David Game College Prospecuts

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& respected a leading

FORCE in independent education

David Game College is committed to providing a complete educational experience for all its students. The College






examinations is demanding and that entering into the best universities is now highly competitive. We hope that through joining David Game College, your journey will be rewarding and above all successful.

David Game College



Welcome to DGC


Why choose DGC


The DGC teaching method


One year courses at DGC


Two year courses at DGC


Academic support at DGC


Pastoral care at DGC


How to apply to DGC


The staff at DGC


DGC links with universities




How to find DGC

Welcome to David Game College, set at the heart of one of the world’s most diverse and dynamic cities. With a growing reputation both within the UK and also overseas, we deliver the highest quality of tuition and act as a proven stepping stone towards entry to the best universities in the United Kingdom. This prospectus can only give you a broad indication of the benefits of David Game’s student-focussed philosophy, our talented team and the way we balance traditional values with contemporary




ultimately makes David Game College so popular with students. For more information please visit our website or telephone to arrange an appointment. Thank you for considering David Game College.



Welcome to David Game College

stepping stone

a major

towards entry to the most

prestigious UNIVERSITIES in the United Kingdom

Established in 1974, the College under my

We have become particularly successful at

stewardship has always sought to offer a

placing students in the top twenty universities in

dynamic and special educational experience,

subjects ranging from Medicine to Law. Equally

providing students with the opportunity to

successful has been our University Foundation

develop and learn new skills. The basic purpose and

Programme, which now offers entry to almost every UK

benefit of any educational establishment is to enable students to


grow and learn in a structured environment, one that ultimately gets results and allows them to enter the university or career of

We encourage students to appreciate fully the importance

their choice. Our competence in achieving these aims focuses on

of intellectual values and rigour. In the Sciences, for example,

three factors: our tutors, the infrastructure that supports the tutors

we make sure that students understand that association or

and students, and the values that reinforce everything we do.

correlation does not always equate to causation. In this regard the College seeks to encourage intellectual curiosity and ensure

Our tutors are all extremely well qualified and experienced,

that all involved have the capability required to pass exams.

many being examiners in their subjects. Along with my

Our dedicated team keep up-to-date with all recent

senior staff, I take special care over the selection and

developments in examination specifications and university entry

monitoring of tutors’ performance. Backed up by small


classes and the tutorial method, this approach has contributed to our recognition as a leading and respected

I firmly believe that as Principal, my role is to provide leadership

force in independent education.

and steer the College in the right direction, thereby ensuring that students enter their chosen university and career path. This

We offer a wide range of courses at GCSE and A level for those

requires a certain level of attention to detail and I believe that this

students who wish to follow a more in-depth and traditional

approach has been one of the main reasons why we are still

route into university.

so popular with students. David Game


Students are encouraged to make friends and

Despite the constant changes in education within the UK and the introduction of various selection tests, David Game retains all of its traditional values, yet at the same time is a highly flexible and adaptable organisation.

form support groups.

Staff are friendly, respectful and respected.


Students relax in the canteen.

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." John Cotton Dana "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Brooks Adams "A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary." Thomas Carruthers "Education costs money, but then so does ignorance." Sir Claus Moser “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.� Albert Einstein


Why choose David Game College?

a considerable

reputation experienced

subject specialists student-focussed

& systems

Education provides us all with choices. The basic goal of every educational establishment is to ensure that each student can study in an atmosphere that encourages them to learn independently. David Game College has been striving for this – and succeeding – since 1974. Since its establishment, the College has acquired a reputation in successfully placing students at universities of their choice. A college, however, is only as good as its teaching staff and the infrastructure and culture that supports them. Not only does David Game College have extremely well qualified and experienced subject specialists, it also has purposely-designed systems that encourage a learning culture which focuses on students’ needs and constantly improves performance. Our experience enables us to: • deal with student queries and concerns knowledgeably and efficiently • identify and deal with possible problems as they arise, before they become major issues • cope with the relentless pace of change in education, and absorb changes as they arise • satisfy the ever-increasing and exacting demands of the regulatory bodies - Ofsted, BAC (British Accreditation Council), JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) • adapt and assimilate modern technologies and teaching methods into the delivery of our curriculum • commit to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and providing a safe and secure environment

Another important reason to choose David Game College is its genuine independence from other groups and their financial interests. Colleges, especially private colleges, are increasingly being acquired by large private equity groups whose general aim is growth and profit. Although there is nothing wrong in this per se, colleges that retain their independence with a sole owner can focus their efforts on more traditional teaching methods and can be more student-centred, thereby being less obsessed with financial performance and budgets. We have built our business model around students and any parent/guardian can arrange to come and see the Principal and owner of the business with one simple phone call.


The David Game College teaching method

it is

essential to promote


Our general philosophy is that it is essential to promote the joy of

Typically we have six to eight students in a class, with larger

knowledge and learning, whilst (simultaneously) maintaining the

groups (approx.12-15) in some Economics and Mathematics

sharpest possible focus on the demands of the examination – the

classes. The groups are small enough to ensure that each student

two are not contradictory. We also place great emphasis on the

receives a great degree of individual attention, but large enough

successful time management of our courses; it is essential that

to enable students to bounce ideas off each other, encouraged and

the teacher covers everything in the specification, knowing what

controlled by the skill and experience of the teacher.

to spend 20 minutes on, and which topics require 3 to 4 hours (or more). This is particularly true in the one-year A level intensive

Existing tutors are carefully monitored to ensure consistent good

course and the one-year GCSE programme.

practice and behaviour. New tutors are checked out and vetted before they can teach at the College. New tutors undergo

Regular testing is the cornerstone of the College’s successful

extensive background checks, have references taken and are

monitoring and evaluation of our students’ progress throughout

asked to two interviews, and are also required to complete

their courses of study. Tests are usually

an induction day during which

staged every two to three weeks, and

they must give a one-hour

wherever possible are composed

demonstration to senior staff

entirely of past examination questions

on a teaching topic as well as

set by the relevant awarding body.

take questions.


The College combines group teaching with student-centred learning.

Feedback and accountability are vital aspects in any College and at David Game we are ever mindful of the importance of engaging regularly with parents and guardians and ensuring that all involved have easy access to relevant staff. In addition: Our intranet allows parents and guardians to monitor and track student attendance and academic progress We have in place a text messaging system alerting parents to student absence We hold two parents’ evenings each academic year, one in November and one in March End-of-term reports are distributed at Christmas and at Easter At other times, parents and guardians may request an interim report, or a visit to the College by arrangement to discuss the student’s progress



Accounting Art & Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry English (as 1st lang.) English (as 2nd lang.) French Geography History Information Technology Leisure & Tourism Mathematics Photography Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Statistics Classes are structured, focusing on examination technique. In subjects such as art and photography, students are encouraged to explore their own ideas.

Other subjects (for example, languages) may be available on request, possibly restricted to Private Tuition.


One-year courses at David Game College


courses for

first time & raise


those seeking to



Our one-year GCSE course is suitable for both first time students and students who have taken GCSEs at another school and need to raise their grades. We have become very aware in recent years (from the number and nature of applications for GCSE examination entries from Private Candidates) that an ever-increasing number of parents are withdrawing their children from mainstream state education; home education is the intention. In practice this is not easy to implement successfully (particularly in the Sciences) and we would encourage parents in this situation to consider our GCSE course as a viable and logical alternative. Originally aimed at overseas centres, the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) has increasingly been adopted by UK centres as a valid and arguably more rigorous alternative to GCSE. The questions tend to be more traditional in both style and content, similar to the former “O� level in many respects. Since 2007, we have opted for IGCSE above GCSE in the majority of the subjects that we teach at this level.


Two-year courses at David Game College

A Levels: a tried

& trusted


for measuring

PROGRESS of students aged 16+

There are two AS/A level examination sessions in each academic

The merits and academic credibility of A levels have been much discussed and debated in recent years. It remains the case however that the qualification is still the gold standard that is used to measure the progress of students aged 16+. We do not believe that standards have significantly dropped and recognise the benefits that the new specifications have brought in all subjects, especially through the updating of content. To enter the best universities and most competitive courses, students normally take three full A level subjects (that is, AS + A2 in each subject) together with one extra subject at AS level. This will occupy two academic years.

year, January and May/June. The AS units (for written components) in all subjects are available in both sessions; all A2 units are available in May/June with many (but not all) staged in January as well, As before, students may attempt each unit as many times as they want to before aggregating or “cashing in” their banked unit marks to obtain the overall grade for the desired qualification, AS or A level. If you have taken your AS levels elsewhere and need to retake them, there are two possible courses of action: You may come to David Game College and follow the two-year A level course described above. Alternatively, it may be more appropriate – in the light of the AS marks obtained at your previous school or College – to enrol for our one year A level intensive course. In this course we cover every topic in the AS and A2 units of the subject, but with most of the time devoted to the more demanding A2 units. If you have completed your two-year A level course at another school or College and need to raise your grades, you should enrol for our one year A level intensive course as described above.


AS/A level Students who have just completed GCSE, IGCSE or overseas equivalent should enrol for the two-year A level course. An exceptionally hardworking, academically able student may also consider taking their A levels intensively in one year.

Subjects available as both one-year Intensive and two-year A Level Courses

Art & Design Accounting Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics English Literature French Geography History Information & Communication Technology Law Mathematics The College is well resourced with two art rooms, two fully equipped science laboratories, four computing suits, a dark room


and a spacious library.

Psychology Sociology Spanish Travel & Tourism

Other subjects (for example, languages) may be available on request, possibly restricted to Private Tuition.


At David Game, the academic potential of our students is carefully evaluated through close and consistent monitoring of their academic progress. To this end, each student is assigned a Personal Tutor (PT), who will meet them on a regular basis to evaluate their progress and discuss their career and educational goals. Working in collaboration with the Director of Studies, the PT serves as a first point of contact for students, and may be called upon at any time to provide assistance in various ways, whether by giving advice on homework, devising effective timemanagement strategies or resolving timetable clashes. An area of increasing concern for parents is the level of individual Audio-visual and e-learning

support offered. For GCSE students and those of Compulsory

are assimilated into traditional

School Age, the College provides several supervised library

teaching methods and staff

sessions per week, in which students are able to complete

encourage students to use

their homework and develop their research skills.

approved online resources.


Academic support at David Game College

UCAS students are personally

guided & advised about university entry

For AS and A Level students, we offer specialised guidance on

“Students feel well supported in their career pathways. For post CSA students, the focus is very much on university entrance and students are provided with targeted support for their university applications.�

university application and entry, with our Director of Studies on hand to steer students through every stage of the UCAS process, advising them on everything from A Level and degree subject choices to personal statement preparation and interview techniques. For those students seeking to study medicine at undergraduate level, we offer specific one-on-one preparation for the BMAT and the UKCAT as well as helping them to acquire the necessary work experience in the healthcare sector. For potential law students, we provide tailored advice and preparation for the LNAT as well as private tuition, and for those students applying to Oxford and Cambridge we offer continual support, mock interviews and private tuition in preparation for the Oxbridge entrance exam. Please visit our website at www.davidgame-group.com for further information.

From the 2008 Ofsted report


Pastoral care at David Game College

Our Personal Tutors aim to provide a strong pastoral support

The security and well-being of our students is paramount. We

service to the students in their care. However, the College also

operate a strict anti-bullying policy, and any student found to be

seeks to meet the non-academic and extracurricular needs of its

in violation of the policy is removed immediately from the College,

students through other means. For GCSE and Compulsory School

while our Personal Tutors provide a friendly, empathetic listening

Age students, we provide a Personal, Health and Social Education

ear for any student encountering personal or academic difficulties.

(PHSE) and Citizenship programme covering such topics as human rights, religious understanding, healthcare and the British legal

We maintain regular contact with the families of our students, and

system. Guest speakers are frequently invited to participate in our

encourage parents to monitor their child’s performance by logging

weekly assemblies. We believe that our PHSE programme is

on remotely to the intranet via the DG Parent Extranet, a

fundamental to the overall educational experience of our students.

confidential web-based system that allows communication and sharing of information between students, parents, tutors and administrators on a 24-hour basis. Parents and Guardians are also invited to two Parents’ Evenings



year, and may call at any time to arrange face-to-face or telephone meetings with staff to discuss their child’s progress.

security & well-being THE

of our students is



“Students’ behaviour is outstanding and their attitudes to learning are excellent. Both in and out of lessons, students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, recognising when they need to seek extra help and do further study. The students respond well to this approach. As a result, the College promotes a mature student atmosphere that prepares them well for adult life� From 2008 Ofsted Report

"The good quality of teaching and strong academic ethos ensure students make good progress. Students display very positive attitudes to learning and their behaviour is outstanding" From 2010 Ofsted Report


The College places emphasis on providing a safe and secure environment.

We make a point of getting to know all our students


How to apply to David Game College

presenting opportunities ENCOURAGING



POTENTIAL Please telephone us to arrange an appointment for you to visit the College. You will be given the opportunity to meet senior members of staff (usually one or both of the Vice Principals) and will be shown round the College. The Vice Principals are both practising teachers with a combined experience of over 50 years of classroom teaching in independent education, preparing students for entry to the most competitive university degree courses.

1 You will be given an accurate appraisal of your previous education and hence the viability of your

3 If a student is considered

proposed course, university

appropriate for the College,

targets and long term career

references may be

aims. We do everything

2 Once you have visited

requested, but the College

to encourage ambition;

the College, we will

is aware that some students

ambition however must

evaluate your application

can be given a second

be tempered by realism

in terms of its educational

chance in the case of

in terms of the student’s

viability, and then write

minor infringements

academic ability and

to you and let you know

at other establishments.

potential. We will not shy

if we are able to offer you

The College requires

away from giving honest

a place. If we make an

all enrolled students to

answers to your questions.

offer which you decide

sign up to a behaviour

to accept, you then need

policy, which is adhered

to complete an application

to and enforced.

form and pay a deposit to secure the enrolment.


The Staff at David Game College

David Game MA, MPhil College Principal : David holds an MA in Mathematics from New College, Oxford and an MPhil in Number Theory from University College London. Prior to establishing David Game College in 1974, David worked for several years as a Maths tutor in the West London area. As a tutor, he sought to convey his knowledge of and enthusiasm for mathematical concepts to his students, with great success. As Principal of David Game College and as Chairman of the David Game Group, he looks for the same combination of strong subject knowledge and enthusiasm when recruiting staff, selecting teachers and senior administrators on the basis not only of their academic credentials, but of their passion for and commitment to teaching. His is a direct and handson approach to management, and he is very much involved in the day-to-day running of the College. He recognises, however, that no organisation can operate successfully without the support of a strong and motivated team, and for David much of the College’s success can be attributed to the efforts of his staff, many of whom have been with the organisation for twenty years or more.

Michael Kahn MA (Oxon), PGCE


Co-Vice Principal : Since gaining an MA in Chemistry from Oriel College, Oxford and a PGCE from the University of Sussex, Michael has taught in a number of schools across the independent and state sectors, amassing over 30 years of teaching experience. He spent 17 years as a Vice Principal at another institution before joining David Game in 2006 and has written A Level Chemistry exam questions for Edexcel. Michael has been a Member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain since 1992, and alongside his other duties works as the Examinations Officer for the College, overseeing and monitoring the progress of AS and A Level students. He has a traditional approach to teaching, and is passionate about the value and relevance of Chemistry as a separate science subject even in the early years of a student’s learning. A thoughtful and meticulous teacher, Michael aims to bring scientific theory to life for his students through practical application, supplementing student classroom and practical work with frequent experiments and demonstrations of chemical processes.

John Dalton BSc, Cbiol, FITOL


Co-Vice Principal & Head of Science : John holds a BSc in Biochemistry from London University, and has over 23 years of teaching experience. He is a chartered biologist, a Fellow of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning and a Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. John previously edited Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, and is a widely published author with a specialist interest in experimental biology. He is particularly interested in memory skills in relation to the teaching of science, and has taught memory and revision skills at some of the UK’s leading independent schools. John has lectured in over 24 countries and is a sought after international speaker. He is an author and has contributed to numerous articles in academic and general journals. John has a particular interest in genetics and evolutionary science and has an extensive knowledge of natural history, especially the biology of insects.


Rachel Sherman BA, MA, PGCE


Director of Studies : Prior to joining David Game, Rachel taught Geography for 16 years in a local comprehensive school, qualifying as an Advanced Skills Tutor (AST) in 2001 and achieving Chartered London Teacher status in 2008. Rachel holds a BA in Geography from University College London and an MA and a PGCE from the Institute of Education, and as an AST has provided consultation on policy design, community outreach, student behaviour management and teacher training to schools across the London region. As Director of Studies at David Game, she is responsible for guiding students through the university application process, arranging work experience placements where necessary and providing individually tailored, one-on-one support to students at every stage of their university application through personal tutorial sessions and regular progress meetings.




4 5

Dr John Oliphant

Zameer Ul-Hassan MSc

History : John holds degrees in History from the University of Adelaide (BA), Birkbeck (MA) and Queen Mary, University of London (PhD). With over thirty years of teaching experience in the UK and Australia, he has worked as a lecturer at the Open University, a freelance researcher and an advisory consultant to a television production company based in North America. His doctoral thesis, on Anglo-Cherokee relations in the 1700s, was recently published as a monograph. He has contributed extensively both to academic journals and to historical reference texts, has presented a significant number of conference papers at events both in the UK and overseas, and is working currently on a biography of the 17th century General John Forbes. As a teacher, John places great emphasis on academic rigour, and on developing his students’ research skills. He aims to teach his students to think, to study independently and to structure and develop their own arguments, and believes strongly in holding those in his classroom to high educational standards. John is passionate about History, and seeks to communicate his enthusiasm for the subject to his students, thereby ensuring that they engage profitably and enjoyably with their course’s subject matter.

Mathematics : A graduate of the prestigious University of the Punjab’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Zameer has almost twenty years of teaching experience. He worked for several years as Head of Papworth House at Karachi Grammar School, Pakistan’s leading independent institution, and has been with David Game since 2005. As a tutor, Zameer teaches his students to understand mathematical concepts and principles, rather than simply how to solve equations and “do maths.” Though motivated by a deep knowledge of, and appreciation for, his subject rather than a desire to simply achieve results, Zameer nevertheless inspires his students to perform consistently well in tests and examinations, with many going on to study at Oxbridge, Imperial College and the London School of Economics. Zameer is committed to the refinement of those teaching techniques which most benefit his students. Their success is his, and he is as proud of their academic achievements as he is of his own.



The staff at David Game College cont.

Terry Kwok


College Registrar : Terry is responsible, in conjunction with the Co-Vice Principal, for matters relating to student registration and monitoring attendance. In addition to her work as Registrar, Terry also advises students on visa applications and issues relating to student welfare, such as travel, finance and accommodation. Terry works closely with all departments and has been with the College since 1984.

Simon Moore BA, PGCE English : With a BA in English Literature from Durham University and a PGCE from Oxford, Simon has more than twenty years of teaching experience, primarily in tutorial colleges. Simon finds that his students learn best in a friendly and relaxed environment, and seeks to create such an environment in his classroom. As Head of English at David Game, he places great emphasis both on group discussion as a means of encouraging students to engage with literary texts, and on essay-writing practice as a means of consolidating their understanding. He actively supports students through every stage of their learning, and takes every opportunity to give feedback on the written work they produce and to guide them towards any supporting secondary and critical material which might aid their progress and comprehension of a text or topic. The wonderful thing about English Literature as a subject area, Simon believes, is that it inevitably involves a lot of discussion not only of books, but of ideas, and that ultimately it leads students to engage not only with a set text or texts, but with the wider world.

Matthew Sherman BSc, MSc, PGCE Economics : Matthew holds a BSc in Economics from Queen Mary, University of London, an MSc in Resource and Environmental Economics from the LSE and a PGCE from the Institute of Education. He has been with the College for more than 10 years, having previously taught at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Barnet, the UK’s best performing state sector institution at A Level. In addition to his role at David Game, Matthew teaches Economics at the Bank of England and has for many years provided independent one-onone tutoring for Oxbridge candidates. A friendly and popular teacher, he believes that academic success in his subject is best achieved through a firm understanding of basic economic principles and of economic and cultural history. He has high expectations of his students, and encourages them to read widely and intelligently on economic topics outside of the classroom, an approach which yields outstanding results: David Game Economics students perform consistently well at A Level, and in recent years Matthew’s courses have boasted an almost 100% pass rate.

Nedaa Belal MBA GCSE and CSA Co-ordinator : Nedaa is in charge of managing students of compulsory school age (CSA) at the College and is a trained Child Protection Officer. Her first degree is in English Language & Literature and she obtained an MBA from Hull University in 2006, specialising in Human Resource Management. Nedaa has corporate experience as a senior manager of BMW in the Middle East. Her role focuses on providing CSA students with a structured programme that includes pastoral care, as well as critical educational support on financial, health and citizenship matters. Nedaa works closely with GCSE teachers and monitors the academic and personal progress of students of CSA, also ensuring that they have provision for library study sessions. In addition to her PSHE role, Nedaa also assists with exam administration.


Monica Romero BA, MA, PG Dip (Translation) Modern Foreign Languages : Born and raised in Spain, Monica is a qualified translator and has over 15 years’ experience of teaching and translation. Fluent in English, Spanish and Catalan, she holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and is a Chartered Linguist and a member of both the Institute of Travel and Tourism and the ASELE, the international association of Spanish teachers. Monica has taught at David Game since 2005, and is currently Head of Modern Foreign Languages and Tourism, specialising in GCSE and A Level teaching. She is a strong proponent of active learning, using such interactive classroom methods as role-play and debate as well as multimedia teaching materials to ensure that students engage with topics and work consistently to improve their written and spoken command of the language studied. She believes strongly that culture and language are inextricably linked, and that a complete understanding of a language cannot be achieved without a thorough knowledge of the culture from which it emerges. She seeks therefore to instil in her students a keen grasp and appreciation of Spanish-speaking nations and cultures, and to encourage them not only to speak but to think differently.

Sarah Kasmin BA, MA Art : Sarah holds a BA and an MA in Fine Art from the Chelsea College of Art & Design, and for the last 10 years has taught Art at David Game. Sarah specialises in abstract painting, has exhibited at the Flowers Gallery in East London, and is also employed as a moderator for AQA. A talented and engaging teacher, Sarah seeks primarily to develop her students’ creative expression, helping them at every opportunity to articulate their own personalities and interests through their artwork. She particularly enjoys teaching in a central London location, and actively encourages her students to engage with the capital’s art community by attending galleries and exhibitions wherever possible outside class.

Dr Daniel Pooley PhD Physics : Daniel holds undergraduate and doctoral degrees in Physics from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, where his research focused on the spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of star constellations. Prior to joining David Game in 2004, Daniel worked as a private tutor and a visiting lecturer at the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. He is a keen astronomer, a Member of the Hampstead Scientific Society and a proficient web developer skilled in a range of programming languages, including C, Java and Fortran. Daniel places emphasis on the experimental side of physics, which helps reinforce the theoretical side of the subject. He operates a fully equipped physics laboratory and his classes are always dynamic and engaging. Daniel also offers advice to students on their university choices in physics and other related disciplines.

Dr Peter Stanley PhD Chemistry & Biology : Peter holds a PhD in Biochemistry from University College London, an MSc in Pharmacology from Kings College and a Bachelors degree from Queen Mary, University of London. He lectured for several years at UCL and St George’s Medical School before joining the teaching staff of David Game in 1995 and has published widely in both academic journals and the scientific press, with many of his articles written specifically for A Level Chemistry and Biology students. He is a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Biochemical Society and the Society of Biology, and has conducted extensive research into coronary heart disease and human metabolism. As a teacher of Biology and Chemistry at David Game, Peter is keen to help his students draw connections between scientific concepts and to identify patterns between topics, and across the scientific curriculum. He provides tailored tuition to students preparing to sit the BMAT and GAMSAT examinations, and frequently conducts mock interviews with students aiming to study Medicine at undergraduate level. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Peter also acts as an internal examiner for the College’s University Foundation Programme and continues to pursue research in the field of astrobiology.


Oxford University Cambridge University



Imperial College London University College London





London School of Economics University of Warwick Kings College London Durham University Bristol University

Destinations - David Game College has strong links with a number of leading UK universities, and in the

University of York University of Nottingham

past few years has helped students gain admittance to the following institutions, among others:

Loughborough University University of Manchester University of Sheffield




London is a popular but expensive city to live in. David

Each residence has good cooking facilities and a washing

Game has long recognised that the biggest pressure on

machine. Rooms also come with their own refrigerator and

their students can be finding affordable and secure

television and some have en-suite facilities. Some

accommodation that is a reasonable distance from the

residences have an on-site Warden, employed by the

College in Notting Hill Gate. In this regard, we are one of

College. We also have access to managed accommodation

the few private colleges in London that have a wide choice

very near the college for those students who are over 18

of our own accommodation to help students study in a

years of age.

secure and peaceful environment. If you wish to book We have a number of flats and residences located a short

accommodation please

distance from the College offering a choice of affordable

contact the college so

half-board single or shared rooms. Deposits are modest and

that we can reserve a

students must give four weeks’ notice if they wish to move

room for you.

out. Given the demand on our accommodation, it is advisable to book well in advance to secure a place.

How to find David Game College D ROA IDGE BBR P EM

















































David Game College is situated near Notting Hill Gate underground station. Served by the Central, District and Circle lines, there is quick and easy access to any part of Central London. Many bus routes pass in front of the College, including the Oxford Tube.



David Game House

69 Notting Hill Gate

Tel :

+44 (0)20 7221 6665

Fax :

+44 (0)20 7243 1730

Email : nhg@davidgame-group.com www.davidgame-group.com

London W11 3JS

United Kingdom

Design and production SEA Ltd 01227 768808 www.sea-ltd.co.uk

David Game is an independent college located in the centre of Notting Hill Gate, London. The College provides courses in GCSEs and A levels, and a Foundation Programme, which lead to entrance to a UK university. Established in 1974, the College is accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) and inspected by Ofsted.

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