2 minute read
Turtle Wall Hanging
• Pony Beads – Torres Strait Islands Colours – 250g Pack – 19821 • Armature Wire – 1.5mm x 175m – 12904 • Beading Wire – Silver – 22 Metres – 10230 • Soft Yarn – Blue – 100g – 17136 • Soft Yarn – Green – 100g – 11312 • Soft Yarn – White – 100g – 11307 • Soft Yarn – Black – 100g – 12008 • Other materials required: Scissors, ruler and templates (page 9)
1. Cut three pieces of armature wire to the following lengths: 40cm, 60cm and 90cm. Adult supervision is recommended when using scissors. 2. Starting with the 90cm wire, thread on the coloured beads in any order you choose! When the wire is full, twist the ends together to secure and move the beads to cover the join.
4. Cut five pieces of yarn approximately 5m long. The length needed depends on the size of the spaces you left between the beads on the wire. Tie the yarn onto the small wire circle at equal distances, then onto the large circle as shown above. 5. Wrap the yarn gently around both circles of wire as shown above. Tie to secure, then trim any excess yarn. 3. With the 40cm and 60cm wires, thread as many beads as you like onto the two strands, leaving space to do some yarn weaving. Twist the ends of the wire together to form two circles.
6. Cut 10 pieces of beading wire measuring 15cm each. Evenly space the wire around the 60cm circle and attach by twisting one end around the wire circle.
7. Thread some beads onto the beading wire. Attach the other end to the 90cm wire circle. Repeat until all the beading wire pieces are secured. 8. Cut five pieces of armature wire 15cm long to make the turtle’s fins and head. Bend the wire into shape following the templates on page 9. Twist these pieces around the 90cm wire circle to secure. Cut and bend two 5cm pieces to make the eyes. 9. Wrap yarn around the fins, head and eyes to add colour. You may wish to add a loop of yarn to create a hanger. Your Turtle Wall Hanging is now ready to display!