Success through collaboration
Post 16 Prospectus
T: 0208 573 2097
Chief Executive: Clive Neathey MA
Wood End Green Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2SE F: 0208 573 0280 E: W:
Chairman of the Board: Beverley Amos
Executive Principal: Ian O’Connor
Assistant Principal Post 16: Belishia Visser
Rosedale College
Parkside Studio College
Hewens College
De Salis Studio College
Wood End Green Road, Hayes 020 8573 1039
Wood End Green Road, Hayes 020 8734 2921
Hewens Road, Hayes 020 8573 1039
Hewens Road, Hayes 020 8573 1039
Principal - Heidi Faure
Principal - Nicholas Obie
Principal - Helen Thomas
Principal - Alison Moore
Introduction Studying at Post 16, is very different to everything that you have been used to in Year 11. You have much more control over how and when you learn, given that you will be expected to regularly consolidate and actively extend everything you have been taught in the classroom. The personal discipline, organisation and independent learning skills required to do this effectively should not be underestimated and therefore it is important that you develop a sound working relationship with your appointed mentor so as to develop these skills, analyse your progress and take the necessary action required in order to succeed. Whatever you choose to study, we will offer guidance and support, but in return expect you to set your sights high, work hard towards ambitious targets and follow the timetable which has been personalised to meet your particular learning requirements. The range of courses from which you can choose will be largely determined by your Key Stage 4 results. Therefore it is vital that you do everything possible to optimise your performance so as to achieve the best GCSE and BTEC results you can. You must also be aware of the grades needed to enrol on specific courses of choice which are on offer at the start of Year 12. If you achieve five or more GCSE A*- C grades, including English and Mathematics, you will be eligible to follow the Level 3 progression route, choosing four A Level or BTEC subjects to study in Year 12. A Level courses focus on traditional, academic subjects, assessed through a combination of examinations and coursework, whilst BTEC courses are intended to be much more work focused, vocational qualifications, assessed through coursework. If you wish to specialise in a BTEC subject there are a number of possible routes. You can choose to follow a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, worth the equivalent of three A Level subjects, a BTEC Level 3 Diploma course, worth the equivalent of two A Level subjects, or a BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma course worth the equivalent of one A Level.
Why Study Post 16? The decision to continue with your studies at Post 16, is an important one. It represents a significant step in your life, particularly in terms of educational experience, taking you beyond that of simply gaining further qualifications and extending your academic knowledge. Study at this level will also allow you to develop as an individual, equipping you with a wide range of key skills in preparation for adult life; setting a direction which will give you the means to achieve personal fulfilment and a successful career. As such, The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust takes its responsibility to you as a learner most seriously. By working in collaboration, The Academy Trust is able to offer a comprehensive range of courses delivered at either Rosedale, Hewens, Parkside Studio College or De Salis Studio College. This provision offers you access to a range of pathways together with ample opportunity to take on leadership responsibilities as part of the wider community. The Academy Trust actively encourages every student to take part in extra-curricular activities, either as a participant, instructor or official, in the belief that this will allow each of you to develop the softer skills that are greatly prized by employers and other organisations. We hope that many of you will use this experience to progress from further education to higher education. However, if you have decided that university is not for you, we can offer careers advice and sign post other training opportunities that might be appropriate for you. Please take the opportunity to read this booklet carefully so that the decisions you take are well considered, balanced and allow you to make the very best of your strengths and talents.
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What Happens now? Once you have attended the Post 16 Options Evening and gathered the information you need, it will be time to select the courses you wish to study. In so doing, you should make sure that you have considered all the information available and spoken to the specialist teachers who are responsible for the courses which are of interest to you. There may be other people, whose opinion you value too. Therefore it will be a question of weighing up everything you have discovered before finally settling on the subjects of choice. The Options Form should be returned on or before Monday 24th November, 2014 for the attention of Miss Visser at the appropriate College’s reception. Please ensure that the form is accurately completed so as to avoid unnecessary delay. Based on the information contained within the Options Forms that are returned on time, we will organise timetable blocks in an attempt to accommodate the different combinations of subjects chosen. Whilst we will make every effort to ensure that every applicant is able to study his/her subjects of their choice, there will be some constraints in that timetable scheduling will initially reflect the most popular choices, making it impossible to offer every combination.
How do you go about Choosing a Course? Having the chance to choose the combination of subjects you wish to study is one of the great benefits of Post 16 education. You can tailor your education to reflect your interests, and in so doing remain engaged and motivated. Once you have decided the progression route preferred, the choices you make are entirely up to you providing you can achieve the grades required to enrol. If you have a particular career in mind, you must be aware that there may be subjects which are essential if you are to progress to university. To become a doctor, for example, you must study both Biology and Chemistry. Similarly, Mathematics is pre-requisite to becoming an economist. Certain combinations of subjects complement each other well, such as Government and Politics and History or Information and Communication Technology and Business. However, whilst many students choose to keep their options open and select a broad range of courses for this reason, you must ensure that the subjects you choose do not prevent you from applying for a range of university courses. At the very least, be clear about how the courses you intend to select will be viewed by university admissions authorities in areas of potential interest. All students will be expected to study 4 subjects in Year 12. Beyond this, the best advice is to choose the subjects which you enjoy, those in which you feel you can achieve and those which you know will maintain your interest. Certainly talk to older students on the course and explore ideas with your family. You can’t get too much advice!
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Making it Work Whatever course you eventually decide on, there can be no doubt that the work will be demanding. Work at this level is very different from anything else you will have experienced whilst in compulsory education. In some cases, the courses you have chosen will involve content which is unfamiliar to you, in that you will never have explored these subjects before. Hopefully you will have taken this into account when making your selection, choosing wisely so that you will be well placed to meet the challenge and cope with the workload. Post 16 students have to be well organised and personally responsible for their work to a much greater extent than elsewhere in the school system. For example, your teachers will expect you to provide a folder and paper for each subject so you can take your own notes. You will also find that you have periods on your timetable which are not scheduled for formal teaching. This is not free time as you will always have work to do independently. With this in mind, you will be encouraged to set up small study groups of your own, pooling your resources to carry out research, present ideas and discuss specific course content between you. Informal learning is very important and any unstructured time is only allotted on the understanding that it is used for study or other constructive activity. Post 16 students work very closely with staff in an atmosphere of mutual respect. You will need to observe the agreed protocols such as signing in and out when you arrive on each college site, for example. If you think that you can respond to the challenges of working in these ways then we have something meaningful to offer. Success through collaboration!
Community Post 16 students are very much the leaders of the student community and as such they organise and oversee what has become a successful and vibrant Student Council. Through the ‘student voice’, different views and ideas are both sought and heard allowing the Council to exercise considerable influence over many different aspects of strategic planning and improvement. Post 16 students take part in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, running sports clubs for younger students, acting as their advocates on specific issues and organising college events. All of these activities are helpful in adding depth to individual Curriculum Vitaes and UCAS applications. There will also be various opportunities during the year for students to attend career fairs and skill shows. This will help to enhance students’ knowledge of the business world and what type of courses they should consider studying at university. We also have close links with many universities and this allows students to attend open days and get subject specific advice with regards to the courses they wish to study. Page No 4
Dress Code The dress code below outlines the expectations we have of you regarding your own appearance as a Post 16 learner. Certainly, we will expect you to dress smartly and thus demonstrate that you have made a purposeful and positive commitment to your learning. This serious-minded approach and mature attitude reflects the ethos of the Academy Trust and is something that you will not be re-negotiated. With that said, there is no single, prescribed uniform that you will be compelled to wear. All we ask is that you exercise sensible judgement in deciding on your look without exceeding the scope or boundaries of the agreed code. At present, the accepted norm is that all students dress for business, which many will interpret as a two-piece suit, for example.
MALE • • • •
formal business shirt and tie formal trousers formal plain jacket or business wear plain black non-casual footwear
FEMALE • • • •
plain blouse or top formal, plain trousers or skirt formal plain jacket or business suit plain non-casual footwear
Frequently Asked Questions How do I choose my courses? You will be able to indicate the courses you wish to follow by completing the Options Form enclosed in the prospectus before returning it by the date shown. This will be followed by an interview with the Director or Associate Director who has responsibility for your Alliance. This will happen on Academic Tutoring Day on Tuesday 6th January, providing the opportunity for you to discuss your initial choices.
What sort of student do I need to be in order to be successful in Post 16? You will need to be positive and motivated. You should be committed to academic success and keen to progress. Whatever your comparative ability might be, if you qualify for the course you will be expected to seize the opportunity, work consistently towards ambitious targets and do your very best at all times. To this end, you will need to take direct responsibility for your learning by actively seeking help and advice from your subject teachers and by working collaboratively with your assigned mentor. This is particularly important as and when you encounter difficulties. Remember, relationships are everything. Mutual respect goes a long way. Therefore it is essential for you to demonstrate how serious-minded you are as student, being willing and keen to act on advice and to be completely genuine in your ongoing commitment to success.
How do I apply within the Trust? Students on roll at Rosedale, Hewens, or Parkside Studio College will make their initial choices and apply on the form enclosed. Provisional places will then be offered. We urge you to accept this offer immediately otherwise it may be allocated to an external applicant. In all cases, confirmation will be dependent on your GCSE and BTEC results which will be available in August 2015. Page No 5
Frequently Asked Questions...cont’d How do I apply as an external candidate? If you are an external candidate you will need to complete an application form, followed by a short interview with a member of the Post 16 Management Team. You will be expected to bring some examples of your work and a reference from your current/ previous school.
What if I don’t do as well as I had hoped in my GCSE’s? If you do not meet the entrance criteria to enrol to courses of first choice, we urge you to consider other provision offered by The Academy Trust. For example, make sure you understand how Parkside and De Salis Studio Colleges will fit into all of this. If you are eligible, you will have the opportunity to combine studying a Level 3 qualification with a part time work placement that could be paid! If this is of interest to you, it is essential that you speak to either the Director of Post 16 or the Principal of Parkside and De Salis Studio Colleges to discuss what The Academy Trust can offer you.
Progression after Post 16 Many students within the Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust successfully apply to Russell Group and other universities. A wide range of students also move into apprenticeships and other work related opportunities.
How do I join the Common Room? When you confirm that you wish to take up a place within the Post 16 provision you will need to pay a £20 cash deposit. This will be returned when you leave, subject to all conditions being met. Your photograph will also be taken for an identity badge, which you must wear at all times to guarantee access to Post 16 Facilities at either/both sites.
Who should I contact if I have a question? Your first point of contact should be your subject teachers for detailed enquiries about courses. Alternatively the Director or Associate Director responsible for your Alliance should be able to help. You may also speak directly to Miss Visser about any matters relating to Post 16 provision or your application.
Are some A Levels changing? Yes, the way that some A Levels are assessed from September 2015 will change. Students’ final grade will be based entirely on the results of examinations and coursework completed at the end of Year 13.
What about the A Levels that are not changing? All other subjects will remain with the current AS Level and A2 Level system. This means that when students take their AS examinations in Year 12, it will count towards 50% of their full A Level final grade. In these subjects students will take their A2 examinations in Year 13, which will provide the remaining 50% of the overall A Level grade. To achieve an A* grade at A Level, students will continue to need 90% or above in their A2 examinations.
How much independent study am I required to do? In order to be successful as A Level you must be able to work independently. Only part of your work will be with a teacher in the classroom. Every week you will be expected to do a minimum of 20 hours of study outside the classroom. This approach may be different from your previous experience and requires maturity and self motivation.
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Study Programme Advanced Subsidiary / Advanced Level Courses Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced Level (A Level) courses are traditional qualifications that are assessed through a combination of examinations and coursework. These courses offer the traditional route into university and the working world. AS Levels are one year courses which can be continued into a second year in order to make a full A Level. For both AS and A Levels you will have six hours of lessons every week with additional private study time. AS and A Levels require much personal discipline, as much of the work required to succeed takes place outside the classroom. The step up from GCSEs to AS/A Levels is significant, and many students find the volume and requirements of study extremely demanding. Nevertheless, increasing numbers of students are achieving excellent AS and A Level grades, and are moving on to universities with a highly developed set of skills.
BTEC Level 3 Courses All BTEC courses are vocational in nature, meaning that they develop practical skills that are instantly applicable to the workplace. This is not, however, the only route to take with BTECs as an increasing number of universities are accepting the qualifications for entry into higher education. All BTECs are assessed solely through coursework. A BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma is worth the equivalent of three A Levels and is a good option for students who wish to specialise in a particular area of learning. If you choose one of these options you will study your course for eighteen hours a week. A BTEC Level 3 Diploma is worth the equivalent of two A Levels. If you choose one of these options, you will study your course for twelve hours a week, and can only choose two other options. A BTEC Subsidiary Diploma is worth the equivalent of one A Level and is taught over six hours every week. Students who successfully complete the first year of study will achieve a BTEC Level 3 Certificate, with further units in the second year to achieve a BTEC Subsidiary Diploma. When making their choices, students should consider how they balance the demands of both these qualifications. While A Levels will often be assessed through academic examinations, BTEC’s require students to produce a large amount of coursework evidence and meet stringent deadlines throughout the year.
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Op tion s A v a ila b le A S a n d A 2 Le ve l C ours e s (Pages 9 to 28)
Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade B in GCSE Mathematics and a grade C in GCSE English.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? The course is suitable for students who are considering a career in banking, finance or accounts. It is a good grounding for any business or finance related degree or later professional qualifications. Students will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to construct and alter various accounting documents, such as Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Books and Budgets. Even the best business ideas get nowhere without sound financial management!
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Introduction to Financial Accounting • Financial and Management Accounting A2 LEVEL ACCOUNTING
• Further Aspects of Financial Accounting • Further Aspects of Management Accounting You will learn the fundamentals of record-keeping and the purposes, techniques and consequences of effective financial accounting. We will consider how financial accounting helps in the measuring, monitoring and planning of successful business operations.
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL ACCOUNTING
• Two written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? There are a range of pathways into the Accountancy profession, work based, vocational or graduate entry. A popular route is to study accountancy or a finance related degree, many of which include work experience at various accountancy firms, and then study for professional accountancy examinations.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a Grade C in English and Mathematics. The minimum entry requirement is a Grade BB in the GCSE Science Double award. This means that you need to have achieved a Grade B or above in Core Science A and a Grade B or above in Additional Science. If you study the Further Additional Science you need to achieve at least 2 B grades in Core, Additional or Further Additional. If you study BTEC Science you will be required to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science. Alternatively you will need to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Science. Those joining the course with BTEC qualifications in Science will be required to successfully complete a bridging course during the Summer Term. This course will run from Monday 29th June until Friday 10th July and will include a summative assessment at the end of the bridging course.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who are interested in the different types of living organisms that populate our world and exploring the myriad ways of sustaining a living organism. Students should be inquisitive and keen to study the very building blocks of life, DNA, cells and genetics, and inquire into the biology of disease and see what can go wrong with the various life systems.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• • • •
Development of practical skills in biology Foundations in biology Exchange and transport Biodiversity, evolution and disease
• • • • • •
Development of practical skills in biology Foundations in biology Exchange and transport Biodiversity, evolution and disease Communication, homeostasis and energy Genetics, evolution and ecosystems
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL BIOLOGY
• Three written examinations • One practical competence assessment WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? A Level Biology is an essential qualification for those students wanting to continue with the study of biological sciences at degree level or higher. In addition it is a requirement for the study of courses such as medicine, veterinary science, ecology, plant science, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry and physiology. Students wishing to pursue careers in nursing or veterinary nursing would also be advised to consider biology as an A level course. Biology is also a subject that is widely accepted in conjunction with other A level subjects for non science related degree courses. Page No 10
Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS It is not necessary to have studied Business at GCSE level. All students must have achieved a minimum of 5A*-C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who wish to get a greater understanding of how businesses work and what role stakeholders play in the development and success of a business. There is also a strong emphasis on the wider economic and social development as well as technological and ethical issues. It is good for any finance related degree or later professional qualifications.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Starting a Business • Improving the effectiveness of an existing
medium sized business
A2 LEVEL BUSINESS • Strategies for Success • Business Environment and Managing Change
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL BUSINESS
• Two written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? There are a range of pathways into the Business profession, work based, vocational or graduate entry. Such pathways include, Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Operations Management and Human Resource Management. Once you have completed one of these pathways, you will be able to pursue rewarding careers within Business and Accounting. Business Studies is also recognised as developing important lifelong skills.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a Grade C in English and Mathematics at Grade B. The minimum entry requirement is a Grade BB in the GCSE Science Double award. This means that you need to achieve a Grade B or above in Core Science A and a Grade B or above in Additional Science. If you study the Further Additional Science you need to achieve at least 2 B grades in Core, Additional or Further Additional. If you study BTEC Science you will be required to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science. Alternatively you will need to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Science. Those joining the course with BTEC qualifications in Science will be required to successfully complete a bridging course during the Summer Term. This course will run from Monday 29th June until Friday 10th July and will include a summative assessment at the end of the bridging course.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who are academically minded and have an interest in the world around us. Chemistry is in the foundation of everything around us, from the making of new materials to understanding biological systems, from the food we eat to the medicines which keep us healthy and from the quality of the water we drink to keeping the air we breathe pure.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• • • •
Development of practical skills in chemistry Foundations in chemistry Periodic table and energy Core organic chemistry
• • • • • • •
Development of practical skills in chemistry Foundations in chemistry Periodic table and energy Core organic chemistry Physical chemistry and transition elements Organic chemistry and analysis Practical Skills in Chemistry 2
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL CHEMISTRY
• Three written examinations • One practical competence assessment WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Chemistry is an essential entry requirement for many courses at university including medicine and pharmacy and is useful for anyone who wishes to study a science based degree, or who would like to pursue a career in a laboratory environment. It is a challenging subject and as such is highly valued by employers and admissions tutors.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade B in GCSE Mathematics and a grade C in GCSE English.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Students who wish to progress to higher education or employment where knowledge of Computing would be beneficial.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Computer Fundamentals You will gain an appreciation of computing fundamentals, including hardware, software, the presentation, structure and management of data, how data is transmitted and networked, the life cycle of systems development, the characteristics of information systems, and the implications of computer use.
• Programming Techniques and Logical Methods You will gain an appreciation of designing solutions to particular problems, how procedural programs are structured, the types of data and data structures, the common facilities of procedural languages, how to write maintainable programs, and how to test and run solutions.
• Advanced Computing Theory You will understand the function of operating systems, the function and purpose of translators, how computer architectures are structured, how data is represented, how data is structured and manipulated, high level language programming paradigms, low level languages and how databases function.
• Computing Project Through coursework, you will gain an understanding of definition, investigation and analysis, system design, software development and testing, documentation, evaluation and how to produce written reports covering these topics.
• Two written examinations - One on-screen examination and one written examination.
• One written examination • One coursework practical project WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The course provides a progression to University including careers in medicine, Law, Business, Politics or any type of science.
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Subject: Level: Type:
Creative Writing
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who have enjoyed creative writing at GCSE and would like to refine and develop their ability to express themselves in writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. The course will develop your clarity of thought and expression and your ability to think critically and analytically. The course can be studied either in conjunction with English Literature or on its own. You will develop your own skills as a writer and have the opportunity to write creatively in a variety of genres. You will write your own stories and other pieces of fiction and non-fiction.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Writing on Demand • Exploring Creative Writing A2 LEVEL CREATIVE WRITING
• From Reading to Writing • The Writing Portfolio SPECIFICATION AQA
• Examination worth 40% • Coursework portfolio worth 60% A2 LEVEL CREATIVE WRITING (60% TOTAL A LEVEL)
• Examination worth 40% • Coursework portfolio worth 60% WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course will prepare students for studying Creative Writing or a Humanities subject at university. In terms of careers, it will develop skills required in careers in creative media, film, journalism etc. Employers wil recognise that you have the ability to analys texts and to express yourself clearly in writing using advanced and sophisticated language skills.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in English and a grade B in GCSE Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who are academically minded and have an interest in current affairs and politics. Students will have the opportunity to research current events and to study economic predictions and what effect these will have on individual markets and the economy as a whole. Your work will focus on developing your knowledge and skills to explain and evaluate the important factors involved within an economy.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Markets and Market Failure
• The National Economy A2 LEVEL ECONOMICS
• Business •
Economics and the Distribution of Income The National and International Economy
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL ECONOMICS
• Two written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? At AS Level, this course will compliment students studying Government and Politics and other Social Sciences. Continuing at A2 Level, this course may lead to a degree in Economics or Mathematics. It will demonstrate sort after analytical and theoretical skills, which are required in the competitive employment market. Economists may enter a variety of careers such as journalism, accounting or careers within the local and national government. If you have studied Economics, employers appreciate that you understand the environment in which a business is run. The skills and knowledge you will acquire on the course, will make you a very attractive proposition to future employers.
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Subject: Level: Type:
English Literature
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade B in GCSE English Language and a grade B in English Literature and a grade C in GCSE Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? English Literature is suitable for students who enjoy reading a variety of engaging and thought-provoking texts in a range of forms and a range of genres. Intellectual curiosity and independent learning skills are of key importance and you will be expected to conduct your own research outside of lessons to support your critical appreciation of texts. During AS, you will have the opportunity to study a play text, and then write your own creative response.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
AS LEVEL ENGLISH Literary Genres: Aspects of Tragedy • Drama: Shakespeare • Pose
• Poetry
A2 LEVEL ENGLISH Literary Genres: Aspects of Tragedy and Political Writing • Literary Genres - Aspects of Tragedy • Texts and Genres - Elements of Political Writing • Theory and Independence
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? AS LEVEL ENGLISH 100% Examination • Paper 1 Drama Examination: 1 hour 30 minutes closed book - 50% • Paper 2 Prose and Poetry Examination: 1 hour 30 minutes open book – 50%
A2 LEVEL ENGLISH 80% Examination and 20% Non-Exam Assessment • Paper 1 Literary Genres Examination: 2 hours 30 minutes closed book – 40% A Level • Paper 2 Texts and Genres Examination: 3 hours open book – 40% A Level • Non-Exam Assessment: 2 essays 1200-1500 each, both responding to a different text and linking to a different aspect of the Critical
Anthology - 20% A Level
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? An A Level in English is incredibly attractive to universities and employers as it develops both analytical and evaluative skills and verbal and written communication. A degree in English will make you eligible for a career in publishing, advertising, journalism or marketing, as well as diverse professions in business or law.
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Subject: Level: Type:
Extended Project
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Any student following a Level 3 programme is eligible for the Extended Project. You will have an opportunity to research a topic of your own choosing, although you cannot simply duplicate any work you are doing for an examination course. You might be interested in aspects of a subject that you have been unable to take as an examination course.
COURSE CONTENT This is an independent research project but there is an important taught element. You will be taught how to research properly, which will support your work in other areas as well as preparing you for higher education. You will be taught how to write in an academic fashion, how to prĂŠcis information and how to write reflectively. You will also be taught how to reference your work, which will be a vital skill for students who progress to higher education. The vast majority of higher education institutions welcome the Extended Project because it demonstrates an ability to work successfully in the way they expect. The project will be the result of your research inquiry. Most projects take the form of a 5000-word essay or might be some kind of performance. Artists might work towards an exhibition. The standard required is A Level, so you must be prepared to spend as much time on the project as on any of your other subjects. Your project might be a secondary study where you have found all the information online or from published sources. It might, on the other hand, include primary research in the form of surveys, interviews or observation.
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The assessment is based on entirely on the project chosen.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The Extended Project is an open ended project. It therefore prepares you extremely well for higher education and university level study. You also have the opportunity to go into depth and perform critical analysis of a topic that you are interested in and that may relate to your chosen career path. Given the nature of the work, it will also improve your Curriculum Vitae if you have done primary research.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics with a grade B or above in GCSE French.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Students that will enjoy this course must be enthusiastic about the French language and culture. Students must also actively want to broaden their speaking, writing and listening skills in French.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Media: Television, advertising and communication • • •
technology Popular culture: Cinema, music and fashion trends Healthy living/lifestyle: Sport, exercise, health and well-being Family/relationships: Relationships within the family, friendships and marriage
• • • •
Environment The multi-cultural society Contemporary social issues Cultural topic
• Listening, reading and writing examination • Speaking test A2 LEVEL FRENCH
• Listening, reading and writing examination • Speaking test WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Learning a language creates opportunities in many fields, both academic and professional. A language qualification demonstrates good communication and inter-personal skills, commitment to learning and promotes inter-cultural competence and experiences. All of these attributes are desirable to both universities and potential employers.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course helps students understand the interconnected world we currently live in. It covers a range of global issues and promotes sustainability and cultural understanding within the students. Furthermore, the course requires independent enquiry, a skill sought after by all universities and colleges. As well as giving you a better understanding of how mankind and the earth impact on each other, you will also study places of geographical interest and conduct local fieldwork.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Global Challenges • Geographical Investigations A2 LEVEL GEOGRAPHY
• Contested Planet • Geographical Research SPECIFICATION Edexcel
• One based on data gathered
from a week long residential field trip
• One based on a geographical investigation
• Two written examinations which will include own research
conducted throughout the year
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Geography has links with both the sciences and arts. This is good preparation for jobs which involve planning and decision making in the business and industrial world. It also links well with jobs which require an understandig of current affairs. After studying Geography you will have a number of transferable skills which can be used in many different occupations such as, Environmental Consultant, Environmental Impact Officer, Civil Servant for Defra, Health Education Campaigner, Financial Risk Assessor, Location Analyst and Surveyor.
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Subject: Level: Type:
Government and Politics
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is suitable for students who enjoy discussion, debate and who have a passion for expressing and defending their views. Students who have enjoyed Citizenship will enjoy Government and Politics. This course will enable students to acquire many of the skills sought after by universities and colleges.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• People and Politics • Governing The UK A2 LEVEL GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS
• Key Themes in
Political Analysis Route D - Structures of Global Policies Extended Themes in Political Analysis Route D - Global Political Issues
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS
• Two written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Government and Politics is complemented by other subjects such as History, English and Economics, but none of these are a necessity. Students of Government and Politics are well-prepared for many different careers in a whole range of fields, such as the civil service, banking, consultancy and, of course, the political world itself.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade B in GCSE History. Students who have not studied History at GCSE, but have a grade B in GCSE English, are also welcome to apply.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? History is suitable for students who have good written and reading skills. The course actively aims to engage students in the process of historical enquiry. This will develop them into effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of periods, societies and aspects of history. The course will foster students’ ability to ask relevant questions about the past and to investigate them critically using a range of sources.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Britain Transformed 1918 to 1992 • USA 1920 to 1955 (Boom, Bust and Recovery) A2 LEVEL HISTORY
• British experiences of warfare 1790 to 1918 • Historical Enquiry coursework (3000 to 4000 word essay)
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL HISTORY
• Three written examinations worth 80% • Coursework worth 20% WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? After studying History you will have a number of transferable skills which can be used in many different occupations. Professions that need skills of evaluation, thought and literacy include the police, teaching, Civil Service, the Government Sector and the Armed Forces. It is also particularly useful in areas such as law and journalism.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Students who wish to progress to higher education or employment where knowledge of ICT would be beneficial.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Information, Systems and
Applications (External)
• Structured ICT Tasks (Coursework)
• ICT Systems, Applications and
Implications (External)
• ICT Project (Coursework) SPECIFICATION OCR
• One written examination • One coursework task A2 ICT
• One written examination • One coursework task WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The course provides a progression to University including careers in Medicine, Law, Business, Politics or any type of Science.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade B in English and a grade C in GCSE Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course will provide students with a good introductory knowledge and understanding of law. It will develop skills of analysis, reasoning, logic and critical thinking. It is suitable for anybody who has an interest in law and the legal system, and complements other Humanities subjects, such as Government and Politics and Sociology.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• English Legal System • Sources of Law A2 LEVEL LAW
• Criminal Law Special Study • Criminal Law SPECIFICATION OCR
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL LAW
• Two written examinations WHERE NEXT POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? A Level Law is not a prerequisite for entry to legal careers but is accepted, with other subjects, as a qualification for entry to Law degree courses at almost all universities. Many students opt to pursue degrees in other subjects other than Law and then take the one year conversion course Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) sometimes referred to as the CPE. An A Level in Law is recognised as being a valid and useful qualification by employers in a variety of careers such as Local Government, Accountancy, Librarianship, Social Work, Journalism, Estate Agent and many other careers.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and at least a B in GCSE Mathematics. Those joining the course will be required to successfully complete the agreed bridging course. Those joining the course with BTEC qualifications in Science will be required to successfully complete a bridging course during the Summer Term. This course will run from Monday 29th June until Friday 10th July and will include a summative assessment at the end of the bridging course.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who have a passion for Mathematics. A Level Mathematics will open many doors and is highly regarded by employers.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Core Mathematics 1 • Core Mathematics 2 • Statistics 1 A2 LEVEL MATHEMATICS
• Core Mathematics 3 • Core Mathematics 4 • Mechanics 1 In Core Mathematics, the main area of studies are algebra, functions, co ordinate geometry, trigonometry, sequences and series, binomial expansion, logarithmic function and exponential functions, differential and Integral calculus. In Statistics, students learn to analyse data, discrete random variable, Probability and Normal distributions, correlation and regression. In Mechanics, areas covered are Kinematics, statics of a particle, moments, dynamics of a particle moving on a straight line.
• Three written examinations A2 LEVEL MATHEMATICS
• Three written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? An A Level in Mathematics can lead to many science and engineering degree courses as well as computing, actuarial science, medicine, business studies courses and many more. Page No 24
Subject: Level: Type:
Further Pure Mathematics
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade A in GCSE Mathematics and a grade C in GCSE English. In order to study Further Pure Mathematics at A2 Level, students must also study A2 Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who have a passion for Mathematics. Further Pure Mathematics will prepare you for further Mathematical studies at university and is an accreditation that is highly regarded by employers.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Further Pure 1 • Mechanics 1 • Decision Mathematics 1 A2 LEVEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS
• Further Pure 2 • Further Pure 3 • Mechanics 2 or Statistics 2 SPECIFICATION Edexcel This specification emphasises the importance of a common core of Mathematics which broadens knowledge of Pure Mathematics. It works in tandem with Core Mathematics and therefore sounds understanding of the topics contained therein are essential. Topics include complex numbers, Matrix algebra, coordinate systems, Differentiation and Integration. It is a challenging qualification, which both extends and deepens your knowledge and understanding beyond the standard A level Mathematics. This is particularly for students who are genuinely interested in furthering your knowledge of the subject.
• Three written examinations A2 LEVEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS
• Three written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The course provides a progression to University including Actuarial Science, Computing, Medicine, Business Studies and many more.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a Grade C in English and Mathematics at Grade B. The minimum entry requirement is a Grade BB in the GCSE Science Double award. This means that you need to achieve a Grade B or above in Core Science A and a Grade B or above in Additional Science. If you study the Further Additional Science you need to achieve at least 2 B grades in Core, Additional or Further Additional. If you study BTEC Science you will be required to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science. Alternatively you will need to have achieved a distinction* in the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Science. Those joining the course with BTEC qualifications in Science will be required to successfully complete a bridging course during the Summer Term. This course will run from Monday 29th June until Friday 10th July and will include a summative assessment at the end of the bridging course.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? If you have a passion for understanding how things work and enjoy scientific experiments and Mathematics, then you should study Physics. Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• • • •
Development of practical skills in physics Foundations of physics Forces and motion Electrons, waves and photons
• • • • • •
Development of practical skills in physics Foundations of physics Forces and motion Electrons, waves and photons Newtonian world and astrophysics Particles and medical physics
• Two written examinations A2 LEVEL PHYSICS
• Three written examinations • One practical competence assessment WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The options available following completion of an A Level in Physics are many and varied. Students have in the past combined Physics with music and gone into sound Engineering, or Art and Physics to go into Architecture. Several Law courses prefer students to have studied Physics because it helps develop a logical train of thought. Certainly it is a preference subject for medical sciences like medicine and veterinary science, and essential for engineering courses, in particular, civil, electrical, aeronautical and mechanical engineering.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a grade C in English, a grade B in Mathematics and a grade B in Science, alternatively a Merit in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? You will enjoy this course if you welcome the opportunity to think about, and discuss, the nature of individuality and how, as individuals, we relate to others. How does the group influence the individual? Why do you find it difficult to remember something you heard moments ago? What is stress? You might also have opted for English Literature, History, Sociology, Law, Government and Politics, Media Studies, Health & Social Care, or any of the sciences. Opportunities for practical research will be an excellent preparation for those students who wish to do primary research as part of their extended project.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Research Methods • Psychological Themes through core studies A2 LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY
• Research Methods • Psychological Themes through core studies • Applied Psychology SPECIFICATION OCR
• Written examinations A2 LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY
• Written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? A Level Psychology is accepted by universities as a valid entry requirement to degree courses, no matter what subject you wish to study at degree level. Students wishing to go into social services, health care, policing, the law, the media or teaching will find knowledge of psychology very useful and in some cases necessary as part of their professional training. Psychologists can train as therapists and many Psychology degree courses lead to membership of the British Psychological Society.
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Subject: Level: Type:
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary (AS)/Advanced (A2)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? You will enjoy this course if you welcome the opportunity to think about, and discuss, the nature of society and how, as individuals, we relate to each other. How are we ‘shaped’ by society? You might also have opted for English Literature, History, Psychology, Law, Government and Politics, Media Studies, Health and Social Care. However, Science students might also enjoy Sociology as a social science. Opportunities for practical research will be an excellent preparation for those students who wish to do primary research as part of their Extended Project.
COURSE CONTENT The course will explore and develop the following topics of interest:
• Socialisation, Culture and
Identity • Researching and Understanding Social Inequalities
• Socialisation, Culture and
Identity • Researching and Understanding Social Inequalities • Debates in Contemorary Society
• Written examinations A2 LEVEL SOCIOLOGY
• Written examinations WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? A Level Sociology is accepted by universities as a valid entry requirement to degree courses, no matter what subject you wish to study at degree level. Students wishing to go into social services, health care, policing, the law, the media or teaching will find knowledge of sociology very useful and in some cases necessary as part of their professional training.
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O ption s Av a ila b le B T E C Cours e s a nd P r ofe s s i on al Q ua lif ica tions (Pages 30 to 41)
Subject: Level: Type:
Art and Design
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics. Students who have not studied Level 2 in Art and Design before, will be required to produce a portfolio which will be assessed upon entry.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is designed as specialist qualifications for students who have a clear view of their future career in Art and Design or are seeking progression to higher education.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are: • Visual recording in Art and Design • Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design • Communication through Art and Design
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study: • • • • • •
Visual recording in Art and Design Materials, Techniques and Processes Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design Communication in Art and Design Generating Fine Art Ideas Developing and Realising Fine Art Ideas
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? There are many options available to school leavers: further education, vocational degrees and apprenticeships and jobs that offer workplace learning. If you are not sure about the path you will wish to take, the flexibility of BTEC Art and Design makes it a good choice, as it offers useful practical experience as well as a recognised qualification.
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Level: Type:
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? These courses are for students who would like to study a broad range of business topics. The qualification will provide students with the ability:
• • •
To gain an understanding of the world of Business To acquire further knowledge by practical application using real life scenarios To use imaginative and critical thinking in applying knowledge to business situations and problems
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are: • The Business Environment • Business Resources • Introduction to Marketing • Business Communication
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study: • • • • • • •
Business Accounting Creative Product Promotion Internet Marketing in Business Understanding Business Ethics International Business Understanding Retailing Business Project Management
• Business Market and the Economy
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course enables you enter employment or higher education in Business Studies, Marketing or Human Resources.
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Level: Type:
Construction and the B uilt Environment
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a grade C in English, Mathematics and Science, alternatively a Merit in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students interested in pursuing a career within the construction industry or those who want to gain a greater understanding of construction. Students will study both Civil Engineering and Building Services Engineering on this course.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and the Built Environment • Sustainable Construction • Mathematics in Construction and the Built Environment In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• Science and Materials in Construction and the Built Environment • Construction Technology
and Design in Construction and Civil Engineering Building Technology in Construction
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? In addition you could go into further education and study at a degree level in construction management surveying, computer aided design, structural engineering or civil engineering.
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Level: Type:
Creative Media Production
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? The course is designed for students who are interested in becoming part of this fast moving, ever changing and exciting industry. The students must have an interest in the film and television media industries as well as be prepared for both practical and written work. Students will study video/ audio production, editing, web design, animation and digital graphics. During the course you will complete a range of practical projects and produce a showreel/ portfolio of videos, animations, websites and podcasts.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Pre-Production
• •
Techniques for the Creative Media Industries Research Techniques for the Creative Media Understanding Television and Film industries
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• Single Camera Techniques
• Corporate and •
Promotional Programme Production Advertisement Production for Television
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course is good preparation for Higher Education, further training or employment in related areas could include: advertising, art director, advertising, creative/copywriter/ director, animator, computer games designer, internet/ web professional, media researcher, multimedia designer, photographer, recording, industry producer, sound engineer (recording industry), sound, technician and various roles within the television and film industry. A range of higher education courses in Media and ICT related areas are available.
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Level: Type:
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a grade C in English, a grade C in Mathematics and a grade C in Science, alternatively a Merit in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science. Students who have not studied Engineering before, will need to have a minimum of a grade B in Mathematics at GCSE Level.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Engineering should be chosen by those students who want to work on their technical abilities, understand how to communicate technical concepts and grow in their knowledge of engineering processes and manufacturing. This course would ideally be matched with an A Level in both Mathematics and Physics. This course is mathematically intensive, hence the high entry requirement in this area. The course is designed to allow students to access some technical content. This includes technical drawing, applications of scientific theory and computer aided manufacturing techniques. It also brings in important aspects of engineering design, a deeper grasp of electrical and electronic concepts, and then allows the learner to develop their own project based on their strongest area of learning and personal interests throughout the end of the course.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Health and Safety in the
Engineering Workplace • Communications for Engineering Technicians • Engineering Project • Mathematics for Technicians
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• Electrical and Electronic Principles • Engineering Design SPECIFICATION Edexcel
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Students have the opportunity to move into work related learning as an operator in a local engineering firm. This could also be linked to College, where one or two days a week they would still attend classes to develop their knowledge. Another possibility is for students to study at university where they can specialise in a specific engineering field, such as civil, mechanical or electrical engineering, preparing them for entering into a trade.
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Level: Type:
Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing Services (QCF)
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who are good with their hands, a unique approach to being creative and have an interest in Hair and Beauty industry. Students will have the opportunity to experience advance techniques within the Hair and Beauty industry. This qualification is for learners aged 16+ with an interest in hairdressing and/or beauty therapy. It aims to introduce young people to:
• • •
develop a broad understanding of the hair and beauty sector develop significant knowledge which spans the entire vocational sector and related industries develop academic and study skills that will support progression within the hair and beauty sector and more broadly, across the range of sectors.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• • • • • •
The Art of Dressing Hair Client consultation Follow health and safety practice in the salon Working in the hair industry Shampoo and condition the hair and scalp Create an image based on a theme with the hair and beauty sector
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• • • •
Colour hair using temporary colour Plaiting and twisting hair Presenting a professional image in a salon Provide scalp massage services
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Students will be assessed through practical workshops in the training salon on the College Campus or students may be assessed at their workplace. Students will produce a portfolio of evidence that will also be assessed as they progress through the course.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? The hairdressing industry is dynamic and thriving, and offers a wealth of opportunities in salons, studios and barber’s shops - whether in specialist areas such as styling, perming or colouring, or broader areas such as marketing or management. Progression into working as a senior stylist, educator for manufacturers, assessor or lecturer, specialist within the industry, Level 4 technical salon manager.
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Level: Type:
Health and Social Care
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who enjoy analysing and exploring people in our society, the caring organisations and human behaviour. Students will have the opportunity to broaden their understanding by carrying out practical work as well as classroom teaching. This course would be suitable for anyone who is seeking a career in Care profession or higher education. This course will allow you the opportunity to explore a wide range of areas that affect the Health and Social care sector. You will critically explore a range of caring organisations and the clients they serve; allowing you the opportunity to develop well balanced and justified arguments.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Developing effective communication in Health and
Social Care
• Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care • Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care • Personal and Professional Development in Health
and Social Care
• Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course could lead to a wide range of opportunities. You could start into employment in the health and social care sector. Alternatively you could move onto a related career or higher education studying a degree in nursing, social work, midwifery, youth work or public services.
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Level: Type:
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma or Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is suitable for students who are looking to get into the hospitality industry. The course is fast paced and involves the learners to use their thinking and practical skills for management and catering.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• The Hospitality Industry • Principles of Supervising Customer •
Service Performance in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism Providing Customer Service in Hospitality
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• • • • • •
Food Service Organisation European Food Contemporary World Food Hospitality Business Enterprise Events Organisation in Hospitality Planning and Managing a Hospitality Event
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? Hospitality opens doors across the industry and with the help of companies attached to the course such as IHG (International Hotel Group) students will experience the industry at an early stage. Students will have the option to move into work related learning as a trainee chef or work in the Hotel management and business. The skills they acquire would also have introduced them to in-depth practical aspects of catering and management; preparing them for entering into the world of work.
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Level: Type:
Information Technology (IT)
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics. Also students need to have achieved a grade C at GCSE Information Technology (IT) or a pass grade or above in Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA).
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This BTEC qualification is for students who wish to enter into employment in the IT sector. Students will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Communication and Employability Skills for IT • Computer Systems • Information Systems In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• • • • • • • • •
E-Commerce Communication Technologies Website Production Computer Animation Supporting Business Activities Business Resources Spreadsheet Modelling Multimedia Organisational Systems Security
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? This course is 100% coursework. All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? With the international recognition of BTEC courses such as this, you can progress straight into employment. If successful there are a wide variety of potential careers that you can explore, within sectors such as the growing computer games industry, product development, technical support, technical sales, telecommunications and hardware engineering. Jobs that are commonly taken after completion of the qualification are: system analyst, network manager, computer service technician, IT technical sales specialist and computer games designer and computer operator.
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AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting Professional Qualification
COURSE DETAILS The AAT qualification is designed to give students a solid base of accounting principles and skills to build on throughout their career. Students opt to undertake the AAT qualification as they may see it as a way of entering the world of accountancy and finance in order to aid their career progression. The AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting will help students to gain relevant financial experience and could lead to a formal qualification. This course is made up of 7 units, 5 assessed by computer based examinations and 2 computer based projects. When studying the AAT Level 3 qualification, students will learn about accounts preparations, preparing final accounts for sole traders and partnerships, costs and revenues, indirect tax, professional ethics, spreadsheet software. This course is for students: •
Who already have already grasped the basic principles of accounting by studying A Levels
• Who have completed the AAT Level 2 training course (although this is not a necessary requirement) •
Who are at an intermediate level and looking to develop their existing accounting skills
Upon successful completion of the course you will be able to apply for careers in roles such as an accounts clerk or accounting payable supervisor.
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Professional Qualification
COURSE DETAILS This qualification provides an overview of computer fundamentals as well as an introduction to advanced concepts. Students will have the opportunity to study general networking theory and will have opportunities for practical experience, career exploitation and soft skills development. CCNA Security introduced the core security concepts and skills needed to install, troubleshoot and monitor a network to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) on the other hand will teach students the advanced skills needed to install, configure, monitor and troubleshoot enterprise-sized networks and manage wireless security and voice application.
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Professional Qualification
COURSE DETAILS Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) is as a globally recognised, standards-based certification programme for students wanting to expand their knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the Microsoft Office application suite. The credentials enables individuals who attain it to tap the full features and functionality of the Microsoft Office system, resulting in heightened levels of individual performance, confidence and differentiation. The course consists of: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook
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Level: Type:
Performing Arts
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma or Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students should have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent, including a grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Students should consider this course if they are: creative, artistic, enjoy performing and have some skill in the art forms. Students do not need to be performers as the course also offers opportunities to develop skills in stage management, costume/makeup for the stage, set design/ construction, technical theatre and arts administration. The Performing Arts National Diploma will give students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in Dance, Drama and Performance. The course offers an exciting mix of theory and performance opportunities. Students will participate in workshops with theatre professionals and visit the theatre to ensure they keep abreast of current trends.
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• Performing to an audience • Performance workshop In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• Developing contemporary dance technique/
• •
exploring contact improvisation/ dance performance/ urban dance/ developing movement skills Devising plays/ theatre in education/ auditions for actors/ drama improvisation Site-specific performance/ special subject investigation
The course will focus on the two pathways of acting and dance. Students will be able to specialise or take a mixed route.
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course is suitable for anyone wishing to pursue a career in the Performing Arts sector as a performer or behind the scenes in stage management, front of house and technical support. Some of the jobs available are: lighting or sound engineers, directors, floor managers, crew, agent/manager, television/film editor, television/film producer, television/film runner and stunt performers. It also prepares students for youth work and work in the field of dance/drama education. The study of these subjects helps prepare students for working in a team and independent learning.
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Level: Type:
Sports Science
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma or Extended Diploma
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students must have achieved a minimum of 5 A*- C grades or the equivalent at GCSE including a grade C in English, Mathematics and Science, alternatively a Merit in the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Principles of Science and BTEC Level 2 First Award Applications of Science.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who are academically minded and have an interest in Sport and Fitness and want to further their understanding of the physiological aspects such as the human body and the sports industry. This subject is a practical work related course. You will learn by completing practical sessions, assignments and work based projects
COURSE CONTENT The core units studied are:
• • • •
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology The Physiology of Fitness Assessing Risk in Sport Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise
In addition to this, the units below are a sample of some of the optional units you could study:
• • • •
Sports Injuries Sports Nutrition Sports Coaching Psychology of a Sports Performer
HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? All assessment for BTEC is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria, which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction.
WHERE NEXT - POSSIBLE CAREER PROGRESSION? This course will provide students with the skills needed to enter into higher education and the diverse opportunities in the sports and leisure industries. It will allow students to choose a career within the wide range of the sports and fitness industry; sports education, coaching, sports therapies, fitness instruction or physical education teaching.
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Options Grid 2 0 1 5 Name: .......................................................................................
Form: ....................
Email (usually your LGFL): ...........................................................................................
Level 3 Progression Route BTEC Subsidiary Diploma = 1 A Level BTEC Diploma = 2 A Levels BTEC Extended Diploma = 3 A Levels
A Level Accounting A Level Biology A Level Business A Level Chemistry A Level Computing A Level Creative Writing A Level Economics A Level English Literature A Level French A Level Geography A Level Government and Politics A Level History A Level Information Technology A Level Law A Level Mathematics A Level Further Pure Mathematics A Level Physics A Level Psychology A Level Sociology Level 3 Extended Project
Please tick: (Choose the four subjects you would like to study)
When you are choosing the BTEC Subjects, if you choose the Subsidiary Diploma, it counts for one choice, the Diploma, two choices and the Extended Diploma, three choices (for example, if you choose a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, you can select one further option)
Subsidiary Diploma
Extended Diploma
BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Art and Design BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Business BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Engineering VTCT Award in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Hospitality BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Information Technology BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Performing Arts BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma / Extended Diploma in Sports Science Please indicate below any other subjects you would be interested in studying, for example a language qualification:
Industry and Standard Qualifications These qualifications will be studied alongside your four A Levels (Optional)
AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting Cisco Certified Entry Network Technician (CCENT) Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate of Financial Studies Certificate in Personal Finance
Approved By: (Parent, Guardian or Carer) ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ Please return the enclosed form for the attention of Miss Visser at the appropriate College’s reception, by Monday 24th November, 2014
The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust Wood End Green Road Hayes Middlesex UB3 2SE