Prospectus Independent preparatory school for boys
BEST START Choosing a school is probably one of the most difficult and expensive decisions you will have to make. to benefit from the education that we provide here, not only in preparing them for senior school but in striving to give them the very best start in their young lives.
It is difficult because you are investing in your child’s happiness and future. It is expensive, not only because of the money you will spend but also because it is both time-consuming and demanding if you are to make the right choice. However, if that choice is the right one, then it will bring enormous happiness and success to your son as well as great pride for you, as you watch your child’s developing future.
I am mindful of the fact that not all schools are right for every child and it is for that very reason that I encourage you to visit us either on your own, at one of our regular small family group sessions, or for an Open Day along with others. This way, you can see for yourself and gain a ‘feel’ for exactly what we have to offer; not only academically but artistically, socially, culturally and through the many activities which overflow at Rokeby. We will welcome you with pleasure and I look forward to meeting you.
When I look around at our Rokeby boys, I am delighted that so many of them have been given exactly that opportunity:
Jason Peck, Headmaster
The Ethos of a
‘Your son comes first’: At Rokeby we put the boys, as individuals, before anything else. We want all of our young people to know that the essence of achievement lies in what they themselves can do and what they can take pride in; that it is not so much about competition with other pupils as with trying to gain the best for themselves from the wealth of opportunities our staff and facilities offer. This demands dedicated teaching, enthusiastic children and good partnership work with parents and we are proud of this team approach.
Motivation and
Opportunities Rokeby offers an education from 4 – 13 years and through an integrated approach to pre-prep and prep we provide a stand-alone school that, whilst enjoying strong associations with many senior schools, does not tie your son to one school from 4 – 18 years. Some parents seek a single sex environment from a young age whilst others are looking for co-education; at Rokeby we believe that single sex education provides a strong base for motivation and achievement through a breadth of opportunities. We understand boys!
Smart “Success breeds success,� as the saying goes, and we want all Rokeby boys to achieve success in whatever field their talents lie. It is our belief that this success emanates from a confidence and pride in what they are doing, how they look and how they behave, whether to each other, to adults or to the environment. In preparing them for the challenges of life, we want to avoid pupils becoming too stressed or exhausted but equally to give them the tools for a solid foundation of knowledge and behaviour that will stand them in good stead for what lies ahead in the fast moving environment in which we all live.
Skilful All schools will aim to develop a pupil’s skills and we are no different, but we hope that through our family orientated approach we can ensure our boys leave us at 13+ as independent learners and self starters who, through a composite set of skills that embrace reading, writing, thinking and physical dexterity, can adapt to different situations and challenges.
Kind Words and phrases such as co-operative, generous of spirit, collaborative and respectful matter to us. We want our boys to be all of these and mostly they are, without losing sight of the desire to compete and excel and to celebrate the achievements of others.
Individual and
Community As the age of the computer develops and faceless machines respond to our calls and queries, it is important to us that Rokeby remains human. Whatever a personality, reserved or outspoken, quick witted or ponderous, we embrace all our youngsters and alongside the staff and the parents this forms the community of our school. The School Council, The House structure and year group classes form the backbone of the structure so that all individuals learn to live, work and play with different groups of people but with one goal – success for each individual whatever their strengths and weaknesses, likes or dislikes.
Supportive and
Challenging “I’m not sure,” says the child or, “It’s not fair”. And how does the teacher reply to the uncertainty of the new boy or the worry of a pupil who thinks he has given his best but failed? A good teacher responds by instilling confidence, by caring, by explanation and by encouragement. Things may seem uncertain or unfair but we want our pupils to manage their expectations and to understand that we appreciate when they have given of their best and to feel when the challenges they are being given are there to enable them to achieve even more if they are able to do so.
Dynamism and
Like all schools, we have fine facilities and a breadth of activities to offer. Our results speak for themselves, with pupils leaving us for a wide range of well renowned day and boarding, single sex and co-educational schools. But offering that bit more is important to us. We are an ambitious school with a visionary Governing Body and Staff. We must move with the times if we are to prepare our students for the future, but we aim never to lose sight of the principles of a well balanced environment, respectful yet motivated boys and a desire for an enquiring and stimulating approach with and from all who are involved at Rokeby.
Invitation Come and visit us and find out for yourself: Meet the pupils, see staff in action and meet fellow prospective parents and current parents. We hope you will enjoy our community.
Rokeby Educational Trust Ltd George Road Kingston upon Thames  KT2 7PB Tel: 020 8942 2247