Charles Dickens School Prospectus 2024

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Expect, Believe, Achieve

Welcome to The Charles Dickens School

We are extremely proud of our school community, where staff work tirelessly to support our pupils to do their best.

Pupils’ CDS experience is a combination of academic progress and character development so that when they leave us they are confident, resilient and successful young people ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

To deliver this experience, we have excellent facilities for teaching and learning, and a talented, dedicated staff. We are part of the Barton Court Academy Trust, which has a long-standing reputation for educational excellence.

Our track record of delivering on this commitment is there for all to see. School Performance Tables demonstrate that CDS has become one of the most improved schools in the country and the highest-performing non-selective school in East Kent. This is a wonderful time for your child to join our school community.

“ Trustees and governors are highly ambitious for the school. The Trust provides valuable expertise and support. Governors are knowledgeable and encouraging.”

Values & Character

We take our responsibility for educating the whole child very seriously.

We have a happy, caring school community where relationships are underpinned by our ethos, derived from the acronym CARE – compassion, aspiration, resilience and enthusiasm

Compassion for each other

Aspiration for pupils to want to achieve their best

Resilience for when the going gets tough

Enthusiasm to embrace new challenges

Pupils are taught these, and acquire them through opportunities we provide.

We are committed to supporting our pupils in building good character, helping them make good choices, flourish as individuals and make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. We track this through the opportunities caught, sought and taught through the curriculum and the wide-range of extra-curricular activities we offer.

A key aspect of character education is the development of pupils’ cultural capital, delivered through the provision of important cultural activities we think every child should have access to. These include a canon of important pieces of literature which we think everyone should read, theatre visits, gallery workshops, museum visits and skills-based activities such as first aid.

Pupils’ contribution and school experience is charted in a very traditional way through badges on their blazer. Their blazer is their story.

The development of our values and the building of character leads pupils to fulfilling our mission… Expect, Believe, Achieve.

“ The school provides many memorable opportunities. Pupils value these opportunities, as well as their roles and responsibilities. These include head students, school prefects and sports captains, as well as anti-bullying ambassadors. The school has an extensive extra-curricular offer.”


“ Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong, and pupils say that they are always happy to help. Lesson planning ensures that knowledge is revisited with an emphasis on remembering and retaining. Assessment is used effectively with regular reviews and evaluations so that gaps in learning are quickly addressed.”


We have very high expectations for our pupils, both in the way they conduct themselves and their learning attitudes. We have equally high expectations of our staff in being excellent role models and through their skill in facilitating learning.

Our expectations begin with absolute clarity in our vision for learning, communicated to parents through our Curriculum Handbook, Knowledge Organisers and Learning Frames. You wouldn’t set out on a journey without knowing where you’re going, and neither would we. We are very clear about the knowledge pupils need to acquire to do well, and we know this supports parents in navigating a successful path through secondary education.

Our curriculum is challenging and ambitious. All pupils in Years 7 and 8 follow the National Curriculum with a strong academic core and high-quality provision in the arts, humanities, languages and sport. In Years 9 to 11 pupils have the opportunity to study a wide range of GCSE and Technical qualifications designed to meet the needs and interests of all learners. We offer clear pathways to sixth form, further education and ultimately to fulfilling careers.

“ The school has high expectations for behaviour and conduct. These expectations are commonly understood and consistently applied. Leaders, staff and pupils create a positive environment in which bullying is not tolerated.” OFSTED 2023


The totality of the educational experience we provide, combined with our strong academic performance, is designed to instil in all pupils a belief that they can be successful.

Much of this work is undertaken by the pastoral teams who ensure your child is known and cared for. Pupils are placed in a tutor group with a Form Tutor who will become a familiar point of contact for parents. Heads of Year have overall responsibility for the pastoral care and academic progress of their year group and play an important role in ensuring pupils’ needs are met, and all can achieve well.

Our most able are challenged through their teachers’ high expectations in lessons, and also through an extensive gifted and talented programme which provides regular links with, and visits to, universities and employers. Academically and through the arts and sport, we will ensure any pupil who exhibits exceptional talent will be nurtured to excel.

Beyond the classroom, pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 engage with the LORIC programme – an umbrella to evidence their leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication. Our outstanding careers programme ensures that we raise aspirations for all pupils.

“ Careers provision is strong. The school has good links with schools and colleges to support all curriculum pathways, including apprenticeships.” OFSTED 2023

“ The curriculum is ambitious and well planned. It is suitably sequenced across all years. It is hierarchical and developmental. Content is carefully matched to the national curriculum.”



What emerges from the combination of high expectations and pupils’ inner belief that they can be successful, is achievement – as scholars and as citizens.

CDS has become the highest-performing non-selective school in East Kent, and through the same period, one of the most improved schools in the country*. More pupils than ever before have been able to access Level 3 qualifications (A Levels and their equivalent) and as a result, have greater opportunity to fulfil their aspirations.

CDS is an accredited Thinking School, and because of the education pupils have received, they leave with thinking tools to support them in their life-long learning, particularly with more complex problem-solving and creativity. They are skilled in working collaboratively in teams and enjoy new friendships, are happy to take on positions of responsibility and have strong core values.

*Based on P8 score 2023. Schools Week, the education newspaper identified CDS as the 8th most improved school in the country with above average % of PP, between 2019 and 2023.

“ Behaviour and attitudes are very positive. A strong work ethic pervades. Pupils are focused on their lessons. They listen attentively to the teacher and one another. Relationships are harmonious, kind and supportive.” OFSTED 2023

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