CLH News #186 March 2016

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COPING WITH THE NEW £7.20ph LIVING WAGE From April 2016, all Hotel, Restaurant and Pub businesses will have to pay any staff members who are over 25 years old the new “Living Wage” which starts at £7.20ph!!! THIS WILL BE COMPULSORY - whereas the current “Living Wage” is NOT! This will be extremely difficult for all of our industry’s businesses and FATAL for some! • PERHAPS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SOME HELP AND START PLANNING FOR THIS CHANGE • WE CAN HELP YOU BY REVIEWING YOUR OVERALL WAGES STRUCTURE NOW, AND HELP YOU THROUGH ANY NECESSARY CHANGES Call David Hunter now to talk it through: Phone: 01628 487613 Mob: 07831 407984 (Est 1984) Download the new “Bowden GPCalculator” iPhone App make costing and pricing easy

March 2016

Issue 186

Food Temperature Monitoring

Hospitality Technology

Outdoor Spaces

Property and Professional

Pages 16- 17

Pages 18 - 19

Design and Refit

Page 20 - 23

Pages 24 - 27

Pages 28 - 30

Report Warns That Tax Increase Could Harm Pub and Brewing Industry A RECENT research report warns that if the Chancellor goes ahead with plans to increase beer duty in this month’s budget the consequences could severely damage the pub and brewing industry. The report by the Centre for Economics & Business Research (Cebr), commissioned by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), suggests an increase would halt by the end of the current parliament the momentum gained from three years of tax cuts, and further increases would cause a return to the alltime low in beer sales by 2020. The government’s current commitment is to raise beer duty in line with inflation. Instead of an increase, CAMRA is recommending a 1p reduction in tax and a subsequent freeze over the rest of the parliament. This, the report maintains, would trigger the creation of more jobs, an increase in investment and save more pubs from closing. The report estimates this proposal would see: • The creation of an additional 13,000 jobs in pubs and bars across the UK • An additional £75 million investment in the brewing industry by 2020 • Just under 550 pubs saved from closure Crucially, the beer and pub industry brings in £13 billion in tax revenue to the Exchequer each year and supports nearly 900,000 jobs. The report also highlights the UK pays nearly 40% of all beer duty collected in the EU, yet provides just less than an eighth of the consumption. CAMRA chief executive Tim Page, said: “This independent research from Cebr shows that any cut in beer duty is beneficial to both the entire pub and brewing industry and to the wider economy. “Without the last three cuts, beer prices would be higher and there would be fewer pubs. A fourth cut would keep the price of a pint down and keep pubs open. If the Chancellor goes ahead and increases beer duty, the danger

is that we could be placing all the benefits that have been achieved over the last three years at risk. In some cases that could mean jeopardising the existence of some breweries and pubs and the jobs of the large number of people that work for them. Crucially, it is the customer who could suffer with increased prices, a reduced choice of beers and a reduced choice of pubs to visit.” Economist at the Cebr, Sam Alderson, added: “Three consecutive cuts to duty have helped to stem the decline of the British beer industry, saving over 1,000 pubs and supporting more than 26,000 additional jobs. However, with challenges including economic uncertainty and the introduction of the National Living Wage in 2016, it is clear that a further cut in duty should be considered in order to help sustain the momentum across the beer industry.” The report follows a call in January by the chief executives of the campaign coalition calling for a cut in beer duty (CAMRA, SIBA, and the BBPA), who wrote a letter jointly to Members of Parliament urging them to support a new Parliamentary motion calling for a one penny cut in beer duty in the Budget. An Early Day Motion 919 tabled by Nigel Evans MP, and has been backed by 50 MPs from all parties highlighted the 19,000 boost in employment generated by three, one penny duty cuts in the Chancellor’s last three Budgets, as well as £1 billion in investment. Further cuts would secure jobs and lower the cost of living, the EDM says. Mike Benner, Managing Director of SIBA, said: "Three consecutive duty cuts have led to increased investment across the independent brewing sector creating new jobs and providing support for important local small businesses across the country. I hope the Chancellor will continue to drive this much needed momentum with a further duty cut in March."



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

March 2016

SAD TO SEE that chain Wetherspoon’s have scrapped Sunday roasts earlier this month. In the grander scheme of things announcing that you no longer serving Sunday roasts is not exactly earthshattering news, however, when a 900 outlet chain announces that is taking the Sunday roast off its menu it does set alarm bells ringing. Are we about to lose a EDITOR truly traditional great British dish? Apparently the great Sunday roast dates back 300 years and has been the foundation of family and pub life for decades. It is a brave step to take such a popular and traditional dish off the menu, but begs the question why? We have often run articles from Unilever Food Solutions who sponsor the roast dinner of the year competition, which was won in 2015 by Larwood and Voce Pub and Kitchen in Nottingham, who since winning the competition, saw an increase in bookings of 60%, and a 2 to three-week waiting list for Sunday roasts. In research from a mobile phone provider, we, UK consumers apparently eat our way through a staggering 1.2 billion roasts each year, and according to Unilever, the great British roast is a strong as ever in popularity One of the things we British public like about our Sunday roast is the fact that it gives us the opportunity to meet up with family and friends, and if the roast is good, so is the whole occasion. However I have had, and I’m sure we have all had them some very poor Sunday lunches and am hugely selective on where I go. I know others to who had some pretty poor experiences and finds that there are some places that they avoid even though I have not been there. I remember a year or two back vividly after a 45 minute wait being served in a very picturesque country pub a roast dinner which I would not have given to the family dog. I refused to accept it and asked my money back, and for me things have to be pretty bad for me to do that! I have recently been at a couple of tradeshows where, I am pleased to say, I get the opportunity to speak to people about business, current trends and general feedback. I made at the beginning of March a specific point of asking, although it was not an official survey, how popular Sunday roasts were, that was across pubs hotels and some restaurants. From what I can gather Wetherspoon’s loss will be their gain, Sunday roast is as popular as it ever was. It would appear from the people I spoke to that it is the ingredients which make or break Sunday post sales, provenance is a significant factor, that they are finely sliced overcooked meat and frozen veg have long since disappeared. Our expectations are for higher than they previously were, and we all look towards eating a freshly made dish as good as the one our “own mothers used to make” and if the quality isn’t right then, word quickly get around, and once busy venue becomes a half empty one. So I am pleased to see this great dish is still very much part of our tradition.

Peter Adams

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Ali Lane Published by

Healthy Innovation from Newton’s appl fizzics Launched this month Newton’s appl fizzics is a new and healthier way to enjoy soft drinks. Made from two pure ingredients – apple juice and sparkling water. There are no artificial ingredients or flavours or preservatives - the new drink is a fantastic soft drink option for the hospitality sector looking for a premium drink but with 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. The new crisp amber juice is best served chilled and is wonderfully thirst quenching when enjoyed straight from the bottle, or served over ice. It makes a delightful alternative to tonic water for a refreshing gin. The new drink is available in 330ml and 750ml bottles. For further information or stockist details contact Chris Banks

Tel: 0208 241 5779 Twitter:@Newtonsapplfizz Facebook: Newton’s appl fizzics

March 2016

Tips’ Report Should Be On the Political Menu Now, Says Unite Following last month’s parliamentary question by Labour MP Paula Sherriff, calling for a debate on the business department’s consultation on tips and gratuities, in light of the most recent service charge scandal revealed by Unite, the biggest union. Unite national officer Rhys McCarthy said: “We welcome Paula Sherriff’s parliamentary question today calling for a debate on the business department’s long overdue consultation on tips and gratuities and for raising the tips abuse at Melia Hotels International. “The business secretary Sajid Javid, made all the right noises in the heat of last summer’s tipping abuse scandal when he launched an investigation into the murky world of tips and service charges. But three months after it closed in early November we are still no closer to the much needed crack-down on dubious tipping practices. “The tipping abuse scandal rocking the country’s hospitality industry shows no signs of abating. Only last week, Unite revealed that STK London, the upmarket Steakhouse restaurant inside the five star

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


ME London Hotel, which is owned by the Melia Hotel International chain, was using the service charge to top up the salaries of four senior managers by tens of thousands of pounds- a- year each. “It is not the only restaurant or hotel to use such scandalous loopholes to cheat staff out of their tips, but Melia hotels, instead of reneging on agreements to recognise Unite, can instead honour them and work with us to end workplace abuse. “Customers are outraged to learn that their tips and service charge payments are not being paid to waiting and kitchen staff, but are used to fund everything from managers’ bonuses to breakages. Customers crave transparency, as do the minimum-waged staff who serve them, but they aren’t getting it under the current rotten system. “Javid needs to stop dragging his feet and take action to clamp down on rogue restaurant and hotel bosses. “We are calling on him to deliver his report and implement clear and mandatory rules giving staff 100 per cent ownership rights over tips with control over how they are shared out. A failure to do so will give rogue bosses free reign to continue to find ways to dip into tips.”

Female Chef Numbers Falling – Data Reveals

FEMALE CHEF numbers are falling, as data from the Office for National Statistics reveals that less than one in five chefs in the UK is a woman. Just 18.5% of chefs in the UK are women and that figure is down from the previous year, and while the number of chefs employed in the UK grew by over 20,000 last year, the number of women working as chefs has declined by 1000 in the same period. Research from hospitality recruiter, The Change Group also showed that just one in eight applicants for London chef jobs is a woman. The recruiter also undertook a survey of over 500 female chefs and found almost two in five women chefs (37%) were not planning to stay working as a chef for the foreseeable future. Craig Allen, director of The Change Group, said: “Our research shows that women chefs are really passionate about their career and have a very positive attitude to their workplace. Some women chefs even see being female as an advantage even if they are very much still in the minority in the professional kitchen. However, their numbers are clearly dwindling overall. “Over a third of the women chefs who took part in our survey are either

already planning to stop working as a chef or unsure as to what they will do. They told us the hours are too long, the pay is too low, it’s hard to juggle a family and they don’t necessarily like the working environment.” Despite the male domination, the survey revealed a mixed picture in terms of the positives of being a female chef. Whilst almost one third (32 per cent) said being a woman had affected her career negatively, around the same number think being female does not make any difference. In fact, around one in six female chefs interviewed felt being a woman is an advantage: they said they had been given more opportunities (31 per cent) and were treated with more respect (56 per cent). Whilst over half of the women chefs who took part (51 per cent) were aged between 21 and 45, the key age group for starting a family, only one in four have children. This could perhaps explain why 52 per cent said that more flexible working hours would make it easier for women to pursue their career as a chef long term, as well as career opportunities specifically designed for working mothers (66 per cent). Overall, being a female chef is seen as a good thing. When asked, a resounding 72 per cent said they would advise other women to become chefs, and 63 per cent want to work as a chef for the long term.

On-Trade Sector Needs Targeted Action To Help Address Rising Costs SPEAKING AT the Pub 16 conference, ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls has called for more targeted action to reduce costs for licensed hospitality businesses. Nicholls challenged the State of the Nation panel when asked by operators about how cuts would flow down to licensees and consumers. ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Although we are seeing attempts at a reduction in costs, beer duty for instance, many pubs and bars have simply not been able to cut prices and pass that saving on to customers. The reality is that the token gesture of a penny cut in duty, however wellintended, will be absorbed by other costs and it is these that

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need addressing above all else. “Licensed hospitality venues are facing a perfect storm of increasing wage costs, exorbitant businesses rates and real and significant beer price inflation. “Further cuts to beer duty in this year’s Budget Statement may also have the unintended effect of widening the gap between the on-trade and supermarkets not faced with such costs but still benefitting from a duty cut. We are looking at falling levels of consumption in the on-trade and an offlicence and supermarket sector that is booming. “If the Chancellor is serious about helping pubs, bars and nightclubs, then we need meaningful reform directed at a retail level to address the issue of rising costs in the ontrade.”


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Glenn Roberts Is CESA’s New Vice Chair GLENN ROBERTS is the new vice chair of CESA, the Catering Equipment Suppliers Association. His appointment follows the resignation of Steve Elliott, who has had to leave the CESA council due to a change in employment. “It was very disappointing that Steve had to step down as vice chair, but in Glenn we have a first class replacement,” says Simon Frost, chair of CESA. “Having witnessed his input into CESA as a council member and his active participation in committees, I know that Glenn is the ideal person to undertake the role.” Roberts joined the CESA council in 2013. He is a foodservice professional of considerable experience – he has been with Gram UK since 2003, and has been managing director since 2008. Since the turn of the year he has been managing director of Hoshizaki Gram UK. Before joining Gram he worked with Oneida International and Lockhart Catering Equipment. Like Simon Frost, he is passionate about the importance of training and was an early graduate of the CFSP accreditation pro-

gramme. Roberts is also a keen advocate of sustainability. “Foodservice manufacturers, suppliers and operators need to work together to build a more responsible and sustainable future for the industry,” he says. “By encouraging training, and by sharing our collective knowledge around best practice, we can ensure the success of our marketplace. “CESA is the voice of the catering equipment industry. It’s a fantastic entity, not only to communicate these messages but also to influence legislators and implement initiatives that will help us achieve our goals. I look forward to this exciting new role and I’d like to thank everyone for the support I have already received.” Simon Frost adds, “As well as warmly welcoming Glenn to his new role, I would like to take this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to Steve Elliott for his active input and achievements whilst he was my vice chair. The council hopes that he will be able to continue to work with CESA on the proposed development of the association’s educational resources.” The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

Strictly Premier League Venue For Annual Hugh Symons AV And Medhurst Tech Day

The Hugh Symons and Medhurst Technology Day is building a fine reputation across the region as the ideal platform for showcasing all business and educational centred on Audio Visual, IT and Telecoms tools on 27th April 2016 drop in from 11am through to 6pm. It’s a great opportunity to discover the value of digital signage for any business, discuss a managed ICT service, watch a 3D printer in action, play with an 84” interactive touchscreen and talk to the DCCI who will be exhibiting at

the event. Lunch is laid on, so it’s also a great networking opportunity but it’s a casual event and perfect for the clients. This year visitors can win an Apple Watch or iPad2 in a conference draw and there’s also a chance to win a tour of AFC Bournemouth’s football stadium that is now in the national spotlight. For a full list of companies on show just click on and sign up to come along, everyone is welcome. See our Advert on Page 8

Cliff House Hotel Crowned Small Hotel of the Year

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

CLIFF HOUSE Hotel in Southbourne, was named Small Hotel of the Year, sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland, at the recent 2016 Bournemouth Tourism Awards. After months of speculation and suspense, the winner was announced at the 10th annual award ceremony, hosted by Sky TV presenter Jayne Secker. The team at Cliff House Hotel were delighted to be named Small Hotel of the Year just 20 months since opening

to the public. Andrew Gosling, owner of Cliff House Hotel said ‘This award celebrates the achievements and dedication of the team here at Cliff House Hotel. We’re delighted to be starting the season with such a fantastic win.’ Des Simmons, chairman of Bournemouth’s Tourism Awards and MD of Bournecoast said: ‘This year’s event was a remarkable achievement, we had the most entries and nominations in the 10 years history of the awards.’

March 2016

Edinburgh To Introduce A Tourism Tax Aimed At Raising Up To £15 Million SCOTTISH MINISTERS are in discussions regarding a proposed devolution of powers to Edinburgh as part of a proposed £1 billion city deal, including the possibility of Edinburgh setting and collecting a visitor levy on tourism accommodation space. The Scottish Capital would become the first British destination to introduce such a levey, one which has been considered and abandoned several times before. This would see around £1 per night added to a typical hotel bill. According to reports, city leaders have said they were keen to make the new system as flexible as possible, with visitors at larger hotels theoretically paying more than those staying in smaller establishments. The proposed levy may be applied throughout the year, and increased or lowered in response to market forces and changing levels of demand. This could see the levy increased during busy periods such as the summer and winter festivals. Scottish Government officials said

there were no plans to introduce the charge. Councillor Andrew Burns, city leader, said he was hopeful that the Edinburgh deal, which includes the three Lothian councils, Fife and the Scottish Borders, would be approved as “ongoing” in Chancellor George Osborne’s March budget statement. He said: “That means it’s in the final period of negotiating the detail, we would expect finalisation in late summer or early autumn.” He added: “It’s not just infrastructure. It’s about skills and powers as well. Our deal is pretty different from Glasgow’s. Ours is a combination of infrastructure, skills and powers. [The Scottish Government] has been pretty supportive so far. One of the potential powers is the hotel, or tourist, tax.” He said: “It could be £1 or £2 per night during a quiet period, £3 or £4 when it’s busy. The levy could vary throughout the year. “It could vary in terms of who would pay it, what they would pay and when they pay. The large hotels might pay a bit extra, and the small hotels a bit less, or nothing.”

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

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Wine And Spirit Windfall Boosts Treasury By Over £200 Million ENGLISH WINE and British gin teamed up with WSTA chiefs to petition the Treasury for a 2% cut. Armed with the news that Treasury coffers were boosted by almost £200m in nine months, the united band of wine and spirit bosses put forward their case for a fairer deal for the industry. The latest figures from HMRC show that Exchequer revenue from wine, between April and December, jumped 4%, growing by a staggering £114m compared to an increase of just £59m in 2014. Spirits revenue in this period also went up 4%, or £96m, compared to a decline in revenue of £11m in 2014. At this rate wine duties are on course to reach a record breaking £4bn in a single year for the first time and spirit duties will hit £3.1bn for the first time. While the WSTA welcomed the cut in duty for spirits in last year’s budget it said more could be done to help create more jobs, encourage investment, expand exports and a secure a better deal for consumers. WSTA Chairman Denis O’Flynn and WSTA Chief Executive Miles Beale were joined by English vineyard owner Mark Driver and gin distiller Helen Chesshire to meet Treasury Exchequer Secretary Damian Hinds MP on Thursday (3 February). Mark and Helen are both shining examples of founders of start-up businesses which represent the best that Britain has to offer in the rapidly expanding production of wine and gin. The team explained that duty on a bottle of wine is £2.05, meaning that 55% of the average priced bottle goes on duty and VAT. Sparkling wine, which makes up two thirds of all English

wine production, takes an even bigger hit with duty 28% higher than still wine, adding up £2.63 per bottle. The UK has the second highest wine duty in the EU, beaten only by our neighbours Ireland. On average, when you buy a 70cl bottle of spirits, 74% or £7.26 of your money goes on duty and VAT. The UK has the fourth highest spirits duty in the EU at £7.74 per litre, even though more jobs depend on spirits here than in any other member state. Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, Miles Beale said: “The wine and spirit industry has faced difficult trading conditions over the past few years, seeing sales and revenues decline, which has impacted on its ability to create jobs and to invest. “Our ask of the Chancellor in the 2016 Budget is therefore very simple. To build on his admirable decisions at the last two March budgets, and to move away from some of the highest excise duty rates in the EU. “We are calling on the Government to cut excise duty on wine and spirit by a modest 2%. “Evidence now clearly shows that these cuts are not only popular, but have led to greater revenue for the Exchequer, more jobs, greater investment by the industry and a better deal for consumers.” Denis O’Flynn, Chairman of the WSTA and MD of Pernod Ricard, said: “The UK’s wine and spirit industry as a whole supports nearly 600,000 jobs in the UK and contributes £45bn in economic activity. “Further support for wine and spirits will bring more jobs, grow exports and allow our great British products to compete in the fiercely competitive global marketplace.”

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Healthy Innovation from Newton’s appl fizzics Time to Leave the EU? We Need a Real Debate LAUNCHED THIS month Newton’s appl fizzics is a new and healthier way to enjoy soft drinks. Made from two pure ingredients – apple juice and sparkling water. There are no artificial ingredients or flavours or preservatives - the new drink is a fantastic soft drink option for the hospitality sector looking for a premium drink but with 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. The new crisp amber juice is best served chilled and is wonderfully thirst quenching when

enjoyed straight from the bottle, or served over ice. It makes a delightful alternative to tonic water for a refreshing gin. The new drink is available in 330ml and 750ml bottles. For further information or stockist details contact Chris Banks Tel: 0208 241 5779 Twitter:@Newtonsapplfizz Facebook: Newton’s appl fizzics

Manufacturer Of Name Badges, Long Service Pins And Uniform Accessories DO YOUR name badges give your guests and staff the right impression of your Brand? Are your badges hard-wearing enough to stay looking smart? Are you getting the most efficient, friendly, fast and accurate service from your badge supplier so that your costs are cut to an absolute minimum? The true running cost of badging your staff is not just the initial unit price. A well-designed badge will look more prestigious longer than a cheap option. If your badges start to look anything less than perfect they actually undermine your Brand.

You can choose from the widest variety of economical and robust name badges and long service pins - all produced in the UK. We use the highest-quality materials, fittings and finishes, so your badges will be incredibly hard-wearing and give excellent value. Fattorini specialise in developing distinctively individual solutions unique to you. Our reputation is founded on high quality products and our excellent customer service. Having been approved suppliers to both prestigious hotel chains and small businesses for many years, a partnership with Fattorini will give you everything you need. For further information, email: Tel: 0161 748 0441 or see ad page 2.

SARAPINO BANANA SPICED DIPPING SAUCE This exotically flavourful and delicious sauce from the banana plantains across the world now welcomes interested distributors within the UK. If you want to distribute overseas please write a letter of intent to the address indicated. This is a pay in advance as you order basis: Minimum order by the bottles is 500 (glass container net. wt. 300g.) Maximum is 1,000 bottles above (glass container wt. 300g.) We have other new products coming very soon….. We still have few stocks left available per pack of 6 bottles; 300g net wt. Write to: Sarapino Foods Limited Suite 8,Lymington Business Centre Solent House Building Cannon St. Lymington Hampshire SO41 9BR Tel: 01590671221/you can also leave your message if our sales admin is busy which we will endeavour to return in order to assist you properly. Or you can email to: For the attention of Edita Robertson

WETHERSPOON’S CHAIRMAN argues that laws and key decisions should be made by national parliaments and not by the non-democratic EU

Say what you like about the euro, but it is certainly not democratic. It involves taking some of the most important economic powers of a government, the ability to set interest rates and a budget (the central controls of any economy) and transferring them to unelected apparatchiks in Europe. In fact, Wetherspoon opposed the introduction of the euro, about 15 years ago, but not really for that reason. Our observation was that the predecessor of the euro (the Exchange Rate Mechanism) had fallen apart at the seams in 1992, but not before a million UK households found themselves in ‘negative equity’, as interest rates rose to 15% in an effort to maintain the value of the pound against the Deutschmark. We concluded that fixing currencies in this manner did not work and that, if you wanted a single currency, you had to have a single government.

Sustainable There is no example in history of a sustainable currency which isn’t backed by a single government – it’s been tried a few times and has always fallen apart, leaving chaos in its wake. I was a spokesman for the ‘No’ campaign at the time – which opposed the UK’s entry into the euro. I was baffled by the fact that most of its political proponents were a middle-aged and older male elite (Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Ken Clarke, Geoffrey Howe and many others) who’d almost all been to one of Britain’s great universities, yet wished to surrender power to a non-democratic institution in Europe – what was their motivation? No one can be sure, but it was probably the instinct or emotion that the European elite (the French call them ‘les énarques’), with a strikingly similar education and background to their own, could better handle important matters of state than the great, unwashed British public, with its interfering courts, aggressive and intruding press and cantankerous population. In effect, like rulers the world over, the political elite found democracy troublesome and tiring and yearned for a European club where the great and good could rule with minimal interference.

Warnings Advocates of the euro were not confined to politicians. The chief executives of many of our biggest companies lined up to issue blood-curdling warnings of financial catastrophe if we were to stay out, and the CBI (the mouthpiece for big business) was evangelical in its support. Even the Financial Times, with énarque Richard Lambert as editor, effectively censored anti-euro views in its pro-euro fervour. As I said then, pro-euro mania was a quasi-religious project, rather than a true economic one. I took part at the time in a debate on the euro, on BBC’s Any Questions, and Michael Heseltine (an arch euro supporter) succinctly summed up the inherent view of the majority (but by no means all) of the educated elite. He stated that the future of world governments lay in

reducing the powers of national parliaments and handing them over to what he called ‘supra-national’ organisations like the EU and the UN – let’s call the supporters of this view (almost all male) the ‘supras’. In a recent Wetherspoon News article, I set out the basis of the alternative philosophy, commenting on government attempts to curb the press. This view is that all major powers should be permanently retained by national parliaments, with a free vote for everyone, a free press, free courts, freedom of speech and religion and with the church playing only a symbolic role in the constitution. Membership of international organisations, like the UN, is desirable, but law-making is reserved for the national parliament. Successful constitutions, run along these lines, exist in most of the western world and, for all of their faults, have produced by far the highest living standards of any system and by far the highest level of freedom of speech and other ‘human rights’ for their citizens – let’s call the believers in this system ‘democrats’ or ‘demos’. The main issue in most people’s mind in the ‘in or out’ EU debate is immigration.

Influx Although I personally strongly believe in the demo case, I also strongly believe that the UK has been a big beneficiary of the migration of large numbers of Europeans to this country, as, indeed, we have benefited from an influx of people from other regions of the world. The USA, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, for example, have all experienced gradually rising populations for a long time – and it’s gone hand in hand with great prosperity and the other democratic freedoms referred to above. The key issue about migration, similar to the issue about the euro, is that the debate needs to take place in each country – and the decisions regarding migration need to be made by elected parliaments in those countries. It makes no sense, in the UK, for these sensitive issues to be decided on by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels, when we’re just as capable of deciding for ourselves – after all, Americans, Australians and Singaporeans (among many others) have managed to do so by themselves. Clearly, if the UK decides to leave the EU, it would be in the economic and other interests of this country and our European neighbours to have friendly relations, strong business links, including free trade, and, I believe, free movement of labour.

Richest Norway and Switzerland, for example, two of the richest and most successful countries in the world, are not in the EU, but EU countries have an open trading relationship with them, and citizens from both of those countries can live and work in the UK, needing only a passport or identity card. A very small number of people have said that economic issues like the euro and philosophical issues concerning democracy should not be discussed in a magazine like Wetherspoon News. This can’t be right, since good decisions require debate. Who wants important decisions made behind closed doors by knowalls? Perhaps readers will disagree with these views, or perhaps not… I’ve told you what I think, but who cares? The important issue is what you think. Are you a supra or a demo? Decision time is nigh – or, as those hard-rocking Eurovision songsters Bucks Fizz memorably put it, it’s time for ‘making your mind up’.

Tim Martin, Chairman of Wetherspoons

Records Set For Inbound Tourism to the UK In 2015

NEW FIGURES show that 2015 set a new record for inbound tourism to the UK with 35.8 million visits, four per cent up on 2014 and the sixth consecutive year of growth.

Comparing growth over the last five years shows that there were six million more visits in 2015 than 2010, an increase of 20%. Visitors spent £21.8 billion in the UK last year in line with 2014’s record breaking figure. When considering spending for December only last year, a new record was set with overseas visitors spending £1.7bn, up 1% on December 2014. Tourism Minister David Evennett said: “Tourism is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries, and attracting more international visitors to our shores is not only important for the sector but for the nation’s whole economy. “These record figures show how our incredible mixture of stunning countryside, world-class sport, historic buildings and thriving cities continue to be a major draw for tourists.” VisitBritain Director Patricia Yates said: “This growth is really fantastic news for the UK economy and shows we’re on track to realise our ambition to grow international visits by more than 20% to 42 million by 2020, which could see an additional £4.5 billion in visitor spend, as well as driving tourism across all our nations and region so its benefits are felt across the whole of Britain.” Visits from North America, which includes Canada and the USA, the latter the UK’s most valuable tourism source market, showed growth of 8% last year compared to 2014, with 3.9m visits. It was a record year for visits from the high volume EU15

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

markets, with a 2% increase on 2014 to 19.9m visits. A record was also set for visits from the ‘Rest of the World’ with 5.6m, a 6% increase on 2014. Regarding the types of journeys made, record results were seen in the number of holiday visits to the UK with 13.7m visits, 1% up on 2014, as well as those visiting friends and relatives, 10.5m, up 7% on 2014. Visits for business increased 6% on 2014 with 8.7m visits and people coming for other reasons, defined by the International Passenger Survey as miscellaneous journey purposes, was up 5% on 2014 with 2.9m visits. VisitBritain’s international marketing campaigns have been promoting the nations and regions of Britain with a global ‘Countryside is GREAT’ campaign running in 2015 to boost visits to more locations across the country by highlighting the beauty of the countryside and rural landscape. The campaign’s success can be seen in improvements in international perceptions of the UK’s ‘natural beauty,’ a traditionally less lauded attribute, which reached new heights coming inside the top 20 global ranking for the first time, taking 18th spot out of 50 nations in a 2015 nations branding survey. Latest forecasts from VisitBritain show that the growth in visitor numbers is set to continue this year with 36.7million visits expected in 2016. In spite of the strength of Sterling, spending by overseas visitors is predicted to reach almost £23bn in 2016. Tourism is Britain’s seventh largest export industry and third largest service sector. The industry is also a major job creator, for example every 22 additional Chinese visitors that come to Britain create an additional job in the sector. Inbound tourism is worth more than £26 billion to the UK economy.

BHA Calls for Greater Transparency on Letting Sites Such As Airbnb

THE BRITISH Hospitality Association (BHA) has said that whilst it welcomes the opportunities the sharing economy brings to owners letting their homes from time to time but is concerned about the lack of transparency of data from home sharing websites and the ‘illegal hotels’ using such platforms to circumvent regulations and tax. ‘Sharing’ has become big business with ‘hosts’ acting as ‘landlords’ in all but name. The difference between rents charged for long-term compared to short-term lets is extremely high, creating strong economic incentives for short-term letting. Single owners in London let multiple properties and are able to operate with minimal overheads by avoiding health and safety, food safety and planning regulations. There is little data available from online platforms. In London it is estimated that last year up to 39.8% of Airbnb hosts were letting more than one property, with some letting as many as a hundred but figures are not available from the home sharing websites themselves. The BHA is calling for greater transparency of these intermediary websites, regulation and enforcement of health and safety and food standards, as well as compliance with the maximum 90 days a year letting allowed in London, without planning permission. The BHA proposes that platforms

restrict hosts from letting beyond 90 days and notify the relevant authorities (HMRC, local government) of hosts letting entire or multiple properties. The BHA has set out 6 questions that it believes would support greater transparency and provide a more robust assessment of the impact of intermediary websites such as Airbnb on tourism, tax, housing and communities in London. • Of a total of Airbnb’s 24,100 London hosts, how many last year rented more than one property and how many multiple landlords operated more than one property or a portfolio of accommodation via this intermediary website? • What is the impact of sharing accommodation sites like Airbnb on prices of rental stock in London? • How much did Airbnb’s top 100 hosts earn last year? • How many entire properties on Airbnb in London were let for more than 90 days last year? • Enforcement of health and safety regulations is essential to protect guests. Will platforms provide details of properties available for short lettings so that inspections, such as fire safety, can be more easily carried out? • Will the extended power of HMRC to request information from intermediaries such as home sharing platforms present an opportunity for greater transparency on the part of platforms? • If 29% of Airbnb guests are businesses, what compliance does Airbnb provide for sustainable supply chain and travel security?

If you have any interesting news articles that would be of interest to our readers please email us at



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Britons Divided Over Use of Robots in Hotels

BRITISH TRAVELLERS are completely divided in their acceptance of robots being used in the travel and tourism industry, according to a new study on the global acceptance of robots and artificial intelligence. The study shows that Chinese and Brazilian consumers are the most optimistic about the benefits of robots featuring as part of their holiday experience, but British respondents were less convinced. Exactly 50% said they found robots frightening, and almost two thirds expressed concern about handing over responsibilities to machines. Travelzoo a global media commerce company, conducted the research as part of a project exploring consumer acceptance of robots in the travel and tourism industry. Robots are still new to the travel industry – the majority of robots globally are being employed in manufacturing, research and development and by the military. Early adopters include large hotel chains such as Marriot International, who have a robot called Mario in a customer-facing role at the Marriot in Ghent, Belgium. Starwood hotels also have a butler robot and a hotel in Japan has Toshiba’s ‘communication android’ Chihira Aico welcoming guests. Cruise companies and airports are also starting to use robots. The Travelzoo survey revealed that British consumers expressed a preference for being greeted by a human receptionist in a hotel, with 86% preferring a human over a robot in this role. Opinion shifted, however, if the robot receptionist were able to handle questions more accurately and process more information than its human equivalent – 52% would choose a robot over a human in this scenario. Nearly

three quarters of UK respondents also believe robots have better memories than humans, can process data faster and are better at learning multiple languages. Commenting on the survey findings, Mr. Singer said, “Right now is a very exciting moment in the history of the travel industry – ground breaking technology is revolutionising what is possible from the perspective of customer service, entertainment and personalisation. Robots and artificial intelligence are making their debut on the tourism stage, and our research into global acceptance of robots working in the travel industry shows that consumer acceptance is generally high for this form of technology. “It was fascinating to see some cultural stereotypes emerge from the research into global acceptance of robots. The UK participants feared the famous British sense of humour would be lost on robots and the French were the least willing to replace their waiters with robots – even if a human waiter was much less efficient than a robot! “While the advent of technology such as robot butlers and bartenders is hugely exciting, it’s also very clear from our research that consumers from all markets surveyed believe the ideal solution for the travel industry would be robots and humans working in tandem in customer-facing roles.” Professor Stephen Page of Bournemouth University (one of the leading global authorities on travel and tourism) said, “Robots represent a major innovation to the tourism sector, and their potential impact and use offers many new avenues to enhance and develop the visitor experience of travel and hospitality. Understanding how consumers will embrace and interact with this new technology will be critical to their adoption and dissemination in an industry that is one of the market leaders in the use of technology.”

Colshaw Hall Adds Chalet Pods from Green Eco Living

EXCLUSIVE WEDDING Venue Colshaw Hall, Cheshire has just taken delivery of Two Windermere Chalet Pods from Green Eco Living.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

Colshaw Hall a 300 acre estate Grade II listed exclusive wedding venue in Cheshire has recently taken delivery of Two Chalet Pods as a way to increase their accommodation. They choice the top of the range Windermere Chalet Pod which includes a top spec Kitchenette and will have an outside decking area for people to sit out on warm summer evenings. This will make the Chalets not only extra accommodation but that little bit more special for guests. With 300 acres of land around the main home the owners see Green Eco Living’s Chalet Pods as a way to increase the amount of accommodation without affecting the history and feel of the main house which is listed. But with ever larger wedding taking place at the venue the amount of onsite accommodation was becoming an issue that needed to be addressed to maximise the return on ever event and of course improve the experience for the guest, step forward Green Eco Living and our Chalet Pods. Although they have ordered only two to begin with, they are already looking

to the future and further ordered to increase accommodation to meet the anticipated demand. The Chalet Pods are to be housed in a secluded wooded area on the estate giving the guests privacy from the main house, this in time may well become a separate area within the estate. Green Eco Living’s Chalet Pods are unique in that they are fully insulated as well as being double glazed, contain full ensuite not a wet room and with the option of a kitchenette. You can also include wardrobe space if you wish. The Chalet Units come in a number of different sizes and layouts which can always be tweaked to suit individual requirements. Green Eco Living had developed the most thermally friendly, efficient Chalet Pod on the market in the UK. Not only are the walls insulated, but also the ceiling and floor. Based in Lancashire, Green Eco Living is a leading provider of Chalet and Camping Pods who also offer Boutique Hotel Rooms and Garden Rooms for the every space. These are built on site so can be used when access is an issue. For more information on Green Eco Living and our product range, visit the website, call the office on 01257 453 791 or email

Stay In A Pub Supports English Tourism Week STAY IN A PUB, the website promoting more than 1,500 pubs with rooms, is getting behind English Tourism Week with a menu of promotional ideas for its member pubs to make the most of the week, running from 5-13 March. All pubs listed on the Stay In A Pub website are being urged to capitalise on the event. Suggestions include a ‘book 2 nights, get a 3rd free’ deal; holding an English food and drink showcase event with local suppliers and partnering with local attractions to drive bookings. Stay In A Pub founder Paul Nunny said, “English Tourism Week is a great opportunity for pubs to promote themselves and benefit from the additional interest in tourism created by VisitEngland. It’s not necessarily about pubs doing anything new, but using this week, which comes at the start of the 2016 holiday booking season, to shout about what they offer to potential guests. All activity that we’re told about by our member pubs will be publicised on the Stay In A Pub and English Tourism Week websites, with links to their own websites to generate additional traffic.

“A visit to the great British pub is near the top of every tourist’s ‘must do’ list when they holiday in the UK, which is a great basis for encouraging more of them to stay in a pub as well. “ Stay In A Pub is also co-hosting an ALMR roundtable discussion on pub accommodation, held immediately after English Tourism Week, on 15 March, where VisitEngland will present early findings from the week and lead broader discussion among pub operators about accommodation. Prospects for the pub accommodation sector are looking bright for 2016, according to a number of industry sources. VisitBritain predicts 36.7 million overseas tourists will visit the UK in 2016, spending up to £23 billion (both increases of around 4% on 2015). At the same time, analysts Morgan Stanley expect more UK consumers to ‘staycation’ rather than travel abroad this summer. Specifically to the pub accommodation sector, the Scottish Licensed Trade Association has reported that 77% of outlets with accommodation either grew their room occupancy or remained stable over the Christmas and New Year period.

Brits Woeful Food Knowledge Revealed In New Survey A SURPRISING number of Brits think an ‘aperitif ’ is an after-dinner drink and ‘al dente’ refers to eating outside, according to a new survey by restaurant chain Chef & Brewer. Almost one in five (17%) Brits failed to identify that ‘al dente’ actually means retaining bite and 14% thought an ‘aperitif’ is a pre-dinner tipple. The same number also believed a ‘blue steak’ meant comes with a blue cheese sauce rather than its true meaning – rare. The survey of 1,500 Brits also uncovered that almost half (43%) havr tried to impress their friends with their knowledge of food and wine, and a confident 91% consider themselves to be knowledgeable about food. A further 69% also professed to appreciating food wines – and 79% said that good food and wine was ‘an important part

of their life’. Despite this, fewer than half of Brits (49%) managed to identify Prosecco as a sparkling wine and 13% thought the Italian drink originated from Spain, whilst 8% said it was from England. Caroline Gallimore, brand manager for pub restaurant chain Chef & Brewer, which commissioned the study, said: “Many of us pride ourselves on our knowledge of food and drink, but it seems we’re not as clued up as we like to think we are! “We were particularly surprised to see that fewer than half of Brits knew Prosecco was a sparkling wine, given its huge surge in popularity in recent years.” Other shocking findings included 4% of Brits thinking the Yorkshire pudding originated in Scotland, rather than… Yorkshire. Whilst, 5% thought the Scottish institution haggis was an English dish, and 6% thought trendy veg Kale was actually an exotic fruit.

Sugar Tax Could Reduce Obesity Rates By 5% in UK By 2025 A NEW report from Cancer Research UK and the UK Health Forum has revealed that a 20% tax on sugary drinks could reduce obesity rates in the UK by 5% by 2025, which is equal to 3.7 million fewer obese people. The study, entitled ‘Short and sweet: why the Government should introduce a sugary drinks tax’, also predicts that the tax could save the NHS about £10 million in healthcare and social care costs in 2025 alone. Alison Cox, Cancer Research UK’s director of cancer prevention, said: “There are a lot of things working against us when it comes to making healthier choices. “We’re all bombarded by junk food advertising of cheap foods packed with extra calories and it can be tough for parents do what’s best for their children. “The Government has a chance to help reduce the amount of sugar consumed by adults and children and to give future

generations the best chance of a healthier life.” To help reduce the impact obesity has on society, Cancer Research UK is calling on the Government to act now and put a tax on sugary drinks, ban junk food adverts on TV before the 9pm watershed, and introduce targets for reducing the amount of fat and sugar in food as part of a comprehensive strategy. Jane Landon, UK Health Forum’s deputy chief executive, said: “Countries which have introduced a tax on sugary drinks have not only reduced consumption, they have raised much-needed revenues for public health measures. “These figures indicate that even a modest tax at 20 per cent – as part of a society-wide response – could help to deliver the scale and pace of change needed to turn around the UK’s crisis of obesity-related ill-health.” The report notes that 3.7 million is equivalent to the combined populations of Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Bristol and Leicester.

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Don't Be Hospitable to Fraudsters by Nigel Hyslop, President and Managing Director of Global Payments CHANGING HABITS and technological innovation are having a profound impact on the way we pay, as consumers realise the benefits of alternative payment methods such as Contactless and mobile. As a result, firms operating in the catering and licensing industry need to consider how to accommodate shifting customer demands as more and more payment options become available. For example mobile payments is an area that is primed for growth, with the increasing availability of technology in this area through smartphones. The swift adoption of mobile technology by generation Y (although we fully expect the demographic adoption to continue to widen in the future), could potentially present caterers and licensees with a customer base that is highly engaged and ready to adopt new technology when it comes to alternative payment methods. As a result businesses should consider updating their card terminals in order to accept near-field communication technology which allows acceptance of Contactless and mobile payments. However, any organisation that accepts card payments must be cognisant to the potential for fraud and related criminal behaviour. Card fraud and data theft are a growing problem as fraudsters become ever more sophisticated, and stories about criminals targeting both companies and individuals to obtain the sensitive information contained in credit and debit cards are becoming more frequent. In 2014 it was estimated that the annual cost of all types of fraud in the UK was between £52 billion and £85 billion. However, fraud against plastic cards accounted for 30% of all frauds and they were the product most targeted by fraudsters in 2013 (1). So before deciding to accept card payments for the first time or expanding the range of ways that your customers can pay, it makes sense to do your homework about your business - how it operates, the staff you employ, the products and services you provide and the types of customers you serve. This intelligence will help you detect when something doesn't seem right. It's also important to keep in mind that it's not just financial fraud that can be committed as a result of

accepting card payments. The data stored in cards can be extremely valuable to criminals – in the right hands, it can have more worth than cash - and so data theft is a growing problem. Criminals continue to develop ever more sophisticated methods to gain access to cardholder details and other relevant data. It is therefore really important to stay up to date with card security to ensure that payment systems are safe, in order to protect cardholder data when processing card payments. This is where the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard – or PCI DSS – steps in. PCI DSS is a set of globally agreed compliance standards for any retailer or service provider who processes, stores or transmits cardholder data. It is designed to provide a framework for minimising fraud and safeguarding your customer’s data. The principles of PCI DSS mean that small catering and licensing businesses are held to the same security standards as large organisations. This is important as it means that regardless of how a customer pays, their card information must be treated with the equivalent level of care, irrespective of the size of the establishment. The positive news is that compliance is usually inexpensive, if undertaken correctly. However, if you fail to comply with PCI DSS requirements, you run the risk of being subject to a “breach” (a leak of data) resulting in large fines – starting at £10,000. Of even greater concern is the reputational damage and impact on the loyalty of customers that can result from cards being compromised. Catering and licensing businesses need to be alert to the potential of fraudulent card use that can arise from criminals using stolen cards and data. Card processors can provide a checklist of steps to take if you are concerned about the authenticity of a card, such as calling them for additional authorisation, or requesting proof of address if you are particularly suspicious. Accepting a stolen card can lead to the genuine cardholder ‘disputing’ the transaction with their card issuer. If you have undertaken the right steps in advance to verify the card, your card processor will help you defend this dispute. This is why carrying out security checks when suspicious is imperative. Keep in mind however, that if it's a Chip & PIN transaction, you will not be liable for fraudulent transactions. At a time when consumers are looking to cut their use of cash, payment processors can offer the catering and licensing sector flexible and innovative solutions that can increase spend and drive loyalty. But the sector mustn't let heightened concerns about card fraud and data theft undermine this opportunity. 1 CIFAS Fraudscape March 2014

What Happens To Your Business If The Till Stops Ringing?

Mark Rigby, MD of UK Powertech, specialists in industrial and commercial batteries, has been aware for some time that small businesses aren’t adequately prepared for a power cut. Larger organisations have contingency plans, but retail operations such as off-licenses, bars and small independent caterers would be severely hit financially by regular power outages. Using their expertise UK Powertech set about developing BlackCurrent, a safe, easy to install emergency power unit which will provide power for a minimum of two hours to run essential electronic equipment needed to keep the lights on, the internet connected (essential for card readers) and tills operational. BlackCurrent stores electricity from the mains till it detects a break in the power it then seamlessly goes into action taking over the power demands be it for lights, tills or computer. The unit itself can either be plugged into an ordinary electrical socket and equipment can be plugged directly into it, or it can be connected to the mains creating a separate emergency circuit to feed critical electronic equipment.

Further information and technical data can be found on

Contact UKPowertech Ltd, Countess Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancs OL6 6UE Tel: +44-(0)161-343-7606 for sizes, prices and shipping.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

72 Percent Back Cut Or Freeze In Beer Duty CALLS FOR more action to tackle Britain’s high rates of beer duty are popular with the general public, according to a poll from YouGov for the BBPA, as reported in the Sun on Sunday – 72 percent support either a cut or freeze in beer duty to support pubs, with just 18 per cent supporting a tax rise to raise extra money for the Government. The BBPA has released the poll findings, which also shows that one-in-three people surveyed (37%) believe the amount of beer tax we pay in Britain is unfair, compared with just one in five (20%) who think it is fair. The remainder did not know or felt it was neither fair nor unfair. Those who believe beer tax is unfair compared to fair, rises among older age groups and those living in the Midlands/Wales and North of England – over 40 per cent among these groups believe beer tax in Britain is unfair compared to under 20 per cent who think it is fair.

There is also some lack of knowledge regarding UK beer tax rates compared to elsewhere in Europe. UK beer duty rates are on average three times higher than EU rates, and 13 times higher than in the largest beer market, Germany. Whilst 57 per cent correctly believe UK beer tax is higher than in most countries in Europe, 18 per cent believed it was the same or less, and one-quarter stated they did not know. Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments: “This new poll shows the public understands how important pubs are to local people, and how a penny off a pint is the simplest and best way to give pubs a boost. “George Osborne has been in tune with the public so far, with his three beer tax cuts saving pubgoers millions. He can keep up the good work, with another penny off a pint in the Budget.” The poll was conducted by YouGov using a sample size of 1,736 adults, with fieldwork taking place on 21st and 22nd January, 2016.

Woman Sues Pub for £4 Million Following Trip in Beer Garden A WOMAN has won the right to sue for £4.2m in the Appeal Court after she was hurt when she tripped over a low-lying beer garden marker rope at a Notting Hill gastropub. Carmen Mazo tripped in the beer garden of The Westbourne in Notting Hill and badly fractured her wrist in 2009. She was in 2013 awarded £156,871 after the pub operators admitted liability, however Ms Mazo now claims further and substantial compensation citing that the accident has destroyed her career and left her with unsightly scars and arthritis, as well as having a “devastating” impact on her mental health and social life.

According to a report in a daily newspaper Ms Mazo says she would expect to earn £700 a day as a human resources consultant, but the accident caused her to leave her career and any return to work now would mean starting at the “bottom of the ladder” if she retrained for a new job. After the fall she was off work for months and then gave up her job completely three years later. At a county court hearing, Judge Heather Baucher rejected her claim to £4.2m finding the injury was not serious enough to justify ending her career, however, Lord Justice Laws has ruled she is “entitled” to have the loss-of-career claim examined in court.

Norfolk Pub Delivers First Class Service to Villagers

VILLAGERS IN the Norfolk village of Eaton can now visit their local pub for a pint – and to post parcels – at the Cellar House, in Eaton Street.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

It comes after residents voted overwhelmingly in support of the project, following news that their local postmaster would retire, forcing closure of the local branch – and it was publican Victoria MacDonald’s initial interest in taking on the local Post Office that helped her win the national prize at Enterprise Inns’ 2015 Community Heroes Awards. She said: “We’re so pleased to have taken on what is ultimately an invaluable service in the community. Our local branch officially closed the day before ours opened, so nobody went a day without a post office. “In its new location, visitors benefit from longer opening hours, in addition to improved parking, on-site toilets and baby-changing facilities. What’s more, they can grab a drink and a bite, too.” The bulk of the project has been funded by the Post Office, with help from organisation Pub is The Hub,

which helps pubs looking to broaden their community services. Pub is The Hub advisor Terry Stork said: “The new facility at The Cellar House extends the pub’s important role in the community, and I’m sure everyone would like to thank the Post Office for having the confidence to back this project. We are, of course, delighted to have helped, and have presented Victoria with a Pub is The Hub plaque, in recognition of her investment in local people. “Not only has she taken on the Post Office, but she helps cycling and knitting clubs, offers support to disabled visitors, and sponsors local football and cricket teams, as well as various other charity events.” The new Post Office at The Cellar House opens from 10am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 6pm on Fridays, 9.30am to 6pm on Saturdays, and 9.30am to 12pm on Sundays. A comprehensive range of services will be available, including: standard postal services, bill payments, car tax, foreign currency, transfers and One4all gift cards.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Make Pub, Restaurant And Cinema Chains Show Norfolk Pubs Provide Dementia-Friendly Lunches Calorie Counts Say Councils THE GOVERNMENT should make it a requirement for pub, restaurant and cinema chains to spell out calorie content in food and drink, as part of its upcoming child obesity strategy, councils say. Chains with more than 20 outlets need to clearly display calorie counts on menus and at counters to give consumers more informed choice, according to the Local Government Association (LGA), which represents more than 370 councils. Councils, which have responsibility for public health, say that making people more aware of how many calories they are eating and drinking will help beat the nation’s obesity crisis. Some retailers have already introduced calorie counts, but others need to step up, says the LGA. The call follows a similar initiative in the US, where rules were brought in making it compulsory for chain restaurants, movie theatres and pizza parlours across the country to show calorie information on their menus. A successful calorie count scheme has been running in New York since 2008 and has the backing of the city’s restaurant industry. Council leaders want the Government to take bold and

brave decisions to tackle child obesity, as part of its strategy. Latest figures show the need to take urgent action, with three and a half million children obese – one in five 10 and 11-year-olds and one in 10 four and five-year-olds. Obesity in children can lead to major health conditions later in life, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Cllr Izzi Seccombe, the LGA’s Community Wellbeing spokesperson, said: “Pub, restaurant and cinema chains need to be displaying calorie counts so consumers and parents have a more informed choice and a better understanding of how healthy a particular snack, meal or drink is. “Food and drink with high calorie content is clearly a factor behind obesity, and the subsequent health problems it can cause. “We want the Government to require major retailers to make their customers fully aware of how many calories they are eating or drinking. “Clear and prominent signs indicating the number of calories in a product should be mandatory. “We need to take bold action in changing our environment if we are to beat obesity, and that includes when we’re sitting at a table in a restaurant reading a menu or ordering at the counter.”

Winterhalter Is First Catering Equipment Manufacturer To Attain Carbon Footprint Label

WHILE ENERGY saving is a headline story, drivers like corporate social responsibility, consumer demand for sustainability and concern around carbon emissions are leading major foodservice operators to focus on the big picture – how to reduce their impact on the environment and underline their green credentials. Commercial kitchens are significant consumers of energy and other resources. While energy labelling under the Ecodesign Directive will tell buyers how energy efficient a piece of equipment is, it won’t tell them its lifetime costs. Or its carbon footprint. In order to make a truly informed decision, and to enhance their environmental credentials, foodservice operators will need to know these figures – which is where the Carbon Trust’s expertise in footprinting comes in. Winterhalter is the first catering equipment company to achieve carbon footprint certification through the Carbon Trust. This has been supported by the development of a new tool, meaning that buyers can use a simple calculator to compare the lifetime carbon footprint and expected energy costs of any Winterhalter model, based on

their anticipated levels of actual use. “This is a big step forward for any foodservice business that wants to know and show its impact on the environment,” says Dominic Burbridge of The Carbon Trust. “Companies understand better than ever before that when purchasing equipment they need to take into account the total life cost, including its energy efficiency, which allows them to make meaningful comparisons as to the real value of their investment. “Winterhalter’s initiative in obtaining certification and developing a whole life tool will also be a big help to foodservice operators that want to reduce their own carbon footprint, as they can take action based on the warewasher figures from the calculator.” The Carbon Trust worked with Winterhalter over 18 months to develop the calculator. In order to ensure it accurately predicts the life cycle carbon footprint and energy use, it incorporates a wide range of factors: from manufacturing and transport, through warehousing and distribution, to energy use and total operating consumption. For more information on The Carbon Trust’s activities visit

THE CHEQUERS at Feltwell in Norfolk opened the doors for its first ‘dementia-friendly’ pub lunch earlier this month for dementia sufferers to attend with their carers, family and friends.

The aim of the lunches is to provide the welcoming atmosphere of a pub that is fully accessible and neutral in décor. Dementia awareness training is available but not compulsory. Having heard of the dementia friendly scheme the owner of The Chequers, Jeremy Holmes, felt it would benefit the Feltwell community and the surrounding areas to provide a regular dementia friendly lunch. These will now take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 12-2pm and will include a two-course meal for £6.50 followed by table top activities for those that would like to participate. Jeremy said: “Our first lunch wasn’t that well attended but we are hoping that numbers will rise as we raise awareness and we already have firm interest for the next one on 2nd March. If successful we will offer any types of activity

requested such as card or board games, a tea dance or even a film. We are open to ideas.” The Chequers in Feltwell follows the launch of two Dementia friendly pub lunches in West Norfolk last year at the Chequers in Wimbotsham and the Anvil in Congham. Both these pubs are well attended with positive customer feedback and regular bookings. Gemma Liczbinski, Development Worker for Adult Social Services at Norfolk County Council said: “The idea behind the dementia-friendly pub lunches is to support and empower individuals to regain part of their lives that is missing to maximise their wellbeing. Many couples living with dementia find it difficult to have enjoyable social outings together and most breaks from the home are to a day centre or dementia café. Whilst both offer brilliant respite neither were providing the couple with time together in an informal relaxed way. “The pubs we are working with have shown great support for the scheme; a willingness to look into dementia awareness training and to hold information on Alzheimer’s Society and Age UK to provide further support where needed.”

Pub Chef Of The Year Winners Announced!

CELEBRATIONS ARE in order for two of the UK’s best pub chefs – Milan Hukal from Grundisburgh (above with George Vezza from Nestle Professional), nominated by Dr Daniel Poulter MP and Robert Yuill, from Dundee, nominated by Chris Law MP. The pair took the spotlight last night (23rd Feb), as they were crowned winners at the Parliamentary Pub Chef of the Year Awards, held at the House of Commons. Run by the British Beer & Pub Association and the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group, in partnership with Nestlé Professional, the event was a huge success with over 100 selected attendees from the education, media and pub industry including celebrity chef and judge, Paul Merrett, and DEFRA Minister, George Eustice MP. The festivities took place from 7pm to 9pm, with guests enjoying canapés and a selection of beers from seven different brewers, whilst eagerly awaiting the results. Over 120 nominations were received from MPs around the country who selected a pub chef from within their constituency for the inaugural awards. The competition was intense, making for an onerous task of whittling the nominees down to four finalists in each of the two categories. A cook-off was staged in January where each of the finalists had the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and flair in presenting a dish to the select panel of judges. Each then undertook an interview. The tension has been mounting in the run-up to the results. First up was Young Pub Chef winner, Robert Yuill, nominated by Chris Law MP (Dundee West) for his skill

and food at the D’Arcy Thompson, Dundee presented by Andrew Griffiths MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group. He was followed by the Pub Chef category winner, presented by George Eustice MP which went to Milan Hukal, who was nominated by Dr Daniel Poulter MP (Central Suffolk and North Ipswich) for his chef skills at the Dog Inn, Grundisburgh, In the cook-off, which took place at Fuller’s The Vintry pub in London, Robert wowed the judges with a delicious venison dish, while Milan cooked brill with razor clams, which were perfectly seasoned and well balanced. You can see a video of the cook-off here. Milan said: “It feels absolutely amazing to win, I honestly didn’t expect it. This is the first award I’ve ever won, I can’t exactly tell you, but this was something that I didn’t realise I can do and I did, I just genuinely tried my best.” Robert said, “Everybody was very, very good I’m sure the competition is going to do well for the industry in years to come and I’m sure it will benefit me and everybody involved in the future – delighted, delighted! I just wasn’t expecting to win. The kind of recognition this competition offers is exactly what I think people need to get the importance of pub chef’s and attract more and more talent to the industry.” Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive, British Beer & Pub Association: “The huge response to our Pub Chef competition from MPs has been a real inspiration, and we’ve enjoyed so many amazing dishes from our great pub chefs. There is already huge talent in the sector, and we must work with MPs, local colleges and the whole pub sector to ensure that the next generation of pub chefs has the skills, support and opportunities to take the sector even further.”

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March 2016

VisitEngland Reveals Awards For Excellence 2016 Winners VisitEngland, the national tourist board revealed the winners for the Awards for Excellence 2016 at its 27th annual ceremony held at Winter Gardens Blackpool. Celebrating excellence across the industry, the prestigious ceremony - held for the first time this year during English Tourism Week - announced 16 winners including Best Tourism Experience, Best Visitor Attraction and Best Large Hotel and this year’s new edition, the Best Dog Friendly Business. Award winners announced at the ceremony included: • Hoe Grange Holidays, Matlock, Derbyshire – Access for All Award • Trevose Harbour House, St Ives, Cornwall – Bed & Breakfast/ Guest Accommodation Award • Higher Wiscombe, Colyton, Devon – Dog-Friendly Business Award • The Whitworth, The University of Manchester, Manchester - Large Visitor Attraction Award • Yorebridge House, Bainbridge, North Yorks - Small Hotel Award

• Livingstone Lodge Overnight Safari Experience, Ashford, Kent Tourism Experience Award • The Fleece Inn, Bretforton, Worcestershire - Tourism Pub Award This year’s Awards featured 80 finalists: 16 Gold winners, 17 Silver winners, 16 Bronze winners and 31 Highly Commended were selected from over 400 entries which represented acclaimed tourism businesses throughout England. Winners were selected by a panel of tourism industry experts chaired by VisitEngland Board Member and Chief Executive of Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, John Hoy. Sally Balcombe, CEO of VisitBritain and VisitEngland said: “The VisitEngland Awards for Excellence – this year hosted at the magnificent Winter Gardens Blackpool – celebrate English tourism champions. These awards are the highest accolade in the industry, recognising the world class tourism experiences that can be found throughout England. As ever competition has been fierce, with winners from the regions coming through to compete at a national level so my congratulations to all our winners, especially the Gold Award winners who are the standard bearers for English tourism.” For a full list of winners see

Hospitality Industry in Crisis As Too Few Young People Opt For a Career as A Chef The hospitality industry is in crisis because too few young people are choosing a career as a chef, the Culinary Association of Wales president has warned. Arwyn Watkins is concerned not only about a shortage of people entering the industry but also about the high dropout rate after learners have completed their further education courses. As managing director of award winning training provider Cambrian Training Company based in Welshpool, he is acutely aware of issues facing the hospitality industry. He says the crisis is making headlines not just in Wales and the UK but across North Europe and North America. “I believe that this is no longer a skills shortage but a people shortage,” he told the Welsh International Culinary Championships (WICC) awards dinner. “Not enough individuals are taking this industry as a serious career choice. Even when they have made that career choice, not enough are progressing on to the industry on completion of further education.

“This is an industry that is very important to the future of the Welsh economy and we need to work with partners in Wales to ensure that we can increase the uptake of our industry as a career choice. “We have to work with employers to share best practice on work life balances and the changing dynamics and expectations of the workforce. No longer can our industry survive on goodwill. We all have to think differently if we are to secure a sustainable workforce. Not an easy ask but necessary.” He congratulated everybody involved in the WICC for highlighting what an exciting industry it is and revealed that a Culinary Association of Wales member will be working more closely and effectively with post 16 learning providers in Wales in the future. Deputy Minister for Farming and Food Rebecca Evans, a guest at the awards dinner, said she was passionate about raising the profile of rewarding and exciting careers in the food and tourism industries in Wales. She outlined the aims of the Welsh Government’s Food and Drink Wales Action Plan to grow the food and drink sector, which she described as the “rising star of the Welsh economy”, by 30 per cent to £7 billion by 2020.

They Asked For More… Littlepod Vanilla!

Our LittlePod Vanilla Beer is back, with another special limited edition. Forget 330ml it is now 500ml at the same price! All our feedback from the first edition said “we want more vanilla”. The smooth, creamy, velvet taste is the same with a touch more LittlePod vanilla. Previously our beer was selected by the All-Party Beer Committee to accompany their coffee panna cotta for the Chairman’s Dinner at the House of Commons. It is the perfect dessert beer. So much so, we are planning to put a

bottle in our LittlePod Luxury Summer Hamper, to accompany our NEW LittlePod natural, real vanilla ice cream, due to be launched this year. Our hamper will be the food lover’s delight. Vanilla also rounds out flavours; takes out bitterness, complements spices, therefore our LittlePod beer is a great drink to have with dishes like curry. Put your order in now for our LittlePod Vanilla Beer (or our Luxury Summer Hamper) by calling LittlePod HQ on 01395 232 022 or go tour website for more details.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Win a £10k Music Makeover for your pub thanks to PRS for Music PRS for Music has launched its Music Makeover competition offering a winning prize of a £10,000 Music Makeover to the winning pub. PRS for Music’s Music Makeover competition launched in 2010 with the specific aim of helping pubs with their live music offer and the competition has annually rewarded a winning UK pub with a Music Makeover comprising a £10,000 prize alongside a bespoke music consultancy from a leading expert and is celebrated with a high profile event featuring performances from key PRS for Music members. For 2016, PRS for Music is offering a winning prize of a £10,000 makeover alongside second and third places (£5,000 Music Makeover and £2,500 Music Makeover respectively). Historically, the prize money has been spent on new live equipment or installing a high-end sound system with previous winners quickly seeing the positive impact on both their takings and reputation as a live music venue.

featured live performances from rock band Brother & Bones and indie/pop band D.I.D (Dog Is Dead) creating a large buzz around the venue.

Rich Thomas, Brother & Bones’ lead vocalist:“Small venues and pubs are where everything starts. Doesn’t matter if you’re Led Zeppelin or whoever the bands are throughout history, you don’t start at Wembley - hopefully this will be encouragement for other bigger organisations to do the same. With the help of PRS for Music, Ed & Elisha can help passionate musicians in pubs, they can try and get more bands and music through the door.” So do you think your pub would benefit from a Music Makeover? To enter you need to: 1. Have a valid PRS for Music licence 2. Complete a quick & easy entry form – images & video a bonus

Keurig UK are the coffee experts and offer a range of brewing systems that will transform your guests' and customers’ coffee and tea provision with the perfect cup every time.

Ed & Elisha Sproat, landlord & lady of The Hickory Inn, Tiverton, Devon – 2015 winners:“There is no way we would’ve had this opportunity without PRS for Music. We wouldn’t have gotten to this stage so quickly – a lot of bands don’t have the ability to bring in equipment like this. It will be a real positive thing to get bands that haven’t performed in many venues before.” As well as the cash prize, PRS for Music organises an exclusive event in the winning pub featuring key PRS for Music members. Last year’s winning event

For full details on how to enter, previous winner information and full terms & conditions, please go to: Deadline is Friday 25th March at 5pm

About PRS for Music PRS for Music is a society of around 115,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers – its members. It represents the rights of these members by licensing organisations to play, perform or make available music. It then distributes royalties to those members and societies fairly and efficiently.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

High Speed Oven Company “We’re very lucky to be the importer of the FryMac” says Will Robinson, MD of the High Speed Oven Company. “We went to see it in use in forecourts in Denmark and immediately recognised it’s potential for the U.K. hospitality market. The amount of places that would like to office fries but don’t because of any number of reasons such as the smell of oil, lack of extraction or

Product Portfolio space: the FryMac solves all that”. “Operators can add so much value to their menu by simply adding chips. You can easily cook up to 8kg of fries per hour (80 medium sized portions) without the need for any extra staff or even a kitchen - the FryMac is perfectly at home sat on the back counter of a bar.” Designed and made in Denmark, the FryMac is the smallest commercial oil free fryer on the market. It is available to buy (£2799) or finance (under £3 per day). The FryMac is ready to use straight out of the box - pre-programmed and works with a standard 13A plug. Reader Enquiries - Tel: 01423 321 800 or visit

Tablet-To-Cup Coffee Technology From JURA MAKE THE perfect coffee straight from your tablet! Controlling your JURA automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine will be easier than ever in 2016 thanks to the new JURA Smart Connect. This innovative new device uses Bluetooth communication to wirelessly operate your coffee machine via your tablet. By downloading the JURA Connect iOS or Android App onto your tablet device, you can now set your personal coffee preferences, such as adjusting the strength, temperature and cup size.

Simply tap the name of your chosen coffee and your taste preferences, sit back and watch it flow into your cup. In addition to all the fun bits, the app features easy-to-understand graphics and automatic machine status updates to ensure your machine is providing optimum performance. JURA Smart Connect is available now on iOS, and android – from spring 2016 and compatible with a range of JURA machines. For more information, please visit or call 0800 6525527.

CELIA Organic Craft Czech Lager

CELIA Lager is traditionally batch brewed in the Czech Republic for over two months with the benefit of being naturally carbonated and gluten-free. Their award-winning Organic pilsner, available in bottles, cans and on tap, uses 100% local protected Saaz hops to give a floral aroma: earthy and spicy - perfect for food. CELIA Dark is a truly unique Czech lager, densely black with an almost ruby red hue and a distinctive

coffee like aroma with slightly nutty and rye bread undertones. CELIA offer staff training, point of sale marketing support, a large social media following and promotional price support. Stocked in premium retail and restaurant groups such as Waitrose and Le Pain Quotidien through to high end restaurants and hotels such as The Wolseley and The Doyle Collection. CELIA offers something for all your customers whether they are organic fans, craft beer lovers, vegans or seeking a gluten-free alternative. For further information visit

The World's First Organic Caviar Produced By Riofrio RIOFRIO WHICH means ‘cold river’ in Andalusia caviar de RioFrio brand has been established in Spain since the 1960’s Pure natural fresh spring water enter the facility ensures levels and temperatures remain constant throughout the year The Acepenser Nacarrii Sturgeon which are farmed 20 years of research and development Caviar de RioFrio now boast the largest population of Acipenser Nacarri found anywhere in the world The fish are separated from male and female from the age of 9 years old until maturity at around 19 years old by which time sturgeon can reach between

5 and 6 metres in length and carry between 12 to 15 kilos of caviar When ready to harvest Caviar de RioFrio is the first black caviar to be certified organic and comes in Classic 2.3mm and Excellsius 2.5mm eggs varieties The best caviar doesn’t require salts or preservatives which will mask the true taste and should remind diners of the sea when enjoying the flavour RioFrio caviar has a 12 month shelf life unlike most other brands which are typically 4 to 6 months Caviar De RioFrio is only Organic caviar in the UK. For further information contact Gourmet Olive Oil UK Tel/Fax: 020 8397 0864

Cornelius New Advanced Beer Cooler Technology

CORNELIUS ANNOUNCE their new Advanced Beer Cooler Technology called the ColdFlow 5HC-e which trade trials have demonstrated can save over 70% of current energy costs versus industry standard coolers and deliver the potential to save up to £380 per year per cooler. An integral part of this industry leading energy efficient cooler is the ecoFLO® Smart Pump System developed to offer a design life expectancy of up to ten years compared to industry standard pumps which typically have an average life expectancy of circa 2.5 years. The ecoFLO® Smart Pump System is fitted with a long life EC motor and a patented intelligent electronic controller

which allows the pump to speed up or slow down the pump dependant on the needs of trading conditions. The ecoFLO® Smart Pump System itself provides circa 42% of the total system electrical savings and is also versatile enough to fit into any industry cooler currently in trade instantly making a significant reduction to a standard coolers running costs. The ecoFLO® Smart Pump System comes with a patented intelligent electronic controller that can be programmable to a timer. This system can be set to run a range of parameters, from Water & Ice bank applications to Freeze Suppressant/Glycol whilst managing python temperatures specified by the user. For further information please visit

Now You Can Please All Your Customers All Of The Time

THE UK’S No 1 touch entertainment system, The Entertainer now features an all new, user friendly interface and split room ‘zoning’ capabilities supplied as standard. Crammed with music, videos, karaoke, bingo, race nights, quizzes, games and advertising features, The Entertainer has been designed to help drive footfall, increase dwell time and maximize customer spend in a wide range of venues including pubs, clubs, holiday parks, hotels, university campus venues, and cruise ships. It features a simple to use touch screen providing instant access to a huge variety of features and allows total control of entertainment programmes, including the ability to plan events calendars and increase revenue. Advertising templates provide the ability to create still or video animated adverts in a few minutes, promoting food and drink, forthcoming events and parties, or third party suppliers

such as taxi firms. Mediatheme Operations Director Scott Williams explained: “Many features have remained firm favourites for a while now and will always do so, but we’re constantly improving and updating all features. The National Bingo game and the Pulse jukebox have recently been introduced to the already impressive list of features on the new Entertainer. The Entertainer is supplied with a free starter pack, with stationery, tickets, and pads for the complete entertainment experience. Each pack includes: a free pack of Game 5 disco bingo tickets; one 6-to-view bingo pads; three strips of bingo flyers, '12 games per strip'; two Bingo dabbers; one cloakroom pad; and three Karaoke request pads. There are a number of finance options available, including a new purchase lease. To book a a free demonstration call 01572 771363 or visit for more information.

Warburtons Award Winning Gluten, Wheat & Dairy Free Range Of Bakery Products NEWBURN BAKEHOUSE by Warburtons offers an award winning gluten, wheat and dairy free range of bakery products. A dedicated bakery in Newburn, Newcastle, hosts a team of expert bakers, combining generations of Warburtons passion and know-how to produce delicious gluten free, wheat free and dairy free bakery products. The increased demand for gluten free products is clear, according to Mintel the UK Free From market is worth £470m and is forecast to grow by a further 43% between 2016 and 2020 reaching £673 million[1].

Our Warburtons bakers have combined their expertise and passion to produce a wide range of gluten free, wheat free and dairy free products; from soft breads, wraps and rolls to melt in the mouth muffins, and a range of delicious gluten free sandwich thins. One of the most popular products for food on the go outlets is the Newburn Bakehouse by Warburtons gluten, wheat and dairy free wraps, they are a versatile alternative to a conventional sandwich or roll; available in white, seeded and wholegrain varieties. To find out more about Newburn Bakehouse by Warburtons and the ‘gluten free opportunity’ please contact

RETIGO Professional Combi Ovens

RETIGO professional combi ovens feature advanced cooking technology focused on delivering perfect cooking results. Vision Design offers not only look but reliability and functionality dedicated to ergonomics and hassle-free cooking. Vision Touch controls present ease at use as well as lightning fast response saving valuable kitchen asset – time. Cooking functions like rack timing, touch and cook as well as overnight cooking provide time and energy related savings. Advanced steam generation with a heat exchanger deliver notable energy savings as well as excellent steam saturation for the best food colour, taste and vitamin preservation. Thanks to the EcoLogic system the energy consumption is recorded and displayed right on the screen. Inbuilt water saving system in combination with

the heat exchanger unit significantly decreases water consumption. Low consumption automatic cleaning takes care of the unit cleanliness. All what is needed is to start the program, apply the detergent and chef can do other things or go back home whilst oven cleans itself. From small buffet up to the big catering kitchen there is the right size in the Retigo offer. You can chose from fully equipped top of the line Blue Vision with a possibility of automatic cooking or entry model line Orange Vision. Every Retigo combi oven is equipped with the low consumption automatic cleaning. Resulting value is at affordable prices. Every combi oven comes with advice, free delivery, installation, chef training warranty and after sales done by UK based companies. For more information please visit

Speciality Breads Roll Out New Sourdough & Onion Roll Red Tractor-certified bakers Speciality Breads has added to its growing selection of artisan rolls with the launch of a unique and ultra-versatile Sourdough & Onion roll. While the new line provides a great burger alternative to the incredibly popular brioche, the breads’ rich sourdough flavour, hint of onion and texture enables it to work perfectly with a range of high class fillings from the finest cold cuts to a mighty sirloin steak. Sourdough & Onion Rolls Made with the finest British ingredients including Red Tractor-certified flour, these rustic champions have layers of flavour and offer a premium point of difference to any dish or

menu. The 100g rolls come in boxes of 40. Speciality Breads Managing Director Peter Millen said: “With Sourdough now a firm favourite amongst the UK’s increasingly adventurous and discerning consumer, it was vital that we strengthened our current range to enable caterers to take advantage. The new roll offers something completely different to the market and with its rustic appearance and flavour profile, we’re confident it will add fantastic value to our growing range.” Reader enquiries: Speciality Breads Ltd Telephone: 01843 209442 Website: Email: Twitter: @SpecialBreads

Ahmad Tea Taps Into Growing Consumer Taste For Iced Tea

AHMAD TEA, a leading British tea company, is thrilled to announce the launch of its Cold Brew Teas range into food service this Spring. This is an exciting innovation for the sector, as iced tea becomes an increasingly fashionable trend with consumers in the UK. Ahmad Tea Cold Brew is a new concept in tea – making freshly brewed ice tea with real tea and cold water in under 5 minutes. With no added sugar or sweeteners and 80% less caffeine compared to hot tea, this is healthy alternative to soft drinks that is ideal for the Spring and Summer months. Packed in foil fresh sachets, three delicious flavours are being launched: English Tea, Lemon & Lime, and Peach & Passionfruit. The old fashioned method of preparing fresh ice tea – a time-consuming process involving boiling water, brewing and then chilling the infusion down to drinking temperature, has been a barrier to adoption. So the practicality of Cold Brew could be a game changer for food service, making

Ahmad Tea Cold Brew the perfect choice for any forwardthinking café, hotel or restaurant. The privately owned company began 30 years ago with the mission of bringing high-quality tea to the world. This range is already available in the US and will be on shelves in mainland Europe this summer. Though ice tea is an under-developed category in the UK, Ahmad Tea believes that with real tea and the convenience of Cold Brew, the tea loving British public will go for this refreshing and healthy alternative to soft drinks. Moreover, the handy sachets make them a great on-the-go way of livening up a drink of water. Ali Afshar, UK General Manager, says “2016 will see the speciality tea category continue to expand, with more consumers appreciating the delights that tea can offer. Cold Brew teas are a key part of the innovation in this category. At Ahmad Tea we want to offer consumers an iced tea from real tea leaves. And with low production costs and high margins, it is ideal for the service industry who are looking for the next top thing.” For further information visit

Female Chef Launches ‘Polkapants’ - Tailored Chef’s Trousers For Women, Designed For Service And Style MAXINE THOMPSON, a young Australian chef based in London has designed her first range of chef ’s trousers specifically for women. PolkaPants are not only designed for the practicalities of working in a kitchen but are also tailored for comfort and style. The idea for PolkaPants came to Maxine whilst she was studying at The French Culinary Institute in New York and her frustration at the shear lack of clothes for women to cook in. Maxine believed there had to be an alternative to the shapeless, unflattering and uncomfortable trousers on the market and so utilising her degree in Fashion Design, she sat down and sketched her ideal pair of trousers and the idea for PolkaPants was born. Polka Pants are a tailored, slim-fit with a classic high waist to suit all shapes and sizes with tapered legs to prevent the risk of tripping. The design of the trousers is inspired by Utility scheme clothing of the 40s - simple, robust and functional. The trousers feature a gold side zip detail and two large belt loops for tucking in a tea towel.

The fabrics - black, houndstooth and the signature polka dots - are made from 97% cotton with a 3% stretch for ease of movement. The cotton is not only hard wearing but breathable in a hot kitchen. Maxine sources her materials from the UK and Turkey and uses a local factory in Tottenham to create the trousers. She commissioned a Bristol-based artist, Victoria Topping to design a bespoke polka dot print which is screen printed onto the trousers in London, making every pair completely unique. PolkaPants have already won the hearts of female chefs including Lily Vanilli and Olia Hercules: “PolkaPants are super flattering and comfortable chef's pants for girls, and every female I know who works in a kitchen gave a sigh of relief and a squeal of excitement when I told them. Finally!” Lily Jones (aka Lily Vanilli), Baker ‘These trousers are not only really comfortable but look gorgeous too. I love the fact that the creator Maxine is an ex-designer turned chef as you can really tell by the way in which the trousers are cut.’ Olia Hercules, Chef PolkaPants are currently available from


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Food Temperature Monitoring & Safety

March 2016

Food Safety Tips

CONTROLLING FOOD temperatures is one of the most important things that must be done in a food business. You must ensure that food is cooked, cooled, chilled and reheated properly to minimise the risk of harmful levels of bacteria in the food that you sell. Temperature control is the term used for making sure food is kept at a temperature that will keep it safe and limit the growth of food poisoning bacteria. The safety of food is preserved by good temperature control. For hot food the important temperatures are those achieved when processing, cooking and keeping food hot before and during service. When food is cooked, food poisoning bacteria are reduced to a safe level. Storing hot food is referred to as 'hot holding'. Problems occur when food temperatures are not controlled, certain micro-organisms (called pathogens) can contaminate food, grow in it and then, if eaten, cause illness/poisoning. These organisms multiply to high levels in a warm environment. 'High risk' is the term used for food that is most likely to cause food poisoning, such as any food that is ready to eat (including cooked rice, cooked meats, shellfish and dairy products such as milk and cream). These foods should always be kept either below 5°C or above 63°C. Between these two temperatures is the area known as the danger zone - the temperature range within which bacteria grow most quickly. Temperature above or below these limits gives the bacteria as little chance as possible to multiply. The average room temperature is approximately 21°C - an ideal temperature for bacteria to grow. We can eat pathogens and our body can deal with them but only up to a certain level. Taking in too many organisms is

known as taking an 'infective dose', and this will make you ill. Controlling the growth of bacteria to make sure levels always stay below the infective dose level is the method used to keep food safe. In raw foods, such as meat, fruit and vegetables, high levels of bacteria may be present due to contamination with soil or due to the preparation process. It is important that food is cooked thoroughly to a core temperature of at least 75ºC for at least two minutes to kill the bacteria. One way to check whether the food has been cooked thoroughly would be to use a probe thermometer, but you must also take care that probe thermometers do not contaminate or taint the food being probed. You can do this by cleaning and disinfecting them before use with ready to eat food. Where antibacterial wipes are used to do this, they must be suitable for use with food. It is also recommended that you keep a record of checks that you make. It is good practice to check and record at least two or three high-risk food temperatures per day. Chilling food does not kill bacteria, but it does stop them from growing to harmful levels. Because of this, it is a legal requirement that perishable foods should be kept refrigerated at 8ºC or below. Frozen food should ideally be kept at a temperature at or below -18ºC. It is good practice to check and record fridge and freezer temperatures at least once per day. If a fridge cannot keep food below 8ºC, it must be serviced or replaced. The legislation states that foods must be cooled as quickly as possible. Methods such as reducing portion size, spreading food on an open tray or using ice can help to cool food quickly before it is refrigerated, and you should aim to cool foods to below 8ºC within 90 minutes. If food is to be held hot, it must be cooked to at least 75ºC for two minutes and then held at a temperature at or above 63ºC. This is a legal requirement and it is good practice to check whether foods that are being held hot are at or above 63ºC on a regular basis.

The IceSpy Notion Lite System From The IMC Group Manufactured in the UK, the IceSpy Notion Lite system is a low-cost version of The IMC Group’s professional wireless temperature monitoring solution, specifically designed for food retailers.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Loss of stock due to refrigeration failure is a big issue. Insurance companies are increasingly refusing to pay out on claims due to refrigeration failure where policy holders do not have a contingency plan in place. Reports of five-figure uninsured losses are not uncommon. The Notion Lite system is the ideal temperature monitoring solution for applications where temperature-controlled storage may be minimal but warning of refrigeration failure remains critical to prevent costly repercussions. The compact system is designed specifically for smaller monitoring requirements where ease of use is key

and human error is eliminated. Manual readings, human errors and product waste are eliminated as the wireless system provides time-saving peace-of-mind compliance with 24/7 alarms and immediate one-click access to real-time temperature data. Audit ready reports are automatically produced preparing users for unexpected HACCP audits. The Notion Lite kit is installed in just five simple steps and no technical expertise required. There is no software or computer hardware to maintain – the system connects to local WiFi and is cloud-hosted. The system can obtain data from up to 10 battery-powered transmitters and complies with RoHS and WEEE EU directive’s and assists with national regulatory requirements such as HACCP. E-mail Address contact: Phone: +44 (0) 1462 688070 Website:

Food Temperature Monitoring & Safety

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Save Money with NEW Colour-Coded Catering Probes Add A ‘Touch’ Of Smart Technology To Improve Food Safety MOST PUBS and restaurants already use colour-coded chopping boards to prevent cross-contamination between food groups. But why splash out on colour-coded thermometers when there’s now a much cheaper method available? TME’s NEW CA2005-PK temperature kit combines a single, high-accuracy HACCP compliant thermometer with six colour-coded, waterproof needle probes – detachable for cleaning so perfect for running through the ware washer or dunking in the sink. More hygienic than a colour-coded pen thermometer, the new kit’s also much cheaper at around £130 - or if you don’t want all six colours, a real snip at only £15 a probe or £65 for

the single thermometer-and-probe combo. Do your thermometers tend to go missing or get broken? TME’s CA2005-PKW is the ideal solution: a complete wall mount kit containing a thermometer and six probes stored in a hygienic colour-coded wall holder – all for and unbeatable £144. TME’s MD, Tom Sensier: “The old method of multiple colour-coded pen thermometers will soon be an expensive memory. With our CA2005 range it’s only the probes - relatively low cost items - which ‘change’ colour. And because they’re waterproof you get a much more hygienic result too.” TME – When temperature matters +44 (0)1903 700751

The IceSpy Notion Pro From The IMC Group MANUFACTURED IN the UK by the IMC Group Ltd, the IceSpy Notion Pro is a totally reliable and flexible wireless monitoring system incorporating technological breakthroughs in environmental monitoring. The IceSpy brand is well-established throughout the food industry for providing cost-effective solutions to wireless monitoring within fridges, freezers, and heated and dry storage facilities. The IMC Group’s wealth of knowledge and experience of wireless monitoring takes IceSpy to the next level with the innovative Notion Pro technology whilst maintaining the affordability factor. The Notion Pro system sets new standards for data collection and display of environmental parameters and

enables users to monitor parameters such as ambient & core temperature, humidity and airflow. The system provides 24/7 monitoring with real-time email or SMS alarms to identify potential parameter breaches before damage can occur and assist with HACCP compliance regulations meeting British Standard BS EN 12830. Audit stress is alleviated with easy access to real-time and historical records without the need to manually download data. Notion Pro has the flexibility for standalone, intranet or cloud-based installations and eliminates the time taken to carry out manual checks and the errors that often result. It’s suitable for single or multiple user organisations, and data can be securely shared with colleagues with user-defined permission levels. The revolutionary leap forward in wireless technology delivers high quality affordable monitoring without compromise and post purchase support for ultimate peace of mind. For further details contact:E-mail: Phone: +44 (0) 1462 688070 Website:

POTENTIAL DANGER is hiding as food makes the journey to your customer. Introducing a touch of temperature-monitoring technology at critical junctures, however, can improve food quality – and help independently owned establishments be compliant with the latest food safety regulations.

The UK’-based Comark Instruments recently introduced the new HACCP Touch, an easy and cost-effective system for caterers, hoteliers and restauranteurs to collect, record and store daily temperatures of critical items as they are received, stored, prepped, cooked and held – or at any other

point along the way. The tamper-proof HACCP Touch even captures corrective actions that are taken when food temperatures are found to be outside of approved safe zones. Reports are available from an accompanying software solution that is both user-friendly and customisable. Users interface with the device through an easy-to-navigate touch screen. It measures temperatures that range as low as -73°C and up to 437°C with an accuracy of 0.5°C. It is also water resistant and highly durable to withstand commercial-grade environments. Interested in adding a touch of smart technology to your operations? Visit, or call +44 (0)844 815 6599 to heat up your temperature-monitoring intelligence.

The DOT - Digital Oven Thermometer Is No Lightweight THE NEW Digital Oven Thermometer (DOT) has been designed to do one thing really well! Simply set your target temperature with the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons, insert the probe into your food, and the DOT beeps (70 dB) when the food gets to the required temperature. It’s as easy as that. Press any button and the beeping stops but the display still flashes until your temperature drops below the required set temperature. With a resolution of 1 °C/°F, the DOT measures temperature over the range of -50 to 300 °C. Designed for commercial food service applications, the DOT is no lightweight and outperforms consumer thermometers for intuitive usability and survivability in the demanding kitchen environment. With just two buttons – ‘Up’ and ‘Down’, there’s no complicated programming or flashing food icons. The DOT has been designed for professional kitchen staff who don't want to get bogged down in gad-

getry or restricted by someone else's pre-programmed settings. Setting your own temperatures is faster and easier than ever before. You can even add a few degrees by tapping the ‘Up’ button when the alarm sounds. Designed for commercial use, the DOT is a professional kitchen tool. The moulded-in, splash-proof seals and commercial grade plastic body will survive even in the busiest of kitchens. Each unit includes a tilt-out stand for counter use and a strong magnet for attaching to metal surfaces. Applications for the DOT include Sous Vide, roasting, baking, grilling, smoking, bread making, home brewing and lots more. The DOT Digital Oven Thermometer is supplied with a food penetration probe. A range of alternative temperature probes are available as optional extras, such as food penetration and oven temperature probes. The DOT is competitively priced at £24 exclusive of VAT and carriage from Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd. For further information contact Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd Phone 01903 202151 email

Hospitality Technology

Epos Package From Epos Company and Ganedata THE COMPLETE package offered by Epos Company and Ganedata consists of state of the art bezel free 15” touch screen terminal with all the optional peripherals and 3 years RTB warranty. The DesirePos All In One industrial Point Of Sale terminal is an out of box solution which offers your retail and hospitality customers a cost effective solution to their data collection requirements without compromising on quality, ease of use and operational effectiveness, full details of product available on . GaneData works tirelessly with manufacturing partners, and value added resellers, providing a complete end to end solu-

tion, business development and marketing support. The software package is on Windows 7 embedded with choice of Hospitality, Retail, dry cleaning and laundrette industry. ECTouch is one of the leading epos software widely used in UK and Abroad with over 4000 licences in use in all types of trade. Online ordering, cloud based back office, kitchen video, Resident Pro Hotel link, YESPAY and Paymentsense chip and pin link, customer and advertising display, SMS messaging, caller id with maps and address finder, multi branch back office software and many more features are all easily accessible with ECTouch. Epos Company and Ganedata have also got a special package for Epos dealers. For more information please contact either Ganedata on 0333 323 0202 or Epos company on 02084460320.

State-Of-The-Art EPOS Systems from 3R

Our State-of-the-art EPOS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R Epos’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R Epos system can

integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R Epos systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R Epos systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650.

Cabana Creates Unique Management System with NFS Technology Group

CABANA HAS chosen NFS Technology Group’s specialist Aloha POS software and newest web portal offering to enable a smooth running service at all its restaurants, with a unique ability to add on future locations in line with rapid expansion plans. The Brasilian barbeque chain, with seven current UK wide locations including sites at the Covent Garden, Westfield and Wembley, brings the unique flavours, culture and community spirit of Brasil into the restaurant experience. As the business grows, with the most recent and largest 5,000 sq ft restaurant opening in the world famous O2 Centre in London, founding partners Jamie Barber and David Ponte looked to install one software system that could enable tighter control and mobility across all of its sites. Aloha EPoS system was selected featuring specialist NFS real time hosted solutions including Pulse, Restaurant Guard, Loyalty, Gift Card and Insight to form an all

encompassing solution that allows Cabana to efficiently monitor and manage all aspects of restaurant kitchen, above store and front of house services. Says Jamie Barber, Founding Partner at Cabana: “As a growing restaurant operator, we were keen to find a technology solution that was scaleable and could deliver valuable real time information. For me, being able to see in real time sales and related information is invaluable, particularly for new sites where sales growth is an importance indicator of success. “The NFS Pulse Solution delivers this real time information directly to me direct to my smart phone, wherever I am at the time, and going forward, we see it as a platform to build a better and more dynamic restaurant reporting solution for Cabana. We have also deployed a great mobile solution from NFS, the Ordaman Solution, which has proven far more reliable because it uses the RF frequency, which does not interfere with customers’ own WiFi applications.” For more information on Aloha or further details on NFS Technology Group, please visit

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Outdoor Leisure

Glassjacks Ltd

GLASSJACKS ARE pleased to announce a new range of products and an improved website ( Customers can now purchase a full range of beautiful catering quality glassware (Genware) and glassjacks together. From elegant wine glasses and champagne flutes to tumblers, beer glasses, shot glasses, carafes and water jugs. This full range of glassware complements our comprehensive range of

Home Front Outdoor Play Equipment COMMERCIAL PLAY Equipment doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Many operators see the vast, expensive installations in public parks and think, rightly, that these are very expensive propositions. However commercial standard equipment can be had for affordable money and will make a huge difference to the attractiveness of your property. When making a choice there are a number of factors you need to consider. What age group are you catering for? While it’s easy to say “children of all ages”, it is important to be more specific. Young

glassware storage boxes (glassjacks). If it’s just glassware storage boxes (glassjacks) you are looking for there is a new feature on our website, the “Glass Measurement Guide” where you simply insert your glass height and width to be directed straight to the glassjack you require. Our additional new products include compartment glass racks, dishwasher racks, barware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks Ltd have supplied products for over 5 years to thousands of delighted customers; from catering hire companies; race courses; hotels; bars; restaurants; golf courses; glass manufacturers; catering wholesale suppliers, event companies and many more. For your glassware storage box and glassware requirements please take a look at our new website children are not usually comfortable playing with older kids, so think who your target market is, and provide equipment that suits them. How much of the garden do you want to dedicate to play equipment? Assuming you are lucky enough to have the luxury of space you also need to think of the people who want to enjoy a drink or meal outside in relative peace. What about safer surfacing? Traditionally it has been accepted that any commercial installation should have safer surfacing, and there is no doubt that having it gives you better protection in the event of any liability issues Home Front can give you advice on all these matters to make sure you make the right choices. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0845 6432373, email: or visit

Bromic Heaters Transforming Outdoor Spaces

Innovative Bromic heaters are an increasingly popular solution to making the most of outdoor areas of bars and pubs. Their unique, stylish design and efficient output means these discreet yet powerful heaters work well in outdoor settings. Smart Fire UK is the only British distributor of this Australian designed brand. The heating solutions on offer are more powerful than similar options on the market, whilst also boasting more economical, greener heat. Aesthetic appeal is key to the Bromic collection. All heating solutions are created in unobtrusive designs that blend in with your chosen space. The stainless steel material used, means these heaters are built to last, with fascia plate added to the Platinum Smart Heat to guarantee it looks the part without reducing quality. The Platinum Smart Heat Electric is the latest addition to the Bromic Platinum range. This heater has a thin shape with minimal light emission. It can be hung from the ceiling or used as a wall-

mounted heater, creating a stylish and unobtrusive installation which customers will hardly notice. With a length of less than one meter and a depth of just 177mm, this heater is considerably smaller than other options currently on the market. Made from high-quality stainless steel, it both looks the part and is built to last. The use of infrared technology means that this product releases powerful heat and is incredibly efficient, with a heat output of 2200W. In addition, Smart Fire UK also stocks the Tungsten range, which is an economical option available in electric, gas and portable models. The Bromic Tungsten Portable is particularly popular due to its fuel efficiency, whilst also having wheels that make it easy to transport around bars and restaurants. The heaters are hardwearing and won’t buckle under the pressure of bad weather, with the Tungsten Smart Heat Gas remaining effective in winds of up to 14 km/h. The Tungsten range comes in variable sizes and heat outputs. For more, visit

Outdoor Leisure

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Restaurants Turn To New UK Company for Grills to Give Customers a Taste of Wood Fired Cooking and Create Kitchen Theatre OX GRILLS, the Argentine style wood fired grilling specialist is now working on wood fired grills from Edinburgh to Lisbon as restaurants wake up to the possibilities of wood fired cooking. Their grills are based on a traditional Argentine design that allows the chef to move the entire grill up and down above a wood or charcoal fire, allowing complete temperate control. The specialist UK company has seen huge interest from chefs interested in the possibility of wood fired grilling. Spokesman Steve Ollerenshaw explains, “Chefs are really interested in using hot smoked wood to add layers of flavour. The design of the grills means that there is the ability to quickly adjust the heat on the food, so that you can sear a steak one minute and then cook delicate fish the next. You can’t do that with a wood fired oven.” An Ox Grill is also a great addition to the restaurant experience; “Customers are now much more interested in how their food is cooked and love to see an open kitchen, a wood fired grill is a great way of bringing a kitchen to life and provides a great piece of theatre.” Ollerenshaw continues. The company provides high quality stainless steel outdoor grills and soon received interest from the commercial market; “even our basic domestic model is made to commercial grade standards, so we were delighted when

restaurants, pubs and cookery schools started showing an interest in what we were doing.” Ox Grills responded to customer demand by doing bespoke orders for the commercial market, and its commercial work now ranges from providing larger sized versions of its standard product through to providing complex multiple grill designs. Ollerenshaw says; “We can work to practically any budget from a few thousand pounds upwards. Some commercial customers want the standard grill but larger and others are interested in a bespoke kitchen centerpiece with multiple independent grills. A good value option is to have two standard grills, with the handwheel reversed on one of them, giving two independent grills and nearly 2 metres of grilling space.” The entry level grill is £1850. Bespoke commercial projects range from £3,000 through to £20,000 plus. In addition, the entry level Ox Grill can be supplied with an optional stand which increases its versatility for the commercial market even further. “The stand means that the unit can be broken into two sections and carried to an outdoor location, maybe a restaurant or pub garden for a BBQ event, a wedding, or for use by street food vendors. For an outlay of just over £2,000 (including stand) the standard grill gives an authentic twist to any outdoor catered event.” More information: or call 0845 351 9092

Pop-Up Restaurant Pavilions from DP Structures THE BRIEF was to create two bespoke high quality ‘open restaurant’ pavilions to provide temporary facilities for two restaurants (an Asian eatery, ‘Tampopo’ and Italian restaurateur ‘Salvis’), whilst the Corn Exchange is undergoing a multi-million pound renovation into a new ‘food and drink’ destination. The pavilions also had to serve as a working fascia to the front of the development and keep the exposure of the tenant restaurants alive throughout the construction period. DP Structures were approached and commissioned by Avia in Spring 2014 to technically design, manufacture and install two (6m x 12m) restaurant pavilions, for temporary use. A proto type was developed to agree the detailed design of the structure with the client

and its conceptual designer (5Plus Architects). The rectangular form of the structure comprised a modular steel sub-frame with a plywood skin, clad in part with decorative steel fretwork. The materials used for the pavilion design was to be cost effective, yet strong and durable for the required 12 month life span. The whole frontage to the pavilions opens up, to expose a fully operational restaurant with kitchen and dining area, with a covered deck area for alfresco dining. All the components and modular units were manufactured off site at DP Structures’ workshop and installed on site within a week. Call for a free design consultation on 01282 697563 or 07766242059 Email: Web:

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016

Outdoor Leisure

Country Benches - High Quality Benches

COUNTRY BENCHES is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of

standard design garden furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors. Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details see advert this page.

Consecutive Record Breaking Years Sales For Leisurebench Ltd Following on from three consecutive record breaking years, sales for the 2016 season have already taken off in an encouraging manner for Leisurebench Ltd. The company is currently delivering the length and breadth of the country with a high volume of early season orders. There has been tremendous interest in the new Oasis collection, suitable for outdoor or indoor use. This has really added a new dimension to the existing Rattan range and includes sofa sets, dining sets plus tables and chairs of the highest quality. Leisurebench has also recently introduced a new collection of Tolix style table and chairs, classic designs made from extra thick steel plate for commercial strength and durability. Unlike most on the market the steel has been electro-galvanised before powder coating. The galvanizing helps to prevent rust even if the outer powder coating

is damaged. This makes this range suitable for outdoors and more than suitable for indoor use. The chairs are also available in a range of exciting colours. The company will also shortly be announcing the launch of a new range of smart and chic ISO table tops. The Leisurebench range of products is extensive, ranging from traditional teak furniture through to a collection made entirely from recycled plastic, which is growing massively in popularity. A fast delivery is guaranteed from our own warehouses and over 55.000 square feet of storage space, ensures there is always a large range in stock. A wide range of accessories is also available including parasols, jumbrellas, heaters, cushions etc. Visit the Leisurebench website at, or telephone our dedicated sales team on 01949 862920. Email:

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

WE ARE an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area

where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to 01480 400346 Octagonal Bench 8 Seat


Special Price: £175

Economy Benches 4 Seat Sale Price: £55 6 Seat Sale Price: £65 8 Seat Sale Price: £75


Supreme Benches 4 Seat Sale Price: £70 6 Seat Sale Price: £80 8 Seat Sale Price: £90

Call us on 01480 400346 or 07446 101657

All prices exclude VAT

Outdoor Leisure

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Outside Structure Solutions 2016 is Truly ‘The Summer Of Sport’

OUTSIDE STRUCTURE Solutions are proud to announce that we have now been appointed dealers for the Renson range of terrace covers, roller walls and brise soleil. Renson are one of the largest manufacturers in Europe we are looking forward to showcasing the fantastic Camargue terrace cover which features a pivoting louver roof, built-in roller walls, lighting and heating as well as optional glass walls and sliding panels. This structure is truly the best we have ever seen and will turn your outside area into an elegant dining or chic relaxing zone. In addition we are pleased to offer the Lagune retractable ter-

race cover. The roof is held secure in a frame and then retracts like an awning into a rear wall-mounted cassette. It also features a built-in roller wall to the front and can have side enclosures to suit. All operated at the touch of a button. If you are looking for something simpler to help with sunlight through your windows, look no further than our brise soleil. Fixed louvers installed above any window or door will help reduce direct sunlight. If you would like to see how we can help you transform your establishment with any of these structures please get in touch. For further information Tel: 0844 561 7679, email:

Kirklees Developments Ltd Catering Equipment New for 2015 is our Decarboniser soak tank. Designed for ease of use and robustness. Fabricated from stainless steel with 150Litre usable capacity. Simply switch it on, leave your pans and grills in it overnight, take out the clean stuff in the morning. With over 35 years’ experience of designing and manufacturing barbecues and a variety of gas appliances with C.E approval Kirklees Developments now produce 2 sizes of hog roasters, to cook up to 200lb pigs. The 200lb pig roaster, the largest on the market, has a viewing window and wooden handles

Home Front Playgrounds

NOW IS the time to start planning for any new outdoor play areas. If you have the space and are keen to attract the high value spending of family groups this is one sure way of attracting that market. It needn’t cost the earth either; companies such as Home Front Playgrounds can install an impressive outdoor play area for around £3000 - £5000, although you can spend more or less than this sum. Its important to get the planning right. Is the area large enough to include the allimportant safety margins? Will parents be able to watch their children while enjoying

for comfort. It`s geared motor unit is 4 times the power of smaller roasters in its class. Chickens, jacket potatoes etc. can be cooked in the optional attachment & tall chefs may specify the optional adjustable carving brackets. Carving trays are also available. Kirklees Developments produce an extensive range of large professional catering grill & griddle barbecues including the widely respected Masterchef and Zenith ranges. The 8 burner Magnum has removable grills for easy cleaning and is most versatile due to its overall size and independently controllable burners. Tel: 01484 401134, Email: Web: a drink or meal? Is there any risk from traffic – roads or the carpark? Will it be possible to expand the area in the future as demand grows ? Will you need planning permission for the installation? And we would strongly recommend that you choose equipment which complies with commercial playground standards (EN1176). Not only is back-garden equipment not strong enough to cope with lots of kids but the operator could find himself liable in the event of an accident. There’s no doubt that a new outdoor playground can add the wow factor to a garden, and make your location a destination of choice for families going out for a drink or meal. It can also give your site a real competitive advantage in this crowded market. But don’t delay – now is the time to start planning for the Spring. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0843 643 2373 or email:

The Ideal BBQ Smoker

Super-fuelled by our coconut green energy pellets The Akwill BBQ Smoker and BBQ Grill is unique in so many ways - it makes the most delicious smoked food and is one of the best Smokers money can buy. Our Green Energy Barbecue Equipment works by superheating superheating our green energy charcoal in our speciality barbecue appliance which then converts the coconut charcoal into a gaseous state which smokes the food till it cooks. The smoke which is released is used to barbecue the food in the equipment which has been specially modified to process our coconut charcoal. The green energy avoids the harmful effects of kerosene or other petroleum products typically used for conventional charcoal barbecues. This BBQ Smoker uses Coco Pellets which are ‘moisture resistant pellet fuel ‘. These wonderful pellets will work with most pellet fuel heating systems and do not disintegrate with moisture unlike traditional conventional wood pellets.

To find out more Contact Us on: 0203 287 4251 Email: or visit:

35% OF Customers will Spend at least £15 whilst Enjoying Live Sports in Bars and Hotels around the UK. Sport is everywhere from now! March brings World Twenty20 Cricket, then England face both Sri Lanka and Pakistan from May through to September. If a bigger ball is your tipple, then in May there are Champions League and Europa Finals, FA Cup Final and Euro 2016 starting in June. Smaller ball lovers, will be enthralled with the Open in July and the Ryder Cup in September. If that wasn’t enough, Wimbledon, awaits us in June and July. Finally the Olympics and Paralympics are arriving August and September. There is no better way of promoting all this sport, than with a Changeable Outdoor

Tamperproof Sign. With 140 letter tiles as standard, you’ll never run out of sporting events to shout about! Our letters have been especially formulated to be read from well over 60 feet, meaning passing traffic, whether on foot or in the car, will know exactly what’s on in your bar this summer. Finally, here’s a tip from the experts at They say a picture paints a 1000 words. Post a picture of your changeable sign on social media everyday this summer with a humorous short message! It is proven to be 25 times more effective than text alone. Call 0800 9 545 014 to find out how our changeable signs get more customers watching sport in your licenced premises. The UK’s Only Replaceable Sign Systems See advert on page 20 for further details.

Explore the Akwill BBQ Smoker TRY A new cooking concept and create the ultimate in barbecue dishes with the new Akwill Green Energy Barbecue, the supreme BBQ Grill and BBQ Smoker. The Akwill Bbq Smoker is not like other Bbq Smokers it is light and manoeuvrable, easy to clean, heats up easily and quickly and can cook up to 8 chickens at once. Our Grills on sale use superheated smoke which results in an good appearance and great taste to the grilled food, the BBQ grills up to 8 chickens at a time and can also process pastries, biscuits, other meats, vegetables and various types of seafood using the unique coco smoke. Ideal for a catering company looking for a superb new cooking experience. Ideal for outdoor caterers, sandwich shops, street sellers, events caterers and for the larger domestic environment, or even someone in the Party industry looking for a big BBQ Smoker for all their entertainment food needs. The Akwill BBQ smoker uses a cooking method – popular in the United States but relatively unknown in the UK – so that you

can slowly smoke food at a low heat, and then finish it with the crisp outer layer by turning up the temperature. By purchasing our green energy barbecue system, you will make a life changing investment. Everyone will notice the difference in the way the food you cook looks and tastes. Whether it is meat, seafood, vegetables or fruit when you use our BBQ Grill the end result will be moist, tender, juicy and tasty using our green barbecue system. Don’t just take our word for how well the Akwill BBQ Smoker cooks, here are comments from former Pub Food Award winner, UK Professional Chef Paul Morgan. "Light and manoeuvrable. "Easy to use, once mastered the P programme. "Good flavours and very moist meat. "The ease of cooking, i.e. place meat in and come back 2 hours later. Don’t have to wait for it to reach temperature before putting meat in. "Clean heat material." The result from the Akwill BBQ smoker is deliciously different, flavoursome food, created in classic barbecue fashion, the BBQ Smoker is different to other Grills on sale that are available to you. For further details see advert this page.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


March 2016

The Perfect Finishing Touch For Your Event!

New arrivals ready for immediate delivery




£60.00 eac h

plus VA T Cruz Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather


Pric £90.00 e eac h

plus VA T

Romeo Tub Chair available in Black, Cream, Red and Dark Brown faux leather


WE ALSO STOCK: Cadbury Purple, Orange, Lime Green, Royal Blue, Black, Navy Blue, Wine OTHER COLOURS CAN BE MATCHED & PRODUCED Produced in hard wearing, Stain Resistant fibre Supplied any length, any width & almost any shape! All edges double overlocked in perfect colour matching yarn OPTIONAL: FITTED SAFETY END PLATES To reduce trip hazards NON-SLIP BACKING To prevent movement on polished floors SCOTCHGARD STAIN PROTECTION For added Stain Protection STAIR RODS Hollow or Solid with a choice of finishes FREE STANDARD 7 DAY DELIVERY mainland uk NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE subject to stock VISIT OUR WEBSITE or CALL or EMAIL US FOR ADVICE & QUOTATIONS Email or call us for a free no-obligation sample pack.

There Is No Chair Like A Chairmaker Chair CHAIRMAKER ARE British designer manufacturers of stunning chairs and sofas. Built tough for life in your busy venue.

Unlike cheap imported chairs, Chairmaker bespoke chairs and sofas will last for years as they are designed from the ground up for contract use. All internals meet crib5 fire, The timbers are FSC or PEFC certified and meet EUTR regulations. You can supply your own fab-

Maszma Marketing MASZMA MARKETING, is a Malaysian Company based in Vietnam that has been involved in furniture exports for over 20 years. Our main export markets include USA-Canada-Europe-Australia-New Zealand. We operate mainly out of Vietnam and Indonesia and Malaysia.

rics or choose from the hundreds at the Chairmaker factory in Sussex. These chairs have attention to detail like no other and that is why you will find them in London's most exclusive venues. Built to order in Sussex there is no chair like a Chairmaker chair. T. 01903 202008 E. W.

Almost 90 % of our products are customer designed items (OEM) and are made exclusively for them. For further details of our range, please see the advert

Refurbishment Victor Hall & Sons Antiques SINCE 1965, Victor Hall & Sons Antiques has been an established family business based in the U.K. Although our origins come from collecting and restoring antique furniture this evolved into designing and constructing bespoke fine furniture and bars. During this time we have been a major resource for interior designers, contactors and the hospitality business. For over 40 years we have manufactured bars for home and commercial use and


OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200 pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move

have sold to customers all over the world. Bars can be custom made to your requirements from a variety of materials, colours and styles. Our on-site workshop practices traditional techniques to construct, carve and hand polish to achieve a truly bespoke service. This covers the complete range, from large commercial restaurant bars to smaller cigar or games room bars. We are dedicated in making exquisite pieces of furniture, created by craftsman with extreme emphasis on quality and perfection. Victor Hall & Sons Antiques W: E: T: +44 (0) 1268 711777 individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping position. They also minimise disturbance between partners to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

2016 is Truly ‘The Summer Of Sport’

35% OF Customers will Spend at least £15 whilst Enjoying Live Sports in Bars and Hotels around the UK. Sport is everywhere from now! March brings World Twenty20 Cricket, then England face both Sri Lanka and Pakistan from May through to September. If a bigger ball is your tipple, then in May there are Champions League and Europa Finals, FA Cup Final and Euro 2016 starting in June. Smaller ball lovers, will be enthralled with the Open in July and the Ryder Cup in September. If that wasn’t enough, Wimbledon, awaits us in June and July. Finally the Olympics and Paralympics are arriving August and September. There is no better way of promoting all

this sport, than with a Changeable Outdoor Tamperproof Sign. With 140 letter tiles as standard, you’ll never run out of sporting events to shout about! Our letters have been especially formulated to be read from well over 60 feet, meaning passing traffic, whether on foot or in the car, will know exactly what’s on in your bar this summer. Finally, here’s a tip from the experts at They say a picture paints a 1000 words. Post a picture of your changeable sign on social media everyday this summer with a humorous short message! It is proven to be 25 times more effective than text alone. Call 0800 9 545 014 to find out how our changeable signs get more customers watching sport in your licenced premises. The UK’s Only Replaceable Sign Systems

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2016


Dining Chairs UK

lines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

DINING CHAIRS UK has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your dead-

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030 or email

Wet and Forget

Why use Wet & Forget? Moss, mould, lichen, algae, and black mould are part of our lives. Because of our climate these biological growths attach themselves, uninvited, to every exterior surface around our home. These growths are seriously unattractive and dangerous (slippery pavers and concrete). These growths damage paintwork, masonry, bricks, roof tiles, outdoor furniture, and whatever else you can think of! What to do about it??? It all sounds like hard work!! Not with Wet & Forget!! Just wet any exterior surface with the product... then forget it!! The weather does the work.

Waterblasting has been a common method of removing grime & growth but it is very aggressive and abrasive. It can lift paint, scour timber and lift the fine sand and cement out of concrete. Plus it does not kill the growth - so even as you are waterblasting, the growth spore is busily re-establishing itself. Then there are aggressive chemicals like bleach, caustic soda and acid based products which have the same effect as waterblasting. For further information visit Phone Number 0800 999 3309 Or see the advert on page 10.

Is Wet & Forget Safe? A great big YES IT IS!! Wet & Forget is non caustic, non acidic and contains no bleach! It has a pH of 8. Tap water is 7!

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment MOBILE KITCHENS Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens,

Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email:, call us on 0845 812 0800, or visit our website: Please quote CLH186 when responding.

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment.

We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward

For information for or to arrange a site visit, please email: ourfurther recommendations your project. or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website:


March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

MAJisign Wooden A-Boards, Chalkboards And Wooden Displays MAJisign are the UK’s largest manufacturer of wooden A-Boards, chalkboards and wooden displays. All of our wooden products are designed and manufactured in house at our UK workshop, in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, where we house an 18,000 sqft factory and design studio.

Using sustainably sourced timber we can design, manufacture and deliver high quality wooden displays at the UK’s best prices. Every step of production is looked after by our highly skilled experts, ensuring you have the best possible finish to your products. For more information and to place an order, contact us today on 08007835887

Shutters Are the Perfect Window Solution for Your Property IF YOU are looking for practical and beautiful window dressing then shutters have to be your first choice.

Perfect for the commercial environment, shutters are wipe-clean, noise reducing and offer light and shade flexibility, coupled with privacy and security. What is more, shutters are perfect in a humid environment and are a child safe option, having no hanging pull chords. So, whether it is a wow factor window you want to make the most of, some privacy in a hotel room, or low maintenance, wipe clean

option for your bar area, nothing can beat our gorgeous shutters. Just Shutters are the shutter experts; we have the widest range of shutters in the UK with styles, materials and finishes to suit any need and décor, and with over 7000 happy customers and a 9.9/10 checkatrade rating (from over 900 reviews) you can be assured of our quality, value and service. It is time to say goodbye to cumbersome fabrics and hello to stunning shutters, call 01202 240769 or visit

Why PVC Banners Have The Midas Touch For Your Business PVC banners are a cost-effective way of pushing marketing and sales messages to the paying public “Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things” sang Maria in The Sound of Music, although the attractive songstress forgot to include PVC banners amidst the mentions of schnitzel with noodles and snowflakes that fall on her nose and eyelashes. PVC banners are certainly one of our favourite things and that’s why HFE was set up in the first place. We recognised that there was a growing demand from businesses to pursue this cheap and effective way of peddling their wares all year round. For the uninitiated, a PVC banner is a display item that you might see outside a pub, restaurant, leisure centre, gym or public event. These banners are built to last with strong durable outdoor 550gsm coated PVC ensuring that they stand up to any weather condition. The full solvent inks used on the banners have been severely road-tested to make sure that the message stays sharp irrespective of snow, sleet or rain. Why use PVC banners? We’ve already mentioned that they’re a cheap option that caters for any marketing budget. Starting from £13.99, PVC banners don’t break the bank so there is little downside to getting involved and testing the market. Businesses now recognise that

word of mouth can only take you so far, with their premises often ideal for attaching a PVC banner or two. So a pub who does a cracking Sunday carvery can create themselves a banner at HFE advertising this fact along with some gorgeous imagery of roast meats and vegetables. Say a pub does a Curry Night on a Monday, a Steak Night on a Wednesday and a Pub Quiz on a Friday. That could lead the proprietors to commission a banner for each of these days and simply attach the display items outside the building. The rustproof eyelets enable easy fastening and untying of the PVC banners! At the HFE website, we offer customers the chance to design their own PVC banners. It’s a free design service which is great for those businesses that want something unique or bespoke. However, on the flip side, we already have banner designs that you can grab “off the shelf” for popular events such as pub nights, Valentine’s Day and Christmas. When you order more than one banner with HFE, then we’ll throw free delivery into the equation. Then there’s the fact that any order before 11am means next working day delivery and we’re naturally a 24/7 business when it comes to designing and ordering online. PVC banners tied up with string, they might just be our favourite thing!

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Property and Professional

March 2016

Anglo Continental Placements Ltd Established recruitment agency for 20 years


South African / EU Nationals available for immediate start We supply Live in or live out candidates From all levels of staff right up to management positions We supply branded companies right through to small B&B’s We pride ourselves on reasonable rates and professional service T 01273 77 66 60 F 01273 77 66 34 E

One Month To Go; How Will The National Living Wage Impact Your Bottom Line? WITH ONE month to go until the implementation of the National Living Wage, Beacon, Britain’s leading purchasing company, is revealing the true cost of implementing the new wages, and the effect it will have on pricing for the year ahead:

(Contact Sharon/Rachel)



• Retirement Sale

• Bar and restaurant

• Wet led pub

• 100+ covers

• 3-section bar

• Large trade garden

• Good trade patio • 4-5 bedrooms

£625,000 FREEHOLD

• Car Park

• 3 bedrooms

£465,000 FREEHOLD


• Public house

• • • • •

• Skittle alley

• Catering kitchen

• Patio & large car park • 3 bedrooms

£450,000 FREEHOLD


KINGSNORTH, ASHFORD Two bars Trade kitchen Level cellar Trade patio, car park 5 bedrooms



• Wet led pub

• Free of Tie village pub

• Commercial kitchen

• Large garden & patio

• Games annexe

• Main bar

• Car park

• Beer garden • 3 bedrooms


• 3 bedrooms




• Two bars

• Public house

• Large trade kitchen

• 38 cover restaurant

• Trade patios, car park

• Trade garden, play equip

• 3 letting bedrooms • Manager’s flat


TENTERDEN 01580 766522

• Good car park • 2 bedrooms


BRIGHTON 01273 565621

• Prices for goods and services are increasing by as much as 4% • Hospitality businesses wage increases as much as £25,000 to implement NLW • Businesses face fines of up to £20,000 for non-compliance from April 1 The cost implications of the new National Living Wage are huge: a 7% increase for those already on National Minimum Wage, which equates to £910 per annum for a full-time employee. These changes will potentially impact a huge number of businesses as not only will their payroll outgoings increase, but supplier prices may also increase to cover their own rising costs. Recent pricing notifications from a variety of Beacon suppliers have outlined price increases of up to 4%, with most of these specifically citing the National Living Wage as a main cause. One Beacon supplier detailed exactly how the new wage will affect their business: “We wholly support the introduction of the National Living Wage, which will apply to many of our staff. It has to be appreciated however, that the new wage represents a significant cost increase and unfortunately, given its scale and the large number of staff to whom it will apply, we will not be able to fully offset it with cost saving initiatives we are pursuing in other areas. In order to fully cover the increase in costs we would need to apply an increase of 4.1% to cover living wage and 1.5% increase to cover inflation.” Speaking at Beacon’s recent exhibition, which hosted workshops for hos-

pitality business owners on key industry topics, Louise Bloomfield, Partner at DAC Beachcroft LLP, offered some advice: “There are steps employers can make during the recruitment process to minimise the impact of this new wage. Employers should look at their resourcing models and, for instance, their use of agency staff or contractors, or how they use apprentices who, for example, attract a lower hourly rate but can be a strong resource to invest in. “The risks associated with not paying National Living Wage are far too great for businesses to ignore. Not only can failure to pay be a criminal offence, it carries a maximum penalty of £20,000 per employee, as well as 200% of any arrears and directors can also face a disqualification of up to 15 years. Employers can also be ‘named and shamed’ in public, which will be hugely detrimental to any business.” Paul Connelly, Managing Director at Beacon, commented: “Beacon is urging the government to look again at supporting businesses in the hospitality industry, to help ease the widespread pressure that is being felt throughout the sector. One of our customers told us that its total bill for implementing the new wage would be £25,000 for 2016/17, a sum that is difficult to absorb for small and medium sized businesses. “A recent survey by Beacon’s sister company, Best Western, revealed that 90% of respondents will have to increase prices to mitigate the increase to staff salaries, 43% said they would be forced to reduce their workforce and 80% said they would rethink recruitment. Our fear is that the Office for Budget Responsibility’s estimate of 60,000 job losses will be disproportionately distributed among small and medium sized businesses in the hospitality industry, those that are least likely to be able to absorb the costs. “We have already seen an increase of around 1.5% across food wholesale categories and up to a 4% increase in linen costs from some of our suppliers. Although Beacon cannot stop suppliers from passing on price increases due to the National Living Wage, we are maintaining our stringent controls over cost to mitigate these inevitable price increases as much as possible.” For more information about Beacon please visit or follow Beacon on Twitter @Beacon_YPP.

Deceptively Spacious Riverside Pub & Restaurant with En-Suite Letting Rooms Sold SITUATED IN a prominent roadside position, The Wheatsheaf at Wilton, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire, is in an ideal location for attracting passing trade, boasting a riverside setting with grounds backing onto the River Wylye. With the potential to develop all aspects of the trade, the business was sold by licensed property specialists Stonesmith. The Wheatsheaf is a substantial riverside coaching inn set next to the Wilton Shopping Village which traded as a pub with letting bedrooms. The accommodation briefly comprised:- Main Bar, Lounge Bar and Dining Room, with

50 covers in total plus standing room at the bars, and Commercial Catering Kitchen with ancillary areas. In addition, there are 4 En-Suite Letting Rooms and a 2 Bedroomed Owners Apartment. Director of Stonesmith, Mike Phillips said “having previously been on the market with a national business transfer agent, our client was keen to use the regional knowledge of Westcountry pub specialists, Stonesmith. This, together with a more extensive and high profile marketing campaign resulted in multiple offers being received”. If you are considering selling and would like a fresh approach, contact Stonesmith via the website or call us on 01392 201262.

The Winchester Gate, Salisbury, Wiltshire for Sale

A LEASEHOLD Inn has just been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds :- The Winchester Gate, Rampart Rd, Salisbury, Wiltshire This nicely presented and traditional Grade II Listed Inn is located within the City of Salisbury. Salisbury is the only cathedral city in Wiltshire and is the second largest settlement in the county with a population of approx. 40,000.The city is served by Salisbury Railway Station and sits at the confluence of 5 rivers.

Stonehenge, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site is within 8 miles. This traditional business is made up of a Lounge Bar (circa 40-50), Public Bar/Music Room (circa 30), Lovely Rear Trade Gardens (circa 50), 4 Bed Living Accommodation and a Commercial Catering Kitchen. Asking Price £37,500. Wellington Pub Co ‘Free of Tie’ Leasehold. Last Years Turnover circa £238,000 (incl.). Rent £25,000 Trade Split 100% Wet. Contact the sales agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on


include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

romsey (01794) 522228

LICENSED CONTINENTAL STYLE CAFÉ/RESTAURANT, PRIME POSN IN MARKET TOWN CENTRE, PETERSFIELD, HANTS. Character prop with 4 opening dble doors to sunny paved forecourt with seating for 30 people. Tastefully decorated with exposed brick wall & strip wood effect floor. Offering seating for 20/28 people. Wood panelled servery with espresso & catering kitchen. Same hands 4 years. Open 7 days, closed at 6/7 pm. T/O £5,500 p.w. Recorded T/O £230,000 ex VAT y/e June 2015. GP 73%. Leasehold with approx. 11 yrs remaining at £25,000 p.a.x. - £160,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3640) QUALITY KITCHENWARE SHOP, PRIZED POSN, AMIDST SOUGHT AFTER THORO’FARE, SERVING AFFLUENT AREA, COASTAL LOCATION, EAST HAMPSHIRE. Situated close to a large supermarket & car park. Eye-catching shop extends to approx. 735 sq.ft retail. Superbly fitted with Epos till. Estab by Vendors in 2002. Run under part-time supervision. Open congenial hrs. T/O £4,500 p.w. Accts record T/O of £186,280 (ex VAT) y/e 31.8.2015. GP £87,372 (46.9%). New 10 yr lease at initial rental of £17,725 p.a.x. - £26,500 + S.A.V. (Ref. M.3636) LEASEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE & 14 BEDROOM BOUTIQUE HOTEL, CITY CENTRE, SOUTHAMPTON. Imposing period property, steeped in local history. Thoroughly modernised. Air-con corner bar has capacity for 120 people, with DJ console & 2 screens. Adj. Real Ale Bar – capacity 80, was former restaurant. Comprehensively equipped catering kitchen. Superior ‘boutique style’ hotel accom. comprises 14 letting bedrms on 1st & 2nd flrs. Entirely staff run. Bar takings £5,000/£8,000 a week incl. food. GP 50%. Hotel takings £4,000/£5,000 a week. Leasehold at current rental of £45,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £250,000 + S.A.V. for 100% shareholding in Ltd Co. (Ref. F/H.3637) DAYTIME FISH & CHIPS TAKE AWAY & LIC. RESTAURANT, JUST OFF MULTIPLE THORO’FARE, OUTSKIRTS OF SOUTHAMPTON. Retirement sale – same hands 29 yrs. Eye-catching take away with 5-pan range. Adj. restaurant seats 56. T/O £4,000 p.w. (80% take away). Accts avail. Scope for eve and Sunday opening. Available FREEHOLD with 2 dble bed flat above - £380,000, OR, as a lock-up with a new lease, at £12,000 p.a.x. – £89,500 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3617)

Property and Professional The Howick Falls Hotel - A Lifestyle Challenge THE ORIGINAL trekker’s hotel was established in 1872 at a crossing on the Umgeni River between Johannesburg and the port of Durban. It stands impressively as 2 Main Street by the main bridge and has provided shelter for Cecil Rhodes, Paul Kruger, Mark Twain and Morton Stanley. The Howick Falls is nearby falling nearly a 100m in a spectacular drop The business cries out for a hands on resident proprietor

to create, enthuse and stamp their personality over a unique project. The property is currently owned by an investment company in Durban and administered from there. Howick is a fast expanding retirement town with an agreeable climate, good shopping, a large mall 15 minutes away and located in an area of considerable beauty. Please spend some time on the Net checking out Howick KZN, Howick Falls Hotel KZN and Midlands Meander KZN. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01423 631529 or email:

The Shipwright Arms, Helford For Sale THE SHIPWRIGHTS Arms is situated in Helford on the edge of the Helford River, which is one of the most unspoilt rivers in Cornwall. The Shipwrights Arms is a traditional 18th Century public house which has received much investment over the past 4 years and is now restored to a fully functional, outstanding waterfront inn. Grade II listed to protect a plethora or period features, the pub stands in a dominant position overlooking the Helford river and briefly comprises entrance vestibule / ‘The Mermaids Terrace’ (16+), lounge bar and restaurant (40+), ‘The Fisherman’s’ 18+ & ‘The Yachtsman’s’ with covers for (16) in additional to the commercial kitchen on the ground floor, with the two/three-bedroom owner’s accommodation and one bedroom managers flat positioned on the first floor. Externally there is seating on a tiered terraced area for circa 110+ with stunning views over the Helford river, with the private-

Are You Focused? 35 years ago, I stood on Lambeth Bridge & threw my briefcase in the Thames saying 'never again will I work conventionally. At the time I was MD of 3 companies, part of a large group, but I couldn't stand the politics. That was on a Thursday, the following day I went to my 3 offices & said goodbye to all my staff & put my car keys in the postbox of

ly owned slipway running adjacent to the pub and car park which leads to the river and the jetty. The Shipwrights Arms has received much investment over recent times and now represents an outstanding freehouse in one of the finest positions in Cornwall. The property has many original features, from exposed wooden beams, low ceilings, flagstone slate floors, exposed stone walls all set in a charming riverside setting and comes to the market lovingly restored with a robust turnover and excellent profits – which continue to improve. Leasehold terms to be agreed. The current freeholder is as interested in ensuring the continuing success of the Shipwrights, as securing a lease on sensible terms. Detailed terms can be negotiated around a free of tie lease with a rent of 10% of turnover subject to a minimum, which is to be agreed. For further information contact Charles Darrow on 01626 330022, email: or visit

the group head office & caught the train home. The following day I went to Italy for 2 weeks & on the first day back, I saw a Midland Bank Manager, told him what I'd done & he said "despite the fact you're young, you've had a lot of experience in running companies, I think you can help some of my customers". So for 35 years, I've been helping companies & it took me years to work out the 1 reason why a business makes money is the same reason why a business makes money: FOCUS. Focus just on your skill, you'll never make money. Focus on profit & you'll make money. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01202 551193, email: or visit

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Quick Capital Case Study Aunt Martha’s Victorian Restaurant “THE RESPONSE rate from enquiring to having a decision and receiving the cash was impressive.”

Aunt Martha’s Victorian Restaurant, based in Drybrook, Gloucestershire, used a Quick Capital cash advance to make improvements to their business. Here’s their story. Winners of the 2014 Cotswold Life Food and Drink Awards, Aunt Martha’s has come a long way since opening in 2007. Owner, Andrew Carr, tells us how a Quick Capital business cash advance was an appealing choice, due to the simple application process and speed of receiving funds. “I needed access to cash quickly in order to make some small improvements to the business. The response rate from enquiring to having a decision and receiving the cash was

impressive. The cash advance has helped us make improvements to the shop interior and also enabled us to purchase a laser printer which has greatly improved the quality of our printed materials.” Access to immediate funding can open up doors for independent businesses that are looking to expand and grow. “We are the only truly authentic Victorian restaurant in the country and we have big plans to relocate into larger premises with improved facilities in the future” says Andrew. “The best thing about using Quick Capital has been the immediate access to finance with minimal paperwork. The whole process was really straightforward from start to finish!” To find out more about how Quick Capital can help you raise funds to grow your business, call 0800 3777 402 or visit or see the advert on page 15.

Tempted by a New Life in South Africa? This property and business is currently “self-supporting”financially, and consists of: • A unique historic Colonial style building embracing an 18 bed en-suite hotel • A shopping arcade of 10 fully let units including Specsavers Opportunity to grow with... • A recent planning consent for 20 slot machines • Alternatively, a restaurant and roadside terrace not currently let, or further retail • Several upstairs empty offices which easily convert to an owners apartment Check out Howick Falls Hotel on the net Contact initially, or phone 01423 631529 Price 14,250,000 ZAR (approx £615k current exchange) – (Including VAT)

For family reasons we need to return to the UK

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Property and Professional

March 2016

The Bowling Green, Exeter for Sale AWARD WINNING Licence and Leisure Agents Bettesworths are delighted to announce the sale of the Bowling Green Pub situated on the edge of Exeter’s Central Business District. The partially tied Lease is available at an asking price of £35,000 to include the trade inventory and goodwill.










Daytime Town Centre Coffee Shop Much Sought After Cotswold Market Town Main Cafe Area (22+), Courtyard (22+) Well Presented 1 Bedroom Maisonette Potential for Evening Trade

Traditional Character Moorland Inn Prominent Roadside Trading Location Bar & Restaurant Areas (56) Spacious 3 Bedroom Owners Accom Lawned Beer Garden (90+), Parking Excellent First Business Opportunity

Established Delicatessen & Cafe Daytime Opening Only Retail & Customer Servery Area (10) Pavement Seating for 12 Customers Unopposed Business Opportunity

FH: £295,000

LH £65,000


CORNWALL Coastal Hotel, Restaurant & Bar Bar, Restaurant & Cafe (100) 10 En-Suite Letting Bedrooms Owners Accommodation Trade Gardens (100+) & Car Parking





Detached Wet Led Inn Bar (30+), Restaurant Area (30), Games Rm 3 Well Appointed En-Suite Letting Rooms Owners Accom, Trade Garden & Car Park Currently 90% Wet. FREE OF TIE.

Spacious Riverside Guest House Prominent Landmark Position Guest Lounge, Bar & Dining Rooms 10 Letting Rooms. 2 Bedroom Private Riverside Gardens & Patio Area


LH £9,995


FH OIRO £425,000



LH £195,000


LH £59,950



Quality Award Winning Restaurant Ground & First Floor Dining Rooms(44) Impressive 3/4 Bed Owners Accommodation Patio Trade Garden for 14 Customers No Major Expenditure Required

High Quality Award Winning Restaurant Main Restaurant & Conservatory (36) Customer Lounge Area Flexible Owners/Letting Bedrooms Patio Areas, Trade Garden (12)

LH £50,000


FH £275,000



Quality Market Town Public House Bar, Versatile Skittle Alley/Function Rm Front & Rear External Seating Areas (70) 2/3 Double Bed Private Accommodation Lots of Potential


01392 201262

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Thinking of selling? Regional Specialists National Exposure


PRICE £545,000


PRICE £39,950


PRICE £25,000


PRICE £20,000

• Charming Grade II Listed Character Inn • Situated only a Mile from the North Cornwall Coast • Main Bar (26 covers), 2 Barns & Function Room (50 seating/100 standing) • 6 Letting Rooms, 3 Bed Owners Accommodation • Turnover for Year End May 2015 £404,184 ex VAT



REF: 2286



• Fantastic City Centre Community Pub • Main Open Plan Character Bar Area • Spacious 3 Bedroom Owners Flat • Split Level Trade Garden • Successful Business with High Turnover, Priced to Sell

PRICE £35,000



• Lovely Traditional Pub in Heart of Town • Substantial Building Over 4 Floors • 2 Character Trading Areas, 5 Letting Rooms • Owners Accommodation • Available on New Free of Tie Lease


REF: 1936

• Lock Up Ice Cream Parlour Situated on Paignton’s ‘Golden Mile’ • Made Trade Area with Chiller Display Cabinets & Internal Seating Area • Outside Seating for 6 • A Well Equipped Seasonal Business, Trading from April to October • Great Opportunity to Run a ‘Life Style’ Business


• Well Established & Hugely Successful Restaurant • American Diner Themed Trade Area with Seating for 28 • Currently Trading Daytimes only with Scope to Increase into the Evenings • Self-Contained 2/3 Bedroom Accommodation • Sensible Offers Considered



REF: 2329


• Lock Up Takeaway Premises in an Excellent Trading Location • Smartly Decorated Unit with Customer Waiting Area • Well Equipped Preparation Area • Basement Storage Area • Staff Cloakroom & Office


REF: 2333

REF: 2210



• Popular Licensed Restaurant • Ground Floor Trade Area with Scope to Seat 30 • Well Established with Strong Local Trade • Spacious 3 Bed Self Contained Accommodation • Located Towards Higher End of Torquay Town

PRICE £245,950



PRICE £395,000

REF: 2197


• Beautiful Grade II Listed Village Inn Situated in East Devon • Fully Refurbished to an Extremely High Standard • 4 En Suite Letting Rooms, 3 Bed Owners Accommodation • Pretty Trade Courtyard access via Coaching Arch • Growing Business with Big Potential/Also available Freehold


01803 212142

The Fitzhead Inn, Somerset is Sold AN EXTREMELY well presented award winning village pub and restaurant with origins reputedly dating back to the 17th Century and located in the centre of an attractive Somerset village in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, has been sold by licensed and leisure property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. Trading as a destination country pub and restaurant with high quality letting rooms, attracting customers from a wide catchment area, The Fitzhead Inn has received numerous awards and accolades, including a 3 Star Gold Award from the AA, an AA Dinner Award, TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence and a rating of 9.1 on

The property was completely refurbished in 2013 to a high standard throughout and this ensures excellent levels of regular repeat business and word of mouth recommendations. The business has its own website which in turn is linked to a number of other accommodation based websites including the AA and The accommodation briefly comprises a Character Bar & Restaurant for 36 customers, well equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen and 2 Double Bedroom Private Accommodation. Externally there is an enclosed sun trap Courtyard Seating Area for 36 customers, a Covered Smoking Area for 12 customers and a Function Room/Private Dining Area. A converted barn now offers 4 high quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms. Full details of all our current businesses are available to view on our website If you are thinking of selling or would like some professional advice, call us on 01392 201262 in complete confidence.

The Holly Tree, Englefield Green, Surrey on the Market


FH OIEO £395,000

The property is a prominent two storey building comprising a main open plan character bar with trading space for circa 70 plus, split over two levels. In addition there is a fully equipped

commercial kitchen, ladies and gents cloakrooms, good ‘back of house’ space and a spacious three bed owners flat on the first floor. There is a raised and partially landscaped area at the rear of the property with a decked beer garden and a separate private garden. The Bowling Green is a highly successful wet led community pub benefiting from its main road location and the residential area surrounding the property. The business is currently run largely under management and benefits from its close proximity to the Exeter City Football Ground and the ever growing population from Exeter University. For further information please contact Bettesworths on 01803 212142 or visit

REF: 2147

LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive community inn; the Holly Tree, situated in the highly sought after village of Englefield Green. Martin McConnell said “this delightful community inn is now up for grabs for the 1st time in almost 10 years and is offered for sale on a favourable ‘part tied’ lease with approximately 13 years remaining. Our clients have achieved a well-established trading foundation which can be fully emulated; yet also offers huge potential to increase the turnover and profits by simply exploiting the immense food potential!”

This delightful property features a traditional and inviting main Lounge Bar (circa 15+) and a traditional Public Bar (circa 20+) and a versatile Dining Area (circa 20+ covers). The family accommodation briefly comprises: 4 bedrooms, lounge, utility room and 2 shower rooms. There is also an enclosed Beer Garden and a Patrons Car Park. Price: £65,000. Tenure: Leasehold – approximately 13 years remaining. Turnover: Advised turnover for YE July 2013 circa £286,000 (incl. VAT). Trade Split: Circa 80% wet sales and 20% food sales. Rent: £32,000 per annum. Landlord: Punch Taverns. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112 for details.

Lyme Regis Boutique Hotel Delighted With Armstrong Advice And Equipment The Dower House, which sits is two acres in Rousdon just outside Lyme Regis, was built in 1880 and has served time as a rectory and a public school headmaster’s residence until it was converted to a hotel in the 1970s. When Neil and Rosemarie Baker bought the hotel two years ago it was, they told us, in a very ‘tired’ state operating in the main summer season only. Since then they have carried out a major refurbishment including completely new plumbing, a new laundry, a biomass boiler and solar energy system – their aim being to run as ‘green’ an operation as possible. The hotel now offers a very high standard of bed and breakfast accommodation and service in 10 individually designed rooms, plus cream teas, a bar, evening meals by arrangement and a swimming pool. In addition it is becoming a popular venue for celebration parties, meetings and even weddings. The laundry they inherited from the

previous owners consisted of domestic equipment which was on its last legs, Neil told us. “I looked at several companies, and was attracted by the Armstrong website”, he said. “I was impressed by their attitude, which felt more like consultancy than hard sell. When their territory manager had been to see us, he changed the original advice on what we needed, so we felt we had a plan which was totally tailored to our requirements.” The laundry, which consists of a Schulthess 7kg washer and a Huebsch tumble dryer, handles all the towels, table clothes and napkins while the bed linen is sent out. It is operated by the housekeeping team, headed by Rosemarie and is in operation every day. “Altogether I think Armstrong have been one of our best suppliers”, Neil told us. “They really seem to know what they are talking about and the equipment has been totally trouble free since it was installed.” For further information contact Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems Tel: 01635 263410 E: Website:

Capacity To Bridge The Gap: FRIMA Launches New VarioCooking Center FRIMA HAS launched a new VarioCooking Center. The 112L is a two-pan unit, each with a capacity of 25 litres. Previous Frima two-pan units have had 14 litre pans and the new model was developed in direct response to customer demand. Like the recently launched 112T, the new unit is a counter top model that can easily be installed on the work bench, on a stand or elsewhere. Thus even small kitchens can benefit from its high capacity, multifunctional cooking abilities. And the VarioCooking Center 112L is truly multifunctional: it can replace griddles, kettles, bratt pans, large pots and fryers and can be used to fry, deep fry, boil and confit. The 112L’s two pans offer maximum flexibility both in production and in à la carte. Chefs can be boiling pasta in one pan and cooking steaks in the other, frying chips in one and creating béchamel sauce in the other – the potential is vast. The 50 litre capacity provides sufficient frying surface and boiling capacity even at peak times. The height of the pan base is ergonomically designed to make it easy for chefs to work with, which is an important benefit compared to tilting pans or other multifunctional appliances. "With the new 112L model, we are filling a gap in our product range, offering customers an even greater selection of VarioCooking Center Multificiency appliances,” says Michael Fuchs, chairman of the board of Frima International AG. “The new model is ideal for anyone

needing the flexibility of two pans, but who has limited space, while also having to produce larger quantities during peak times." Like other models in the range, the VarioCooking Center 112L achieves energy savings of up to 40% compared to conventional cooking appliances, and cooks up to 4 times faster. The overnight cooking function creates additional capacity as it cooks without supervision, so food is ready in the morning when staff arrive – and chef can then use the Frima for other cooking tasks. The integrated cooking intelligence ensures perfect cooking results: for example, pasta is automatically lifted from the water at the end of the cooking time, the unit will notify staff when pan fried foods need turning and it regulates the temperature and timing to the precise degree and second, so that food and liquids never burn, boil over or stick. “Customers had been asking about a model that bridged the gap between the original, smaller 112 units and the larger 211 and 311 VarioCooking Centers, which have capacities of 100 and 150 litres respectively,” says Graham Kille, managing director of Frima UK. “Then, in 2015, Frima talked to 400 chefs across Europe and they confirmed the demand for the 50 litre model. However, they wanted the flexibility of the two pans – and so the 112L was created.” For information and brochures, or to come to a free Cooking Live demonstration, call FRIMA UK on 0845 680 3981, email or visit

March 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Hand-made Cheese Trolleys Designed for Hotels & Restaurants THOMPSON AND Waterman has a well-deserved record for creating quality, hand-made trolleys used in some of the world's most famous and prestigious restaurants. Using sustainably sourced timber and the finest, British, stainless steel fittings, each aspect of the design has been devised to be durable, stylish and user-friendly. At Thompson and Waterman we like to work closely with our customers to provide the details which make your working lives easier. We can adapt our trolleys so that they perform to the exacting standards that you

require. Read more to see the latest trolleys we have customised and delivered. The company was founded by David Thompson, a restauranteur with a passion for cheese, and Alan Waterman, a precision engineer and true craftsman. Such a rare combination of experience and knowledge created this special range of trolleys, built to the highest standards, for further details see advert page 6, call 01787 373919 or visit "I have been presented with the most beautiful cheese trolley - very imaginative and very smart. You can really see that the trolleys are not factory productions but reflect real craftsmanship." - Albert Roux OBE, KFO

Consistently Perfect, Freshly Brewed Coffee At The Touch Of A Button WE ALL love our daily cuppa to get ourselves going, whether it’s a fragrant cup of coffee or a bracing mug of tea. We tend to think high street coffee chains offer the best way to access the flavour of freshly brewed filter coffee we’re now passionate about, but your customers can have this too, along with a choice of fine teas or hot chocolate, in one wonderful brewing machine which is ideal to have in your Breakfast Room, Reception area, Restaurant or Bar. Customers can choose their cup or mug size as well as the type of coffee

or tea, including coffee varieties from around the world and brands such as Starbucks® and Twinings®, so everyone gets the drink they really want – freshly brewed from our specialist pods at the touch of a button. It’s quick, easy and reliable, low cost and low maintenance, as well as consistently perfect every time and with no mess. Keurig UK are the coffee experts and offer a range of brewing systems that will transform your guests’ coffee and tea provision with a first class hot drink, every time, that will cater to their discerning tastes and is an ideal solution for every hospitality operator. See Advert on Page 13

MexImport Importers & Distributors THERE’S A hearty appetite among UK consumers for Mexican food. Researchers tell us “Mexican” was the top response consumers gave when they were asked which ethnic foods or beverages they would like to see offered more often at restaurants and supermarkets. Retailers such as Selfridges, Fenwicks and Home Sense have already responded by launching a new range of Mexican products including hot sauces, artisan marinades, organic agave syrup and more. Restauranteurs have also responded by offering more Mexican options on menus and it seems like every week there’s a new Mexican restaurant or burrito stand opening up somewhere in the UK. So where can you find high quality, authen-

Commercial Catering Auctions Entire Contents of a 150 cover stylish contemporary restaurant and bar including Furniture, Commercial Kitchens, Bar and Ancillary Items Fantastic range of equipment from this fully equipped restaurant. Ends from 09 Mar 2016 14:00 GMT Stanmore, Middlesex Complete contents of a 75 bedroom hotel, conference suites, commercial kitchen, bar & restaurant The hotel had a refurbishment during the British Olympics and is being sold due to development of the site to residential. Ends from 22 Mar 2016 14:00 GMT Harrow, Middlesex Entire Contents of a Luxurious New Homes Marketing Suite - One Blackfriars London Designed by internationally renowned interior designers Tara Bernerd and Partners, the collections are named after leading British artists fabulous contents of these show apartments to be sold. Ends from 30 Mar 2016 14:00 BST London

Pro Auction Limited Contact the auction experts today on 01761 414000 to discuss your next project.

tic, Mexican ingredients and products? MexImport was launched 2014 by a group of entrepreneurs and Mexican food experts, Katya Torres de la Rocha, Eduardo Gomez and Francisco Yong to meet the demand for high quality products from Mexico. MexImport is the UK’s one-stop shop for Mexican products with 100+ brand names and 400+ ingredients and products. These include hot sauces, marinades, high-quality herbs & spices, a range of over 10 types of chillies and dried beans, corn tortillas, beans, organic agave syrup, artisan beer and a wide range of premium 100% agave Tequila and Mezcal. However the list doesn’t stop there. They continue to seek new and exciting flavours to satisfy customers’ continuing desire for great tasting, authentic Mexican food. MexImport Importers & Distributors 07906859048 See Advert on Page 4


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Our designs are custom-made according to the client’s specifications, and can be supplied via mail order. We use a variety of materials, from oak, beech, ash and MDF to local woods, veneers, metals and many more.


Made from solid wood, our replica London phone booths feature tempered glass windows and quality brass fittings.

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