www.joa.herts.sch.uk ST. JOAN OF ARC Catholic School LOVE CHRIST | INSPIRE OTHERS
‘Pupils understand and embrace the distinctive Catholic identity of their school. They value it greatly, are happy, confident and feel secure at the school. They have a clear understanding that they are valued and cared for and many of them spoke about the excellent pastoral care that is provided.’ Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
Welcome to our school prospectus where we outline the vision of St Joan of Arc Catholic School and the lived experience of both our pupils and our staff. In this prospectus we have sought to capture a flavour of the key aspects of school life. You will find much more on our school website and via our social media channels and we would love you to visit us, to see us in action - during our open evening or on our guided tours which follow our open events. These can also be arranged alongside an in-year application.
We are very proud of our history. As a school we started, back in 1904, with just 5 pupils, all girls, and a small number of nuns from the order of the Daughters of Jesus. Over the years we have grown and are now a co-ed school of over 1200 pupils from years 7 to 13. As we have grown, so has the area from where our pupils come from. We now have pupils from Buckinghamshire, Harrow and Hillingdon as well as Hertfordshire. Whilst acknowledging our past, it is very important that we recognise that all that we achieve today, as learners and as a community of faith, creates the history of the future. As the Headteacher of the school I am determined that we continue to build on the Joan of Arc community that has gone before us, modelling to all those we encounter the love of Christ, providing inspiration to use every opportunity for both spiritual and personal development alongside a love of learning, engagement and achievement.
Bernadette O’ Hanlon, Headteacher
Our House Saints
A Catholic Education
We are first and foremost a Catholic school, inspired by the example of St Joan of Arc who, although only young, remained true to her faith despite the many challenges presented to her.
Our Catholic ethos is more than the religious activity that takes place. Our pupils grow in an atmosphere permeated by the Gospel values and those of our patron saints; hope, diligence, fortitude, faith, patience, wisdom, love and justice. All are valued for who they are - pupils and staff. We aim to develop an awareness of the needs of others and the importance of service throughout the community.
Our mission is simple; ‘Love Christ, Inspire Others’.
We want all members of our community, whether Catholic or not, to come to understand that they are first loved by Christ. This in turn calls us to respond in love, both in worship of God and service of others in accordance with the Great Commandment:
“’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:37-40
At St Joan’s pupils will have their faith formed by a wide range of prayer, liturgy and retreat experiences supported by high quality RE lessons and a range of service opportunities.
11-18 Experience
Our Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculum is carefully planned to give our pupils a wide range of experiences in a large number of subject areas so that they are well equipped to choose specialist areas of study as they progress into our Sixth Form. St Joan of Arc Sixth Form offers a range of A-Level and vocational courses which enable the majority of our pupils to continue their education at university or college.
Our Sixth Form pupils are a vital part of our school community; they play a key role in helping younger pupils with their learning, both in the classroom and through our mentoring programmes. The Student Executive Committee maintains strong links with all year groups by organising events and activities for pupils across the school and providing leadership opportunities.
Futures and careers guidance is given to all pupils throughout their seven years at St Joan’s, via our PSHEE programme and through our careers advisor. This guidance enables our pupils to make informed decisions regarding their future paths to further education and employment.
A separate Sixth Form prospectus is available regarding Post-16 provision at St Joan’s.
‘Pupil outcomes at Key Stage 4 and 5 are outstanding.’ Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
Pastoral Care
The high-quality pastoral care provided by an experienced team of teaching and non-teaching pastoral staff is instrumental to the overall progress and well-being of every individual child in the school. Before joining us, we visit pupils in their primary schools, endeavouring to get to know them. Our prime objective is to support each pupil to make the most of every opportunity that arises, both inside and outside the classroom.
Our pastoral structure is organised into tutor groups within year groups. On entry to the school your child will be assigned to a tutor group. We take pride in having a personalised approach to the pastoral care of all pupils. We develop positive relationships which help our pupils to thrive. An array of support programmes ensures that all our pupils, irrespective of their academic ability or specific learning needs, can flourish and thrive. We hope that your child will enjoy coming to our school and that you will soon get to know us. We look forward to working closely with you throughout your child’s learning journey with us and know that you will be pleased with their success achieved whilst at our school.
‘[Staff] are exemplary in the relationships and the care they show for the pupils and each other, providing the highest levels of pastoral care.’
Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
At St Joan of Arc, our curriculum is centred around our Catholic faith as we ask every pupil to live out our school mission statement:
Love Christ, Inspire Others
Learning at St Joan’s is an enriching experience, and one which empowers our students to grow into intellectual, ambitious and virtuous young people. Through inspirational teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum, we aim to cultivate students who will foster a desire to make a purposeful, positive contribution to the world.
Placing Christ at the centre of everything provides each of our students with the faith to overcome adversity and the courage to open themselves up to personal, spiritual and academic development, enabling them to aspire towards the highest levels of achievement.
We offer:
• Enjoyment: pupils are passionate about their learning and, consequently, demonstrate a thirst for learning in the classroom, developing curiosity and creativity, depth of understanding and skills integral to success.
• Ambition: inspired by a well-planned, challenging and progressive curriculum, we insist that our pupils maximise their potential and aim to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
• Security: pupils thrive because they learn in a safe and structured environment, underpinned by a common purpose - we work closely with parents and families to embed these values both in and beyond school.
• Excellence: our rich and stimulating curriculum is underpinned by high quality teaching and the dedication of our subject teachers.
• Love: our mission is to educate the whole person and, as such, we value every pupil as an individual. Our Catholic faith is interwoven through the curriculum and permeates the whole St Joan’s community.
‘There is a real sense of community at St Joan of Arc with relationships throughout the school based on the highest levels of care.’
Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
Beyond the Classroom
As an authentic Catholic community, we are proud to endorse a broad and well-rounded education of the whole person to each of our pupils. This ensures that we encourage our pupils to strive for excellence in all areas of their lives. We recognise that some of the most effective learning experiences take place outside of the classroom and provide opportunities for our pupils to showcase their abundance of God given talents. Our hugely committed staff readily volunteer their time generously to provide a rich extra-curricular offer to pupils during the school day, after school and even into school holidays.
Pupils at St Joan of Arc benefit from a plethora of extra-curricular activities that include:
Faith formation:
Chapel lessons, fundraising initiatives, day retreats, residential retreats, pilgrimages
Sports clubs & teams:
Football, rugby, basketball, netball, rounders, gaelic football, tennis, athletics
Performing Arts:
Drama clubs, dance club, art club, music lessons, orchestra, choir, talent shows, school productions
Subject based Clubs & Trips
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE)
International trips:
Pilgrimage to Rome and Udayan (India), Language trips to France and Italy, Ski trip, Sports tours, Politics trip to Washington
Careers guidance, workshops, fairs and visits
www.joa.herts.sch.uk St Joan of Arc-224.jpg
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about St Joan of Arc Catholic School, a key partner in the All Saints Catholic Academy Trust.
Our Trust is one that is formed of strong Catholic schools who share the same aspiration toward an outstanding Catholic education for all pupils. This means an experience of education and school life in which the they are known and loved as individuals- each blessed with their own God given gifts and talents, with a unique personality and with a definite purpose and place in the world. St Joan of Arc is a school in which this reality is lived on a daily basis, in which staff go above and beyond to provide the very best educational experiences and pastoral care for all pupils. It is a school in which pupils are encouraged and enabled to thrive and flourish academically, personally and spiritually and encouraged to live authentically as the person that God has created them to be.
St Joan of Arc is a school in which a pupil’s academic potential is fully realised, enabling them to achieve success both now and in the future. It is a school in which their education and experiences prepare them well to play a full and active role in an ever changing world and in our rich and diverse society.
Belonging to the All Saints Catholic Academy Trust means that St Joan of Arc benefits from strong support across all areas of school life and enjoys the fruits of mutual collaborations between schools, school leaders, colleagues and pupils. This makes all of our schools stronger, happier and more successful organisations than they would be in isolation.
Whether you are reading this prospectus with an eye to your child being educated here or with a view to seeking employment, I can assure you that, St Joan of Arc Catholic School is a place of work, learning, study and faith, of which we are all very proud.
Stephen Wheatley, CEO
Telephone: +44(0) 1923 773881
Address: St. Joan Of Arc Catholic School High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 1HG www.joa.herts.sch.uk