Sedgehill School 7-11 Additional Information Booklet

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Additional Information

OPEN EVENING Monday 28th September 2015

The Curriculum 5.30pm – 8.30pm

OPEN MORNINGS Thursday 29th September 2015

9.00am – 10.30am

Wednesday 30th September 2015

9.00am – 10.30am

Thursday 1st October 2015

9.00am – 10.30am

Friday 2nd October 2015

9.00am – 10.30am

TERM DATES 2015/16 Thursday 3rd September – Friday 18th December 2015 Monday 4th January – Thursday 24th March 2016 Monday 11th April – Wednesday 20th July 2016

The School Day 8.30am – 8.50am


8.50am – 9.50am

Period 1

9.50am – 10.50am

Period 2

10.50am – 11.10am


11.10am – 12.10pm

Period 3

12.10pm – 1.10pm

Period 4

1.10pm – 1.55pm


1.55pm – 2.55pm

Period 5


End of School Day

Our innovative curriculum maximises student choice and ensures every student follows the most appropriate pathway through school and beyond. We enrich our curriculum with a range of activities, trips and opportunities to ensure that every student acquires the qualifications, skills and experiences necessary for them to take charge of their futures.

Key Stage 3 We meet all statutory requirements and we ensure that we have a broad and balanced curriculum. Students are taught in academic sets in English, maths and science. Other subjects are taught in mixed ability tutor groups and include art, dance, design, drama, ICT, modern foreign languages, music and PE. An extensive tutor programme also covers a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues. Information and guidance about careers and pathways is delivered through the tutor programme and in assemblies and special events.

Literacy At Sedgehill School we place great value on literacy which is delivered across the curriculum in all lessons. Students, at all levels, strive to improve their literacy. Literacy is about being able to communicate accurately and appropriately in writing and when speaking and students will be expected to demonstrate high levels of literacy at all times in school. All students are encouraged to develop a love of reading and there is dedicated time every week to silent reading. Students should have a reading book with them at all times.

Key Stage 4 Students follow one of several pathways during Key Stage 4, determined by their progress in Key Stage 3 and after an individual interview where each student discusses their ambition and plans for their future education. The vast majority of students take a core offer of GCSEs in English, English literature, mathematics, double or triple award science and RE. Most of the year group continue with a GCSE in a modern foreign language. Students are encouraged to choose the subject combination required for the English baccalaureate but this is not compulsory. Students complete two weeks of work experience at the end of Year 10.

Sedgehill School  Additional Information

Post-16 There is a full range of AS/A2 subjects, as well as BTEC level 3 and 2 courses for students to choose from as they move from Year 11 into Year 12. Students can combine studying A-level subjects with BTEC courses. On application to the sixth form students are given a pathways interview to ensure that their chosen courses will secure access to a student’s university of choice. Students also follow an enrichment programme and complete a week’s work experience at the end of Year 12.

In the event of a community secondary school being over-subscribed (having more applicants than places available) priority within each band will be given in the following order:

Student Leadership

2. In exceptional circumstances, children who have a personal or family acute medical or social need for that particular school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional, setting out the reasons why the school is the only one to meet the child’s needs. The admission decision will be considered in consultation with a sub group of the Admissions Forum, teaching and medical professionals. Medical professionals provide advice on applications made under medical conditions and teaching professionals advise on applications made for social or special reasons. Supporting evidence must be provided before the closing date for applications.

Student leadership is central to our school vision. There are opportunities for students to take leadership roles from Year 7 onwards and every student is expected to make a contribution to the running of the school. Every tutor group has two student representatives and these reps all contribute to their year group councils. All reps also attend the Sedgehill Parliament that is held every term and where key issues are discussed and proposals about improving school are put forward. Other opportunities that exist for younger students to take on leadership roles are with the recycling team, library assistants, sports leaders and college leaders. The school prefect team is made up of 35 Year 11 students. Every student wishing to become a prefect has to apply and be interviewed for the job. Prefects are essential to the smooth running of the school and they are the representatives of the school at all public events. In the sixth form each subject area has student ambassadors and students have to apply for these roles and take on extra responsibility.

Information about Admissions Lewisham’s Education Policy on Admissions Offers of a place in Sedgehill are the responsibility of Lewisham Education Authority, advised by a group of local head teachers, teachers and inspectors. Some schools receive more applications than there are places available in a particular band. If you select an over-subscribed community school, it may not be possible to offer your child a place. Every effort will be made to comply with any statutory preference expressed, but this will not be possible if it puts at risk the education of other students by overcrowding, or leads to inefficiency or puts undue strain on the schools resources.

1. Applicants who are in Public Care (details must be supplied by the allocated social worker or foster carer). A child in public care is a child who is in care to a local authority or who is provided with accommodation by that authority.

3. Applicants whose brother or sister is on the roll of the school on the closing date for applications and will still be on the roll of the school at the intended date of admission. Siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings, or half-siblings, plus foster or step-siblings living at the same address as the child; proof of the sibling relationship may be required. 4. Applicants who live nearest to the school. All distances will be measured in a straight line, using digitised mapping software or Ordnance Survey maps of the area, from the home to the main school entrance. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, e.g. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically. Proof of permanent home address will be current council tax statements, utilities bills, residence orders or other court orders. If a false address has been given and an offer made on the basis of that information, the offer of a place may be withdrawn. Further advice is available from the Admissions Team about this.

Sedgehill School  Additional Information


Sedgehill School, Sedgehill Road, London SE6 3QW T: 020 8698 8911 Main Admission Office: Information:

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