of and also reflects the wide range of excellent work taking place in all our Trust schools. Attendance
This year’s Trust Annual Governance Conference followed the theme ‘Reimagining Education and improving on our previous best’. This was an opportunity to discuss key strategic themes such as further improving SEND provision, the role of Artificial Intelligence in education, collaboration between multi academy Trusts as well as how we might address some of the challenges facing the education sector.
Scargill Infant Nursery opened in September 2023 and is proving to be a huge success for all stakeholders. Opening a nursery has been a learning experience for all of us, however it is an experience that has been beneficial to both school and community.
Upminster Infant School Ofsted report was published following their mid November 2023 inspection. The report is very positive and is a credit to the school, staff, children, families, governance and school community.
All schools in HAT have a good range of sensory and intervention rooms, supporting an inclusive and adapted learning environment for all pupils.
All HAT schools in Havering now have access to a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area).
The Hornchurch Academy Trust successfully held their second annual moderation event, with over 20 local schools attending.
Hornchurch Academy Trust schools have a unique connection that allows us to raise standards, performance and outcomes in a transformational and sustainable manner whilst remaining accountable to each other. We have a consistency in our approaches, however we clearly retain and embrace the unique characteristics of each school. All schools are connected by a shared, strategic vision, culture and core purpose. However, each school retains its own unique identity, which reflects their school community. As a family of schools, we believe that we are stronger together.
We are all connected as one organisation with a collective responsibility and a united approach.
We all engage in co-design, take ownership and embrace accountability.
We are all committed to supporting each other in order to improve outcomes for all.
We are all leaders and aspiring leaders who will continually receive the support required to lead with impact and effectiveness.
We are all aspirational and work within the Trust expectations towards the highest denominator.
“I am very happy with the school and most importantly my children are.”
• Awarded PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) Award
Awarded Artsmark Silver Award
Awarded Healthy Schools London Bronze Award
• OPAL Primary Programme – on-track for accreditation in 2024
• Fully accredited Read, Write, INC (RWI) school KS2 SATS Results – above national average in all areas
Whybridge Juniors is oversubscribed for a 3rd consecutive year
• 14 extra-curricular school clubs (free or subsidised for Pupil Premium pupils)
Enhanced provision for pupils with SEND: soft play, visual and physical sensory areas, life skills room, nurture room and ELSA rooms
Updated Quad area used as an outdoor classroom
• OPAL developments – new sandpit and nature garden
• School attendance expectations and incentives lead to higher than national attendance
98% of pupils said they ‘would recommend this school to a friend moving to the area’ –Pupil Survey 2024
93% parents said that they ‘would recommend this school to another parent’ –Parent Survey 2024
• Excellent team of Family Support Workers and ELSAs
HEST – Havering Emotional Support Team –workshops for children and support for parents
• Link with Rainham Foodbank
• Strong links with Whybridge Infants. Regular coffee mornings for parents and families, with visiting agencies
• £50 family cinema voucher for winner of termly attendance award
• Links with local schools to support transition
• The Big Sing event with other HAT schools
• CAMHS sessions for pupils, parents and staff on a termly basis
• Havering Holiday Programme for pupils
• Second hand uniform sales
“I work as a Family
Support Worker/ELSA. It is amazing working here as I believe everyone is treated fairly and work as part of a team.”
“You learn lots of new things, so school is really fun.” Pupil
• Attendance is 95.2%, this is above the National Average of 94.3% and above the National Expectations of 95%.
• Participation in different sporting events with the Havering Sports Collective.
• A range of workshops and opportunities for children to visit the local area and wider area e.g. travelling to London to see key landmarks.
• Year 2 Choir taking part in Young Voices and performing at the O2 in London.
Developing staff with the teaching of Maths –school have joined the North East London Maths Hub and are participating in the Mastering Number program.
• Leaders to focus on improving staff’s subject, pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge to enhance the teaching of the curriculum and the appropriate use of assessment.
Continuing to develop the design of wider curriculum to ensure learning is accessible and fun for all.
Developing a range of free after school clubs, which provide opportunities for children to explore interests, develop skills and foster friendships outside of the classroom.
“There has not been a day that my child has not come home happy from school. Her speed of learning has been amazing!”
“The staff are caring and empathetic towards all pupils. Any concerns are dealt with swiftly and professionally. I have no hesitation in recommending Scargill Infant School to others in the local community and beyond.”
Scargill and Upminster Infant School staff joined together to walk 26.2 miles through London for Shine Night Walk, Cancer Research and we raised a staggering £8,248.76. Together we can make a difference – and we really did!
Reindeer Run – over £2,000
British Legion’s Poppy Appeal – £419.88
Save the Children – £201.40
Our families supported the Salvation Army toy appeal this Christmas Macmillan Coffee Morning – £151.01
Wear it Pink – Raised £493.56 for Breast Cancer
“Scargill is a lovely school and I have been very happy, all 4 of my kids have gone there.”
• Nursery opened in September 2023. We offer full time, morning and afternoon sessions. We provide a structured environment for young children to begin their educational journey and all of our children will be joining us in Reception next year.
• Talk Matters project with Havering –we are receiving training and funding in supporting parental engagement and increasing children’s capacity to communicate. As a result all our parents have been invited to join their children at the cinema, attend the Y1 trip on the Thames Clipper and participate in a flower arranging workshop – all free of charge.
SEND Peer to Peer project – improving staff teaching skills and children’s outcomes by ensuring we are an inclusive school and all children are included – promoting diversity and ensuring everyone feels valued and respected.
“We feel safe and secure at school.”
Awards & Achievements
• 4 Members of staff successfully completed NPQ programmes
• Gold School Games Award
• Successful CIF bid used to replace fire doors
• Music Mark School
• KS2 SATS Results – above national average in all areas
• KS2 SATS progress scores positive in all areas and above National Average in all areas
• Certified Member of staff for Senior Mental Health Lead
• Attendance above National Average
• Persistent absences below National Average
• Another hugely successful Sky Arts Week
• Seven year group excursions and held five in-school workshops
• New OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) programme launched
• Successful STEM day
• NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe workshops for upper school
• 600 new books purchased for class libraries
• 100% of staff said that they enjoy working at our school – Staff Survey
• Launched NHS backed schools’ mental health programme – ‘My Happymind’
• Embarked on Maths Mastery
• All staff attended Occupational Therapy training
• School Choir performed in the Trust ‘Big Sing’
• School Choir performed in the Young Voices concert at the O2
• Participated in the Annual Trust Performance Poetry Competition
• Pupils created a new Scargill Garden Area with members of the community
• School Council met the Mayor and members of the local council
• School Council visited the Houses of Parliament where they met and chatted with our local MP
• Active support for Rainham Food Bank
• Host school for Havering ELSA training
• CAMHs coffee mornings and drop in sessions
• Referral to Havering Holiday Programme shared with parents
• Safer Schools Police Officers, provided a number of workshops
the teachers in school are friendly with a smile on their face and always there to help if we need it.”
“I like being at Scargill because everyone feels like a family. I have had a great time here and will remember this experience forever. All the teachers have helped me in lessons, build up friendships and helped me to become me. The teachers have helped me to come out of my shell and not to be shy.” Pupil
• Outdoor Classroom OPAL playground development
• Additional fenced outside play area
Our main priorities for 2023 – 2024 were:
To develop leadership skills and responsibilities for all staff.
• To further develop pupil voice so that they can lead discussions, describing their thoughts and ideas and reason with increasing confidence.
• To ensure identification and tracking of key groups and individuals, leading to bespoke intervention as required.
• To ensure teaching and learning pedagogical approaches are embedded to enable learners’ engagement.
• To increase overall attendance in line with national expectations and to reduce persistent absenteeism.
Awards and Achievements
• 86% achieved EXS in Reading (2023)
• 80% achieved EXS in Writing (2023)
• 89% achieved EXS in Maths (2023)
• Continual development and refurbishment of additional learning areas including designated sensory spaces
• Winner of Quad kid athletics for June 2023 Gold award for the Travel Plan
• Pupil outcomes and voice demonstrate progressive knowledge and skills in all subject areas
• Attendance average 95.8% Persistent Absentees is 7%
• 84% of Year 1 children achieving the expected phonics standards (2023)
• Continued to strengthen links with the wider community
like to thank you all for the start you’ve given my child in your school. She has had the most amazing term in year 1 and with the guidance, positivity and care from each and every single adult she’s developed in confidence and kindness.”
“Staff skilfully adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can overcome barriers to learning in the curriculum.”
Ofsted Nov 2023
“In my school we gets lots of awards. We get lots of points for our values and gold and silver cards I like all subjects. I enjoy coming to school.”
• This year we are the proud recipients of Travel Plan Gold, and as a result we are due to have installed a fully-funded parent waiting canopy, to further promote sustainable travel to school.
• 2 of our staff members have become Leading Practitioners to support staff across the Trust in the areas of Maths and Music.
• 2 teachers have become Teaching and Learning Advisors for HAT: supporting the professional development of teachers in our Trust.
• 95% of our Year 6 pupils can swim at least 25m.
• We have submitted the ‘Statement of commitment’ for Artsmark – Leaders are now gaining the evidence needed to be successful in order for UJS to receive the Gold Award.
• 2 members have now successfully completed their NPQ for Senior Leadership.
• 4 further members of staff are currently undertaking NPQ in Leading Teaching and Learning, and one further member of staff is undertaking the NPQ for Senior Leadership, one for the NPQ Headship and another for the NPQ Executive Leadership.
• 120 pupils took part in Young Voices at the O2 this year.
• We offer 27 extra-curricular clubs to all our pupils – before, during and after school. 80% of our pupils attend at least one club run at the school.
• OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) has been further developed this year with the installation of a mud-kitchen, sandpit and reading shed.
• Our Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) has been installed, providing further sporting opportunities during PE lessons, lunchtimes and clubs after school.
• Participation in 15 sporting events in the Havering Sports Collective with 170 different children representing our school.
• UJS has got talent returned for a second year –showcasing our pupils’ diverse skills and talents.
“My child is really happy at school and is always challenged by his teacher with additional tasks. As parents, we are also really pleased with the school and the level of education. Thank you to everyone at UJS for their hard work.”
This year our school choir has sung at the following events and venues:
• Upminster Methodist Tree Festival
• Upminster Baptist Church for Christmas concert and carol service
• 2 local nursing homes
• Watoto Children’s choir from Uganda visited us
• All Saints Church Friday Lunch Club
• UJS concert to parents
• HAT Big Sing – all the choirs in the Trust coming together for one concert.
Our pupils have also taken part in community events across the year, in conjunction with our local church:
• Year 3 took part in a local ‘wow’ walk
“I have had both of my children attend UIS and UJS and can’t speak highly enough of everyone. It’s a friendly, welcoming school who very clearly care and push the children to be the best they can be.”
• Year 5 carried out ‘random acts of kindness’ in the local community
• Year 6 have taken part in transition workshops in preparation for secondary school.
• STEM week Year 6 – funds raised from this will further support OPAL with purchasing posts for den building.
• Year 6 pupils have raised £323 through a cake sale to raise money for OPAL.
• Sensory rooms have been developed to support pupils with SEND.
“It’s good here. I like that we have hard work and it makes us use our brains.”
• We have a fully qualified ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Assistant) who is working with some of our vulnerable pupils.
• Our apprentice teacher has successfully completed her year.
• Two teachers have successfully completed the full ECT program.
• Busy Bees, our after school club provider had a successful Ofsted with no recommendations!
• We have continued our professional development with RWI phonics.
• All Year 1 children have accessed violin tuition.
• Our choir, piano, guitar and violins students have performed in assemblies.
• Our Year 2 children have all taken part in swimming lessons.
• We are very excited to have a new school logo!
• Our school motto has been redeveloped alongside our new values.
• All year groups took part in educational visitors or visits throughout the year. These included, Booster Cushion Theatre Company, Astrodome, Creepy Crawly experience, Rocky’s Animals and Bodiam Castle.
• Enhanced SEND provision through our sensory room and soft play, intervention space. (Due to be further enhanced next year.)
• New ‘Reading for Pleasure’ spaces in our Year 1 corridor.
• Summer Term Class assemblies have been well received.
• The Dogs Trust visited school for an assembly and workshops for all children.
• A Fire Safety Officer visited each year group.
• SGIS took part in the HAT Big Sing event with all the schools in the Trust.
• Our new FSW works closely with colleagues in the Trust and Shears Green Junior School to support families and children in our school.
• Further links established with SGJS supporting staff collaboration and a smooth transition for pupils.
• The NEFLT Emotional Wellbeing Team have offered free workshops to all parents on wellbeing, behaviour and SEND.
• Young Carers have been in school supporting some of our pupils.
“I have found Shears Green to be extremely welcoming and incredibly inclusive. The effort that goes in to making the children enjoy their education and support the parents is clear to see.”
• OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) to be introduced from September, allowing pupils to be more actively engaged at playtimes.
• New physical SEND room.
“The curriculum and trips you’ve offered have broadened my child’s view of what school could be like and have really helped her confidence and independence. I know the time and effort they take to put on and I am so grateful to you all. I know in my heart that this school has changed my little girl’s future and I will be eternally grateful for that.”
“I enjoy working here as it’s a wonderful team to work with. We help each other and bounce ideas off each other too. Looking forward to the changes in September with the new rooms, think this will really help the SEN children a lot.”
“Being a pupil at Hornchurch Academy Trust is fun and it makes me feel important because of my decisions and ways to help. I get to learn a lot of new things and take part in fun activities.”
“I have had both of my children attend UIS and UJS and can’t speak highly enough of everyone. It’s a friendly, welcoming school who very clearly care and push the children to be the best they can be.” Parent
“Scargill Junior School, and by association, Hornchurch Academy Trust is an enjoyable place to work. It has high expectations from staff, but it also allows space for individuality, creative expression and fun. Coupled with a supportive management team and plenty of opportunities for CPD, HAT provides a stimulating working environment for teachers at every stage of their career.”
“As a newly qualified teacher working at a good school, I feel incredibly fortunate. The supportive environment, collaborative culture, and dedication to student success have made my transition into teaching smoother than I could have imagined. I’m excited to grow both personally and professionally as I contribute to the educational journey of my students in such a nurturing and inspiring setting.”
“The school and staff are wonderful and my children are very happy. The teacher is approachable, fantastic with the children and a great educator.”
“Being a pupil at Hornchurch Academy Trust is really nice because it is nice to go on trips. OPAL at lunchtime is good because we get to be creative in the nature trail by building dens and using our imagination.”
“School is fun because all of the teachers are nice. The students are friendly. We have been on really exciting school trips. I especially enjoy enterprise week and our PE lessons.”
“The teachers and everyone always care and make school fun everyday – I never want to miss school as I will miss out!”
“Being a parent of a child within Hornchurch Academy Trust has been a positive experience. Any issues I have had I have spoken to the teacher and it has been dealt with immediately. My child always comes home from school happy and academically is doing really well.”
Within our Early years provision, we believe in nurturing every child’s holistic development, focusing on their physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. Through a blend of structured learning and play based activities, we create a supportive environment where children feel secure to explore, learn and develop at their own pace.
Our vision revolves around placing children at the center of everything we do. We acknowledge and celebrate each child’s uniqueness, interests, and abilities fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth. By observing and listening to children, we tailor our curriculum to meet their individual needs and spark their curiosity, promoting a lifelong love for learning.
We recognise the crucial role parents and carers play in a child’s early years. Our vision emphasizes building strong partnerships with families, promoting open communication and involving them in their child’s learning journey. Together we collaborate to provide a seamless transition between home and school, ensuring continuity and support in every aspect of a child’s development.
Ultimately, our Early Years Foundation Stage vision aims to lay a solid foundation for lifelong learning. We equip children with essential skills, attitudes, and values that will empower them to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By fostering a love for exploration, creativity and critical thinking, we inspire children to become confident, resilient individuals who are eager to embrace new challenges and make meaningful contributions in society.
At Hornchurch Academy Trust, we pride ourselves on delivering high quality inclusive education to all pupils, that includes adapted teaching and learning to meet the needs of all SEND pupils.
Our schools recognise that pupils may need specialised support to enable them to access all areas of learning. This is supported through the variety of inclusive provisions and practices available, ensuring we make the necessary adjustments required for individual pupils.
The schools offer specialised support to meet the needs of groups and individual pupils who have SEND needs.
Our schools understand the importance of adapted environments, and the benefits of sensory rooms and other intervention spaces to support specific learning needs.
“I really feel ELSA has benefited me because now I can control my headaches and can make them go away.”
Ellie, age 8
At Hornchurch Academy Trust we recognise that many of our pupils need support with their sensory processing needs, therefore we have been working closely with an Occupational Therapist to enhance our SEND provision both inside and outside of the classroom.
Hornchurch Academy Trust invest in training for all staff to ensure that they have the expertise to enable them to deliver provisions to support pupils inside the classrooms.
Schools have been using training delivered by the Occupational Therapist to enhance provisions and interventions. Some schools have developed sensory environments where pupils complete targeted exercises and activities, enabling them to be regulated for longer periods of time in the classroom.
Schools are embedding bespoke sensory diets for pupils to ensure that the interventions are appropriate to meet individual needs.
All schools have an ELSA trained member of staff who supports pupils who may experience challenges that prevent their ability to engage in learning. They will deliver provisions to support the emotional well-being of the pupils.
Working alongside our families is crucial to ensure that parents and carers have a good understanding of how we are supporting their child at school, and, where appropriate, can adopt similar strategies at home. We hold regular coffee mornings for parents with SEND pupils, where we model and showcase various interventions; and are on hand to discuss and answer any questions about the child with the parent / carer.
“ELSA has really helped me in school and has made me feel more comfortable.”
Isabella, age 8
Our schools are supported by a FSW who offers support to pupils and families who may require additional help and advice at any time.
The FSWs are line managed by the Senior Family Support Worker, who provides information mornings, as well as signposting families to a range of services.
HEST offers workshops for pupils to help them manage their emotional wellbeing. They also support parents in many different ways, such as offering advice, guidance and signposting to services within the community.
“I think it has helped me because I can control my emotions.”
Archie, age 9