2 minute read
Make Your Own Beard
• Felt Sheets – Brown – Pack of 10 – 17538 • Artline70 Permanent Marker – Black – 12996 • Soft Yarn – Brown – 100g – 17137 • Clear Sticky Tape – 18mm x 66m – 17769 • CleverPatch™ Tacky Glue – 250ml – 16494 • Elastic – White – 10 Metres – 19747 • Other Materials Required: Scissors
1. Hold a felt sheet under your nose and wrap it around the bottom half of your face. Use a permanent marker to trace over your jawline, marking it on the felt, then do the same with your mouth. Use these guides to cut out a ‘beard’ shape. Adult supervision is recommended when using scissors. Cut small holes in each side of your felt as shown.
3. Add a line of tacky glue along the bottom of the felt piece and press the sticky taped edge of the looped yarn row onto the glue.
6. Continue to layer and glue rows of looped yarn until the felt piece is covered, making sure the final row along the top is glued in place without using tape. Allow to dry. 4. Create 2 more looped yarn rows and attach above the first row in the same way. The yarn should overlap slightly so it is covering the taped edge underneath.
7. Once completely dry, cut all of the looped ends of yarn. Use your fingers to fluff up the yarn and then trim the yarn beard as needed. 2. Cut a 2m length of yarn and continuously loop it loosely around 2 fingers. Remove and spread out slightly, taping along the top to hold the row of loops together as shown.
5. When attaching the row of looped yarn below the mouth area, do not use sticky tape as there will be nothing above to cover it. Carefully glue straight onto the felt instead.
8. Finish the beard by tying a length of elastic to the holes created in Step 1. Try the beard on and adjust the elastic as needed. Wear your beard with Dad as you celebrate Father’s Day!
A great beard that doesn’t have to grow on you or Dad!