Where the individual matters and achievement shines through
The School Aims We are committed to: • providing a caring, well-disciplined environment where students, whatever their ability, learn to enjoy working hard to fulfil their potential • providing all students with the knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal maturity necessary for success in the 21st Century • recognising and celebrating excellence in academic, creative, practical and social achievements • instilling mutual respect and understanding between staff and students • fostering courtesy and co-operation to create a stable atmosphere in which the rights and needs of others are respected • promoting a sense of responsibility and service to the community on a local, national and international scale
A Harris Centre of Excellence
Message from the Headteacher Cator Park is an oversubscribed Foundation school driven by high academic expectations of students of all abilities and guided by traditional values. We are a Specialist School in Technology and the Performing Arts – the first school in the country to achieve this combined status. We were also the first school in the area to gain the prestigious International School Award, while we have gained the ArtsMark Gold award three times in recognition of our commitment to arts education. We make no apologies for demanding from our students the very best at all times. As our recent track record shows, this is a school with ambition, a vision and a very exciting future. At Cator Park there is a culture of continual improvement and our successes have been recognised not just locally but nationally as well. For the past four consecutive years we have been identified as one of the most improved schools in the country and I was honoured to be invited to 10 Downing Street to receive, on behalf of all my staff and students, the congratulations of the Prime Minister. Our 5+ A*–C GCSE results have increased by almost 100% in four years and students at ‘A’ level are achieving top grades in subjects as diverse as Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Philosophy and Ethics, Law, Russian, History, Government and Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Drama, Dance, Technology and all three Sciences. The 6th Form has been ranked in the top 10% nationally for student progress and quality of teaching for the past three years. I am so proud of what Cator Park, its students and its staff are achieving.
“ The Headteacher’s passionate and committed leadership is the driving force behind the school’s ongoing improvement.” – Ofsted
Cator Park is a school where the individual really does matter and where the academic and social development of our young women is at the heart of everything we do. Come and visit us, and you too will feel the “buzz” around the school that so many of our visitors talk about. Headteacher – Meryl Davies
“ There is a determination to ensure that all the girls, whatever their social and educational background, receive the best possible education.” – Ofsted 1
“ Students’ contribution to the community, both within the school and more widely, is outstanding.” – Ofsted
Links with other Schools We have excellent links with all our local schools, and our students and staff are regularly engaged in joint projects through our Leading Edge links. We work closely with our partner primary schools and our students are frequently called upon to perform or organise activities with other schools and in the local community.There may even be several events running concurrently in the school: primary children coming in for Design and Technology workshops, for example, whilst secondary aged students may be meeting for a thinking skills day or taking part in a drama workshop with professional actors. We are a host school for Specialist Trust events and, recently, students from twenty schools in the South East London area attended a conference on ‘Student Voice’, opened by our Head Girl. Our links extend overseas – we have friends as far away as Russia, Serbia, Uganda, Tanzania, Malaysia and China.
The School Community Your daughter will be welcomed into our Cator Park community as soon as an offer of a place is made. Her Head of Year will visit her in her primary school and talk to her teachers. She will have already spent a day with her new teachers and friends. Each girl is assigned an older ‘buddy’ who will help her settle in. Each year group has a Head of Year who is responsible for the oversight of the academic and pastoral welfare of the girls in that year group. These experienced staff stay with them throughout the school, getting to know their families very well. She will be placed in a mixed ability tutor group, organised in Houses, and will meet with her personal tutor daily. She will be set for most lessons and taught in mixed ability groups for the others. Also, a student may find herself in different sets for different subjects. Her academic progress is tracked and communicated with you each term and there may be set movement according to progress made.You will also be able to view her academic progress, attendance and punctuality online at any time by using your unique access code. You have several opportunities throughout the year to meet either with her tutor or her teachers. Particularly gifted students can fast track beyond their chronological year in certain subjects and will, in any case, have access to a range of extension activities co-ordinated by a team of experienced teachers. Students requiring extra help have additional in-class support. Again, there is a team of specialist teachers in school trained to identify and meet all needs.
Celebrating Success
The Curriculum
knowledge, skills, qualifications, personal maturity and technical know-how necessary for success in the 21st century. It is structured to allow students opportunities to personalise their learning by choosing courses appropriate to their talents, interests and future plans. More unusual subjects include Russian, Latin and Philosophy and Ethics. At Key Stage 4, every student is encouraged to choose a Technology or Performing Arts subject in her examination choices to reflect our specialism. Homework, which is set in all subjects, is an essential element of class learning in that it develops independent study skills and organisation. Students also have the opportunity to use online curriculum resources.
Our curriculum is broad, exciting and unique in the variety of subjects offered. We encourage the development of an inquisitive mind and aim to equip our students with the
More details about our curriculum, organisation of teaching groups and homework are contained in the booklet that accompanies this prospectus.
Recognising and celebrating student success is key to our commitment to raising achievement at Cator Park. A student receives an individual praise in every lesson for punctuality, organisation and homework.This in turn leads to school prizes and letters home. Conversely, she can also lose her praise. Any conduct which disrupts learning or makes another student feel uncomfortable is dealt with straight away. Our expectations are clearly understood by all and consistently applied by our experienced teachers.
Post Sixteen The majority of our girls stay on in our flourishing coeducational sixth form and benefit from the opportunities to take on whole school responsibilities and participate in a wide range of extra- curricular activities, conferences and industrial challenges. Leadership and communication skills are developed through taking on prefect duties and other posts of responsibility. The Head Girl and her senior prefects make a major and enthusiastic contribution to the school by organising charity events, running the Listening Service and helping younger students with their learning. There is a wide range of subjects offered, with thirty AS and A level subjects and applied subjects such as Health and Social Care and Performing Arts. The majority of our
“ Teachers offer good academic and personal guidance, promoting high aspirations.” – Ofsted students continue their education at University or Colleges of Higher Education and are fully supported throughout the application process. Students are given academic and pastoral guidance through their personal tutors and academic co-ordinator. Their progress throughout the sixth form is closely tracked and monitored. Sixth formers have their own common room with catering facilities, a supervised independent study area and an ICT suite.
“ Students enjoy their school life and the subjects they study.” – Ofsted 5
“Students, parents and staff are rightly proud of all the improvements seen in the school.” – Ofsted
School Facilities The school is situated in a leafy green area on the Beckenham/Penge borders with excellent transport links. Our eleven-acre site includes two sports fields, a running track, netball courts, a gymnasium, sports hall, new dance and fitness facilities and a large nature reserve. Our newest buildings include three extra classrooms, a large conference area, a modern library and resource centre, exciting new drama and music classrooms and a recording studio. We have six network rooms equipped with the latest computers and networked multi-media interactive white boards in every classroom. The computer to student ratio is roughly one to three. Students also have access to a ceramics kiln room, a media studies studio and three fully equipped food technology rooms. All subjects are taught in specialist areas.
Enrichment Opportunities We believe that a stimulated student is a successful student, so learning does not stop at the classroom door, or at the end of the school day. Many lunchtime and after school clubs are on offer – our girls can find themselves performing music in the Bromley Prom, drama at the local Theatre, presenting filmed research on Bernstein at the Royal Festival Hall, competing in a quiz in Russian with the boys at Eton, or representing London in debating finals at the House of Commons. The school hosts regular workshops on many varied activities. There are sporting clubs daily, as well as training for the various teams. Our students regularly win awards in netball and athletics competitions. The competitive spirit is alive and well at Cator Park. The school’s exceptional programme of foreign trips provides wonderful opportunities for travel and new cultural experiences. Our World Challenge students’ last visit was to China and the next one is to India. We also provide customised after school and holiday revision programmes for students preparing for public examinations. The library and computer rooms are open throughout the day for independent study and the new breakfast bar and internet café open at 7.45am daily.
CATOR PARK SCHOOL Lennard Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1QR Tel: 020 8778 5917 Fax: 020 8778 2043 Email:
Buses: 54, 75, 194, 227, 356, 358 Trains: New Beckenham Station, Kent House Station Tram: Beckenham Road
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Transport to and from Cator Park School