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One-Third See Discrimination In Hospitality Report Reveals
by CLH News
‘ oppor tunity’ to repor t this
Meanwhile , a third of respondents who did file a complaint were satisfied with the handling of this complaint
The repor t also found that Black respondents were more likely to be on zero-hour contracts while Asian workers are most likely to be on par t-time contracts
In addition, 44 2% of Asian respondents have a length of ser vice of under six months
A new repor t by not-for-profit Be Inclusive
Hospitality has found that one in three respondents have experienced discrimination while working in the sector
The third edition of the Inside Hospitality Repor t 2023 repor t which sur veyed 3 120 hospitality workers across the UK found that just under 85% (84 1%) of respondents at the director level have witnessed discriminator y behaviours

For Black and Asian respondents who answered yes to witnessing discriminator y behaviour, 62 4% of Asian and 62 6% of Black respondents cite racial bias as the most prevalent form of discrimination
Fur thermore , 84 1% of respondents at the director level have seen discriminator y behaviours
Higher propor tions of respondents in nightclubs, pubs and bars repor t experiencing and witnessing discrimination, with 43% saying they have ‘low levels of confidence’ in the company ’ s ability to address discrimination in the workplace; this is especially the case for ethnic minorities
Only 52 4% of par ticipants who encountered discriminator y behaviour in their workplace had the
Black and mixed race respondents have worked in the sector for longer periods
Despite this, higher propor tions of ethnic minority groups are more likely to hold entr y-level positions and earn the least
The repor t included positives, revealing optimism from 83 8 per cent of respondents who said they felt the industr y offered “good career oppor tunities”, with past sur veys showing that average pay across hospitality is rising
But the Inside Hospitality Repor t also published key findings that showed white respondents are still more likely to hold managerial positions and earn more while black respondents are more likely to be on zero-hour contracts
Jennifer Ravalli Harri chief marketing officer said: “Harri is proud to represent a client base as diverse as our teams and believes strongly in the Be Inclusive Hospitality initiative Having helped power this year ’ s repor t, it is our hope that the findings continue to spark positive changes across the hospitality sector as we move toward a more equitable , diverse , and inclusive future ”