The Headteacher’s ambition of creating a first-class education for the local community has been achieved through his passion for setting high standards and aspirations for staff and students .
A GOLD SC Welcome to Cranford Community College an 11–19 multi-cultural academy with a community based mission. The school and its community are rightly proud of the tremendous achievements of our pupils and staff and the recognition the school achieves nationally and at GCSE and A level as a result of their efforts. Cranford students and teachers out-perform the national trends. The relentless drive for high standards and achievement has resulted in impressive grades promoting greater life chances for all our students. The school is accredited by OFSTED as being consistently ‘Outstanding’ over time in Teaching, Achievement, Behaviour, Leadership & Management and all other aspects of the Ofsted framework, such as spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
achievement of pupils
is outstanding OFSTED
HOOL A catalogue of awards continues to endorse the high achievement and rapid progress that the pupils and the school make relentlessly year on year. The exemplary work of the school is shared with other schools locally, nationally and internationally. Cranford plays a key role in the Mayor’s Gold Club, as a ‘Leading Edge’ school, within the Challenge Partners network in association with the ‘National College for Teaching & Leadership’, for example. Pupils and staff also benefit from Cranford’s leadership of a ‘Teaching School’ Alliance, a ‘Science Learning Partnership’ across 8 London boroughs and its projects with partners such as the Institute of Physics and key universities.
within our student and staff population. The success of the school is due to the dedicated staff that make all these things happen and to pupils, parents and ‘friends of Cranford’ who participate so enthusiastically and work so hard for success. In this way, Cranford works together as a united and harmonious team to achieve such amazing results and create so many opportunities. I remain extremely proud of the school, its students and its community. Cranford is how an outstanding school should look. Kevin Prunty Executive Headteacher and Director, National Leader of Education
It is always amazing to reflect upon the enormous range of curricular and extra-curricular events, activities, trips and enrichment opportunities that have helped to develop and realise the potential and the differing talents that exist
The overall quality of teaching over time is outstanding. Teachers and teaching assistants have high expectations of students and make sure that work is carefully matched to their different abilities .
OUTSTANDING Cranford Community College provides all students with a broad, balanced, dynamic and personalised curriculum. Students are constantly challenged to ensure that they learn at a rapid pace. Teachers are highly skilled and are deeply committed to making sure that each student achieves the highest academic standards.
quality of teaching
is outstanding OFSTED
Students’ behaviour leads to a highly positive climate for learning. Staff have high expectations of behaviour and share these with students during tutorial sessions .
IN ALL AREAS Students behave in an exemplary manner. Excellent relationships between students and staff support the highly positive learning culture that permeates the school.
behaviour & safety of pupils
are outstanding OFSTED
THE CUTTING EDGE The school is committed to innovation and prides itself in being at the forefront of national and international developments. The school encourages staff to further their subject and teaching expertise through higher level university study and school based research.
Working with its partners, Cranford plays a pivotal role in leading the development of the education system so that our students and staff benefit from the most up to date opportunities, educational practice and new learning technologies. Cranford’s long term strategic vision includes an enhanced commitment to a ‘Global Perspective’ and learning from the best performing education systems across the world.
leadership & management
are outstanding OFSTED
Teachers use highly effective ways of encouraging students to think for themselves‌.They seize opportunities in lessons to develop students’ moral, spiritual, and social skills .
Cranford Community College has been designated a “Teaching School” by the Department for Education. We only recruit outstanding teachers and those that show the potential to be so, including former students who have returned wanting to ‘give back’ to our local community. We provide an extensive training programme for all staff to ensure that they remain highly skilled, well-motivated and highly qualified. Cranford’s teachers lead outstanding learning which translates into outstanding student progress and outcomes.
A COMMUNITY The school has a mission of ‘Transforming the Community’. Cranford is thoroughly integrated within the local community and is focused on driving improvement within and beyond our local area. The school ensures that the young people of Cranford and its surrounding areas achieve as highly as possibly in every educational and social field. We promote the wider curriculum including personal development and extracurricular activities. At Cranford students are given the kind of life changing experiences which help them to mature into confident successful adults.
Religious education lessons, assemblies and the ‘W’ Factor activities, which include regular contributions from community volunteers, are greatly valued by all students. They actively explore spiritual beliefs, cultural, moral and social values and, as a result, the school is a strong, unified community .
REMARKABLE PLACE The school provides excellent guidance to ensure that you are on the right course and the pathway that is best for you and your future. Everyone has high expectations.
The sixth form continues to build its reputation of excellence with students gaining places at top Russell Group universities each year including Oxford and Cambridge.
The wide range of extra-curricular clubs and amazing opportunities help develop your wider education and create a real passion for learning and love of what you study.
Cranford’s sixth form is definitely the place to be successful and achieve.
The Supervised Study Centres provide a quiet place of study with a dedicated Centre Manager to support and guide you with your learning.
Head Girl and Head Boy
In the sixth form, students make outstanding progress and GCE A level standards, including the number of high A* to B grades, are above the national average .
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