EST 1896 Chislehurst School for Girls
School for Girls is a highly successful school, where girls take centre stage.
Situated in London’s green belt on the borders of Chislehurst and Sidcup, the students attend largely from within a 3-4 kilometre radius of the school.
The school was established in 1896 as Sidcup High School and has developed through the grammar school tradition as Chislehurst School for Girls and Sidcup County Grammar School for Girls, becoming all-ability in 1982. The main school building, opened in 1931, is situated on a beautiful green field site and now caters for approximately half of the learning facilities. Most recent additions have been, an extended Technology Suite, an eco-friendly Sixth Form Centre and a state of the art Learning and Achievement Suite.
A highly successful Comprehensive School for Girls (11-18) and Boys (16-18) with a Grammar School Stream.
For over 125 years, generations of girls have thrived and benefited from an education at Chislehurst School for Girls.
This is a highly successful and happy place of learning, where our girls take centre stage and have every opportunity to excel academically and flourish personally.
We are committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, developing the leaders of tomorrow, and are specialists in girls’ education. Our strong pastoral system ensures that every child is known by name and valued for their own strengths and gifts. We are motivated by outstanding examination results and raising confident, aspirational and courageous young women of integrity.
In addition, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities that will help equip your daughter for success and happiness in adult life. We are a diverse and inclusive school community and welcome the enriching variety of backgrounds and traditions that all contribute to making our school a wonderful place. I am proud to serve this school and lead an exceptional team of staff, who are utterly committed to the personal success of each student. This is a safe and dynamic place for your child to grow and learn.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M French Headteacher
“ My daughter is loving being at Chislehurst School for Girls, she has settled in well and is enjoying all of her lessons.”
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We develop confident, resilient young people with high expectations and a love of learning; enabling them to become global citizens and leaders of tomorrow.
1. To develop every student’s potential to the full, morally, intellectually and socially.
2. To foster a belief in achievable high expectations within a culture of educational excellence.
3. To develop self-discipline and respect for the needs of others.
4. To provide a safe, caring, co-operative and stimulating learning environment.
5. To prepare every student for adult life and to become contributing and self-reliant members of society.
Chislehurst School for Girls curriculum is positively forward-thinking in its content and delivery. All of our students study a balanced range of subjects. Details of these can be found on our website.
We place great emphasis upon independent study and homework. We regard it as an essential extension of school work and a valuable life skill. All students have additional learning to complete every evening at home and all homework is visible to parents online. Additional activities for every subject and year group may be found via the Parent Portal and on our website.
The curriculum is structured to allow students opportunities to personalise their learning by choosing courses appropriate to their talents and future plans. Students receive detailed guidance and support in making these important choices at age appropriate stages.
“ We would like to express our appreciation for the seven very happy years our daughter has spent at Chislehurst School for Girls. Throughout her school career the staff have provided a stimulating and supportive environment and it has been a joy to see her grow and flourish. She has been set high expectations that have encouraged her to achieve and to mature, but always with the support and understanding she has needed to help her succeed.”
Each faculty has an agreed policy on assessment. Those subjects which have National Curriculum Programmes of Study, also keep records of the progress made and attainment levels achieved. Student progress is reported formally at regular Assessment Points during the year, an annual Record of Progress and during Parents’ Consultations. There are also formal examinations for every year group.
Assessment, recording and reporting are undertaken thoroughly.
Effort, attainment and helpfulness are encouraged by a variety of rewards. Commendations are awarded throughout the year and prizes are also given at Awards and Recognition Evening each year for attitude to learning and achievement in the different areas of school life.
Chislehurst School for Girls students are confident and happy, within a safe and supportive environment. Each student is placed in one of the four houses, where she will remain throughout her school career. Student and staff organise house activities, which raise thousands of pounds for charitable causes every year.
Form Tutors are responsible for the students’ well-being. They, along with the Year Co-ordinator and Directors of Study, have a personal knowledge of each student and are on hand to provide help and guidance in all aspects of school life.
We have grammar streams in all year groups, in order to support and extend our more able, high achieving students, who are expected to enter the top universities. When students require extra support with their studies, we can provide the help that they need. Students with particular talents, gifts or abilities are also encouraged with work more personalised to match their talents.
“ There are so many clubs you can join –Trampolining, Dance, Choir, Art Club and lots more.”
“ As a high achiever, I like being able to work towards the target the teacher sets me. I feel proud when I achieve it.”
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Our daughter is feeling very relaxed and settled now at School, she is enjoying the wide variety of subjects and all the extra-curricular activities. A big thank you to all the staff for making this transition for her an enjoyable experience.”
Parental involvement and support are highly valued. Together, we strive to attain the highest standards of conduct and achievement from our students. Our Partnership Agreement underpins this mutual commitment. Our Guidance system, led by Year Co-ordinators and Directors of Study, provides parents with a vehicle for regular contact.
Parents are invited to join us for a variety of school functions throughout the year. All letters to parents are sent electronically and can be found on the School’s website. We also operate a ‘text alert’ service.
Our Learning Resources Centre is more than just a traditional library. In addition to books, students also have access to computers and interactive technology. It is open all day between 7:45am and 4:00pm.
All subjects are taught in modern, spacious areas, with up to date Computer Science facilities and the latest specialised equipment. Sixth Form students have their own Common Room and Study Area. Expressive Arts have a fully equipped Dance Studio, Drama Studio and Stage Area, a self-contained Music Suite with additional practice rooms for private instrumental lessons and a Photography Suite.
“ The girls are always very smart and take pride in their appearance.” TEACHER
Life at Chislehurst School for Girls is always busy and exciting. We offer a vast enrichment programme for all students, ranging from sporting activities, to computing, music ensembles, language clubs and debating – the variety is endless. Students also participate in a large number of school events such as Dance, Music and Drama productions, Sports Day, public speaking competitions and theatre trips. Students are encouraged to take responsibility, and participate, in the decision-making process of the School, via Year and School Council representatives.
We are an International School and our students have the opportunity to participate in many visits abroad. Recent journeys have included North and South America, Germany, Belgium, France and Spain. We have extensive links with Africa and Asia and also offer the opportunity to study Mandarin.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is particularly popular with many students aged 14–19 who achieve Bronze and Silver Awards. We also participate in the World Challenge expeditions.
Most of our students continue their education at university or colleges of higher education. Sixth Form students are a vital part of the Chislehurst School for Girls community and occupy positions of leadership and responsibility such as Head Students or House Captains.
There are always exciting opportunities available to our older students, including participating in high-powered debating competitions, lectures, Sixth Form conferences,
“ Chislehurst School has a fantastic atmosphere that allows the pupils to make the most of the time they have here.”
university visits and evenings at the theatre. Sixth Form students are valued for their lively and enthusiastic contribution to school charity fundraising events and their entrepreneurial spirit as young business people. They also organise events for younger students and help with their learning, both in the classroom and in the pursuit of leisure.
Q: What procedures are in place to help my daughter make a smooth transition from Junior School?
A: We begin this process by visiting your daughter in her current primary school. This is followed by an Induction Programme for Year 6 in the summer to begin to prepare students for Secondary School. This is organised by our dedicated Transition Manager and the Year 7 Co-ordinator in order to ensure a gradual introduction. Your daughter will also spend her first day at school with her Form Tutor, who will take care to ensure all students know their way around school and know who the key staff are that they can ask for help.
Q: What opportunities are there for extra-curricular activities?
A: Most clubs run at lunchtimes or directly after school. There are numerous sports teams and activities to join, as well as Band, Choir, Drama Club, Art Club and Dance Club. Chislehurst School for Girls also stages an annual school Expressive Arts production, which features large numbers of students.
Q: My daughter wants to go to university when she completes her A Levels. How will Chislehurst School for Girls help her achieve this successfully?
A: All students are expected to continue to Sixth Form on completion of their GCSE examinations. The Director of Studies for Years 12–13 works closely with the universities to ensure students are carefully guided through the process of applying for universities and completing their UCAS forms. Sixth Form students also receive support and guidance from their Form Tutors and subject staff to help them prepare for life after Chislehurst School for Girls, including apprenticeships.
Q: What new subjects will my daughter study?
A: All National Curriculum subjects are studied in the early years. Some of these subjects your daughter may not yet have followed include; Dance, Food Technology and a Foreign Language. During the option process, subjects such as Photography, Media Studies, Psychology and Business Studies may be available to her in Key Stage 4.
Q: I want to take my daughter out of school during term time for a family holiday. Can I do this?
A: No. We do not authorise any holidays in term time, as it is illegal to do so. We will of course authorise medical appointments and certain specific absences during school time when these are unavoidable.
Q: How much homework should my daughter expect each night?
A: This differs according to age, but your daughter should receive homework every night. Typically in Year 7, it may vary between 30–60 minutes per night. She will receive a homework timetable at the start of the year and all homework is issued by teachers online and is visible to both students and parents.
Q: I want my daughter to be happy at Chislehurst School for Girls, reach her full potential and be prepared for adult life when she leaves. How can I be sure Chislehurst School for Girls is the right school for her?
A: Your daughter’s teachers will have high expectations of behaviour and work and in turn, will expect her to flourish and achieve successfully within a supportive, caring and disciplined environment. We believe full potential can only be reached when students, staff and parents work in partnership to achieve that outcome.