Bexley Business Newsletter

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The Business Academy Bexley

Happy New Year! Welcome back and Happy New Year from us all at the Academy. We have started the New Year on a high note with exceptional examination results for our early entry Maths and English students in Year 11. Congratulations to students and staff for achieving 94% A*-C in both subjects.

Issue 4 January 2011

I am delighted that so many parents have expressed an interest in supporting the Academy through attending our New Parents‟ Council chaired by Mr Hewson. We are looking forward to working together to continuously improve the quality of our provision and become an outstanding school. One of our key priorities this term is forging close links with all of our partner primary schools to ensure that we ease transition from primary to secondary school and I have been grateful for the tremendous support received from both staff and students at the Academy. Finally, in the interests of greater security and safety additional fencing has been constructed to protect our playground areas.

Yarnton Way Erith Kent DA18 4DW 0208 320 4800

Inside this issue: Sixth Form Update


Election of Parent Governor


Gifted & Talented


Guy Nichols Headteacher Secondary

Messages from Your Heads of House


A Message from Mr Thompson

Success at Slam Poetry Event


I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for the welcome I have received since starting at the Business Academy Bexley.

Messages from Mrs Tomlin


I am writing this at the end of my second week in the school and I have been overwhelmed by what an amazing place it is. The students, staff and parents that I have met and worked with have all demonstrated that the school is truly on its way to being outstanding and I am very excited about being able to join everyone in that journey.

Academy Uniform


Newsletters by Email?


The „Prefect Factor‟


FLO‟s Column


Salon Opening to Public


Term Dates


Dates for Your Diary


May I take this opportunity to again thank you for your continued support for the Academy.

I have taught in a number of schools throughout the country and hope that my experiences, along with my desire to see every individual reach their full potential, will be of benefit to the school. If I haven‟t already done so I look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks and working with you to achieve all our goals. Mr B Thompson, Deputy Headteacher

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Sixth Form Update The Beginning of the End: As we dive into 2011 our Sixth Form students are immediately confronted with January examinations. Our first examinations began on 10 th Jan and this examination series will not end until Monday 31st January for some of our students. It is therefore critical to highlight the importance that support at home for students revision is crucial to student‟s success. This is the term that really makes the difference and the term that students must pull out all the stops to have success within their final examinations in the summer. We only have 11 teaching weeks until we break for Easter. This may sound like a lot of time, however with so much teaching to be completed, all our students need to be aware of the little time they have to make the necessary progress within their subjects. Attendance: Attendance will continue to dominate our strive to become outstanding. In the Autumn term our attendance in both Y12 and Y13 peaked above 90% which was an increase of over 20% within the same period from the previous year. Whilst we are happy with this increase our target is to have our attendance over 95% for the Spring Term. We very much appreciate parents/carers involvement with supporting our students in getting to school on time and in each day. If a student is off ill they must report to the Sixth Form office on their return with a valid letter to explain their absence. Applications for September 2011: We are now over-subscribed for applications for our September 2011 intake. Although we are over-subscribed we are still accepting applications so if you have not yet applied pleased do so as a matter of urgency. If you do not apply you will not have a place. Sixth Form Parents Committee: On Wednesday 26th January we are launching the Sixth Form Parents‟ Pioneer Group. Membership to the committee is open to any parents who would like to be involved in the development of the Sixth Form. The first meeting will take place at BAB between 5.30 – 6.15pm. Please contact the Sixth Form Office on 0208 320 4834 if you wish to become a member. Important Dates for your Diary: Wednesday 26th January – The launch of the Sixth Form Parents Committee Thursday 10th March – January examination Results given to students Thursday 31th March – Y12/ Y13 Parents Evening Monday 9th May – Summer examinations begin Friday 13th May – Y12 Study Leave Friday 27th May – Y13 leave and the provisional date for the Y13 Leavers Ball Monday 6th June – Y12 return to start their Y13 courses If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact the Sixth Form Office at the Academy. Mr W Pemberton Assistant Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form

Issue 4

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Governing Body - Election of Parent Governor Dear Parent GOVERNING BODY – ELECTION OF PARENT GOVERNOR You will probably be aware that, over recent years, there has been a trend nationally to encourage parents and, indeed, all members of the public to become involved in the governance of schools. Every school, including the Academy, has a governing body and ours is made up of parents of students, people with an interest in local affairs, the Principal, the Chief Executive, staff and sponsor governors. The term of office for all elected governors is four years although a parent is required to resign as governor if his or her child leaves the Academy within that four year period. The Academy currently has a vacancy for a parent governor and all parents, if they currently have a child registered at the Academy, are eligible for nomination as a parent governor. Ordinary meetings of the governing body take place three times a year in Central London, normally between 5pm – 7.30pm, and there are also meetings of committees as necessary. It is hoped however that members will lend support to the Academy on other occasions and become acquainted with educational issues as they affect us in the day to day running. I have been asked to point out that a parent governor is not a delegate and therefore is not obliged to reflect the views of the parent body. All members of the governing body act according to their own consciences and points of view. I am therefore writing to invite nominations for the position of Parent Governor. If you wish to be nominated, you should complete the Parent Governor Nomination Form (on page 4), asking two other parents to propose and second you by completing and signing the form. It would be helpful if you provide a brief statement, of no more than 100 words, explaining why you want to be the parent governor. This will only be used in the event of a vote being necessary. I would be grateful if you would please let Jane Stanley, as Clerk to the Governing Body, have your nomination by noon on Friday 28 January 2011. This may be posted to Jane or handed in to Reception by your registered child at the Academy. If more than one nomination for parent governor is received Jane Stanley will write to you inviting you to vote by secret ballot. Otherwise, if there is only one nominee he/ she will automatically become the elected parent governor of the Academy‟s governing body. In any case I will write to you to inform you of the outcome of the process. We would warmly welcome a new parent governor on the Board and should you wish to discuss the role and responsibilities please contact Sam Elms, Chief Executive on 0208 320 4813 who will be happy to discuss it with you. Yours sincerely

Tim Garnham Chair of Governors

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1. Name

Please enter in BLOCK CAPITAL letters your name and address. You must be a parent of a student registered at the Academy. ................................................................................................................


Signature or person nominated.................................................................................. Parent of ..........................................................................................(name of student(s)) Brief statement supporting application:


Proposed by

Name.................................................................... Signed.................................................................... Parent of .............................................................(name of student(s))


Seconded by Name.................................................................... Signed.................................................................... Parent of .............................................................(name of student(s))


Issue 4

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Gifted & Talented Mega Mentoring is Magic! Here at th e Academy there are identified Gifted and Talented students – this means students that excel in either one subject or a range of subjects. As part of the provision for those G&T students in Year 11 the school has assigned an individual mentor to guide them to success in Year 11. These mentors are our very own dedicated teachers who give up their time to meet with us on a regular basis. We meet to discuss any current issues and concerns, such as coursework deadlines and our progress in lessons. These meetings are great because they keep us up to date and focused on the important things that are coming up, setting targets and deadlines that we know we have to meet! Additionally, our mentors get us to think about our future, focusing on our ambitions and aspirations, what we want to achieve and how we are going to do it. This is really motivating and has made the meetings really helpful. Most recently, in preparation for the Christmas holidays, “This really helped me think about we completed a questionnaire to help us reflect on our which areas I need to improve on to own strength and weaknesses, as well as a priority grid make me more efficient, as well as that focused our attention on what we really need to what tasks need to be done by when.” (James Wade). concentrate on over the next few weeks. “This really helped me think about which areas I need to improve on to make me more efficient, as well as what tasks need to be done by when.” (James Wade). As well as being another person to talk to about concerns with our GCSEs, our mentors are also always there to help with anything else we need, such as sixth form applications or exam preparation for specific subjects. Big up to all dem mentors! Miss Hourmouzious

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Messages from Your Heads of House Green House Considering the hard work of the students and staff it has been a disappointing first two terms of this academic year finishing in last place! Although, the silver lining is that it is one of the closest run InterHouse competitions in years. So there is still hope! This year has seen the introduction of student led assemblies and these have been of an incredibly high standard and very successful. Well done to Mr Ferreira and Miss Hourmouzios and their tutor groups for their productions. The Green House senior students have been working hard and there has been great competition for places. The latest place being awarded to Tim Fay from Year 11. Any interested students are encouraged to write a short letter to their Head of House outlining their skills and qualities that would make them good senior students. The next two terms are very important for Green House. As the Champion House from last year it is very important to be back in winning ways. I am certain the students will turn the situation around and it will be a very successful two terms and come Easter, Green will be the colour called last! I would like to use the words of General George S. Patton, the American general, 1885-1945, as a motto for the next term in Green House... ―Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.‖ Mr Easton, Head of Green House

Blue House Last term ended with success again for Blue House as we finished 1 st in the house point standings for the last 2 terms. This is not unfamiliar territory for us at the start of the year but it is important that we keep up the hard work to try and finish in 1 st place at the end of the school year. It has been encouraging to see since the start of September how dedicated and focused many of the Blue House students are and long may it continue. With the introduction of the new House point scoring system it is really great to see how close the competition is between all Houses. It does go to show that in previous years when Blue House have not won there may have been sinister reasons behind this. I am proud to announce that Abimbola Fashina (Year 12) has been appointed the new Head Student for Blue House with Victor Aregbesola-Allen (Year 13) as her number 2. I wish both students the best of luck in their new roles. The Blue House senior students do an incredible job with their charity topic and worked really hard in organising the message wall for “children in need” last term. This rose to well over £800 and it was really good to see some nice messages sent to those less privileged. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students, but especially Blue House, good luck in the upcoming A‟s and GCSE exams. I am sure that if you remain focussed and work hard you will receive the success that you desire. Long live Blue House! Mr Cook, Head of Blue House

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Red House Last term Red House finished in fourth place, not the best result but we still have some time to pick up our game and climb to the top. Red House have been working hard on their Competition Day, we have some lovely models of the Great Wall of China, the Hollywood sign and Lapland. We have also had some lovely quizzes and a brilliant House newsletter produced by Mr Button‟s tutor group. I am looking forward to having music by Mrs Moulton and Mr Dennis during our assembly and to have two assemblies that will be taken by the students. I hope Red House will have a successful term and if you are in Red House please make sure you get loads of House points! Ms Velasco-Tapia, Head of Red House

Silver House Silver House have been working really hard and have already secured an Enterprise win and a 3 rd place in the Christmas standings. During tutor time we have been particularly `creative‟. Mr Keary‟s group produced the pyramids whilst Mr Agbakoba‟s group have produced a fantastic design for trainers. Particular shout outs to the Silver House boys who are currently enjoying a great run with the Year 11 football team, Chris Adedun, Kala Beredugo, Kenny Mosuro, Pelumi Osibona and Daniel Grigg. Our Senior Students continue to work hard. Last term they set up the Wednesday afternoon Careers Club, organised the Enterprise Competition and attended several meetings about helping the work experience team. Jack Springham (Year 13) continues to do a fantastic job leading the team and if you fancy getting involved go and see him in Miss Forster‟s tutor group. Well I‟m sure that we will continue to do well. Look out for the new Enterprise Competition and lets see if we can finish higher than 3rd!!! Miss Walker, Head of Silver House

Yellow House Yellow House are off to a good start this academic year. We sit in 2 nd position overall in the House point competition. Our achievements so far are all down to the hard work, dedication and rewards earned by the Yellow House students. The competition is very close so we need to keep up the hard work to make sure we overtake Blue House to take the lead at the next celebration assembly. Yellow House senior students lead by Judith Apiyo (Year 13) have been working their socks off and doing some fantastic work with the new starters, Year 7 and the primary students to ensure a smooth transition in to the secondary section of the academy. There is some fantastic work going on during tutor time and the students have produced some excellent models, trainer designs, brain gyms and quizzes to name a few. I would like to wish our 6 th form and Year 11 students best of luck in their upcoming exams and spur them on to keep up the hard work for the last few months. Keep smashing it my yellow lovelies!!!!! Miss Clark, Head of Yellow House

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Success at Slam Poetry Event Daniel Alabi and Dammi Adegoke from Year 10 were given the opportunity to participate at a National Young Peoples event to perform their slam poetry. This poetry was developed through both English lessons and a 2 hour workshop from the production company OSMO. Their performance was live streamed on the internet and will be published on the website in due course. This opportunity shows both student‟s talents and fantastic ability to engage an audience. Their commitment to the performance was noticed by all observers. Miss Gunstone said, “the students were phenomenal – the highlight of the whole event”. Daniel Alabi said, “The opportunity to speak in front of young people was very motivational because the speeches that were shared in the event were inspirational. I believe every young person should hear them and have a chance of participate”. It is a pleasure that The Business Academy Bexley can share Daniel and Dammi‟s success. Miss Gunstone, English

Stop Look Listen Stop Look Understand; Understand that great men are not always wise. That wisdom comes alone through suffering. That wise men, hear one word and understand two. That wise people; wise people. Stop Look Listen, Stop Look and understand. They say bend over, bend over, bender over. The great men say don’t get high off your own supply Mama said knock you out.

Stop, Look, Listen by Dammi Adegoke

But I say You’re that star up in the sky, You’re that mountain peek up high You’re the world’s greatest, So don’t think you’ve have failed, You just found 10,000 ways it doesn’t work. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger So Stop Look Know your greatest fear is not that you are inadequate. Your greatest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure. Know, its your light not darkness that most frightens you So shine and give permission for people around you to do the same. Be the picture that speaks mighty words. For the lord said unto we, say not we’re children. We might be small but our pen mighty. For our pen is mightier than the sword. But before we go into battle. Stop look Believe.

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Congratulations to our Year 11 students who recently took exams in English and Maths. They did remarkably well. This is an important step to unlocking doors to your future. Well done and keep up the good work! 94% of students who took the English and Maths passed both exams with A*-C. Mrs Tomlin, Assistant Headteacher - Learning Provision KS3 & KS4

Thank you to all parents who came along to our year 11 parentsâ€&#x; evening. Parents had the opportunity to discuss studentsâ€&#x; education and any concerns direct with the subject teachers. Mrs Tomlin, Assistant Headteacher - Learning Provision KS3 & KS4

Parent Council (Secondary) Meeting The Parent Council (Secondary) met for the first time on 11 th January 2011. This was an extremely successful meeting, which discussed the following: Communication with parents How parents can be more involved with the Academy Homework Holiday Clubs and activities If you would like to attend these meetings or receive the minutes, please contact me at the Academy. We currently have 25 active members but will always welcome new parents. The date of the next meeting is Monday 7th March 6.30-7.30pm (buffet and hot drinks provided). Guy Hewson, Assistant Headteacher - Learning, Enrichment and Cohesion

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The Academy Uniform List All students Academy blazer Academy jumper (optional) - No other jumpers allowed Boys


Plain white school shirt

White revered neck school blouse or

Academy tie

plain white school shirt

Charcoal grey trousers

Charcoal grey skirt or

Black socks

Charcoal grey trousers Black or white socks or black tights

Shirts and blouses may be long or short sleeved but must be tucked in. Ties should be full length with a standard knot. Socks and tights must be plain. Shoes Plain black low heeled (trainers, sandals and open-backed shoes are not acceptable). P.E Kit Academy polo shirt Academy sweatshirt (optional) Academy shorts or joggers Academy socks Trainers / Boots Rain jacket (optional) Gum shield / shin pads / sun hat / sun protection (optional) Outdoor Coats / Rainwear Plain coats, jackets, anoraks or parkas may be worn to and from the Academy but must not be worn in the Academy (a Cloakroom is available to leave coats securely). No hats allowed in the building. Jewellery A watch and one small pair of small ear studs may be worn at the owner's risk (any other form of body or facial piercing is not allowed). Make Up If worn, make up should be unobtrusive (nail varnish must not be worn). Electrical equipment Telephones must be turned off and put out of sight. No earphones connected to MP3 players or similar. Music players with headphones may be used out of the building during breaks but we advise against bringing them to school.

Please remember that UGG BOOTS are NOT allowed to be worn in the Academy

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Would You Like to Receive Your Newsletters by Email? No more paper and guaranteed delivery Please email: In your email please include: Your full name Your child/children’s full name/s and Year Group/s

Let‟s Get Cooking! At the end of November students in the Learning Development Centre (LDC) enjoyed planning and preparing healthy lunches as part of their ASDAN Award. They had to discuss and research what constitutes a healthy diet and the Recommended Daily Allowance for their targeted age group. The students were split into three groups and they decided what to prepare. They decided on Tuna Pasta (using wholemeal pasta and low calorie mayonnaise), Pitta Pizzas (using wholemeal pitta) and wholemeal chicken and bacon wraps. Each group worked together to prepare their healthy lunch and then we all sat down together to evaluate the dishes i.e. eat them!! This activity helped them to identify healthy, tasty and easy to prepare lunches as well as improving their social skills and provide evidence for their award portfolio. Mrs Denise Fuller, ‘Let’s Get Cooking Coordinator’

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The Prefect Factor

Have you got what it takes to be an English Core Prefect? Being a Core Prefect is a perfect opportunity to show that you are one of the leaders within the school. As a Core Prefect you can set an excellent example for other students, support the English Teachers, assist on Open Days, organise events and carry out a number of important duties. As a team, we are looking to recruit the best students with proactive attitudes who would like to make the English Department an even more positive and inspiring place to be. For more information on how you can join this dynamic and forward moving team: contact Ms Baugh in Room 249, your English Teacher or a member of the Core Prefects Team. We look forward to hearing from you. The English Core Prefects Team: Leading the Way

Accelerated Reader At the start of the year all year 7 students started to use Accelerated Reader in their library and English lessons. Accelerated Reader is a computer based reading program that is used to improve reading ages. At the start of the year all students take a reading test that gives us their reading age and a level so students can be shown appropriate and exciting books. When these books have been finished students take a comprehension quiz on the computer. When Accelerated Reader started a fierce competition to see what class could be the top AR class this term began and with a tin of chocolates for the class to share at stake. Several different classes were constantly vying for first place right up until the last week of term but in the end 7P4t fought off all the competition and took a well deserved ‗....well done to all the first place. Year 7 classes for working so hard at We would like to say well done to all the year 7 classes for working so Accelerated Reader.....‘ hard at Accelerated Reader and we‟re hoping their hard work will continue into the new year and beyond. If anyone has any questions about Accelerated Reader please contact myself or a member of the English department. Mrs Allen, Librarian

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Welcome to the FLO Column In each Newsletter I will be providing you with ideas, advice and money saving tips. All about me: My role at the Academy is to support families who are in need. If you would like to talk to me about any issues, please telephone or drop in to make an appointment. What Are You Entitled to: There are so many schemes and benefits out there and all the criteria and paper work can be a little overwhelming. A great website which is simple and easy to use is Once you fill in your information it shows you what you are entitled to claim and has direct links to online application forms. Here at the Academy we are trying to encourage all parents who are entitled to them to apply for Free School Meals, even if your child has packed lunch. If you think you are entitled or are unsure please contact me for more information. New Year Pinch January is the time we all tighten our belts in more ways than one. Check out This website is full of money saving tips, grants and advice. It is free to use. Focus on Special Needs For parents of children with special needs or children with suspected special needs, it can be a very isolating and emotional experience. It can feel like there is no one who understands and everybody is talking at you rather than with you. But there is help out there. Bexley SNAP provide a range of services for for full information.






Bexley Adult Education also run a parenting course designed around parenting children with special needs. Check out

Until next time, Terri McCann, Family Liaison Officer

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SALON OPENING TO THE PUBLIC The Salon staff and students would like to welcome you to our „Friday Dry Styling Hour‟ between 8.30-9.30am. Our Year 10s will be providing dry styling services for all staff and parents. Services include: Curling £4 Straightening £2 Dry Set £2 Please support the students and at the same time have fun and a little pamper! Please contact the salon to book an appointment on 0208 320 4800 EXT 4878. Shortly we will also be having an Open Salon Day on Mondays with Post 16. Watch out for further details.

Guess Who‟s Coming to Christmas Dinner? On Thursday 16th December in the library a new game called Guess Who‘s Coming to Christmas Dinner took place at lunchtime. Twelve famous book characters had left their belongings behind after Christmas dinner in the library and everyone taking part had to work out who had been there. We had a wide variety of “guests” including Sherlock Holmes, James Bond and Goldilocks. It was a hard fought competition and but in the end the winners were: Marsha Turner - Year 11 Jia Yue Li - Year 8 Kerrianne Booker - Year 8 Charlie Bunn - Year 7 Well done to everyone who took part. Mrs Allen, Librarian

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Football Latest! ENGLISH SCHOOLS CUP Our Year 11‘s are through to the next round—the last 32!




Goal Scorers: Louis Glazebrook and Jeff Allen


Term Dates Spring 2011 Term 3

Tuesday 4 January – Friday 18 February Term Break 21-25 February Inset Monday 28 February

Term 4

Tuesday 1 March – Friday 8 April Easter Break – 11-25 April Inset – Tuesday 26 April

Summer 2011 Term 5

Wednesday 27 April – Friday 27 May (May Bank Holiday - Monday 2 May) Term Break 30 May-3 June

Term 6

Monday 6 June – Friday 22 July

Dates for Your Diary January 2011 27th Year 9 Subject Parent Evening and Full Reports February 2011 10th Year 9 Options Evening March 2011 31st Years 12 & 13 Subject Parent Evening and Interim Reports April 2011 7th

Year 7 Subject Parent Evening and Interim Reports

May 2011 12th Year 8 Subject Parent Evening and Full Reports June 2011 Year 7 Full Reports (to be posted) 9th

Year 9 Tutor Parent Evening and Interim Reports

July 2011 Year 12 Full Reports 14th Year 10 Subject Parent Evening and Full Reports

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