CLH News #191 August 2016

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Product Portfolio

Hospitality Technology

Page 21

Pages 22 - 24

August 2016

Issue 191

Alfresco Dining Warewashing Refrigeration Property and Refurbishment & Supplies and Polishing and Icemakers Pages 33 - 35 Professional Pages 25 - 27

Pages 28 - 31

Pages 32

Pages 36 - 38

Accommodation Providers Across England Expect Boost in Tourism BUSINESS CONFIDENCE amongst accommodation providers is at a record high for the summer holidays in a VisitEngland survey published earlier this month. The ‘business confidence’ survey of accommodation providers revealed more than half are expecting an increase in visitors following the EU referendum outcome with a particular boost expected for the domestic market. English businesses are anticipating a strong summer holiday period with 65% of accommodation providers feeling “very confident” about the summer holidays and 47% reporting forward bookings as “very good” – both record highs for the survey. Around 40% of accommodation providers and attractions reported increased visitor numbers in the year to date with a further 30% maintaining performance. Tourism Minister Tracey Crouch said: “The number of people enjoying holidays in England is at a record high. With our world-leading museums and galleries, beautiful countryside and stunning coastline, it should come as no surprise that more people are planning staycations this summer. “Tourism contributes an estimated £60 billion to our economy every year, so a strong summer season is not only great news for the sector but the whole country.” VisitEngland Director Patricia Yates said: “It’s a great summer to holiday in England and a fantastic opportunity for the

tourism industry to showcase the range of quality tourism products on offer across the country and demonstrate just why our regions should top people’s list as must-go now destinations. “We are continuing our global #OMGB ‘Home of Amazing Moments’ marketing campaign to showcase the amazing experiences in our own backyard and working with partners to offer great tactical deals to drive bookings.” Ms Yates said that, with the weakened pound, a holiday at home also gave people the reassurance and certainty of budgeting for a domestic trip. It has been a record-breaking first four months of the year (January to April) for domestic holiday trips in England. From January to April Brits took 11 million holiday trips, 8% more compared to the same period last year, and spent £2.8 billon, 22% up on last year and taking both measures to record levels for this period. These figures come on the back of a strong 2015 with domestic holiday trips and spending both up 7% on the previous year to 43.7million holiday trips and £10.7 billion respectively. The number of Brits taking short-breaks in England was up 10% compared to the previous year with people also taking about 4 million more short- breaks in England than they did ten years ago. Also in 2015 domestic seaside holiday trips were up 7%, city holidays up 6% and countryside holidays up 12%. This present survey supports the findings by Policy Expert which found that 84% of people will be making UK trips this summer. Some 46% said it was easier than going overseas, some 28% saved money on accommodation by visiting family and friends, and 11% said they were too worried by the threat of terrorism to risk going abroad. The current fall in the value of the pound has according to calculations by TravelSupermarket increased the cost of the average holiday for a family of four, and is now £245 more expensive than before the country voted to leave the EU. Policy Expert research also revealed that 60% of those surveyed were reasonably happy about the prospect of a staycation, on the grounds that there are plenty of great places to visit in the UK. The most popular destination for a break was the South West, followed by Wales, Yorkshire, and the Humber and Scotland.



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

August 2016

I HAVE been following a rather unsettling story which is gathering pace this week - it is the case of the Byron burger chain, its cooperation with the Home Office Immigration Department and the subsequent fallout. I see this is a hugely important issue,. According to a survey I saw by People 1st, up to 69% of migrant workers in London worked in the hospitality industry and also revealed that by 2020, accommodation, food and beverages services will require an additional 524,000 more staff. The survey also stated that migrants undertake 37% of skilled roles and 28% of managerial roles. I think anybody who works in the hospitality industry recognises the invaluable contribution they make, which brings me to my point - could the Byron have been handled the situation better? For the Home Office, this is the result they wanted. Not so for the Burger Chain. Let’s face it, the whole episode has been a PR disaster for Byron’s, and a huge PR coup for the Home Office Department of Immigration. There is clearly no doubt that Byron’s, stuck between a “rock and a hard place”, acted in good faith and complied fully with the letter of the law. However, it has been handled in such a way which has created both controversy and sheer hostility, leading to terrible actions by protesters letting loose cockroaches on the premises, protesting outside outlets to such an extent that they were forced to close. Such is the power of social media. However, again purely as an observer it seems like a massive PR exercise for the Home Office with Byron’s thrown to the wolves. I think it is going to take a huge public relations exercise to restore Byron’s reputation, even though they have simply complied with the law. It is also a stark reminder of the consequences which can arise, no matter how much you have tried to comply with the law. A really positive report in an article from VisitEngland in this issue has revealed that accommodation providers in England are expecting a real boost in tourism. A business confidence survey revealed that over half of establishments surveyed are expecting an increase in visitors following the referendum in particular an increase in domestic tourism. I have seen a fine example of that here in Bournemouth during the latter part of July. I can honestly say I have never seen Bournemouth so busy. The gardens, the beach and the town centre were very busy, and I made a note to observe the car parks of hotels and noted how full they were too. I very much hope this surge in accommodation bookings will not be seen as a reason to attempt to reintroduce the much reviled “accommodation tax”. Readers may recall it was touted as recently as 2015 with Camden Council considering introducing a 1 pound per night bed tax in central London. In March of this year, the Balearic Isles introduced an “up to” two Euro per day “sustainable tourist tax”, which comes 12 years after they scrapped a similar tax because it “deterred holidaymakers”. I very much hope this positive shot in the arm for the tourist industry is not offset by the introduction of yet another tax. EDITOR

Peter Adams

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Ali Lane Published by

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Post-Brexit Worries Hit Eating and Drinking-Out Market Confidence including decreased staff availability, a falling pound, increases in raw material costs and a drop in consumer confidence. Six-out-of-10 operators believe that consumers will go out less frequently over the next six months, while 48% think they will spend less when they do visit. Most cited effects on the out-of-home market of the decision to leave the EU are: • Increase in the cost of raw materials/ingredients (76% agreeing) • Drop in consumer confidence (74%) • Decreased staff availability (73%) • Falling of the pound (71%) • A skills shortage in the out of home market (69%) Rising raw material costs and falling customer confidence are the leading short-term concerns, with availability of people the number one long-term worry. “So it is perhaps not surprising that staff training and employee engagement are among the top five areas that operators are most likely to concentrate investment on, according to

The BHA Catering Guide to Good Hygiene Practice Launched

OVER 150 food and hygiene safety experts attended the launch of the long-awaited new industry guide to good hygiene practice in the catering industry last month. The Industry Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Catering 2016, which is recognised by the Food Standards Agency, Food Standards Scotland, and assured by the BHA’s Primary Authority, Cornwall Council, will help businesses serve food that’s safe to eat. Ufi Ibrahim, the Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association opened the official launch event at the RAF Club saying: “Businesses need consistency, constancy and clarity and this guide will provide all three ‘Cs’.” FSA Chief Executive, Catherine Brown, who gave the keynote speech at the prestigious event has welcomed the publication of the BHA’s Catering Industry Guide and said it is “a major update to the guidance – written by the industry for the industry.” Last updated in 1995, this guide has now been re-written by the British Hospitality Association’s Food Experts Group with valuable input from Environmental Health Practitioners and other stakeholders. Ms Brown continued, “the guide is clear, easy to use, and based on the advice of BHA’s food safety experts. It’s vital that food busi-

nesses have systems in place to keep their customers safe, and this guide will provide caterers with practical advice on how to comply with their responsibilities under food hygiene legislation.” Leading food safety experts and representatives from the hospitality industry also had a change to quiz the authors about the guide. As well as the easy to use 70-page, A4 guide (unit price £16 exc.VAT), the guide is available as an online document (£10 exc. VAT per licence) and the BHA has lauched a unique interactive app containing the guide with search by topics (avaible on iOS and Android for £11.99 per user) – details on how to buy a copy of the guide can be found below. Professor Lisa Ackerley, Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner and food expert for the BHA said: “This long-awaited Guide provides an essential standard for food safety to help food businesses understand what is required of them, and will help drive improved consistency of enforcement and third party inspections in the catering industry. Finally we have a level playing field for all.” The guide gives advice and guidance to caterers on how to comply with their legal obligations. But just as important are the suggestions the guide makes for best industry practice thus guiding the industry to achieving the highest standards.

the survey, along with innovation, customer service and digital marketing,” added Mitchell. Business investment will be affected by the Brexit vote, with 27% of operators saying they are now less likely to consider an acquisition, against just 4% who say they are more likely, and with 21% of bosses planning to reduce investment in their businesses. However, half (49%) do not plan to change their investment plans, and 5% plan to increase investment, with 25% ‘unsure’.


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Concerns over consumer confidence, rising product costs and staff availability head the list of short-term and long-term worries for senior executives. The survey of 80 board-level directors, which was featured in yesterday’s Mail on Sunday newspaper, shows that optimism about the market has crashed. Just 15% of operators are upbeat about market prospects in the next six months, down from the 75% that registered market optimism in January, as part of the annual CGA Peach Business Leaders survey. “Looking longer term, the picture is slightly brighter, but only slightly, with 30% of operators optimistic about the market over the coming two years,” said Charlie Mitchell, senior consumer research manager at CGA Peach’s parent company, CGA

Strategy. In contrast, around 40% leaders are pessimistic both for the short and long-term. When it comes to their own businesses, nearly two thirds (65%) of bosses believe that Brexit will have a negative effect on their operations. In all, 24% are optimistic for their own business over the next six months, with 37% are optimistic for the coming two years, while 23% are pessimistic both for the short and long term, with the rest neutral. “Again, those figures are far lower than they were when we ran our Business Leaders’ Survey in January, when 83% of operators were optimistic about prospects for their own business’ in 2016,” added Mitchell. “Not a single operator has increased their expectations after the referendum, either in the short or long term- 44% have decreased business expectations for the rest of 2016, with 53% lowering forecasts for the next two years,” he added. Most bosses predict negative consequences of the vote,


CONFIDENCE AMONG the leaders of Britain’s restaurant, pub and bar groups has plummeted in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union, exclusive research by CGA Peach reveals.


Buoyant British Beer Sales Up 31 Million Pints in Q2 BUOYANT BRITISH beer sales in Q2 shows further signs of reversing a long period of decline, with sales up 1.5 per cent, it has been announced today. The rise means Britons enjoyed 31 million extra pints from April to June, compared with the same period in 2015. The figures are published in the British Beer & Pub Associations Quarterly Beer Barometer.

Buoyant off-trade sales during the European Football Championships were a big source of the boost, with sales rising by 4.8 per cent. On-trade sales (pubs, bars and restaurants) fared less well, slipping by 1.9 per cent, although this was one of the lowest Q2 drops for the on-trade in recent years. Beer sales have risen by 1.2 per cent over the past year, and have been relatively stable since early 2013 following years of decline. The marked change in trend coincides with reductions in beer duty, which began with a pioneering one penny cut in the March 2013 Budget. This was followed by two further 1p cuts and a freeze this year, putting an end to years of steep beer tax hikes.

Increased confidence in the sector has been accompanied by greater investment and campaigns, such as ‘There’s a Beer for That’, which promotes the beer category as a whole, with widespread backing throughout the industry, through ‘Britain’s Beer Alliance’. BBPA Chief Executive, Brigid Simmonds, comments: “These are yet more encouraging figures, and the football has given a real boost to sales. It is quite clear we owe a huge debt of thanks to the cuts in beer duty from 2013. I hope the Government continues with this pioneering change in approach, and we continue to see support for fairer taxes for British beer.” David Cunningham, Programme Director, Theres A Beer For That – Britains Beer Alliance, adds: “We can see that the campaign messages of quality, diversity and versatility of beer and our focus on encouraging people to pair different styles of beer with their meals, is beginning to have a positive impact on consumer perception behaviour. This in turn is playing a part in the recovery of the category.”

U.C.I lamps have been specifically designed to be energy efficient for use in the catering industry. They are use in heated counters and serveries of establishments such as restaurants, hotels, pubs, hospitals, schools, prisons, army bases, universities etc. This low pressure design offers along service life of 8000 hrs! that’s 60% longer than other manufacturers.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

What Does Brexit Mean For Food Safety Legislation? MOST OF the fundamental requirements of UK food safety laws stem from EU legislation, including the overarching legal requirement for food businesses to use a documented food safety management system based on the principals of HACCP for all their food safety management. With the UK having voted to leave the EU there is much uncertainty as to what might lie ahead. Fiona Sinclair and Mike Williams from STS Solutions, leading providers of UK food safety support, took a look at the potential impact on food safety legislation here in the UK, in particular what is likely to become of the legislation which originated in the EU - will it be retained, amended or omitted? The requirement to manage food safety using HACCP principles is unlikely to change. HACCP was introduced in the UK via Europe as a sound and systematic method by which to produce safe food, however this is not ‘merely' a European approach to food safety - it is worldwide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) sets down international food standards, which serve in many countries worldwide as the basis for legislation. HACCP originated in the US and is now commonplace worldwide including, more recently, Australia. Its foundations are embedded in the WHO's codex alimentarius and it's unlikely they would change when Britain leaves the EU. The approach of hazard analysis has been a legal requirement in the UK since 1995. This approach to providing safe food is now commonplace within the food industry. It has been invested in and is generally well understood and effective for food businesses - caterers, food retailers, manufacturers and distributors alike. It is the accepted and expected approach for the safe manufacture of all food which is traded internationally, and as such, is unlikely to be repealed. As and when the time comes for food safety legislation to

be reviewed, we believe the main elements will remain regardless of their origins. They are not ‘nonsense regulations' but provide a sound framework going forwards and would need little amendment if they were to be adopted as a UK model. Some of the more product specific regulations might require some amendment or consolidation where there is recognised ambiguity, or if the requirements are unnecessarily burdensome. It should also be remembered that food manufacturers and producers who export goods to the EU will need to ensure that their products, packaging and labelling complies with EU law, so change for change sake is not necessarily a good thing for business. Rather than legislative changes, we think any changes to food safety which might come about as a result of Britain leaving the EU are likely to be observed in terms of easing the legislative burden, for example reducing the number of enforcement visits. If - as it has been speculated - the vote to leave has a detrimental impact on the UK economy and we see more cuts to public spending then the already underresourced local authority environmental health departments could well be hit by further cuts, leaving them struggling to achieve inspection targets. It is likely that we would see an acceleration of schemes to reduce the financial burden on enforcement bodies, e.g. earned autonomy for multi site businesses which meet recognised standards of food safety, thereby requiring a reduced number of inspections by local authorities. Similarly we could see further development and encouragement of the Primary Authority scheme, through which advice is provided by enforcement bodies paid for by the food businesses. In summary, our view is that any changes to food safety legislation that might come as a result of Britain leaving the EU are more likely to be fuelled by cuts leading to more self regulation rather than any dramatic changes to the inherent food legislation itself.

Restoring Glory at Bournemouth’s Carlton Hotel BOURNEMOUTH’S 76-BEDROOM Hallmark Hotel Carlton has completed a £1m exterior restoration project to return the property to its former glory.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

The cliff-top, seafront Carlton hotel, which first opened to the public in 1903, has also appointed Stephen Allison as the new general manager. For the last 113 years, the cliff top sea front Carlton hotel has welcomed holidaymakers to its 76-bedroom hotel,complete with sea view and family bedrooms. Sensitively retaining the building’s heritage and charm, fast forward to 2016 and the Carlton now boasts its own AA rosette awarded Frederick’s Restaurant – serving a seasonal modern British menu alongside its unique ‘Afternoon Tea by the Sea’ as well as an impressive health

and leisure club with indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spa treatment service to complete the summer staycation experience. Leading the way for this exciting chapter, new General Manager, Stephen Allison arrives to champion the British seaside town and raise the profile of the Hallmark Hotels brand in Bournemouth. Joining Hallmark Hotels as Bournemouth Cluster Manager, Stephen will be responsible for overseeing the group’s three Bournemouth properties, including Hallmark Hotel Bournemouth West Cliff, Hallmark Hotel Bournemouth East Cliff and Hallmark Hotel Bournemouth Carlton. Stephen comments “This is an exciting time to return to Bournemouth. We need to raise awareness of this seaside town and the Hallmark brand presence we have here. I’m keen to increase people’s perception and our brand’s reputation.

Healthy Dishes Keeping Up with Customer Trends HEALTHY FOOD dishes are fighting ‘dude food’ such as burgers, burritos and barbecue foods for menu space as consumers’ appetite for dishes made with nutritious ingredients continues to grow, According to Horizons’ latest biannual Menu Trends survey, which tracks changes on 800 high street menus, trends in foods and ingredients are translated into dishes on high street menus quicker than ever as operators acknowledge the importance of keeping up with fast-moving food fashions, many of which are currently for healthier options and novel ingredients. “Customers are now much more willing to try new foods, particularly those with perceived health benefits. Social media has also prompted the sharing of recipes and food ideas, while the popular lifestyle and fitness bloggers have made an impact on what we eat at home, and therefore what we expect to see on eating out menus. More than ever before operators need to keep up with the pace of change,“ commented Horizons’ managing director Peter Backman. The latest Menu Trends survey shows that main course salads have seen a surge in popularity – up 54% on last year and now ranking at number four in the top 20 most frequently listed main course dishes. The use of pulses and fruit has seen one of the largest year-on-year increases, and the term ‘superfood’ is being used 75% more often than it was this time last year. Vegetarian dishes now have twice the share they had in

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


2010, while vegan dishes are on the up, with 21% of the eating out brands surveyed now offering a vegan option. Gluten-free terminology is also more common, having risen 89% over the past two years and wheat-free options are up 80% on menus since last year. Jamie Oliver’s ‘sugar tax’ campaign is thought to be behind a willingness to offer customers sugar-free alternatives. Burger King, for example, is now selling apple fries, while Leon offers porridge sweetened with date and vanilla purée and Itsu offers a low GI agave syrup to top its jumbo oats. However, while beef burgers, pizzas and chicken burgers remain the top three most frequently listed menu items, beef burgers have seen a 7% decrease in menu appearances since last summer and hot dogs have now been knocked off the top 20 list in favour of burritos (up 56% since summer 2014). Fish & chips have also shown a slow decline in menu appearances over the past two years, with a drop of 26% since 2014. Many meat-based dishes now appearing on menus are inspired by the long ‘n’ slow cooking of the deep south such as pit wings (at Handmade Burger Co), slow-cooked beef brisket (Best Western) and TGI Friday’s pork belly in a Jack Daniel’s glaze. “The trend for healthy and lifestyle eating is becoming more popular and high street menus are now reflected this. Operators now have to make a difficult decision about what to keep on their menus. It’s important they stay in touch with what’s hot and what’s not,” added Peter Backman.

Rent Hike Causes Pub Closure A LONDON gastro pub has been forced to close after the operators lost their battle to stop a £175k increase in the rent.

Truscott Arms owners Andrew and Mary-Jane Fishwick closed the pub with immediate effect following the termination of their legal struggle with a private, overseas landlord to stop the rent increase going ahead. The rent has now increased from £75,000 a year to £250,000 a year. The Fishwicks said that the huge increase combined with a backdated rent demand of £330,000, made their business “untenable”. In a statement, they said: “We are incredibly proud of all that the Truscott Arms means. Not just because we created an exceptional, award-winning pub, but because we built a meaningful hub in our community. A hub that was run with passion by a loyal, dedicated team for all of our guests. “It is with exceptional, profound devastation that we are closing the doors. We love this place, we love its soul and all of you who have contributed to it. “We are exploring new projects and new sites and we will continue to work hard to promote this important industry and care about the issues faced, so that British public houses are protected. The pub won several awards, including the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s (SRA) Sustainable Pub of the Year and Best British Roast Dinner pub 2014 in a guide by Unilever Food Solutions. This year, Andrew Fishwick was also shortlisted in the BII’s Licensee of the Year Awards.


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Why The Low Pound Could Mean High Profits For Hospitality Businesses WITH THE pound still struggling to recover from the uncertainty caused by the Brexit vote, Simon Mydlowski partner at Gordons law firm explores a silver lining for the hospitality industry. So, that’s it; the decision has been made. On June 23rd the UK voted to leave the European Union and the nation is now faced with the political and economic uncertainty that will inevitably come with it. Not to mention a new Prime Minister, of course. At first glance, as has already been reported, it does not seem like good news for many UK industries, including leisure and hospitality. Visa UK’s Consumer Spending Index shows that consumer spending on hospitality grew at its lowest level for three years in the run-up to the vote and there is already confusion and concern over the future of migrant workers in our hotels, bars and restaurants. All this, of course, clouded by a backdrop of alarming headlines about the low pound and initial drop in the FTSE 100. There is, however, no need to panic. In fact, I believe there is genuine cause for optimism for hotel operators, restauranteurs and others in the hospitality industry. The pound may have hit a 31-year low against the dollar, but this of course makes it cheaper for international travellers to visit the UK. It also pushes up the cost of Britons travelling abroad, which means it is more likely that Brits will opt for domestic breaks instead. All of this will help to ensure holidaymakers from the UK and overseas will be spending their money in British towns

and cities, sleeping in British hotel rooms, eating in British restaurants and shopping in British stores. It could be a great opportunity to tap into increased tourism trade – and I’m not the only one to look forward with optimism. Richard Solomons, chief executive of the Holiday Inn owner InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), said in July that sterling’s drop is likely to encourage more Britons to holiday at home, providing a welcome boost to the UK tourism and hotel industries. He also said we should enjoy a boom in tourists visiting the country. Nick Varney, chairman of the British Hospitality Association and chief executive of Merlin Entertainments has echoed similar sentiments, as has Barbara Clark of Visit Scotland. There is potentially a more long-term opportunity too. If hotel occupancy levels spike as a result of increased staycations and overseas visitors – and that spike continues beyond the UK’s withdrawal from the EU - then there will have to be a reaction from the commercial property sector. Hotel construction levels had reached unprecedented levels in recent years since the recovery of the credit crunch, and whilst it is unlikely these levels will continue in the short-term period of uncertainty, it does offer some hope for renewed recovery in the coming years. This could even be the case sooner rather than later in the regions, where hotel occupancy is already strong. In Yorkshire, for example, where we operate, occupancy rates reached record levels in 2014. PwC has forecast UK regional occupancy levels of 77% in 2016 - which would be the highest ever figure, even before the positive impact of the low pound comes into play. The advice from many is ‘don’t panic’ and look forwards to seize the opportunities. While the pound remains low, there could be more green shoots than you first thought. Gordons


PRS for Music is proud to launch its Music Makeover competition for restaurants with the winning prize of a £5,000 makeover. PRS for Music devised the Music Makeover campaign to showcase and raise awareness of how good music can impact businesses. The quality of the sound system itself, the acoustics, music choice and volume all impact both your cus-

tomers’ and staff experience. Celebrating the value of music in restaurants, PRS for Music is also offering a bespoke music consultation from a leading music and technology expert advising on the best use of music in the winning restaurant and a launch event to celebrate and promote the win featuring live music from PRS for Music members alongside the £5,000 prize. To enter, all you need to do is have your PRS for Music licence number and tell us why your restaurant warrants the £5,000 Music Makeover. For more information and entry forms, please go to:

Pub Closures Fall as The Public Is Urged to Continue Support THE FUTURE is looking brighter for Britain’s pubs as figures published by the Campaign for Real Ale show that pub closure rates are slowing – with the net number of pubs closing per week falling from 27 to 21 in the last six months. In response, CAMRA has urged the public to continue supporting local pubs to make sure pub closures continue to fall. Pub closures have now fallen for the second six month period in a row, demonstrating that the campaigning work carried out by CAMRA members is beginning to take effect. A high profile campaign to seek additional planning protection for locals launched by CAMRA last year, combined with a freeze in beer duty, business rate reductions (England and Wales) and strong local campaigns to support local pubs, have contributed to the fall. The organisation also argues that the new Pubs Code and Adjudicator in England and Wales will help resolve industry disputes and ensure fair deals for publicans, which should see closure rates fall further. CAMRA is now calling on people all over the UK to help the effort to continue to drive pub closure figures down further by supporting their local pubs. CAMRA chairman Colin Valentine said: “Our members have been working hard to protect valued pubs from being demolished or converted to another use – which often happens without any consideration to the local community. Over 1,500 pubs have now been listed as Assets of

Community Value (ACV) by local campaign groups in England, which gives pubs greater protection under planning law. “However this is just the first step in saving British pubs and it’s vital that people build on this positive news by supporting their locals as much as possible. It can be as simple as visiting pubs more regularly, using CAMRA’s to find pubs near them and telling friends and family about the great pubs you have found. If you’ve got a valued pub near you, consider linking up with your local community to ensure it benefits from any planning protection available. “Please lend your support to local campaigns to save pubs which are already under threat and, of course, sign up to CAMRA to join the 180,000 members committed to reducing the numbers of pubs closing across the country.” CAMRA’s figures show that rural and suburban communities are still bearing the brunt of pub closures. Rural areas saw a net loss of 231 pubs in the last six months, with suburban areas losing a net total of 317 pubs. High streets have seen a net loss of one pub per week since December. Positively, however, the number of branded food pubs and modern style pubs and bars have seen an increase over the last six months. CAMRA is consequently calling on the Government to continue to level the playing field between communities and developers by ensuring planning permission is always needed before a pub can be demolished or converted to another use.

Charity Launches New Campaign to Take Noise Off the Menu CLOSE TO eight out of ten people have left a restaurant, café or pub early because of the excessive background noise, according to a new survey from Action on Hearing Loss. The charity has launched a nationwide campaign for a quieter dining experience, with its Speak Easy campaign calling on the catering industry to take action. The online poll that surveyed both people with and without hearing loss showed that 81% of respondents had difficulty holding a conversation because of the high level of environmental noise. They were also united (91%) in saying that they will not make a return visit to a place where the noise levels were too high. Paul Breckell, chief executive of Action on Hearing Loss, said: ‘Through our campaign we want to help the restaurant, café and pub industry to create a more welcoming dining experience for all customers. Whether you’re out for a meal with friends, or if you’re on a date, you should be able to enjoy it without having to repeat yourself, raise your voice or receive the wrong order due to high levels of background noise. ‘There are 11 million of people in the UK with hearing loss so financially, it’s a no-brainer for the industry to help make dining out even more enjoyable and accessible. Threequarters of people believe that restaurants, cafés and pubs have become louder in the last five years and we look forward to working with the catering industry to help take noise off the menu.’ The high level of background noise, which includes noise made by other diners, noise from the kitchen and background music was also responsible for over a quarter (27%) of all respondents receiving the wrong order during a meal

out. The charity claims the problem is exacerbated by recent interior design trends that have seen venues employ bold, sleek aesthetics with lots of hard surfaces and high ceilings, which have led to increased noise levels due to a lack of furnishings that absorb sound. Tom Tanner, Sustainable Restaurant Association said: ‘Restaurants, pubs and cafes have a huge role to play at the very heart of their community and that means considering everyone’s needs, including the UK’s 11 million people with hearing loss. “We will encourage all of our members and the industry as a whole to engage with the Speak Easy campaign, to ensure unnecessary noise doesn’t prevent anyone from enjoying eating out.” The Speak Easy guide, details the following practical steps that restaurants, cafés and bars can take to reduce background noise: • Turn down background noise – making it easier to hold conversations • Have speaker free zones • Provide designated quiet areas within a venue – customers would be assured of avoiding major background noise • Add softer furnishings such as carpets and table cloths, or rubber-capped chair legs • Implementing acoustic treatments, such as wall and ceiling panels, which are designed to reduce noise levels, either by absorbing or diffusing sounds. Acoustic treatments can be ‘retrofitted’ within existing venues, or incorporated into new builds • Installing art panels which are types of wall or ceiling panels where a design of the client’s choosing is printed on the acoustic panel.

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Raw Is The Word, Have You Heard? In a world where sugar now finds itself demonised, ‘the old ways’ of over-processed, mass-produced, convenience and 2nd rate ingredients are finally being brought to book, which is why we salute The Raw Chocolate Company’s commitment to stay in step with nature and show chocolate in an altogether more positive light. According to Deputy Managing Director, Allan Large, ‘We were adamant that we wanted a new look capable of traversing the conventional confectionery and health food markets, a simple yet vibrant identity with genuine mainstream appeal. The Raw Chocolate Company is all about accessibility and rediscovery. We may be organic, fair trade, vegan-friendly and gluten/soy free and but we’re not in the business of elitist, humdrum or dainty discovery brands. For us great taste is the only barometer that truly matters, harnessing the power of responsiblysourced ‘raw’ Peruvian cacao and reminding consumers that top-notch raw cacao is chock-ablock with beneficial vitamins and minerals.’ Tel: 01273 495193 If you have any interesting news articles that would be of interest to our readers please email us at


Hospitality Industry Will Focus on Building Brand Britain THE BRITISH Hospitality Association (BHA) has released interviews with thought-leaders in the aftermath of Brexit as part of an extensive communications campaign seeking to bring the hospitality and tourism at top of the government’s agenda. The BHA’s introduced ‘Welcoming the World’ a news and current affairs-style programme produced in partnership with ITN Productions and anchored by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, featuring interviews of thought-leaders who shared their reactions and predictions following the recent vote to leave the EU. Speaking at the Hospitality and Tourism Summit former Foreign Secretary William Hague, said: “We have strong values in the UK of fairness, of help, of regard for others, we are a welcoming country. It’s very important we retain all of those values (…) My advice would be in the industry “keep focus on those things that have made this industry in Britain so successful. And all of us have to make sure that the world can see that the values of Britain haven’t changed even if our membership of one major organisation has changed.”” Dr Andrew Sentance, Senior Economic Advisor at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) also shared his view: “It will probably negatively impact growth in the next second half of this year and possibly into next year. (…) But there are some offsets, and one of the offsets is the decline in value of the pound which makes the UK more competitive for travel for overseas, so it’s a swings and roundabout effect but I think people will see some of the impact of the uncertainty.” In keeping with the goals and values of the BHA, the programme not only champions the UK hospitality and tourism industry but also seeks to bolster its close ties with government to ensure that Britain remains competitive as a tourist destination, renowned for the high standards of its hospitality. In his interview, Nick Varney, Chairman of the British Hospitality Association and CEO of Merlin Entertainments

emphasises the need for BHA to stand together and project the voice of the industry particularly in the absence of a UK Tourism minister to represent a sector employing 4.5 million people. Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the BHA, said: “The hospitality and tourism industry is a lynchpin of the UK economy, our fourth largest industry, employing 4.49 million people. “The BHA champions 44,000 businesses across the UK and we work with the government in order to ensure the achievement of three goals - competitive advantage for our country, sustainable growth of our industry and valuable careers for our people. “We applaud BHA members for their achievements over the last few years, and it is our ambition to ensure the future success of UK hospitality and tourism. We look forward launching this inspiring news programme with ITN Productions which will showcase our work and inspire future generations.” Simon Shelley, Head of Industry News, ITN Productions said: “We were delighted to work with the British Hospitality Association for the third year running and 2016 has certainly brought a lot of political and economic uncertainties as well as questions and challenges. This news-style programme examines the many benefits of the industry and investigates how it could shape a brighter future.” ‘Welcoming the World’ can be watched in full on the BHA website at The programme features a series of news-style reports, and sponsored editorial profiles from leading organisations in the sector which explore the broad range of opportunities and challenges brought by regulations, training and new technologies which need to be addressed in order to sustain sector’s growth and competitiveness. Among these profiles are Bidvest Foodservice, Bournemouth University, Concord Hotels, Glasgow Caledonian University, FireEye, Flypay, Greene King, Edinburgh Napier University, Star Quality Hospitality Consultancy, Tourism Northern Ireland, University of Derby, and Visit Britain and Visit England.

Hospitality Businesses Turning to a Merchant Loan Advance WITH LENDING from high street banks at an all time low, an increasing number of people are turning to a Merchant Loan Advance as an alternative way of financing their businesses. Described by experts as a smart and innovative product, a Merchant Loan Advance is a fantastic solution for hospitality businesses seeking a quick cash injection. Based on their credit and debit card sales, it works in-line with cash-flow, making it a flexible and sensible way to fund a business. How does a Merchant Loan Advance work? An MLA is a lumpsum advanced to your business in exchange for an agreed percentage of

your future credit and debit card sales, usually around 10-20% The MLA team was established in 2012 and we have quickly become the UK’s most reliable online destination for businesses searching for the unsecured finance they need to grow. Our specialist team has unrivalled knowledge on alternative finance for UK businesses, not just those who take card payments. If you require business finance for any purpose, visit today, or call our team on 0800 133 7868 or see advert on page 5.

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Pubs Code Adjudicator Should Be Replaced, Says Committee Modern Slavery Act to Affect the Hospitality Industry THE BUSINESS, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Committee has urged the Government to replace its newly-appointed Pubs Code Adjudicator, Paul Newby, citing his perceived conflict of interest and inability to command the trust of pub tenants. Iain Wright MP, Chair of the BIS Committee, has written to the Secretary of State, Greg Clark, calling on him to reopen the appointment process and choose a candidate “who can attract the confidence of tenants as well as pub companies”. Mr Newby was appointed by Mr Clark’s predecessor in March with responsibility for enforcing the Statutory Pubs Code – a new regulatory framework governing the relationship between large pub owning companies, known as pubcos, and their tied tenants in England and Wales. Committee inquiry The BIS Committee held an inquiry into his role and responsibilities, hearing from representatives of pubcos, tied tenants and Mr Newby. Tenants questioned Mr Newby’s ability to be impartial, pointing to his career as a surveyor with Fleurets, which receives a significant proportion of its fee income from pubcos, and his continued financial interest in the company. Chair’s comments

Iain Wright MP, Chair of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, said: “While the Committee has no reason to question Paul Newby’s integrity or his qualifications for the job, his longstanding relationship with pubcos through his past work and a continued financial connection has created a strong perception of a conflict of interest. The Pubs Code has the potential to significantly improve the embittered relationship between pubcos and many of their tenants, but it will only work if the Adjudicator is seen to be independent and is able to command the confidence of all the industry’s stakeholders. The Committee would like to see a new Pubs Code Adjudicator appointed from outside the sector, to ensure that this important role is – and is seen to be – completely independent and impartial.” Mr Wright highlighted in his letter to Mr Clark how a large number of tied tenants have historically been disadvantaged by an imbalance of power between tenants and some large pubcos. It has left many tenants struggling to make a decent living in a system that is stacked against them. Pubs Code Adjudicator is an appointment not subject to Select Committee pre-appointment scrutiny.

Trade Bodies Urge Caution On Future Living A GROUP of trade associations, including the British Beer and Pub Association, representing the interests of over 388,000 businesses employing around 4.5 million people, have written to the new Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Greg Clark, urging caution over planned increases in the National Living Wage in the next four years. In the letter, the group raises concerns that the current plan for increases in the National Living Wage will damage employment prospects in a wide range of sectors, and calls for the Low Pay Commission to be handed back the power to objectively assess the impact of wage rates on businesses. The letter has also called on the Secretary of State to create a new steering group to allow businesses to talk to government about the impact of the Living Wage. Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive, BBPA said: “Given the current economic uncertainty, there is a real need to look at the cost challenges facing businesses. Increases in the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage are very much part of this, particularly in pubs where labour costs are high, at between 14 and 25 per cent of operating costs. There needs to be an independent assessment by the Low Pay Commission of the economic climate and if necessary, a brake applied.” Association of Convenience Stores chief executive James Lowman said: “The Low Pay Commission should regain its powers to recommend all minimum pay rates based on economic circumstances and the needs of both employers and

employees, instead of having to work to targets set by politicians. Retailers and other businesses are already delaying investment plans and having to make difficult decisions about the staff they employ as a result of the introduction of the National Living Wage in April.” NFU Director of Policy Andrew Clark says: “The NFU is fully supportive of the principle of a living wage for all workers in the agricultural industry. We are, however, concerned about how this is working in practice. Where farmers are employing lots of seasonal workers to harvest crops, we are seeing worrying impacts on how viable these businesses will be in the future and how this will affect people being able to buy British food – fruit and veg in particular. “The UK needs a thriving farm economy creating jobs and growth so British farmers can continue to supply high quality food the public. Wages need to be affordable for farm businesses so employment levels aren’t affected, our self-sufficiency is able to increase in fresh produce and our horticulture sector, in particular, can grow.” Michael Mealing, FSB Employment Chairman, said: “Half of FSB members already cite Labour costs as the main driver of increased costs of doing business. This comes as business confidence has hit a 4-year low and the future performance of the economy is uncertain. We believe that the role of the Low Pay Commission in setting an affordable level for the National Living Wage now becomes even more crucial, and should be informed by economic, not political, needs so that small employers can create and maintain new jobs and growth.”

WITH THERESA May pledging her support for the eradication of modern slavery and putting her weight behind the Modern Slavery Act, there is little doubt that the foodservice and hospitality industry will come under scrutiny in the months ahead as to the rigor within its supply chain, especially in areas where the labour provenance may be hard to track i.e. sub-contractors and casual labour on an international scale. And Andy Tyson, Co-Founder and Director of Trade Interchange – a leading provider of supplier management software for prominent foodservice companies – is urging groups to take note now, with regards to adherence of the Modern Slavery Act, which gained Royal Assent and became law in March 2015. “After the uncertainty of Brexit, it is good to see that our new Prime Minister is totally committed to the eradication

of modern slavery, and not only will the Act remain in place, it is clearly going to be policed strongly, as emphasised in Theresa May’s article in this week’s (30/7/2016) Sunday Telegraph. That means it is more important than ever for operators and groups to ensure they are compliant and have the right management tools in place – as, no doubt, those caught will be facing the consequences. “The Act introduces a Transparency in Supply Chain Provisions clause, which requires businesses in the UK, with a turnover of over £36 million, to disclose the steps they are taking to stamp out modern slavery – including in their supply chain. The first thing we advise at Trade Interchange, in preparation for the Modern Slavery Statement, is that operators make sure that their supply chain is fully monitored. This highlights potential risks and current problems that can be addressed and loopholes promptly closed. “Just as Britain took a “historic stand to ban slavery two centuries ago” Britain will continue to defeat modern slavery and operators need to ensure their supply chains are up to scratch.

Fourth Reveals the Realities of the National Living Wage for UK Hospitality THE REALITIES of the national living wage impact has been laid bare by Fourth, the leading global software partner to the hospitality and leisure industries. Data collated through Fourth Analytics, including the hourly rates for thousands of workers across 4,000 hospitality businesses, has revealed the average pay of a hospitality worker (over 25) in June 2016 as £7.47 – 27p higher than the mandatory living wage, introduced in April 2016. Since the introduction of the NLW, the regional pay gap between London and areas north of the M25 has narrowed from 25p in 2014-2015 to just 10p in 2016. Consequently, companies with operations outside of London have seen staffing costs rise more sharply, placing pressure on operating margins. Furthermore, with the Living Wage Foundation indicating the need for a £1.15 London to regional pay gap, the current position may no longer remain tenable moving forwards, causing London wages to rise, adding further pressure on companies. The hospitality industry’s sales per hour has shown continued growth, rising 10% between 2014 and June 2016, while the percentage of sales that go towards wages has risen 0.6%. The highest performing sector during this period was the pub sector, with hourly sales rising 13% and wage costs decreasing 1%. In comparison, restaurant’s hourly sales have risen 5% and their core wages have risen 0.6%, while quick service restaurants hourly sales have remained flat and their core wages have risen 2% – a rise of 2.4% over this period. Recent comment from a number of large pub companies, has indicated that advanced labour productivity software has helped them offset the impact of the NLW’s introduction and improve labour efficiency. Other contributing factors include the flexible shift patterns of pub workers and the fact that under 21’s – who currently do not qualify for the NLW[1] – make up 20% of the pub sector’s workforce – twice as much as the hotel, restaurant and quick service sectors.

In addition, the percentage of sales spent on less flexible salaried staff in the pub sector has decreased from 7.3% in 2015 to 7% according to latest available data. While, 9.9% of the money generated from sales in QSR is spent on staff salaries, up from 8.1% in 2015, and the restaurant sector has remained relatively stable, with salaries as a percentage of sales at 6.3%, up from 6.1% in 2015. Commenting on the figures, Mike Shipley, Analytics & Insight Solutions Director at Fourth, said: “Our figures indicate that with the exception of pubs, the industry is continuing to pay a premium wage above the living wage to attract high quality staff. “The pub sector has managed to mitigate costs thanks to the utilisation of intelligent rota software, the flexible nature of its shift patterns and the abundance of young staff on its rosters. This said, challenges lie on the horizon. “According to the latest figures from CGA Peach, 65% of CEOs think the target living wage of £9 by 2020 is unrealistic. And, given that our current calculations indicate that actual pay could rise as high as £9.45 in 2020, coupled with added pressure on the industry from chef shortages, increasing wage competition from retailers, uncertainty stemming from Brexit and increases to living wages for under 24s, it’s imperative operators look at ways to improve their efficiency. “While some companies are looking to offset costs by reducing staff benefits or cutting overtime rates – which carries high reputational risk – we’re working with many different hospitality and leisure companies, highlighting issues and using analysis to drive revenue per labour hour by improving sales at peak times and identifying and eradicating wasted labour hours during quieter periods. “It is a complex challenge but one that can deliver substantial productivity gains, and that is surely the key to weathering what is clearly a new era of labour inflation for hospitality.” For further statistics visit -

Call for Seaside Tsar to Save Coastal Towns

A SEASIDE Tsar should be appointed to help Britain’s forgotten seaside towns fight back from decades of decay according to new research which paints a grim picture of the problems facing many coastal communities.

The report, commissioned by the British Hospitality Association (BHA), says that people living in seaside towns are more likely to be poorly educated, unemployed, unemployable, lacking in ambition, claiming benefits and living in multiple occupation housing. A separate survey, conducted by the owners of Butlin’s and the BHA, found that more than half of the British public have not visited the British seaside in the past three years, and 65% believe that the British seaside is run down and in need of investment. Nine out of the 10 most deprived neighbourhoods in England are seaside communities, according to the Department for Communities and Local Government 2015 Index of Multiple Deprivation. The collapse of shipbuilding and fishing, the decline of the traditional annual holiday by the seaside, growing drug use, and cutbacks in budgets affecting maintenance of public places, street cleaning, tourism promotion and the providing of education have all contributed to the situation, says the report. The British Hospitality Association report, Creating Coastal Powerhouses, says that businesses in seaside towns are more likely to fail – especially if they provide accommodation – and calls on the Government to create Coastal Enterprise Zones to encourage businesses to move to and invest in the coast. The hospitality and tourism industry employs 4.5m people or 14% of the UK workforce. The association, which represents more than 40,000 businesses in the sector, cites the successful regeneration of Folkestone in Kent and along the Jurassic Coast in Dorset and east Devon as examples of how the British seaside can recover It has produced a seven point action plan to breathe new life into seaside towns which calls on the Government to: • Appoint a Seaside Tsar to coordinate a coherent response across all departments and spending – very much like Lord Heseltine’s work in Liverpool in the 1980s.

• Establish Coastal Action Groups, to develop a co-ordinated response and investment strategy to target the specific social and economic challenges that seaside towns face. • Create a progressive tax environment, including a reduction in Tourism VAT, to encourage coastal businesses to invest in themselves. • Create Coastal Enterprise Zones to incentivise investment and encourage businesses to move to the coast and create jobs. • Invest in critical infrastructure and improve broadband, rail and road connections, and protect against the threat of rising sea levels. • Improve education and training provision for young people and adults to ensure that they have the skills for a variety of sectors. • Support Local Authorities to tackle social issues and housing problems which reduce their attraction as visitor destination Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the BHA said: “The British public want to enjoy the British Seaside, and those living in coastal communities want a thriving economy. We look forward to working with a Seaside Tsar to unlock the potential of the UK’s 6,000 kilometre coastline. “Our members, who invest in and operate hospitality and tourism businesses recognise the problems facing many coastal communities but we also know there are fantastic opportunities to boost these places and help revive the Great British Seaside holiday. “250 million visits are already made to the UK’s coast each year, generating £17 billion to the economy. But we know there is a lot more to do – and that can only happen with a concerted effort by a committed government and the private sector. Together we can turn the tide and bring a smile back to the seaside.” Dermot King, Managing Director of Butlin’s said: “We strongly urge the appointment of a Seaside Tsar. There is an urgent need for a new approach to regenerating our coastal communities where there are high levels of deprivation and unemployment and poor education and housing. “As major investors in the hospitality and tourism sector we will play our part but a national initiative across all government departments is required to coordinate action and tackle these important social and economic issues.”

Sterling Weakness Will Hit the Cost of Food and Drink for Caterers

PROCUREMENT AND supply chain consultancy Prestige Purchasing is predicting major rises in the cost of food for caterers as a result of the Leave victory in June’s Referendum. David Read, CEO of Prestige Purchasing explained “some effects such as import tariffs, and rising labour costs will only impact prices once we actually leave the EU, but if the recent significant falls in the value of sterling continue we will see prices increasing by the end of the summer.” “As a nation we run a £21bn trade gap in food, as we produce only around 60% of what we eat. Almost 70% of our imported food is from the EU, but sterling has fallen against the dollar and many other currencies, so all of our food and drink imports will be affected.” After spectacular falls in the value of the £ in the immediate aftermath of the Referendum result, sterling rallied late the following day to $1.37. As foreign exchange markets

enter a second week of trading there is strong speculation that a fall to around $1.20 is possible in the coming weeks. “The increased risk of recession in the UK and looser BoE policy in the year ahead justify a weaker pound. Capital inflows into the UK will also be dampened making it more challenging to finance the UK’s elevated current account deficit – requiring a weaker pound,” says Lee Hardman, Currency Analyst at Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. Read continues “A currency fall of around 20% was predicted before the Referendum, and is now looking increasingly possible. If this position occurs for the mid-term, and the mix of imported products does not change, the price of a caterer’s basket of goods will rise by as much as 8%.” “Most caterers run sub-optimal supply chains. There has seldom been a better time to review the range of products purchased, and take positive action to ensure supply chains are at maximum efficiency.”

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Monin Cup UK 2016 Seeks to Recognise Next Generation of Bartending Talent THE SEARCH for the next generation of bartending talent is now underway, as the 2016 MONIN Cup UK opens for entries. The prestigious biennial cocktail competition offers a platform for the industry’s brightest new stars to develop and show off their skills, with entrants aged 18-27 demonstrating their most innovative signature drinks made with the extensive MONIN product range. Bartenders from across the country are invited to sign up for their nearest regional heat; the competition will be rolling into London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Bristol during September. The winner and the runner up from each heat will be invited to participate in the UK final which takes place during London Cocktail Week. The award-winning Soho cocktail bar, 68 and Boston, will host the final and the overall winner will go on to represent

the UK at the MONIN Cup Global Final in Paris on December 5, where they will compete against their peers from around the world for the overall title. For the chance to lift the trophy, entrants are required to create two signature cocktails – one alcoholic and one nonalcoholic. Recipes should include at least 10ml of MONIN product for the alcoholic recipes, and at least 20ml of MONIN product for the non-alcoholic recipes. The judges will assess each competitor’s mixology skills as well as originality, presentation – including glassware and garnish – flavour and creative use of MONIN’s range of over 100 flavoured syrups, sauces, fruit mixes and liqueurs. The entry deadline for the MONIN Cup UK is Friday August 26. For more details on the rules or to enter, visit: 2016-monin-cup-open-for-entries/

Independent Hotels Reliant Upon OTA’s to Increase Bookings HOTREC, THE European trade association of hotels, restaurants and cafes, has unveiled the results of its second hotel distribution study, based on responses from over 2000 hoteliers. The results show an increasing dependency of hotels on Online Travel Agents (OTAs), as nearly one out of four overnights was generated through this channel in 2015. With regard to the OTA market, it is clear that 3 big OTAs are dominating with a common market share of 92%. The most dominant player is the Priceline Group ( with a share of over 60%. Over the last few months, hotels have not experienced increased competition between OTAs, which was one of the expectations linked to the introduction of the so called ‘narrow parity clauses’. The vast majority of them reported not having experienced any decrease of commission rates to the OTAs. In parallel to the rise of the share of OTAs in hotel bookings, the share of direct bookings has dropped to 55%. The booking trends show that online platforms are gaining more and more control over the hotel distribution market. Moreover, 2 players, and the Expedia Group managed to fur-

ther increase their market shares in Europe (together being responsible for almost 80% of hotel bookings via OTAs), while the 3rd biggest market player (the HRS group) lost ground significantly over the last 2 years. On an OTA market with around 200.000 hotels (75% of them being micro enterprises with fewer than 10 employees) on one side and currently 2 real dominant players on the other side, there is no need for further explanation on who is in the driving seat. “The study clearly shows that online platforms are steadily acquiring bigger and bigger shares in hotel bookings, while the hotels’ own distribution channels are on a decline making dependency on OTAs growing. The situation is especially critical as it seems that the OTA market tends to become a duopolistic (or even monopolistic?) one in Europe, with one player ( controlling closely 2/3 of the market” – said Christian de Barrin, CEO of HOTREC. “It is crucial that despite the huge imbalance between the various players the market conditions become more fair and balanced, with the freedom of each and every single hotelier to be able to set their own conditions for their own services freely and be able to fairly negotiate on contract terms and conditions with every distribution partner” – stressed Markus Luthe, Chair of HOTREC’s Distribution Task Force.

Perfection At The Push Of A Button Grubby Glasses Causing Customer Cleanliness Concerns in British Bars

WHY SHOULD your customers go to a high street coffee chain to get their coffee fix when you could offer that from your own cafe, bar or hotel? With a Keurig® brewer this is easy as they offer leading coffee brands such as Starbucks® or fine teas from Twinings®, as well as hot chocolate, all freshly brewed from a pod at the touch of a button. Keurig machines are compact, stylish, convenient, low cost, easy to use with a touchscreen, and require little to no maintenance. They produce a perfect cup every time in under a minute, in 5 drink sizes, with no hassle, effort or expertise required. Also, the appeal of being

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able to offer a cup of Starbucks® coffee to customers is a real plus. The Keurig brewing system is hugely versatile and simple to operate and can be plumbed or unplumbed, which makes it easy to move around if you’re a caterer. A household name in the USA, Keurig are now making their mark here and can be found in branches of one of the leading high street banks and in PGA Pro Shops at golf courses nationwide. Don’t you think it’s time to take a look at Keurig? For further information call 0800 0121351 or visit • Airline • Train • Travel Outlet • Cinema • Country House Hotel / B&B • Group Hotel • Restaurant We have been cooking and selling our lovely nuts since 1949. With that many years’ experience you won’t be surprised to learn that we are dedicated to building both yours and our Nut Snack sales! Quality and value are key for us, as they are for you and your customers. We’d be delighted to work with you, so whatever your need, we’re sure you will find the flavour and pack to suit your every need. For more information, please contact Customer Service on 0800 917 8181 / 0151 482 7100. Order may also be placed via our online shop by visiting or via email to or see the advert on page 4.

A NEW survey by Miele Professional has revealed that dirty glasses are such an issue for British pub and bar customers that 56% of them won’t return because of this issue. This finding means that collectively, the UK pub and bar sector is putting over £33 billion a year* in customer revenue at risk, through a lack of cleanliness.

On top of this, being served a drink in a dirty or smelly glass has caused 36% of customers to complain to the bar staff and 13% to refuse to pay or leave the pub or bar. Cleanliness also affects a pub or bar’s reputation, with 17% of those surveyed having posted on social media after a negative experience, often warning friends and family not to go to the establishment in question. Pub and bar owners therefore need to respond to the importance their customers place on

cleanliness. Other big turn-offs for customers are waiting too long to be served (71%), being served in the wrong order (61%) and other customers pushing in front of them (51%). Les Marshall, Sales & Marketing Director at Miele Professional commented: “Our research reveals just how closely customers pay attention to their surroundings when visiting a pub or bar, and the damaging effect that something as avoidable as a dirty glass can have on their overall experience. The knock-on effect is potential lost revenue to the business.” “Miele Professional has a wide range of equipment that can help pubs and bars hit the highest standards of cleanliness and maintain a good reputation with their customers. Products such as the Tank under counter dishwashers use the latest technology to guarantee sparkling glassware while minimising water and energy usage.”

Hotel’s Air Show ‘Soirees’ to Benefit Local Charities

THE MARSHAM Court Hotel is offering people the chance to enjoy the spectacle of the Bournemouth Air Festival while helping their favourite local charity.

On Friday August 19 the hotel will host two, separate, Air Show hospitality events benefitting the Bournemouth Hospital Charity, Bournemouth Leukaemia Fund, Macmillan Caring Locally, Relay for Life and the Jon Egging Trust (JET). The family-run Marsham Court is situated on the East Cliff overlooking Bournemouth Bay and was named Large Hotel of the Year in the Bournemouth Tourism Awards 2016. Managing director Rosie Wallace, explained: “This is our first year as a Patron of the Air Festival and we wanted to give people a great day watching the planes and enjoying delicious food and wonderful music, as well as the chance to help some really worthy local causes. “As a hotel we have raised many thousands of pounds for

the Bournemouth Hospital Charity, Bournemouth Leukaemia Fund, Macmillan Caring Locally and Relay for Life. “On August 19, these charities will share the private use of our Terrace Ballroom and outside raised terrace with views over the pool and sea beyond. “While the Jon Egging Trust (JET), (established following the death of the Red Arrows pilot Jon Egging), has private use of the garden, the Bay and Dorset Suites.” Tickets to each party are £43.50 and include a welcome drink at 10am, a sumptuous buffet lunch and coffee, afternoon strawberries and cream, refreshments throughout the day and music from a pianist – plus a £10.00 donation to the charity of the ticket holder’s choice. Rosie added: “Each table will also have its own Air Show programme and we hope both events will be a draw for groups of friends and local businesses wanting to spoil their staff or clients.” For more information and prices visit

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August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Brexit Benefit for Britain’s Pubs and Bars says SIBA AS CONSUMER confidence falls and experts predict negative consumer effects following the Brexit vote a glimmer of positivity is coming from an unexpected source. SIBA, the Society of Independent Brewers, is predicting a boost in consumer passion for local beers from Britain’s craft breweries as past experience shows consumers opt to ‘trade-up on treats’. Mike Benner, Managing Director of SIBA said, “There is plenty of doom and gloom following Brexit and while it may be the case that many consumers will look for better deals on household spending generally, for beer there are some important lessons to be had from recent history. In the 2008-09 recession we saw many consumers applying ‘quality over quantity’, choosing premium local ales over mainstream beers. We also saw a strong ‘community-comfort’ effect whereby in times of uncertainty people tend to associate

themselves more with their own local communities. In many ways it was these consumer trends which drove the continuing growth of local craft beer. We expect that trend to continue in the coming months of uncertainty. These effects could be positive for British craft-brewed beer in both the on and off-trade.” Positive Tourism Impacts SIBA is also predicting that the weaker pound will have positive effects for pubs as more UK citizens choose to holiday at home and more overseas tourists are attracted to UK shores. Mr Benner added, “We know that the great British pub and our unique British beer are an essential part of the tourism mix and we may see some positive effects as staycations rise and tourism authorities work to boost the number of overseas visitors. It is essential that pubs get their range right in light of this, ensuring that quality local beers from craft breweries feature heavily in their offer.”

Beer Hawk Eyes Trade Market with “Pick n Mix” Offering ONLINE BEER retailer, Beer Hawk, have launched a new trade service offering businesses the ability to access a wide variety of brilliant craft beer without the concerns usually created when stocking a wider inventory of beer. Available across the UK with a minimum order of just £50 (net) and the ability to pick ‘n’ mix beers with no minimum order quantity of each beer bought, on-trade customers need not be concerned with over-stocking on new or unusual beers. The Beer Hawk portfolio of 500

Who is Energy-Scanner? ENERGY-SCANNER is an online platform where small businesses, such as catering and other hospitality services, are able to compare the very latest energy tariffs in the market and switch in less than five minutes. The technology means independent businesses can make a decision on their energy, checking an unbiased list of relevant energy contracts which are specific to their needs, and switch. Pub and Café’ owners could save on average £1,422 a year which equates to 40 chairs or bar stools. A recent 2016 report from the BBPA showed that utilities is the third most expensive cost

beers allows independent bars and restaurants, boutique hotels, fine food delis and foodhalls to have access to fantastic beers at low minimum order quantities – unique within the wholesale sector. Another great feature available to trade and consumer customers alike is the fully accredited Beer Sommelier, who not only helps to curate Beer Hawk’s range of beer, but also can provide suggestions for food and beer pairings. Trade clients can order their Pick ‘n Mix selection online at, choose from a standard 2-day, express 1-day or Saturday delivery and simply pay by card. when running a pub, regardless of size or turnover. It is important to check your business isn’t paying over the odds for energy, ultimately affecting profit margins. Businesses in catering and hospitality management are now empowered to make an informed and calculated decision about their energy supply, cutting out third party brokers and switching easily online; something that up to now they have had limited control over. The brand ethos is transparency, Energy-Scanner are upfront about the fact energy companies pay a small fee for providing the technology; in fact they even list the fees on their website. They are completely unique because the same small fee applies to each and every supplier – from the big 6 to the smaller niche suppliers their customers are assured they are 100 per cent impartial. For further information visit or see the advert on the back cover of this issue.

UK Public Make Food Hygiene Number One Priority When Eating Out No matter how good your food is, or how much you pride yourself on excellent customer service, if there is any doubt over your food hygiene customers will steer clear. A recent survey confirms that UK consumers are united in not tolerating poor food hygiene ratings and simply won’t visit places that have had food safety issues, no matter what type of restaurant they are. Some 61% won’t eat at a restaurant, takeaway, coffee shop or pub that has a low Food Standards Agency (FSA) Food Hygiene Rating while three quarters (75%) said they wouldn’t risk dining at a restaurant that had been implicated in a food hygiene incident, even if recommended by someone that they trust. These are the headline findings of UK consumer research carried out by, which also found that diners would rather put up with poor service from rude and unhelpful staff than eat at dirty restaurants. A total of 66% of respondents rated unclean or dirty premises as the first or second reason for not returning to a restaurant. Just 16% cited slow or poor service and 32% said rude or unhelpful staff would stop them coming back to a restaurant. Stuart White, from Sanondaf UK, specialists in disinfection and decontamination, says the results of the survey prove that the impact of being implicated in a food hygiene incident is catastrophic for the survival of any restaurant business. He explains: “Any food outlet, whether it is a high-class restaurant or your local takeaway, cannot afford to be associated with poor hygiene as customers simply won’t risk it. Also, once a food business is linked with poor hygiene standards it is very difficult to repair the reputational damage, no matter what steps are taken. This is not an issue restaurants can take any chances with.” Of the 75% of consumers that wouldn’t risk a visit to an eatery with a poor hygiene rating, 43% said they’d never dine there, no matter what, while 32% said they would only

return if it had closed down and reopened under new ownership. A further 22% said they’d only return if the food hygiene rating improved dramatically. White adds: “The results of this survey has to be a wakeup call to all restaurants who don’t think food safety is as important as food quality. If you ask any business most will be confident their premises are clean, tidy and free from infection. However, the majority are not, and a little investigation from disinfection experts often produces alarming results. We work with lots of restaurants and hotels all over the country ensuring they never experience a problem with hygiene. Many businesses will think their premises are clean, but the best cleaners in the world cannot reach everything and certainly cannot clean the air, whilst we know our product kills 99.99% of all hazardous viruses, bacteria, fungi or any other micro-organism. “Lots of restaurants have been quick to invest in new, front of house technology, such as smart tablets to take orders, but are hesitant to invest in new technology to ensure food hygiene standards are kept high. This has to change – reputation is everything in the food business.” Sanondaf are specialists in the disinfection and decontamination market using a revolutionary completely touch-less spray disinfection technology called fogging. It is 100% safe for human, animals and plants and is proven to reach very difficult to clean places such as air vents. Sanondaf offer all UK businesses a free swab test, so business owners can see exactly what is lurking in their working environment. The swab test offer can work in two simple ways; either a member of the Sanondaf team will come to your workplace and take a few samples, or a swab test kit can be sent out for you to undertake the swab yourself. The samples are then cultured in an incubator and the findings sent back to you in the form of a report. For more information on Sanondaf please visit

Fuller’s Ale and Pie Pubs Now Open for Breakfast FULLER, SMITH & Turner P.L.C., the London brewer and premium pub company, has announced its Ale and Pie pubs will now be open earlier serving breakfast. Across the entire Ale and Pie brand, 16 pubs in total, all are now open for breakfast, serving up the very best freshly made Only at Fuller’s dishes for the start of day. This new breakfast menu boasts breakfast favourites and includes ingredients from local suppliers, including Mrs Owton’s bacon and Fuller’s own black pudding from Owtons, the tradition family butchers based in Hampshire. The teams at the Ale and Pie pubs have made promise and

guarantee that once an order has been placed, the breakfast will be with the customer within 15 minutes, having been freshly prepared and cooked on-site by the kitchen teams. Each pub has free Wi-Fi and power sockets, perfect for breakfast meetings. Jonathon Swaine, Managing Director of Fuller’s Inns, said: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it should be made to the highest of standards – something that we pride ourselves on at Fuller’s. Whether you have an early morning breakfast meeting or would like to treat yourself, our Ale and Pie breakfasts will not disappoint and will set you up for the rest of the day.”

August 2016

UK Pubs and Bars in Desperate Need of a Boost This Summer

THE INTRODUCTION of the National Living Wage, unseasonable weather, England’s early exit from the Euros and the recent Brexit decision have all added significant pressure to the UK’s pubs and bars this summer, reveals new data from Begbies Traynor, the UK’s leading independent insolvency firm.

According to Begbies Traynor’s Red Flag Alert research, which monitors the financial health of UK companies, the number of pubs and bars which were dissolved in Q2 2016 increased by 53% to 831 compared to 531 in Q2 2015. Worryingly the research suggests that there will be no respite for the sector as one in five pubs and bars (21% or 2,754 companies out of 13,211 trading businesses) faced significant financial distress at the end of Q2 2016 compared to 17% a year ago. British pubs and bars had been hoping for a boost from a bumper summer of sport including the Euros, Wimbledon and the Olympics. However England’s early exit and subsequently Wales’ from the Euros, combined with the dip in consumer confidence following the UK’s decision to leave

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

the EU have been unwelcome results for the industry, which is already struggling to make ends meet. Julie Palmer, Partner at Begbies Traynor comments: “The knock on effect of England and Wales’ exits from the Euros and the damage to consumer confidence in light of the current economic and political uncertainty, means the UK’s pubs and bars face serious challenges ahead that could result in more business closures or failures over the coming months. “In addition, the longer term impact of the introduction of the National Living Wage remains to be seen but, given the sector’s model of tight margins and low cost staff, many businesses are already struggling to cope with the increased costs. Given the current financial state of many of the UK’s pubs and bars, many could be forced to either cut staff to reduce costs or face falling into the red. “While England going out of the Euros would have been more disappointing to this sector than most, Andy Murray’s recent win at Wimbledon, the upcoming Olympics and the possibility of an Indian Summer, should give this sector a much needed boost.”

Hospitality Industry Workers Paid More Than NLW WORKERS IN the hospitality sector are paid on average £7.47 an hour, which is 27p higher than the mandatory living wage according to research by software company Fourth. Research also revealed that sales per hour in the hospitality industry has shown sustained growth, rising 10% between 2014 and June 2016, while the percentage of sales that go towards wages has risen 0.6%. The highest performing sector during this period was the pub sector, with hourly sales growing 13% and wage costs decreasing 1%. In comparison, restaurant’s hourly sales have increased 5% and their core wages have risen 0.6%, while QSR hourly sales have remained flat and core wages have risen 2% – a rise of 2.4% over this period. In addition, the percentage of sales spent on less flexible salaried staff in the pub sector has decreased from 7.3% in 2015 to 7% according to latest available data. While, 9.9% of the money generated from sales in QSR is spent on staff salaries, up from 8.1% in 2015, and the restaurant sector has remained relatively stable, with salaries as a percentage of sales at 6.3%, up from 6.1% in 2015. Mike Shipley, analytics and insight solutions director at Fourth, said: “Our figures indicate that with the exception of pubs, the industry is continuing to pay a premium wage above the living wage to attract high quality staff. “The pub sector has managed to mitigate costs thanks to the utilisation of intelligent rota software, the flexible nature of its shift patterns and the abundance of young staff on its rosters. This said, challenges lie on the horizon.

“According to the latest figures from CGA Peach, 65% of CEOs think the target living wage of £9 by 2020 is unrealistic. And, given that our current calculations indicate that actual pay could rise as high as £9.45 in 2020, coupled with added pressure on the industry from chef shortages, increasing wage competition from retailers, uncertainty stemming from Brexit and increases to living wages for under 24s, it’s imperative operators look at ways to improve their efficiency.” The figures also reveal that men are paid an average of £7.53 (in 2016), which is 1.9% more than women, who are paid £7.40 on average. The largest gender pay gap in favour of men is in the restaurants sector. Demographic data shows that males make up over 75% of chefs and kitchen staff, so the imbalance can be attributed to employers compensating back of house staff for a lack of opportunity to earn tips with inflated wages, thus skewing the figures, Fourth suggests. Based on purely historic statistical trends, the actual average hourly wage could rise to as much as £9.45 by 2020 – 45p higher than the planned £9 (the new rate by 2020). Shipley added: “While some companies are looking to offset costs by reducing staff benefits or cutting overtime rates – which carries high reputational risk – we’re working with many different hospitality and leisure companies, highlighting issues and using analysis to drive revenue per labour hour by improving sales at peak times and identifying and eradicating wasted labour hours during quieter periods. “It is a complex challenge but one that can deliver substantial productivity gains, and that is surely the key to weathering what is clearly a new era of labour inflation for hospitality.”

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

Auction Sale Luxury Serviced Apartments Ascott Mayfair, London

Pro Auction are delighted to announce the Interiors & In addition to the apartments furnishings that are being sold, Furnishings Auction Sale of the Ascott Mayfair, following the auction will feature equipment, fixtures and fittings from the fitness centre, terrace and garden, commercial kitchen its planned closure in September 2016. equipment along with restaurant furniture and the furnishings Situated in exclusive Mayfair, one of London's most exclusive within the lobby lounge. district, The Ascott Mayfair is situated in a 1930s Art Deco building combining all the comforts and amenities of home with The building has been totally overhauled and the apartments an extensive range of facilities and personalised services. The reconfigured to a design by Hirsh Bedner, which was sophisticated luxury apartments boast Art Deco design responsible for the London Regent Hotel. the serviced apartment building features 56 luxury apartments, Hirsch befitting of a boutique five star hotel. Bedner's main designer for the project, the brief was to make the design appropriate to the 1930s building. Soft beiges and The three day traditional auction, featuring 2000 lots, will take place at the hotel between the 1st to the 3rd September 2016, neutral colours emphasise the individual detailing. Original commencing at 10.00am each day, internet bidding will be artwork for the lobby area was commissioned from British enabled to allow bidders to participate in the auction without artists Guy Noble and Simon Black, hand-woven Persian rugs are in the lounges. leaving the office.

The auction sale includes the entire contents of the hotel apartments, with living areas that feature elegant decor, with luxury furnishings, state of the art TV, artwork, designer inspired furniture and comfortable sofas, the fully equipped kitchen includes a appliances which will form part of the sale along with the sumptuous bedrooms featuring deluxe designer inspired furniture wall art and the highest quality beds.

The auction takes place at The Ascott Mayfair 49 Hill St, London W1J 5NB commencing at 10.00am on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd September 2016. Online bidding will also be available via a live webcast on the auctioneers website at

Viewing arrangements, images and catalogues are available by calling Pro Auction on 01761 414000

Pro Auction Limited Contact the auction experts today on 01761 414000 to discuss your next project.



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June 20162016 August

Blackpool Achieves Worldhost Recognition Status BLACKPOOL HAS become the UK’s biggest tourist resort to gain national recognition for its commitment to customer service, after being awarded WorldHost Recognised Destination status. Blackpool received the recognition after it trained over 2,500 front line staff using WorldHost customer service training programmes over the last 2 years and signed a commitment to delivering amazing customer service. WorldHost is a suite of world-class customer service training programmes that have already been used to train over 200,000 people in the UK. Programmes include training on serving customers with disabilities, welcoming customers from other cultures, increasing sales through service and an introduction to the general principles of customer service. The ambition to achieve WorldHost destination status has been pioneered by quality assured WorldHost trainers within Blackpool Tourism Academy, a consortium of leading leisure industry and transport employers, who between them operate:• Blackpool Pleasure Beach • The Blackpool Tower, Sealife and Madame Tussauds • The Winter Gardens complex • Blackpool Zoo • Sandcastle Waterpark • Blackpool Transport (bus and tram network) • Family Entertainment Centres Each of these businesses have also gained Business Recogniton Status in their own right meaning at least 50% of their front line staff have been trained to WorldHost standard, in addition to their general training.

A range of other businesses linked to the visitor economy have also embraced the standard – from smaller hoteliers to large retailers including Boots and M&S, and Illuminations Ambassadors. Cllr Gillian Campbell, Deputy Leader of Blackpool Council, said: “We are absolutely delighted that Blackpool has become the biggest tourist resort in the UK to gain WorldHost status. It’s fantastic that all the hard work and commitment has paid off – the accolade is well deserved. “With over 2,500 trained front line staff, visitors will receive a world class level of customer service whilst making the most of our world class attractions in our friendly and welcoming tourist destination.” On receiving the recognition, Nigel Kilgallon, Chair of the Blackpool Tourism Academy, and Director of Blackpool Pleasure Beach, said: “We are proud to become a WorldHost Recognised Destination – it’s a testament to the fantastic commitment that businesses in Blackpool have made to delivering excellent service. “When people see the WorldHost logo displayed in Blackpool they will know that they are visiting a place that cares about its visitors and values their custom. We hope that this will encourage visitors to return and that word-ofmouth recommendations will help attract new visitors to the area.” The WorldHost recognition was awarded by workforce development expert People 1st, which is rolling out the WorldHost training programmes across the UK in an effort to improve customer service standards. More information about WorldHost customer service training and the recognition programme is available at

Greene King Launches New Miles for Macmillan Fundraising Challenge GREENE KING has launched its first company-wide fundraising challenge in aid of its corporate charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Support. Greene King’s Miles for Macmillan is a campaign aimed at achieving enough miles to get to the moon, quarter of a million miles, during the next three years. The pub company’s 44,000 team members, as well as its guests up and down the country, will be encouraged to walk, run, bike, hike and swim, all in the aid of the cancer charity. The campaign’s wheels will get into motion in September, with a 60 mile bike ride from Manchester to Leeds, as part of Macmillan’s Challenge Cancer challenge. Team members signed up to the cross-Pennines event are busy preparing themselves. Rooney Anand, chief executive officer at Greene King, said: “We are thrilled to be launching such an ambitious, yet exciting challenge. Our team members have always been right behind the partnership and I am proud with how supportive and committed

they have been over the last few years. Already, we have people willing to sign up for our Mount Kilimanjaro climb, which will take place later next year! “The goal of covering enough miles to get us to the moon works out at just over five miles per team member each, and with the passion and energy our teams have, I am confident we’ll get there. “However, it goes without saying that the money our teams collect, especially those who work in our pubs, comes from our generous guests. They too are extremely supportive of our partnership with Macmillan and we could not have raised as much as we have if it were not for them.” Lynda Thomas, chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to hear that Greene King team members will cover this massive distance to raise money for people affected by cancer, as well as awareness of the illness. This will be an incredible achievement, and testament to the commitment and support Macmillan has received from Greene King team members and customers throughout our partnership.”

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Pubs Code and ‘Mulholland’s Law’ Comes into Force

THE STATUTORY Pubs Code including the Market Rent Only option, introduced to tackle the exploitation of pub tenants by large pub companies, finally came into force today following a long campaign led by Liberal Democrat MP for Leeds North West and Chair of the Parliamentary Save the Pub Group, Greg Mulholland. The Pubs Code regulates the conduct of the large 6 pubcos after years of complaints of unfair tied pricing and rents that caused many publicans to fail and led to the closure of many pubs. Now tied tenants of pubcos owning more than 500 pubs now have the legal right to take the Market Rent Only option, meaning they can have an independent assessment of the rent on a free of tie basis and choose to pay only that to their pubco, freeing them from excessive marked up tied price lists. Overall 12,000 tenants will now benefit from better rights and protection when dealing with their pub company. Backed by ten leading organisations, Greg launched the Fair Deal for Your Local campaign in May 2013 to fight for the market rent only option and he coordinated the campaign nationally. The campaign called for reform of the tied pubco model operated by large pubcos and campaigned for for the Market Rent Only option to allow tenants to opt to pay only a ‘fair market’ dry rent and have the freedom to buy their own beers. The first success was persuading the Government to introduce a statutory code of practice, but the real breakthrough was in November 2014 when Greg masterminded a House of Commons victory, defeating a three-line Government whip. Campaigners named this “Mulholland’s Law” following Greg‘s long campaigning on the issue, with Otley-based Briscoe’s Brewery brewing a special celebratory beer called “Mulholland’s Law”. After the Bill became law, the code had been due to come into force at the end of May 2016 but was delayed after

ly two months late, but that it is now in place and operational. This is a historic day in the pub sector and one that many publicans and campaigner have fight long and hard for and I want to pay tribute to every tenant, pub-goer and Fair Deal for Your Local campaigner who has made this happen. It is a victory not only for pubs and publicans, but also for justice and people power. “Pubs are at the heart of our communities and for too long many have had to put up with unfair and unscrupulous practices of the large pub companies. Too many pubs have been closed down and too many tied tenants have had to scrape a living. From now on, tied tenants of the big six pubcos will have the right to an independent rent assessment and the all-important Market Only Option at rent review or renewal. This is a historic change that over time will tackle the chronic abuse of the beer tie that has been at the heart of the tied pubco model and done so much damage to so many pubs. “There are still some ways in which the pubcos will, even now, seek to circumvent the Code and the Market Rent Only option and so the Government and the Pubs Code Adjudicator’s office must monitor this and take action where necessary. The British Pub Confederation, whose members are the ones who have delivered this historic change, will now focus on monitoring how effectively the Code works and what can be improved, and looks forward to working closely with the newly created Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to do this.” Tenants can submit an enquiry to the Office of the Adjudicator online:

In order to address food waste reduction, the Surreybased authority conducted research on the problem of food waste and found that for every meal eaten in a UK restaurant, nearly half a kilo of food is wasted, either through preparation, spoilage and what’s left behind on the plate. Research also showed that 30% of food waste is generated by plate waste, in other words, the food that diners are unable to finish and sending perfectly good food to landfill costs individual restaurants up to £20,000 a year in unnecessary food purchases and waste collection. Since 2011, the Sustainable Restaurant Association have been leading the Too Good To Waste campaign to raise both consumer and industry awareness about the scale of restaurant food waste, alongside offering viable alternatives for diners and restaurants. The campaign introduced diners in London to the ‘doggy box’, making it not just acceptable but positive for diners to

ask to take their leftover food home to enjoy at another time. The campaign was a huge success in London, with an estimated 20% or 42,000 tonnes reduction in food waste from dinner plates. This significantly reduced the amount of food waste ending up in landfill and consequently the cost of food waste disposal incurred to participating restaurants. Using this as inspiration, Woking Borough Council are now encouraging local restaurants to buy a trial amount of ‘bio boxes’ to then encourage customers to take their leftovers away with them if they are unable to finish their meal. The Council’s aim is to not only help restaurants cut the amount of food waste and the associated cost but also to reduce the stigma customers might have when it comes to asking for their unfinished food to be packed-up to be enjoyed at another time. Sarah Mabey, Resource & Recycling Officer for Woking Borough Council, said: The ‘Too Good To Waste Campaign’ in London was not only a great inspiration, but also a huge success with a whole range of environmental and financial benefits. That’s why we thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to promote to our local restaurants too!”

Fortifying Bath Potion 10ml Single 'Shot' Awarded Best Bathtub Product by TATLER magazine, Fortifying Bath Potion is a therapeutic herbal blend to ease aching limbs and restore mind and body, ideal after travel. This highly concentrated, revitalising bath oil is sure to put the spring back in your step after a long tiring day. With a 25% blend of essential oils; including refreshing peppermint, decongesting fennel, soothing fir needle, sweet birch to ease aches and pains and finally yarrow extract to calm the skin. MOA - Magic Organic Apothecary are award winning makers of natural skin care products. Our hero herb, organic yarrow is grown in Somerset and has been used for centuries to heal and repair. Made in England.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


PGB Welcomes Three New Voluntary Codes of Practice for The Pub Sector

THE PUB Governing Body (PGB) has weldrafting errors by the then Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, but it is now the law and operational as comed the introduction of three new volunof yesterday, 21st July 2016 – now being referred to by cam- tary codes of practice – for leased pubs, and for tenanted pubs in England and Wales (covpaigners as MRO Day! Greg, who is also Chair of the British Pub Confederation, ering pub companies which operate less than commented: 500 tied pubs), and for tied pubs in Scotland; “I am delighted that the Pubs Code is at last the law, near- all published in recent days.

Council Encourages Restaurants to Use ‘Doggy Bags’ to Reduce Food Waste Woking Borough Council is encouraging local restaurants to provide ‘bio boxes’ helping customers take home the food they couldn’t finish rather than throwing it away.

August 2016

The new codes have been developed by the Independent Family Brewers of Britain (IFBB) and the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) in conjunction with Trust Inns, NewRiver Retail and Mitchells & Butlers, alongside tenants’ representative groups on the PGB. They coincide with the coming into force of the new, statutory regulation of the UK’s larger pub companies. The new codes will ensure that a voluntary system that covers pub company/tenant relationships, continues to operate for lessees and tenants of smaller companies and in Scotland, where the new the system of statutory regulation in England and Wales does not apply. The new codes replace Industry Framework Code Six (IFC6) and individual company codes, which now cease to operate. As with IFC6, the PGB will oversee the new codes, ensuring that lessees and tenants covered by them will continue to enjoy access to low cost arbitration of rent and other disputes, through PIRRS (Pub Industry Rent Review Scheme) and PICA-Service which will continue to be admin-

istered by the BII. IFC6 has now been replaced by the new statutory and three voluntary codes. PIRRS and PICA-Service will, however, also continue to consider complaints from tenants and lessees for all tied pubs that arose during the operation of IFC6, for one further year from the commencement of statutory regulation. Sir Peter Luff, Chairman of the Pub Governing Body, commented, “I am very pleased that the three new codes are now in place. They ensure that the vital work of the PGB to protect tenants and lessees continues, following the introduction of the new statutory regime for larger companies, this week. I am also glad that we have been able to put in place a lengthy transition period for complaints arising under IFC6. “Companies will make their tenants and lessees aware of these changes. I urge tenants and lessees who believe they have cause for complaint to make use of PIRRS and PICA Service in the future. “A great deal of hard work has gone into developing the new codes. They show a commitment from all involved that self-regulation should continue to move forward in the pub sector. They will give tenants and lessees confidence that the very effective services already established will continue to work for them. I thank everyone who has been involved in securing this welcome outcome.”

Maximising Profits During Peak Tourism Season THE ARRIVAL of summer means a great spike in tourism, which is music to the ears of owners of pubs and bars, the restaurant business and hospitality in general. The UK tourism industry generates an estimated £106 billion each year, as estimated by Visit England. How can you make the most of the surge in tourism, and maximise your profits in peak season? We’ve compiled a guide to maximising your profits during this peak tourism season, with the help of Nisbets Catering Supplies. Pub, bar and brewery owners The summer tourist season gives you a great opportunity to get people into your pub, for a good British knees-up. With the renaissance of craft ales and ciders upon us, potential customers are likely to be looking for some of that in your venue – so get a couple of guest taps on offer. You could go for a local brewery, or try something from the other end of the country. You could also look at arranging events for throughout the summer. Book musicians that suit your establishment, and promote them online through your social channels. Making your premises into a gig venue is a great way to draw in those visiting your city for the weekend. Own a brewery? You could try out holding tours and taster sessions to showcase your finest products and demonstrate your expertise. Restaurant and café owners Holidaymakers will always like to try out the local cuisine, so making the most of the chance of tourists visiting your café or restaurants is essential in the summer months. First though, you need to find a way to draw the tourists to your

premises! Pique their curiosity by promoting local cuisines (a special fish dish, if you’re by the sea, for example) and delicacies – is your area famous for a certain cheese? Ale? Pie? Make sure it’s on offer in some form. Celebrate what makes your hometown great, and visitors won’t be able to resist getting involved too. If you specialise in local produce, you could always take it one step further and host a cooking demonstration or class, demonstrating to tourists how to make your produce at home. Hosting an afternoon tea in your café or restaurant is also a great draw for tourists; it’s extremely traditional and indulgent, making it just what people are looking for when they’re on holiday. Hotel and bed & breakfast owners People on holiday will of course need somewhere to stay while they are visiting new places, making it a particularly lucrative time for hotel and business owners. To make the most of your hotel or B&B being full, you need to think of the customers you’re trying to attract. What do they usually like doing? Why are they visiting? Whether you attract older or younger guests, for a party or relaxed-style holiday, you can cater the experience at the hotel to suit them. Arrange entertainment nights suited to your customers, as ways of encouraging them to stay there in the evenings. Organise trips from the hotel to tourist hotspots, and give everyone the benefit of your experience. Whatever you are organising to maximise your profits during this time, make sure everything is promoted via tourist websites and local tourist centres!

Caterbox specialises in the manufacture and supply of purpose-built storage boxes, box dividers and wash racks to protect your glassware, chinaware and general catering equipment. With over 25+ years of experience, we're the one stop shop; guaranteed to provide you with a competitively priced 'Wash, Pack, Protect, Stack, Store & Transport' solution that meets with your absolute satisfaction. We have established ourselves as the UK's leading supplier and our complimenting suite of products equates to the largest available range, all housed (and available for next day delivery) at Caterbox HQ in Winchester, Hampshire. This year at The Independent Hotel Show, we're thrilled to introduce our 'Rack System' - a superior and extensive dishwasher rack product range that caters to both glassware and chinaware. This dynamic arrangement lends itself to washing, drying, storing and transporting, with little or no need for handling the glassware. The specific needs of the restaurant, hotel and catering industry, and of dishwasher manufacturers, have been key factors in the development of our Rack System. It's advantages, much like your glasses and china, really do stack up. Whilst being very easy to stack and handle, storage space is maximised, manual activity is reduced, breakages decline and because of their unique open design, hot water and drying air is able to super-efficiently circulate, giving you clean, crystal clear glasses every time. The divider combinations are made from a specially injected polypropylene, meaning each compartment provides a secure hold and protective fit for any size glass. What's more, the different compartments are in clearly distinguishable colours. In addition, we also offer cover frames in alternative colours to help you find your glasses even faster. Colour coding for quick recognition – this is such a time saver, simple, but genius! Our versatile Rack System range means that there is a rack for every requirement. • Rack System 500 - The 500 x 500mm range has a height option for every 15mm, saving valuable space during storage and transportation. It also includes racks for washing glassware, plates, cups and cutlery. • Rack System 400 - suitable for small under counter dish and glass washers. • Rack System 600x400 - perfect for use within conveyor dishwashers, to be used for logistics, glass hire and/or catering businesses. • Rack System 600x500 - for large hooded type and conveyor dishwashers. • Gastro & Catering - suitable for tableware and food transportation boxes.

At any one time, Caterbox stock in excess of 1000 different products, each suitable for different applications and requirements. Not only various ranges of boxes, crates and rack systems but complimenting accessories which are necessary to make life that much easier, such as dividers, lids, handles, trolleys, dollies and even branding. Personalising your boxes and strengthening your brand couldn’t be any easier with the fantastic branding solutions facilitated by Caterbox. Whether it is to distinguish one glass type from another, promote your business or simply eliminate those instances whereby boxes go ‘walk-about’ – box branding can help you immensely. As if there's no end to our excellent storage solutions, we mustn't forget to mention that Bespoke Boxes (with or without custom made dividers) are also available for those large and awkwardly shaped items, such as chandeliers, candelabras, glass name it, we have a solution at an affordable cost. Come and visit our website to find out more and see what our customers have to say about us. Pack, Protect, Stack and Store with Caterbox – it pays to think outside the box. If you would like an opportunity to meet with us and view some of our product range, please come and visit us at Stand 289 at The Independent Hotel Show on the 18th and 19th October 2016. Otherwise contact our team today on 01962 711007 or email us at and we'd be very happy to discuss your requirements and supply you with a brochure and measurement card.

Product Portfolio

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Candi Gifts Unveil New Union Jack Design O’Donnells Crisps Wins Great Taste Awards

THIS FABULOUS new range of sturdy printed packing trays and gable boxes are now available with our stunning Union Jack design. Beautifully made, this selective collection of items sporting our colourful iconic flag, have been chosen with gift making and giving in mind. We have 4 sizes of trays including a mini candy bag tray, right up to a 2 wine bottle size, two sizes of candy bags with twist ties,

a gable box, two sizes of pull bows, teddy bears and ribbons. These are ideal for Great British street parties, gift hampers, sweet wrappings and suitable for shop displays, and would be perfect for celebrations such as the Queen's 90th Birthday and the Olympic Games this summer. 01502 501681 or see the advert on page 17.

The Hessian Coffee Company THE HESSIAN Coffee Company is a family run supplier of freshly roasted coffees, award winning teas, associated products and quality commercial equipment. Co-founders Neil Clark (UK Barista Championship Judge) and Niall McCrae (Serial Coffee Lover) (aka “The two Neil’s” as they have become affectionately known within the industry) know they have the right chemistry to inspire those looking for the very best in coffee and service. Partnering with market leaders in commercial and domestic equipment

enables them to bring reliability and experience to any operation and service. Above all they have a passion for great service and strive to achieve this for each of their customers, whether you are a hotel, restaurant, bar or café, they offer transparency and honesty across the board. For more information contact Hessian Coffee Co. on Tel: 01799 543809 Email: Website: Catch up with daily industry/Hessian product news and views at and or see page 2.

Joe Delucci’s Italian Gelato and Sorbetto THE DISCERNING choice for many a top chef, Joe Delucci’s supplies fresh, authentic Italian gelato and sorbetto in over 30 tantalising flavours to hundreds of well-known restaurants, hotels and gastropubs nationwide, as well as operating its own chain of gelato parlours. Here, CEO of Joe Delucci’s, Richard Pierce, comments on what catering establishments should be offering when it comes to desserts: “Between four to five different desserts and ice creams tend to be the magic number for a menu (depending on the size of your pub, restaurant or café), demonstrating that you have enough carefully thought through choices. Keeping the classic flavours (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla) on the menu is essential, but offering something different – such as cherries and custard or quirky melon and chilli gelato – will also appeal to diners and help differenti-

ate you from your competitors. “However, equally as important, in this day and age when consumers are more conscious than ever about the ingredients in their food, is the ability to tailor your menus to suit particular dietary requirements. Gluten free and dairy free options that don’t compromise on flavour or consistency are increasingly expected from consumers. And flavours such as dark chocolate are available in dairy free varieties, so it’s worth adding these to your menu as either permanent or interchangeable options.” Joe Delucci’s gelato uses more natural, lower fat ingredients and contains a higher concentration of fruit, unlike more traditional ice cream. Additionally, most of Joe Delucci’s gelato flavours are gluten free, with dairy free options also available. For more information on Joe Delucci’s visit Stay up to date with Joe Delucci’s on Twitter: @joedeluccis or by liking Joe Delucci’s Ltd on Facebook or see the ad page 12.

Newline - One of the UK's Leading Suppliers of Janitorial Products NEWLINE ARE a professional family run company, who take pride in prioritising customer satisfaction. We have over 22 years experience in supplying the Healthcare, Hospitality, Leisure, Education and Cleaning sector, as well as a variety of manufacturing industries. With our Full Account Management service we set the right balance between quality of products, a service that is second to none and maintaining the lowest market prices. For our customers purchasing chemicals, we offer free, on site, COSHH awareness and Hand Hygiene training, which today is more important than ever. With the introduction of the new CPL regulations, we will ensure you are always kept up to date. Delivery is the front line of any business. Conscious of this fact, Newline has its own fleet of vehicles,

with all drivers CRB / POVA/and POVC checked, to enable them to to go the extra mile and deliver the correct products, exactly where, on site, our customers need them. Working from one of our two depots, either Southend On Sea Essex or Royston Hertfordshire we offer: • Site visits and reports. • Financial reports. • Budget control. • On line accounts service. • On line ordering. • Bespoked order forms with product limitation. • Training for products, coshh awareness and hand hygiene. • Coshh updates . • The sourcing of products . • Introduction of new innovative ideas and products. For further detail see advert page 5.

Hilton London Kensington Hotel’s New Laundry Equipped by Girbau UK Hilton London Kensington is the latest Hilton Hotel in the UK to have an on-premise laundry installed by Girbau. Hilton London Kensington has over 600 rooms and its facilities include 11 function rooms, a gym and sauna. Previously its laundry processed bath robes, face cloths, blankets and general housekeeping items, while bed linen and towels were processed off-site. A key objective of the new laundry was to enable the hotel to add the processing of a daily average of 1,200 kg of towels. At the outset of the project Girbau UK visited the hotel to undertake a comprehensive study of the existing laundry. From this Girbau’s laundry consultant was able to recommend the mix of machines required to maximise operational efficiency and flexibility. Girbau also offered advice on the required staffing levels for operating the expanded laundry. “It has been a pleasure to work with Hilton Supply Management and Hilton London Kensington to plan, equip and commission the new laundry,” said Stephen Hodgkins, National Business Development Manager at Girbau UK. “With more than 55 years’ experience in helping customers to install and operate laundries, Girbau is well equipped to offer the long-term partnership approach that Hilton Worldwide are looking for. It is very much the Girbau way.” The new laundry features two 57 kg-capacity Girbau HS-6057 washers, one HS-6023 washer and one HS-6017 machine. For drying it has two Pro Series II GU170, 77kg capacity dryers, one ED460 23kg capacity EcoDryer and one ED340 17kg capacity EcoDryer, all gas-

fired. As well as increasing capacity, the new equipment is expected to be more efficient in the use of energy, water and chemicals. With a mix of smaller and larger machines, the hotel has the flexibility to process a wide range of items in varying quantities as well as the ability to launder guests’ items, as required. Girbau UK’s drawing office produced a detailed installation layout utilising the available space in the laundry, accommodating all the new equipment and ensuring an ergonomic, productive and hygienic workflow. Its factory-trained engineers installed and commissioned all the equipment and the hotel’s staff were given comprehensive hands-on training on its use. Girbau’s factory-trained engineers are on call for rapid response service support, if required by the hotel. The high-productivity HS-6057 washers feature Girbau’s Easy Load function, which helps to compact a load to increase capacity and operational efficiency. It opens one of the machine’s water inlets to moisten laundry, compacting it and eliminating air gaps. It also makes it easier to unload the machine when washing becomes compacted by high centrifugal forces. The system turns the washer to the left and right to shake the laundry free of the drum. Hilton London Kensington joins a number of other Hilton hotels to have recently been equipped by Girbau UK. These include: Hilton Bath City, Hilton St Anne’s Manor, Hilton Cobham, Hilton Blackpool, Hilton Manchester Airport, Hilton Nottingham, Hilton Bournemouth, Hilton St George’s Park and Hilton Newbury North. For more information visit:

GREAT TASTE, the most coveted blind-tasted food awards have just been announced and O’Donnells have won awards for two of their flavours, Irish Sea Salt and also Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion. Great Taste is widely acknowledged as the most respected food accreditation scheme for artisan and speciality food producers. O’Donnells, Ireland’s number one, hand cooked and gluten free crisps are delighted. Made in Ireland, O’Donnells Crisps are also Gluten Free for those suffering from wheat intolerance, coeliac disease and the more health conscious amongst us who prefer a gluten-free diet.

The range contains no MSG or GM ingredients and no artificial colours or flavours. Gluten Free never tasted so good! Retaining all the goodness of homegrown Tipperary potatoes and carefully chosen artisan flavours, the No.1 Irish hand-cooked crisp now offers more choice and flavour to discerning crisp lovers! O’Donnells, are now available at all good wholesalers in The UK alongside two other of O’Donnells best-selling natural flavours: Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion, Irish Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt. The range is available in a small case of 20 packs per case 50g and the MMRP is £0.90p View the video to see where it all began See the advert page 6 for details.

Lyme Bay Launches Range of Keg Ciders

Lyme Bay Winery, the Devon-based makers of award-winning English wines and ciders, has unveiled a premium range of keg ciders designed specifically for the on-trade. Having established its reputation with bottled ciders, Lyme Bay is now looking to delight customers with two brand new keg ciders: Devon Cider (4.8%) and Cherry Cider (4.0%). Created with a carefully tailored blend of South West English apples, including Dabinett, Kingston Black, Yarlington Mill and Stoke Red, Lyme Bay's easy-drinking Devon cider is bursting with apple flavour. Lyme Bay's first fruit cider offering, Lyme Bay Cherry, is light and refreshing with the perfect balance of sharp and sweet; an ideal drinking companion to the Great British Summer.

The 30-litre keg ciders have been trialled in a number of selected pubs across England, which have reported increased sales over ciders they have replaced of up to 150%; a figure supporting the rise in customers looking to try new, premium ciders. Commenting on the launch, James Lambert, Managing Director of Lyme Bay Winery, said: “We're excited to be entering the draught market with our range of keg ciders for the ontrade. Over the last decade, drinkers' attitudes have changed considerably and are becoming more adventurous. Our keg ciders were created to meet the demands of those customers looking to try something new, and we're delighted that the unique flavours of our Devon and Cherry ciders are going down a storm across the country." For further information call 01297 551355 or visit

Introducing Seascape's New 8ml Uplift Awake Oil

BUILDING ON the success of our very popular Soothe Sleep Oil, the 8ml Uplift Awake Oil contains 100% natural oils of Jersey Eucalyptus, Lime and Lavender to stimulate the circulation, energise the body and refresh the senses. Grape seed and Sweet Almond Oils complete the blend. Perfect handbag / travel size and easy to use with the rollerball applicator. Perfect for when that umpteenth cup of coffee isn’t working. All Seascape products use natural ingredi-

ents are FREE FROM parabens, silicones, SLS, petroleum, artificial colours and artificial fragrances. RRP: £10.00 Available late July, 2016 SEASCAPE MAKES FREE FROM SKIN CARE AWARDS HISTORY! Seascape's very popular Uplift Sea Salt Scrub recently made FREE FROM SKIN CARE AWARDS history by being the first REPEAT winner, winning the GOLD AWARD as BEST BODY CARE PRODUCT "Wash Off" for the 2nd year in a row. This makes an unprecedented 22 awards Seascape has received over the past 2 years. E-MAIL: or call: 0845 003 5255

Compact Countertop Cooking Live: Frima at The Restaurant Show 2016 VISITORS TO this year’s Restaurant Show will be able to see first-hand the cooking capabilities of Frima’s compact VarioCooking Center Multificiency 112T. On stand GJ41, Frima chefs will be cooking live with the 112T, showing how restaurant kitchens pushed for space can still enjoy the benefits and flexibility of multifunctional cooking appliances. The 112T offers restaurants maximum flexibility in a small footprint as chefs can use it to precisely and easily boil, grill, fry, low temperature cook and deep fry. It’s up to four times as fast, and saves up to 40% in energy, compared to conventional appliances. It also saves up to 30% of space by replacing several separate pieces of equipment. The Frima chefs will talk visitors through the 112T’s intelligent cooking processes, specifically designed for restaurant operations. They support the chef’s creative work and help achieve perfect cooking results. These include automatic processes for sous vide and confit. As with all the VarioCooking Center’s processes, they cook without the need for monitoring and with no

chance of sticking or scorching. The 112L’s two 25 litre capacity pans offer maximum flexibility both in production and in à la carte. Chefs can be boiling pasta in one pan and cooking steaks in the other, frying chips in one and creating béchamel sauce in the other – the potential is vast. The 50 litre capacity provides sufficient frying surface and boiling capacity even at peak times. The height of the pan base is ergonomically designed to make it easy for chefs to work with, which is an important benefit compared to tilting pans or other multifunctional appliances. For kitchens needing an even bigger capacity, Frima will also have the VarioCooking Center Multificiency 211+ on the stand. The floor-standing 211+ has a 100 litre pan capacity and a footprint measuring 1157mm(w) x 914mm(d) x 1100mm(h). As well as boiling, frying and deep frying, the 211+ offers a pressure cooking facility, doing it faster and more consistently than most dedicated units, without any need for monitoring. For information and brochures, or to come to a free Cooking Live demonstration, call Frima UK on 0845 680 3981, email or visit

Our Bar Saves £7000 Every Year After installing a single LineClenze device

JOHN WATSON, one of our clients at the Drayton Manor Hotel was astounded when he found out he was set to save £7,000 every year simply by reducing the amount of beer he would normally throw away during the line cleaning process of a single hotel bar. “Our bar now saves £7000 every year... I cannot recommend the device highly enough.” The Lineclenze device is a small, compact box that agitates the yeast molecules in beer lines, lessening the amount of cleans required by 75%. Paul, at the Riverside Bar, StratfordUpon-Avon says: "Anyone wanting to save money should consider the LineClenze system it is well-worth the investment. We have 15 lines here at the Riverside Bar, each

holding 4 pints, which we pour down the drain every time we clean the lines. Thanks to LineClenze we have reduced our line cleaning from weekly to monthly, resulting in significant savings. What's more our customers tell us that our beer tastes better now!" With devices installed around the UK in varying different venues, ranging from hotels to pubs, from sports clubs to theme parks, Lineclenze have a positive portfolio of happy customers making yearly savings ranging from £3000 to £20,000 per bar depending on their wastage levels. For more information on Lineclenze whether that be to delve deeper into the technical side of the device or to browse our testimonials, please visit us at: To arrange a free quote call: 0800 1701564 or email: or see the advert on page 15.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Hospitality Technology

UK Hotels Struggling to Cope with Number of Guest Connected Devices

NEW RESEARCH from ZyXEL Communications has revealed that guests are demanding more personal digital services from hotels, yet more than a quarter (27%) of hoteliers admit that their Wi-Fi struggles to cope with the number of connected guest devices.

With the number of consumer internet enabled devices continuing to rise, one in ten (13%) hoteliers are still not happy with the Wi-Fi service they currently provide. Top complaints regularly made by guests are too much noise (49%) and no or poor Wi-Fi (40%) followed by an uncomfortable bed (12%) and no mini bar or tea and coffee facilities (9%). The survey of 100 UK hoteliers and over 1,000 consumers revealed a clear disconnect between the Wi-Fi service that hotels think they provide, and what guests actually demand. Hotel managers say that a reliable network access is available throughout the building; reception (98%), bedrooms (97%) and restaurants (93%), however 65 per cent of consumers admit that they’ve had to rely on a 3G / 4G network at some point during their stay, with many moving to the hotel lobby (35%), searching for a café (22%) or sat in the hotel corridor (18%) to get good wireless signal. Hotel managers highlight that Wi-Fi speed (37%) and drop outs (26%) are the biggest issues for guests, yet many remain confused as to the reasons why this happens. Thickness of walls (71%), size of connected devices (31%) and wooden furniture (13%) are just some of the answers hoteliers provide for poor connectivity. However, only 15 per cent are aware that microwaves impact Wi-Fi performance, and as little as 5 per cent understand that mirrors can also hinder Wi-Fi signal. To compound this, a quarter of hotels (26%) didn’t have a site survey before installing their wireless network and 46 per cent don’t even know if they had one. This suggests that hoteliers

C.C.R Systems Ltd CCR Systems have been supplying, installing and maintaining Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years.

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We are an ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of

are not installing wireless networks that fits the needs of their building environment, and not designing their rooms with guest performance in mind. With Wi-Fi now one of the most requested services by guests (72%), ahead of items such as an iron or ironing board (37%) and tea / coffee facilities (24%), it’s no surprise that many expect to be provided with personalised concierge services during their stay. Over two fifths (44%) of guests expect to be offered regional knowledge and information, a third (36%) want access to local special offers, and over a third (36%) want restaurant booking capabilities available over hotel networks. Yet only one in five (18%) hoteliers say that utilising W-Fi to improve the overall guest room experience was part of the business case when first installing a network. When asked about when and how their network was installed, forty-three per cent of hoteliers couldn’t name their network provider and a quarter (24%) couldn’t say who completed the installation. “With the likes of Airbnb shaking up the hotel industry, it’s critical for hoteliers to fight back and stay relevant by providing an exceptional guest experience,” said Lee Marsden, European President, ZyXEL. “It’s incredible to think that many hotel managers don’t know who provides their Wi-Fi or who installed the network considering it’s one of the most requested services by consumers these days. Many haven’t even had a site survey prior to installation. Installing a Wi-Fi network without conducting a site survey first is like throwing a party without checking if the venue is large enough for the number of people you want to invite.” “With guests expecting hotel Wi-Fi to provide digital concierge-like services, there’s a real opportunity for managers to utilise a high performing network to improve the guest experience while also exploring new revenue streams for the business. By offering reliable and effective Wi-Fi, hoteliers can ensure customer satisfaction and increase guest retention.” Hospitality & Retail outlets. Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. We also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact GEORGE GUNNERY on 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to:


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Hospitality Technology

Fast Food Delivery and Efficiency Leaps Unveiling the Ultimate EPOS Software Allow V9 to Drive Your Business NEW INNOVATION from LRS includes our Table Tracker system. This new system allows servers to deliver food to the exact table within your restaurant. Forget spoons, table tents or anything else because Table Tracker can get food on to tables within literally three minutes!

Here’s how it works: Give the customer a Table Tracker when they pay and let them choose their table. As soon as they place the Tracker on the table the system ‘knows’ exactly where they are seated. Even if they change tables no problem, Table Tracker takes care of it automatically. When it’s time to take the food to the table the server knows exactly where to go. Proven staff efficiency and massive service improvements

Smart Phones Are Great But! IN TODAY’S fast paced world we all rely on being in constant communication and your guests are no exception. Smart phones & tablets are now practically a necessity but keeping the devices charged up is always a challenge. Most venues now offer internet access for their guests either for free or for a small charge and with many guests now using the internet offering a facility to recharge their devices is the next logical step. The mobile phone has now become the centre of a guests work and personal life and without it they are lost, if you have a guest in

Increased profitability is the result of faster table turns in the restaurant business. Table Tracker offers obvious improvements of delivery, but also is collecting data on performance all day every day. Data is simply downloadable from LRS Connect and can easily be consolidated and analysed. It becomes simple to determine where problems exist whether bottle necks in the kitchen, slow staff responses or other issues. LRS has sold this solution throughout the UK in mainstream high street fast casual restaurants and the results are frankly incredible. Increased service, less wasted food and far more efficient staff make the Table Tracker probably the best innovation for restaurants in years. For further information contact Long Range Systems UK Ltd on 01782 537000 or visit for more information.

your lobby, restaurant or bar and they have important calls to make or emails to send it’s a disaster if the battery runs flat just at the point they need it most. Offering charging stations in hotel lobbies, conference rooms & bars eliminates the scramble for a plug socket and wires trailing from sockets to devices. Many hotels are now also offering charging stations in rooms. PCS offer a full range of phone charging systems including portable wireless chargers & secure lockers with full branding options to ensure you get the very best value from your investment. PCS even have phone charging systems with video screens to run your own promotions & advertising. For further information on the range of commercial phone charging systems available call PCS on 0845 6444109 or visit the website

State-Of-The-Art EPOS Systems from 3R Our State-of-the-art EPOS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R Epos’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R Epos system can

integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R Epos systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R Epos systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650.

CES SOFTWARE will be unveiling CES Touch, the company’s exclusive new Epos product, on 31 August 2016 at Haydock Park Racecourse. Over the past 10 months, CES Software has developed its existing products, in addition to its Credit Debit Card payment and other value-added services. Now with CES Touch, the company boasts its most resilient and functionally rich product. The business has employed improvement initiatives by hiring an additional developer, a project manager, software tester and customer service staff. CES Software has also invested hundreds of thousands of pounds into its new projects to drastically enhance the product that will overtake and compete with existing world class Epos systems. Ramesh Patel, Director of CES Software said: “We are excited to launch CES Touch at Haydock Park Racecourse

and demonstrate to everyone what we have been working on. We are proud of the work we have completed over the past 10 months and now we want to launch this amazing new product. We remain committed, as always, to ensuring the software remains a market leader and we are confident it will appeal to dealers and end-users”. The exclusive event promises to be inspirational for all dealers looking to ensure longevity in a competitive market. For further information, please email

RS100 Background Music Systems

RS100 SUPPLIES cost effective Background Music Sound Systems and is owned by Award Winning Entrepreneur Roddy Stewart, who has been trading in the Sound & Lighting business for over 25 years and built a strong reputation all over the UK . Our sole job is creating the right sound atmosphere in Hotels, Restaurants, and Retail, really anywhere that music or voice announcements are required. Some of our recent customers have been, Rick Steins, Di Maggio’s, Edinburgh Airport, Loch Fyne Restaurants & Burger King Creating the right sound is of key importance to give customers a feeling of ease and create the mood or experience that is required to generate sales or atmosphere.

We specialize in background music systems and do both ceiling and wall mounted speakers, all sound systems can be configured to each customer’s needs , be it 1 Zone 4 speaker systems to Multi Zone speaker systems in Airports , Hotels or Conference Centers. Our online company is a set up to sell specialist packaged systems giving customers an easy way to buy a 1 stop solution for their needs. Or we can custom design a sound system bespoke to any requirement. In addition to supplying sound systems we also supply music playback systems, ranging from iPod docking systems to CD, MP3, SD and USB based systems. Visit us at to find our full range of solutions and see how we can help you drive your business forward today, or contact Roddy Stewart directly on 0141 337 1100 or email:


Alfresco Dining

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Do You Want To Make The Most Of Your Patio, Terrace, Or Beer Garden All Year Round? CONTACT SBI Ltd the specialist veranda, awning and umbrella company today and discover what great offers they have. SBI offer you a range of patio roofs that have high grade aluminium frames powder coated in any colour with a choice of clear, opal polycarbonate or glass roofs. They can be designed as ‘lean to’ structures or completely free standing, providing your customers with welcome cover from the elements. Patio roofs enable your customers to continue with their party whatever the weather. Unlike a conventional awning that can be blown around when windy the Verandas have a fixed rigid roof, allowing your customers to use your outdoor space in any weather conditions. Some of the advantages of owning a Veranda are increased covers all year round, keeping your terrace free from rain, snow and ice. If you have a problem with heat and glare from the sun you can have light defusing glazing options that will reduce glare and heat providing your customers with a more comfortable alfresco experience. When the sun goes in, your customers don’t have to, with a touch of a button you have instant heat and lighting that can be turned up or

down to suit your requirements. Your Veranda can shelter your customers from the rain and wind with the addition of horizontal and vertical screens. Verandas provide the perfect storage area for your expensive patio furniture and outdoor equipment. Unlike umbrellas and awnings that after one seasons use can start to look tired and worn. Your Veranda simply needs a quick wipe over with warm soapy water and it will look as good for many years to come. SBI Verandas are very versatile as you can extend them in the future to create larger covered areas. SBI can cover any width and projections up to 7 metres are possible, providing you with plenty of profitable space. SBI are able to provide you with all types of awnings, giant umbrellas, fixed and retractable canopies, screens, shutters, grilles, security bars and fly screens. SBI are the UK importer and supplier of the Veranda Lux Patio Roof and offer a full design and installation service throughout the South East and have a network of dealers that will be happy to serve you through out the UK. Call SBI for more information: Freephone 0800 0742 721 email or visit the website at or

Country Benches - High Quality Benches COUNTRY BENCHES is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design

garden furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors. Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details visit

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Alfresco Dining Young People Prioritise Eating Keeping Your Customers Comfortable Outdoors and Drinking Outdoors 26

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

FROM CINDERS Barbecues the Q1800 Quartz Patio Heater has an extremely high weather-proof rating of IP65** - perfect for our UK climate!

A GREENE King survey has revealed that British consumers have specific eating and drinking preferences during the summer months. Just over half of those surveyed admit that they adapt their leisure habits from June to August in order to make the most of the British summer. This is particularly applicable to young people with 77% of those between the ages of 18 to 24 suggesting they will change their behaviour to prioritise activities like eating and drinking outdoors. Around half of the same demographic group confirm they will actively reduce the number of indoor leisure pursuits they undertake during the summer, preferring instead to socialise out of home. Apart from the better weather drawing consumers to the quintessential British beer garden, this month’s Leisure Spend Tracker also shows that the Rio Olympic Games in August may provide a small boost to pub owners. Despite not being a sporting event in the ilk of a European Championship or a Six Nations tournament, the data reveals that 35% of all Brits intend to watch some of the event from a pub or a bar. However, somewhat surprisingly, the most popular event is not the 100m final but the opening ceremony, with a third more UK adults responding that they would watch the opening ceremony than the sprint final in the pub. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • In June, the average British household spent £208 on out of home leisure, a 3% decrease year-on-year and a 1% increase month-on-month.

Leisurebench Ltd

THERE HAS been tremendous interest in the new Oasis collection from Leisurebench, suitable for outdoor or indoor use. This has really added a new dimension to the existing Rattan range and includes sofa sets, dining sets plus tables and chairs of the highest quality. Leisurebench has also recently introduced a new collection of Tolix style table and chairs, classic designs made from extra thick steel plate for commercial strength and durability. Unlike most on the market the steel has been electro-galvanised before powder coating. The galvanizing helps to prevent rust

• Eating Out was the only area to continue to increase with a 4% rise year-on-year and a 3% increase month-on-month. This was supported by households in London and the South East which increased spending by 3% as well as households in the Rest of GB which increased spending by 4%. This consistency across Britain hints at the universal nature of the growth of Eating Out over the last 12 months. • Any potentially substantial increase in leisure spending around the European Championships has not been felt across the leisure sector as a whole this month. • Consumers are changing their leisure habits over the summer months with 60% of households with kids, 77% of 18 to 24 year olds and 70% of 25 to 34 year olds all making different choices between June and August than the rest of the year. Commenting on this month’s Leisure Spend Tracker, Rob Rees, Greene King group marketing director said: “This month’s tracker has shown that pub goers want to make the most of the British summertime and the results give our industry a key understanding that outdoor spaces are coveted by the consumer. At Greene King, we seek to provide outside spaces, summer menus and full coverage of international sporting events to ensure that we can deliver the most quintessentially British summer atmosphere possible in our pubs. “Looking at our monthly report on leisure spending, this month’s figures show the resilience of the leisure sector in uncertain times. Although overall spend is marginally down on this time last year, Eating Out continues its excellent recent performance, being 4% up on June 2015 and 3% up on last month.” even if the outer powder coating is damaged. This makes this range suitable for outdoors and more than suitable for indoor use. The chairs are also available in a range of exciting colours. The company will also shortly be announcing the launch of a new range of smart and chic ISO table tops. The Leisurebench range of products is extensive, ranging from traditional teak furniture through to a collection made entirely from recycled plastic, which is growing massively in popularity. A fast delivery is guaranteed from our own warehouses and over 55.000 square feet of storage space, ensures there is always a large range in stock. A wide range of accessories is also available including parasols, jumbrellas, heaters, cushions etc. Visit the Leisurebench website at, or telephone our dedicated sales team on 01949 862920. Email:

It follows the growing popularity of electric infrared outdoor heating and can be wall mounted, or delivered with a sturdy tripod for instant use. The Q-1800 is a medium range infrared heater, which adds a welcoming glow to those unloved corners of your valuable outdoor space. The instant heat keeps your guests comfortable and provides warmth in seconds – without gas, flames or condensation. Running costs are less than 25p/hr* and the optional tripod folds away quickly and easily to make it the UK choice when convenience is your top priority. This is a commercial grade unit with an impressive machined cast aluminium heater head. Weight is therefore kept low for stability, whilst the anodised finish keeps it looking good for those early or late season barbecue parties, or simply as an added attraction to your outdoor space. The Q1800 comes with a wall mounting kit if needed, and the optional Tripod is powder coated in sleek matt black or Hi-Viz yellow according to your choice. Whilst the tripod isn’t designed as a permanent fixture, it scores for economy, strength and stability and is the sensible choice to work with our variable weather.

*based on a 13.5p/ tariff. ** Water projected from a low pressure nozzle

Key Features High Spec – Commercial grade housing with gold coated Quartz element to increase efficiency

by up to 20% Instant – No warming up time, instant heat using infra-red technology Economical – Less than 25p per hour continuous use (on standard tariffs) therefore low operating costs Efficient – Safe infra-red energy that is only absorbed by solid objects without wasting energy heating the surrounding air. One heater will heat over 3m square area and add a welcoming glow Safe – No naked flame and the element is protected by a safety grill. Can be used indoors and in marquees etc. The gold coating also absorbs harmful UV radiation Weatherproof – Tested to standard IP65, fully rainproof Reliable – Up to 10,000 hours use from one element (replacements available) Versatile – Can be wall mounted using supplied bracket and fixings or mounted on its optional tripod for convenience Tripod – Tripod supplied as an optional extra in a discreet matt black or Hi-Viz yellow. Heater head attached with supplied hand screw (no tools needed) Compact – Heater head is only 51cm by 9.5cm but still delivers a powerful 1800w therefore is very discreet at venues such as weddings etc. Portable – The heater head weighs only 2kg and the tripod 3.2kg making the heaters very light and portable. Stable tripod erected in seconds Flex – Supplied with a 4.8m flex and 13A plug. Can be plugged into a waterproof extension cable and it is recommended in all cases to be plugged into an RCD (residual current device) socket or adapter For further information contact Cinders Barbecues call us on 01524 262 900 or visit

Innovative Outdoor Fires for Hotels and Restaurants SMART FIRE’S luxury fires and heaters are an increasingly popular choice in outdoor areas of hotels and restaurants. The EcoSmart and Bromic heating solutions are distributed by Smart Fire UK and favoured for their style and ease. EcoSmart provide stylish centrepieces, creating an inviting environment for guests to gather whatever the temperature outside. The Wharf outdoor fire is the latest addition to the EcoSmart range. This pit design has an open flame to create a comforting fireplace without the by-products of a traditional fire. Unlike wood-burning pits, there’s no need to sweep up ash or embers, meaning

minimal upkeep. With a stone exterior and stainless steel components, the Wharf is built to last and looks the part. Other new additions include Ayre and the Step Fire Pit. Bromic heaters have more minimal designs, suited to busy bar areas and restaurant seating areas. Among the products in the range are the Platinum Smart-Heat Electric which is a small, wall-mounted heater. Others include the Bromic Tungsten Portable, a popular choice which is on wheels so can be moved around and has a tilting head directional heat. For further information call 020 7384 1677, email or visit

Alfresco Dining

Fire Up Your Menu With A Top Of The Range Crown Verity For Just £3999! AS WE approach the end of the Great British Summer, get your hands on a top of the range Crown Verity MCB60 Professional Barbecue System for just £3999 + VAT, via our Nationwide Approved Dealer Network. PLUS – we are giving away a FREE 30” Heavy Duty Griddle accessory with every purchase – worth over £390! (please make this stand out within the copy) Recently endorsed by the Craft Guild of Chefs, the Crown Verity MCB range offers a fully professional, heavy duty Barbecue that will

provide years and years of use. Every model uses high powered burners and full stainless steel construction, plus includes a roll dome, removable end shelf and adjustable bun rack as standard. A wide range of accessories are available on request – from covers to rotisseries. Don’t miss out – this huge saving is a limited offer! Prices are also available for all other sizes in the MCB range. For more details or to place your order, please contact the R H Hall Sales Team on 01296 663400 or

Outside Structure Solutions

OUTSIDE STRUCTURE Solutions are proud to announce that we have now been appointed dealers for the Renson range of terrace covers, roller walls and brise soleil.

Renson are one of the largest manufacturers in Europe we are looking forward to showcasing the fantastic Camargue terrace cover which features a pivoting louver roof, built-in roller walls, lighting and heating as well as optional glass walls and sliding panels. This structure is truly the best we have ever seen and will turn your outside area into an elegant dining or chic relaxing zone. In addition we are pleased to offer the Lagune retractable ter-

race cover. The roof is held secure in a frame and then retracts like an awning into a rear wall-mounted cassette. It also features a built-in roller wall to the front and can have side enclosures to suit. All operated at the touch of a button. If you are looking for something simpler to help with sunlight through your windows, look no further than our brise soleil. Fixed louvers installed above any window or door will help reduce direct sunlight. If you would like to see how we can help you transform your establishment with any of these structures please get in touch. For further information Tel: 0844 561 7679, email:

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August 2016

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Warewashing and Polishing

August 2016

CESA: Warewashing for Hotel F&B Winterhalter Puts its Best Foot Forward By CESA consultant Nick Oryino

THE THREE main types of warewasher are undercounter units, dish and glasswashers as used in bars; pass through or hood machines, the mainstay of many a commercial kitchen; and, for the biggest volumes, single- or multi-tank rack or flight conveyor systems. Dishwashers are big consumers of resources – not only energy but water and detergents, too. So it’s no surprise that manufacturers are developing new technologies that cut consumption in all three areas. When choosing a new machine, be sure to compare all the running costs. A more expensive model that’s also more efficient can quickly repay the extra investment. The variety of energy-saving technologies available include: warewashers that use less water and energy, thanks to reduced wash tank capacities and more efficient rinse systems; heat exchangers that recycle the heat from steam and wastewater; features that reduce chemical consumption; systems that eliminate the need for heat pumps on larger machines; and others that operate vent-free, taking out the need for direct ducting and extract fans that use energy continuously. What these technologies have in common is the ability to make a big dent in running costs, saving hundreds or even thousands of pounds a year. To work out how big a dishwasher you need, first work out how many dishes you need to wash an hour. How many customers do you have? How many dishes do they use per meal? A pass through machine can wash around 1500 dishes per hour, the biggest flight conveyor system can do 12,000, so it’s important to get it right! Don’t underestimate – an over-stretched dishwasher is going to cause major problems. Ask the experts (local suppliers or the manufacturer direct) for help in working out the right model for your site.

The Dishwasher Man commercial dish & glasswasher solutions

Warewasher performance is based on five interdependent elements: all must work together if cleaning is to be effective. They are wash time, water temperature, water pressure, detergent, and rinse additive. • In many cases, the shorter the wash time, the lower the running cost. Variable wash cycles allow you to alter the wash time to suit the level of soiling. • Reliability is critical: the machine needs to perform day in and day out - even short periods of downtime cause stress and potential loss of revenue. • Consider the machine’s labour saving capability, water and electrical efficiency, and detergent and rinse aid consumption. • Automatic integral dosing units can save time and money. • Check that spare parts are available and reasonably priced and that any service charges are realistic. • Make sure you compare like for like – two dishwashers may look similar, but under the hood there can be a world of difference. Don’t always go for the lowest book price - think long term value for money and energy saving. Staff abuse will lead to breakdowns and add to running costs. The warewasher needs to be easy to use by a wide range of staff, so avoid overly complicated controls. When planning an install, it’s important to consider not just the machine itself but also its environment, especially ventilation, lighting and the utilities. If anyone of them is sub standard, it will impact not only on the warewashing results but also, potentially, staff and resident comfort and safety. The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

at Conscious Hospitality 2016

The Restaurant Show, Stand UD41, Olympia, London. 3rd-5th October VISITORS TO this year’s Conscious Hospitality Show, part of the Restaurant Show 2016, will be able to find out more about how the right warewashers can transform running costs and the environmental impact of warewashing, as well as producing sparkling clean wash results time after time. Winterhalter is the first catering equipment company to achieve carbon footprint certification through the Carbon Trust, and representatives will be on stand UD41 to explain how this will help caterers to choose the most efficient heavy equipment with the lowest lifetime cost. Also on the stand, Winterhalter will be showing its new UC Excellence undercounter washers and its awardwinning PT Series of passthrough warewashers - both of which deliver top wash results whilst using innovative technologies to reduce the consumption of energy and resources. Winterhalter’s new UC Excellence-i and UC-Excellence iPlus washers will be making their Restaurant Show debut. This ground-breaking machine guarantees brilliant wash results every time as it removes almost 100% of water impurities and features an integral reverse osmosis systems. The machines feature a

The Perfect Serve with Miele Professional BEING SERVED a drink in a dirty glass is a big issue for customers and can have a damaging effect on their overall experience. In a recent survey, Miele Professional found that 56% of people avoided returning to an establishment specifically because of this issue. To prevent this, operators should find the best possible dishwasher for their establishment.

Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ice Machines, Fryers, Tea Urns, Ovens, Microwaves Tel: 07801 328 376 Email:

built-in pre-filter with monitoring, membrane flushing and Winterhalter’s AquaOpt system that minimises running costs with its choice of good, better and best results. This AquaOpt function optimises water quality during extended wash break periods and can be adapted to meet specific on-site requirements ensuring consistent washing. Winterhalter’s PT Series is the market’s first passthrough machine with energy-saving heat exchange technology fitted as standard. The heat exchangers extract energy from the waste water and the warm, humid water vapour inside the machine and use it to heat up the incoming cold water supply, reducing energy costs by up to 10%. Meanwhile, the PT has a clever way of managing the energy which reduces the cleaning time for each wash cycle, increasing the rack capacity by up to 28% per hour and reducing heat-up time by 50%. Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email

The Miele Professional tank dishwashers boast special features including programmes tailored to deal with specific loads such as wine glasses or tableware, and degrees of soiling. Adjustable spray pressures, flexible cycle times and temperatures mean all items are cleaned thoroughly but gently. With short cycles lasting only 45-55 seconds, the tank glasswashers are able to cope with huge quantities of glassware. This is a must, given that 20% people say that they get annoyed by bar staff failing to serve due to them being busy clearing glasses or loading/unloading the dishwasher. As well as quick cycle times, the tank dishwashers have a high capacity and are able to handle 80 baskets per hour. In addi-

tion, final rise water volumes and detergents have been optimized to make the machines as energy efficient as possible - saving businesses time and money. Being served a drink in a dirty or smelly glass has caused 36% of customers to complain to the bar staff; with two spray arms for washing and rinsing, the tank washer ensures excellent results. A four-fold filtration system constantly filters the water in circulation. Thanks to the hygienic, cove-cornered design of the cabinet, it is impossible for dirt to accumulate in corners. The three models can be used as free-standing units or installed below a worktop. The 46cm wide PG 8164 glasswasher is perfect where space is tight. Greater capacity is offered by the PG 8165 with a width of 60cm. Both models stand at 72.5cm height. The larger tank washer, the PG 8166, with a height of 82cm, is designed for all types of mixed crockery loads. New accessories include an undercarriage for baskets as well as drip trays add further value to these products. For more information on Miele Professional’s products, please phone 0844 8936907 or visit You can also follow Miele Professional on Twitter @MieleProf

Warewashing and Polishing

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Smeg Gives Warewashing Drive to Glen Gorse Golf Club Cutlery Polisher Sell 5000th Machine into the UK Market WORKING WITH Phil Keatley of Crocodile Catering Equipment and chef Paul Leary of Access Catering Smeg has supported Glen Gorse Golf Club in Leicestershire to up its game in glass and dishwashing. Paul Leary, formerly of the two AA Rosette restaurant The Woodhouse, provides Glen Gorse Golf Club with really excellent food and works with Crocodile Catering to specify the best equipment to maintain excellence in food and the highest standards of service. Phil Keatley, partner at Crocodile Catering, explains how the relationship with Smeg has developed for his

business and its clients including Paul Leary at Glen Gorse Golf Club, "I have worked closely with Smeg for a number of years and now only specify their warewashing equipment to my clients because of their quality and value for money. "We put the first glasswasher, a Smeg CWG420SD-1, into Glen Gorse at the end of 2015, to replace an old machine that was only three to four years old, but with multiple faults and an external water softener. The Smeg model offered a compact solution, good design, quality engineering, in-built water softener and the ability to work from a standard supply. All this and a really competitive price ticked all the boxes for Paul Leary and his team. "The feedback from Paul is that the Smeg glasswasher has performed perfectly, is using less consumables and less energy, all contributing to cost savings in the longer term."

AFTER 15 years, we have sold our 5000th cutlery polishing machine since 2001 (which does not include our all-inclusive rental units). At The Cutlery Polisher Company Ltd, we understand that every kitchen is different, this is why we always insist our customers try our cutlery polishers before they buy one. This ensures that all of our 5000+ customers are happy with their machine and they can see the time and money saving benefits and justify why they need a cutlery polisher in their kitchen. Upon visiting customers for their week long trials, we are able to assess

their needs, as every kitchen is different we can tailor stands and trolleys heights to each individuals requirements. This ensures that all customers are using their machines to maximise their savings. 14 years ago one of our oldest customers bought a Mini 3000 cutlery polisher, in July this year, they purchased a newer version the Mini 3500 cutlery polisher. The customer was so pleased with how long the machine had lasted and was keen on upgrading to a later version for use for the next 14 years. We are confident that our customers’ machines will last for many years, longevity and robustness is a must for our customers who are investing for their business. Telephone; 01474 873 892 Email; Website;

Warewashing and Polishing

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Warewashing Tips from Crystaltech HOW AND what food is presented on is really important within the catering industry – a dirty plate or smeared glass reflects poorly on the cleanliness of a business. Why invest expertise and effort in creating the ‘perfect pint’ for it to be ruined by being served in a dirty glass. Residuals left on the glass after cleaning will give poor head retention (flat beer) and dirty glasses will mean the loss of customers – many will not complain, they will simply not return Derek Maher from Crystaltech, the largest independent company for the installation and servicing of all makes and models of commercial glasswashers and dishwashers, is the UK’s leading expert in achieving perfect warewashing results within the pub, bar and catering industry. “Glasswashers and dishwashers can be the main source of cross contamination within the pub and catering environment, if the right combination of chemicals and temperature is not achieved. Impure water can cause cloudiness and polishing glasses increases germ transfer and takes up valuable staff time,” says Maher. For spotless wash results, Derek recommends using a liquid renovate on a regular basis. He has also developed a reverse osmosis (RO) system which pushes purified water through the wash cycle resulting in the need for fewer chemicals at lower temperatures. RO can reduce the need for cleaning chemicals by 70%, making warewashers much more energy efficient. To lengthen the life and maintain the output of a warewasher: Maher recommends bar staff are given training on the basics of keeping dishwashers clean, including loading properly and using the right level of chemicals. Daily cleaning of the filters and inside of cabinet and ensuring that the chemicals are topped up and machines are kept clean and food residue is removed prior to loading are all key factors in using warewashers in the best possible way.

Tips for looking after a commercial warewasher: Pre-rinse: • Remove all solid material by pre-scraping • Pre-rinse speciality food or drink containers, such as those for cream Loading: • Ensure you have the correct baskets for the items you are washing • Fill baskets to their capacity • Check plates are racked correctly

Machine preparation & operation: • Ensure the interior of the machine is thoroughly clean • Check that wash jets are clear – clean them every seven days • Check that filters are clean and clear – wash them daily • Ensure chemical containers are sufficiently full for the washing session • Only commence once wash and rinse water have reached operational temperatures • If a water softener is fitted, regularly generate with salt • Regularly change wash tank water • Always allow the machine to complete its wash program • Allow cleaned crockery to air-dry after removing from machine

Shut down & maintenance: • Drain and rinse out machine after every washing session • Clean filters • Leave the door/hood slightly open to allow the machine to air-dry

Important DON’T’S: • Never interrupt the wash program • Never forcibly increase rack throughput • Never overload baskets • Never use the machine until it is up to operational temperature • Never add any detergent or other product not recommended for the machine For more information, visit or call 0370 3502424

Maidaid Icemakers - The Difference is Clear

THIS SUPERB range of automatic ice makers provides various size ice cubes or flakes of extremely high quality. The Maidaid range caters for everyone, from small businesses in need of an attractive, compact model for a small space, through to businesses with large scale demands. Restaurants, hotels, bars, fish markets and supermarkets, hospitals and laboratories – Maidaid has the perfect product for every application.

What places Maidaid ice machines head and shoulders above the rest is their capacity to create the optimum quality of ice when housed in ambient temperature surroundings usually around 21°c. This is how machines spend their working life, so that is how we test them, unlike other makes that use unrealistically lower test temperatures of around 10°c. Through ongoing technological innovation, Maidaid icemakers are energy saving with quick recovery times. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0845 130 8070 or

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Refrigeration and Icemakers

Refrigeration: The Sustainable Chill The Power of Four: Less Snergy. Less Water. More Ice CATERING REFRIGERATION is under the microscope after the launch of energy labelling and MEPS – minimum energy performance standards. Ultimately these will apply to many other categories of catering equipment, but it’s refrigeration that gets them first. Refrigeration is on 24/7 and it accounts for around 28% of a kitchen’s energy consumption – so it makes total sense to look for energy-saving models. The Carbon Trust’s research highlights the energy-saving potential of ‘best available technology’ (BAT) in connection with refrigeration. It concludes that the improvement potential of BAT, compared to ‘base case’, is up to 62%, depending on the type of refrigeration. It also says that BAT delivers the least life cycle cost – in other words, investing in the best available technology works out cheaper over the lifetime of the equipment. Whilst energy labelling will be welcomed by the whole industry, as it will make it easy to see which model is the most efficient, initially it will only apply to cabinets and counters. That means a lot of refrigeration won’t be included: blast chillers, cold rooms and ice machines to name but a few. When looking for the most energy efficient model, ask about lifetime costs. If your supplier quotes energy consumption figures, ask if they are based on ‘real life’ tests. For example, how many times was the door opened and closed during the test? Sustainability tips: • There are three key issues in the 'greening' of refrigera-

tion. They are the controller, the refrigerant and the insulation foam • ‘Green’ refrigerant gases, such as hydrocarbons, can lower energy consumption significantly • Intelligent controllers that detect changing situations keep energy use to a minimum during quiet periods. They can ensure the evaporator works more efficiently, increasing performance, economy and service life • The type and thickness of the insulation can save energy • Modern technology is allowing ice makers to produce and store more ice on a compact footprint and to be quieter, too Maintenance tips: • Load the unit correctly, to ensure that the airflow is not restricted. This will ensure even temperature throughout the cabinet, protecting the contents • To ensure a tight seal, clean door gaskets and the cabinet frame regularly with a mild soap solution • If possible, position refrigeration away from sources of heat (such as cookers) and moisture (such as dishwashers) • Ensure all ventilation grills are clear and clean; clean the condenser regularly • Ice is classed as a food, so icemakers need to be kept hygienically clean. The storage bin needs emptying, cleaning and sanitising regularly. Machines should be deep cleaned and sanitised, according to the manufacturer’s instructions The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 180 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

LG 49 inch Transparent Digital Cooler

COULD THE new LG Transparent digital cooler become every chilled goods and beverage brands’ answer to innovative, engaging and informative digital signage solution. The emergence of digital signage as a central advertising platform in every retail space has created a thirst for brands to become more innovative and daring in how they deliver their messaging to a captive audience. This is where the LG Transparent digital cooler presents a unique proposition. The cooler comes with all the standard features expected in a commercial cooler, in addition to a 49 inch full high definition screen. The clever bit of this piece of technology

is how the 49 inch screen allows the viewer to clearly see the cooler’s contents, whilst viewing full high definition content on the screen. The on-board content management software allows you to remotely edit and send video, audio, text, web pages, RSS feeds and widgets to the screen. The cooler presents a revenue generating opportunity through selling of advertising space on the cooler display to chilled food and drinks brands. LG may have just defined the future of commercial coolers. For more information and live demonstrations you can contact Airwave Europe at, or +44 1403 783 483.

FEM HAS launched four new modular ice machines in its Manitowoc Indigo Series. The new models offer the highest levels of energy and water savings, while delivering a high production rate of quality ice.

The new Indigo Series icemakers are modular machines, air-cooled as standard, that produce Manitowoc’s dice cubes – a hard, clear, slow-melting ice cube that provides maximum cooling and quick production. Half dice models are also available. The Indigo models meet or exceed the stringent Energy Star and CEE performance criteria. The machines enable operators to cut energy costs further by scheduling ice production levels by time of day, either taking advantage of off-peak energy rates or to keep pace with varying demand throughout the week. FEM’s new Indigo machines are

Great Balls Of Ice!

WHEN BARTENDERS need something to give their drinks an extra special edge, ice machine manufacturer Hoshizaki has a highly original solution – ice balls! The Hoshizaki IM-65NE-Q is a 26kg per day capacity machine with 17kgs of storage producing balls of ice rather than cubes and is the only machine of its type in the world. Apart from the obvious novelty factor, ball ice has some very real advantages over cubes: • It makes a stunning visual statement – especially in hi-ball glasses • It melts even more slowly than

easy to maintain and operate. They feature advanced selfdiagnostic technology which monitors all aspects of ice production, ensuring maximum operating efficiency. An acoustic sensor probe listens to the sound of the ice forming, guaranteeing consistently clear ice and perfect machine operation, even in hard water areas. The models also feature an EasyRead display, which flags up cleaning reminders and other useful information regarding the machines status. The smallest of the new models is the ID0606A which produces 275kg of ice in a 24-hour period. The ID0606A measures 762mm (w) x 622mm (d) x 546mm (h) and is compatible with the B400 ice bin, which stores 132kg ice, or the B570 bin, which holds 195kg. The ID0606A is available from FEM distributors for a list price of £4660 (plus VAT) with a 3 years parts and labour warranty. For more information call FEM on 01355 244111, email: or visit

Hoshizaki’s slow melting cube ice • Its rounded surface prevents sticking. As is common to all Hoshizaki IM ice machines, the IM-65NE-Q is designed with hygiene as a priority and utilises a closed cell ice making system that has an automatic rinse and flush cycle. This means that, after every new batch of ice, the water reservoir will drain, rinse and then refill with fresh water. Importantly, each ball is made individually by a dedicated jet spray to ensure the highest possible ice quality. The easy to clean storage bin has high density foam injected insulation to slow down the ice melting, while a gasket on the insulated door ensures the tightest possible fit to prevent particles entering the storage bin that could contaminate the ice. Tel: 0845 456 0585 Web: Email:

Every Ice-Eventuality Covered!

THE LATEST Ice Duo bundle from Hubbard Systems is the ideal multifunctional, space-saving ice maker, says the company. That’s because it has a compact footprint yet delivers a choice of different ice types that can meet the needs of just about every application in busy hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs. The Ice Duo sits two different modular ice machines onto a single ice storage bin. Each machine can produce different types of ice – the bin’s storage compartment has a divider wall that keeps them separate. Hubbard’s new Ice Duo features a Scotsman MXG 328, producing classic

gourmet supercubes, and a Scotsman N 622, which makes the new, versatile nugget ice. The two sit side by side on top of a Follett FOL-1025 storage bin. As well as offering a truly multifunctional ice supply, the Ice Duo is a real space-saver. That’s because the two icemakers are sitting on one storage bin, as opposed to sites having to have two separate ice systems. Hubbard Systems is the UK distributor for the market-leading Scotsman range, which is available via dealers nationwide. For more information on the full range of Scotsman ice machines, and details of local stockists, freephone Hubbard Systems on 0800 616559, call 01473 350045 email or visit

Refrigeration for the Real World

WILLIAMS’ UPGRADED cabinets and counters go beyond improving energy efficiency: British manufacturer raises the bar for food safety, reliability and practical benefits, too Williams Refrigeration has launched a series of improvements across its range of reach-in cabinets and counters. The product lines incorporate a variety of new features and benefits, ranging from advanced castors, which enhance manoeuvrability, to a radical rethink of the internal airflow, which improves efficiency and food safety. While the new designs have been launched in time for the introduction of energy labelling and MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) in July 2016, Williams is underlining the fact that the upgrades are not purely about energy efficiency. “The ethos behind the R&D programme was to enhance all the other characteristics of Williams fridges that our customers love,” says Malcolm Harling, Williams UK Sales and Marketing Director. “There’s no point in gaining energy efficiency if you compromise reliability, performance, food safety or robustness.” For example, many of the products have thicker insulation. “As well as improving the energy efficiency of the product, the thickness of the insulation also adds further strength to its build,” says Harling. Two key benefits of Williams’ designs are their ability to fit into a standard footprint, and to fit through a standard doorway without tipping. “Our R&D team overcame the age-old conundrum of fitting a quart into a pint pot!” says Harling. Not only is the insulation thicker, the majority of new

cabinets and counters also have the same footprint, plus they actually have a larger internal capacity. The feat was engineered using several different advances. For example, the castors are 20mm shorter – although their manoeuvrability is actually superior to larger, conventional designs. In addition, redesigning the condenser and compressor housing also reduced the space needed. Many of the new Williams products feature an enhanced airflow design, developed to provide ever greater food safety. Other advances include new, tougher hinges; a more robust self-closing door system; and an energy-efficient mullion heater that prevents condensation. A new gasket and thermal break for doors saves energy by providing an even better seal than previously. Whilst some models in Williams’ upgraded ranges boast an ‘A’ rating for energy labelling, Harling has no doubt that customers will be just as interested in the fact that the characteristic qualities of a Williams-built fridge have also been enhanced. “Our customers value robust reliability. They want to be able to slam the doors when they’re under pressure and need to know that the food inside, as well as their business reputation, is safely protected. Of course they want energy efficiency but also functional, practical designs that will work in the kitchen. Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery equipment, coldrooms, merchandisers and blast chillers. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

Refurbishment Dyberg Larsen Lighting DYBERG LARSEN started with Magazin lamp, which was first shown at Formland fair in the autumn of 2011. This light is called internally "mother light", as it was the one who really started the adventure, and was the basis for the many versions in sizes and colours which have since been added. This whole series is still laser-cut, fitted and assembled in our own factory in Denmark. This spring we have also launched 3 new metal lamps, and even more exciting illuminations stand in line to be launched.


OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200 pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping position. They also minimise disturbance between partners to ensure a restful night’s

MST Auctioneers Ltd MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods.

We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers, probate solicitors as well as private vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house as well as commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

We promise that the next 5 years will not be less exciting for our partners all over Europe! Haipot is one of our newest additions and has already been very well received. Inspired by Japanese design, this lamp is available in 10 on-trend colours, 23cm in diameter with a metal top and opal glass shade. Our lights are supplied with 3m of textile cable and a lamp holder Design philosophy of DybergLarsen, is to create products where the Scandinavian DNA may come to expression. Simple, understandable, beautiful, clean and preferably with an "edge" to make it personal. Dyberg Larsen will be exhibiting at Top Drawer, Olympia, London, from 11-13th September. For more details please contact Nick Robinson & Associates at or call on 01935 388 544. sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

Dyberg Larsen is a great innovative Danish lighting company, producing high quality shades to contract standard, now available in the UK. England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons.. • Regular Auctions of • Antiques and Collectables. • Commercial Catering Equipment. • Office Furniture & Computer Equipment. • Household Furniture and White Goods. • Plant & Machinery, Engineering & Woodworking. • Commercial Vehicles & Cars • TIMED & LIVE ON-LINE Auctions We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line". For further details, see the advert on the opposite page.

Haipot is one of our newest additions and has already been very well received. Inspired by Japanese design, this lamp is available in 10 on-trend colours, 23cm in diameter with a metal top and opal glass shade. Our lights are supplied with 3m of textile cable and a lamp holder Dyberg Larsen will be exhibiting at Top Drawer, Olympia, London, from 11-13th September.

For more details please contact Nick Robinson & Associates at or call on 01935 388 544. Nick Robinson & Associates are the UK and Ireland exclusive representatives of Dyberg Larsen

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


August 2016

6 Tips for Businesses Considering Kitchen Refurbishment YOUR KITCHEN is key to the success of your business, and any refurbishment project has to go well, or your business will suffer. If it does go well, however, your business could receive a powerful boost. To help you get the project underway, I’ve put together a short list of tips that should give you some guidance. 1. Budget correctly All successful refurbishment projects start with a well-planned budget. From the beginning you need to know how much you can spend, and you need to stick to this figure throughout the process. With a detailed budget you’ll stop yourself from overspending and ensure that your money is used as efficiently as possible. By knowing your financial limits, your new kitchen will have the best all-round quality that you can afford.

2. Consider your business’s needs Alongside your budget, you need to have a clear idea of what it is that your kitchen’s refurbishment is improving, and this will vary depending on the type and size of your business. Some common factors to consider could include how much worktop space you need and how many individual appliances you need. This should go hand in hand with your budget so that you can be confident that you are spending your money in the right areas.

3. Find the right kit for the job It’s not enough to know how many ovens or fridges that you want, you need to do your research to find the best products within your budget. Remember to factor in the priorities from your plan and budget to focus on the most important products. If there are brands that you trust then stick with them, but in all cases you should be looking for quality. It is not worth buying the cheaper product only to have it break

Capricorn Imports

CAPRICORN IMPORTS are now firmly established as one of the country’s largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furniture to cafes, bars, bistro's, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn Imports are based in an 85,000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able

5 years earlier than the more expensive one would have.

4. Know the restrictions of your building You should know your building's physical restrictions inside and out so that you know how much space you have available, and whether or not you’ll need to make any changes to supplies of gas, water and electricity. You must also find out whether or not you need planning permission for the changes that you want to make, otherwise you could run into a whole host of problems further down the line!

5. Do your research on tradesmen You don’t want your kitchen to become the next trading horror story. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to find trustworthy traders to carry out your refurbishment. TrustMark is a non-profit, government backed organisation that verifies standards among traders. If a tradesperson is accredited, you can be certain that they will do a good job. You can also use the CTSI to find locally approved traders, or a commercial register like If you use a commercial register you get the benefit of lots of reviews, but the possible downside of the organisation claiming no responsibility for the final quality of the work. If possible, you should probably stick to the government-backed schemes.

6. Understand your ROI Understanding the return of investment from the refurbishment is what ties all of this together from a business standpoint. You need a clear idea of why you’re doing the work, and how it helps you going forward. Some benefits could include higher workplace efficiency and satisfaction, and lower energy bills from more up to date appliances. Whatever the benefits to you would be, you need to be sure that a refurbishment is right for your business. If it is, then it may well be exactly what you need to take your business to the next level. Charles Reilly is the director of Fridgesmart, commercial refrigeration specialists with over 40 years’ experience in the industry. to offer a next day delivery service throughout the UK on hundreds of products including outdoor dining tables, tub chairs, bar stools, lounge furniture, conference stacking chairs. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Capricorn Imports are in the enviable position of being a sole UK importer of quality furniture which means that you the customer, will be dealing direct with manufacturers from around the world at very competitive prices. For further details, please see the advert on this page.


Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both

on site and webcast through our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

A Simple Solution to Your Under Bar Systems

THE BAR is the heart of every Pub, Club and Hotel. A place to meet, to eat and drink, to relax or get creative. At Bar Olympic we design, build and install an extensive range of quality under-bar systems to meet your every need. Our under-bar systems fulfill your highest expectations. Pre-assembled and tested before installation our fully modular range of units are smart, beautiful, tough, practical, easy to install and designed for the most demanding environments. The adaptability and versatility of Bar Olympic units allows them to be repositioned to suit any immediate design changes or re-positioned to suit the future requirements of any operation. The extensive range of units include

Bar Olympic Standard (free-standing units complete with fascia and counter top) and Bar Olympic Mobile (fully mobile bar system). The Bar Olympic team has many years of experience in this industry and whether you know exactly what you want, or have only a glimmer of an idea, our experience, innovation and skills can convert your vision into reality. Whether working on a bar kitchen facility, a single display unit or a complete restaurant, we believe it is important that we work closely with our customers and pay the same scrupulous attention to detail. For more information please contact our sales team. Tel: 01928 563532 Email: Website: Alternatively see the advert page 6.

Direct Fabrics is a leading supplier and manufacturer of contract flame retardant curtains, blinds and soft furnishings. Offering a full range of made to measure products supplied and fitted. All fabrics are certified to BS5867 for commercial environments.

for a restaurant or new curtains for bedrooms, Direct Fabrics are able to provide you with free samples and quick quoting on all made to measure products. Speak with the team on the phone for a professional and fast service with curtains and blinds manufactured in as little as 5 working days. View the website to see a range of products and get your new project underway with a reliable British manufacturing company. Quote CLH191/DF when responding to get a 5% discount. Contact; Direct Fabrics 033011189995

Direct Fabrics

Mayfair Furniture Whether you’re looking for blinds

MAYFAIR FURNITURE is a stockist of hotel, pub, guest house, B&B, restaurant and café furniture. We can produce hundreds of types of chairs and tables with a vast amount of options available. Second hand and new bespoke made-to-measure bedrooms sets are also available. As well as our huge variety of new

Dining Chairs UK Dining Chairs UK has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock

contract furniture, Mayfair Furniture is also a leading full service clearance company to the hospitality industry. We buy used furniture from hotels and restaurants, which our professional refurbishment team and upholsterers will restore giving the opportunity to buy high quality often bespoke items at a heavily marked down prices. Mayfair Furniture have over 50 years of experience in the contract furniture industry and have supplied furniture to all over the world. We aim to provide customers with as many options as possible whilst keeping our prices as low as possible. For further information call 01733 310 115, email: or visit

so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030 or email

Why PVC Banners Have The Midas Touch For Your Business PVC banners are a cost-effective way of pushing marketing and sales messages to the paying public “Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things” sang Maria in The Sound of Music, although the attractive songstress forgot to include PVC banners amidst the mentions of schnitzel with noodles and snowflakes that fall on her nose and eyelashes. PVC banners are certainly one of our favourite things and that’s why HFE was set up in the first place. We recognised that there was a growing demand from businesses to pursue this cheap and effective way of peddling their wares all year round. For the uninitiated, a PVC banner is a display item that you might see outside a pub, restaurant, leisure centre, gym or public event. These banners are built to last with strong durable outdoor 550gsm coated PVC ensuring that they stand up to any weather condition. The full solvent inks used on the banners have been severely road-tested to make sure that the message stays sharp irrespective of snow, sleet or rain. Why use PVC banners? We’ve already mentioned that they’re a cheap option that caters for any marketing budget. Starting from £13.99, PVC banners don’t break the

bank so there is little downside to getting involved and testing the market. Businesses now recognise that word of mouth can only take you so far, with their premises often ideal for attaching a PVC banner or two. So a pub who does a cracking Sunday carvery can create themselves a banner at HFE advertising this fact along with some gorgeous imagery of roast meats and vegetables. At the HFE website, we offer customers the chance to design their own PVC banners. It’s a free design service which is great for those businesses that want something unique or bespoke. However, on the flip side, we already have banner designs that you can grab “off the shelf” for popular events such as pub nights, Valentine’s Day and Christmas. When you order more than one banner with HFE, then we’ll throw free delivery into the equation. Then there’s the fact that any order before 11am means next working day delivery and we’re naturally a 24/7 business when it comes to designing and ordering online. PVC banners tied up with string, they might just be our favourite thing!

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

August 2016

Brakspear Raises Over £20,000 For Sue Ryder HENLEY PUB operator and brewer Brakspear has raised more than £20,000 for the Sue Ryder charity, thanks to enthusiastic and determined fundraising by its pub and head office teams. Sue Ryder provides hospice and neurological care for people facing a frightening, life-changing diagnosis. It aims to be a safety net for patients and their loved ones at the most difficult time of their lives. Sue Ryder treats more conditions than any other UK charity in its hospices, neurological care centres and out in the community, as well as campaigning to improve the lives of people living with them. Sue Ryder is Brakspear’s first ever estate-wide charity partner and they have set a target of £50,000 in total. Pubs have been raising money for the last nine months through a variety of ways, from organising live music nights or other events, completing sponsored challenges or adding a voluntary donation to menu items. Brakspear has also launched a beer – called Incredible after the incredible work done by Sue Ryder – and are donating 10p to the charity for every pint sold in its pubs. While many pubs, especially those in

Brakspear’s heartland around Henley, have supported Sue Ryder, a few have ‘gone the extra mile’ and collected serious sums for the charity. These include: • The Hare & Hounds at Sonning Common near Reading is top of the fundraising league with an impressive £2,863 collected from regular events such as a meat draw and pub quiz, as well as ‘one offs’ including a ‘play your vinyl’ session where customers payed to play their favourite singles on a borrowed record player. • The Potters Arms near Amersham raised £1,200 from its first Comedy Festival, held over three days in May. • Celebrity quizmaster and local resident Jeremy Paxman gave a pub quiz at The Five Horseshoes in Maidensgrove a boost, helping it to raise £2,217 from the event. • Kate Thomas, marketing assistant at the Brakspear head office in Henley, completed her first London Marathon in April, raising £3,200. Brakspear chief executive Tom Davies said, “It’s great to pass the £20,000 mark and I’m grateful to the many licensees and their teams who have supported our charity partnership. Watching the total amount creep up, and seeing the many different fundraising ideas generated by our tenants, has been a delight and we’re now looking forward to continuing the good work and hitting our target of £50,000.”

Apple Pie Named Britain’s Favourite Pie

IT MIGHT be a traditional American dish but the humble Apple pie has been named Britain’s favourite pie of all, new research reveals. The study of 2,000 people saw apple pie voted the favourite ahead of British classics like Shepherd’s pie, steak and ale or chicken and mushroom. The research, which was commissioned by online market research company, OnePoll, saw fish pie surprisingly fail to place inside the top 20 – coming in at number 23. Kevin Smith, Panel Director for OnePoll, which conducted the story said: “The extensive list shows the versatility of the pie and what a big feature it is when it comes to the British diet. “Whether sweet or savoury, pie passion is clearly high and a hard-fought contest sees apple pie narrowly take the top spot.” In the savoury stakes, the classic shepherd’s pie comes out on top, with four out of ten selecting it above all else, closely followed by steak and ale and then cottage – with steak and kidney languishing.

Each month, Brits tuck into an average of 2.2 pies, with six per cent admitting to scoffing up to six and one percent going crust-crazy and eating over 10. Pies are one of the ultimate comfort foods, with 84 per cent of the population describing them as one of the best comfort foods, and the same amount saying they’re ideal for feeding a family. Apple pie is what people most remember from their childhood, with 57 per cent of people saying they remember their mum dishing one up – no doubt these fond memories are what propelled apple pie to top spot in OnePoll’s survey. And apple pie is what a third of adults say they now make with their own family, more than any other kind, so it seems that the perennial favourite won’t be going away any time soon. OnePoll’s Kevin Smith added: “Many of our favourite foods are things we enjoyed as children and carry with them a strong sense of nostalgia. Perhaps early childhood memories of eating apple pie helped it reach top spot on this occasion.”

New Event to Tackle the Changing Landscape of the Pub Sector INDUSTRY NETWORKING association, Arena, is to introduce the second new and exciting addition to its event portfolio for 2016 – ‘Pub sector: The changing landscape’ with Jonathon Swaine, Managing Director, Fuller’s Inns on Tuesday 6 September at The George IV pub in Chiswick, London. The fascinating, fresh event has been specifically designed to navigate and debate the changes, challenges and opportunities within the UK’s vibrant and resilient pub sector. Attendees will benefit from a valuable sector insight presentation by Horizons, followed by a sit down lunch and inspiring keynote speech by Jonathon Swaine, Fuller’s Inns’ managing director. The opportunity to connect with fellow industry professionals, synonymous with all Arena events, will also be up for grabs. Jonathon Swaine, Fuller’s Inns’ managing director will address industry and sector colleagues as he considers the key issues affecting his business and the pub market. Topics up for discussion include the changing face of the pub customer, the customer experience, recruiting engaged and enthusiastic frontline team members, nurturing talent, chef retention, and innovative, great food.

Peter Backman, from industry insight experts Horizons, will present a twenty year ‘Tour d’horizon’ of the pub sector. His exclusive briefing will look especially at the role that food has played in the development of the pub over the years with some thoughts on the changes that the future might hold. The action takes place at The George IV pub, a Fuller’s venue located in Chiswick, London. Attendees can expect to benefit from interaction with fellow industry professionals throughout the event, whilst enjoying the great hospitality and a delicious three course lunch, courtesy of the Fuller’s pub and culinary team. In addition, the first 45 attendees to book their tickets will have the fantastic opportunity to join a guided tour of the Fuller’s Griffin Brewery, starting at 9am prompt, followed by a ‘Craft Beer’ talk and tasting session with John Keeling, Fuller’s head brewer. Tickets cost £145+VAT for Arena members and £195+VAT for non-members. Tables of ten cost £1305+VAT for Arena members and £1755+VAT for non-members. For further information and tickets visit or contact Lorraine Wood on / 07803 853 618

St Agnes Pub Sets Out Its Stall

A PUB in St Agnes in South West Cornwall has set up a monthly country market in the pub car park with the help of Pub is The Hub. The landlord and landlady of the Peterville Inn at St Agnes, David and Ann Marie Napthine, came up with the idea to create a regular community event that local people and visitors would enjoy and one that showcases local suppliers and artistic talent. The couple took over the Punch tenancy in February this year and have been looking at different ways that they could diversify their business to improve local services. They heard about the work of Pub is The Hub from their Punch business manager, Lisa Smart and have been working with the advisor for the South West, Reg Clarke, to put the scheme together. Peterville was known historically as the area for markets and fairs and the Napthines had the foresight to include the option to offer country markets in the car park under their insurance policy before they had even moved in. Each country market will take place on the last Saturday of each month from 10am to 3pm with up

to twenty-three traders registered to attend at any time. Pub is The Hub has provided a grant from its Community Services Fund of £600 to support the cost of the stall tables and a marquee. The Napthines offer the stalls free of charges to the retailers and give them free hot drinks. Ann Marie said: “We started at the end of May with a Victorian-themed market to attract some attention and it went down extremely well. Our takings easily doubled that day. We have a wide range of traders from clothes, plants, jewellery, wood turning, cakes and food. There’s a barbecue and some live entertainment at each one too. “The Pub is The Hub initiative fits very closely with our plans for the pub. We’re minding the pub for the community; it’s there for their use and enjoyment and we want it to become a place where people know that they will be welcomed, looked after and offered activities and events which fit their need. We are very grateful that we were able to benefit from funding from Pub is The Hub and now have a waiting list of people wanting to be involved with the market.”

Property and Professional

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie pro-

motions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

Redacre LPS Licensed Business Sales Agent

REDACRE LPS are a unique business sales agent that specialise solely in the licensed trade industry. With extensive experience & knowledge of the licensed market we are dedicated to advising all our clients on the sale & acquisition of their business through close & ethical working relationships. As a licensed specialist we have a wealth of resource on hand to assist our clients when making key decisions about their business, our range of in house ser-

vices have been tailored to provide you with all the tools you’ll need when bringing your business to the market place. A dedicated business agent will manage your instruction from start to finish ensuring a single point of contact & effective communication between parties. Redacre are one of the most competitive agents in the UK with no lengthy contract ties & no upfront fees! If you’re thinking of selling your Pub, Hotel or Restaurant why not call us for free valuation 0121 629 7823 or email us

The Market Hotel, Alton, Hampshire on the Market LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive and traditional 20th Century the Market Hotel, strategically situated in the affluent and highly desirable market town of Alton. Martin McConnell said, “This substantial and imposing inn is situated within a highly sought after and affluent location and offers not just a well-established business with a solid trading foundation, but a truly wonderful lifestyle in this delightful locale.” This superb inn features an inviting Public bar (circa 35), a welcoming Lounge Bar (circa 40) and a versatile

Function Room (circa 40). Adding to the diversity of the business are the 5 ensuite Letting Bedrooms. There is a fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen. There is also a Courtyard at the rear McConnell added, “This is an extremely rare opportunity to purchase a well established business with a wonderful quality of life in this enviable locale and expect a sale to be agreed extremely quickly!” Price: £50,000. Tenure: Leasehold – 17 years remaining. Turnover: Advised sales for YE March 2015 circa £430,000 (incl. VAT). Landlord: Enterprise Inns. Rent: £35,000 per annum Trade Split: 95% wet, 5% accommodation and 5% food Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112

Are You Focused?

35 YEARS AGO, I stood on Lambeth Bridge & threw my briefcase in the Thames saying 'never again will I work conventionally. At the time I was MD of 3 companies, part of a large group, but I couldn't stand the politics. That was on a Thursday, the following day I went to my 3 offices & said goodbye to all my staff & put my car keys in the postbox of the group

Property and Professional

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

head office & caught the train home. The following day I went to Italy for 2 weeks & on the first day back, I saw a Midland Bank Manager, told him what I'd done & he said "despite the fact you're young, you've had a lot of experience in running companies, I think you can help some of my customers". So for 35 years, I've been helping companies & it took me years to work out the 1 reason why a business makes money is the same reason why a business makes money: FOCUS. Focus just on your skill, you'll never make money. Focus on profit & you'll make money. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01202 551193, email: or visit

The Cranford Inn, St Giles in the Wood For Sale Leasehold HAVING ORIGINALLY been built as a Devon longhouse and farmhouse, this North Devon public house is now for sale through licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. This easy to run single bar country pub briefly comprises:- Character Main Bar Area with heavily beamed ceilings and open fireplace and with seating for approximately 44 customers; Restaurant for 30 plus customers, Kitchen and ancillary areas. On the first floor, there is the spacious and versatile family living accommodation comprising:- Sitting Room, 5 Bedrooms (one with en-suite shower room), Family Bathroom and Kitchenette whilst externally there is a Private Parking Area for 2 vehicles, a brick built Store Room, Beer Cellar, 2 grassed Beer Gardens and a 50 space Customer Car Park.

Being set in the heart of North Devon and surrounded by rolling countryside, the area is extremely popular with walkers, cyclists, tourists and anglers and nearby attractions include the RHS Rosemoor Gardens, Dartington Crystal and the stunning North Devon coast. The Cranford Inn is well signposted off the main road between Torrington and Umberleigh on the B32227 and about 3 miles from Torrington. A character FREE OF TIE country pub with spacious and flexible private accommodation, The Cranford Inn offers the ideal opportunity for incoming operators to re-establish the business and provide a much needed freehouse to the visitors who inhabit the holiday cottages on site for up to 8 months of the year as well as to the local community and surrounding towns and villages.

AVLP Calls for Considered and Informed Reaction to Market Rent Option MEMBERS OF Association of Valuers of Licensed Property (AVLP), the leading body in the United Kingdom providing specialist property advice to the licensed leisure industry, are calling for licensees to take ‘considered’ and ‘informed decisions’ to the forthcoming MRO announcement. Implementation of the legislation is expected later this month and the final details of the MRO are eagerly awaited

by brewers, pub companies and licensees alike. However, AVLP Honorary Secretary Daniel Mackernan is warning that ‘knee-jerk’ reactions could be dangerous to licensees. “The interpretation of the legislation will take time and licensees should be aware of the pros and cons of the MRO option and need to carefully consider what is right for their business. I’m concerned that many licensees will see this as an opportunity to get out of the tie and will act blindly, that rather than looking at the big picture. Speaking plainly, no two businesses are the same, so the MRO won’t be the right route for every business. What is important is the need for licensees to have all the information they need to make an informed decision”. Daniel added: “I don’t think there’s been a time in our industry where getting the right and professional advice has ever been more important”. For further information visit or Twitter at @TheAVLP

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


August 2016

Property and Professional

Brexit - What Does it Mean for Employers in the Hospitality Sector? By Laura Farnsworth, Lewis Silkin








Village Centre Free of Tie Freehouse Main Bar Area (22), Dining Area (32) Flexible 2 Apartment Accommodation Rear Outside Trade Garden Must be Viewed!

Well Presented City Centre Restaurant 44 Cover Restaurant

Extremely Well Regarded Restaurant Popular Cornish Coastal Town Opening Evenings Only 2 Restaurant Areas (58) Courtyard Area with Seating for 8 Outstanding Catering Opportunity

LH £27,500


Town Centre Sandwich Bar & Deli Prominent High Street Lockup Unit Customer Servery, Prep & Kitchen Areas Easy to Serve Menu Potential to Develop the Business

LH £99,950

LH £150,000




Profitable Family Run Italian Restaurant Busy Main Route into City Centre Attractive Restaurant Area (40+) Enviable Trading Levels & Healthy Profit Viewing Highly Recommended

LH OIRO £44,950






EXETER, DEVON Quality Bistro & Accommodation Popular & Affluent Trading Position Bar, Mezzanine & Dining Rooms (33) Self Contained 3 Bedroom Maisonette Refurbished & Well Presented Throughout

LH £54,950

Genuine Reason for Sale



Thriving & Profitable Business Predominant Evenings Only




Thriving Farm Shop & Café Food Hall, Delicatessen & Café

Country Guest House & Cottages Trading 9 Months Of The Year Only 4 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms 2 Self-Catering Cottages Superior 2 Bedroom Owners Accom Exceptional Home & Income Opportunity

Award Winning Country Hotel Residents Lounge, Dining Room & Bar 8 Luxurious Letting Rms. Owners Accom Separate 1 Bedroom Annexe Cottage 1/2 Acre Grounds. Stunning Views

Excellent Profits and Low Overheads Unique & High Quality Business Opportunity & Lifestyle

LH £195,000


FH £695,000



FH £895,000


01392 201262

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THE REFERENDUM vote on 23 June in favour of the UK leaving the EU has created a great deal of uncertainty for UK and international hospitality businesses. While an actual ‘Brexit’ is unlikely to be finalised before 2018, there could be major implications for the industry, in both the long-term and shortterm. What do you need to know? A significant proportion of the UK's employment law comes from the EU, including discrimination rights, collective consultation obligations, transfer of undertakings regulations, family leave, working time regulations and duties to agency workers. In theory, once UK has withdrawn its membership, the government could repeal all of this legislation. This is, however, unlikely and EU law will most probably continue to exert an important influence on workplace rights in the UK post-Brexit. There are various reasons for this: • Some EU laws merely confirmed protections that were already provided by UK employment law. It is very unlikely that the government would decide to cut back on such long-established legal entitlements. • In any event, many EU-derived statutory protections are generally regarded by both employers and employee as a good thing – for example, equality rights, family leave and entitlement to paid annual leave. • An even more compelling reason for the UK to continue to observe EU law is the commercial imperative for it to remain in a relationship with the EU, its biggest trading partner. The price of a trade agreement with the EU is likely to be adherence to a significant proportion of EU employment and social protection. Disentangling the UK from its EU commitments will be a lengthy and complex process. The UK is required to give two years' notice of its intention to leave the EU. During this period, the parties will negotiate the terms of the departure and it is likely that new trade arrangements will be put in place. Depending on the terms that are agreed, the government might then be in a position to start rolling back EUderived employment laws - or, as is perhaps more likely, modify certain provisions to make them more palatable to


Legal issues arising from Brexit While it is unlikely that UK employment law will be transformed in significant ways, at least in the short term, there are certain pressing employment issues arising now that businesses in the hospitality sector may need to navigate. Discrimination against non-British EU nationals There have been an increasing number of reported incidents of abuse against non-British individuals and businesses since the vote. Employers need to be alert to this potential risk, in particular as regards their customer-facing staff. They should consider providing appropriate training both to remind staff about their obligations towards others and to protect themselves if they face any offensive or abusive comments. In addition, managers should be reminded of the organisation’s statutory responsibilities regarding discrimination, harassment and health and safety.

Immigration In the event that an ultimate Brexit withdrawal agreement results in the termination of freedom of movement between the UK and the EEA, visas will be required for EEA nationals to work in the UK, (although a transitional regime might apply). No decisions have been made as yet, however, and for the time being the existing rules continue in force. We recommend that employers check their Prevention of Illegal Working processes and documentation are up-to-date, so as to ensure a good relationship with the Home Office in the coming months and years. Businesses should also consider checking that the provisions in employment contracts dealing with workers’ right to work in the UK are sufficiently robust in the event that their immigration status changes in future.

Seasonal workers and casual workers A high proportion of EU nationals in the workforces of hospitality businesses in the UK may be engaged under casual or seasonal contracts. Businesses should consider reviewing such contracts now to check they are appropriate for their needs. This is particularly important if there are concerns about workers leaving the UK without warning, leaving the business without sufficient cover. The period of uncertainty the UK is now entering is likely to prove worrying and difficult for employees as well as the businesses that employ them. We recommend that employers keep up-to-date during the negotiations over the UK’s withdrawal from the EU so they are in a position to respond to queries and plan effectively. Laura Farnsworth is a partner in the employment team at the law firm Lewis Silkin LLP

Quo Vadis, Heavitree, Exeter For Sale OPENED IN 1980 and trading as an Italian restaurant Quo Vadis in Exeter has established itself as a quality licensed Italian restaurant. The business is now for sale through licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. Quo Vadis has built up an excellent reputation with locals and visitors alike and boasts an enviable level of regular and repeat trade. Attracted by not only the food but also the welcoming ambience and friendly service. The restaurant offers a full and varied range of classic Italian dishes which are home made and freshly prepared. The full menu, wine list and contact details can be viewed on their website


UK businesses.

Quo Vadis is a single detached property which is purposely fitted and equipped as a restaurant. It is run solely by one family and trading to suit their needs. Therefore there is scope to develop many aspects of the trade especially with longer opening hours, introducing a take away menu and even possibly a pizza delivery service. Fitted to a high standard throughout, the restaurant briefly provides a customer dining area with seating for 40 plus, a bar area, customer welfare facilities, open plan kitchen, prep room and wash up area and a staff room with wc facilities. A leasehold business, Stonesmith are looking for offers off a guide price of £44,950. Details can be downloaded from the website and viewing arranged on 01392 201262.

The Baja, Egham, Surrey on the Market

LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the impressive bar and restaurant; Baja, situated in the highly sought after town of Egham. Martin McConnell said “this superb business is now up for grabs for the 1st time in 11 years and is offered for sale on a favourable ‘part tied’ lease with approximately 16 years remaining. Our client has achieved a well established trading foundation which can be fully emulated; yet also offers huge potential to increase the turnover and profits by simply exploiting the immense food potential!” This delightful property features a wel-

coming Public Bar (circa 10+), a cosy Snug (circa 15+) and 2 delightful and versatile Restaurant Areas (circa 40+ covers in total). There are also 5 self-contained letting units and the owner’s accommodation briefly comprises: 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. There is also an enclosed decked Beer Garden and parking for circa 4 cars Price: £40,000. Tenure: Leasehold – approximately 16 years remaining. Turnover: Advised current turnover circa £180,000 (incl. VAT). Trade Split: 25% wet sales, 25% food sales and 50% accommodation sales. Rent: £40,000 per annum. Landlord: Enterprise Inns Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Cherry's Cafe, Torquay, on the Market


AN ESTABLISHED business, with a proven track record, provides a purchaser an opportunity to start their venture with an already solid footing. A property that has been a catering outlet for the past 30 years has come on to the market. An ideal opportunity for a home & income business. Cherry’s Café is located on Lucius Street which is in one of Torquay’s key holiday districts, less than half a mile from the seafront. Trading all year round from 7.30am – 3:00pm, seven days a week, the business benefits from having a self-contained 1 bedroom flat above. This inviting and friendly café which seats 22, offers a range of cooked

breakfasts, hot and cold sandwiches, main meals, such as fish & chips, pasties and burgers and also a roast on Sundays. The owners offer a delivery service to local residents and businesses. The premises are available by way of a new fully repairing and insuring lease at a rent of £8,000 per annum, with further terms to be negotiated. Bettesworths are asking £27,000 for the leasehold interest to include the trade inventory and goodwill. Genevieve Stringer, who is negotiating the sale commented, “ Cherry’s Café is a wonderful business opportunity in a central location.” For further information call 01803 212121 or visit

Changing Tastes – Pairing Food and Drink FOLLOWING A comprehensive survey into consumer food and drink habits, the results revealed that consumers are tending to veer from traditional pairing recommendations. For example, the majority of diners would opt for a glass of red wine with their pork belly and the uptake of soft drinks was much larger than anticipated. As expected, food and drink pairings do differ based on both age and gender. Age was the most influential factor on whether diners chose soft drinks, with 29% of 18-25 year olds picking this option at some point in the survey. This figure decreased with age to only 16%. However, the popularity of soft drinks becomes popular again with those aged 66 and over, with nearly 45% choosing this most often. Somewhat more traditionally, men were found to be significantly more likely to pair ales with food and women more likely to select white wine. 12% of men selected ale at some point in the survey, compared to just 3% of women. Women selected white wine 27% of the time, in comparison to 20% of men. Steven Pike, Managing Director, HospitalityGEM comment-

ed: “The results highlight the importance of front of house team’s interaction with guests. Training can indicate what drinks the operator would recommend with a meal, but interaction can indicate where staff can add something additional to what the guest is already looking for. This also provides the front of house staff with an opportunity to upsell.” “It also draws our attention to the importance of a quality and varied soft drink offering. With alcohol losing popularity amongst millennials and Gen Z, an attractive soft drink offering paired with the passion of team members, could mean the difference between a good and great guest experience.”

Full list of pairings: • Pork Belly with red wine • Sunday Roast Beef with red wine • Steak & Chips with red wine • Vegetarian risotto with white wine • Fish & Chips with a soft drink • Tomato based pasta dish with red wine • Steak & Ale Pie with red wine • Ham, Egg & Chips with a soft drink • Chicken Caesar Salad with white wine • Mussels Marinara with white wine

Ukinbound Highlights Key ‘Asks’ Ahead of Brexit UKinbound, a leading Trade Association which represents over 370 member organisations from the UK inbound tourism industry, has welcomed the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, in a letter which included four key “asks” for her and her Government to consider moving towards the EU negotiations. A strong narrative promoting the UK as a welcoming destination. At a time of great uncertainty for the UK economy, UKinbound has emphasised the importance of demonstrating that Britain remains an outward-facing nation that is open for business and which will continue to welcome visitors from around the world. Continued access to the Single Market to ensure the free movement of goods, finance, and people around the EU, without any tariffs.

Continued access to the Open Skies Agreement. The agreement has been a key driver of inbound tourism to the UK, expanding transatlantic and intra-EU flights and allowing carriers to offer lower fares and provide more convenient and efficient service to consumers. Assurance regarding residency for its members’ employees. UKinbound’s latest Business Barometer survey revealed that over 30% of its members’ workforce are EU migrants. UKinbound’s Chief Executive, Deirdre Wells OBE said: “Although the negotiating blueprint is far from clear for the pending Brexit, we hope that these four key ‘asks’ to the Government will support and ensure the maximum growth for our industry. These are issues our members feel are important in maintaining a relationship with the EU. We are a resilient industry and I am confident that our vibrant industry can overcome these challenges we face.”

BHA Issues Warning On E. Coli

THE BRITISH hospitality Association (BHA) is highlighting the issue of E Coli, which, although ordinarily associated with undercooked burgers is found in other foods. “E.coli is most often associated with undercooked burgers, but in fact it has been found in many other foods – as basically it is of faecal origin so can get into the food chain in many different ways”, said Dr Lisa Ackerley, BHA There have been outbreaks associated with salad crops before, and a particularly nasty one in the USA was associated with spinach (wild animal faeces, turned to dust blew across a crop). Unpasteurised milk is another source, and there have been outbreaks in USA associated with unpasteurised apple juice where windfall apples, contaminated with wild animal faeces were the cause of the outbreak. Leeks and potatoes were associated with an outbreak in England, presumably via cross-cont-

August 2016

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Crown Verity Win Craft Guild Of Chefs Product Endorsement! ON 29TH June 2016, 3 of the Craft Guild’s expert producttesters visited R H Hall HQ for an extensive day of BB cooking. Supplied with a diverse selection of meats marinades and even desserts, Fergus Martin, Luke Stevensand Albert Robinson all set to work with a Crown Verity MCB-30 Barbecue, to make sure the product was up to the high standards of a discerning chef! The chefs were looking for “a good cooking area, even heat distribution, easy to clean and looks the part” as well as “different cooking zones , racks and a lid/roll dome”. The Crown Verity passed with flying colours, gaining high praise…

“The MCB30 heated very quickly with the lid down and stayed hot even when loaded.” “Very robust and it also looks the part for exclusive functions.” “The build quality is strong & sturdy, the consumer would regard this BBQ as a quality luxury item.” Available in sizes from compact 30” to huge 72”, the Crown Verity MCB range is supplied as standard with a removable end shelf, adjustable bun rack and roll dome – and can be adapted with a wide range of accessories including griddles, side burners and rotisseries – allowing any chef to create his ideal BBQ for any outdoor kitchen set up. For more details on the Crown Verity range, please visit or contact the R H Hall Sales Team – 01296 663400 or

Search to Find CAMRA’s Best Designed Pubs for 2016 CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, has launched its National Pub Design Awards 2016 in a quest to find the most stunningly designed pubs in the UK. The awards, held in association with Historic England, recognise high standards of architecture in the refurbishment and conservation of existing pubs, and the construction of new ones. “Whether it’s a converted theatre or a Victorian coaching house, we are looking to discover the best pub interiors and exteriors that Great Britain has to offer. The CAMRA Pub Design Awards competition is open to all pubs in the UK, and buildings can be nominated by their owners, landlords, local CAMRA branch members, or anybody else that thinks the pub deserves to win,” said Sean Murphy, organiser of CAMRA’s Pub Design Awards. Last year’s winners included a diverse range of pubs, from a refurbished and once derelict gin palace in the shape of The Dun Cow in Sunderland to the Bevy estate pub in Brighton that was re-built through the efforts of local residents, and from a magistrates court and police cell in the Lake District converted into a pub to a stylish new pub built in North Devon.

The competition includes five categories: • New Build: For entirely new built pubs. Judges look for a number of details when assessing the worth of any new establishment. It might reflect its past but without becoming a mere pastiche of Edwardian, Victorian or even Georgian artefacts. Or it could be completely modern, using materials of the 20th or 21st century. • Refurbishment: Refurbishment can range from a complete gutting and replacement to an enhancement of what was originally there. Refurbishment should suit the individual pub and not be an excuse to use uniform furnishings to brand the pub with brewery or pub companies images. • Conversion to Pub Use: This is where an existing building is converted to pub use. Pubs are judged on the taste and restraint used on both the outside and inside of the pub. • CAMRA/Historic England award: This award, sponsored by Historic England, is usually given for work which conserves what is good in the pub to ensure its future for generations of customers. • Joe Goodwin Award: named after the late CAMRA chair Joe Goodwin – is reserved for outstanding refurbished street-corner locals. The work on entries should have been completed in the period between 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 To enter the competition visit: www.camra

amination mistakes as these items are cooked. Soft fruit has been implicated, particularly if irrigation is from untreated effluent, or there are inadequate toilet and hand-washing facilities on the farm. “Obviously removing any faecal source from food at all stages in the food chain is the best first course of action, so a good supplier is critical, but most wise caterers will take the following further precautions”: • Cook burgers to a temperature for a time that will give a thorough kill (see BHA burger Q and A) or use methods such as sear and shave etc as specified in the FSA guidance on less well cooked burgers • Wash salad items, fresh herbs and soft fruits thoroughly using a salad wash and store away from contamination once washed • Follow cross-contamination guidelines Remember to control cross-contamination of all root vegetables and unwashed salad items, not just meat and chicken • • Hand washing is critical after handing foods that may be contaminated and of course after the using the toilet • If using frozen spinach or other vegetables for smoothies or health juices, check that these items are ready-to-eat as they may be intended for cooking only For further details on rare and medium burgers visit

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