‘In Sixth Form you are treated like adults, you have greater independence, freedom but also responsibility.’ Sixth Form Student
I am pleased that you are considering St Joan of Arc Catholic School as the place for your post 16 studies. As Headteacher I am proud of the students who not only chose to work hard in their studies to get great results but also contribute to the wider school community in so many ways, inspiring our younger students to become the role models they see in front of them.
At St Joan’s we have a long standing tradition of study and service going hand in hand, both allowing our sixth formers to develop their knowledge, skills and attributes, fully preparing them for the adult world of further study, training and employment. This means we set high standards and hold our students to account to fulfil their potential, but as most of our sixth formers who have been with us since Year 7 recognise, alongside this is a committed staff and a pastoral structure that enables our students to navigate their way around the challenges that life presents. What follows in this brochure are further details about life in the sixth form at St Joan’s and details of courses and entry requirements.
I look forward to seeing you at Open Evening.
Bernadette O’ Hanlon, HeadteacherOur House Saints
Our Sixth Form students are a vital part of our school community; they play a key role in helping younger students with their learning both in the classroom as subject prefects or volunteers, and through our mentoring, buddy and reading programmes. The Student Executive Committee maintain strong links with all year groups by organising events and activities for students across the school, and providing leadership opportunities through involvement in various sub-committees. Our House System further enhances these links as all students in each of the 4 houses come together to celebrate masses, and feast days, and to compete against other houses, led by the sixth form House Captains.
Careers and Future Pathways
High quality futures and careers guidance and support is given to all students throughout their time in Sixth Form via our Futures and PSHEE programmes, and through our Form Tutors and UCAS and careers advisors . Students are fully supported as they research possible degree courses, apprenticeships, work experience placements and careers; they are assisted when arranging university visits, and they are guided as they write CVs, UCAS personal statements and prepare for interviews. This guidance enables our students to make informed decisions regarding their future paths to further education and employment and provides them with the necessary skills to be successful in their applications.
‘Pupil outcomes at Key Stage 4 and 5 are outstanding.’
Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
St. Joan of Arc Sixth Form offers a range of A-Levels and vocational courses which enable the majority of our students to continue their education at university or college. We offer 4 different pathways of study, which are determined by each student’s prior attainment at GCSE.
2 A Levels + 1 BTEC/CTEC or 2 BTEC/CTECs & 1 A Level
To learn more about the entry requirements for individual subjects, please visit the Sixth Form page of our website
Student Support
Sixth Formers are well supported throughout the duration of their studies. High quality pastoral care for our students is a core part of the overall progress and well-being of every individual student in our Sixth Form. Students are supported by their Form Tutors and Subject teachers to achieve academically, but also to develop their life skills and grow as young adults. Through a study skills programme early in Year 12, students are encouraged to develop their skills in time management, initiative, self-motivation, resilience and independence.
Progress, effort and attendance are closely monitored to ensure that all students are striving to achieve their best at all times.
Catholic Life
We are first and foremost a Catholic Sixth Form, inspired by the example of St Joan of Arc who, although young, remained true to her faith despite the many challenges presented to her. Our Sixth form provides opportunities for students of all faiths to develop spiritually through discussion, study and mediation, in addition to prayer, liturgy and retreat experiences.
Through our ARC programme, students are taken on a journey of faith discovery where they are challenged to reflect on their Christian calling to be an Active Roman Catholic. It brings to life Catholic Social Teaching [CST] and the teaching of Christ: “I was hungry and you gave me food; thirsty and you gave me water; sick and you visited me.” When we put this into practice, we recognise that we are created in God’s image and likeness.
Section 48 inspection, Catholic Schools Inspectorate, May 2023
‘The Sixth Form students take a leadership role in the school by being part of a secondary executive committee and working with younger pupils in paired reading, running clubs and preparing for the house Masses.
Telephone: +44(0) 1923 773881
Address: St. Joan Of Arc Catholic School High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 1HG www.joa.herts.sch.uk
ST. JOAN OF ARC Catholic School