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Summer Ready with Alliance Online

temperatures soar and our summer begins, we Brits star t to more readily look for oppor tunities to eat out and enjoy a weekend staycation As a result the hospitality industr y sees an influx in business so needs to be ready for the summer look and feel The exquisite Diamond stemware collection replicates the look of refined stemmed glassware with the versatility of polycarbonate


Improving retention is a process that must be constantly assessed If someone leaves in their probationar y period, hold an exit inter view with them, find out where the gaps are and take action to make it better When new team members star t, take it back to basics – make them feel welcomed by finding out how they take their tea, or their favourite chocolate bar – these things will make them feel valued Ensure that they have an open forum on their first week to air any issues, assign them a buddy to shadow on shift and get to know them on a human level This will help them engage with the business in those first crucial 90 days, creating a culture of belonging which makes for a low churn rate in retention Prioritising people is the best way to increase those all-impor tant retention rates in hospitality Assess what the first 90 days look like for a new star ter make sure they have oppor tunities for one-to-one time with a manager to discuss concerns, ensure they understand what the job entails upfront and take stock of this on a regular basis If someone does want to leave their role , hold an exit inter view, and look at areas to improve next time

With such a huge par t of the UK’s workforce being employed in hospitality, there is a responsibility for employers to work with their employees to make it a rewarding career path that consistently attracts the best talent cling by high street cafes and restaurants could see farms and growers buying the fer tilizer while local homes and businesses use the energ y

Big waste producers, such as hospitals, universities and food manufacturers will have on-site recycling systems that capture , process and store food waste before sending it for processing to generate energ y

The future is wide open for the rapidly developing AD technolog y, which is experimenting with mixing different waste streams to generate even more power than each stream separately

One thing is sure , caterers and food waste processing plants will help power the nation in future


Meiko manufactures the MEIKO GREEN BioMaster® waste recycling system, which conver ts fr ying oil, coffee grounds, fats, peelings, plate waste , flower stalks etc , into fuel for anaerobic digestion

BioMaster comes in small medium and large-scale solutions It's ver y hygienic easy to use , fits into counter tops or works as a stand-alone unit And it is easy to share!

See the adver t on page 9 or visit https://www.meiko-uk.co.uk/en/products/food-waste-systems

The first thing to note when it comes to carefully selecting the appropriate crocker y for a commercial establishment should always be practicality Another aspect that is of paramount impor tance in the decision is suitability, think of a bar or restaurant like a jigsaw where each piece needs to be perfect to ultimately create the ideal atmosphere and customer satisfaction The impressive thing about the new Bonna range is that both requirements are met effor tlessly each product range of Bonna delivers something unique that sets it apar t from the others Whether it be sentimentality, joy, peace or any other feelings, there is a Bonna range catered towards your demographic

Latest Front Of House

Discover the latest products that can reinvigorate passion in your commercial establishment or introduce a new atmosphere and ambience to proceedings Here at Alliance Online we have worked with industr y-leading brands to provide a peerless and comprehensive range of products for the last 25 years Each product has been carefully selected to meet industr y standards of the professional hospitality industr y In our time of operations Alliance have become a market-leading supplier of crocker y, cutler y, napkins, glassware , signage , bar and restaurant supplies For a digital copy of our Front of House brochure simply navigate to our site www allianceonline co uk and within the Trade section select Digital Brochures and you will find it in our digital catalogue’s librar y

See the adver t on page 12 for fur ther details

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