CLH News #183 December 2015

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December 2015

Issue 183

Festive Ordering

Hospitality Technology

Bar and Cellar Equipment

Pages 16 - 17

Pages 18 - 19

Design and Refit

Property and Professional

Pages 20 - 22

Pages 23 - 29

Pages 30 - 31

Hospitality Industry Reaction 'Cautiously Positive' to Autumn Statement - Despite No VAT Cut THE UK hospitality industry has given a mixed response to Chancellor George Osborne’s Autumn Statement, which has included some reform and has been cautiously welcomed, however, the government is facing criticism for failing to instigate major change which would give the industry a boost. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds said: “The extension of Small Business Rate Relief for another year is welcome, and is worth £25 million, and is something we had specifically requested. One third of pubs will qualify, 15,000 premises, in total. “However, it is very disappointing that the Chancellor has not extended retail relief for a further year – this is effectively a £1,500 tax increase for the majority of pubs, and will add £46 million to pubs’ rates bills. “Retail relief was providing a discount for pubs with a rateable value of £50k or less, which is 75 per cent of all pubs. This is a particular problem in the run-up to the revaluation in 2017 as rates bills have become out of kilter with the value of individual businesses. “Britain’s pubs face a total tax bill of £7.3 billion per year, so we will be keeping up the pressure for further measures, such as more action on both beer duty and business rates, as we move towards the Budget in March. “I do welcome the announcement that small businesses like pubs will typically not be burdened with the Apprenticeship Levy, as this would have placed an excessive burden on what are mostly small businesses. It is crucial that the Levy system is straightforward and allows those that pay into the Levy fund to access their full contribution to support apprenticeships. “I also welcome the £40 million for Visit England to fund product development, given the vital role that pubs play in the wider tourism industry.” The ALMR has also sounded a note of warning over the introduction of an Apprenticeship Levy and warned that additional costs burdens are likely to affect existing training budgets. The ALMR has also welcomed the decision not to cut police budgets. ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The extension of the small business

rate relief for another year is certainly welcome as this is something the ALMR has consistently pushed for. It is disappointing, however, to see that once again we are in a position of urging the Government to hasten with real and meaningful change to the business rates system and to bring about root and branch reform. “This is increasingly a system that sees business relying on multiple discounts and allowances and is a recipe for confusion or avoidance, something the Treasury has already highlighted. The licensed hospitality sector is carrying an enormous burden in the shape of business rates, with pubs accounting for 2.8% of all UK tax receipts; a situation that is plainly unfair and unsustainable for some businesses. The Chancellor indicated that the review of business rates will report at next year’s Budget Statement and we are hopeful that it will bring with it good news for the sector. “We are also concerned that the forthcoming apprenticeship levy will place further costs burdens on businesses already facing shrinking margins. The ALMR’s Benchmarking Report shows that in labour intensive businesses such as pubs and bars, payroll costs often account for over half of all operating costs and almost onethird of turnover. This extra tax is may well have the effect of distorting payroll costs even further and is likely to undermine in-work investment and training in staff. “We are pleased to see that there will be no cuts to police budgets at this time. Any reduction in police budgets or numbers may have seen the licensed hospitality sector faced with the prospect of covering any security shortfall, with added responsibility for managing the UK’s night-time economy, without any real indication of how this was to be achieved. Martin Couchman OBE Deputy Chief Executive British Hospitality Association said: “We are pleased that 98 per cent of businesses will not be paying the apprenticeship levy because of the £15,000 payroll threshold announced in the Autumn Statement. “We await details of how smaller businesses will be supported in training apprentices. We are pleased to see that a new employer led body will set apprenticeship standards and ensure quality, but note that the hospitality industry has already made a lot of progress in developing apprenticeship standards.” “The introduction of the NLW from April 2016 will have a major impact on hospitality businesses’ finances so we are pleased to see a slight softening of costs through the decision to delay increases in auto enrolment pension contributions by 6 months from autumn 2017 and again in autumn 2018.” “We were pleased to see the announcement of the new £40 million Discover England Fund to boost tourism, and the government’s recognition in the Autumn Statement of the contribution of the industry to the UK economy.”



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

December 2015

WELCOME TO our 16th Christmas edition of CLH News! I would very much like to draw your attention to our new revamped/rejuvenated CLH News website, which is more modern and more user-friendly, and also has our monthly publications online. Our new website is part of our ongoing commitment to deliver news, products and services as fast as we can. Surveys have revealed a printed media is still EDITOR the most trusted of all advertising mediums, and we will also continue to deliver CLH News PUBLISHED BY to your door on a monthly basis. RBC Publishing Ltd Our new website will now have a twice-weekly newsletter which will, once you sign up the emailed to you, which again will be full of the latest news, views products Roddis House, services, case studies and advice. So I would please urge you to sign up, when you log Old Christchurch Rd, onto our website all the signup details will appear before you. It is simply your name Bournemouth, and email address, and CLH News newsletter will be sent out to you, Tuesdays and Dorset, BH1 1LG

Peter Adams

Thursdays! I am very pleased to see that in some surveys numbers dining out, overnight accommodation and visiting pubs and average spend is on the increase. According to one survey, the number of people dining out on December has tripled in recent years, and other survey revealed a 9% year on year rise in leisure spending. One of the most interesting points was that a staggering 23% (14 million) Brits have eaten out on Christmas Day with another 35% considering eating out on Christmas Day in the future. I remember only too well during my years in operations that December really is a “make hay while the sun shines month”, and helps pay the bills during those lean wet, cold, miserable post-Christmas nights! Although having said that I have noted in recent years that those nights aren’t as a lean as they were when I was in operations. January and February, particularly midweek used to be horrendously quiet, however I have noticed in recent years people are opting to eat out midweek more and more, which again is great news. On a very different note it is with regret that I have to include in my December editorial such a serious topic, following the recent events in Paris. Readers of CLH News online/digital will be aware that I was actually in Paris at the time of the terrorist attacks. I had gone over partly on a fact-finding mission to examine how France’s approach to VAT has benefited the hospitality industry, and was dining out very near where the atrocities took place. To say I was, and still am shocked would be a deep understatement. Being in Paris the whole weekend I saw first-hand the devastation, and at despair the attacks had on Paris and the Parisians. Once again the attacks, much like the ones in Tunisia targeted the hospitality/leisure industry, and once again got me thinking of how vulnerable the industry is. In particular how vulnerable smaller/ independent businesses in the hospitality sector, ones that lack the resources of corporate head office and professional advice. So I would draw your attention to our specialist article on page 6, by counter terrorism expert Chris Phillips. Paris really did prove that it can happen anywhere, any time, and to anyone, so I would urge you all to give the article serious consideration. We very much hope you make use of our year planner which is included on this issue, it lists all the important hospitality dates for 2016, and of course some very useful advertisers to help you with your day-to-day running of your business. For our part in 2016 we will continue to keep you informed of all the latest news, views, product development and services, and we are also exhibiting at many national and regional catering and hospitality shows which we very much hope you will attend, and if so please pay us a visit we always welcome your views. Our database this month will also be upgraded and reviewed, and whilst we do endeavour to make sure that no existing readers are left off if you find you do not receive a copy of our January issue please email/contact us and we will add you back on. We would all here that RBC publishing, publishers of CLH News and The Carer would like to thank you for your support during this past year, advertisers and readers alike, and take this opportunity to wish you all a very busy, prosperous and profitable festive season and all the very best wishes for 2016.


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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Ali Lane Published by

December 2015

Pubs Facing Competition from Cafes THIS YEAR’S annual Carlsberg UK Consumer Insights Report reveals that consumers are spending more out of the home than ever before, with £145bn spent in the leisure market in 2014. Almost 60% of people are looking for new experiences. These experiences are shifting into new leisure sub sectors forcing pubs, which remain the number one consumer weekly activity, to compete with coffee shops and restaurants, which are growing in visits ahead of pubs, up 5% and 4% respectively, versus 2% for pubs. At home occasions are also rising as consumers spend more time in their homes to save money during the week. This is driving the trend for treat occasions at the weekend, with 31% of consumers budgeting over £30 for a weekend occasion, versus 9% during the week. These findings reflect consumers engaging in fewer occasions, but spending more each time. 81% of those surveyed stated they want to moderate their drinking, presenting the trade with unrivalled insight into changing consumer behaviour, and where the opportunities lie. Purchases are also becoming more considered, forcing the pub to fight for its share of the leisure pound in a climate of intense competition for the trade and an explosion of choice for consumers. Key findings: • Spend on consumer experiences is growing faster than any

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


other out of home activity. What’s more, activities offering an educational element are booming. 66% stated ‘entertainment should be about learning new things as well as having fun’, and 45% listed the iconic pub quiz as the number one activity choice in the pub. • 47% of consumers visit the on-trade weekly1, with visits to pubs, coffee shops, gyms, restaurants, sports events and shopping all in growth – this rises to 62% with the under 25s • Over 35s are just as likely to visit a coffee shop as a pub, while Millennials are just as likely to go to the gym or go shopping as go to the pub • The pub remains first choice for consumers frequenting the ontrade • The number of women visiting the on-trade has grown by 1.4% since 2011, with 23% of women now visiting the pub weekly • Quality of food now outranks value for money when consumers outline the most important factors in choosing a pub • Increasingly sophisticated at-home entertainment is playing a key role in removing consumer occasions from the on-trade • Digital platforms, including social media are growing in importance to consumers visiting the on-trade, with an average 1.4 hours spent browsing and socialising per day David Scott, Director of Brands and Insight at Carlsberg UK, commented: “The British on-trade has faced its fair share of adversity in recent years, confronted with recession and fragile consumer confidence, so it’s enormously encouraging to report a rise in spending and confidence growing – now driving the channel.”

More Accommodation Bookings Online Don’t Bet On Social Media! A NEW study by eviivo has revealed that under 1 per cent (0.75%) of bookings made for independent hotels and B&Bs originate from social media. In contrast, 74% of bookings originate from travel websites such as Expedia,, Laterooms, and others. The company analysed bookings data for some of the 5,600 B&Bs and small hotels it works with, and found that social media is responsible for just 3.3% of the web traffic to hotels' websites. Eviivo’s study revealed nearly 6 out of 10 B&Bs and small hotels said they use Facebook to encourage bookings, and that a quarter of those surveyed believe that social media is very important to their business with 36% revealing that they spent over five hours a week managing their social media accounts. Additionally more than one in five property owners spend money to advertise on facebook each month. By contrast, after analysing the data from some of the 5,600 properties the study revealed that social media is actually only responsible for 3.3% of visitors to a properties website and for a mere 0.75% of their online bookings. This is in stark contrast to the 74% of bookings that these properties receive from travel booking websites such as Expedia,,, and others. In light of this research eviivo have concluded that accommodation providers need to spend less time and money on social media and re-focus it where the bookings are actually

coming from. Over 10% of B&B’s in the UK are not working with any of the biggest travel booking websites out there. Which, they say is staggering considering businesses that work with all three of the biggest travel booking sites have a year-onyear growth in online bookings of circa 80%, whereas those who don’t actually see their online bookings going down by nearly 1.5% year-on-year. The study also showed that 87% of B&B’s that have a Facebook page have less than 1,000 fans and the vast majority of these fans are local people who are just keen to know about cultural events happening on their doorstep. It’s important to note that while having 1,000 fans sounds like a lot, not every fan will see every update, so a post from your facebook page with 1,000 fans may only reach 20 or 30 people! Thomas Messett, chief marketing officer for eviivo, said: "Somehow, B&Bs and small hotel owners are convinced that social media is the way to go and that it is something worth investing a lot of time and money in. But facts and figures don't lie. "Throughout our research we found that 87% of B&Bs that have a Facebook page actually have fewer than 1,000 fans. "When we quizzed holidaymakers on who they turn to for recommendations on where to stay, it is clear that social media isn't top of their list; with only a scanty 8% having ever booked a stay in a B&B because it had a social media profile."Of the 2,000 people surveyed by eviivo, 44% said they checked review websites before booking a stay, while 39% said they relied on the recommendations of friends”.

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Terrorist Threat - Have You Taken Any Steps to Reduce the Risk? THE RECENT terrorist outrage in Paris shocked us all, once again in a similar manner to the Tunisia outrage people were targeted when they were the most vulnerable whilst enjoying simple leisurely activities.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

CLH News editor Peter Adams was in Paris at the time of the attacks not that far from where one of them took place and was doing exactly what many of the victims were doing, enjoying a meal with a glass of wine. The stark realisation of what happened sunk in the next day, it truly was a “there but for the grace of God go I”, and the stark realisation of how vulnerable we are and how vulnerable hospitality venues are. And since the terrorists have issued repeated warnings and Europe is now a high state of alert, CLH News is once again contacted top counterterrorism expert Chris Phillips Managing Director of the International Protect and Prepare Security Office (IPPSO) for his views and we are delighted to include his article and advice to the hospitality industry. The attacks in Paris hit Europe and the West very hard indeed. Once again a Western free and democratic society was attacked by people, most of whom had benefited from those freedoms in their upbringings, who then chose to throw those freedoms back in the faces of the very people who had welcomed them and their families many years ago. For some this terrible attack realised an underlying fear that allowing increasing numbers of immigrants into mainland Europe could make it easier for terrorists to cause the type of mayhem we saw in Paris on Friday the 13th of November. The realisation that terrorists and criminals could make use of the Schengen Agreement (which abolished the EU's internal borders, enabling passport-free movement across most of the bloc) to commit the most horrible of crimes. Tearing down borders on mainland Europe has left the continent totally open for terrorists and criminals to exploit. This incidentally has been well known in Police circles for years. What should be understood is that whilst these attacks are heinous and shocking, they are not new. Terrorists have for many years known of the effectiveness of the multiple and coordinated attack methodology which gives police forces a tremendously difficult situation to deal with. Attacks in different parts of the city on people in open view are a nightmare that came true for Parisians on that night It should not be lost on this readership that each attack site featured crowded places whose sole raison d'etre is to supply entertainment to an eager public. A football stadium, bars and restaurants, and a theatre/music venue were all targeted. They are all soft targets. It should be noted that the one location that had an effective security regime in place - the Stade de France - managed to keep the attackers outside. This almost certainly saved lives but also denied the terrorists the opportunity of shocking the world even further by having their actions broadcast live on TV and potentially attacking the French President. In the July issue I suggested some sensible work that businesses in the sector could do to reduce their threat. Be honest, have you done anything yet? Probably not because that is the response of most businesses. Most think that it will never happen to them, or that there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

Well those people are wrong on both counts. • The Bataclan Theatre and those poor unfortunate bars probably thought the same as you. That it couldn't happen to them. But tragically they were wrong and so are you! It could happen here and it could happen to you. The Government is telling you that a terrorist attack is highly likely! • There is something you can do to reduce your vulnerability to a terrorist attack, and there is definitely information that is freely available to help you protect yourselves and give your staff and customers a better chance of coming out of the other end of an attack alive. A good starting point for all business is the following the UK Government's Top TEN security guidelines for business. Whether creating, reviewing or updating security plans, keep these points in mind: • Conduct a risk assessment to decide on the threats the business might face and their likelihood. Identify existing and potential vulnerabilities and the impact of any breaches of security. • If acquiring or extending premises, consider security requirements right from the planning stage. It will be cheaper and more effective than adding measures later. • Make security awareness a part of your business's culture. Ensure staff are kept regularly informed and that security standards are fully supported at a senior level. • Ensure good basic housekeeping throughout the premises. Keep public areas tidy and well-lit, remove unnecessary furniture and keep garden areas clear. • Keep access points to a minimum and issue staff and visitors with passes. Where possible, do not allow unauthorised vehicles close to the building. • Install appropriate physical measures such as locks, alarms, CCTV surveillance, complementary lighting and glazing protection. • Maintain appropriate mail-handling procedures, consider establishing the mailroom away from the main premises. • When recruiting staff or contractors, check identities and follow up references. • Consider how best to protect information and take proper IT security precautions. Ensure there are appropriate provisions for disposing of confidential waste. • Plan and rehearse business continuity and incident response plans, and make sure that key business functions can continue during disruptions. If you don't understand how to start making these small changes then get some professional help. But really you should be able to at least make a start. Please use this opportunity to think about what you can do. A good example would be to think what you might do in the event of being confronted by someone with a gun. Most of us would never give it a moment's thought. Sometimes the best advice is also the simplest - Run or Hide. Where to run to and what to hide behind is key. In a hotel don't run down the corridors and if you are going to hide, then get behind something substantial, not a car door like you see in the movies. Be aware of your location and stay vigilant. Starting to think about your plans is really quite tricky when you are in the middle of a terrorist attack. You need to do it now! Chris Phillips GCGI FSyI FCIISCM Managing Director Ippso ltd

Ten Years On, Licensing Act Is Working Well, Says BBPA Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments on the 10th Anniversary of the Licensing Act: “The Licensing Act is working well, and has not resulted in the ‘free for all’ that some suggest. “24-hour drinking is very much a myth, as on average, pubs close less than half an hour later than they did under the previous Licensing Act. Harmful drinking and alcohol related violence are also falling. “Pubs are a vital community resource and we want to encourage drinking in a responsible environment like the pub. In the tiny minority of premises where there are problems, local authorities have plenty of powers to restrict licensing hours and close down

premises that do not behave responsibly. “We have also seen significant ‘add ons’ since 2005, such as Mandatory Licence Conditions, bringing significant additional costs and burdens to licensing regulation in the sector. Overall, we should be looking at how we can ease the regulatory burden on pubs. “The pub industry is not complacent, and plays an active role in fostering partnerships at a local level, from Pubwatch to Business Improvement Districts or Best Bar None, so that local communities, police, local authorities and the industry can work together to find the best solutions. “It is hugely important that we have a vibrant pubs sector – and there is plenty of evidence that many towns and cities are achieving the right balance.”

British Public Unconvinced By Soft Drinks Tax ONLY FOUR in ten Britons think introducing a tax on sugar-sweetened soft drinks would be effective in tackling obesity, according to an independent poll of GB adults by Populus for the Food and Drink Federation. Even fewer think a ban on supermarket price promotions, for example, buy-one-get-one-free offers, would be effective. Over two thirds of the 2,005 consumers polled think a tax on sugar-sweetened soft drinks would: • Penalise the majority of people who consume soft drinks responsibly (67% agree) • Increase substantially year-on-year (67% agree) • Inevitably lead to taxes on other foods (78% agree) Ian Wright CBE, Director General of the Food and Drink Federation, said:

“Instead of presuming to speak for the British public as some health campaigners have done, we’ve asked consumers directly whether they think a sugar tax would be effective at tackling obesity. The public’s instincts mirror what the facts are telling us – that there isn’t evidence that a tax would make any difference to obesity. Last month, Public Health England, which called for a new tax on top of the 20% VAT charged on soft drinks, conceded that there was no longterm data showing it would work. “The causes of the obesity challenge we face in this country are far more complicated than any single ingredient, food or drink. We need to follow the evidence, and help people to improve their overall diets and become more active. Food and drink companies are already playing their part by adapting recipes and limiting portion size, and are willing and ready to do more.”

New Liquid Hall At The Hotel & Catering Show

The Hotel & Catering Show takes place at the Bournemouth International Centre on Tuesday 8th March and Wednesday 9th March 2016. It is one of the UK’s longest running hospitality and food service events, and is celebrating 60 years in 2016. The show fills two halls, and this year, in response to increased industry demand, the Solent Hall will now be totally dedicated to drink products & related services, and called the Liquid Hall. Located in the Liquid Hall will be the Mixology Bar; the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink zone organised in partnership with Nectar Imports and the UK Bartenders

Guild, situated around a central feature Bar. Here mixologists will work with local drinks to deliver demos and workshops. Alongside the Bar, the drinks hall will also have an Erdinger Pils beer garden. Salvatore Damiano, Vice Chairman of the UK Bartenders’ Guild, and Lounge and Bar Manager of the Captains Club Hotel, Christchurch says “The UK Bartenders’ Guild are looking forward to this opportunity to show off the fantastic mixology skills of our barmen. Our barmen are the top in their field and never fail to impress with their creations”. Whether you are looking to source new suppliers or are in search of the latest and most original products on the market, this is the leading hospitality and food service event for the South. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, visit, or follow @HotelCaterShow.

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

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Budget Hotels Make Up Half of UK’s Development Pipeline as Popularity of Low-Cost Rooms Continues, Says Latest Hotel Bulletin THE MARCH of budget hotels continues in the UK, with over 1,500 budget rooms added to the sector’s pipeline in Q3 2015 alone, according to the Hotel Bulletin Q3 2015 published by HVS, AlixPartners and AM:PM. For the first time budget bedrooms account for more than half the UK’s active hotel development pipeline – with the sector showing no signs of slowing. “The low-cost budget sector continues to be popular with both leisure and corporate guests who appreciate their emphasis on the basic necessities of a decent bed, quality shower, free wifi and a TV. With the development of sub-brands such as hub by Premier Inn, the budget offer is becoming even more pared down and cost-efficient,” commented HVS chairman Russell Kett. “While the economy is now much stronger, cheaper hotel stays have become the new norm and guests are reluctant to go back to spending more. Budget hotels are popular with operators as they are cheaper to build and run. With the check-in and check-out function becoming increasingly automated, the cost of running a budget property is relatively low.” During Q3 2015 Whitbread, the UK’s largest hotel operator, added over 500 bedrooms to its Premier Inn brand, giving it over 60,000. The company is well on the way to reaching its goal of 85,000 bedrooms by 2020. Competitor Travelodge opened three hotels during the same period, some 260 bedrooms, while budget hotel group Tune hotels opened its eighth UK hotel, the 100-bedroom Tune

Hotel Liverpool City Centre. Tune Hotels, with properties in Malaysia as well as the UK, is backed by Queens Park Rangers FC chairman Tony Fernandes. The Hotel Bulletin reveals that overall RevPAR growth (rooms revenue per available room) has decelerated when compared with Q3 2014, with the average rate of growth now at 3%, the lowest since Q1 2013. Of the 12 cities reviewed Cardiff was the star performer with RevPAR up 17% as the city benefitted from the Ashes test in July and the Rugby World Cup in September. Second best performer was Birmingham, showing a 12% growth in RevPAR. The city also gained a boost from an Ashes test match as well as the doubling of charter flights between Beijing and Birmingham International boosting the number of visitors from China. In London, where RevPAR rose 6% during Q3, falling occupancy levels in July and August were mitigated by rising room rates and the impact of the Rugby World Cup in September. Aberdeen was the UK’s worst performing city with a 22% fall in RevPAR due to strong new supply and lack of recovery in the oil industry which is affecting demand. “More hotel supply in the market means that future growth will come in the form of achieved average room rates, rather than occupancy as we move forward. The change in the mix of hotel types with more emphasis on budget accommodation means we are unlikely to see high levels of growth in RevPAR,” concluded Kett.

Ticket Registration Opens For Casual Dining 2016

CASUAL DINING 2016, the award-winning trade show for restaurants, pubs, bars, hotels and contract caterers, returns this February for its biggest event yet. Over 170 exhibitors will showcase their innovative products, covering food, alcohol, soft drinks, equipment and table top, to senior decisions makers from across the casual dining industry. Running alongside the exhibition will be a free keynote theatre programme featuring

leading industry names such as Luke Johnson (Risk Capital Partners), Simon Kossoff (Carluccio’s), Steve Richards (The Casual Dining Group) and Anthony Pender (Yummy Pubs). Last year’s event attracted over 3600 buyers from the industry and won the prestigious ‘Best Trade Show (under 2000sqm)’ title at the AEO Excellence Awards, making it the only launch show to win this category twice in 2 years. Trade tickets to Casual Dining 2016 are free if you register to attend in advance at

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December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Christmas in Numbers: Britain Expected to Eat Over 3,200 Tonnes of Christmas Pudding and Over 278 Million Chipolatas this December THIS CHRISTMAS will see Brits consume more than 3,200 tonnes of Christmas pudding whilst eating at hotels across the country in December, 250 times the weight of Big Ben.* According to data compiled by Beacon, Britain’s leading purchasing company, consumers will be served around 507 tonnes of turkey every day during December, alongside 9.9 million chipolatas and 50 tonnes of stuffing. In addition to the traditional festive food, hotels are also expected to serve more than 312 tonnes of fillet steak per day, indicating that turkey may not always be the meat of choice for diners. During Christmas week alone, this translates to 3,550 tonnes of turkey, 69.6 million chipolatas, 2,184 tonnes of fillet steak and 350 tonnes of stuffing. In 2015, hotels across the UK are predicted to spend more than £685 million on meat products alone including the three most popular items from 2014’s menus: pork (which was up 1.9%), fish and turkey. Alongside popular meats, chutneys also saw a huge growth in mentions on hotel menus on dishes such as pates and terrines, which are repeatedly popular on traditional Christmas dinner menus. Despite increased popularity of pork on hotel menus, traditional Christmas fayre is still a key driver for customers. Pates,

turkey dinners and all the trimmings are important menu options providing the emphasis is on good quality, value food. For dessert, Beacon’s expert supplier Brakes reports that there is an increased appetite for twists on British classics – with flavour trends including Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding and Gin & Tonic sorbet both expected to be popular this Christmas. According to another of Beacon’s expert suppliers, Bidvest Foodservice, the price that consumers are willing to spend on their Christmas dinner is also expected to rise this year, after increasing from £60.75 in 2013 to £68.83 for a three-course set menu in 2014 – a 13% increase. What’s more, the total average time spent by consumers in hotels during the festive season is three nights per two weeks, the highest of any sector. Tennant Hilditch, Director of Sales at Beacon, commented: “Christmas can obviously have a huge impact on a property’s profitability and businesses are investing significant amounts in order to create the perfect guest experience. Our research and insight from our suppliers proves that customers are willing to pay more for their Christmas hotel experience and will subsequently have high expectations. “Purchasing organisations such as Beacon often have fixed pricing in place to allow hoteliers to accurately cost their Christmas menu well in advance, to enable them to dedicate more time to providing an excellent customer experience.”

Q3 BBPA Beer Barometer – Big Bounce for Beer Sales UK BEER sales rebounded strongly in quarter three, with a 3.9 per cent improvement on the same quarter in 2014, according to the latest figures from the British Beer & Pub Association’s quarterly Beer Barometer, published today. Boosted by retailers stocking up in readiness for the Rugby World Cup, off-trade sales were astonishingly buoyant, rising by nine per cent from July to September, and recording the highest ever quarter three sales. Though on-trade sales showed a small decline of 1.2 per cent, the long term trend still shows stabilising volumes after years of sharp decline. In terms of the annual trend, total beer sales are relatively stable, at 0.4 per cent below the previous twelve

Introducing the i-mop

IMAGINE YOU have a cleaning machine with the mobility of a flat floor mop. Imagine you have a cleaning machine with well over 1000 m2/h of practical area cleaning power that you can carry up a staircase in one hand. Imagine being able to clean under tables, chairs and counters with a cleaning machine-system. Imagine a cleaning machine that seems to hover in front of you over the floor and can turn 360O - this is the i-mop! The patented i-mop combines the two most frequently used floor cleaning systems in a unique way. The flexibility, ease and accessibility of flat floor mops is combined with the area cleaning capability and quality of a professional scrubber dryer.

months, following more challenging figures in the first six months of the year. Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive comments: “Congratulations to Britain brewers on a very strong quarter of sales in what is one of the UK’s most vital manufactured goods. “There is a real opportunity to build on these strong figures and secure future growth, with continued action to reduce beer duty. Despite positive action from the Government, with three, one penny duty cuts in recent years, duty still places far too great a burden on British brewers and beer drinkers when compared to our main competitors in the European Union. “With further tax cuts we can create jobs and protect pubs, where beer is the cornerstone of sales.” With a minimum of effort the i-mop seems to float over the floor. The two counter-rotating brushes, running at approximately 300rpm, ensure a comfortable drive speed and squeaky-clean floors, and you can easily steer through curves and/or U turns with a flip of your wrist. The i-mop actually glides over the floor more easily than a 40 cm flat floor mop. A working width of more than 46cm translates into a massive cleaning area capacity; theoretically 1300-1900 m2 depending on the running speed, but 1000-1200 m2 under practical conditions. The i-mop features brush pressure of 22 kg, vacuum technology with a friction-free intake hose dries the floors, highest quality LG Li-ion batteries which provide one hour or above runtime on smooth floors and offer a one hour recharge time - and changing the battery takes just seconds with an innovative click-on, click-off design. The Imop can be purchased from our national network of Imop dealers. Please ring 0114 2731502 to arrange your free onsite demonstration.

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Badgemaster Steps Production Up a Gear for Fastest Ever Service FROM SEPTEMBER 2015 name badge manufacturer Badgemaster will debut a brand new twoshift production system, giving them the capabilities to almost double capacity and deliver some of the fastest turnaround times in the industry, not only in the UK but across Europe. As of this morning [Tuesday 1st September] production at the company’s site in Newstead, Nottingham will operate a two shift productive operation, running from 6am – 2pm and 2– 10pm five days a week. The changes will make a significant reduction in turnaround times, meaning customers can now benefit from the speediest ever service. It is now possible for urgent orders being placed as late as 4pm being able to be processed and go into production the same day. The ramp up in production is a result of a significant period of growth for the company with orders at all time high, securing on average 200 new accounts per month since the beginning of 2015. Major new rollouts taking place in recent months include high street names such as Argos, Avis, Coral, Carphone Warehouse , Next, Disney and WH Smith. The Hospitality sector including Premier Inn and Best Western and transport and travel companies including ScotRail, Virgin/East Coast Trains, Virgin Atlantic and TUI which in new business alone spans an estimated additional quarter of a million wearers. Under the new regime, the UK based manufacturing site will be capable of processing on average 2000 individual orders per day. Badgemaster’s Managing Director, John Bancroft MBE who founded the business with his wife Vicky in 1992, is thrilled with the company’s achievements not only in terms of the business and it’s customers but also for the wider industry. He said: “ The badge making business is driven by three things: quality, price and turnaround times and in order to succeed, you need to be delivering on all three in equal mea-

sure. These most recent developments allow Badgemaster to step it up a notch, allowing us to raise our game to previously impossible standards. Our customers of course benefit greatly from our investment. So does too the wider community via employment, investment in local economy, and advances in our technological capabilities. “A two shift production is just one of many ways our business has become stronger, and I am thrilled the business can grow organically through customer demand. We are now the largest name badge making company in the UK, almost certainly in Europe and making our mark on the global landscape. I thank our loyal and skilled staff and of course, our ever increasing customer base for such an amazing achievement.” Badgemaster has taken on a dozen new members of staff, with more to come in the forseeable future. These latest additions take the company’s roll call up to over one hundred, boosting the local landscape in what was once known in north Nottinghamshire and surrounding area as an ‘employment blackspot.’ Significant investments in additional state of the art technology has not only boosted the factory’s technical capabilities in production but also aided the skillset of the company’s ever growing workforce. “We are a British based manufacturer, whose business is currently booming and that is something I am incredibly proud of” adds John. “At a time when the wider industry is awakening to the social and ethical issues, risks and wider issues of manufacturing overseas at Badgemaster we are very proud of our Made in the UK status. Keeping business, jobs and skilled workers within the UK and within our industry will only do good things for our wider economical future.” For more information contact the Badgemaster Customer Services Team on 01623 723 112, email or visit our website at

Do You Know Who You're Buying From? INVESTING IN commercial catering equipment can be a costly business. It may be tempting to buy from the cheapest dealer on the web, but how do you know who you are buying from?


There are an increasing number of single-person catering equipment dealers operating from their homes running a website on their laptop. Many of these sellers have no infrastructure so cannot provide customers with appropriate support or honour warranties that are promised at the point of sale. The cheap price may sound appealing but with consistently used kitchen equipment it is pretty important that the buyer has a feeling of security that the seller will help should there be a problem with the equipment. It can be hard to spot a single-person trader from their website. Buyers see a website that looks like a multi-national company but many would be shocked to find out that the seller is in fact a single-person onward trader of equipment bought from importers. With no guarantees about how long these small traders will survive in this competitive market and no indication of post sales support, buying in this way is a risky business. Look out for tell-tale signs–companies boasting their own

fleet of delivery vehicles with branded vans and lorries could be a one man business; in reality even the largest manufacturers outsource distribution so a branded van is likely to be a bit of clever photoshop work. At Fridgeland we manufacture and stock many of our own ranges.This takes time and expertise to accomplish, but we show photos of our large stockholding of Fridgeland branded products in our own warehouse on our website. One person traders tend only to buy other company’s products, so it is unlikely you will see photos of their products with their company logo on the packaging. If a business is less than 5 years old, but looks like a large company website it's worth checking if they are a single person trader. Our company, Fridgeland Online Ltd, has traded for over 8 years. We have a dedicated and knowledgeable sales team on hand 6 days a week, who are more than happy to provide support and guidance before and after sales. Buying from Fridgeland couldn’t be easier with our user friendly online store and fast nationwide delivery service. See the advert on page 13 or contact 01204 855123 or


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Pubs Carrying Huge Tax Burden From Business Rates, New Report Shows BRITAIN’S PUBS carry one of the heaviest tax burdens in the UK economy, says a new report from Oxford Economics for the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA). The full report shows that the industry’s total tax bill amounts to a staggering £7.3 billion, or £140,000 for every pub, representing 34 pence in every pound of turnover. In terms of the total tax bill, “costs were £800m larger than the ‘gambling and betting’ sector,” the report says. In the new report, Oxford Economics concludes that “the pub industry was found to have a tax burden which was larger than a large proportion of the sectors studied in this report.” VAT, excise duty and business rates are the main burdens, the report finds. Along with beer duty, the bill for business rates has been causing pubs particular problems. Rates are intended to reflect the rental value of properties, and for pubs this is based on their expected turnover. However, the current val-

uations are based on 2008 trading performance. As pubs have struggled, this has led to them being massively overburdened, paying a staggering six times (£600 million) more than they should be paying (£100 million) per year, if their bills were in line with sales. Indeed, the Oxford Economics report finds that in terms of per pound of turnover, pubs pay the second highest business rates bill among the 67 sectors studied. The BBPA last week wrote jointly, along with other trade associations, to the Chancellor calling for a range of immediate reliefs on business rates in this week’s Autumn Statement. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “This new report sets out the stark reality of the disproportionate tax burden bearing down on pubs. Without action to reduce this burden, more of our much loved community pubs will be under threat. The Chancellor has taken action on beer duty, and to relieve the burden of business rates on pubs in his previous two Autumn Statements, but there is no doubt that more relief and reform is needed.”

ALMR Lobbying Successfully Opposes Mandatory EU Fees

THE ALMR has welcomed the news that mandatory charging of fees for restaurant inspections will not be implemented EU-wide. An announcement by the EU Council has confirmed that the financing of inspections will be decided at a national level, following intensive lobbying by the ALMR and HOTREC. The European Commission had proposed that costs of official controls should be covered by all food business operators including restaurants, a position that was not adopted by the Council. ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “This is a fan-

tastic win for the hospitality industry both in the UK and in Europe. The possibility of mandatory fees being rolled out across the continent left businesses facing the possibility of shouldering an even greater financial burden, and has been averted thanks to concentrated lobbying by the ALMR and our partners in HOTREC. “It is absolutely correct that the decision to introduce such a fee should only be made by governments at a national level. The focus of our attention will now turn to the UK Government and we will be working closely with them to ensure that the UK’s hospitality businesses are not faced with an additional cost burden.”

Kitting Out A Kitchen On A Budget? It’s Cheap As Chips At Fridgeland Online! LET FRIDGELAND help you to stick to your budget by spending your money on high quality equipment rather than over-priced kitchen designers. You may be surprised to hear that Fridgeland could be your one stop shop for all your catering needs. We offer a vast range of catering equipment to suit all budgets, covering everything from disposable containers and utensils to commercial refrigeration and oven ranges. In addition to appliances, we can also meet all your catering furniture requirements. From prep tables to sinks, Fridgeland can kit out your whole kitchen! Fridgeland cut out the middle man and can provide all your catering equipment at a

fraction of the cost of a kitchen designer. With leading highquality brands such as Fosters, Blue Seal, Parry and Inomak, we can ensure your kitchen looks and feels the part, supplying high quality, easy to use functional equipment. So head over to Fridgeland Online and explore our extensive ranges! We are committed to being a one stop shop for the catering industry, bringing you everything you might need or want for the effective running of your business. With over 18 years in the commercial refrigeration trade, we are proud to say that we offer great products at a price that you can afford. If you have any questions regarding our ranges please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01204 885123 or visit or see the advert on the back cover.

The PowerCube

AS THE modern consumer is becoming evermore reliant on cutting edge technology, we design and engineer our products with the end-user in mind.

Meet the PowerCube, a revolutionary and award-winning product. The PowerCube combines all core features of an ordinary power socket with a modern day twist and increased functionality. Available with or without USB ports it makes charging all your technology a breeze by allowing you to charge multiple devices

December 2015 simultaneously. The uniquely designed PowerCube avoids plug blockage as all sides of the product can be used independently. The PowerCube can be mounted on any flat surface within reach, using the dock and sticky-pads that come with it. The modularity of the product allows you to stack multiple cubes together to accommodate your desired amount of outlets, creating a tailored source of power. All models are produced in a characterising colour, which makes them suitable for any environment. Visit for the entire product range.

State-Of-The-Art EPOS Systems from 3R OUR State-of-the-art EPOS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R Epos’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R Epos system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu.

3R Epos systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R Epos systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R Epos systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650.

The Natura Range from Oasis International OASIS INTERNATIONAL is pleased to announce the launch of the Natura brand of products into their range. Natura delivers water the way nature intended it for your business, restaurant or home With ordinary bottled water come expenses such as delivery, storage, disposal and refrigeration all costs that deplete your bottom line and drain profits. With the Natura range of products these expenses are eliminated. The Natura water system provides a viable alternative to bottled water. It eliminates the use of disposable glass or plastic bottles and also sig-

British Made For Commercial Kitchens Ideal for any commercial kitchen, PLANET is a comprehensive range of stainless steel base and wall cupboards, work surfaces and sink units manufactured by Pland Stainless in Leeds. The base and wall units come in a broad range of standard sizes and are available in a stainless steel finish or choice of six standard colour options, Arctic White, Forest Green, Ivory, Regatta Blue, Paprika Red and Claret. Each wall or floor unit is available with or without locks and the base units with hinges or sliding doors. Stainless steel worktops to suit come in a range of 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 and 2400mm lengths and complementary ‘sit on’ sinks offer single or double bowl options in sizes ranging from 600m to 2400mm wide. Alternatively, the RHONE stainless steel catering sink is a free standing option in a choice of sizes that will also complement the PLANET furniture.

This broad range of kitchen furniture can be coupled with a choice of WRAS approved kitchen taps, designed for a busy catering environment. Established in 1919 Pland produces quality stainless steel products for the Commercial market.

Check out their website at or contact on Tel: 0113 263 4184


How Often Should Fly Killer Lamps be Changed and Why? IT IS recommended that UV flykiller tubes are changed every 12 months to ensure maximum efficacy. The levels of UV produced by fluorescent tubes deteriorates rapidly throughout the life of the tube. Whilst tubes will continue to glow blue or green indefinitely, after approximately 8,000 hours the amount of useful UV (which humans cannot see) drops to a level where it is no

longer attractive to flying insects. As a result, UV fly-killer tubes must be replaced annually to ensure they remain effective in producing useful levels of UV. This replacement cycle is typically undertaken just before the peak insect season to ensure the fly killer is producing the maximum amount of UV throughout the critical insect season, but lamps may be changed at any time to ensure maximum protection. Visit for further information and to purchase online. Tel: 01304 215575

Snowbird Rolls Out Spherical Sausages IT WAS the Greeks who earned the accolade for inventing the sausage more than 2,500 years ago and since then it has stood the tests of time as one of the world’s ultimate convenience foods. Internationally, thousands of recipes have been devised, including localised delights like Lincolnshire, Cumberland, Bologna, Lyons and Berliner and, almost without exception, the sausages have been made in links of varying lengths and thickness encased in a skin which might or might not be natural. Despite this lack of invention, innovation and enterprise it is estimated that sausages feature in a least half a billion meals in this country every year. Today, those innovative brains in the new product development department at Snowbird foods unveil the biggest change in sausage making and marketing in three centuries. They have launched: The Spherical Sausage! Snowbird has stayed true to its award-

winning recipes for pork, Lincolnshire and Cumberland and made them all gluten free at the same time. “This might be a small step for mankind but in the sausage firmament it is a great leap forward,” said Snowbird commercial and marketing director, Roy Anderson. Like their traditional counterparts, Snowbird’s child-friendly Spherical Sausages are fully cooked and frozen as part of the factory process so they can be heated from frozen in a microwave in seconds or batch prepared in an oven. And, true to the Snowbird quality ethos, they are all made with British pork from outdoor bred pigs reared on Red Tractor approved farms. Initially, these unique spherical sausages will be exclusively for the foodservice and ready meals sector. They are available in bulk or in units of varying quantities. For further information, please visit

Epos Package From Epos Company and Ganedata

THE COMPLETE package offered by Epos Company and Ganedata consists of state of the art bezel free 15” touch screen terminal with all nificantly lowers your carbon footprint since there is no storthe optional peripherals and 3 years RTB warage, transportation or processing costs involved with the water. ranty. Initially launched in the USA several years ago the Natura range is now installed at several marquee installations throughout the USA. We are delighted to now be able to offer this remarkable product in the UK and Ireland and throughout Europe Please contact Karen Lamb at Oasis on Mob +44 7912941544, email: Or Oasis Bunree Ind Estate, Ballina, Co Mayo Ireland Tel +353 9671222 or

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

The DesirePos All In One industrial Point Of Sale terminal is an out of box solution which offers your retail and hospitality customers a cost effective solution to their data collection requirements without compromising on quality, ease of use and operational effectiveness, full details of product available on . GaneData works tirelessly with manufacturing partners, and value added resellers, providing a complete end to end solution, business devel-

opment and marketing support. The software package is on Windows 7 embedded with choice of Hospitality, Retail, dry cleaning and laundrette industry. ECTouch is one of the leading epos software widely used in UK and Abroad with over 4000 licences in use in all types of trade. Online ordering, cloud based back office, kitchen video, Resident Pro Hotel link, YESPAY and Paymentsense chip and pin link, customer and advertising display, SMS messaging, caller id with maps and address finder, multi branch back office software and many more features are all easily accessible with ECTouch. Epos Company and Ganedata have also got a special package for Epos dealers. For more information please contact either Ganedata on 0333 323 0202 or Epos company on 02084460320.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Festive Ordering

Christmas Dinner Isn’t Just For Christmas Day

MOLECULAR GASTRONOMY MADE EASY From caviar pearls to a flaming sorbet! With our specialist ingredients kit you can transform and enhance your dishes with the following: • Caviar pearls and larger liquid centered bubbles (using spherification and reverse-spherification methods) • Cold and hot jellies • Rapid setting and heat-resistant jellies • Hot and cold foams that will last for hours without losing body or texture • Eye-catching suspension fluids for pre-desserts, cocktails etc

Special Offer Only

£69.99+vat Buy online at

PUBS AND restaurants including Toby Carvery, Harvester restaurants and Sizzling Pubs have revealed that it isn’t just the 25th of December when Brits are tucking into their Christmas dinner, as company figures shows the number of bookings made throughout December to have tripled in recent years.

Statistics from Mitchells & Butlers, the company behind these brands and others such as such as Browns, Miller & Carter, All Bar One, Ember Inns, O’Neill’s and Vintage Inns revealed the number of meals sold in the first two weeks of December has tripled from around 90,000 back in 2012 to a turkey-gobbling 272,000 last year. This should come as no surprise however as, in a recent consumer survey, 65% of consumers said that they would be having more than two Christmas dinners throughout December – with 7% revealing they’d be enjoying five or more. Juggling work-dos, nights out and family time, it’s easy to see

how we are dining out more and more in the run up to Christmas. For instance, 82% of people are expecting to celebrate with family and 64% of us look forward to this the most. Celebrating with friends (30%) along with the office party (20%) were also high on the list and interestingly, just over 10% of us actually look forward to work parties the least. Travel is another reason people are choosing to eat out. On a whole, 75% of us will travel less than five miles as we look to celebrate close to home. People living in the East Midlands travel the furthest for their Christmas dinner with nearly 20% of people travelling more than 21 miles. Incredibly, over 10% of people living in Wales & the South West will travel more than 50 miles. Catriona Kempston, Marketing Director at Mitchells & Butlers, the company behind these statistics, comments; “One of the reasons for these figures is the simple convenience of eating out. Not having to worry about cooking means that people have one less thing to think about – making the prospect of having Christmas dinner out much more appealing.”

Innovate Foods - 25 Years of Foodservice Excellence INNOVATE FOODS is an award-winning producer of bespoke food for the foodservice sector and they have just celebrated 25 years in business. Based in fabulous Fife, Scotland they are an ambitious but friendly, family business who already punch well above their weight. They aim to be the number one player in the market through innovation and growth in both current and new markets, underpinned by strong customer relationships and impeccable service. The success of the business lies in their customer first approach, consistently exceeding expectations, continually improving innovation and effectiveness and also having some fun along the way! Innovate Foods has been trail blazers since their inception and continued to stay at the forefront of product development. This ethos has helped the business develop a range of market leading appetizers, starters, sides and sharers that perform consistently in the busy commercial kitchen and products that consumers want to order time and again.

Mac n Cheese Bites - Pieces of elbow pasta combined with delicious mature cheddar cheese sauce all wrapped up in rice flaked breadcrumbs. Jalapeno and Red Pepper Mozzarella Sticks A spicy twist on their very popular mozzarella sticks – these are infused with tangy jalapeno and red pepper pieces. Sweet Potato Crunchies Chunks of delicious sweet potato coated in a Rosemary and Thyme herb infused flour. Benefitting from a dual cook functionality and with excellent heat retention these are perfect for the busy kitchen - sweet potato ready to cook straight from the bag! Totally unique in UK foodservice these morsels of delicious sweet potato can be enjoyed hot or cold and are suitable for vegetarians. Deep fry from frozen at 180°C for 4 minutes or oven Bake from frozen 190°C for 10 minutes. Pack Size: 6 x 1.25kg For further details visit or Twitter: @innovate_foods

Boost Your Bottom Line, One Glass At A Time

THE CORAVIN System lets you easily pour from your best bottles without pulling the cork. No oxidisation, and no waste – just enjoyment, and profit, by the glass.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Pour your finest wines and earn higher revenues with every fresh glass. Create flights and verticals of world class wine that will delight and educate guests. Offer the often requested “half bottle”

selections for the most discriminating palates. Encourage your customers to try iconic wines they might not have tried otherwise, for an exciting experience tableside or at the bar. Offer your guests personalized food and wine pairings to enhance their dining experience. Seeing is believing at

Festive Ordering New Falklands Seafood Processor Launches Value-Added Line in London FORTUNA Ltd were at the Restaurant Show in London exhibiting a new range of value - added seafood products produced at their newly-‐built processing plant in Stanley.

The new processing plant, the Island’s first purpose-‐built EU standard facility, marks an important moment in the company’s development. Traditionally known in the seafood world as exporters of primary processed products -‐ whole round squid and fish -‐ destined for the world’s industrial markets, the new plant offers an opportunity to get closer to the seafood consumer by offering food service and retail products. Falklands Calamari, Hake and Toothfish are flagship items in the product ranges of the world’s leading importers yet further

down awareness amongst the average shopper wandering the aisles or diner scanning the menu of the Islands as a source of seafood is low. A strong well-‐resourced processor, supported by the fishing and shipping sector, can change that. As a coastal processor the new enterprise doesn’t face the same challenges of seasonality and limited product forms that fishing contend with, it can choose can choose how to handle, process and pack products to best serve consumer needs. Events like the Restaurant Show allow specialized information to be gathered about market values for different products, the preferences for product form, format and presentation that are essential in order to gain the best relative value once you start cutting fish. For further information, please visit

Pull Another One!

PEEKS THE party supply company based in Dorset will sell almost three million crackers this Christmas after acquiring a rival business. Details of the acquisition have not been revealed, but it means that the company is now one of the market leaders. Last year Peeks, based in Christchurch, sold just over 700,000 crackers but now their festive trade is going to go with a bang. The cracker business is growing as more people buy them for events other than at Christmas, and Peeks is keen to supply the increasing demand. The long-established family company sells to all the major pubcos, as well as hotel

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


groups, clubs, restaurants and individuals. Its mail order business remains buoyant and it also trades through its website and the huge party store in Christchurch. Managing director Nick Peek – the third generation of the family to be at the helm, said: “The new deal almost trebles out cracker trade. “Already we have several container loads ready for the Christmas orders that are coming in thick and fast. “A simple cracker at a table can make a lot of difference when sitting down for a meal and pub and hotel groups realise this. “We have crackers for all occasions and budgets and we love the idea of being responsible for three million little explosions over the festive season.” The company, founded by Charles Peek in 1946, supplies all party products for events at low prices. For sales call 01202 489489 or visit or see ad page 7.

Josdiaries, Supplier Of The Restaurant Diary, Have Been Trading For Treat Your Customers to the Perfect Coffee This Christmas Over 35 Years And Are The Original Restaurant Table Booking Diary

JURA, a significant innovator in luxury Swiss made bean-to-cup technology, has raised the bar for standards in performance, aesthetics and perfection with its collection of commercial coffee machines. With high performance alongside sleek elegant looks, JURA’s machines will make a real impact to any establishment looking to deliver high quality coffee this winter. JURA has a wide range of products which

deliver state-of-the-art technology. From machines which can prepare a range of 29 speciality coffees at the touch of a button to ceramic grinders which ensure even grinding every time, JURA has something for everybody. All machines also feature an Aroma Boost function, providing a natural, refreshing energy boost when you need it, as well as a ZeroEnergy Switch which allows the machine to use up to 40% less energy. For more information, please visit

JOSDIARIES SUPPLY the finest quality strongly bound casebound hardback 800 page diary to last the year without falling apart. Their diary is also the only specialist restaurant diary to print the DAY of the week and the DATE for ease of use. Many of their competitors do not print the day of the week purely the date, which leads to much confusion. All diaries have 2 pages per day for lunch and dinner.

The range is available in three colours; Black, Burgundy and Dark Green – Also in Black Leather and a four ring binder loose leaf version. Josdiaries offer a full personalisation service with gold embossing of the establishment name on the front cover (at extra charge). Also available are 27 Room Hotel Reservation Planners, and a smaller 15 Room version. Visitor Books & Registers of Guests complete their range. Order quickly and easily online at or call 01903 743374. See the advert on page 3 for details.

The MSK Product Range for Chefs LittlePod - A Reputable Company

MSK ARE renowned as suppliers of premium quality food ingredients and equipment to the hotel and restaurant trade throughout the United Kingdom. The MSK product range is aimed at those Chefs who would like to try something different, who want to push their horizons and test themselves professionally, while at the same time are looking to enhance classical dishes and techniques. The MSK range not only offers innovation but both labour and cost saving techniques to help improve quality and efficiency. MSK believe that different and innovative does not have to mean difficult and confusing. As such, they consider it there responsibility to provide their customers with the knowledge required to be able to use the products with ease. To this

extent, they employ a full time Chef based at their purpose built, state of the art development kitchen where they provide demonstrations in both one on one and group sessions. It couldn’t be easier to deal with MSK. They do not have a minimum order charge and deliver throughout the UK offering a next day service. A chef can order as much or as little as they would like. A truly innovative company, look out for their latest range of kitchen and front of house equipment under the brand name of 100% Chef. For further details call on 01246 412211 email or visit the web site at Alternatively, see the advert on page 8 for further information.

HAVING FIVE years of success providing a range of quality, natural ingredients the reputation of LittlePod is growing among professional chefs and foodie customers. Rick Stein’s head chef, Stephan Delorme and International chef/author Manju Mahli attended LittlePod’s launch of National Vanilla Day in 2014 the aim of which is to raise awareness of REAL vanilla versus artificial vanillin so commonly used in the West. 2015 was celebrated with another fun day out hosted by budding young chefs from the Michael Caines

Catering Academy, along with South West Chef Steve Ashworth and Master chef Jim Fisher of Exeter Cookery School. A film of the event can be seen on their website The products are available in both in retail and trade quantities. With the current call for reducing the sugar content in food, the intense chocolate extract contains no added sugar and the rich coffee extract contains only 2% chicory with 45% coffee extractives for its powerful flavour A perfect gift for Christmas is the LittlePod NEW Vanilla shortbread baked by hand, to their own recipe, by Reids of Caithness. For further details visit


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Hospitality Technology Samtouch Hospitality EPOS Solution The New SAM4S Titan 160 Touch Screen Terminal, now with PCT touch screen and SSD technology integrated with Samtouch Hospitality epos solution is one of the most innovative hospitality solution's available on the market today. Efficiency of waiter's & waitresses is of key importance, this is why Samtouch not only operates on PC POS terminals but also can be used on Windows based tablets. Using an order tablet at the table reduces the possibility of items been missed from the table check whilst quickly despatching order tickets to the kitchen speeding up the order process and reducing inaccuracies on the bill.

Intelligent Point of Sale The rise in seasonal pop-up operations and festivals has driven a need for easy-to-use, mobile electronic point of sale (EPOS) systems which is being met by a young, technology company, Intelligent Point of Sale. The company has developed a cloud-based, iPad point of sale application intelligentpos®, which provides a low cost, cutting edge EPOS system which literally puts big business tools into the hands of every business. It enables businesses to start selling products quickly and easily, control and

Microtek UK Limited MICROTEK UK Limited are a Yorkshire based company specialising in the distribution, supply and service of EPOS equipment. As the UK distributor of Uniwell Point of Sales Microtek support a National dealer network of fully trained and approved Uniwell re-sellers.

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Microtek UK Limited employ 17 experienced electronic engineers in our repair centre and our technical laboratory enables repairs to be done on electronic boards at component level. This enables the repair of EPOS equipment at very competitive rates. Our sister company MSD UK Limited has 25 years of experience in developing and providing

Samtouch now integrates with Payment Sense "Pay at Table" EFT solution, allowing table check's to be printed direct from the EFT terminal for fast and accurate credit card payment. For take-away businesses "Caller ID" enables Samtouch to automatically populate details of existing customer as they call to place an order, again speeding up the order process in busy take-away environments. Other takeaway features include integration to Mobo2Go on on-line ordering platform which enables customer to order online and the order is then automatically transferred to Samtouch. Samtouch seamlessly integrates to ResidentPro hotel reservation software that is packed full of features for small to medium hotel's and guess houses. For further details or a free no obligation demonstration please contact YCR Distribution. Tel: 01924 438238 or eMail: track sales and stock in real time. Its clients range from pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs with a single till point in one location through to multiple till points in multiple locations, but it has been at events where its advantages are instantly recognised. At Glastonbury and T in the Park, the intelligentpos® app was deployed by a number of prominent pop-up retailers to manage orders, payments and stock control on the move. In Edinburgh, events company Underbelly has used the system across its summer and Christmas venues, calling intelligentpos® “an intuitive product” and saying it “minimises waiting times and allows visitors to experience a more efficient service at our bar areas and box offices.” Reader Enquiries - Tel: 0800 058 83 89 back office management software and front end point of sale software. Specialist sales and reporting software enables EPOS and sales management. Full stock control is available for all hospitality outlets via EPOS Office software and Multisite management is encompassed in EPOS Central. MSD’s front end software MSD Touch gives sales control for restaurants, bars and takeaway outlets. Both Uniwell and MSD Touch integrate with the some of the best names in the hospitality industry to offer the end user a complete solution including, card payment services and mobile phone payments. On-line ordering, allergy and menu management, hotel bookings and leasing facilities.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Bar and Cellar Equipment

Britain Becomes 'Brewing Powerhouse' ANALYSIS IN August of this year revealed a new brewery is opening in Britain every other day. Britain has returned to its rightful role as a global ‘brewing powerhouse’, Community Pubs Minister Marcus Jones declared earlier this year, as analysis reveals a new brewery is opening in Britain every other day. New figures from the British Beer and Pub Association reveals there are now more than 1,400 breweries in Britain. A surge during the past 2 years has seen breweries opening up at rate of 3 every week. This trend is reflected right across the country with all regions sharing the success of the British beer boom. Innovative craft breweries, including Magic Rock in West Yorkshire, brew pubs such as One Mile End in East London, and award-winning regional breweries, like the Peak District’s Thornbridge, are all playing their part in the British beer boom. And the result has been an economic boost and jobs for young people right across the country. Latest figures show the beer and pubs sector is now responsible for 869,000 jobs in Britain. Community Pubs Minister Marcus Jones said: Today’s figures show Britain is back on the map as a global ‘brewing powerhouse’ with 3 breweries opening up every week. We gave the world the I.P.A and the Great British pint has been revered ever since. This brewing boom means we are not only creating some of the world’s best beer that we all enjoy in our local pub and at home but also thousands of jobs and a multibillion-pound boost to the economy.There is an increasing confidence in the beer and pubs sector with pubs diversifying, community ownership of public houses starting to take off and a booming brewing industry. We are

determined to build on this momentum and our strategy of lower taxes, less regulation and a growing economy is the best way to support this thriving and diverse sector. Beer Sommelier Sophie Atherton said: I don’t think there has ever been a better time to be a beer drinker. The variety of beers brewed in the UK today is world class and lends itself perfectly to showing off what a versatile a drink beer is. It can be paired with food just as well as wine can and the boom in brewing means there’s now a beer for everyone – all the way from a sessionable pint of English bitter or locally produced lager on to hoppy craft brews and boozy barley wines or imperial stouts served at the end of a meal with a cheeseboard. Mike Benner, from the Society of Independent Brewers, said: This is an incredibly exciting time for British craft brewing. The number of breweries is soaring leading to more jobs across the UK and more choice for consumers. With such an exciting range of different colours, strengths, styles and flavours, in draught, bottle or can format now available, I’m sure there is a beer out there to suits all palates. So with the surge in the number of breweries opening are you managing your seller effectively? The ability to manage your cellar effectively is a key element of running a successful pub. There are five key objectives to fulfil: 1) Keeping drink wastage to a bare minimum. 2) Preserving your drinks range in its prime condition at all times. 3) Maintaining appropriate stock levels. 4) Organising products so that they are easy to find and access. 5) Ensuring safety and cleanliness. CLH News has consulted some of the market leaders in the industry to showcase the tips and advice

Hijack - The Best for Real Ales HIJACK HAVE been designing and manufacturing cellar systems in North Yorkshire for over 20 years. Our equipment takes the guesswork out of caring for your real ales. Some publicans are still throwing £££’s down the drain every time they change a cask. In these hard times, that is wastage than should be avoided. Simple, efficient stillaging not only saves money, but produces a much better pint. Hijack’s Compact range is a versatile system designed for 9-11 gallon casks. The unique leaf spring (for tilting) is built into the rack, so no separate autotilts are needed. From a single unit, to 1, 2 or 3 tier systems, all are

capable of returning ullage rates of less than a pint. The simple spring loading automatically tilts the cask gently until maximum yield is obtained, (a simple adjustment pre-set by the operator determines the final angle of tilt). An added bonus – the presentation of your ales is second to none, and customers appreciate quality! Choose wisely from the wide range of easy to use equipment, and the few hundred pounds spent initially will be re-couped in a matter of months (or weeks if you enjoy inner city throughput). Ring Hijack on 01423 563879 or e-mail

Professionally Maintaining Beer Lines Since 2006 OUR TRIED and tested methods, coupled with our own unique portable water fed mixing units, market leading chemicals and industry tested inhibitors means that our labour including, eco led repeat line cleaning service reduces costs, cut waste, minimizes risk, maintains and in most cases improves draught beer line quality.

With no upfront costs and seeking no contract our service becomes a vital repeat service that our customers come to rely on and are happy to endorse. We have a nationwide network of highly trained franchised owner/operators who really care passionately about what they do by providing a transparent service that really adds value to any operator in todays licensed sector. 0800 7810 577

Bar and Cellar Equipment

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

What Are The Essentials For Back Bar Equipment?

IN ORDER of importance:

1. Fast cooling of bottles: A typical double door bar cooler holds about 180 bottles so in a busy bar the cooler may require reloading between lunch and evening service. Fast cooling of freshly loaded product is therefore critical. Staycold’s back bar coolers have been independently rated to give M1 performance which means they chill to between -1C and +5C. Be sure to insist upon M1 performance. 2. Energy Efficiency: Manufacturers have made big improvements in component technology and Staycold coolers are ranked independently as the most efficient on the market. The Energy Technology List found at lists the energy consumption figures. Analysis of the data confirms that the least efficient double door back bar cooler costs £258 per year to run whereas the most efficient (Staycold) costs only £74 per year, a saving at current electricity prices of £184 per year. With electricity costs on the rise, the importance of efficiency is imperative. 3. Excellent Display: Good lighting attracts customers and a clean cabinet looks appealing. What maintenance do they require? Clean the glass doors – a sparkling clean cooler will always outsell a grubby one Clean the door seals – just wipe with a damp cloth once

a day to keep them in pristine condition. Clean the condenser – latest models have condensers that are less prone to blocking with dust but older cabinets have to be cleaned. Visit for details. A clean condenser reduces running cost, improves performance prolongs component life. How much does the layout of back bar equipment affect staff efficiency and what can operators do to better this? This is the sliding doors versus hinged doors debate. Some say the space saving of sliding doors is the killer feature while others say the speed of operation of a hinged door means service is faster. There are no hard and fast rules. How can operators make their back bar look attractive and enticing to customers? Do: Keep the cabinet sparkling clean inside and out. Don’t: A grubby looking cooler with price and promo stickers all over the door looks a mess and gives a bad impression. Is there a way to promote certain drinks through their placement on the back bar? (height, left to right etc.)? DO: Block stack a few top brands. Dedicate a whole shelf to one brand to give importance and priority to your best margin earners. Top shelf is the most important. Think about placing your best earners in the cooler that is nearest to the most popular approach spot to the bar. DON’T: have a messy display that is confusing to the eye.

Cask Racking, Auto Tilt Systems And Beer Festival Hire Experts

AS A specialist supplier of cask cooling and beer festival equipment, our extensive product range covers solutions suited to a variety of environments. Whether back bar dispense, beer festival hire equipment or bespoke racking we have a range of options for you to choose from. Our extended range of related products cover all the items you would require for the day to day running of your business, from garden play equipment to stock checking, to bottle coolers to pipe and line fittings, all selected

InnCellar Equipment INNCELLAR EQUIPMENT has made steady progress over the last few years, through the satisfaction and recommendations of customers, as to the quality of products and service they have received from InnCellar. Our intentions are to maintain and improve this standard, while being very competitive with regular promotions, maintaining, developing, and improving our products. The majority of products on sale are geared towards helping promote the quality and condition of cask ale, cider, craft beer in keg, and other keg products, to be dispensed in the very best condition, and achieve the “Perfect Pint”.

to the highest quality and standards. We aim to supply the industry with only superior products and excellent service, striving to exceed customer expectations, whilst endeavouring to provide the best possible solution to meet their requirements. We also offer the opportunity to maximise profits with our specially designed Filton Autotilt, designed to help to gain the highest cask yield possible. This method is most effective when combined with our quick-assembly boltless racking. Our friendly, knowledgeable team are always on hand to help and advise. Visit for information. We are expanding our product range to incorporate a wider use of our ‘Insulating & Water Cooled Jackets’ please keep up to date and check for notices on the website. Our full range of Cask Beer Products include, Cooling (Jackets©, Saddles, Probes, Ice Blankets ) , Stillage ( Tilters, Beer Festival and Cellar Racking) that have all been developed, with the utmost attention to price, quality, and efficiency. These products are backed by a fully stocked range of ancillary fittings and materials, to compliment your purchases or installations. If you are looking for that personal touch, backed up by experience. Why not call us, when looking for your next quotation. Contacts: Mike Williams / Kyle Williams Telephone: 01142 727426 Email: Website:

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Bar and Cellar Equipment

Ambient Beer Cooler Excels at Refurbished Pub J & E Hall's new ambient beer cooler is helping a refurbished pub to achieve significant energy savings. The unit is part of the newly-installed cellar cooling system at the Dog and Partridge in Packmoor, Stoke-on-Trent. At the Dog and Partridge an old underground cellar prone to flooding was filled in and a new extension built above ground. This houses a modern J & E Hall cellar cooling system which works in tandem with the beer cooler. The ambient beer cooler was teamed up with a JCC2 40E Cellar Cooler, a 4.05kw system, capable of operating down to 4°C. The system

Proton Group Ltd. FOR THE past 40 years Proton Group Ltd. have been providing high quality cleaning solutions to publicans, restauranteurs, hoteliers and stadium managers. Proton are a market leader in Beverage Dispense cleaning, glasswashing, dishwashing, laundry and janitorial hygiene chemicals and have created a number of unique products such as Quash® - The Lipstick Pre-Treatment System, Renovate® - The Glass Restorer and now Beer Line Precise® - A Pre-measured dose of our premium Beer Line

was set to run at 12°C, the ideal temperature for the range of eight cask-conditioned ales currently stocked by the pub. The J & E Hall ambient beer cooler, which makes use of free cooling during the colder months, can cut energy bills by up to 40 per cent. When the outside temperature is low enough, typically under 8°C, the fan-based cooler brings cold air into the cellar to reduce the temperature, switching off the main refrigeration system in the process, cutting energy bills and saving money. The ambient beer cooler contains no refrigerants. This greener way to cool beers also helps to reduce servicing costs and extends the life of the main cellar cooling system. For further information call 01322 253400 or visit

Cleaning detergents for safer more controlled cleaning. Manufacturing, administration and distribution are all contained at our purpose built site just off of the M62 in West Yorkshire. We also provide our customers with the very best in support, which can be tailored to their individual needs. From training materials, promotional flyers through to our on-site technical and chemical advice team. Recently Proton have launched a new Web Sales Portal called Proton-Direct where customers can order a selection of our premier product range for next day delivery. Murray Angus, Managing Director of The Proton Group said “From feedback we have found that customers had issues in the past finding distributors that could supply our products. To address this Proton have launched our direct trading website to give customers more choice and flexibility” If you have any queries contact Proton directly on or 01924 892 834. You can also follow them on Twitter @proton_group or Facebook Theprotongroup

AUTONUMIS - The Brand That Delivers

WHEN IT comes to Bottle Coolers AUTONUMIS is the brand to go for.

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This British manufacturer specialises in the back bar cooler market and offers reliable, cheap to run coolers at affordable prices. Their time served Research and Development engineers have built a reputation for innovation and concentrate efforts towards maximising running efficiencies whilst lowering running costs across the entire range. AUTONUMIS pioneered the design of low energy Bottle Coolers and its range, called ECOCHILL, has continually improved as new technologies have developed. The ECOCHILL range is the leader in its class and explains why the equipment is specified by National Brewers and Pub Operators alike. These coolers are

ECA approved and offer much lower running costs than comparable coolers as well as worthwhile tax advantages. AUTONUMIS has been established for over 50 years and have built a reputation for giving the customer a high quality, well specified cooler at a competitive price. The coolers are designed to give good service year after year of hard use in busy bar environments, whilst minimising running costs. As you would expect from this leading company as well as the hardwearing black door finish, commercial grade stainless versions can be ordered to give the customer the look and style they want in the bar. For further information contact the dedicated sales team on 01666 502641 or visit the website

Design and Refit

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Timberspecs - A Natural Way to Build AT TIMBERSPECS we specialise in all types of log mobile homes, log houses, clubhouses, garden rooms holiday chalets, and more. Timberspecs build to your plans or we will design something to suit all your requirements. If you need drawings for planning permission we will supply these at £250.00 this will then be refunded against your order. We can also help with the planning process if you need it. Our buildings are made from slow growing pine from the Carpathian mountains, we give a predicted life span of 200 years if looked after. When you buy from us your cabin will arrive in kit form to be erected on your foundation by our skilled craftsmen, this is all included in the price. All our buildings are fully double or triple glazed in high quality timber

Lakeland Paints

ODOURLESS PAINTS from Lakeland Paints – ideal for pubs, restaurants, hospitals, clinics & other premises where paint smells cannot be tolerated. Free of all solvents, VOCs & smells – clean-up with water. With 180 colours in all the finishes you will ever need, Lakeland has been used by many organizations and Local Authorities where the smell of paint would cause problems - like food processing & storage, supermarkets, schools etc. No down-time, no need to close wards or rooms – no need to vacate the premises at any

Broadview Shading Solutions BROADVIEW HAVE recently installed a beautiful, unique and practical B200 structure at the Navigator in Swanwick. The owners were keen to capitalise on an existing, underutilised outside seating area. The existing area already had umbrellas in place but this solution limited the use of the space to fine weather. The owners had identified that during busy periods they could fill the restaurant twice over. They were concerned that they were neglecting their client’s needs and limiting their potential where dining was concerned. An area which

frames our doors are timber and we can supply French doors or glazed panels to suit, upvc windows and doors can also be supplied if required. As standard our buildings are supplied with a pine t&g boarded floor throughout,you can have flat ceilings or vaulted to suit your design. We offer a complete range of roof claddings from bitumen shingles through to concrete tiles or slate. We will build covered verandas and decks again to your design. A full turn key option is available to include kitchens and bathrooms heating etc if required. For more information on all the buildings please visit our website:Web: Email: Tel: 01580 212 141 Mob: 07710 480 259 time. Example – Bristol Cancer Health Hospital – the inpatients were wheeled in the beds down to the end of the ward – painting completed within the day - then wheeled back & the remaining part of the ward completed, with no need to interrupt services or vacate the ward at any time. Established 26 years, here are a few more clients you may have heard of: Duchy of Cornwall, Google, Scottish Parliament Building, British Museum, Westminster Abbey, South West Trains, Heathrow T4, UK 2012 Olympic Village. Customer comments – Outstanding, H.O. Interior designer - Decorator is so impressed, J.S – A joy to use, R.S - I am a decorator using your excellent products, D.B. – Unbelievable superior quality, C.H. For further information, visit or call 01524 852371. provides them with their best return. Further to consultations with the Upham Pub Group, Broadview established that the Brustor B200 would offer them the perfect solution. Not only does this structure look impressive and in keeping with the building but offers various options through its rotating louvre roof and sliding glass wall panels. During the summer the terrace can be opened up to feel like you are outside whilst in the winter a warm and ambient environment is created at the flick of a switch. The roof and the doors close to give an extension to the restaurant, with heaters and lighting offering a cosy and stylish finish to the area. The Navigator were thrilled with the outcome and it is now fully utilising the terrace area all year round. A fast return on investment indeed. For further information call 01202 679012 or see that advert on page 24.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Design and Refit Traditional timeless tweed plaids and herringbones in colours that reflect the natural hues and shades of the dramatic countryside around us.

Plaids and herringbones tweeds work well in interior schemes where the impression of quality, comfort and warmth needs to be projected. Picture your guests, relaxing in their high backed tweed armchair, feet gently resting on the matching footstool, the flickering glow of the log fire reflected in the ice slowly melting in their Balvenie. Only Tweed will do it.

If your interior schemes, curtains, cushions or furniture needs to project quality, warmth and comfort then pure wool tweeds are the answer. Our Northumbrian Tweed has been designed to mirror the wild beauty of the Northumbrian landscape around us. Utilising the natural shades and hues found on the heather clad hills, broad leaf valleys or endless Bamburgh coastline.

Your choice. Is it Harris Tweed or Northumbrian Tweed? Both ranges are hard wearing, flame retardant and suitable for curtains, cushions, throws and especially covering furniture.

For more information or samples

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Design and Refit

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Fläkt Woods Showcases Woods Range in New Brochure LEADING VENTILATION manufacturer Fläkt Woods has launched a new Woods range distribution catalogue, showcasing the latest product offering from the brand. The new catalogue gives our customers quick and easy access to information on our range, including fan performance curves, technical data, drawings, 3D wiring and much more. Included in the new range is the revolutionary JMv aerofoil axial fans, which can save end users up to 24 per cent on annual running costs, and is a highly efficient solution for the commercial kitchen, catering and hospitality sector. The catalogue also presents a wide selection of high pressure axial fans, inline fans, centrifugal box fans, fire dampers and other technical duct products. Dan Luesley, Woods distribution manage, comments: “The Woods brand, formerly Woods of Colchester, is one of the most recognised and respected names the industry. “Since the company was founded back in 1909, we have developed a number of British engineered innovations to meet the ever-changing demands of the market, including manufactured

products from our well established facility in Colchester. We felt it was the right time to bring together our extensive range of products within a new Woods catalogue, providing a one-stopshop for almost any commercial or industrial application. “All of our solutions have been subjected to a rigorous testing regime to guarantee high performance, top quality and to ensure they meet all UK legislation and standards. The Woods range is an integral part of the Fläkt Woods’ offering – a company with over 100 years of experience and expertise in the non-residential sector, and all products are available from a network of Woods partners across the UK. Fläkt Woods develops, manufactures and distributes ventilation and air climate products, as well as system solutions for commercial and industrial applications. For more information on the complete range of fan and air comfort products from Fläkt Woods visit Download the Woods range distribution catalogue and find out where to purchase the products here:

Dealers UK - Wholesale Furniture & Ornaments DEALERS is a one stop warehouse for all of your refurbishment and design needs - with over 8,000 different and continuously changing items in stock – with 4,000 of them currently being shown on our web-site.

For both interior and exterior requirements – we stock an enormous choice of furniture including tables, chairs, benches, shelving, and cabinets plus decorative items also. Always researching and striving to keep on, and ahead of, what is, and will be the very best of the next trends and innovative ideas. With the extensive experience we have acquired over 40 years we source buy, and sell what we think are the best quality items whether old, refurbished, vintage or reproduction including some of our own designs.

We also find some of the most unusual and quirky items that can be used in many establishments for a complete refit or for a themed design – we have everything from an egg cup to a search submarine ! If you can’t find what you are looking for on our web-site give us a call and we shall try and find it for you. We do recommend a visit in person to our premises in the countryside to view our showrooms, barns and outdoor space so as to fully appreciate what we stock – registrations can also be made on our extensive on-line site to access prices and place orders. Dealers really is a one stop warehouse ! Contact us on: Phone: +44 (0)1743 761241 Email:

Retain Credit & Debit Cards and Be PCI Compliant While Increasing Profits The CardsSafe® system is now the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards retained by merchants in the UK hospitality industry. More than three thousand venues now use the system every day and when managers share their experience they report these financial benefits: • Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally – • There is a major uptick in sales

In addition, their customers really appreciate that their security concerns are dealt with in this easy to use system as offered by CardsSafe limited. If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. Please contact CardsSafe Limited on: Phone: 0845 5001040, Email: or Web: We have a constantly changing assortment of over 8,000 items - with only 4,000 of them currently being shown on our web-site - including decorative goods, old and new, recycled, vintage, upcycled and reproduction items of furniture, accessories, garden wares, architectural and unusual items for both interior and exterior requirements. We can provide an enormous choice - stocking quirky pieces from an egg cup to a search submarine. And if you cannot see it on our web-site, contact us and we will do our best to find or locate what you are after! It is also well worth making a visit to our 36,000 square feet warehouse, showrooms and acres of outside display area.

Contact us on Phone +44 (0)1743 761241 Fax +44 (0)1743 761442 Email TRADE ONLY



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Design and Refit

Hadrian Cubicles Match Champagne Mood

THE HADRIAN toilet cubicles installed in the ladies toilets at the Epernay Champagne Bar in Manchester where carefully chosen to match the mood of the existing decor by specifying a particular RAL colour, a service available in the UK from Relcross Limited. When the bar was bought in 2014 by VCP Taverns a redecoration and upgrade was immediately implemented. While the tiles and walls in the ladies toilets were in reasonable condition, the cubicles were certainly not meeting the champagne expectations of either the customers or the new owners. They needed cubicles that were much more

durable, would look good for years and could harmonise with the shade of purple/brown that featured elsewhere in the room. Hadrian Elite steel cubicles from Relcross were chosen and specified in RAL 8002 Signal Brown. These toilet partitions are especially suitable for heavy use areas and require no special structural provisions to effect a rigid installation. They can be erected on any type of floor. A year after the installation was completed the cubicles have been subjected to continual use but are looking as good as new and maintaining the venue’s quality image and appeal. For further information about Hadrian Toilet Partitions and Lockers visit, call Relcross on 01380 729600 or email

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s

one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

External Wall Insulation Will Save 40% on Your Heating Costs EXTERNAL WALL Insulation will save 40% on your heating costs. Iso Wall Advanced Render Technology requires no painting or indeed any maintenance whatsoever. Its unique ability to completely re-engineer facades to any classic or modern style makes it ideal for hotels and guest houses requiring a quality makeover or facade re-design of stunning effect. The product’s colour range is almost limitless. It will not crack or de-bond. It is German construction engineering and science made available from iso-wall. Not to be confused with “coloured ren-

der”. EWI, at this level of installation, is completely unique. It will put up to 6% additional value upon your property, primarily from its uprated u-value, but also from its ability to halt structural decay and the provision of a truly healthy environment. Property finished with this product is completely transformed for the better. For further information please call 01708 300299 / 01202 835853, email or visit Alternatively see the advert on this page for details.

Design and Refit

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Hotels with Grounds: Increase Bed Nights & Restaurant Covers THE QUEST for increased annual yield by way but with all the facilities of your hotel to enjoy… With an eye on differentiating your hotel from competiof additional bed nights and restaurant covers is a pre-occupation for hoteliers up and down the tors and providing a persuasive reason to attract new and country; be it owner-run establishments or larg- repeat customers, ModBox works closely with you to dovetail your new accommodation stock with your existing cuser hotel chains, coming up with enticing ways to tomer offering. get new and existing cusImportantly ModBox accommotomers to darken your hotel dation is designed with year-round doorstep is key to maintaining use in mind….highly insulated and low-running cost units support your market position. If you have grounds or a larger estate then ModBox Spaces can offer you bespoke accommodation units designed to suit the setting of your hotel. Increase bed-night capacity and restaurant covers with stylish, high quality auxiliary accommodation allowing guests an appealing new option – the privacy of self-catering

Sage Green Designs SAGE GREEN Designs combine quality, style, ethics and craftsmanship in all of their stunning products. Their tapestry wall hangings are all hand-loomed in brightly coloured wools on a jute background and are then finished with intricate embroidery. Amanda Burchell of Sage Green Designs says ‘our tapestries have proven to be very popular in pubs, cafes and restaurants where they not only look great on the walls, but can also be sold to visitors. We have found that people notice them when they are sitting over a coffee or a meal and are very pleasantly surprised at how affordable they are.’ Amanda goes on to say ‘with trade

site yield and improve return on investment. And with careful design their modern-stylish or traditionalcharacter appearance beautifully compliments the setting of your existing site. For further details please visit or call 01840 230090. prices starting at £9.00 we have designs in our range that suit every location and every pocket’. In 2016, Sage Green will be launching two new ranges to complement their existing Countryside, Nautical, Animals, Floral and Seasons collections. ’We have been asked for some seaside designs, which we now have and are also delighted to introduce the ‘Fur and Feathers’ range from designer Allison Murray’. Amanda also explains, ‘part of what makes us different is our commitment to the ethical sourcing of all our products. We work in partnership with the GoodWeave Foundation to make sure that all the weavers who produce our products are treated fairly. This partnership is integral to our business and enables us to achieve the high standards that we count as essential. Part of the royalty we pay to GoodWeave goes towards the fight against child labour and the promoting of education and well-being for thousands of children in Southern Asia. For further information, call 01793 686516, email: or visit

Lightique for All Your Lighting Needs

LIGHTIQUE LTD will be celebrating 30 years of supplying the UK leisure industry next year. We are proud to be a family run business with a strong reputation for supplying quality products and providing prompt service. Lightique have a wide range of lighting available for all types of design. With many different styles available from vintage to

The Flood Gallery, based at London’s historic Greenwich Market, specialises in contemporary, screen-printed art inspired by music, film & pop-culture. We work with some of the most talented poster and pop-culture artists in the world to offer beautiful, fine art prints that are both unique and accessible.

contemporary. We can offer bespoke finishes on many of our ranges as well as source many different designs if we don’t quite have what you’re looking for in our standard ranges. For more information regarding Lightique’s products and services, please visit their website, call on 024 7638 1559 or email

Talk to us about how we can transform your bar, restaurant or café with a hand-selected range of beautifully framed, eye-catching and hand-crafted art prints. We can also offer a comprehensive commission service to create bespoke, unique prints just for you. Whatever the space or budget, The Flood Gallery work closely with our clients to create the ambience, tone and impact to really make you stand out from the crowd.

The Flood Gallery, 8 Greenwich Market, London SE10 9HZ



0208 691 2121 m 07816 086 927 w

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Design and Refit

December 2015

Home Front Playgrounds

New arrivals ready for immediate delivery

NOW IS the time to start planning for any new outdoor play areas. If you have the space and are keen to attract the high value spending of family groups this is one sure way of attracting that market.



£60.00 eac h

plus VA T Cruz Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather


Pric £90.00 e eac h

plus VA T

Romeo Tub Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather

It needn’t cost the earth either; companies such as Home Front Playgrounds can install an impressive outdoor play area for around £3000 £5000, although you can spend more or less than this sum. Its important to get the planning right. Is the area large enough to include the all-important safety margins? Will parents be able to watch their children while enjoying a drink or meal? Is there any risk from traffic – roads or the carpark? Will it be possible to expand the area in the future as demand

Capricorn Imports

CAPRICORN IMPORTS are now firmly established as one of the country’s largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furniture to cafes, bars, bistro's, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn Imports are based in an 85,000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the out-

Goldmine or Liability? ANY ESTABLISHMENT with an outside area knows that it can either be a goldmine or a liability. At Outside Structure Solutions we are here to help you turn your liability into your biggest asset. As specialist suppliers of external shade and shelter products we source ranges from across Europe, bringing continental style to the UK. From the simplest parasol umbrella to hi-tech retractable terrace covers we can help turn dreams into reality, no matter the budget or the size. Every site is different and we discuss your requirements with you to make sure that the design suits your needs as well as your budget. Not only do the

Dining Chairs UK

DINING CHAIRS UK has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can

grows ? Will you need planning permission for the installation? And we would strongly recommend that you choose equipment which complies with commercial playground standards (EN1176). Not only is back-garden equipment not strong enough to cope with lots of kids but the operator could find himself liable in the event of an accident. There’s no doubt that a new outdoor playground can add the wow factor to a garden, and make your location a destination of choice for families going out for a drink or meal. It can also give your site a real competitive advantage in this crowded market. But don’t delay – now is the time to start planning for the Spring. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0843 643 2373 or email: skirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service throughout the UK on hundreds of products including outdoor dining tables, tub chairs, bar stools, lounge furniture, conference stacking chairs. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Capricorn Imports are in the enviable position of being a sole UK importer of quality furniture which means that you the customer, will be dealing direct with manufacturers from around the world at very competitive prices. For further details, please see the advert on this page. canopies help turn an area into a profit centre, they can also turn it into an area that your customers want to be seen in. External terrace covers are a fantastic way to add valuable space to your premises. Whether it is additional dining space or just making use of an underutilised area, our structures can help you to make more sales. Outside Structure Solutions work closely with our clients to build a strong long term relationship ensuring that we provide the right structure for your needs. For more information contact Outside Structure Solutions on 0844 561 7679 or via the website at

help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030 or email

Canopies come in different shapes and sizes, and no two are the same - just like businesses. Retractable canopies and terrace covers are a great way to create additional outside space without the expense and hassle of an extension. They enable you to make the most of our climate by opening the roof when the sun shines and closing it at other times. Fixed canopies allow you to expand your inside space simply by installing close to existing buildings enabling you to move seamlessly from one area to another whilst undercover.

Lightique have a wide range of lighting available for all types of design, from vintage to contemporary. With over 29 years of supplying the UK leisure industry, Lightique have a strong reputation for supplying quality products and providing a 1st class service. For more information regarding Lightique’s products and services, please visit their website, call on 024 7638 1559 or email

Maszma Marketing MASZMA MARKETING, is a Malaysian Company based in Vietnam that has been involved in furniture exports for over 20 years. Our main export markets include USA-Canada-Europe-Australia-New Zealand.

Design and Refit

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Almost 90 % of our products are customer designed items (OEM) and are made exclusively for them. For further details of our range, please see the advert

We operate mainly out of Vietnam and Indonesia and Malaysia.


OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200 pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping posi-

Glassjacks Ltd

GLASSJACKS ARE pleased to announce a new range of products and an improved website ( Customers can now purchase a full range of beautiful catering quality glassware (Genware) and glassjacks together. From elegant wine glasses and champagne flutes to tumblers, beer glasses, shot glasses, carafes and water jugs. This full range of glassware complements our comprehensive range of glassware storage

tion. They also minimise disturbance between partners to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

boxes (glassjacks). If it’s just glassware storage boxes (glassjacks) you are looking for there is a new feature on our website, the “Glass Measurement Guide” where you simply insert your glass height and width to be directed straight to the glassjack you require. Our additional new products include compartment glass racks, dishwasher racks, barware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks Ltd have supplied products for over 5 years to thousands of delighted customers; from catering hire companies; race courses; hotels; bars; restaurants; golf courses; glass manufacturers; catering wholesale suppliers, event companies and many more. For your glassware storage box and glassware requirements please take a look at our new website

PRO-DUET Next Generation Food Serving Boards from Row & Sons A completely new way of serving food to the table, ECS wood fibre slate-like board lovingly crafted and recessed into the warmth and charisma of luxurious American Ash. This practical solution allows the super eco friendly ECS wood fibre board to be removed for daily cleaning (dishwasher safe) whilst the American Ash wood board just needs an occasional wipe. ECS wood fibre is heat resistant to 178°C too. PRO-DUET is available in a range of shapes and sizes to suit your menu or offering – contact our sales office for more details.

For that little extra personal touch and a small additional charge, each board can be engraved with your logo or name permanently in the middle, corner or handle. Every board includes a juice groove, but also a circular recess for your sauce pot or ramekin can be machined at no extra cost. The complete solution!

Find out more @ or call us on 01206 396688 email;

SJH Row & Sons Ltd, Block 6 Riverside Ave West, Lawford, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1UN


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2015

Property and Professional

The Holly Tree, Englefield Green, Surrey for Sale LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive community inn; the Holly Tree, situated in the highly sought after village of Englefield Green.

versatile Dining Area (circa 20+ covers). The family accommodation briefly comprises: 4 bedrooms, lounge, utility room and 2 shower rooms. There is also an enclosed Beer Garden and a Patrons Car Park. McConnell added “This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to purchase a well-established business and family home that offers untold growth potential!” Contact the Sales Agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

This delightful property features a traditional and inviting main Lounge Bar (circa 15+) and a traditional Public Bar (circa 20+) and a

Anglo Continental Placements Ltd Established recruitment agency for 20 years


South African / EU Nationals available for immediate start We supply Live in or live out candidates From all levels of staff right up to management positions We supply branded companies right through to small B&B’s We pride ourselves on reasonable rates and professional service T 01273 77 66 60 F 01273 77 66 34 (Contact Sharon/Rachel)

IN RECENT months, it’s felt like the hospitality sector has been under attack. The national living wage announcement, increasing costs, skills shortages, no reduction in VAT and high profile commentary in the media on tipping followed by a government consultation on tipping practices have all cast their shadow over the industry. Of all of these challenges, the distribution of service charges and tips on

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include:

THIS HIGHLY versatile and profitable business trading as a medieval style restaurant but with potential for incoming operators to develop their own brand and style of cuisine, is now being marketed as a going concern through licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. Redruth Meadery has traded for the past 30 years as a unique, evening only medieval style eating hall and bar close to the town centre, providing extensive restaurant areas with comprehensively equipped commercial catering kitchens and ancillary facilities. It is one of Cornwall’s most well known and unique venues, and comprises part of a former mining college believed to date back to 1864. Having been substantially refurbished and completely refitted by our clients to provide the medieval style atmos-


The Taxman Doesn't Have to Win

• Impressive barn conversion recently used • Charming and picturesque freehouse set in idyllic Kentish countryside with views over orchards and farmland • Extensive trade terraces, large gardens, restaurant and function room • Private accommodation above

as a successful bed and breakfast business. • Seven bedrooms, 5 en-suite. • Galleried landing and suspended walkways. • Beautiful gardens with stream, two paddocks and woodland extending to 3.6 acres in total.




IN THESE difficult years for the licensed trade, one factor has remained constant. HM Revenue & Customs compliance checks, reviews etc - generally known as tax investigations have continued to be directed at pubs, restaurants and cafes. HMRC knows that, even with the use of debit cards, credit cards and electronic payments, they remain predominantly cash businesses. And in the taxman's eyes, where there's cash there's potential for fiddling. So you may like to know where help can be found. We are in constant touch with Ken Anderson. Ken is a chartered accountant, with many years of experi-









Town Centre Former Pub & Nightclub Potential for Alternative Uses GIA 7,800 sq ft & 0.6 Acre Grounds Extensive Trade & Upper Floors Car Parking & Gardens

Charming Moorland B&B Honeypot Tourist Location 5 Letting Rooms, 2 Bed Private Set in 6 Acres, Meadows & Paddock Viewing Highly Recommended

Quality Licensed Restaurant Sought After Cornish Fishing Port Intimate Main Restaurant (28) Separate Bar/Pre Dinner Drinks Area (10) Trading Only 2 Evenings a Week

FH £295,000




LH £27,500





Spacious Riverside Guest House Prominent Landmark Position Guest Lounge, Bar & Dining Rooms 10 Letting Rooms. 2 Bedroom Private Riverside Gardens & Patio Area

Thriving Well Regarded Restaurant Garden Terrace Dining Area (24) 2 Restaurant Areas 40+ Self-Contained 3 Bed Owners Accom Rare Opportunity

Easy to Run Daytime Cafe Sought After Estuary Town Dining Area for 20 Customers Enclosed Rear Garden Impressive Levels of Trade & Profit

FH OIRO £425,000

LH £69,950

LH £97,500










Empty Town Centre Commercial Premises Character Licensed Restaurant 5 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Parking, Garage & Courtyard Suitable for Catering or Retail

Character Free of Tie Country Pub Main Bar Area (44+), Restaurant (30+) 5 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Beer Gardens & Car Park (50) Viewing Essential

Charming 13th Century Inn 2 Bars (55), 2 Restaurant & Function Rm 5 Letting Bedrooms, 3 Bed Private Accom Courtyard Patio & 2 Barns Plenty of Ambience & Strong Trade

LH: NIL INGOING/FH: £365,000 2031

FREE OF TIE LH:£15,000



• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

Former Mining College Unique Medieval Style Restaurant & Bar for Sale

6 Clarendon Place, King Street Maidstone. Tel (01622) 685261 LEEDS, NEAR MAIDSTONE, KENT

Storm In A Tea Cup?

credit card transactions to employees has attracted the most public attention. In particular, tronc systems, a long- established method of sharing such discretionary income have been called into question. Despite media outrage, properly run tronc systems are as ethical as they are legal. They benefit all the staff involved in delivering a great customer experience – not just those who are front of house – and employees are told how the gratuities are distributed, so it’s transparent. WMT are the UK's leading provider of tronc solutions and employee reward advice to the hospitality sector. Every year, we process over 200,000 payments to employees working for independents or groups in the hospitality sector. If you’d like advice on managing your tronc, payroll or auto enrolment requirements, contact Peter Davies, Head of Hospitality at

FH: £545,000


01392 201262

phere, it now provides an excellent operating environment specifically furnished and equipped for the style of trade currently undertaken and briefly comprises:split level ground and first floor Restaurant & Bar Areas comfortably seating 175 plus covers; substantial Commercial Catering Kitchens with associated ancillary and backup facilities. An internal inspection is highly recommended in order to fully appreciate all that this versatile business has to offer. A viewing appointment is essential in order to appreciate all that this highly versatile and highly profitable business has to offer. Stonesmith are asking £75,000 for the valuable free of tie leasehold interest. Full details can be downloaded direct from our website and viewings can be arranged by calling us on 01392 201262. ence in the catering sector. He is based near Derby, but covers the whole country. He was formerly a general accountant, specialising in pubs and catering outlets. For the past 18 years he has specialised in defending taxpayers under investigation by HMRC. Ken agrees that your normal accountant is generally well qualified, and supremely competent. But he insists that this particular area is one for the specialist. He will invariably work with your accountant's full approval and co-operation, and that of the insurer, if you are in an insurance scheme covering professional fees. Many accountants, he maintains, are secretly relieved to hand their clients' investigations over to him. So if you are in this unhappy position, why not call or email him. You will find him very friendly and approachable, and his success rate could make it one of the best contacts you have ever made. Contact Ken Anderson at Tax Investigation Services on 01332-799815, email or visit

Property and Professional No 6 Restaurant, Warwick on the Market

A LEASEHOLD Inn has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds:- No 6 Restaurant, 6 Castle St, Warwick, Warwickshire.

This unique ‘free of tie’ Restaurant has recently undergone a full refurbishment and is situated on Castle Street, Warwick, close to both Warwick Castle and the town centre. Warwick is the county town of Warwickshire and lies on the River Avon. The town attracts many visitors due

to its historic connections and the stunning Warwick Castle tourist attraction. This beautifully presented property is made up of a Ground Floor Restaurant (circa 40) and First Floor Restaurant/Function Room (circa 32). To complete the property is a well-equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen. Asking Price £19,950. New 10 Yr Private Free Of Tie Leasehold. Closed. Rent £24,000. Contact the Sales Agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Business Owners Must Not Take The Challenge Presented By Payroll Data Lightly MANY OF the country’s 1.8 million small employers approaching their pensions auto-enrolment staging dates are in danger of missing deadlines by underestimating the amount of data needed to complete the process, warns Lighthouse Group, one of the UK’s leading financial advisers. Tens of thousands of food and beverage SMEs and micro employers are now starting to grapple with the complexities of employer pension schemes for the first time. The Pensions Regulator recently stated that only 29 per cent of those staging in 2016 were fully aware of their date and only 46 per cent of those staging in 2017 were aware of their responsibilities. Pensions expert Roger Sanders, OBE, cautions business owners to familiarise themselves with the requirements and assess their business as soon as possible, even if their staging date is two years away. Roger is Managing Director of Lighthouse Group Employee Benefit, which is helping SMEs across the country meet their enrolment requirements. “Employers’ auto-enrolment duties go far beyond setting up a pension scheme and enrolling staff in it,” he said. “They must assess their workforce, work out who to enrol and decide how much they and their employees will contribute. They also need to keep records of all this information, together with any changes, all of which represents a significant amount of work for smaller employers. “However, we are finding many businesses in food and beverages lack the accurate, up-to-date information on employees vital to completing enrolment smoothly. Firms that leave their enrolment preparation too late will be in for a shock when they discover years of payroll and employee data needs to be sorted before they can properly begin.” Lighthouse advises that employers who use a payroll bureau

should ask whether their systems and software are geared up to deal with auto-enrolment, assessing if they can extract needed information easily, in a suitable format, and on a regular basis. A payroll bureau generally holds information such as an employee’s full name, their salary or wages and National Insurance number, but may not have the employee’s address and other contact details such as email, which is often held by the employer. However, under auto-enrolment all this information needs to be brought together each time an employee is paid, whether monthly, fortnightly or weekly. SMEs should begin the process at least six months before their staging date, starting with checking what data their payroll function holds and how to export it, as well as what information is missing and must be tracked down. At three months before the staging date, businesses must have a process to collate all the information needed in a suitable format and on a timely basis. Data must be in a standardised format and should cover all employees, even if they will not be enrolled automatically. Roger adds: “The data challenge doesn’t end once everything is in place. Businesses also need to run a data check for every pay period, to verify employees’ eligibility criteria, new joiners and contribution levels. This will ensure that any employees who become eligible later are enrolled, for instance because their earnings have increased or they have reached the age of 22. “Automating as much of the data gathering, collating and transmissions as possible will significantly lower both the margin for error and the overall cost to the business. Choosing a pension provider that offers locally-based support in person as well as from an administrative centre will also make all the difference. While there may be a small additional cost, being able to concentrate on running their business while knowing they are meeting the requirements, and are therefore unlikely to be fined, can make it worth every penny for SME owners.” See the advert on this page for details.

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


NEW LEASE AVAILABLE THE BLOWING STONE INN KINGSTON LISLE, WANTAGE, OXFORDSHIRE OX12 9QL • Attractive Country Inn with 3 letting bedrooms. • Picturesque village close to Lambourn Downs and 5 miles from Wantage. • New lease available free of tie.


• Spacious public areas to include 2 main bar/dining areas, conservatory dining room, commercial kitchen and large car park.

For full details please contact: Dunster & Morton on 0118 9551700 Email: 6 Southern Court, South Street, Reading RG1 4QS

Tax Investigation Services • HMRC enquiries, compliance checks, investigations etc • I am a specialist in the defence of publicans and caterers • Years of experience in the hotel, restaurant and licensed trade

Call Ken on 01332 799815 Or email:


At Maszma we have over twenty-five years of experience in furniture exports, operating out of VIETNAM and MALAYSIA. We specialise in providing contract furniture; from bedroom furniture to tables and chairs for a variety of clients including HOTELS, PUBS, RESTAURANTS, UNIVERSITIES and APARTMENT BLOCKS.

Our designs are custom-made according to the client’s specifications, and can be supplied via mail order. We use a variety of materials, from oak, beech, ash and MDF to local woods, veneers, metals and many more.


Made from solid wood, our replica London phone booths feature tempered glass windows and quality brass fittings.

Maszma Marketing Sdn Bhd (462852-H) No11a, Jalan Balakung 27/7 Taman Alam Megah Sek 27 40000 Shah Alam Selangor Malaysia Tel: 603-51915072 / 73 Fax: 603-51915076 Email: /

December 2015

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


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