Danecourt School Prospectus

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A Quality Provision At Danecourt we are guided by the principle of normalization, and aim to provide the highest quality provision and opportunities to maximise our pupil’s achievement and self esteem. The school is located on a large, well maintained site just off the A2 in Gillingham, offering an excellent learning environment for up to 118 pupils, with moderate and specific learning difficulties. The school is arranged in 11 class bases, has a discrete autism unit and in addition we have an enhanced speech and language facility. We offer a full Primary curriculum entitlement differentiated to allow access for all pupils, and this is supplemented by enhanced curricular opportunities.


ported We believe that a go od learning environm ent stems from a com teaching staff who wor mitted k as a team to suppor t al l ch ildren. • We pro

vide a happy, secure and stable environment • We give a high level of individual support • We work in partnership with parents • We help children to de velop communication, so cial and self help skills


Personal Development and Wellbeing Every child matters at Danecourt, and in addition to an appropriate curriculum we offer a high level of care and support. We work closely with families, social services and health to resolve difficulties and maximise pupil progress. We hold the Healthy Schools Standard, and we aim to ensure pupils take adequate physical exercise, eat and drink healthily in school and understand how to live a healthy lifestyle. We pride ourselves on our pupil’s attitudes towards school, and it was noted by Ofsted that “Pupils like school and they have a trusting and supporting relationship with staff and feel safe.”

“ Our child’s confidence in himself and what he can achieve has grown considerably this year.” – Danecourt Parent


Achievements and Standards Our pupils have a wide range of additional educational needs, but all learners make good progress relative to their starting points and capabilities. We set challenging targets through Individual Education Plans, and pupil progress is facilitated through small class sizes and well trained staff. Our PE and ICT facilities are excellent which enhances pupil achievement in these areas. We recognise and celebrate all academic and personal achievements through certification, assemblies and trophies.

“ Particular strengths are the pupils’ development of their numeracy, literacy and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills.” – Ofsted


ations hers have high expect ac te n he w st be d ee ren succ We believe that child relevant d and that is enriched, balance • We deliver a curriculum l targets set challenging individua to t en sm ses as e us We • possible ards of behaviour instream peers wherever • We expect high stand ma ir the h wit n joi to s ies for our pupil • We provide opportunit


ssful We believe that succes s is important to every individual and to have that success reco gnized encourages furt her achievement • We measure success in many wa

ys across the range of soc ial and academic achievem • We provide a range of ents opportunities to maximise suc ces s • We recognize every achie vement however small the step


Effectiveness in Meeting Additional Educational Needs We meet the individual needs and challenges of all learners, and allow all pupils to feel safe, valued and confident during their time at school. Our aim is that all our pupils leave as independent, healthy individuals with high self esteem, so they may continue their education as active learners.

“ Pupils are well prepared for the future through the development of their independence and self-advocacy skills.”– Ofsted


Views of Stakeholders “ We are so happy with Danecourt and ‘A’. The school is the most wonderful thing to happen to us for ‘A’.” – Danecourt Parent

“ The attention received has been outstanding. Everyone is working so hard to help… in every way, because the children are valued, respected and accepted for who they are.”

– Danecourt Parent

“ An excellent working atmosphere for the writing activity. The session was enhanced by the teachers posing of questions which extended and enhanced the children’s descriptions. The writing activity was undertaken well by the children who worked hard. They were well supported by skillful TAs.” – Danecourt School Governor on observing a lesson


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Danecourt School

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