Welcome to Hope Academy Hope Academy is an 11-18 Christian Academy which stands at the epicentre of our local community. Serving the Archdiocese and Diocese of Liverpool, our mission is to deliver high quality education by working together to inspire excellence guided by Christian values. As a Christian Academy, we consider the spiritual and social development of our young people to be as important as their academic success and we want to ensure that we celebrate and develop the uniqueness of every individual. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we live by our Core Values: Respect, Courage and Ambition. These values ensure that, as a community, we care for ourselves and one another. Our team of teachers and support staff are dedicated to making a difference to the lives of our students and we offer a wide, varied and challenging curriculum throughout all key stages. Our students engage with a range of extra-curricular activities in order to develop their wider passions and enhance their Academy life. We believe that all our students have something wonderful to offer and we work passionately to nurture these talents. Hope Academy enjoys a magnificent building surrounded by spacious grounds. There is every opportunity for students to succeed, as we have outstanding facilities which include: advanced science laboratories, a modern ICT network, a recording studio and a fully equipped technology suite. Students benefit from spacious and stylish surroundings and can enjoy social interaction in both indoor and outdoor situations. I am proud to be the Principal at Hope Academy and to work with such committed students, staff and parents. My belief is that if we work together, in the light of the Holy Trinity, we can achieve great things for our students and be outstanding in all we do.
Patrick Ferguson Principal Pearson Awards: Headteacher of the Year 2016 Liverpool Archdiocese Schools Awards: Headteacher of the Year 2017
Our Sponsors A joint Catholic and Church of England Academy The Catholic Archdiocese, the Church of England Diocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Hope University are proud to be sponsors of Hope Academy. We have the highest ambition for the Academy and believe that our vision is aspirational, innovative and challenging. We want our Academy to provide exemplary standards of teaching and learning in an environment where all students will feel able to realise their full potential. Underpinning everything that takes place in Hope Academy is a Christian ethos which welcomes and nurtures students of all faiths and none. We look forward to fulfilling the vision we all share of enhancing the lives and education of the local community in Newton-le-Willows. The Academy was inspected (Section 48) in April 2018 for our distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church Academy and how well the Christian ethos and character of the Academy ensures the development and success of all of our young people. This inspection focuses on four key areas: • How effective the school is in developing its distinctive Christian nature; • The effectiveness of Collective Worship; • The effectiveness of Religious Education and • The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the Christian life of the school. We are incredibly proud to say that Hope Academy achieved OUTSTANDING in ALL four areas of the inspection framework.
Governors and leaders have steered Hope Academy’s total re-invigoration of its definition and living of Catholic and Anglican Christian Life according to the school’s owned and shared mission and values. Section 48 Inspection April 2018
Our Mission Our Academy mission is ‘Working together to inspire excellence, guided by Christian Values’. It is through this mission that the community of Hope learners live our Core Values of ‘Respect, Courage and Ambition’. Students access a bespoke curriculum in addition to the academic one. The Hope Inspire Programme is delivered daily during form time and is underpinned by our core values. This is a seven year Academy-wide programme that brings together our Christian ethos, personal health social education (PHSE), spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC), and careers information and guidance (CIAG). It is designed to prepare students to graduate from Hope Academy as young independent learners, secure in their place in the world, knowing themselves and their ambitions for the future and how to achieve them. The programme is delivered through a range of mediums, including the daily Inspire session in form time, a weekly year group collective worship session, rewards sessions, chaplaincy and enrichment activities. Engagement is tracked through our graduation system and students reflect on their progress, setting targets for future improvement.
Students respond with pride in their school, because it gives them security, happiness and an overall spirit of belonging. They understand school to be a place where they can do hard-work and be well supported and encouraged. They readily identify with the school’s core values of “Respect, Courage and Ambition.” Section 48 Inspection April 2018
Our Academy Day 8.40am - 9.10am 9.10am
– 10.10am Lesson 1
10.10am – 11.10am 11.10am
Registration, Collective Worship and Inspire Lesson
Lesson 2
– 11.30am Break
11.30am – 12.30pm Lesson 3 12.30pm – 1.20pm 1.20pm
– 2.20pm Lesson 4
2.20pm – 3.20pm Lesson 5
There is no Lesson 5 on Wednesdays, when the school day finishes at 2.25pm to facilitate staff training.
Our Curriculum Students experience a broad and balanced curriculum during Key Stage 3. The curriculum is designed to encourage a thirst for knowledge and understanding and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence. At Key Stage 4 all students will study: • English language • English literature • Mathematics • Science • Religious education • Physical education
Students in years 10 and 11 will be guided towards one of three pathways depending on their needs and abilities. A range of the following options are available: Geography, History, French , Spanish, Computer Science, Music, Media Studies, Drama, Food Technology, Photography, Art, Business Studies, Design Technology, Child Development and Sports Studies. Hope Academy Sixth Form offers a wide choice of courses. All sixth form courses prepare students for the next stage of their lives, whether it is university, further education, apprenticeship or employment. Education does not start and finish in the classroom – some of the most powerful education is gained in incredible opportunities provided outside of the classroom walls. These range from sporting events, drama productions, musical experiences and debating, to trips to inspirational locations - both near and far.
Our Learning Community The INSPIRE programme endeavours to support your child to: •
Develop confidence, through grappling with complex issues and discussing these through a Philosophy for Children structure.
Develop focused students, through encouraging them to think about future career and study options through a bespoke careers, enterprise and employer engagement programme.
Develop a healthy body and mind, through focusing on age related issues ensuring they are resilient learners and are flexible in their thinking.
Develop a mind to be kind, by encouraging them to find ways to be kind to themselves, other members of the school community and the wider community.
Develop their critical thinking skills, through structuring activities that extend their thinking about topical issues.
Develop leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication through a nationally recognised qualification called The Edge.
Opportunities to apply all of these skills are provided daily and students are expected to positively engage in all aspects of Academy life.
This programme is taught by a student’s INSPIRE teacher, who will get to know your child on an individual level and cater for their emerging needs, providing the pastoral support as necessary.
Collective Worship is a key component of the school’s Christian Life, embedded and delivered within Hope Inspire. Provision is an essential combination of prayer expressed through action. There is total focus on inclusion through the remit of the school’s Collective Worship policy. Section 48 Inspection April 2018
The INSPIRE programme is underpinned by our daily collective worship programme. Each morning we start the day with prayer and the opportunity to reflect. Once a week each year group gathers for community worship. As a joint Catholic and Church of England Academy our collective worship is Christian in nature but is welcoming and inclusive for people of all faiths and none. This is developed by our dedicated Academy chaplain who continually looks at how collective worship and the INSPIRE programme can work together to support the student on their journey through Hope Academy. To ensure that as an Academy we know each individual and can provide interesting and exciting experiences for each child they all work towards graduation which is celebrated through an annual graduation ceremony. Monitoring and tracking engagement through the graduation programme ensures your child’s INSPIRE tutor and head of year can provide individual support and opportunities to enable your child to be outstanding in all they do at Hope Academy.
Our Facilities Hope Academy is fortunate to occupy a magnificent building which offers every facility necessary for any student aspiring to an excellent education. We offer: •
Spacious Chapel for worship and reflection
State of the art theatre/assembly hall
Fully-equipped science laboratories
Extensive ICT provision with an emphasis on individual learning
Specialist facilities for a range of arts subjects, including music and drama
Spacious modern teaching and learning rooms throughout the building
Specialist technology areas
Extensive indoor and outdoor sport and fitness facilities
A fully resourced library
Dedicated sixth form study area
Relaxed dining arrangements
Quotes from Year 7 Students St Paul of the Cross Catholic Primary School I was worried about whether I would be able to keep up with the amount of homework I would get at Hope and if I would forget to do it but it is clearly displayed on Show My Homework which makes it easier for me to remember. My favourite lesson is PE and we do a wide variety of sports. Hope staff are really friendly and there is always someone there to support you if you have a problem. St Lewis Catholic Primary School The teachers at Hope Academy are great and you get to learn things in a fun way. I was nervous when I first started as I was the only person who came from my primary school but staff made sure that we all mixed and made new friends right from transition day. Newton-le-Willows Primary School I already knew a lot of people before I came to Hope Academy but I have also had the opportunity to make lots of new friends. I was scared that the building was so big that I would get lost but there are lots of signs around and we were given a tour on the first morning by our form tutor. I found it a lot easier than I thought to find my way around. Winwick CofE Primary School Before I started I was worried about how I would get to school as I didn’t live in Newton-le-Willows. There is lots of information about bus routes and times on the Hope Academy website so it was a lot easier than I thought. If you have any problems or friendship issues the Pastoral team sort it out quickly and we are all friends again. All Saints Catholic Primary School I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the work load but the good routines have taught me to be organised and everything is fine. I love my Maths lessons, my teacher makes it interesting and fun. Golborne Primary School I was nervous at first as nobody else from my primary was going to Hope but I found it really easy to make friends as there are lots of groups and activities to get involved in. It is a good school and I would encourage people to come here.
St Mary’s Catholic Junior School I was worried about meeting new friends but have found it easy. The teachers help me if I get stuck with my work and it helps to talk to my Pastoral Manager when I am feeling anxious or worried. Break times are fun and there is a large variety of different snacks to buy. Wargrave CofE Primary School I was worried and nervous about starting Hope Academy but I have made lots of new friends. I love my Science practical lessons as we get to do real experiments which are interesting and fun. Lyme Community Primary School I had trouble finding my way around when I first started but I just asked the older students for directions and they were always friendly and helpful and looked after us. There are lots of extra clubs and activities to get involved in which I really like. St Peter’s CofE Primary School The teachers are really helpful and will take the time to explain things clearly if you don’t understand the first time. I love my Music lessons and have learnt to play the piano since arriving at Hope Academy which is amazing. The District CofE Primary School The dinners are great at Hope Academy and there are lots of different types of food to choose from. I worried about having lots of different teachers but they have been really helpful and are easy to talk to. The day goes quickly because I am enjoying my lessons and I am not sat in the same place all day. St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School I was worried about getting to and from school on the bus and finding my way around the academy but it has been much easier than I thought.
Admission Arrangements Hope Academy is an academy for students of all faiths and none, sponsored by the Catholic Church, the Church of England and Hope University. The admission number for the Academy will be 270 students in Year 7. The Academy has agreed to follow the co-ordinated admission arrangements determined by St Helens Local Authority. To apply for a place in Year 7, applicants have to complete the Common Application / Preference Form issued by the St Helens Local Authority. A link can be found on our website us/how to apply. If the academy receives fewer applicants for places than it has places available, all applicants will be admitted. Following negotiation with the Local Authority, children with a statement of special educational needs which names the Academy will be admitted. If the school receives more applications for places than there are places available the criteria used to decide which children are admitted are listed in our admissions policy. At Hope Academy we are committed to a fair and equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of disability. Applications for admission from potential students will be considered in line with the published admission arrangements. Applications for employment are considered and assessed on the basis of the applicants’ aptitudes, abilities and qualifications. The Academy’s buildings will be accessible to students and others with disabilities, so that they may be integrated fully into Academy life. The Academy recognises that special arrangements may be required to enable students with disabilities, including specific learning difficulties, to demonstrate their capabilities and knowledge. Special arrangements will be made to enable such students to perform to the best of their ability by meeting their individual needs. The Academy will not treat a student with a disability less favourably than any other and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure the full participation and integration of disabled students.
Outstanding in all we do Working together to inspire excellence, guided by Christian values
OUR VISION Outstanding in all we do.
OUR MISSION Working together to inspire excellence, guided by Christian values.
OUR CORE VALUES Respect • Courage • Ambition
Hope Academy, Ashton Road, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, WA12 0AQ Tel: 01744 671930 Email: @Hope_Academy