Yenton Primary School Welcome to
Welcome to Yenton Primary School and thank you for taking the time to find out how passionate we are about educating children.
Yenton Primary School is a successful and happy school that serves a wide and diverse community. We offer a high quality education to all of our pupils, concentrating on educating the whole child, finding and nurturing that spark of inspiration that lies within each of them and preparing them for a successful future.
All parents want their children to be safe, happy and well-educated and we share these key goals. We have created a friendly, warm atmosphere that makes our school such an enjoyable and creative place to learn, whilst ensuring that standards continue to rise.
We are proud to be a part of the Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust. Our staff, governors, parents, carers, trustees and broader stakeholders collaborate closely to ensure that each child can take full advantage of every opportunity to be the best that they can be, when moving on to their next phase proud of their broad range of knowledge and understanding of their achievements.
We are proud of all of our children, their families and all that we can offer them at Yenton Primary School.
Vision and Values
Our aim is to promote high educational expectations within a caring, nurturing community, enabling our children to lead creative, inspirational lives.
Our School Vision
We believe that all children can achieve, inspire and lead remarkable, creative and aspirational lives.
Our Values
We have built our school values to reflect this vision and the needs of our children and wider school community. These values are summarised in the word RESPECT. These are our core values and are woven into everything that we do at our school.
Respectful Excellent Successful
Proud Exploring Communicating Teamwork
Our Curriculum
Our EPIC curriculum pillars underpin and link our curriculum together, providing opportunities for cross-curricular links to be made within our learning.
Our children learn about Environment, Power, Innovation and Community throughout their time with us and they enjoy wide, rich and balanced opportunities. We encourage and celebrate our children’s successes in all areas, both inside and outside of school. We have a varied programme of visiting speakers, out of school visits and a residential trip in Year 6 to further enhance our rich and varied curriculum.
We understand the ever-changing needs and demands of our education system as we look to prepare our pupils to thrive in the future. We see ourselves as a true learning community where we all look to embrace new and exciting educational initiatives. With a dedicated staff team, fantastic parental support and, of course, our lively and enthusiastic children, we will continue striving to improve the educational outcomes for all of our children.
Extending Curriculum Opportunities
High quality learning in the classroom is only part of the learning experience at Yenton Primary School. We are committed to providing a wide and varied programme of extended learning activities.
An example of this is our Forest School, which backs onto the main school playground. Our Forest School allows our children to experience outdoor learning in an inner city environment and is extremely popular with all of our children. Our dedicated Forest School Leader enhances the learning that has taken place in the classroom through a series of tailored outdoor learning experiences, as well as teaching the children about the natural world.
Also, all of our children in Year 4 have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (tenor horn, violin or flute). Our children then have the chance to continue to learn their instrument, or change to another, in Years 5 and 6 at a discounted price.
We offer a wide range of after school clubs, with our sports clubs taught by our sports coach an ever popular feature of our school.
We have recently refurbished our main school playground to include a multi-use games area (MUGA) and 2 new climbing frames, which allow our children the chance to play collaboratively and be active during playtimes and lunchtimes.
We Can Be Being the Best that
Our goal is to be the very best that we can be, and this aim is shared by all of our children and staff. We aim for all of our children to flourish, be happy and to achieve more than they thought possible.
We achieve this by outstanding teaching in every class and by giving each child the chance to participate in trips and activities to enhance their learning. We celebrate all of our pupils’ efforts, progress and achievements, and build selfesteem and confidence.
At Yenton Primary School we believe that the voice and opinions of our pupils must be heard and this in turn helps guide our school in its journey forwards.
We have a very active school council and gained the Parliamentary Gold Ambassador Award for our work on British Values and Democracy. In addition to this, we are proud to be part of the UNICEF Rights Respecting School initiative which allows our child led steering group to promote children’s rights. Our efforts in this area have led to the school being Silver Rights Award Holders.
We are fortunate to work closely with Honeybears Nursery and Out of Hours Club, who rent a building on our site. Honeybears provides our out of school wrap around care for our families that need this facility, as well as nursery provision for the under 5’s.