CLH News #184 January 2016

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COPING WITH THE NEW £7.20ph LIVING WAGE From April 2016, all Hotel, Restaurant and Pub businesses will have to pay any staff members who are over 25 years old the new “Living Wage” which starts at £7.20ph!!! THIS WILL BE COMPULSORY - whereas the current “Living Wage” is NOT! This will be extremely difficult for all of our industry’s businesses and FATAL for some! • PERHAPS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SOME HELP AND START PLANNING FOR THIS CHANGE • WE CAN HELP YOU BY REVIEWING YOUR OVERALL WAGES STRUCTURE NOW, AND HELP YOU THROUGH ANY NECESSARY CHANGES Call David Hunter now to talk it through: Phone: 01628 487613 Mob: 07831 407984 (Est 1984) Download the new “Bowden GPCalculator” iPhone App make costing and pricing easy

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January 2016

Issue 184

Hotelympia 2016 Preview

Source Trade Show Preview

Products and Services

Pages 19 - 21

Design and Refit

Pages 22 - 26

Page 27

Property and Professional

Pages 28 - 34

Pages 35 - 38

Tough New Government Alcohol Guidelines Proposed THE UK chief medical officers alongside a group of experts has made recommendations about how lower risks to health from drinking alcohol. The group looked at the evidence about the levels and types of health harm that alcohol can cause, depending on how much and how often people drink. The new guidelines, which are the first since 1995, recommend it is safest not to drink more than 14 units per week to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level. It also states that one or two heavy drinking sessions can increase the risk of death from long term illnesses. Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, said: “What we are aiming to do with these guidelines is give the public the latest and most up to date scientific information so that they can make informed decisions about their own drinking and the level of risk they are prepared to take.” Dr James Nicholls, Director of Research and Policy Development, Alcohol Research UK, said: “The new CMO guidelines on low-risk drinking are strongly informed by recent research showing an association between alcohol consumption and a number of cancers. They also take a conservative view of the possible protective effects of moderate alcohol consumption on heart disease and stroke. “The evidence on cancer has become stronger in recent years and shows that some cancer risks start to increase with any amount of alcohol consumption – though those risks are usually low to start with. Acknowledging these associations is important and to be welcomed; hopefully, the publication of the guidelines will encourage an informed, but not scare-mongering, debate on this issue. “The CMO report broadly rejects the claim that alcohol has a protective effect on the heart. This question is still unresolved in the research and there is not much detail on how the claim that moderate drinking only reduces risk of heart disease among women over 55 remains was arrived at. However, the guidelines do reflect the fact that any protective effect is likely to be cancelled out by any heavy drinking – even on a single occasion – and that the possible protective effects among older drinkers need to be balanced against the new evidence on cancer risks, which are spread more widely across the population. “14 units a week may seem low, and we know that the existing guidelines are either ignored or seen as not credible by many drinkers. 14 units a week is not a magical break point: it is the point at which the CMO estimates that the overall risk of dying from an alcohol-related cause reaches 1 in 100. It will be a challenge to

communicate this message in ways that are workable and effective. However, the guidance provides an important reminder that all alcohol consumption comes with some degree of risk, as do many other activities, and that drinking within these levels will reduce many of those risks to a very low level. The decision on what level of risk is acceptable is, however, for individuals to make: these guidelines provide a benchmark, but an informed and considered public debate on how we think about risk in relation to drinking would be very welcome in the months ahead Trade bodies to the licensed industry also commented with Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive saying: “We want to study the evidence fully, but it is important that consumers have confidence in any guidelines and the reasons for any changes are clearly evidence-based and explained. “Reducing the guidelines means that a whole new group of males are classified as ‘at risk’ drinkers and there is a real danger that consumers will just ignore the advice. “The new recommendations for men, in particular, put the UK well out of line with other comparable countries. The USA has 24.5 units. France 26, Italy 31.5, and Spain 35 units. In other countries, most guidelines recognise the difference in terms of physiology and metabolism between men and women. “It is also important to note that alcohol consumption is falling (down 19% since 2004) and harmful drinking is also falling. Between 2005–13, men drinking over the guidelines dropped from 41% to 34% and women from 33% to 26%.” ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The guidelines draw a link between alcohol intake and associated health risks, but go on to say that regular drinking levels increase the chance of dying from an alcohol-related condition by just 1%. By the Government’s own admission, drinking at regular levels is no more dangerous than a host of everyday activities. What is being lost here is the fact that low levels of drinking remain very low risk. “What consumers need is clear, practical advice based on undisputed evidence to allow customers to make informed choices. There seems to be little agreement, even among health experts, about the evidence to back up the latest proposals. “It is worth remembering that levels of alcohol consumption have been falling steadily and are at their lowest this century. Much of the work of the licensed hospitality sector in recent years has been focused on providing consumers with greater choice and our venues remain committed to promoting healthy, responsible drinking practices in a supervised environment. “The ALMR will be responding to the Government’s consultation to push for clear and concise, information that is practical, evidence-based and which we feel is robust and reliable.”



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

January 2016

A VERY happy New Year to you all! We very much hope that the Christmas period was busy and profitable for you! I would, for the first few issues of 2016 begin with urging you to signup to our new twice weekly newsletter and if you are not receiving a copy you can sign up at /sign-up-to-our-newsletter/ EDITOR We have completely revamped our website and CLH News can now be read online, and to keep you up-to-date with all the latest news and views we now have a twice weekly newsletter . We have also revamped our distribution list and some readers will be receiving a copy for the first time, which we very much hope you will enjoy and find of considerable use. We are a free to trade publication targeting the independent sector of hospitality, hotels, pubs and restaurants. We have in this issue published a very interesting article regarding “overcapacity to hinder eating out growth”. In very brief terms, the article highlights the slowdown in the growth of the eating out sector which had grown considerably during the past 10 years or so, particularly in the pub sector, where they have switched from being wet-led to food-led. There has also been a huge growth in casual dining chains – in fact, not far from where I’m sitting, a complex is due to open next year, which will include 14 casual dining style chain restaurants. This includes Nando’s, Handmade Burger, Coast to Coast, Prezzo, Ask Italian, Frankie and Benny’s, Chiquito, Bills and Giraffe. At the same time, the independent sector, has shrunk! I have to say I will not be sorry to see the slow-down of the multi-outlet sector. I have always been a strong advocate of independents, independent pubs hotels and restaurants. I had my restaurant during the 90s in Bournemouth town centre, most were independent restaurants and we all did our best, offering the best standard of food and service we can provide in order to stay ahead of the competition. Since then I have seen an absolute explosion in chain operators, pub, restaurant and coffee, and, of course, hotels. Some have been great additions to the town, I have no doubt about that. Others simply flooded the market, squeezing the independents very, very hard. Now I often see half empty operators bombarding people with “vouchers” to get backsides on seats. I, for one, think it’s time we had a campaign to “Support Your Local Independent” hospitality business. During the coming trade shows – where we get to meet existing readers and potentially new ones, along of course with our advertisers – we will discuss how feasible and successful such a campaign could be. Once again I would be very interested in your views so please feel free to contact us at

Peter Adams

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

FAX: 01202 552666 EMAIL:


EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Ali Lane Published by

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Out Of Home Dining Growth Set To Slow As Overcapacity Piles On Pressure OVERCAPACITY IN the UK’s eating out market is likely to slow growth in the sector in the longer term by putting downward pressure on like-for-like sales, while competition amongst operators for new sites will continue to intensify, according to predictions from foodservice consultancy Horizons. Over the past decade growth in the number of food-serving outlets has been strongest in the pub sector where operators have moved primarily from wet-led sales to food-led. Horizons figures show the number of pub restaurants in the UK whose food sales exceed their wet sales has grown from 2,600 in 2001 to 6,100 in 2014 – a 135% increase. The number of chain restaurants has also shown strong growth, from 7,700 outlets in 2001 to some 11,900 in 2014, a 55% rise. Quick service restaurants (primarily takeaways, home delivery and counter-order outlets) have seen a 78% growth, from 7,600 outlets in 2001 to 13,500 in 2014. The growth in group/chain operators has come at the expense of independently run businesses, which have declined in recent years. “It is difficult to see how this level growth in food outlets can be sustained in the longer term,” said Peter Backman, managing director, Horizons. “Competition amongst operators means there will be a struggle to improve like-for-like sales across the sector, keeping menu prices fairly flat and margins low.” Horizons also anticipates further blurring of eating out formats as we move into 2016 and operators seek to dif-

ferentiate themselves. We have already seen the move into new locations such as shopping malls, leisure outlets and transport hubs, but now businesses are broadening their offer. Pret a Manger, for example, has developed a sit-down evening food offer; Starbucks has turned its London Covent Garden site into a high-tech, wine bar offering platters of food in the evening; and Costa, as well as Starbucks, has joined forces with a healthy food brand. “Consumers are looking for a good quality eating experience wherever they are. This, and the pressure on sites means that operators are being extremely innovative and changing their offer to adapt,” added Backman. The impact of the National Living Wage, which, although an informal benchmark, will also be significant during 2016 as employers seek to hold on to good staff by paying the recommended hourly minimum wage. Competition for staff will inevitably push wages to this level across the sector. When it comes to food trends, Horizons predicts that dishes are likely to become ever-hotter and more exotic with influences from South America and Brazil, inspired by the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Home delivery will benefit from the Games as consumers opt to stay at home to watch the major events. The home delivery market is already fast-evolving with the likes of Deliveroo and Just Eat expanding their businesses. “The year ahead is likely to be a challenge for operators with competition at its most intense. Those that maintain their quality, keep their menus fresh, their prices competitive and adapt to changing demand will emerge the winners,” said Backman.

NMW Will “Put Pressure” On Smaller Operators Says Report SPECIALIST PROPERTY adviser, Christie + Co has released a new report gauging initial reactions to the National Living Wage’s (NLW) impact on the UK labour market from key players in UK business. By identifying the specific challenges facing the Hotels, Pubs, Restaurants and the Care sector , , Christie + Co has offered potential mitigating solutions to the issues and analysed the expected impact the NLW will have on these labour intensive segments. • Hotels – In a sector where 1 out of 2 employees currently fall below the NLW threshold, this new measure has not gone unnoticed and costs are expected to increase significantly. Smaller operators and independent owners are most likely to feel the pressure from the NLW as they do not have the operational flexibility of larger groups. Hoteliers need to adopt a proactive, strategic and creative approach to mitigate this impact and leverage the opportunities triggered by the NLW. • Pubs – The NLW announcement shakes the Pubs industry at a time when the sector is gradually recovering from various measures that have gradually weakened the sector in the past decade. Inevitably, margins are going to be squeezed and in the longer term, other actions will have to be taken to compensate for this, whether it is a reduction in staff or reduced investment in facilities

• Restaurants – The introduction of the NLW coincides with a complete rethink of remuneration packages in the restaurants sector, with the tipping culture already under scrutiny by the Government. Tips have always been an essential component of any employment package offered to staff and employers now have to balance their equitable distribution whilst also managing the potentially conflicting implications of the NLW. Chris Day, Managing Director at Christie + Co comments: “In our view, competent quality operators in both the corporate and individual sectors will weather the storm as far as the NLW is concerned, and will find ways to mitigate the impact either through economies of scale or innovative solutions. “Whilst the implementation of the National Living Wage will undoubtedly create challenges within certain sectors, it would appear that most operators are proactively tackling it and drawing up inventive plans to limit the impact on their businesses. “Across our sectors, it is likely that corporate operators will undergo strategic reviews of their estates and poorer performing units will come out of the corporate sphere and return to the individual sector. We have already seen that there is a ready market waiting for such investment opportunities.”

VisitEngland and BBPA Launch New Quality Scheme For Pubs VisitEngland have announced the launch of a new scheme, developed in partnership with the British Beer and Pub Association. The scheme will provide pubs with a VisitEngland accreditation based on the quality of their service, welcome, food and cleanliness. The sector has some excellent flagship businesses and the roll-out of this new service for ‘tourism’ pubs will help to spread best practice and raise standards. Open to pubs with or without accommodation, pubs will pay an annual fee and receive a mystery visit from an experienced assessor who will test all aspects of the customer experience; from arrival to departure. Scores will be awarded in each area which will allow for benchmarking across the sector. VisitEngland will award special accolades annually for ‘Top Performers’ in areas such as Welcome. The new VisitEngland quality standards book contains useful hints and tips, plus an explanation of how the scheme and scoring works. Assessors will provide advice on a range of topics including managing online reviews, increasing average spend and encouraging repeat business.

Offering help and advice to publicans, the scheme aims to strengthen the overall quality of the product for domestic customers and overseas visitors; supporting a uniquely British institution – an iconic tourism asset for attracting overseas visitors. James Berresford, Chief Executive, VisitEngland, says: “I am delighted to welcome this new Quality Assessment Scheme for pubs, which has been developed in partnership with our friends at the British Beer and Pub Association. Pubs are an intrinsic part of our English heritage and a huge tourism asset for overseas visitors. With a focus on improving quality across the board this scheme aims to raise standards, ultimately making the pub visitor experience more enjoyable.” Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, says: “Raising standards, and providing the right support in doing so, is a vital challenge for the tourism and hospitality industry. This new quality standard demonstrates VisitEngland’s great commitment to putting pubs right at the heart of its work, and we were delighted to work closely with them in its development. I’m also very pleased that BBPA member pubs will receive a discount when they join the scheme.”

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Prepare for a Successful 2016 in the Hospitality Industry WITH 2016 upon us, Guestline have put together a guide to help owners and operators in the hospitality industry drive sales and operations from their hotel software. Here’s our hints and tips for a successful and prosperous 2016:

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

Drive more direct bookings – Make sure your online booking engine is simple and quick to use to encourage more direct bookings (and reduce booking commissions). Ensure the ‘book now’ button is visible on all pages of your website to tempt bookings. Offering a price comparison tool such as Price Assure (where bookers can see up to 5 comparable rates from other online travel agents) can help to secure direct bookings by reassuring the customer can see they are getting the best deal direct. Use email and social marketing to encourage past guests back to the hotel - it costs as much as 5 times more to attract a new guest as it does to secure repeat business from a current one! Make sure you are PCI compliant – Becoming PCI Level 1 compliant will MAKE you money! Storing payment card details enables you to charge for lost revenue through cancellation charges and take payment for no show fees. This can represent a significant percentage of revenue for some properties. It will also help you stay secure and safeguard against credit card fraud. Increase Average Room Rate (ARR) – Use your knowledge of the market, competitors, past trends and local events to flex your rates as and when needed. Where there are peaks in past bookings, analyse and adjust rates accordingly to drive profit margins. Get mobile – In an age when 50% of millennials use mobile to search for a hotel, it is essential that your website is mobile optimised. Enabling your potential guests to find you online via a smartphone or tablet - along with the ability to make a booking in a simple and quick manner - is of paramount importance. Invest in your website – Make sure your website looks on-brand, professional and trust-worthy. A mobile friendly site is a must have for 2016 (to ensure you rank high in Google search results) and the more visually appealing the better! Ideally you’ll be able to edit the content on the content management system to keep your site up-to-date, displaying the latest offers and events (like you can with Guestline’s digital marketing solution). Your website is your connection with future guests, it is their first impression of your property and their potential experience. Ensure the

site looks good, safe and secure - as you can be sure that OTAs will be doing just the same! Increase your occupancy – By using a channel management system all of your inventory will be exposed to multiple online travel agencies and all your channels are able to communicate with each other in real-time enabling you to sell down to the last room and eliminate any overbookings. Maximise revenue from events, conferences and food and beverage sales – If conference and events are popular within your area / property, look at implementing an Advanced Conference and Banqueting Manager to optimise and manage your offering. Organise event orders and associated bedroom bookings on one system. Mobile EPoS is a great tool to manage and potentially upsell orders. Lunch outside, afternoon tea on a terrace, pre-dinner drinks in the garden - these are all things you can promote to drive sales and enhance the customers visit. Look into technology that is available to help process these orders quickly and efficiently. Streamline operations throughout your property – Implement a system that can deliver daily, weekly, monthly, yearly reports to enable you to analyse past trends and forecast accurately. By centralising operations and reducing administration and manual uploading, property management systems like Guestline’s Rezlynx PMS will enable hoteliers to reduce costs and streamline operations. Choose a system that is flexible and accessible that allows management to easily access information with the latest functionality to maximise efficiency for the year ahead. Upsell at every opportunity – Always offer an extra or upsell to the room booking. Promote offers and additional services online and via your front of house staff to really maximise revenue. Put together promotional packages and tempting offers to encourage guests to extend their stay, dine in the restaurant or opt for the higher valued bedrooms. Add these upsells to your PMS and online booking module to secure additional revenue when guests are booking. Get social - Interact with your guests online and engage via social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. You want to be top of mind when they are making a reservation and for them to come to you direct. You can keep potential guests up to date with what is going on in the area, at the hotel and any special offers you are running. Keep referring the traffic back to your website to capture the guest’s booking. Likewise, offer an online booking facility on your Facebook page to capture reservations on this platform. For more information on Guestline’s multi-property solutions, visit

BHA Responds To Channel 4 Programme Tricks Of The Restaurant Trade

THE BHA recognises that when cooking medium/medium rare burgers in uncontrolled conditions, they may be unsafe. Unlike steak, if the inside of a burger is not cooked, it is often not safe to eat because when meat is minced, the outside surfaces are mixed up with bacteria inside and this means that bacteria, such as E. coli will be mixed all the way through the burger.

The BHA believes wholeheartedly that only safe food should be sold, in accordance with the law. “However, it is important not to dwell only on the colour of the burger, for colour is not a true indication of meat safety. There are a number of controls that businesses can use, and are using, to ensure that their burgers are safe. It would be unwise therefore to assume that all rare burgers are unsafe because this is not the case”, says Dr. Lisa Ackerley, Food Safety Expert at the BHA. Firstly, temperature and time controls, such as measuring the temperature at the centre of the burger, will provide a microbiologically safe product that may still be pink in the centre. This is in line with guidance from the Government’s Advisory Committee on Microbiological Safety of Food. This could mean cooking at: • 75°C for 18 seconds or • 70 °C for 2 minutes • 65°C for 13.6 minutes • 60 °C for 93 minutes Many of the larger chains are using methods such as sous

vide cooking to pasteurize the burgers first prior to final cooking on a griddle. This will produce a juicy pink burger that is safe. Another example of control is where companies are using beef that has been treated on the outside before mincing using a number of different processes such as steam or lactic acid. Such beef may have been tested and declared E. coli free before being sent to outlets. In September 2015, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) accepted at their Board meeting that a number of control methods might be used to achieve safer medium rare or rare burgers. Local Authorities need to be informed if companies wish to do this, and will verify the company’s validated HACCP systems to check that they are safe. This process has been carried out by a number of companies to the satisfaction of their Primary Authority or Local Authority. Where companies do not take these steps, the local authority may take enforcement action and indeed has taken (in the case of the 6oz Burger Company in Portsmouth) to prevent the sale of potentially unsafe food. Currently the FSA also wants businesses to display and advisory notice warning customers of the dangers of eating undercooked burgers if they are young, elderly, pregnant or otherwise vulnerable. The BHA contests this on the grounds that companies who have gone to such efforts as to ensure that their burgers are safe need not put such a notice up as it is counter-intuitive. It is not mandatory to display such a notice, and discussions are still in progress about this issue between the industry and the FSA.

CAMRA And Co-Op Serve Up Pub Planning Agreement

THE CO-OP has become the first major retailer to commit to protecting Britain’s valued community locals by joining with the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) to develop a set of development principles for convenience stores on pub sites. The Co-op and CAMRA have jointly developed the guidelines, which highlight the importance to communities of retaining successful community pubs but also recognise that some locals close because of poor trading and cannot be retained in pub use. The principles do not relate to those pub sites where The Co-operative Group has existing legal arrangements but will cover any new contracts with developers and property owners that are entered into after 1 January 2016*. The Co-op has stated that it will: • Only develop pub sites using the planning permission process rather than relying on permitted development rights. • Seek to encourage developers to use the planning permission process rather than relying on permitted development rights to convert pubs into alternative uses. • Continue to individually assess each trading pub that it is offered as a lease or development opportunity to assess the pubs social value prior to an agreement to convert a site into a convenience store. • Give further investigation to pubs with an Asset of Community Value (ACV) listing ahead of any decision to proceed with a lease or

redevelopment. • Make information public as soon as is possible about sites in which it is the developer (not lease holder), and it will encourage developers to do the same. • Listen to the views of the local community – individuals, groups, including CAMRA branches, and local elected representatives and be willing to meet appropriate local representatives to discuss concerns. • Not stand in the way of a any group seeking to acquire and run a community pub. • Develop land adjacent to an existing pub in a way that enhances the viability of both the new convenience store and the existing pub. • Talk to CAMRA when exceptional circumstances mean it may not be possible to fully adhere to these principles. CAMRA’s Chief Executive Tim Page, said: “We’re delighted that such a well-known retailer like the Co-op has demonstrated its commitment to communities and become the first to develop a set of principles to guide its store development with the needs and wishes of local people in mind. “The Co-op clearly recognises the value that pubs add to the communities they serve and also the fact that supermarket developments can not only co-exist alongside pubs, but that both benefit each other. “We’d urge all retailers to be as forward thinking and community minded as the Co-op when it comes to planned developments which might have an impact on valued community locals.”

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Winter Drinks Trends; Drive Bar Sales To Combat The January Dip

WINTER IS, for many, a time to eat, drink and be merry. For businesses in the hospitality industry, it is also a key time of year to drive bar sales and improve profitability to combat the dip in alcohol sales in the New Year, brought on in part by Dry January. Staying on top of industry trends is vital for bar managers to ensure they are offering the best service to their customers and driving revenue wherever possible. Britain’s leading purchasing company, Beacon, has therefore drawn on data and insight from its expert suppliers including Bidvest Foodservice, Lockhart Catering Equipment and Accolade Wines, to compile its top five winter drinks trends for the hospitality industry. Leanne Jarrett, drinks expert and Deputy Head of Purchasing at Beacon, commented: "Working with such an extensive portfolio of expert suppliers allows us to gain access to invaluable information from industry leading drinks suppliers, which we can then pass on to our customers to ultimately drive revenue and increase profitability. "The increased sales of premium spirits like Hendricks or Absolut in the retail sector is a trend that very much translates into the hospitality industry. On the other hand, non-alcoholic wines and mocktails have remained popular after a strong year in 2014, which will almost certainly continue into Dry January. We often work with our suppliers in order to identify which products are selling well and to develop our own flavour predictions for the year ahead."

Beacon’s winter drinks trends: 0% alcohol Zero or low alcohol alternatives should be at the forefront of a bar manager’s mind across the UK, with the new Scottish drink drive legislation coming into effect at the end of 2014 and hitting the hospitality industry hard and Dry January approaching at the start of 2016. Alcohol-free products are increasing in popularity this year, according to Accolade Wines, with Echo Falls recently launching an alcohol-free sparkling drink. Another of Beacon’s suppliers, Bidvest Foodservice, underpins this data reporting that alcohol free wine sales are currently up by 42%. Bar managers should ensure they have at least one non-alcoholic alternative on the drinks menu in order to cater

to their customers’ needs. Sales of Echo Falls Fruits low alcohol wines have seen a huge increase this year, with Accolade Wines reporting supermarket sales of one million cases in eight months. Fruit flavoured wines are now able to compete with the fruit cider market, appealing to a much wider customer base. Following on from this success, Accolade has also reported a demand for wine cocktails from customers, with Echo Falls suggesting mixing its White Peach and Mango White Wine with elderflower cordial, pomegranate and mint for a refreshing drink.

Premium spirits Sales of premium spirits see an increase of 45% at Christmas time, highlighting that the consumer is much more willing to commit to a higher spend during the festive season. Insight from Bidvest Foodservice has shown that in 2014, 42% of consumers planned to trade up to more premium food and drink for the Christmas shopping, which is a trend that is expected to continue this year. Premium spirits such as Absolut Vodka or Gordon’s Gin are appearing more frequently on drinks menus and are becoming increasingly popular in cocktails, replacing the usual house spirits. Try developing a seasonal cocktail menu using higher priced, premium spirits, in order to increase revenue into the New Year.

Whisky and the American influence American flavours are now hugely popular in the UK and are very much reflected in alcohol trends this winter. Lockhart Catering Equipment recently reported that the sales of American bourbon whisky’s saw a rise in sales of 19% last year, including an increase in sales of Woodford Reserve of 100% in Waitrose. The slightly sweeter and spicier elements in American bourbon allows it to stand up well next to other flavours in classic cocktails such as the Manhattan, but is also popular served neat. To ensure bar staff have the right knowledge when serving whisky, hoteliers should consider training courses to learn about every aspect of the drink and how best to serve it.

Flavour forecast – Ginger Drawing on information from the Technomic Inc. Menu Monitor, Bidvest Foodservice has highlighted ginger as a flavour trend for winter and into early 2016. This is a flavour that is expected to appear in cocktails such as the Moscow Mule – made with vodka, lime and sugar syrup – with ginger beer added for a winter twist. Ginger beer is also becoming increasingly popular either as an alcoholic drink, such as ginger flavoured ales, or non-alcoholic like Crabbies Ginger Beer.

Country Coolers Dart Marina Celebrated As Best Hotel in the West Country DART MARINA Hotel and Spa, the 4-star waterside hotel in Dartmouth, Devon, has been announced as the Best Hotel in the West County at the Best Loved Hotel Awards, an awards scheme which celebrates and showcases excellence in some of the most popular properties across the UK and Ireland.

Customers of Best Loved Hotels, which is a trusted go-to source for superior and quality independent accommodation in the UK and Ireland, have been nominating their favourite locations since April

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Overcapacity” To Hinder Eat Out Growth OVERCAPACITY IN the UK’s eating out market is likely to slow growth in the sector in the longer term by putting downward pressure on like-for-like sales, while competition amongst operators for new sites will continue to intensify, according to predictions from foodservice consultancy Horizons. Over the past decade growth in the number of foodserving outlets has been strongest in the pub sector where operators have moved primarily from wet-led sales to food-led. Horizons figures show the number of pub restaurants in the UK whose food sales exceed their wet sales has grown from 2,600 in 2001 to 6,100 in 2014 – a 135% increase. The number of chain restaurants has also shown strong growth, from 7,700 outlets in 2001 to some 11,900 in 2014, a 55% rise. Quick service restaurants (primarily takeaways, home delivery and counterorder outlets) have seen a 78% growth, from 7,600 outlets in 2001 to 13,500 in 2014. The growth in group/chain operators has come at the expense of independently run businesses, which have declined in recent years. “It is difficult to see how this level growth in food outlets can be sustained in the longer term,” said Peter Backman, managing director, Horizons. “Competition amongst operators means there will be a struggle to improve like-for-like sales across the sector, keeping menu prices fairly flat and margins low.” Horizons also anticipates further blurring of eating out formats as we move into 2016 and operators seek to

differentiate themselves. We have already seen the move into new locations such as shopping malls, leisure outlets and transport hubs, but now businesses are broadening their offer. Pret a Manger, for example, has developed a sit-down evening food offer; Starbucks has turned its London Covent Garden site into a high-tech, wine bar offering platters of food in the evening; and Costa, as well as Starbucks, has joined forces with a healthy food brand. “Consumers are looking for a good quality eating experience wherever they are. This, and the pressure on sites means that operators are being extremely innovative and changing their offer to adapt,” added Backman. The impact of the National Living Wage, which, although an informal benchmark, will also be significant during 2016 as employers seek to hold on to good staff by paying the recommended hourly minimum wage. Competition for staff will inevitably push wages to this level across the sector. When it comes to food trends, Horizons predicts that dishes are likely to become ever-hotter and more exotic with influences from South America and Brazil, inspired by the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Home delivery will benefit from the Games as consumers opt to stay at home to watch the major events. The home delivery market is already fast-evolving with the likes of Deliveroo and Just Eat expanding their businesses. “The year ahead is likely to be a challenge for operators with competition at its most intense. Those that maintain their quality, keep their menus fresh, their prices competitive and adapt to changing demand will emerge the winners,” said Backman.

Hotel Football To Host Fundraiser To Support Young People Into Work In Manchester THE NEWLY opened hotel will host a dinner on the 28th January to raise funds for The Springboard Charity which supports people into employment in the hospitality industry. Guests will be joined by ‘Class of 92’ Football legend Ryan Giggs for an extra special Q&A session and will also be tucking into a tasty British inspired menu, experiencing a great view of the stadium and raising funds to expand Springboard’s work in Manchester. Manchester is a very exciting city with new business developments taking place leading to more job opportunities available, however, youth unemployment is still high

with research from Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing that young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population. Springboard aims to relieve unemployment by working with Hotel Football and various organisations in Manchester to support young people and those facing barriers to work into sustainable jobs within the hospitality industry, which is the third biggest growth sector for jobs.The Charity is calling everyone to support their amazing achievements by coming along to the fundraising dinner held at Hotel Football – 28th January 2016. To book your ticket visit

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


"It’s The Maths, Stupid" WETHERSPOON CHAIRMAN Tim Martin has issued a blunt statement highlighting the disparity in taxes between the hospitality industry and supermarkets, speaking below he says: How well do individual publicans, pubcos and the trade press understand the tax and economic disparity between pubs and supermarkets? And how well have the issues been articulated to the public? In the end these sorts of arguments boil down to pounds and pence, so we need to “do the math”, as our American cousins say. It’s far from certain that the majority of people in our industry really comprehend the true extent of our tax and regulatory burden. There are three main areas where the pub industry has its back to the wall- that is to say areas where taxes and regulations are stacked against the on-trade. The most topical relates to the so-called living wage- which is really, of course, the new minimum wage. A pint in an average pub costs around £3, excluding VAT. Managed pubcos, including Wetherspoon, pay around 30% of their sales as wages, so the cost of labour in a pub pint is roughly 90 pence. The average cost of a pint in a supermarket is about a quid, ex VAT, and it may be even less. Sainsbury’s wages, as an example, extracted from their published accounts, are about 10% of sales. So the labour cost of a pint in a supermarket is roughly 10 pence. You don’t have to be Milton Friedman to work out that minimum wage initiatives by governments hit the pub trade 9 or 10 times harder than supermarkets, as a result. Many people will think that minimum wages should be set at a high level even so, and publicans prefer to pay their hardworking staff well, if they can afford it- but economic necessity requires other taxes to be fair if political parties wish pubs to survive and thrive in these circumstances. Unfortunately, however, 2 of the biggest taxes paid by pubs, business rates and VAT, also weigh far more heavily on pubs than supermarkets. A couple of years ago, I tried to look up the amount of business rates paid by supermarkets, but the information was not available in their published accounts. Helpfully, Dalton Philips, then CEO of Morrisons, told the Financial Times in July 2013 that his company paid business rates of £240 million per annum. Morrisons sales in that year were £18.116 billion, so their rates payable were 1.32% of those sales. Therefore, we can calculate that a pint sold for a quid, ex VAT, at Morrison’s attracts an approximate business rates charge of 1.32 pence.

Regrettably, as publicans know only too well, pubs pay a lot more. On average, the “rateable value” of pubs is assessed at about 12% of “fair maintainable trade”. The actual cash tax payable is about half this level, that is to say about 6% of sales, ex VAT. So a pint bought in a pub for £3, ex VAT, generates about 18 pence in rates, more than 13 times the business rates charge per pint in supermarkets. This disparity is unsustainable and makes no economic sense. The third and greatest disparity relates to VAT. Supermarkets pay almost no VAT in respect of food sales, whereas pubs pay 20%, a massive tax inequality which helps supermarkets to subsidise their alcoholic drinks prices, as many of us are aware. Pubs have lost over 50% of their drinks sales to supermarkets in the last 30 years and are continuing to lose trade at an alarming rate, mainly as a result of these economic realities. The question for politicians is a simple one- do you believe that pubs play a valuable role in the economic and social life of the nation? If yes, there needs to be what writer and entrepreneur Luke Johnson calls a “sensible rebalancing” of the tax system. All sensible publicans and pubcos know that the government needs taxes to pay for schools and hospitals- and even to afford some aircraft for our lonely aircraft carrier. However, it makes no sense to discriminate against pubs and in favour of supermarkets. Wetherspoon, as an example, pays around £650,000 of taxes of one kind or another per pub per annum- let’s preserve these golden geese, not kill them. The main question for the pub trade itself is how well do you , or does your company, understand these numbers and how well are these punishing tax inequalities highlighted to customers and staff? There is a common myth in our industry, especially at senior levels, that the way to obtain tax reductions is to seek an audience with politicians, preferably over a pint, and to charm them into going easy on the pub trade, especially over excise duty at budget time. But that approach hasn’t always worked too well over the years. We live in a democracy and voters love pubs and know that they create jobs and government revenue- highlighting to the public the way in which taxes are tilted in favour of supermarkets is just as important as an audience with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. In the end, in our system, the Chancellor does the bidding of the public. Perhaps the main new year’s resolution for us all is to increase our personal efforts in highlighting the maths of pub taxes for the benefit of the public, as well as for politicians.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Diners More Likely To Order Dessert When Their Server Is Overweight Diners order considerably more food and drink when served by an overweight waiter or waitress, according to a recently published study. “In a novel approach, we showed that diners can be influenced by their surroundings in general and furthermore by their social interactions in particular,” Tim Döring and Brian Wansink wrote in their study. “This study suggests that it does not take profound interactions between individuals to alter their eating behavior.” The study was published late last year in the scientific journal Environment & Behavior. A team of research assistants visited 60 restaurants, where they observed a total of 497 interactions between diners and servers. While visiting the restaurants, the research assistants recorded the estimated body characteristics of both the diners and the servers. They also recorded how much food and drink was ordered. A statistical analysis of this data found that a server’s body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat based on

height and weight influenced how much their customers ordered and ate. The higher a server’s BMI, the more meals the diners ordered, regardless of their own body type. Diners were four times more likely to order dessert and ordered 17.65 percent more alcoholic drinks when their server had a BMI that was over 25. A BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight by most health experts. The relationship between the server’s BMI and their customers’ eating behaviour remained significant even after accounting for ethnicity, gender, weight, height, and age. “Diners may order and eat more food and beverages in the presence of a heavy person because a heavy person sets a social norm,” Döring and Wansink said, and they recommended that, in order to lessen the impact of a server’s weight, diners should decide beforehand what to eat at a restaurant, or follow simple predetermined rules. ‘Rules of thumb might involve decision rules such as ‘don’t eat dessert for lunch’ or ‘don’t order alcoholic beverages during weekdays’,’ they added.

Ready, Steady, Wok! Wing Yip Is Gearing Up To Find Its Next Young Chef Of The Year

THE UK’S leading Oriental grocer Wing Yip is gearing up for the launch of Young Chef of the Year, the competition will open to chefs and catering students (18 – 25) across the country.

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Following an initial paper entry, there will be a live cookoff where one lucky chef will win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Hong Kong, including culinary work experience in some of the city’s top eateries. Now in its fourth year, the nationwide competition has firmly established itself on the culinary calendar. Putting the contestants through their paces will be a renowned panel of judges – Michelin-starred chef Glynn Purnell, MasterChef finalist and director of Hokkei Larkin Cen and president of the British Culinary Federation Peter Griffiths MBE. Glynn said: “I’m very much looking forward to another year on the Young Chef judging panel. For up and coming chefs there’s no better way to gain experience and exposure than to

take part in a competition like this. This year we’ll be looking for dishes that are created using modern techniques, taste authentic and deliver a real wow factor.” Applicants must submit a two-course Oriental menu idea, featuring a street food starter and a quality restaurant standard main. The most inventive and mouth-watering menus will be shortlisted, and finalists will be invited to a live cookoff at University College Birmingham, on Wednesday 13 April 2016. Wing Yip director Brian Yip said: “We’re excited to be launching Young Chef for the fourth consecutive year. Since 2013, the competition has been championing the best young chefs from all over the country, with and without backgrounds in Oriental cuisine. It’s an incredible opportunity for up-and-coming chefs to gain experience and exposure in Far Eastern cooking, and compete to win an unforgettable experience in Hong Kong.” From Monday 11 January 2016, entry forms can be downloaded at

Bottles And Cans Of Alcoholic Drinks Should Include Calorie Count Signs

BREWERIES AND alcoholic drinks manufacturers should introduce calorie count signs on all bottles and cans in a bid to beat the obesity crisis, councils have said.

The Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils – who are responsible for public health – says while the longterm health effects of drinking, such as liver and heart damage and increased risk of cancer are relatively well known, the huge number of hidden calories contained in alcohol is not. Labelling the number of calories in an alcoholic drink will ensure people are as informed as possible to enable choice. Calories from alcohol are ’empty calories’, with no nutritional value. By drinking alcohol, the amount of fat the body burns for energy is reduced. Research shows that a pint of cider at 4.5 per cent has 216 calories and is the equivalent to three quarters of a burger; whilst a single spirit at 40 per cent is 61 calories or an eighth of a burger – although the relatively higher alcohol content means there could be greater health risks. Over 24 hours, drinking five pints of beer at 4 per cent strength is the equivalent to eating more than three burgers which would take an hour-anda-half to run off. A bottle of wine – about four small 175 ml glasses – has the same calorie count as more than two burgers and would take over an hour to run off. Earlier this year, MEPs urged the European Commission to label the calorie content of alcohol, with the move also receiving widespread support

from UK health groups. Research shows two thirds of the public actively support calorie labels and that 80 per cent of the public didn’t know or incorrectly estimated the calorie content of a large glass of wine (up to 228). Ninety per cent didn’t know the number of calories in a pint of lager (about 180). Cllr Izzi Seccombe, LGA Community Wellbeing spokesperson, said: “Breweries and drinks manufacturers should show leadership in tackling the obesity crisis, by voluntarily providing clear signs on bottles and cans of alcohol. “Most people are aware that excessive alcohol can lead to serious health problems like liver and heart damage, and an increased risk of cancer. However, the amount of calories from an average night’s drinking isn’t so well-known. People should be able to make informed choices. “The onus is on the big breweries to do more to provide clear and prominent labelling. Providing people with the right information allows them to make choices about what they eat and drink. “Prevention is the only way we are going to tackle the obesity crisis, which is costing the NHS more than £5 billion every year. It’s all about giving people the right information about the calories they are consuming. This saves money for other parts of the public sector by reducing demand for hospital, health and social care services, and improves the public’s health.” The NHS is currently spending more than £1.5 million an hour on treating diabetes with the UK having higher levels of obesity and overweight people than anywhere in Western Europe, except for Iceland and Malta.

Too Tempted By The Perks Of The Job? If You Need Help To Overcome An Addiction, The Manor Clinic In Southampton Can Help WORKING IN the hospitality industry can mean working in a party atmosphere, 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It’s a fast-paced, demanding environment that’s studded with temptations, including alcohol and drugs. If you are an alcoholic or regular drug user, taking the first step is not easy but for many it can change lives – both their own and those of close friends and family - for the better. Whilst attending AA groups is a vital part in the rehabilitation for many people, for some, they need a more intensive way of getting their recovery on track. Knowledge is power, and for many alcoholics, learning about the illness helps them to

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January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

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Food Price Deflation Set To Continue In 2016 RESTAURANT OPERATORS enjoyed a 1% fall in supplier prices last year, and can expect to see nearly the same in 2016 – with prices ranging between -1.0% and 1.0% as the year progresses. Non-alcoholic beverage prices next year will fluctuate between -0.5% and 1.5%. That’s the view of Prestige Purchasing, which has partnered with CGA Strategy to produce a new price index (the Foodservice Price Index or FPI) that exposes the fact that the level of food deflation within CPI has not been replicated by suppliers to caterers. The CPI Food number is -3.1% in 2015, an unprecedented reduction of prices in recent memory. Prestige’s new FPI analysis has however shown that wholesale food prices for caterers have only reduced by 1.0% Says Prestige: “Groups like Tesco and Morrison have been pressured by discounter to cut prices to stimulate demand in their large and relatively expensive store assets. No such pressure has existed in Foodservice supply markets. Indeed the opposite is becoming the case, where the larger wholesalers are now becoming highly selective about which customers they serve and when they take them on. “In the far more fragmented Foodservice sector there are far more small and medium sized businesses, many of which have no procurement function, or perhaps a single person

NPD GROUP: Foodservice Industry Trends To Watch In 2016

GLOBAL INFORMATION company The NPD Group has identified five key foodservice industry trends to monitor in 2016.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

with responsibility for purchasing.” Overall, Prestige Purchasing forecasts that 2016 will see food inflation rise slightly to 0%, with soft drinks returning to inflation at 0.5%, while prices for alcoholic beverages continue to fall with deflation at -1.0%. This follows on from 2015, where food inflation has remained negative for the second year running. The largest price movements in 2015 have been in the fish (5.9% up) and dairy (4.7% down), with notable movements downward in meat and oils & fats. Explaining the reasons behind the rise and fall in these categories, David Read, chief executive of Prestige Purchasing commented:“The outlook for food inflation in the year ahead is likely to be relatively benign. However, operators should remain cautious of the significant risks present, which might change the picture dramatically. “For example, it’s quite possible that the planned EU referendum could be held during 2016, which, if negative on EU membership, could trigger substantial movement in exchange rates, with a resultant impact on food prices. Operators would do well to ensure that they are kept informed and work hard to seek out any signals that could radically alter future prices”.

1. Experimentation and Customisation – less loyalty, more variety. Consumers want new flavours, fusion foods, and premium options. Winners create customisable food, and small sharing dishes to facilitate experimentation and fun. They evolve the menu regularly to drive frequency and encourage ‘word of mouth’ visits. 2. Super-Convenience – ‘convenience’ is no longer enough. Consumers don’t want to waste time; they don’t want to queue; they want an easy life. Winners invest in technology; apps and websites must be improved; click and collect pervades. 3. Everything for Everyone – operators widen the net. Consumers are busy, their days are not rigid, and they want everything available all the time. Winners extend opening hours, and offer more menu variety; alcohol in fast food, breakfast in Pubs.

4. Adaptable to Everywhere – be wherever the consumer is. Consumers need access to operators. They travel more than ever, but also work from home. Winners open smaller premises or new ‘micro-sites’ – outside of large locations with high footfall – offering a narrow menu to suit the different premises. 5. ‘Human’ Customer Relationships – innovation and creativity to engage. Consumers need new reasons to engage with brands in a recovering market awash with choice. Winners utilise ads and social media to provide a ‘human’ interaction with consumers, moving from a transactional (bland, product-based) to a friendly (warm and conversational) relationship. Cyril Lavenant, NPD’s Director of Foodservice for the UK and France, said: “Consumers are much more demanding than they were a few years ago. They expect higher quality of food and beverages, they enjoy diversity and want to live an experience when eating out; as a result, consumers are harder to satisfy and less loyal. Operators who will win in this difficult market will embrace consumers’ expectations; they will constantly think about raising their game to surprise their guests.”

1200 Pubs Are Protected As ‘Assets of Community MORE THAN 1,200 pubs will be celebrating the New Year with the added protection of being listed as an Asset of Community Value thanks to their local communities and Campaign for Real Ale members. The number of pubs nominated as ACVs has doubled in the past six months, following the launch of a joint CAMRAGovernment initiative to protect England’s most valued pubs(1), which was announced by Pubs Minister Marcus Jones at this year’s Great British Beer Festival. CAMRA figures show that 1,200 pubs across England have been listed as ‘Assets of Community Value’ (ACV), which means they are protected from being demolished or converted to another use without planning permission.. ACV nominations give local communities the power to safeguard valued local pubs from developers (2). CAMRA Branches and community groups across the country are now working hard to get 3,000 pubs listed as ACVs by the end of 2016 to help stem the number of pub closures, which currently stands at a rate of 29 a week. Tim Page, CAMRA Chief Executive says: “It is fantastic to see community groups across England coming together to protect 1,200 pubs across the country from redevelopment

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


or demolition. This figure is a testament to the effectiveness of putting power back into the hands of local communities and giving them a chance to have a say in shaping their town centres. We hope to more than double that figure by this time next year.” “ACV status also generates vital support for local pubs and highlights the wide variety of community-orientated events and activities that contribute significantly to local civic life. With 29 pubs closing every week we want to secure greater support for ACV listed pubs to ensure they continue to be at the heart of our communities. With Christmas just around the corner – this is the perfect opportunity to share your support for your local by nominating it as an ACV”. Pubs Minister Marcus Jones added: “Our pubs remain at the heart of local life and CAMRA members have done their communities proud. We brought in community rights to allow people to list the local landmarks most important to their communities – allowing them a fair chance to bid for them should they be put up for sale. “Now listing might not be appropriate for all establishments but where communities have wanted them they have done a great job, with 2,600 much-loved assets –from pubs to libraries and community centres – being listed across the country.

UK Hotel Investment Reaches Nine-Year High at £8.1 Billion in 2015

INTERNATIONAL REAL estate advisor Savills has reported that total transaction volumes in the UK hotel market reached £8.1 billion in 2015, the highest level since the £8.3 billion record in 2006. The figure also marks an increase of 31.6% on the £6.1 billion full year total in 2014. Transaction volumes in the London hotel market doubled to £3.6 billion in 2015 from £1.8 billion the previous year, led by a number of high profile deals including the £1.37 billion sale of a share in the Maybourne portfolio which included Claridge’s. Savills also highlights the £345 million sale of the Holiday Inn, Kensington and the £270 million sale of the Bulgari Hotel, Knightsbridge among the capital’s most significant deals of 2015. The firm reports that the regional hotel market remained strong last year, accounting for 55.6% of transaction volumes although this is down on its 71% share in 2014. Notable regional transactions of 2015 include the sale of the Hilton Newcastle Gateshead for approximately £37

million and the sale of the Cambridge City Hotel for £61.5 million. Portfolio transactions dominated for the second consecutive year, accounting for 59.3% of volumes in 2015 and 52.9% in 2014. Major portfolio transactions last year included Lone Star Funds’ acquisition of a portfolio of 22 Mercure branded hotels as part of their £1bn acquisition from Moorfield and Fraser Hospitality’s purchase of the Malmaison portfolio for around £363 million. Robert Stapleton, hotels director at Savills, comments: “With the operating landscape in the UK’s regional markets continuing to improve and such a significant amount of equity looking to deploy into the sector, we expect 2016 to be another strong year for investment into the UK hotel market. We are still experiencing growth in demand for regional assets from investors seeking higher return profiles. We equally expect London to continue to show impressive capital growth, albeit at a slower rate, as well as increased transaction volume as overseas investors in particular seek capital preservation opportunities to shield money from the volatile equities market.”

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The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Out with the old and in with the NEW!

Landmark Ruling Over Serving Rare Burgers

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A BURGER restaurant is facing closure after its owners lost a landmark £125,000 court battle over whether it can serve its medium and rare burgers. They had launched a legal challenge against Portsmouth City Council after being served a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice, which banned them from selling their burgers medium/rare. However, after a four day court case at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court, a judge ruled that the council was simply ‘doing its duty’ due to the risk involved in serving ‘undercooked’ burgers. “This case demonstrates that the local authority, Portsmouth City Council were judged to have taken the correct action in serving a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice on the 6oz Burger Company who were serving rare burgers without being able to demonstrate that they had a robust, validated system in place to ensure food safety. The judge was satisfied that the health risk condition existed when the notice was served.

New Records Set In October for Number of International Visits to UK and Spend By Visitors

THE NUMBER of international visits to the UK has continued to set new records according to new figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

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Following this it is likely that other local authorities will be encouraged to take action where they feel there is a risk to the public from rare burgers from establishments that have not put into place the necessary controls to produce a safe burger which is less well cooked.” Lisa Ackerley, Food Safety Expert, BHA The FSA have also recently announced that businesses will have to display an advisory notice when serving medium or rare burgers, even if they have robust control systems in place. The BHA are planning to contest this as it has no legal standing because unsafe food is an offence regardless; it doesn’t make the product any safer, and it causes an unnecessary burden to businesses. Views of members will be sought. The BHA has detailed Q&A on this subject to help members determine what they may need to produce such a system, and we are working with suppliers, our Primary Authority and stakeholders as more information on safe production methods unfolds. Visit to access the Q&A.

There were almost 3.4 million international visits in October this year, a 12 per cent increase compared to the same month in 2014. Overall, in the 10-months of the year-to-date the number of overseas visits was 30.5 million, 4% higher than for the same period last year, indicating that this year is firmly on track to be another record-breaker for overseas visits to Britain. Overseas visitors also spent 9% more in October than they did in the same month last year, spending close to £2 billion and setting a new record for this month. Overall, spending by visitors for the first 10-months of 2015 was £18.4bn. Breaking down the visits into categories of ‘journey purpose’ as defined by the ONS, there was a 7% increase in holiday visits compared to October last year, a 14% increase in those visiting friends and relatives, a 2% increase in business visits and a whopping 74% increase in the ‘miscellaneous’ category, another record for October.

VisitBritain Director Patricia Yates said: “It’s really encouraging to see the increases in visits and spend for October particularly coming on the back of the Rugby World Cup (RWC). We’re working hard to drive tourism across all our nations and regions and with almost half a million international visitors having attended RWC matches and events across 11 host cities, including places which wouldn’t necessarily be on the immediate radar for many overseas visitors, we can be confident that the economic benefits from October’s record results are being felt across many of our regions.” Another record for October was the 14% increase in overseas visits from the EU15 markets, the UK’s largest visitgenerating region, with 1.9 million visits. In the 10-months to date there were close to 17 million visits from these markets, a 2% increase on the same period in 2014. Visits from North America, which include the US – the UK’s most valuable visitor market – and Canada, were up 7% in the year-to-date. Tourism is Britain’s seventh largest export industry and third largest service sector. The industry is also a major job creator, for example every 22 additional Chinese visitors that come to Britain create an additional job in the sector. Inbound tourism was worth more than £26 billion to the UK economy in 2013.

January 2016

Price Rises and Jobs Losses Warning As Hospitality Industry Struggles To Afford National Living Wage BEACON, BRITAIN’S leading purchasing company is calling on the Government to look again at easing pressure on the hospitality industry as a new survey shows price rises and job losses are likely as a result of the National Living Wage. • The survey was conducted by Beacon’s sister organisation, Best Western GB, which currently accounts for 15% of the company’s customer base • It reveals that over 90% of respondents will have to increase their prices to mitigate the increase to staff salaries, 43% said they would have to reduce their workforce as a result of the changes and 80% said they would rethink recruitment • The National Living Wage, which the Government has set at £7.20 per hour for all staff over 25 years of age increasing to £9 by 2020, will come into effect across the whole of the UK from April 2016 • The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimated the plan to increase the minimum wage would cost only 60,000 jobs and create 1 million jobs Rob Payne, CEO of Beacon and Best Western Great Britain said: While we are in favour of a fair wage for everyone, our

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

members are telling us that they are worried about job losses, price rises and recruitment and investment strategies as a result of the National Living Wage. We are working hard to help all those hotels and businesses we represent to navigate the impact of the National Living Wage. We are doing all that we can to drive down costs for goods and services with collective buying through Beacon and gaining economies of scale for customer acquisition and distribution via Best Western GB – but we know more needs to be done. My worry is for those independent businesses that are not able to benefit from similar levels of support from organisations such as ourselves. The bigger picture here is that this will impact every café, every bed and breakfast, every visitor attraction and every pub, with potentially damaging consequences for investment in the British hospitality industry. Payne added: My fear is that the 60,000 jobs the OBR identified as being at risk will be disproportionately distributed among small and medium sized hospitality businesses, those least likely to be able to simply absorb the costs. As a business, we are working alongside industry bodies to lobby the Government for change. I would urge the Government to do all it can at this time to help ease the pressure of the living wage in the hospitality industry elsewhere by looking again at reducing Tourism VAT, make the issue of rate parity a priority bringing us in line with our European businesses and reducing the regulation burden. Without this support I am concerned that the hospitality industry could pay a higher price for the introduction of the new National Living Wage.

Hilton Bournemouth Announces Local Charity Partner THIS MONTH the Hilton Bournemouth hotel team has announced its local charity partner for 2016, The Crumbs Project. The Crumbs Project is a local charity that supports adults with mental health issues, learning disabilities, stabilised addiction and acquired head injury to learn skills, gain confidence and, ultimately, seek employment within the catering industry. Cedric Horgnies, general manager at Hilton Bournemouth, said: “We are delighted to announce our partnership with Crumbs and are looking forward to supporting the charity by sharing our skills and expertise within the catering and hospitality industry.

“Our unique dining offering, in partnership with Matt Tebbutt, stands us in good stead to provide catering workshops and seminars with our chefs, work placement opportunities and training materials.” Leanne Miller, operations manager at The Crumbs Project, said: “We are delighted to be chosen as Hilton Bournemouth’s charity of the year for 2016. This is a fantastic opportunity for the trainees who have attended Crumbs to get a real feel of the catering and hospitality industry. “Hilton Bournemouth will be giving our trainees the opportunity to share in a wealth of skills and expertise; we are very much looking forward to Crumbs and Hilton Bournemouth working in partnership over the coming year.”

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Hoteliers Increase Marketing Budgets In 2016 British Pub Confederation Established to ACCORDING TO a new TravelClick survey, more than half (57.31 percent) of hoteliers said that they are increasing their marketing budgets for 2016, with an increased spend on search engine marketing (23.17 percent), website update / redesign (20.73 percent), online advertising (12.20 percent) and, most importantly, mobile (17.07 percent). In fact, about one-third (35.37 percent) of respondents said that they will experience the most growth in mobile bookings, compared to any other direct booking channel, in 2016 and are increasing spends on mobile specifically to capitalize on this trend as a result. When asked where hoteliers will place the most resources with respect to mobile, 46.34 percent said that they plan to enhance / improve their mobile websites, 24.39 percent said

that they plan to improve their mobile search and 21.95 percent said that they plan to put resources toward social media. Additionally, because mobile will be so popular in the coming year and beyond, nearly half (48.79 percent) of respondents are spending more money on mobile than in previous years. “It’s clear from the data that hoteliers are expecting to see the most growth in 2016 bookings through hotel websites via mobile, as well as through the GDS and OTA channels,” said John Hach, senior industry analyst, TravelClick. “This is consistent with what TravelClick has seen as part of its quarterly North American Distribution Review reports and shows both the relevance and impact that mobile continues to have on hoteliers around the globe. It is no longer acceptable for hoteliers to leave out mobile as part of their marketing strategies, and the data reflects hoteliers’ acceptance and embrace of mobile as an important way to significantly move the needle for their properties and reach a new group of consumers simultaneously.”

With The Acquisition Of Bookatable, Michelin Becomes The European Online Restaurant Reservation Leader MICHELIN HAS announced its acquisition of Bookatable, demonstrating the Group's intention to accelerate its development in the online restaurant reservation market in Europe. Bookatable, with its head office in London, UK, is the European leader in the online restaurant reservation market with more than 15,000 establishments using its service, and more than 34 million covers booked online and dined in 2015 in Europe. Michelin commenced a multi-year partnership with Bookatable in March 2013, which allowed it to incorporate Bookatable solutions into the MICHELIN Restaurants offer both via the web and through mobile applications. In addition to giving it a presence in many European countries where Bookatable is already established, this acquisition strengthens and accelerates the development of Michelin's technology plat-

form for online restaurant reservations. It will enable it to develop both the quality of service offered to customers and new services in the future. With this acquisition Michelin is able to capitalise on its traditional experience in the restaurant industry and become the leader in the online restaurant reservation market in Europe. Michelin will be able to roll out its offering in new countries in the future - in particular in the Nordics. With its focus on mobility, Michelin is now speeding up its growth in travel assistance services by offering customers a unique mobility experience with high added value products and services. The association between Michelin, the world restaurant guide leader with its MICHELIN guides, and Bookatable, the European leader in the online restaurant reservations market, helps restaurateurs develop their business by offering new solutions and makes it easier for consumers to book.

Showman’s Show Will Return To Newbury Showground In 2016 THE SHOWMAN’S Show’s was launched in 1984 and is firmly established as the UK’s original and most comprehensive exhibition for the outdoor and special event world. The 2016 Show will take place at Newbury Showground from 19th – 20th October 2016. With more than 350 suppliers exhibiting the best products and services available in the event industry and almost 4,500 event organisers attending, it is an excellent opportunity to meet new suppliers, network with colleagues and discover the latest innovations and technologies. Lance Show & Publications Limited work hard to ensure that they have a broad range of exhibitors offering visitors a good cross section of the entire

supply chain, from state-of-the-art structures, plant and hire equipment, to waste management, caterers, health and safety solutions and finishing touches. Visitors can also expect to meet companies launching new products, alongside showcases and demonstrations of industry staples. In addition the rise in demand for sustainable products and surge in appetite for all things technology related is also reflected in the exhibitor list. There is also a focus on delivering fun and entertainment and the Acts and Attractions tent has proved popular with exhibitors and visitors alike, since its introduction in 2014. For more information about the Showman’s Show please contact a member of the team on Tel: 01747 854099 or Email:

Speak Up For Britain’s Pubs and Publicans

THE BRITISH Pub Confederation – a new national confederation of pub organisations – has been established to bring together many leading pro-pub groups to provide a strong voice for Britain’s pubs and publicans. The British Pub Confederation will bring together organisations who represent licensees, pub supporters and pub goers/customers following the successful Fair Deal for Your Local campaign and replaces the previous Independent Pub Confederation which was established in 2009 to give a stronger voice to non-corporate interests in the pub sector. The British Pub Confederation ensure that pubs, publicans and pub supporters have a powerful unified voice in campaigning and lobbying the Government on key pub related issues. Twelve organisations are the founding members of the British Pub Confederation: the Fair Pint Campaign, Licensees Supporting Licensees, Justice for Licensees, Punch Tenant Network, Forum of Private Business, Federation of Small Businesses, Pubs Advisory Service, Licensees Unite the Union, GMB, Guild of Master Victuallers, the Scottish Licensed Trade Association and the Parliamentary Save the Pub Group. The British Pub Confederation is coordinated and governed by the Steering Group and each member organisation can appoint to two people on the steering group. Non-affiliated members can also be appointed by the steering group. Greg Mulholland MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Save the Pub Group has been appointed as Chair of the British Pub Confederation. The British Pub Confederation have agreed Terms of Association, with its key issues of focus – ensuring that the Government implements promised reforms to the large pubco tied model, better protection for pubs from predatory purchasing, fairer taxation for pubs including specific pub specific measures and fairer business rates, a fair and sensible licensing regime and responsible retailing and supermarket pricing. It also intends to work closely with partner organisations in the sector, such as CAMRA, the ALMR, SIBA and

Entries Open Early For Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards The Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards are back for 2016 – and entries are now open. Following the huge success of last year’s sell-out ceremony, the annual awards dinner, which celebrates the region’s best and brightest tourism businesses, will return on May 19th 2016. A wide scope of businesses will be highlighted at the awards ceremony – all of which make a significant contribution to the region’s £3.8bn visitor economy. With categories including Hotel of the Year, Taste Liverpool and Independent Tourism Business of the Year, there is something for everyone across the region.

True 19E Upright Refrigerator

True’s solid door reach-in’s are designed with enduring quality that protects your long term investment. Designed using the highest quality materials and components to provide the user with colder product temperatures, lower utility costs, exceptional food safety and the best value in today’s food service marketplace. This advanced heavy duty enviromentally freindly refrigeration units is a must for any hard working kitchen. Gross Capacity: 538 litres / 19 Cuft, Dimensions: W686 x D623 x H1995mm, Heavy Duty.

The SZ series consist of solid chest freezers with spacious, stackable baskets allowing organized food storage ideal for ice-cream or any other kind of frozen goods. The cabinet is designed to withstand being opened frequently each day while still maintaining the correct temperature for the storage of frozen items. Dimensions: W1560xD650xH850, Digital Solar Powered Temperature Display, Temperature Range: -17°C to -24°C

Sale price £359+vat

AWM8100 8kg Washing Machine

Our range of Whirpool Professional Laundry equipment offers solutions for all environments Hotels, B&B’s, Laundrette’s, Camp Sites, or large households. Whirpools AWM8100 is made in Denmark and we would highly recommend these units with high confidence. These units can be used in commercial or domestic enviorments. Hot and Cold water supply, Dimensions: W600xD600xH850mm, 1200Rpm, Commercial Onsite Warranty.

SALE PRICE £595+vat

Whirlpool PRO25 1000w Microwave

We are pleased to introduce the new model Whirlpool PRO25. The microwave is a light duty cooking machine ideal for cafes and small restaurants. It is a robust, reliable and energy efficient microwave oven, making it a great choice for the catering environment. Dimensions: W511 x D431 x H 311, Programmable, LED Display

Peter Sandman, Head of Visitor Economy Development at the LEP, said: “The businesses and individuals who enter these awards all play a significant role and have a major impact on the region’s economy. “An earlier launch means people have more time to prepare and, as well as a simpler entry form, we’re now also launching a workshop for companies looking to enter the awards to help them to complete and to get the most out of their application forms.” More information about the awards, tickets for the evening and entry forms can be found at the award’s website: or call Eventful on 0844 809 4399.


SZ464c 17cuft Chest Freezer

SALE PRICE £189+vat

Hospitality Ulster. Commenting, Greg Mulholland, Chair of the British Pub Confederation said: “I am delighted that these leading pub organisations have come together to form a powerful confederation to ensure that pubs and publicans have a strength and unified voice when speaking to Government and countering self-interested lobbying of vested corporate interests in the pub sector when needed as well as working with any organisations where there is a shared agenda that is clearly pro-pub. “Following the highly successful Fair Deal for Your Local campaign, there was a widespread feeling that pub-supporting organisations needed to continue having a strong voice nationally, and that is exactly what the British Pub Confederation will do and will campaign together strongly to support, protect and champion British pubs”. Simon Clarke of Fair Pint Campaign and Secretary of the British Pub Confederation said: “After the huge success of Fair Deal For Your Local, securing new laws to help protect tied tenants, it has become clear an umbrella group bringing together tenant representatives along with other industry specialists could help shape the future of the pubs sector. Fair Pint Campaign are thrilled to be a part of the new British Pub Confederation which will be the ‘go to’ organisation encouraging positive changes for a brighter pub future.” George Scott of Licensees Supporting Licensees said: “Licensees Supporting Licensees is delighted to welcome, and be a founder member at, the formation of the new British Pub Confederation which has its origins in successful and significant, legislative campaigning. “The British Pub Confederation will continue to campaign on a variety of ever-widening serious issues affecting the pub sector and will truly represent pubs and those who actually keep them going – starting with publicans, their customers, and the many smaller supporting organisations – previously almost completely ignored by the vested interests of big pub owning companies and some of their representative organisations.”

SALE PRICE £842+vat

Sterling Pro BBVF372 Glass Display Freezer

The BBVF372 is quite simply the best value commercial display

freezer on the market. Incredibly made in Europe, static freezing, and reliable build quality.

Temp Range -18 to -24C, Fan Assisted Cooling, Illuminated Canopy.

SALE PRICE £699+vat

Factory Seconds / Showroom Models

We distribute large numbers of commercial units and unfortunately some units obtain damaged during transit. Some worse than others, some with only a tiny scratch! We can then discount these units at a cheaper price. Never been used units available in our own stock! We have 100’s of these in stock available for next day delivery. View these on our website or call us for an up to date list.


01264 333388


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Hotelympia 2016 Preview

Hotelympia’s Stage: a Platform for Rokill Pest Control Inspiration, Debate and Trends PEST ACTIVITY is increasing in the U.K so it is important that when you have a problem that you choose the right people to help you.

HOTELYMPIA’S 2016 Stage line-up has been revealed with the ExCeL London halls set to ring yet again with the sounds of lively discussion, heady debate and inspirational ideas, as the home of hospitality innovation returns this February (29th – 3rd March).

Improving profits; future trends; crowdfunding; banishing bad service; biophilic design; foraging; the chef crisis; Britain’s best new restaurant; the role of the multimedia chef and affordable interiors, are just some of the key issues and topics set to spark visitor interest at the show. Hotelympia 2016 is offering visitors the unique opportunity to get up-close-and-personal with some of the most respected names in hospitality, in an itinerary of daily Stage sessions. Each will offer their own take on the issues of the day – covering multiple topics in depth –giving show visitors the practical advice and know-how to take back to their own operations, a key part of Hotelympia’s ‘Your Show’ remit. At the beginning of days one, two and four of the show (11am), hospitality veteran and founder of FoodProfits, the highly respected Marcus Kilvington, will present an energising and thought provoking business seminar, revealing several tried and tested ways in which to improve profitability. Each day, Marcus will examine a different sector with hotels, pubs and restaurants firmly under the microscope. With a background in training, coaching and mentoring owners and managers to fix business problems and boost their bottom line, operators are advised to beat an early path to the show for Marcus’s daily prelude. Profit analysis soon turns to trends, with a Monday midday state-of-the sector address from Peter Martin of the Coffer Peach Business Tracker – the industry sales monitor for UK pubs and restaurants. Keen to know how to attract more custom and which business sectors are the strongest and the weakest? In this session Peter will present an accurate picture of how the pub, hotel and restaurant sectors are trading, while analysing future business trends across hospitality. As 2016 gets into swing, this session presents a unique, free opportunity for operators to ensure that their business is heading in the right direction. Two key awards are also set to be determined before the close of day one (4pm), the Hotelympia Design Award, which will be crowning the UK’s best designed new restaurant and latterly the culmination of the original Innovation Awards. 18 finalists – showcasing the year’s most ground breaking products in Catering Equipment, Interiors and Technology – will be whittled down to just three sector champions and one overall winner. Tuesday at midday sees award winning hotelier, Robert Nadler, Nadler Hotels, Martin Williams of

M Restaurants and Ian Leigh of the Thai Leisure Group talking about how a concept can retain its commercial success and how to roll-it out without losing its personality. The session will also look closely at existing, well known brands to discover the secrets of continuous and profitable brand growth. Wednesday begins with one of Britain's most celebrated restaurant designers, Afriditi Krassa, talking about her awardwinning work and the inspiration behind projects for Heston Blumenthal, Hilton hotels, Itsu and Dishoom (11am) while acclaimed wild food restaurateurs, Richard and Oliver Gladwin, will follow with a fascinating presentation on the art of Foraging, advising on what to look for, where to find it - in towns and cities as well as in the countryside - and how to add it to the menu (2pm). At 3pm on Wednesday, one of the biggest stories of the year, the chef shortage, comes into play with a dedicated panel, chaired by Martin-Christian Kent of skills and workforce charity People 1st welcoming a number of high profile guests from the recruitment, training and apprenticeship, college, hotel and restaurant sectors, respectively. With the industry needing to recruit an additional 11,000 chefs by 2022, the panel, which includes chef recruitment consultant, Dominique Crapart, Marriott Hotels' European Senior Executive Chef, Sean Kelly, and John Hyde, Executive Chairman of HIT Training, will be looking for solutions to this worsening crisis and welcoming audience input. Hotelympia’s final day sees one of the most respected and admired industry experts, Hugh Taylor, OBE, offering hints and tips to hotels about maximising their marketing efforts and securing competitive advantage with minimal spend. The Chief Executive of hotel management consultancy Michels & Taylor will be imparting simple yet strategic ideas to help operators fulfil their own marketing objectives. The curtain comes down on Hotelympia 2016 with a panel discussion on the rise of the multimedia chef, curated by the London Restaurant network and featuring some of the industry’s most respected names including, Adam Byatt of Trinity Restaurant, restaurateur, chef and author, Mark Sargeant, and Sophie Michell, chef at Pont Street Restaurant. Registration is now live ( for the biennial four-day show, the home of hospitality innovation, which will see the unique needs of visitors from every sector of hospitality, from hotels and restaurants to pubs; cafes; contract catering; casual dining; the cost sector and beyond, catered for by 1000 of some of the world’s most pioneering exhibitors in Food & Drink; Catering Equipment; Technology; Interiors & Tableware; Careers and sustainabilityfocused Waste-Works. Click here to watch the Hotelympia 2016 launch video #yourshow

Rokill is a professional company, established over 35 years and holds the Queen’s Royal Warrant for Pest Control. We are members of the British Pest Control Association and abide by the Association's strict and professional code of practice.

Koppert Cress BV ALTHOUGH THE history of Koppert Cress goes back to 1987, the major growth and success were initiated when Rob Baan took over the company in July 2002. Rob not only changed the name of the company to ‘Koppert Cress’, he also had a vision and a drive to do things differently. With a long experience as a professional traveller, Rob came into contact with many cultures, ingredients and food habits. Being a passionate home-cooking chef himself, he was able to link his business knowledge from the seed industry with the culinary treasures he encountered on his travels. Koppert Cress specializes in cresses; seedlings of unique plants, which each have their own specific effect on the senses. Flavour, fragrance, feel or presentation, there is a cress for all. And the assortment is widening. Every year at least one new item is added to the collection of Micro-vegetables. A collection, which is pre-

Craster - Stand 2509

QUALITY. RELATIONSHIP. INTEGRITY.The three core values that act as the foundation of Craster, one of the industry’s leading provider of luxury products for premium hotels, restaurants and retail groups. Having solidified a stronghold in the market for the past 20 years, their international weighting is cemented by their distribution in over 20 countries, and they manufacture in the UK, the Czech Republic and the Far East. Craster’s passion for beautiful designs, use of natural and sustainable materials and focus on client collaboration has really set them apart from their

We operate one of the highest supervisor to technician ratios in the industry to ensure our standards are maintained in accordance with our total quality commitment. Rokill is one of the few pest control companies to have achieved ISO9001:2008 Quality Standard, ISO14001:2004 Environmental Standard, ISO18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Standard, the ROSPA Gold Medal Award for Occupational Safety and the prestigious Investors in People Award. This means that when you choose Rokill you will receive a high quality, cost effective service from a team of professional pest controllers. Please visit us on Stand 1262 , Enquiries - Tel 0800 783 0011 or visit sented as ‘Architecture Aromatique’. Koppert Cress has a direct approach of these users, to ensure awareness and create demand for its unique products. Cressperience is a meeting room with demonstration kitchen, where chefs are introduced to the products and can experiment on end with them.Every day, more than 75 motivated staff of Koppert Cress supply the Dutch traders and wholesalers, who in turn distribute the micro-vegetables all over Europe and beyond. The end users of the products are mainly chefs, restaurants, caterers, hotels and food services. Reliable supply of the fresh and tasteful ingredients allows chefs to be creative and surprise their guests. In recent years the company has received several rewards, recognizing the innovative approach of the product and the market. Twice the ‘AGF innovation award’ was presented to Koppert Cress. A prestigious biannual award given by a jury of peers in the Dutch vegetable industry. But also the gastronomic world has learned about the achievements of Koppert Cress and come to appreciate its products. For further details please visit us on Stand 1030 and see the advert on page 20. competitors. Their ability to simultaneously stay on trend while retaining traditional design values, is evident in their extensive product range. Catering for In-Room Dining, Bedrooms and Conference and Banqueting to name a few, Craster produce an eclectic variation of products including elegant marble plinths, beautiful oak trolleys, contemporary brass chip pots and much more. As design sits at the centre of their culture, Craster pride themselves on being able to offer their clients product development solutions from initial idea to final product delivery. This unique selling point not only encourages clients to be a part of the designing process, but allows them to differentiate themselves from other brands. For further information visit, call 0845 467 0051 or visit Stand 2509 at Hotelympia.

Grayshott Stoneware “Redefining traditional stoneware for contemporary catering” Grayshott Pottery is a leading manufacturers of fine stoneware to the catering industry, and has built a reputation as an English Pottery of distinction. Listening to our customers is a core value of the company, and has led to inspired designs and glaze finishes to produce both traditional and contemporary tableware, such as our Soho range which is organic in its conception with soft undulating surfaces and irregular shape, it

Single Source

SINGLE SOURCE ( is one of the UK’s leading foodservice manufacturers of Sugar & Sweeteners, Hot Beverages, Sweet Snacks and Sauces & Condiments. In both single serve (front of house) and bulk (back-of-house) formats from our factory in Telford, Shropshire. We also manage all our design & printing in-house. In 2015, we’ve been awarded

Hotelympia 2016 Preview

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

brings a contemporary twist to the dining experience. This partnership between manufacturer and customer means that we are able to offer an extensive table-top solution to suit all catering requirements, from tableware to Hot and Cold Counter service. So no matter what or where your food inspiration comes from, be it Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Oriental, Moroccan or other, we will have products suitable for your presentation requirements. We will be exhibiting at Hotelympia stand number 3464 – so why not pay us a visit Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01428 604404

Redefining traditional stoneware for contemporary catering BRC Grade AA+ Unannounced status, virtually unique in our industry. Passion for Quality is at the heart of our culture and this has enabled us to win a number of awards, including Country Range Own Label Supplier of the year in 2015. CSR is important to Single Source. We care for our environment with significant investments in eco-friendly initiatives including strategic partnerships with Earthinks, minimal water & chemical usage on-site, zero to landfill, and a commitment to using as much recycled packaging materials as possible. Single Source is the UK division of Portion Pack, one of Europe’s largest foodservice manufacturers. Reader Enquiries - Tel 01952 234100 See us on Stand 1339


• VitriMax high fired stoneware • Extremely durable • Microwave and oven to table suitability • Dishwasher and freezer compatible • Long-lasting finish - looks good for many years • Low breakage rate • Extensive range of shapes

Germane Solution For 45 Jermyn St At Fortnum’s Looking for proven and high quality foodservice equipment CCE Group approached Valentine Equipment and sister company Cuisinequip to assist in the design of an island induction cooking suite for the kitchen to serve the new 45 Jermyn St, formerly the Fountain Restaurant at Fortnum & Mason. Valentine’s Steve Elliott worked alongside Fortnum & Mason’s Executive Head Chef Sydney Aldridge in CCE's kitchen design studio to develop the bespoke range that incorporates a Valentine EVO 2525 Turbo fryer with pumped oil filtration, 8 x 8kw induction zones, pan racks, a Frima 112T vario cooking centre, a half ribbed and half plain griddle, Adande refrigerated drawers and a quick heat salamander from Hatco. Ovens and other refrigeration are raised off the ground adjacent to the cook suite around the walls. This is an ergonomic design to allow for the maximum number of free flowing workstations in this busy kitchen. Head Chef Lee Streeton, comments, “The improved workflow of the kitchen is brilliant, and the kitchen equipment is

The Independent Publication for the Independent Sector CLH News is a monthly trade publication for the independent hotel, pub and restaurant sector of the hospitality industry, an invaluable source of industry news & views for the independent hospitality operator packed with a selection of suppliers to help make you more appealing, profitable and efficient!

CLH News is now published online too!

Visit to sign up for our twice weekly newsletter.

Visit us on stand 4157


state-of-the-art, so much so I had to get my commis chefs to show me how to use it! Seriously, though, the CCE team are consummate professionals who deliver on time and to a budget. They understand our business thoroughly, and are great people to work with.” The bespoke range, measuring 3.2m x 2m is the heart of the kitchen and provides the platform for the majority of the prime cooking and finishing for this new restaurant. Talking about the project for Fortnum & Mason and working with CCE Group, Steve Elliott, national sales manager for Valentine/Cuisinequip, says, “During the extensive build programme we partnered the project manager at CCE, and attended several site meetings, and during installation we worked with CCE engineers to put the range on a plinth before the hot pass was fitted. “There is five years warranty on the induction system, and all backed by Valentine service, including spares held in our warehouse for immediate dispatch. Overall the range provided by Cusinequip compliments the high quality fabrication and quality needed for 45 Jermyn St.” See us on Stand 4230

• Made in the UK

ORDERING: Soho is one of a range of pre-selected tableware collections. We have created a series of these mood inspired collections by matching glaze finishes with appropriate tableware items to aid your selection. Alternatively, our design catalogue offers 190 different tableware items for you to choose from. Once you have selected the items you want, select a finish from

the separate glaze finish and colour card. You have complete freedom to mix and match shapes, styles and colours allowing you to create the perfect tableware set. Use the order sheet to compile your choices, or call our sales hotline for advice and to ask any questions about our product range.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Hotelympia 2016 Preview

Comark Adds a ‘Touch’ of Smart Technology to Improve Food Safety POTENTIAL DANGER is hiding as food makes the journey to your customer. That’s why Comark Instruments recently introduced the new HACCP Touch, an easy and cost-effective system for hoteliers to collect, record and store daily temperatures of critical items as they are received, stored, prepped,

Catering Equipment Ltd

Buy from our massive stocks of top quality catering equipment and other superb products delivered direct from the central Birmingham warehouse. At, we stock a vast range of catering equipment from gastronorm containers (the largest and most comprehensive stocks), sinks and bowls, waste fittings, Pre-

Tony Team - Stand 3030

SUSTAINABILITY IS our key message. Tony Team presents a wide range of equipment designed to help the Hospitality Industry reduce the amount of waste going to Landfill, whilst at the same time cutting carbon footprint. The market leading TT1100e bin compactor, will be on display; a key tool to reduce bin numbers to a minimum & ideal for use with both general waste & mixed recycling. Along with a TT75 card baler & our in bin glass crusher, our

Churchill UK - Stand 2470

WITH OVER 220 years of manufacturing expertise, Churchill has built a global reputation for creating the highest quality tabletop solutions. Delivering innovative and high performance ranges which offer the balance of perfect presentation combined with superior strength and durability. Unveiling the brand new ‘Trend Trail’ at Hotelympia 2016, Churchill takes visitors through the most important and exciting food trends this year. A comprehensive collection from contemporary to classic providing the

cooked and held. The tamper-proof HACCP Touch even captures corrective actions that are taken when food temperatures are found to be outside of approved safe zones. Visit Stand #3380 to learn how to add a touch of smart technology to your operations? Reader enquiries - Tel: 020 7942 0712, email: or visit rinse spray arms, taps, sound deadening to Insulated Air pots, Jugs and Food Transport boxes, Chafing dishes, Ice Cream containers, Portable cookers, electrical fryers, contact grills, bulk storage, stainless steel , electropolihsed gastronorm containers and accessories manufactured in Italy and distributed form our central Birmingham warehouse, and a whole lot more! We acknowledge all orders in person. Please visit us on Stand 4000. Tel: 0121 773 2228 focus this year is on solutions for dealing with food waste. As UK distributor for Big Hanna Composters we will be demonstrating the ultimate prize of the ‘circular economy’ Tony Team Ltd Unit 6, Station Rd Bakewell DERBYSHIRE DE45 1GE Tel: +44 1629 813859 Fax: +44 1629 814334 Web: Email: Stand Number: 3030 complete ceramic, glassware, cutlery and wood solutions. Bringing together both style and functionality, the Premium trend features the elegant Sequel beverage collection to sit alongside the long established Alchemy tableware. Relaxed and rustic, ‘Social Sharing’ features the hugely successful Stonecast collection perfect for tapas and small plate dishes. With many other collections and brand new products, the Trend Trail offers an adventure into the latest culinary food and presentation trends. Respected for service excellence, product quality, environmental responsibilities and product innovation, Churchill are the natural tabletop partners. Contact Churchill UK on 01782 577566, see or visit us on Stand 2470.

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


The Induced Energy “Invisible Cooking Suite”

THE INDUCED Energy “Invisible Cooking Suite” is a bespoke servery counter for both front and back of house giving chef the flexibility to prepare, cook and hold food products in optimum condition. Whether there is a requirement for wok cooking, grilling, frying or poaching, this counter can do it all. Power - With a power requirement of just 3Kw (13 amp socket) per ring the Invisible Cooking Suite is easily installed into an existing counter or built from new. As with all Induced Energy products our focussed coil and 0 – 99 control settings allows the operator to operate this unit at much less than the 3Kw total load.

Steelite International THIS YEAR at Hotelympia, Steelite International will be welcoming visitors to its stand to experience inspirational designs, valuable industry insight and a range of eyecatching and stylish tabletop concepts and solutions tailored to all sectors of the hospitality industry. Steelite International, world-leading manufacturer and supplier of award-winning, inspirational tabletop ranges, will be inviting visitors to learn about the practicalities of setting up a foodservice outlet with its new Restaurant Startup guide. The guide, which

WS Uniform

OVER THE past 25 years WS Uniform has built up an impressive knowledge of bespoke and stock clothing to fit endless tastes and budgets. With client lists covering a diverse range of establishments from hotels, restaurants and bars, to schools, universities, sports clubs, hospitals, shops and cinemas. This variety has allowed the company to develop relationships with a large number of stock clothing and acces-

Safety - Since all the heat from the induction unit is produced directly in the pan there is no heat transferred from the induction coil to the lava stone surface, allowing the operator to cook and hot hold in front of customers with confidence that there is no safety risk. Flexibility - Being a bespoke unit the “Invisible Cooking Suite” can be designed to be mobile to allow a unit to be moved from room to room, ideal for B&I catering. The base units can be manufactured to suit all budgets from a light duty domestic counter to high end shop fitted bases as the customer requires. Reader Enquiries - Tel 01280 705900 See us on Stand 2970 includes advice from a number of consultants at the Foodservice Consultants Society International UK and Ireland (FCSI) as well as industry expertise from Steelite International, offers tips and advice for setting up a foodservice outlet from the initial concept through to the launch. Steelite International is dedicated to bringing its customers innovative designs and solutions tailored to all sectors of the hospitality industry informed by the latest trends. It has recently partnered with Bodum to exclusively supply the UK hospitality industry with Bodum’s range of beverage service products. Visitors can also view the latest collection of melamine gastronorm platters and lids, providing customers with the complete buffet or counter-top solution. Visit Steelite International at stand 2940

sory suppliers, gaining them access to a vast collection of quality products. WS Uniform has also had great opportunity to explore bespoke manufacturing, making valuable connections with fabric suppliers and clothing manufacturers. Their experiences in the bespoke market include waistcoats, Nehru jackets, suits, shirts, polo shirts, tunics, and even bags, ties and hipflasks. The bespoke field of the business ties WS Uniform to fashion house Walker Slater, the Edinburgh and London based tweed specialist. The smart tailoring ethos of the parent company has been inherited by WS Uniform, which helped in popularising tweed uniform items over the past few years. For further information, or to get a glimpse at the possibilities for your business, please visit Tel: 01315641660

See us on Stand 4000, Hotelympia, ExCeL


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

The Source Trade Show Preview

January 2016

Inspiration & Opportunity on a Plate THE SOURCE is the South West’s ‘super show’ for all those with a serious interest in speciality foods and quality drinks, profitable catering and inspired hospitality. It takes place at the Westpoint Exhibition Centre in Exeter on the Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th of February 2015. With over 200 local, national and international food and drink producers, as well as service providers, alongside a superb selection of Taste of the West members, it’s a unique opportunity not to be missed.

Authentic recipe BBQ Rubs and Sauces Bringing a taste of the Deep South to the UK, we introduce an epic BBQ experience.

Taking place at the beginning of February, The Source gives buyers the opportunity to meet all the suppliers they need to be ready for the season ahead; discover new products, furnish their establishments, and kit out their kitchens. Over the past eight years the show has become a complete one-stop shop for everything you need for your food business – covering not just speciality food and drink but everything from raw ingredients to high quality food service products, furniture to EPoS, kitchen design to business services. With exhibitors such as A David & Co, Aspen Maintenance Services, 3663, Ilfracombe Foodservice, Qtos Catering Equipment, Pubstuff, T Quality, Elizabeth Shaw Confectionery, Bradley’s Juice, Chesil Smokery, Lyme Bay Winery, Favis of Salcombe & Styles Farmhouse Ice Cream you will see the best from local, regional and national catering and hospitality suppliers, manufacturers and regional food and drink producers. Visit the Newcomers section to see companies from the South West that have never exhibited at a trade show before. Spot rising stars and emerging trends before your competitors – add exciting and novel products to your

offering and give yourself that all important point of difference. Why not be inspired by the chefs in the Demo Kitchen, add new ideas to your menus, and learn from the best? The Demo Kitchen is an opportunity to see leading chefs showing off their skills and sharing their latest ideas. It also features top industry experts passing on their experience and insights. In the past names such as Bruce Cole, Brett Sutton, Elly Wentworth and Michael Caines have shown the audience how to use local ingredients from the show, and inspired those looking for menu ideas. This year the roll call of names will include South West Chef of the Year Professional and Young Professional winners, Jamie Rogers and James Mason, Tierra Kitchen’s Mark Evans, and Development Chef Richard Hunt. It’s a rare opportunity to watch, hear, meet and chat to people who really know their stuff – add value to your business by taking full advantage of their expertise and knowledge. The successful and growing Westcountry Tourism Conference will be running alongside both shows, with two 1/2 day events bringing together leading tourism businesses and industry experts. The conference is designed for businesses working in the tourism industry across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and further afield, and those who attend also have the opportunity to attend the show, which introduces Source to a wider market. If you are looking for that special ingredient for your menu, that unique product for your shop, or the essential equipment for your kitchen, then this show will both inspire you and help your business grow. Give your business the impetus it needs going into the new season with this huge spread of comparative tastings, networking opportunities and inspirational experiences. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, or visit, or why not follow the show on Twitter @SourceFoodDrink.

Eat the Smoke

CRACKING CRAB SINCE 1972 Salcombe Brown Crab and Salcombe Blue Lobster are Wholesaled in the UK and Exported Worldwide. We consider our UK distribution as a more personal service as we can deliver our products to anywhere in the UK. We are passionate about quality control, we oversee every product as it is packed and loaded ready for delivery. We only fish in sustainable waters to ensure the fish stocks are able to maintain themselves, preserving the quality of the product.

01548 521182 | | Torr Quarry Industrial Estate, East Allington, Totnes, Devon. TQ9 7QQ

Eat the Smoke are Devon’s premier BBQ Smokehouse company. We offer a premium range of authentic recipe BBQ Rubs and Sauces so that you can replicate the taste of the Deep South in your own homes. Our products have been tried and tested throughout the South of England at multiple fes-

Favis of Salcombe

AWARD-WINNING Favis of Salcombe are celebrating another fantastic year. Described by judges as 'world class', their white crab meat scooped the prestigious 'Supreme Champion' award from Taste of the West recognising the astonishing quality and freshness of their meat. The family have been fishing sustainably off Salcombe since

tivals, street food events and pop-up restaurants, and we have gained a strong following and many happy customers. 2016 sees the launch of 4 new rub flavours to our range, for you to use and brighten your ovens and BBQ’s with. Source 2016 also sees the launch of our ‘BBQ Rub Nuts’. We hot smoke the finest almonds and cashews, and then roast them in our BBQ Rubs. Our Rub Nuts offer a hot, smokey, deep flavour, unlike any other product found on the market at the moment. Perfect for retail outlets, and as snack offerings for bars & restaurants. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 07872 040752 See us on Stand H54 1972 and land, cook, pick, pot and deliver to some of the finest restaurants and chefs in the UK. The South Devon waters are renowned for the quality of shellfish they produce and the Favis family are experts in getting it from pot to plate in record time. If you're looking for cracking crab and lobster then contact us on 01548 521182 or visit us online at See us on Stand G42

The Source Trade Show Preview

Vale Labels

BASED IN the South West, Vale Labels Ltd is a successful, family run business with over 30 years

Hogs Bottom Preserves HOGS BOTTOM Preserves make our products from locally sourced fruit vegetables where ever we can, made in small batches, We use only natural ingredients of the finest quality and absolutely NO artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. We are big enough to cope, but small enough to care! We supplu multi award winning products, all produced by

HS French Flint Limited

HS FRENCH Flint Limited who will be exhibiting at The Source trade show - 4th & 5th February, Westpoint, Exeter will be introducing a number of new food container ranges for packing, storage and display purposes. The company is a very long-standing supplier of all forms of glass bottles and jars and has over many years specialised in supplying the smaller artisan food producers with a range of

Rod & Ben’s

specialist experience in the self adhesive printed label industry. Fresh thinking and the very latest in digital printing technology, ensures Vale Labels Ltd produces the sharpest solutions for all your labelling needs. For a friendly, expert service, one that offers your business all the flexibility it needs, please contact us on 01823 665504 or email or or see us on Stand F43.

ourselves on the edge of Devon by team of four local ladies. Over 20 Awards across the range of products over the last few years but DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, TRY THEM FOR YOURSELF! For further information contact us on 01566 784777, visit or see us on Stand D17. eclectic containers. With a showroom near Borough Market in Central London and warehouses in London and Lincolnshire we can normally offer next day delivery throughout the country and also have a large export business. We hope to see you in Exeter or otherwise please visit us at or Tel: 020 7407 3200 or S tand G43

This is why we believe that our organic soups, meal pots, dips and sauces should always insist on only the finest imaginable ingredients. We carefully choose only the best seeds to put into our richly nurtured soil and carefully source from only the best suppliers to create our simply sumptuous seasonal products. Soups and Stews - A range of hearty soups and stews

crafted for even the most discerning of palates. Whether young or old our soups will go down a treat with the whole family. Dips, Spreads & Sauces - Full of flavour and ideal for a BBQ or a party all year round, these are a must for anyone’s fridge. Sumptuous textures, strong personalities and no preservatives make these all the more desirable. Here at Rod and Ben's we have a friendly and knowledgeable team who can answer any questions you might have. We are keen to work with all sectors; Wholesale, Retail, Catering, Bespoke Production, Farm Shops, Delis or Restaurants please feel free to chat to us, Whether it's pricing, distribution, samples or ordering please call 01392 833016 or email: Alternatively, see us on Stand D51.

PANINO Breads are obsessively passionate about good quality authentic bakery products and local fresh foods. So far we have brought together a portfolio of over 300 speciality breads, continental savouries and viennoiseries products.

Every Panino bread is produced by regional craft bakeries using traditional and established baking methods; this ensures that customers are offered the natural, authentic and fresh taste that they demand. The success of panino lies in the fact that we consistently exceed the demands of our customers, by researching and developing new bespoke products in partnership with our customers and suppliers, every day we aim to improve and add to our range. As a result new products are included on a daily basis, so if the product you require isn't listed it doesn't mean we don't have it, all you have to do is ask and if we can help we will. Please pay us a visit on stand D34

THE SECRET to our success at Rod & Ben’s is keeping things simple and straight forward.

Panino Breads


January 2016

Specialist breads, cakes and sandwich fillings wholesale to delicatessens, cafes & farm shops throughout the South West. Our service is fresh, fast, friendly & competitive. We sell a massive range of baguettes, ciabattas, loaf bread, sub rolls, gluten free and organic breads, focaccia, naan, baps, wraps, pitta and gourmet speciality breads. Our range includes part baked, thaw & serve and fully baked products. You can also buy cakes, muffins, pastries, pasties, pies and sausage rolls – many sourced from local producers in Devon, Dorset, Somerset and Cornwall.

0800 0433 120 07739 592 153

Freephone Mobile

Visit us at See Us on Stand H39

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

The Source Trade Show Preview

January 2016

Okemoor - Award Winning Handmade Food from the West Country

Newly formed family brewery based in the green hills of Devon at Greendale Farm, Woodbury Salterton. Bringing a uniquely branded Roman family of four new tasting ales from Exeter. 10, Hogsbrook Units, Woodbury, Salterton, Devon. EX5 1PY

07988 849644 or 07854 814454

OKEMOOR HAS been producing wonderful tasting fresh food for over 25 years. Everything is carefully made by hand, using only the best ingredients sourced whenever possible from West Country suppliers. We supply any business who wishes to offer their customers our unique range of products.

Over the years, many awards have been won with the Guild of Fine Foods and the Taste of the West by a selection of our products. This includes Hand Raised Pies, Savoury Pies, Quiches, Cakes, Cheesecakes and Tarts. Okemoor is recognised throughout the West Country for providing top quality products. For further information:- Tel 01837 53601 or visit or see us on Stand D26.

Trago2Business, the contracts division of Trago Mills, services the South West. It is specifically tailored to give our business customers a more personal service and excellent value for money.

ments from sourcing products through to delivery. The service is backed by full field support and a team of professional in-house buyers whose expertise and buying power can obtain the highest quality goods at the lowest cost possible. We have developed an exclusive contract range only available to our business customers which meets exacting contract quality standards but at affordable prices. We can offer you an account facility, an impressive range of bulk discounts and delivery service. For further information please contact head office on 01579 321331 or See Us On Stand D41

Trago2Business Trago2Business provides a one-toone service through a personal account manager who can co-ordinate every aspect of a clients require-

Yossi Foods

2015 GREAT TASTE award winner Yossi Foods, produces genuine gluten-free herby falafel sold frozen, either partially or fully cooked (to finish off on site) and fresh, and natural condiments, one of which one Most Innovative Product and Category Champion at the recent taste of the West awards. Yossi’s products are all of exceptional

Stop fire before it stops you Talk to us about all your fire prevention requirements, we are the professionals

01392 368830

Total Produce

TOTAL PRODUCE has become one of the UK's largest and most accomplished fresh produce providers, with an extensive network of depot operations throughout the UK, reaching from Cornwall to Edinburgh. Total Produce sources and distributes an extensive range of fresh produce across all major categories including fruits, vegetables and salad - extending from the more familiar to the truly exotic. Serving the retail, wholesale and food service sectors,

quality Powerful, distinctive flavours and fresh ingredients are the main characteristics of most types of street and fast food in Jerusalem. The city celebrates a magical culinary complexity that for centuries has been a magnet for individuals, nations and religions alike. Yossi offers traditional and authentic products taken from centuries old recipes from the streets of Jerusalem. Experience the real taste of the city’s flavours with our signature products. Delicious Falafel balls, Sprightly Coriander Chilli Paste & Pickled Lemon Spread. Please pay is a visit on stand HP9 or visit Total Produce UK is a complete fresh produce solution provider, offering a comprehensive menu of services to our customers, ranging from simple service provision to an independent grocer to complete category management for major multiples. Continually striving to offer the highest quality fresh produce along with the best possible service, Total Produce offers national distribution through our fleet of 200 temperature controlled vehicles. Through our unrivalled infrastructure of depots nationwide, we are uniquely positioned to deliver value to both national and independent customers supplying both locally grown and globally sourced produce from the finest producers across Total Produce's extensive supply base. A strong, vibrant and accomplished business, Total Produce UK is part of the worldwide Total Produce group. Please visit us on stand B3.

Fire Can Be Devastating For Homes And Businesses

AT TAMAR security we offer all you need to minimise the risk of fire and ensure your premises are as safe as you can make them. We offer a full Risk Assessment with our FPA 58632 accredited surveyor. Our fire department can design and install fire alarms to suit your property, from the smallest standalone system for small businesses, shops and flats, to the largest factory or warehouse, we can carry out regular maintenance of your existing system, our engineers are

Emal Brewery

NEWLY FORMED family brewery based in the green hills of Devon at Greendale farm, Woodbury Salterton. Bringing a uniquely branded Roman family of 4 new tasting ales from Exeter. Festina Lente Isca Gold 4% Golden Ale An easy°© drinking golden Ale balancing a touch of caramel sweetness with a gently bitter finish and a fruity hop aroma. Legio 4.5% Dark Ale A very drinkable dark: full bodied Mahogany ale with sweet

trained in a wide variety of fire alarm panels. We offer fire extinguisher servicing and emergency light testing. As a fully registered electrical company we can also offer all forms of electrical work including PAT testing. The guiding principles on which Tamar Security ltd is founded are to deliver systems that are unique to each customer’s specific requirements, and to exceed customers' expectations in terms of standards of workmanship and quality of service. See us on stand A3 Tel: 01392 368830

caramel notes, balanced bitterness and a rounded hop finish. Castra 3.5% Blonde Ale Easy drinkable session pale Ale with alight malt base, gentle bitterness and a well-°© rounded hoppy finish. Exe 5.5% Stout Revealed soon Western Event Hire, Exeter Part of the EMAL Group – Delivering Time After Time – For all your event needs. 01392 252351 Traditional Canvas Marquees, Catering Equipment and Furniture Hire Newly formed family brewery based in the green hills of Devon at Greendale farm, Woodbury Salterton. Bringing a uniquely branded Roman family of 4 new tasting ales from Exeter. Festina Lente See us on A Stand NC2

The Cornish Jute Bag Company

After an absence of several years, The Cornish Jute Bag Company is back at the show on Stand H59 with new products and new colours to enhance your business profile. New legislation regarding single-use bags has reinforced the message of environmental awareness with the public. This is a great time to show your credentials and advertise your

business. The average jute bag lasts four years, is a great marketing tool and you can start with a minimum of only 50 bags. We offer in-house printing for a fast turnaround from stock with volume discounts available on quantities over 100 bags. Tel: 01209 843831 Email: Website: or see us on Stand H59

The Source Trade Show Preview

Curio Drinks

We are husband and wife, William and Rubina Tyler-Street who became curious about setting up a bespoke spirits brand in 2012, and celebrated seeing our first products take to the optics in December 2014. Curio is produced in Mullion, deep in west Cornwall, through years of hard work, dedication, consultation and training with two master distillers who have helped us on our journey. We invested in two small stills, a rotary evaporator and lots of time and experimen-

tation with the idea of creating a range of spirituous beverages to keep on satisfying our adventurous nature and that of the consumer. Curio Rock Samphire Gin came first, then the Peruvian Cocoa Nib Vodka and now Cardamom vodka. We’re in competition with each other, I watch the gin and William oversees the vodka – it’s all healthy fun and we’re very much a team. We only use pure natural spring water from the Cornish Spring Water Company for our distillations and we work with local suppliers whenever possible. Excellent quality is what we strive for because you deserve the best. What does the future look like? Right now we’re consulting with a coppersmith, a master distiller, whom we call The Don, and a local builder on our plans for a larger distillery in Mullion on the Lizard Peninsular. Please visit us on stand NC9 a warm welcome awaits

It All Started With A Pint!

LIKE ALL good ideas… and has turned into a thriving brewery business over the past 12 years. Mark, Sam and Olly Brooking brew the beer and the brewery is now run by Sam - keeping the business firmly in the family. Originally known as Sutton Brewing, the brewery moved to its present site in 2003, with a 10-barrel plant and plenty of room to expand. We brew beers that like to travel and the full range of beers can be found and enjoyed in Devon and throughout the country via the wonders of the web, all created with the SHB

Barton Reed & Co

BARTON REED & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds. From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family run business and we have

seal of quality and craftsmanship. South Hams Brewery has a real love for real ale. The good stuff! Honest, traditional brewing with passion, delivering consistently high quality real ale - what the punters want. With long standing classics, such as Eddystone, (Love The Flavour Silver award winning) Devon Pride; the SIBA Gold Award winning Wild Blonde and a range of seasonal ales for the changing climate and palettes - all brewed to the exacting SHB brewing quality standard and ready to sample on Stand H40 at the Source Trade Show, 10 - 11th February. We hope to see you there… Reader Enquiries Tel: 01548 581151 been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations. Seven reasons why you should choose Barton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call 01409 271189, visit, email or see us on Stand A17.

January 2016 Cash Registers / Epos

Touch Screen • Stock Control Scanning Kitchen print systems • Hand held terminals Loyalty systems Dont buy from someone miles away until you've talked to us! ( Stand C2 )

0800 181694

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Importers

Unit 6C, International House. Battle Road, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6RY

Suppliers of quality fruit & vegetables to the wholesale, retail and catering trade throughout Devon & Cornwall. DAILY DELIVERIES LARGEST RANGE OF EXOTIC FRUITS IN THE SOUTHWEST 24 HOUR ANSWERPHONE SERVICE

The Independent Publication for the Independent Sector

Vist us on Stand A6 Or visit to sign up for our twice weekly newsletter


Telephone: (01626) 832 848 Fax: (01626) 834 452 Website: SEE US ON STAND B3


Curio is inspired by fragrant botanicals and natural ingredients that reflect our culture, heritage and locality Curio: Curious by nature and Curio by name, the genre-redefining range from Cornwall includes age-old ingredients such as rock samphire and cardamom to create tipples that are curiously attractive and flavoursome with every sip. Curio introduces small-batch spirits that are adventurous and selectively seducing. We dare you to be curious and try out our gin and vodka flavours. PERUVIAN COCOA NIB VODKA

Curio vodkas are born from a love of natural flavours and a desire to exceed expectations. Triple distilled vodka is gently infused with Peruvian Cocoa Nibs to capture the deep chocolate taste. We produce in small batches to give you the very best vodka flavour – you can even drink it neat. CURIO CARDAMOM VODKA

Augmenting the Curio range of handcrafted spirits is Curio Cardamom flavoured vodka. Again using pristine Cornish spring water, organic cardamom seeds are infused and re-distilled to create a four times distilled vodka flavour forged with spicy-yet-citrus instilled short that that although smooth, leaves a warming aftertaste on the palate. ROCK SAMPHIRE GIN

Everything we do at Curio is inspired by flavour. Our four times distilled Rock Samphire gin captures the light, fresh sea spray and wild aromas of the Cornish coast. Hand foraged on the local cliff tops, our rock samphire is blended with fragrant botanicals and distilled in small batches, for exceptional quality and a delicately smooth gin. We recommend trying it neat with just ice and a garnish. Delicious.

See us on Stand NC9

Telephone 07940 730 958 or 07980 943 391


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016

Friars Pride

FRIARS PRIDE, formerly Plymouth Agencies, is a growing family business and a premier supplier to caterers, fish friers and bakers throughout the South West: Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. We pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service, and we are passionate about delivering high quality products. From our Plymouth and Poole depots we supply a variety of products across the categories below: • Fats & Oils • Frozen at Sea Fish Fillets • IQF Fillets • Frozen Chicken Bites, Nuggets and Steaks • Frozen Sausages, Pies, Kebabs and Beef Burgers • Frozen Chips and Bread products • Batter Mixes

The Source Trade Show Preview • Curry Sauce and Gravy Mixes • Packaging, including own print • Dried and Tinned Peas • Drinks • Catering Equipment With a brand new fleet of multi-temperature vehicles now operating from our Plymouth depot, we are able to send your frozen and dried goods to you in one delivery. We have a growing team of local telesales agents to look after your business, based in both Plymouth and Poole. Additionally we have four Area Sales Managers covering the South West, giving you local face to face contact for your business. We can supply all your catering provisions and packaging needs, to ensure you serve fantastic fish and chips! We can even arrange personalised print options on a variety of packaging lines. We will be exhibiting at The Source Trade Show in Exeter from the 9th to 11th March Stand B28 and Expo West Cornwall from the 1st to 3rd March 2016, Stand F17. Why not come to meet the team and try our products! To find out more about Friars Pride visit or simply call our local telesales on 01752 262323

Littlestone Coffee Roasters

LITTLESTONE COFFEE ROASTERS are a small specialty coffee roasting operation based in Exeter, Devon and started by Simon and Jack Limmer in 2015. Using only 100% Arabica coffee beans from traceable sustainable sources they produce a range of specialty coffees including their own Littlestone Espresso Blend and a number of seasonal single origins. All coffee is freshly roasted to order by Jack on their Probat 12 roaster and dispatched normally within 48 hours. Current customers include private

individuals and businesses who appreciate top quality freshly roasted coffee delivered efficiently and promptly. Also on offer is a Private Label Service. The coffee is developed to the clients precise requirements and then branded and packaged to produce a fully bespoke product available to no-one else. Details of this and all their current offerings can be found on their website or by contacting Simon or Jack by email on See us on Stand NC10

CLH News - The Independent Publication for the Independent Sector CLH News is a monthly trade publication for the independent hotel, pub and restaurant sector of the hospitality industry, an invaluable source of industry news & views for the independent hospitality operator packed with a selection of suppliers to help make you more appealing, profitable and efficient! CLH News is published monthly and distributed nationally and directly to inde-

Lovely Drinks

LOVELY DRINKS is an awardwinning producer of premium soft drinks and juices. Inspired by the bounty of Somerset’s orchards and hedgerows, we create classic English flavours with a twist, using high quality ingredients that we carefully source regionally or within the UK wherever possible. Our distinctive range includes

pendent decision-makers in the licensed, catering and hospitality industry, communicating the latest trends, products, services, industry news. In over 16 years we have grown to be one of the most widely trusted and recognised publications for the hospitality sector. CLH News is now published online too! Visit to sign up for our twice weekly newsletter. Visit us on stand A6

Elderflower & Rose infused with distilled English roses, Sparkling Lemonade flavoured with West Country lavender and Rhubarb & Ginger made with Herefordshire apples and Yorkshire rhubarb. Our drinks contain no preservatives, concentrates or artificial flavourings. Started as a hobby, Lovely Drinks now supplies Michelin starred restaurants, award-winning delis and cafes, bars and farm shops around the UK. We have won 11 Great Taste Awards and several regional prizes. To try our range please visit us at Stand F35 at Source Trade Show, Exeter, on 10 & 11 February 2016. You can also contact us on 01275 463229 or via our website

CoffeeCare South West WITH OVER 25 years experience in the coffee industry, our company prides itself on being the exclusive agents and distributors of Segafredo coffee and La San Marco coffee machines. Segafredo Zanetti is now the leading

Country Coolers THE TIME of year has come around again for our clients and event organisers to start ringing and emailing us for them to book one of our lovely Fridge trailers for their various events or music festivals the earlier you book the more you are assured of securing one ,they are a invaluable at any event where food or drink is wanting to be kept COOL and FRESH. We have just updated our website (COUNTRY-COOLERS.CO.UK) with

Products and Services Espresso producer in Italy and throughout the world, with more than 70,000 clients and 50 million cups of espresso drunk each day. Its mission is to spread the taste and the culture of the true Italian Espresso to the uk. Translating this objective into action means offering a product of the utmost quality, quality that is guaranteed from the coffee plant to the cup, as only Segafredo Zanetti knows how. For further details call us on 01934 710100 os see the advert page 8. more info to make easier to see what they are hiring and if they have any questions they want to ask its all on there now and a enquiry box as well. All our trailers go out with shelving unless the customer does not require any,a 15m electric lead also goes with it and a key for the back doors,all trailers are left secure on site ,and we deliver them all ourselves. The main of our summer business comes from weddings ,festivals,and outside events,we supply hotels and pubs and care homes if they have any sort of break down in there refrigeration. Country-coolers was established in 2008 and has a lot of reat customers now and has always given a top class service to them,so whether its 50 or 2500 people you are catering for a fridge trailer is what you need if catering outside. For information, please call 01258 840212 or 07734055913

The MSK Product Range for Chefs

MSK ARE renowned as suppliers of premium quality food ingredients and equipment to the hotel and restaurant trade throughout the United Kingdom.

The MSK product range is aimed at those Chefs who would like to try something different, who want to push their horizons and test themselves professionally, while at the same time are looking to enhance classical dishes and techniques. The MSK range not only offers innovation but both labour and cost saving techniques to help improve quality and efficiency. MSK believe that different and innovative does not have to mean difficult and confusing. As such, they consider it there responsibility to provide their customers with the

JBE Imports

THERE'S A long lasting and well-established link between Canada and Maple syrup. Maple syrup can complement almost any food; both sweet and savoury dishes as well as drinks, and now, you can enjoy a selection of delicious drinks from the Tomahawk brand, that have been flavoured with maple syrup. There are two new drinks from Tomahawk that have been recently launched exclusively in the UK by JBE Imports. Tomahawk Maple Whisky is a blend of 8-year old Rye Whisky and 25% Maple Syrup, creating a 32% Whisky liquor. Perfect neat, as a signature cocktail or to sweeten another mix. The other is Tomahawk Maple Cream, which

knowledge required to be able to use the products with ease. To this extent, they employ a full time Chef based at their purpose built, state of the art development kitchen where they provide demonstrations in both one on one and group sessions. It couldn’t be easier to deal with MSK. They do not have a minimum order charge and deliver throughout the UK offering a next day service. A chef can order as much or as little as they would like. A truly innovative company, look out for their latest range of kitchen and front of house equipment under the brand name of 100% Chef. For further details call on 01246 412211 email or visit the web site at os see the advert on page 10.

is not your usual Whisky Cream. This is a Rum based 15% abv liquor, which blends amazingly well with the rich flavour of Maple Syrup to give you a new and exciting drink. Having trialled this extensively over the festive period it makes an excellent alternative to the standard Whisky Cream drinks and makes an exciting and tasty gift for all rum fans! JBE Imports also bring the Shefford Manor 3-year old Rye Whisky 40% abv - a light coloured Rye which is pleasantly easy to sip, and versatile and bold enough for cocktails. The Shefford Manor is also the younger version that is used in the Tomahawk Maple Whisky and gives it it's characteristic flavour. These new additions to the JBE Imports portfolio are a bold and exciting expansion from their initial focus on premium Cuban rum brands Ron Cubay and Santiago de Cuba. This move shows the ambition of JBE Imports who intend to continue expanding their growing portfolio with the addition of high quality products that all have strengths to be accepted in any bar to satisfy any consumer. For further info visit or see the advert on page 15.

Epos Package From Epos Company and Ganedata

THE COMPLETE package offered by Epos Company and Ganedata consists of state of the art bezel free 15” touch screen terminal with all the optional peripherals and 3 years RTB warranty. The DesirePos All In One industrial Point Of Sale terminal is an out of box solution which offers your retail and hospitality customers a cost effective solution to their data collection requirements without compromising on quality, ease of use and operational effectiveness, full details of product available on . GaneData works tirelessly with manufacturing partners, and value added resellers, providing a complete end to

Kingsdown Water

KINGSDOWN WATER was established by William Bomer in 1995 and since then has gone on to become one of the leading producers of bottled spring water supplied to restaurants, hotels, bars, and pubs across the UK. As a proudly British brand with strong ethical values and an award winning design, Kingsdown has refined looks, a crisp clean taste, and a confident yet understated presence on British dining tables. Kingsdown is bottled at source in the heart of the North Downs just outside the village of Kingsdown. The chalk of the North Downs provides the key to Kingsdown’s purity and quality.

end solution, business development and marketing support. The software package is on Windows 7 embedded with choice of Hospitality, Retail, dry cleaning and laundrette industry. ECTouch is one of the leading epos software widely used in UK and Abroad with over 4000 licences in use in all types of trade. Online ordering, cloud based back office, kitchen video, Resident Pro Hotel link, YESPAY and Paymentsense chip and pin link, customer and advertising display, SMS messaging, caller id with maps and address finder, multi branch back office software and many more features are all easily accessible with ECTouch. Epos Company and Ganedata have also got a special package for Epos dealers. For more information please contact either Ganedata on 0333 323 0202 or Epos company on 02084460320. By acting as a huge natural filter it removes all impurities whilst ensuring that valuable trace elements are absorbed. The result is pure clean tasting spring water at its very best. Kingsdown is available in 1ltr, 750ml, 500ml, and 330ml glass bottles, still and sparkling. The Kingsdown design is simple, modern, and stylish. At a glance the subtle glass contours and refined contemporary design present a picture of purity and quality. In 2015 Kingsdown launched their new range of Kingsdown Sparkling Pressés - sourcing fruit juices from the right producer growing the right variety of fruit is the key, whether it’s Timperley rhubarb juice from DC Williamson, a family run soft fruit farm on the Essex/Suffolk borders, or Sicilian lemon juice from Vincenzo Corleone’s lemon groves in Sicily, the highest quality natural fruit juices are blended with the purest of spring waters to produce grown up soft drinks of incomparable quality. Beautiful soft drinks that taste as good as they look. For further information visit or see the advert on page 14.

Hippychick Bed Protectors HIPPYCHICK BED Protectors are high quality, discreet, breathable and 100% waterproof – something so practical rarely feels so luxurious and they truly have to be seen to be believed! The protectors are available in both tencel and cotton, with a wide range of sizes in fitted and flat sheet designs. For those of you who aren’t aware, tencel is a naturally hygienic fibre made

Corkers Crisps

NOT ONLY has Corkers just launched a brand new look and feel, but the Cambridgeshire crisp company is expanding its vegetable crisp offering with the addition of two brand new tasty variants. Parsnip Honey & Black Pepper and Sweet Potato & Chilli will join the existing Mixed Vegetable with a sprinkle of sea salt, and are available in 40g and 125g packs. They have also launched a brand new convenient

from 100% biodegradable, sustainable wood pulp cellulose. It is as cool as linen, soft as silk and even more absorbent than cotton. Tencel’s unique moisture absorbent capacity draws away moisture and helps keep the bed cool, and without moisture the growth of bacteria is inhibited preventing unwanted mould and mites. Hippychick’s Bed Protectors take a much needed, but also much maligned product and transforms it into a comfortable, soft, undetectable piece of bedding. They are soft, breathable, absorbent and waterproof – a great natural alternative to sweaty plastic undersheets. To see the full range please visit Alternatively see the advertisement on page 9. 600g tub format, signed specifically for the catering industry which are available in Sea Salt along with Mixed Vegetable. Quintessentially British, Corkers crisps are made from delicious Naturalo potatoes and root vegetables, grown in the rich Fenland soils and hand cooked to perfection, giving the crisps a unique crunch. The new branding aims to bring the personality to the fore and standout on shelf using iconic British imagery and bold bright colours. The brand now sells eight bold and British flavours, each featuring top quality, all-natural ingredients and cooked in fresh sunflower oil: Cheddar Cheese & Chive, Duck &Hoisin Sauce, Sea Salt & Black Pepper, Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar and Pork Sausage & English Mustard as well as the new vegetable crisp range. Reader Enquiries - 01353 699 000 or visit or see the advert on page 13.

Josdiaries, Supplier Of The Restaurant Diary, Have Been Trading For Over 35 Years And Are The Original Restaurant Table Booking Diary JOSDIARIES SUPPLY the finest quality strongly bound casebound hardback 800 page diary to last the year without falling apart. Their diary is also the only specialist restaurant diary to print the DAY of the week and the DATE for ease of use. Many of their competitors do not print the day of the week purely the date, which leads to much confusion. All diaries have 2 pages per day for lunch and dinner.

Call In The Experts WHETHER YOU'RE using a dish-washer, coffee / espresso machine, ice machine or steam oven, mineral deposits (known as 'lime-scale') can build up inside your equipment, blocking internal water ways and damaging heating coils and evaporator plates which, in turn, can lead to expensive breakdowns. Water filtration reduces these minerals, helping to reduce equipment maintenance and leading to better brews / cleaner, streak-free glasses. Water filters with scale inhibitors are particularly beneficial for ice machines, as ice will appear clearer and break up more easily than non-filtered ice, as well as providing a better tasting product. Filtration also improves the

The range is available in three colours; Black, Burgundy and Dark Green – Also in Black Leather and a four ring binder loose leaf version. Josdiaries offer a full personalisation service with gold embossing of the establishment name on the front cover (at extra charge). Also available are 27 Room Hotel Reservation Planners, and a smaller 15 Room version. Visitor Books & Registers of Guests complete their range. Order quickly and easily online at or call 01903 743374. See the advert on page 5 for details. Phone now for 20% discount, while stocks last!

taste and clarity of mains water supplies, even in soft water areas. Andrew's Water Treatment are industry specialists and can offer advice, expert technical support, next day delivery and can even arrange installation. Andrew's supply a wide range of replacement filters and new systems from multiple suppliers - including Everpure, 3M, Hydro+ and Pentair as well as BanHard with their dependable Calcium Treatment Units (CTU's). Large stocks and multiple supplier agreements mean that Andrew's can always supply the best filter for the job and contract volume discounts are negotiable. Whatever your application, if you have scale, sediment or chlorine taste issues, call in the experts! Contact Details: Andrews's Water Treatment Ltd Tel: 01704 531556 Fax: 01704 537369 Web: Email: See Advert on Page 4

State-Of-The-Art EPOS Systems from 3R Our State-of-the-art EPOS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R Epos’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R Epos system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu.

3R Epos systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R Epos systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R Epos systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650 or see the advert on page 5.

Manufacturer Of Name Badges, Long Service Pins And Uniform Accessories DO YOUR name badges give your guests and staff the right impression of your Brand? Are your badges hard-wearing enough to stay looking smart? Are you getting the most efficient, friendly, fast and accurate service from your badge supplier so that your costs are cut to an absolute minimum? The true running cost of badging your staff is not just the initial unit price. A well-designed badge will look more prestigious longer than a cheap option. If your badges start to look anything less than perfect they actually undermine your Brand.

You can choose from the widest variety of economical and robust name badges and long service pins - all produced in the UK. We use the highest-quality materials, fittings and finishes, so your badges will be incredibly hard-wearing and give excellent value. Fattorini specialise in developing distinctively individual solutions unique to you. Our reputation is founded on high quality products and our excellent customer service. Having been approved suppliers to both prestigious hotel chains and small businesses for many years, a partnership with Fattorini will give you everything you need. For further information, email: Tel: 0161 748 0441 or see ad page 2.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016


Broadview Install Automated Outdoor Structure at the Navigator Pub INSTALLATION OF unique automated outdoor structure at the Navigator Pub on behalf of The Upham Pub Group. The Clients Brief: To provide an increased seating area that could be utilised all year round, the current umbrella solution was not working and was limited due to weather. the owners had identified that during busy periods they could fill the restaurant twice over during the busy weekend periods. their concern was they were neglecting their clients needs and limiting the performance of the venue overall.

The Broadview Solution: Install a 12m x 4m B200 Outdoor Structure with automatic roof louvres to regulate both the sun and temperature. The robust aluminium framework was custom painted to blend with the existing scheme. the clients specified intergrated heating and LED lighting to ensure the space could be used both during the day and long winter evenings. the crowning glory was to wrap the edges of the structure with Solarlux sliding glass panels to create the wow factor and offer views over the adjacent marina. For further details on Broadview's services see the advert on this page.

Design & Contract Furniture Offers New Collection From Billiani HIGH-END ITALIAN furniture manufacturer, Billiani, has introduced a new multi-purpose chair, which is now available in the UK from Design & Contract Furniture. The new Billiani ‘Wrap’ chair is the company’s latest addition to its growing collection and is an affordable yet high quality, stylish option for large scale seating requirements in restaurants, cafes and bars. The versatile seat can also be used for reception areas and rooms in hotels that wish to add an element of class and comfort to their customer seating areas. The chair takes its inspiration from one of Billiani’s existing top end products and the original of its kind, the ‘Croissant’ chair, designed by Emilio Nanni. Although made to a lower price point, the new Wrap chair still reflects the elegance and beauty that comes with the Billiani name. The Wrap chair expresses pure quality and elegance

MasterCool Air Conditioning MASTERCOOL AIR Conditioning are a London & Essex based contractor, specialising within the Commercial and Leisure Industry, offering full Design, Installation and Maintenance packages for all makes of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

BAC BUILDING SERVICES ARE THE BEST CHOICE IN OUR TRADE BAC Builders are a family owned company offering high quality all-in-one construction services to hotel owners across Dorset and Hampshire. Specialising in providing hotel owners with an all-in-one service, we can help with every aspect of a build; ideas, design, drawings, planning, building works, utilities and the final touches of painting and decorating.

Our services include FREE surveys to assess any potential Air quality or temperature problems by experienced technical sales staff, who will, in-turn, produce a turnkey system, designed

from its beech wood frame through to its seamless curved back and arm support. The chair’s design conceals all fixtures for an immaculate appearance compared with others on the market. The Wrap chair can be ordered in a wide selection of colours and fabrics to match or contrast with any colour scheme, using Billiani’s range of fire retardant materials. Design & Contracts works closely with the manufacturer to offer contract seating and tables to the corporate and hospitality sectors with the majority of Billiani items carried in stock for sampling purposes – a service which results in satisfied customers and the execution of major installations in golf clubs, bars, restaurants, cafés and many other types of commercial settings throughout the the UK. Further information on Design & Contract Furniture is available from the company on 01344 628 108, by emailing: or by visiting the company’s website at specifically for each application, whether it be solely for Air Conditioning or a hybrid system incorporating Ventilation and Air Purification. We are an organisation for whom quality and professionalism are a basic principle and are affiliated to the Industry recognised HVCA (Heating and Ventilation Contractors Association). We listen to customers' requirements and offer advice and recommendation according to their needs. We work with all manufacturers such as Daikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Fujitsu and offer solutions such as VRV Air Conditioning and server room air conditioning for specialist markets. For further details call Essex: 01708 732700 or London: 020 3009 3162 or visit


If The Temperature In Your Premises Is Kept Between 21°C – 24°C, People Will Stay Longer, Eat & Drink More & Will Return Again with Friends!!!

From renovations to extensions - we can help


Air Conditioning Installations Start From £2000 Per System


For a FREE Site Survey

ESSEX: 01708 732700 LONDON: 020 3009 3162 Email: Please quote CLH175 when responding


Planning a New Year Refurbishment? TRADITIONALLY EARLY New Year is a good time to plan a refurbishment. Sometimes, particularly if you are an owner operator, and, coming after a really busy Christmas period it can be difficult “to see the wood from the trees” when evaluating your business. This is probably where review sites such as Trip Advisor can be of use. When reading reviewer comments do you see the comments in need of an upgrade? Tired? Needs a bit of TLC? Then it probably is time to consider a full, partial refurbishment or just a general spruce up. Approaching and planning a refurbishment project whether you are a hotel, restaurant, pub or bar can be a challenging task, particularly as independent operator/owner or manager, you might be about to undertake a refurbishment on in addition to your already demanding job. However, that is no doubt that Refurbishing/reinventing your business will have a positive impact, attract new custom and will encourage guests to spend more time and money at your location. With proper planning and consideration any refurbishment will not be the nightmare you may envisage. What to consider before undertaking refurbishment Initially the main questions should be: • What areas of my business needs to be refurbished? The outside, the frontage the reception, bedrooms, the restaurant, the bar or kitchen? • What is your budget? • If you can’t afford or manage a complete refurbishment straightaway, which areas will take priority? • Consider the time of year. Is there a particular event or peak holiday season you’d like the refurbishment to be completed by, or take advantage of the quiet period when the project would cause


OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200 pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move

minimum disruption and minimise the financial impact having certain areas closed The next step is to think about the refurbishment itself, are you sprucing up maintaining the style you currently have or do you have a preferred design style changing your theme completely? • Is your businesses frontage the gateway to success? Is it attractive and welcoming? Does it pass the 10 second test should I go in, or walk on by? • If you are hotel what is your current rating and are you aiming to improve your star rating? • Are you looking to extend your facilities and vary the type of operation and services you currently offer? • What are the best room layouts and items of furniture to maximise your let-able space? Do you need to replace or can you refurbish items? • How much of you considered comfort? Uncomfortable beds and seating and wobbly tables will have your customers running for the doors! • Do your plans require the services of an interior designer or architect, depending on the size and scope of the project – or if you can manage it on your own. • Can you improve the speed of your service, whether that’s reception booking in, bar, kitchen and table service? What products, technology can help? • If your business, relying heavily on repeat custom, do you know what your customer wants? Have you considered surveying them? This coming months are probably the best time of the year to freshen up or completely revamp. In these days of corporate multi outlet expansion and fierce competition maintaining and improving standards has never been more important. Whichever area you may be considering revamping, whatever you’re looking to replace please contact our selection of refurbishment experts in this feature for further details. individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping position. They also minimise disturbance between partners to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016


Glassjacks Ltd

GLASSJACKS ARE pleased to announce a new range of products and an improved website ( Customers can now purchase a full range of beautiful catering quality glassware (Genware) and glassjacks together. From elegant wine glasses and champagne flutes to tumblers, beer glasses, shot glasses, carafes and water jugs. This full range of glassware complements our comprehensive range of glassware storage boxes (glassjacks).

Furniture Direct

FURNITURE DIRECT'S new look showroom contains a selection of many of our best selling items together with a range of items which are new for this year.

PRO-DUET Next Generation Food Serving Boards from Row & Sons A completely new way of serving food to the table, ECS wood fibre slate-like board lovingly crafted and recessed into the warmth and charisma of luxurious American Ash. This practical solution allows the super eco friendly ECS wood fibre board to be removed for daily cleaning (dishwasher safe) whilst the American Ash wood board just needs an occasional wipe. ECS wood fibre is heat resistant to 178°C too. PRO-DUET is available in a range of shapes and sizes to suit your menu or offering – contact our sales office for more details.

For that little extra personal touch and a small additional charge, each board can be engraved with your logo or name permanently in the middle, corner or handle. Every board includes a juice groove, but also a circular recess for your sauce pot or ramekin can be machined at no extra cost. The complete solution!

Find out more @ or call us on 01206 396688 email;

SJH Row & Sons Ltd, Block 6 Riverside Ave West, Lawford, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1UN

Furniture Direct established in 1997 as small family business to provide best value products for your money, and with all our good customers we managed to continue do what we are good at and build nationwide repetition. We have the largest display for

If it’s just glassware storage boxes (glassjacks) you are looking for there is a new feature on our website, the “Glass Measurement Guide” where you simply insert your glass height and width to be directed straight to the glassjack you require. Our additional new products include compartment glass racks, dishwasher racks, barware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks Ltd have supplied products for over 5 years to thousands of delighted customers; from catering hire companies; race courses; hotels; bars; restaurants; golf courses; glass manufacturers; catering wholesale suppliers, event companies and many more. For your glassware storage box and glassware requirements please take a look at our new website See the advert on page 29 for further details. REPRODUCTION FURNITURE in the south as well as the Italian furniture and our beautiful selection of Mirror and Clocks and Lighting and Oil Painting plus our exclusive collection of CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS. However, they all have one thing in common – the Furniture Direct guarantee of value. We firmly believe that we offer the best value possible in reproduction furniture. All items are carefully sourced to ensure that our prices are amongst the most competitive available. In addition you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that there are absolutely no hidden extras and a No Quibble Guarantee. For further information, call us on 01202 434303 or visit

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast through our

world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

We have the largest display for REPRODUCTION FURNITURE in the south as well as Italian furniture and our beautiful selection of Mirror and Clocks and Lighting and Oil Painting plus our exclusive collection of CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS. Furniture Direct guarantee value and offer the best value possible in reproduction furniture.

In addition you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that there are absolutely no hidden extras and a No Quibble Guarantee.

Tel: 01202 434303 Fax: 01202 434304 Email:


January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Hotels with Grounds: Increase Bed Nights & Restaurant Covers THE QUEST for increased annual yield by way but with all the facilities of your hotel to enjoy… With an eye on differentiating your hotel from competiof additional bed nights and restaurant covers is a pre-occupation for hoteliers up and down the tors and providing a persuasive reason to attract new and country; be it owner-run establishments or larg- repeat customers, ModBox works closely with you to dovetail your new accommodation stock with your existing cuser hotel chains, coming up with enticing ways to tomer offering. get new and existing cusImportantly ModBox accommotomers to darken your hotel dation is designed with year-round doorstep is key to maintaining use in mind….highly insulated and low-running cost units support your market position. If you have grounds or a larger estate then ModBox Spaces can offer you bespoke accommodation units designed to suit the setting of your hotel. Increase bed-night capacity and restaurant covers with stylish, high quality auxiliary accommodation allowing guests an appealing new option – the privacy of self-catering

site yield and improve return on investment. And with careful design their modern-stylish or traditionalcharacter appearance beautifully compliments the setting of your existing site. For further details please visit or call 01840 230090.

There Is No Chair Like A Chairmaker Chair CHAIRMAKER ARE British designer manufacturers of stunning chairs and sofas. Built tough for life in your busy venue. Unlike cheap imported chairs, Chairmaker bespoke chairs and sofas will last for years as they are designed from the ground up for contract use. All internals meet crib5 fire, The timbers are FSC or PEFC certified and meet EUTR regulations.

Lakeland Paints ODOURLESS PAINTS from Lakeland Paints – ideal for pubs, restaurants, hospitals, clinics & other premises where paint smells cannot be tolerated. Free of all solvents, VOCs & smells – clean-up with water. With 180 colours in all the finishes you will ever need, Lakeland has been used by many organizations and Local Authorities where the smell of paint would cause problems - like food processing & storage, supermarkets, schools etc. No down-time, no need to close wards or rooms – no need to vacate the premises at any

You can supply your own fabrics or choose from the hundreds at the Chairmaker factory in Sussex. These chairs have attention to detail like no other and that is why you will find them in London's most exclusive venues. Built to order in Sussex there is no chair like a Chairmaker chair. T. 01903 202008 E. W.

time. Example – Bristol Cancer Health Hospital – the inpatients were wheeled in the beds down to the end of the ward – painting completed within the day - then wheeled back & the remaining part of the ward completed, with no need to interrupt services or vacate the ward at any time. Established 26 years, here are a few more clients you may have heard of: Duchy of Cornwall, Google, Scottish Parliament Building, British Museum, Westminster Abbey, South West Trains, Heathrow T4, UK 2012 Olympic Village. Customer comments – Outstanding, H.O. Interior designer - Decorator is so impressed, J.S – A joy to use, R.S - I am a decorator using your excellent products, D.B. – Unbelievable superior quality, C.H. For further information, visit or call 01524 852371.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


January 2016

Capricorn Imports

New arrivals ready for immediate delivery

CAPRICORN IMPORTS are now firmly established as one of the country’s largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furniture to cafes, bars, bistro's, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels.



£60.00 eac h

plus VA T Cruz Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather



£90.00 eac h

plus VA T

Romeo Tub Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather

Capricorn Imports are based in an 85,000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are

Timberspecs - A Natural Way to Build AT TIMBERSPECS we specialise in all types of log mobile homes, log houses, clubhouses, garden rooms holiday chalets, and more. Timberspecs build to your plans or we will design something to suit all your requirements. If you need drawings for planning permission we will supply these at £250.00 this will then be refunded against your order. We can also help with the planning process if you need it. Our buildings are made from slow growing pine from the Carpathian mountains, we give a predicted life span of 200 years if looked after. When you buy from us your cabin will arrive in kit form to be erected on your foundation by our skilled craftsmen, this is all included in the price. All our buildings are fully double or triple glazed in high quality timber frames

able to offer a next day delivery service throughout the UK on hundreds of products including outdoor dining tables, tub chairs, bar stools, lounge furniture, conference stacking chairs. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Capricorn Imports are in the enviable position of being a sole UK importer of quality furniture which means that you the customer, will be dealing direct with manufacturers from around the world at very competitive prices. For further details, please see the advert on this page. our doors are timber and we can supply French doors or glazed panels to suit, upvc windows and doors can also be supplied if required. As standard our buildings are supplied with a pine t&g boarded floor throughout,you can have flat ceilings or vaulted to suit your design. We offer a complete range of roof claddings from bitumen shingles through to concrete tiles or slate. We will build covered verandas and decks again to your design. A full turn key option is available to include kitchens and bathrooms heating etc if required. For more information on all the buildings please visit our website:Web: Email: Tel: 01580 212 141 Mob: 07710 480 259

Retain Credit & Debit Cards and Be PCI Compliant While Increasing Profits The CardsSafe® system is now the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards retained by merchants in the UK hospitality industry. More than three thousand venues now use the system every day and when managers share their experience they report these financial benefits: • Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally –

• There is a major uptick in sales In addition, their customers really appreciate that their security concerns are dealt with in this easy to use system as offered by CardsSafe limited. If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. Please contact CardsSafe Limited on: Phone: 0845 5001040, Email: or Web:

External Wall Insulation Will Save 40% on Your Heating Costs EXTERNAL WALL Insulation will save 40% on your heating costs. Iso Wall Advanced Render Technology requires no painting or indeed any maintenance whatsoever. Its unique ability to completely re-engineer facades to any classic or modern style makes it ideal for hotels and guest houses requiring a quality makeover or facade re-design of stunning effect. The product’s colour range is almost limitless. It will not crack or de-bond. It is German construction engineering and science made available from iso-wall. Not to be confused with “coloured render”.

EWI, at this level of installation, is completely unique. It will put up to 6% additional value upon your property, primarily from its uprated u-value, but also from its ability to halt structural decay and the provision of a truly healthy environment. Property finished with this product is completely transformed for the better. For further information please call 01708 300299 / 01202 835853, email or visit Alternatively see the advert on this page for details.

The Big Umbrella Company THE BIG Umbrella Company Limited operates with a simple aim: 'To provide high end products at the most competitive prices, backed by great customer service' We are always happy to meet with the CEOs, Directors and Area Managers of chains as well as individual clients in the interests of good customer service and personal relationship building. Our own engineers personally inspect our products for

Dining Chairs UK

DINING CHAIRS UK has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your dead-

Home Front Playgrounds

NOW IS the time to start planning for any new outdoor play areas. If you have the space and are keen to attract the high value spending of family groups this is one sure way of attracting that market. It needn’t cost the earth either; companies such as Home Front Playgrounds can install an impressive outdoor play area for around £3000 - £5000, although you can spend more or less than this sum. Its important to get the planning right. Is the area large enough to include the allimportant safety margins? Will parents be able to watch their children while enjoying a

Grapes Design

GRAPES DESIGN is a consultancy that specialises in the design of hotels, pubs and bars as well as in the retail sector. Grapes Design has the ability to transform a space both functionally and aesthetically, creating outstanding and memorable experiences. Their desires intend on forming an attractive concept through the use of unified graphics, sensual fabrics and the integration of bespoke lighting and furniture. They are committed to, and place particular emphasis upon, the encouragement of

Refurbishment quality assurance before they are delivered to site, helping to give you trouble free use for many years to come. There is a trend throughout the world for numerous suppliers operating within the leisure industry to start up, only to run into trouble through bad business practices. As a result YOU the CUSTOMER suffer from poor service at best! The Big Umbrella Company Ltd operates with a business model that ensures it can always continue to supply umbrellas at affordable prices along with great customer service. For further details call 01256 475099 or visit

lines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030 or email drink or meal? Is there any risk from traffic – roads or the carpark? Will it be possible to expand the area in the future as demand grows ? Will you need planning permission for the installation? And we would strongly recommend that you choose equipment which complies with commercial playground standards (EN1176). Not only is back-garden equipment not strong enough to cope with lots of kids but the operator could find himself liable in the event of an accident. There’s no doubt that a new outdoor playground can add the wow factor to a garden, and make your location a destination of choice for families going out for a drink or meal. It can also give your site a real competitive advantage in this crowded market. But don’t delay – now is the time to start planning for the Spring. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0843 643 2373 or email: collaborating closely with both the client and the nominated contractor representatives at all stages of a project. This ensures that the requirements are effectively implemented, and are coordinated with the team members to deliver the project on time, to budget. Most importantly, the focus of client satisfaction is key and the design aims to respond to their target vision. They were recently commissioned to design the refurbishment of the Grade II listed Warrington Hotel in Maida Vale. The venue was built in 1857 and holds significant historic importance. In view of this Grapes Design planned each of the rooms separately and decorated them based on different Victorian trades to create a boutique hotel reflecting the venues uniqueness. Please take a look at our other projects on our website:

COMMERCIAL SHADE SOLUTIONS Make the most of your outside space

The Big Umbrella Company has many years experience in supplying and installing a range of shade solutions, including large umbrellas, hardwood parasols, awnings and heat solutions.We also maintain, recover and service all umbrellas and awnings throughout the UK. Our in-house designers can also create branding on umbrellas and awnings which can help promote your business and make you stand out from the crowd. Many businesses are finding the need to utilise outside space to create a warm, sheltered and comfortable area for your customers, if this sounds like you please call us for a free site survey or quotation.

Tel: 01256 475099


January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


The Perfect Finishing Touch For Your Event! • IVORY WHITE ULTRA


WE ALSO STOCK: Cadbury Purple, Orange, Lime Green, Royal Blue, Black, Navy Blue, Wine OTHER COLOURS CAN BE MATCHED & PRODUCED Produced in hard wearing, Stain Resistant fibre Supplied any length, any width & almost any shape! All edges double overlocked in perfect colour matching yarn OPTIONAL: FITTED SAFETY END PLATES To reduce trip hazards NON-SLIP BACKING To prevent movement on polished floors SCOTCHGARD STAIN PROTECTION For added Stain Protection STAIR RODS Hollow or Solid with a choice of finishes FREE STANDARD 7 DAY DELIVERY mainland uk NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE subject to stock VISIT OUR WEBSITE or CALL or EMAIL US FOR ADVICE & QUOTATIONS


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2016


Are you looking to refurbish your hotel or restaurant or maybe just want to add that little bit of extra sparkle?

Trade Outdoors Whatever the Weather FREE REMOTE CONTROL

SOLUX UK is the leading national supplier and installer of canopies, sun awnings and security shutters to the pub and hospitality trade – putting customer service and quality first. We offer a variety of made to measure options in a wide choice of colours and finishes – all with remote controlled operation at the touch of a button. Usually installed in one day by a fully

trained member of our own fitting and service team. Sun Awnings • Enjoy the outdoors whatever the weather • Add more covers to your catering and bar operation • Auto wind sensors available • Made to measure • Heater and lighting options • Large range of fabrics, styles and colours • Protect your carpets, curtains and furniture from fading Security shutters also available. Call FREE today: 0800 458 0479 Part of the Rolux UK group

Sublimated Trascenda Is Permanently Patterned

Good interior design needs to start at the front entrance where you make your first impression, and then to flow through corridors, bedrooms, lounges and restaurant areas. As well as the decor, you will naturally want your furniture, soft furnishings, decorative lighting and artwork to contribute to the overall look. Would it help you to have tactile design boards and CAD drawings to show how the finished rooms will look?

Is time an issue for you? If so, by using one company your time is saved and deliveries and fitting can be coordinated. Are you working to a tight budget or deadline? Our services are competitively priced, are flexible and are tailored to your needs.

offer a free 90 minute consultation so we can understand your needs more clearly. To book a free visit, or if you require any further information, please contact Eda or Karen on 020 8399 3091 or email

Whether your order is for a complete refurbishment or maybe just a couple of rooms we hope you will find us responsive and helpful. We

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

GLASS MOSAIC and decorative solid surfaces specialist, Trend has launched its new Trascenda agglomerate range, with integrated patterns inspired by the world’s finest natural marble, vivid childhood memories and weathered materials at its 19th century Orsoni smalti workshop. Created using cutting-edge dye sublimation techniques, the distinctive designs are embedded into the surface of Trend’s slimline granite, quartz, porcelain or even recycled glass composite sheets, so that permanent images are transferred into the material. The host agglomerate sheet retains all of its technical properties, so these beautiful surfaces are non-porous, low maintenance and resistant to heat, impact, scratch, stains and chemical cleaners. The Trend Trascenda collection is available to special order from Granite Transformations showrooms, with the added bonus of a full installation service, as well as independent Trend stockists. Produced on a newly-installed $½ million press at the group’s Sebring US manufacturing plant, the dye sublimation process has ample scope for new design collections to augment the initial launch and bespoke decorative finishes for commercial and residential applications. Indeed, leading hotel chain Sheraton has already commissioned a custom design for a Kid’s Club hotel facility in Orlando, Florida, featuring sinuous water-effect flooring in place of high-maintenance carpet. The standard Trascenda range currently comprises three distinctive design collections, each with a series of theme-linked patterns that have been ‘tattooed’ onto Trend Polar Ice, Pietra Serena or Ivory slab, their neutral tones providing a subtle backdrop for the subdued patterns: Elements Of Light – eight colourways inspired by patterns of light and weathered materials at the historic Orsoni furnace, including Imperial Blue that reflects molten enamel colours, Rusty evoking rusted work tools and Weathered taken from time-worn wooden bar-

rels. Memories – six designs reflecting treasured memories of Trend people and images that capture Italian family life, including Kiss The Chef evoking handwritten cookery notes, Bottles and Pots & Pans graphically depicting regular kitchen items and Numbers with its blocked numerals. Classic & Remastered – four naturalistic patterns based on the most precious varieties of marble quarried in Italy, among the most luxurious in the world, like classic Carrara with its greyish-white ground and feathery veining or Calacatta with more dramatic veins and golden undertones. These studio-designed patterns are offered on tough quarter-inch thick slab over 3 metres long and in a range of seven square and rectangular tiles, between 30cm x 30cm and 120cm x 120cm, for walls and flooring. Applications include kitchen worktops and splashbacks, bathroom panels, domestic and medium-traffic commercial floors, wall liners and custom-made furniture. Waterproof and mould-resistant, Trend sublimated panels are also perfect for lining out showers and wet rooms, providing elegant, seamless alternatives to tiles. Trascenda solid surfaces for the home are available to order from Granite Transformations showrooms, which have vast experience of measuring up, cutting and installation agglomerates for kitchen and bathroom makeovers, and offered at a price premium of around 30% over regular slab. It is also available for larger-scale residential and commercial projects through accredited Trend distributors. For your nearest Granite Transformations showroom, visit or call 0800 044 5393. For an independent tile stockist, contact Trend GB at 0800 044 5395, email

Property and Professional

Hospitality Industry Faces Flood Disruption IT IS perhaps not surprising, due to the attraction of picturesque waterfront locations that businesses in the hospitality industry have been particularly affected by the recent floods. The sector is therefore potentially facing significant losses and disruption as a result of the floods. Looking to the future those affected will no doubt be keen to ensure that they get their businesses back on their feet as quickly as possible and that they protect themselves in so far as they can against any further flooding in the future. What can businesses therefore do to minimise the disruption caused to their business and to protect themselves from flooding in the future? For those who have escaped any effects from the recent extreme weather this time, they would be well advised to find out if they are at risk of flooding in the future. It may not be as obvious as being located on a riverside or coastal location. Useful information can be obtained from a variety of sources including The Environment Agency. There may be practical steps that can be taken to protect the property from future flooding by means of installing flood protection barriers and so on to seek to protect it from flooding. In addition businesses should prepare a flood plan to be followed should the worst happen and a flood occur. This can assist greatly in minimising the damage and disruption caused. Having a written flood plan will help business owners know how to respond if their business is flooded. This will include how to protect staff, belongings and stock, and how to deal with hazardous equipment and reduce the risk from polluting materials. If periods of extreme weather are anticipated businesses should ensure that they are kept informed by making sure

that they are signed up to receive flood warnings. Businesses should ensure that they are familiar with their insurance arrangements and make sure that they have adequate cover in place for the risk of flooding. The impact of flooding is likely to include damage to the building itself, damage to fixtures and fittings, loss of or damage to stock and interruption to the business and therefore a downturn in profits. In addition many licensed premises and hotels may also be home for the business owner and their family and this presents a potentially complex background in relation to insurance arrangements that may exist in that there may be a number of different Insurers involved. This potentially adds to the burden upon the business owner in already difficult circumstances. Should a flood occur there are steps that may be taken to assist in seeking to ensure that this process if completed as quickly as possible. Early contact should be made with all Insurers and the property owners’ representatives. Details should be kept of the extent of the damage including photographs or video footage where possible. All available documents should be collated to evidence the value of damaged items and accounts obtained to assist in calculating any claim for loss of trade/profits. These should be provided to insurers as quickly as possible and contact maintained with all Insurers and their representatives to ensure a co-ordinated and efficient approach to minimise disruption to the business and therefore loss of trade. Insurers or their representatives should be consulted before disposing of any items. Businesses may suffer extreme financial pressure as a result of even short term closure as a result of flooding and those affected should familiarise themselves with the additional support or grants that may be available to assist them in their recovery. Local authorities, major banks and HMRC have sought to be as sympathetic as possible to flood victims and discretion applied in relation to meeting liabilities in circumstances where the business has been the victim of flooding. Sandra Jones is a partner at national law firm Weightmans.

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on

include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


How Do You Like Your Tax? Rare, Medium or Well Done? E3 CONSULTING is an Independent, Firm of Specialist Property Tax Surveyors working collaboratively with those involved in the Leisure and Hospitality sector. We provide tax consultancy services to a wide range of business owners, developers, entrepreneurs, investors, occupiers & private clients, across a broad range of sectors, with extensive experience of pubs, restaurants and hotels. Leisure and hospitality properties are generally well appointed and maintained to a very high standard. Because of this, they often attract high levels of capital allowances resulting in significant tax saving potential for the tax payer incurring the expenditure. One of only a handful of true experts in this complex field


TELEPHONE 020 8673 2255 TAX




A comprehensive, specialised service whether you are starting up or run an established business


of Property Taxation, E3 Consulting has recently been shortlisted as a Finalist in the 2015 Taxation Awards – the firm’s third nomination in the last five years, having also won Best Tax Consultancy Team in 2011. E3 Consulting offers a free ‘Healthcheck’ to enable us to evaluate any property expenditure (historic, current or future) and so determine whether we can enhance the potential tax savings. Our fee structures are typically contingent on the allowances achieved, so ensuring value for money. For information contact us on: 0345 230 6450, visit or @E3Consulting.

ANDREW GREENWOOD BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT LICENSED GREEK RESTAURANT & TAKE AWAY, AMIDST MAIN RD PDE, IN CITY CENTRE, SOUTHAMPTON. Offering a traditional Greek menu. Popular with both locals & students. Attractively decorated & well equipped. Originally fitted out at cost of approx. £85,000 (not verified). Seating 40 with open plan kitchen area. Open 7 days from 12 to 10 pm. T/O £7,000/£8,000 p.w. (approx. 50% delivery/take away). GP 60%. Council lease at current rental of £14,000 p.a.x. - £95,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3631) FREEHOLD FISH & CHIPS TAKE AWAY (A3 & A5 USE), WITH SELFCONTAINED 1 BEDROOM FLAT ABOVE, OPPOSITE WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT, EASTERN OUTSKIRTS OF SOUTHAMPTON. Run by same family since 1946. Well fitted to include Preston & Thomas 3-pan island range. 1 dble bed etc flat above. 2 rear parking spaces. Offering traditional menu with scope for deliveries. Open congenial hrs –closed at 7/8 pm – 6 days. Takings £3,000 p.w. Accts record a T/O of £131,665 (ex VAT) for y/e July 2014. GP 60%. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. - £325,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3607) LOCK-UP CONTINENTAL STYLE CAFÉ/BAR & RESTAURANT WITH FULL ONLIC, PROM MAIN RD POSN, IN MULTIPLE CITY CENTRE, HAMPSHIRE. Attractively furnished grnd flr bar & restaurant seats 50 and 1st flr dining/functions rm seats 50. Well-equipped catering kitchen. Same hands 15 yrs. Mediterranean style menu. Takings £9,000 p.w. Recorded T/O £388,127 (ex VAT) for y/e March 2015. GP £210,984. Currently closed at 10.00 pm, offering scope for later eve opening. 10 yr lease from March 2015 at current rental of £25,000 p.a.x. - £150,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3579) LOCK-UP DAYTIME CAFÉ, JUST OFF COMMERCIAL RD & CLOSE TO THE CASCADES, CITY CENTRE, PORTSMOUTH. Run by staff. Same hands 24 years – health reasons force sale. Simply furnished, 2 adjoining units have 20 tables with seating for 74 plus outside seating for 6. Catering kitchen with walk-in cold room. Offering traditional Café menu, mostly eat in. Closed at 4/5.00 pm. T/O £3,000 p.w. Recorded T/O £139,529 (ex VAT) y/e Jan 2015. GP 70%. Leasehold at current combined rental of £20,250 p.a.x. - £55,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3625)

romsey (01794) 522228

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Property and Professional

January 2016

Anglo Continental Placements Ltd Established recruitment agency for 20 years


South African / EU Nationals available for immediate start We supply Live in or live out candidates From all levels of staff right up to management positions We supply branded companies right through to small B&B’s We pride ourselves on reasonable rates and professional service T 01273 77 66 60 F 01273 77 66 34 (Contact Sharon/Rachel)

Storm In A Tea Cup?

IN RECENT months, it’s felt like the hospitality sector has been under attack. The national living wage announcement, increasing costs, skills shortages, no reduction in VAT and high profile commentary in the media on tipping followed by a government consultation on tipping practices have all cast their shadow over the industry. Of all of these challenges, the distribution of service charges and tips on

The Queens Head, Kingsnorth on the Market with A W Gore A W GORE & CO LTD’s TENTERDEN OFFICE is pleased to offer a very well maintained Grade II Listed public house on the market for the first time in 16 years.



• Bar and restaurant

• Public house

• Large trade garden

• Catering kitchen

• 3 bedrooms

• 3 bedrooms

• 100+ covers

• Skittle alley

• Car Park £465,000 FREEHOLD

• • • • •

KINGSNORTH, ASHFORD Two bars Trade kitchen Level cellar Trade patio, car park 5 bedrooms



• Patio & large car park

£450,000 FREEHOLD


• Two bars

• Large trade kitchen

• Trade patios, car park • 3 letting bedrooms • Manager’s flat



• Free of Tie village pub

• Wet led pub

• Games annexe

• Main bar

• Large garden & patio

• Commercial kitchen

• Car park

• Beer garden • 3 bedrooms


• 3 bedrooms




• Bistro bar

• Public house

• Catering kitchen

• Trade garden, play equip

• Function room

• 38 cover restaurant

• Pavement Licence • 3 bedrooms


TENTERDEN 01580 766522

• Good car park • 2 bedrooms


BRIGHTON 01273 565621

credit card transactions to employees has attracted the most public attention. In particular, tronc systems, a long- established method of sharing such discretionary income have been called into question. Despite media outrage, properly run tronc systems are as ethical as they are legal. They benefit all the staff involved in delivering a great customer experience – not just those who are front of house – and employees are told how the gratuities are distributed, so it’s transparent. WMT are the UK's leading provider of tronc solutions and employee reward advice to the hospitality sector. Every year, we process over 200,000 payments to employees working for independents or groups in the hospitality sector. If you’d like advice on managing your tronc, payroll or auto enrolment requirements, contact Peter Davies, Head of Hospitality at

The QUEENS HEAD, KINGSNORTH is situated centrally in the village, approximately 2 miles from Ashford town centre. This large traditional oak beamed pub is currently a 90% wet led business providing bar snacks and a basic pub menu. There is huge potential for a hands-on owner operator to develop the food offer. Trade accommodation includes a main bar area with stripped wooden flooring, wood panelled servery, bar billiards, AWP machines and seating here for some 30+ covers. The restaurant has a log burning stove and seating for 45+ covers, a further bar area in similar style seats approximately

14 and there is a small sofa seating area also. Additionally on the ground floor is a beer cellar and fully fitted trade kitchen with fume extraction. Externally there is a large car park for some 32 vehicles and a rear trade patio with picnic tables for 60 covers. The private accommodation comprises five double bedrooms (two with en suite showers) and there is also a family shower room and laundry room. The premises are held on a 20 year Enterprise Inns (Whitbread renewal) lease from 2nd October 2014 at a current rent of £35,000 per annum. Free of tie for wines, spirits, minerals, cider and one guest ale. Offers are invited on £95,000 LEASEHOLD. For further details please contact A W Gore & Co. Tel: 01580 766522.

Business Owners Must Not Take The Challenge Presented By Payroll Data Lightly MANY OF the country’s 1.8 million small employers approaching their pensions autoenrolment staging dates are in danger of missing deadlines by underestimating the amount of data needed to complete the process, warns Lighthouse Group, one of the UK’s leading financial advisers. Tens of thousands of food and beverage SMEs and micro employers are now starting to grapple with the complexities of employer pension schemes for the first time. The Pensions Regulator recently stated that only 29 per cent of those staging in 2016 were fully aware of their date and only 46 per cent of those staging in 2017 were aware of their responsibilities. Pensions expert Roger Sanders, OBE, cautions business owners to familiarise themselves with the requirements and assess their business as soon as possible, even if their staging date is two years away. Roger is Managing Director of Lighthouse Group Employee Benefit, which is helping SMEs across the country meet their enrolment requirements. “Employers’ auto-enrolment duties go far beyond setting up a pension scheme and enrolling staff in it,” he said. “They must assess their workforce, work out who to enrol and decide how much they and their employees will contribute. They also need to keep records of all this information, together with any changes, all of which represents a significant amount of work for smaller employers. “However, we are finding many businesses in food and beverages lack the accurate, up-to-date information on employees vital to completing enrolment smoothly. Firms that leave their enrolment preparation too late will be in for a shock when they discover years of payroll and employee data needs to be sorted before they can properly begin.”

Lighthouse advises that employers who use a payroll bureau should ask whether their systems and software are geared up to deal with auto-enrolment, assessing if they can extract needed information easily, in a suitable format, and on a regular basis. A payroll bureau generally holds information such as an employee’s full name, their salary or wages and National Insurance number, but may not have the employee’s address and other contact details such as email, which is often held by the employer. However, under auto-enrolment all this information needs to be brought together each time an employee is paid, whether monthly, fortnightly or weekly. SMEs should begin the process at least six months before their staging date, starting with checking what data their payroll function holds and how to export it, as well as what information is missing and must be tracked down. At three months before the staging date, businesses must have a process to collate all the information needed in a suitable format and on a timely basis. Data must be in a standardised format and should cover all employees, even if they will not be enrolled automatically. Roger adds: “The data challenge doesn’t end once everything is in place. Businesses also need to run a data check for every pay period, to verify employees’ eligibility criteria, new joiners and contribution levels. This will ensure that any employees who become eligible later are enrolled, for instance because their earnings have increased or they have reached the age of 22. “Automating as much of the data gathering, collating and transmissions as possible will significantly lower both the margin for error and the overall cost to the business. Choosing a pension provider that offers locally-based support in person as well as from an administrative centre will also make all the difference. While there may be a small additional cost, being able to concentrate on running their business while knowing they are meeting the requirements, and are therefore unlikely to be fined, can make it worth every penny for SME owners.” See the advert on this page for details.

Property and Professional

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

What’s Your Answer to Question 2?

SHOULD SOMETHING disastrous happen to your hospitality business, such as a fire or flood, you will inevitably ask: “Are we insured?” This we call ‘Question 1’, and thankfully the answer is almost always “Yes”. Very few businesses in Britain risk going without insurance. However, it is with ‘Question 2’ that problems often begin - when you ask “Are we insured for enough?” You see, if like a staggering 80% of businesses, you are not insured for enough, then the amount paid out when you claim is usually reduced. And if, like as many as half of all businesses, you are severely under-insured (by as much as 40% or

New Year Blues?

IT DOESN’T matter whether you run a bar, restaurant, hotel, take-away, or a supply business. Whatever you do, working in the catering industry is seasonal and tough. Will your bank lend you enough, or are they going to want more security and higher interest rates? Do you recognise when you are in a hole and it’s time to stop digging? Call us now to talk through the problems, and let’s see if we can find a

more), then the amount you are entitled to claim for could be so low your business may never recover. At Barrett Corp & Harrington, we believe it is always better to ask ‘Question 2’ before you make a claim, not after. We are RICS Regulated and our team of Surveyors are industry experts in assessing the precise amount you should insure for. Our name is recognised and respected by all of the UK’s major insurers, so you can feel confident that any amount you claim for in the future will fully cover your costs. Ask yourself ‘Question 2‘ right now. If the answer is “I’m not sure”, “Probably” or “I think so” then don’t delay. Call Barrett Corp & Harrington today on 0844 412 4495 or email to way out for you. At Mark Liddle llp, we have a team of specialists who have helped save many business owners from ruin, many times. We know the hotel and catering industry inside out, and we are insolvency advisers, not Licenced Insolvency Practitioners – so we don’t have a legal duty to your creditors be they the bank, tax man or landlord. Of course we will look at the debts and help you sort out what needs to be done, but our focus is to help you, the owners and directors of the business, to find a sensible way out of trouble. So call us for a confidential chat – now! Reader enquiries - Tel: 01202 551193 or visit

The Bulls Head Inn, Wilson, Derbyshire is on the Market with Guy Simmonds

A QUINTESSENTIAL and famous Freehold inn - The Bulls Head Inn, Main Street, Wilson, Derbyshire - has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds Stephen Taylor, Managing Director of Guy Simmonds states “This is a quality character inn that would be ideal for a hands-on partnership or family operators. It is a fabulous unique lifestyle business attracting highly desirable clientele”. The substantial and picturesque inn, oozing character throughout the premises, includes:

Lounge Bar/Dining Area (circa 30+ seated) with open roaring fire, exposed wooden floor, beams etc.; Circa 44 cover Restaurant - lovely ambience; Super lifestyle - owners spacious four bed accommodation with lovely countryside views; Large car park and outside decked drinking area. There is also detailed planning consent for a six en-suite letting bedroom extension. Asking Price: £19,950 Free-of-Tie Leasehold or £399,000 Freehold. Tenure: Leasehold or Freehold. Turnover: Y/e July 2014 circa £240,000 (incl VAT). Trade split: 60% wet, 40% food. Contact the sales agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Property and Professional

January 2016

Businesses for Sale? Business Valuation? Selling Your Business? That’s Our Business

THE EVERETT Masson & Furby Group have over 50 years success in business transfer. We know how to get results when selling your business and can advise on buying a business regardless of size. Our combination of marketing experience and financial advice has been relied upon by thousands of satisfied vendors – it’s no wonder that we’re regarded as the better business agent. Whether you are a first time buyer or an experienced business owner and want to buy a business, sell your business or would like a valuation of your existing business, The Everett Masson & Furby Group have the expertise and experience to assist you every step of the way. Ensuring your business valuation is realistic is a critical part of the selling process.

If the asking price is too high then the result will be no interest and no buyers which in turn leads to frustration for the business seller. However if you set the asking price too low then not only will you not be realising the full potential out of selling your business which can be extremely disappointing for the business seller, particularly if it is a sale for retirement. We are fully aware that ‘Price drives demand’ which is why our experienced valuers who see thousands of businesses each year, employ all of our 50 years of experience in ensuring that our Business Valuations are an accurate and realistic reflection of the businesses worth. Consequently we achieve successful sales. If you are looking at selling your business and have a dream of where you want to be 5 years from now! Let Everett Masson & Furby drive your dream to reality. For further details see advert this page.

Leading Licensed and Leisure Agents Bettesworths are delighted to report the sale of the Devon Arms in Torquay. The property had been marketed by Bettesworths off an asking price of £25,000 for the Leasehold interest and was sold the week prior to Christmas. The Devon Arms is a town centre character period public house located just off the harbourside with a character trade area and well equipped catering kitchen. It is a community style pub with a strong local following which is boosted by tourists during the holiday season. The property comprises an open plan bar area seating for 45, bar

servery, catering kitchen, beer cellar, Ladies and Gents cloakrooms, 3 bed owners accommodation and a separate one bed flat. The property is held on a 21 year partially tied fully repairing and insuring lease. New owner Tony Fordham is looking forward to the challenge of a new lifestyle in a different part of the world. Tony and his partner originate from Hastings in East Sussex and will be embracing life in the West Country with a spring in their step. For further information visit or call 01803 212142.

LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell this highly desirable and impressive freehouse and restaurant with excellent outdoor facilities and spacious living accommodation in an enviable main road position in the affluent village of Terrington St. John, close to Wisbech in rural Cambridgeshire.

restaurant with carvery station (circa 50), fully equipped commercial kitchen, spacious 5 bedroom owner’s accommodation, excellent beer garden with separate patio area and large patron’s car park. Mr Bryan added that it is a rare opportunity to purchase this well established business in an enviable location with further growth potential offering comfortable living accommodation and a desirable lifestyle. Price: £265,000. Tenure: Freehold. Sales Criteria: £192,444 (Inc. VAT). Trade Split: 30% wet, 70% food. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112 for details.

The Devon Arms, Torquay Sold by Bettesworths

The Woolpack, Terrington St. John, Cambs on the Market

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Thinking of selling? Regional Specialists National Exposure


PRICE £429,950


• Fabulous Inn Situated in the Heart of this Sought After Village • Located in a Few Hundred Yards of the Beach • Main Bar (seating approx. 40), Dining Area (16) • First Floor 2 Bedroom Flat (part currently used for storage) • Unusual Opportunity with Huge Potential


REF: 2252


PRICE £54,950


• Well Established Licensed Tea Rooms and Cafe on Ground Floor • Function Room/Bar with Own Entrance/Kitchen on First Floor • Prime Location with 100 - 120 Covers over 2 Floors • Self contained Large 3 Bedroom Flat on Second Floor • Reduced for Immediate Sale Due to Owners' Relocation



• Cliff Top Licensed Hotel with 180 Degree Sea Views • Overlooking the Beautiful South Hams Village of Hope Cove • 14 En Suite Letting |Rooms with Indoor Swimming Pool • Staff Accommodation and Car Park • Magnificent Lawned Gardens with Sea Views


PRICE £60,000


PRICE £545,000

• Licensed Restaurant with Stunning Views Over Brixham Harbour • Well-Equipped Premises Suitable for a Number of Catering Uses • First Floor Restaurant Spaciously Seating 44 • Second Floor Trade Area or Owners 2nd Bedroom • Owners Accommodation with Balcony and Kitchenette


REF: 2068


REF: 2286


• Lock up Takeaway Specialising in Fish & Chips • Strong Trading Position in Parade of Shops in Prime Holiday Sector • Operating All Year Round with a Strong Local Customer Base • Boosted by Tourists during the Holiday Season • Customer Area with Seating for 10

PRICE £24,000

PRICE £895,000



REF: 1334

REF: 1813



• Charming 13th Century, Grade II Listed Market Town Inn • Main Character Bar, Public Bar, Restaurant, Gallery Restaurant • 5 Letting Rooms, Owners Accommodation • Thriving Business & Well Supported • Turnover for Year end May 2015 is £404,184 ex VAT

REF: 1738

• Well Established & Hugely Successful Restaurant • American Diner Themed Trade Area with Seating for 28 • Currently Trading Daytimes only with Scope to Increase into the Evenings • Self-Contained 2/3 Bedroom Accommodation • Sensible offers considered

PRICE £260,000



PRICE £475,000

REF: 2197

• Fully Refurbished and character Freehold Village Inn • Close to the Major Conurbations of Wellington and Taunton • Main Bar Area with Snug, Dining Room, Orangery & Lower Level Lounge • Extensive Owners Accommodation and Pretty Trade Garden • Turnover for Year End July 2014 £315,516 ex VAT



01803 212142

REF: 1730

This attractive and eye catching business has a welcoming open plan bar with brick feature fireplace (circa 45), stylish

Benefitting from the Right Choice of Payment Systems by Nigel Hyslop, President and Managing Director UK of Global Payments TECHNOLOGY PERMEATES every aspect of our lives with most of us accustomed to using state-of-the-art mobiles, apps and even wearable technology such as prepaid wristbands. In order to stay ahead of this trend, the hospitality sector must ensure that they meet their customers’ needs when it comes to paying. In response to this many bars, restaurants and even hotels have already installed near-field-communication (NFC) enabled terminals which accept the latest payment technology such as Contactless and mobile payments. A report by Visa found that card users in the UK are by far the biggest adopters of Contactless payments in Europe, with customers valuing the speed and convenience of touch-and-pay technology. Contactless is particularly well-suited to environments with high customer turnover, as transactions can be processed in less than a second. As a result, queues are minimised, more customers are served, overall customer experience improves and profits are boosted. In contrast, adoption of mobile payments has so far been slow; however, the recent launch of Apple Pay in the UK has the potential to be a ‘game changer’ in the way consumers pay for things. Apple Pay also uses NFC technology and so hospitality outlets do not have to update their terminals to accept it. It is highly likely that Apple Pay, as well as other mobile payment providers will integrate rewards and loyalty programmes into their smartphones. This will further increase the attractiveness of mobile phones as a means of payment. For the hospitality sector, loyalty schemes are useful ways to identify, reward, and retain their best customers. However, running more sophisticated reward schemes than stamp cards or vouchers can be tricky, particularly so for smaller, independent outlets. Most customers like to have their say and are willing to share

their views especially when they've eaten out, visited a bar or stayed in a hotel. However, many end up not doing so as traditional methods such as customer surveys, polls or internet reviews are time consuming or they are not anonymous. Even searching for a pen sometimes seems like too much effort. This is where technology comes in, with new services enabling the customer to rate a service or a product when paying by card or their mobile phone. This provides the hospitality manager with honest feedback as the experience is still fresh in the customer’s mind. One such service is provided by truRating, live in UK venues where customers make Chip and PIN payments and will soon be available for Contactless and Apple Pay transactions. Every customer paying by card is asked one question which is rotated from a fixed set of customised questions, to rate the service, experience or product on a scale from 0 to 9 (terrible to great). The rating is anonymous and given by the person paying so it's a real and honest insight about what the customer thinks. This feedback can be accessed the next day and can then be acted on to make sure the outlet provides the best possible service. By asking specific questions, bars, restaurants and hotels can find out what their customers really think; whether the food was up to scratch, the staff were friendly enough or if the music was too loud. All of these factors have an influence on the overall experience and impact the customer’s decision about whether or not they will come back. Receiving ratings from the point of sale is particularly important for independents that, unlike the big chains, are less able to rely on brand awareness to keep customers coming back. Capturing, comparing and analysing feedback helps outlets to become more accountable and responsive to the needs of their guests. Ultimately, this influences the overall performance of the business and increases customer loyalty. It is often overlooked that a customer's experience when they pay can have a big impact on their overall impression of a bar, restaurant or hotel. Make it quick and easy and they are more likely to come back. If at the same time you can gather their feedback about the service you have provided - and then act on this - then the chances are that not only will the customer return, they'll recommend you to their friends too.

January 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


App Benchmarking Report Reveals Which Hotels Make the Grade

HILTON TOPS the hotel list for the quality of its mobile experience – that’s according to a new report from Monitise Create. Drawing on its expertise in the sector, the digital innovation studio has carried out research into the apps of twelve leading hotel groups with a presence in the UK to provide a detailed assessment.

Hotels included: Hilton, Travelodge, Marriott, Starwood, IHG, Accord Group, Melia, Radisson, W Hotels, Best Western, Jurys Inn and Motel One. The full report is available online here. The report benchmarks the current smartphone app of each hotel, paying close attention to the state of functionality offered, the overall user experience and identifying the opportunities to improve the mobile offer for each brand. The result includes essential guidance for hotel brands looking to capitalise on the digital revolution. It concludes that in order to win the battle against Online Travel Agents, which have dominated the top 100 most downloaded apps list to date, hotel brands must focus on creating digital experiences, which are completely unique to their space, much like the services available from the airline sector. The detailed assessment was conducted by the team that developed the multiple award-winning hub by Premier Inn, looking at over 100 data points to formulate a comparative score. The assessment looked at themes including functionality of features, usability, security, discoverability, performance and delivery on the brand’s promise. Report findings include: • The Hilton’s HHonours app topped the list, thanks to

innovative features like digital room keys and the ability to choose a room from the hotel floor plan; • Marriott’s digital concierge offer, which lets guests make pre-stay requests or ask things of hotel staff during a stay, plus its creative use of push notifications, saw it rank highly in the report; • Out of a possible score of 100, the lowest scoring app achieved 48 points overall, performing the worst in brand emotion and functionality, considering the size of the brand; • The hotel industry continues to lag behind online travel agencies when it comes to the functionality of mobile services and what you can actually do using the app – this was the area that the most brands struggled with; • Out of 100 travel apps topping the App Store charts, only 4 are brand-specific hotel apps. The highest ranking, Hilton, is listed in 63rd place. • Airline apps are faring significantly better in this space, with Easyjet, British Airways and Ryanair all ranking in the Top 12. Online travel agents dominate this list, totalling 19 out of the 100 and including giants like Tripadvisor, Expedia and Kieran Waelen, Senior Strategist at Monitise Create said: “From research, to booking, to travel and managing their stay, consumers rely heavily on mobile devices to organise almost every aspect of their trip. Travel is an inherently mobile industry by its very nature.” “At the moment, the online travel agents are leading the way when it comes to digital experiences, and it’s clear that the hotel industry has some way to go to catch up. A consumer’s best experience in one industry has become their minimum expectation in another. To fully engage customers and reflect the strength of their brand, hotels need to increase the feature set of their mobile offers and create a user experience which consumers have come to expect.”

Contactless Spending In Britain’s Pubs, Bars And Restaurants Shoots Up Following £30 Limit Increase CONTACTLESS PAYMENTS now account for one in 10 card transactions, and with contactless spend nearing £1bn a month, Barclaycard research indicates contactless is a huge potential growth area for UK retailers. Service stations, pubs and bars, and fast food outlets have proved to be the key beneficiaries of the contactless limit increase, which rose from £20 to £30 on September 1st this year.Contactless spending in service stations, pubs and bars has almost doubled since August (up by 98 per cent and 92 per cent respectively), with spending in fast food outlets and supermarkets also climbing, both categories up by 62 per cent. Across all spending categories, supermarkets have led the charge in the adoption of new payment technology this year. Three in 10 (30 per cent) of all contactless transactions are now made in supermarkets, and the £30 upper limit also means the average cost of a basket of goods – £25 – can now be covered in a single contactless transaction. Category Spending growth following £30 limit increase 98% Service Stations Pubs and Bars 92%

Supermarkets 62% Fast food outlets 62% 59% Convenience Stores Commuter Transport 55% 51% Restaurants 49% Pharmacies Newsagents 40% Caterers 7% 58 per cent of merchant respondents to the Barclaycard survey said that customers are using mobiles and wearable devices more often to pay for goods and services. This suggests that newer payment methods such as Barclaycard’s bPay wearable devices – which include a wristband, fob and a sticker and can be used to make contactless payments at more than 300,000 terminals across the UK – are set to become a firm fixture in the payments ecosystem. The Barclaycard research shows that just one in three merchants (34 per cent) currently accepts contactless, but with 83 per cent of shoppers also carrying less cash than they did a year ago – and 19 per cent admitting to being ‘annoyed’ if they can’t pay contactlessly – it’s now more important than ever for businesses to introduce

‘touch and go’ as a way to pay. Over the next 12 months, as consumers start to search for ways to make larger payments more quickly, high value contactless payments – where shoppers can make contactless payments over £30 using a mobile device with Chip and Pin authorisation – are also likely to become increasingly popular. Paul Lockstone, Managing Director at Barclaycard said: “In 2015 we’ve seen contactless become an even more popular way to pay for small transactions, so much so that we can even get frustrated if a retailer doesn’t offer ‘touch and go’ as an option. As the consumer appetite for new ways to pay continues to grow, particularly with the upcoming launch of high value payments and the continuing growth in wearable payment devices, we’re expecting 2016 to be another recording breaking year for contactless. “In the fifty years that we’ve been in business, we’ve played a key role in supporting the development of many new payment innovations – from introducing the first credit card to the UK, to launching Chip & PIN, Contactless and wearables. The consumer trend towards contactless is only set to increase, with our data showing that time pressed shoppers don’t like to hang around – there’s a real opportunity for UK retailers to step-in and meet this growing consumer demand.”

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