Working together to support ambition and excellence in education
Working together to support ambition and excellence in education
Whether you are joining to raise standards rapidly, or simply feel that within a wider network you want to benefit from and contribute to sharing of expertise and best practice we would love to discuss how we might work together.
The Success for All Educational Trust is an established multi-academy trust with an ambition to grow through working with schools who share our Vision and Values. We are proud of the success we have had with our existing schools whilst ensuring they maintain their individual identities and ethos. We are also eager to learn from others and constantly improve what we offer. If you’d like to find out more about us or visit one of our schools, please feel free to contact me personally on
Paul Ward, CEO“SFAET as a trust is a close knit family. Every stakeholder is supportive and caring. The headteacher and his team have aided me exponentially to develop as a practitioner. The CEO and his team plan very beneficial trust days and the recent SFAET collaboration day was outstanding. Furthermore, I am grateful to be part of the team. The culture of success for all is clearly a collective expression that resonates to everyone.”
Kamal Ali – Head of Maths Faculty, Sanders Draper School
in 2017, The Success for
Trust was created as a result of an invitation from the DfE to the current CEO Paul Ward in recognition of the rapid improvement of Redden Court School (now an Ofsted graded Outstanding school) where he had been Headteacher since 2009.
The trust community includes three secondary schools, Redden Court School, The Royal Liberty School, Sanders Draper School and the two primary schools Rise Park Infants and Rise Park Junior.
He insisted that the name of the Trust should reflect the overall vision of the Trust in that all stakeholders should be given the opportunity to be successful as part of our provision and offer.
Our schools are all located geographically within the London Borough Havering in North East London and serves both areas of significant deprivation as well as more affluent areas. Although the majority of students are from a white British background our schools are becoming increasingly more diverse.
Our schools range in size from 3 to 7 forms of entry with an overall current student number of approximately 3000. Our annual trust budget is approximately £20 million and in recent years we have carried out over £30 million worth of building works in our schools.
Our governance is made up of mainly local people, with a wide variety of skillsets and backgrounds. Local committees work at school level to monitor the areas of Teaching and Learning and Student Matters, whilst the Trustees are responsible for the performance of the Trust Schools as a whole.
The prospect of further growth is exciting for us as we are keen to work with new schools, recognising the exciting opportunities that are possible when working closely together within a trust.
“The collaboration with the SENDCOs from the other Trust schools has been useful and resulted in the generation of new ideas and improvements. My team and I are delighted to have opportunities to meet and share experiences with their colleagues from other schools in the Trust.”
Julia Tyldesley – SENDCO, Redden Court School
“Having just joined the Trust in September, I was genuinely so impressed by the INSET day and by the quality of CPD that is on offer to all staff here. It has been a long time since I’ve attended CPD of this quality. As a senior leader, you’re so often focused on strategy and the day-to-day running of the school that you don’t often get to attend training to help with your own classroom practice. It was refreshing to be afforded the time and opportunity to stop and think about things like my own questioning strategies. The chance to hear from external providers across a range of issues was really valuable, as was the chance to meet colleagues from other schools.”
Nina Eastman-Waite – Deputy Headteacher, The Royal Liberty SchoolThe Trust seeks to work with other organisations and schools from all sectors to improve outcomes and life chances for all of our students.
Our name encapsulates our commitment to success for all and we strongly believe that our schools should develop a culture which is inclusive, has safeguarding at its heart and believes that every student is capable of success.
The Trust embraces Equality and Diversity with an approach that is based on the principle of inclusion. At its heart is a commitment to the value and richness that all members of our community bring to the organisation because of their diverse characteristics. These cover race, gender, disability, age, marital status, sexuality, religion, background, personality and work style.
We believe that Teaching and Learning that is engaging and challenging for all students is vital to their success and a vital ingredient in improving schools.
We will provide rich extra-curricular and additional opportunities for all to build character and enrich students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness.
Our staff must be valued and developed in their roles as their welfare and wellbeing underpins the success for our students and our Trust. The Trust will follow a business model which enables success with robust financial management and the effective use of resources.
We value the unique character of each school and will not seek to create schools that are clones of one another but bring about school improvement through the power of collaboration. We expect that all schools and staff within the Trust will share and collaborate.
Our Trust will be organic and will grow over time – our longer-term aspiration is to develop a Trust which has links to a range of social enterprises and schools which are providers in different educational phases.
“At the core of everything we do, is our commitment to Success for All. We will all work together to support ambition and excellence in education.”
Paul Ward – CEO
“I feel valued as a staff member within the trust and I am provided with opportunities as an Early Career Teacher to widen my knowledge and horizons. I recently visited one of the secondary schools within our trust to gain an insight into the learning progression from Year 6 and the transition into Key Stage 3.”
Deanna Mortimore – Year Six Teacher, Rise Park Junior School
Teachers across our schools meet regularly as part of collaborative networks and share a common understanding of what we teach, why we teach it, when and how. Our ambitious Secondary curriculum has a strong emphasis on the core English Baccalaureate subjects with our Primaries focusing on the development of Mathematical and Literacy based skills. In all of our schools the wider curriculum and personal development is promoted through a wide range of opportunities. Achieving excellent results will only happen in an environment where students feel looked after and supported in a respectful, calm environment where everyone can thrive. Our pastoral systems are expected to be exceptional.
“Unsurprisingly, curriculum planning is at the heart of our success. This is one of the main reasons students in our schools achieve the excellent results they do.”
Paul Ward – CEO
“Working with other MFL departments across the Trust has provided both students and staff with excellent opportunities to further their knowledge and learning. Students have benefited from primary school Spanish taster sessions, French speaking events, and had their GCSE speaking exams facilitated by Trust staff. As teachers, we have been able to share ideas and best practice through combined department meetings.”
Jennie Scollan – Head of Spanish, The Royal Liberty School
“Building the home school support service across the Trust has provided a great opportunity to support the implementation of outstanding pastoral care. Working collaboratively with other members of staff has been really beneficial to collectively providing our families with early intervention, and a range of services that provide support where it is needed the most.”
Sharon Stokes – Home School Support Working and Trust Team Leader
This allows our teachers to be free to do what they love most inspiring students to learn and be successful.
Our associate staff are seen as integral to the success of our schools and all staff are part of a Trust Wellbeing Package which includes access to counselling, supervision, medical support services and much more.
Each of our schools has a comprehensive CPD programme which is enhanced by an overarching range of Trust CPD opportunities. We invest heavily in leadership and encourage everyone to voice their ideas to make our students experience even better.
“Staff enjoy working for SFAET. Our teachers tell us they value our approach to managing workload through our marking policy and removal of formal lesson observation.”
Paul Ward – CEO
“As a new Headteacher it has been invaluable having support from the other Headteachers within the Trust. Whilst our schools have been encouraged to maintain our own identity, what has been really useful is navigating the big changes in education together and the opportunity to discuss the impact with each other. What’s more, it has been really useful being part of the review days at other schools and being a regular visitor which has enabled me to see best practice elsewhere and consider that in my own setting.”
Anthony Henry – Headteacher, Redden Court School
We will never seek to create schools that are clones of one another and will always respect and encourage the individual identity of each school.
When a new school joins us, we will always take time to learn more about the school, understand their goals and aspirations and the support they might need to reach them. We will then help you achieve your goals, based on each school, individual priorities and support you to make change happen. We will always share our experience and ideas and work together with a shared passion to bring about rapid progress. Only by working together can we make sure our students are as successful as they possibly can be.
“As the Attendance Lead for the SFAET, I am responsible for building the Attendance service across the Trust. The professional experience and career progression opportunities I have gained working within the trust have been invaluable. Excellent attendance and punctuality not only maximises attainment but improves pupil outcomes, this is the very key to success. We all have an important part to play in improving all pupils’ outcomes and this includes building important life skills, so that our young people are the very best that they can be.”
Jeanette Willis – Education Welfare Officer and Trust Team Leader
“As Computing Lead for Rise Park Infant School, I have been enormously impressed, by the amount of support from SFAET. They have been able to personally support staff with technical issues as well as installing new and improved platforms and equipment which have drastically improved workload at all levels. Their expert support and advice has been extremely invaluable.”
Erin Beaumont – Year One Teacher, Rise Park Infant School
“With technical teams based at all schools throughout the Trust, we relish the opportunity to share ideas and develop ways of merging the technology into the core of the schools operations. This has been very useful in our long term plans of centralising our schools IT networks. We all benefit from the experience and expertise of the professionals within our team which aids us all in our career development.”
“It’s brilliant being a part of the SFAET. We are all part of a wider collective, working together to share ideas and strive for the best for both students and staff. There is a real feeling of support within the team and I am proud to be a part of it.”
Sarah Reeman – Learning Support Assistant, Sanders Draper School