Hope Academy Propectus 2023

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Welcome to Hope Academy

‘Serve one another through love’ (Galatians 5:13)

Hope Academy is an 11-16 Christian Academy which stands at the centre of our local community. Serving the Archdiocese and Diocese of Liverpool, we are inspired by Jesus’ example of servant leadership. At Hope Academy we follow in the footsteps of Christ in everything that we do. Our mission is to deliver high quality education by working together to inspire excellence guided by Christian values. As a Christian Academy, we consider the spiritual and social development of our young people to be as important as their academic success. Jesus asked us to love one another as he loved us, so we ensure that we celebrate and develop the uniqueness of every individual. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we live by our core values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope. These values ensure that - as a community - we care for ourselves and one another.

Our team of teachers and support staff are dedicated to making a difference to the lives of our students by ‘serving one another through love’ and we do this by offering a wide, varied and challenging curriculum throughout all key stages. Our students engage with a range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities in order to develop their wider passions and enhance their Academy life. We believe that all our students have something wonderful to offer and we work passionately to nurture these talents, making sure that all members of our Hope Community have the opportunity to live our vision of serving others through love.

Hope Academy enjoys a magnificent building surrounded by spacious grounds. There is every opportunity for students to succeed, as we have outstanding facilities which include advanced science laboratories, a recording studio and photography studio, a fully equipped technology suite and a state-of-the-art gym. Students benefit from spacious and stylish surroundings and can enjoy social interaction in both indoor and outdoor situations.

I am proud to be the Principal at Hope Academy and to work with such committed students, staff and parents. My belief is that if we work together, in the light of the Holy Trinity, we can achieve great things by following Jesus’ example of servant leadership.


Our Sponsors

A joint Catholic and Church of England Academy

The Catholic Archdiocese, the Church of England Diocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Hope University are proud to be sponsors of Hope Academy.

Underpinning everything that takes place in Hope Academy is a Christian ethos which welcomes and nurtures students of all faiths and none. We look forward to fulfilling the vision we all share of enhancing the lives and education of the local community in Newton-le-Willows by serving one another through love.

The Academy was inspected (Section 48) in April 2018 for our distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church Academy and how well the Christian ethos and character of the Academy ensures the development and success of all of our young people.

This inspection focuses on four key areas:

• How effective the school is in developing its distinctive Christian nature;

• The effectiveness of Collective Worship;

• The effectiveness of Religious Education and

• The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the Christian life of the school.

We are incredibly proud to say that Hope Academy achieved OUTSTANDING in ALL four areas of the inspection framework.

As a research-informed institution, Hope Academy seeks to provide exemplary standards in Teaching and Learning, prioritising excellence in all areas, in an environment which nurtures the highest standards. We have the highest ambitions for our students and believe that our vision is aspirational, innovative and challenging for all.

Governors and leaders have steered Hope Academy’s total re-invigoration of its definition and living of Catholic and Anglican Christian Life according to the school’s owned and shared mission and values.

Quotation from Section 48 Inspection, April 2018

Our Mission

At the core of our Academy’s actions is our central mission: ‘Working together to inspire excellence, guided by Christian Values’. It is through this mission that the community live our Core Values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope. By serving each other through love we show respect to our neighbour, courage to be the best version of ourselves, ambition to help all those who come into our lives and hope to make the world a better place through our actions.

The personal and character development of our students is central to how we nurture and support our community. We are very proud of the Hope Inspire Programme which is delivered daily during inspire time and is underpinned by our core values. During this 5-year learning programme, students regularly engage in critical discussions and activities which explore our Christian Ethos, as well as addressing statutory requirements linked to Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE); Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC); and Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). The Inspire Programme is designed to prepare students to graduate from Hope Academy as young independent learners who are secure in their place in the world, who know themselves and their ambitions for the future and how to achieve them.

Students respond with pride in their school, because it gives them security, happiness and an overall spirit of belonging. They understand school to be a place where they can do hard-work and be well supported and encouraged. They readily identify with the school’s core values of “Respect, Courage and Ambition.”

Quote from Section 48 Inspection April 2018


Our Curriculum

Hope Academy is a family, guided by Christian love, in which we serve our whole community with empathy and compassion, helping every member to flourish so all can pursue a rich and full life.

Our curriculum is designed to encourage a love of life-long learning, guided by the ultimate Christian value of love. We work to ensure that our curriculum makes our school’s vision a reality and that every member of our Hope family can flourish and be the best that they can be.

As a joint denominational Academy, we pride ourselves in providing a curriculum which encourages students to live "Life in all its fullness" [John 10:10].

We are passionate about ensuring that students evolve to become rounded individuals who can engage with the world around them with confidence and maturity.

As such, our curriculum not only covers a broad range of subjects, ensuring that students have opportunities to nurture academic, technical and sporting skill, but focuses on the development of students social and interpersonal skills, which are all so vital to their future outside of the Academy.

Across our whole school, the ‘Access All Areas’ initiative seeks to underpin all areas of study with the development of fundamental literacy skills. Through reciprocal teaching approaches, students are encouraged to develop reading skills which are vital to success when engaging with the world around them.

At Key Stage Three, a broad range of subjects enable students to develop a range of transferrable skills which will underpin their later level studies. Within subjects, they are encouraged to critically consider the world around them, linking work in the classroom to the wider world around them. This is also supported by our Inspire Programme, which seeks to encourage students to consider themselves as members of local, national and a wider global community.


As they enter Key Stage Three, students further develop their knowledge and skills in foundational subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Education, they experience subjects such as Computing, Graphic Products, Resistant materials and Food Technology, which are all delivered in specialist suites. Through the study of Geography, History and Modern Foreign Languages, students are encouraged to view themselves as members of a diverse world, whilst in Creative Arts, students can nurture creativity as they engage with Art and Design, Drama and Music. Students are also supported in engaging with a range of Physical Education opportunities, with timetabled lessons making use of our numerous indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as specialist sporting equipment including a fully equipped gym suite.

As students progress into Key Stage Four, they can select options to reflect their developing interests. Working alongside subject specialists, they will begin to hone their own understanding and expertise within their subjects, and begin to take greater responsibility for their own learning and development.

At Key Stage 4 we have an open and equitable offer for students. All students will study:

In addition, students will be provided with personalised guidance to select a number of options including Modern Foreign Languages

• Computer Science

• Separate Sciences

• Music

• Drama

• Photography

• Design Technology


• Physical Education

• Hospitality and Catering

• Business

• Sports Studies

• Digital Information Technology


• Child Development and Care

• Enterprise

• Health and Social Care

• Construction



English Language
English Literature
Combined Science
Religious Education
Physical Education
Geography or History

Our Wider Provision

Personal Development

At Hope Academy, Personal Development is at the heart of everything that we do because it enables our students to thrive. We are driven by our Vision, Mission and Core Values that infiltrate through our overall Hope ethos. As we are guided by our Christian Values, we seek to embed our Core Values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope through every aspect of our Hope family and wider community. Our Inspire Programme is at the core of our curriculum and aims to ensure that all of our students have a superb understanding of their personal, social and spiritual development, whilst studying at Hope Academy, so that they can become well-rounded individuals. Through focusing on character development, and equipping our students for society and the wider world, we are dedicated to providing our students with a broad range of valuable life experiences and opportunities to contribute to their ability to become active and positive citizens who are guided by God. Our extensive extra-curricular programme, and House System, enables students to experience a wide range of varied, enriching and fulfilling activities to further enhance the development of the whole child spiritually, socially and emotionally. We aim to support our students’ physical and mental wellbeing through compassion, resilience and love. At Hope Academy, we are truly dedicated to the importance of Personal Development.

Pastoral Support

Pastoral support and personal development is a vital part of life at Hope Academy: as students

progress through our academy, we provide a range of bespoke interventions and programmes which aid students in understanding how their views and perspectives evolve as they mature. From transition support in Year 7, to support with further education applications in Year 11, we draw on expertise from our staff and external agencies. Across their time at Hope Academy, students are able to access a range of support, from careers advice to bespoke counselling sessions.

Students’ personal development underpins the curriculum at Hope, building resilience and preparing students for their next steps when they leave the Academy. As a joint Catholic and Church of England Academy, our collective worship is Christian in nature but is welcoming and inclusive for people of all faiths and none. This is developed by our dedicated Academy Chaplain who continually looks at how collective worship and the Inspire Programme can work together to support the student on their journey through Hope Academy.

The Inspire Programme

Through our daily Inspire Programme, students can explore a vast array of topics and issues that influence our daily lives. The Inspire Programme offers the opportunity for students to take part in meaningful discussions and respond to the emerging needs of our students, the community and the world to develop well rounded young adults. The Hope Inspire Programme is delivered through daily Inspire Sessions during Inspire Time and delivered by Inspire Tutors. All students take

part in daily acts of Collective Worship during Inspire Time, and they also attend a Year Group Collective Worship where our community gather together to reflect on the weekly theme whilst also sharing and celebrating the year group’s successes from the previous week.

The role of our Inspire Tutor is not only to support students pastorally as they progress through their time at Hope, but also to assist students in reflecting on their progress, celebrate their current successes and set targets for future improvement. This process culminates in our yearly Graduation Ceremony where students can celebrate not only their academic progress but their personal growth and development as well.

The Inspire Programme covers the following areas:

• Theme and Thought for the Week

• Core Values associated with each week

• Daily Collective Worship, Prayer and Reflection guided by Christian Values

• RSE (Relationship and Sex Education)

• Physical and Mental Wellbeing

• British Values

• PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

• SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development)

• CEIAG (Careers Education, Information,

Advice and Guidance)

• KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) & Safeguarding

• Citizenship

• Character Development

• Literacy Focus – Word of the Week

• Relevant news from Advanced Picture News Website and Resources

• House System – rewards, celebration and charity work

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Collective Worship is a key component of the school’s Christian Life, embedded and delivered within Hope Inspire. Provision is an essential combination of prayer expressed through action. There is total focus on inclusion through the remit of the school’s Collective Worship policy.

Section 48 Inspection April 2018

At Hope Academy, we aim to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing for our whole school community and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives. We acknowledge and understand that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall emotional wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement at school. Our personal mental health and emotional wellbeing is a universal, significant and powerful feature of who we are as human beings - it is an indicator of social, emotional and physical wellness. Young people’s happiness, life satisfaction and positive functioning are influenced by mental health and emotional wellbeing. Good mental health and emotional wellbeing allows individuals to learn, grow and develop as individuals – it is an integral and essential aspect of human life to ensure that young people can make the most of their unique potential, flourish and show resilience when they face any challenges in life.

The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that, ‘in order to help their children to succeed; schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy.’ Schools can create a nurturing and supportive environment for young people to ensure that they reach their full potential; develop their selfesteem; overcome adversity and build their resilience.

Our role, in school, is to encourage positive mental health and emotional wellbeing and


ensure that our children are equipped with the necessary skills to manage their feelings, emotions and any experiences that they may face in life. Furthermore, our aim is to help develop protective factors, and build resilience, in a school where:

• All children are valued

• All children have a sense of belonging and feel safe

• All children feel able to talk openly, to a trusted adult, about their mental health and emotional wellbeing

• All children feel that positive mental health and emotional wellbeing is promoted and valued

At Hope Academy, we are passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people. We believe in working together, as a community, team and family. We act with determination. Whatever issues our students, their families, the school, our team or the community face, we always support each other, react compassionately and pull together. Finally, we are committed to actively making a real difference to young people’s lives. Our moral purpose is reflected in our school’s curriculum intent, mission statement and core values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope.

House System

We are extremely proud of our House System at Hope Academy. Our House System focuses on developing the character of our students and allows us to celebrate and reward our students daily which creates another level of pastoral support where both staff and students feel like they belong to a House Family. The House System creates many opportunities for celebrating our students and encourages them to partake in a range of activities such as charity work, sponsored events and the celebration of worldwide events.

Our House names were carefully selected and decided upon as they all link to the Christian ecumenical communities. Students wear badges that show which House they belong to and the names and colours of our Houses are as follows:

Taizé – Burgundy, France

Iona – Scottish Island

Corrymeela – Ballycastle and Belfast

Othona – Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex

The House System gives students the chance to socialise and interact with students from different year groups whilst maintaining the Inspire Group structure. It also allows us to implement different competitions and events throughout the academic year to ensure that all students can be actively involved in a range of experiences to support their House.

Staff are able to reward students by giving them

Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope Reward Points. In Year 11, students are rewarded with Golden Points. Reward Points are then added to a weekly and overall running total for their House.

The winning House, with the most Reward Points at the end of the year, are rewarded with the House Festival and presented with the House Cup. Heads of House also regularly reward students for the amount of Reward Points that individuals collect throughout the year.

Student Leadership Year 11 Prefect Leadership

At Hope Academy, we have many opportunities for students to become leaders. We have an Executive Senior Prefect Team in Year 11 which consists of 12 students (including Head Students and Deputy Head Students) and they help to lead the 40 Year 11 Prefects. Year 10 students also have the opportunity to be House Captains and Vice House Captains in our Leadership Programme. As well as this, we have a strong Student Voice body that come together regularly to voice their opinions and take action to continually improve our school community.

Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Across the year, students can extend their learning beyond the classroom and experience a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities. Each week, a full timetable of sporting provision emphasises our school’s dedication to sporting excellence, whilst our timetable of Lunchtime Clubs and Societies showcases the diverse interests and talents of our students and staff. Students are also invited to take part in our After-School Enrichment Programme which seeks to broaden students’ horizons and raise aspirations in a range of areas. In all areas of our extra-curricular provision, students are given frequent opportunities to live out our mission and demonstrate our Core Values. Each year, our students engage in a range of activities and also have many opportunities to experience different school visits locally, nationally and internationally.



Pastoral Care and Safeguarding


Hope Academy is a caring Christian community and we ensure that the safeguarding of students is central to everything we do. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students is everyone’s responsibility: our approach is always child-centred, and all staff are trained to ensure that the best interests of our students are prioritised at all times. Every adult has a responsibility for students’ welfare and safety and there are many layers of care in place.

Pastoral Care

Our pastoral care system aims to promote our core values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope. We are committed to a positive approach and, whenever possible, use praise and rewards to motivate and encourage our students. At Hope Academy, we pride ourselves on the fact that our students are supported in all areas of their education. All students are recognised as individuals who are seen and heard within our community. Effective pastoral care underpins life at our school. From their first day with us, students are highly aware of the support systems that they can draw upon, from their Heads of Year and Pastoral Managers, to their Inspire Tutors, to the more bespoke support offered within our Learning Hub and Chaplaincy provisions.

To ensure outstanding support and care is embedded across the Academy, we run a House System, alongside our year groups structure, which further creates a sense of family and belonging. Each of our students are allocated to a House (Taizé, Iona, Corrymeela and Othona) which allows students across all year groups to work together and get to know each other in a supportive and collaborative way.

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

At Hope Academy, we ensure that students know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. As a consequence of the Christian belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God, gender and sexuality are seen as God’s gift, reflect God’s beauty, and share in the divine creativity. RSE at Hope Academy will therefore be placed firmly within the context of relationship as it is there that sexuality grows and develops.

We acknowledge that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, as well as Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), are all underpinned by a theology of relationship and are all encompassed in the title ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ (RSE).

Stemming from this vision of what it means to be human, we seek to educate the whole child spiritually, intellectually, morally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically towards our understanding of Christian maturity.

Relationship, Sex and Health Education will be in accordance with Christian moral teaching. It will emphasise the central importance of relationships, marriage and the family whilst acknowledging that all students have a fundamental right to have their life respected whatever kind of household they come from and support will be provided to help students deal with different sets of values.

Our RSE programme is taught through a wide range of subject areas and through our daily Inspire Programme. Our RSE curriculum gives young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. Our RSE provision enables students in all year groups to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful participant in committed relationships.


Our Academy Day

Students should arrive onsite by 8.30am

(40 minutes)

Monday - Friday 08:40 - 9:10 09:10 - 10:10 10:10 - 11:10 11:10 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:10 14:10 - 15:10 Inspire Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Break
Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lunch
Lesson 5
(20 minutes)

Our Facilities

Hope Academy is fortunate to occupy a magnificent building which offers

• every facility necessary for any student aspiring to an excellent education.

We offer:

• State of the art theatre/assembly hall

Spacious chapel for worship and reflection

• Fully equipped modern Science laboratories

• Extensive ICT provision with an emphasis on individual learning

• Specialist facilities for a range of Arts subjects, including Music, Drama

• and Photography

Spacious modern teaching and learning rooms throughout the building

Specialist Technology areas including Graphic Products, Resistant Materials and

• Food Technology

• A fully resourced library

Extensive indoor and outdoor sport and fitness facilities

• A fully equipped gym suite

• Large relaxed dining arrangements including outside catering and dining facilities

• A Learning hub comprising of specialist SEND provision

• An Inclusion unit designed to support students and remove barriers to learning


Our Students

At Hope Academy, we place students at the centre of all that we do. We ensure that the Personal Development of our students is always at the heart of everything we do. As we are guided by our Christian Values, we seek to embed our Core Values of Respect, Courage, Ambition and Hope through every aspect of our Hope family and wider community. Our Inspire Programme is at the core of our curriculum and aims to ensure that all our students have a good understanding of their personal, social, and spiritual development, so that they can become well-rounded young adults. Through our House System we give students leadership opportunities that supports their development of character, resilience, and confidence. As a team, we work to ensure that students are sufficiently supported in their transitions across Key Stages and are equipped with a range of strategies to support them as they face new challenges. Students regularly partake in student voice activities linked to classroom, department, and whole school practices, with suggestions and feedback being used to raise standards to an even higher level.

“When I started at Hope Academy, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the workload but I have been supported in how to build good routines and organise my work and homework. I love my Maths lessons because my teacher makes it interesting and fun. There are lots of opportunities to take part in group activities and I would encourage people to come to our school.”

Y7 Student, formally from All Saints Catholic Primary School

“At first, I felt really nervous and uncertain. I felt like I didn’t know anyone. At the start of the year, staff did lots of activities to help us to learn names and make new friends. I really liked our Inspire sessions too – I challenged myself to read out one of the prayers. By the end of my first term, I was helping to lead discussions with the teacher at the front!”

Y7 Student, formally from St. Peter’s C.E Primary School

“When I first started at Hope Academy, I had a bit of trouble finding my way around the school but I asked older students and teachers for directions and they were always friendly and helpful. There are lots of clubs and activities to get involved in which I really like and I also enjoy my Art and Drama lessons because they allow me to be creative.”

Y7 Student, formally from Lyme Community Primary School www.hopeacademy.org.uk

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

We want all students to achieve the best that they can be

Our aim is to help each and every student to develop to their full potential, taking into consideration their individual needs and abilities.

The four broad areas of need are:

• Communication and Interaction

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health

• Sensory/Physical Need

• or a combination of these needs

The Academy operates the 'graduated approach' to the identification of students with Special Educational Needs and Disability. The subject teachers will use a four step model; Assess, Plan, Do, Review, taking into account the views of the student and their parents. Evidence of individual performance based on learning outcomes will lead to intervention being put in place. If the student requires further additional intervention the SENDCO will observe lessons and give advice. Where necessary, parents and students will be invited to have a consultation with the SENDCO and Pastoral Manager prior to a referral taking place.

In the SEND Faculty, we believe that the relationship between parents and school is essential to ensure our cohort make good progress. We liaise with parents across all stages of their child's learning journey to guarantee they are well informed of their child's academic progress and overall wellbeing. Students identified as having Special Educational Needs and/or Disability have Individual Learning Plans including targets set by their teachers for all members of staff to access and plan work accordingly. These are reviewed at least annually with parents, or more frequently when needs begin to change. There are Annual Reviews for Students with Educational Health Care Plans as well as those who received High Needs Top Up funding. SEND Leaders work with families to ensure they have the support and understanding of their child's needs enabling them to overcome barriers to learning. If the EHCP requires amending following the review, the Local Authority Case Manager will amend it usually at the point of a change in education, for example in Year 11, from school to the Post 16 Placement.

The SENDCO supports Heads of Department to ensure that their curriculum is inclusive and ambitious for all. Each department has an evidence informed approach which allows them to adapt their practice to meet the specific needs of our students. We support teachers to secure high quality teaching, through quality assurance.

Learning Support Assistants undertake ongoing professional development training on a weekly basis in order to understand how best to meet the needs of all students. This enables them to respond quickly to meet the needs of a student when required.

All classes which contain students with an EHCP, or funding will be able to access a Learning Support Assitant for support, and in some cases more than one Learning Support Assistant. Students requiring a nurture setting will be placed in a teaching group of no more than twelve students with at least one Learning Support Assistant in the classroom.

In the English and Maths departments there are specialist High Level Learning Support Assistants to facilitate and support our learners in addition to Learning Support Assistants within the SEND Faculty. Curriculum in all subjects will be adapted to support the needs of all our learners. This will enable them to achieve success at their own level and demonstrate independent learning while developing their skill set.

In a small number of cases, some students with very high needs require a personalised bespoke curriculum. This would be created with the support of multi-agencies, parents and experienced Senior Leaders, taking into account the voice of the student to provide an educational package which is ambitious and provides scope for a choice of post 16 career pathways.


Admission Arrangements

Hope Academy is an Academy for students of all faiths and none, sponsored by the Catholic Church, the Church of England and Liverpool Hope University. The admission number for the Academy will be 270 students in Year 7.

The Academy has agreed to follow the co-ordinated admission arrangements determined by St. Helens Local Authority.

To apply for a place in Year 7, applicants have to complete the Common Application / Preference Form issued by St Helens Local Authority.

If the Academy receives fewer applicants for places than it has places available, all applicants will be admitted.

If the school receives more applications for places than there are places available, the criteria used to decide which children are admitted are listed in our admissions policy.

Following negotiation with the Local Authority, children with a statement of special educational needs which names the Academy will be admitted.

At Hope Academy, we are committed to a fair and equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of disability. Applications for admission from potential students will be considered in line with the published admission arrangements. The Academy’s buildings will be accessible to students and others with disabilities, so that they may be integrated fully into Academy life. The Academy recognises that special arrangements may be required to enable students with disabilities, including specific learning difficulties, to demonstrate their capabilities and knowledge. Special arrangements will be made to enable such students to perform to the best of their ability by meeting their individual needs. The Academy will not treat a student with a disability less favourably than any other and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure the full participation and integration of disabled students.



‘Serve one another through love’ (Galatians 5:13)


Working together to inspire excellence, guided by Christian values. ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ (Luke 6:31)


Respect: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 22:39)

Courage: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’. (Joshua 1:9)

Ambition: [Jesus said] “I am among you as the one who serves” (Luke 22:27)

Hope: ‘I will put my hope in God’ (Psalm 42:5)

Hope Academy, Ashton Road, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, WA12 0AQ

Tel: 01744 671930 Email: enquiries@hopeacademy.org.uk @Hope_Academy


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