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Cider has been a beloved drink in the UK for centuries, with a rich histor y and a strong cultural association with summer and outdoor drinking In this ar ticle , we explore the British love affair with cider, including its popularity in pubs, bars, and beer gardens, the histor y of the drink, the demographic age groups that consume it and cider sales data for the past ten years We will also provide tips and advice on how pub bar owners can increase sales

Cider has a long and storied histor y in the UK with the first recorded mention of the drink dating back to the 13th centur y It was traditionally produced on small farms and orchards, and each region had its own unique cider-making methods and varieties of apple

In recent years cider has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with a growing number of craft cider producers and a renewed interest in traditional cidermaking methods

Demographic Age Groups

Cider has long been associated with young people and summer drinking, with the drink being popular among students and festival-goers However, recent data suggests that cider is increasingly popular among older age groups as well

According to a study by Kantar Worldpanel the number of people over the age of 45 who drink cider has increased by 50% in the past decade This suggests that cider is no longer just a drink for young people , but is now enjoyed by a wide range of age groups

Cider is a popular drink in pubs, bars, and beer gardens across the UK, par ticularly during the summer months Many pubs and bars now offer a range of ciders, from traditional farmhouse varieties to craft ciders and flavoured ciders

According to data from CGA, cider sales in the ontrade sector (pubs bars and restaurants) have increased by 1 6% in the past year This suggests that cider remains a popular choice for drinkers, despite competition from other drinks such as craft beer and gin


Charlie Fr yday Categor y Director UK On-Trade for HEINEKEN UK says: “Over 870,000 pints of cider are bought in the UK ever y day (CGA Strateg y, MAT 16/07/2022) Draught ser ves dominate here , with mainstream apple brands such as Strongbow Original and Inch’s Apple Cider, remain best-sellers across most outlet types as mainstream apple cider remains the fastest selling cider categor y (CGA Strateg y: GB MAT Value Share 2YA vs TY (03 12 22)

However, premium cider is on an upward trajector y, providing a lucrative oppor tunity for pubs Value sales of premium draught apple and flavoured ciders have grown by 7% and 195% respectively in the last five years (CGA Strateg y MAT TY vs 4YA 16/07/22) To maximise cider sales, operators should look to suppor t mainstream draught offerings with a selection of premium apple as well as exotic flavoured ciders on draught This does not mean bottled cider should be overlooked, as packaged brings in over £5,800 to the average outlet ever y year (CGA November 2022) ” years with data from the National Association of Cider Makers (NACM) showing that cider production increased by 5 5% in 2019

UK is now the world's largest producer and onsumer of cider, with sales of the drink reaching £3 5 billion in 2019 This represents a significant increase from ten years ago, when cider sales were just over £2 billion Craft cider has been a major driver of the crease in cider sales, with many consumers king out ar tisanal and traditional varieties of the drink According to data from Nielsen, sales of craft cider increased by 10 4% in the past year, however, mainstream ciders continue to grow with an uplift of 2 1% for mainstream cider brands

Your Cider Range This Summer

When considering your cider selection, star t with the apple – ensure you have a well-loved premium brand on the bar such as Thatchers Gold

The key to success is quality – offering consumers a brand synonymous with con sistent quality and ensuring a perfect ser v ever y pint will maximise rate of sale and keep your cider drinkers coming back for more Thatchers Gold has the highest rate of sale of any draught apple cider

The right range with the right profile will help maximise revenue from ever y visit too as you ’ re able to set a higher price point for premium and premium plus ciders across both apple and flavoured styles

Apple cider remains king, accounting for 3 out of ever y 4 draught cider ser ves, with premium brands showing the strongest growth so you see how vital it is to make the best choice with one or two taps on the bar

If you have strong consumer demand for apple cider in your outlet, consider a second apple tap in a different style – Thatchers Haze complements Thatchers Gold with a sweeter flavour profile

James Palmer, Head of OnTrade , Thatchers Cider said Cider is an impor tant categor y in any pub, at all times of year – if you only have one tap of cider make sure it’s a brand people want to see

We ll be suppor ting our brands with high profile marketing campaigns this spring and summer

We work with our customers to get their range right for their drinkers Depending on if they’re a high tempo outlet or countr y pub it’s impor tant to offer a choice of cider styles, one or two taps, Gold and Haze , with our alcohol-free Zero in the fridge And Fusion

For Fruit Cider Customers

We do see drinkers come into cider from other categories over the summer months especially as they explore fruitier options!

With that in mind, we ’ re expecting Thatchers Blood Orange to boom this summer as it is the leading trending flavour across the UK


According to Westons’ eighth annual Cider Repor t:

• On-trade cider sales were wor th £1 863 4M (+61 5%) in 2022, as the premium and crafted sub-categor ies continue to outpace mainstream cider s

• Draught cider sales hold steady, at 76 2% of the market Apple continues to make up the major ity of the draught categor y (75 4%) and anecdotally it is recogthat draught cider s are seen to offer better value or money dur ing times of auster ity so we can expect this performance to be maintained, if not exceeded, in 2023

• Bag in Box continues to reinvigorate draught ranges , as the cask ale categor y remains in dec line and allows outlets to showcase an interesting and fully stoc ked bar

Cider Drinking Trends For 2023

Trends that will continue growth throughout 2023 and into next year include:

• Premiumisation picks up pace – this long termtrend is continuing and accelerating, as consumers are increasingly interested in the authenticity, craft and connoisseurship of cider This sub-categor y is showing the most growth and value potential growing from 12% of the categor y in the on-trade in 2021, to 14 4% of total volume sales at the end of 2022

• Quality cues – During periods of economic uncer tainty, consumers in the ontrade will be looking for a quality drink that matches the occasion and so cider ranges must deliver this message – especially when compared with other categories

Lead with apple – Apple cider remains the most popular cider type , driving the categor y in value and volume Flavoured ciders have stabilised at around a third of the categor y, with dark berr y taking a significant share of this

• Low & No – this sub-categor y is steadily growing and, in the on-trade , is wor th £26 9M, having doubled over the past three years While no and low alcohol cider is behind the total overall categor y, more consumers are becoming interested in alternative offerings


Cider is best drunk in pubs, bars, and beer gardens, par ticularly during the summer months when customers are looking for refreshing fruity drinks to enjoy outside

According to industr y data cider accounts for around 20% of total alcohol sales in pubs making it the second most popular drink after beer In 2020, pub and bar sales of cider totaled £1 5 billion, up from £1 2 billion in 2011

Making The Most Of The Summer Months

As the summer months approach, pubs in the UK will be looking for ways to increase their sales of cider, a popular drink among customers during the warmer weather Here are some tips for pub operators to increase their cider sales:

MARKETING: Promoting the pub s cider selection through social media and adver tising is an effective way to draw customers in Posting pictures of chilled glasses of cider and adver tising promotions such as happy hours and discounts can create a buzz and increase interest in the pub's cider selection

FESTIVALS: Hosting cider festivals can also be a great way to generate interest in the pub's cider offerings These events can be adver tised through social media and posters in the pub Hosting tastings and having knowledgeable staff on hand to answer questions about the different types of cider available can help customers learn more about the product and find new favourites

PROMOTIONS: Offering promotions such as 2for-1 deals or discounted pitchers of cider can encourage customers to tr y different types of cider and increase sales Running themed nights such as Cider and Cheese Night or Cider and BBQ Night can also be a fun way to showcase the pub's cider selection and encourage customers to tr y new flavours

FOOD PAIRING: Pairing cider with food can also be a way to increase sales Offering a food menu that pairs well with different types of cider can create a unique experience for customers and encourage them to tr y different types of cider For example , a sweet cider may pair well with spicy wings, while a dr y cider may be best paired with a cheese board In addition to these tips, it's impor tant for pub operators to ensure that their cider selection is varied and includes popular brands as well as local and craft options Providing tasting notes and descriptions can also help customers choose the cider that is right for them

Overall, with the right marketing, events, promotions, and food pairing, pub operators can increase their sales of cider during the summer months and beyond

Glebe Farm: The Purest British Oats

Pure , locally grown, gluten-free: Nobody does oats better

Oats are a natural superfood They are packed full of the vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre that helps suppor t a healthy gut and they are also naturally gluten free

Unfor tunately, many of the oatbased products on supermarket shelves today are milled and manufactured at facilities that also process grains like wheat, barley or r ye This leads to contamination of the oats meaning they lose their purity and become unsuitable for the 1 in 100 of those who are coeliac or the estimated 10% of UK consumers now following a gluten-free diet

It was this gap in the market that saw sister and brother team Rebecca and Philip Rayner dedicate themselves to producing truly gluten free oats An independent Cambridge farm and dedicated glutenfree site since 2010, Glebe Farm is the only farm in the UK growing and milling gluten free oats

Glebe Farm’s wonderfully pure British oats are ready to be used by manufacturers and bakers, and are also used in their gluten free oat drink, PureOaty The

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