Sedgehill School Prospectus

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Sedgehill School is an exciting and vibrant community that we are proud to lead both now, and into the future. Our key priority is to equip our students with the knowledge, skills and selfconfidence to be both happy and successful adults in the future. At Sedgehill we have excellent learning facilities for all subjects and are totally committed to students being stretched and challenged in their learning. Ensuring that students make good

Our Vision Working Together to Build Bright Futures. To be a centre of excellence where all students gain the qualifications, skills and experiences necessary for them to maximise their potential. The school of first choice for the local community where all can fulfil their dreams. A place where young people are put in charge of their lives and their futures as engaged citizens and leaders of the future.

We shall achieve this through: • providing the highest quality education for all students underpinned by excellent teaching which ensures all students make progress; • delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which equips students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in modern Britain; progress in the core subjects of English, maths and science is a key priority for us as they are increasingly crucial to all employers. We are as a school however eager to develop students’ love of learning through reading, creativity and activity. We want students to enjoy and achieve, and our staff are fully committed to realising this goal. We have a range of exciting opportunities outside of the classroom including music and sport. As a school we will continue to assist students in learning to play a musical instrument. Our school choir ‘Vocalize’ is a great opportunity for young people to develop their skills and confidence through high level performance. We know that settling in to a new school can be a challenge; we have a number of staff including a form tutor and Year Progress Leader who will ensure that this transition is smooth and successful. We are both excited about the future of Sedgehill. We hope you are able to visit us and see what we can offer your child.

Mrs J Scannell, Chief Executive Officer

Mr A Milliken, Head of School

• challenging staff and students to reach the highest possible standards through effective leadership at all levels; • motivating students and staff to become part of a vibrant and exciting school community by providing opportunities for all to succeed.

Year 7 students at Sedgehill will be supported through a dedicated Year team. Each student will have a form tutor whose role is to monitor their progress and oversee their wellbeing. Tutors will plan and deliver a range of personal development activities through Personal and Social Development (PSD). Within the Student Support Centre (SSC) there will be a Year Support Officer for Year 7 who will be able to support emotional well-being and assist with settling in and any general concerns. The Student Support Centre will be the main point of contact for students during the day. The Year 7 Progress Leader will focus upon the academic progress and achievement of all students in Year 7. The Progress Leader will plan support and interventions for students if necessary and will lead the year group in assemblies and all activities.

At Sedgehill School, we want all students to grow in confidence so that they can be robust and dynamic learners. We will be promoting reading through a whole school scheme and ensure students have the opportunity to make regular visits to the library to develop their skills and enjoyment of reading. Students will undertake a full programme of subjects from Year 7 onwards that will prepare them for success at GCSE. There are a range of extra-curricular opportunities for students to enjoy at Sedgehill. As a school we are committed to broadening the experience for our students; if enough students express an interest in an activity, we will always try to offer that as a club.

We are proud to be a partner of the Music in Secondary Schools Trust as part of their Andrew Lloyd Webber programme. This provides funding for all Year 7 students to receive a violin or viola and extra, specialist staffing for them to be taught their instrument in their curriculum music lessons. We are currently in the second year of the programme. In the first year the programme has been hugely successful and it has been a joy to see Year 7 students gaining confidence, working together and taking pride in performing for our school. They have looked after their instruments well and persevered through difficult pieces. Some students got the opportunity to perform at the Barbican and to attend a residential music conference in Oxfordshire. New Year 7 students will get an opportunity to join our developing orchestra and work with other schools in the programme. There are also other opportunities to join other instrumental and singing ensembles.

Sixth Form Our sixth form offers a wide range of academic and vocational options that aim to provide students with the skills and experiences that will enable them to access universities or a higher level apprenticeship. The Sixth Form works with a range of organisations including Fulham Football Foundation and higher education partners. All students will be expected to develop themselves as individuals through leadership opportunities within the school and a work experience placement. Our students have gone on to study a range of subjects including medicine and law as well as establish themselves in a range of high quality careers in London and beyond.

Deaf Education Centre We are very proud of the fact that we host the Lewisham provision for deaf students. Our Deaf Education Centre (DEC) encompasses Sedgehill’s ethos and values with a fluent ‘Total Communication’ approach. We embrace each student’s individuality and their often complex needs with a holistic view on their education and development. We aim to fully involve deaf students in all aspects of the school’s life. Our students spend most of their time in school in mainstream lessons where they can learn alongside their peers, supported by highly qualified and experienced staff. Each student receives an individual support package tailored to their needs. This ensures they have access to broad and balanced curriculum with specialist support, allowing them to overcome barriers or challenges, build their self-esteem and achieve their best. T: 020 8698 8911 Main Admission Office: Information:

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Sedgehill School, Sedgehill Road, London SE6 3QW


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