CLH News #187 April 2016

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COPING WITH THE NEW £7.20ph LIVING WAGE From April 2016, all Hotel, Restaurant and Pub businesses will have to pay any staff members who are over 25 years old the new “Living Wage” which starts at £7.20ph!!! THIS WILL BE COMPULSORY - whereas the current “Living Wage” is NOT! This will be extremely difficult for all of our industry’s businesses and FATAL for some! • PERHAPS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SOME HELP AND START PLANNING FOR THIS CHANGE • WE CAN HELP YOU BY REVIEWING YOUR OVERALL WAGES STRUCTURE NOW, AND HELP YOU THROUGH ANY NECESSARY CHANGES Call David Hunter now to talk it through: Phone: 01628 487613 Mob: 07831 407984 (Est 1984) Download the new “Bowden GPCalculator” iPhone App make costing and pricing easy

Product Portfolio

April 2016

Issue 187

Outdoor Spaces

Design and Refit

Property and Professional

Pages 21 - 23

Pages 24 - 27

Pages 28 - 30

Warewashers Pages 18 - 20

Majority Of B&B And Independent Hotel Owners Surveyed Say ‘Yes’ To Brexit Page 16

A SURVEY by online booking partner eviivo has revealed that just under half of independent hotel owners and bedand-breakfast providers are strongly in favour of Britain, leaving the EU. The survey reveals that 49.9% of the 1,050 owners who took part in our study said they were strongly in favour of the UK leaving the EU, 37% said we should absolutely stay, 12% were undecided and 1% do not care either way. The forthcoming June referendum to decide whether Britain will stay in or leave the EU is the most contentious debate of this generation, in particular since recent polling has been very close, with each side “seesawing” ahead and behind almost on a weekly basis .However polling of the independent sector of the hospitality industry by eviivo appears to be quite conclusive. The survey contrasts with a recent ABTA report in which three leading travel organisations have said that Britain leaving the EU would be 'disastrous' for the tourism industry.Monarch Group, Mediterranean specialist tour operator Esplora, and award-winning Belfast travel agent Knock Travel have expressed serious concerns that a Brexit would be negative for UK travel believing it would inevitably lead to increased costs for the customer. The survey also revealed of those who plan to vote in favour of Brexit, 33% believe leaving the EU will make the UK stronger economically; in contrast 41% were of the opinion that the UK will be in a better shape economically should we actually stay. Those wanting to leave the EU also believe that it will reduce the amount of red tape for UK businesses (31%), and help to reduce immigration (26%) however, the remaining ‘Stay’ voters expressed the wish to see reform for the EU from within (31%), whilst nearly one in five

(18%) were concerned regarding a period of uncertainty that would follow leaving the EU as it will have a direct negative impact on their bottom line. Michele Fitzpatrick, eviivo's CEO, commented: "The fact that both camps cited a strengthened UK economy as their number one reason to explain their voting intentions clearly highlights one thing – that there still is a great deal of confusion around the referendum and that what it will eventually mean for UK businesses remains unclear. "What our research also tells us is that Brexit has very much become an emotional debate as opposed to a rational one, which isn't something you'd expect – nor want – with so much at stake. But it is clear that subjective considerations are now outweighing objective ones. "Testament to that is the fact that when asked which politician they felt would do the best job of managing the transition should we leave the EU, both sides opted for Boris Johnson. And yet both sides also had Mr Johnson as their first pick for EU president should we opt to stay." The 'Leave' campaign currently wins by a wider margin in urban (51%) and seaside (56%) areas, and when breaking down the survey results by property type, eviivo was able to establish that small hoteliers (61%) and pub or inn owners (56%) are the more strongly inclined to leave the EU – compared to B&B (49%) and self-catering property (49%) owners. Mrs Fitzpatrick, said: "Overall, this desire to leave Europe is unexpected, especially when considering that we're talking about an industry that has seen 81% of its visitors and 64% of its revenue for 2014 come from EU countries. Yet it seems that as far as small business owners are concerned, they've had enough and are ready for a change – some will call it a gamble, based on the lack of hard evidence that opting out will make a positive difference to our economy," she concluded.



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

April 2016

AS YOU will see from our front page, we lead with what is possibly the most important and highly contentious issue facing this generation:- should we stay or should we go? Like you, and the majority of the British public, I have my opinion. Staff here at RBC EDITOR Publishing have theirs, and we would be very interested in knowing yours! We are welcoming comments and indepth articles from both sides of the debate, and we are keeping within certain parameters - that being how will a vote to stay of vote to leave affect the hospitality and tourist industry here in the UK. As a newspaper we are remaining neutral. I have to say it is a topic which is subject to great debate here in our office and for me personally with family and friends. However, I have no intention of fostering my views on to you (thank goodness I hear you say). But seriously, we would be very interested in what our readership feels, and there is on our website and opportunity to vote. It is a CLH survey, simply visit our website and click remain or leave purely in the interests of editorial comment in our next issue. I very much hope that you will take part. We will keep regular updates on our website on how you are voting, and it will be very interesting to see how the rest of the independent sector, see Britain’s future. You will also note an article regarding the possibility of Scotland introducing a tax on accommodation. Yes, Scottish Labour Party are proposing an additional £2 per person per night on people staying in accommodation. Willie Macleod, Executive Director of the British Hospitality Association (BHA) in Scotland, wrote a scathing letter in response to the proposed tax, which appears on our website. The first common-sense point in the letter is that hotels will be unfairly penalised by charging the tax, when other businesses which also benefit from tourism will not be. He also adds that these businesses are now having to come to terms with the National Living Wage and auto enrolment for pensions. However, the real point to be made, for the whole of the United Kingdom including of course Scotland, is that the UK is already a high tax destination for visitors and is ranked by the World Economic Forum as 140th out of 141 countries in terms of tourism price-competitiveness. Second to bottom in the rankings for tourism price competitiveness! And yet we have a “senior councillor” who thinks it a good idea to add an additional tax and actually thinks it will raise millions! My biggest fear is that should this tax been introduced in Scotland it will not be too long before it rears its ugly head in the rest of the UK!

Peter Adams

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Ali Lane Published by

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April 2016

Hospitality Spending Rises Despite Slowdown CONSUMER SPEND within the hospitality industry rose significantly in February compared with other sectors, a clear sign that the hospitality industry is “bucking the trend”. The latest data from Barclaycard, which processes nearly half of all credit and debit card transactions in the UK, found that overall growth in February was predominantly driven by spending on experiences. Restaurants (up 13.8 per cent), pubs (12.8 per cent) and hotels (7.5 per cent) all saw an increase in spending as couples took advantage of Valentine’s Day falling on a Sunday to celebrate with meals out and weekend breaks. However, uncertainty around the economic environment hit consumers’ confidence and led them to rein back their spending overall. Barclaycard research shows that consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest level since Q3 2014, with confidence dropping sharply over the last three months. Recent stock market turmoil, uncertainty around Britain’s EU membership and lower domestic growth forecasts are all affecting the consumer outlook. Just over half of consumers (54%) now say they feel confident in their household finances, a significant drop from the seven-in-ten (71%) who said the same in December 2015. Across the same time period there has also been a sharp decline in confidence in job security (from 52 per cent to 39

Eviivo say it has never been more important for B&B’s and hotels to not only have a website but to have one that is able to take bookings and payments instantly. For example: over 50% of people are making all, or most, of their accommodation bookings online. And even if your property is listed on travel websites such as Expedia, LateRooms and, you still need a good website because over 35% of people who see you on a travel website will visit your own website before they make a booking. They do this for two reasons, firstly reassurance and information, they want to make sure you have all the facilities they want and to find out more about you. Secondly to check your prices, this means there is a good chance you can get them to book on your site, which is totally commission free. This is something commonly known as the billboard effect. With this information in mind eviivo analysed the websites of 500 B&B’s and hotels across the UK and Ireland to see how they were doing, and the results were startling: • 20% of B&B’s/hotels DO NOT have a working website Without a website you are missing out on a huge number of guests. The internet has changed the way people book and now 74% of people would be put off booking a B&B if they didn’t have a website. It’s one of the most important parts of your business. • 66% of B&B/hotel websites can’t take bookings and payments online We live in a world of instant gratification and most guests


per cent) and in the UK economy, which has fallen from 45 per cent to 36 per cent. Overall spending on the high-street fell by -0.2 per cent whilst online spending rose 15.5 per cent. The spending patterns that emerged last month look set to continue as Barclaycard research suggests that shoppers plan to spend on experiences in the month ahead. Travel will continue to be a bright spot, as one in five (21 per cent) say they’ll spend more on holidays, and one in ten (13 per cent) will spend more on entertainment and days out. Paul Lockstone, Managing Director at Barclaycard, said: “February spend growth, while still robust at 3.3 per cent, continued the downward trajectory we’ve seen over the past few months as consumers reacted to uncertainty in the economy. The February half-term and the Valentine’s weekend provided bright spots, with spending on days out and trips away holding up well. This suggests shoppers are budgeting carefully so they can spend on their ‘must-have’ experiences. “After a strong run in the second half of 2015 it seems that consumer confidence has finally caught up with the wider economic news. On-going worries over the economy and uncertainty around the UK’s EU membership may cause shoppers to continue to take a more cautious approach to spending over the coming months.”

A Staggering 20% of UK B&B’s and Hotels Still Don’t Have a Website

A SURVEY by online booking agent eviivo has revealed that 20% of the U.K.’s bed-and-breakfast and hotels still do not have a website.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

want to be able to book and pay right now, with 56% of people saying they would be put off booking with you if they had to call or email. This figure rises to 70% for the under 35’s who will simply book elsewhere if they cannot book instantly. The worrying part is that the majority of B&B’s have not enabled their website for online payment and are turning away hundreds of bookings every year. • 69% of B&B/hotel websites are not mobile responsive 65% of same day reservations are made via smart phones! So your guests have to be able to use your website on a mobile device like an iPhone or Android. Your website needs to work just as well on a small 4” screen as it does on your laptop otherwise you’re missing out on the majority of sameday bookers and all the other customers that book via mobile. These three big stats show us that B&B’s have a long way to go to take full advantage of the power of online bookings. But those that do will have a real advantage over the competition and will generate more bookings, because guests want to book online, with you, right now! And this is where eviivo can help. eviivo suite’s ‘my website’ gives you a Google-friendly, mobile-friendly website instantly. You can choose from a series of themes, upload your photos and text and your website will be able to take bookings and secure payments around the clock with those bookings automatically appearing in your diary. All that on a domain that you own and control, which we can host for you for FREE! That means: No more expensive ongoing management or hosting costs and no charges if you need to make edits to the sites appearance.

Bean to Cup or Traditional

Whichever you prefer, come to the professionals and all you pay for is the drink. All offers subject to status The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

When It Comes To Food Hygiene Ratings – BHA Responds To FSA Draft Guidance On Advisory Customers Now Asking ‘Where’s the Sticker’? Notices For Safe Production Of Beef Burgers ALMOST EVERY week there is another new piece of legislation that impacts the independent hotel, pub, restaurant or hospitality sectors. Now, as the prequel to one impending change, awareness around the food hygiene ratings is being increased as consumer are being urged to check the food hygiene rating of the food businesses they frequent. Here Mike Williams, Director at the food safety specialists STS explains what this means for food operators and looks at the power consumers can wield. No business in the hospitality sector deliberately sets out to have poor hygiene, be the cause of an outbreak of food poisoning or cause its customers distress but unfortunately not everybody has the same high standards when it comes to food preparation or setting and enforcing the processes in place to ensure best practice are observed. And while the public areas may appear to be ‘up to standard’ it is what goes on behind the scenes that really matter! That’s why the Food Standards Agency first introduced its hygiene rating scheme and in February 2016 it launched a new ‘Where’s The Sticker?’ campaign. This actively urges consumers to check that the food hygiene ratings sticker is appropriately displayed in the window, before frequenting any restaurant and even allows them to check the rating online at before setting off. In Wales, it is already a legal requirement for any food business to display its food hygiene rating and from October 2016 this will also be the case in Northern Ireland. Scotland also runs its own Food Hygiene Information Scheme and currently, while not mandatory in England, the FSA’s 20152020 strategy highlights plans to do so, with mounting pressure from food safety inspectors and local councils for national legislation. Of the 440,000 UK food businesses rated by the FSA, more than 93% achieve a rating of three or above, with FIVE being very good, and ZERO calling for ‘urgent improvement needed’. The strategy behind the move is that by making it a requirement to display the rating, consumers can make more informed decisions enabling them to vote on where they eat with their feet? “It has never been more important for food businesses to achieve and maintain a high rating,” warns Mike Williams, “as this will increasingly have a direct impact on attracting customers, who could also report back to an Environmental Health Officer. Food businesses therefore need to continually evaluate their food hygiene best practices, review their

standards and ensure all staff are competent and remain diligent.” So, in light of the new ‘Where’s The Sticker?’ campaign, what should food operators be looking at in order to maintain standards? What will an EHO be looking for? There are three sets of criteria upon which any food business will be judged: • Structure: focusing on cleanliness and condition of the businesses fabric and equipment. • Confidence in management: focusing on systems, training and knowledge such as achieving Food Hygiene training to Level 2, as well as understanding topical and high risk issues, for example, allergens and E.coli. • Hygiene: where cross contamination control and personal hygiene are key. Under the new law, the only additional requirement will be that businesses display the sticker ‘front of house’ following inspection. Businesses therefore need to do everything they can to ensure they meet the highest standards possible. If a rating of less than five is achieved, and the business desires a further inspection to get an ‘improved rating’, then under the statutory inspection scheme, they may have to pay for this. “While an establishment could continue to trade with a low food hygiene rating, rest assured that customers will vote with their feet and the local EHO will also take considerably more interest in monitoring how they operate,” reports Mike Williams. “Review your food hygiene now, gain the highest rating you can and display your sticker with pride ahead of the required date, showing you have nothing to hide.” For more guidance on food safety, improving your safety rating and the management of health and safety issues more generally visit About STS STS is a leading provider of food safety consultancy and training services to caterers, food retailers and suppliers in the hospitality, healthcare and education sectors. The STS team is highly experienced, trusted and award-winning, providing organisations with the critical support they need to meet vital operational and compliance standards. STS is part of the ELAS Group of companies which include: ELAS Business Support, Sound Advice, OME (Occupational Medicals Enterprise) and STS who collectively provide a full range of support and compliance services including: Food Safety, Employment Law, Health & Safety, Occupational Health, Payroll and Accredited Training. STS holds UKAS accreditation; is a BRC Certification Body; and is registered to ISO 9001 standard. STS has strong industry links, working as Development Partners for e-learning with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, in addition to working on behalf of the FSA to address Listeriosis in healthcare organisations. For more information on STS visit

RECENT DRAFT guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) sets out a number of options for serving burgers:

1. Cook in accordance with the ACMSF guidance to achieve a 6-log reduction 2. Carry out processes such as surface treatments (e.g. sear and shave) which give an equivalent of 6-log reduction 3. Control through the surface treatment at supplier level (e.g. lactic acid) and at least a 4-log cook, ideally 6-log 4. Controls at supplier level with a validated 4-log reduction at cooking stage After BHA lobbying, the FSA now recognises in the Guidance the importance of the time-temperature relationship for safe cooking, and also the need to check the temperature of food. This is a far more scientific approach than judging the safety of meat products purely based on colour. For businesses that want to use methods other than cooking (Options 2, 3 and 4) to achieve a visibly less wellcooked burger, scientific validation will be required which is often expensive. This, however, is where the value of Assured Advice will come into play, and the availability of free Primary Authority assistance through the British Hospitality

Association. The biggest unresolved issue for many members, however, will be that the draft guidance refers to Consumer Advisory Notices being required or as “best practice”. The FSA is proposing that for foods that are considered more risky, such as burgers which appear less well cooked, advisory notices may be required as “best practice” in some circumstances, and must be provided where businesses control safety through the meat supply chain rather than by achieving a validated 6-log reduction of bacteria through cooking or control processes. The FSA have stated that they are doing this to help consumers understand that whilst businesses can achieve serving safe less visually well-cooked burgers, they should not try it at home. The BHA is of the opinion that if the food is safe for consumption, then a notice is not needed and it is not the position of business to educate the consumer on what or how they cook at home. The BHA is also concerned that even if provision of a notice is “best practice” in the guidance, then this may lead to a detrimental scoring for a Food Hygiene Rating if a business decides not to use the notice.

New ‘Instabadge’ Is The Re-Usable Name Badge Innovation From Badgemaster Badgemaster, the UK’s leading manufacturer of engraved, ready-to-wear employee name badges has launched a new product range to fulfil the needs of the re-usable name badge market. ‘InstaBadge’, as its name suggests, enables employers themselves to create instant name badges for new starters. “InstaBadge offers the good looks and performance of a permanent badge with all the flexibility of a re-usable one”, explains John Bancroft MBE, Badgemaster’s Managing Director. “It’s ideal for workplaces with frequent staff changes, as new employees can be smartly badged from the word go.” The wearer’s name is held within the badge rather than engraved onto it, so employers can control costs by re-using the badge frames when staff leave. The design of the badge frames, together with Badgemaster’s long-established expertise in corporate personalisation, means that customers who prefer the re-usable option needn’t sacrifice either choice or visual appeal for economy. The new range

includes 10 different styles, all available in any base colour and with plenty of space for company logos and corporate designs to be accurately reproduced. In terms of aesthetics and durability, “InstaBadge neatly overcomes the drawbacks often associated with re-usable name badges”, explains Royal Warrant holders Badgemaster. “The wearer’s name is printed on card or paper and is held perfectly secure and level behind a protective front, so there will never be any lop-sided printing or peeling corners to contend with. Badgemaster will also provide free label production software to help customers print names professionally.” Of special interest to catering, food and beverage serving and food preparation staff, the InstaBadge has a unique advantage for all environments where health and safety are paramount. Its unique patent protected design combines the fastener as an integral part of the badge and so prevents the pin ever becoming detached from the badge. For more information about InstaBadge and other Badgemaster products contact the customer services team on 01623 723112. Email or log on to

April 2016

Home Delivery Poses Threat to Eat Out Market FOOD DELIVERY is mounting a serious and growing threat to the eating-out market, according to data released from CGA Peach which shows that more than half the British adult population have had a takeaway brought to their door in the last six months. The figure equates to 28.6 million British consumers getting food delivered. One in five (19%) gets a delivery at least weekly, and two in five (39%) get a takeaway at least monthly. The stats show the massive scale of the delivery market now, as well as some interesting trends and shifts in the sector. Traditionally dominated by independent operators, the market has seen the arrival of several big third parties lately, offering digital platforms from which consumers can order

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

food. Of these, Just Eat is the market leader by some distance, having been used by a third (32%) of those who have had food delivered in the last six months. Second and third are Hungryhouse (15%) and Deliveroo (9%). The second of these has been busy signing up some major casual dining brands for deliveries lately, and has doubled its user base in the last year, CGA Peach data shows. Younger people, and students in particular, are most likely to use platforms like these. The research also points to changing methods of ordering. Phone remains the most common channel, used by 47% of delivery customers—but this figure has fallen by ten percentage points in the last year. The number ordering via an app has meanwhile increased, from 18% to 20%. Two in five (40%) orders are made via a conventional website.

Hospitality Gem Survey: Are You A Dining Saint Or Sinner? NEW RESEARCH by Guest Experience Management experts, HospitalityGEM, has today revealed that indulgent dining is predominantly seen as an off-peak activity, with a huge 91% of diners choosing to be sinful at the weekend and 83% saintly during the week. However, only 62% when would be saintly when at work, implying before and after work were the times to be healthy. Furthermore, 79% of diners are most likely to eat a sinful diet of burgers and ‘treat’ food as an evening meal and 77% eat a saintly meal of superfoods at lunch time, with breakfast closely behind as 71% would opt for a saintly meal. Unsurprisingly, an overwhelming 89% of diners would choose to be saintly and eat only healthy foods prior to going to the gym. Whereas afterwards the emphasis shifts as 51% would choose to treat themselves to a sinful meal. And a staggering 97% would treat themselves and eat sinfully on

their birthdays and 93% would ditch the diet to also be sinful when on holiday. When eating with friends and family, diners are more likely to be sinful with friends (81%) than with their family (69%). Steven Pike, Managing Director of HospitalityGEM commented: “The steep rise of the casual dining sector has led to an increase in outlets that serve healthy, saintly food and those that focus on more indulgent, sinful treats. Superfoods are fast becoming part of the everyday vocabulary, and diet, as are treat foods in equal measure such as premium burgers piled high with toppings and calorie-packed freakshakes. “There are gaps in the market for restaurants and pubs that serve both the sinful and the saintly of foods with this latest research identifying just when they are most desired. And for those who read our report last week about the trend for ‘active dining’ – don’t worry; it looks like something that only happens on the first day of April.”

Business Critical Changes To Internet Security Are Imminent THE GLOBAL internet community is set to introduce a new and more sophisticated level of internet security – and if the hospitality industry doesn’t act now to accommodate the changes, businesses could find themselves locked out of secure websites. That could have serious implications for businesses in the hospitality sector which use Bacs Payment Schemes Limited (Bacs) to make salary payments or supplier payments or to collect payments by Direct Debit. From 13 June 2016, Bacs is adopting the new security, called SHA-2- SSL. At the same time as this change is being

made, Bacs will withdraw support for older connection protocols to provide even more protection for the communications pipeline between the internet-based service access points, Bacstel-IP and the Payment Services Website, and the service user. After 13 June 2016, only TLS 1.1 and 1.2 will be supported. Hospitality industry professionals who want to access Bacs via Bacstel-IP or the Payment Services website to make or collect payments will need to have a web browser, operating system, and – if used – a Bacs Approved Software Solution that support these changes. For more details on these changes and how they will affect you, go to

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Hightown Pub Launches Free Computer Skills Training Brexit – What Would This Mean For Businesses THE HIGHTOWN village pub has launched free computer training classes with the help of pubs organisation, Pub is The Hub. Pub is The Hub has provided £1,800 in funding for The Hightown Hotel on Lower Alt Road in Hightown from its Community Services Fund for six mini tablet devices each with a cover, carrycase, extension cord and starter books. The aim is to teach beginners and improvers the basics of internet browsing, shopping online safely, using Skype or Facetime and learning about social media to stay connected with friends and family. A local volunteer, Janie Seal will run the five-week programme every Thursday from 31st March between 12 and 1pm and places will be on first-come/firstserved basis. The training will take place at the Hightown Pub Community Centre, the idea of licensee Geoff Miller and local resident Diane Lamont. Both saw the potential for a community meeting space within the village and have utilised an unused room at the pub since November 2014. Since opening it has received funding from the Big Lottery and Sefton Council to install a new floor, disabled access and a toilet

and is fully kitted out with comfortable seating and work stations. It is run by volunteers who open the centre for three hours each day from 12 to 3pm and visitors are able to read or borrow books from the library, attend clubs and have a coffee with friends. Outside of those hours the community centre is available to any local clubs or groups who wish to hold meetings and there is already a regular salsa class and a scrabble club. Diane Lamont, a drama teacher and volunteer at the community centre said: “Since we opened the Hightown Pub Community Centre it has gone from strength to strength. There was nowhere for local people to meet and have a coffee in the area so this is a warm and welcoming space to chat, meet in groups and learn new skills. Feedback from regular visitors highlighted a need for very basic computer skills and we are thrilled that Pub is The Hub has been able to support us with the funds to buy the equipment. We urge anyone who fancies improving their computer skills to come along and sign up for a course.” She added: “We would love to open the community centre for longer hours but would need more volunteers to come forward – if anyone is interested, please drop in and let us know.”

Easter Washout Contains Silver Lining for Pubs And Restaurants PUBS AND restaurants were the surprising beneficiaries of an Easter Weekend washout, according to the latest data from Worldpay. Analysis of 2015 card spending across the UK hospitality industry shows pub landlords saw their takings rise by more than 120% on Easter Monday, as the blustery conditions led to poor attendance and cancellations at many outdoor events. Worldpay claims this rise in spending is unusual, even for a busy Bank Holiday and suggests the wet weather might not be such a bad thing for the hospitality industry. A comparative analysis of 2014 spending – one of the sunniest Easter

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Weekends on record according to the Met Office – shows takings in pubs and bars were up by 46% on Easter Monday compared to average. As holiday-goers and families hastily rearranged their plans in preparation for an Easter deluge, Worldpay’s data suggested that restaurants would see takings rise by nearly 60% on Bank Holiday Monday compared to average*. Commenting on the data, Dave Hobday, UK Managing Director, Worldpay, said: “Every cloud has a silver lining however, and as our data shows, bars and restaurants with the foresight to market themselves as a refuge from the downpours will find themselves very busy.” Cleaning detergents for safer more controlled cleaning. Manufacturing, administration and distribution are all contained at our purpose built site just off of the M62 in West Yorkshire. We also provide our customers with the very best in support, which can be tailored to their individual needs. From training materials, promotional flyers through to our on-site technical and chemical advice team. Recently Proton have launched a new Web Sales Portal called Proton-Direct where customers can order a selection of our premier product range for next day delivery. Murray Angus, Managing Director of The Proton Group said “From feedback we have found that customers had issues in the past finding distributors that could supply our products. To address this Proton have launched our direct trading website to give customers more choice and flexibility” If you have any queries contact Proton directly on or 01924 892 834. You can also follow them on Twitter @proton_group or Facebook Theprotongroup

In The Hospitality And Leisure Sector? A DECISION WILL be made by the British electorate on 23 June 2016 as to whether the UK should leave the EU. There are a number of factors businesses in the hospitality and leisure industry will need to be aware of ahead of the vote and to prepare for the UK to potentially leave the EU.

The travel industry – which of course has a direct influence on the number of overseas visitors coming over to the UK and therefore on the hospitality industry – will have a lot to think about if the UK exits. Airlines will likely have to negotiate new air service agreements, running the risk of reducing competition and fares rising. British travel companies have been benefiting from a single EU aviation market, which has driven down the costs of flights to the continent, however this freedom could likely be stifled. Furthermore, investment banks have warned a Brexit could potentially see the pound drop by 20%, which could affect the less wealthy population who relies on good-deal package holidays to travel to Europe. Businesses in the hospitality and leisure industry could perhaps take advantage of this by levying the idea that the British population choose a domestic holiday, which would help business and inject cash into UK hotels, spas, restaurants, railways, tourist attractions and so on. In addition, if predictions are accurate that the sterling could dip as low as $1.15 against the dollar and €1.05 against the Euro, the UK travel, leisure and hospitality industries could benefit a good deal from foreigners choosing the UK as their first choice holiday destination. However, the ongoing uncertainty of a Brexit, along with the reality of lengthy negotiations to follow could negatively affect consumer confidence. This, combined with the general economic outlook is certainly a concern and could be damaging for hospitality businesses.

Table Tech

TABLE TECH, also known as T², is the hospitality division of Tradestock Ltd., supplying high performance heat and light products such as their Natural Glow luxury wax LED candles, RAL standard wax candles, Glow oil burning table lamps and Clean Light bio fuel. One of their key areas of expertise is their safe buffet heat system solutions, encompassing two ranges - T² Heat Gel their best value chafing fuel gel (see advert on page 11), and T² Pure Heat chafing fuel, which is truly unique and provides one of

Businesses will also need to think about changing relevant terms in their commercial contracts, such as those with their suppliers, which may be difficult for the UK to negotiate. Clauses in contracts relating to restriction-free trade across a single market may need to be amended, as they will no longer be abiding by the principles of EU contract law. There will naturally be more duties on importing and exporting goods, and a new trading relationship would need to be in place with each different country the UK is selling / buying goods and services to / from, while ensuring businesses are not hit by excess tariffs and other restrictions. A business and supplier can decide between themselves which jurisdiction to apply to their contract, so UK businesses should inevitably look for the certainty and cost control provided by English Courts. A Brexit would undoubtedly have a negative impact on the industry in terms of attracting highly skilled-personnel from the EU, as individuals will need additional work permits and will likely be dissuaded from coming to the UK, favouring countries with strong economies such as Germany. If migrants are unable to take jobs, this will exacerbate the existing staff shortages facing certain parts of the hospitality industry, for example, some restaurants have reported a lack of chefs. In terms of contracts with existing employees from the EU, most businesses will have to think about the current terms they have in place with their workers to ensure they accurately reflect changes in law for different jurisdictions. The UK could forge a new trade relationship with the EU if we were no longer part of the union, which Norway and Switzerland have done, meaning the UK could still operate under the European Economic Area. This would tie the UK to EU employment law. In conclusion, there will likely be mixed feelings from businesses in the hospitality and leisure industry regarding the in / out decision, however the prevalent thought will likely be a desire to ‘stay’. In any case, change will not be made overnight but rather a layover period would allow businesses to adapt to the changes and decide what is best for them. One expects the industry and its businesses will be forced to adapt and evolve, seeking new arrangements, structuring and ways of doing business to benefit in the medium to long term. Matthew Pryke is a partner at Hamlins law firm the safest food heating options available. T² Pure Heat’s fuel formulation uses Diethylene Glycol which is non-flammable and non-combustible and because it is non-hazardous it means there are no storage or transport restrictions, unlike flammable gel and alcohol based fuels which must be stored in a special area. It features a special non-spill, non-drip fuel holding reservoir, so if the container is knocked over the fuel is caught inside. It is also odourless, has a visible flame, is very economical and won’t evaporate if left open. T² Pure Heat is available in 2hr, 4hr and 6hr cans and a free can opener currently comes with every box of 24 cans. For further information see our advert on page 11 or contact: Tradestock Ltd., +44 (0) 1823 661717; W:; E:

UK Gin Industry Sees ‘Incredible’ Growth Topping £900 Million THE UK gin industry is booming as last year saw more distilleries opening than ever before. New figures from the Wine and Spirit Trade Association show that 49 gin distilleries opened across the country in 2015, a massive 50% jump on the number of new distilleries that opened in 2014. WSTA chief executive Miles Beale described the rate of new distilleries opening as “incredible”. Industry experts now confidently predict gin sales will break the £1 billion mark over the year ahead. And there is plenty of interest in buying the produce of these new distilleries, as last year saw £400 million being spent by gin fans in Britain’s shops, up 10% on the previous year. Britain’s pubs and restaurants also saw a surge in gin sales, with £500 million worth of gin being sold in 2015 adding more than £200 million in sales since 2012, up a staggering 20% in the last 12 months to January.

Miles Beale continued, “This is a hugely exciting time for everyone involved in the UK gin industry. We have seen an incredible rise in the number of distilleries setting up in the last year. “The WSTA Market Report shows that the sales of gin in our supermarkets and shops have broken the £400 million mark and half a billion pounds worth has been sold in pubs, bars and restaurants. “This is a massive achievement and shows the Great British spirit continues to boom.” The WSTA is campaigning to drop the duty taxes on wine and spirits as a way to further improve the growth witnessed in the gin category in recent years. “Consumers are outraged that excise duty on wine and spirits is so much higher in the UK in comparison to our European counterparts,” Beale said. “This isn’t just unfair on UK consumers it’s also unfair on great British businesses, like those emerging right now creating export-friendly British gin.

2016 British BBQ Battle Announced!

LEAD SPONSORS R H Hall are pleased to announce that the search for the 2016 British BBQ Battle champion is now on!

The event – now in its 5th year – will be returning to 2014 venue, the prestigious Blenheim Palace, on Wednesday 15th June 2016. Organisers are calling for budding BBQ chefs across the country to prepare a 3 course menu, to be cooked on a top of the range BBQ, supplied by co-sponsor Crown Verity. Chefs can enter their courses online at before the deadline of Friday 15th April. All courses must be predominantly cooked on the BBQ and one course must include at least one of the wide range of sauces available through event sponsor Lion Sauces. The selected 8 finalists will then be invited to Blenheim Palace to compete

in the live cook off on Wednesday 15th June. There are over £15,000 worth of prizes from the event sponsors, with each finalist receiving: • Sharp Commercial Microwave • Simply Stainless Chef ’s Table • Smeg Mixer • Exclusive BBQ Battle Chefs Whites • 10 bottles of Lion Sauces • PLUS – the 2016 BBQ Battle Champion will walk away with their very own Crown Verity BBQ! New for 2016 will be the People’s Chef Award, which will be judged by the spectators on the day! Watch all the highlights from last years event at To enter visit For more details on the event visit

The Queens Arms Crowned With Gold Award in Taste of the West 2016 DESCRIBED AS “delivering everything that one could wish from a country dining pub”, The Queens Arms in Corton Denham has been awarded Gold in the Dining Pub category at the Taste of the West Hospitality & Retail Awards 2016. Up against some of the most celebrated restaurants in the South West, The Queens Arms was commended for its commitment to local sourcing, cheerful atmosphere and keen, well-briefed staff. The judges lavished praise upon a menu that measures its food in metres, not miles, saying “The pub is absolutely on message about local sourcing”, making particular note of

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an “entertaining and interesting map showing local suppliers.” Menu choices were described as “superlative examples of their type, with excellently chosen and prepared accompaniments”, while special mention was also given to the pub’s beautiful location, perfectly positioned for “a pre or post lunch walk to counteract the calories that the menu tempted them to ingest.” Jeanette Reid, co-owner of The Queens Arms, commented; “Local sourcing is at the heart of everything we do, so it’s very rewarding for the team to have this recognised in an awards scheme so concerned with provenance and quality. We were delighted by the judges’ comments and take particular pride in their eagerness to return and bring their friends!”

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April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Michelin Star Chef Kevin Viner “Takes The Helm” At Bournemouth’s New Neo Restaurant

ONE OF Bournemouth’s most controversial and as yet to open restaurants which has, due to a dispute been vacant for 10 years is set to open to the public later this month..

The idiosyncratic glass-fronted building, constructed adjacent to the Hermitage Hotel was originally built in 2006 but has been the subject of a boundary dispute with Bournemouth Borough Council and to date has never been used. That is all set to change, however by March 31, when the new ‘Neo Restaurant’ will be open to the public with Michelin star chef Kevin Viner at its helm. The restaurant aims to be, according to its website a combination of art deco with a classic Grand Café brasserie. It reads: “Our goal is to push the

envelope of flavour and serve authentic and contemporary dishes, grilled meat and seafood feature large. “And thanks to the indoor charcoal oven, flavours are distinct and simple, all guided by the seasons. “Sip cocktails at the bar or simply relax in comfort with coffee without fuss. We are sure not to be just a place to eat but a place to relax and unwind.” Chef Kevin was Cornwall’s first chef to earn a Michelin star and has since won many accolades. The site, an extension of Bournemouth’s Hermitage hotel is situated in one of Bournemouth’s premier locations and has been the subject of a bitter boundary which resulted in this site remaining closed since it was originally built, however the issue has since been resolved when the four-star hotel in Exeter Road was sold to Bournemouth hotelier David Young for around £7.5million last year.

Sugar Tax Faces Soft Drinks Backlash PLANS FOR a new tax on sugar-heavy soft drinks unveiled in the Budget earlier this month have run into criticism from soft drinks manufacturers. The proposals suggested a tax would be added to products with the highest sugar content from 2018, with the exact levies to be worked out. But as the Sunday Times has reported, Coca-Cola and other manufacturers argue that the plans are unfair and unnecessary, with a legal challenge now a possibility. Jon Woods, general manager of Coca-Cola Great Britain, said: “We understand obesity is an issue that needs to be addressed and will continue our work to reduce the sugar and calories consumed from our drinks. We have already done a great deal and our actions are doing more to reduce sugar and calorie intake than a tax will.” He added that the plans were also unfair because they targeted soft drinks rather than other sugar-heavy products.

“It’s disappointing that the Government has chosen to single out soft drinks in its attempt to tackle the problem. If the aim is to reduce obesity, this levy flies in the face of evidence from around the world which shows taxes do very little, if anything, to reduce sugar and calorie intake or obesity levels but do add to people’s cost of living.” Britvic added in a statement: “We are extremely disappointed that the government is proposing to introduce a soft drinks tax from 2018. Singling out soft drinks alone will not solve the obesity problem, given the small proportion of calories they contribute in the average diet. We remain of the view that only a holistic, wide-ranging strategy will tackle obesity.” Where the debate goes from here is unclear, though legal challenges have successfully defended the soft drinks industry from taxes in some other countries. If they are introduced, manufacturers will have to decide how much of the extra cost is passed on to consumers, and how much is absorbed in-house.

The Government Accepts Minimum Albatross RAFA Club in Bexhill Named Wage Rate Recommendations CAMRA’s National Club of the Year

THE LOW Pay Commission has welcomed the Government’s acceptance of its recommendations for the rates of the minimum wage affecting workers under 25 and apprentices to apply from 1 October 2016 – including:

• Its first recommendation for the effective new minimum wage for 21-24 year olds, where the Government agreed that it should increase by 3.7 per cent to £6.95 an hour. • An increase in the Youth Development Rate, affecting 18-20 year olds, of 4.7 per cent to £5.55 an hour. • An increase in the 16-17 Year Old Rate of 3.4 per cent to £4.00 an hour. • An increase in the Apprentice Rate of 3 per cent to £3.40 an hour. For workers aged 25 and over, the Government is introducing the £7.20 National Living Wage – in effect a fifth minimum wage rate – from 1 April 2016. The LPC will make recommendations this Autumn on the rate of the National Living Wage to apply from April 2017, bearing in mind the Government’s ambition for the rate to reach 60 per cent of median earnings by 2020, subject to sustained economic growth. It will continue to advise on the other rates on its previous basis: protecting as many low-paid workers as possible without damaging jobs or the economy. The key focus for these recommendations was the position of 21-24 year olds because – as a consequence of the introduction of the National Living Wage – this group effectively becomes a new age band within the minimum wage (the previous adult rate – applicable to workers 21 and over – now only affects these workers). Commenting on the above recommendation, LPC Chair

David Norgrove said: Establishing a new pay floor for 21-24 year olds raises important issues of principle. On the one hand, we heard concerns that a lower rate for this group compared to workers aged 25 and above would be unfair, difficult to use in the workplace, and lead to firms substituting younger for older workers. But we also received evidence that a level set near to the National Living Wage could price 21-24 year olds out of employment, and make it harder for firms to adjust to higher pay costs. In reaching a view, we bore in mind that Government limited the National Living Wage to workers aged 25 and over because younger workers are more exposed to the employment risks of a high minimum wage. Critically also, the LPC’s objective for workers under 25 is to recommend rates that should not reduce employment (unlike for the National Living Wage, where our role is to advise the Government on a path where some consequences for jobs have been accepted). Unemployment rates for 21-24 year olds are twice as high as those for 25-30 year olds and the ‘bite’ already the highest of any age group. However, 21-24 year olds have seen falling unemployment rates and pay growth twice as fast as for workers aged 25 and above. Our recommended increase balanced these considerations, delivering a higher increase than last year in both cash and percentage terms. It means both the real and relative value of the minimum wage for 21-24 year olds is likely to reach its highest ever level. Our recommendation is made against the backdrop of forecasts and evidence from the Government predicting solid growth in the economy, employment and earnings. Should economic and pay performance prove weaker than anticipated, we will take this into account in future recommendations”.

CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, has announced the winner of its National Club of the Year Competition as the Albatross RAFA Club in Bexhill-on-Sea which saw off competition from more than 28,000 clubs nationwide. The Albatross was judged in the final as the winner ahead of three other award-winning CAMRA clubs from across the country, the Cheltenham Motor Club, the Kinver Constitutional Club in Staffordshire and the Orpington Liberal Club. Club Mirror magazine and CAMRA joined forces three years ago in the quest to each year find the club most committed to top quality real ale in welcoming surroundings with a fantastic atmosphere. Club of the Year final judge Keith Spencer, who is presenting the award to the Albatross, said: “The club offers a wide range of beer and cider which is kept in great condition, but that is only part of the story. The bar staff and steward are part of a bigger team that makes the Albatross the epitome of what a community asset should be. Everyone connected with the club ensures the welcome is warm for everyone that enters the club. “On a visit there before Christmas, they were holding a

mince pie and raffle evening for the local OAPs and the club was bursting at the seams with happy customers generating a fantastic atmosphere.” John Holland, chairman of CAMRA’s Clubs Advisory Group and organiser of the competition, commented: “CAMRA’s Club of the Year Competition each year goes from strength to strength as more and more clubs show great commitment to quality real ale. “This has made it increasingly difficult to become a CAMRA Regional Club of the Year and then get through to the final. Therefore I anticipate an extremely close fight to become CAMRA’s next Club of the Year.” See below about entering your club into CAMRA’s Club of the Year Competition. Clubs are nominated by CAMRA branches across the country and judged by panels of volunteer CAMRA members throughout the year. The Albatross hosts popular beer festivals in April and September in its large function room and has a full diary of regular social events including jazz, folk and quiz nights. It stocks beers from local brewers such as Rother Valley, Weltons and Dark Star. The club boasts an interesting collection of RAF memorabilia. It has been the local Club of the Year each year since 2012 and regional Club of the Year in both 2013 and 2014.

Healthy Innovation from Newton’s appl fizzics Launched this month Newton’s appl fizzics is a new and healthier way to enjoy soft drinks. Made from two pure ingredients – apple juice and sparkling water. There are no artificial ingredients or flavours or preservatives - the new drink is a fantastic soft drink option for the hospitality sector looking for a premium drink but with 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. The new crisp amber juice is best served chilled and is wonderfully thirst quenching when enjoyed straight from the bottle, or served over ice. It makes a delightful alternative to tonic water for a refreshing gin. The new drink is available in 330ml and 750ml bottles. For further information or stockist details contact Chris Banks

Tel: 0208 241 5779 Twitter:@Newtonsapplfizz Facebook: Newton’s appl fizzics

Poor Beer Quality Costing Pubs Over £300m In Draught Beer Profits PUB OPERATORS are losing out on a possible £333 million profit on current draught beer sales, according to a new report by Vianet and Cask Marque. Findings in the Beer Quality Report 2016 have revealed British pubs are missing out on an average profit of £6,416 per pub every year, due to beer quality issues impacting on pouring and till yields. Cask Marque research reveals that on inspection only 71% of beer lines are perfectly clean. Vianet Business Insight research showing the average difference in beer volumes between a pub that cleans its lines to recommended times and one that doesn’t is 50 barrels per year, a loss to the operator of £50,000 a year at retail selling price. Steven Alton, managing director of Vianet, said: “This missed opportunity on yield is simply a missed opportunity on profit. For many operators, there remains significant

untapped profit from their existing beer sales. “In such a competitive environment and with pub profitability under pressure, it is perhaps an issue that we as an industry do not speak of, or focus in on, enough.” The report also finds that there are too many beer taps on Britain’s bars, with pubs over ranging by an average five pumps. 60% of consumers would rather be offered a smaller range of beers served at better quality than have a bigger choice. The report combines data drawn from a new consumer survey and from Cask Marque’s annual visits to more than 20,000 pubs, with Vianet’s ability to capture various critical quality measures in pubs and cellars across the country. To view the report visit wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/03/ Beer-Quality-Report_2016.pdf

Gareth Gates - The Man Behind 3 Delicious New Coconut Infusions

RECENTLY CONSIDERED to be the new superfood, Coconut is storming the shelves in just about every food and drink establishment on the planet! Coconut water, coconut oil, coconut everything! Well, everything apart from a hot Coconut beverage...

A FIRST IN THE UK … A TOTALLY NEW AND INNOVATIVE TYPE OF HOT DRINK Introducing ‘Cuppanut’ – bio degradable tea bags filled with real coconut and mixed with a variety of 3 different flavours; Coconut, Coconut and Cranberry, Coconut Ginger and Turmeric. Created and founded by pop star Gareth Gates, Cuppanut is set to hit the shelves this Spring. Gareth’s vision was to create a ‘Coconut Tea’ without the Tea! No caffeine, no nasty hidden ingredients, just pure, raw goodness in a warm cup. Gareth says, "I am thrilled to announce the launch of a range of teas filled with health bursting properties with real coconut as its main ingredient. Spurred on by my love of coconut and my continuing desire for a healthy lifestyle I often experimented in my kitchen for fun never thinking that one day my teas could become a reality."

THE 3 TEAS COCONUT INFUSION: A fragrant naturally sweet coconut infusion makes for a tranquil cup of hot tea. Full of goodness and anti inflammatory properties. COCONUT AND CRANBERRY INFUSION: A delicious fruity infusion bursting with coconut and cranberries, containing powerful antioxidants and many health boosting properties. COCONUT, GINGER AND TURMERIC INFUSION: Ginger and Turmeric work in perfect harmony to produce an earthy uplifting and warmed spiced tea that has anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties. As the main ingredient is pure coconut, the Cuppanut team are proud to promote the health benefits that come with consuming coconut: Cuppanut will be launching its new range of teas in Hall 6 on stand F151 at the NEC Food and Drink Expo 18 – 20 April 2016 where all three tea flavours can be tried on the stand. Gareth will be on the stand on the 18 and 19 April to launch the new tea with the Press launch taking place at 1pm on the 18th April. RRP £4.20 per box of 15 tea bags. For more information email us at Gareth is currently on tour as Willard in Footloose then from April to June he is the lead vocalist in the 10th Anniversary Tour of the highly acclaimed ‘Mad About The Musicals’ which visits 44 UK Theatres.

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Legal Experts Say Sentencing Guidelines Will Impact All Food Businesses THE NEW Sentencing Guidelines will have a significant impact on food businesses of all sizes according to legal experts presenting at a recent food law conference. Introduced on 1 February, the Sentencing Guidelines (Guidelines) provide a framework for the courts to take the level of culpability and harm and turnover of an organisation into account when determining appropriate penalties. The Food Law in Practice conference took place on Wednesday 16 March and was organised by TiFSiP to discuss the latest developments in food law and the implications for food businesses and enforcement officers. Key note speaker Mr Justice Holroyde, a High Court Judge and member of the Sentencing Council for England and Wales, said that the new Guidelines will in many cases change the level of fines imposed. He pointed out that the new Guidelines allow courts to take into account the risk of harm resulting from failure to meet legal requirements, as well as the actual harm caused. If the court determines that a large business, with a high turnover, falls within the highest categories of culpability and harm or high risk of harm, fines could be in the order of £3million. At the lower end of the penalty scale, a microbusiness, with low culpability and low risk of harm, could face fines of up to £700. David Travers QC, a Barrister from Six Pump Court, also spoke at the event and said that the Guidelines will increase the trend towards more rigorous sentencing. Mr Travers QC said that whilst the aim of sentencing has always been to both punish and deter, the changes should assist in tackling those who repeatedly commit low level offences. Mr Travers QC added that the explicit consideration of risk of harm may be the most difficult aspect of the new Guidelines. As a result, appropriate description of risk of harm will be

essential for both prosecution and defence, as the fine imposed would vary significantly dependent on the harm category determined by the court. The conference also considered the use of voluntary warnings such as “May contain” and those proposed for the sale of “raw or less than thoroughly cooked products” such as burgers. Claire Andrews, Barrister and head of Gough Square Chambers, spoke about the use of ‘May contain’ warnings. She said ‘may contain’ warnings could not be relied upon to assist in a due diligence offence in the event of a consumer having an allergic reaction. She added that the use of a precautionary allergen label, when there is no real risk, could be considered by the courts to be misleading David Kidman, Partner at DWF, spoke about the legal principles underpinning the “value of validated food safety management systems” and the use of consumer warnings for products such as rare burgers. He agreed that use of a consumer warning was unlikely to assist in a business claiming due diligence. Jenny Morris, Head of TiFSiP, said: “Food law exists to protect the public and make sure that there is a level playing field for businesses. But it is complex and if a business gets it wrong it can be extremely costly for all those involved. “The key message that came through from the conference was that the new Guidelines should assist in ensuring that the ‘punishment fits the crime’. Whilst the majority of food businesses work hard to maintain excellent standards, the new Guidelines will reinforce the message that proper investment in food safety is beneficial both for a business and the consumer.” TIFSIP is a membership body for individuals and organisations who work to keep food safe, healthy and trustworthy. In 2016 TiFSiP will continue its work to ensure that all those involved in maintaining high standards of food safety and integrity, wherever they work, are well informed about change and have access to analysis of its impacts.

Seafood Pub Company Hailed Food Heroes for the Second Year A LANCASHIRE food company with seven venues across the county is celebrating after receiving a prestigious industry award for the second consecutive year.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

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The Seafood Pub Company fought off strong competition from top brands across the country, including Cheshire Cat Pubs & Bars, Anglian Country Inns and McMullen’s Chicken and Grill to take the title of Best Food Offer for 2 – 50 Sites. Impressing judges with the quality of its offer in conjunction with reasonable prices which has helped drive the popularity of the business across the North West region. “We’re absolutely overwhelmed and delighted to be announced as winners in this category; it’s a huge honour and means the Seafood Pub Company is seen as a key contender in the industry,” said Joycelyn Neve, managing director. “We’re no longer newbies, but serious food and drink operators committed to the sector and keen to offer the people of Lancashire and beyond quality food and excellent service.”

Joycelyn and her team received the award from comedian Michael McIntyre, at a glittering ceremony held at Battersea Evolution. The evening consisted of a Guinness World Record attempt for beer tasting, entertainment from Sky and an exciting after party. The Seafood Pub Company has a number of awards under its belt including its flagship venue the Assheton Arms named as the Country Dining Pub of the Year in 2014 and 2015. Joycelyn has also recently been included in the 2016 edition of the NRB Top Fifty; a prestigious ‘Power List’ which celebrates the most important and influential hospitality operators in the North of England. It is another huge industry achievement which adds to the Seafood Pub Company’s growing reputation as vital members of the hospitality industry. She added, “Recognition such as this proves just how far we’ve come since opening our first site in 2011; the dedication and commitment of our staff is second to none, and we can’t thank them enough. The future is looking bright, and we’ve lots of exciting plans in place.”

Stamp Duty Overhaul Will 'Boost First Time Entrants To Hotel Sector'

GEORGE OSBORNE’S Budget overhaul of Stamp Duty on commercial property could provide greater incentives for first time entrants to the hospitality sector, according to experts at Colliers International. Following Wednesday’s Budget, the Stamp Duty Land Tax for non-residential freehold and leasehold transactions will only be payable on the portion of the consideration which falls within each band, rather than tax being due at one rate on the entire value. Hotels Director Peter Brunt said the Chancellor’s announcement had caught many people in the industry on the hop. “The big issue is about Stamp Duty Land Tax. The hotels sector didn’t see this coming and will need time to collect its thoughts on how to approach the new rates,” he said. “But the lower cost for properties below £1m will be provide a definite boost to first

time entrants to the market, who can now get their feet on the ladder slightly more easily. “There will be a marginal reduction in the need for capital to enter the sector, but perhaps more importantly, what look to be changes benefitting small businesses in the business rate system will give greater profitability to help pay the bills and make it easier to achieve success. This means job creation and retention. “For those in the sector where there are traditionally higher levels of part time work the raising of the threshold on taxation to £11,500 will help too. “So the Budget has been good news for small hotels, Bed and Breakfasts and most country pubs.” He added: “Businesses will pay no SDLT on purchasing premises worth £150,000 or less, 2 per cent on property with a value between £150,000 and £250,000 and 5 per cent thereafter. Previously they paid a flat rate.”

Is This the End of the Campaign for Real Ale? AFTER 45 years of being one of the largest single-issue consumer groups in the world, the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) could be coming to an end. The organisation is embarking on a consultation of as many as possible of its nearly 180,000 members to ask them who and what it should represent in the future – and it may no longer be focussed on real ale. One of its four founders, Michael Hardman, has returned to lead the Revitalisation Project – a wholesale review into the purpose and strategy of CAMRA. Members of the organisation will be invited to share their views about the future of CAMRA by completing surveys and attending around 50 consultation meetings across the UK this summer. They’ll be asked whether CAMRA should move away from promoting and protecting traditional real ale and become more inclusive, or shed subsidiary issues which have become attached to the organisation over the years – such as pubs heritage, cider and foreign beer – in order to narrow its focus exclusively on cask-conditioned beer. The Revitalisation Project is CAMRA’s response to the beer and pub industry, which has changed hugely since the organisation was founded in 1971. The rise of craft beer and a resurgence of interest in beer in recent years, plus renewed threats to pubs, has challenged CAMRA to review if it is best positioned to represent its members in the future. Options include becoming a consumer organisation for all beer drinkers, all pub goers regardless of what they drink, or

even all alcohol drinkers, regardless of where they drink it. Revitalisation Project Chairman Michael Hardman said: “This could mark a fundamental turning point for the Campaign for Real Ale. So fundamental, it may no longer continue as the Campaign for Real Ale and instead become a campaign for pubs, or a campaign for all drinkers. “It’s not up to us though. It’s up to our members to tell us what they want the Campaign to do in the future. “CAMRA has sometimes been criticised for failing to move with the times, being old-fashioned and reactionary, and failing to embrace developments in the pub and beer industry such as craft beer. This is the chance for our members to tell us who we should represent in the future and what we should be campaigning for. “Who do we represent now, and who should we represent in the future to help secure the best outcome for the brewing and pub industry? If we want to play a key part in driving the beer market back into growth and to help create a thriving pub sector, do we continue with our narrow focus, or should we become more inclusive? “I’ve always been immensely proud to be a founding member of CAMRA. I’m just as proud to be able to return to head up the Revitalisation Project to ensure the organisation we launched in 1971 is relevant and effective for the next 45 years. “When we founded the Campaign the most important thing was choice and combatting poor quality beer. Now our members need to tell us what is important to them. We need to hear from as many CAMRA members as possible to tell us what they think the organisation should look like in the future.”

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Calorie Labelling Delays In USA Demonstrate HMRC Investigations into Underpaid ‘Sin Difficulties In Implementation Taxes’ Yield £1.6 Billion

DELAYS TO the enforcement of menu labelling in the USA are a reflection of the many difficulties and pitfalls in implementing a well-intentioned but ultimately flawed policy, according the Chief Executive of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers.

In January Congress in America substantially extended the time line for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s enforcement of the agency’s new rules on standard restaurant menu labelling, presently there is no date certain as to when compliance will be required. The FDA announced last year that it would give chain restaurants until December 1, 2016, to comply with its final regulation requiring chain restaurants to post calorie counts for the foods they sell. Chain restaurants, grocery stores that sell prepared foods, and other covered businesses with 20 or

more locations are covered by the new administrative rule. As a result of public concerns, the agency also issued a draft guidance document in September of 2015 that address some of the most common questions businesses have posed about the new rule. However, implementation has been pushed back yet again. Kate Nicholls of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers said: “Passed in 2010, the rules require companies with more than 20 outlets serving prepared food to include calorie labelling on their menus, boards and displays. After a long wait for the actual rules to emerge, and two delays in implementation, a third deadline has been imposed. “This is a clear demonstration of the difficulties in implementing calorie labelling in a manner that is both fair to retailers and true to the intent of the law. Whilst well-meaning, the policy is ultimately flawed and looks to be unworkable in any equitable manner.”

Restaurants In The North West Have Highest Risk of Failure

RESTAURANTS have the highest risk of failure of any sector in the North West, according to new figures. The figures released by insolvency trade body R3 reveal that 38% of restaurant companies in the region are considered at higher than average risk of failure in the next 12 months, equivalent to almost 1,800 businesses. By contrast, 36% of pubs were considered at risk and 23% of hotels. Restaurants had a higher risk score than any other sector including technology (37%), transport (32%), construction and retail (31%), professional services (29%) and manufacturing (22%). The figures are also supported by statistics from the Insolvency Service, which show that restaurants are one of the few business categories where insolvencies have been steadily increasing in recent years, with the number of restaurant failures in the UK rising by 42% between 2010 and 2014, from 585 to 833.

Richard Wolff, North West chair of R3 and head of corporate recovery and insolvency at law firm JMW, said: “The restaurant trade remains under pressure, despite the increase in consumer spending. Restaurants are one of the most popular choices for start-up businesses and the high number of new entrants means the market is very competitive. “Running a successful restaurant also requires an incredible amount of skill – from developing the initial concept and choosing the right location to getting the key things right, such as marketing, the ambience of the venue and of course the quality of both the food and the levels of service. By way of example I have seen one recent case where the owner invested heavily both in the fit-out and launch of the venue but ultimately failed to get the basics right and has been unable to recoup the outlay. “My advice to entrepreneurs would be to gain experience in the industry and do as much research as possible before starting up. Meanwhile even successful restaurateurs need to ensure they keep on top of the figures.”

Stanley House Hotel And Spa Scoops Award Hat-Trick STANLEY HOUSE Hotel and Spa, Mellor has scooped a hat-trick of awards at the Ribble Valley Stars in Tourism Awards. The awards, run by the Ribble Valley Tourism Association (RVTA), saw Stanley House’s reception manager Clare Tauber secure an Individual Excellence in Customer Care award, with sales and marketing manager, Wendy Hope, being awarded Tourism Champion. Meanwhile, the senior management team at Stanley House received an award for Team of Excellence.

The awards aim to celebrate the success of the Ribble Valley’s tourism businesses such as restaurants, hotels and attractions by recognising the efforts of individual staff. BBC Radio Lancashire’s John Gillmore hosted and presented the awards. Philip Wharton, general manager of Stanley House, commented: “Everyone involved in the hotel is immensely proud. We all work so hard to create and uphold high standards in customer care and to have many of our people recognised for this is a real honour."

HMRC INVESTIGATIONS into underpayments of ‘sin taxes’ on cigarettes and alcohol yielded £1.63 billion in extra tax this year, up 6% on the £1.54 billion raised the year before, says UHY Hacker Young, the national accountancy group.

HMRC is under pressure to maximise the tax take and cracking down on alcohol and cigarette smugglers avoiding excise duty is one of the most lucrative areas for HMRC investigations. UHY Hacker Young explains that as cigarettes and alcohol have become increasingly highly taxed in the UK, compared to other jurisdictions, smuggling these products into the UK and avoiding UK duty has become ever more profitable. Tax on cigarettes makes up about 80% of the cost price. Cigarette smuggling is a persistent problem in the UK. HMRC estimates that as many as 6 billion cigarettes consumed in 2014-15 were purchased on the black market and so no duty was levied on them. This represents 14% of the total UK market for cigarettes. The incidence of smuggling is even greater with hand rolling tobacco – where HMRC estimates 4.5 million tonnes,

or 40% of the UK market, is purchased illicitly. UHY Hacker Young says that alcohol smuggling is also a significant issue for HMRC. In 2014-15 HMRC seized 5,281,646 litres of beer, 189,669 litres of spirits, and 1,489,538 litres of wine. Roy Maugham, Tax Partner at UHY Hacker Young says: “Duty on cigarettes and spirits is consistently increased well above inflation – but the production cost of the goods is low – this makes them a prime target for smuggling.” “A significant number of taxpayers are disinclined to pay the full duty on alcohol and, particularly, cigarettes – which has created a thriving black market. It’s the inevitable result of heaping a heavy tax load onto any product.” “HMRC has been attempting to tackle the problem for some time and not without successes, but smuggling is very difficult to eliminate altogether. At points HMRC’s efforts have gone too far – for example they have been criticised for seizing and destroying legal imports of alcohol and tobacco intended for personal consumption.” “At a time when HMRC is under significant political pressure to maximise the tax take, cracking down on those avoiding ‘sin taxes’ generates considerable additional revenue, and is broadly popular with the public.”

Bistrot Pierre Announces Its 16th UK Site To Open In Seaside Resort

THE INDEPENDENT French restaurant group has announced that it will be opening its newest location in Weston-super-Mare this summer. Bistrot Pierre will be opening its 16th site in the town, creating more than 40 jobs for the local area – renovating an existing beach-side restaurant to bring a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ to the town’s thriving restaurant scene. Robert Beacham, co-owner of the group, said: “The new restaurant will seat approximately 180 diners with plans for a large bar area downstairs, extensive outside terraced areas and a balcony for customers to enjoy the stunning views and beautiful evenings by the sea. “The panoramic views across the bay, beach and Grand Pier are incredible and we intend to make best use of this by installing new large, floor-toceiling windows – flooding the restaurant with light and allowing for a truly memorable dining experience.” In December, the group received an early Christmas present in the form of a £9.8 million investment from private equity firm, Livingbridge, allowing

for Robert – and business partner, John Whitehead – to continue with their expansion plans across the UK. “We’ve had our sights set on Weston-super-Mare for some time now so we’re glad to be opening in the town and supporting the strong local economy,” continued Robert. The group, founded in Nottingham in 1994, provides customers with great value authentic French food and drink anytime of the day. “Steaks-frites, boeuf bourguignon and crème brûlée are all very popular on our menus – we’re looking forward to bringing these French favourites, along with many others, to Weston-super-Mare. We take regular trips to France to seasonally update our menus, bringing French authentic ingredients and new dishes into our bistrots. Each bistrot is slightly different and the group prides itself on creating a unique dining experience for customers at every location. “Our most recent opening, in Newport in November of last year, was our busiest opening to date – with more than 400 people visiting the bistrot. We look forward to opening our 16th location in late summer 2016 in Westonsuper-Mare and welcome new diners to taste the incredible food Bistrot Pierre prides itself on,” added Robert

April 2016

Bookatable Reveals British Dining Trends

THE UK may be well-known for its breadth of international cuisine with more and more high streets in the country offering a wider range of world foods, but dining data from Bookatable’s Quarterly Dining Trends report reveals that British cuisine is booming. The restaurant booking platform has analysed two years’ worth of British dining data based on its 3.8 million database of British diners. Looking at the most popular cuisines in the UK, the findings reveal that British cuisine has enjoyed a surge in popularity in the last year, now accounting for 27 per cent of all Bookatable’s bookings – up from 12 per cent of all bookings in 2014-15. Whilst British cuisine continues to rise in popularity having knocked Italian off the top spot in 2013-14 and enjoying a boom in bookings in 2015-16, Brits clearly have a healthy appetite for international cuisine with Japanese, Italian and Chinese all consistently in the top ten. Bookatable’s Top 10 Most Popular Cuisines 2015-16 1. British 2. Italian 3. Steaks and Grills 4. American 5. French 6. Pizza 7. European 8. Chinese 9. Fish & Seafood 10. Japanese The British appetite for dining out continues to grow with Bookatable reporting a bookings increase of 103 per cent

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between 2014 and 2016. Fine dining has grown by 71 per cent during the same period, with casual dining / chain restaurants and independent restaurants seeing a 125 per cent and 133 per cent growth in bookings, respectively. Saturday night continues to be the most popular night to dine taking a quarter of the bookings, with Friday night closely behind at 18 per cent. And whilst Brits may not be known for dining out as late as those on the continent, the most popular time to dine is a respectable 7pm to 8pm (23 per cent) with 17 per cent of bookings after 8pm. When it comes to booking behaviour, Bookatable has identified a trend shift towards shorter notice bookings. In 2014-15, 24 per cent of bookings were made within 24 hours or less of dining and 35 per cent of bookings were made four weeks or longer in advance. However, in 2015-16, 31 per cent of bookings are made within 24 hours or less of dining and 29 per cent are made four weeks or longer in advance. Joe Steele, CEO of Bookatable, commented: “There’s no doubt, Modern British cuisine is proving incredibly popular right now as the standards in British gastronomy continue to flourish. We also have some really fantastic destination restaurants on the Bookatable platform serving up a contemporary take on British cuisine which are well worth sampling. “With the rise in tablet and smart phone usage, it’s now even easier to book on the move so it’s no surprise we are identifying a move towards shorter notice bookings. Consumers still want to know they don’t have to queue for a table and be secure in the knowledge they have a reservation, but are making more spontaneous decisions on the go.”

Colshaw Hall Adds Chalet Pods from Green Eco Living

Exclusive Wedding Venue Colshaw Hall, Cheshire has just taken delivery of Two Windermere Chalet Pods from Green Eco Living. Colshaw Hall a 300 acre estate Grade II listed exclusive wedding venue in Cheshire has recently taken delivery of Two Chalet Pods as a way to increase their accommodation. They choice the top of the range Windermere Chalet Pod which includes a top spec Kitchenette and will have an outside decking area for people to sit out on warm summer evenings. This will make the Chalets not only extra accommodation but that little bit more special for guests. With 300 acres of land around the main home the owners see Green Eco Living’s Chalet Pods as a way to increase the amount of accommodation without affecting the history and feel of the main house which is listed. But with ever larger wedding taking place at the venue the amount of onsite accommodation was becoming an issue that needed to be addressed to maximise the return on ever event and of course improve the experience for the guest, step forward Green Eco Living and our Chalet Pods. Although they have ordered only two to begin with, they are already looking

to the future and further ordered to increase accommodation to meet the anticipated demand. The Chalet Pods are to be housed in a secluded wooded area on the estate giving the guests privacy from the main house, this in time may well become a separate area within the estate. Green Eco Living’s Chalet Pods are unique in that they are fully insulated as well as being double glazed, contain full ensuite not a wet room and with the option of a kitchenette. You can also include wardrobe space if you wish. The Chalet Units come in a number of different sizes and layouts which can always be tweaked to suit individual requirements. Green Eco Living had developed the most thermally friendly, efficient Chalet Pod on the market in the UK. Not only are the walls insulated, but also the ceiling and floor. Based in Lancashire, Green Eco Living is a leading provider of Chalet and Camping Pods who also offer Boutique Hotel Rooms and Garden Rooms for the every space. These are built on site so can be used when access is an issue. For more information on Green Eco Living and our product range, visit the website, call the office on 01257 453 791 or email

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April 2016

Workers Advised To Make Sure They Guestline’s Calls to Improve Digital Platform Are Getting New National Living Wage Workers are urged to take simple steps to make sure they receive the Government’s new National Living Wage this month after research reveals nearly one third of people never check their payslips. The survey for the Government’s Step Up for Britain campaign finds 32 per cent of the lowest paid employees fail to make this simple check against their earnings. But workers can take three simple steps to make sure they are eligible and receive the pay increase: • Visit to check if you are eligible • Use the website’s online calculator to see how much more you will be paid • Check your payslip after 1 April; if you don’t receive the extra, speak to your boss or talk to Acas for advice. When it comes to checking payslips across the UK, those least likely to check were in the North-West and East of England, where 41 per cent of workers failed to do so. Just behind them were those in the West Midlands (40 per cent) and London (37 per cent). Those most likely to check their payslips were in the North-East, where just 11 per cent never bothered, followed by Wales and the South-West of England (21 per cent), Northern Ireland (24 per cent), Scotland (25 per cent) and Yorkshire and Humber (26 per cent). The government’s Step Up For Britain campaign was launched in January to highlight the introduction of the National Living Wage on 1 April. More than one million workers are set to directly benefit from the increase, which sees the current National Minimum Wage rate of £6.70 increase by 50p for those

PUBS THROUGHOUT the UK still aren’t making the most of the accommodation because they have fallen behind bigger operators in the digital arena, according to a debate aged 25 and over. Many on a full time wage will see pay pack- organised by hotel support software company ets rise by up to £900 a year. Guestline .The debate held at the Alma Pub The advertising campaign features a cast of workers curand Boutique Hotel in Wandsworth, saw the rently earning on or around the current National Minimum group focus on the growing trend driven by Wage. One of those, social services worker Rena Matthew, from consumers for licensees to increase their revWest London, who earns £7 per hour, said workers should enue through letting rooms and the addition of check their entitlement. She added: boutique style accommodation.

“It’s important to look into it and see if you are eligible. You could be missing out; the extra money can really help. It will be beneficial for individuals and families.” So far, more than 580,000 people have visited the Step Up for Britain campaign website to find out what the increase will mean for workers and employers. The government’s survey also revealed that 80 per cent of workers were likely to speak to their employers if they don’t get an increase. Across the UK, the survey showed those most likely to have a conversation lived in the North-East (90 per cent), followed by the East of England (84 per cent) and the SouthEast (83 per cent). Those least likely to do so were in London, where 73 per cent would be likely to have a conversation. In Scotland, 80 per cent would speak with their boss, 77 per cent in Wales and 79 per cent in Northern Ireland. Stewart Gee, Head of Information and Guidance at Acas, said: “Eligible workers should check what they are entitled to under these new changes and employers need to ensure that they are ready too. “We are running a series of training events over the next few months to help organisations prepare for the new wage rates.”

Castle Pubs Launch Craft Keg Fest Across The UK 115 CASTLE Pubs across the UK have come together to launch Craft Keg Fest showcasing the best of British breweries. The craft beer industry is booming and demand is higher than ever, with hundreds of independent breweries now producing interesting, quality ale. The UK’s largest keg craft beer festival will serve over 50,000 beer enthusiasts between sixteen and thirty rotating craft beers and will run from3rd April – 26th June. The pubs will rotate a wide and diverse range of craft beers throughout the twelve-week festival, with beers including Siren Soundwave IPA, Brewdog Ace of Chinook, Four Pure Vienna Lager and Meantime Raspberry. A host of exclusive beers will also be on offer during

Craft Keg Fest, including Hogstar Pale Aleand a new beer created by the Castle pub managers in collaboration with Cloudwater Brewery in Manchester. The next beer from London’s award-winning Meantime Brewery, Alpha Delta will also be available exclusively at Castle pubs during the festival. Craft beer fans will also receive a “Crafty Fox” reward card as part of the festival – buy six pints and get the seventh free. Ben Lockwood, Craft Beer and Cider Procurement Manager for Mitchells & Butlers said: “There’s a huge appetite for craft beer at the moment. It’s the perfect time to do one of the largest ever craft beer festivals in the UK and with all 115 Castle pubs taking part, it’s a sure way to attract more beer enthusiasts to our pubs. Some of the lesser known breweries will be able to get their beers in front of a completely new audience and grow their fan base.”

The main point of interest was the need to grow awareness of the market and to develop an improved digital platform to cater for today’s online traveler. With 4 out of 5 travellers now booking their accommodation online it was evident that more needs to be in place to support the sector when it comes to online booking and the customer journey. Online marketing and SEO were key areas to focus on. With many pubs offering a unique place to stay, eat and drink, it is imperative to market these qualities and points of difference more prominently online to ensure maximum reach is being achieved. Pub owners and operators need to capitalize on local expertise and drive local partnerships to differentiate from competing budget and branded chain hotels. Additional training and resources specifically serving the needs of the pub

market (for example, on rate and revenue management and digital marketing) needs to be arranged and made available. Rupert Gutteridge, Guestline’s Sales and Marketing Director commented, ‘As predicted we touched on many topical issues and highlighted a number of exciting opportunities. There are lots of factors to be considered when converting and offering rooms – from booking systems and room distribution to digital marketing and PR. We need to drive awareness for pubs with accommodation and champion best practice as it is proving to be a profitable revenue stream for pub companies.’ Along with the round table discussion, Jenny McGee, Enterprise Director at VisitEngland outlined how pubs can work more closely with VisitEngland and their regional tourist boards to boost their exposure and benefit from the boom in tourism in the UK. Paul Nunny from Stay in a Pub, an online booking website listing over 1500 pubs, also outlined their latest ‘Best Practice Guide’ for pubs with accommodation. Paul Nunny, Director at Stay In A Pub added, ‘It was good to have the major pub accommodation players sitting round a table to discuss how we can grow the sector. We need to build on this growing sector which is fast becoming another income stream for pubs.’ In conclusion, Guestline, ALMR and Stay in a Pub will be working together to explore further opportunities for the sector mainly focussing on digital marketing, online booking platforms and training provisions.

Vote Now For The Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards VISITORS WHO have received exceptional service from a local tourism business are being encouraged to nominate them for a top accolade at this year’s Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards. The People’s Choice Award at the Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards is open to any tourism business in the region, including Liverpool, Halton, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. Voters are being asked to nominate worthy businesses ahead of the April 1st deadline. The winner of the People’s Choice award, along with 16 other tourism categories, will be announced at a glamourous black-tie event at St George’s Hall on May 19th in Liverpool. Peter Sandman, Head of Visitor Economy Development at Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for people to vote for businesses that have gone above and beyond over the past 12 months. “Exceptional service is commonplace across the Liverpool City Region’s tourism industry and this is a chance to ensure businesses are recognised on a regional platform.” Victoria McDermott, Marketing Manager at Cavern City Tours, recipi-

ent of last year’s award, said: “We were so proud to be the winners of The People’s Choice award at Liverpool City Region Tourism awards 2015. “The fact that it was voted for by the public makes it really special. It is testimony to all the Cavern staff who work hard and with passion to make sure our visitors have a great experience.” To nominate a business, please visit and click on People’s Choice. Assistant Mayor of Liverpool and cabinet member for culture, tourism and events, Councillor Wendy Simon, will present the award on the evening. She said: “The tourism offer in this region is truly outstanding and continues to grow year on year, bringing with it a much valued economic boost, job creation and a sense of pride about where we live. “I’m delighted to be presenting this award which will shine a spotlight on the very best individual or organisation which really goes that extra mile to make the customer service experience an unforgettable one for all the right reasons.” There are a limited number of tables available for the event. Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate and network with key businesses and individuals in the tourism industry. To book, please visit the award’s website

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Are You Ready For The National Living Wage? “FIRMS THAT can’t afford the increase should consider options such as increasing the price of goods or reducing staff numbers or hours” advises law firm Furley Page The National Living Wage (NLW) was introduced earlier this month, on 1 April but what impact is it likely to have on your business? “The NLW will affect sectors differently and paying it is likely to cause wage bills to increase in those industries that employ a higher proportion of low-paid workers such as retail, care and hospitality businesses,” says Melissa Nelson, a solicitor with south east law firm Furley Page. “While the intentions behind the NLW are undisputedly good, the introduction of it will clearly have more knock-on effects than perhaps originally anticipated. “Businesses that genuinely cannot afford the increase in wages should consider options such as increasing the price of goods or services, decreasing staff numbers and/or reducing hours. Consultation is likely to be required for any changes involving staff and taking legal advice is vital,” adds Melissa. The NLW comes in on 1 April for all working people aged 25 and over, and is set at £7.20 per hour. It will continue to rise incrementally to reach £9 an hour by 2020 at a rate to be determined by the Low Pay Commission. From 1 April to 30 September 2016 the statutory wage rates are: • The apprenticeship rate is £3.30 per hour (applies to those aged 16-18 and those aged 19 and over in the first year of their apprenticeship) • The 16- 17-year-old youth rate is £3.87 per hour • The 18- 20-year-old youth rate is £5.30 per hour • The former adult National Minimum Wage rate that now just

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

applies to those aged 21-24 is £6.70 per hour • The NLW for those aged 25 and over is £7.20. The compulsory NLW is not to be confused with The Living Wage and the London Living Wage, which are both voluntary. There are two rates of living wage, one for London (£9.15) and one for the rest of the UK (£7.85). The Government intends to offset the impact on businesses of providing higher wages through a corporation tax reduction and an increase in the employment allowance against employer National Insurance Contributions (NICs). From April, the employment allowance which allows every company to save on employer NICs increases from £2,000 to £3,000. Further corporation tax reductions will cut the rate paid by businesses from 20% to 19% from April 2017, and from 19% to 18% from April 2020. Melissa says the introduction of the National Living Wage has caused concern among business groups, with the Confederation of British Industry warning that legislating for a living wage does not reflect businesses’ ability to pay and meant taking a gamble that the labour market could absorb year-on-year increases of an average 6%. “While the intentions behind the NLW are good, its introduction will have more knock-on effects than anticipated. Companies that can’t afford the increase should be considering options now such as increasing the price of goods or services, decreasing staff numbers and/or reducing hours. Consultation is likely to be required for any changes involving staff and taking legal advice at an early stage is recommended,” adds Melissa. Companies looking for help with the introduction of the National Living Wage can contact Melissa Nelson at Furley Page on 01227 763939 or email

Reducing The Energy Burden For Pubs - BBPA Announces Special One-Day Conference On Thursday, 5th May THE BBPA has announced a special conference, the ‘Pub Industry Energy Symposium’, to help pub operators navigate the big, and potentially costly, changes coming through on energy taxation highlighted in last week’s Budget – and to help them find ways to secure major future savings on their fuel bills. Aimed at those with key operational roles within their companies, the symposium takes place at the DoubleTree by Hilton West End, in Bloomsbury, Central London on Thursday, 5th May 2016 – the event is free for all pub operators, but you are urged to book quickly as places are strictly limited. As announced in the Budget, reporting on energy use is to be simplified. The bureaucratic Carbon Reduction Commitment is being abolished from 2019 – but action is needed to protect pubs from efforts to claw back the money it currently raises, through other measures, such as the

Climate Change Levy, which is set to increase substantially, from 2019. The BBPA says it will fight hard to protect pubs from cost increases, as without exemptions, pubs could face big new bills. Guest speakers will include key officials from the Department of Energy & Climate Change, as well as experts from Manchester Metropolitan University, and leading pub operators. Attendees will be guided through the key issues, and the BBPA will be launching best practice guidance on key areas for energy reduction in pubs. Brigid Simmonds comments. “Energy policy is becoming an ever bigger issue for pub operators, and there are many changes coming down the tracks. I hope those within pub operators responsible for their energy policy and purchasing will take advantage of this unique opportunity to keep on top of these big issues.” To secure your place at this unique event, contact the BBPA’s Jack Shepherd, Places are strictly limited.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Product Portfolio

Seascape Island Apothecary’s Award-Winning Soothe Sleep Oil A PERFECT pillow gift, or a long haul travel solution, Seascape Island Apothecary’s award-winning 8ml Soothe Sleep Oil is gaining wide popularity in both the hospitality and travel industries.

ucts in a UK beauty industry vote, as well as being recognised as one of the best “de stress” products available in the marketplace, Seascape’s Sleep Oil is maternity safe and, like all Seascape products is paraben, silicone, petroleum and SLS free and does not include any artificial colours or synthetic fragrances. Discover Seascape Island Apothecary today and treat your guests to something special - natural relaxation and a good nights sleep! +44 (0) 845 003 5255

Compact in size, reasonable in price, attractively packaged, easy to apply and very effective, the lavender and fruit oil based, award-winning 8ml Soothe Sleep Oil is sure to take the edge off of the stress and nerves that comes after a busy day or long flight. Named as one of the best new natural prod-

Undiluited, Naturally Delicious And Good For You No longer nature’s best-kept secret, TreeVitalise is a new birch tree water brand from the Carpathian Mountains, which lavish mixed forests give TreeVitalise its special taste. Delicious soft drink, birch water has been consumed for centuries in parts of Eastern & Northern Europe, but has remained largely undiscovered till now. Rich in manganese, and known as a good-for-you drink that stimulates the body’s purifying and cleansing systems, the ‘living’ water wakes the tree from its winter sleep and kick-starts it into new life. We only take a small share in

Bellevue Tea

There’s tea, and then there’s Bellevue Tea. Bellevue Tea is an independent, London based company with thirty years’ experience at the heart of the tea trade sourcing the very best teas and infusions from around the world. All their catering leaf teas are blended here in the UK with great care to ensure that they deliver both quality and flavor and their beautifully

spring, and leave plenty of revitalising water for the tree itself to come back to life. At TreeVitalise we don't use artificial flavourings. Instead, the sap is infused with organic mint leaves or fresh lemons, which give it a wonderful variety of naturally refreshing tastes. They are all only 10 kcal per bottle too! Enjoy the hydrating powers of this ‘old’ new drink nicely chilled, as part of your healthy diet or as much healthier alternative to sugary beverages. Children will love TreeVitalise too! Sustainable product of wild harvesting. Reader Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1732 362 369 @TreeVitalise

packaged teabags will add value to any hospitality venue. Bellevue is tea for the discerning tea drinker and perfect for any venue or establishment that wants to indulge its guests and customers to offer them the best refreshment experience. Whether it’s a tea selection in a café, bar or hotel lounge, on a guestroom tea tray, or a wonderful wakeup breakfast experience, Bellevue has the right tea for all tastebuds. Whether you want to offer bags or leaves, a belting strong breakfast brew, a fragrant delicate blend, decaf or a berry infusion, they have it all and the upmarket packaging will fit perfectly with the image your establishment wishes to convey. Bellvue Tea can come in catering packs and also with their own selection boxes for customers to make their individual choice if required.

Custom Printed Greaseproof Paper It's a Wrap manufacture custom printed greaseproof paper, from as little as 1000 sheets in 1, 2 and 4 colour process registered print. With free artwork, no plate charges and the fastest turnaround available, we make the whole process of ordering your very own custom printed greaseproof really easy.

We now have online ordering or alternatively you can email or call us and we will be able to help, we service hundreds of satisfied customers who see the benefit of branding their own greaseproof paper for wrapping and presenting their food. Call us for further information on 01327 301566 or email

Turkey Tuckers A Sweet Sensation

Sausage and meat balls specialist Snowbird foods has improved and re-launched its first ever product utilising turkey. Turkey Tuckers are frozen, fully cooked meat balls with a Moroccan flavour profile. Fruit has been added for sweetness and chilli for heat. Following Moorish tradition, they are flavoured with mint, chilli, cumin, fresh and ground coriander, salt, onions, garlic, figs and apricots! The fruit delivers sweetness that renders ketchup superfluous. The products are fully cooked in the factory in a combination oven

which steams and roasts the balls. They are then flash fried to enhance visual appeal and packed IQF in three kilo bags. Turkey Tuckers can be heated from frozen in seconds in a microwave and they will also oven bake. Mid-spend restaurants have found that an adult portion of up to five balls delivers plate appeal when served with cous cous, pasta, long grain rice or potatoes and a green salad. They are also an attractive school meals option, with two 20g. balls being sufficient for primary school children. For further information, call 020 8805 9222 or visit

State-Of-The-Art EPOS Systems from 3R

Our State-of-the-art EPOS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R Epos’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R Epos system can

integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R Epos systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R Epos systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650.

Tablet-To-Cup Coffee Technology From JURA

MAKE THE perfect coffee straight from your tablet! Controlling your JURA automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine will be easier than ever in 2016 thanks to the new JURA Smart Connect. This innovative new device uses Bluetooth communication to wirelessly operate your coffee machine via your tablet. By downloading the JURA Connect iOS or Android App onto your tablet device, you can now set your personal coffee preferences, such as adjusting the strength, temperature and cup size. Simply tap the name of your chosen coffee and your taste preferences, sit back and watch

it flow into your cup. In addition to all the fun bits, the app features easy-to-understand graphics and automatic machine status updates to ensure your machine is providing optimum performance. JURA Smart Connect is available now on iOS, and android – from spring 2016 and compatible with a range of JURA machines. For more information, please visit or call 0800 6525527.

Manufacturer Of Name Badges, Long Service Pins And Uniform Accessories DO YOUR name badges give your guests and staff the right impression of your Brand? Are your badges hard-wearing enough to stay looking smart? Are you getting the most efficient, friendly, fast and accurate service from your badge supplier so that your costs are cut to an absolute minimum? The true running cost of badging your staff is not just the initial unit price. A well-designed badge will look more prestigious longer than a cheap option. If your badges start to look anything less than perfect they actually undermine your Brand.

You can choose from the widest variety of economical and robust name badges and long service pins - all produced in the UK. We use the highest-quality materials, fittings and finishes, so your badges will be incredibly hard-wearing and give excellent value. Fattorini specialise in developing distinctively individual solutions unique to you. Our reputation is founded on high quality products and our excellent customer service. Having been approved suppliers to both prestigious hotel chains and small businesses for many years, a partnership with Fattorini will give you everything you need. For further information, email: Tel: 0161 748 0441 or see ad page 2.

Healthy Innovation from Newton’s appl fizzics LAUNCHED LAST month Newton’s appl fizzics is a new and healthier way to enjoy soft drinks. Made from two pure ingredients – apple juice and sparkling water. There are no artificial ingredients or flavours or preservatives - the new drink is a fantastic soft drink option for the hospitality sector looking for a premium drink but with 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. The new crisp amber juice is best served chilled and is wonderfully thirst quenching when

The Dry Ager

THE DRY AGER, a meat maturing fridge reinvents traditional practises using modern technology.

This German product has a timeless modern design plus unique developments to enhance the capabilities of dry aging. It would also look amazing as a focal point in any dining area or just in the kitchen. A precise temperature control, an integrated humidity system (no need for water supply) guarantees, together with the DX AirReg system, a perfect micro-climate, an ideal air flow and continuous sterilization.

Craftmaster Microbrew PUBS WILL now be able to get brewing inhouse with a minimal financial investment thanks to the DigiBrew from CraftMaster Microbrew. Nigel Roberts of Craftmaster Microbrew commented “we have seen the huge benefits to our existing customers businesses once they began to use our DigiBrew® system, however, we felt that the upfront cost of our handmade system was prohibiting some potential clients from brewing at their outlets. We thought long and hard as to how we could make our equipment more accessible

enjoyed straight from the bottle, or served over ice. It makes a delightful alternative to tonic water for a refreshing gin. The new drink is available in 330ml and 750ml bottles. For further information or stockist details contact Chris Banks Tel: 0208 241 5779 Twitter:@Newtonsapplfizz Facebook: Newton’s appl fizzics

To enhance the flavour of the meat the DRY AGER is fitted with a salt air system which contains Himalayan salt blocks. Why not take control of your meat from supplier to the table and offer your customers the best steaks and charcuterie. Price £2,500 plus VAT (delivered) includes some accessories For more information visit or contact Andrew on 0800 772 3961.

and a rental scheme seemed the perfect answer. We know how reliable our equipment is and that it will last for years, so we made the decision to make it available to rent. The great news for our customers is that at the end of the rental agreement they are given the option to buy the equipment they have rented, so their rental premiums do not go to waste. Alternatively we simply collect our brewery and rent it to someone else”. A DigiBrew system can be installed for an upfront investment of £1170+VAT and a weekly rental of less than £78+VAT. Rental equipment will be available in limited numbers throughout 2016 due to existing production commitments; units will be supplied on a first come first served basis. CraftMaster Microbrew can be contacted on 0800 699 0801 or More information can be found at

Epos Package From Epos Company and Ganedata

THE COMPLETE package offered by Epos Company and Ganedata consists of state of the art bezel free 15” touch screen terminal with all the optional peripherals and 3 years RTB warranty. The DesirePos All In One industrial Point Of Sale terminal is an out of box solution which offers your retail and hospitality customers a cost effective solution to their data collection requirements without compromising on quality, ease of use and operational effectiveness, full details of product available on . GaneData works tirelessly with manufacturing partners, and value added resellers, providing a complete end to end solution, busi-

ness development and marketing support. The software package is on Windows 7 embedded with choice of Hospitality, Retail, dry cleaning and laundrette industry. ECTouch is one of the leading epos software widely used in UK and Abroad with over 4000 licences in use in all types of trade. Online ordering, cloud based back office, kitchen video, Resident Pro Hotel link, YESPAY and Paymentsense chip and pin link, customer and advertising display, SMS messaging, caller id with maps and address finder, multi branch back office software and many more features are all easily accessible with ECTouch. Epos Company and Ganedata have also got a special package for Epos dealers. For more information please contact either Ganedata on 0333 323 0202 or Epos company on 02084460320.

Home Delivery Poses Threat to Eat Out Market FOOD DELIVERY is mounting a serious and growing threat to the eating-out market, according to data released from CGA Peach which shows that more than half the British adult population have had a takeaway brought to their door in the last six months. The figure equates to 28.6 million British consumers getting food delivered. One in five (19%) gets a delivery at least weekly, and two in five (39%) get a takeaway at least monthly. The stats show the massive scale of the delivery market now, as well as some interesting trends and shifts in the sector. Traditionally dominated by independent operators, the market has seen the arrival of several big third parties lately, offering digital platforms from which consumers can order food.

Of these, Just Eat is the market leader by some distance, having been used by a third (32%) of those who have had food delivered in the last six months. Second and third are Hungryhouse (15%) and Deliveroo (9%). The second of these has been busy signing up some major casual dining brands for deliveries lately, and has doubled its user base in the last year, CGA Peach data shows. Younger people, and students in particular, are most likely to use platforms like these. The research also points to changing methods of ordering. Phone remains the most common channel, used by 47% of delivery customers—but this figure has fallen by ten percentage points in the last year. The number ordering via an app has meanwhile increased, from 18% to 20%. Two in five (40%) orders are made via a conventional website.

Budget 2016 – Big £39 Million Annual Saving On Business Rates For England’s Pubs – New Analysis From BBPA

BIG CHANGES to the way the Government levies business rates announced in this week’s Budget will bring major savings to pubs, according to an analysis released today by the British Beer & Pub Association, which has led calls for fairer business rates for the sector. In total, the measures coming in from April 2017 are predicted to create an annual saving of over £39 million for English pubs, with 81 per cent of pubs benefiting from either the small business multiplier, or Small Business Rate Relief, or both. Overall, these pubs will be better off by an average of £1,100

Happy Birthday, Ma’am

THE QUEEN’S 90th birthday celebrations will bring Brits out in force to celebrate, according to one of the country’s biggest party supply companies. Peeks of Christchurch in Dorset has stocked up on its red, white and blue products in preparation for the demand. Managing director Nick Peek – the third generation of the family to run the firm - said the country’s celebrations will be the biggest since the Diamond Jubilee in 2012. The company has ordered 500 miles of bunting, and enough union flags, garlands, balloons and street party paraphernalia to cover the nationwide event. The Queen’s birthday is on April 21 and the official celebrations will take place between May 12 and 15 and will include a pageant like the one for the jubilee. On June 11 is the Trooping of the Colour, which is the official celebrations of the Queen’s birthday, and on June 12 a giant street party will be held in The Mall, with plans for street parties to be held concurrently across the country. Nick said: “There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate the occasion

per year, says the BBPA. Over 16,500 pubs will pay no business rates at all – some 40 per cent of the total. There are only around 3,700 premises currently paying no rates, so this is a sharp increase. The changes will particularly benefit traditional community pubs. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “These changes are a real boost, especially for much-loved community locals. They reflect much of what BBPA called for in its response to the recent Government review, and show that the Government is listening to concerns, when it comes to both the big burden of the current rates regime, and also the vital role that pubs play in local communities.” and already schools, local authorities and businesses have been in touch to place orders. “We know from the Jubilee and the Royal Wedding that there is a huge interest in Royal occasions and Brits love an excuse to have a party. “This year is Peeks’ 70th birthday and over the years we’ve sold products for every Royal occasion and the interest never seems to drop. “We have Queen cut-outs, a variety of hats, face paints, posters, waistcoats and everything a party needs including party packs. “And for street parties we have table cloths, cutlery, plates, napkins and even sandwich racks. “We anticipate that this will be a huge occasion because the Queen herself is getting involved. “There was some interest last year when she became the longest ever serving monarch, but as she didn’t choose to mark that moment there weren’t massive celebrations. “This time it will be different and street parties – contrary to what you might hear – are simple to organise.” Peeks has a giant party store in Christchurch as well as a website and it produces catalogues for its mail order customers Visit or see the advert on page 5.

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016


Warewashing: Cleaning Up the Act UK HOSPITALITY industry is enjoying remarkable growth. The UK restaurant industry alone is expected to reach £56 billion alone, by 2019, as consumers ever increasing interest in food grows. The hospitality industry is the fourth largest industry in the UK and is also the fastest growing, employing 9% of the UK workforce. In an increasingly competitive industry it is absolutely vital that standards are achieved and maintained, a recent survey revealed that restaurants are losing

out on income and customers by a combination of poor service and not cleaning and polishing their glasses, cutlery and crockery properly, Over half of the 2,000 consumers surveyed by Miele Professional (52%) stated that dirty glassware was their ‘top restaurant turn off ’, and a further third (32%) said that if they were to experience dirty utensils, they would be unlikely to ever return. So is it time to “clean up your act”?

CLH News asked Simon Frost, chair of CESA for his views:


CDS LTD are a family company established since 1989 that repair all makes and models commercial dishwashers, glasswashers and provide new machines with a great aftercare service.

Please call for the best quote 01252 333490

CDS Unit 22, Bellevue Enterprise Centre, Ivy Rd, Aldershot, Hants GU12 4UA

The primary objective of any warewash system is to get the ware clean. The cleaning performance of any machine is based on five interdependent elements: wash time, water temperature, water pressure, detergent, and rinse additive. However, when planning a warewash area you have to consider a host of other factors, as well as the machine itself. They include how to get the dirties to the warewasher, ventilation, services, space for clean items to be stored, and so forth. Modern, quality warewashers are relatively easy to use. However, anyone who has not operated equipment should always be trained on it. Staff misuse and abuse are two leading reasons for machine breakdown. As appliances such as warewashers become more sophisticated, a number of manufacturers are include training aids, even animations or videos, built into the control panel. These may be multilingual – a huge bonus in the modern kitchen, where often staff don’t have English as a first language, and several different languages may be spoken within a single brigade. If space is a constraint, look for equipment that will manage the volume in the room available – many manufacturers have developed space-saving ideas that may provide a solution. Obviously you must also take account of the need for space to allow staff to work effectively, too, and ensure there are no bottlenecks in the workflow. SUSTAINABILITY Warewashers are big users of resources and manufacturers have invested heavily in technologies to reduce consumption. Features to lookout for include reduced wash tank capacities, more efficient rinse systems, heat exchangers that recycle energy normally lost in waste water or steam, designs that eliminate the need for heat pumps on

larger machines, and machines that operate ventfree, taking out the need for direct ducting and extract fans that use energy continuously. • Pre-rinsing can use much more water per wash cycle than the warewasher. Low flow spray valves and pre-rinse machines can reduce consumption considerably. Some manufacturers offer machines that eliminate the need to pre-rinse • Double skinned and insulated cabinets will help reduce energy consumption and cut down on noise emissions • Automatic integral dosing units will protect the machine and prevent overdosing • Water treatment is essential to protect the machine. Some warewashers come with integral water treatment systems • Variable wash cycles and programmes can save water and energy. For example, a shorter cycle, designed for items that are predominantly clean, can reduce consumption considerably MAINTENANCE • Clean the machine regularly, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Some models have self-cleaning programmes • Check and clean all filters and ensure they are free of blockages • Clean the wash and rinse arms regularly, again checking them for blockages • Always respond quickly to alerts from the machine’s self-diagnostics and the water treatment system


April 2016

Clean and Green: Waterfront’s New Warewashers Belfast’s Waterfront will be catering for thousands of guests at a time – and they’ll create a huge amount of dirty plates, glasses and utensils. A prestige venue like this needs to be able to rely on consistently clean supply of tableware, but it also requires a sustainable warewashing solution. That’s why the Waterfront chose Winterhalter warewashers. Winterhalter is at the forefront of energy, water and chemical saving technologies. One of the key models at the Waterfront is the MTR Climate Plus. This high-volume, multitank conveyor system can wash literally thousands of items per hour – yet it only needs one person to operate. The MTR’s wash results are outstanding. However, what makes this machine truly different is its Climate Plus heat pump – it sucks waste heat from the machine’s interior and from the kitchen air, recycling it to heat up the incoming cold water supply. This radical approach not only saves a massive 50%+ in terms of the machine’s energy consumption, it also improves the kitchen environment. This is because, when the surrounding temperature goes above 25°C, it pumps clean, dry exhaust air, cooled to 18°C, back into the kitchen. So as well as being a warewasher, it’s an air conditioner – and all the while it saves energy. The Waterfront also has a Winterhalter MTF, which is a highvolume flight conveyor machine. This

unit is fitted with a special reverse-osmosis water treatment system that guarantees to process thousands of glasses per hour – and they come out so spotless and sparkling clean that there’s no need to polish them. This not only saves staff time, it also significantly reduces breakages since there is so much less handling of glassware. The third Winterhalter unit supplied to the Waterfront is a GS660 Energy model. This specialist utensil washer has an extra high door so that large pots, pans and utensils can be washed easily. It features an advanced heat exchanger that extracts the energy from the machine’s waste steam and waste water, using it to heat up the cold fill and slashing energy consumption dramatically. “The new Waterfront is an amazing project, with a real commitment to sustainability,” says Stephen Kinkead, managing director of Winterhalter UK. “We’re proud and delighted that they chose Winterhalter to meet their warewashing requirements.” Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email

Miele Professional Launches New Range Of Tank Dishwashers MIELE PROFESSIONAL has expanded their range of commercial dishwashers with the launch of three new under counter tank models. Alongside a multi-purpose machine, the new generation includes two models which are specifically designed for behind-the-counter use. All three models produce top-quality results, using innovative technology to adapt to the needs of different loads. With short cycles lasting only 4555 seconds, the tank glass washers are able to cope with huge quantities of glassware. The tank range not only ensures quick cycle times, but also

The Maidaid Evolution THE MAIDAID Evolution is packed with the latest cutting edge technology to assist the user to gain the best results possible. Some of the key features that this innovative range offers are:Glass cycle - This automatically changes the parameters to suit glass washing, Sanitiser Cycle – Calculates temperature and time to achieve standard AO rating of 30, Green ‘Eco’ cycle – Reduces water consumption and runs at low temperatures,

has a high capacity and is able to handle 80 baskets per hour. The three new models can be used as free-standing units or installed below a worktop. With their reduced height of only 72.5 cm, two models are designed as behind-thecounter glass washers: the 46cm wide PG 8164 with its own new basket system is perfect where space is tight. Greater capacity is offered by the PG 8165 with a width of 60cm. The larger tank washer, the PG 8166, with a height of 82cm, is designed for all types of mixed crockery loads. New accessories including an undercarriage for baskets as well as drip trays add further value to these products. For more information on Miele Professional’s products, please phone 0844 8936907 or log onto ATC intensive cycle – This is for the dirtiest products and runs two complete cycles. The Maidaid Evolution range has enhanced feedback for installation and service engineers. This area allows the engineer to view and adjust operating temperatures, cycle counter and access records of recent alarms the customer may have missed. This area is key for the engineer to personalise the machine to the customer’s requirements. One of the key benefits of the Maidaid Evolution range is that it suits any type of foodservice or licenced establishment. The Evolution machine is so easy to use and so easy to configure that it can be used in pretty much any establishment. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0845 130 8070 or visit

The Dishwasher Man

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

commercial dish & glasswasher solutions

Repairs • Service • Sales Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ice Machines, Fryers, Tea Urns, Ovens, Microwaves Tel: 07801 328 376 Email:



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Dishwashers Direct Ltd ACQUIRING A dishwasher can be an expensive business and let’s face it, with all of the choice in the market it can be an intimidating task. Then on top of this you have to decide whether to Buy, Lease or Rent. Buying capital equipment involves a substantial cash sum going out of the business in one go. Lease purchase will acquire you an asset, be less of a strain on cash, is great for budgeting, but will cost you a more in the long term. If the machine lasts only 3-4 years then any type of purchase is a bad idea as it will have no residual value. If the dishwasher is likely to last for close to 10 years then it’s a great idea and you

Warewashing Solutions A KEY consideration for any catering operator is the size and type of warewashing machine that is suited for their outlet. For smaller operators looking to make a new purchase, it is completely unnecessary to have a large dishwasher if customer footfall is low, and it will most certainly be costing them more than they need to pay. On the other hand, larger operations may be fighting a losing battle to turn clean crockery around in good time

Nelson Catering Equipment NELSON WILL highlight its kitchen and cabinet design and installation services and will show its latest, high performing, Advantage warewashers alongside a range of space saving catering equipment from the popular Blue Seal range. Advantage Dishwashers and Glasswashers The Advantage warewasher range is amongst the best specified in the UK today. It uses a significantly low volume of water and energy, yet provides exceptional reliability and outstanding results across all types of crockery and glassware – even delicate items – and at a competitive price. It is also exceptionally quiet making it suitable for front of house siting. Models range from highly compact undercounter

Warewashers have the opportunity to ‘sweat your assets’. If you are not sure about the possible life of a machine then Rental option is the best. A good rental agreement will offer manageable monthly payments, a labour and parts warranty included within the life of the term, regular servicing to keep your machine in top working order, replacement if you do get a ‘Friday machine’ and an option to upgrade in your term if your circumstances change. Buy, Lease or rent, there are arguments for all. Whatever the case make sure ensure you are protected with a period where you don’t have to worry about the costs of repair or maintenance” For further information, contact Dishwashers Direct Ltd on 0115 9381 935, email or visit us at

because the current warewasher is too small. So, finding the right product for a particular site is essential. At Classeq operators looking for warewashing solutions will find everything from compact frontloading dishwashers that suit smaller kitchen spaces, to free-standing utensil washers for high volume establishments that are available to them at great prices. The market is complex but in summary, there is something to meet every need but it is important to take advice and ensure longevity and value from any purchasing decision. Please include a definitive website address where readers can go for more info on your company. David Smithson, CEO at Classeq For further information please go to machines to through to space saving pass throughs. Kitchens, counters & cooking equipment Space is almost always an issue in cafés but with Nelson’s clever design solutions, food display and storage can be significantly increased. By using advanced 3D design software, the ultimate layout for the available space can be achieved. Nelson supplies and installs many of the UK’s leading equipment brands of catering equipment, including the popular Blue Seal range, and provides a stainless steel fabrication service. Nelson also designs and installs bespoke food display cabinets which maintain food quality whilst appealing to ‘grab and go’ customers. Nelson provides free of charge site surveys for its kitchens and display cabinet designs and for its warewashing services. Nelson Catering Equipment/Nelson Glass & Dishwashers. Unit 1. Rowley Ind Park. London W3 8DH Tel: 0800 731 3045 Web:

Winterhalter Launches UF Series COMMENTS can be attributed to Paul Crowley, marketing development manager of Winterhalter UK Winterhalter’s new UF Series of utensil washers gives operators the best results even with the most stubborn baked-on deposits. The UF machines take advantage of Winterhalter’s VarioPower technology, which allows the wash pressure to be individually adjusted depending on the items being washed and the degree of soiling. The wash arm design, which gives more power and coverage, coupled with customised washing programmes depending on the type and extent of soiling on the utensils, ensure every item is thoroughly cleaned. For really stubborn baked-on deposits Winterhalter has developed a ‘Crust Cracker’ chemical, which gets into action before the washing program begins, negating the need for manual pre-washing. Other new features of the UF

Commercial Dishwasher Services MAIN UK Distributor of SMEG & DIHR range of commercial dish and glass washers Sound advice, friendly service at great prices . . . Operating in the Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire and South East of England, Commercial Dishwasher Services offer a wide range of commercial dish and glass washers at highly competitive prices.

machines are foldable doors giving the staff clear access to the interior of the machine and a new rack dolly that means staff can collect dirty utensils and pots before easily pushing the heavy, loaded rack directly from the dolly into the machine. The clean dishes can then be pushed back to the work stations in the same way. Winterhalter offers the new UF Series machines in three different sizes. Depending on the available space and the size of the items being washed, customers can choose from the UF-M (medium), UF-L (large) and UF-XL (extra large) models. Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and on getting the right machine for your requirements. We are the UK’s main distributors of SMEG machines, and offer a friendly and reliable service second to none. We also supply SMEG mini bars to the trade at great prices. Please call for the most competitive prices on new machines. Commercial Dishwasher Services Ltd Unit 22 Belle Vue Enterprise Centre Ivy Road Aldershot Hampshire GU12 4UA

Andy Waters Demands Warewash Quality and Reliability WHEN BOURNVILLE Catering Equipment (BCE) were tasked with working on a new kitchen for Andy Waters Restaurant in the new Birmingham Resorts World Complex by chef owner Andy Waters they knew from previous experience it had to be designed to use every inch of space and feature high quality, highly reliable equipment. One of the crucial aspects of the kitchen and its smooth operation is the warewasher and BCE's Carl Doonan explains why Smeg Foodservice's solution met the brief, "The

dishwasher was discussed and we agreed we needed something suitable to meet the demands of the 80 cover, seven day, operation at Andy Waters. The Smeg CWC520SD hood-type machine with built-in water softener was the perfect choice when it came to quality and affordability. We did look at some German manufactured alternatives, but they were coming out at almost twice the price of the Smeg. Given that in the last year our business has grown significantly with Smeg we knew the machine was more than fit for purpose for this kitchen." For more information call: 0844 5574355 or email:

Outdoor Leisure

Top Tips for Successful Barbecuing from Cinders Barbecues SAFETY

Ensure that the person connecting the gas bottle to the barbecue is competent in the use of bottled gas, also keep children and less able adults at a safe distance – perhaps a chalkboard or notice could be displayed to this effect.

ORGANISATION Organisation is the key to larger scale catering. Organise your staff accordingly and make sure they each know what their specific job will be.

STAFF Choosing the more extrovert members of your staff to be on duty will help to ensure a lively party atmosphere. Encourage them to put on a show.

FOOD Your menu should be well prepared in advance. Make sure you keep the fat content of the food as low as possible. Excess fat just causes flares and smoke which is the last thing you need at a large function. Try not to barbecue food straight from the fridge as this makes cooking through to the middle difficult.

PROFIT Remember, customers are willing to pay extra for food off the barbecue, so capitalise on this.

MENU Experiment! Try kebabs, salmon, marinated lamb or chicken satay on sticks. Always have a good supply of sauces, salads and coleslaw on hand. Baked potatoes are also very popular and can be cooked beforehand in a conventional oven. Remember the vegetarians amongst your guests, so try spicy vegetable kebabs, stuffed tomatoes baked in foil, or keep a vegetable risotto in a shallow tray on the go. Keep the party going with a dessert menu – bake bananas in their skins and serve with warm chocolate sauce, or wrap soft fruit

Glassjacks Ltd

GLASSJACKS ARE pleased to announce a new range of products and an improved website ( Customers can now purchase a full range of beautiful catering quality glassware (Genware) and glassjacks together. From elegant wine glasses and champagne flutes to tumblers, beer glasses, shot glasses, carafes and water jugs. This full range of glassware complements our comprehensive range of

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

in foil parcels, sprinkle with brown sugar and bake for about 5 minutes & serve with crème fraiche.

EQUIPMENT For convenience you will find it much easier to use disposable plates and cutlery. Estimate the numbers required and add 50%. Make sure any items that require wrapping are done way ahead of time – and don’t forget the spoons for young children and if you are serving dessert.

SYSTEM It is so important that you devise a system and let everyone know what the system is! Will guests purchase a ticket in advance, or will they pay when they receive their food? Will the staff serve salads, potatoes etc. or will guests help themselves? These simple points will ensure that your event runs smoothly and with the minimum of effort on the day.

THEMED EVENTS The possibilities are limited only by your imagination! Starting with music and carrying on the theme - think 60’s, 70’s or 80’s and have your customers crying out for more! Fancy dress is always a party winner - Pirates of the Caribbean and Wild West Nights to name just two! Barbecues are not just for summer – they are great for all outdoor activities and festivals. Easter Egg Hunts, Halloween and Bonfire Night are great examples.

ADVERTISING Use your Social media to good effect and build excitement in the run up to the big day. Use your local newspaper; ‘What’s On’ notices will attract customers who may not have visited your establishment previously. Print a few colourful posters and ask other local businesses to display them in return for a free ticket. Don’t forget the most valuable free advertising of all ‘word of mouth’. Tell everyone you speak to about your planned barbecue – you may well be surprised by the response. RELAX – YOU HAVE FOLLOWED OUR TIPS AND THE STAGE IS SET. WITH THE RIGHT ORGANISATION YOUR ONLY JOB NOW WILL BE THE BARE MINIMUM OF SUPERVISION. GOOD LUCK AND MAY YOUR PROFITS SIZZLE! See the advert on page 22 for details.

glassware storage boxes (glassjacks). If it’s just glassware storage boxes (glassjacks) you are looking for there is a new feature on our website, the “Glass Measurement Guide” where you simply insert your glass height and width to be directed straight to the glassjack you require. Our additional new products include compartment glass racks, dishwasher racks, barware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks Ltd have supplied products for over 5 years to thousands of delighted customers; from catering hire companies; race courses; hotels; bars; restaurants; golf courses; glass manufacturers; catering wholesale suppliers, event companies and many more. For your glassware storage box and glassware requirements please take a look at our new website

Country Benches - High Quality Benches COUNTRY BENCHES is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design gar-

den furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors. Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details see advert this page.


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Dining A Welcome Boost to Your Bottom Line AL FRESCO dining provides a fun, memorable experience for guests of all ages, be that couples, friends or family, and, hotels, pubs and restaurants are increasingly utilising outdoor space to attract more business. Outdoor dining spaces not only attract more people but also adds more seating. And as we all know seating equals more guests, and more guests equal more sales, which can boost any hospitality businesses bottom line. Research conducted by VSAG, an international restaurant and hospitality consulting firm, revealed that an outdoor patio area can increase gross profits by 65 percent. A well designed outdoor/alfresco dining area can breathe new life into a business and give it a new, fresh, updated look. However, careful planning is the key to success. There are specific fundamentals that one should consider, in particular comfort. Resist the temptation to cater for as many guests as possible, do not pack guests in like sardines. You should therefore ensure that seating is well spaced for comfort. The space should be designed to allow servers to navigate easily, especially during rush hours. Guests should be able to manoeuvre comfortably in the space as well. Ensure that your outdoor areas complement your indoor décor, if you’re businesses have a interior decor that is stylish and modern then the outdoor furnishings should reflect and complement that same decor. Just like the interior, an outdoor space should feel warm and welcoming it is another example of never getting a second opportunity to make a first impression, guests simply might not return as repeat customers, if the ambiance is not right. Take advantage of your surroundings and of nature to entice guests. If you are near, or feature unique attractions or have ocean front/water views, or set in the country with attractive views face tables towards that spectacular focal point. This allows guests to soak in the spectacular scenery around them. A beautiful, relaxing outdoor ambience is always a winner!. Put a lid on it! Be mindful of climate, the last thing at proprietor wants is for guests to get up and leave because the outdoor dining space is too hot or too cold, or they see dark clouds looming and run the risk of getting drenched. Invest in weather resistant umbrellas or large patio coverings/awnings that keep out, or reduce the effects the sun and heat and keep out rain. We here in Britain have very diverse and unpredictable weather and if you’re fortunate enough for your business to be is located in milder

Leisurebench Ltd THERE HAS been tremendous interest in the new Oasis collection from Leisurebench, suitable for outdoor or indoor use. This has really added a new dimension to the existing Rattan range and includes sofa sets, dining sets plus tables and chairs of the highest quality. Leisurebench has also recently introduced a new collection of Tolix style table and chairs, classic designs made from extra thick steel plate for commercial strength and durability. Unlike most on the market the steel has been electro-galvanised before powder coating. The galvanizing helps to prevent rust even if the outer powder coating

is damaged. This makes this range suitable for outdoors and more than suitable for indoor use. The chairs are also available in a range of exciting colours. The company will also shortly be announcing the launch of a new range of smart and chic ISO table tops. The Leisurebench range of products is extensive, ranging from traditional teak furniture through to a collection made entirely from recycled plastic, which is growing massively in popularity. A fast delivery is guaranteed from our own warehouses and over 55.000 square feet of storage space, ensures there is always a large range in stock. A wide range of accessories is also available including parasols, jumbrellas, heaters, cushions etc. Visit the Leisurebench website at, or telephone our dedicated sales team on 01949 862920. Email:

climate and doesn’t have to deal with harsh weather conditions, then it is possible to utilise your outdoor space all year round. To maintain that extra comfort consider investing in outdoor patio heaters to keep customers warm. Choose furniture that is resistant to the elements, extreme heat and rain/moisture. Make sure the furnishings are easy to clean and maintain. The object is to get customers end on a regular basis for your furnishings must be durable and always resist the temptation to buy cheaper domestic products. Heat and sun fades and warps furniture that isn’t specially designed for outdoor usage. Keep that in mind when purchasing furniture and accessories such as chair cushions, tablecloths, etc. Faded furnishings make an outdoor space look outdated and unappealing which can turn off customers. Bring the kitchen outdoors In many cases it is now possible to bring the kitchen to the outdoor area, the popularity of barbecues, pubs hotels and restaurants has grown phenomenally, as have outdoor wood fired ovens, on a really beautiful warm sunny evening the style of cooking literally sells itself. It is also important to consider refrigeration, obviously for food safety, but also as an important selling tool, to facilitate ease of service and quicker turnover of tables, and increase sales with strategically placed outdoor bottle coolers or ice cream machines Consider mobile POS One of the latest technology trends, which has gathered momentum in the hospitality industry is the use of mobile point of sale (POS) solutions. With the increased popularity of wireless networking and the decreased cost of mobile computing devices, such as tablets and smart phones, more businesses are embracing mobile solutions. In the hospitality environment, a mobile POS solution enables waiting staff to perform all the basic functionality of your stationary POS system while also adding a few new benefits. A mobile POS solution enables waiting staff to greatly improve efficiency by taking orders, busting lines, and processing payments tableside, helping turn the table over quicker. Create the right atmosphere In order to attract and retain customers, you need to create the right kind of atmosphere. You can do this using various features. Outdoor lighting is important in creating the atmosphere. Soft lighting including tea lights, string lights, torches and candles. A fire pit or floating candles can bring warmth on a cool night. Water features such as pools and fountains create a calming effect. You can embrace all or some of the features, whatever you do, will be a welcome addition, which can only enhance your premises and more importantly increase the bottom line! Enjoy your new outdoor space and the increased revenue!

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

WE ARE an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to

buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Outdoor Leisure

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Kirklees Developments Ltd Catering Equipment New for 2015 is our Decarboniser soak tank. Designed for ease of use and robustness. Fabricated from stainless steel with 150Litre usable capacity. Simply switch it on, leave your pans and grills in it overnight, take out the clean stuff in the morning. With over 35 years’ experience of designing and manufacturing barbecues and a variety of gas appliances with C.E approval Kirklees Developments now produce 2 sizes of hog roasters, to cook up to 200lb pigs. The 200lb pig roaster, the largest on the market, has a viewing window and wooden handles

for comfort. It`s geared motor unit is 4 times the power of smaller roasters in its class. Chickens, jacket potatoes etc. can be cooked in the optional attachment & tall chefs may specify the optional adjustable carving brackets. Carving trays are also available. Kirklees Developments produce an extensive range of large professional catering grill & griddle barbecues including the widely respected Masterchef and Zenith ranges. The 8 burner Magnum has removable grills for easy cleaning and is most versatile due to its overall size and independently controllable burners. Tel: 01484 401134, Email: Web:

Outside Structure Solutions

OUTSIDE STRUCTURE Solutions are proud to announce that we have now been appointed dealers for the Renson range of terrace covers, roller walls and brise soleil. Renson are one of the largest manufacturers in Europe we are looking forward to showcasing the fantastic Camargue terrace cover which features a pivoting louver roof, built-in roller walls, lighting and heating as well as optional glass walls and sliding panels. This structure is truly the best we have ever seen and will turn your outside area into an elegant dining or chic relaxing zone. In addition we are pleased to offer the Lagune retractable ter-

The Fabulous Bench Boys WE ENDEAVOUR to produce a table which is going to suit your needs, and your budget. Our Standard Pub Picnic Benches are ideal if you are looking for a basic, cost effective addition to promote your outdoor business. • Delivered fully assembled & weather treated - ready for use. • Standard features x5 timbers to the table top. • Standard Picnic Tables are 100% screwed & bolted, no more nails! • Includes 50mm parasol hole "see Parasols & Bases". If you serve food to your outdoor seated areas, you may

race cover. The roof is held secure in a frame and then retracts like an awning into a rear wall-mounted cassette. It also features a built-in roller wall to the front and can have side enclosures to suit. All operated at the touch of a button. If you are looking for something simpler to help with sunlight through your windows, look no further than our brise soleil. Fixed louvers installed above any window or door will help reduce direct sunlight. If you would like to see how we can help you transform your establishment with any of these structures please get in touch. For further information Tel: 0844 561 7679, email:

wish to look at our Premium Picnic Benches. Premium Benches have a much larger table top surface area, and are therefore much more suitable in dining situations " Our Premium Picnic Benches are ideal if your establishment serves food, or if you just want to offer your patrons a more comfortable outdoor facility. Tables feature a larger seat (x3 timbers) and a larger table top (x7 timbers), they are also larger in width which offers a little more leg room. • Delivered fully assembled & weather treated - ready to use. • Greater width, larger seat and table top area, ideal for Gastropubs. • Premium Picnic Tables are 100% screwed & bolted, no more nails! • Includes 50mm parasol hole "see Parasols & Bases". For further details see advert this page.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Design and Refit

Why PVC Banners Have The Midas Touch For Your Business PVC banners are a cost-effective way of pushing marketing and sales messages to the paying public “Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things” sang Maria in The Sound of Music, although the attractive songstress forgot to include PVC banners amidst the mentions of schnitzel with noodles and snowflakes that fall on her nose and eyelashes. PVC banners are certainly one of our favourite things and that’s why HFE was set up in the first place. We recognised that there was a growing demand from businesses to pursue this cheap and effective way of peddling their wares all year round. For the uninitiated, a PVC banner is a display item that you might see outside a pub, restaurant, leisure centre, gym or public event. These banners are built to last with strong durable outdoor 550gsm coated PVC ensuring that they stand up to any weather condition. The full solvent inks used on the banners have been severely road-tested to make sure that the message stays sharp irrespective of snow, sleet or rain. Why use PVC banners? We’ve already mentioned that they’re a cheap option that caters for any marketing budget. Starting from £13.99, PVC banners don’t break the bank so there is little downside to getting involved and testing the market.

Businesses now recognise that word of mouth can only take you so far, with their premises often ideal for attaching a PVC banner or two. So a pub who does a cracking Sunday carvery can create themselves a banner at HFE advertising this fact along with some gorgeous imagery of roast meats and vegetables. Say a pub does a Curry Night on a Monday, a Steak Night on a Wednesday and a Pub Quiz on a Friday. That could lead the proprietors to commission a banner for each of these days and simply attach the display items outside the building. The rust-proof eyelets enable easy fastening and untying of the PVC banners! At the HFE website, we offer customers the chance to design their own PVC banners. It’s a free design service which is great for those businesses that want something unique or bespoke. However, on the flip side, we already have banner designs that you can grab “off the shelf” for popular events such as pub nights, Valentine’s Day and Christmas. When you order more than one banner with HFE, then we’ll throw free delivery into the equation. Then there’s the fact that any order before 11am means next working day delivery and we’re naturally a 24/7 business when it comes to designing and ordering online. PVC banners tied up with string, they might just be our favourite thing!

InterContinental London Gets Into Bed With The Fine Bedding Company THE NEW InterContinental London - The O2 which opened its doors at the start of the year, has commissioned The Fine Bedding Company Hotel Division to create bespoke bedding solutions for its 453 luxury bedrooms, including innovative anti-allergy rooms. A new luxury goose feather dual layer topper has been developed specially for the hotel, dubbed ‘the new luxury retreat in the heart of London’, to deliver a sumptuous sleep experience within the five-star hotel. This complements top of the range duck down duvets, goose down pillows, luxury quilted mattress protectors and brushed cotton pillow protectors also supplied exclusively by the fast growing hotel bedding specialist, which partners with hundreds of top hotels and guesthouses across the UK and Europe for their bedding requirements. Custom-made synthetic duvets and pillows are also a key feature in the hotel’s anti-allergy bedrooms. Containing The Fine Bedding Company’s unique highly breathable Smartfil® microfibers, the products are non-allergenic and easy to wash at 60°C (the temperature that kills dustmites, a contributory factor to the onset of allergy symptoms). With a bespoke sizing and detail-

ing request, executive head housekeeper Laura Walker and the Arora Group procurement team had exacting standards and detailed requirements, requiring bedding that met with the InterContinental Hotels brand specification. Kevin Swart from The Fine Bedding Company Hotel Division explained: “A luxury hotel is not simply ‘designed’ that way. It has to be communicated in the look, feel and experience. The brief and the expectation from Laura’s team at the InterContinental London – The O2 was to ensure that the bedding delivered a luxury sleeping experience for guests which achieved an immaculate five-star look for the room and delivered a luxurious sense of comfort and warmth when a guest slips into the bed. “Along with luxury fabrics encasing innovative fibres, The Fine Bedding Company Hotel Division applies scientific methods to create products designed to be as resource efficient for hoteliers and managers as possible. “Our duvets and pillows are not only luxurious but practical and functional. The bedding we have developed enables Laura’s team to meet the high standards of guests while making it easier for housekeeping to clean and reuse. The Fine Bedding Company Hotel Division’s hotel bedding range, featuring Smartfil® was recently independently tested in a leading laboratory. Testing the washability of its duvets, pillows, mattress protectors and mattress enhancers, proved products can be washed at higher temperatures to improve hygiene and allergy resistance while maintaining an ability to reform and keep their shape, ensuring the bedding has a longer life span. Reader enquiries - Tel: Kevin Swart on 07780 443224, email: or visit

Trago2Business Trago2Business, the contracts division of Trago Mills, services the South West. It is specifically tailored to give our business customers a more personal service and excellent value for money. Trago2Business provides a one-toone service through a personal account manager who can co-ordinate

Wet and Forget Why use Wet & Forget? Moss, mould, lichen, algae, and black mould are part of our lives. Because of our climate these biological growths attach themselves, uninvited, to every exterior surface around our home. These growths are seriously unattractive and dangerous (slippery pavers and concrete). These growths damage paintwork, masonry, bricks, roof tiles, outdoor furniture, and whatever else you can think of! What to do about it??? It all sounds like hard work!! Not with Wet & Forget!! Just wet any exterior surface with the product... then forget it!! The weather does the work.

Design and Refit every aspect of a clients requirements from sourcing products through to delivery. The service is backed by full field support and a team of professional in-house buyers whose expertise and buying power can obtain the highest quality goods at the lowest cost possible. We have developed an exclusive contract range only available to our business customers which meets exacting contract quality standards but at affordable prices. We can offer you an account facility, an impressive range of bulk discounts and delivery service. For further information please contact head office on 01579 321331 or

Waterblasting has been a common method of removing grime & growth but it is very aggressive and abrasive. It can lift paint, scour timber and lift the fine sand and cement out of concrete. Plus it does not kill the growth - so even as you are waterblasting, the growth spore is busily re-establishing itself. Then there are aggressive chemicals like bleach, caustic soda and acid based products which have the same effect as waterblasting. For further information visit Phone Number 0800 999 3309 Or see the advert on page 10.

Is Wet & Forget Safe? A great big YES IT IS!! Wet & Forget is non caustic, non acidic and contains no bleach! It has a pH of 8. Tap water is 7!

There Is No Chair Like A Chairmaker Chair

CHAIRMAKER ARE British designer manufacturers of stunning chairs and sofas. Built tough for life in your busy venue. Unlike cheap imported chairs, Chairmaker bespoke chairs and sofas will last for years as they are designed from the ground up for contract use. All internals meet crib5 fire, The timbers are FSC or PEFC certified and meet EUTR regulations. You can supply your own fab-

rics or choose from the hundreds at the Chairmaker factory in Sussex. These chairs have attention to detail like no other and that is why you will find them in London's most exclusive venues. Built to order in Sussex there is no chair like a Chairmaker chair. T. 01903 202008 E. W. See the advert on page 3 for further details.

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

April 2016

Design and Refit

European Lamp Group Bespoke Solution for Mitchells & Butlers Established in 1898, Mitchells & Butlers is one of the largest operators in the hospitality sector. Making their business more energy efficient is a fundamental operating principle at Mitchells & Butlers. As such Mitchells & Butlers naturally turned to Elg when they required a bespoke solution to replace its halogen low voltage AR111 lamps. With an estate in the UK of around 1,700 M& B had an estimated 96000 halogen AR111 lamps rated at 50W – so combined the energy consumption was in excess of six million KW per year. That

Dining Chairs UK

DINING CHAIRS UK has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your dead-

equates to an energy bill of almost £800,000. The project therefore specified that the new LED lamp that was dimmable and a long life. ELG provided a bespoke design and manufacturing solution. We set about creating an LED lamp that would operate in demanding environments and provide the long, error-free life that will deliver years of cost savings. ELG also devised clear and honey-coloured covers for the LED bulb – allowing these to be switched over on demand. ELG have been supplying the latest lighting products for rover 40 years and can supply from a single lamps to large rollouts and create a unique product tailored to your needs. We work closely with the major lighting manufacturers and are Value Added Partners of Philips. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01274 473400 Email: Web:

lines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030 or email

Hygienic Wall Systems

FOR A design to completion package, Hygienic Wall Solutions specialises in the installation of PVC and stainless steel wall cladding to commercial kitchen, food preparation premises, and high risk hygiene risk areas. If you are looking for premium stainless steel wall cladding or panels or high quality then you are on the right destination. We offer a wide range of cladding products that are designed to ensure you complete flexibility and choices. All your requirements will be met at Hygienic Wall Solutions. Our available stock includes the entire range of most popular safety floor

coverings as well as PVC and stainless steel panels and cladding that have extensive demand. We can offer a full customized wall cladding installation service for both stainless steel and hygienic PVC wall cladding and floor coverings for commercial catering premises as well as for domestic purposes. For a design to completion Package, We specialise in the installation of PVC and stainless steel wall cladding to commercial kitchen, food preparation premises, and high risk hygiene areas. These materials can be applied to new build or refurbishment projects. We install Safety Floor Coverings and suspended Ceilings with Integral Lighting. As a result of customer care and attention to detail, most of our business is on a repeat basis. For further details call 01202 434104 or email

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both

on site and webcast through our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment MOBILE KITCHENS Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens,

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment.

We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project.

For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email: or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website:

Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email:, call us on 0845 812 0800, or visit our website: Please quote CLH187 when responding.

Design and Refit

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Mattressman OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200

WE ALSO STOCK: Cadbury Purple, Orange, Lime Green, Royal Blue, Black, Navy Blue, Wine OTHER COLOURS CAN BE MATCHED & PRODUCED Produced in hard wearing, Stain Resistant fibre Supplied any length, any width & almost any shape! All edges double overlocked in perfect colour matching yarn OPTIONAL: FITTED SAFETY END PLATES To reduce trip hazards NON-SLIP BACKING To prevent movement on polished floors SCOTCHGARD STAIN PROTECTION For added Stain Protection STAIR RODS Hollow or Solid with a choice of finishes FREE STANDARD 7 DAY DELIVERY mainland uk NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE subject to stock VISIT OUR WEBSITE or CALL or EMAIL US FOR ADVICE & QUOTATIONS Email or call us for a free no-obligation sample pack.

pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping position. They also minimise disturbance between partners to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

ILF - Seating With A Wider Appeal

ILF LTD are a specialist within the Contract Furniture market, whose main client base are Hotels, Restaurants, Café, Clubs, Licensed Trade outlets and general contract leisure breakout areas. We have a nationwide client base consisting of both Interior Designers and End Users. Established over 20 years in this sector, we pride ourselves in offering quality products and genuine value for money. We can offer items in Wood, Steel, Aluminium, Cast Iron, Resin,

Polypropylene and Rattan both for indoor and outdoor use. We also have a large selection of Fabrics, Faux Leathers and Real Leathers for upholstery. Browse our website at and view the wide range of chairs and tables, however, this cannot fully represent the extensive range of products we can source and supply. For any further information do not hesitate to contact our experienced team on 01293 783783 or e-mail us at

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Property and Professional

A /4 Year Review of the Licensed Trade 1

Ref: G4986L



• Superb profitable High Street Freehouse Sports Bar same owners 15 yrs. in “Tip Top” condition. • “On Books” Sales £314,643 Totally Wet(Above) £52,457 NP run by single owner – big food opportunity could run circa £400,000 sales • Well-presented true Sports bar (120) Club/Function Room (80) Patio (216 sq. ft.) Front curtilage seating- Only 2am license in the village • Executive 1 bed apartment – New 10 yr. Free of Tie protected renewable Lease – Circa 8% rent to Net Sales Index linked – Freehold option


Ref: G4998L


• A most Charming easy to run unopposed 400 y/o Village Freehouse enviably positioned close to Market Harborough • Sales £112,521 split 70% Wet 30% Dry 63% GP £37,500 NP – same owner 22 y/r – Ready to be “woken up”! • “Pubby Atmosphere” bar (40+) Dining room(16c) Pubs as we like to remember them – Large grassed area & patio C/P (24) • 3 good bedroomed accomm – 21 yr. Free of Tie protected renewable Lease – £16,800 pa rent




• Beautifully kept Unopposed Traditional 17th Cent stone built country village Freehouse Inn within area of Sustainable Prosperity • Sales £219,994 split 45% Wet 55% Dry£40,264 RNP – Untapped further potential • Fully refurbed 60c from Restaurant (24c) Snug (14+) split level Lounge (22+) Patio (16) Family Grdn (40+) C/P (20) • Superior period 3 bed owners accomm – 10 yr. protected Free of Tie Lease


Ref: G5001L

• Gold Standard Ye Olde English Country Tavern surrounded by Ancient market Towns and itself awash with a blend of history & opportunity • Accounts confirm Sales £232,190 -59% Wet 41% Dry with £400,000 potential - £17,500 rent • Cosy & atmospheric original Spanish Amada ships beams Lounge & Dining(40c) period locals bar and games (36+) • Exceptional 4 bedroomed owners home, private garden – same family owners 34 yrs


Ref: G4995L W NE






An “olde worlde pub” in its true sense, within its walls of living history you will find a well balanced business and home in a much sought after village setting sold off a most realistic asking price of £120,000 include goodwill, fixtures and fittings plus s.a.v. Acting as Sole Appointed Agents GA-SELECT has completed on the

sale by way of Leasehold assignment. Graham Allman ,Managing Director of SELECT confirms that the business is held on a 20 year lease from The Wellington Pub Company with a rent of £49,083 on sales of £406,000 on a split of 65% Wet 35% Dry with a Net Profit of 30%. The business has proven extremely popular and attracted interested buyer for the world over. Contact for further information; Tel ; 01530 41 41 40 Email;

• Absolute Gem - Classic “Peaks” Pub. Cosy & atmospheric set within tourist” honey pot” popular Hope Valley • Sales £394,430 split 60% Wet 40% Dry 66.4%GP + Holiday letting • Low beamed Bar (30+) Panoramic Conservatory (18+) Period Lounge (24+) De-Lux holiday let Sleeps 6 • High standard 3 Double bedrooms with awesome views – 25 yr Part tied lease with beer discounts


Ref: G4997L


Ref: G4979L



The Olde Sun Inn, Nether Heyford, Northamptonshire THE OLDE Sun Inn is a characteristic golden stone “pub” located within the popular medieval Northamptonshire village of Nether Heyford”

• Highly desirable award winning most profitable Inn located in area of outstanding beauty • Proven Sales £800,600- 59% Wet 41% Food –“Laid back”£100,000 profits £1million sales “to hand” - 6% rent • Authentic & Quirky throughout (147c+) Locals bar, informal dining, separate restaurant/function room. 30 picnic sets around classic duck pond-parking (48) • Owners generous 3 bedroomed accommodation



35 years ago, I stood on Lambeth Bridge & threw my briefcase in the Thames saying 'never again will I work conventionally. At the time I was MD of 3 companies, part of a large group, but I couldn't stand the politics. That was on a Thursday, the following day I went to my 3 offices & said goodbye to all my staff & put my car keys in the postbox of

The following day I went to Italy for 2 weeks & on the first day back, I saw a Midland Bank Manager, told him what I'd done & he said "despite the fact you're young, you've had a lot of experience in running companies, I think you can help some of my customers". So for 35 years, I've been helping companies & it took me years to work out the 1 reason why a business makes money is the same reason why a business makes money: FOCUS. Focus just on your skill, you'll never make money. Focus on profit & you'll make money. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01202 551193, email: or visit



Are You Focused?

the group head office & caught the train home.


Ref: G4971L


The thirst for leasehold’s, Tied or Free of Tie has remained unquenchable and the Freehold market has become in favour once more. “Incoming” enquiries have

more than trebled on the same period as last year as people realise that running a pub not only makes financial sense for their families but security and dare I say fun. In a world with such uncertain economy this makes running a pub business extremely attractive. The fact is that we are running out of SELECT businesses to offer our hungry client bank Due to our USPs such as not requiring “upfront fees” and strengthening of our Head Office Team with dedicated professional highly motivated Business Managers we are seeking to recruit Sales Associates with a strong trade background throughout most of England & Wales. Full agency 1:1 training will be given. We invite those interested to email their CV to


At GA-SELECT we are working closely with the new emerging pub companies with both Managed & Leased business models. The managed sector is primarily looking for high street locations both freehold & 50+ year leaseholds. Not necessarily current licensed premises. Whereas the leased sector is looking for rural locals including market towns & villages and strong Neighbourhood Public Houses.


• “TOP DRAW” Residential 17th Cent Country Freehouse sitting on main tourist route Ashbourne-Buxton • Sales £390,000 projected £140k from accomm alone, potential £100,000 NP from New Business • 60c from Cosy Snugs, Restaurant, Lounge, rich with “nooks & crannies” Immaculate well-appointed Guest Rooms (9), Patio & Terrace with inspiring views • Spacious period 3 bed owners accomm – 10 yr. Free of Tie Lease – index increases only


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Property and Professional

April 2016



• Retirement Sale

• Bar and restaurant

• Wet led pub

• 100+ covers

• 3-section bar

• Large trade garden

• Good trade patio

• Car Park

• 4-5 bedrooms

• 3 bedrooms

£625,000 FREEHOLD

£465,000 FREEHOLD


• Public house

• • • • •

• Skittle alley

• Catering kitchen

• Patio & large car park • 3 bedrooms

£450,000 FREEHOLD

KINGSNORTH, ASHFORD Two bars Trade kitchen Level cellar Trade patio, car park 5 bedrooms




• Wet led pub

• Free of Tie village pub

• Commercial kitchen

• Large garden & patio

• Games annexe

• Main bar

• Car park

• Beer garden • 3 bedrooms


• 3 bedrooms




• Public house

• Lock up seafront bar

• 38 cover restaurant

• Function area

• Good car park

• New variable term lease

• Trade garden, play equip

• 2 bedrooms


TENTERDEN 01580 766522

• Catering kitchen

• Rent £32,000


BRIGHTON 01273 565621

FOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES Anglo Continental Placements Ltd Established recruitment agency for 20 years


T E L EP HO N E 020 8673 2255 TAX




South African / EU Nationals available for immediate start We supply Live in or live out candidates From all levels of staff right up to management positions We supply branded companies right through to small B&B’s We pride ourselves on reasonable rates and professional service

A comprehensive, specialised service whether you are starting up or run an established business

(Contact Sharon/Rachel) T 01273 77 66 60 F 01273 77 66 34 E


The Pig In Paradise, Hastings is on the Market A W GORE & CO LTD’s TENTERDEN OFFICE is pleased to offer a popular music and function venue near to Hastings town centre. The PIG IN PARADISE is situated on HASTINGS seafront, close to the pier and opposite the new Source indoor BMX and skateboard park. This lock-up venue has a very large ground floor bar area split into two sections with a long servery, a pool room and a rear bar area with independent servery and raised staging, which could be used for private functions etc. There is a disabled WC as well as store rooms and catering kitchen on this ground floor. Other customer toilets are in the

basement together with very large beer cellars. Turnover ranges from £4,000 to £5,000 per week inclusive of VAT and the split of trade is approximately 50:50. The business has been run under tenancy for some years and no trade figures are available. There is no living accommodation. A private lease is to be granted on negotiable terms of between 3 to 25 years. The commencing rent will be £32,000 per annum. Applicants should have a minimum of £15,000 available for stock purchase, security deposit, Landlord’s letting fees and working capital. For further details please contact A W Gore & Co. Tel: 01580 766522.

For Sale: Quality Daytime Café & Licensed Restaurant with Much Potential OCCUPYING A prime trading position and being the only restaurant in the much sought after West Dorset coastal village of Charmouth, The Bank House is now being offered for sale by catering and licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. The Bank House is a quality, well presented café and restaurant trading on a predominantly daytime only basis. With an excellent reputation and following, not only from locals but also from the many visitors who visit this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty throughout the year, the business offers undoubted potential to incoming operators to extend the opening hours and develop the style of cuisine to suit their own individual requirements. Currently run on deliberately restricted opening hours, The Bank House is popular for its ambience and personal service and provides quality home made food, including breakfasts, morning coffees, lunches and bistro style evening meals. The business has been awarded a TripAdvisor Certificate of

Excellence as well as a 5 Star Food Hygiene rating and does not currently have its own website. Our clients undertake no marketing or advertising of the business. The Bank House is presented to an extremely high standard throughout and briefly comprises:- Main Café/Restaurant Area providing covers for 28 customers, a fully fitted Commercial Catering Kitchen with ancillary areas including Store Room and Customer WCs. To the front of the property is a Paved Patio Terrace providing al fresco dining for 12 customers. Situated on the first floor and available by way of a separate Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement is a totally self-contained 2 Bedroom Apartment with Sitting Room, Kitchen/Breakfast Room, 2 Double Bedrooms and Bathroom. The flat has the use of the Rear Garden and an off-road Parking Space. Stonesmith are offering the leasehold business for sale at £87,000. Full details can be downloaded from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262

Business Owners Must Not Take The Challenge Presented By Payroll Data Lightly MANY OF the country’s 1.8 million small employers approaching their pensions autoenrolment staging dates are in danger of missing deadlines by underestimating the amount of data needed to complete the process, warns Lighthouse Group, one of the UK’s leading financial advisers. Tens of thousands of food and beverage SMEs and micro employers are now starting to grapple with the complexities of employer pension schemes for the first time. The Pensions Regulator recently stated that only 29 per cent of those staging in 2016 were fully aware of their date and only 46 per cent of those staging in 2017 were aware of their responsibilities. Pensions expert Roger Sanders, OBE, cautions business owners to familiarise themselves with the requirements and assess their business as soon as possible, even if their staging date is two years away. Roger is Managing Director of Lighthouse Group Employee Benefit, which is helping SMEs across the country meet their enrolment requirements. “Employers’ auto-enrolment duties go far beyond setting up a pension scheme and enrolling staff in it,” he said. “They must assess their workforce, work out who to enrol and decide how much they and their employees will contribute. They also need to keep records of all this information, together with any changes, all of which represents a significant amount of work for smaller employers. “However, we are finding many businesses in food and beverages lack the accurate, up-todate information on employees vital to completing enrolment smoothly. Firms that leave

their enrolment preparation too late will be in for a shock when they discover years of payroll and employee data needs to be sorted before they can properly begin.” Lighthouse advises that employers who use a payroll bureau should ask whether their systems and software are geared up to deal with auto-enrolment, assessing if they can extract needed information easily, in a suitable format, and on a regular basis. A payroll bureau generally holds information such as an employee’s full name, their salary or wages and National Insurance number, but may not have the employee’s address and other contact details such as email, which is often held by the employer. However, under auto-enrolment all this information needs to be brought together each time an employee is paid, whether monthly, fortnightly or weekly. SMEs should begin the process at least six months before their staging date, starting with checking what data their payroll function holds and how to export it, as well as what information is missing and must be tracked down. At three months before the staging date, businesses must have a process to collate all the information needed in a suitable format and on a timely basis. Data must be in a standardised format and should cover all employees, even if they will not be enrolled automatically. Roger adds: “The data challenge doesn’t end once everything is in place. Businesses also need to run a data check for every pay period, to verify employees’ eligibility criteria, new joiners and contribution levels. This will ensure that any employees who become eligible later are enrolled, for instance because their earnings have increased or they have reached the age of 22. “Automating as much of the data gathering, collating and transmissions as possible will significantly lower both the margin for error and the overall cost to the business. Choosing a pension provider that offers locally-based support in person as well as from an administrative centre will also make all the difference. While there may be a small additional cost, being able to concentrate on running their business while knowing they are meeting the requirements, and are therefore unlikely to be fined, can make it worth every penny for SME owners.” See the advert on the facing page for details.

ANDREW GREENWOOD BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT LOCK-UP PIZZA TAKE AWAY (A3/A5 USE), PRIZED POSN IN CENTRE OF WEALTHY COMMUTER VILLAGE, NR FAREHAM. Modern eye-catching unit with rear catering kitchen. Benefitting from on-street parking. Offering deliveries within a 5 mile radius. T/O £2,200 pw (incl. approx. 30% deliveries). Overall GP 65/70%. Family run. Open 5-10 pm – 7 days. Leasehold at current rental of £10,000 p.a.x. - £45,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3642) LICENSED SNOOKER CLUB, OCCUPYING SOUGHT AFTER 1ST FLOOR PREMISES, IN AFFLUENT RESIDENTIAL SUBURB, NR. EASTLEIGH, HAMPSHIRE. Family run for past 25 years – retirement sale. 550 members with active junior section. Trad furnished, air-con snooker hall (approx. 3,282 sq.ft/304.9 sq.m) incls 10 full size snooker tables & perimeter seating for 40. Adjoining pleasantly furnished lounge bar seats 20+ with fully equipped servery incl. prep area. Recorded T/O £142,511 (ex VAT) for y/e 31 Dec ’14. GP £114,695 (80%). 20 yr lease from Dec 2009 at current rental of £27,500 p.a.x. - £60,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F.3621) FREEHOLD FISH & CHIPS TAKE AWAY (A3 & A5 USE), WITH SELFCONTAINED 1 BEDROOM FLAT ABOVE, OPPOSITE WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT, EASTERN OUTSKIRTS OF SOUTHAMPTON. Run by same family since 1946. Well fitted to include Preston & Thomas 3-pan island range. 1 dble bed etc flat above. 2 rear parking spaces. Offering traditional menu with scope for deliveries. Open congenial hrs –closed at 7/8 pm – 6 days. Takings £3,000 p.w. Accts record a T/O of £131,665 (ex VAT) for y/e July 2014. GP 60%. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. - £299,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3607) NEW FOREST BAKERS, WITH PROFITABLE WHOLESALE & SANDWICH DELIVERY ROUNDS, HIGH ST. POSN IN FORMER MARKET TOWN, CLOSE TO HANTS/WILTS BORDERS. Trad fitted shop with fully equipped rear bake house (3-phase). Potential 1 dble bed, etc, flat above & parking for 10 cars. Same hands 8 yrs. Approx. 60% wholesale trade. T/O £8,000/£11,000 p.w. depending on season. Overall GP approx. 65%. Accts. avail. Shop closes at 3/4.00 pm – 6 days. 15 yr lease from June 2011 at current rental of £13,500 p.a.x., fixed until June 2021. 2 vans included. - £59,950 + S.A.V. (Ref. CM.3587)

romsey (01794) 522228

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

Property and Professional

April 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Taking Your Pub From Ordinary To Outstanding THE PRESSURE is on for Licenced Trade operators to provide more of a “Complete Experience” for their clients rather than “just a pub” but this costs money and with the seasonality of trade, best time to do renovation/refurbishment work is when trade is quieter but at that time, cash-flow is tight. When The Bully Inn in Hampton, Scotland decided to renovate their pub and provide a complete customer experience of a friendly “village hub” pub that also serves great food, the owner, Catherine McGuire-Smith, started investigating finance options to help with the gap in cash-flow and was surprised by the choices available to her, outside of traditional sources e.g. Bank Finance. In order to complete the renovations during the quiet months, Catherine took a Cash Advance from Liquid Finance – a simple finance alternative that allowed her to

get the work done and pay back a little each day as business picked up. “I started working with Liquid Finance nearly two years ago - they have assisted me with refurbishments, renovations and even small jobs like refreshing the menus! Business is good – I don’t know where we would be without them!” Liquid Finance offer an alternative finance solution for the Licenced Trade where traditional sources of finance have become more restrictive and harder to come by. In the form of an unsecured cash advance, these funds are paid back as a daily percentage of future card takings which can then be used for whatever the client needs – typically stock replenishment, renovations, refurbishments and expansion. Welcome to Smart Finance for the Hospitality Trade! For more details and to get an obligation free quotation, call Liquid Finance on 0845 600 3573 or visit us at

The Lantern Pike Inn, Little Hayfield, Peak District National Park, Derbys for Sale THIS BUSINESS is located in the lovely picturesque conservation area hamlet of Little Hayfield on the A624 between Chapel-en-leFrith (4 miles) and the thriving market town of Glossop (5 miles) in the heart of the Peak District National Park. This characterful 18th century former farmhouse is steeped in history and has been an Inn since 1844. It is here that Tony Warren sat in a corner and wrote the very first episodes of Coronation Street. The property is of stone construction and sits under a pitched, stone roof. Entrances to the front and rear of the property provide access to all the trading areas. These consist of: Lounge/Bar area (circa 30 plus standing) with exposed wooden ceiling beams looking down on historic Coronation Street memorabilia from 1960 adorning the walls either side of a stone built open coal fireplace. Snug (16 covers) has exposed wooden beams to both the ceiling and walls complimented by a stone built fireplace with inset multi fuel burner to one end. Breakfast/Dining Room (24 covers) is to the side of the property with relaxing views from the window of the Peaks and sheep in the surrounding fields and hills. A popular place to sit! This room has exposed wooden ceiling beams and exposed stone walls adding to the ambience and atmosphere. A small Private Dining area (8 covers) leads off from this room.

The lovely owner’s accommodation is located on the 1st floor and converted attic space. This briefly consists of 3 double bedrooms (1 En-suite), lounge/sitting area and bathroom. There are exposed stone walls throughout and exposed wooden beams in the converted attic area. Situated on the 1st floor of the property are 5 En-suite letting rooms consisting of 1 Superior (4 poster), 2 Double and 2 twin rooms that have been accredited with a 3* Visit England rating. All have tea/coffee making facilities and Flat screen TV. The rooms have private access and some have feature exposed stone walling. To the rear of the property is a wonderful floodlit 3-tier hard standing patio area with wooden picnic benches (50+ covers) providing grand views from all angles of The Peaks, the valley and beyond. It is no small surprise that this was previously listed in the top 15 British beer gardens guide. A small serving hatch leading directly from the bar provides refreshment on hand and there is a BBQ area to the side. Patron’s parking for circa 11 cars and further on street parking is readily available nearby. Price: £44,500. Tenure: Leasehold. Rent (if applicable): £23,460. Landlord (if applicable): Enterprise Inns. Turnover (annual): £231,600 (inc VAT) to April 2015. Wet:dry split: 32% Dry / 45% Wet / 23% Accommodation Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Property and Professional

April 2016

The Moo Bar, Paignton on the Market with Bettesworths WHEN CONSIDERING buying a business, especially in the catering sector, it can sometimes be prudent to start small. Leading Commercial Estate Agents Bettesworths are pleased to be marketing a small catering business in one of the best trading locations in Paignton.






Traditional Character Moorland Inn Prominent Roadside Trading Location Bar & Restaurant Areas (56) Spacious 3 Bedroom Owners Accom Lawned Beer Garden (90+), Parking Excellent First Business Opportunity

Quality Waterfront Restaurant Thriving Evenings Only Business 2 Dining Areas with Covers for 46 Roof Patio Terrace with Stunning Views Unique Opportunity. Impressive Profits

High Quality Award Winning Restaurant Main Restaurant & Conservatory (36) Customer Lounge Area Flexible Owners/Letting Bedrooms Patio Areas, Trade Garden (12)

FH £295,000

LH £64,950



FH £275,000





Quality Market Town Public House Bar, Versatile Skittle Alley/Function Rm Front & Rear External Seating Areas (70) 2/3 Double Bed Private Accommodation Lots of Potential

Thriving Well Regarded Restaurant City Centre Trading Location Restaurant Area for 50 Customers 3 Bed Private Accommodation First Time on Market for 25 Years Net Profit in Excess of £55,000

Award Winning Country Hotel Residents Lounge, Dining Room & Bar 8 Luxurious Letting Rms. Owners Accom Separate 1 Bedroom Annexe Cottage 1/2 Acre Grounds. Stunning Views

FH OIEO £395,000


LH £125,000


FH £895,000


The Moo Bar is a lock up unit, trading as an ice cream parlour, situated on Torbay Road which is known as Paignton’s ‘Golden Mile’. The ice cream parlour, which has a 5 star Hygiene rating, is an eye catching premises decorated in a 50’s style to compliment the 50+ flavours of ice cream supplied by Langage Farm. The Moo Bar also

Graze, Sidmouth, Devon For Sale OCCUPYING A lucrative and prime High Street trading location in the much sought after and highly regarded affluent East Devon Regency coastal resort town of Sidmouth, this high quality daytime only licensed café and bistro with strong levels of trade and excellent profits and with genuine potential for further growth and development, is being offered for sale by catering and licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. Graze trades as a daytime only licensed café and bistro offering a popu-




Quality Award Winning Restaurant Ground & First Floor Dining Rooms(44) Impressive 3/4 Bed Owners Accommodation Patio Trade Garden for 14 Customers Impressive & Profitable Business

Charming Moorland B&B Honeypot Tourist Location 5 Letting Rooms, 2 Bed Private Set in 6 Acres, Meadows & Paddock Viewing Highly Recommended

Attractive Licensed Cafe & Bistro Regency Coastal Resort Town Dining Areas (56+), Terrace (12) Potential for Evening Opening Must be Viewed

LH £50,000





LH £125,000


01392 201262

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Thinking of selling? Regional Specialists National Exposure



• Picturesque & Unique 'Landmark' Waterside Freehouse • Located Between Exeter Canal & the Beautiful River Exe • On the Market for the First Time in Over 25 Years • 2 letting Rooms/3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation • Substantial Turnover and Very Strong Net Profit


PRICE: £160,000


PRICE: £80,000

• Freehold Premises in Prime Town Centre Location • Of Interest to Owner Occupier and Investors • Suitable for Retail, Catering or Office Use • Well Presented One Bed Maisonette Above with Separate Entrance • Available with Vacant Possession


REF: 1789


• Licensed Restaurant Premises in Superb Location • Currently Operating as a Chinese Restaurant and Takeaway • Well Equipped & Adaptable to Any Cuisine • Comfortably Seating 60 • Excellent Reputation & Strong Customer Base


REF: 2279


PRICE: £59,950

• A Well Established Restaurant Situated in a First Class Location • Smartly Decorated Premises Comfortably Seating 44 Over 2 Trade Areas • Fully Equipped Commercial Kitchen • Superb Family Accommodation with Large Garden


REF: 2198


PRICE: £430,000


• A Picturesque Detached Period Thatched Property • Located in the Beautiful Village of Lustleigh • Previously Trading as a Tea Room now Closed Due to Retirement • Benefits from Superior 3 bedroom Owner’s Accommodation • This Property Makes for an Idyllic Home with Income



PRICE £59,950


• Themed Restaurant Situated in Prime Location • Very Successful & Profitable with Further Potential • Bespoke Bar, Restaurant with 84 Covers • Separate Owners Accommodation



PRICE £725,000

REF: 1284

REF: 847


• Beautiful Waterside Thatched 16th Century Property • Situated on the Beach at Slapton Sands • Thriving Business Providing B&B and Café • Al Fresco Seating with Outstanding Views out to Sea • 2 Letting Rooms/ 1 Bed Owner’s Accommodation


01803 212142

REF: 2406

sells a range of homemade waffles, milkshakes, Snow Tubz, (a modern version of slush puppies), Mr Whippy ice cream and a large range of frozen soft serve yoghurt alongside hot and cold drinks. We have been informed the Landlord will grant a new lease for a minimum of 3 years, with further terms to be negotiated at a current rent is £9,000 per annum. The Moo Bar is being offered at an asking price of £25,000 for the Leasehold interest to include fixtures & fittings and goodwill. Jingles is being offered at an asking price of £59,950 for the Leasehold interest to include fixtures & fittings and goodwill. For further information please contact Bettesworths on 01803 212142 or visit lar menu from breakfasts, morning coffees, lunches, light bites including sandwiches to eat in or takeaway, and afternoon teas with a selection of cakes which are made on the premises. Graze, Sidmouth occupies a lucrative trading position with visible frontage within the main High Street, is presented in excellent order throughout and briefly comprises:- customer dining areas with seating for 56 plus customers, a popular rear terrace garden providing al fresco seating for 12 customers, a fully equipped commercial catering kitchen and a single private parking space to the rear. The business has its own website A leasehold business, Stonesmith are looking for offers off a guide price of £125,000. Full details can be downloaded from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262

The Red Lion, Underwood, Nottinghamshire on the Market

THIS BUSINESS is located in the sought after rural Nottinghamshire village of Underwood close to the M1 motorway that provides easy access to the North & South of the country. It is a well populated village that offers wonderful panoramic rolling countryside views over towards the Southern Pennines. This proud standing 2-storey property is of rendered brick construction sitting beneath a pitched tiled roof. The Lounge/Bar/Dining trading area (circa 45+ covers plus standing) is open plan and has a small snug area leading off. Wooden beams to the ceiling, areas of exposed brickwork and a feature brick built fire-

place with built in coal effect gas fire add to the ambience of the trading area. There is a fully equipped commercial kitchen with stainless steel work surfaces. Ground floor cellar with cask racking. The owner’s accommodation has private access and has 2 double bedrooms (1 with private roof terrace). Price: £49,995. Tenure: Part tied Lease. Rent (if applicable): £44,000. Landlord (if applicable): Enterprise Inns. Turnover (annual): circa £648,939 (inc VAT) to September 2015. Wet: Dry split: 50% Wet: 50% Food. For further information, contact the agent Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112.

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