Thirteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Program Book (2009)

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Thirteenth Van Gliburn lnternational Piano Gompetition May22 - June7 , 2OO9 FortWorth,Texas

ThirteenthVanCliburn International PianoGompetition Fort Worth,Texas May 22-lune 7, 2OOg Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. 2525 RidgmarBoulevard,Suite307 Fort Worth, Texas7611,6 M. AlannBedlordSampson Chairman RichardRodzinski President John Giordano ChairmanoJtheJury



VANCLIBURN planist- legend- friend It is with greatjoy that the Boardof Directors of the Van Cliburn Foundation dedicates the program of the Thirteenth Competition to Van Cliburn in commemoration of his 50th anniversary of winning the first Tchaikovsky InternationalCompetition. Van Cliburn is the oniy ciassicaimusician to be given a ticker-tape parade in New York City and hailed as an American hero. He is internationally regardedasa persuasiveambassadorof American culture and one of the greatestpianists in the history of music. With hls historic 1958 victory in Moscow ar the height of the Cold War, Van Cliburn tore down cultural barriers years ahead of glasnost and perestroika, transcendingpolitics by demonstrating the universality of classicalmusic. Van was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George W Bush, which recognizedhis achievementsand rhe servicehe has given his country throughout the span of five decadesas a master of diplomacy rhrough his gift of music. He has received Kennedy Center Honors and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. In a Kremlin Ceremony, he received the Order o[ Friendship from PresidentVladimir Putin. Van has lifted many curtains around the world and ignited a passion for classicalmusic, especiallythe repertoire of the piano. He set a standardthat still stands,even as he imparts a technique that is more art and gift than a style that can ever be replicated. Bravo! will always ring in our hearts for our beloved Van.

Connectto the Americanexperience through great works of art.

Admissionis free.

3 5 0 1 Camp B owie B oulevard Fort Worth, Texas76107-2695 817.738.1933 ca rterm

Clockwisefrom upper eft: Jean Xceron (189O-1967),White and Gray,no. 256' 1941' purchasewith funds provided by the Council of the Amon Carter Museum;Robert G enn Ketchum (b.1947), Cosmlc l/ees, 1988Gl Robert Glenn Ketchum; Alvin Langdon Coburn, purchasewith funds provided by O8821966), The Templeof Ohm, Grand Canyan,1911, the Counci of the Amon Carter Museum;William Merritt Chase (1849-1916>ldle Hours' (892-1964), Self-Partrait,1919 ca. 1894r Stuart Davis


PR OL OGUE Message fromthePresident of theUnitedStates BarackObama9


Messagefrom Van Cliburn




Messagefrom Governor Rick Perry


Messagefrom Mayor Mike Moncrief



)'J I

Van Cliburn InternationalPianoComoetition History


Cliburn Concerts


InternationalPianoCompetitionfor OutstandingAmateuri The Richard Rodzinski First Prize Award All-Level Piano Workshoo

r62 r64

Messagefrom Chairman Alann Bedford Sampson Messagefrom FoundationPresident Richard Rodzinski Messagefrom Gold MedalistAlexanderKobrin


I7 I8

Messagefrom Crystal Award Winner Sa Chen

r9 r9

Van Cliburn Foundation Board of Direcrors


Van Cliburn FoundationAdministration


About Us


Principal CorporateSponsorExxonMobil

25 27 28

Messagefrom Silver MedalistJoyceYang

Official Sponsors Fort Worth: Cowboysand Culture Then and Now sOTHANNIVERSARY Fifty Yearsof Van Cliburn 50'hAnniversaryGalaCelebration Van Cliburn THIRTEENTH COMPETITION GeneralInformation Rulesand Requirements Voting Procedures Prizesand Awards Winners' Engagements The EnduringPize John GiordanoJury ChairmanDiscretionaryAward SpecialProjects

33 34 39 +5 46 49 52 53 56 57 58

Chairman of the Jury Jnhn



Education Musical Awakenings Community Concerts Cliburn Competitorsin Schools Cliburn Conversationsand Allegro Circle TexasChristianUniversity:The Cliburn'sCampus


r66 r67 r67 r69 170

A C K N OW LE D GE ME N A TS N D R E C OGN ITION Acknowledgements


InternationalAdvisory Council


In Memoriam


Memorial and Tribute Donarions


Becomea Championof the Van Cliburn Foundation


Van Cliburn Tiust


Cliburn InternationalCircle


Platinumand Golden Circles2009




Van Cliburn FoundationConrributors


2006 Gala


2007 Gala


Keyboard Circle Events


Cliburn InternationalCircle Event

205 206

Membersof the Jury


Junior Leagueof Fort Worth Thirteenth CompetitionVolunteerCommittees


Tak6csQuartet Conductor MaestroJamesConlon Fort Worth Symphony Orchesrra


Van Cliburn FoundationCommittees




7I 72

American ComposersInvitational


ScreeningAudition Recitals




Artwork of the ThirteenrhComperirion


Competition ProjectsPersonneland ProfessionalServices


2007 Amateur CompetitionVolunreers


Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County


Thirteenth CompetitionSchedule


The VanCliburn InternationalPianoCompetitionis a memberoJthe World Federationof InternationalMusic Competitions.





May 4,2009

It's a pleasure to welcome all those gathered for the Thirteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and fans who are following it from around the world. This event is a wonderful opportunity lbr people to come together to celebrate excellence and enhance appreciation for music and those who make it. Music has been called a universal language. It has the potential to build inter-cultural bridges; forge new relationshipsamong peoplesand nations; strengthenour understandingof history and tradition; and enrich our lives and our communities. The competition exposes listeners to the great young concert pianists of our time and helps them sharetheir talentswith the world. I wish all of you the best for a wonderful competition and continued success.



ILrs a grcatplersurcLowelcomeyou to this thirteenthquadrennialfestival of classical musicand to applauclall the extraordinary Lalents that will grace the stageof BassPerlbrmance Ha1l. Greatclassical musrcis universaland eternal. Hcncc.we areprivilegedto hearit, to know its value,anclto relvardits worth. Fort Worth rs a greatcity,anciwc cxtendro yr)u,our wonderfulaudiences and hurro rcdo l' r s c ner s( .' Llrwa rm e sH l rc c l i n g s .


)/^ Van Cllbr-rrn


,,i\meiicanAirlines $,4fe&rumwwrfuyymc*ffSr



oF T$(AS


Greetings: As Govemor of Texas,I am pleasedto welcome you all to the Thirteenth Van Clibum Intemational Piano Competition. Texas is truly fortunate to have the honor ofhosting this event. Every four years, pianists from around the world showcasephenomenal talent and tremendous skill as they compete for this prestigioustitle. The artists in this competition will perform some of the world's most beautiful, challenging and inspiring music - both well-known masterpiecesand unfamiliar new treasures- enriching the cultural landscapeofthis great city and state. Through their efforts, thesevirtuosi have raisedthe bar for musical excellence,and I know everyone who has the pleasureof hearingthem will be moved. To the visitors present,I know you will enjoy Fort Worth. From fine restaurantsto world-class museums and a wide array of other attractions, this dynamic city has somethingfor everyone. Explore and enjoy our legendaryTexas hospitality. First Lady Anita Perry joins me in congratulatingthe participantsand extendingbest wishes to you all. Sincerely,




Rick Perry Govemor




Welcometo Fort Worth On behalf of the City Council and citizens of Fort Worth, it is my pleasureto welcome you to the Thirteenth Van Clibum Intemational Piano Competition in Fort Worth. We are pleasedto be home to this world-renownedcompetition held May 22,2009 to June 7, 2009, in the intemationally acclaimedBassPerformanceHall in downtown Fort Worth. It is with great pride that I would like to tell you about our city, a city of cowboys, culture and community. In 2004, our city receivedthe prestigiousdesignationof Most Livable City, an honor bestowedupon us for I 0 years. This distinction is basedon criteria ranging from economicrevitalization to community interactionto major attractionsto an exceptionalquality of life. Our city is clearly a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. The Texas Association for Workforce Mobility namedFort Worth one of the best cities to relocate families and Forbesrecently ranked Fort Worth the 5'nbest city in the country to find a job. Fort Worth is home to a wide variety of businesses,arts and sports facilities, such as the Texas Motor Speedway,the world-renowned BassHall and a $43-million Cabela'ssporting goods store. While you are in Fort Worth, we hope you get a chanceto visit: o



Sundance Square,in the heartofdowntown,whereyou'll find eclecticshoppinganda unique mix of erntertainment and dining opportunities.Soon,this downtownexperiencewill more thandoublein sizewith thecompletionof our Trinity River Vision project.The newTrinity Uptownwill showcase first-classrestaurants, remarkable hotelsandurbancondosalongwith a wholenew shoppingexperience. Our CulturalDistric! whichis recognizedasthe "MuseumCapitalof the Southwest"andis hometo manyworld-classmuseunN. Fort Worth alsoboastsoneof the country'stop-ranked Fort zoosalongwith a multitudeofbeautifulparks,not the leastofwhich is our celebrated Worth Botanic Garden. The HistoricStockyards in Northsideis a delightfuljoumey into thecity's westemheritage. You'll enjoythe countlessshopsandrestaurants amongreal-lifecowboysandcowgirls, outfittedwith horses,bootsandspurs.And, you don't wantto missthe daily cattlednveof real Texaslonghoms.

With all Fort Worth has to offer, our most valuableassetis our people. Visitors often cite the "Fort Worth Friendly''spirit of our citizens and businessesas the top reasonto visit and plan a retum trip to our city. We are pleasedyou choseFort Worth for the Van Clibum Competition and hope you enjoy your time in Cowtown.

Mike Moncrief Mayor MIKE MONCRTEF.MAYOR THeCnv or FonrWonru + 1000THnocxuonron Srnrer r FonrWonru.Teus 76102 * FAx817-392-2409 817-392-6118 O

Pnntâ‚Źd on rdycld




M u s i c i s t h c s i n e l v o l - o u r - s o u l .I t g r v c ss h a p e t o r t s l r n r o r p h o i r sco n tcr - r tsr r si t holcls togethcr ouL Ih;srcrrLrtnclrnvisiblc bcings Hrruronl', rh1thr.n, cr)nncctsar-rcl ancl nrcloclyare echoesolthc hnglr.rgc of thc rrlchitcct ol thc urrivcrseancl constarrt unsolvcclrn)'stcr):N4an]<incl, renrinclersol its in[injtc bear-rt;.ancl cvcr thc sccker, strivcs to r-rnlockits secrets.Few succeecl,rrrrcller'vcr)'ct urc ablc to translatc fbr o t hcr s .

Thc Thirtecnth Conrpctition is dcsigncd to bc rr platlornr on u,l'richto cclclrrirtc music, its llowcrs to Lriinslonr ancl to dcfinc, to hcal ancl to ilhrntinatc - lrtost espccially., thc thrrt;'compctitors rvho acccptcd thc iuvrtirtion to l)rlrticillatc.lnclcccl, in or-tlmiclst lor tl-rcscrvcel<sate st'rttteol'thc il]ustrjor-rsfew. Wc ,gfcetyoLt with lr'ish for )'oLlrsllccess. opcn anrs - congratLllationsancl cvcrl 11c51 hcartlcit It is a gr-eat.jo1' - long alvaiLcd- to herald this wclconre. lt is pcrsonai ar-rcl ancl I sinccrc srluLation on bchall'ol'tl-reClibur-n cotntnut.rity'torccognizc and rcecivc clcr)'one u'htr is parl ol Ll-riscompctition. Wrsdonr rind discctnmcnt, Lurstintinggcnerosrt;',selllessncss,ancl sacriIicczirc thc hirllurar-ksol.the cl'lortsol' thc nranl'rvl.roloinccl rvith Lhe Cliburn aclministlatiou to nrrrkethis tl-re"nragical thirtccnth." My adniiration rncl apprcciation lirl crrchol 1'ou entn'irte thc srneri of n-r1'hcarl with golclcn ctxcl. Fort Worth lcels privilegeclto host tl-reClibr-rrn(ion'rpeLrtior.r - ancl the Cliburn lovcs to clarnr Fort Wrrrth irs venuc #1. \\t open otr honrcs ancl our hcrrrtst-oot'rc cl'rcstr,villbe lillecl r'vith tl'rcgolcl of the irnclall. Our hope is that;,psr st.ri-tvcnil mcr-noriesthal nevcr tarnish or laclc.

ol its 50"' Thc Clibr-rr-u is at a rvritershedmarli in its histor;,rAL thc thrcsl-rolc[ it embracesthc futurc lvith cncrgy anrl cnthusirrsrn,llr lrirgc mcasurc annir,er-sirry, iteciruscof thc trenrcncloustalenLsol this gcncr:rtion ol aftisl-swho convincingly' i n t e t I t c t t h t l i t t t g u : t g r 'o fl h r 'u n i V e | s c r r n t l g i r c c l . '[ ] n i t t , , nt ( ) I l > ttti l l csl ) . l l ) ( j Cliburn will be thcrc to opcn thc stagedoors to thc rvorlcl,cncrrcling thc globe r'vith pcrlblnrances oI thc Cliburn laurcatcs. We irrvite 1,outo renrain with r,rsas we continuc thc.joLlrnc)'- lightir-rgthc u,a;'*ith not ol onr ou,n making, br-rtwith tlrc iarnppostsol brilljance ancl undelstanclir-rg, l ) e i l L ( ) n s . , ll t n r r u i s t 'sf L r l f i l l . '. 1C. o r r c t ; t l r ; i l t t r r t h r t n d l r t 't r t s p i t t'r ll r ; tl te t:tti i r r ttr ' ancl glow it ignites. Mnsic porvcrs an eternaL

fu-)M Alann BecllorclSampson



As we embark upon thc 50'r'annir.ersary cycle of thc Cliburn Ctrrnpctition, \vc conLinue Lo npholcl the noble tradition ol honoring thc highest achievernents in ruusrerl pcrf(rnlrrlnecthror"rghcompetltive e\.ents.Storiesabound of inciividual music competitions in thc nrnctccnLhccntur;: belorc competitions became institutronalized in I890 rvith the lbuncling of Lhc Ar-rtonRurbinsteinConl-rctititrn ir-r-SL.Petcrsburg. Holvever, it is r-nostinte rcslin{ ltr lcarn thrt Lhc traclition, rn fact, preclatesthe Russiirnconrpetition by some twe nty-lour ccnLurics-ln ancient Greecc therc rvere f t rrtI ntrri,rrPlrtltcllr'tti. (,ii |nc S.t r f r i hir ' h t hc t t l) nr Pit ( , r t n c s i l | c t h c h c s t- l <u , r w t t irnpoltirnce in Lhc sixth ccnLllfy BCE werc the Dclphic G;inres, LoclayrOl cclr-ral helcl rr-rhonor ol Apollo rvho, ar-nongstother irttlibntcs. wrs thc gr)LLol rnusic. A H ol; D , ' lph ir'fertcua stl,,l r r c dr lur ir r g, t ht ' c nlit ' r lr r r r r t

ir 'n o I t l t c g n n r c t . : t r r c l

i.rswas true of the oLher thrcc l'anhellenic Ganrcs,all wars r.l,ereceasedto allou,' llrrtli: rprnis rurcl.rtrtlicncesunfeslrictecltravel lo De lphr. What is parLiclrlarly fascinating,espcciallyfronr thc pel'sl]cetllctrf our currcnt clayr'vhcn the arts are iS t h. r t t hc Delphit ( , ilr llc s \ \ ' e|c ir I l l u S i L\ ( ) n r p c t i t i ( , l ll l t : rrnrc\ A hr llnte |.qtn altze.l. l rst . \p()rt5 rrcre t,ttl) lrtlt lt ' r lr r r r . h lalc r . f hc Fllr ) r L'Lon>i s l c dr r l l l t r t t '. k i t h a r i t r r n > l n ( icnt ' tIin gctl irtsttrtrrtr t t ) . llnr l r r r r ' ll |c r ' [ ( ) r nt r n( c s in V r t i t r r r st t r r n l r i n l l i t r r s . Il sccnrsinconccivirbLcttrdr)'Lhrrtri nrLrsicc(rrxpetition r'r,ouLcL for bc cz1r-lse stopping all w'arsar.rclopcnir-igall natlonrii boundarics. And ;,'etrlusic, oftcn callecl thc I:rnuurge, hirs plal'ccl rr clistingr-rishccl rolc in cultlrral cliplonrrrcy t]n)LlllLrr)trIthc tcntnlics. A r.ronderlul ancl fanlhirr-cxamplc close to home is, of coLlrse,Van Clrbr,rr-n's winning ol the Tcl-raikovsky' fslrtr.tition rn Mosctrrvchrlir-rg thc hcrght oI the (-olcl War. Curre nLl;',Danicl Barenbrrinrrs leccir ing interrurtional "to prnlnLlte attention for his fonnatior-rof the Errst-WcstDivan C)rcl'restra r-rnclelstnncling ht'trvct-nIsraclis ancl Palcslrniansancl pirvc the r,r'a1'1br a peacefr-rl ar-rclliril sr.rlutior-r of the Ar-ab-lslaeli conlhct."

All r,r.nrsma), not havc stoppccl,but thc bounclariesol thc cr'runLries h'om lvhich thc pirnLsts in r)Lu.errnlpctjuonhavc corne havc all becn opcned to aliorv thern to tra\.el Lo lrort \\(rrth. America lt:ts trnt'ncrl its hrlrllcrs to r,velcomethem all. ( 'n n t c : . l l t t l t , r u c r o l Mrl\ \\t : rll rclch rrrt,'.in the s pr r it , r f llr r ' r t t r c ienl Dc llr 1116 l n Ll: i( in hrin gin q us rll t,' t c lht r ' .

ffilL RicharclRodzinski



Participatingln the Cliburn Competitionwas very specialfor me, not only becauseof its greatreputation,but alsobecauseit gaveme the opportunity to come to the United States.I never expectedmy first visit to America to be so unforgettablelAnd this wasnt just becauseI happenedto win first prize. Most memorablewere the incrediblepeopleI met in Fort Worth and in many other citiesand towns I performedin following the competition.Many have becomefriendsfor life-people who support me no matter what happensin life and despitethe fact that we come from very differentcultures. If I haveany advicefor the 2009 Cliburn participants,rememberthat even if you havesuccessat somepoint in your career,the work it takesto be a great artist can never stop. Taking the time to learn about other areasof life is also quite important. And most of all, be patient with the world and yoursell when things don't go the way you thought they should. The Cliburn opensdoors that can lead to your finding your placein the world of classicalmusic. But it rs ultimately up to you to walk through and createthe next way forward




It is m1,absolutejoy and honor to wclcome you io thc 2009 Clibr-rrnCom|eti[ror.r. It is halcl to belicve fbur ycars havc passeclsince I r.vasi.nvrrdeclthe silr,ermeclal aL the 2005 Competition I was tcr-rifiec1 whcn I first anivccl in Fort Wcrrth as thc )'oulrgestur)llrilctil()r,sltrrounclcclb;,dozer-rsoi alreacl;'acconrPlished]lianists with apparcnt ncrves ol stecl. Igot to meet a][ the conrpctitors whcn r,'u,e {ust {rrthcruLl s|r:cLh lr,rrl RithrrrclRoclzinski.In the specch, Mr. in BassFIall lor our lvclc,rt.t.te R , rt lzirrskrtultl rr>lh :rl il)l lI \ e( ) nr l) r ' lilion. r , r h; r t f t r ll; , lr s t i n g r r r : h t ': r w i n n t r ts a person who is airlc tc'rconrr.nunicatchis/her trnc love for rnusic, in aclclition 1 ,rqf u.rl tr't h tticlu L;tttJ tlt, ; r hilit ; 1. ' f r nr l nt c r t ningiu lhc : , o n . I h n r u g h t r r r tt h c conlllctiLion, I nrirclernusic the only way I kneu,, focusing on horv to conrruunieatc n-r1'passion r,vithcr,'ery'.juror ancl auclicncemcrnber.

S irt e thc ctrmle titio n. ['r' c s ] r c nt a lot oI t r m e t r y ing t o c lef i n e r . v h r ti t i s t h a t ] ()1l)cr-[orlrnccs ]rtcr, want t() sil), through nr;'music rlaking. Ancl, clozcr-rs t think l'n'r a little bit closcr to fincliug that answer. l-he last thing I wish 1or be fore walking olrt ol1 the stageis alr,vaysthc s:rme: that t will find a wa1'to share m1, love lbr music. i hope the 2009 Cliblrrn Cornpetitirtn will be an cxhllaratrng cxpcrience, r.rotonly for-the |rrrtie i|rnts l'rut fpl evcrfor-tclister-ringin the audicnce



Thc Cliburr-rCon-rpctition hrs giver.r mc r1rc\treorcllnaryopltortr-u-rity to cliscover nr;'scJf rs r pers(rnrrrclrn artist.A]thoughyou will fincla very "intense"f'ew rveeksaheadwith no icleawhat t() exl)ectnexL,trust in yor-rrself and finclyourbleatl-rin the music. Enjtl1,thc nran)'events, your collczrgucs, and cspctirlly thc u'rrrrrthrncl support , , 1tl tc >tttt - our dit te, q ' nt t n ttn i ty -tl ri ri s :ttrc ttr b c e r rrn l i nrrt J sour' .c,' l cnel t) : ln( .-' ,.. l

\llCnirllt ....'.b.,.

f,tt tn .., . . ' . .,rttr ,/

V C l llS tt) ttr lllC. /



CABINET Ahnn Bcd[t'r-.1 Srmpson Cl'tairntcut WesieyR. Turner VtceChtrirntctn RicharclRodzinski Prcstclcnt CorneliaC. Blakc Sccrc tctry CarlaKemp Thornpson Ttcctsurcr KeurncthL. Barr D ct,t:|ttI menL Chuir ntcrn

r, R. Ttu'ne Weslc_y I-r: Ccu'laKcntpThontpstrn, C. Blctht' CorrtclLa

I-r: PriscillaW. Mctrtut,.lolutL. Hotarcl Ant'tF. Hutlson WillicrntE. Tttch.t'r.

Ttu'nt'rCorbett, l-r':RiccM. Tilley,Jt,.lcttni.ft'r YoungRcv,BurbaraA Cox Shannon

l-r: JeanRouclt,Htur.yE. Bartcl, Kcrrrri'ih L. Bnl, MoliicLasctlcr'

Harr1,E. BarteI Menrbcr.crtLttrgc Jenniler TunrcrCorbett i nc.sChai t n'tun Mii.sicaIAr,vrikcn BarbirraA. Cox rr.sChttir mtrn Clibur n Crrlrcc John L. Hotarcl Mcn'bcrat Lurgc Ann F Huclson Mcntbt'rut Ltugc M ollieLas a tc r Etlut cttiort Chctir ntcu'L PriscillaW Manin Mtmbt'r 0I Lqrgt' YoungRay 5l'rannon Httn'tcut Rr'souttes JcanRoach Mcntber crtLctrgc RiceM. Tillcy., Jr BylarvsChctirmcrn William E. Tucker g Chctirman Nomir,citir,



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ScottieBartel MercedesBass William R. Biggs VictorJ. Boschini,Ph.D. Vernon Bryant Tim Carter SueChalk Leland Clemons Gary Cole Will Allen Courtney JillA Fischer John R. Giordano RichardC. Glpson Tina Gorski NancyL. Hallman Anr-reHolland RandallHudson JelI King Ma rsh aHar r is onK leinhe i n z Wi l l i a mA. Landr et h. Jr. Kathryn Crunk Laughlin EddieM. Lesok Tim McKinney Kit TennisonMoncrief MarslandMoncrief Jude Ryan CharlesM. Simmons B. BlaineSmith ThomasL. Smith ScottA. Sullivan Anna BelleP Thomas William JosephThornton \ t rrr o h n ''" 6 ""


\/e n n e rh e rc


MariettaWatson Rinda RegentWenlworth Donna Axum Whttworth MarthaS. Williams Echo Wiison BOAR D Edward E Ahnert Shirley G. Anton Mary FrancesAntweil EllenAppel MichaelG. Appleman SusanneFergusonAvondet GeorgeAnn CarterBahan KaydeeBailey Kim Baldi Andrew Blake Lou Ann Blaylock PeggyLorimer Booher David G. Bucher

Amanda Bush LourseT. Canafax CarolynMcKenzieCarter NancyM. Carter Harriett A. Clemons Heywood C. Clemons Carroll W Collins DeniseJ. Collins Mattie PetersonCompton DeborahK. Connor GunnieCorbett RoseAnne Cranz Kathie Cummins JuanaRosaDaniell Kimberly Williamson Darden Lucy Darden GregoryT. Davis Mitzi DaViS MargaretW DeMoss Carol W Dunaway N4:r v ' - " 'l


J . '- , . - - '

T J r r p's c " ) - '"

Jos€Feghali Kenny Fischer John E. Forestner JamesRobertFredericks Fuller French MarciaFulier French CorneliaCheneyFriedman RichardFox Garvey RandallClifton Gideon Diego O. Giordano FeliceGirouard Laila Minder Gleason Cami Goff J. D. Granger SheilaGrant Caroip Grinstein GeraldGrinstein ElaineRubin Griver Adele Perry Hart MichaelJ.Hawley MelissaHicks Hollmanrr Ann House IsabelieB. Hulsey RobertL. Jameson Loren K. Jensen Craig L. Kelly Dana CateKelly JaniceKelly RaymondB. Kelly III JeanGrahamKemp Kathryn King TeresaKing Amy Korenvaes

ThcVanCliburnFoundationsalutcsPrincipalCorporattSponsor ExxonMobil

Lewis Kornfeld GaylordGlasgowLummis N r ) r m 2n

B "

T v nnc - t'- '.-

DarleneMann LouellaBakerMartin SharonA. Martin FlorenceMarzoItcr Olivia GougerMason TedMayo III David McDavid KayeBuck McDermott Betty ClaireMcKnight JosephJ. Minton,Jr. ScottMitcheil Whitney Hyder More DeniseC. Mullins EmmettMurphy DanaDeisonPorter Mary Jo Var-rghn-Rauscher GailW Rawl SarahC. Ray Beth Rivers John V Roach Lisa SidneyRose RosalynG. Rosenthal Ann Ryan Terry J Ryan RobertJ.Sell (treat



Dr. JarnesD. Spaniolo Dawn McDavid Srimavin SaraSterling KathleenB. Stevens NenetlaC. Tatum J. Andy Thompson RobertJ.Turner,M. D. William L. Vincent Anna JeanWalsh Jeff Wildin \r r 7 \7

\m r th

\A/r l l r .h c

PatriciaAnne Williamson Virginia L. Winker HerdeWolf StanWoodward ElaineYamagata D IR E C TOR S E ME R ITU S Nancy Lee Bass Van Cliburn Martha R. Hyder SusanB. Tilley H ON OR A R Y B OA R D CarolineRoseHunt



RichardRoclzinski P iesi dnei MarclaG:rroon Dircctoro.fFinanct' BLr.sint'ss Managtr MariaGuralnik GcncrctlMunctger Pat Lorir-ner SpccialEvcni.s Volnntt'er Co orclinato r SevanMelikyan Dirtctctrol Markcting & PublicRclcrtion-s ShieldsCollinsBlay Ar.fisficDirectoro.l Prctgrcrms Spt'cicLl ElizabethL. Delaney Directoro,fPublications / Crants€; Sponsorships

FronLrow I-r: Dianc Hughes,PaLLorimer,SusanRobertson, MarciaGaroon,LaurenNovak, ClaudiaParhs,Lindy Eubanh, Hale . Bach row: Elizabeth Delaney,Shields-Collins Bray, Janice RichurdRoclzinshi, Worley,Maria Guralnih,EmLlyWynne. SevanMelihyan,Su.sie

Lindy Eubank DeputyDirectorol Det,elopment SusanRobertson Directorof Education JaniceHale Assistantto the Chqirman Diane Hughes Assistantto the President MediaCoordinator LaurenNovak ProductionCoordinator Emily Wynne Associate Directorof Marheting & Public Relqtions Webmaster ClaudiaParks Donor AccountsCoordinator SusieWorley Ot'fceManager



The Van ChburnFounclation idenLifies and promotesthe linesttaientin classical musicworldwidethroughpianocompetitions, concerts,and educationprograms.The Foundationfulfills its missiolrby conductingthe quadrenniiilVan Cliburn lnternurtional PianoCor.npetition, by organizrngthe InternaLionalPianoCompetitionfor OutstandrngAmateurs,by producingannualconcert series,and by offeringeducationprogramsin Fort Worth and other North Texasschools.

VANCLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITION Winning the first InternationalTchaikor,sky Competitionin Moscor,v, at the height of the Coid War in i958, broughtVan Clibum unprecedented celebriLyfor an Amcrie;lnconccrt pianist.As he toured the worLdand sold millions trl rcctrrcls. he blought classicalmusic, often fbr the first time, to listenersof all ages.The Van Clibum InternationalPlanoCompetitionwas crcateclshortl;,thcreafterto perpetuate VanClibumsuniqr-re legacyof demonstratinghow classical music hasthe appealto Leachacr.rssall b.rrders.Trrdir)ltl.reCllburn Competition is considerecl one of the most significantmusiccompetitionsin the worlcl. Winnersrecen,enot only a cashprize,but thrce1'c:rrs ol'commission-ll-ee management aswell.The competitionhasgaincdinternationalrccognition brmanyof itsparticlpants thr-ough award-wrnningtclevision clocur.nentirnes, nationalradiosedes,3n6llqllrrclingst.rfwinncrs'Pcrformances.

INTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITION FOROUTSTANDING AMATEURS@ Inaugllratcdin 1999,thc InternationalPianoCompetitionlbr Outstanchng Amateursis the first of its kinclin the UnitedSurtes. This forum lor giltedamater-rr pranistsis open to musiciansagethirt]'fir'eand olclclwho do not eirrna living thror-rgh piano pcrlormanceor instruction.The weekkrng fcstivrlbringstr.rgcthcr seventy-fir'epolymathsfor ser,endaysof pelformilnccs, symposia,anclsocial events.The sixthAmateurCclnpetitionwill takeplacein 20I1

CL IBURN CONCE RTS Widcly regirrclecl as thc lbrelnostclzrssical perfomanccscricsin rhe rtgion, ClibtrrrrConccrLs leaturesthe worldb leadingrecitalists, enscurbles, anclr-ising 'fhc sLars. Cliburn Concertsseriesis pr-esentecl in BassPerfbnr.rance Hall irr.rdthe Moclelr.r Art Museunrol FortWorth

EDUCATION MLi-sical Arvakcnings sen.cs25,000 students l.r-orn ninetl,-thrce North fexas elementarl' schools, inclr,rclingevery clctncntary sehtrol in the Fttrt Wcrrth ISD. Each school teceites a live perlormance ;rnd interactivc l)rogranls lircusing on spccilic sets ol music, composers, and therr cr-rlturalsignificirnce. Materrals are integrateclinto the state-mancliltcclcurricuh-tm and adclressTEKS objectives. The Clibr-rrn also olfers prano lcsst'rns tr'r a stnall gror-tp of olttstancling MLtsicul Atvaiiening-sstr-rclcntsfree ol'charge. Adclitionall;,,thc Clibr-rrnstagcs frec er)lttlttLlnityeLrneertscach ycar for students ancl famihes.








AmericanAirlines' Cnysrrlln WaccoNER CHerurnsleTnusr. U.S. Tnusr



J.PMorgan Startblegram .xlkl


@) &





Fort Worth shylinc

In its youth, Fort Worth lvas a rongh-ancl-tumble lrontier

Downtown ForL Worth is a successstorl' fcu' cities can boast.

town, dusty ancl Lawless,home to the brave and the brawling,

C l i tt,..r i no

the soldier, the frontiersman, the outlaw. Tdday, Fort Worth

Fort Worths heraldedshoppinganclenterlainmentdistrici,

is ,rne ,rf rht l:rrtrt'sl t ities in Texas ancl the seventeenth-

now restoredto its original Victorian beauty and fiiled rvith re5t:l ul ' anl theatcrs. s. 5h,rps.muscumsand gallcr its. lnr l

largcst eit;' in the United States. It is a destrnation shaped by its revitalizeclclowntown, a world-renowned cultural arts di:t rict. hcr ut ilt r ll; pr c s c r v c r l W e' lc r n h c r i t c g e s i t e s . r n d maitrr-lcag r - rat e t f aet ions .

r Lv c ,

r r ner q

f,r r nr :r

r i r r u Ir ( ) r r nr l

S rrn rl ' t n e e

S rrt t rre

This thrrt;-fivc-bltrckrrca alsohouscs hotelsand residences. the $67 million Nancy Lee and Perry R. BassPerformance Hall, r,vhichopencclin May I998. Dubbed the "last great per{ormancehali built in the nventielh centur;,,"it is the

Originally seulecl in 1849 as an army olltpost at thc frinity

permanenthome for the citys plolessionals;'mphon;,,opera

Rrver, Fort Worth was one of cight forts assigned to protccl

tions,rncl and barllet companies, CasaMananaTheatreproclue

settlers on the adr,ancing fronticr. lrogrcss helpe d the r " ' t r'('l lL( l - >u- "l 'h t t r w n s h r d ,'rrrwino set llet nc nt s lr ' \ ' l'\ (' ll\ r l'l^^ 5 dl(ll

Also locatecl in SunclanceScluar"eis the Sicl Richardson

blown away,r'vith thc clust ol clepartlng pioneers. The cattle


incLus[r;'wrs king ft l a generation of people working the Fort

FreclericRemington and Charles Russell.

the prestigiousVan Clibr,rrnInternationalPianoCorr-rpetrttot-r. ,\l uscul Tl . l

.l^^., ^^-i-^ng .,-',,,..-1, i l r.w (rl K \ tl t,l (.c, S nour'J>l


r' )


\\(s l c l n

grc al s

Worth leg of the hrstoric Chisholm Trai1,ivhich ran from the 18 60 s L o the 1870s

The Fort Worth Water Gardcns anclConvention Center,which recently receir,eda $75 million expansion, occupy r'vhal r'vas

A visit to Fort Worth is not cornplete r.vithout sceing the famed

once Hells Half Acre , a bltrthcl- anrl salrron-packeddistrict

StockyarclsNationai Hrstoric District. it looks much the same lrrdrr rsil r lir l l( ) 0VC: r l' q1r ' rItn f : t ( . 1t hr . r . n t i r r j-v c n u C i : l r S t C d

where cowhancls had their lasLbit o[ fun befrrre heeding ..ut

on the National Rcgisterof Historic Places.The Fort Worth

center now attract pro[essionalmeetingsand tradeshowsfrom

Herd, the worlds orrly daily cattle drive , travels down Exchange

arouncl the world and host thousancls o[ vrsittrrs annu:rlly.

Ar.enue twice a c1ay.The Texas Cowboy Hail of Fame, located

The new Omnr Fort Worth Hotel recently openecl adjacent to

in the Stockyards' original mule barns, features the Sterquell

the Convention Center, and leati-rres614 rooms and 68,000

Wagon Collection of more than sixty authentic lifestyle wagons

scluar-efcet o[ mecting space. The Omni has .joined morc than 2,000 addrtronal hotel rooms in downtown and nearl1,

and honors the top cowboys ancl cowgirls in Texas.

on the ChishoLmTiail. Folt Worth:rncl its renewecl convention

I ) nnn


T h t T h i r t t c n th Co m p L ' L itio n M t:d ittPr o .jtctisn r r tdcposstbl c .Sporrsors lhr' City of Fort Worth and XTO Energy Inc.

r n,l r c

ni tv r v i ,'1,'


On the horizon for clou,ntown is the ambitious $400 r.r.riLlion-frinity Rivcr Visron prqect, rvhich will ltring a

Within wall<ing distance oI Fort Worths lnllsclrrrs are Casa

cornltlcte transformrrtic'rnto Lhe citys rivet. Thc 1t1ar-r calls ftir lirth' r'irrprfril]r.rr{.,1 tO inclucle a town lake ancl a hosl 'r

hosts equestrian ancl cattlc cvcnts 200 days cach ; Will Rogcrs Memonal Center is home to the Sc)uLhwestern

o{ recreational activities, as well as business, retail, and

Exposltior-r and Livestock Shor,v-the

rc s irlent irl tlr'r'tlu pn rcrrl.


Man:rnaTheatre ancl the Wili Rogers Memorial Ccnter, whicl-r

olclest crne in the

1cl annually

in .lanuary and Febrr-rar1'.Thc beautifr-rl114-acre Botanrc Garclenrs locatcd nearby as wel1.

One of the clefining aspects o1'Fort Wotth is its rvcalth o[ culturlrl institr,rlions,some noted internrtion:r1lyas the finest

l-hc Fort Wrrrth Zoo, consister-Ltl;' ranl<eclas one of Amcricas

in America. It is easl,to sce rvhl'Fort Worth is cor-rsiderecl the "Muscum CrrprLalolthe Southrvcst."The Louis Kahn-clesignecl

best, is world-renownecl fbr the natur-al habitat cxhibits Lhat

Kinrbcll Art Mnseunr, rccogr-rizcclrrs "Anrcr-iea'-s best snrall nrllserlnl," ancl the Amon (-irrter Muscum, r'cnolvnecllor its

exhibit, a n-raloradclition Lo thc Zoo shor,vcasingthe clivcrsit;.'ol

\Vestern anclAmcrican rlrrstc rl'rcucs, [rrrr-cgrrurci'eciu'orldrvidc

natrve animals and a replica o{ an I8c)0s Texas torvn. In slling

attention lor their co]leclitrnsrlnc[huildinq clcsigns.Thc Carter

o1 20t19, the Fort Worth Zoo will opcn the Muscurn trl Livirril

Lripleclits gallcr;' sltircealier a renoyali()n1n 2001 h1'ar.ehrtect

Art, the nations nrost ehte hcrpetirriur-r.

rcplicatc animals'honresir-rthc wilcl The populrr Tlxas Wilcl!

Itxas w.ilcllifcancl terr"arn,is set on cight acrcs and leatures 200

PhrlipJohr-rsonThc N4oclcn'r Art Museum of FortWorth-the statc'soldcst musr:unl. loltncleclin 1892-is nolv lrouseclin ir stunning rrer.vbuilcling dcsrgnc.l l.rv lr1l311s5c lrchitccL -[aclao

The l-exas Cn'il War. Museunr openecl in Jrnuary 2006 in northwest Fort Wrrrth ancl is artilact rich rvitir morc than

Anclo. Thc ]t4oclernmaintains one of the lorerrctstcctllcctictns

3,000 pieces anc[ seventy'l)ags. It is the Lar"gest Cir,'il Wzu'

, rl n(rql-\\.r':lll in llrc r, nttl ll UniLr J > t lt t c : .

muserlm rvest of thc Mississippi Rivcr.

The National Colveii'L Muscnr.n ancl Hall o[ Fanre, housed

Or-rcof thc finest aspcctsof cnltr-rrallifc in lrort Worth rs tl-re

in a 5i21 millior.r lacilitl' designecllt1' Davicl Schwirrz, honors

\hn Cliburn Inlcrnationirl Pi:rnoCornpetition. Er.'cry. follr ),ears

wonlen u,ho cnrbocly. the spilit of the American West,

lhe lvorlcl'.sgreaicst yor-rngpirrnists qlthcr in the crty Lo vic

inclr-rding p:rinter C'colgia O'Kcelle, Wcstern sharpshooter

for thc u(rlctcd pr-iztsrncl ellgagenlents that launch clrrssical

Annie Oakie)', allthof Laur-a Ingalls Wildcr, ancl Sr-tltlcn.rc

t i l u >i ( 'r 'J | c c r '5N. l u s i t l t l l t i t r n l t r l o sa r o u t r d l h r g l , r l 'r ct r '( ( ) t l t) i zc

Court.lustrcc Sandla Dey O'Connor. It is thc onl;' lllLrscum

Lhc Cirbr-rrnas onc of the lbrcn.rostpiirno competitiolls.

of its kind in the u,'orlcl.Cln'r'rntl;-unclcr lctrovrtion, the Fort Wtrrth N4user-rm ol Scienceancl History ri'ill sor'xroffer hands-

With r populatior-rexccecling 702,850 people, Fort Wortl-r

on cxhibits to clehght chilch'cn anc[ irclulLsalike, ranging

is home to somc of Lhe countrys nlajor corporatir)ns and

lront Lone Star Dinoszruls tr) urrllputur sLiL-nce . Thc new

rnannfacturer-s, rnclr,rciing Anrericitn r\ir1ir.res, RirclioShack

spxcc, clesrgncclbf ircclirinreclarcl'ritectlLririhnn Lcgorcttir &

Corpor-atLon,Picr 1 In-rpolts,Burlington Northcrrr -SantaFe Raih-oircl,anci Locl<hcecl lr4artin TircticrrlAircrirft Systems 1 olt

Legoretta,rvili opcn in tl-rcfall ol 2009.

\Airrth rs {:onsistcntl)'r'ankeclas onc of thc top places in the naLion to r'vor-k,live, ancl do business. The city gru'ncrcd rr r.najorhonor' r1sone of "Arncricas Most Lir.ableCor.nmur.ritie s" Ior the ten-year pcriocl of 2004-201,1, one of onl;' tcn largc c i t i e ss o n a m e d . Whiie Fort Worth urnintains1tshtstoric ties as tl.rccit1,'' tl.reWest begins," it also hrrsestablishecl a replltation Ior r-rrban srrnl-risrii ,tirrn :rrd : r'cle[;21teCl corrneCtirtnlo the tfrts. ln FOft Worth, cou,lrol'sancl cr-rlturecan cocxist pcacelullyr For nrore intornration, rtisil the Fort WttrLh Convcntictn c\l

Nanry LccunclPcrry R. BassPerformancc Hall

Visitors Bnreau aLu'rl,'r,


Arnerica First Insttrance'


.'.'''' $fiftSl,':,,'



a. S, r / . r I

\ h'h i r i n q


G,qnntsoxPnnnvgns &rNsuLt-tNc; r ( r r .{ ' r iliJlr llr ilr nf) \.0r )

For residentialunitsat West 7th at Baileyand West 7th at Arch AdamscallB17-332-4447or




T H EW O N D E O R FT HEM ANVANCL IBURN T H ET H R I L O L FT HECL IBURN COM PET IT ION T H EC L I B U R C N EL EBRAT ION CONT INUES! We have launched a period of time in which we celebrateVan

have returned: the Tak6csQuartet, JamesConlon conducting

Cliburn and his remarkablecontributions - through his music and the competition founded in his honor - and the love that

R. BassPerformanceHall, cutting-edgemedia coverage,six

emanatesfrom his presence.On an April night in Moscow fifty

audition sitesin China, Russia,Germany,Switzerland,and the

years ago, Vans victory at the first International Tchaikovsky

UnitedStates. and pnzesplus winners'tours.

the Fort Worth S;'rnphonyOrchestra,the Nancy Lee and Perry

Competitionchangedhis life and ours, and made an indelibie mark in history that continuesto be celebrated.The air has

All this would not be possiblewithout the inspiration of our

remained full of his music and memories,beginning with the

beloved Van, of whom Secretaryof State CondoleezzaRice wrote in her congratulatorynote: "...Lhe body of your work

March 2008 Gala, followed by national television and radio broadcasts,pnnt media, and blogs on the Cliburn website: that you havebuilt throughout your life reminds us that one of the deepestpurposesof art and musicis to reflectwhat is noble and bestin the human soul." This year the Cliburns ThirteenthCompetitioncomesto Fort

Worth and BassHali, and the celebrationcontinues.The stage Tom Schieffer,American Ambassadorto Japan,sent this special is set for competitors and patrons full of anticipatton. Many messagefor the March I gala to "one of America's greatest volunteershaveassumedthelr positions.Familiarcomponents icons-Van Cliburn":

ThePresident and FirstLadyashedmc to conveytheirpersonalregretsthat a previouslyscheduled StdteVisit madeit trnpossible for themto attend.Wewereall inWashingtona coupleoJweehsago,talhingabouttonightandhowspecial Vanis to all oJus.We recalled how nobodywho was therewill everforget the openingoJTheBallparhin Arlingtonon Apdl 11, 1994.It wqsan electricmomentwhena boisterous crowdof almost50,000baseball t'anscd.meto absolute silenceso theycouldheareverynotethqt VanplayedoJthe "StarSpangled Banner."Thenhe stoodand led us againin chorusof our NationqlAnthem.Neyerwereany oJusprouderto be an Amencan. boisterous BuL thenagain,the storyo.fVanCliburnis the storyof Americaat itsb6t. A git'tedyoungboyfrom Klgore,Texas, lovedby a motherwho wasa gfted teacherherself , wantedto play musicliheit had neverbeenplayedbeJore. He studied,hepracticedandhe dreamedbigdreams. Ftfty years ago,he tooh thosegiftsand thosedreamsto Moscow.And, he changedtheworld. Whenyou seethepictures, you canseeit in theeyesof theaudienceat that mlment VanCliburntouchedthe soulof Russia. YearsLaterwhen MihaelGorbachev heardVanplay MoscowNrghtsat the WhiteHouse,thosememoiesmadehim weep. VanCliburnneverheldoffce. BuLhe did morethanany president or any diplomatto showRussicrrs thetrue heart oJAmerica.Weqreqll in hisdebt. I ashyou now,to.ioinwith me in a toast- to musicand thepeaceit canbringto a troubledworld.And, to VanCliburn theyoung sono.fTexaswhosedreamsappealed, in Lincoln\phrase,'to thebetterangelsoJour nature'. We love you, Van




Brr's Von ClLbtu'nandNancYLee Benond KaYForf'son



j "tu .

' ""i .r,i..


der VanCliburnand MorthaH1


otirho d MarslandMonciet'' andCliff Condrev Georgittcr



't'l-iliwHITE Hotisu wAslilN(;roN Iicbruarr l(r- l(X)ll

I s c n d g re cti n g 5l o th {}srcclcbr atingthc 5( ) thanni\cr sar } ' { ) 1- Vao Clibur n 's \ \ i D i l t th e l i rst l i l tcrn r(i ()nll I chaikovskl ( or r r pctition.l- r ur a and I ar e ( honorcd to srr\ e ils I Ionorar) hairs ol this speciale\ crl. I I a l l t crn tu r) a g o . V a n ( lihur n inspir edour Nntion thr oughhis anistr c lalcnt and helped shattercultural baricrs at thc height ol the Colil \lar. I Iis uinning pcrlbnnancc in N4oscowcarncd hirn lhe adorationol his lellow Amcricans and the respectul'rvorld-classnrusicians.'Ihis crcnt is an oppoflunit) lo cclcbratcthat historic Yictorl and to honor all thar Vun ('liburn has ikrnc lirr classiculnrusic in our courtry arrdarotrrtl thc lorlcl.

Jolm Kleinhcinz,Vqn Clililrn, Mcu'shaKlcinhcinz

I apprc!iatc thc \ran ( liburn ljoundationand all those rvho sorked to rnlkc this cvrnt a succcss. I also scnd rnl'curgratulationsto Van ( liburn on this r l r o m cn to u s(tccrsi ()n Y (l ur talfr l has br oughtjoy to uur citizcnsand is a l ( s l J n tcr)tl 0 tl tc rrcl tu u l l u r ( ,r l .\Dt( n( it Laura arrd I scrrdour hcsl qishes lirr r nrentorirbleutcnt.


I'ttLSl l ) tl N 'f Ol r l l 'l tl R t.l SSl nN F l i l ) l 'IR ATION

lllarch l. 20(){l Moscow. Kremlin

'l'o thâ‚Ź Parlicipanls ol the (;ala Receplbn on ihc Orcasion of thc 50'nAnnivercary of Van Cliburn's Victory at lhc Firsl lnternational T'chaikovskyCompetition

I arn rlelightcdto con[iratulateMr. Van { libum and all thc participants01'this

Antbctsstttlcn und Mrs. Ushahov, VanCliburn

cclebrationon the rctnarkable.luhilce the 50rr'anniversaD ol thc clistinguishcd nusician's win at the International'lchaikovskl Compctition. A trulv triumphant perlbrmanccb;- the American pianist back in l95ll in Moscow happcncdto be not only a spectacularand memorablsevent in the culttrral lilc, but also a disrinctivcsymbol o1'encouraging changesin the rslationsbctwecnour nations and pcoplcr. Il was cultural cu)pcration and dircct dialoguc bctrvccnour citizcnsthat hclpcd in nranl rcspectsto lhaw the ice of the Cold War. It is importantk) note that over lhc pastdccadesMr. Van Cliburn has remaincd a g<xrdliiend ofllussia. Ilis long-standingcharitablc.educationaland leachinguork. his notablcpcrsonalcontributionto strengthcningpcoplcto-pcoplecontactshelwcen Russiaanrlthc t 'nilcd Strlesr.lcscrr c gLnuin( rcs;rccl I cordialll wish Mr. Van C lihurn and all thc participantsof the rcceptionncu crealivc$ucccs\csilnd all the ven,hest.


", ' (':.1,27;24'; 2:-/ V l adi nril \rti r n



'...Promise os thedownoppeors turnsto light, ond thedorkness thotyou'llcherishthroughthe possingyeors

thotmostbeoutiful Moscow night.....' I





when von won heortsond pnze,

o timecelebroted by oll undertheseTexosskies.



The Van Cliburn Foundation recognizes with heartfelt appreciation and deepest gratitude the generous underwriting and gracious support from each of the following: STEER ING CO M M I T T E E Mr. and Mrs. Edward P Bass Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeP Bush Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminJ.Fortson Mr. and Mrs. L. R. French,Jr. Mrs. Martha RowanHyder Mr, and Mrs. DeeJ.Ke11y Vr rn d Vrs lohn I M ano n Mayor Mike Moncriefand Mrs. Moncrief Mr. and Mrs. RichardWesleyMoncrief Mr. ThomasSmith Mrs. Kelly R. Thompson, Chairman Mr. WesleyR. Turner, I l n d e rwr itinn Chair r nan

Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminJ.Fortson Mr. and Mrs. L. R. French,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. DeeJ.Keily Mr. and Mrs. John Klelnheinz Mr. a n d Mr s . J ohnL. M r r io n Mr. and Mrs. RichardWesleyMoncrief The T. BoonePlckensFoundation

Mrs. PerryR. Bass I hp { ,rrh Ptt t ' . I.\ /- / .F4m . ^. CrystelleWaggonerCharitableTrust, Bank of America,Trustee The PangburnFoundation,JPMorgan ChaseBank,N.A., Trustee

Kim and GlennDarden

Mr. and Mrs Edward P Bass Cornehaand Jim Blake Mrs. Martha RowanHyder

BNSFRailwayCompany Joanreand Toby Darden | , r ,.,,F\a ..1^. ^A . ^; t \ V r ll i a m s o R n awl \ \ 'ill i a mS Dav isF am ily

Fort Worth Star-Telegram F d d i eI e s o k/ \ 4arpernd N ateMcGrew P ri s c i l l a n dJ o eMarti n Stacieand David McDavid Mr. and Mrs. ThomasH. Puff / Mr. and Mrs. PeterSterling,Jr. ReginaRogers,tn lovingmemory of Rildia BceanclHarvey Lat,at't CliburnandJulieand BcnRogcrs CharlesSimmonsand CarolineRoseHunt T e x a sC h ri sita n U ni versi ty Mr, and Mrs. Keliy R. Thompson Jeanand Bill Tucker/ toqf



kn 4 r 'n

William E. ScottFoundation

Alcon - A Deielopment AllianceTexas o I H i l l w o o d .A P erotC ompany Mr. and Mrs. Kevln Avondet/ M r. a n d Mrs. B rkcrC cntl y Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bahan Mrs. SamH. Berry SueandJohn Allen Chalk,Sr. Bank Con.rpass Estherand Wlll A. Courtney Barbaraand Ralph Cox and Ron Daniell Juana-Rosa Fifth AvenueFoundation/ CanteyHangerLLP Jili and CharlesFischer Fort Worth Chamberof Commerce Frosl Sa1lyS. Fulwiier Fellceand Marvin Girouard/ LeonardRobertsFoundatlon uarllr




M r. a n d Mrs Wi l l i am P H al l man.Jr. Harris MethodistFort Worth Hospital Haynesand Boone,LLP Peioe Hendr i i ,. *...-.nory ,'t .-.b -,.,..-. "h< olJoanElizabethPerhtnsKelly Alberta Hogg Mr. and Mrs. EdwardR. Hudson,Jr. JacksonWalkerL.L.P Melinda and JerryJohnston Mrs. AndrewJ. Kemp/ Mrs. PaulW Mason

LockheedMartin Luther King CapitalManagement Mary PotishmanLard Trust RindaR. Medary Fmmatl


I in/I4


l\/lr rrhh\r Nif,,Ynh" "'"'v"l

OmniAmencanBank Mr and Mrs. DavidM. Porter PRICEWATERHO USECOOPERS LLP RosalynG. Rosenthal Alann BedfordSampson SouthwestBank SteinwayHall - Dalias, Fort Worth, Plancr Mrs.John R. Stevenson l AVa <



K4 n k

We1lsFargcr Donna and BryanWhitworth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winker XTO EnergyInc. SPECIALTHANKS AmericanAirlines Skyy Spirits W orthi ngtonH ote l Thc R cnai ssance Madhouse-JimmyMowry Neiman Marcus Miller Beer Warren Prescott SprintPress Curtis Butts EileenThurman Robin Sanders-Sanders Tiavel Centre PSthe Letter TerrellLamb V E R YS P E C IA LTH A N K S Mrs. BenjaminJ. Fortson Mr. DeeJ.Kelly Mrs. RichardWesleyMoncrief Kimbell Art Museum RichardFlowersand The EventsCompany The City of Fort Worth


Bringing renewaHc energy to Sundance Square



Cliburn had only a few monthsto preparefor this etrmpetition, It wasjust fiftyyearsago-on April but in a way his whole life had beenleadingup to lt. He had only two prano teachers.His mother was born ln McGregor, t4, I958-that VanCliburnwon Texas, but her principalLeacher wasArthur Friedhelm,a pupil Tchaikovskyof the legendaryFranzLiszt.Friedheimhad a Germanname, the firstInternational but he was born in St. Petersburg,and beforehe went to Liszt in Moscow. Competition he had studiedwith the greaiestof the early Russran pirnists, T h at victory mad c th c lank y t wc nt y - t hr c e- y ear - old pir n i s t l r om K ilgtrre . lexrs. en inlc r nat ional eelc br it ; : his r et u r n to America was marked by a ticker-Lape parade through the streets of New York City. Over the next few years he became t rnc of t hr de finin g mu s it ians ol his t im e- and not ju s t because he had "beaten the Russians" a I'ew months after the Russianshad beaten us by launehing Lhc first satellite, Sputnik. r r r e c , n ,)l l a q n c , t L) hic Ior ./ \, - qr ..., \/ir ..-.. -.)v te lp re m l er - r , .i,t . i,.1- *. Nikita Khrushcher,'himself had to be consulted before the .jury could award the prize to an Amcrican.But Cliburn prelers to downplay this dimension of his story, quotrng a prccc oI advice his grandfathergaveto his mother and first piano teacher,Rildia BeeO'Bryan Cliburn "Never engagein " Ptrl i l i c si 5 a g r eat p.,l i ti cs.'j udgc O B r y ant c rl dh i s d a u g h te r. art, but it is a divisiveart. Classicalmusic is for everyone,a1l over the world." Thpre

What unified Cliburns audiencesin Moscowand ever)'where he went for years afterward was his communrcativeartistic achier.ement, his depth and generosityof leeling,and the missionaryzeal he feelsfor the gospelof music. With these human and artisticqualities,he burst through the iron eurtarn between his country and the Sovlet Union that had been firmly drawn for more than a decade.SovieLmusicianswere amazedthat Cliburn was not the Americanmonsterdepicted rn Sovietpropaganda-and astonishedthat he playedRussran music better than most Russranpianistsdid. He becamean lnspiration to many generationsof younger artists toiling away in practicerooms around the world and helped make his own country saferfor music and musicians. Today Cliburn lives in Fort Worth. a largehome fil1edwith memorabiliaand pianos.He takesa iively interest in the quadrennialcompetition founded in his name by his many admirers,and in its winners and competitors.And he st i l l o cca s r onally v ent ur eso u t ro p e rl o rm. Recently,the pianist, in a gregariousmood, settleddown on the phone to talk about a subjecthe usuallyprefersto avoidhimself,and specificallyhls youngerself,the conqueringhero who becamean Americanicon.

Anton Rubinstein. JuilliardsRosinaLhevinne,Cliburnsother teacher,wasalsoRussian,Russian-tmincd, and the widow o[ the gr-eatRussianpianisLJosei Lhcvinne.Cliburns pianistic upbringingtook placein Texasand New York,but it was also all-Russian. "I prew rrn hearinsabout Mr. Friedheimand all the other great pi ani stsof that ti me." C l i hurn rccal l s. My mot her didn't kndw nursery rhymes, srr rnstcadshe would tell me storiesabout Liszt and Chopin. We had a wind-up VicLrr'rla and a decentlibrarytrI recordings, on breakable7Bsin those days,so we would listen to the great Rachmaninoffand she would talk about the thrilling world she had lived in. She painted picturesrn words and it took my breath away.I had to iearn later what a nurservrhvme was!" The first announcementoi thc Tchaikovsky Competition reached the New York offices of Steinway & Sons, the eminent piano manufacturlng firm, early in September, 1957. "A friend lrom Steinwaycalledtc.rtell me about it," Ciiburn remembers,"and not long after that Mrs. Lhevinne calledme too. Both of them felt it would maybebe a good thing if I were to enter the drdn't take much persuading-l just wanted to go to Russiaso much. When I was five yearsoid, my parcntsgaveme a picture book about world history for Christmas,and in it there were pictures of St. Basil'sCathedraland the Kremlin. I wanted to so and see them right then and there." To get to Moscow,Cliburn took his hrst ride on a jet. "l left New York on the evenlngol March 26 and it was a circuitt'lus trip: Boston,Paris,Prague.The Pragueto Moscow leg was a iet; we didn't havecommercialjets. When the piane landed a little militiaman cameon and checkedmy passport.I smiled at him and he smiled back. A nice lady from the ministry of culture came up to meet me: 'Mr. Van Kieeburn?Welcome to Moscow' 'WhereverI am staying,'I askedher, 'could we pleasedrive past the Church of St. Basilfirst?'I wanredro see it that very night, and it was breathtaking." For the competition, Cliburn had to prepare a substantial repeilory Someof the works were alreadycornerstonesfor him. He had played the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Concertowith the Housron Symphony Orchestrawhen he




was twelve,and in 1954 therewas a nationalbroadcastoi the work with the New York Philharmonicunder the directlonof Dmitri Mitropoulos, parL of Cliburns prize for winning the prestigiousLeventritt Award. At nineteenhe played his first performancesof Rachmaninoffs Third Concerto. The format of the competition meant he could play familiar works like these,but he alsohad to learn pieceshe had never seen or heard, such as a movementof Tchaikovsky'sGrand Sonatain G, a Prelude and Fugue by Taneyev,and a new piece wrltten especialiyfor the compelition by the Russian composerDimitri Kabaler.'sky. " Dm it r i Mi tro p o u l o sw a s v e ry h e l p fu l to me and got me t he m r r s icfo r th e s en re c e sA n d h e rrrp e dme to choosethe TaneyevHe told me that Taneyevwasan icon for composition at the Moscow Consen'alory,of which he was at one time the director. I loved the Kabalevskypiece,a rondo, and wanted to record it. But he wanted to reviseit first, and never got around to it, so that projectwent by the wayside."

"l can't explain it," he says. ''but it was a wonderful, comfortable experience. I never felt any uncomfortable moment. The peoplewere so enthusiastic,and for me it was so i nteresti ng to pl ay for an audi eneefor whom t he st udyoI music as a languagewas mandatory.In this country I think every school should teach the ianguageof music too. The Russiansknew the piecesyou were playing, you could leel their eiectricity.It was thrilling to know that they knew whaL y uu


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In the second round the responsewas even wilder, and Cliburn feverspreadfar beyond the GreatHall becauseparts o[ the competition were broadcastand televisedon lhe state channels. In the third round, alter Cliburn had playedthe Rachmaninoff the tumultuous standrng Concerto,the.luryrepclrtedly.loined ovation. "Thats true," Ciiburn admits. "I was not supposed to go back onstageafter I had bowed, and the jury was not but Gilelscameand pulled mc supposedto comebackstage, out in front of the audienceagainand kissedme. That was a momentI cannotbeginto describe."

On April 2, at 9:30 'ur'r-pre-dawn by Cliburn standards sv6n thsn-1he pianist openedthe first round with the B-flat Minor Preiudeand Fuguefrom Book i of Bach'sWdl-Tempered Therewasanothernrght of performancesby other contestants Clavter.The preludeis emotionallycharged,and the complex and there was also some drama in the .1uryroom: some flve-voicefugue asksfor whom the bell tolls. membersof the lury were targetingtheir scoresso that the Cliburn must have been nervous."I never had any contact leadingSovietcontestantwould win, but they were olfsetby other membersof the jury who were doing the samething ln with the lury until afterthe competrtionwasover,but it was a reverse.And even when it becameclear that Cliburn had tcr frighteningand lormidablegroup, and they sat nght rn front win, the declsioncould not be announceduntil after it had of the sLage,at a long tabie coveredwith greencloth. I could clearedwirh Khrushcher,'. such eminent been seeIthe composer]Dimitri Shostakovich, land pianistsasl Emil Gilels,SviatoslavRichter,and all the others. "l didn't find this out uniil years later," Clihurn says. And the Great Hall is haliowed ground becauseof all the "Khrushcher.'s son, Dr. SergerKhrushcher',teachesat Brown people who have perlormed there, and the beloved music University,and he told me how they cameto seehis father." that was premieredthere." But Cliburn was alsoat home with the music he was playing. "My mother gaveme the preludesand fuguesof Bachwhen I was a child, and she alwaysmade me sing the fugue theme, The human voice was the first musical instrument,and our job as pianistsis to take the piano,a percussioninstrument, and meld the manual work wiLh the pedal in order to create a srngingquality." Next came a Mozart sonata, and the first indication that Cliburn was making a strong impact on the public. "I was shockedat the reaction,which was so very enthusiasticand gracious.I had to stand up twice." Cllburn spent a lot oi his time practicing between rounds, but he also walked around Moscow with some of his oid Americanfriendswho were in the competitionand someof his new Russianfriends


The lormal announcementthat Cliburn had won did not come until a ceremonyon Monday,April 14. "Shostakovich gaveme the award, Do you know what I felt like? I [e1tas if I had been rewardedfor twenty yearsof hard 1abor,given a passportto explorehow many placesI could havethe pleasure o[ going to, how many audiences] could 6ssr \A/inninoa competitionpresentsa cycleo[ opportunities." Meanwhile,Cliburns semifinaland final rounds had been reporLedon the front page o[ the New YorlzTimes,although Cliburn didn't know it yct. When the ceremony was over and he couid finally escapethe mob scenes,Cliburn called home. " l w assri l l l i vi ngi n K i l gorei n my head.I calledm y par ent s and I askedmy mother to pleasecall this iady we knew and tell her that I had won. All she saidwas,'Honey,she already


knows.' I had no idea.And when they had the paradefor me in New York, I thought, 'We11,now the people in the next town know who I am."' Cllburn sayshe was "flabbergasted" by the parade.And his family helped keep his feet on the ground. "As we stood wa i ti n g[or t he c ar .m y mo lh e r s a i dto me .' Asy o u a re ri d i ng along, be thinking of what you are going to say.'What I did say was that I was grateful for all this attention, but I also hoped people would realize that what I was really grateful Ibr was that they were honoring classicalmusrc. I felt I was only an instrument,a personwho was a messenger. The main t h ru st. th e r eal t hr us t . \ a s Ih a t p e o p l ew e re re a l i z i n gthe value of greatclassicalmusic." A l th o u g hhe has play edo fte n fo r p re s i d e n Lmo s . n a rc h sa. nd potentateson ceremonialoccasionsof every kind, Cliburn alwaysrefusedto get involved in the politrcalside of things, even when his admiratlon of Russia and Russianswasn't r rni.terca


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'l l n e o n lewant edr o r s e m e o r c l a ts i c amu l s i c l o r n o l rtrcal purposes,"he says,"that was fine, but I wasn't involved in pol i ti cs.s o I didnt hav e to b e b u rd e n e db y a l l o f th a t. My interestwas the universalityof classicalmusic, the capacityof music to enrich the soul, and that is for everybody" Cl i b u rn tr ied t o k eep m i n d fu l o I th a r d u ri n g th e tw enty seasonsof whirlwind activity that followed: 100 concertsa year, recordings,radio and televisionappearances. Possibly only Liszt and Paderewskiamong previous pianrstswere as universallyfamousas the modern media-madeCliburn. Today Cliburn says he always felt renewed by audiences. "My family was very community oriented,and I grew up in a town where most everybodyknew eachother-you had to be carefulif you misbehavedbecauseyour neighborswould tell your mother and daddy! I was never anonymous;I grew up i n a si t uat ionwher ep e o p l ek n e w me . th a t w a sa p a r t o[ li+; "-,1 r 1^.,^^.^^1. "

understandwhat you want to be clearabout.You alwayshope you havesomethingto say,and of coursethe greatcomposers al w aysdo. \ou are real J;i n the rote o[ a r' rai ter. serr anga wonderful dinner." A ftertuentr vc:rrsi n thc evenf the storm ni ani sttook an .". v' "'. the unannouncedsabbaticalfrom public performancethat iasted nine seasons."I never dreamedit would go on so long. But it was a very happy time for me. I adoreopera,for example, and I now had the opportunity to hear so many of the great singers." Encouragementto re-enterthe fray camefrom an unexpected quarter.In 1983, Emil Gilels played what turned out to be his last performancein New York beforehis death."We were having dinner, and I was afraidhe was going to scoldme. But insteadhe said,'Bravo.You took time o[f. You were so wise to do that, to havesome life for yourself.'But then he added, 'I feel that when you play the next tlme, it will have something to do with Russia.'And it did-when I was invited to play for Presidentand Mrs. Reaganand Soviet general-secretary Mikhail Gorbachevin 1987 " In the two decadessincethat legendaryWhite Houseconcert, Cliburn has restrictedthe number of hls appearances, but he has no intention of taking another sabbatical."Conductors and lnstrumentalistskeep on going until the end, or until they can'tanymore.Music ls alwayspart of your llfe." Occasionallypunditswonderifanymusicalcompetitioncould createanotherphenomenonlike Cliburn. The answeris that it isn't soins fo hannen No one wouid want to recreatethe political situation within which rt developed;no one would want to live through anotherCold War. More to the point, rt would require the emergenceof anotherVan Cliburn. RichardDyer wroteaboutmusicin fheBoston GlobeJor thirtythreeyearsandremainsactiyeasa writer,teacher, andlecturer. As a child in Ohlahoma,he heardVan Cliburn'sbroadcasto.f the Tchaihovshy Concertowith the New YorhPhilharmonicin 1954 andnevergotoverit.

Later he adds, "There are some things you can't get from living rn hotels. I have never been that happy with anything I ever did. As Rachmaninoff said, your horizon is always receding. You know all your own faults and frailties, yet you always w anl so mu ch . Ultimate ly y ou need t o go and do t hings t o re-inspire and revitalize yourself." Cliburn has studied public speakrng; his resonanl voice was made for preaching and the art of old-fashioned oratory. P laying the p ian o is like t aik ing. A s peak er m us t c lea r l y e n unciat e wha t he is sayr ng.At t he piano y ou t r y t o s pe a k ' i u s t as lha l th e las t per s on in t he las t balc ony r . ri l l


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RETU RNI NG T I CK E T S Patrons holding tickets that they are unable to use are encouragedto return them to the box olfice or to one of'the two information desksflorresale.Patrons may lax their torn ticket(s) to Central Tickets ar 817.335.2449, or they may call the box office aL 817.335.9000 or the Van Cliburn Foundation office at 8I7.738.6536 for more information, The box offrceand inlbrmation desk are locatedin the lobby of BassPerformance Hall. Pleasehelp us ensurethar no seat goesunfilled!

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found articlesmay be delivered;and the jury handbook (containingall rules and voting procedures)may be viewed at thesedesks. P H OT OGR AP HA ICN D ELECTRONIC DEVICES Cameras and recording devices: The use of cameras,camcorders,and any recordingdevlcesduring performances of the ThirteenthVan Cliburn lnternatlonal PianoCompetitionis strictly prohibiLed.

Cell phones, beepers, and alarms: G EN ER A LRULE S Cell phones,beepers,alarms,and other Ag" restrictions: Patrons must be signals must be disconnected before twelve years or older to be admitted tcr the starl o[ competition perlbrmances. competition performances. Physiciansand others who are on call should either use silent alarms or give Latecomers:Therewill be no lateseating their seatlocationto the box office. during any recital in any round. During the orchestraperfrrrmances, latecomers Hearing aids: Pleaseensure that the will be seatedonly at the end of the first volume is kept at a low enough level to movementof the first concerto,or at the avoid electronicfeedback. conclusion of a concerto.As a reminder t o a l l a u dienc em em be rs :p l e a s cs ta y P AR KIN G seated until the conclusion of every Freeparkingis availableon thestreetalter ncr{nrmanna 6:00 pu dailyand on weekends, and after 5:00 pv in the CarterBurgessPlazaYalet Latecomers and young children Garagelocatedat 7ll CommerceStreet, accompanied by adults may view the and at City CentersI and II. performances live on closed-circuit televisionin the Van Cliburn RecitalHall P IAN ISS IM OP, LE A S E in the Maddox-Muse Center, located Patrons are earnestly requested, lbr acrossthe street from BassPerformance the sake of the musicians,the audro e nr l nthr Hal1on the corner of East4'hStreetand r er nr dino< . . . . , 'r p a tr o n s . 1 0 Calhoun. m ak e ev er y e l l o | t r o s u p p r c s s t h e i r CL IBU RNG I F TS HO P Competition souvenirs, memorabilia, program books, and CDs and DVDs of all recitals are availablefor purchasein the Cliburn Gift Shop, located in the lobby of BassPerformanceHall.

coughs and make as little noise as possible. During the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, all performances are videotaped for the documentary and recorded for commercial release on the harmonia mundi record label. Excessive audience noise not only mars the concertgoing experience for others, but also can ruin a recording, rendering it unusable

the Van Cliburn Foundation and its distinguished performing artisrs t'rf an important opportunity for nationaland internationalexposure. COMPETITION RADIOCOVERAGE Texas Christian University's radio station, KTCU FM 88.7, will provide live coverageof the entire Thirteenth hostedby el assi cal C ompeLi ti on, music directorRosemarySolomonsand Byrwec Ellison.Productionandtechnicalsupport of theselive broadcastsare provided by KTCU. Ti.rneto KTCU FM 88.7 The Choice to hear the Cliburn Competition sessionsyou cannot attend in person. WRR ClassicalI01.i FM will cover the Thirteenth Competition via live and taped interviews and news reports, and will also broadcastthe Flnal Round of the competi ti oni n i ts enri rety .WRR will air excerpts o[ performancesfrom throughoutthe competitionas well. CABLETV D el rved brrmrl cnsts ol ' Thi rt eent h CompetitionSemilinaland Final Round performancesmay be viewed on the Fort Worth Community Cable Television Channel31, beginningMay 29. VAN CLIBURNFOUNDATION WEBSITE The Thirteenth Competition will be streamedl i ve i n i ts enti rety at www Perlbrmances will be webcast eleven hours pcr day. and will be archived and available on demand as well. Interactivefeatureswill include an online audiencevote after each round, an "email the competitor" option, a blog, competitor biographies and program notes, and special access to j ury and presssym posia, commentari es, and other educational materials.

I NFORMAT I ODE N SKS Two informalion desksin the lobby will remain open during all performances. lor future broadcastand deprivingboth

The Prtlintincu'y Rolnd is supp<trled by thc Crystelle Waggoner Charitable Trust, U.S. Trust




The Thirteenth Van Cliburn International Piano CompeLiLion is open to pianisLs Firstof al1nationalities. pr iz ew i n n e rso f p re v i o u sC l i b u rnC o mpeti ti ons are nol eligible to compele. Applicants must have been born afterJune 7 , I97 B, and beforel/ray 22 , I99I .


The Apphcation Form can be submitted by post or by email. It must be completed,signed,and sent with all t he ne c e s ' a ry e n c l o s u reto s th e Va nC li burnfoundati on. lnc . , n o l a te rth a n Oc to b e rI5 ,2 0 0 8 .


The following enclosures must accompany each ApplicaLionForm. You may sendphysicalcopiesby post or electronic,scannedcopiescan be attachedto your email submission: a. A photocopyof the applicant'sbirth certificate, or equivalentproof of age. b. A current one-pagebiographyor râ‚Źsume. c. The applicantsrepertorrefor the competition. d. List of concertlin the applicant'srepertoire, r o s ehr e r w i rh i n d i c a ti o no f a t l e asL si x concerti that will be ready for performance during the 2009-2010season. e. List of ma.lorsolo works and chambermusic in the applicant'srepertoire,togetherwlth the dates most recentlyperformed. f. Three full recitalprogramsthat will be readyfor n e rfo rm a n r-e i n th e 2 0 0 9 -2 0l 0 s eason, g. Threedilferentcolor photographs, preferablyin digital format with a resolutionoi 300 dpi, includingone head-shot.approximately5 inches x 7 inches(13 cm x 17 cm), suitablefor nrrblicirvnrrrnoses. Thesecan be submittedon CD, emailedto the Foundation,or physical copiescan be mailed. h. Photocopiesof programsfrom at leastfive recital or concerto performancesfrom the 2007-2009 seasons and severalpressreviews. i. A personalstatementabout what Lheapplicant hopesto achieveby enteringthe competition (between200 and 300 words). It must be written in English,or an Englishtranslationmust be provided. j. Photocopiesof any awardsfrom other e nm netitinns



All applicantsmust submit a nonrefundableapplication feeof $ 100 US by certifiedcheck,money order,Western Union, or bank draft made payableto the Van Cliburn Foundation.

5. Applicants must suppiy the lollowing recommendati ons: a. A recommendation letler from a recent teacher ^ rd:ITL i n t h e c v e n t th a t a n U'T I 'L L I IL d'^ IJPIIL L 'I, applrcant is sLill a student, from the current teacher. This letter must be written to specificaliy recr)mmenclthe applicant to lhe Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. b. A recommenclalion letter from a musrcian or musicians ol acknowledged international stanrlinit Re.()mmenclationletters are to be ...- 'b ' "'m :i l c d


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Cliburn Foundation.Applicantsmust also srrnnl vthe namesand addresscs oI t wo for rel'erence additronalmusicrans/teachers purposes. Applicantsshould retain copiesol all materialsent with their annlir':rions The Van Cliburn Foundation will acceptno responsibilityfor lost documenLs.

7. An acknowledgementwill be sent to each applicant upon receipt of the completed Apphcatron Form and enclosures.Incomplete applications wr11not be considered. A1l applicationswill be reviewed by the Competition Artistic Committee and treated as confidential. The Committee reserves the right to request additional i nformati onfrom or aboutan appl i c ant . All applicants will be notified by December 1, 2008, whether or not they have been acceptedto perform in a screeningaudition. The screeningauditions will be held in designatedcitiesin Asia,Europe,and the United States during January and February of 2009. Each applicant acceptedfor a screeningaudition is requlred to give a forty-minute recltal before a iive audienceand the screeningjury. Videotapesof performancesby those applicantsunable to attend the live screeningauditions will be acceptedonly under specialcircumstancessuch as illnessduring the scheduledauditions or prohibitive travei costs.

10 A travel allowancewill be provided to those applicants acceptedfor screeningauditions, for travel to and from the audition sitesclosestto their current residence,under rhe fol l ow i ngcondi ti ons: a. Surfacepublic transportation(train, bus, or car) must exceedfour hours from placeof residenceto auditlonsite. b. Cost of transportation(economyor secondclass) must exceed$150 US for the round trip.


c. Allowancedoesnot covertransportation to or from airport,train station,etc.Allowancedoesnot cover accommodations or mealexpense . If the aboveconditionsare met, the Van Cliburn Foundation will reimbursethe applicant,upon the submissionof a copy o[ the ticket, the excessof expensefor transportationover $150 US, but not to exceeda total reimbursement of $350 US The rcquestmust be receivedby the Foundationby March 31, 2009. Paymentsol'travelallowancewill be made berweenMarch 15, 2009, and April 15, 2009. ll. All applicantswill be notifiedwhetheror nor rhey have beenacceptedfor the competitlonno iater than March5, 2009. The approximatelythirty selectedpianistswill be announcedto the public immediatelythereafter.



The competitionwill consisto['three separaterounds: Prcl im inar yS. c m if in a la. n d F i n a l The .1r-rry will not adt'ancemore than twelve pianists Lo the Semifinal Round. or more than six to the Final Round.


The order of appearance o[ pianistsin the Preliminary Roundwill be determinedby a drawing.Thc competition will follow this order except,at the discretionof the chairmanof the jury, for reasonsof accident,i1lness, or other unusualcircumstances. The order oI appearance in the Semifinaland Final Roundswiil dependon rehearsal scheduling, program content, and administrative requirements,and may vary from that of the Preliminary Round.AII phasesof the Competitionwill be open to the public.


A selection of Steinway pianos wili be provided for the pianists' performances.Time will be assignedto each pianist to choosehis or her preferredinstrument beginningthe week of May 18, 2009. Pianistswill be notified of theseassignedtimes.


All rounds of the competition may be broadcastlive or may be recorded and videotaped for subsequent broadcast,video, or audio recordinguse.It is anticipated that a CD recordingof selectedcompetitionperformances will be commerciallyproduced, that a documentaryof the competition incorporating selected performances will be produced for television,and that parts or all of the competition wili be made availableon the Internet. Cameracrews may photograph all competition events. NeithertheVanCliburn Foundation,Inc. nor its assiqnees

or licenseesmay be held liable for any paymentstc) pianistsarisingc-rut of materialsderivedfrom compctition performancesApplicantsare requiredto sign a release form yielding all rights on such materialsro rhe Van Cliburn Foundation,lts assignees, or licensees. 6.

Pianistsmay not contactor speakwith any memberof the jury as long as they continue to participatein rhe competition.Any violation of this rule may disqualily tne planlst.

RULESRELATING TO PRIZESAND ENGAGEMENTS 1. The prizes and awardsspeciliedon the Van Cliburn Foundationwebsrtewill constitutethe only pnzes and awards o[ the Twelfih Van Cliburn Internationa]Piano Competition.No other prizes,awards,or remuncralion will be permitted,except by expressdecision of the Cabinetof the Van Cliburn Foundation. 2.

Taxeswill be deductedfrom prlzesaccordingto U, Iawsin effectat the time of the competition.


The Van Cliburn Foundation is in the process of negotiating a number of ma1or recital and orchestral enâ‚Źlagements for the six finalistsof rhe 2009 Comperition, to be performedwithin the three-yearperiod following the competition. A list of potential engagements forming part of the prizes will be published in the competit-ionprogram book in May of 2009. Scheduling of these engagementswill take into account any prior commitments of the winners, but the winners will be expectedto fullill all prize engagements.Failure to do so may result, at the discretion o[ the Cabinet of the Foundation,in forfeitureof the winner'sclaim to prizes, awards,and engagements. In addition, during the three years of managementby the Van Cliburn Foundation, the winners will not accept any engagementwithout prior consultationwith the Foundation.


The First, Second, and Thlrd Prize winners will, if requested,perform a maximum of two recltalswithout charge for the benefit of the Fourteenth Van Cliburn be held ln 20I3.




Mendelssohn PianoConcer1oNo. 1 in G n-rinor,Op. 25

S CRE E NINAGU D IT IO N S Eachpianistwill perlbrm a recitalnor to exceedforry minutes in length. The repertoire will consist of works chosen by the nirnrst and mrv be selectedfrom works oflered for the Preliminary,Semifinal,and Final Round recitals.Only completeworks will be accepted.


Saint-SadnsPianoConcertoNo 2 in Clminor, Op.22

P RE LI M I N A R Y OU N D Eachpianistwill perlbrma recitalnot [o exceedfifty rnlnutes in length.The repertoirewill consisto[ works chosenby the pianist.Only completeworkswill be accepred.

Concerto II: The pianist may chooseany work scoredfor full symphonyorchestraand piano.The choiceis subjecrto approvalby the CompetitionArtisticCommirree.

S E M I F I NARLO U N D Phase I: Each pianist will perform a recital not to exceed sixty minutes in length. The repertoirewill consistof works chosenby Lhepianistand must.include one of the new works from the AmericanComposersInvitationalof eight to twelve minut-esduration. Repertoirefrom the Preliminary Round may not be repeated.Only completeworks will be accepted.

R U LE SA N D P R OC E D U R ER SE LA TIN G TO REPERTO I RE 1. Totalperlbrmancelimes,which will be strlctlyenforced, includeapplauseand pauses.The .jury retainsthe right t-ostop a performanceif the pianistexceedsthe allotted time. Repeats areat the discretiono[ the pianist. 2.

If requcsted, pianistsmust supplya copy of Lheeditionof the scoreusedin the preparaticlnoleach work perfclrmed to the chairmanof the.jury.


The scoresof the ncw compositions,one oI which each pianistwill performin the SemillnalRound,will be sent to pianistsno later than two months beforethe start of

PhaseII: Eachpianist will perlbrm a quinret with the Takdcs Quartet.Repertoiremust be chosenfrom the following: Hrrhms

Pir n r r ( ) r r in te t in F m in ,r r

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Dv oidk P i a n trQ L ri n rel n r A mrj o r, O p. B 1 Franck PianoQuintetin F minor Schumann PianoQuintetin E-flatmalor,Op. 44 F I NA LRO U N D Phasel: Each pianist will perform a recital not to exceed fifty minutes in length. The repertoirewill consisto[ works chosenby the pianist. Repertoirefrom the Preliminaryand SemifinalRoundsmay not be repeated.Only completeworks will be accepted. Phasell: Eachpianistwill perform two concerti,both to be performed with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra,both conductedby MaestroJamesConlon. Repertoireis to be chosenas follows: Concerto I: Repertoire must be chosenlrom the following: Beethoven PianoConcertoNo. 1 in C major,Op. I5 PianoConcertoNo. 2 in B-flatma1or,Op. 19 P i a n oC o n c e rtoN o . 3 i n C mi nor,Op.37 PianoConcertoNo. 4 in G major,Op. 58 PianoConcerLoNo. 5 in E-flatmajor,Op. 73 Chopin


PianoConcertoNo. 20 in D minor, K.466 PianoConcertoNo. 23 in A ma.;or,K 488 PianclConcertoNo. 24 in C minor, K.49I PianoConcertoNo. 27 in B-flatmajor,K. 595

PianoConcertoNo. I in E minor, Op. I I PianoConcerLoNo. 2 in F minor, Op. 21

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n ,r m n a ti ti n n

Changesin submittedrepertoireor running order may be made only with permissionof the CompetitionArtistic Committee.No changeswill be acceptedafterApril l, 2009. Any proposedchangesmust rnclude timlngs.

AMERICANCOMPOSERSINVITATIONAL The Van Cliburn Foundationwill invite Americancomposers to submit scoreseight to twelve minutes in length. As many as five of these works will be selectedby -yuryand sent lo compelitorsapprclximatelytwo months prior tr. the competition.Each competitorwill chooseone work to perform during the Semifinal Round. Comperirors must choosethe new work theywish to play by April I, 2009. The new work doesnot needto be memorized.


E XC ER PT S F R OMT H E HA N D B OOKFORTH E JU R Y2OO9 The followingareselectedpassages from theJuryHandbookto acquaintthe public wtth considerations the jury is askedto bear in mind when votlng, as well as Lhevoting procedures.A fu1lcopy of the (hnn in the lobby of BassHal1. Jury Handbook is availableon the website61 21tha clih,''. cift I NT R O D U C T I O N Even amongst the angelsthere is ahierarchy.

T h e lury is kin dly re qu es r ed r o bear in mind the obvious considerations d uring th e ne nc es of t he .-_'_' --''''b r'' rforma

gold medal is always to be awarded ln t he ev ent t h a r l h e r e i s a s i n g l e g o l d m edalis t and a s i n g l e s i l v e r m e d a l i s t . a

c ompelitio n: mu sician sh ip. s ens e of s l; le, mus ica l in teg rity. under s t anding

c r y s t al awar d w i l l b e g i v e n t o t h e t h i r d piace winner.

o l the com po se r'sin len t. sens eol lor m . lee l i n o '. ., , . ' b


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imagination, etc. B ut the.iur; is a lso aske d p leas et o lis t en w ith it s in ne r ea r, or call i t hear t, or c all i t soul. Io r tha t r.rh ich sp eak s pas r lhe nitrhec y"\''().

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which, to paraphrase Lawrence Durell, ravishes our emolions and nounshes our values. While we cannot presume that we will b e so f ort un ate a> to d isc ov er an ar l r s l rt

c r , h. e . n mn e t -.,.y.






identify someone who may someday h e comean rrticl Thn irrrvor r s htt n lis t en qn ecial m us ic ians who [ or t ho. e vcrv '.''/ " r_ _ '_ _

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who are prepared to have a few doors n. n c n e r l e co m pet r llon. ...r ....- f n r rh e m h. rr/ th




measurement" between the scoresof two of the first or second place fina1ists, t" he ir r r/ r r ur ill h a v e t h c n n t i n n n f t'/"'b vino J.^ ' lwo winners of the same rank and assigning a medal to each. This could r eqr r lt in the fn l l ouz . i no ...opermutanons: 1 gold medal and I silver medai and 1 crystal award i gold medal and 2 sih'er medals ) pold m edalsa n d I s i l v e r m e d a l


worlhy of the support.

W ir h t he e x c e n t i o n o l r t h e t r c t i r r r r r

ac c ou n l a n t r e s p o n s i b l e f o r tabulation of the votes, a computer or ) er at or .r- 'nd residenl o[ the \an r '__ _' ' r' h 'e n Cllburn Foundation. At the drscretion of t he f oun d r t i o n presidcnt. in consultation with the jury chairman, k ev c om nc l ili , ) n r r l i \ 1 i c c o l l a b t r r a L o r t

T h c jury i> in a un iqu e po s r t ion . r I beir r g able to offer someone a powerful helping h and. lhi> is a sole mn r e: pt r ns ihilit ; while at the same time, we trust, one

invr ted .. to .. 2nnr ..r r nnr| .l 3te m eeU ngs to oir e their im nrec r i on. nf ner for m aneer b.' ..' ' .' .' ' ' ' r ' ".r .' ."'

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MEDALDESIGNATION l hree ran keclar.ra rdsn ill he plc s c nlc d to finalists of the Thirteenth Van Cllburn lnternational Piano Competition. A

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the conductor of the Finai Round) may he

. J ur t , r s will n o l d i s t u >s w t t h r n y pc t ' s on\ \ hal5u e \ e r , r u l s i d r , '[ f i e i a l. l u r y m er tinoq '''__" b" 'r tl


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round. Failure to do so will disqualify thejuror.

or ient r t ion. a l l o f f i c i a l g a t h e r i n g > o f t he jur y f or t h e p u r p o s c o I b r i e f n g . dis c r r s s ion o r v o r i n o w r l l b e c L o s c d to everyone except jurors, a certified


t e a c h i n g . o r p r o f e s s i o n a l r e l a t i o n sh i p with a competitor must declare such relationship and, if asked to do so by t h e l u r ; c h a i r m a n . a b s t a i n f r o m r o ti n g o n t h a t c o m p e t i t o r 's p e r f o r m a n c e.An y j u r o r w h o h a s h a d a l o n g - t e r m l e ech i n g or close relationship of any kind with a c o m p e l i t o r a l a n y l i m e i s e n c o u r a g e dr o d i s c l o s es u c h r c l a L i o n s h i p .

^ rr ^ - , . I


It musi be remembered that the function of the Van Cliburn Foundation is not to discover a "star," but to offer n. -rr n norl mrrsic ians deem ed _ ' _ . ^ rrn itie '_ '" s lo

. A n y j u r o r h a v i n g o r h a v i n g h a d du r i n g the preceding four years a familial.



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. Jurors may not communicate at an) time during the competition wirh c o m p e li t o r s w h o a r e : t i l l p a r t i c i p ali n g .

. Jurors musL refrain from verbal comment, demonstratn'ebehavior, or any fol m of ctrmmuni cal i ond ur ing competitors'pertormances. . No rndividual or composite jury \ nlc(






an\/ | imr .,'/ '''..'

t o a n ) p e r 5 o n w h o i s n o t a j u r o r'. th e c e r li f i c d p u b l i c e c c o u n l a n t r e s p o n si b l c for tabulation of the votes, the e o m p u l e r r r p e f a l o r '.o r l h e p r e si d cn l of the Van Cliburn Foundation, except t h e f i n r l r 'o m p o >i l ct l c c i s i o n o I t h c l u r y at the conclusion of each round of the competition, whrch will be announced to the publit aItcr tlre Prcliminar; and Semi{lnal Rounds by the lury e h a i r m a n . a n c la l r e r r h c F i n a l R o u n d b y the master of ceremonies at the Awards Ceremony

of c om neti tnr c ' nt her ""'

r r n,

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t h, ' ir r dir r di, r r i o n r e c n o n s i blii t i c s .


. AL the dlscretion of the chairman, the jurors may engage rn discr-rssional



rnv time d r r r inp it s delibc r at ions . lt is trrpre qtcd h( ) wev r ' r t hat dis t Lr s s ion normally be reserved for those occasions wh cl the nc ed lor dis c us s ionappear st o be req uire d or when c om pos it e s c or ing rcsu ltsrpp c ar n( ) 1LLrr c f lec t dat a input .

V O T I NGP R O C ED U R ES P RE M I S E T h e re

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the system.The first is that the opinion . T d. i . . - , ur -lurur


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in thc actual s c or es giv en, but in t he d istrib utio n 3nd s paeing oI t he s c or es . This is coupled with an assumption that each juror has only a certain amount .r ..--i-; ur I'PrrLrurr LU lutiLrru- , l. Ut e t O t he f inal

decision, much like sending someone on a nr r rc h n ptri n w i th a fi x e d .- 'a' ' s tr i...r hrrdocr

T n xr ' , n m n li\h

r h ic o n r l

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juror's scoresare statisticallymeasured for spread(measureof opinion content) using a standard deviation, and then adjustedin an accordionlashion,either in or out, to allgnwith a targetvalue.All scoresfor eachjuror are also adjusted .^ >U

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averaâ‚Źlescore. Additional methods are applied to accommodate abstentions rn rl

ro o rre c cnr es

T he s c ore s th ro u p h o u t th e e n ti re competition are not cumulative, and t her eis no w e i g h ti n go f a n y p h a s eT. h e jury must takeinto considerationall the performancesgiven by the competltor heins s c ore rln n ro th e ti m e a b a l l o trs cast. For example,jurors deciding on t he t on nri -e r,l rn n e rs mu s l L o n s i d e r the recitai in the Preliminary Round, the recital in the SemifinalRound, the chamber music performance in the SemifrnalRound, and the recital and both concerti in the Final Round for eachof the finalists. CONTROVERSIAL COMPETITORS In the event a "controversial"pianist (a competitorconsideredto be a poteniial top prizewinner by three or more jur or s )hasn o t a m a s s e a d highenough


t o ta l t r f n i n l s t__ o h" _e n r "o " '_' r' a s s c do n t o t h e

next round, the following procedurels adopted: At the end of the Preliminary and Semifinal Rounds, upon the announcementto thejury of the results t' I l he vol es.anyj uror.w hosetop three candldatesare not being passedon to the next round, has the right to request discussion,provided that at least two other jurors have also ranked that candldate amongtherrtop threechoices. (lf more than three candidatesoccupy a .j urorstop numeri talranki ngs-e.g. l w o pi anrsts arc gi ven 24 poi nt:. and three are given 23 points-only thoc e

ni ani s ts r '.^" " '"

as s i oned


hi r " ohes b '" '

numberwill be under consideration as controversialcompetitors.)Thereafter, i I the remai ni ng.j urors are w rl l i ng to defer to the sentimentsof the three or more i rrrorcl avori npthe controversi al candrdate, at the discretion of the chairmanof thejury a votemay be taken to choose between the controversral candidate and the pianist with the lowestscoreon the list ol thosechosen to be passedon to the next round. P R E LIMIN A R OU Y ND At the end of the Preliminary Round, sheets marked with lines numbered from I to 25 are distributed to the ;,,., -rur).

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name of each of the thirty pianists panicipatingin the PreliminaryRound on the line of the sheetcorresponding to the score the .1urorwishes to assign tn eanh nienict ..-.- rl.,l anone pl anl st r.-...-.. l\,4nre can be entered on the same line (e.g. four names could appear on the llne numberedl 2). H ow ever.thej urorsare stronglyencouragedto usethe full scale i n scori ngthe pi ani sts.enhanci ngthe ability of the juror to expressopinion through the is importanr to bear in mind that a low scoredoesnot mean that the juror [ee]sthe pianist is bad. or that a very hi gh scorei mpl i es excellence.

U si nr' :rr w i rl e e snr cado[ scor esas possibleexpressesmore clearly which pianists might be preferred by each .j urtrrand htrw > lronglyt he pr elcr ence is felt. The averageperformershould receivea scorefrom eachjuror somewherein the mi rl rl l cpf 1[p;2np6, - ; r r ound ] 2. I n t he event that a .iuror awardsa competitor a numbcr of poinr s which ( af t er PtULc>5lltti/

I '-\ r^ 15 lc55

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processedscorefor that competitor by 20okol the total scoringrange(20% of )5 i s 5 noi nts) then t hat scor ewili be adjustedupwardsto meet that limiting vaiue. P l ease notethatthc s cor c"0' is a special score.This does not imply a very poor ner Ior m r nee

r r ther


i mn l i e c

t h rt

the juror has a connection with the particular performer and must abstain from voting for this individual. This scoringsystemwill properly handle the xbstenti onw i l hout any br as.posit ive or negative, regarding that particular competilor. Each juror will also be provided with a bal l trtsheerl i srins t he cont est ant s' namesi n al phabet ical or der .The. jur or will copy onto this ballot sheet the appropriatescore next to each name, sign this sheet,and hand it in to have lhe c.^re< nrrt inrn the n -. r.* .,...* .., - - om put er . S E MIFIN ARLOU N D At the end of the Semifinal Round, the jurors will assign points to the twelve pianistson a sheetmarked with numbered lines, beginning with the lowestscorereceivedby any semifinalist at the end of the Preliminary Round. For example, if the competitor at the bottom o[ the l i st ol t hosepassedon into the Semifinal Round receivedan scoreol I 2 r he sheetwi[ now A v?rA s? have lines marked from numbers 12 throrrph)5 S coresfor t he sem if inalist s shorl d refl ecrrheir ner f or m ances in both the Preliminary and Semifinal R ounds.A gai n.l uro r swilI be pr ovided


with a ballot sheet listing the contestants' n a mes in alp ha be tica lo rder . f ac h jur or

DETERM I NI N G TIES I-non heinp "- - ,' b p i v e n r h e r e s u l t s o f t h e r .- "


n r o ce sse d \/n 1p( rrnl {i no T .-.--"".-..

copy onto this ballot sheet the a p prtrpria te >core ne xl to eac h nam e. . i sn rhi. sh ee r an d ha nd it in t o hav e fhe




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fi nrl i <r s

a t Ih e c o n c l u :i onol t the compel l l l on. the jurors wr11be asked to determine, by simple majority vote, whether or nnt .' ".

l f a > emrfrn alistran kcd a s a por enljal


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s r pnif ic ant n r r m e r r c a l d i s t i n c t i o n s epar at ingeac h o f t h e p r i z e s l o w a r r a n l giv ingone gold m e d a l .o n e s i l v e r m e d a l . and one c r y s t a l a r , r a r d .l f t h e m a j o r i t y o[ jur or s e\ pr e s s b y a s i m p l e ) e s o r " _ b " ''''. ^ _ _

o n ly can o ccur using Lh e eont r ov er s ial competitor procedure outlined above. Each juror will be handed a ballot

"no" vote that the numerical separation between two or more pianists is small ennr r oh r o r e f l e c r u h a t i s t e r m e d i n

sheet on which to enter one name the juror chooses to have awarded the New W ork A ward . The pia nrst r c c eiv ing t hc o r el1e\l n rrmh er o f vo tes bec om es t he winner of the award.


Each juror will be handed a ballot sheet on which to enter up lo two names to be awarded the Chamber Music Award(s). T h e chair man ol the lu ry will r ead r he re sults and the jury will vote by a show o [ hands rl o ne o r rwo pri z es ar e t o be awarded.







m elc r r r em enr' r i e c w i l l b e d e c l a r e d . At least one gold medal must be awarded. Thereafter, any combination of gold and silver medals may be awarded up to a total of three medals. A s ingle c r y s l a l a w a r d w i l l o n L y b e awarded in the event that only one gold medal and only one silver medai are also awarded. (For a complete list of all possible combinations of medals, nleas e r eler t o t h e P r i - e s a n d A w a r d s sectlon).

Each.luror will be handed a ballot sheet o n r, lhich ro _ -.-^ '_ .-_ en ler u" r'_ D [o lour nam es t o

be awardedJury DiscretionaryAwards. T h e ch a i r m anoi t hc lur y w i l l re a dth e re su l tsa nd t he lur y will d e c i d ei l o n e . two, three, or four prizes are lo be awarded.TheJury DiscretionaryAward is p rve n1o t hns enianis t sw h o d i d n o t rn o v e


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Pr. .elim inqr r , , ', . , . '*. ,1

or SemifinalRounds,but who the jury feelsaredeservingofspecialrecognition and incentive. F IN ALROUND The samevoting procedureswill apply upon the termination of the Finai R ou n d . l r r r or s s c or eclor th e fi n a l i s ts sh o u l d re[ iec t t heir p e r[o rm a n c e s rh ro u g h o utt he ent ir ec om p e ri ti o n .

at theTwelfthCompetition Jury deliberations



The Van Cliburn Foundationwill award the top winners of the Thirteenth Competitionas many as four medals,in a combinationof gclidand silver,to reflectmost accuratelythe final jury votes.

STEVENDE GROOTEMEMORIALAWARDFORTHE BEST OFCHAMBER MUSrC PERFORMANCE(S) Onecashawardof $6,000,or two awardsof $3,000each Awardedby VanCliburn

F I RS TP RIZ E NeNcv Lrr eNo Plnnv R. BessGot-oMno,qL* Cashawardof $20,000 Internationalconcerttours and careermanagementfor the three concertseasonsfullowing the competition


Compactcliscrecordingon the harmoniamundi usa1abe1 Contribution toward domesticand internationalair travel on AmericanAirlines during the three-yearconcerttours Performanceattire provided by Neiman Marcus \i l ve r

trrrn hr r , .' r- rr n Y "l


AWARDS JURYDISCRETIONARY of $4,000each Up to fourcashawards DtscnrtroNaRy* JonN GronoaNoJuRyCH.ctnrn{eN Cashawardof $4,000 RevnoNoE. BucxJuw DrscnrloNenvAweno* Cashawardof $4,000

SrrvrnMtoel Cashawarciof $20,000 Awardeclby MarcictanclBobbyFrench

Cashawardof $4,000 MemorialFoundation AwardedbyLhcNeal Stc.lfen

for the three U.S.concerttoursand careermanagement i ti o n [.rl l o w i n g th c I onc c r ts c a s o n s c o mp e t

Cashawardof $4,000

Compactcliscrecordrnllon the harmoniamundi usa label

Winners' Engagements In addition to the cash prizes, a number of concert engagements throughouLthe United Stateswiil be ollered tcr l he si x fnal i stsduri ng the three-ycarper iod f r r llowingt he competition. Theseengagementsare offered in principle by the auspicesconcerned.Final approvalof artists,dates,ancl t'rrDerrrlire rests wifh artistic and administrtrtivedirectors. The Van Clibr-rrn Founclation will coorclinate dates to of artistsand presenters. accommodate the schedules

T HI RDP R IZ E CnYsrerAw, Cashawarclof $20,000 Atuardedby theMollic L. and GarlandM. LasaterCharitablc Fundof thcCommunityFoundcttion o.fNorth Tcxas for the three U.S.concerttoursand careermanagement concertseasonsfoliowing the competition Compactdisc recordingon the harmonramundi usa label FINALISTS Cashawardol $10,000each Awarded by Mr.and Mrs.JohnB. Kleinheinz;theT.J. Brown Foundation, lnc.;and theWilliamE. Scott and C. A. LupLon Fowtdatiut for the U.S.concert engagcments and careermanagement following threeseasons the compeLition

IMG Artists (Europe)Lirnrtcdu ill act as gcneralmanager for the gold medalist(s)in Europc rnd othcr international territories clutside oI the Unitecl States, coordinating with other rcgronalmansgcrsas cleLermined. engagemenls gilt ttttfu VanClibttrnEndotvnttnl Trust. bya gcncrou.s "'Funded

S E M I F I NA L IST S Cashawardof $5,000each Awardedby theAlann P and CharlesF.BedfordFundo.ftha Commtrnity Foundulittn rl'North Tcxas;thcFortWorthPiono Tecrchtrs Fctrun't; Fowtdtttion;Ann Frashe r GctrvcyTexcts Hudson;theMoIIieL. anclGarlandM. LasatcrCharitable Fundof thc Community Foundation oi NorrhTexas;and Alcinn BeclfordSrrrlpson

AlcxandcrKttbrinwins lhc Nuircl'Ltt cttulPtrr],R. BassGold M.ri ri l Jtrrr,' 5. 2005rrrB rl ss P t' r/,-rr' /i l tiHrirltt// .



Theengagements listedbeloware oft'ered JacksonvilleSymphonyOrchestra, in principlebytheauspices concerned Florida KansasCity Symphony,Missouri to prizewinnersof the ThirteenthVan PianoCompetition: LafayetteSymphonyOrchestra,Indrana CliburnInterna.tLonal LasVegasPhilharmonic,Nevada Long BeachSymphonyOrchestra, UNITEDSTATES California LongviewSymphonyOrchestra,Texas ORCH ESTRAL ENGAGEMENTS Abilene PhilharmonicOrchestra,Texas Mendian SymphonyOrchestra, Mississippi Al b a n ySym phonyO r c he s L ra C.e o rg i a Mid-Texas SymphonyOrchestra, BakersfieldSymphonyOrchestra, Seguin Californla Midland SymphonyOrchestra, BaltimoreChamberOrchestra, Michigan Maryland N e p l e sP h i l h a rmoniOrchestra. Fl ori da c A s s o , Bi g Sp ri ngS y m phony i a li o u . NashvilleSymphonyAssociatron, Texas Tennessee BoisePhilharmonic,Idaho PacificSymphonyOrchestra,Caiifornia BostonSymphony Orchestra(Boston PhiladelphiaOrchestra,Pennsylvanla Pops),Massachusetts C ol o ra d oS y m pht r nyO r c h e sra l . D e n v c r' PhoenixSymphony,Arizona ReadingSymphonyOrchestra, ColumbusSymphonyOrchesLra, Ohlo Pennsylvania C orp u sChr is t iS y m phon yO rt h c s tra . R e n oP h i l h a rm oniA r'ssoci ati on, Texas Nevada DallasSi.rnphonyOrchestra,Texas RochesterPhilharmonicOrchestra, Dubuque Symphony Orchestra,lowa New York D ul u th Super iorS y r nphtrnO y reh e s tra . RogueValleySymphony,Oregon Michigan RoswellSymphonyOrchestra, Ea stl e xa sS y m phonyO r c h e srr. t Tyler New Mexico El PasoSymphony Orchestra,Texas SanAntonio Symphony,Texas Enid Symphony Orchestra,Oklahoma SantaFe SymphonyOrchestra, EugeneSymphonyOrchestra,Oregon New Mexico EvansvillePhilharmonicOrchestra, SantaMaria PhilharmonicSociety, Indiana California FairbanksSymphonyAssociation, S o u thC a ro l i n aP hi l harmoni c Alaska Orchestra,Columbia FlagstaffSymphony Orchestra,Arizona Florida West CoastSymphony,Sarasota SpringfieldSymphonyOrchestra, Missouri Fort Wayne Philharmonic,lndiana Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestra,Texas Symphonyof SoutheastTexas, Beaumont Fox ValleySymphony,Wlsconsrn SyracuseSymphonyOrchestra, Grand RapidsSymphonySociety, New York Michigan ToledoSymphonyOrchestra GreenvilleSymphonyOrchestra, Association, Ohio South Carollna T u c s o n5 y mp hon;Orchcsl ra. A ri zona Hart{ord Symphony Orchestra, TulsaSymphonyOrchestra,Okiahoma Connecticut TupeloSymphonyOrchestra, HoustonSymphonyOrchestra. Tcxas Mississippi Hu d so nV alleyP hilhar m o n i c . Utah Symphony& Opera, Poughkeepsie,New York Salt Lake City Illinols Synphony Orchestra, Waco SymphonyOrchestra,Texas Springfield Wlchita SymphonyOrchestra,Kansas Imperial Symphony Orchestra, YakimaSymphonyOrchestra, Lakeland,Flonda Washington

R E C ITAC L,H A MB EMU R S ICA, N D FESTIVAL ENGAGEMENTS AmericanPianistsAssociatron, T-li^-^^^li!lluralraPUItJr^-^ tltulal


Ames Town & Gown ChamberMusic Association,Iowa ARTSSanAntonio, Texas Arts & Lectures,Universityo[ CaliforniaSantaBarbara AspenMusic Festivaland School, Colorado BayChamberConcerts,Rockport, Maine BearVa11ey Music Festival,Calilbrnia Bridgewater CollegeLyceumSenes, Virginia BrooklngsChamberMusic Society, South Dakota C abri l l oC ol l egcD i sl i ngui shcd A rti s t s C ontcrtS eri es, C al i forni a CapeCod ChamberMusicFestival, Massachusetts CapitolCenlerfor the Arts, Concord, New Hampshire ion, Caroli nasConcertAsstrciat Charlotte,North Carolina LeIcl )rl ty 5efl es ol bOS ttrn.

Massachusetts ChamberMusicWest,Sun Cities, Arizona ChandlerCenter lor the Arts Concert S cri esR andol nhV ermont 'l - """' CharlestonConcertAssociaLion, South Carolina Chico Performances, Calilornia State University CitrusCollegeEveningsat Eight, Glendora,California Civic MusicAssociation, OklahomaCity, Oklahoma Cliburn Concerts,Fort Worth, Texas Clovis Community CollegePerforming Arts,New Mexico ConcertAssociation of Southeast Texas, Port Arthur Copiah-LincolnCommunityColiege Arts Series,Wesson,Mississippi Corpus Christi ChamberMusic Society, Texas CranbrookMusic Guild Chamber Series,BloomfieldHil1s,Michigan C I J P re'ent'

| .ni v,'rsi tr of C ol orado

at Boulder

Americ anAi r | i n e s i s t h t : t | f c i a I a it1 in to | .th tVa n CIib u r n F o u n d a tio n , andsupportsLIi r|ranspo|tdti otl .|.tn.thcgoIdmedal i sL,s

C o n t i n u td Lour.



DallasCha m h e rMu s i cSo c i c tyl.e x a s DayLonaBeachlnternationalFestival, Florida DownersGroveConcertAssociation, Illinois E1CaminoCollegeCenterlor the Arts, E nglewoo JP e rfo rm i n Arts g S e ri c s . Florida FairbanksConcertAssociationMasters Series,Alaska First United MethodistChurch, Bradenton,Florida FredericksburgMusic Club, Texas Friendsof ChamberMusic, Portland, Oregon G allagher -B u le d o rnPe rl o rm i n g Arts Center,CedarFalls,Iowa GeorgetownSymphonySociety. Texas f,rq n d

l RQ4

Onpr e

Hnr r cc

Pcr lnr m ino

Arts Series,Galveston,Texas urand valley5tateunrversrty. Allendale,Michigan GreenLake Festivalof Music, Wisconsin Hartford PianoSociety,Connecticut HeidelbergCollege,Tiff,n, Ohio Hum boldtSta teU n i v e rs i tvC e n te rArts Arcata,California Huntingdon Co1lege, Montgomery, Alabama Huntsviile ChamberMusic Guild, Alabama InterlochenCenterfor the Arts, Michigan InternationalClasslcalConcertsof t he Des e rt , a l i fo rn i a . R a n c h oM i ra g eC Irving S. Gilmore Internationai Keyboard Festival, Kalamazoo, Michigan IthacaCollegeConcerts,New York McCain Performances, KansasState University,Manhattan Krannert CenterMarqueeSeries, Iurrrvr lnirrercitrr r>rL/

nf ur

Illinni< rillrlurJ)


Urbana Kravis Centerfor the PerformingArts, West Palm Beach,Florida La Jolla Music Society,California LakewoodCultural Center,Colorado LancasterPerformingArts Center, California Lied Centerfor PerformingArts, University of Nebraska,Lincoln


JoyceYang,2005 silvermedalist The LiedCenterof Kansas,[,.,niversity of Kansas,Lawrence Lincoln Center,Fort Collins, Colorado LongwoodGardens,KennetlSquare. Pennc r r l r r eni


LosAlamosConcertAssociation, New Mexico ManchesterMusic Festivai,Inc., l \l e \x/

H e m n ch r r a

RuidosoChamberMusic FesLival, New Mexico Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater,Florida S R rdol nh

A l exander P erformrns

A rts S eri es. E astC ar olinaUniver sit y. Greenvilie,North Carolina SacramentoCommunity Concert Association,California SanibelMusic Festival,Florida S antaFe C oncertA ss ociaLion, New Mexico Scottsdale Cenierfor the Performrng Arts, Arizona Societyfor the PerformingArts, Houston, Texas SouthernMethodistLniversity.Dallas, Texas Spencerlor the PerformingArts, Alto, New Mexico SpicewoodArts Society,Texas SpiveyHall Series,Morrow Georgia StanfordLively Arts, Stanford

McCain Performances, KansasState University,Manhattan Mendelssohn PerformingArts Center. Rockford,IIlinois Mozart Socletyof Callfornia,Carmel OK Mozart Festival,Bartiesviile, Oklahoma OklahomaBaptistUniversity,Shawnee PacificUniversity,ForestGrove,Oregon Penn StateUniversityCenterfor the A rts,S tateC ol l ege P erformi ng Philip LorenzMemorialKeyboard C oncertsFresnoC al i fornra I T ni r r er c i tr r C c l i f ar nic PlacitasArtists Series,New Mexico SteinwaySociety-The BayArea, PortlandPianoInternational,Oregon (en Jn<P Califnrnia Pro Arte Musical,SanJuan, PuertoRico WestLafayette. StringsMusic Festival,Steamboat PurdueConvocations, ( nr i noc f- nl nr c dn Indiana SunriverMusic Festival,Oregon RaviniaFestivalAssociations Rising The TasselPerformingArts Center, StarsSeries,HighlandPark.Illinois Holdrege,Nebraska RedfernArts Centeron BrickyardPond, TexasA & M University, Summer Keene,New Hampshire PerformanceSeries,CollegeStation Reif CenterArtist Series,Grand Rapids, TreasureCoasLConcertAssociation, Minnesota r arrlr


r rul

tq 4


Tii-Way Productions,Denver,Colorado U A B Pi a no5er iesB ir m in g h a m. Alabama Under the BeamsConcertSeries, \ ew

Hrr m o n v


Unlversity Musical Society,University ,'I Mi chi" an A nn A r hor University of Arkansasat LitLleRock ArtspreeSeries University of ChicagoPresents,Illinois IJniverritr

n f F l n ri rl r

P e rf,rr m ino

Ar tc

Gainesville Unrversrtyof GeorgraRecitalSeries, Athens University of LouisvilleSchoolof Music,Kentucky I n i ve rsi t vo[ \ ew O r leln s Mu s i c a l Excursions,Louisrana l l nirersitr ,'f N,'rl h lera s f ine Ar t s Series, Denton Universrty of OkLahoma School of Music, Norman I niversity o l Ve rmon t La nc Sc r ir t . Burlington Unrversrty of Washington World Series, Seattle University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire Artist Series University of Wyoming Cultural Prnoramc

T a ra mi e


VenturaMusic Festlval,California WashingtonInternationalPiano Festlval,District of Columbia WashingtonPavihonof Arts and Sci e n ces ior r vF alls s ou th D a k o ta Washi ngLonPerformingArl s Society. District of Columbia

Wassermann Festival, Logan, Utah Whrttier College Ruth B. Shannon Center lor Lhe Performinp Arts.

Fundaci6nOrquestaSinfonica N aci onalS. antoD omi ngrr. | ,n m r n l a 4 n

kPn r l

Williams Center for the Arts, Oelwein, Iowa \ \ ilm ingt on Co n c e r t A s >o c r a t i o n . North Carolina Wolf Tiap Foundation for the Per f or m ing A r t s ' D i s c o v e r yS e r i c '. Vienna, Virginia

INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS in associationwith IMG Artists (furope)

Germany Harrogate International Festival, I lnired K i nD -s.- _d'' n m _ _ ''_ Helsrnki Phrlharmonrc Orchestra, Finland l c c l a n d S y m p h o n y O r c h c >t r a . Reykjavik IMG Artists Orchestral tour, United Kingdom International Chopin Piano Festival in D r r s z n i k iZ , l r o i P , , l r n d " * -. -1 1

Agc nc e dc Con t e r t s c l S p c (l a \ 'l e > Caecilia,Switzerland Beethoven Easter Festival, Warsaw, Poland Beiiinp Vus ic F e s ti r a l C - h i n a - '1 1 '_ _ b Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Serbia Braunschweig Classix Festival, Germany Br ight on f e> tiva l . l . n i t e d K i n g d o m Borusan Istanbul PhilharrrLorLrc Orcheslra, Turkey Chopin Society of London, Unlted Kingdom City of Brrmingham Symphony Orchestra, United Kingdom. Camerata Ireland, Belfast Edm ont on Sy m p h o n y S o t i e t y .A l b e r t a . Canada Feqt cnielc

N4eck l enhr r r o- Vnr nom



Hannol'er Prize Winners Series,


m er n

-. ---, -

K B S:ymphon; Or, hestra.S coul .K or ea Klavier FestivalRuhr, Germany Krakow SymphonyOrchestra,Poland I in Hono Proorrmmr. Exccultve Ior The 01; mpic Ccnlenar) Piano f ..,.-, ^^^--- ^t .r-;^1' at NCPA, China Lorenzo Baldnghi Artist Management, Italy Lodz re, ital, Concert Hall. Artur Rubrnstein Philharmonic Orchestra, Poland London Philharmonic Orchestra, I IniredK d_o_ m _ _ _i _n _ bo * "_

OrchestraEuropa,United Kingdom Orchestradella SvizzeraItaliana, Lugano,Switzerland Orpheusand Bacchus,Gironde,France PoznanPhilharmonlcOrchestra, Poland P remi ere P erl ormances. H ong K ong. China RTV SloveniaSymphonyOrchestra, J i r r hl i r na

Sl or - eni a

SchlossElmau, Germany Sinfonleorchester St. Gallen, Switzerland SloveniaPhllharmonicOrchestra, I i r r hl i ane

Sl or r c ni r

SwedishChamberOrchestra,Orebro, Sweden T he

Or r eenc l anc l

Ore hes ' tl 4'.. . - ... -


n u >L l d rl l a'.1;. ' '"

Turner SimsConcertHall, United Kingdom Virtuosi Concerts,Unlversity of Winnepeg,Manitoba, Canada V erbi erFesti val A cademy. S w i tzerl and Austria Wlener KammerOrchester,

DavtdeCabassi,2005 fnalist Funding.formcdalists'prizes Lsprovtdedby Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass, Marcia and Bobby French, and the MoIlie L. and Garland M. Lasater Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas.



From the inception of the Van Cliburn lnL crn ati( ) t liil Pir nt r Ct r m pet r t r on in 1962, its founders understood that in addition to providing visibility ancl iinln cirl as > i> lr nt c t t r oLlt s t anding vo un p rr'tr s t c ir s hor r id als o m ak c l-lr:rlr)rmt n(r ' an ' ) nlr or lUnit ic s intcgra l pr r t oI t he t op awar d. Rellt J r Votapek, the gold rnecialist o[ the First fpmp ctitio n. was c ngegec lby s c v elr l rnoi,rnql


r-aq rrn.l



Although the international market for classical soloists has become increasingly competitive while dernand lor recita]s has decreased, the V r n C l i b u r n F o u n d a t i o n c o n t i r r u e st o offer unparalleled career opportunitres to the winners o[ each qlradrennial ,'" r't'' l r nnc l i l i r r n

F nr



fi ft.'r n

I'eaturelive streaming of performances and archivecl footage after the evenL has ended.

r er r c

it has employed a full-time general manf,ter and procl ucti on3ssi stant. w h()se

rrri rnr|r _t"""""r

r,'snon:i bi l j ti es


a CarnegicHall recitaldebut.For the tr'r coordinate and contract winners' Second Cornpetition, U.S. concert engagementsthroughout the Unitecl managementthror-rgh theHurok agency States.Since 2004, the Foundatior.r has engagcdIMC A rti sts E ul ope ttr and a European tour coorclinatedby arrange international engagements Carnegie Hall-Jer-rnesses-Musicales wc r c ir r r' l r-rd e idn th c fi rs t p rrz e . rncl Lour' >A. l ongstandi ng partnershi l ) with harmonia mundi usa ensures awardedto RaduLupu. By 1977,Iirstnr iz c wr nn e rS tc v c nD e C ro o tcw o u l d that prizewinning performances o1' s rl e rctordcd and thr ton medal i st r eeeiv fe, r e L ()rd rncgo, n Ira i t.L w oy c a rs oi U.S. concert tours, and several distribuLed, further enhancing their a n o rg P mr'n l \ r r r ith lon Fr r r nn"ln ( rl reers.A nd ongoi ng srrpp(rrtIrorn t..,,^r-,; .^-l J .-)ofxti tl l l 5 pr om oler s. l n a rl d i u o n . L .s . r' o n c e rr r tr u ttu d ttl ,l d--.t LLu haS L^vr I were for tours coordlnated both the enabled the Cliburn to produce awardwinning. internationall) synLliLatccl s c t t r nd-a n d th i rd -p l a c ew i n n e rs .B y mid-1980s, York the a New debut and r l r ) c u m c n l a l 'i c s f , n d [ r d r o p r t r g r a m s recordingcontractswereawardedto all following each competlti.on, reaching top medalists,and selectinternational millions around the world. The Clibuln l-iasa growing presence on the InterneL concerLengagements wereextendedto all six Cliburn finalists. as well: the 2009 Competition will

L4 F




QueenElizabethHal| London


The winners ol the Twelfth Competition collectively performe d more than 300 engagernents worldwide during the three years followrng the 2005 Competition.Commission-free fees l o r U . S . e n g a l l e m en ts t'o n tr r cte tJ b y t h c F t r u n d a t i o n d u r i n g th i s p cr i o d e x c e e d e d $ l , 0 0 0 , 0 00 . Bo th th e g o l d meclalist,Alexander Kobrin, and silver r n c c l r l i s .t l t r l r 'c \ en g . r r c cu r r cn l l y on the rosters of top international mnnagement agencies (lMG Europe r nd

( ) nr r c


A rt ict c

re c n o , t i v e l v )

Presenters who have engaged one or bclth of these ouLstandingyoung arti stsi nr' l udcl he Aspcnt e't ir al. BBC Proms,City of BirminghamSymphony Orthcstrr. D eutsehcs Sym phonic O r , l r es ter



q \ / mn h (t n \ /

'"] '''|'''. . . - / . . . -I n c Angeles Philharrnonic/Hollywood Bowl, KBS Symphony (Seoul), KennedyCenter,Lille Piano Festival, the,Moscow StateSymphony, New York Philharmonic, Ravinia Festival,and Zurich TonhalleWith weeks to go before the wrnners of the Thirteenth Competition will be announced, more than 200 U.S. orchestra,recital, and festival presentershaveindicatedtheir interest i n i ntroduci ngnew Clibur nwinner st o their audiences.Prospecti\.eEllropean cngi rtemcnts l or the nextClibur ngold mcdal rstare al so plor nr sr ng. and will inch-rdea Royal FestivalHall debut in March2010.

DI S CRE T I O NA RY A W A RD JO H NGIOR D A N O J U R YCHA I RM A N VanCliburnInternationalPianoCompetition ofyour tenth presented on theoccasion quadrennial InternationalPianoCompetitionas

C H A I RM A N O FT HEJ URY with our heartfeltadmirationand appreciation for y our dedication and devotedleadership.



Av'ard d thclohn Giordano A gtftfrom Mary D. and E Howard Walsh cndou,e Jurlt Chairnan Discretionary


SPECIALPROJECTS S P O N S OR Principal Corporate Sponsor ExxonMobil. Official Corporate Sponsors AmericanAirlines........ CrystelleWaggonerCharitableTrust,U.S. Trust/ B ankof A m e ri c aF o u n d a ti o n ................ City of Fort Worth... J . P M or gan Adeline & GeorgeMcQueenFoundation... S t ar - T eleg ra m Steinway& Sons

Projectand Screening Audition Recitals .......Media

MedalistTravel,FoundationBusiness Tiavel, ............Gold ScreeningAudition Recitals,and Hospitality Suite , ........P rel i mi nary R ound,A dopt-A -C ompet it or and C hi l drensA n B annerP rol ect ... ...........MediaProject,NationaUlnternational Marketing, and HospitalitySuite .. ....P l ati num and Gol denC i rcl eR ecept ion Ar ea, Zoo Party,PianoMarathon ...Juror .....A dverti si ng Pianosfor ScreeningAudltion Recitalsand Thirteenth Competition

X T O E ner g yIn , c ...............

.......MediPa roj ectand P i anoMarathon

Corporate Sponsors RadioShack Corporation..

........Awards Ceremonyand GaIa

Official Sponsors A m on C. C a rte rF o u n d a ti o n ............ The BurnettFoundatiorr

.............D i screti onary S upport ..........Media Proiect

Sid W RichardsonFoundation..............

... .Fi.nalRound

$f00,000 and up NancyLeeBassand PerryR. 8ass1........

Prizeand Discretionary ........First Support*

M r . and M r s .Si d R . 8 a s s ......... $50,000 and up A 1c on. . . . . ...... M r . and M r s .J a me sR . B l a k e....... Qurumbli Foundation BNSFRailwayCompany.. Mr. and Mrs.John B Kleinheinz

.C onductor

.......MediP a roi ect .............. ....S tri ngQuartetandJuror* .............String QuartetandJuror ........Semifinal Round Sunnort ...................Finalist Awardand Dlscretionarv

$25,000 and up Alann P and CharlesE BedfordFund of the Community F oundat io no f N o rth T e x a s ............

, .............Iuror and S emi fi nal i st A w ard

BeaumontFoundationof America

................Comnetitor Travel

M ar c iaand B o b b yF re n c h ......... GarveyTexasFoundation,Inc.



....................S ..ond rrrr. Juror and SemifinalistAward

T heJ uniorL e a g u eo f F o rt W o rth ,In c ...............

.................Gi ft S hop

LutherKing CapitalManagement


Mollie L. and GarlandM. LasaterCharitableFund of the Com m unityF o u n d a ti o no f N o rth T e x a s ... ........

.................Thi rdP riand 2e S emi fi nal i st A w ard


SPONSOR $25,000 and up (continued) R eg i n aRoger s . . . . . . . . . . Rildia BeeO'BryanCliburn Foundation..

................Juror ......Juror

RosalynG. Rosenthal

...............Jury Chairman* ............Juror

T h e Rya nF oundat ion. .

.....Jurorand FinalistAward

TJ. Brown and C.A. Lupton Foundation,Inc. .............. Anna BelleThomas........

""" "'Juror* ...FinalistAward and CompetitorTravel

William E. ScottFoundatron

........MediParoj ect

Sta nWo o dwar d. . . . . . . . . . ..... $20,000 and up Shirley Anron in memory of Robert E Anton

Official Artwork of the Thirteenth Competition

$15 ,0 0 0a nd up Mitzi and Bill Davis/ForrWorth & WesternRailroad $5,000 and up Ge o rg eAn n Car t erB ahan ..........

.........OpeningDinner and Draw Party

S upport ...................D i screti onary

SueandJohn Allen Chalk..

Support ......Discretionary

Van Cliburn.

.......StevenDe GrooteMemorialAward for the BestPerformance(s)of Chamber Music Award ..........Semifinalist

Forum...... Fort Worth PianoTeachers Ann FrasherHudson

Award* ...............Semifina1ist

Mary PotishmanLard Trust............

Support ..............Discretionary .....AmericanComposersInvitationalGrand Prize

BerleneandJarrell Milburn

Support ................Discretionary

Linda Todd Murphy NationalEndowmentfor the Arts..............


Neiman Marcus

Attire ...Performance Media Project

TexasCommission on the Arts M. Al a n n B edf or dS am pso n ......

A wiard ....................S emi fi nal st

TaylorSmithAwardfor the Best GordonW Smith,BlaineSmith,Susanand DeeSmith...........................Beverley Performanceof a New Work* Support ..............Discretionary

RindaR. Wentworth..


Donna and BryanWhitworth

Support .......Discretionary

HeideWolf .. $1,000 and up Mrs. Mary RalphLowe

Dinner and Draw Party ............Opening DiscretionaryAward ...............Jury

Neal SteffenMemorial Foundation

Dinner and Draw Party .............Opening

John and LesaOudt.... Ra)rmondE. Buck Foundation..

Award* E. BuckJuryDiscretionary ....................Ray'rnond

Mary D. and F HowardWalsh-......

Award* GiordanoJury ChairmanDiscretionary ...............John

*Fundedbya generous Trust gft to the VanCliburnEndowment ' Deceased



The Thirteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition eylr'nd c f,r r hc v , r nd r he uell: t r f Bls s Perlirlmrn t e Hell. Fr onr s c r c c ning reciLals in fivc coun[ries tL] 1ocal, national, and international television, rld ro. lntl I nt er nc t pr r r gr f , m s . lhc

Shirley Anton in memory of Robert E.Anton. AMERICANCOMPOSERSINVITATIONAL T h e A t r c r i r 'r n C ( ) m n ( ) q C r S Inr itationrl

aucliencesaroLlnd the worlc[.

\.vas instltuted for the Eleventh C ( ) m-D clilirrn in 200L I his initirtirc - _'_^r '^_^_ '1 'r t 'o v i c lm c su l t i p l c A m c r i c a n ( ( r m p ( ) s c r s l r i t l r t h c , r n n o r rr r n i l v t o h r t c t h c r r


work perftrrmecl as part tll' a nlajor -fhe inlernational competitioll. American Composers Inr.itat-ional is

A l l cr ,u e <,,i r h,' ' f h ir r ,..,' n1h anm

.-l llr.rrl(

T h i rt,.e

n th

Cr r mr r nt


r CachCS

r r .r ir i, 11

rvill be streamcd live at www.chburn. tri -[hrs web presence means thilt Lhe cornpetiiion reachesaudiences around the worlcl in reai timc. LocaL,nalional, and ir-rternatronal radirr .clic> rvill lls , r hr ing t hc e, ) nr l) c t ilion to a u'icler iludie nce. Localll', {,)lilr)ctilir r n will lr c c o\ ' c |c ( l broaclcast on KTCU ancl WRR, nationally, it r.vill be coverccl

Lhc J n( l ancl

by Anrcncan Public Mcdia's Pcrformanct' Today I h c rn crlir rpt ir jt t t hr r s bc c t t s |\ r ns or c ( l b1' ExxonMobil, the Founclations lrin riplrl Lr ) t - 11( , TatSp, c r t t t , ' t ' . al, ) nF lr,lth suPl.rort lronr OlEcial Corpor:ltc Sponsors City of Fort Worth ancl XTO Energy lnc. Aclditional r-rnder-writing is provicled b;' 41.otr, the Burnett Fou nd atio n, Tex as Com m is s ion on the Arts, ancl Stan Woodward. OFFICIAL ARTWORK Thc competition artwork is a uniquc an rln Bcrn L n l t r l ninc indir r dual piet c s frtrttt t ht I , / ' / . Cl. / s c r i, ' sc r ( ilt c c l lrk.'n b;-



master JoseI Yt r lk r r t is t l\ r r nLhc r m r y c lI

...:.1. wlul

...tnor-l >ul I ..

{r-nrrr ,., ,..

the ....

National Endowment for the Arts and BerleneandJarrell Milburn. A D V A N C INTH G ETH IR TE E N TH C OMP E TITION 'I,r nu he [,r r ' th" - ',.'.''..'.b...,.

eom tr c l r l i {]n

hr '( r :r n

the City of Fort Worth supportecl l h , F ( ) | n {l n l i o n s i m r r l c n r c n L x t i r r l -oI f

SCREENING A U D I T IONR EC ITAL S F r r c h o l ' l h c ( o r n l) cti to l s tr ki r r g th c s l ; r p ( : l l t h , ' T h i r t rcn th \ a n tl i b u r n Inte rnational Piano Competitron h r r s r l r c r d y r ( 'n r pl ctcL [ a l i g o tr u s s c l t '(l i ( ) n p | o L s 5 r . t ) f r h c r tr i g i r r a l 2 2 5 a p p l i t r n t : . l 5 l p r tl tr , i l tr tcd i n th e auclitionsthat were held in Jannar;'and F c b r u r r r y2 0 t ) 9 . r n t l w cr . sp o n s( ) l c( l ) ) ExxonMobil, American Airlines, and Steinway & Sons. Thesc recitals wcre f l n , 'r n , l , r n e n t , r r h ,. r r r r [1 i 1 .

eilrnpilign pronrotinH thc competition nationally anc[ ar-Onncl r h , 'u r , r r l d R v c n ( ( ) r r : r r r i'5n or"','h , h i t 'h c s r ',"6', ''

Venue irnd logistical sllllport for the auclrtion reciLals was provicled ],y r h c S h . r n g h e r( 'o n s.'r r xl o r '; r r l ' \"1 1 1 5 i q .

to applyanclb1'piquing cahber prar.rists

China; tl-reHochschule fr-ir N4usrkuncl T h c a t t 'r .H l n n r r r, 't '.( r t r r ni l n ) : ( ,l a zu n L r r Concert Hall, St. Petcr"sbulg State f r ) n . o t '\ '; l l r r r \ R r r r si ;t R ,tC ]tt,l r 'l C ri >ttr tr t

rr mcrlir



i nter ec t,r {

th'' r r r r hl i , ."r"hi qr''" ':r"m t'*n:r 'b"i on

hasprovicleclsubstantialn-rarketing ancl Itrt'the e(rrnfetrU (\n. tttc,,l isLtpl l t,,rl JURYOFEXEIVIPLARY PEERS For tl.retenth tinle, .JohnGrorclano has l cl urrrcdto l crrl thq l l rrrpcti l i on.l rrry as its non-r'oting chairman. Maestro Giordanoser:vedas music director ancl conductorof the Fort Worth Symphony and Chamber OrchesLraslor twentl'seven )'ears. Rosalyn and Manny Rosenthal endor,vedthe sponsorship ^f

th^ ;,,.., ,.1".;,,-.-

I hc I tr[l ccnl h Lrrrnl )cl l l r(rn Jttr) l q composed of some of the r,vorl ds r-nost nl ecl i ui orrq t'-"'b-.-.^'-

mrrqi ,'i rnc

ctrnduet()l s,

Svizzera ltaliar-ra,Lugano, Srvitzerlancl; Caspary Auclitor"iurm, Rockefeller Universitli Nclv Yorl<;ancl Ed Landrcth Auc1itorinm, I exasChristi an Unir.'ersit;', Fort Worth, TRAVEL Some




r c ei t : r l p r r r ti t i p r n t s h :r r l l ( ) tr - i l vclg r cl l distances Lo perlorr.n. The Beaumont Foundation of America and William E. Scott Foundation provrcled l r ; r n r n ( ) f l : l l i t r n f i l r h ,,th th r i l tti l i l i ( r n s i r n r l t h c e r ) n r l ) c t i t i o D .B; L r n d c|r i|i ti r g l h c s , c x p c n s c >. t lte sr ' ( ) l g Jl l i za r ti o r 5

graphicfor the designecl thecomposite conlpe tition. Albers'serlcsol lreble

trnd l dmi ni sl| l l ()fs. Thc) r' ()mposcrs

clcl imrrg c s .I t t ' SLr nin lt ) ] 2. t lllt ' c s et t l> the lirsL of scl'eral clevoted tt'r coloL exploration; tl.ris collection featnres rrnC rrf tltc nt os l lc ilr gniz it hlc s ; m h, r l5

areJointi).rcsponsiblefor selectingthe winners. Members ol the Thirtccnth Tlavel Ibr the gold n-redtrliststour and Competition jur1, represent China, busrness tr:rvel for the Van Chbum l trl ;. P trl rtnd. For-rndationare supporte(l byAmerican Franeu.(;cnl ri l n).l sr,rcJ. Russia,ancl the Unitcd States.Jr-rror Airlines

in 111s5i6-1le G cle 1'.

Irr. l ht


Thc Trclile Clirf series was macle a\,ailable courLesy of thc Josef ancl Ann i Allr q15 f oLr nt lat r on. Sr "r ppr r lt lor llris (() n) nt is 5i( ) nr v es pr ov id, ' t l h;


.:l-l l/u>>lr/l(

Texas, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blake, Garvey Texas Foundation, Luther King Capital Management, Rildia Bee O'Bryan Cliburn Foundation, Regina Rogers, Ryan Foundation, TJ. Brown & C.A. Lupton Foundation, Inc., and Anna Belle Thomas.

t trl i ' oI t hc uLrnrfcti ti on





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he lp or-u- talcntecl )'ollllg achieve their goals.



the lbllor,ving: Adeline & George McQueen Foundation, Alann P and Charles E Bedford Fund of the Community Foundation of North

PIANOS In the home of each conrpeliLr)rshosl hnril; . l n i r n p c e .a h l ; n r r r i n ta i n cd p t r t n t ' t s a r l i l r i l r l c l lr r p r r te ti tc. Bcl o r r tl


providing these instruments and The Final Round is made possibleby technical services,Steinway & Sons support from the Sid W. Richardson has furnished the concertgrand pianos Foundation. on the BassPerformanceHall stagefor co mp e ti tion per lor m anc e s S . re rn w a y HOSPITALITY has a l .o nr ov ided nian o s fo r th e The Gala Openrng Dinner is the formal I screeningaudition recitalsand the .1ury commencement of two weeks of competitionmusic,festivity,and drama. AC COMPA NI M E NT Mitzi and Bill Davis/Fort Worth & The n n n o r r rrn i trr ln n e r fnr m r r r ith Western Railroad, Mrs. Mary Ralph "r y ". . -.'..-/H ..'" ...' a world-renowned and established Lowe, and Mr. and Mrs. John Oudt pr o fe ssi o nal ens em bl e p ro v i d e s h e l p e d u n d e n rri te l hi s event.w hrch competition semifrnalistsand finalists w e l c o me sF o rt W orth and vi si ri ng u ith a se n' eof oc c as ionT. h e C ra m m y a u d i e n c em e m bers and ' neci alprresl . Award-winning Takacs Quartet will pertorm piano quintets with each of The Zoo Party, a mid-competition the twelve semifinalists.Mr. and Mrs. g e t-a w a y l o r compel i tors. j urors. host families, and volunteers, has James R. Blake and the Qurumbli Foundation have underwritten their heen oen"r nr. -r s. ^"'/ lv r r nr l c r ur r i l ten hv b-' engagement. an Offi ci el C orporare J .PMo rg a n . Snoncnr .' r .- """_

Eachfinalistperformslwo concertiwith t he Fo rt W or t h S y m pho n yO rc h e s rra und e r th e dir e,t ion ol J a m e sC o n l o n . music directorof the LosAngelesOpera, R avi n i aFe s t ir al.and ( r n c i n n ai r l \4 a y Festivai.MaestroConlons particrpation is lu n d cd b y t he gc ner os i ty o f Mr. a n d Mrs. Sid R. Bass. PR EL IMIN A RY RO UND I hi s l rre -d ayphas cof t he c o m p e ti ri o n w il l fe aur t e eac h of rh e rh i rry co n L e stant sin a f i[ t y - mi n u l e s o l o recital. The Preliminary Round is sponsoredby the Crystelle Waggoner Charitable Trust, U.S. Trust, an Official Corporate Sponsorof the Van Ciiburn Foundation. S EMIFIN ARO L UND lhi s l o ur J r y c om petrl i u n p h a s c oll e rsth e Iwelv es em if ina l rs arss p e c i a l ()n . -rr. -n "_o_ rl ' _ 'u / nllv l( ) dem on s tra te L h e i r chambermusicski11s by performingwith ,LrltL, T.r., .- n. . ^- , ,L) d5. vv el la s a s e c o n d rd ^ a L> v udlLf

nf the C l i hr r r n

GIFTS H OP For the l w o w eeksol the competi t ion, the Cliburn Gif[ Shop, run by vol unteers.ofl ers an array of gilt items, souvenirs,and DVDs and CDs. The 200q C l rburnC i ft S hop has been underwritten by the Junior League of Fort Worth, with additional supporr from Neiman Marcus. EDUCATION The A dopt-A -eompeti tor prog r am w i l l bri ng Thi rteenth C omperit ion competi torsl o Ien area el ement ar y schools.Studentsattenda performance hv "l

Thc Awar ds C e r e m o n y a n d C l o s i n g Dinner, which mark the end of the competition and the celebration of it > wir r ner s . a r e u n d e r w r i t t c n b y RadioShack Corporation, a Corporate Spons or of t he F o u n d a ti o n . A special reception area provides Platinum and Golden Circle m em ber s wit h a c o n v e n i e n r p l a c e for refreshments and discussions of competitors' performances. J.PMorgan r nak es t his r e c e p l r o n a r e a p o s s i b l e . Additional hospitality during the Thir t ec nt h Co m n e t i t i o n f o r o u t - o f t or , r ndignit ar ie sa n d o t h e r s i s p r o v i d e d by American Airlines and the City of Fort Worth.


thei r

r'nmnel i r nr

r-....,r-., in Jge-appropnat e activitiesdevelopedby the Van Cliburn Foundation and the Fort Worth IndependentSchool District. Funding and

Hosts of special social events for t he I hir t eent h C o m p e ti t i o n l u r y a r e Mercedes and Sid Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bratton, Chesapeake Energy, Van Cliburn, Barbara and Ralph n{-' a\ ion r n n e r [ n r m i n SOlo r e cita ]. Cox, Mitzi and Bill Davis, Marcia and BNSF Railway Company sponsors Bobby French, Laila Gleason, Martha thrc nhas e r r f t h e c o m n e t i l i o n . Hyder, Tracy and Brent Hyder, J.PMorgan, Kimbell Art Foundation F I NALR OUND Board of Directors, Julie and Scott This climax to the competition will Kleberg, Mrs. Mary Ralph Lowe, I eatu resi x F nalis t sin pe rfo rm a n c e s Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth of two concerti each with the Fort President of the Board, Marsland Worth Symphony Orchestraunder the and Dick Moncrief, Whitney and

direction of Maestro JamesConlon.

Doug More, Mr. and Mrs. John Oudt, RadioShack,Van Cliburn Foundation Board of Directors, and Donna and Bryan Whitworth.



l or Adnnt- A- f

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the Bank of America Foundation. The Art Banner Projeel gives middlc school students in Fort Worth schools a c h a n c et o c r t 'a l ea r t f o r p u b l i c d r s pl a y Williamson-Dickie provides canvas b a n n e r s [ o r s tu d e n t s r , rh o p r o m o t e th c C l i h r r r n f o m n e t i t i n n t'"'"-b" hrnrroh their own creative expressions. The banners a r e d i s p l a l e d a l o n g M a i n S t r e e ld u r i n g the competitlon and are seen by thousands over a two-week period. Bank of America Foundation has u n d e r r , r i t t e n t h c A r t B r n n e r P r oj e c r . D I S C R E T I O N A RFYU N D I N G Gifts to support the Thirteenth Competition at large are greatly ennrc(iared Aq thev rllow th e Foundation the flexibility to address I rr:riclrr nl evnen-eq l-)ice rel inner-v .'.'...-/ supportfor theThirteenthCompetition

h a . h e e n n r o v i d e d b v t h e A m o n G. Carter Foundation, George Ann Carter Bahan, Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass, Sue and John Allen Chalk, Marsha and John Kleinheinz, Mary Potishman Lard Trust, Rinda R. Wentworth, and Donna and Bryan Whitworth.




JosephW. Polisi,President

Buildan Extraordinary Future PleasecontactJuilliardabOutany Of its programsin

vanCliburn attuinard,

dance, dramaandmusicaI(212) 799-5000


OnlineapplicationavailableSeptember- Decembereachyear at www.juilf

theJuittiard Pre-Cottese Orchestra, December 2,2006'

Conrad Taoperforming with

photo by NanMelville.

P re -C o l l e g(a e g e8 -18)appl i cati ons due March1 eachyearat www.j u i | |

Didyou knowthat 9 out of 10Juilliard students needfinancial aidto attend? "Had it not been for the scholarshipthat TheJuilliard School gave me for my studies,my life would not have been what it is today. Without the financial assistance,I would never have had the education and opportunities that have contributed to a deeply enriched life of music making." JAM ES CONL ON Ba chel or of Musi c'72 C onductor, V anC l i burnInternatronal P i anoC ompeti ti on fi nalround MusicDirector, LosAngelesOpera,Ravinia Festival, May Festival Cincinnati L e a r n m o r e a t www.j u i l l i arshi ps


The Thirteenth Van Cltburn lnternational Piano Competition marks the tenth Cliburn Competition Ior which John Giordano will serveas ir rrv ch a rr m r n He hnld s th e ti tl e o I DistinguishedFellow in Music at Texas Ch ri stra n Univ er s it y , a n d e u rre n tl y is the music director of the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra. He was music director ol the Fort Worth Symp h o nyO r c hes t r aior tw e n ty -e i g h t s e a so n sn r onellins lhat o rc h e sra l to a fully professional and artistically ac cl a i me dc ns em ble;he i s n o w m u s i c directoremeritus.He alsoloundedthe Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra,which ann e rre din Car nc oicHa l l a n d to u l e d Mexico,Spain,andthePeoplesRepublic o[ China. A number o[ acclaimed re co rd i n gswir h horh ens e m b l e sh a v e hee n n ro r lt t , r r ndr - rh i t d i re cito n . "d He







in C h i n a , E ngland, ac ro s s E u ro p e , in Mexico, the Philippines, South America, Taiwan, and throughout the United States.MaestroGiordano has conducted world premieres of works by Samuel Adler, Ezra Laderman, Benjamin Lees, Gian Carlo Menotti, and Joaquin Rodrigo ln addition, he has recorded with the BBC Chamber Orch e srra. r he -E ns lis h C h a m b e r "b' Orchestra,and the National Radio and TeievisionOrchestraof Belgium. Maestro Giordano is a versatile musician whose talents encompass composing,arranging,and teaching. as well as conducting. His published compositions include award-winning film scores for the documentaries Milepost 407 and A Great Hall Rises, which celebratesthe dedicationof the NancyLeeandPerryR.BassPerformance Hall. In 1989, the George Gershwin estate gave him special authorization to arrangeCubanOverture,Rhapsody in Blue, and sectlonsof PorgyandBesslor chamberorchestra.He also conducted severalinternational orchestrasin his adaptationof jazz composer-performer

Ornette Colemans Shtesof Americain festivalsand concert halls throughout Europe. Alwaysdedicatedto musiceducatlonas part of his multi-facetedcareer,Maestro Giordanois a founder of the Colorado College Summer Music Festival for Young Artists and has served on the facultiesof TexasChristian University, th e U n i v e rs i tyo[ \orl h Texas.and TarletonStateUniversity.In addition,he is music director emeritusof the Youth Orchestrao[ GreaterFort Worth. A New York state nalive, Maestro Grordano earned his bachelor and master of music degreesfrom Texas ChnstianUniversit;rHe wasa Fulbright Schoiar to the Royal Conservatoryof Mrrs i c i n Brrrsrel . w here he earned the Premier Prix with Dislinction and the Dipldme Superieur.He performed post-graduatestudiesat the University of Southern California and completed studles for a Ph.D. in music from the U n i v e rs i tyo f N orth Tcxas.In 1o80, Texas Wesleyan University bestowed upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts. In 1996,the trusteesofTexasChristian l l n i v e rs i tv recopni zed Maestro Giordanos lifelong dedication to excellence in musicandmusiceducation by naming the piano wing of the Mary D. and E Howard Walsh Performing Arts C e n te r i n hi s honor. The John Giordano Piano Wing opened in the spring of 1998. ln 2000, the university awardedhim the title of Dlstinguished Fe11owin Music. Maestro Giordano divides his time between his home in Fort Worth and Corpus Christi, where he has led the orchestrasince2004.

Rosalyn and Manny Rosenthal endowedthe chairmanshipoJthejury






K r r t r r v n a s i l ( o n ( c t 't l l i a n i s t r t n t l a composer', Marcello Abbado was the cllrector ol the Milan Consenralory Ior r '. . . _ . . . - arrr . ^ . r i s t h c f t r t r n d er LWfrrL)-1L'Ur )fdr5. o[ the Ciir-rseppe Velcli S1'n.rphonic Orchestra ln Milan. He has appearecias r 'l l c s l rD_-c r l_r r ^__-_ l 'n t c ti_'n n o ' tcd \ cnucs ()n ''a b''"_ {ive continents, liom La Scala in Milan to the Teatro Coliseo in Buenos Aires, t(r the CrcJt Hrll rrt thc l, hrrikov:k; Conservatoryin Moscow and the Franz Liszt Acaderny in Buclapest.He has alscr p t l l i , r m r . l i n l h , ' g , r t l t h r t l l t , 'f l l r n q l , r p . Montreal, New York, Paris,ancl 1bkyo, and has toured South America on nufierous occasions. Mr. Abbado h r s u o r k ec l w i t h r n a n y r c e l r r i n r c d

Dmitri Alcxeev \ /as born in Moscow r r r r d h c g r r r t ( ) | l r ) tl t.' p i a n tr e l th c age of fivc. A graduatc o[ Lhe Moscow Ctlnservator"l', wherc he stuclicd with Drnitri Bzrshkiror.,hc was un:lnimousl)' ; t r r , ; t r r l r 'r["li'-r s' t rr r' r i - , ' ;tl th e 1 9 7 5 L e cd s Mr InternaLional Cor.npetilion. A l c v r - , 'r ' l r 't s Hn''p l [''','r ) n" " r ) cd r vi th su ch

ris the Berlin Philharmonic, orchestras Chicago Syn-rphony(Jrchestra,lsr-ael Philharmonic,Mur-richBavariirnRadicr Orchestra, Philadclphia C)rchestra, Royal Concertgebouw of AmsLerdam, cleParis,zrndall five London Orcl-restre r.rrchestras, and h:is appearedin manl' mLlslcal ol the world'smost esteemecl centers.Hc has worked wrth many r r r r r c i ei enc i r r el r r di nu r 'r ) m noc al llrl noted concluctors,including Maestri A :hkenaz;. B otrl c z. Dor et r . L, clgicr '. HindemiLh and conductors Cluido Cantelli ancl Wolfgang Sawalhsch, Ciiulini,Jansons,Mr-rti, RozhclesLvenskl,, Tennstedt,and with the Vienna Philharmonrc.He Salonen,Tcmrrkanor,', Tilson Thomas. Also in den.randas a has perlbrmecland conducteclaLI of \ /.- - ^ - r '..^ - ^ ^ - r .' ;^ '..' vt(rzlrl S ^plSll() COnCCl tr)S. chamber music collaborator,he has worked with Yuri BzrshmeL, Joshua Bell,Lynn Harrell,BarbaraHenclricks, A l s o e r c n t , r .tlt c t l ( ( ) r n l ] u s e r . M r . Rostropovich, fir-rlsMork, and Mstislurr. A h b a d o h r r sw r i t t c n l t r l a r v i c l c v r t l i e t l ' arnonllnranyother artrsts.Mr. Alexeev ol' ensemblcs, incluchng works for v i L r ] r n ) ( ) l ( ) i s t . ( ) r c h c s t l i r . l 'r c t 'e t t s s i r . l t t perlormecl the world prenriere of Penderecl<is Piano Sextet 21t the ensemble, and ballet scc)res.His many Musikr,ercinin Vicnna and then ln cc)mpositions inclucle a concerto for h r r n a n , l c l l i n p s r ) r i l t r '>l r r ( 2 0 0 1 P:rris. ' -. . , , t . * -. . . b

2004), Carillon on loycc Yrrngfor piancr ancl percussion (2006), and the ba11et HctwctLi 2000. Always inter-ested in ( '\ n l ( ) r i n r ) n ( 'u \ ( ) l l n ( l s a n d r n r - t s i r a l

Dmitri Alext:cv


Hrghlights of thc current season include ma.1or European tor-lrs wrth both tl.reRussizrnSLaLeirnd SL. Petersbr-rrgPhilharrlonic Orchestras, cultures, his recent chamber works inrtrlre Ar-rstrulirs cli(lgcrid()o rnd J rctrrl n tt\ l hr' C hicego : yr r r phony ; l n I n d , ) n c c i r " u 2 l r r i 'l : t n r ) r c l t r 'S t l i t .l t l Orchestra, concerts wlth RP(f ancl (iothenbr,rr g SyrnphonyOrchestr addition to holding h-equentlnaster a, and classesin Europe and Japan, Mr. perfbrmances at the Leedslnten.rational A bhrdoqcrveq asa i ttrrrr[or nurttcrtl us RecitalScries,whereMr. Alexeevis the international competitions declicated 2lrlisticclilector this season.He has [() chanrber mi rsi c. (' otnp()si ti ()n, milde many recorclings for EMl, BMG, .\)n(l rt(I i ng. pi ano. r'j ol i n. rntl votal Virgin Cl;rssics, Hyperion, anclseveral perlbrmance,includingthe Beethoven Russran labels. (Vienna), Berling, Busoni, Dublin, Leeds, Lonclon, Munich, Rubinstern, Schubert (Dortmunci), Tchaikovsky, ancl Tokyo Competitions. Marcello Abbado has been on the Van Cliburn InL.' rnrti onrlf i an()C on)pel i l i ()n .l ur' ) si nce1981. b -l ] ' -" ' '





Born in France, Michel Beroff is a orldrralr 5 - **- ' '


th e

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l , r, rn F r.r n ri-c rl rh e h rs t r nt er nat r onal Olir iar N,4p<<iapn .. nian r,-..o c om pc ilI r on. and ever since has been considered one

of lhe

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inler nr ctcr r


Messiaensmusic. He hasappearedwlth many of the worlds most prestigrous ure h e stl as .c ollr bor at in g r.ri th :u th conductorsas ClaudroAbbado,Danrel Barenboim,Pierre Boulez, Christoph von Dohnanyr, Charles Dutoit, ( h ri sto ph F > c hc nbrh. t K u rt Vr> u r Seli Ozawa, Mstrslav Roslropot,ich, Michael Tilson Thonras, and David Zinman. As a chamber music partner, h,




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w ith thc Lo rrdo n Ph ilha r m onit lc J l, y E ' a-lckka Selo ne n. lnd ple; , d t hc r' omplet e u ork: ftrr pi:rn u b; Dc hu> ' y anclJandiek in Paris. An exclusive EMI artrst for over twenty ; crls. Mr. Bclo ff h r: In or e t han f i[ l) re . r ) r d i n o (' b " '.,'" i nb '.r.'/..''.'.'b h i . ;i re n o |rrrhr the

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in the Arthur Rubinstein, Busoni, and Geza Anda Internatronal Prancr Com net it ions r n d a l r o r e c e i v c d t h e nr es lipir r r r rAr e n F i s h e r C r r e e r C r a n t . He has r ppe a r e d r v i t h m a n ; m q o r or c hes t r as r,rorldurde. including Lhe Baltimore, Houston,


Pittr ' ' " hr r-r oh5

( hr nohr i

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fr r nei s e,'

and Tbnhalle Symphony Orchestras. He has collaboratedwith conductors GeorgeCleve,ChristophEschenbach, H a n rL ,ra [.(u i Lan.andJoscfS i l rel stei n. as well as \,viLhCho-Liang Lin, Yo-Yo Ma, David Shifrin, and BronTsong.


A m,rrrrl

". ""' ' ) - ' . Mart h;rA rg erie h. lca n- lh ilippe eol lr r d Augustin Dumay, Lynn HarreL[, and Barbara Hendricks During recent s casons M r. Bcro[[ ph ;ed u it h Lhc London Symphony Orchestra, the \ crv \ oI k Philhr rmon it . rou r c d lr pan

lh t ' m

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Hr' rcc or J t t [ Rlr eI s Left Hand Concerlo for Deutsche Grammophon and has been au,'arded t ht prcsligirru > L rrJn d Prir Llu Dis gr r r f i r, t ime.. Irr 2 00 7. hc l, 1s ' , 1, 1. , 1t series of lifleen master classeslocr-rsed on French music lor the Japanese ne tworl< N H K Mr. Beroff currently teaches at the Paris Consert,atory,', i l nd o\ cr thc ltrt scr e r.rl ; c r r s hc hl. l rcc, rnt,'t' p rrr,'r'ti-irl a\ ;r L onJ Lt Ct ot .

Mr. Chen serves as chair of the ' dPnr rnr ' - 2no - ' r - r l r n"e' n l a t t h . : h e n o h r r Conservatory and is the director of the International Prano Academy in : hanghr i. Pr i r r l t o t h i s a p p o i n t m c n t . he was on faculty at Boston Universrty : r nd t hc Nc r r t n g l a n d ( o n s e r \ a l o r ) r nd lr t er \ \ es n a m e d a D i s ti n g u i s l r c d Artrst in Residence at Mount Royal . , . . lir r- u c( r r Ju ! 1 1 .M r . C h e n h a , Llrrr)rr r d^, LUr) -^^been a luror for several internaLional n ir r r ,r 2nd

e ,r m n e l i ti ,rn<


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\11c In H ()<.l nnS fntC l 90].

In 1992, Hung-Kuan Chen suffered rn i n i_'' l rl/ ' \ r,r hi . hand q hi ch crurcd '_11 n/rr,rl,roierl b '-'

r] iln.o. "-"'-b




r ec "lr , . , l in f , ,, . . 1r l r r r , r r r i 1 .T h f , r t r g l q 1 Gong mediLation and his or,vn research into the condiLion, he was able to heal anr l r ' r ' s um ( h r ' p c r I o r n r i n g ( t r c c r . l l ] the fall oi 2008 he pe rfbrme d a critrcally acclaimed recital in Carnegie Hall. Mr. Chen has recorded for the BMG and Bravo labels and is representeclin the United States by Blackstone Artists fulanagement and Opus 3 Artists. He gives recitals this season in Boston, (Carnegie Hail), Ner,r' York Sarr Francisco, ancl Shanghai, as well as in other maior internalional cities.He will also perform rvith the Shanghai and Tol<1.oS;'mphonv Orcheslras and u'iih Canadian orchestras in the 1a11.








A classicalmusrc writer at the Bo.ston Globcfor thirty-threeyears,RichardDyer hast-wicebeenhonoredwith the Deems Taylor/ASCAP Awarcllor distinguished music crlticism. His writings har.e appeared ln publlcations as diverse as Hlgh Fidcltty, MusicoLAmericct,Lhe Ncw Grcvc DictiondriasoJ Music dnd Mttstctans,the Nafion, the Metropolitan Opera Encyclopediaol Opera, the Encyclopedia Amtncana, the Ncw Yorh Tinie-s, and OperaNews.Born in Texas, Mr. D yer w as l rai nedas a prani st.and str-rdiedin Parlswrth Mme. Jacclueline Eymar,while also attendingthe master classesof Allied Cortot at the Ecole ntrrmal eA fter compl eti nghi s masters i n E ngl l shl i tcraturcat H rr\ard. cl egrce he taughtat the Universityof Iowa, and laterreturneclto Harvard,wherehe was appointeda Brigg-CoplandLec[urer While at the BostonGlobe,Mr. Dyer covered plays, films, and dance, in addition to classicalmusic, and conductedinterviewswi[h manyleading pianistsof the past three decades.He has written liner notes lor Deutsche Grammophon, New World Records, Philips, RCA Victor labels, and Sony Classrcal.Mr. Dyer hasbeen a member of the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition lury since 200I, and has al so servedon the pressi ury for the Foundation's International Piano Competitionfor OutstandingAmateurs. knowledgeof piano His comprehensive nnd oner:ti r'l i teratrrrei n addi ti onto music history, makes him a popular guestlecturerand programannotator.

Pianist Joseph Kalichstein has won equal praise as orchestral soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician t h r t r u g h o r . rtth c w r . r lJ. Bo r n i n Te l Avi v Mr. Kalichstein came to the United Statesin 1962, and won the Leventritt Award in 1969. Just prior to that, at Lhe invitation of Leonard Ber-nstein,he performed Beethovens Piano Concertt.r No. 4 with the New York Philharmonic

He hastaughtfor the lastthreesummers aL the Tanglewood Music Center, and thi s seasonhe prepareda w eekl y podcast for t he B oston S ymphony Orchestra,introducing the music on eachprogram.

in a natir.nallytelevisedconcert on CBS. Recent perlormances have included reengagenientswith the Chicago, Detroit, r nd



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as w ,' l l as rel urn lnur s t o Fur ope. Japan,and New Zealand. H e conti nuesto rct 'or d r nd play in music capitals worldwide with the famed Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson piano trio, who ceLebraLedtheir thirtieLh anniversary last season. Summer 2008 marked the fortieth anniversary of Mr. Kalichsteins first appearanceat the AspenMusrcFestival in 1968, which he celebratedwith a four-piano extravaganzathat rncluded fri ends and col l ea guesEm anuelAx. Yefim Bronfman, and Misha Dichter, aswell asa performanceof Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 2 under the baton of Leonard SlaLkin. Recent recordings include works by Brahms and Schumann cln the Koch label; The Romantic Piano, a two-disc set availableon Audiofon, and Ellen Taafe hv Zui l l i chs P i anoC oncerot r eleased Koch International. Mr. Kalichstein is the first chamber music adviser to the Kennedy Center in Washington,D.C., as well as the artistic director of the FortasConcerts, the Centers chamber muslc arm. Mr. Kalichsteincontinues to teach a select ...f srouo ani'"stsat t he luilliar dSchool, * ni b'.- * r r - .^,''" he is also the first holder of the where Edwin and Nancy Marks Chair in ChamberMusic Studies.He ls managed i n r he l J ni ted

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and in Europeby Harrison/Parrott.


Thejury is underwnttenby thcAdeline & George McQueen Foundation, the Alann P and Charles E Bedford Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas,Mr. and Mrs.James R. Blake, Garvey Texas Foundation, and Luther King Capital Management.





, rr r r e n l l r r

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Kaplinsky ehr ir ner snn

of the piano department and artistic director of the Pre-College division at th e Juilliar d S c hool in N e w Y o rk . as well as prol'essorof piano at Texas C hrist i:n lJn irrercitv She heoen her inner al lhe ' -,,.i. ^a *Pl-,:ew lllU)ILd l -l LA TLLI a> Lz

J.S. Bach InternationalCompetitionin Washington,D.C. A native of Israel, shestudiedwith IlonaVinczeat the Tel Ar i v Vu si eA c adem ybef oree n te ri n gth e Juilliard Schoolasa scholarshipstudent of Irwin Freundlich.Sheholds master's and d o ctor aledegr eesf r o m J u i l l i a rd . as well as awards for scholastic and pianistic achievements.She continued 'laubman her sl u d i eswit h Dor ot hy rn New York. Dr. Kaplinskyhas appearedthroughout t h e Un i ted S t at esas a re c rta l i ,s l i n chamber music concerts, and with orchestras, including performances in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, ,^ L: - . , - - U, U. ^lU* .r \\VVa>ltllIt s LUlt r 4I - - N o te d fo r h e r insight and understanding of piano t e ch n i q ue.Dr . K aplins kyh a s b e e n i n great demand for lecturesand master classe si n t he A s ia. ls r a e l , a n d th e United States.She has served on the Iacultiesof the PeabodyConservatory in Baltimoreand the ManhattanSchool of Music, and has been a member of the Juilliard piano faculty since 1993. (he



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summer festrvals,including the Aspen Music Festival, the Bowdoin Summer Music Festival,Long Island'sPranofest, PicrnoTexas in Fort Worth, the Tel Hai lnte rn a ti onalM as t erClas s e sa, n d th e TexasConservatory[or YoungArtists.

A noted German radio executive for th i rty -s i x y e ars.Jurgen Meyer-Josten was head of music for BavananRadio and director of the InternationalMusic C o mp e ti ti o n oI the B roadcasti ng Companies o[ Germany in Munich (ARD).Born in Berlin,he is a pianist, scholar,and educatorwho has actively championedthe piano throughout his career.Mr. Meyer-Josten is an honorary memberof the esteemedGermanMusic Council and hasservedwith distinction Yoheved Kaplinshy o n th e j u ri e s of many trf the l cadi ng international competitions, including th e T c h a i k o vskvi n Moscowand the Marguerile Long-JacquesThibaud in Paris. Also a former iaculty member of Munichs Hochschule fur Musik, Mr. Meyer-Josrenhas publlshed and lectured extensively on pianists, the niann rrnira A l nterprel atton. *a n,,r.-.,- r,,a n ar,..-,,.. He has also appearedin recital as a soloist and with chamber groups and major orchestras,including the Berlin Philharmonic.


Dr. Kaplinsky frequently adjudicates i n ter nat ional co mp e ti ti o n s , at incl u d i n g t he Clev ela n d . C l i b u rn , Dublin, Rubinstein, and Tchaikovsky competitions, among others. She is a two-time reciplent of the Presidential ScholarsTeacherRecognitionAward.

Thejury is underwrittenby theRildia Bee O'Bryan Cliburn Foundation, Regina Rogers,fheRyan Foundation, theTJ. Brown 6s C.A. Lupton Foundation, and ArrrlaBelle Thomas.





Menahem Pressler, clistingr"rishe cl r)n ,fcsro r', ' I m r r c ic ; r l th c l rrc l i ;rrrl U nrver'rt; S ,hool ol V u s i e. h rrs maintzrine d a career as one ol the world'-s most esteemed concct-t :rncl s. chamber musicians for six clecircle

Polish One of the best known r ' ondut lor s . T a d c u s z 5 t r u g r l a h a s s r ' Trt ' rI ar bI.' t ''_ncr ''. ^ ' a la n d a r " t t s t i c l i r c c t t r ro f t hc \ \ r ' oc lar , rPh i I h r r r n t r n i t , v i c c r r t i s t r c

R ir l n , rl



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At the age o{ se\.enteen,he won first n r i-, ' rt th e f)eh rrsrv lnt e f nlft iO t t lil Piano Competition in San Francrsco, w hich led soo n alie r to his Anr c r ic an clebut with the Phlladelphla Olchcstra. Since then, his extensivetolrrs ol North Arrr, ' r' r,r rn ,l Frrrnn ,.ha r c ipt lt t c lc t l 1 1 ' l' fr)rnltn('\ ( uith th ,' t, t . hC. t t ' l] St t I

dr r c c t or r nd l p r i n e i p a l r r r n t l u t t r r r ol' t hc \ \ lr s aw P h i l h . r r m r r n i e ,r r t r s t i t direcror and chief concluctor of the Klakow Philharmclnic, irncl a clirector zrnd principal conductor of the Polish Radio C)rchestra. In I995, he was appointed principal gucst condLlctor of the Prague S;,mphony Orchestra. ln t.r his intcrsilc etrnr'erl schedule, Maestro Stlr-rgala clirecteclthe InternatronalMusrcFestrviil"Wlatislavia wt ll Clnr ans f or r w c n l ) c i g h t y c r r l s .r . r > , r s t hc ( h, r nin l n t c r n r r i o n r r l F c s t i r l l i n Dr r s - nik i 7, lnr i l n 'r n I 9 7 6 t L r 1 9 8 5 .

Menahem Prtsslo

New York, Chlcago, Cleveland, Da11as, PitLsbr-rrgh,San Francisco, Blr,rsscls, Helsinki, London, C)s1o, Prris, rncl Among the more than l20 orchestras rnany others. In l955, Mr. Prcsslcrct'rthroughout the r,vorlcl with whom firr-rncleclthe Beaux Arts Trio, which he has collaboratecl are the Berlin becarne one o[ the r,vorlds best-knowr-r R:rdio S;'mphony Orchestra; Czech ensembles. He rclrrrins chamber i retrvers r rt'r'itrlist ;rn tl i : ; r I lc c lr - t c t t t Irhilharmonic; Helsinki Pl-rilharmonic; Worlcl SinfonieLta; Ncw cucst ]rtist __-_ rr ilh rcnrrlrncrl e hlrr.l.lbcr' lsrael --_ Symphony; the Radio anclPhilhil'monic ,-'---' n . , ' nrl' rlct. 'in cl u Jin t' f t let s t r n, tltt - . ^" b Orcl-resLrasof Buclapest, Bucharest, Gr-rarneri,Juilliard, and Tokyo String :rnd Sofia; Osaka Phill'rarmonrc; ts. Q uarte Seoul Phiiharmonic; St. Pctcrsburg Philharmonic; and Lhe Lonckrn MozarL Mr. Pressler'-sextensive cliscography Players. In 1991, Maestro Strugala irs chamber music collaborator rtncl solorst har.e earned him manl' ar'vrtrcls, \ \ 15 r wf , r ( lc Ll t h c P t r l i s h C ( ) t . l l p ( ) s c l - s \.^_'_'/ ot it ' lt ' Pr t - r ' f , r r h i s a eh i c v c t t t tn t s inch-rcling the Grancl Prix clu Disqr-rc in per-forming ancl recolcling Polish ancl hve Ciramm;. nominations, thc conternporarl. music, inclucling works lzrtcstin 2006. He is also the recipicr-tt of Gorecki, Kilai, Lutoslawski, and of a Lifetime Achievement Au'arcl liorl Todeusz Strttgalct lanulnik . O lh ( r p r i s t i g i ( ) u s 3 w a | L i s Grumophonc magazine, as r.vell as thc ( t r rr o a l ; r i n , l r r t l c t h c C l r r n d h, ' l, l lr r Clcrrrarn Critics' Ehrenurkunclt'awarcl Prix du Drsque F Liszt ancl the Polonia t ' . 'slrgnizirrgf,rrlI ) Cdr. Lr f lr . ing t lr c RestiLutaCommander Cross wrLh SLar, standarcl by which chamber nrusic is er , r r r dc d b; lh c l , 'l i s l r l ) r r 's r ( l c n t i n 2000, he r,vaselecLeclto thc r ) l, nilir ) n il[ h i . : r . h i C v e t n t n t s a n r l r e( Amcric:rn Acaclen.ryof Arts tV Scrcnces, promotion of Polish mLlsic allroacl. ln ancl in 2005 he receir.edhrghest cnltr-rrirl 2002, hc par ti! ipated in fht' Pirrnist, ancl civilian honors from Francc irncl Roman Polanski's award-winning trlm, Certranl., respectlull).. A sor-rght-aftcr for he recorclecl nrusrc {trrwhich also master teacher, Mr. Pressler h:rs bcen ir .juror at the Van Cliburn International l)clilio n "_' P i n n(r (-om sjn t t' I L) q3. Hc -"_ ^ _ t - __^__- _^

ccl ch l a tcdhi: c ight y F [ t h b i rrh tl .ry .rn Deccmber16, 2008, zrdate he sharcs wrth L u d wr g V an B e( th (r\c rr.a n d which w:rs officially named "Menalrcur Day" in Bloomington,lncliana. Pressler

the SONY soundtrack. He is currently a lr c c lanc e c ( ) n d u c l ( ) r ' c n g i r g c t l h y symphony and opera orchestras, er r d els o . c r \ c S J S a v i s i t i n g l ) r ( ) [ r 's s ( ) r ol r ' r r ndr r c t inp r t l h c K r l k r r w M u s i c Academy



visiting quartet at the Guildhall School o[ Music ancl Drama in London.

DB04 and DB10 quartetswas released i n 2006. A C D fcr tur ing t hc Br ahm s

In 2008-2009, the Takdcs Quartet focr-rsedits London programs around the rnusic of Schumann, culminating in a recording of the piano quintet with Marc-Andre Hamelin in May 2009. O t h c r _h_ _i Ds^h ^ l i *'h t s o l t h t 'c u r r c n t s c e s o n - "^ .- _

was releasedin Nclvember2007, and also subsequently nominated fclr a Grammy.

Pi r nn

i ncl uded thc w orl d pl cmi cl c l nd performancesthroughout Europe of a quartet written for them by Wollgang

R i hm

Tl'teTahdcsQuartet,I-r: Edward Dusinberre, GeroldineWalther,Andras Fejer, and KarolySchranz Recognized as one of the worlds premier string quartets, the Tak6cs Q uar t el is re n o w n e dfo r i ts a b i l i ty to fuse four distinct, expressivemusical per s onaliti e si n to g n p p i n g . u n i fi e d interpretatron s. Gr amophonemagazine recently noted that the Takiics "have the ability to make you believe that there'sno other posslbleway the music should go, and the strengthto overturn preconceptionsthat comes only with e te ct th e- b. 'g- .rp _^_. _' "'

ner fnr m pr c


The Takiicsperforms ninety concerts a year worldwrde, playing regularly t h rn r r o h n rrt

A cic

A r r < t r eliq

Fr r r nnc

and the United States.The Quartet members are associate artists aL the South Bank Centre rn London, performingseveralconcertsthereeach year.Currently basedin Boulderat the l l n i rre r<i tv


Cnlnr r dn


Or r er tet

has assistedin developing a string program that placesspecialemphasis on c ham b e rmu s i t. A c o m m i tme n to t t eac hingis d e m o n sra t l e db y s u m m e r residenciesat the Aspen Festivaland at the Music Academy of the West, Santa Barbara. The Tak6cs is also


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O r r i ntet

r v i th

(t e n h , ' rr

H n rro h

The TakdcsQuartetwas lormed in 1975 at the FranzLlszLAcademyin Budapest hy t'ehq'r1' l-rkacs-Nrrgy. KarolySchranz. Gabor Orn.rai,and AndrAsFe.1â‚Źr. It first receir,ecl internationai attention in 1977 rf r,'r w i rrni ni'b' "'-' Frs t l'' r)ri 7. and thn

re-opening of New Yorks Alice Tully Hall, and a tour to Japanand Koreain June2009.

Critics' Pr"izeat the International String Q u a r t c t C o m p e t i t i on i n Evi a n . Fr a n ce . T h e Q u a r t e L a l s r r uo n g tr l d m cd r l s o t the 1978 PorLsmouth and Bordeaux

A cel ai med

C o m p e t i t i o n s , a n d fi r sl p r i zcs a t th c B r r d a p e s tI n t e r n a t i on a l Str i n g Qr r a r te t C n m n e t i t i n n i n lq TR a n d a l th e Bratislava CompeLition in 1981. The Quartet made its North American

nr nor r m m i ns '^'b. r '- b c el c , r i nns hv


i ts

i nnovati ve

r" he T_eLr , c nc r fnr m ed ." .^_" _ " _r _" .Ar v n Pi r r end Phi l i n

Glass, interspersedwith readings by A cademyA w ard-w i nni ngactor P hi l i p Seymour Hoffman from Phllip Roths novel Everyman at Carnegie Hali i n 2007 l n May 2008. the Quartet ner fnr m pr l


ner r r

ni eee

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MacMillan commissionedby Londons Southbank Centre. Additionally, the Takacshas performeda musi c-poel ry program with poet laureate Robert Pinsky as parl of a fourteen-city U .S . tour. Thi s season.the Quartet continued its collaborationwith noted Hungarian folk ensemble Muzsihas and singerMarta Sebestyenin a North Americantour.

debut tour in 1982. Viollnist Edward Dusinberre joined the Quartet rn 1993 a n d v i o l i s t R o s e r T,'r n n i n o i n l t) q 5 ^ -rr" ' b " '

V i ol i stGeral di ne Walt herr eplaccdM r . Tapping in the summer o[ 2005. Of the original ensemble,Karoly Schranz and AndrasFejdrremain.In 2001, the Takics Quartetwas awardedthe Order of Merit of the Knights Cross of the R c nr r hl i e

nf H r r noc r - t " '..* '.b* '- l .

For more i nl orm at ion, please visit www.takacsq uartet,com.

The Quartets mul tr-aw ard-w i nni ng recordi nosi ncl rrde B eethovensl ate quarrers,which in 2005 won Disc of the Yearand ChamberAward from BBC MusicMagazijns, a GramophoneAward, and a Japanese Record Academy Award. Recordingso[ the early and mlddle Beethovenquartetscollecteda Grammy,anotherGramophoneAward, and a Chamber Music of America Award,aswell astwo additionalawards from the JapaneseRecordingAcademy In 2005, the TakdcsQuartet signed a contract with Hyperion Records,for whom theirfirst recordinsoi schuberts

Performances oJthe TahiLcs QuartetclreunderwrittenbyMr. and Mrs. James R. BIake and the Qurumbli Foundation. TheSemifnalRoundissupported by BNSF Railway Company.


compose rs sr-rppressed by' the N:rzi regrmcto the L.A.C)pera stage,with the

concluctingthe L.A. Ope ras proclLlclion ol Kurt We ills Risc ctnclFctll ol thc Ctty

r- ' ' o lln ]'l - " ' D;]lr \ t) i {'11',tf Wtl tr.r' B raurr fcl s'

ol Mahctgonny,releaseclon DVD on the EuroArts labcl.

Thc Bilri.s(Dic V.qel). ln adclrtron, he conclLrcfsPuccinis Il Trittico, directed by Woocly AIlen ancl William Frieclkin; Robert Wilson'.sl)rodllction ctl Matluntcr Bttttcr lly, and Mozarts Dit' ZauberJl\tt. Mr. (-onlon atlso continncs his two1,ezrrrcsidenc)' rt the .Juilliard School, r,vorkingwith thc schools yollng artists in a closs genrc educational projcct t ons is t ir r g( ) [ P c t l ( ) fn ) i r n ( 'c s .5 ) t n l ] ( ) s i : r .

()ne of tocllrl prccnrillent concluclors, -s s Conlon has cultn.atccl ir vasL .Janre svn'rphonic, operiltic, ancl cl-roral rcpertoirc, arrd clcvclopecl cnclr-rnng relatronships li,ith many oI thc world's nrost prcstiuious s;,rtrphon;' orchestras and opcra honscs. Sincc his Ner.v YLrrk Philharn'ronic clcltut ir-r 197'1, Mr. Conlon l-ras apltcared as guest conclucLor r.viLhvirtr-rally every' t najt rr N ot'th AmC|ir'tn lnr l Eur ir pc ln orchestra and has been a liecluent g L lcsl c()n du Ctrrl'tt th c M t ' t |t r lr olit en Opera for over thirt), I'ears.Mr. Conlon is music director of the Los Angeles (-)nrra mrrsic d ilc, r,rr o f t hc Rlr inil '_ ' -l-.

Festival,and this 1'earcelebrateshis thrrtieth seasonas music director of the Crncinnatr May Festlval. Mr. Conlor-t nls,,se n ' edas nr in,inal c o n d u c to ro f the ParisNationalOpera(1995-2004); gen e ra l m u5ic dir ec r ur o l rh e C i ry of Cologne, Germany (1989-2002); and music director of the Rotterdam Philharmonic( 1983-199 1). At the L. A. Opera, Mr. Conlon wrll co n d u ct his f ir s r Ring cy c l e i n th e I ln i r e d

S trre s

,,i,L wllll

h u\p 6ro "rjr n ilrn E;i --

n ,.


R h,'i n g old and Dic W ulk ire .d u ri n g th e 2008-2009 season.He also contlnues his RecoveredVoices series-a multtr. a r r


l -.i ^ ^;-^




masLcf classes, arrd coaching. FIe will lcad thc Chicago Symphorry Orchcstrn at thc Rar.inia,ancl he r,villgllest corlcluct thc Pl'rilaclelphra Orchcstla, San Fr:incisco Symphon;: Detrort S1'mphor-r;:ancl Los Angclcs Philharmonic in tl'reUnitccl States,ancl in Enrolte LheNDR Sinfonicorchestcrin Hanr bur - g,t he R o L t er d a m P h i l h a r m o n i c , ancl tl.rc National Phrll.rarmonic oI Russiitirr Moscow. I n r r r c l[ , r |l I o | l r i s cI t r l r l i t er r r r s ti o u s n ( s s to thc significanccolu,'orl<s of comprtscrs whosc lives ancl composil-ions wcre s t t pI t 15s 1' j l r ) t l r c N l r z i r c g i n r t '. Mr. Conlon has cleyotccl himselI tcr ( ' \ l( ' nii\ ( ' nl( ) p l ; r l n r i n , , ( ) f t h i S m L l S i e in North America and Europe. At both the Ravinia Festival and L.A. Opera he Conlinllc . l( ) l l t i ) p r ; t m Wr r fk S O l t h C S C r'-' ont Sr ' ls ir r c l r r d i n p A l c x l n d c r r r r n -''t--nt ) "-,". Zemlinskyl Viktclr Ullmann, Pavel Haas, Kurt Wei11, Erich Wollgang Kor ngt r lc l. Ka r l - A m a d c r r s H r r t r n a l t n . Erwin Schuihoff, and Elnest Krenek. Hi. r ' es r denc rr r l r r i l l i a r d a l s o f o c u s c s in nr r l ,) n the s ttr dr r ' ' ' r-" of theseworks.

r nd

ner fnr m r n,

Mr. Conlon's recent awnrcls rnchrcle the Meclal of the Amerjcan Liszt Soctetl' lor his clistinctive per{brmances oI thc composer's wolks; Ttalys Premio t i r r l i l t , r 2 0 0 0 A r r l r J l t 'r ' h i s : i s n i fi ca n t contributror-rto music, rrrt, ancl llcace in Florence; ancl the Cry'stalGlobc Aw,ard h-om the Anti-De llrnration Lcague (ADL) ior his eflbrts in chanrpioning Lhc lvorks ol- composcrs silenced b1, thc l-hircl Rcich. He is one of llvc firsL recipients ol the Opcru Ndtv.sau,arcl, givcn in recognition Ior clistingr-rishecl ;rcltievement in opera, anclw:rsawarclecl an honorar'1,cloctor ol rrusic cleur-ee by thc Jr-rilliarclSchool Hc also rcccivecl thc Z-emhnsl<yPrizc lor his e ilbrLs in blingrng thirt coml]oscr--sntLrsic to ir-rtcrnationalattention. He r.l.rrsnamecl an Ofllciel clc l]Orclr-c cles Arts ct des L c t t n '' b ; t h t l - r c n t l r ( i o r q ; 1 1 ', , - n , n 1996, and in 2004 w,as prouroted tcr Conrmanclcr. ln 2002, James Conlon lcccived France's hr.ghcst distinction lronr the president ol the I'-rench Rcpr-rblic,Jacqr-resClrirac thc Ligion c l 'l I o n n e u r f( ) l

l l l ( ) r C i nl ( ) fl l l i l l l ( ) l l ,

\ isil

lvlvw..jamesconlon. co r.n.


Vr. C o n l o n h rs re.ordedextensiel r; for EMI, SONY Classical, Eratc'r, Capriccio,and Telarc,for which he has receil'ednumerous citations.He has beenfeaturedon DVDs for Decca,and hasappearedin severaltelevisionseries on PBS.In 2009, Mr. Conlon\\.ontwo Grammy Awards for Best Classical Recordingand Best Opera Album, for

MacstroJamcsConlon's participaLbnis madepossiblebysupltortJromMr. and Mrs. sid R. Bass.



The Fort Worth SymphtrnyOrchestra hasservedthe North Texascommunity for more than seventy-five years. Its world-class musicians and internationally recognized music director, Miguel Harth-Bedoya, have becomeknow n for thei r outstandi ng performancesof symphonic and pops music with a wide range of talented :r ti <tc

O np

,r l

t he

l r r upqt

nc r {nr m i no

arts organizations in the city, the Orchestrareachesmore than 250,000 nconi eeach vear i n and around Fort Worth. The FWSO has participatedin the Van Cliburn International Piano Cnmnetitinn ..




l nr'eptl ()n



MLgueIH arth-Bedoy a, MusicDirector

Under the artisticleadershipof Maestro H arth-B edoya-oncof themostexci itng conductorsto emergeon the U.S. and international conducting scenes in r p.pnr

\/pr r q- l r nr h



'r r l i r \/






Hall debut in 2008, which included the world premiereol Mariel for Cello and Orchestra by world-renowned composer Osvaldo Goh.lov, received rave reviewsfrom both local and New Y ork pres:. l n an e xt r aor dinar show y of community support, more than 500 Fort Worth residents traveled to New York to hear the landmark performance. A leader in education and community cngagement.the FWSO is t he only orchestrai n the sta t et o par t icipat ein Carnegie Halls award-winning Weil1 Music InstituteCommunitiesLinkUPl program. Adventures tn Music, the Orchestra's education and outreach program, rnspires, educates, and entertainsmore than 65,000 children eachyear.

r h.

Orchestra and its cultural enrichment o f t h e eo m m u n i t y have grown

For mol e i nftrrmat ion. pleasc visit wr,

Fort WorthSymphonyOrchestra


Thc Sid W. Richardson Foundation has unclerwril.tcnthe Final Roundol the Thh tccnthCompctition


Miguel Harth-Bedoya,Music Director NancyLeeand Perry R. BassChair Ron Spigelman,Principal Pops Conductor ThomasHong, AssistantConductor Raeand Ed Schollmaier / Schollmaier FoundationChair John Giordano,Conductor Emeritus VIOL INI MichaelShrh,Concertmaster Mr. €+Mrs.SidR. BassChair SwangLin, Associate Concertmaster AnnKoonsman Chair EugeneCherkasov, Assistant Concertmas[er MoIIie€vGarlandLasater Chair Amy KathleenChapin Nancy& Michael Barrington Chair Ivo lvanov lzumi Lund Xiaowei Shi RebeccaStern Kimberly Torgul SergeyTsoy Camilla Wojciechowska

vtoltNtl Adnana Voirin DeCosLa,Principal AlessandraJenningsFlanagan, AssociatePrincipal JanineGeisel,AssistantPrincipal Marilyn d'Auteuil TatyanaDyer StevenHuber '** Qiong Hulsey StevenLi Julia Pautz Kathryn Perry RosalynSlory * " Andrea Tullis VIOLA L i

" ' L' Par

David Hermann, AssociatePrincipal ScottJessup,AssistantPrincipai Joni Baczewski Sorln Guttman AleksandraHolowka Dmitry Kustanovich Daniel Sigale

CELLO Karen Basrak,Principal Mr. 6 Mrs. SidR. BassChair Leda Dawn Larson,AssociatePrincipal BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe Foundation Chair Kelra Fullerton,AssistantPrincipal

HORN Mark Houghton, Principal Alton E Adkins, Co-AssociatePrincipal Principal David Cooper.Co-Associate SterLingProcter Aaron Pino TRUMPET

DeborahBrooks+ Karen Hall ShelleyJessup T eclerr



( ta - ,a

\l /a co r

Pr i n n i n o l

Adam Gordon,AssistantPrincipal DorothyRheaChair OscarGarcra-Montoya

Louis-Phi1lppe Roblllard TRON/IBONE D^r\urr

BASS vvrrrrarrr


r r r r r L r ya L

Mr. O Mrs. EdwardP.BassChaLr Paul Unger,AssistantPrincipal


D-i-^i^-l L rr"LrPar

Mr. O Mrs.JohnKldnheinzChdir John Michael Hayes, Ac s i c t enr Pr i n:l _ ^ ^i nc _ _ '_ T_ _

Denms Bubert GeorgeDimrtri Jeffery Hall Brian Perry Julie Vinsant

B A S ST R O M B O N E DennisBubert Mr. 6 Mrs. LeeM. BassChair

The seatingpositionsof all stringsection musicianslistedalphabetically abovechange on a regularbasis.

TUBA Edward Jones,Principal

FLUTE Jan Crlsanti,Principal ShirleyF.Gat'veyChair KarenAdrian, AssistantPrincipal Pam Holland Adams

PtccoLo Pam Holland Adams O BO E JenniferCorning, Principal NancyL. €>WilliamPHallman,lr,Chair JaneOwen, AssistantPrlncipal RogeneRussell ENG LI SHHO R N RogeneRussell CLARI NET Ana Victoria Luperi, Principal RosalynG. Rosenthal Chairn John Manry, AssistantPrincipal Gary Whitman BASS CLARINET Gary Whitman BASSOON Kevin Hall, Principal Mr: €+Mrs. Lee M. BassChair CaraOwens,AssistantPrincipal PeterUnterstein+ CONTRABASSOON PeterUnterstein+

TIMPANI Edward M. Stephan,Principal Madilyn BassChair DeborahMashburn, AssistantPrincipal PERCUSSION PrestonThomas,Principal ShirleyF. GartteyChair DeborahMashburn, Accietant


AdeleHart Chair Brad Wagner HARP David S. Williams, Principal BayardH. FriedmanChair KEYBOARD Bray,Principal Shields-Col1ins RildiaBeeO'BryanCliburn6 VanCliburn Chair STAGEN4ANAGERS Nlcole Lehning Ryan Bonifas MANAGER PERSONNEL BrendaJ.Tullos JaneOwen, Assistant LIBRARIAN ORCHESTRA DouglasAdams Robert Greer,Assistantlibranan *ln memory of Manny Rosenthal **On leave +2008-2009SeasonOnly



Sinrr the Frrtt Cliburn Competition in 1962, the performance of a new work commissioned by the Van Chburn I - o u n c l a t i , 'nh a t b e c n a : p e c i a l l e a t u r e of the Semifinal Round reclta1. This componcnt of thc compelition tcsLs the competitors' abilities to learn and publicly perlorm e ncw piece of music in a short period of time, while e n L o u r a g i n gt h e a d d i t i o n o f r e p c r t o i r c l o r s o l o p i e n o f r o m t o d r y s c o m p o s e r >. In addition, the newly commissioned works a11owboth the pianlsts and Lhe jury to approach the preces without any preconceived notions. Works commissioned by the Foundation Ior the first ten competitions were composed by Lee Hoiby, Willard Straight, Norman De11o Joio, Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber, Leonard Bernstein, John Corigliano, William Schuman, Morton Gould, and Wlliam Bolcom.

l-r: lohn Corigliano,SamuelAdler, Curier, UrsulaOppens,Sebastidn MeILndaWagner,and Fr ancesRichard, VicePresident and Directoro.fConcert Musicat ASCAP

r^" rho trl o' onr h r^-^.1i ti on

i n 200 I ,

composerl ohn P ul i tzerP ri ze-w i nni ng C ori a new i ni ti ati ve .- - "b - '- - - .-pl "..b rano b .- ".- " suppesl ed -' for accuirins _ '_ b trrisinaL .- '_ b _ _ '''_ \ orks irom a hr neder r ^ hi l e

r r noc i nv nl r r i no


tr l ented

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themselvesin the selection process. This idea resultedin the establishment of theAmericanComposersInvitational rsts rA C l t. B el i eri ngthatoul standi ngart w i l l choote oul sl andi ng repertoi re. ACls rnnovative format encourages both the compositronof new works and thei r i ncl usi oni n futureperformances


by Cliburn pianists.

competitors and


The Invitatlonal be gins with the selection of a nominating committee of noted composers, artists, administralors, and other music professionals who r er 'o f 1 l l n c n dA m r r i t a n co m p o se r sto b e invited to submit solo piano scores for p c r [ , 'r m a n c c d u r i n g th e co m p e ti ti o n . \ r r r 1 j p q 6 '5m a ; s c n d a n e w o r e r i sti n g w o r k l h a t h a s n o l r e ce i r e d si g n i fi ca n t of attenlion. A professional juty i n d r r r tr v n e c l s r e v i e w. th e su b m i ssi o n t a n d s c l c t t s u p t o fi ve w o r ks e l i g i b l e f o r p e r f o r m a n c e r t th c r 'o m p e ti ti o n The lury-selected scores are sent to r he, nm nnl i tnr < <er era l rrl e p l < < n ri n r I n.' '''- r "" r h c c . r m p c t i t i o n w r l h t h e r e q u e st th a t e a C ha r t i >l r h O O >eO ne w o r L l ( , p e r l o r m d r r r p h i s o r h c r Se m i fi n a l R o u n d * r*'r r,''5

rcci tal .l n orderl o allow t he jur or : and prrni ' ts to sel eclthe ir pr eI er r edpieces are without bias,all composers'names withheld until competitorshave made their selectlons. Composers whose rvorksrre perl ormedby a sem if inalist receivea cashawardof $2,500,and the work chosen by the greatestnumber a gr and- pr ize s ol semrfi nal i slreceivcs award of $5,000. In 2001, Lowell Lrebermannreceivedthe first American C trmposcrs l nV ttet ionr l gr and- pr ize award for his Three Impromptus. SebastianCurrier won ln 2005 wlth hrs + Brainstttrm. ScarlattLCodences In February 2009, Mr. Currier mel wrth composers Samuel Adler and Mehnda Wagner, as well as noted ni anrcrIrcrrl a Onnens r r '- ' " at t he of f ites of t h e A m e r i c a n S o c i ety o f C o m p o se r t.

Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) l o r e r r e w t h e t we n ty- e i g h L sr 'o fe S submitted for the 2009 lnvitational. Under the guidance of lohn Corigliano r nd

r s c i .ter l


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i rrrv cel ect ed sever:l




c c ores that w ere

foruardedi n earl y M ar chLo t he t hir t y rorrno ni ani sts ehncen .... ... to c ompete /. .^..b r


the Thi rteenthC l i b ur n Com pet iLion Thc four new \\ork: select edby t he ) OO O

enm .'" 'H "nnti l nr <

r r e re

s rrh mi t t e d

the following composers.



of a land. fhose scratchyrecordings captureci everyonefrom MuclclyWaters to a u,hole slew of anon;,mousblues ml-lslcrans. W ir it , Lr . s . f ur L , , i l r , t t t l r e a t n s t r p r v i s p ' of distant blr-res fragrnents more fiction tl-Lanfact, since they are harc11,v honest re-creatlons of Ll-re blr-resancl lets them slor'''1;. accumulzlte lo ; r n r > r c r lt r , . l i t n a x . I h , r e c m i n 8 l )

IVIASONBATES Lomax \VhitcLie-s.Irrr Recipient of a 2008 Griggenheim Fellowship in the Creativc Arts, betr,veen fvlason Bates moves [1r-ric111tht


,rf 1 l 1 5 ti 1 1 l

colltr ' ll

recenl phenomenon of samPlinggrabbing a sound-bite from a song and irrcorpolaling rt inLo something ner,vis in f:rct a high-tech versiot-tof the r"ery olcl pracLrce of alh-rsronor parocll', ancl the inclusron of "Dollar N{arme" at the encl is a nod Lo that lraclition "


Roter Salon in Berlln. Of White Lic-s.forLomax, the composer notes: "lt is still a surpnse to discover holv lerv classical musicians are familiar r,vithAlzrnLomax, the ethnomusicologisl u,-ho ventured into the American South (and elsewhere) to record the soul

inclirded the premrere of fhc Good Life, an oralorio for the Ptttsburgh Synphony and Mer-rdelssohn Choir, ancl a relurn to Carnegie Hall for tu,o premieres:a Koussevitzkl' Comntission for-theAnrerican ComposersC)rchesLra, ancl the u,orld premie re ol Fang NlLans clarinet concerto, as solttisi. Mr. Bennel holcLsclegreesfi-orn Yale Universit,v ancl the University. oI Mrchigan ancl h:rs travelcd througl-Loutthe rvorld strtdy'ing inchgenous music and instrLlments of disparale culturcs. Hts r,r,orksarc cl by Peermr-rsrc ancL Faber pr-rbLishe I\4usic. More informaLion can be fbuncl at lvlvu,.derekbermel. com.

llltt> it

and electronica. Ile earnecl a master's degree irom Juiliiard and at the age of twenty was appointecl a lcllow in ccrr-nposition at the langlewoocl Muric festirrl. :ulrre qu c t it hr r f lul' have incluclecl iellowships fron"r the American Academy' of Arts ancl Lelters, the Amencan Academy tn Rome, aud the American Acaclemy in Berlin. Bates has receir,cd nu[teroLis NationaL cornmlssions I'rom the Koussevitsk;' tl-re S1.mphon1', Foundation, ar.rcl the Ner,v ]uilliard Ensemble , arnonll oLhers. Althor-rgh his recent compositions employ the intcrplay of acousLic ancl electronic souncls, his love of rnusic has rts roots in his experiences as a member of tl-Leall-boys' choir and glee clr-rbat St. Christophers Scl-roolin Vlrginia. Mr in San Francisco, where he Bates Lr.r,es frequentLy rvorks as a DJ. l lts wor ks have been performecl in sr-rchvaried venues as Carnegie Hall, the San Francisctr Museum of Conlemporary Att, ancl the

the Alpert Ar'varcl in the Arts, Lhe Trailblazer Arvard from the Americ:rn Nlusi, Lcntcr rnd th, A,adem; AnrrJ lrom the American Acaclemy o1 ;\rts and Letters Hrghlights this past season

BERMEL DEREK Ttu'ntng Composer anclc]arinetistDerek Berrnel has composed u'orks that clrall' frc'rma rich variety of musical llenres, inclr-rchng classical,lazz, pop, rock, blues, lolk, ancl gospel. Cr-rrrently servtng as Music Alive composer in-residence r,vtth t1-re Amencan Composers Orchestra al Carnegie Hall, Bermel has receivec1 National the commissions from S,vmphon1,,Saint Louis Synphonl', Los Angeles Philharrmonrc,Chamber Music Socieiy of Lincoln Center,WNYC Radjo, erghLh blackJrird, Guarneri Quarte t, Tanglelvood Music Center (Aspen), r ir ' lir r r > t Vido r r . r n d c l c . t r i r ' g t t i l : l r i >t Wiek Hiln-rans, among olhers. His many au'ards include the Rome Pnze , ps, C,uggenhei m :rnclF ulbright Fe11or'vshi

fhe composer notcs: "Tnrnin.gis a u'orl< in the fonn of the rne and r"ari:rtlonslhat I originally wrole at t1-reTangler.voocl Music Center. it is declicatedto Frer-rch composer Henti DuLiLleuxlbr his 80th birthclay,, :rnc'l to pianisr Chrisiopher Taylor (1993 Chburn laurcatc), w.ho gave the premiere at Stlldio Raspail rn Paris A srmple h1'mn is follorvecl by a pentatonic echo, a rnirror of the mnsjcal dualitl'-East vs West-which I expenence d r'r'hen returning trom studyrng Lobr g1'r1(xylophone) music in (lhana. In Nightnrnrrsand Chicho,.s, the first vari:rtlon, the hyrrn is pecked out, culminating in a schizoid frenzy of por.ntiilisticciucking, ancl eventltall). evaporatingrnLo the top registersof the prano. Koruil cttDov'n is a pttrtratt of a sn.rallr-illage in northw.esi Ghana. The third var itttion, Pas-scte , harmonize s Lhe penlatonic theme chromaLicalll', nnd the hymn s1ou4y reemerges, this time frngecl u'ith a gospel slanL. In CctrnctvctL Noir, Latin music mixes u'ith the occasional r-agLimetwist. The carnival segues tnto the cocla, jn r,vhich an invertecl r-endrtion of the hymn relurns ln the Lop registers of Lhe piano. The pentatonic echo relllrns as the work spir als backr,vardsinto a haz;' re lle ction ol the opening song "







takrng faIIJSIC -

F U RTH Pianists at Eastrnan participate in a wide variety of perforrnance venues. Each year, the piano department presents a series of master classestaught by visiting artists performing as part of Eastrnan's concert series, or as guest soloists with the Rochester Philharrnonic Orchestra. Faculty concerts, departmental and degree recitals, and weekly studio classes add to the daily rnenu of solo and charnber rnusic performances . Opp ortunities fo r concerto p erforrnances include three annual competitions. Eastman also recognizes and Promotes the highest standards of artistic achievement among Pre-

P I A N(Fl A CUT T Y chatT Humpherys, Douglas Antonova Natalya Barr Jean Caramia Tony Lenti Vincent Penneys Rebecca Schumacher Thomas Snyder Barry True Nelita

(|FFERED DEGREES Perforfl?flco: Piano ofMusic Bachelor collegiate pianists through sponsorship of the ofMusic Eastman Young Artists International Piano Master Arts of Musical Doctor Competition. Musit andChamber Accompanying Piano u r0chester.ed www.esm. ofMusic Master Arts ofMusical Doctor


f r r nr r cr r r hr ec r I w r o l c t > a s l u d e n t a t J ur llier d r lulin g t h e e a r l l e i g h t i c : a n d always wanted to have some fun wlth, r . , well r s r ir - - v l i r r l e r i f [ b a r c d o n a n octatonic scale.The second movement, Sat , t banJ.e i5 \ \ r i t t c n i n t h e s p r r i t o f Leonard BernsteinsAnniversariesand is a m us iLr l pur l r a i l t r I m ; m t , t h e r '.A r i 't heor n



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operaAmelia; 1n the story a 1itt1egirl (,,de) :i n g s th i t mu si i aSan.rposi rophc The Medley to the stars. final takes a fra t thc tradi tronrll ri sh bal l ad _ b '_p _ _mc _ , ' n trl '_

DARONHAGEN Stritefor PianLt A graduate of the Jurlliar"d School ancl of the Curtis Jnstrtute of Musrc, Daron Hagen est:rblishedhis natjonal reputatlon in the early erghtres.He has e n i()vc(lr r lcrrlr \l rcrm o It om m i: : ion> lrom major orchestras (Neu. York

Th, Cr opp; B o y a n d s L r h i e e t : i t L r , some brutal composilional chiaroscuro as it is intercut wrth ideas liom the pr c v r ous m ov e n l e n l s .I a m r p i a n i s t . : , t I s . t m y s elf s p e c i f e c h a l l e n g e : f , , r e r c h movement: the first highlighLs Louch r nd r c loc it y . l h c >ec ,r n r l v o i . i n g . t h c t hir c l a long s i n g i n g l i n e a n d p e d a l i n g . and the last dramatic shifts in color, i^-^^ Llrlrtrur

J^ r- l u

. l - , - ^- ;^ l r / 1 1 Jr r 1 r L ) .

Columbia University's Miller Theater i n 200o. D uri ng l he sames(eso n.hc nremi eredhi ' P i rno C .ontertr,N o. I with the Orchestraof Saint Luke's at the CaramoorMusic Festival,where he was serving as colnposer-in-residence. In the past [our years. Mr. M ust o and librettist Mark Campbeli have collaborated on three operas with a fnr r r th


recorded by Albany, Arsis, Naxos, ancl CRI labels

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Or r ts t r ndi n o

Amateursin 2002."

J OH NMU ST O Improttsation [; Fugue John Musto is regarded as one of lo { la vc

m ( ) \l

\i TsA l i l ,' tnuS i ei anS . H e

. . . :. L w lL r r


> ca so n [r ' t

.r Cildr


i n r h r i c I r c c o l l c c t i o n . r l r h c o l i gi n ,r l h l i r c r r n . , t r f . l / t t i r t 1 rj rt , 1 1 j , r,1t i1t , 1f t i q u, i declicated Lo my friencl Mark Horor'vilz, u h , ) n r n i c i n : r t c d i n r h c \ a n C L i bL r r n Foundations InLernaLional third

l h c 5rilc(,n5 .Wintrrg rct'n . lnd M c t hor , r music fesiivals. He lives in New York L (,rrl 'u \!



The FLiguesr-rbjectis a fi-rsronon serreral

has garnereda RockefellerFellowship, the Lakond Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Lwo

L:-...:f . l i l > w i l t.



Co m lo scr - ]n -

ti 'r id, nr' r J- . ^u r i n pb r' h c- -2 0 0 9


and the Manhattan School of Music. His compositionshave been recorded for Hyperion, harmonia mundi, V usi eMasl ers, Innova, C hrnncl Classics,Albany Records, and New World Records.

l ( 'l

the Seattle and Sarasota Operas, Mr. .Hr ...orn D. , . rv i l l

On c ra

Theater of St. Louis and Wolf Trap in 20l 0 l ohn Musto carneddegl eesin piano performance at the Manhattan S choolof Musi c.H e hasheena vi sit r ng professorat Brooklln College and is

r l em entr

( - r r r r rn rl \/,.,)mn n .;-,',.^..'.. \,

hr r the

About his ACI submrssion, the composer writes: "The Improt,isaLion is a ruminationon the blues.Most of the musical materialin this movemenL

(Gary Graffman, Jaime Laredo) over t hc p; rS t qu Jrtcr-(cn lury. Hc r c r nainS i . l cti\c f,5 i.l co nd uclrrl'. piJ nr 5t . ] lr d \ l roc (lirc .ro r rnd hir l,'r k hr s lt c c n


nr em i er ed


Phllharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra), u tr> clrhlu>(King s 5in gcrs ) .lnr l : t r lrr i: t s

Mr. Hagen has received the Kennedy Center Friedheirr.rand ASCAP-Nissim prize s, as w-e11 as awarcls f rom the A m erir' an Acrd tm; ,rf Arts ant l l. t lc r s . the Natronai Endowment 1br the ArLs, MeeL Lhe Composer, and Opera America. His music is published by t erl F i. , her'. ft S,hirrrrcr .and Bur r ing



and his son Atticus. . r , rr it c s : R cgardinghis Su it, /n r Picir u'hc "The first lnovement, TocccLta,is a virtuosic ronclo whose lirst theme is a

\r i.l

\,1^- ,i


Lr r r r l r ) 5 r ,



tw tl


Alr ar d' I or s c o r c s w r i t t e n l o r p u b l i c t elc r is it r n. Al:o a r r o t e d p i a n i s t r v i t h r n il( lir e |er [ o r m i n g s c h e d u l c M r . Musto premiered ancl appeared as soloist in his Piano Concerto No. 2 at

Thc 20A9 Antcrican CctmposcrslnvitcLtiLtncLl is supporteclby an cnvcLrd lronr fhr National Endowment support.lrom Berlene and Jarrell Milburn.

lor the Arts nnrl



Screening ALtdition Rccitals lirl Ll.rcThiltccntl-r Vrur Clibr-rrn Intcrnationurl Pianrr Compctrtiot'ttool<placc tt-tsix vcnr-rcslronr Shanghri to IrorLWoltl-r inJanr-rirlyancl Fcbmrrry Founclatior-r chillmrrr-r,\lirnn Sanrpsonanrl plcsiclcnt Richarcl Roclzinslii gir-ing l c c l a j r - r r y 'o l f i r 'c , c h r r i r - c cbl l J o h n ( l i o r c l r n o , o n t h c s c v e n - uce k.j o r - r r r r cy, s c r i o u si r l t c u L i o nt o 1 5 I a p p l r c a n t s ,c l r c h o l w h o n r p c r l i r l n r c c ll lb r ty- m r n u te r e ci ta l . The follouir.rgis r snapshot ol,taken lionr a blog conlposccl b1'1t4s. Sirnrpsonclr,rringthe rvorlclniclc tonr.

HANNOVER 20-24,2OO9 Jnruunnv Hrrr-rr-rovcrs Hocliscl-rr-rIc fhr Nlusil<uncl I l r c l r l Lr '. o n f r r f ( ; e l 'r 'n i r r )s 1 r 1 g 5 1 i g i 1 r 1 1 < rlLrsic conscn aloncs, u'elcor-ncclthc Clibr-rr-nscrccnins .jr-rry'u'ith il \\'anll rccclltion follOr.ringir ])ressconlcrerrcc l l t r t t l t : l l u l t t l r l t ' l r '\i >i r r tt i tttr 'r r i r 'r r rvitl-rRichlrrclancl rircliointcn'icri's u,ith \tcla rncl cillre [() '\pplicirnts Haunovcr lor thc ar-rclitions lr-onrlnany' countrrcs: Bclgir-rnr,Crrnaclir,frnlancl, Gcorgia, (iernrany:(lrcirt B rit rrin..Japan. K o r e a ,R L t s s i aS, p n i r .rr,r r clU l i r r r i n c.Th i s r 'l ,r l r r... l tl 'nf :r ti r r n ..rnr ''c .- r............ - ..

rri r. \ c 5


l (l

thc spi ri t ol the C l ibur - n:t hc l) o\ \ 'erol culturalclrplon-rac1'. viccpresidcnl .Shanghcri Xicrn1ring Zhungtltft) unclInxrnutittntrl Erchrtrtce Ct'nlt'rclirtclttrXiuoyiChen with Altutn-Srrnrpson unclRichcrrd Rochin.shi

S H A N GH A I Janunny 1,5-17, 2OOg Shanghar Consen'atory of Musichosted a press conferencefor the Cliburrn as iL launched its llrst competition s(l r' (' ni np;rrr,l i l r,rrrs i rr C hi na Thcl e w i rs Inuch rnteresli n the compcti trtrn r r ,.her c t

Il r ,'

nr nees s ,r I

i r r r - r qc l r ', ti ,r n

the official compeLition artwork, and ,-,.,,.t Ibr the six winners.

th,' ylr (tlbun lnlc.tltiotol t.rccrlng

Phno Conpllilion lrdiilon



,f f .^n,'nr



t ) r 'c l t h c t r v t r t l a ) s a r r r l t h r e c c v c r r i r r g s . w { h c , r r I, r i y l p c n r" rl'lr n l i e r n l s . L r s z t

Mcmht'rs o.fthc sL.rcening lur-vin Shcrnchrri

\\ i l s th(' r)1()stl )er[()r-r)rctl ctrrrrp,rst' r. hor,vever,we heard five perforr.nzrnces ol Rachmanino[IsSccond Sonata,a Bachprelucle and , trvo Mozartsonatas, two Chopir.rnocturncs.The Chinese rrt r vrbrl rrtpgt,pl e.ctgcr l o crnhl l ee the presentand n-rolcl the luture. The Clibr-rrn acknor,vledges r,vith gratrtudeX i aoyiC hen,di rectolo1' the Internationirl Exchange Centcr, for hel;ling mal<eptrssiblcthe Shanghar Screentns Ar-rdrtions.


a,rrr1..'t n.l. -.

i I irrc

nnrl,rl ".

. rrli'rl '.'.J



ers, eYen thor,rghCl.ropir.r heirclcdthe list. T h e a L r r l i c n e c s\ v e le L n l h u si JSti r e n ( l applauclccl warml1,, c:illing back the ir favorltes lor tu'o or three boris. Onc . l t r c s t t . . r t h l r c l , r kn ,r u

tl tt sg r o kcr r Language to understanclthe a]lllreciation . . f ^ - Lu .. - l!' ^ , .Ll>L , i . , .(rru r l r m An e C .Th C r .C - - r .(, lrlr L'l drr

dcl i ni t,' l v w ;r\ ;r 1', r r - - - [ 1g1 ir 5 ancl nLlfrerolrsclrrtain calls for severa]o[' thc conrpcti ttrr>Il. u l1. t hr s r vr s a dr ; and night ol exqr-usite perlormances. The Cliburn woulcllike to llive special thanks t(r thcse l r icnr ls r vht r helper l ()r' eh(sl l i l l e l he H anr lt r verSt |ccning Auditions: Linda Engelharclt,lormer executiVedirector ol the Hannover IntcrnationalViolin Competition;Peter A l l man. rssi stant t o t he l) r esident : MelanreBertram,directorof'rnarketing; anclUwe Gelowlk.directoroI events. S T. P E TE R S B U R G Jnnunny 26-27, 2OOg Here, we heard thirteen applicants from acrossthe RussianFederation.In all, twenty'-seven Russiansperformed

Cotuttctitot {i'ctrt'l i-ss,ronson'cl by thcBeaumontFoundationo[Americaandtht'William E. ScottFoundation.


i n s tru me n tai n l produci ngthe Lugano ScreeningAuditions.

I-r: RichardDye4VedaKaphnshy, JohnGtordano,Hung-KuanChen,and MarcelloAbbado in


rrrh i , h


r hc

l2r oe< l

national malority Thesedays, Russian pianistsstudy and live abroad. LisztandRachmaninoflwere thefavorite composersfbr theseapplicants,and we heardwonderful Scarlattias well. Over the last four years, the Conservatory has undergone major restoration for its public places,and like most of the im neriel ' ' . . r ....'....'"!..b.

h rri l d i n o s



Peter qhr r r s

it i s u l te rly s lunnr ng.T h e c rty h a d r specialglow that week as it celebrated r h esi xty-f i[ Lh anniv er s aroyf th e e n d o f Pctersburg. the Siegeof Stalingrad,/St T h e Cl i b u r n r em ainsgr a te l ' ufo l r th e dedicated efforrs of Lidia Volchek, drrector of the GlazunovConcert Hal1 and Tatiana Melikova, coordinator, ior h e l n"_b inp '_'_"_ m ak e r.nos si b l eth e S t. '_'_r PetersburgScreeningAuditions.

N EWYOR K F re R u e R I2v-L 8 ,2OOg w T h e re a s a seven-daybreak i n the schedule before the auditions continuedin New York at the Caspary Auditorlum of RockefellerUniversity. T h e e v e n i n s hefore the N ew Y ork recitals began, the documentary film of the fifth Amateur Competition, They Came trt PIay, was shown with Lori Miller, producer,and Alex Rotaru, dlrector, and the winner Drew Mays and his iamily in attendance. T h e C l i b u rn deepl y appreci atcsthe effortsof John Gerlach,dlrector o[ the Tii-lnstitutional Noon Concert Series, for helping organize the New York Slr ccnino

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Ar r di ti onc

FORTWORTH FrenunRv 2t-24,2OO9 Fort Worth was the sixth and last stop for the auditions.TCU was the wonderful host for these recitals, which were presentedin Ed Landreth Auditorium, home to the Cliburn Competitionsfrom 1962 to 1997.The jury voted on February 27, selecting rh e th i rty c o mpeti torsto i nvi te to compete for the 2009 gold medal, c o n c e rtto u rs .and an arrayoI pri zes.

The Ciiburn would like to acknowledge Dr. ScottSullivan,dean of the College o[ Fi ne A rts and D r. R i chardC rpson. director of the School of Music at TexasC hri sti anU ni versi ty.for th eir i n prtrducing generosrty and assi stanee Fort W orth A udi ti ons. the S creeni ng It was a thrill to see a Cllburn poster in everycity at eachvenue,in German, R ussi an, l tal i an, and E ngl i sh. ln addition to the artwork from T'eble A l' i gnedb; lvan C l rJsby.Josef Chermayeff,the brand of ExxonMobil w a5 anol herconsl antand recognized internationally. The Cliburn ls immensely gratelul for the support of ExxonMobil, Principal Corporate Sponsor,for making possiblethe live screening auditlons with a constant Jury-a key element of the Cliburn Competition. It was especially moving to speak w i th someof the pi ani stsduri ngthese audrtions.A comment from one most aptly summed up the aspirations of all the applicants:"Thisis my dreamto competein the Cliburn, the best,the highestcompetition in theworld."

LUGANO JnrunRv 31-FEenunnv 3, 2OO9 The recitals showcased applicants performing a range of repertoire from Beethovento Ligeti, with three opting for Schumann. The hall in the radio station was perfectfor theseauditions; the audiencewas rapt and polite, and included two fans from North Texas. Several Cliburn enthusiasts-board membersand friends-attended these performances.Their ardentadmiration filled the hall with applause. The Cliburn especiallythanks Christian Gilardi, artisticdirectorof the RfSI and Nicole Thaler, coordinator,who were

CasparyAuditoium, Rochet'eller University,New Yorh

Theworldwidescreeningrecitals weresponsored by ExxonMobil and Steinway & Sons. Travelsupportwasprovidedby American Airlines. ,'tiewingoJthe videosoJ auditioningpianistsunableto participatein the live sessions wereprotided by Marvin Electronics State-oJ-the-artJacilities Jor



THIR TEE NTH CLIB URNCOMP E T I T I OBNRO A DCA S TFSO RTWO RT HT O T HEWO RL D Th e erp crie n, e, ' I a liv e pc r f or m ant c is rrniq ue an d ils im m ediac ; ant l im pat t irreplaceable.No one will argue that one r'an no l rcp lodur ' et o t he e\ t enl lhal m ay exist in a theater the energy that flows h e tu e e n

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Always at the forefront of web-based l c t h n o l o p r . r h c C l i hr r r n h a t str ca m cd its competition online since 200I , when only audio was avallable The 2005 Ctrmpetititrn 5aw an upgraded rideo player, and in 2009, rhe Foundation r s o l [ e r i n g e v e n m o r e c\l e n 5 i \ r functronality


to be conccrncd delivering unique live events to

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in tcn :ity of r es |ons e is inc x t r r r ' ably connected lo the sharingof the eventwith an audience. In a technologlcal world, where people are becoming rncreasingly isolated and removed from physical or even live verbal contact with each other, it becomes even more important to share rn communal offerings and Lo reconnect with h uma nil; in r r c r y r c al way .

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Wlth many innovative l'eatures, the e n t i r r ) O O q C , r r n ne il ti o n i s l ya r l r b l c

The Cliburn continually strives to lrrstef an internetional \ommrrntly of musicians and music lovers, and has a vested inleresl in reachrng out

to watch live at, free of charge. For eleven hours each day, Bass Hall becomes a ventable studio , l r l i v . r i n , a l l t h c c vci l e m cn l t'f l i r e

lo audiences, concert promoters, and ^Pta: r.r -r ) iL .> , 1fl-L 'l.l -L d^l u-u.L,L ,u . . I ,L lLl C w O r l d . S r n C e

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both live and via media broadcasts.

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option alter each recital, a blog, c r r l r n c l i r o r h i {r o r r n hi c. e n d >h o r t r i r l e o h i t r g r r p h i , '. . l r o g r u m n o tc5 . :p r 'ci a l q h ') r l\ o n : l \ \ , r d . \ r r i r - tr u r fl l e h i n d th e scenes activities, and live coverage of l nttr c r r m nnqi r

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orchestra. Yet another innovatit'e leature is the option to view commentary at the bottotx o l ' t h e s t r e c n . w h r c h o fl e r s p o i n te r s and alerts Lhe viewer what to listen for r v h i l . c a , 'h n i c c c i r nl a r cd . l i r n i >t:r n d i | l \ r r l \ '( ) . r l e l r ( l p qi m m ( ) n S h OStSth C


webcast, introducing never-be{ore-seen


backstagefootage,bringing audiences closerthan ever to the inner workings of the competition.Joinedby occasional co-host Steve Cumming, noted radio commentator and competltion announcer,Ms. Simmonswrll conduct interviews with competitors, Maestro JamesConlon, membersof the Takdcs Quartet,and many clthers.In addition, viewe rswill be ablet o v iewc o m p e ti ti o n documentariesfrom 1981 to 2005, which will be streamed between morning and eveningsessions. RADIO T hc Cl i b u r n Com pc t it io ni s l c c c i ri n g unpreeedcnted radiocovcregein 2009, beginning with naticlnal cc'rverage on American Public Mediab Perfttrmancc hda,yprogram.Thistwo-hortrdaily'show is broadc:rsL Lo more than )45 stations around the country and can be hearcl online at Wrth more Lhan 1.2 million weekly listeners, PerfLtrntanccTtttloy is the most listened to classicalmusic show tn America. Hostecl by Fred Chilcl, t-^his -' " -srrri r - "' b n r :t he nr opr am w rl l fe a tu l c

and online audiencevoting. Dallas classical music station WRR I0 1 .1 i s c o v e ri ngthe competi ti onas well, with a combination of live and ra n e dre n o rtsfor the durati onof the seventeen-day event. The local station is airing short music programs from the compelition; behind-the-scenes inlerviews with contestants,judges, and visiting dignitaries;and beginning June 3, WRR will broadcastthe Final Round of the competitionlive and in its entiret)z TCU's radio sta[ion KTCU-FM 88.7, which has broadcastthe Cliburn for nearlythirty years,onceagaincarriesthe entirecompelitionfrom first noteto last. The programsare hosteclby Rosemary Solomons, joined by Byrwec Ellison, and are rounded out with numerous interviews and special behincl-thescenesreporl"s.

MEDIASALES For thc for.rrth consecuiive eompetition, recorclingcompany harmonia mundi numerous pcrltrrmances from past usa has agreedto releasetwo CDs of Clibr-rrn Competitions, as well as the select competition perfonnances by 2009 Screening Audition Recitals. the three award winners of the 2009 Competition. Surbsequentto these During the con-rpetition, the show is competltion rccordings, harmonia broadcrsting scler'tcd perforrnanccs mu n rl i h a s p rodueed.on occasi on. on a daily basis, and in thc finals a d d i ti o n a l C li htrrn rccordi ngs by week, Pcrlrrr-rnanceToclaywill move to Cliburn lvinners. It has played an Fclrt Worth, where i[ will continue ttr import-antrole in helping to develop broaclcastselecLperformanccs,rncludins cirreelsof golclmcdalistsOlga Kern ancl aconcerto perfcrmredltyeirch of the thlec whoserecorcling o['the .JonNakanratsu, prizewinners. These concertl r,vill then ClcrshwinConcertc'rin F irncl Rhapsody in bc scnt ttr thc Euroltcan Bltrlclcasting, Bluehit the tt.rpol thc Billboarclcharts, Union for airing throughout Europc ancl tr;iiling bchind onll' Yo Ytr Ma ancl Asia the day uilier the Awarcls Ce r-e'r.non1', S ti n g for which Fred Child will sen'e as milster of cercrnonies. Pctforntantt' Tttcluyis also hosting claily blogs, creatinll featurc segmcnts anrnncl compeLition events, foilowing sclect competitors, ancl proclr-rcing a special w i nncrs' scgmcrlr. Acld it it r nally . t hc Pulornnnce lbdcry website featnres a link to the Clibr-rrns live video stl-eanl

After the competition, all recital performances wrll be editedand sent to numerousonlinedigitalstores,including iTirnes,Rhapsody, and eMusic. TELEVISION Localaudiencesmay watch competition performances on Fort Worths Community Cable Teler,'ision Channel 3l . Al[ performances lrom the semifinals and finals will be aired on the station one day following eachperfonnance. All concertswrll be simr-rlcast via ckrsedcircuit connectioneach day in the Van Clibum RecitalHall, locatedacrossrhe street from BassHall. The simulcastis freeof chargeand offersan "almostlive" option for young chilclren,latecclmers, and othersinterestedin gettinga tasteof thc acti on.V anouse()mmruri ty ccn t er s throughoutFort Worth are alsoofl'ering access to the au(l i o/vi dfr) transmi ssions oI the competition. Material derived from the Thirteenth Competition, as well 2ls archival fcrotage,will be lashionecl into i1 speei al d()cLl mcntary ecl ebrati ngr hc 50'r' anniversaryof the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Cornperirion.This documentary will be airecl on PBS during the four-year"anniversaryspan," w hi ch beganw i th thc gah hono nng V an C l i burns w i nni ng trl ' the f ir st InternationalTchaikor.skyCclmpetition in 1958, and conLinllesr,vith the ()l the V rrr C l i ]rLr lr r 50' r' rttrni vcr-:i rr) lnternirtional Piancl Con-rpetition,first hcl di n 1962

Ftrllowing crrr'h rceitnl Pcr'lirln'Lance ch-rring the compctition,the Cliburn Gift Shop is olleling for saler-rneclited DVDs ancl CDs ol all competirionrecitals. Also avarlable for sale are coupons to downloacl the same performances frorn InstantEncore. Theseare available directly lrom the lnstantEncorewebsite aswell.

ExxonMobil XTO Energy lnc., lhe Burnett Foundation, Alcon, Stan Woodward, uirclTexas Commission on the Arts.




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In musicalcompositions, so longas we hearmerelysingletones,we do not hear music.Hearingmusicdependson the recognition oJ the in-between oJ the tones,of their placingand of their spacing...Our concernis the interactionoJcolor;that is,seeingwhat happens betweencolors. - losefAlbers The official artwork of the Thirteenth C n m n e t i t i o n .r.-" --

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unique arrangement of nine individual piece' taken lrom the larger Treblt CIel s eries r' re alcd b y twen t ieLh- c ent ur l mxsrer lo.e f Alhe r. Ne w Yor k ar Lis t l van C her ma ye ff d esign ed t he gr aphic for the competition, which incorporates nrne versions of Albers' clefs. l o:ef A lbe rs ua s bo rn in Bot t r op. Germany, ln 1888. A teacher from the outset of his career, he received a _*Ieachrnp ce rtifica re in 1908. AI ber s .^' _ __ __ 'b

ac ce p te da pos t al t he r e v o l u ti o n rry Bauhaus art school rn 1922, after co mn l eirn o s rr r dies t h e re u n d e r Johannes Itten. He remained until 1933, when the school closed as a re su l to [ pr es s ur ef r om t h e l i s i n g \a z i re p i me Alher sand hic wl fe A n n i th e n -'b--l+

moved to the United States, where he taught at Black Mountain College in N orth C arolin a for th e nex t s ix t - een rre r r c


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as the chair of the design department. Hi s a rtr ,or i k appear e d i n ma n ) exhibitions across the United States, and he exhibited in such venues as the SidneyJanisGal1ery, SanFrancisco Mu se u m o[ A r t . Y ale Un i v e rs i tyArt Gallery,and the Squlbb Gallery,where his work was included in the first American Abstract Artists exhibrtion. In 1971,JosefAlbersbecamethe first . . ....b-.erri<t tn rcecirrc .. ar elr os pec ll\ e exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City lirino

A lhers carp er q n2 nn .d m or e t han s ix d e cades and h e sne nt m uc h oI t hat t-^__ i me st-'-l_'_ udvinp t. ' 'he e fiect s oI c olor . - _"_ D _-

and design on visual perception and inte rp re t at ion. His s er ieso l T re b l C e lef ima oes ' ' ' ' -' b.-"'"-b .^ "

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the first of several devoted to color ex at ipn1ls mo.t lysll known .' ,' rnlor _...^__."

o [ w h i c h i s hi s H umag(Io rht S quare ' ]96 s e ri e > . b e g u n i n I q50. l n l. A l h e rsn rrh l i shedrhe l andmarkbook Interactionof Color,which continuesto serveas a valuableresourcefor artists and teachersalike. Albers' TrebleClef collection features e o n e o [ th e most recogni zablsymbol s in music-the G clef-which determinesthe pitch of the notesto be p l a y e d .H e re .the cl el s are abstractl y rendered, tbrmed with flat areas of color bound b; organic edges.The a rti 5 lh a sp ro d uceda vi sualrhythmby juxtaposingcertainhuesand creatinga fo c u so n th e rrvari ati onand i nterpl ay. l h e re l aito n s hi pamong the col ors i s n o t u n l i k e th e soundsproducedby the musician as he/she strikes piano ker c nr

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tone indicates how the notes should sound, to Albers, colors rndicate how r he imr oe

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TheTrebleCIeJserieswasmadeavailabie c o rrrre cov f the l o< elnnd A nni A l bers Foundation in Bethany,Connecticut. lncel

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organization in 1971with the intention of Dr om ot inp 't h e r e v e l a t i o n a n d T l v _ _ l v _ _ '^ b ev oc at ion of v i s i o n t h r o u g h a r t . ' T h e Albers Foundatron fulfills its mission by mounting exhibitions and producing publications focused on the art of J os ef and Ann i A l b e r s . p a r t i c i p a li n g in visual arts education programs; and providing studlo and research facilities for artrsts and schoLars. respeclively. The Foundatlon also houses a substantial collection of the Albers' art and archlves. For more information, visit www. albersfoundation. org.

JoseJ.Alberswas, dlong with PauI Klee and WassilyKandinsky. oneoJ rhegrear Bauhausartists to be heenly aware of the connectionbetweenpainting and music.Albers and his cont'reres belieyed tl'tatart andmusicwereconcerned with the same, vitally important,teritories:the nature of abstraction, the pleasures at'forded by seetng and hearing, the importanceof rhythm and timing, the needfordisciplinealongside creatitity,the abilttyto beuniyersaland timeless and at d. remoyeJrom certdinmore immediate issues.In his Tieble Clefs, Albersused a symbolfrom music to exploreaspects of patnting, and createda senesthat engagesus on multiple Leyels,just as awell performedsonatodoes.He would hqvebeenhonoredto havetheseimages usedfor a competition dssociated with the dedication and masterJttlaccomphshm ents of Van Cliburn. - McholasFoxWeber, executive directorof theJosef andAnni AlbersFoundation

The commiss,ioningo[thc TrebleClef compo-sile de-srgn wcLsmade possibleby Lhege.nerousunderwrttingof Mrs. ShirleyAnton,inmemoryof E Anton. The Antonsbeganunderwritingfhisprojecttn 1989.




Announcer SrerreCrmmino Audio Production ClassicSound, Inc. New York, New York Tom Lazarus Producerand AudioEngtneer, AudioEngineer,Ian Cresswell

Official Hotel Renaissance Worthlngton Hotel GeneralManager,RobertL. Jameson David WinLer Dtrectorof EventPlanningand Operations, Manager,Anne Masterson Convention Services Program Book Design MadhouseAdvertising& Design President/ Creatfu e Director,Jimmy Mowry

Adjudication Consultant John MacBain"Ph.D Catering R. J. Catering Owner,RobertJones Competition Photographers EllenAppel RobertMcAvoy Victor Trevino Computer Systems TarrantTechnologv '.''"^ _"' . - b/ ManagingPartner, Chad Cline Partner,Craig Chnstopher Facilities NT.---' I -- --A D-.-.' D BassPerformanceHal| Fort Worth, Texas ManagingDirector,Dione Kennedy DirectoroJOperations, Don Fearing EvenLSeryices Director,JeremyByrd International Management IMG Artists Europe London, United Kingdom ArtLstManager,Dorothy Currie Legal Consultants John SilbermanAssociates Karen Levinson

StageManager DeborahBarr Ticket Agency CentralTicket Office BoxOff.ceManager,Neal Burgess Assistant,Pam Foster WebcastHosts JadeSlmmons 5teveC ummi ng Webcast Production SathyaProductionServices Brookl;.rr,New York Owne4 Molly McBride PelerRosenProductions,Inc. New York, New York President, PeterRosen VariviewTechnology Dailas,Texas Chie.fExecutitte Ot'fcer,JohnJ McDonald,Jr. TechnologSt Det,elopment, BenJohnston VicePresident, & Business Director,CreativeSeryices,J.P Scoggan Director,Webcast Service.s, Matthew Clark In-Sync,Inc. Directorof Operations, John Johns

Media Consultant ATMS Darien, Connectlcut President, FraserHead National Press Representative Grant Communications - New York Massachusetts Publicist,Laura Grant


Oun RECENTGnAounrEs ARE TEACHING oR HAVETAUGHT AT... B el orussi on A codemy of Musi c of Americo Cotholic University E osi monS choolof Musi c Gri nel C l ol l ege,Iow o Koreo NotionolUniversity of the Arts Loui si ono C ol l ege Loyol oU ni versi l-y C hi cogo Moreheod Stote University NorthwesternStote University of Louisiono SeoulNoiionol University S ki dmoreC ol l ege,A l bony,N Y S outhernMethodi stU ni versi ty Stephen F.AusiinStote University S uw onU ni versi i y Unlversity of Alosko University of NorthTexos University of Texosot Arlington OU N C U N R E N T S TU OE N TS OR R E CENT

OF UNT HAVEWON... GRADUATES Anionin Dvoiqk lnternotionolPionoCompetiiion B el l i niIni ernoti onolP i onoC ompeti ti on B oesendorfer l nternoti onolP i onoC omoetit ion B rodshowond B uonoInternoti onol P i onoCom pet it ion H i l tonH eod Internoti onol P i onoC ompeti tion IB LAInternoi i onolP i onoC omoeti l i on InternotionolPoderewskiPionoCompetition Jeon FrongoixPionoCompetition Jos6l turbiInternoti onol Musi cC ompeti ti on I i czt (l nrri cnn f-nmneti ti On

LosA ngel esLi sztC ompeti ti on Loui seMcMohon Internqti onolP i onoC om pet it ion Midlond/OdessoYoung ArtistCompetition Missouri SouthernInternotionolPionoCompetition N eno W i demon C oncertoC omoeti ti on PoderewskilnternotionolPionoComoetitiorr S onA ngel o " S oronti n" Internoti onol Musi cCom pet it ion VirginioWore InternotionolPionoCompetition W ol terN oumburgInternoti onol C ompeti tion "Web-concert-holl" ArtistComoetition WilliomByrdConcerto Competition Young TexosAriistsMusicCompetiiion TW OOF OU RS IU D E N TS H A V ER E C E IV E D GRAMMYNOMINAIIONS {tu

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C i n a B a c h a u e rl n t e r n a t i o n a l P i r n o A r t i s t s C om p e ti ti o n . First Prize

2006 2006 2004

The Vendome Prize, Winner American Pianist'sAssociation, Max t. Allen Fellow Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Competition, Second Prize (First Prize not awarded)


Music Teacher'sNational Association Collegiate Artist Piano Competition, First Prize


S T EP H EB NE U S UNI T E DS T AT E So A G E 2 7 The fourth of eight children raised on a f ar m in Oth e l l o . Wa s h i n g to nS. l e p h e n Beusstartedplayng piano when he was five and made his orchestrai debut four years later. Mr. Beus has appearedwith the Gulbenkian Foundation Symphony (Lisbon), the Tivoli Sl.rnphony (Copenhagen), the Philharmonic Orchestra of Morocco (Casablanca),the VaasaCity Orchestra(Finland), the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra (Germany), and wrth several United Statesorchestras,including the Fort Worth, Indianapolis,Nashville, SantaFe,and TucsonSymphonyOrchestras.Equallyactiveasa recitalsoloist,Mr. Beushas performedin the SalleGaveau and SalleCortot (Paris),the ScuolaSan Rocco(Venice),the TeatroSanCarlo(Naples), Merkin Ha1l (New York), and the ShanghaiOriental Arts Center. In 2008, he made his Carnegie Hall debut performing ProkofievsPianoConcertoNo. 3 with the Juilliard Orchestra.Mr. Beushas recorded works by Samuel Barber and Marion Bauer for EndeavorClassics,and Charles Griffes and Alexander Scriabin for harmonia mundi usa



The Juiiliard School


Whitman College

TEACHERS 2004-nresent RobertMcDonald r ^- - - " -"' ' l 989-nresenr I eonardR i chter 1986-89



EnglishSuiteNo. 3 in G minor, BWV 808


Sonata[or Piano,Op.26




Sultefor Piano


Sonatain B-flat major, Op. 106, "Hammerklavier"


PianoQuintet in F minor


Preludeand Fuguein A minor, BWV 543

Mendelssohn Sonatain E major, Op. 6 Medtner Liszt

S onatatrogi ca, Op.39, N o. 5 PaganiniEtude No. 3, "La Campanella"

FINALCONCERTI Mendelssohn PianoConcertoNo. I in G minor, Op. 25 Prokofiev

PianoConcertoNo. 3 in C major, Op. 26


SviatoslavRichterInternationalPianoCompetition, SecondPrize

2008 2006

lnternationalPianoCompetition,First Prize Casagrande InternationalCarl BechsternPianoCompetition,Germany. Frrst Prize





TEACH ER S 2001-present Dmltri Bashkrrov 2006-08





q ()na la_,in' D l1 m_ 1aior K ._' I '_ 1.-_ -'


Ron do a la M az ur r n I m alor . O p. 5


Sonata No 3 in B minor, Op. 58


Sonatain E-flatma.1or, Op. 31, No. 3


Sonatain B-flat major, D. 960


White LiesJor Lomax

EVGENI BOZHANOV . AGE25 BULGARIA F v q c n i B o - h a n o v w A < b o r n i n R o u sse , Bulgaria, and made hrs orchestral debut wrth his hometown

garneredfi rstprize at t hc 2008 Casagrande


Piano Quintet in F mrnor

( T r r ni

C .- "'om neti ti nn


Rain TreeShetchI




qeeo n , l

pri ze at the 2008 R i chterC ompet it ion (V oscor,r. R ussi a). A l soFrstpri zew i n ner at the BechsteinCompetitionin 2006, he has performed at severalmajor concert n^.vPl r

i n (l ermrnri i11r

r-^^1.t,,*, l l d l l KL u l L

i n, l rrdi no the Al re --r


thc C astci g


Munich. Most recenllv, Vr. Bozhanov .'


l r al v )

''H '



orchestra playing

a Mozart concerto at age twelve. He

l or r r ed

_.-" '



thr ohnr r t ... r.._..

" /l

1,.1.. .l dr y .

i ^.1,.1:^ . l l r \ r uui l 1 5

appearancesin Bologna and Rome.

Gounod-Liszt FaustWaltz


Piano Concerto No. I in E minor, Op 11

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 rn C minor, Op. 18



USASU International Piano Competition, Third Prize China International Plano Competition, SemiGnalist Seoul International Music Competition, Semifi.nalist National Music Festival. Canada. Rose Bowl title

TRAINING PROFESSIONAL 2004-present New EnglandConservatoryo[ Musrc 2001-04

Mount RoyalCollegeAcademyof Music

TEACHERS r An4_nr ac anr


1.., ,l ng By U n




Hung-Kuan Chen

CHI NAo A G E 2 5 Introduced to the piano at age three by his mother,a vocalteacher,YueChu won ... nr -J mp e l rl ro na t a g e eight. At the age of ten he was among h i < 6 r.r

.o.f,r .- o..o

the youngestconductors chosento lead a youlh orcheslraand choir rn his home city o[ Tianji, and at twelve he was admitted to Ber.ling's Central Conservatory.Mr. Chu has appearedas soloist with orchestra in

Canada, China, and the United

States.Also rapidly becoming knowr ac , an ac c o m n l i s h e dc h a m b c r m u s i c collaborator, he has participated in the PerlmanMusic Programin New York and the 2005 Music Festrvalat Walnut Hill in Massachusetts, and has performedat the RaviniaFestival's SteansInstitutewith his own c h a m b e re n s e mb l eC . u rre n tl y pursuinghis masterof musicdegreeat the New EnglandConservatoryhe is the first undergraduatein that schoolshistory to receivethe PresidentialScholarshiptwo yearsin a row.Mr. Chu is an avid sports f ^lar r


^- lr u ar

^^- r i ^ i ^L^l L - rr P d l r L . Par



32 Variationsin C minor, WoO B0


Sonatain D major Hob. XVI:42


Sonatain B minor


Vqlses nobleset sentimentales


Suitefor Piano

Rachmaninoff Momentsmusicaux.Op. 16


PianoQuintetin A major,Op. 81


l4avierstiche, Op. 118


Sonatain E major, Op. 109


Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major,Op. 58

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3



A^ -i-n'



. i rs tPri z e Y oungCon c e rtA rti s tsA u d i ti o n s F SydneyInternationalPianoCompetition,Third Prize Hilton Head InternationalPianoCompetition,First Prize ClevelandInternationalPianoCompetition,Fourth Prize



The Juilliard School Buchmann-MehtaHigh Schoolof Music


JerusalemAcademyo[ Music and Dance

TE ACH E R S 2007-09



Emanuel Ax


JosephKalichstern RobertMcDonald






Ran Dank has won virtually every major prize availablefor a young musicianin his country He was most recently awarded first prize at the 2004 Young Concert


A rti stsA udi ti w el l as the grand



Beethoven Scriabrn

Sonatain E-flatmajor,Op. 27, No. 1, "Quasiuna Fantasia" Sonata\1n O in F mqinr On 6R,"BlackMass"


Riminiscences de Norma

prize and gold medal at the 2008 Hrlton Head Competition,resultingin his debut recitalln CarnegieHall in the fall of 2008. Mr. Dank has given recltals and concerts throughoutA ustraha.turope. and t he


I T ni te,,l ( tate<


PartitaNo. 4 in D malor,BW / 828


White Liest'or Lomax


SonataNo. 6 in A major, Op. 82

----" " '^,br



Cleveland Orchestra, the

ra. and l erusal emS ;mphony Orchest

Pia no Quin t et in f m inor . O p. 34


( v c l nc v

( v m nhnnv - 1" 'Y" " " 1'

r m nno

nthp rq

H e h a s p a r l i c i p a t e d i n P o l a n d s C h op i n


and, Zelazowa Wola festlvals, perfoming




Goyescas: Quejaso la majay el ruisehor S onat aNo . I i n B mi n o r.Op s 8

p r o g r a m s b y C h o p i n a n d L i s z t. a n d w a s also featured at Finlands Mirntta Music Festival. Mr. Danks favorite author is



SydneyOperaHouse.He hascollaborated


C ho p i n

appearan ces a[

Alice Tu1lyHa1l in New York, Glazunov H al l i n sr P erershrrrs and A ustralias e!.

B r ahms

i nr l r ,--...j r di nc

Thomas Mann.



Piano Concerto No

) i-

F m innr


Piano Concerto No

) in ( l m inor

nn On - r'

ll 16 :



(linir Ilachar-rer /\ r't|\tc Crrml)cti t r,rr-r, Fr{th Pr-izc .Jru'riorN c p o m u k H u r r n r c l I n t e m r r t i o n a l P i a n o C - o n r p cti ti o n , Johrnn


, l i l l n a l i st C l a m H r r s l <iLl n t er n a t i o n i r l l ) i a n o ( - o n r 1 'r c t i tr o nScr


P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2005-plcscnl

Intcnrilti()11aI PLanor\clclcrnl, Lalic (-onro


('. B. I'crsolesi,Fcrnro Conscn'atorio Statalccli I\4r-rsicir


C o n s c r v a t o r - i oc h N l i l i r n o


h js


llrst CD ilt ihc agc ol lilicen for tlrc Strachvrrrir-rs Label. \\,'hilc still a teen:rgcr, he tooli tol) pfizes ilt scYerlrLnatir)nal .,,..t ;-, .,. , , . , . i. , - . , 1 , , , , , ) c t it i( r nslnr l lr r t s .itttc 1,,tl, ' t llt c d ln lt t r ) : l llt J j( ) r \ ' it ir s lll|L rrrslr( ) irllr l r l; . ; r t $r ' ll lt s ir r , \ r { , nt inlt . Francc, Ciclmar-r1',Polarrcl, Skrr-akia,rrrcl the UniLccl States. Mr. Del.javan alstr excels as a colLaborativcrlnsiclan ancl has concluclccl rvl-rilc l.rcrfbr-mir-rgr,vith L ) T L h L 5 t l i l r ' ll A

n r r r lC tllilll

( ) n a L ) L L il:i( r 1 1 .

-1 p r , t ; 1 , ' 1 1 .1 1 1 ,r f q ,' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,,1 X1tttttsit.

he r.l,as l-cccntl), rnvrtcd

to perfbrm


rvorksol Polish-Belgian composerPiotr Lachert at scr-eralPolish nrr,rsicfestlvirls. H.

i t , t t t t i lr ll\ Jn t{ r n P, th t sCltr ' l ) r r ltlt{

: n l i s l s , l l l , ' n ( lir r "

tlr c lr r tctr t.r L it,n r l Pilr n tr

A r ' l L l t l t t ) ;tt L ;tl.c ( ( \lltr ) . Itir l) . ln tl invrtations

to p e r fo r n r

a t n o te d


m u sic

festn.alsin Br-renos Au'csancl \hncouvcr t hr ss um n rc r. urrrr'.alesslr r-rcl rodeljavan.cont



Willirnr (lr-antNabor.['


R rccrrrcl oR i sahti


S o n a l i l i n E - f l a t n . r a 1 o rI,l o b . X V I : 5 2


SonaLrrin B mir-ror

S E MI F I NA RE L CI T A L S chubcrt

S onatai n D rnaj or,D 850

B atcs

WhrteLic.s./or. Lonrur


SonrrtaNo i, Op 5j

S E MI F I NA CHA L MB E R Brrhr-r-rs

P i l n t , t ] r r i n t e t i n f n r i r t , '1 . 1 - r 11r .- 1


()p l7 Fctntctsic in C n-rajor,


lntigcs, I3ookI


Piano CloncertoN o. 2 i n F mi nor' ()1t. , 21


Piano Concertcr N o. I i n D -fl atmaj or,Op t t )


L rnr'in nf,ti W , ' r lJ lr r no ( um lc l ilion. l- ir s l P r r t c Helsinki InLernalionalMej Llnd Pirno Compctrtion, Frfth Pnze Ettore Pozzoli Internatronal Piano CompeiiLion, SeconclPrize

PRO FE S S I O NTARLAIN IN G 2007 09 2003-07 2001 03

The.JuilliardSchool The Curtis lnstituteof Music JuilLiardPre-Co11ege

TE ACH ER S 2007-present RobertMcDonald 2003-07





Min Krm

YOONJUNGHAN SOUTH KOREA.AGE24 At t'J"'.b r oe ,''.b .


\ , ) n ; r l : r r n | - ll.r t m r io r

Ch nnin ..--__ r ''

rrarrLnJ) .,,,^


ELamtn'v la muerte Goyc.scn.s.

i - r rrrrrr(rr) ,' ^ ,^ "

rrr r

vl,. ^-

Htlb . XVI:5 2 40

R ECITAL SE MI FINAL Bach-Busoni Chaconnein D minor, BW / 1004 Liszt PaganrniEtudeNo. 3, "La Carrpanella Bates Choprn

WhiteLiesfor Lomar No. 3 in B minor, Op. 58 SonaLa

thi r ter r r

\,r ,r ni r r nc

H :r n

m r rl e

h e r s . r l o d c b u t p c r f . . 'r m i n g B c e t h o rcn Thlrd Piano Concerto wrth the Seoul Philharmonic

in 2001, she moved to

\ t w Y o r k r o . l u J y J t r h e p r c , o l lcg c division of the Juilliard School, and q r h \ , ( r r p n r l v r e c r i v r 'd h c r b a c h el o r t degree from



InslituLe of

Music. Ms. Han has played with the B u f l a l , ' P h i l h l r m . r n i c . r h c M i s s i s si p p i ancl Houston Symphony Orchestras, as


Plano Qurntet in E-flat major, Op. 44

FINA LR EC I T AL Beethoven

Sonatain A major,Op. 101


Rain TreeShetchI & il


Carnat,al,Op. 9

FINA LC O N C E R T I Beethoven

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58


Piano Concerto No. I in E-flat major

well as wrth the Helsrnki Philharmonic and the I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra o l M i l a n . 5 h c h r ' p e r f , 'r m e d t h r o u g ho u t Korea, in Europe, and in North America, i n el L r . l i n g . , 'n c r 'r t si n C a r n r g i c H a l l s W ci l l Recital Hall, Li-reSeJong Concert Hall in Korea, and Lhe Villa Bertranka Mozart Museum in the Czech Repubhc. Arnong r 'm r .bn_pe n g l r e m e h e r r r n_c_ ,'",'_ _ 'b _ n t s f , r c r c r 'i l t l 5i r l

, '_ '_ t

Chicago(Dame Myra Hess series),New York (Alice Tu1lyHal1),and Washington, D.C. "Yoonie"is a big fan o[ cookingand cuisinefrom all overthe world, especially that of the southernUnited States.



AXA Dublin International Piano Competi.tion, Second Prize Geneva lnternational Music Competition, Special Prize, Finalist Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition, First Prize

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2006-09

The Curtis Institute of Music


KoreanNational Universityof Arts

TEACHERS 2006-present Gary Graffman

KYUYEONKIM S O UT HKOR EA . AGE 2 3 In 2006, Kyu Yeon Kim becamethe first Koreanmusicianto enterthe AXA Dublin Competition, bringing home second prize. In addition to recital and orchestral appearances at major venuesthroughout her nativecountry,Ms.Kim hasperformed in Austna,Australia,Germany,Japan, and the United States.Shehasbeena featured soloist with the Hungarian Chamber Ochestra and Seoul Philharmonic, as well as with the RTE National (Dublin) and Utah Symphony Orchestras. Ms. Kim credlts her mother, Kyrng-sook Lee, former dean of the school of music


Klaus Hellwig




Sonatain C major, Hob. XVI:48


Kreisleriana,Op. 16


Fr r r d o c





Sonatain A major,Op. 101


Picturesat an Exhibition


Suite for Piano


PianoQuintet in F minor, Op. 34


Preludeand Fuguein F major, BWV 880 Preludeand Fuguein B-flat minor, BWV 867

at Korea'sYonseiUniversity,for nurturing her talentand passionfor music-making.

th r p a


Twenty-fourPreludes,Op. 28



Lteel noven

r,uno ao*ar,-ry


PianoConcertoNo. 2 in G minor. Op. 16


C'ina Brchrrr-rcrI ntcrrtatiot.trtl[)irno ContpeliLion at JLril l irrrcl,


Itrternationrrl Piano Competition lt Jttillirrrcl, Brrchrrr-rcr C,ir-rir

2005 2005

Cho pin Intc r nir t ionir lPiat t o ( lont 1' r c t it ion,F i n a l i s t

Frrst l)ri:c

First Pri:c SeconclPr-izc National (.hopin ['iano (-ot'n1'rctition,

PRO FE S S I O NTARLAIN IN G 2t )i ); l )fcsc nt T heJ uillir r rcSl c h o o l o l (-h i c i rs o l9i )2 -2 0 0 5 \ ' t us iclns t i tL rtc

I EA CHE R S 2i)05-l)r.cscnt\bhevcclKrrplinsli; [-cc Kr,rr.n-Sing 200 l-05 I t )t)2 -2 0 0-


E n' r ilioc lcl kl rs rtl i tr

I).C.. to JrtpirneseBorn in Wasl.rir.rgton, Korean llrlrcnts, Nrtorli Kr-rclo began stuclyrng piano in C-hicago irt age frtur.


Pian o So na t it No I ( lc ) c ) Q )

r\ I bct ni:

Ibc ritt Tt ittntr

( - i ropin

So nrtrr Ntr. J in B t r it r ot . ,t ) 1t 5t i

Wh i l c s t i l l i n h c r t c c n s ,s h c w a s : r w a r d e d top

recipicnt of n C,ilnroreYonng Artist Award

RECITAL SE M I F IN AL I Iitvcln S tl avinsl< ;' N4r-rsttr Schnnrrrnt-r

rn 2008. Higlrlights ol hcr crrccr inclucle

Son atrrin (. nr r t jor .I. lob. \ \ ' l: l( ) Fotrr Etr-rclc s( ). p. 7

perlbrmances at the Chollilt l:cstival in D u s z n i k i , P o l a n d ,t h e " N c w N a m e s o f th e

Impror,rsation& Ft-tgt-tc ()p. c) Ccri-navrrl,

2l'' Ccntury" lnternalionaI Mr,rsicFestival in Russia,thc Nagoya lnlcrnational Youth Music Fcstival irr .JaPan,tl'rc Straclivarius


MlLsclrnr ((-rcnrorra, ltaly), thc

Pian o Qu int c t in F ur iuor , i) p. j4

the Aspcn Music lrcstival, rrntl Lir-rcoln Ccntcrs Avcry Fishcr- arrcl Alicc Tuliy

ThreeSonatas Preludes,Book I

H:rlls ir.r Ncw York. Shc has appeared u'ith orchcstra in Ja;lan, Polrrnd, and throughout the Unitccl Stltcs, rrncl l-ras

LesCollinescl'Anacctpri Minstrel.s

been fcatut'ecl in livc 11r-lip pt'ograms

Preludes,Book I1

broadcasL by



(Chicrrgo) and

WQXR (NewYork).

Feuxd'arti.fice Barber


Cortot (Paris),thc Mr-rsikvcrcin(Vienna),


prizcs .rt scvcral national and

internationril compctiti()11sancl u'as a

. 26 S onat af or P i a n o Op

u'lu'. nao miku d o. c on-t

FI N A LCONCER TI Mozart T^ L ^ i l .

lLllalNlrv>n y - . . ^ 1 ..,

PianoConcertoNo 20 in D minor, K 466 r,^-^

r lar luuL

-l n C e flO


r I


D fl^, u-rr4L

rrrrrrurr -;-.-

n^ vP.

l] --



VibrartelnternationalMr-rsic Competitron,Winncr (iorllrctition for YoungPiiinists,[irst Prizc Rachmirrrinoff

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2003-prcscnt The ParisConservrrtoirc 2001-06

Ukrarr.uan Nationrl Tchril<ovsk;'Acrrclcr.r.r;' ot lt4r-rsic



TEACHERS 2007-plcscrrtJacqucsRouvier 2001-07 A l ri n P l rncs 200I -06 Igor Rirrbov

NATACHA KUDRITSKAYA UK RA I NE. A G E 2 5 Ukrainian pianist NatachaKuclritskaya tor-uecl thc UniteclStaLcs rrsa soloistu'ith thc KievS1'rnphony.whilc still a teenzrger. Since2003 she has maclehcr hr.rmein France, lvhere she has bccn healcl at seveli.rl fcstivals and conccrt \renues, incluclingLa Roque cl'AntheronPianrr Fcstival, asu,ellasthe Citc'clcla Musiqr-re , SalleCortot, and Mr-rscccl'Olsayconcert has also seriesrn Paris.Ms. Kurch"itsl<ayii pcrformeclat noted testivalsin Austria, Ciermany:Lat\-ia,and SwitzcrLincl.In the in the sllmnrer ol 2008, she particip:rted SirntanderFestivalat the invitation oI Dn-ritriBashkiror'.


It' i naB rrri nova


No. 2 in B-flat rrir.ror',Op j5 Sclnati.r


Cuslttu'tl clch nuil


Vclsc,Op 38


Suitein A minor Sonatarn C r.ninor,D t)i8


\.Vhitc Lics.ltri.Ltrnrcr,r



Piano Quintet ir.tF nrinor, Op. 34

FINALRECITAL Beethoverr-Liszt Symphon;'No. 2 Schubcrt-LisztDu lristclieRuh' Au.fcltntWrrsscr.iiisirrgcrr




P i anoC oncerto N o. 20 i n D mi nor,K . 466


P i an()C ()nr' cl trr i n 1, ,tt;.,,ut


PlneroloInternationalPianoCompcririon.First Prize AndorraInternationalPlanoCompetition,FirstPrize Internatronal"GeorgesEnescu"PianoCompetition, Grand Prix


RoyalNorthern Collegeof Musrc,Manchester


MoscowPL Tcheikor-sky Conscrvatory


GnessinRussianAcademyof Music,Moscow

TE ACH E R S 2003-07

Norma Fisher


Andrei Diev


Mikharl Khokhlov

Mark Ray


Sonatain D minor, K 213 Sonatain B mrnor,K. I97 Sonataln B mu-ror,K. 27 Sonatain B mrnor-,K. 87


S onat ain A ma j o r,K.2 1 2 Sonatain A ma1or,Hob. XVI:12

Bach-Busoni Chaconnein D nrinor.B\W 1004 Bach-Siloti

Preludern B rnrnor.,LIWV855a

Sonatain C nrajor, l);r

Rachmarrinol[ Momentsnrisrr,uur,Op Bates

53 "Waldsteur l6

White Lids for Lomc^


Piano Quintct li A mllor', Op 8L

FI N ALR ECITAL Bartok Ravel


based rn

K u n z l t r t p c r l o r me d

r n d l r r . . , r d c a sut i t h m r n y o I t l r c U ni te d Kr nu,l ,r m < j - '..b m 1i ,r r ..'''b ...'''- '.'4 J".'''..L

or .he.r


i nc l r r din o

rhc B B t (l mrnhonv;rnd B B C C on ccr t L)rchesrra:.B B C S torrrsh antl Royr l Scottish National Orchestras, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra,the Philharmonla,and the Royal Liverpool P hi l harmoni t.Othcr earcerhi ghlight : lnclucle debuts wrth (r.,.mnhrrni e Orchdsl el


Siberia and

Itrnd,rn. fdurrd

E C IT A L PRE L I M I N A R Y Scarlatti


the Deutsche Jt


B erl i n

PhiLharmonieand the Royal Stockholm Phiiharn'ronrc,as well as recitals in Barcelona, Amsterdam(Concertgebouw), l ,r n,l ,r r r

f\A/i om or - )

Pr r i .

l l ,r r \

r p)


R o m c . R , , i p i c n t , '[ f i r s t - p r i z e a n ar d s f r o m t c n t n l e r n a t i ( ) n . itl r r m p c t t t i 0 n s . M r . Kunz Ls a Verbier Festival lar-ireateand a B B C I \ e w C e n c r ': r L i oAi rr l r >t .

Suite,Op 14 (iaspctrclck lctatil

Hungar r a nl { h a p s o c i y ' N o1.2 RachmaninoffI-ilacs,C)p.2l , No 5 Liszt

FI N ALCO N C ERTI Beethorren

Piano C.oncci-toNo I in C mlnor, Op. 37


['iano Concerto No I in B-flat minor, Op. 23



Lor-risiana Inte rnational Piano CompeLition, Ar-rclicnce Awarc1 Salon de Vrrtr-rosi,CrrrcerGrant Yalc Univcrsitl' Woolscl Hall Concerto fompetition, Wir-rncL

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2004-08 2000 04 199,+-99

N4rtnhatLan Scl-roolo[' l\,lr-rsic YalcSchoolof Mr-rsic Mctl-roclist Laclies' CollcgeSchool


ANDREA LAM . AGE27 AUSTRALIA AndreeLarnbeganher n.rusical training at age fir'e, ancl at thiftcen r.von the Austlalian Quest

Broaclcastrng Corporattons

Compe Lition


the Mclbourne rtnd Syclncy Symphony t hen s lt c hat gr r c n

over sixty performances lvith orchestras in Austlrrlr r . Hr r ll$ Kr ) pr n. r r r t l t hc Unitecl States, collaborating with such conductors as Michael Chlistie, Eclo .lc Wu rt . Alar r ( ' ilbt r l . Lhr is l, r I hc r Hobruvtr,.tql.rntl Smith. Ms



Lam has per'formed wtth

all ma.jor Australian orchestras ancl has been leatured rn two nationally telel,rsed p rob lram5 . int luding AnJ r t as Cr r l1t ' t r ld. d ot umen ting hc r lif r as a y ( ) ung Pianis .l She ha s rppear ec l al Lf , r nc gic Hell r nJ Merkin Ha1l (New York), Woolsey Hall (New Haven), Tokyo Opera City Concert Ha1L,the Hong Kong Cultural Center,and has toured El Szrlvador.ln Jr-rly.2009 she r,vi1lrecorcl two Mozart conceril wlth the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra.,








Fairlcsicstiichr', Op 12


Coye.scas Losrt'cluitbros


Awarcl lbr her-clcltut performanceswith

Orchcstrls. 5it t c c


K erni s

y cl iuiscrroi. ri Iu nur.ju QrreTa.s Sr-rperstar Etr-rcle No. 2


\,r n.l .

i n C r n r i nr

H ,\11 \Vl


K l avi crs/i i ckc, Op. 1 18


For-rrEtucles, Op. 7


Whik Lies.lor Lomux


SLiitcrle tLtniusCriolla.s

5t- )


PiirnoQuintetrn A nra.jor, Op 81




SonataNo. 6 ln A ma1or,Op. 82


PianoConcertoNo. 27 in B-flatm4or, K. 595

Ichaikovsky PianoConcertoNo. I in B-flatminor, Op. 23


ClassicalRecordingFoundationYoungArtist Award


ConcertArtists Guild InternationalCompetition,Winner


]uilliard William PetschekPianoDebut RecitalAward

2003 2002


ClevelandlnternationalPianoCompetition,SecondPrize Thrrd Prize





TE ACH E R S I OO I -nrcqen




1997-2001 JeromeLowenthal I99+-97 Victoria Mushkatkol 1990-94 Marina Schmidt

SOUTHKOREA. AGE 29 Lately featuredon the cover of Symphony Magazine and in Musical Amenca, SoveonI ee has heen cited as an artist


lbena,Book I



to watch. Recent recital hlghlights inciude performancesat Alice Tuliy Hall, CarnegieHall'sZankel Hall, the Kennedy Center,Ravinia'sRisingStarsSeries,Baek-

SE M I F I N AL R E C I T AL r ralurr

Sonatain G major, Hob. XVI:40


\ nn4r 4


White Liesfor Lomax


Sonetto104 del.Petrarca


La Valse





minnr ''''''"''-l-.-


Am Art Hall in Seoul, and the National Music Audltorium in Madrid as part of a )


Piano Quintet in E-flat major, Op. 44


Sonatain A major, K. 208

Bach-Busoni Chaconnein D minor, BWV 1004 Chopin

Barcarollein F-sharpmajor, Op. 60

Pro ko h e v

S onat aNo. 7 i n B-[a t m a 1 o r. Op . 8 3

FI N ALC O N C ERTI Beethoven

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op 58

Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43

thirteen-citytour of Spain.Shehas been featured as soloist with the Cleveland Orchestra,SanDiego Symphony,and the London Syrnphony Orchestra, working with such conductorsas RafaelFruhbeck Ling, and Otto-Werner de Burgos,Jah.1a Mueller.


enthusiastic chamber

musician,Ms. Leeperformsreguiarlywith the Parker and Chiara String Quartets, and has collaboratedwith bassistEdgar Meyer, violinist Mark O'Connor, and in joint concertswrth her pop-starsister, ( ner r n

I cc

F nl l nr r r i no

hc r

er i ti ea l l v

acclaimed recording debut performing Scarlattisonatason ihe Naxoslabel,Koch InternationalClassicsreleased her second album, Relnvented,for which she won the 2009 ClassicalRecordingFoundatlon YoungArtist of the Year.



Con tcnrporarl' Recon[ Socict;' Corrtpct tt i ot't.Ftrst Pr-i:c ilt r\sl)cn Pilno (-otttl-rctitiort ,\caclemvol C.onclttctir-tg Anrcricirr-r \\'in nc r


Nftiutrcal Syr-rrphonIOlcIrcslllt Cotrtpctition. I-ir-stPri:c

TL RA I NI NG P RO F E S S I O NA 200(r-prcscnt' l ' cxrs C hri sti anU ni vcrsi ty' S chool 2(10+ -2006 Thc.Jui l l i rrrcl hrstituteol it'lusic lgt)t) 2004 Tl're(-r-rrtis Schoolol l\{trsic I t)t)5-t)t) N4irnhrrttrrn 'lirt-ot'tto (-or.rse r'\'itLor)' ol l\1trsic. Ro1'rrl l9c)7-9,9



2i)i)4 prcscnt YohcvcclKrphnskl'

Ang Li nrrrclchcr' [irst ptrblic appcarancc at th c licil ing Conc c r t I lr r ll aL age s ix . At age thirtccn, shc nr:tclc her orchcstral clebut u'ith tl.rcLittlc ()rcl'rcstraSocictl'ol



S o n i l t aN o . J i l r F n t i r t o r '.( ) p . 5


Bool<sI ancl Il Prelr-rclcs.

51.11'lorli in Avcr;' Fishcr H;rll. Winncr

M i n s l n '/ - s

ol Ll.rc[irst pt'izc, rrsr.r,cllus fir-eaclclitior-url :ru'arclsi,lt Lhc 2l)0 I N4trntrcalSy'r'nphonv Orchcstlit Clonrlrctition, \,{s. Li

E l crtnol S okol ol f

Bou cn

F c L i ti l 'r r r t i f i c T()cciltir.()p. I 5)


appcarccl irt scYcrrrll)rcstigir)usconccrt Canacla, venLrcsancl lcstivalsthror-rghor-rt


ir.rC r-najor,FIolt XVI:5() Sor-urtrt

Eurr-rpc,rrnclthc LJnitcclStates,rnclr-rcling


thc Kcrrrrccll (-cnLcr, thc National Arts Ccntcl jn C)ttau'a, thc Aspen Music


A p i i s u r r ci r 'c t L t tr l c D c t t t l r ' Lo,nrl,\ \ /hit(' Lics./()r'

Festn'al, Hollrurcl Mr-rsrcSessions,ancl


Rachnrrtninoil' E l L i c / c s - l o h / e orLni -Cr ' n t i n t r r , l ) 1 t 3 3 , N o . 8 rn C.nrrrior',()1t. j3, No. 2 Elutlcs-ltililtttu,x E l u d c . s - l c i b / c aiLni ,C r - s h r u 'pr t r r n o r ,( ) 1 t . 3 1 , N o . 9

Lhe LrrnaLrcliilcN4usicI'cstivalin Joliettc. 1p 1()()7. shc rrrrs invrtccl to replrcc


Allcgrtr rlc t'ottcit't.ltr

pianist Yr,rncliLi u ith thc China National S1'nrphonr' ()rclicstrrr, u' resuitccl


in rrn irrrt.uccliatccngrrgcnrcnt u.itl-r thc


Pi:rno (]r,rintctin A ntitjot', ()p. 8l

Beiling Svnrphony I\{s Lis solo clclrut trlbunr ri'as rclcrrscclin .June 2008 by Cl-rrnrrllccorcl Corpontion. She has also recorclcclchrrtlbcr rlr-tsicby Brahms ancl lor thc Contcrlrpc)raryRecorcl John Rr.rsso

FINALRECITAL in C-n-rrnor, K +75 Fattlct.sic l.str/rlcrrs l-it'/rr'.slrrcl Lrnrl Isrrldc: Wrgncr-Liszt Tr.islrin Nkrzirr-t



BooksI ancll l Prelucics, BirrLr i Ilcrrrl-s G er r c r r l L r r v i i t cc c c c t t l l i r Lrt r ttliit'r/rrlc('r1ti()ul i( Orrtliirc

C hopi n

B a l l a c l cN o . I i n C n r t r t o r ,( ) p 2 3




P l a n o C o n c e r L oN o . 4 i n ( ' n r r r j o r ,O p . 5 8

Blah rtts

N o. I i n D rni nor,Op l 5 P i anoC orrcct-to


Antonio NapolitancllnternationalPianoCompetrtion,


Citta di TrevisolnternationalPianoCompetition,First Prize

Hilton Head lnternationalPianoCompetition,First Prize Rina SalaGalio InternationalPianoCompetition,First Prize First Prize

PRO F E S S I O NTARLA IN IN G 2005-present AccademiaPianisticaIncontn col Maestrcl,Imola 'l99 9 -n re c ent Ht r c hshul t e fu r M u s i ku n d T h e a l e r,H a n n ovcr

TE ACH E R S 2 008-nrese r "' - . . ' nt Bcrnd Ctrctz k c -. -'_ -

2OO5 -p r:es ent B or islc t r u s h a n s k y 1999-2008


Mlchall Lrfits was born into a musical


Sonatain D major,K. 3I I


Fantasie in C major,Op. 17

he was a t-eenager.Now a resident of Italy and hasparticipatedin severalnoted


Sonat-ain B minor


Sr-ritefor Piano


Sonata No. 7 in B-flat major, Op. 83

Etiropean music festivals,including the Kissinger Sommer festival in Germany and the Festival d'Auvers-sur-Oise in France. He is on the artist roster of

SE M I FI N AL C H AM B E R PianoQuintetin E-flatmqor, Op. 44

Londons Keyboard Charitable Tiust and has recentlymade acclarmedrecital debuts at the Konzerthaus in Berlin,

FINALRECITAL Bach-Busoni Chaconnein D mlnor, B\\ry 1004 Sch u b e rt

lm pr om ptu rn C -fl a tm a l o r.D . B q a .N o . l


Sonatain C mrnor,Op. 111

SteinwayHall in London, and Paris'Sal1e Cortot in March. As first-prize winner of the 2009 Hilton Head Competition, Mr Lifits looks forward to his New York reciLal debut at CarnegreHalls Weill RecitalHal1this coming November.

FINA LC O N C E R T I Chopin

Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor, Op. 2l

l..harl-^r.-r-r' tLtrar^vv>A)

u,^^^ t tdtrl,

t u( fnCefLO

family in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and beganconcertizinginternatronallybefore Germany,he hasperformedextensivelyin





I in B-llat minor, Op. 23



American Pianists Association. Christel DeHaan Fellow


Unisa InternationalPiano Competition,First Prize

New Orleans InternaLional Piano Competition, First Prize

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2002-05

StonyBrook University


The Juiiliard School of V rrsi r' Oberl i nC onqervrl ,)rv


TEACHERS 2002-05 2000-02 r996-2000

S P E N C EMY R ER UNITEDSTATES. AGE 30 SpencerMyer has beena featuredsoloist with

Symphony Orchestras, the Louisiana Philharmonic, and the China National Symphony He has toured South Africa on

three occasions, highlighted by

performances of all

Also garning a national reputationas a chamber and vocal music coilaborator, he has been a participant at the Cape Cod Chamber and Meadowlark Music Festivals.Mr. Myer'sdebut recording for harmonia mundi usa was releasedin the fall of 2007; he has recordedworks by contemporary composersfor Dimension and Naxosaswell.



Sonatain F-sharpmajor, Op. 78


Barcarollein F-sharpmajor, Op. 60


Preludes,Book II Feuillesmortes Lest'eessontd'exquises danseuses Ondine

of South Africa. His performanceshave

Medias Pert'ormance Today,amongothers.

( ehr r r r r r z


concerti with the Chamber Orchestra

(Philadelphia), WCI-V (Cleveland), WFMT (Chicago),and AmericanPublic

T oc c nh

}r i {^ - t;r vr a tL tl l

Coren Estrin Mino

five Beethoven

been broadcast on radio programs produced by WQXR (New York), WHYY

T"l ;^ JU tIa tL



the Indianapoiis, New Haven,

Phoenix, Richmond, and Santa Fe


Lestiercesalternees Feuxd'artifce Vine

PianoSonataNo. I (i990)


Four Impromptus, D. 899




Suitefor Piano


Veneziae Napoli


PianoQuintet in F minor, Op. 34


SuiteNo. 2 in F major,HWV 427


Images,Book II



Gounod-Liszt F austWqltz


PianoConcertoNo. 4 in G major, Op. 58 Rachmaninoff Rhapsodyon a Theme of Paganini,Op. 43



Queen ElisabethlnternationalMusic Competition, Fourth Prize

2005 2005 2004

Hong Kong InternationalPianoCompetitlon,First Prize JaenInternationalPianoCompetition.First Prize Valsesia-Musica InternationalPianoCompetition,First Prlze

P RO F ES S I O NTARLA IN IN G 2000-present Hochschulefur Musrk und Theater,Hannover 1993 2000


TEA CH E R S 2000-present Vladimir Krainev 1993 2000

Mary Lebenzon


P RE L I M I N AR RY EC IT A L BeeLhoven

Sonatain A-flat ma.1or, Op. 110


BalladeNo. I in G minor, Op. 23

At age six, Ilya Rashkovskiy began to perl orm hi s ow r composi ti on s[ or pi ano.In 2000. he movedto C ermany

Rachmaninoff SonataNo. 2 in B flat minor, Op. 36

following his success at the Vladimir K rarnev comneti ti on and has since !'__'r!>_'__" l1'


S y m phon i cftu d c ' . O p l l (i n c l u d i n gP o sht V ari ati ons)


Suite for Piano


S onat aNo 7 i n B -| a t ma .j o r. Op 8 l

including the Bolshoi Hall of the Moscow Tihaikovsky

Conservatory Amsterdams

Concertgebouw, the TheAtre du Chdtelet


in <e.raral . . . - . in. . , r p o r l a n l c o n ce r t r.... ,.... v e n u e s i n A s i a . f u r o p e . a n d R u s:i a .


in Paris, Osaka's Symphony Hall, and the

Piano Quintet in F minor

Shanghai Oriental Arts Center. As soloist


Sonata rn C minor, Op. 111

Ravel (rravinskv

Miroirs:Une barquesurL'octan







Czech National

collaborated S;'rnphony,

the London Mozart Players, New Japan Syrnphony, and the Orchestre National

Troismotrvements de Petrouchka

de Li11e.Most recently, he toured Holland with the Limburg Sl.rnphony Orchestra,


and took paft in the ta Roque d'Antheron


Piano ConcertoNo

) in F m in n r


Piano ConcertoNo

1 ; . . - *: - ^ z rll u


On u P .^


Piano Festival ln France.

16 ru




Pausilypon International Piano C(rrnpctrtittn,ScconclPnze (no First Prize ali.'arclccl)

2006 2004

Anclorra Inte rnational Piano Courpetrtion, SecclnclPrize First Prjze Cilicg Interr-rationalPiano Con'rpcLiLron,

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2005-prcsent Hochschule1r-rr Musik und lheatcr,Hannover 2002-06

Ttrkl'oUniver-sit1' of thc Arts


Ttrl<yo Univcrsityof thc Arts SeniolHigh Schoolol Muslc

TEACHERS MAYUMI SAKAMOTO JAPAN r AGE 26 Born in Yokoharna, Mayr-rrni Sakamoto began to pla;'thc piano at age three and was l.:e ()qniz, r har c lbs olut c f it . h r l t ' x Pet ien, e ; t s t hc rge fotrr'.Hc t ' I p< 1111q yolrngcst compctltor al the Inlerntional Tchaikovsky Competitiot't when shc was ninetcen motivatcd her to enroll rn tl-re Hochschule ftrr Musik r-rnd Theater in Hannover, Gen'nany,whe rc she graclluited rnn TI Itrr ;t ).L -.l j,t , . , t.z;L - . ..! v,1.l ; -I lt c r of f ht . 2004 ;ttl z L, v Grieg Piano Competition, Ms. Sakamoto h :rs Ircr'[i,r ' m r rcl x t c nt ir ' ,J y r n lr |16 1nf l has:rlso playecl in Ar-rstria,German1,,ltal;,, \'........ NLr:5rd. n .. . : ,u. . rLr . r , L. Unit c d s t lt . , s . r\r'r wJ), LLIL

2005-prcsentEini.rrSteen-Nrlkleberg 2002-06 AlcxirnderJcnner2001-02 Akiko Kitagirr,va 19992006 Yu Kakunrr


l tret i l l a tn f trttnor, B WV .] 14

Op 54 Mendelssohn Vuriationssr'i.iciiscs, Rachmzrninoff Motlcnts mu.sirciur,Op. 16

S E MI F I NA RE L CI T A L Schumann

PranoSonataNo. 3 in F minor, Op 14


SuiLefor Pianrr


K 332 Sonatain F nra.jor,

Bach-Busoni Chaconnein D rninor,B\\ / 1004

S E MI F I NA CHA L MB E R Schumann

PranoQurntctin E-flatnlr1rrr.()p 44


Therne and Van:rtlons,Op 73




Sonatain B rlinor




PirrnoConcerto No. 3 in C minor, Op 37

B rahms

P i anoC oncertoN o. I i n D mi nor,Op. 15


Arthur Rubinstein lnternzrtionalPiano Master Compe tition,

2002 2000

G.B. Viotti International Mr-rsicCompetition, Flrst Pnzc

Third Prize

Ettlingen lnternational Piano Competition, First Prize

PRO FE S S I O NTARA L IN IN G fur Musik uncl Theater,Hannover 2006-present Hochschr-rle 2002-06

KoreanNrlional Univcrsityol Arts

TEA CH ER S I OO6-rrr,'c,'nt

Arie Varcli

r 998-06


I 993-98

Nam joo L ee


K)'ung Rok Krm

I 99 0 -9 2

V rn u


\,r,rl < Kim

Ycrrlturrr "_ Son _ ha: ^_" L;crlormcd urLh rno't " t- . ''_ of the leading orchestras in South Korea,


Sonata in C malor, Hob. XVl:48


Fanta-sic-stiichc,Op. l2



urswell as with the Israel, Tok;,o, and Warsalv Phrlharmonrcs, among

eighteen, she r,vasthe featured soloist on tour with the Ner,r. York Philharmonic


conducted by Lorin

Prelucles,Book I

concert lbr secretary general of the Unitecl

Lc.sson.sct lcs pn;Jrrnt.s toLtrncnL tlansl'uir ciu.srrit. Lc.scollrncs tL'Auit ttpri

Nations Ban Ki-moon in 2007, and rvas agarn inr,rted to perlorm u.ith the Ner,v

Dcs pas.surLt nieqe

\ o r k P h i l h r r m o n i t u h r 'n t h c ; r c l u r n cr l

Ct cpitr lLt le vcnl rl'(.)

Lo Seoul in 2008. She has been hear-cl

Lctfille dux c/LclcLrrrle lin Symphonrc Nletan'rorprhosison The n'resfron.rDic Flct]crmaus

by J . S tra u s lsl

at several inLerr-raLionalmusic lestir.aLs, irrclrrrlinp thc

R d ( 'l h , r \ r n [ - a =t c r l n d

Chopin (Poiand); Klavier Olympiade and

B a t cs

White Liesfor f lmur


Sonalafor Pirno. Op 26

Rherngau (Germany); and the Bowdoin (UniLed StaLes)Festivals. Ms. Son is a ,\4.. i.',1 PJ>\l(rllJl( 'r^


Maazel ln Asia.

Ms. Son participated in the welconrlng

Lt' vtnt tlcutslo pluint'


othe r

noted orchestras. In 2004 at the age ol

h..l UJ>K(tUJll -rh,ll

{,"r lalr

rnrl drru

l , rr t l r l r c r h o m c t o r r n l . r m

PranoQuintetin F rnrnor,Op. 3'1

l<ee n-


i n Wt r n j u .

Kzrngn'on Pror,ince.


.She cp Mcv -Srrfe [' Gra:r


lm pr om p tui n B-{ l a tm a j o r,D . 9 3 5 , N o . 3


Sonatain C minor, Op. I I I

Ilnpron'rptr-r in F minor, D 935, No 4


Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 2l


Piano Concerto No.

I in ( l minnl "

tln -r'

l 6 -"



Ettore Pozzoli lnternational Piano Competitlon,


Viardo International Piano Competition, First Pnze

China International Piano Competition, Second Prize Second Prize



Rubin Conservatoryof Music, Haifa

)005-nrescnt A ri eV rrcl i

. AGE26 ISRAEL Ukrainran-born Mctor immigrated to Israel in

Stanislavsky 1990 and

earned his master'sdegreefrom Tel-Aviv University He hasperformedwith Chrna's National Symphony,Milans I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra,and most of Israels top orchestrasln 2008, he opened the Shanghai Piano Festival, performed recitalsln Canada,California,and France, in and madenumerousguestappcarances lsrael.Mr. Stanislavskycreditshis musical discipline to his three yearsof mandatory servicewith the Israeli DefenseForces. rh rn r r oh


hr r shcql

6211- h2q,ir .

training-and was assignedto a base which, lucky for me, was very near the conservatorySometimesI had to run back and forth between the base and schoola few times a day,"he comments. "Now, I live with my music all the time. The only sacrificesI make are the ones that make me a bettermuslcian!" www.blackstoneartistsmanagement. com


Buchmann-Mehta Schoolof Music.Tcl-AvjvUniversity

I 99l-200 1



''I o o t







Sonatain D major, K. 4I4


K. 281 Sonatain B-liat ma.1or,


Humoreshe, Op 20

T i oeri

Two Capriccios(1947)



RachmaninoffSonataNo. 1 in D minor, Op. 28


PianoQuintetin F minor, Op 34


PartitaNo. 5 in G major, B\\ry 829


Sonatain C minor, D. 958


PianoConcertoNo. 3 in C minor, Op.37

Rachmaninoff PianoConcertoNo.1 in F-sharpminor, Op 1


Hilton Head lnternationalPranoCompetition,SecondPrize


Josâ‚Źlturbr lnternationalMusrc Competition,Third Prize New OrleansIniernationalPianoCompelilion.SecondPnze


CalifornialnternationaiYoungArtists' Competition,First Prize


Frinna Awerbuch InternationalPianoCompetltion,First Prize

PRO FE S S I O NTARLAIN IN G 2003-present ClevelandInstitute of Music

TE ACH E R S 20 0 3 -p rc s c nt A nt onr t rP o mp a -B a J d i 1996-2002

Hans Boepple




Ballade No. 2 in B minor

Born in Santa Cruz, California, Chetan

Schumann-Liszt Wi dmung

T i e r r a g a v e h i s h r s t p u b l i c p e r l o r m an ce


Variatlons on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35, Book I


Sonata No. l, Op. 22

in America l-rrrone and Africa. He hat r e c e i v e dt o p p n z e t i n m o r e t h a n t w e n t;


Sonatain F-sharpminor, Op. 25, No. 5


Suitetor Piano


Prelude,Choraleand Fugue


(n n n tr


F t rrd n i n l -) minnr

\ n

4 in F. chnr n ' - .' "' ts n^









Santa Cruz Symphony, and at the Brevard Music Festival in North

Carolina. In

recital, he has performed at noted venues

P ianoQ uin te ti n A mr1 o r.O p 8 l

i n C l e v e l a n d , N e w O r l e a n s , N e r , r Yo r k (Weili Recital Hall), and San Diego. His

FI N ALREC ITAL Debussy \1 v' ru 5 5 u r.8_ r. . 5Ky

named second-prize winner of the 2009

Trerra has been featured as soloist with

62j6T. I No.

c o m p e ti l i o n s . a n d u a s m o s t r e c en tl y

Hilton Head Competition in March. Mr.

SE MI FI NAL C H AM B E R D ro i a k

a l l h c a g e o f s r x . a n d h a ' s i n c ep e r l o r me d

self-produced recording, TlrcArt oJChetan

SuiteBergamasque ni , . . . rl L ru f fJ r t r a n E s h j b i ti o n

T i e r r a . i s a v a i l a b l et h r o u g h C D B a b y a n d other Intelnet sites. He perlorms on keyboard and synthesizer, and is back-


up vocalist rn Auralis, an alternative rock


Piano Concerto No

? ;- /J rrr u

rlLrrLul1 -;-^-

/-\^ vv.

?7 J r


Piano Concerto No

3 in





group with a growing fan base.




Frederic Chopin Internatlonal Piano Competition, Semifinalist


Piano Teachers'National Associatlon Piano Conrpetition

r 995

flapan), Gold Prize A11Japan Blincl Students Music Ct mpe trtrr,n. Frlst Prize

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2007-present Ueno GakuenUnir.ersity 2004-07

TokyoCollegeof Music SeniorHigh School

TEACHERS TS NOBUYUK I U JII JAPANr AGE20 At theageoftwelve,Nobul.r-rki Tsupimade notecl recital clebutsat Tok;rol Suntory Hall and CarnegieHallsWeill RecitalHall. AclcLtionalcredits include performances wiLh the Japan PhilharmonicOrchestra, Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, Slovak Philharmonic, and several of Japans leading orchestras,as well as eppcf,rancesin thc Czech Rcpublic. Rr r < s ia an d [:ri w rn A n a c c l a i mc d e b u t album releasedby Avex classicsln 2007 led to a fifteen-citytour o[ Japan, and a second CD featuring Rachmaninoffs Piano ConcerLoNo. 2 was releasedin 200t t .B lin ds rn c ch i rth . V r. -l s u j i is ta tc s his firm belief that "thereare no barriers ru-r the field of music."

2006-present Kyoko Tabe 200j-pr-esent Yukio Yokoyarna I995-2006



TwelveEtr,rdes, Op. 10


Intagcs,Book I


P aganrni E tudcN o. l . L.rC rnrprnrl l r

S E MI F I NA RE L CI T A L Beelhoven

Sonatain B-flatmajor,C)p. 106,"Hammerklavier


Improvisation& Fugue


P i r n t r O t r i n t r 't i n F I l a t n r ; r ') r ' ( ) r ) . 4 4 "'"J''.



Sonatain F minor, Op. 57, "Appassionata


Berceuse , Op.57


HungarianRhapsodyNo. 2


No I in E r.ninor,Op. 11 PranoConcerLo

RachmanlnoffPianoConcertoNo 2 i n C mrnor,Op. 18



QueenElisabethlnternationalMusic Competition, LaureatePrize

2005 1999

F Busonl InternationalPianoCompetition,SecondPrize InternationalFranz Liszt PianoCompetition,SecondPrize


RoyalAcademyof Music, London


Conservatoriodi Milano


AccademiaPianisticalncontri col Maestro.Imola

TE ACH E R S 2006-08 2002-05 r996-2002 1993-2005

Christopher Elton Dominique Merlet


Riccardo Risaliti


Franco Scala

Born in Naples to a musical family, Mariangela Vacatello made her official


debut i n V i l an w i th the T P ome r iggi


Hob. XVI:50 Sonatarn C ma.1or,


Tianscendental Etude No. 10 in F minor


Ten Variationson a Preludeby Chopin


Troismouvements de Petrouchha

She has srncebeen featuredat many of Ital y' smost cel ebrated concertven ues. presentedby suchauspicesas the Societa dei Concerti (Milan), Maggio Musicale


(Florence), and the A.B.Michelangeli


Sonata in B minor

H e ocn ' _"b' _^

Suite for Piano


Nocturne for the Left Hand, Op. 9, No. 2


Son ata No. I in F- s har p m inor . O p 23

and MITO Settembre Festivals. Ms. Vacatellomaintains a busy international touring scheduie that includes frequent invitations by top European presenters. She has perfbrmed at the Konzerthaus

SEMI F I N ACLH AM B E R (e hrrm rnn

MusrcaliOrchestrawhen shewasfourteen.

P i c n n O r r i n te t in F .flr t m r io r


in Berlin, Brussels'Palais des Beaux A rts. Londons W i gmore H al l . and t he


Montpellier Festival and Salle Cortot


in France, and has toured extensively


Italian Concertoin F major, B\WV971

C ho p i n

Rondoin f - fl a t m a j o r.O p . 1 o


delanuit Gaspard

throughout Mexico and South Africa. Also an accomplishedchambermusicran, Ms. Vacatellohas collaborated wirh the

Op. 87, No. 15 Shostakovich Preludeand Fuguein D-flat ma.1or,


YsayeQuartet, the \'lolist Toby Hoffman, and cellists Gary Hoffman and Giovanni Gnocchi.


Piano Concerto No

4 tr

C mlnr


Piano Concerto No

I in C mainr

f) n




www.mariangelavacatello. com



YoungConcertArtists InternationalAuditions, First Prize

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2001-present The Jullliard School 1992-200I


TEACHERS )OO5-nracan



2001-present Jerry Lowenthal 2001-03 Herbert Stessin 1992-200r Miiena Mollova

VASSILIS VARVARESOS GREECE. AGE26 Vassilis Varvaresoshas performed wrth


Sonatain C-sharpminor, Op.27, No. 2, "Moonlight"




Sonatain B minor

the Athens State S;rmphony, Cyprus Syrnphony, and Hartford Symphony, among other orchestras.The youngest pianist (at age fourteen) to win the Young ConcertAnis6 Auditions, he has made recital debuts at Carnegie Hail's Weill Recital Hall, the Kimmel Center in Phiiadelphia, and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. In 2007, Mr. Varvaresosmade his New York concerto debut performing Lowell Liebermann's Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Juilliard Orchestraledby conductorAndreas Delfs. He has performed in Austria, Bulgaria, rL'o c-o"r D.^,,hli^ trinland, France, Germany,Italy,Spain,andYugoslavia,and has toured China with the Athens State Symphony Also active as a composer,he has written ten film scores.



BalladeNo. I in G minor, Op.23


White Liesfor Lomax


SonataNo. 6 in A ma;or,Op. 82


HungarianRhapsodyNo. 2


PianoQuintet in F minor, Op.34


Preludeand Fuguein E-flat major, BWV 852


Sonatain C minor, D. 958




PianoConcertoNo. 3 in C minor, Op.37 Tchaikovsky PianoConcertoNo. I in B-flat minnr on ? j


HannoR t l l e n b o g e nAu a rd l o r 1 o p E u ro pean A rti > t


University ol Ostrava,CzechRepublic

TE ACH ER S 2000 presentVladrmir Ashkenazy r998-2001 RudolphBernatrk 1997-2004 AndrzeyJasinsky t997-2004 PeterBarcaba


Itahan Concerto in F major, BWV 971

u1t(rPrtt -L ^ - r -

Notlu rn, in E- f lr t m ajor . O p a. Nt r . 2


Nocturne in C mrnor, Op. 48, No. I Liszt

Tianscendental Etude No. 11: Harmonies du soir


Czech Dances

. AGE22 REPUBLIC CZECH Thesonof twopianists, LukasVondrdcek or v e

hi r

fi r s t

, nner r t


r oe


r. , l

made his first internatlonal tour aL the


age of ien. His debut with the Czech


Philharmonic at age fifteen in 2002 was


conducted by Vladrmir Ashkenazy, with whom


Sonatain F minor, Op. 57, "Appassionata




Mr. Vondricek has performed recently with the Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Dallas

Three CzechDances

Symphony Orchestras, and has appeared


in recital at Amsterdam's Concertgebouw,


Madrids NationalAuditorium, and Queen

Polha Bates

Elizabeth Hall in London, where he was

White Liest'or Lomctx

the youngest planist ever to be featured o n i t s i n t e r n a t i o n a lp i a n t r s c r i c s .A m on g



PianoQuintetin A major,Op. 81


Next Generation Festival in Dortmund, Germany His first commercial recording



for OctarnaRecordswas releasedin 2004.

Pasde deux frorn TheNutcracher

Mr. VondrAeek is married and the father

ln the Mists

nf I



inRminn.n^ u r D IIlIIluI.


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Mendelssohn Piano ConcertoNo Piano ConcertoNo

q frrrn-rrcar-nlr]


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www.lukasvondracek. corrr

FI N ALC O N C ERTI Prokofiev


France's La Roqr-re d'Antheron; and the

Polonaiseln A-flat ma;or,Op. 53, "Heroic


festivals, he

Rising Stars Series in the United States;

Mendelssohn Variationsserieuses, Op . 54



participated at the Gllmore and Ravinia


he has since toured frequently

throughout Europe and the United States.

I i*i-^* n* a rrL g rLlrllurt vP, 1 if'\ fl^' *^;^r rrr u-1L4L rr14jU1!

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Juilliard William PetschekPianoDebut RecitalAward

2007 2005 2000

Astral National Competition, First Prize Hilton Head International Piano Competition, First Prize Missouri Southern lnternational Piano Competition Junior Division. First Prize

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2005-09



The Curtis Institute of Music

TEACHERS D IW U CHI NA. A G E 2 4 Recentlysingled out by Musicai America as a young artist to watch, Di Wu made her orchestral debut wrth the Ber.ling ( v m nhonv a t Aa ? l o rrrte e n .S h e h a s performedwith the Natronal,NewJersey, andPlttsburghSpnphonyOrchestras, and twice with the New York Pops Orchestra at CarnegieHalls IsaacSternAuditorium. Internationalengagements includerecitals at the BusoniInternatlonalPianoFestival in ltaly, Germanys Klavier FestivalRuhr, and the Mus€ed'Orsayin Pans.Ms. Wu madeher solo debut in Weill RecitalHall at CarnegieHall in 2005, and recently madean acclaimeddebut on the Gilmore Rising StarsSeries.Winner of Juiliiards 2009 William PetschekAward, Ms. Wu made her Alice Tuily Hall recitaldebut at Lincoln Centerin May 2009.

2007-09 McDonald JosephKalichstein/Robert YrrnP\/Pfl 2005-07 _K'"4nllnqr\/ r """"/ f -4r\/ { -r4tlman 2000-05 1999-2000 Zenon Fishbein Jrrn Y ano 1997,99 Y r:n I i no r996*97 _ _ - '_

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Sonatain C major, Hob. XVI:48



Gounod-Liszt FnustWaltz

SEM IFINAL RECITAL musicales, Op. 6 C. Schumann Mazurkafrom Soiree-s Schumann



Fairy Tales,Op. 20


Suite for Piano


CapriceEspagnol, Op. 37


PianoQuintet in A major, Op. Bl


Toccatain F-sharpmajor, BWV 910


Klavierslilche, Op. f i


Gaspardde la nuit


PianoConcertoNo. 2 in B-flatmajor,Op. I9 Rachmaninoff PianoConcertoNo. 3 in D minor, Op. 30



InternatronalChopin PianoCompetition,Laureate InternationalCorpus Christi YoungArtists' Competition, First and GrandPrize


KosciuszkoNational Chopin PianoCompetition,First Prize

PRO FE S S I O NTARLAIN IN G 2008-present YaleSchoolof Music 2006-08

The Juilliard School


The Curtis lnstitute of Music

TEA CH ER S I OOR-nrpcen



2006-08 RobertMcDonald 2002-06 ClaudeFrank 1997-2002 1988-1991 Oi n o I i lr f f inf

h\ /

Ha c l e r

AM YJ. YANG . AGE25 UNITED STATES/CHINA Borninto amusicalfamily,AmyJiaqiYang immigrated to the United States with


FrenchOverturein B minor, BWV 83f



her famiiy in 1995, settlingin Houston. She has performed in numerous major venues in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and most recently, she has appearedat the OK Mozart and Marlboro


Capriccioon theDepartureoJa BelovedBrother,BWV 992

Mendelssohn Vaiations-serieuses, Op. 54 Musto Improvisation6l FLrgr-re Berg

Sonata,Op. 1


Klavierstiche, Op. 119


PianoQuintetin F minor, Op.34

Music Festivals, and has given recitals at the IsabellaStewart Gardner Museum (Boston),the White House, Rockefeller University (New York), the Ravinia Festival(Chicago),and Cemal ResitRey Hall in Istanbul. Ms. Yang is an avid chambermusician and has toured with musiciansfrom RaviniasSteansInstitute, and collaboratedin concertwith Miriam Fried, Ida and Ani




Bqrcarollein F-sharpma.1or, Op. 60


Sonatain C minor, D. 958

FI NA LC O N C ER T I t\o. t ,., C rrrupr, Op. 15


liurro Co*.*o


PianoConcertoNo. 2 in F mlnor. Op. 21

Kavafian, Paui

Neubauer,David Soyer,and PeterWiiey, among many others.Alstra visualartist, Ms. Yangdevotesleisuretime to drawing, painting, sculpting, anclreadlng.



S y d n e y I n t e r n a ti o n a l P i a n o C o m p e t i t r o n . f- ^ n ,,,r ,,- m a ^ ,

..d ^ ,,

2007 2007

Shanghai International Piano Competition, Semifinalist China International Piano Competition, Semifinahst

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG atorytrI Musi c 2004 present S hanghai C onserr

TEACHERS Kuan Chcn 2 0 0 4 - nr_''-' r e s e n' t _'"''b H u n p -__'




.T - h q no b -

r vr s '. ^ -

hor n


r. - .Thenozhnr .b-

t aughthims e l lto p l a y th e p i a n oa t a g c A t : or

twe lr e h e le a r n e d h o w


read musrc, and receivedhis first formal pr anoless o na l l h e a g eo f h fte e n .O n l y r h r e e v e : r q la r e r h e u a ., a d m r tte d to th e

Shanghai Conser-vatoryof Music wrth rh e h i o h e st " ''" 'tr" '--t-''

hnnnr q

Hong Huang




in the Henan province of China, and nine



hr s

ncr [nr m pd

with the Shanghai Philharmonic and the Hunan S1'mphony Orchestras, and countsamonghis competltionhonorsthe EncouragementAwardin the 2008 Sydney International Piano Competition. Mr. Zhang enjoys reading poetry and history, and follows the newestdevelopmentsin t he s c ient i fiw t o rl d w rthg re a jt n L e re s t.

Sonatain G malor,Hob. XVI:6 Mendelssohn Prelude3nrl Frrorrein F minor Op 35, No. t

Haydn Lrszt

: La Predication aux Orseaur d Assise St.FrancoLs

Rachmaninoff SonataNo 2 rn B-flat minor, Op. 36

S E MI F I NA RE L CI T A L Choprn

Twenty-lourPreludes,Op. 28

Musto (r ravrn* kv

Improvisation& Fugue Trni smoutemenlde s P tttouchka


Prano Quintet in F minor. Op. 3'l


Sonaiain B-flat major, Op. 106, "Hammerklavier"


Nocturnein E-flatmajor,Op. 55, No. 2


Piano Concerto No

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No


) O i n D m i nor f i n T ) m i nnr






China InternationalPiano Competition,First Prize InternationalChopin Competitionin Asia, Gold Prize TchaikovskyInternationalCompetition for YoungMusicians, First Prize

PRO FES S I O NTARLA IN IN G 200 5 -n res enrT he Cr r r t isIn s ti tu teo f M u s i c


ShenzhenArts School


The Primary Schoolof the ShanghaiConservatoryof Music

TE ACH E R S ) O O 5 - n r c < e nt


200I-05 1999-200r 1996-2001 r994-96


y urdlrrr141r

JianzhongWang Zljle Wu Hen Lrn

Cliburn Competition. Haochen Zhang


Sonata in A-flat maior, Op. I l0


Polonaise-[antasic in A-flat ma1or.Op. 6l


Troismouvements de PEtrouchha


Twenty-fourPreludes,Op. 28


White LiesJor Lomax


n rn i ch "Sr_ '_ '" ,'

Rh r ncndr _ _ __' ^r ""-r /


HAOCHEN ZHANG C H IN Ar A GE 19 The vorrnoestnarti ci nanLi n Lhe 2009

PianoQuintet in E-flat major, Op. 44


Variationsand Fugue on a Themeby Handel, Op.24


Gaspardde la nuit


Plano Concerto No. 20 ln D minor, K. 4 6 6


Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op 1 6

gave his debut recital at the Shanghai Music Hall at the age of five, performing all of Bach'stwo-pail inventions, as well as sonatas by Haydn and Mozart. He made his orchestraldebut at agesix, and was awarded first prize at the Shanghai Piano Competition. In 2004,Ml


performed a recilal. featunng Chopin's complete Op. 25 Etudes at the 49th InternationalChopin Festivalin Duszniki, Poland. The following year he moved to the United States to attend the Curtls Institute of Music. He has performed w i th the C hi na N ati onal . N ew Je r sey. and Shanghaiand ShenzhenS;.mphony (-)rchest ras as well a. with the Krakow State Philharmonic in Poland and the PhiladelphlaOrchestra.At seventeen,he becamethe youngestwrnner ever of the China InternationalPiano Compelition. Mr. Zhang excel sat pi ng pong a nd snooker, and enjoys writing poetry and composing and improvising popular music. He also has broad interests in many helds,including Chineseand world history science,and literature.



China Youth Piano Competition

2007 2006

Chinese Works Piano Competition Shenzhen International Concerto Competition

P RO F E S S I O NA TL RA I NI NG 2005-present ShanghaiC()nser\ alor)

TEACHERS 2 0 0 5 - n r e s c n-t Jl -r.^a- - n pC h. c n b -.


Xie Lln

PRELIM INARY RECITAL N I N GZ HOU CHI NA. AGE 2 I B or n in l h e p rrrv i n c eo l J i a n g ri .N rn g Zhou beganstudpng piano at the ageof four and at elevenwas awardedfirst prize at t he J ia n g x iT c c n a g eC .rm p ei ti t o n .H e hase, r r ne dl o n n ri -e c;rt-s e re ra lC h i n e s e nat ional c o m p e ti ti o n s .i n c l u d i n g th e 2008 Hong Kong China Works and the Gulangl,uChinaYouth Competitions.Mr. Zhou has performed with the Shanghai Philhannonicand has given solo recitals at s ev er a ln o te d v e n u e s i n Sh a n g h a i . including the He Lu Ting Concert Hall and the OrientalArt Center.






MephisLo Waltz No. l


ChromaticFantasyand Fugue,BWV 903


\nnr tr


Pavancpour uneinJantedt.lunte

i n F m r i nr

H nh


] |

Rachmaninoll SonataNo. 2 in B-flatminor, Op. 36 Musto

lmprovisation& Fugue


P i a n o O r r r n t e ri n F - [ ] r t m a i r r r ( ) o . 4 4


Polonaise-.fantasie in A-flat malor, Op. 61


Aprdsune lecturede Dante SonataNo. 1, Op. 39, "Sonata-Fantasia"



PianoConcertoNo 3l n C mi nor,Op. 37

Rachmanlnoff PianoConcertoNo 2 i n C mi nor,Op. 18




2005 2000

ShanghaiInternationalPianoCompetition,Third Prize

First Prize Gina BachauerYoungPianistCompetition,First Pnze

PRO FE S S I O NTARLAIN IN G 2006-present EastmanSchooloI Music 1995-2006

ShenzhenArts School

TE ACH E R S 2006-present NelitaTrue 2003

Vladimir Krainev



ZHANG ZUO C H IN Ar A GE20 Zhang Zuo heganher piano studies in


Sonatain G ma.1or, Hob. XVI:40 Variationson the name "Abegg,"Op. I


franscendental EtudeNo. 5: FeuxFollets


EtudeNo. 7, Op. 10

(r'" .

Fr'r.lo \'6.4.


i. . L'



Germanyand returned to China at age six to attend the ShenzhenArts School. A cti vel y performi ngsi n.c thc agc r r f ten, she is feaLuredas an outstanding


young arlisl on lwo rccordings issued

Sona[a in B mintrr

by the Chinese Musicians Association. Ms. Zuo has appearedwith the Beijing


Sonatain F-sharpmajor,Op. 78

Ravel Musto

Caspardde Ia nuit Improvisation& Fugue


SymphonicEtudes,Op. 13

Philharmonic,Hong Kong Phrlharmonrc, Ir i hc r 'l u


Sonatafor Piano,Op.26


D. 664 Sonatarn A ma.1or, SpanishRhapsody



InternaLional Prano Concertcr

twenty-one at the 2005 lnternational E _^-_ L1>zL | i ._, rnirarru -^ .

1 rarrz

Piano Concerto No. I in C major,Op. 15 D i ^ " -.

-L n ..eflO

Nr t.

I in R- fla r m in n r


-^*'^eti ti On.

S he nrrw

she is pursuing a degreeat the Eastman

T ^ L ^ i l . ^ , . - 1v . . .



residesin Rochester,New York, where


r 4r 1u


C ompeti ti oni n C hi naand the pri zef ir r

Schoolof Music. Sheis alsointerestedin jazz.pholography. and dancing.


Washington, D.C.

excellentperformanceby a pianrstunder


Jn /

( hanoh ri

many awards are llrst pnzc in the


rLrld r^ U


as well as at the Kennedy Center

Piano Quinte t in A major. Op 81


r nd

and ShenzhenPhilharmonicOrchestras,


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INTT RNA T T o NA L P ra No ttlNcoNtnl col, Mlnstno,

A c lDE My

Visit our website:


CLIBURN L A U R E A T ETSH:EE N DIS THEBEGINNING by WayneLeeGay Every four years, they stand on stage basking in the glow of a top-prize finish in the world's most demanding and prestigiouspiano competition.Yearsof hard work have paid off-they've crossedthe finish line aheadof the pack in the m os t c hall e n g i n ra g c eo f th e i rs ti l l y o u n gl i ves. But while these extraordinaryartists deserveto take a few minutes to savortheir extraordinaryfinish, the sar,'vyamong t hem k no w th e C l i b u rn s e n d tru l y m a rks a begi nni ng. Indeed, for thosesix laureateswho will stand on the stageof BassPerformanceHall on the evening of June 7, 2009, the real work toward establishinga careerin classicalmusic is wait ingjus t i n th e w i n g s . They will face a world in which the arts must conslantly flght for a placern a high-pacedand over-committedsociety, wheremany do not havethe time to appreciatean insightfully performed slow movement, let alone the attention span to absorban entire concerto. They will also experienceunprecedentedopportunity for the perlorming artist-the promiseof immediatecontactwith an audienceof billions, aswell as informatlon and technological resourcesto dei'elop innovative programs and involve Iistenersbeyond the dreamso[ pastconcertsoloists. The first generatlonof Cliburn laureateswho acknowledged the cheersof Fort Worth music lovers has seenemoiresfall

and old truths disappear;theseartistshavemade musrcrn an era of unprecedentedchange.Through the years, they and their talentedsuccessors in eachensuingCliburn Competition have found new ways to bring the gift of musrc to the world. Somehavefocusedon building the musicallife on a campus, in a city, in a region, or even acrossa nati.on.Somecontinue to explore new paths to approachmusic of the past, while others devote energy to discovering and championing the music of toda;r Somestep from the prano to the conductors podium, sometimesin the sameprogram.Almost all of them teach, whether engaginga steady,carefully selectedgroup of students at a college or conservatory,or in the master classesthat have increasinglybecomean integral part of the concertcircult. Someorganizefestivalsor concertseries,and devoteas much time to presentingother artistsas they do to promoti ngthei row n careers as performe r s. As the Cliburn nears its 50'h anniversary,a few of its first laureatesare beginning to take final bows. Members of the audience that cheered them in the 1960s had heard Rachmaninoffp1ay.Members of the audiencewho hear the 2009 finalistsplay have children who will live to hear the music of the twenty-secondcentury. As the years go by and their numbers increase,the Cliburn prizewinners are individually and collectivelymaking their imprint known. And when today'syoung listenersare old, and sit in some concerthall of the future, they are sure ro hear music shaped by the Cliburn Competitionand its laureates

1969:CatherineRussellHaden0 and RichardLeeBrown0) assistas pianistsdrawt'or theirorderof play



PhilippeBianconiperformedat place HaII aftertahtngsecond Cctrnegie in the 1985Competitton.

r':'d?i .t ,l"\i\,,tn ii jl;Ul+lFiliirri

198-5Fin.rlistspose with Van Cliburn Q-r): JoseFegha|t,frst place; Van Cltburn; Barry second Doug/as, LhLrd pldce;PhilippeBianconi, place;ErnntaTahhmtzian, Jourth plctce;HansChristtanWille, sixthploce; and KttrolyMocsriri, fifth place.




Compclitionco-.founder GrctccWartlLunhfordcongratulates goldmedalistRulphVotapeh

Whrle KhruschevanclKcnnedycycd crch othersusptcior-rsly from behrnclcvcr-grL)wingpiles of missiles,music lovers in Fort Worth embraccclmusiciansfrornboth sldesof the lron Curtarnin theworlclsnewestinternatronal pianocompet-rtlon. The talentedcontingencyof Russianstook two of the three medals, but a yor-rngAmerican, Ralph Votapek, took the gold. Votapekwent on to spend four decadesas artlst-inresidenceat MichiganStatcUnivcrsitl-.he retiredfrom that post frve)'carsrgrr,and continuesto performboLhas soloist and r s c luo -p i rrri swt i th h i s r,ri fc . A l b e rti n e. H i s r-ccordi ngs include Beethovenscompleteworks for piano and cel1o (wrth SuranBagratuni)and works of de Falla,Granados, and Prazzolla.RussianNikolai Petrov, who took the silverin Fort Worth, went on to take sceondprize in the QueenElisabeth Competitionin Brusselsin 1964. A member of rhe faculty ol the Moscou, TchaikovskyConservatory,he continues to tour as a soloistand also directsthe Kremlin MusicalFestival and Young Krernlin MusrcalFestir.alin Moscow,as well as serve on numerolts internatiL)nalcompetitionjuries. Bronze medalistMikhail Voskresensky alsoteachesat the Moscow

t 22

ConservrLory, and hasperlormedin recentseasons rn Japan, China, France,and Russia.He has lately recordedsolo works of Chopin and Schumann,and concertiof Mozart.Fourthpiace iinalist Câ‚Źcile Ousset retired from the concert s[age in 2006, but her artistrycontinuesto reacha wide audience through the newly re-releasedCDs of solo works of Liszt and Chopin, and via the legacyof the young pianists who have benefited from her annual master classesin Puycelsi, France.During her yeels as an activeperformer,Oussetwas particularlyrenownedfor her collaboratlonswith conductors Kurt Masur and Slmon Rattle.Marilyn Neeley, fifth-place finalist, won an Emmy Award for her recordings of the BeethovenSonatasfor Piano and Violin with her husband Robert Gerle for Public Televlsionln 1970, and went on to serveas dean ol music at CatholicUniversityin Washington. Shedied in2007 at the ageo[ sixty-nine.Takashi Hironaka enteredtheJuilliardSchoolasa Fr-rlbrightScholarafterplacing as a Cliburn finalist and won first prize in the Long-Thibaud Competition in Parisin 1969. He currenrly concertizesand teachesat the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music.



GoLdmedaltstRaduLupuperformsdtLringtheFinal Round\iltthconductlrEzra Rachlin.

The Beatles, free love, the Great Society, the War in Vietnam, student protest-all of these entered our collective consciousnessintheyearsbetweentheFirstandSecondCliburn Competltions. Even the Cliburn felt the shockwaves of the era when Radu Lupu, a Romanran-born, Moscow-educated pranist, took the gold medal, and-in an establishment-defyrng â‚Źlesturerepresentativeof his generation-exasperated admirers and competition officials by performing a limited number of concerts. Now based in Switzerland and internationally considered among the most impoltant pianists o[ oul time, he performs regularly at the worlds most prestigious venues; recent American performances included appearances with the New York Philharmonic and the Cleveland Orchestra, and a solo recital at Carnegie Hall. Silver medalist Barry Snyder joined the faculty of hrs alma mater, the Eastman S c hool. in 1 u7 0. He is fearur ed on r hir r l- r wo leeor din g s . ranging through the so1o, concerlo, and chamber repertoire, and has partrcularly championed music by contemporaly

composers.Recently,SnyderpremieredSydneyHodkinson's PianoConcerto,written especiallyfor him . Colombian-born bronzemedalistBlanca Uribe taught at VassarCollegefrom 1969 until her retirementin 2005. Her distingulshedlist of recordingsincludesthe completepiano sonatasof Beethoven, as well as the complete lbeia of Albeniz. Renownedas an i nterpretcrof the V i ennesecl assi ealrepertoi re.A ustr ian finalistRudolf Buchbinder is representedby more than 100 recordings,including the completepranoconcertiof Mozart and Brahms,the completeconcertland sonatasof Beethoven, and the completepiano solo works o[ Haydn. He performed this spring with the Pittsburgh Symphony and Vienna Symphony,among many others,and is aiso well regardedas a conductor.Fllipino pianlst Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito has championedtwo very diffelentcausesin hel career:the piancr mr,rsicof twentieth-centuryGerman phllosopher Theodor Adorno, and the teachlngof piano to disadvantaged children in her homeland.




GolclmedalistCristinaOrtiz (secondt'romlcft) with.fcllornr winners (-r) GeraldRobbins, t'ourthplcrct', Marlt Wc.sfcott, thirdpldc(; DictneWcrlsh, frlth place;antl Minoru Nofinrci,stctmdplact At theend oI iLsfirstdecade . theCliburnComperitionacllusted its lour-yearcycle to avoid conflict wiLh other international competitions.Cristina Ortiz, a teenagerfrom Brazil,stormed the finals and was the first lcmalcpienist t(r take the go1d. Now basedin London, Ortiz performsthis year rn Brazil, Italy,,and Russia;highlightsof her careerinclude recordingsof Villa-Lobos'compleLepiano concerti.Sih,,ermedalistMinoru Nojima latelyperlormedthe lust-completed PianoConcerto No. 2 by TeizoMatsumura,inJapan,London,St Petersburg, and Moscow Bronze medalist Mark Westcott went on to trL.nfirct ,rrizcin the laf ) William KapellCompetition,bul a hand injur;' eventually took him away from the concert cl ro p l n r ccr r pml ver r c -..b .,'.......-/'.- ."\,..b' ' ..


Cr r r lpntlv

hr ced

in Pnr tl r nr ]

Or eu,r n

Westcottis featurredin zr new recording of JaschaHeiletzs transcriptionslor vioLinanclpiano. Finalist Gerald Robbins is now associated with Qr-reens Collegeof the City University of New York as a member t.rfthe residentLyric PianoQuartet and with the ManhattanSchocllo[ Music as chambermuslc f'aculty;his musical pLlrsuitsalso include conducting and the explrrralrtrn of ncglcctednineteenth-century composers. Forty yearsafter landinga frnehstsranking at the Chbutn, Diane Walsh has becomeone o[ Broadwaysnewestnames, winning accoladesfor provlding the prano perforrnancesof Beethovens"Diabe11i" Variationsas an integralpart clf Moises Kaufmansplay 33 Variations, alsostarringJaneFonda.



VladimirViardoraiseshis silyercupafterbeingnamedthegoldmedalist.

The Cliburn's increasing globrl profile produced one of the most internationallydiverselists of finalists,headedby gold medalist RussianVladimir Viardo. After his Clibr,rrn triumph, however,Viardo was confined to the SovietUnion for fourteenyears,a victim of Communist travel restrictions. On his return lo the West in 1988, he renewedhis Liesto T e v: shr ininin o th,'h , rrlr volr he I lnir c r s ir r , r f Nolt h f ex as a s artist-in-resldence. He is renowned as a teacher and performer, and his rccordings r.ange from works by Penderecki to his own transcriptions of organ works by Franck. Sllver medalist C hrist ian Za ch aria s. on c ol' t he lop f iani5lsr o e m er ge f r o m Germany in the last forty ycrrs. began condue trng in 1992, and

rs now principal conductor of the Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne (Switzerland) and artistic director of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra in Minnesota. Bronze medalist Michael Houstoun is a central figr,rrein New Zealands cultural life. illn l

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he frequently premieres works by New Zealand composcrs. Finalist Evgeny Korolev of Russia founded the rwo-piano Duo Korolev with Maccdonirn I jupka Hadzi-Georgieva rn l , l 7 o . l n a d d i t i o n t o h i s p c r l o r m i n g a n d r e (u r d i n B ( a re e r . Urugr-rayanfinalist Alberto Reyes is now an interpretcr et rhc Unlted Nations.




VanCliburncongratulales goldmedalist StevenDe Groote An intenselyinvolved audienceand an immenselytalented group of competitorsproducedone of the most controversial Cliburn competitions. South African Steven De Groote took the top prize, but his promising career combining teachingand performing rook a serbackin 1985, when he was seriouslyinjured in an accidentin a small plane he was piloting ln Arizona. De Grootesettledin Fort Worth in 1987 as artist-in-residence at TCU, but died unexpectedlyin South Africa in 1989 irom complicationsfrom the plane accident. Alexander Toradze, the Georgian-bornvirtuoso who took the silver, requestedasylum in the United Stateswhlle on tour with the BolshoiOrchestrain i983. While maintaining an international careeras a soloist-particularly renowned in the RussianRomanticrepertoire-he accepreda posl as Martin endowed professorof piano at Indiana University, where he founded the Toradze Piano Studio, a touring piano ensemble featunng several of his award-wtnnlng pupils. BronzemedalistJeffrey Swann of the United States joined the faculty of Northern Arizona University as artistin-residencern 2006, and now regularly performs lecture-


recitalsat noted venuesand festlvals.BritishfinalistChristian Blackshaw baseshis performing careerin London, and has also recentlyperformed at festivalsin Dubrovnik, Helsinki, and Prague.French finalist Michel Dalberto is renowned for his recordingcoilaborationswith vocalistsJessye Norman and BarbaraHendricks, fourteen CDs devoted to the complete works of Schubert,and more recently,Liszt'sparaphrases from Verdi and Wagner.He teachesat the AccademiaPianisticain Imola and is chairmanof the jury of the Haskil Competition in Switzerland.Busy as a conductor,pianist, and recording company founder, British-born fina]ist Ian Hobson teaches at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.AIso the driving forcebehind ZephyrRecords,Hobsonlatelyrecorded, as pianlst and conductor,the completeworks for piano and orchestraby Rachmaninoff. Flnalist Alexander Mndoyants teachesat the Moscow ConservatoryAlong with numerous recordings in a broad repertoire, he has edited a recent Russianeditron of Bart6k'sThird Plano Concerto, and has published a performer'scommentary of Mussorgsky\ Pictures at an Exhibition.



(-r): PanayisLyras,second place;Andrd-MichelSchub,frst place; Competitionlaureates place. and SantiagoRodnguez,second Shlfting international polrtrcs resulted in the absence of Russlan pianists, along wrth the frrst appearance,at the Cl i h rrrn ol nianis t slr om th e P e o n l e sR e n u h l i co f C h ina. American Andr6-Michel Schub, who took the gold, joined the facultyof the ManhattanSchoolof Music in 2006. Among his numerousrecordingsof chambermusic areBrighr Shengs Three Fantasiesfor Piano and Violin, which Schub recently premieredwith violinist Cho-LiangLin. Schubis director of the Virginia Arts FestivalChamberMusic Seriesand an active touring member of the Chamber Music Societyof Lincoln Center. After many years as artlst-in-residenceat Butler University, co-silver medalist Panayis Lyras succeeded1962 gold medalistRalphVotapekasartist-in-residence at Michigan StateUniversity.Co-silver medalist Santiago Rodriguez is artist-in-residence and head of piano studiesat the University of Maryland, and has recorded much of the output of Ginasteraand Rachmaninofffor the Elanlabel.FinalistJeffrey Kahane has managed to maintain an equally high profile

as a conductor and soloist. Currently music director of the ColoradoSynphony Orchestraand the Los AngelesChamber Orchestra,he drew loud cheerswhen he conducted Elgars SymphonyNo. 1 with the DallasSymphonythis spring, and soonafterreceiveda glowingreviewby the NewYorhTimesfor a recitalappearance at Lincoln Center.FellowAmericanfinalist Christopher O'Riley has also establisheda high-profile dual careerin music.Host of the popular radio and televislonshow From theTop,which has done much to nurture new talent and audiencesfor traditional repertoire,O'Riley also continues to redefine the boundaries of the classicalpianist'scanon by transcribingand recordingsolo piano versionsof music by the popular bands Nirvana, Pink Floyd, and Radiohead. Daming Zhu serves on the faculty of Soochow Unlversity in Taipei,Taiwan,but has also performed and taught in his nativePeoplesRepublicof China, helping to buiid an artistic naLions. bridgebetweenthoselong-esLranged




i Go l dm td a l i s tJ o sFttg hal kenrtr) ccl thrartsrnibronze th meJol i sr B arryD ougl as 1tJt'and PhilippeBianconi(right) silyermedalisL Britrsh-trainedBrazilianJosâ‚Ź Feghali took the top prize as Sovret pianists were once again rbsent. Feghali has since settledin Fort Worth, where he is artist-in-residence at Texas ChristianUniversity.Along with his teachingand performance activities,Feghahis associaledirector of the Mimir Chamber Music Festivaland was awardedthe MichaelR. FerrariAward for his work with Internet2and conference-related technology a: appliedto th e mu s i c i n d u s try S i l v e rmcdal i ' t P hi l i ppe Bianconi has won acclaimfor his recordingsof Schumann's Symphonlc Etudes and the completepiano works of Rave1. He livesin Paris,and recenLlyperformedrecitalsin Hamburg and Nice. Barry Douglas followed up on his bronzemedal at the 1985 Cliburn by becoming, in 1986, the first nonRussianafterVan Cliburn to win the top piano prize (not tied with a Russia)at the TchalkovskyCompetrtionin Moscow He foundedand drrectsthe Cameratalreland.a chamberorchestra madc up of lrlsh musicians,with which he frequentlytours


worldwide. Also increasrnglyworkrng as a conductor,he has current appearances with the Academyof St. Martin in the Frelds,IndianapolisSymphony,and theVancouverSymphony Finalist Emma Tahmizirin was a founding member of the MOSAIC quartet in 1992, and is a member of the faculty at the LawrenceConservatoryof Music at LawrenceUniversityin Wisconsin.Sheperformedthe premrereof SebastianCurner's Prano Concerto in New York in 2006. Recentactivitiesby Karoly Mocsiri lnclude a recording of Bart6k's works and performancesrn India, Tarwan, and the United Arab Emirates.He has servedon rhe.lury of LheLiszt Competition in Utrecht. In 1988, finalist Hans-Christian Wille founded the BraunschweigerKammermusikpodium,which has since grow n. under hrs di recti on. rnto the B munschr , r eig Classir ^^r Fesri ral",,,,5 hri",5npi npmai r 'r u JU r orL r'ar-' evenls t o t he J) r l a'l i ' r l-" tl u Jl-; \ a ttu '- - laLL regionaround Braunschweig,Germany.



Lru $

AlexeiSultanovshowshis unbridledjoy at'terwLnningthe competition GoId n'Ledalist

With the Colcl War quickly thawrng, pranists trom Lhe Soviet Union returned to the Cliburn in full force for the firsl time since I977 Cliburn audiences wrtne ssed unforgettable moments as Uzbek-born Alexei Sultanov rockcte d to tt p honors, and then followed the traglc rollercoaster of his career, which endecl with his death, after multrple strokes, at the age of thirty-five in 2005. Silver medallstJosd Carlos Cocarelli, choosing an altogether dilferent path, has become a Buddhist monk in France. Bronze medalist Benedetto Lupo is currently based rn Brn, ltaly, where he teaches at the Nino Rota Conservatory; he has recorded Rota's Concerto Soiree, which was awarded the Diapason d'Or, and the complete works of Robert Schumann for piano and orchestra.

\ lr l r 5 t . h e l o o k t [ o r r r a rd to l n c r e r s r n p l r n ( ) n u l l T r \ l p r . - r r :a upcoming performances with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orcheslra, and thc Lcipzig Shtarkman Gewandhaus Orchester. Finalist Alexander r v n n f i r s r n r i z r i n r h r R r r *n n i ( n m n '. ri t i n n i n l Q 9 5 r n , l i o i n c,l the laculty of the Peabodl' Institute in Baltimore in 2002. F i n a l i r t T i a n Y i n g . a n a l r \ c o f S h a n g h a i . r c c c n l l ) t i 'c o r d cd works by Beethoven and Schumann for Centaur rceords, and leaches at the Universrty of Miami. Frnalist Elisso Bolkvadze of Georgia 1ately performed in Budapest, Cairo, Geneva, Innsbruck, Paris, and St. Petersburg. She has recorded the concerti of Beethoven, Liszt, and Rachmaninoff for Sony




VanCliburnapplaudscompetition winnerSrmonePedroni With Russia and China finally both represented in the Cliburn Competitionatthesame time, anewforce-theltalianschoolmade rtself recognized, with Simone Pedroni claiming the gold medal. Pedronis newest recording was an all-Liszt CD' he rnrrred Sn:in rvirh the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano this "snrins. r_ " 'b ,

and .. *

anneared ..r r ' "' -

tn Rome wlth

conductor Vladimtr

Ashkenazyln May andJune.SllvermedahstValery Kuleshov has servedas artist-in-residence at the Unrversityof Central Oklahoma since 1998; hrs recordingslnclude a selectionof the piano transcriptionsof Vladimir Horowitz. He toured Russiaas a duo-pianist with hrs daughterTatianain 2008. Bronze medahst Christopher Taylor recently performed with the Atlanta, Detrolt, and Houston Symphonies,and the Los Anselesand New York Philharmonics.The New York


Timesprofiled his unique performancesof Bachs Goldberg Variationson the double-manuaiStelnwaypiano that he iound and refurbishedat the Universityof Wisconsin,where he is a laculty member.FrnahstJohanSchmidt teachesat the Royal Conservatoryln Mons, Belgium, and recently perlormed in Chrna and in Israei.FlnahstArmen Babakhanian plays a major role in the musicallife of Armenia,servingas artist-inresi dence at l he C onser\atory i n Y erevrnand dir ect ingt he YerevanInternationalPianoCompetition,which he founded. FrnalistFabio Bidini is currentlya professorat the University of the Arts ln Berlln, whrle contrnuing a careeras a soloist, collaborator,and conductor.This season's U.S. engagements include appearances with the Phoenix,Syracuse,and Tucson Sr.mphonvOrchestras.



Competition laureatesQ-r)Aviram Reichert, thirdpldce;YahoyKasman,second place,and oneanotherduringtheAwardsCeremony. Jon Nahamatsu, frst placecongratulate ln a field thick with international talent, dark horse Jon Nakamatsu, an Americanwho made hrsliving teachlnghigh school German and had no conserva[orytraining, claimed the top prize. Nakamatsuhassincedevelopeda solid national careeras both soioist and chamber music collaborator,and hasbeen co-artisticdirector of the CapeCod ChamberMusic Festivalsince 2007. Among his nine CDs availableon the harmonia mundi label, his recent Gershwln album with the RochesterPhiiharmonicwas on the BillboardChartsfor thirty weeks.Yakov Kasman, awardedthe silvermeda1,is artist-inresidenceat the Universityof Alabamaat Birmingham,where he has also quickly establisheda successfulall-piano guest artistseries,usuallyfeaturingat leastone Cliburn laureatein its Iineup. The Cliburns first Israelimedalist,Aviram Reichert,

servedas artjst-in-residence at Grand ValleyStaLeUniversrty in Michigan from 2O0l to 2008, and is now professoro[ piano at SeoulNationai Universityin Korea.FinalistFilippo Gamba recently recorded the complete piano sonataso[ Mendelssohn.Professorat the Hochschulefur Musik in Basel, Gambafrequentlyperformsas soloistand chambermusician, and is in demand as a teacherof master classesthroughout Europe. Finalist Jan Gottlieb Jiracek is a professor at the V i ennal l ni versi tvfor Musi c and the P erformi ngAr t s. Married to a noted televisionpersonalityin Moscow and the devotedmother ol threesons,Katia Skanavi latelyreleased recordingsof Chopin and Rachmaninoffand makesher first recitaltour of Australiathis spring.




loudenitchand OlgaKerntahethe stagewith second-plact wi'utcr Co-winnersStantslav (right)at theAwardsCeremony AntonioPompa-Baldi In an unprecedentedjury decision, two winners, both r epr es en ti n gth e R u s s i a ntra d i ti o n . s hared gol d medal honors at the first Cliburn Competition to be held at the new Bass PerformanceHail in Fort Worth. Olga Kern gaivanizedaudienceswith her fiery performancesand red dr c s s ar r i c k l vri c i n p1 rrs u n c rs l asTtrtu s .A repul arheadl i ner " - " 'b '' al f es t iv a l si n th e U n i te d Sta te sa n d Europe.shc recentl y made debuts in Canada,Iceland, and South Amenca, and appearswith the Chicago Symphony at Raviniain August. Co-medalistStanislav loudenitch founded and teachesin the InternationalMusic Programat Park Universityin Kansas City, and at the International Piano Foundation in Como, Itaiy. One of his pupils, BezhodAbduraimov,just took top honors at the London PianoCompetition.Co-silvermedalist


Maxim Philippov, who teachesat the MoscowConservatory, has recordedtwo CDs of the solo music of Rachmaninoff. Antonio Pompa-Baldi, co-silvermedalist,is distinguished professorof piano at the Clevelandlnstitute of Music, and is in the processof recordingthe completepiano solo works of Grieg. He perlormed recentlyin England and Spain, and presentsan annual internationalworkshop at Napoli Nova Academy in ltal;r Finalist Alexey Koltakov completed the artist diploma program at TCU. and won the ninth San Antonio lnternatlonalPianoCompetitionin 2006. He entered Juilliardsmaster'sdiploma programin 2008. FinalistXiaohan Wang, who played one of his own works in the competition, was recentlycommissionedto write the requiredwork for the 2007 BeethovenInternationalPianoCompetitionin Bonn.



Thetop laureaLes posetogetherQ-r):loyce Yang,siher; '\lexanderKobrin,gold; and Sa Chen,Crystal\ruard A strong showing by Russian and Italian pianists echoed the past, but a contingent of young Astan pianists pointed to the f u t ure of the pia no . Wh en r he play ingended. r helur y s elecr e d Alexander Kobrin for the top prize, and thc Cliburns first large Internet audience agreed. Kobrln continues to teach at

d r e w c n l h u 'i a s t i c r e s p o n : e f o r h e r r e c o r d i n g l a t t y e a r o l both Chopin concerti for the Pentatone labe1. Highlights of the upcoming season include her debut with the PrLtsburgh Symphony. Italian Davide Cabassi has toured the United States every year since placing as a finalist; he looks forward

the Moscow Gnessin Academy, while tackling the iong list of major orchestral an d recit al dc but ' t hat c am e his way a> a Cliburn gold medalist. Last year, he made a hrghly acclaimed 4nna4r4n.p at tlaa RRe PrOmS in LOndOn. Nineteen-yearoid Joyce Yang from South Korea returned to New York to F n ish her stud ies at Ju illiar d. m c an\ \ hile t ak ing on a bus y concert schedule that established her as one of the most popular silver medalists. A frequent guest artisr with the New York Philharmonic, she is part of the hneup at the Aspen, Hollywood Bow1, and Ravinia festivals this summer. The new Crystal Award replaced the bronze medal that went to thirdp l ace winne rs in p ast Clibur n Com pet it ions . and Bei. li n g based Sa Chen became the first to wln that honor. Featured at a speclal event during the 2008 Belling Olympics, "Sasa"

to the upcoming release of his reeordings of solo works by Schubert and Brahms and duo repertoire by Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Schubert, performed with his wife, Tatiana Larionova, a former student of Stanislav ioudenitch. ChuFang Huang won fi.rst prizes in the Cleveland Competltlon and Young Concert Auditions shortly after being named a Cliburn frnalist, and has since debuted at Lincoln Center. She ls the founding director of the Ameri-China International Music Associatlon-a non-profit organization dedicated to lostering closer ties between the musical cultures of China and the United States.Finalist Roberto Plano. who makes his debut with the Houston Symphony rhis June. is the founding director o[ a piano academy in Monate, ltaly



The Co lle g eof Co m m u n i c a ti oann d K TC UFM88. 7 congratulates the VanCliburnInternational Piano Co mpetiti o o n n i ts 1 3 ths e a s o n . W ear e pro u do f our c o m m i tm e nto t c l a s s i c aml u s i cand broadcasting the competitionin its entirety.

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and music. I spentso much time therethat at one point I even helpeddecoratethe Americanembassyin Moscc'rw." When askedwhat she believesinitiallymaclethe Van Cliburn InternatlonalPiano Competition r-rniqueand successful,Ms. Hyder answerswith one worcl: "Van!"A nationalrcon after


his sensationalTchaikovskyCompetitionwin, Van Cliburrn connectedwith peopleeverywhere, and they becamelhmiliar wrth his hurmbleroots in Kilgore,Texas.Small-townelforts tr.l "Communities securea concerl by Van becamea civic car-tse. would saveup all yearfcrrthe opportunityo[ havinghim cometcr their iown. For VanCliburnand his morher,RildiaBee,r,isiting small townsacrossthe collntry was like going hclme."

REC O LLECT I OONFS T H EG E N E S I S O FTH EVANCLIB U R N I N T E R N A T I ONAL PIANOCO M P E T I T I O N There were It all beganwith piano lessons.MarthaHyder would takeher three children for piano lessonsto the home o[ GraceWard Lankford,sittingpatientlyfor ninetyminureseachvisit asrhey Iearnedfrom their esteemedteacher,and waiting patiently for her children'syoung talent to emerge.GraceWard Lankford, describedby Ms. Hyder'sdaughterWhitney Hyder More as a "very good, yet strict" piano teacher,wasan impetuslor Martha Hyders early involvement in the Van Cliburn lnternational PianoCompetition.

other unique factors, Ms. Hyder states, rhar distinguished the Cliburn Competitionlrom thelong-established and prestigiouscompetitionsin Europeand Russia.First,by each member contributing "literallypenniesannually,"the Narional PianoTeachersGuild funded an unprecedented$10,000 prize, making it a "truly grassroots e[fort."The inclusionof a Carnegie Hall debut-a virtually unobtainable goal Lo which every musician aspires-was another unique aspecto[ the Cliburn Competition.Further,the Cliburn housesits competitorswith locallamilies."Manyof thesecloserelationships betweenfamilies and competitorscontinueto this day,"sheremarks.Lastbut not least,as the first competitionto compensateits jury members for their services,the Cliburn was ablero attractthe best iurors. which in turn attractedthe bestcompetitors.

As Ms. Hyder recalls,Ms. Lankford "kept involving me"-frrst engagingher as the entertainmentchairman of the fledgling competition. Early on, as a result of thesesocialevents,lurors Lili Kraus and LeonardoPennariobecamelifelong lriends.Mr. Martha Hyder describesthose yearsas the most exciting and Pennario,a gre^Lbridge player, "spenr much of his free time fulfilling period in her life: "lt opened up opporrunitiesand during the competitionsplaying cardswith my morherand her experiencesbeyond anything I could have imagined." Her bridgegroup,"Ms. Hyder recalls. unmitigatedenthusiasmfor the Cliburn conrinuesto this day. During her yearsas chairmanof the Van Cliburn Foundation, shethrew herselfwith unparalleledgustointo raisingawareness of the exciting cultural event that has brought great prestige to Fort Worth. During her tenure as chairman,the 1973 gold medalistwas Sovietpianist Vladimir Viardo.

She emphasizesthar Van Cliburn's reputation was a driving "He hasalwaysbeen forcebehind its earlyand ongoingsuccess. enthusiasticabout everything," Ms. Hyder notes, describing him as "humble, brilliant, and accessible," and as a man who lovesboth playing music and his adoring audiences,"whether performing at a small town community center or at Carnegie "This was a very exhiiarating time for Russian pranists Hall. While the Cliburn Competitionfearureshis name,it also everyrvhere.They were known for winning the top prizes in capturesthe essenceof his heart,and his passionfor spreading competitionsworldwide, and were in great demand-Viardo thejoy o[ music." especiallyHe was alsoa greatfavoriteof impresarioSaulHurok and was embarkingon what would havebeen an outstanding "BecauseVan loved to play in small rowns," she recalls,"he careerif politicaleventsin the SovietUnion had nor inrerfered. brought classicalmusic and culture to our nation's entire It was .just heartbreaking.I ended up spendinga greaLdeal of population. Van Cliburn is truly the 'people'spianist'," Ms. my time in Russiawith Viardos friendsand family,and I came Hyder concludes,"and he has brought grear honor ro rhe to feel that they were an extensionof my own family,"shesays. competition, to Fort Worth, and to an entire nation that is "Through them, I learned a grear deal about Russiancuhure gratefulfor his immensecontribution to our culture."



Winning the lirst Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, at the height of the Cold War in 1958, brought Van Cliburn unprecedentedcelebrity for an American concert pianist. Cliburns internationalvictory instilled a freshsenseof artistic pride in many Americans,while openingthe door to a new era of cultural relations between East and WesL.The Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was established shortly thereafterto perpeLuate Van Cliburns unique legacyof demonstratrnghow classicalmusic, ln the hands of a master, has the appealto reachacrossall borders. At a drnnerbanquetin November1958,Dr. Irl Allison, founder of the NationalGuiLdof PianoTeachers, passeda noteto Grace

VanCliburn'striumphantreturn.t'rom Moscowtn 1958:this

tichertapeparadein New YorkCity wasthefrst and only Ward Lankfbrd, co-founderof the Fort Worth PianoTeachers celebruting a classic ian. al music Forum. The note read,"Hold onto your seat,I havea startling announcement!"Standingbefore a crowd of 500, including Van Cliburn and his mother, Rildia BeeO'BryanCliburn, Dr.

Fromthebesinninp themissionof theVanCliburnFoundation

Allison announcedhis intentionto offera $10,000firsLprize

has been to discover and sustain the worlds finest young

to be awardedby an internationalpiano competition named in CLiburn'shonor. The idea caught everyone(especlallyVan

pianists.At the First Competition,all six finalistswereawarded

Fort Worth.

careers.The winner of the First Competitionwas awardedjust

cashprizesrangingfrom $500 to $10,000.Yet the Cliburn Cliburn) by surpnse,and immediatelyignited the imaginatton Competition has alwaysaspiredto give theseartistsfar more and enthusiasmof music loversand civic leadersthroughout than a check and a medal-it was designedto help launch

eight appearances, including a debut at CarnegieHall Todays A small corps of volunteersbeganto raiseIlnds. type labels. finalistsare awardedthree yearsof concerrengagementsand and lick envelopesas Ms. Lankford enlisted the support of managementservices,enablingthem to perlbrm in hundreds an astonishingrangeof politicians,internationallyrenowned o[ venuesboth here and abroad,sharingtheir talentswith the composers, conductors, musicians, business Ieaders, and widest possibleaudience.To acknowledgethe high degreeof professronaleducators,in pursult of what must have seemed subjectivityinherent ln jurors' preferencesamong finalists,an an impossiblegoal:to createa world-classinternationalpiano equal cashprize lor eachmedalistand a new scoring system competitionin a city still affectionatelyknown as "Cowtown." that allows for the possibility of a tie for any medal (up to a However,by 1961 the pieceswere falling into place,and the

possibletotal of four) were institutedin 2001 for the Eleventh C omneti ri on Thesechangeshave hel n ed r he Foundat ion

Van Cllburn Foundation was offlcially chartered.The Van Cliburn lnternational Piano Competition, first held in I962

better representand reward the depth and diversity of talent

and repeatedevery four yearssince,quickly establisheditself

representedin the top ranks of pianiststoday.

as an event that inspires and engagesthe local community, while graclngthe internationalstage.The Cliburn Competition

The internatronal characterof this event has grown with the

is one of the few musical eventsin the world to arrangefor

years, often reflecting the changesln political climate and

competitorsto staywith host,often resultingin close, advancementof musical training nationally and internationally long-termrelationships;thus,southernhospitalityhasbecome The first competitionswere dominated by performers from the a slngulartrademarkof the Cliburn Competition. United Statesand other nations of the Western Hemisphere. In 1981 and 1985, a government boycott prohibited the participationof competitorsfrom the Soviet Union. For the



TwelfthCompetition,the Foundationreceived240 applicatlons repre se nt ing[ or t y c ount ri e s .i n c l u d i n g A u s tra l i a .B e l arus. Bulgaria,Canada,Finland, Israel,Japan,Nigeria,South Korea, and Venezuela. Of the applicantsacceptedfor screeningrecitals in 2005, twenty-nlnewere from Russia;China and the United Stateswereeachrepresented by nineteenyoung pianists. With the ongoing generoussupport of major international corporationsand foundations,the VanCliburn Foundationhas been ableto produceaward-winningtelevisiondocumentaries about its competitions Theseare arred nationaily on public television and syndicatedon five continents. National and international radio series regularly broadcast prizewinning performances,and major 1abelssuch as BMG, Philips,Teldec, and harmonia mundi usa, have distrlbuted recordingsand home video of Cliburn Competition winners. In 2009, the entire competition will be streamedlive at, making performances availableto virLuallyanyonewith Internet access.The Foundationwill alsohold an online audiencevote after each round of the competition,the result-sof which will be announcedat the AwardsCeremonyonJune 7,2009. Over the pasl four decades, the Cliburn Competition has rnvolved hundreds of world-ciass musicians. music

and Mrs. IrI Allisonwith VanCliburn

professionais, and dedicatedindividualsin its vanousactiviires. Jurors have includedJorgeBolet,Philippe Entremont,Rudolf Firku5ny, Leon Fleisher,Malcolm Frager,Alberto Ginastera, Howard Hanson, Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer,Lili Kraus, Alicia de Larrocha,Dame Moura Lympany,Nikita Magaloff, C era l d Mo or e.J ohn O gdo n . C e c i l eOu s s e t.G y o rg yS a n dor. Harold Schonberg,Maxim Shostakovich,SoulimaStravinsky, Walter Susskind,Alexis Weissenberg,and Earl Wild. Among t he co n d uc t or swho hav c s h a re dth e s ta g ew i th c o m p e r i rors are Leon Fleisher,Jerzy Semkow,StanislawSkrowaczewski, Walter Susskind,and JamesConlon, who will return for the fourth time to lead the Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestrain the Final Round of the Thirteenth Comoetltion However, it is the past winners who have done the most to establishthe Van Cliburn Foundationas a leaderln the worid of classicalmusic. The Foundation looks forward to adding the winners of the ThirteenthVan Cliburn InternationalPiano d nks. Co mp e ti tiont o t her rdis t in g u i s h era

TheVanCliburnFoundationissupporLtdby theAmon G. CarterFoundation,GeorgeAnn Carter Bahan,Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass, Sue and John Allen Chalk, Marsha and John Kleinheinz, the Mary Potishman Lard Trust, Linda Todd Murphy, Rinda R. Wentworth, Donna and Bryan Whitworth, .rndHeide Wolf for tht ThirteenthCompetition.





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.l'rrrrl-\chenlr', hcad.o.lthe CIM 1)rrnro 1)eprrrrrncnr


Thc (l l cvel l n.l Insti trrte ,rf N 4Lr s i ci s v erv pr,,utl o1' C hetan Ti erra ri ,l ro u'as scl cctt'. l to c oru|c tc rn thi s ycl rr'sV l n ( l Ii brrnr ( ]ornl .et i ti on. A s e l ,:i r.l i rrg i ntcmrrt i onrrI c()l rsL'rvi rt()r \', C I l r' 1i s J i s tingu j s hc J l .r' an cxccpti onl tl ,l cgrec rtf col L:tl )()rati ()nbc tu' c c n sturl cnts rl nrl tcrl chcrs. l V Ir-.Ti crr a has l c l rne.l fi ' ,,m

Sergei BcLb ayan, w inner of manJ prestiglous competitionsand tecrcher of seueraL Van Cliburn cornpetitor s

thc l .est, hi s te:rcher A ntoni o P ompa.B al di u l s the S rl vcr l vl etl rrl i sti n thc 2tl OI V rrn (l l i brrnr C )ompeti ti on.


(l l N {'s rrrr,srrrpl sserl I rrcLr l tv i nc l url c s P aul S c henl v . [ri rrt-ro hcl tl ol thc tl epl rtmcnt i urtl A l ti s ti c L)i rc c tol of thc (l l evel 'rntl Interni l ti ()ni l l I'i l n., C -onrpc ti ti on (C IP C ). C )l N 4i s pri vi l ecctl to havc threc u i rrners of thet l i ne c()nl pcti ti ou or-ri ts l ucLrLtv S ergei B abay an, n i rrnc r of the l c)89 l {ol rcrt ()rsi l .l csus(l o nrpeti ti on, Margari ta S hevchcnko u-j nner,,f thc 1995 (j l P (l l nl l A ntoni c r P ompa-B al di rvi nncr i n 1999. O thc r J i s ti ngtri s hc tl ue urhet': oi thc l l crrl tf i ncl uJe K athry n B rorv n, A ni ta Pontren-roli, Daniel Shapiro en.l Olga Radosavljevich.

,Arrrorrio Pt ntltu-13ukli. u.,|rurcr of thaSjltcr Mcdal in rhcJOcr/\'an Clllhrrrn ( iom/rcfitiorr

E xpl ol r' 1'Lrtrr pl rssi onl or rrttrstcl l t ()l tc ()i tl rc fi nost c()nscrvatol i esi n thc l 'r,t-ltl l

Willienr F:ry,Dilcct,rloi A.lmissiLrn 1 lt)11 E:rstlloulcvar-,1 (llcr.elrrnci, ()f I 4410(r (l l(r) ie5-l t0i



-lr, i,' lV e rnte |rrltion ll l)i11lt (( )om 1r c t it l( ) n>


Thirty-six recordings ancl DVDs of selected errrnpelitors; cight telcvisir)n docllmcntaries of' the competitions, and ,L^ ..,.,.^ * ^ ^ -,,i-^ trnc( ) i?and Ct t nCe r LOSer ieSSt nCe19 7 7 ; scores ol' nirtional radio broadcasts of the cr)mpetil-ions since 19 85 Two webcasts of the conrpetition since 200 I Ten commissioned picces for thc first ten competitirrns; crrmnetifions for new works frtr 2001 and 2005 Competitions, awarcling nine comltosers

Milton Katimsand GraceWarclLankforcl Guestconcluctor

Seventy winners, inclucling thirty-six medalists ln more Lhan 3,325 perlormances srnce 1962, providrng and nurturing a milieu Ior lar-rnchingcareers Thirty-two seasons o1' annual cc)ncert senes [eatu]1ng international artists wlth 303 pet ftrr-rnanees sirrce I976 Five International Piano Competitions for Outstanding Amateurs since 1999 Annual educational ontre:rch protlams, notably Musical Aruohenings, since 2001, today sen'ing 25,000 children

The Prcliminrn, ..'''''......-7

nnd Senlfinal Ror-rnds of the Cliburn Competltion were held at TCU in Ecl Landreth Auditoriurn 1962-1997, ancl the Finrrl Rtrunds wcrc prcsented in Will Rogcrs Auditorium 1962-1967, ancl in the Tarrunt County Ccrnvenlion Cente r I973-1997 . All rounds of thc er-rmpctitirrn hrvc been prescntcd in the Nancy Lee and Pcrry R. Bass Perlormance Hall since 2001

Bob Alcxcmcler, AnthonyPhillips,SusorTrllcy, Antlrt'tuRaeburn.and RichurdRod:inskr

AnthonyPhillilts,PhyllisTillcy, andLcwisKornleld

SantCantey,NctncyLeeBass,and Aclt'luicle Fullcr



andscholars â‚Ź than 170artist-teachers comprisea peerlessfaculty at a worldclass conservatorywith the academic all university, of a majorresearch resources withinoneof the mostbeautifuluniversity c am puss e tti n g s . facilitiesincludeoneofthe State-of-the-art operahousesin collegiate mostacclaimed the countryand threeconcerthalls.

in e musi cstudents ai davai l ablto Fi nanci al grants,and loans; the form of scholarships, morethan60 percentof lU musicstudents receivesomekindof financialaid. Hundredsof lU graduatesplayin over35 professional wind ensemblesand major in the UnitedStates. orchestras


U N I V E R S I Ti

Bl o o mi n g t o n



FIRSTVANCLIBURNINTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITION 24 throughOctober7, 1962 Datesof Competition: September C o u n try USA

Amount $10,000

2 Nikolai Petrov USSR Mikhail Voskresensky 3 USSR 4 C€clleOusset France Marilyn Neeley 5 USA Portugal 6 SergioVarella-Crd Arthur C. Fenni.more 7 USA TakashiHironaka 8 Japan Finalist Hiroko Nakamura* Japan *Withdrew Jromfnals becauseof illness.

3,000 2,000 1,000 750 500


W inner RalphVotapek

Given by National Guild of PianoTeachersand Dr and Mrs. Irl Allison LauraJaneMusser The Amon G. CarterFoundatron Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh 6l Family Mrs. Carl Beutel

BestPerformanceof CommissionedWork: Arthur C. Fennimore BestPerformanceof ChamberMusic: RalphVotapekand Hiroko Nakamura

SE CO NDS T A G E Andre De Groote (Belgium) Donn-AlexanderFeder(USA) Ilze Graubi (USSR) Hajime Kono lapan) Nina Lelchuk (USSR) John Perry (USA) Raui ErnestoSosa(Argentina) FIRSTSTAGE Vicky Adler (Brazrl) Anahid LydiaAlexanian(Canada) Carmen Alvarez(Uruguay) Edward Clement Bethel(USA) Jo Garner Boatright(USA) RafaelBorges(Mexico) Sung-Mi Cho (Korea) William D. Cooper (USA) Torla Luz Garcia Salas(GuaterrraraT Milton HastingsHallman (USA) JamesJoJly(USA) Elaine Keillor (Canada) Jung Kyou Kim (Korea)

Arthur Moreira Lima (Brazil) MarleneM. Linzmeyer(USA) LeonidasE. Lipovetsky(Uruguay) ThomasMastroianni(USA) ManigirdasMotckaitis(USA) Marta HebeNoguera(Argentina) Yun Hee Paik (Korea) Dorothy KatherinePayne(USA) David Pinto (UK) Gloria Saannen(New Zealand) JoseSandoval,Jr. (Mexico) CharlesEdward Thomas(USA) MargaretC. Watson (USA) LeslieMarie Wells (USA) GraceWilkinson (UK) Walter Wolfe (USA) SandraYaggy(USA) JURY Leopold Mannes,Chairman(USA) YaraBernette(Brazil) JorgeBolet (USA) Angelo Eagon(USA)

Rudolph Ganz (USA) Don Luis Herrerade la Fuente(Mexico) Motonari lguchi (apan) Milton Katims (USA) Lili Kraus (UK) Lev Oborin (USSR) LeonardPennario(USA) SergeSaxe,Local Chairman(USA) Conductor: Milton Katims St ing Quart( L:String Quartet in-Resrdence, SouthernMethodistUniversity Orrhc:l ra:Fort Worth S ymphonyOrche>tra Worh:Lee Hoiby, Capriccioon Commissioncd Fi ve N otes Chairmanof thc Board:Lorin Boswell GraceWard GeneralChairmanof th. Competition: Lankford



SECOND VANCLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITI Datcso.fCompetition: Septembe r 26 througl't Octrtbcr9, 1966

2 3 4 5 6


Winner Rumanra

BarryLeeSnyder BlancaUribe Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito RuclollBuchbinder BenediktKohlen

USA Colombia Philippines Austria W Germany

Countrv $10,000 3,000 2,000 r,000 750 500

Amount Given by NationalGuild of PranoTeachers and Dr. and Mrs. Irl Allison Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Boswell Mr. Leo Potishman E HowardWalshFoundaLron Mr. and Mrs. A. T. SeymourIII Mrs. Carl Beutel

BestPerfbrmanceof CommissionedWork: RaduLupu BestPerformance of ChamberMusic:BarrySnyder l9th Century Music Award: BlancaUribe ConlandSonrtaAward:RaduLuou

SECOND STAGE Herrri Barda(Francc) Larry MichaelGraharn(USA) ' l ' h o n r a sH r yn l< iw( USA) JoseSancloval( Mcxico) CathcrineSilic (lirancc) RobertSih'ernurr(Canada) F I R S TS T A GE Marco Antonio Al;issarnra(Brazil) F r : r n c j s cA o yb a r( USA) (USA) PeterJohn Basclr,rin Carl N4ichael Cavc (USA) MoniclueCharland(USA) R e n c cC h e v alicr( USA) TheresaChung (Ktxea) BarbaraCrousc(USA) Nlichiko Fujinr.rma(Japan) Uga Grants(USA) L j n d a G r e e r(USA) LeslieJones(Cenada) Larry W Keenan(USA) A l l e n F K i n dt ( USA) Mrrl{aretLacy (USA)


EclrvardLec (USA) Christoph Licskc (Germanl) Karyl Lourvenaar(USA) Hcrrry Lowingcr (Cuba) D anteH . Mccl i na(A rgenti na) Mi l enaMol l ova(B ul gari a) l)avid NorLhington(USA) EcluardoOlccsc(Argentina) S hi rl eyP ethcs(C anada) Joy P oul e(U S A ) RjchardReber(LJSA) JanetRoberts(USA) PirnrelaH. Ross(USA) PctcrSchaa[(LjSA) SusanSmeltzcr(USA) Tim Strong(USA) Ana Marla Trenchi(Argentina) JoscFlavio Varani(Brazil) Yuko Yamaguchi(lapan) JU R Y lloward Hanson,Chairman(USA) (France) JosephBenvenr-rti ReimarDahlgrr-rn(WestGermanl)

C ui l l ermoE spi nosa(C ol o nrbi a) JozselGat (H ungarl ) ValentinCiheorghiu(Rr,rntanirr) Arni Kristjiitrsson(lcelancl) Lili Kraus(Ncw Zealancl) A l i ci ade Larrocha(S pai n) (Bclgium) Jcrn N,laharnr (icrald Moorc (UK) Boyd Neel (Canacla) LzraR achl i n,LocalC hai rnran(U S A ) Clar-rdette Sorcl (USA) Matguerita-llornltini-Kazuro(Poland) Bn'eridgeWcbsLe r (USA) Friedrich!Vr-rhrcr(Austria) : Ezra Rachlin CottducLor Quc,lclr Curtis Strir.rgQuarter,thc New -S1,.ing S choolof Musi c Orrhcsfrcr: Fort Worth S1,mphonyC)rchcsrra C-r;nrmissiont'cl Wrrlk:Willarcl Srlaight,Sfr!ctuIr' lor Piano Cltuirmutol tfu BounLSanrB. CanteyIII Cltahmun ol tl1(C.ompeLiliotr: CiraceWard Lankforcl


THIRDVANCLIBURNINTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITION Datesof Competition: 29 throughOctober12, 1969 September Winner Cristina Ortiz

2 3

+ 5 6

Minom Nojima Mark Westcr.ltt GeraldRobbins Diane Walsh Michiko Fujinuma

Country Braztl J aPar I


Amount $10,000 6,000 2,000 1,500 r,000 750

Given by National Guild of PianoTeachersand Dr. and Mrs. lr1 Allisorr The Fuiler Foundation Mr. Leo Potishman E HowardWalshFoundation Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymourlll Mrs. Carl Beutel

BestPerformanceo[ CommissionedWork: Minoru No.lima(gold watch Neiman Marcus) BestPerformanceof ChamberMusic: DianeWalsh ($600 Van Cliburn) BestPerformanceof Schumann:CristinaOrtiz (AnnunciataBeallGold Memorial Medal)

SE CO NDS T A G E PeterJohn Basquin(USA) Jo hn Cobb (U S A ) Manuel Delaflor (Mexico) William McLeod Frampton lll (USA) FIRSTSTAGE Michael Cave (USA) RobertHagopian (USA) -fhomas Hrynkiw (USA) DonaldJ. Moore (USA) Lea Picker Neiman (lsrael) RaeShannon(USA) Wlliam Westney(USA)

JURY Ezra Rachlin,Chairman(USA) Abram Chasins(USA) Leon Fleisher(USA) Pe te rF r a n kl ( Gr e a tB ri tai n) Nicole Hcnriot Schweitzer(France) BruceHungerlord (Australia) Motonari lguchi (Japan) Mindru Katz (lsrael) ConstanceKeene(USA) Lili Kraus(New Zealand) LeonardPennario(USA)

E zraR achLi n C ondurLor: ChambcrMusic:EudiceShaprro (Violin) and laszlo Varga(Cello) OrchtsLru: Fort WorLhSymphony C)rchestra C ommi ssi oned Worh:N orman D el l oJoi o,C apnc cio on the Inten'al oI a Second Chatrmunof tht Compttitionand FoundaLion: Richard LeeBrown ExecutiwSeuetary of tht:Cotnpt\ition:Catherine RussellHaden



FOURTH VANCLIBURNINTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITIO Datesof CompetLtion: Scptembcr 17 throug,h 30, 1973

2 3 4 5 6

Winner VladimirViardo

Country U SS R

ChristianZacharias MichaelHousloun Alberto Reyes EvgeniiKorolev KrassimirCiatev

W Germany New Zealand Uruguay USSR Bulgaria


$r 0,000 6,000 3,000 1,500 i,000 750

Gir,'enby National Guild of PianoTeachersand Dr. and Mrs lrl Allison The FullerFoundation Dr. JaneByars F H ow ardW al shForrndat i rrn Mr. and Mrs. A. T SeymourIII Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum

BeslPerlbrmanceof CommlssionedWork: Vladimrr Viardo (gold watch Neiman Marcus) BestPerformanceo[ ChamberMusic: Christian Zacharias($600 Van Cliburn) Rachmaninoff EtudeTableauAward:AlbertoReyesand VladimirMardo ($300eachVan Clibr-rmior Rachmaninoff s lOOthBirthclay) HighestRankingPianistof the Americas:Alberto Reyes($500 Pan-AmericanUnion)

S E C O N DS TAGE D a n i c lA c l n i ( lsr a eI) Al:rn .lamesBall (LISA) John Henr1,I lenclrickson(Canacla) lvan Klansl<y(Czechoslovakia) Arthr.rrN4arccloOzolins (Canacla) (USA) SantiagoRLrclliguez Cieotlre;' Ttrzer(Australia) F I R S TS T A GE Leon I:dw:rlclBates(LISA) B i i l A l a n B l ain c( USA) SusirnJo1,ceCampbcll (USA) Jo,vccClrung (Chlna) Gregorl.Davis (US,\) C h r - i s t i nD e c Sh o n ( L ISA) Wiliiarl De Van (USA) J a n i c cF c l c l( L JSA) Laurcn DaviclC;a)lc(USA) Bt-r,erlyElisc C'ilbert (USA) David Ciohrb(USA) ('rangcr (USA) N{ilton l-er,vis R a ; ' n t n n dH ave n ith( Ce m r a n y) D e n n i sJ o h n He n n ig( Au srla iia ) I a n H o b s o n(UK) lucliLhJonsorr(IJSA)


Wha ln Lce (Korea) (l i l l i an L-i n(U K ) A l an D avi dMarks (U S A ) D cborahMori any (U S A ) 'l-irr.Lothy Muellcr (USA) P atri ckMul l i ns(U S A ) C ral gN i cs (U S A ) David C)ci(Hor.u Kong) (R untani a) C rj sti anP etrescn Kristin Prior (USA) RicharclRatlil{(USA) llonald Mark Roscn(LJSA) (U S A ) S tcl anS caggi ari FlancrsJosephSchindler(USA) ThomzrsEclrvarcl SchrriclL(USA) RobertCh:rrlcsShountaker(LJSA) (Grcece) Alcka Sirleonickrr-t [-cighJan.res Linger(IJSA) Juclyth\\talker (USA) Robert\\rcirich (LISA) 'l l'tomasBl:rincWhiLc (USA) JU R Y John Gi ordano,C hai rman(U S A ) Abram Chasins(USA) D i ck (LJS A ) .j anres

c) N rcol eH enl i ot-S chrvei tz (Franc cr John Hopl<irrs(Ar-rsrralia) ConstanceKcenc(LJS;\) Lili Kraus(Ncr. Zcalancl) FcrnundoLrti rcs(P ortugi rl ) Evgcnii lr.4alinin(LJSsR) LeonirrdPcnnario(LISA) VI:rcloPerlcrluter (Francc) \\'eltcr Susshincl(USA) LrLi sC -.V al cnci a(l 'hi l i ppi nes ) Cotl(lLt.tlt : \ValterSusskincl Chcunbt't MLrsic: EucliceShapiro(Violin) ancl LaszloVarga(Cello) Olihr'slrcr:Fort \\irrth S; ntphtx1, Orchcstra Conrnris.sirrnr'd Wrr.k:Aaron Coplrrnd,Nighr Thorrthl.s Cltuirntano/ 1/rc(i;nipeiilirrnrind ljtriindriliirn: N,lrs. Wi l l i rm 1r4.Ful l er hrc(uti \'.S tcrr'l ar v ttl LhtOo ntpc Li l i on: C atheri nc R ussclH l arl cn


FIFTHVANCLIBURNINTERNATIONAL PIANOCOMPETITION Dateso.fCompetition: 1I through 25, 1977 Scptembcr Wtnner

l 2 3 4

Steven De Groote Alexander Toradze Jellrey Swann Tied: Christian Blackshaw Michel Dalberto Tiecl: Ian Hobson A l e vrn ,l .r


\ 1n rl , r r xn15

Country SouthAlrica USSR USA England France England U SS R

Amount $10,000 6,000 3,000 1,500 1,000 750

Given bv NationalGuild of PianoTeachers The Fu1lerFoundation The Mary PotishmanLard Trust F Howard Walsh Foundation(shared) Mr. and Mrs.A. T. SeymourIII ForLWr-rrthPianoTeachersForum (shared)

BestPerformanceof CommissionedWork: StevenDe Groole (gold watch Neiman Marcus) ($600 eachVan Cliburn) BeslPerformance of ChamberMusic:MichaelDalberto,StevenDe (lroote,AlexanderTbraclze HighestRankingPlanistfrom the Americas: JeffrcySwrrnni $500 Organizationof AmericanStates) :JoseCarlosCocarelli,Abclel-Rahnran El-Becha, YcvgcnyKrushevskl,, Jurt' Oiscretionar ElianeRodrigues,MarioaraTrifan,EugeneRowley($1,500RaymonciE. Buck Foundation) TH I RD S T A G E Pi -hs ienChcn ( C h i n a ) \buri Egorov (USSR) Abclcl-RahnranEl-Bacha(Lebanon) Yevgenl,Krr-rshevskl(USSR) StevenN4aver(US'\) Elianc Rodrigucs(Brazil) fr-rgeneRoulel (USA) CieoffreyTozer(AusLralia) SE CO NDS T A G E Boris Bloch (USSR) N4arianHahn (USA) Angcla Hoi'itt (CanacLa) Alan Marks (LISA) (f apan) YrLril<o MrLrakan.Li PeLcrt)rth (USA) MarioaraTrifan (tlSA) FIRSTSTAGE Irreclaricr\guessy(France) C'regorl,ALlcn(USA) l a m esB arba g a l l(oU S A ) Julie Becs(USA) RicharclCah'in Bishop (USA) VV illiamB la c h( U S A ) It4ichaelBlunr (USA) Di rniel Blum e n t h a l( U S A ) lv{ichaelBoriskin (IJSA) Jeffrcl'Campbell (LlSA) JosdCarlosCocarelli(Brazil) N4artinDorrie (Ciern.rany' ) Ni na Drat h ( P o l a n d ) DaviclEarl (South Africa) I "voe I Engebretson(USA) Rriuitrr


Verch Erman (Turl<c1') Ka zu o kiF n jii ( la p an) Robert('roskrL(Bclgir,rnr) Ste ve nHa ll ( US.\) Derek Han ([JSA) Harumi Hanllus;r (J:rpirrr ) Bo a zl) l' icl lle iln r an(LJS A ) (LJS A ) Jo h n Hcn r y Hcn clri ckson Ba b e ttcHie r h o lzcr(C i crnr:rny) Dia n aKr cso( Br a z i l ) YorLnghoKin (Korea) Aglais Koras(LJSA) Ne a l L a r r a b e e( L ISA ) DaviclLci'inc (LJSA) M ich a e ll- e r vin( US r\) Pen:rvisLvras(IJSA) Ju lia nM a r tin ( L JS A ) ( L JSA) Ka 1 ' Pa cc l\'1iryoParl<(USA) Pa n r t- la M ir f' a L L( lLIS A ) Jo scNlr r ic Pin zo las(S pai n) Cyn th iaRa in r( L JSA ) An clr t'I.u isRa n g el(B razi l ) famcsRaphacl(IJSA) h r r c Ro h m ;u r r( Hurrgarl ,) Ru g g cr oRu o cco( ltal y) Cle r slr o Silb n e r t( Is rael ) Pa u lSm iL h( L ISA) (B razi l ) Jca nL o u isSte u cr nran - l- h o n r irStr s L n r p(l'C-crnrrny ) SonclrrTarrmanr(USA) L)scrrTrlr ago (N4exico) Dim itli T o u lcxis( U S A ) Va lcr icVa lo is( L ISA ) \\' illia n \\o llr a n t ( U S A )

JURY (USA) C'iorclano, Chairnran .John Luiz De Moura Castt),,{$istantto the Chaimun (Broil) ('uiclo r\gosti (ltal; ) JanrcsDick (USA) R udol fFi rkuS ni([JS A ) Leon I-leisher(USA) (A rgenti na) A l bertoC 'i nastera l -ucreci iRr K asi l ag(P hi l i ppi nes) Lrl i K raus(N en'Zeal and) (Su,itzerland) Nil<itaN'lagaloff JohnOgcl on(U K ) LconardPennario(USA) Nil<olaiPctror'(IJSSR) (France) P i erreS :rnc:rn .fose Scrcbricr(LJugual') S C R E E N IN G JU R Y A bram (.hasi ns(U S A ) K eene(U S A ) C onstance Yuri Klasnapolsky(USA) (U S A ) C l i ttaC l racl ova (LISSR) Alicl RrLbstein Abbc,vSimon (LJSA)

C ondut l or';JohnC i i orcl ano Chtntbtt tr4usic: Tokl'o String (]Llartet Fort \\brLh S;'mphony' Orchc.str.cis: rlr lncl Tex:rsLittle Sl mphon;, C)rchcsl Conrnrissionccl \,Vrrh:SamuelBarber,Ballacle ClutinruutLtllht FotutdttLion N{rs.Elton 1r'{.Hy,der. Jr. E\lrl{li\r' Di,i'cl()r'iRobcrt H. Alexander

t Frrrr, r)



S IX T HV A NCL I B URNI NT E RNA T I O NA P ILA NOC OM PET IT ION Dcrtcs o.fContpetitittn: Mctlt17 through31, 1981 Winner I Andre-MichelSchub 2 Tiecl: PanayisLyras SantiagoRodriguez + Jellrey Kahane 5 ChristophcrO'Riley 6 DamrngZhr-r

Countr), Amount USA s 12,000 USA 8,000 USA 6,000 USA 4,000 USA 3,000 PeoplesRepublic I ,500 o f Chi na

Givenbv NationalCurld of Pi:rnoTeachers fhe Fr-rlle r Founclation fhe Mary PotishmanLard Ti'ust(shared) Mr'.anclMrs. F Howard Walsh f. J. Brownand C.A. LupLonFoundaticln Fort WcrrthPianoTeachersForllnl

(grrlclwrtch NeimanMarcr,rs) BestPerformance of Commissic'lned Work: S:rntiago RodrLguez ($600Van Cliburn) BestPerformance ol ChamberMr-rsic. Andri-MichelSchr,rb HighestRankingPianistol LheAmericas:Ar-rclre-Mrchel Schub($ 1,000Organizationof AmericanStates) HighestRankingPianistof the U.S.:Andre-MichelSchub($1,000Mr. and Mrs. A. T. SeymourIII) : Kathryn Selbyand Barry Douglas($ 1,000 RaymonclE Buck For-rndatlon) tury OiscreLionar S E C O N DS T A GE I lurg-Kr.urrr(-hen (USA) B a r r l 'D o u u l as( No r th e r nI r e l:r n d ) ChnsLinr Kiss(Hungary) Norman Kricgcr (USA) Edu,:rrclN cu,man (US;\) \Villiam Rarrclolphft itt (Canacla) F I R S TS T A GE (Irrancr) I-rid€ric AgLrcssy, \.'ivianChoi (Canacla) V l a d i m ir ( i o n ta ( Ru n r a n ia ) M i c h a e lD L r l in( USA) K o n s t a n z cE i ckh o r st( Gcr m a n y) S t e v e nI l a l l ( tjSA) DuarreI lr-rlbcrt(LJSA) Sayuri licla(Japan) Yir Jrn (China) FrancoisKcrcloncull(France) Chan Hec Kim (Korca) Alan Kogosou,ski(Australia) Michacl KorsLick(Ciermany) (USA) Antoinette Krueger-Perez


(Sor"rth N'l:rrcRar-ibenhcirlcr Alrca) YvcsRrult (Francc) John Roberts(l-1SA) K.rthryrLSelby(ALrstraiia) Mi rrcS j h,crman(LIS A ) Phi l i pS rni Lh([nl l and) R obcrtTaub(U S r\) RobcrioUrbai' (C.r,rba) NancyWeems (U S A ) JU R Y .JohnC,iordano,Chairman(L-lSr\) Lniz clelv'[ouraC:lstro,Assislantto the Chairnrirn (B razi l ) l\,1arcello Abbaclo(ltal)') (USA) MrruriceAbrar,nrncl Ablanr Chasins(USA) (Rumania) V:rlcntinGheorghlr-r (France) N i col cH enri ot-S chu'ertzer Lili Kraus(Neri,Zealand) Minoru Nojinra (apan) LeonzrrdPennario(USA) V l acl oP erl emutcr(France)


Lucio San PedLo(Phihppines)

Michael Leu,in(USA) C a r m e nO r ( l sr a e l) M i r y o P a L k( USA)

Eari \,Vild(USA) Zhou Cluangrcn(PcoplesRepLrblicof Chir-ra)

S C R E E N IN GJU R Y (US,.\) Abr;rnr(-hasins,Chrrirnrar-r C onstrrnce K cene(LJS A ) A ri eI Itul )srei n(LIS S R ) Llrli,rcrrccLcighton Snrith (LISA) R al ph\trtapek(U S A ) C ontl tt|or: Leon Fl ci shcr ChttntbtrMusic:-lbl<;,oString QrL:rrtct Onhcsl rtrs: l rort Wort]r S l ,rnphonl ' C)rchcstnrrnclTexrrsLittlc Syn'rphony \l {rrh: Lconar cBl erns tc i n,hLrc hc s C ornrni ssi oncd'trt/ Ccrunronitrs: Arr.lre\\htts Cluirnttutrr/lhi: FoLrttdrilirrn: N 4rs..Joc A . Trl l el ;Jr. E x..i l l i vr D i rrcl or A rrthonyP hi l l i ps



l 2 3 4 5 6

Winner JoseFeghali Pnl


Kt 4na. nnr

Barry Douglas Emma Tahmiziin Kdroly Mocsdri Hans-ChristianWille

Amount $12,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Hr r nor nr 3,000 W Germany 1,500 CountDr Brazil. France UK Bulgaria

Givenby National Guild of PianoTeachers The Fu1lerFoundation The Mary PotishmanLard Trust Mr. and Mrs. F Howard Walsh T.J. Brown and C. A Lupton Foundation Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum

BestPerformanceof CommissionedWork: Barry DLruglas(gold watch Nelman Marcus) Be stPe rfo r m ancof e Cham b e rMu s i c :J o s e F e g h a lai n d K a t hrynS el by(5i I,000eachV anC l i burn) Highest RankingPianistof the U.S.: Hung-Kuan Chen ($1,000 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymourlll) o a rd :An d re wW i l d e t$ 2 , 500R aymondE . B uckFoundati on) lury D i scret ionarSvc hola rs h iAw SECO NDST A G E H ung-K uanC h e n ( U S A ) Ch ia Chou (C a n a d a ) Rian De Waal (Nethcrlancls) Norman Krieger(USA) Kathrl,n Selby (Australia) AnclrewWiide (UK) FIRSTSTAGE Dickran Atamjan (USA) Dan Atanasiu(Rumaniar) Cristian Beldi (Runiarnia) Wi l liam Bloo m q u i s t( U S A ) Kathryn Brown (USA) David Buechner(USA) Marie-No0lleDamien (Belgium) Sergiode 1osCobos (Switzerland) Lora AnghelovaDimitrover(Bulgaria) ThomasDuis (WestGcrmany) EduardusHalim (lncloncsia) Diane HLdy (USA) lngrid Jacoby(USA) YounghoKim (Korea)

Paul MaillcL(USA) Jo e lM a r tin ( USA) Yukr Matsuzawa(fapan) ThomasOttcn (USA) SusanSavage(USA) Eun StroSon (Korea) Sharon.loyVogan(New Zealand) David Wehr (USA) Pa ttiWo lf ( USA) William Wrrlliarn (USA) JURY John Giorclano,Chairman(USA) ldil Biret (Turl<cy) JorgeBolet (USA) Anton Dikov (Bulgaria) Malcolm Fragcr(USA) Arpad Joo (Hungary/USA) Lili Kraus(New Zealand) Li Ming Qiang (Pcople'sRepublicol China) M in o r u No jim a ( Ja pan) CecileL)usset(France) Harold C. Schonberg(USA)

Soulima Stravinsky(USA) WollgangStresemann(USA) S C R E E N IN GJU R Y Milton Katims,Chairman(USA) ldil Biret (Turkey) John Pcrry (USA) Anthony Phillips (UK) Barry Snyder(USA) r : Stanislau'Skrowaczcwski Conduclo ChantbcrMusic:lbkyo String Quartet Orchcstras: Fort Worth Symphony C)rchestra and Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra Worh:John Corigliano,Fantasiaon Commissioncd an Osti nato Maskr ttl Ceremonies: F Murray Abraham Chairmunof tlrc Fowul.ation: Mrs. Joe A. Tillel',Jr. Execuliye Dirt ctor: Andrew Racburn




I 2 3 4 5

Winner Alexei Sultanov

Alexander Shtarkman Tir _ '- ''_ n Yino _^_ b

Countrv Amount U S SR $15,OOO Brazll 10,000 Italy 7,500 USSR 5,OOO People'sRepublic3,500






Benedetto Lupo

Givenby National Guild of PianoTeachers The Fuller Foundation The Mary PotishmanLard Trust Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh f. J. Brown and C. A. Lupton Foundatlon

of China


Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum

BestPerformanceof CommissionedWork: BenedettoLupo (gold watch Neiman Marcus) StevenDe GrooteMemorialAward for BestPerlormanceo[ ChamberMusic:Jean-EfflamBavouzet,Jos€Carios Cocarelli,Kevin Kenner,AlexanderShtarkman($ 1,000 eachVan Cllburn) HighestRankingPianistof the U.S.: Kevin Kenner($1,000 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymourlll) Award:PedroBurmester, lurv Discretionarv Kevin Kenner,WolfgangManz,AndrewWilde ($4,000RaymondE. Buck Foundation) S E C O N DS T AGE

PreclragMuzijevic (Yugoslavia)


Jean Efflam Bavouzet(France) Pedro Burmester(Portugual) AngelaCheng (Canada) Kevin Kenner (USA) Hai Lin (China) Kayo Miki (apan)

John Nauman (USA) ShariRaynor(USA) (USSR) VeronicaReznikovskaya VicLorSangiorgio(Australia) Boris Slutsky(USA) Ju Hee Suh (Korea) Hugh Tinney (lreland) Andrew Wilde (UK)

John Giordano,Chairman (USA) Minoru Nojima (Japan) Maxim Shostakovich(USA) Joaquin Soriano(Spain) RalphVotapek(USA)

FIRSTSTAGE SeizoAzun-ra(Japan) Kathryn Brown (USA) Dar.idBuechner(USA) Angela Cholakyan(USA) Thomas Duis (W CicrmanlD KonstanzeEickhorst(W Germany) H a , S e u n g - Un( USA) EduardusHalim (lndonesia) lvo Janssen(Holland) JakobJurgen (W Germany) Hae Jung Kim (USA) Rita Kinka (Yugoslavia)


JU R Y John Giordano,Chairman(USA) SergeiDorensky(USSR) Jan Ekier (Poland) Nicolc Henriot-Schweitzer(France) John Lill (GreatBritain) Li Mrng Qiang (PeoplesRepublicof China) CristinaOrtiz (Brazil) John Pfeiffer(USA) LawrenceLeightonSmith (USA) Gyorgy Sandor(USA) Abbey Simon (USA)

Leonid Kuzmin (USA)

Takahiro Sonoda (fapan)

Jian Li (China) WolfgangManz (Germany) Kiroly Mocsiri (Hungary)

JoaquinSoriano(Spain) RalphVotapek(USA)

: StanislawSkrowaczewski C,onducLor ChamberMusic:Tokyo String Quaner Orchestras: Fort Worth Symphony Orchestraand Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra Grrnmi.s.sioned Wrrk: Wi I liam Schuman,Chestcr: Variationslor Plano Ol ficial Ar tworh: RobertRauschenberg MasteroJCercmonics:Dudley Moor-e Chatrmanol theFoundution: SusanB. Tilley Executiv t Dircctor : RichardRodzinski



I 2 3

+ 5 6

Winner SrmonePedroni ValeryKuleshov ChristopherTaylorJohanSchmidt Armen Babakhanian Fabio Bidini



lnl r\/

$15,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 3,500 2,000

ILaly Russra USA Reloir r r n " - 'b


Arrlenra Italy

Given bv NationalGuild of Pianoleachers The Fuller Foundation The Mary PotishmanLard Trust Mr and Mrs. F Howard Walsh, Sr. T J Brownand C. A. Lupton Foundation Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum

BestPerformancc of Commissioned Work: ValeryKuleshov(goldwatchNeimanMarcus) Stcven De GrorttcMemorial Award for BestPerformanceof ChamberMusic: RichardRaymondand ValeryKuleshor'($1,000cachVan Cliburn) Highest RankingPianistof thc United States:ChristopherTaylor($ 1,000Mr and Mrs.Wiiliam S. Davis) ($4,000RaymondE. Buck Foundarion) : Andlrw Armstl'()ng lurl,Oiscreiiona SE CO NDS T A G E Ancltcu' Armstrrrrg ( LiSA) Frccleric Chru (USA) Alcxancler\4e1nil<or'(llr.rssia) Shirlc yHs ia o N i P r n ( C a n a c l a ) RichirrclRayrnoncl((-,rnacla) (Russia) VeronicaReznLkovskay'a FIRSTSTAGE Ma rk Anders o n( U S A ) Hiroshi Arimori (Japan) FrancescoCipolletta(ltal,v) ReadGainsford(New Zealand) Alan Gampel (USA) Kirill Gliadkovsky(Russia) JenniferCeciliaHayghe(USA) llya ltin (Russia) AlexanderKorsantiya(Georgia) PetronelMalan (South AIrica) Jura Margulis(Germany) Laura Mikkola (Finland) Lorraine Min (Canada) Edoard Monteiro (Brazil) Enrico Pace(ltaly)

FlacSunPaik (Korcrr) ( lr r r h a mSco tt( UK) N4aru;rrita Shevchcnko ( Russia) ( .o n n icSh ih ( Ca n acl a) Sclg ciT a r a sr x( llu ssi r) I ir itn co isW' e ig cl( F rancc) ((icrmany) Atrtlrerrs\\,ir1'l<e I\4i lihrriI Yanovitsk)'(USA) JURY .Jo h nC,io r d a n o(..h rri rnan(tl S A ) Achucrrro (Spain) Jorclt-rin (l -rance) Ph ilip p eEn tr cr .n o nt Frank (USA) Clar,rcle Nclson Freire(Brirzil) EchvardGordon (USA) Moura Lympany(Mon:rco) Lev Naumor.(Rr-Lssia) Ce cileOu sse t( F r a nce) John Pfeiffer(USA) MenahemPressler(USA) Abbey Simon (USA) J v LLv u4

S C R E E N IN GJU R Y .JohnGi ordano,C hai rman(LJS A ) JcrorneLowcnthal (USA) I I j rol <oN akamura[apan) (-eci l cOusset(France) A bbeyS i rnon(LJS A ) R atphV otapek(LJS A ) C.onduck;t: )ct'zySemkow C humbtrMusi r:A rrcri canS tri ng(]r-rartet ()rthcsLrds: Fort Wrrrlh SyrnphonyOrchestraancl Fort Worth (.hrrrber Orchesl ri r missionccl Clotn Wtr h: Morton (lou lcl, Wtrlt:r's ()/iicialAr truoih: lvm Chernra)'cl1 Masl crtf C ol nrrrni cs: P aulH arvcy Cltrinttrn ol tht Fountlttlitn: SusirnB. Tilley, Er..utivc DIrril(),r Ricl-rarcl Rodzinslii

V4P4 L L






Winner Jon Nakamatsu

Countrv USA



Givenby NaLionalGuild of PianoTeachers/ ,non\/mor

2 YakovKasman Aviram Reichert 3 FinaLists:Filippo Gamba Jan GoLtliebJiracek Katia Skanavi

Russia Israel Italy Germany Russia

15,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000

rq a]rrnrrr

The William Fuller Foundation The Mary PotishmanLard Trust T. J. Brownand C. A. Lupton Foundation Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum Mr. and Mrs. F Howard Walsh. Sr.

Phyllis-lonesTilley MemorlalAward for BestPerformanceof CommisslonedWork: Naida Cole ($5,000Frienclsof PhyllisJonesTilley) a.-l^ r^Nl^l-^\al ua LL)rc. StevenDe GrooteMemorlalAward for BestPerformanceo[ ChamberMusic: Nl^;.1^ J0i l .\aK ai l l al sLt. KatiaSkanavi($ 1.000eachVan Cllburn) Iurv DiscretionarvAward: Victor Chestopal,Michail Dantchenko,Stanislavloudenitch($4,000eachRaymond Buck Foundation;Mary P KladisMemorialAward,Nick D. Kladlsfamily;BernardL. MaasFoundation) SECONDSTAGE (Russia) Victor(lhestopal N a i d aC . o l e( Ca n a cla ) M i c h a i l D a n tch e n ko( Ukr a in e ) \ l . r n r i l i l \ l L ' u,l,n r lr lr lRr r s> r a ) ' ' Aleksancl ar Maclzar(Yr.rgoslavi a) Lev Vinocor:r (Russia) *\1..'ithdrlrvbuaust ol ctccidc nt Eachstmi.ftnalist n'L:civcd $2,000,qivinb1 AlunnP and ChurltsF ktllortl Fnntl,CLtntntunitt FotuttlctIi)n ()fM(tropllilttl'fdrrdnl Cttunly;Anntutd E d w t r t lR . H ud sr r n ,./rM.;i: a n dM r s. L . Ed wtn tl Marin, ll;Norr.r,csl Banhs;Mrs. SusanB. Tillr,v, and Mr: HLrgh\l'atson. FIRSTSTAGE S u s u n r uA o y ag i( ja 1 xn ) Andreu,Armstrong (USA) Yuri Bogclanor'(RLrssiil) AlexanclreDossin(Rrazil) Joel Hastrngs(Canacla) Yong-K;,uLee (Kolcr) Anton Morclasor'(Rr"rssia) P e t e rM i y . a m o L(oUSA) Olga Pushechnikovit(Russia) ( lta ly) F e r n r n c i oR o ssa n o Per Runclberg(Srvcclcn)


Yuan Sheng(China) MargaritaShcvchenko(Russia) Cl-rlistopherShih (USA) N ihlasSiveltrv(Srvcden) Alcx Sloboclyanik(Russia) Song (USA) Jr.r-Ying Dmitri Teterin(llussia) A l ben Ti u (P hi l i ppi nes) Dinritri Vassilakis(Greece) (Georgia) GetxgcVatchnaclzc Dnritri Vorobiefl(Russia) Yi Wn (Argentina) JU R Y Johr.rGiordano,(-hairman(USA) Marius Constant(France) Dcan Elcler(USA) Clar-rdc Frank (USA) Ian llobson (GrcatBritair-r) WarrenJones(USA) JeromeLou'enthal(U S A ) H rroko N akamura(Japan) Lev Naumor' (Russia) CccileOussct(France) r (USA) McnahernPrcssle (l tal y) P i cl o R aLtal i no Dr"rbravka Tomsic(Slovenra) Alcxis \\'eisscnberg(Srvitzerlancl)

SCREENING JURY (USA) Chairman JohnGiorclano, l an H obsol r(GreatB ri Lai n ) .JcromeLorvcnthal(USA) (France) C-icileC)r-rssct D eanE l dcr (U S A ) Conriurtor: JemesConkrn Tokyo String Quartct Chambo MLrsic: liort WorLh Symphony Orchestlaancl On:hcsrras: ForLWortlr Ch:rmberOrchestra Wrl h; Wi IIi am B ol c om,N i ne C r;nrnri ssi onr'c/ B./S,rl.ll.s Offi ti ulA rl v,orh: S earrS cul ly l10.6.93 r\{aslerof Ccn nrrriries: JanrcsConlon ttl tltt FountlcrliLtn: N4.Alann Becllorcl Chtrirntt:Ln Sanrpson Llccufivc Diti clor: Richrrrl Rodzinslii


VANCLIBURNINTERNATIONAL ELEVENTH PIANOCOMPETITION Dutt'sol Contllctition: 10,2001 Mav 25 lhroLr.q/rjunc \\trr-rncr I Tiecl 2 Tlecl

Strurislavlonclenitch ()lgrr Kcrn Mrrxinr Philippov AnL ()nioPorn pa - Ba1di

Finalists Alcxcl' Koltakov Wang Xraol-rar-r

Amount Cor-rntr)' Uzbcl<istrir-r $20,000 Rr-rssia 20,000 Russia 20,000 tta l y 20,000 U l<ririnc 10,000 Cl.rina 10.000

Givenb)' Nanc;,Leeand Perrl' R. Bass"' W i l l i rrr M. Fu11el Founcl ati on, MarciaanclBobbyFrencl.r T.J.Brownand C.A. Lupton Founclation Ml s. l l H ou' rrdW el sh,S r 'lcrchcrs AmelicrrnCollegeof Gr-uldof Prano

Ph)'llisJor.rcs Tillc)'Mcn.rorial Arvarcllirr thc BcstPerformance ol';rNo.vWtrrk:Anlonio Pontprt-Baldi($5,00t],Alann Bccllorcl Sampsor-r rrr(l RoscAnne and Lcu,isKornlc'lcl) StevenDe (irootc Mcr.r.rorial Awarcllor tl.rcBcstPerlbnnance ol ChanrbcrMusic:DavideFranccschctti, lor,rdcnitc]r, Stanislar, ($ 1,000eachVanCliltr-r11) Maxim,', Dar.icleFlanccschctti, SergeyKouclrizrkov, AlcxrnclerMoutouzkinc,MasrruOkncla($4,000crch Jury Discrctionar)'Awrlcl: GorclonW Snrith,BlrrineSmith,anclSLtsan anclDeeSmith;Neal Ste[Icn Mcr.r.rorial Founclatir.rn, Ra]'monclE. Buck Founctiltir)rl L;nn ancl PctelLrrr.rclcls, Szrndl'anclSto'c Rar.rclcls, and MarcusRirskinin honor of Betty Rirnclcls) rtrctteiiru-s, rt'-sti-iclcd tift to lhc Vm CliburnErrrlol,nrcnl "'GilcnthrtrLrth SE CO NDS T A G E Al cs s anc lm M r r r i ;A r n r r r r r r r(r| t i r l ),) Maurizio Brrgli n i ( I L.r1,v) Da v Lc le Fnnc c s eh c t t i ( l t a l y) ( lirrssirr) Sergcr-Kor,rtlri;rlior' \l;rsaru OliacLrqJrrp.rrr ) \hs s rlr'[ 'rirn r r l i r r(rl i t r s s i ; r )

(lltLssil) N,'loutouzklne '\lcxrrrrclcr .JongI IrvaPark (Korea) Parl<(Korca) Jong-(iyr-rng An r lr cr vRu sso( U S A ) EtlnitStctn (Bclgitmr) liole r \\tiqht (USA)

O,.haslrli Forl \Vtrnh Simphonv Onhcstril r\ntr'r.ittttt(ilrtIrtsi t s l t1\,il(tLir)tul Gr uncl lr i:i ; Lou ell Liclxrrnann ($').000) Ar r a,i ( ( l ,r ( i r D r | i r r Lts l ,r r i l .r l i ( ) n( i lP.i l l i ( l l ) ( l l i ( ), 1 Ar v r r r i l :Lor v c l I Li r be nr r r r r r n.- fuc l r th l ,;r ng Z r r i n ro n t

JURY . mrn (Ll S '\) fa. h s c nriiir r t r l ri sr rtr ' i r t r lS l . 5 t l t lS ilt r r lr r ' :Alcr n nll Jo h r t( iio r cl;in oCharr i\lrrrccllo'\bbaclo (ltal,r') rtnrlCht ir/ t s I : B tr l / r r i tli' r i l r rr/ r /l I t Cr ) ,r n r u ,lil1 F (,) lillcl t rt rt t uol Nrr r l l ti i . r i t s tF o r l \ \ ' i r t 1 h Pir tn oT t' u ch r ' r s .Jo:rtluinAchtic:rrro(Spain) l:ilccnh tc Clln e (U S A ) Fo r. LrtG t r,rt rrt t ' j i . r i t s/ - r r i l t r / i r l i oIn n ,r .,Ca r o lt,rarn r l l r ( USA ) Cl ald G rins l ( i i r A R. Hu clso n ,./r :;r r r r tiRich r u ' rDye ; n n t n t t ll t l w t L rcl Mt : Hrrh L. W t l l s r r r t . Clr r L r clc F r a n k( USA ) ' l- l' r ( ) n r ir s ( USA ) Ir r o st An clr :t'j Je sin ski(P ol and) FIRSTSTAGE \ir h e vcr lKa p lin skv(l sri rcl ) Dr or Biran(l s r ; r c l ) \i rr i B linor'( B e l r r r L r s ) Julqcn \lrvcr.Josten(Cicrntrrrrr') (Fr:rncc) Stelania(-al r l t r( l t r t l r) lcrrn-\l;rrcPetssor-r \le n r r h e n r l' r cssler(U S A ) YunlieChc n ( C h i r r a ) Z lttr r t( ' L tr tn g rne( C hi na) Yi n g F engt C h i n a ) Taclashilnrri (Jap;rn) Pa av ali J um1 : r p r r r r(cI 'ni n l ; r n t l ) Arrir K aLz(ls r r i c l ) Albert l\,[anrricr' ( lsnrcl) N4 ax imMirni o L L l i o(rl'i L L s s i r t ) Oran;r lt'likhrrilol | ( llLrssirr) Atttot-t\'lor clitstrr'( Rttssia)

( - - ( ) ,r J Lr l ( )(,: J r l nl 0s( .( ) nl r ) r .l Chttntlt r Mrrir :'l rtlirics Qnertet

( $2.500 c r r c h) r l ,r i r ',i ( c t'r( - ( ) ,) r l ) ( ) s ( ,\ l ,r \ i l .r l i ol l LtlN ( l r \\i r ,/i s: ( . C ur ti s - Sr r r r th. ['our I:tuc l es . LoN c l l l .i c bc r nr; rn n . T hr c c Inr pr onr pl tr s , l ;r nr c s l \4obbc r l c r . ( ,i v c c n r I l c l l I udi t h l - l ng Z - ;rnr i on1. l nl pfonti r I) i !i l i rl c '.j Ol l r c ul Ar Lw or h:- l i r nr Phi l l i ps , M us i c \Vor 'l c l I l n rl M us i c \\( r r l c l l l N l [.i s lr( i ) f ( .r 'r '(111( ) l ]i ( 's r .J r r m s C -conIOl r C hr ti ttttti tt( ) / l /r ( l .r ) r ,r c l ( l l i {) l \[. r : .\l ar r n Bc tl l o rt l Srrnrpson l-rcc rrIir r' l)ir t r lrrr: liich;rrcl ROcl:inslij

SCREENING JUR Y Jo h n( ,io r d r n o ,Chaj rnran(L.l S A ) M r r ccllo Ab b a clo(l tal y) Iilcr n Iir tcClin e (U S A ) (tsracl ) \ir h e vcr lKa p Jin sky r e r .lo sten(C ,ernri rrrr') I L r r g crl\lcl







Winner AlexanderKobrin JoyceYang

2 3 SaChen Flnalists Davide Cabassi Chu-FangHuang Roberto Plano

Country Amount Russia $20,000 South Korea 20,000 20,000 Chrna Italy 10,000 10,000 China ltaly i0,000

Givenb), Nancy Leeand PerryR. Bass* William M. Fuller Foundation,Marciaand BobbyFrench Mary D. Wash TJ. Brown and C.A. Lupton Foundatron,Inc. The CorbettFamily AmencanCollegeof MusiciansNationalGulld of PianoTeachers

BeverlevTavlor Smith Award for the BestPerformanceof a New Work*: loyce Yang ($:,OOO,Gordon W Smith, BlaineSmith, Susanand Dee Smith) Stevende GrooteMemorial Award for the BestPerformanceof ChamberMusic:JoyceYang ($6,000,Van Cliburn) R avmo n dE. B uc k lur v Dis c re ti o n a rv A w a rd * :M a ri aM a z o($4,000,R aymondE . B uck Foundati on) Iury DiscretionaryAward:Jie Chen, Sodi Bralde,GabrielaMartinez($4,000 each,Bell Helicoptera TextronCompany,Neal SteffenMemorial Foundation) lnternet AudiencePrize:AlexanderKobrin (Apple iPod Photo) *Giventhrougha generous git'tto the VanCliburnEndowment Ti"ust.

SE CO NDS T A G E Ning An (USA) Jie Chen (Clrina) Ying Feng (China) G .rbrielrMrr t i n e z ( V e n e z u e l a ) Maria M az or G e r m a n l / R u s s i r ) Xiaohan Wang (China)

EstherPark (USA) Daria Rabotkina(Russia) llya Rashkovskiy(Russia) ElizabethJoy Roe (USA) Rui Shi (China) Rem Urasin (Russia) Di Wu (China) ChenXin Xu (China) Andrius Zlabys (LiLhuania)

EathsemrfncrlLstreceived $5,000gvcnby: AlannBtdford Sampson; the AlannP and Aarbs E BedJord Fundof the oJNonhTexos; theFon Wofth CnmmunitlFoundation JUBY PiaroTeacltrsFotant;theGaneyTexasFountLrtkn,Inc.; John Giordano, Chairman (USA) Mar-celloAbbado (ltaly) and Fiw atd tutd AnnFr csherH udson. PeterCoss€(Germany) RichardDyer (USA) FIRSTSTAGE ClaudeFrank (USA) Lilian Akopova (Ukraine) ThomasFrost (USA) GiuseppeAndaloro (ltaly') StephenBeus(USA) JosephKalichstein(Israel) Sodi Braide(Nigeria,tlK) JurgenMeyerJosten(Germany) MenahemPressler(USA) GraceFong (USA) TadeuszStrugala (Poland) DavideFranceschetti(Italy) Zhou Guangren (China) Alexei Grynyuk (Ukraine) \,4rrirre Kim

Condrclor'; JamesConlon ChantberMusic:TakdcsQuartet Orchesfra:Fon \Vonh Sl.mphony Orchestra AmericanComposers InyitationalGrond Prize: SebastianCr"rrrier($5,000) AmericanComposersInritdtion(1lPdr ticilidtion Au,ard:SebastianCurrier;JenniferHigdon; Daniel Kellogg;Ruth Schonthal(1l'2,500each) Amtncan Composers InvitationalNru Worfts:Sebastian l r:Jennil er H i gC urri cl . 5..rrl (rI r C cdcn. i s + B t.rrn.i ni don, Seocl & Glcess Gnrriens;Daniel Kellogg,scarler tfueatl;I an K zytuichi,Mrcfurnals; Ruth Schonthal, Sonatdquasiun'improwisazione OfficialArtwork: Hou'ard Hodgkin, Concerf Mater of Cctemonies: Van Chburn Chairnttntof the Foundution;M. Alann Bedford Sampson t: DirecLlr: Richard Rodzinski ExccLLti!

i'l llrrrinc)

Marina Kolomrytseva(Russia) Alexey Koltakov (Australia) So1'eonLee (S. Korea) Ang Ll (Canada) ALbertMamriev (Israel) AlexandreMoutouzkine (Russia)

SCREENING JURY John Giordano,Chairman(USA) MarcelloAbbado (ltaly) ThomasFrost (USA) YohevedKaplinsky (lsraeWSA) (Germany) JurgenMeyer-Josten



Begun in 1976, Cliburn Concerts is a distinguished series ihat presents outstanding classical concerts annually at the Nancy Tee and Pe'^r R RassPer{ormanceHall, Kimbell Art Museum, and Modern Art Mltseum of Fort Worth. Widely regarded 3s th c [()l'c m os re las s ic alpc r f t . r m anc cs er ie si ] r t h e r e g i o n . C l i b u r n C o n c c r t s f e a t u r c sl h c w o r l d s l e a d i n g s o lo i sts.r 'e ci tr l i sts. ensembles, and rlsing stars. Notable artists include pianists Radu Lupu, Ernanuel Ax, and Lang Lang; instrumentalists Yo-Yo Ma a nd Jo s hua Bc ll: r nt l v oc alis lsRenr ' cf le m i n g r n r l T h o m a s H a m p s o n .

C L I BU R C N ON C E R THSIS T OR Y1980-1981_


PeterOrth - piano Richard&John Conti-Guglia- clvnpiano

Cold end F i z d a l c- J u oy i a n ,, Lili Kraus - pil;.t'rl

TecldJoselson -piano

Hilde Somer- pianL) CarletonSmith- lccturt

SusanStarr- ptano BellaDavidovich- piano

Gregory AIIen- piantt

JamesDick - piantt

t98r-L982 ! 977

BeauxArts Trio

Cold and Fizdale- t)uultiuntt GaryTowlen- piano

Bolcomand Moms - piano/mezzLt-soprono

Gyorgy S6ndor- piano Lorin Hollander- piano

JamesGalway- Jlute C crl dand Fi zdal e- duopi ano RalphKrrshbaum- ceilo

PaulHume - Ieclurc

I978 Aaron Copland - composer Ruth Laredo- pianl Cold and Fizdalc- duo 1ti1111rt SusanStarr- pictno

I nr r N eto,'hpnn\t


ni ,tn,l

andJeffreySwann- piano CladioArrau - piano PekinelSisters- piano


Ivan Davis- ptano

JeffreyKahane- piano Annie Fischer- piano


The ClevelandQuartet

lvan Moravec- piano

RalphVotapek- ptano Cary Towlen- piano EmanuelAx - piano P hillips& R e n z u l l-i d u o p i ttn o JamesDick - picrno

1979-1980 JanrnaFialkowska- piano JeffreySwann- piano Earl Wild - piano RobinMcCabe- piano Anthony &Joseph Paratore - duopiano The Tokyo String Quartetand Minoru No1ima- pictntt

and William De Rosa- cello The SaintPaul ChamberOrchestra and PinchasZukerman- vtolin SantiagoRodriguez- pirno

JorgeBolet- piano London Early Music Group KennethCooper- harpsichord

- duopictno Anthony &Joseph Paratore and Carol Wincenc - fh.rte Andris Schif[- piano R ohcrtD rvi dovi ci- vicr lin Band Calliope,a Renaissance V enrhem

P ressl er - ni nntt

and S tei enD e C r oot e- f iano PreservationHdtI Jazz Band

Sour Cream,a RecorderTiio

Igor Kipnis - hurpsichord


Arden Trio GrantJohannesen- piarut

1983-1984 - l cc/ut' H arol dC S chonherp GustavoRomero- piano Frankl. Pauk & KirshbaumTrii.r


VladimirFeltsntangivesa recital Performance HaII in Bas.s





Mendelssohn StringQuartet (ranhrnia rnd Rrnrrrr . . . r - pt ano A ndl c-Mi chelS chub- piuno



Mitsuko Uchida - piano

StevenDe Groote- piano

Ruth Laredo- piano

f -ric t i n a

O rttz

ninnn - y,-' '"

PragueString Quartet and MalcolmFrager- piano RichardStoltzman- clarinet with Bill Douglas- piano Annapolis BrassQuintet and ScholaCantorum

and PaulaRobison-fute Alexander Toradze- piano Anthony &Joseph Paratore- duopiano

1988-1989 Earl Wild - piano RudolfFirku5ni -piano

Mclain Family Band Carter Brey - cello

A l e x a n d eStobodyani r -k pi ano

and Edmund Battersby- piano PaulO'Dette- lute

Kyoko Takezawa- violin

Radu Lupu -piano RalphVotapek- piano

Waverly Consort

Barry Douglas- piano Murray Perahia- piano The RidgeString Quartet



and Peter Orth - piano Stev en f )e C r o o l e - n i a r t t t

A l i ci e de I arrocha - ni nno

Deborah Voigt - soprano with LeverineRothfuss- piano Artrrr



nirtn,t r,-' '"


AlexanderShtarkman- piano PavelBerman- violin

Alexei Sultanov- piano

and ScholaCantorum

AlexanderKniasev- cello

BeauxArts Trio

NelsonFreire- piano

ShuraCherkassky- piano RaduLupu -piano

Sherrill Milnes - baritonc withJon Spong- piano Itzhak Perlman - yiolin with SamuelSanders- piano Garrick Ohlsson- piano BarbaraHendricks- soprcrno with StaffanSchela- piano \,{4 r i l l r n



with Martin Katz- piano

CecileOusset- piano

Josâ‚ŹFeghali- piano

Marian McPartland- piano

and WarrenJ ones- piano Kevin Kenner- piano Fredericavon Stade- mezzl-soprqnl

John Lill - piano Vladimir Viardo - piano

The Glory that was Venice

Vlad i mi rA s hk enaz-y pian o



I Musici ChamberOrchestra

Michael Houston - piano Joaquin Soriano- piano


AlexanderShtarkmanand Tian \ing- pianos

JessyeNorman - soprano with GeoffreyParsons- piano Anthony &Joseph Paratore- duopiano

l c f f re ,


Colin Carr - cello

K ehano - ./ . .----.,- rL1no Peter Zazofsky - violin and MalcolmFrager- piano


and Cho-Liang Lin - violin Semtrcl

David Wehr - piano

1985-1986 Katia 6s MarielleLabeque- duopiano Hugh Tinney - piano

Andr6-MichelSchub- piano

1990-1991 JoseCarlosCocarelli- ptano JamesGalway- Jlute and ChristopherO'Riiey* piano GuarnenString Quartet and SeymourLipkin - piano Andre Watts - piano

Deller Consort William Wolfram - piano

Vienna Choir Boys

PhilrppeBianconi- piano


Raiph & AlbertineVotapek- duopiano

Petitemessesolennelle ShuraCherkassky- piano

Minoru Nojima - piano n.,^l-;-il,^,, \ la clm -;-lr L /vcnl nl K ov - ptqno

Guarneri String Quartet


Al i r^ i: de I a r r o e h n - n i n n o

BenedetfoLupo - piano

The SoldiersTalelCarnivalof the Animals NataliaTiUII - piano

Evgeny Kissin - piano Boris Berezovsky- piano

- pian o Alexa n d erP es k anov

Yo-YoMa - celio and EmanuelAx - piano

m e r c,t,

' ' " ' ---s)prdn o wiLhMartin Katz- piano -

1-993-r994 JoaquinAchucarro- piano Midori - yiolin with RobertMcDonald - piano RichardGoode- piano Yefim Bronfman- piano Marvis Martin - soprdno \\'r 1h H r Pr r c v Al l Pl -

nl ano


Josâ‚ŹFeghaliand Vladimir Viardo - duopiano EvgenyKissin- piano J em c c


]H n m o

G ql ur er r I

l htte

J '- "'

and ChristopherO'Riley- piano CeciliaBartoli- mezzo-soprano with CyOrgyFischer- piano SimonePedroni- piano ThomasHampson- baritone - p iano w i th A rmenGuzel i mi an



r994-1995 Philippe Entremont- piano LeontynePrice- soprano with David Garvey- piano Grigory Sokolov- piano RichardStoltzman- clannet and the TexasBoysChoir Leif Ove Andsnes- piano SamuelRamey- bcss and WarrenJ ones- piano SergioDaniel Tiempo - ptano ValeryKuleshov- piano Ren€eFleming- soprono with Helen Yorke- piano GuarneriStringQuartet and MenahemPressler- piano

Bryn Terfel- baritone with Malcolm Martineau- piantt

AmsterdamBaroqueOrchestra and Cholr,Ton Koopman- conductor AndrasSchiff- piano KrystianZimerman- piano Tokyo String Quartet SusanGraham- mezzo-soprrno with StevenBlier - piano RaduLupu -piano KathleenBattle- soprano withJ. J. Penna- piano Alexander Toradze- piano with Maxim Mogilevsky and SvetlanaSmolina- pianos

Houseof Blues MoiseyevDanceCompany BoysChoir of Harlem

1999-2000 GarrickOhlsson- ptano Ben Heppner - Lenor with Craig Rutenberg- piano Thp K i noc S i nsers


- ___o- _( l l enni e

anr l F r r el r i n

Andr6 Watts - piano

Jon Nakamattt - piano PeterSchickele- piano

EvgenyKissin- piano RaduLupu -piano

Wendy Warner - cello with Meng-ChiehLiu - piano

and David Dusing - tenor Dubravka Tomsic - piano


T he


1995-1996 Dame Moura Lympany- piano ChristopherTay\or- piano Gidon Kremer - violin with Vadim Sakharov- piano Dmitri Hvorostovsky- baitone with Mikhail Arkadiev- piano EvgenyKissin- piano WolfgangHolzmair - baitone with Ulrich Koella - piano

I( i no\

Si ns er c ,

Josdvan Dam - bass-bantone with MaciejPikulski - piano MenahemPressler- piano Evelyn Glennie- percussion Waltraud Meier - mezzo-soprdno with NicholasCarthy - piano BarbaraBonney- soprano with CarenLevine- ptano Grigory Sokolov- piano

Anne-SophieMutter - violin with LambertOrkis - piano Bolcomand Morris - piano/mezzo-soprano Marsalis- trumpet Wynton with Andr€ De Shields,Angelina and The ChamberMusic Societyof Reaux,and JeremyGeidt - vocalists Lincoln Center Dawn Upshaw- soprano and RichardGoode- piano


Christian Zacharias- piano


Lisitsaand Kuznetsoff- duopiano

- flute Galway James

Andr€-Michel Schuband Santiago Rodriguez- duopiano with DeborahMashburn and Brad Wagner- percussion MischaMaisky - cello with DariaHovora- piano

- pcrcLls.\loi4

Aviram Reichert- piano and Yuri Bashmet- conductor TakdcsQuartet Jubilant Sykes- bqntone and Andrew Lrtton - piano

2000-200r Nikolai Petrov, Mlkhail Voskresensky, and RalphVotapek-pianos and the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra,Ian Hobson - conductor Yo-YoMa - cello AndreaMarcovicci- soprano with ShellyMarkham - piano Katia Skanavi- piano Chanticleer

Andrds Schlff - piano


with Phillip Moll - harpsichord SarahCunningham - violada gamba Monica Huggett-baroque violin

JoshuaBell - violin with Simon Mulligan - piano Barry Douglas- piano Murray Perahia- piano ThomasHampson- bantone with Craig Rutenberg- piano

Jeanne Galway- Jlute Sergio& Odair Assad- duoguitar


Bo Skovhus-baitone

Stanislavloudenitch - piano

and Warren Jones- piano Ren€eFleming- soprano with StevenBlier- piano


YakovKasman- piano DenyceGraves- mczio-soprano and WarrenJclnes- piano

GuarneriStringQuartet EmanuelAx and Yefim Bronfman- duoptano

CL IBURN CONCER TS CONTINUED Lang Lang - piano Audra McDonald- sopr.ano wi th Tc d S per ling- l) it rn rr Mary Ann McSweeney- and Dave Ratajczak- drums SamuelRamey- bass rn d Wa r r r nJ ones- pt c i n i , KrystianZimerman- piano Allred Brendel- piano JoseFeghali-piano with DanielBinelli- buntloneon OlivierCharlier yittlin Nina Kotova cello - viola Joan DerHovsepian Curt Thompson- violin anclwith Andr€ Watts ancl AnclrewLitlon


JcrnVickers- nctrrcttor andJoseFeghali- pLuno ClaireBloom nurdtor EugeniaZukerman-./lulc and Ra ch t'llcJtrn t k - |i 11111r Da Camera Society of Houston with John Aler - tenor S amh Roth en be r'g- fic ln( ) Willard Spiegelman - rtu(lcr and the American String Quartet

Yo-YoMa and EmanuelAx perform in BassPerJormance Hall



Mark Mellits" -Jeaturedcomposer Andrew Russo- piano

Ricky lan Gordon* - t'eaLured composer

CristinaBuciu- violirr Wcndy Sutter- cello

S hi el dc-C ,rl l i nq R "'1 rrv -- pl atut

Jennifer Coode - sopranl Taylor Hargrave - Lenor John Adams and David Del Tredicii'





Dawn Upshaw - soprano


(t pnhpn

.....,_ .- y , . - . .-Prr. -rt. -<r. . r a n- p ra n o Olga Kern - piano rrrith

Berlin PhiiharmonicWind Quintet wi th Jo n Nak am at s -u p i a n o Hllary Hahn - violin rvrth

\l4 l. lr a

/ h11

rnlAn) Philippe Bianconi- piano -

Vladimir Feltsman- piano Garrick Ohlsson- piano Sir JamesGalway- Jlute with LadyJeanneGalway- Jlute and Phi l l i n V n l l - rn' 'i c i n u


ninnn r,* ' '" T h e C h a mb e rMusi cS trci cLy -

of Lincoln Center YefimBronfman- piano Radu Lupu - piano T h e Ar-a d e mv o f (r Marti ni n the

featured composers Anthony de Vare fittnt Voices of Change Willlam Bolcom ( - h r i <r ,r nher r""


T c../' \/l ,r r

fl dntl

Mark Fcrrd* -.featured composcr Aiexey Koltakov - pidno Kalerinr Makerovr - lriuntt

FieldsChamberEnsemble Dmitri Hvorostovsky- baritone wlth Ivarl Ilja - piano


Sir JamesGalway- flute with LadyJeanneGaIway- flute and Phillip }loll - piano

A n t o n i o P o m p a - B a l d i- p i t t n o

Maxim Phllippov - piano

Emanuel Ax - piano and Yo-Yo Ma - cello

Krystian piano

Takdcs Quartet Ivan Moravec - piano I e i f O v e A n d s n e s- n i n n o J nr r i q T attc

- rni'"nnn " '"

Ren€eFleming- soprano with RichardBado- piano



C L I B U RA NTT H EMOD E R N NeclRnrcnr"'- -l'e aturcclc()mp()-ser > hic l, ls -L rrl l i nBn > ; - | 1 ,1 4 ,r B l; t k ,Dl trrtl s u n /)(i ri l (,,rr' VirgLnia Duputl.- ll1c::()-soprdrlo - knol JzrsonHatcl-r AngcJaTurnerWrlson- soprlno Osvalclo(iolijor',Esteb:rnBcnzecrl,, SarrucI Z1'man- .ftut urt clconlpo-sc,.s Helcn Blackburn- ilLr{c - ccikr JesusCastro-Balbi L, lt ' r ' i:\ ri -C l rc nL tn - I' j ,1 t' 1 ,, AngclrrTr-rrner Wilson - sopr(mo John Aclanrsand ThomasAclisr-s I cctLnrt'clc()mpose Anclrl,v Russo piano

M t r r te n L l u r i d s c n - . . / r ,t l t tt , , l ( {) r t t f r s (l with Davicl Keith


Robynne Rcclrlon - mcri()-.s()/, l',ir1o

Baptist Thcological Sen'rinarychoir

S c o t t S c u l l y ' l c i r or

Ltrlvell Lie bctmann': -.fctttnrt'd conlpo-se r.

R1'anTa1'lor - brrss-brrr iturnt'

l , r h r r( o l r g l r r r n t , ' - l t a t u r i , l ( r , n z)r,f, \ (r

Angela Tlrlncr Wilson


Karen Rzrsrak- cello

:hielJ.-t,rllirr: ltra;

:hicltls-Collins Bra; - |j1111,r Laura BrLrton yiola

Jon NakanraLsn ;ticmo J ; t n tl l t t n t t r i l l - / t,i ti r t,r tti tr tn

Adriana VcririnDe Costa - yiolirl

(-Lrburn Conccfis Chorr-rs

yr i ,1 r r ,r

Carol Leone - piano C a t h c r i n c L ys i n g c r '- l i . l r 1 t r Michael Shih-r,iolin AngelzrTr,rrner Wilson -.s()pi-.1no


CLIBURN ATTHEKIM BELL Kalicl-rstein- Lil-cclo-Robinson I li o l , r q Lp l t K r t l t tl t >t ei t t - 1 1 ,1 1 1 ,r .JamreLareclo - virrlin Sharon Robinson ccllo -l'hc Iouclenitch SLr-rclicr

n'ith Lhe For-tWorlh Syurphony

\ t r t n i s l l t r 'l r r t t . l rt.t '. n - l ) j cl r l tr U l u g h , 'l i l : t l r . t t t , t r - p l 1 1 t1 1 r


Tatiana lessnrrn - piano


S:r Chen - pitulo

Alex:rnclcr Kobrin - ltituto Ancllas Schiff - piano

Radu Lupn - picuttt

B:rrry Doirglas - conduclot'ctntlpiono

RonalclShircy - concluctLtr

and lrorLWorth SouthwesLcrn

MiclraelHcrsch"'-.1't'uttrrt' tl contllosct; picultt CLIBURN ATTHEBASS Danicl(laisford- ccllr - gue-stconcluclorcuulltianrt lfrey. Kahzurc .]e


wrth the Fort Wrrrtl-rOpela

Fredericar.on Stade- r')1c::()-sopr,or() and Samr,rclRan.rey-

llcnecletLoLupo - picrro

ATTHEM OD ER N CLIBURN - | cctturcd L{)}r1/r()-s('r Wi I1iarn Bolcon.r'1'

\ \ i l h Wi t t 'l r 't tl t r l t c : - 1 , i i 1 1 1 , r Ern:rnr-relAx - picnrr

. J c s i r sC a s t l o - B a l b i- ccl l r r Helen Blacl<blrrn-.flul('

[hrrllrl: f l.r t t t |- , r n - l' , lt il, , / i, '

Nelson Freirc - piano

r,rith t r'. r iqRut , ' nlr c lg- f i, r / r r r'.: I hiluuc let - / lit llr r lle -srrlcnne

5 l r i c l d : - ( , r l l t t t >B t r r ) - l ) i r r ttr r A n d r c u ( . r 'i s r t r r L i L/i ti i tt.i

- chcntbt'r Irelar-rcl ancl C.arncr:rta orchcstrcr

\ l ;l (1 i l )|l '

I r ' lt\llt;ln

- i) lr iilr r

J os huaB c ll r' i o /i n u i l h l t ' t t' ltt; DL n k - | i.1 4 ,r

AuclraMcDonald- srrprnntr r r itll li' t l .p , rli n g - /)i tl trr, Bill Hay'cs- clttrnt.s N{ar;,r\nn McSn,cency- brtss

C L I BU R A NTT H EMOD E R N Mark Aclelno "' - .l'cttlu rctl ao,ilpo.sdt \Vcncl)' Bo;'ce - n1c:t()-.solri..l1o BenjrrnrinBunsolcl- It'nor slrielr[: L , ' llin' Blr r ; - i, 111, ' f Blal<cDayiclson buritonc Jason Sr lr t h piuno Angclr -lurner Wilson - soprano

Thontas Hcu'npsttn


CL IBURN CONCER TS CONTINUED SusanDemetris - violin Gloria Lin - piano MargauriteMathis-Clark- soprano Music with Vision featuring Animusic by WaymeLytle ThomasPasat ierix -featuredcomposet' Jamin Flabiano- tenor Laura Mercado - mezzo-soprano Jon Nakamatsu- piano Tawny Seward- soprqno JasonSmith - pincipal coachandpianist David Wilson -baritone

2007-2008 CLIBURN ATTHEBASS JoyceYang- piano Andrâ‚Ź Watts - piano Cliburnat theModern

Academyof AncientMusic (First Presbyterian Church) RichardEgarr- directorandharpsichord RachelBrown - Jlute

SwangLin - violin MichaelShih - violin

PavloBeznosiuk- violin

Gary Whitman - clqrinet

JosephCrotch - cello Rodolfo Richter- violin wirh , s n e c i r l n e r f n r m e n e p h r i

TexasCamerata JoshuaBell - violin

Jos6Feghali- piano StanislavIoudenitch- piano OIga Kern - piano

Angela Turner Wilson - soprano Jon Nakamatsu- piano Richard Danielpour* - t'eaturedcomposer LeonidasKavakos- violin \r-rrn Fnrr.^ Pe.a nlan) lins Bray- piano Shields-Col r SusanDemetris- violin Liesl-Annde Viliiers - viola Virginia Dupuy - mezzo-soprano Adam Golka - piano


w i th Je r em yDenk - pia n o Lang Lang - piano Anne Sofievon Otter - mezzo-soprano with BengtForsberg- piano

MichaelLelevich- contrabass Mitch Maxwell - cello


CLI B U R AT N T H EK IMB E L L Kavafian-Schub-ShifrinTiio Ani Kavafian- violin An d râ‚Ź- M ic hel S c hub- p i a n o David Shifrin - clannet

Kristln Van Cleve- violin Adam Guettel* - featuredcornplser Adam Ben-Daid- musicdirector EliasHendricks- tenor Avis Stroud - soprano AngeiaTurnerWilson - soprano

Mariusz Kwiecien- baritone with Howard Watkins- piano Ingrid Fliter - piano



Rudolf Buchbinder- guestconductor andpiano

OsvaldoGolijov* - featuredcomposer Karen Basrak- cello Sh i e l d s - Collins B r ay- p i a n o Laura Bruton - viola Virginia Dupuy - soprqn


with the Fort Worth Symphony

GregAndersonand ElizabethJoyRoepwnos n,,^-+^r Lf I vu4r

Louis Lortie - piano

CLIBURN ATTHEM ODERN SebastianCurrier* - featuredcomposer Shields-Collin s Bray- piano Crisanti Jan Jlute MichaelShih - violin Naoko Stromberg- harp piano JakeHeggie*-Jcaturedcomposer, HelenBlackburn-Jlute Shields-Collins Bray- piano Virginia Dupuy - mezzo-soprano Kevin Park - tenor ElizabethRacheva-

Orchestra RichardGoode- piano Yundi Ll - piano

*Indicatesthat composer waspresentat

Gold Fingers




WI NNE R S FIR STC OMP E TITION lune 9-13, 1999 Jury Award Joel Holoubek (Numismatist,France) Press Jury Award Joel Holoubek Audience Award AlexandreBodak (Physician,France)

Most Creative Programming Award MichaelHawley (Professorof Media Technoiogy,USA)

T HI RDCO MP E T I T I O N lune3-8,2002 First Prize (TIE) Victoria Bragin(Professorof Chemistry

First Prize ChristopherBasso(AssistantStore Manager,USA) Second Prize StevenRyan(ComputerConsultant,USA) Third Prize Debra Saylor(PrivateVoiceInstructor, USA)

a h ri stn n h e r

Projects,MIT, USA)


Audience Award Dd>)u


Special Recognition Awards M i htr ti sher (R eti red Car diologist . Japan[U.S.Resident Mark Horowitz (Cantor and Educator, USA) Yat-LamHong (PianoTechnicran,USA) Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum Award KarenBush Purpero(MissionaryUSA)

SecondPrize Paul Romero(CD-ROM Game Composer,USA)

FOURTH COM PET IT ION May3l-June5,200+

Third Prize Not awarded

First Prize PaulAnthony Romero(Composerand

PressJury Award MichaelHawley Audience Award

PressJury Award

Medlcine,USA) Debra Saylor(SalesAssociate,USA)

USA) M i chaelH aw l ey(D i rectorol S peci al


Henri Delbeau(Doctor of Internal

Victoria Bragin

PorcelainDealer,USA) Second Prize A verrl P l rersB aker(L egalVolunt eer '. Canada)

Best Performanceof a Work from the Baroque Era Ellen Dodson (BusinessConsultant,

Third Prize Ann Herlong (Homemaker,USA)

USA) PressJury Award

Best Performance of a Work

Best Performanceof a Work

from the Baroque Era

from the Classical Era


C harl esC hi entFl i ghtA ttendantP urser. Audience Award USA) PaulAnthony Romero

Best Performance of a Work from the Classical Era

Best Performanceof a Work


from the Romantic Era

Best Performance of a Work

Victoria Bragin

frorn the Romantic Ere.

Best Performance of a Modern Work

Debra Saylor



Best Performance of a Modern Work

Most Creative Programming Award

f-h ri crn n h e r

Michael Hawley


Jury Discretionary Awards CharlesChien

PaulAnthony Romero

Best Performance of a Work from the Baroque Era Ann Herlong Best Performance of a Work from the Classical Era Hiroko Ohtani (PhysicalChemist, Japan[US Resident]) Best Performance of a Work from the Romantic Era Paul Anthony Romero



Best Performance of a Modern Work Miho YamaciirFishcr (MedrcalRcsearcher

Second Prize Mark Fuller (Lawyer,USA)

Most Creative Programming Award EsfirRoss(DentalAssrstant, USA)

Third Prize

Jury Discretionary Awards ThomasMaurice(NetworkAdrnrnistrator,

Japan[US Resicient]) Most Creative Programming Award Darin Tysdal(MusicStoreCo-Manager,

Internet Clark Griffith (Composer/Retired T e tl rn o log;A dmi ni str" ator. t SA) PressJury Award Mark Fu11er

Jury Discretionary Awards Miho YamadaFisher l' rrn7

ln rnl

USA) K ent I i ct -rrr ( A r'n)\n2( p rnd Del ens ,'


\ / lllnl

I nl

I Flnr ' l


IndustryExecutive,USA) Fort Worth Piano Teachers

F n r ) l l i t r 'r


Audience Award

Forum Award

Drew Mays

David Hibbard(RetiredRailroadManager, USA)

Special Recognition Awards DaleL. Backus(MechanlcaiEngineer,

Best Performanceof a Work

USA) C rcg fi :h c r ( Cr ' m pt t t erp; ,' g rl tn n t,t' l ttd

Clark Griflith

Web Designer', USA) Fort Worth Piano Teachers

from the Baroque Era

Best Performance of a Work flrom the Classical Era FranzMantini (ElectricalEngrneer, USA)

Forum Award Sl cp h e nF ic nt r st I n[ , , r m a ti o n 5 ) Sl c ms Advisor,LJSA)

Best Performance of a Work from the Romantic Era Drew Mays

FI FTHCO M PETITION Mav 28-lunc.i,2007

Best Performanceof a Post-RomanticWork Mark Fuller

Richard Rodzinski First Prize Award Drew Mays (OphLhalmologist, USA)

(-r): SlavaLevin,Ht'nri-Robert 2007AmatcurCompctttion.fincrli-si.s Delbe au,Marh Fuller,Kcnlisaka,CLarkGriffith,and DrewMays i n )007. Steinway & S o n s c r r r ttl h t ' P an g b u r n F o u n d a tio n sp o n so ilclL h t.[i .l thA ntutttLiC r;ntpr'l i l ron



THE RICHARDRODZINSKI FIRSTPRIZEAWARD 1986 marks the beginning of president Richard Rodzinski's era al lhe Van Cllburn

Foundalion. Time has witnessed

tremendous growth at the Cliburn becauseof his lcedership-

As outstandingand far-reachingas his accomplishmentsare, rt hasbeena shorttwentyyears.Thc lastmovemenr,the final cocl a.i s yet to bc r,rri l tenanJ w i l l be yerr sin t he m aking.

international renown for thc Cliburn Competition, critical acclaim lbr the Cliburn Concerts series, rebirth of education outreach, ancl inauguration


the International


Comp et it itr n f t r r '( ) ut s landing Am at er - r r s .

To honor him in recogmtionof his many gifts ancl to mark thesetwenty yearsof his splendid serviceto the Cliburn, the first prize of the International Piano Competition for OutstandingAmateurshas becn perpetuity,the

Wirh his rlec'n nrssion for the music and his consumrnate

RichardRodzinskiFirst PnzeAward.

kn uwlcdg e ol t hc r eper t oir c . ins Lr um tnt. r n d t c c h n i q u e . Richard has made a mastcrpicce ftrr the Cliburn. His recclrd

Richarddelineatedthe vision ancl was the dnving enclgy

i< in,'nmnrrrhln

behind this event, first held in 1999, that celebratesthe making o[ music at home and with friends and colleagues,

His spirit, heart,and styleof leaclershipmotivateand inspire,

and it has been replicatedin citiesaround the world. The

and he drives hlmself to keep abreastof technologyin Lhe

AmateurCompetrtionis now held everyfour years.

ever-changrng and fast-pacedarenaof lnternet and other new media. Challengesbecomeopportunltiesfor him Even as he declaresLhelive concertto be the pinnacleof experience,he wraps the artist and empty stagewith the newesttechnology, sendingthe magicof music to millions via the Internet,DVDs, radio.and televisron.

AW AR D RODZINSKI FIRST P R IZ E THERICHARD InternationalPianoCompetition for OutstandrngAmateurs Presentedon the occasionof your TwentiethAnniversary as Presidentand ExecutiveDirector of the Van Cliburn Foundation,with our abiding admiration and appreciationlor your remarkablecontributionsand achievements.

ALANNBEDFORD SAM PSON Chairman ol theBoard



ALL-LEVEL PIANOWORKSHOP To kick off the fifth Amateur Competrtionin 2007, the Fort Worth PranoTeachersForum, SteinwayHal1Fort Worth, and the Van Cliburn FoundaLionpresenteda one-dayworkshop for adult pianists at all levels of study. The event, held at Steinway Hall, offered amateur pianists an opportunity to n lrv hef ore rn evne rien ,ed nianis t and r ec eiv e c ons t r ue L i v e f eedback . f ach pa rticipa nt pr es enled a s hor t per f or m a n c e on a Steinway grand piano. then hcard expert advice from a member of the Piano Teachers Forum. The pianists also received a written critique and r performance certificate from the Cliburn.


idca [or th is sp ec ial wor k s hop wa> ins pir ed b y

the observation that many adult pianists have littie or no


a profes'io na l


receive perlormance



Up to high r , hool. t her e ar e plc nt ) o f

o p port unitie : ftrr stu dcnl> t o lak e pir no lc s s onsand play i n p u blic. like in g rou p re c it r ls n rp c i d c n t

n I Ih e

f,)rr rm


r em ar k ed Rjlla Alr m an. p a s l thet

nnint il onr \ \ er \ ,]ifFr r r l r r' - -' ..' ro f ind an o ttrlet 1' ' t -o' b""!oj et oood f c edhr ek , r n t h"ir nlav i n o ''" H '*- / " 'b -

especiallyi[ they have stopped taking piano lessons."With ten participants,the workshop was a resoundingsuccess, and plans are in the works for future workshops.



M U SICA LA W A K E N IN G S The Cliburn's largesteducationaloutreachprogram, Musrtal Awaheningsprovides vital arts programming for children in Tarrantand Da11as Countyelementaryschools.The Foundation presents120 programseachyear to 25,000 children,and all programsare free of charge. curriculum was developedby nationally The MusicalAuahenings recogmzed childrens music education expert Dr. John Bray,Cliburn artistic director of Feierabendand Shlelds-Col1ins specialprograms,to teach children about the basic elementso[ music through engagingactivitieswithin the context of classical plano repertoire. Each sessionis ied by a hostfacilitator and featuresa concertpianist.The Cliburn producesa study guide in

In 2005, rheCliburn beganofferinglreepiano lessonsto a sma]l students.Aimed at developing group of MusicalAwahemngs

collaborationwith the Fort Worth IndependentSchoolDistnct, talentsand enriching lives, the initiattve has now expanded of student' .The after-tc hoolpr ogr amgives which reinforcesthe schools'corecurriculum through classroom to [hreecl asses weekly piano lessonsthroughout the schoolyear, children the of the the benefits materials, extending activities and research and practicekeyboardsare provided free of charge. educationguidelines. program and meetingstate-mandated


200r-2002 FredericChiu JanJiracek Olga Kern Andrew Russo Wang Xiaohan

200+-2005 HelenBlackburn fn <p

I rrrQ

H e r fa n a PT

Andrew Russo Paul Sdnchez JonathanTsay 2005-2006 Helen Blackburn(flutist) Davide Cabassi DomenicoCodispoti


J o<6 T r r i c H er nl nl tc z


SamHong Adam Jackson

R i qnenni

JanJiracek Alexey Koltakov & KatarinaMakarova Andrew Russo Wang Xiaohan 2003-200+ Domenico Codispoti Adam Golka SamHong SergeyKuznetsov ScottMarosek

2006-2007 SamHong Adam Jackson Margo McCann (hos| Carol Rey'nolds(host) ElizabethJoy Roe JadeSimmons LauraSpector JonathanTbay

2007-2008 HelenBlackburn(flutist) l4n

( rr<rnfr

{ tlrrfrct

Jos6Cubela ColleenMallette(host) Margo McCann (host) SamirPatel JadeSimmons JonathanTsay 2008-2009 Melinda Allen (host) Josâ‚ŹCubela ColleenMallette(host) Kyle Orth Dean Peiskee,Jr. H r r tn

Pa th l

I h r c<tcf

Jonathan Tsay





COMM UNI TCON Y CERTS To broaden live performance opportunities for people throughoutFortWorth,the Cliburn stages an annualcommunity concert. This event celebratesmusic from various cultures, and combinesclassicalpiano with such art forms as flamenco, tango,end manachr.The Foundationpartnerswith Artesde la Rosaat the RoseMarine Theaterrn Fort Worths historic North (i d e ro nro d r r c e l h e s e f r e e . ,.,' h m,,,,r ilr ' - n r ir n te d


CL IBURN CO M P E T I T OIRNSS C H O O L S giveschildren a direct link to the Cliburn Adonr-A-Comnetir{)r - - '

the Van Cliburn Recital Hall, on the citys cable channel, or on

a, )mncl rli,ln -..,,,p..,,,-,,.

the Internel at Because so many competitors


Ser errl J!,\,d,

drvc q-/.



er ent -.-,,..


present conccrts at selected area elementary schools for fourth

come from countries outsrde the UnrLed States,children learn

and fifth grade students. meeting with the students af[erwards

about new cullures. customs. and gcogrlph;. Tcachcr srudy

to visit and answer questions. The students track the progress

guides and children's activrty booklets are provided ro rhe Fort

o I t herr ad op ted co mpe lr lor t hr oughout t he c om pet it i o n .

Worth ISD lourth and fifih grade teachers and srudenrs, and

Students, teachers, and parents may watch

are also available on the Cliburn website for everyone.


performances, free of charge, on closed-crrcuit television in

ADOPT-A-COM PETITOR PARTIC IPANTS 1997 SusumuAoyagi AlexanderDossin JanJiracek Jon Nakamatsu FernandoRossano Chricronher


Ju-Ying Song Lev Vinocour 20 0 1 AlessandraAmmara rvrAul



Yur5ieChen Davide Franceschetti TadashiImai Olga Kern Oxana Mikhailoff MasaruOkada Andrew Russo ElizabethSchumann Edna Stern 20 0 5 Davide Cabassi*

Alexei Grynyuk Marina Kolomlytseva* SoyeonLee EstherPark RobertoPlano Daria Rabotkina ElizabethJoy Roe Rui Shi ChenXin Xu *Couldnot pdrticipatedueto order of performance in thecompetition. 2009 Yue Chu Alcqcan.lrn



AndreaLam Ang Li Michail Lifits SpencerMyer \/i etnr


<l r\/<L-\/

MariangelaVacatello Di Wu Ning Zhou ZhangZto

fhe Bank of America Foundation supportseducation programs Jor the ThirteenthCompetition


SravrNGcrosE To





West SeventhAreo Revitolizotion proiect,TheStoytonwill be iuststeps *tr*T THr from premierrestouronts, world-closs ffi, *K*o &" n{. tr r*w-*rs"*%, fu" a ond's boutiques, ort golleries W e bb , r e ti r em entliving meons the only ploceto provideCubo with &**P A T Mus E U MW A Y timewith friendsond fomily neorbyoccessto the MuseumDistrici, spending in the city sheloves.Thot'swhy she's olong with resorlstyleservicesond o futureresidentof The Stoytonot Presentotion Gollery rightot home. lifelong friends ffi Suite200 MuseumWoy,theoreo'sonlytrue/ife 2720W.Seventh Street w TX7610Z www.thesioyton. corecommunity. Don'twoitto seethefutureof retirement FortWorth, Comingsoonto FortWorth,onlyThe living- coll(8171717-2063 todoy 1OO%REEUNoABIE PII.N viewingof your personol livingin thecity's io schedule Stoyton offersfive-stor Gollery, ond discover Errrus SooN- Cerr Tonav culturolheort,with the unsurpossedour Presentotion Advontogefor yourself. protection of life core.As port of the TheStoyton

"I can go to the m.tseum, have lunch and see s movie wirh friends - it's oll within walking distsnce." To Cubo

% ffidkwffitu"pil


CL IBURN CO NV E R S A T I O N S Ciiburn Conversationsoffersmusic educationand insight into programs played on the Cliburn at the Bassseries.The lighrhearted lecture seriesis open to all ticket holders and takes place prior to each concert. Discussionsinclude musical and visual examples,and often featureinterviewswith guestartists. The lectureshappen inside BassHalls GreenRoom, Iocatedon the Box Tier level. Cliburn Conversationsis hosted by Dr. Carol Reynolds,who was an associateprolessor o[ music at Southern Methodist University for twenty-one years.For more information about Dr. Reynolds,pleasevisit Dr. Carol Reynolds

ALLEG RO CI RCL E Designedespeciallyfor young professionals,the Allegro Circle group gathersfor dinner and conversationbeforeselectCliburn at the Bass and Cliburn Competition performances.Allegro eventstake place downtown, and f.eatureengagingdiscussions about the eveningsconcert.

1985Cliburn golclmedalistJoseFeghalL at an AllcgroCirclegcLthcring speahs



"Moscow.Apr1l 1958. Againsta backdropof a world besetby tr(rr ^^-dlru ^ i i " . uul ' o ^- | \u\prlr(,11. (,t l th (d...vv(51 came LIq c Ame nillrtl(dI ri c a n r l onp West ...-..n. tall Te xa n who s t r uc k a c hor d f or lr iends h i p . 'A s j o u r n a l i : r Dan Rather noted, wlth his phenomenal win at the Tchalkovsky Competition, Van Cliburn "drew two nations rogerher with the love of music." Four years later, the Van Cllburn International Piano Competition was born on the Texas C h rj rt

i :n

linivcr qitr

fiffr l:

Thr r s

heor n

I drn rr

nv z l i nr .' \^ l l dtr U lo,r U i l tar ty

relationship. Since 1962, when a group of world-classcompetitorstook the stageof Ed LandrethAuditorium for the inauguralcompetition, TCU has been the Cliburns campus.The CliburnTCU connectronhas helped launch hundredsof classical musrccareers,charmedmusic loversfrom acrossthe globe, and immeasurablyenrichedthe cultural life of North Texas. T....'"b...,,,.-",.6,'. hr oupht h i s a l l i rn c e T C U h rs a rtra c te somc d ol i r. l r.ri phrest starsanclextendedthe partnershrprnro rrs sLudiosand classrooms. T he unir e rri l y\' ()m m u n i tyf rs t m e l l h c l rr e.unl orgertrbl c MadameLili Krauswhen she judged the inrugural Clibr-rrn Competition.Thcn. in 1967,shebegana decade-and-a,ha1l careerat TCU. As artist-in-residence, she combineda worldwide performrngcareerand teachingschedule.Her campus

Mctestro JohnGLordano

performanceswere standing-room-only, and rapt audiences flocked to her masterclasses.

l l ni ted an\rclcr]

S trtes uherc nr,rsr)ect.,'..".'.t,. i ve r omncl i rors rrrdi l i on

.cnnt i

for a

. . . thc . , , . e- .nm. , . f e t l t l o n .


The next artist-in-residence broughLLheprestigeof the Cllburn gold medal to TCUs musrcprogram The late Steven De Groote,the 1977 winner from SouthAfrica, divided his time betweena concertcareerthat took him acrossthe globe and t eac h i n ga t th e u n i v e rs rt). TlUua/ ^ . 1. ^ . TI .UU r

' ^ - d^5^a l^l i-


L o r sl ,r I a Clih r r r n p ol d medal i st.


S i t t i n p o n t h e i r r r r l o r t h e s , r e e n i n o a r r d r r i o nr e ci ta l sth cr e " t l b \ -' '

J -_ /


as well as five other sitesworldwide-are two more drsttnpuishedfiprrreswho , onnectthe Cliburn and TCU. Maestro John Giordano,TCU distinguishedfellow in music, has servedboth as chairmanof the Cliburn Competrtron.lury and as a member of the TCU faculty since 1973.

Bra zilia n Jos et eghali. t he la85 winner . ha s b e e n a r t I s l i n residence srnce 1990. He remains a ma;or presence on the

Dr VedaKaplinsky,chairpersonof the Jullliard Schools

co ncert sta ge.and us ing his t ec hnologic ale x p e r t i s e .h a s

piano department,becameprofessorof piano at TCU in

enabled TCU students to e\perience real-time classeswith

2006. As Dr. RichardC. Gipson,the Schoolof Music'sdrrec^'l "^ -"siclan of her caliberand international

master Leachersacross the Atlantic, thanks to Internet2.

staturefurther enhancesthe Schoolof Musics alreadypresti-


TCU was home to the first Len Cliburn CompeLitions, and it

gi .l uspranofacul t;. C harredby professolohn r O r , ings. r t hat

rema rnsrn im por t ant s t ( ) p on Lheques t f or t h e g o l d m e d a l .

piano faculty continuesto attractoutstandingstudentssuch

lod ar Fd I r ndr c t h r s onc o[ on] v lwo r onr 'p r -hl a l l s i n t h e

A-^ | i r nnmnnrirnr , . , thir a ...,- r ^. s A n g L r . I c o m p e u t o r i6


. . *. .,., C, - Jm p e n i l o n .



Since1999,TCU hashostedthe popularInternationalPiano

the C l i burn.j uryand s; mposi rarrangedw i th competi ti on

Competition for OutstandingAmateurs,a competitioncen-


tered on thosepianistsfor whom makrngmusic is more than a vocationbut lessthan rn occupation.As the New York

The Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition Archive

Timesnoted, in this competition,partrcipants"from doctors

servesscholars,students,and productioncompaniesfrom as

to diplomats,chasepiano dreams."

far away as New ZeaIand.Thrs reposrtorycompnsesrecordings.musicalscores,film reels,memorabilia,and other materi-

ionalAc a d e m ;& fc s ti v a l(fo l me rl ythe Pi a n o Te x as I nt er nat

a1s.Reachingdlrectly into the community, KTCU, the univer-

TCU/Cliburn Pianolnstrtute)was estabhshedin 1981. Led

>l l ) >

i ,.. . -^.ri l Ju r u

,^,; .-

) L JL r u r r .

L-.Icaql s each C l i hrrrn C omOeti ti On l i r e. u r u a u tu Jr r

by founder and executivedirector Dr. TamdsUngir, this four-weeksummer festivalhas rntroducedscoresof lalented young pianiststo rhe professionalmusic world and provided

With the Cliburn advanlagc, rt rs not surprising that the

the opportunity to perform wrth the Fort Worth Symphony y e a r>p. a rli e rp a n ts Ore h e :tr a.Dur ingeliburn C o m p e ti tro n

sidered a TCU center of excellence-one

nationally accredited, al1-SteinwaySchool of Music is conof a handful of the

u n i r c r s i l y s r e p u t a ti o n - J ( f i n i n g p r o g r r m s .

benefit from the masterclassesdcliveredby membersof

GoIdmedalist los( FeghalL (rLght)acceptsthe silver Lrophycup.lrom Van Cliburnat theSeventhVan CliburnInternationalPictno Lookingon are CompetLtion. meJal i stsE ntnta Tahmi zian, Barry Douglas,and Philippe has Biancont.Mr. FeghalL at beenartist-in-residence TCU since1990.







CCs Touch of Nature

Star-Telegram President & Publisher,Gary Wortel

CompassBank Fort WorthMarhet President,Tarrant CountyCorporate BanhingM anager,

Jim Irwin Floral

SeniorVicePresident and Executive Editor,Jim Witt Marheting PublicRelations, and Community Relations,Melinda Mason

Brian Happel Estherand Will Courtney


Four Day Weekend

and CEO, Chairman,President Williamson Philip

FoundingMember, Dar,rdWilk


First PresbyterianChurch

American Airlines Directorof Salesand Marheting, Jeff Fehlis DFW SalesPromotionsManager, Ann Spaulding DFW SalesPromotionsSpecialist, Yvonne Ulrich DFW SalesPromotionsSpecialist, Danita Neale


The Junior Leagueof Fort Worth


Kimbell Art Museum Director,Eric McCauley Lee Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth


Director,Marla Price

DeborahBrooks,LMT Joseph("Buddy") GarlandDunn, LMT

Renaissance Worthington Hotel TexasChristian University

StephanieKrusensk,LMT ValerieUnger, LMT, MTI

Chancellor,Dr. Victor Boschini

ARCHIVES TexasChristianUniversity Mary Couts Burnett Library Dean,Dr.JuneKoelker Archivist,Laura Ruede

Academic Provostand ViceChancellor, At'fairs,Nowell Donovan


Dean,Collegeof FineArts,Dr. Scott

Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital


OscarAmparan CEOand President,

Director,Schoolof Music,Dr. Richard Gipson Williams Trew RealEstateServices


EMERGENCY MEDICAL Dr. Michael Cosgrove Dr. DouglasD. Lorimer

Marvin Electronics Owner,StuartSchuster

FILMFESTIVAL Lone StarFilm Society FestivalDirectoriDennis Bishop


ManagingDirector,John Storm Directorof Programming,Alec Jhangiani

ExecutiveDirectorof Fine Arts, MichaelRyan

CrescentRealEstateEquities MelissaGraham,WA Srrndanee

Fort Worth ISD ChiefAcademicOt'fcer,MichaelSorum


FLAGS Lone Star Bannersand Flags


TexasChristianUniversity University Baptist Church University Christian Church



City Club

Arrangements by MaryParks



Flowerson the Square Owner,Bill Bostelmann





Steinway & Sons New York, New York qnd CEO,Ron Losby President

Ben E. Keith

Community Cable Television


Mancger,Randy Westerman

PeterGoodrich VicePresident,

Clos du BoisWines

KERA Channel 13


ExecutiveVicePresident and Chief



SteinwayHall - Dallas Dallas,Texas Danny Saliba President, DirectoroJConcertsand Artists, Yoori Marti SteinwayHall - Fort Worth

Production Manager,Joseph Bellotti

RESTAURANTS Inc. EddieVs Restaurants, Owner, Guy Villavaso Owner, t-arry Foles General Manager,Richard Sabatowski

Fort Worth, Texas

The Vault

StoreManager:Directoro[ Concerts and Artlsts,Phrl Gibbs

Owner,Neal Livingston

W INNERS' PHOTOGRAPH S Lyn" Neiman Marcus Fort Worth

MichelSakouhi Owner,Jean


Manager,K.G. Naj.r

harmoniamundi usa



Los Angeles,California VicePresident(t ArtisticDirector,


APEX Capital

Ronald Conors

David Baker President,


Ramonaand Lee Bass

Robina Young

Curtis Butts DenitechFort Worth, Inc.

PRO O F R E A D E R S RichardGoodspeed

Fort Worth lSD Ms.BeterlyFletcher

David Hibbard

Graphics2 Martha Hyder


Junior Leagueof Fort Worth Justin Boot Company


Kay'sHallmark Shop






LUSKEY'S/Ryons AIan Lusheyand Mihe Lushey

WR R-FM101. 1

Rob McAvoy

CregoryT. Davis GeneralManager. RadioAnnouncelMatthew Erikson

Neiman MarcusFort Worth and GeneralManager, VicePresident ScottMitchell


VtsualManager;Christina Foley

VicePresident Jor Radio,Jeff Ramirez

PSThe Letter

tht IntcrnationalPiano pianoo.fthe VanCliburnFoundation Steinway is thefficial and excluslve t'or theVanChburnInternationalPianoCompetitLon, CompetitionJor Outst.rndingAmateurs,Cliburn Concerts,and MusicalAwahenings.


ADVISORY COUNCIL 2OO9INTERNATIONAL J. Wray Armstrong Chairman and CEO ArmstrongArts Limited \ladimir Ashkenazy Concer t Pianist/ Conductor EmanuelAx ConcertPianist Christopher Beach Presidentand ArtisticDirector LaJolla MusicalSociety

Christoph Eschenbach MusicDirector de Pais Orchestre Mary Lou Falcone M.L. Falcone,Public Relations KennethC. Fischer President UniversityMusicalSocietyof the UniversityoJMichigan

Yefim Bronfman ConcertPianist

Leon Fleisher And,rewW Mellon FoundationChair in Piano PeabodyInstituteof theJohnsHophins University

Rudolf Buchbinder Pianist

Ren6eFleming Soprano

William Bolcom Composer

William Capone ManagngDirector Arts ManagementGroup

Henry Fogei SeniorAdvisor Leagueof AmencanOrchestras

RobertW Cole Director Universig oJCaliforCal Performances, nia at Berheley

Nelson Freire ConcertPianist

John Corigiiano Composer SebastianCurrier Composer

SirJamesGalway,O.B.E. Flutist DameEvelynGlennie,D.B.E. Percussionist

Alicia de Larrocha ConcertPianist

Albert Grudzinski Director Frâ‚Źd&ic ChopinInternationalPiano Competition

Roberto Diaz Presidentand Director The Curtis lnstituteof Music

Ara Guzelimian Proyostand Dean TheJuilliard School

SamuelC. Dixon Executiveand ArtisticDirector SpiveyHall, Clayton StatelJniversity

MichaelHaefliger Artisticand ExecutiveDirector LucerneFestival

Placido Domingo


Henri Dutilleux Cornposer

Miguel Harth-Bedoya MusicDirector Fort WorthSymphonyOrchestra Martha H. Jones President and ExecutiveDirector CelebntySeies oJBoston Welz Kauffman President and CEO RaviniaFestival Bob Kerrey President The New School Evgeny Kissin ConcertPianist Ann Koonsman President and CEO FortWorthSymphony JamesLevine MusicDirector MetropolitanOpera MusicDirector BostonSymphonyOrchestra Lowell Liebermann Composer Keith Lockhart MusicDirector Utah SymphonyOrchestra Conductor BostonPops Douglas Lowry Dean EastmanSchoolof Music Kurt Masur Honorary MusicDirectorfor LiJe OrchestreNationalde France MusicDirectorEmeitus NewYorhPhilharmonic Dr. Michael A. McRobbie President Indiana UniversitylacobsSchoolof Music

2OO9INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ZarinMehta Presidentand ExecutiveDirector New YorhPhilharmonic

Andr6 previn Pianist Andrew Raeburn

yuri Temirkanov MusicDirectorand pnnciple Conductor St. petersburgphilharmonic Orchestra

Franz Welser-M6st MusicDirector ClevelandOrchestra

FrancesRichard VicePresidentandDirector of Concert Music ASCAP

Jaap van Zvteden MusicDirector DailasSymphonyOrchestra

RiccardoMuti Conductor

JesseRosen Presidentand CEo Leagueof Amencan Orchestras

Hiroko Nakamura ConcertPianist Chair Esa-pekkaSalonen Hamamatsulnternsttonqlhano Compett\on MusicDirector LosAngelesPhilharmonic Garrick Ohlsson ConcertPianist Asadour Santourian

ArtisticAdvisorandAdministrator AspenMusicFestivaland School

Paloma O'Shea Founderand Chairman SantanderInternationalPianoCornpetition Gerard Schwarz MusicDirector Peter Oundjian SeattleSymphony MusicDirector MusicDirector TorontoSymphonyOrchestra EasternMusic Festival PnncipalGuestConductor Detroit SymphonyOrchestra Jerzy Semkow

RalphVotapek Concertpianist professorEmeritusMichigan state lJniversity SusanWadsworth Director youngConcertArtists,Inc. Dame Fanny Waterman, O.B.E,D.Mus, FRCM Chairmanand ArtisticDirector keds InternationalPianoforteCompetition Andrâ‚ŹWatrs pianist patricia A. Winter SeniorVicepresident Opus3 Arttsts

Conductor JasperParrott Chairman Harison Parrott, Ltd. Krzysztof Penderecki Composer Advisor BeijingMusicFestival GuestConductorChina Philharmonic GuangZhouSymphonyOrchestra Murray Perahia ConcertPianist/Conductor Neale Perl Presid.ent WashingtonPerformingArts Society JosephW Polisi President The luilliard School

garrettWissman Sharkey Chairman Jeffrey Director IMG Artists ThePeabodyInstituteoJtheJohnsHophins lJniversity Tony woodcock president R. Douglas Sheldon SeniorVice-president ColumbiaArtistsManagementInc. AbbeyH. Simon Concertpianist RobertSirota president

NewEnglandConservatory Robina young Vice presid,ent and ArtisticDirector harmoniamundiusa Krystian Zimerrnan Concertpianist

Manhattan Schoolof Music StanislawSkrowaczewski Conductor/Composer




i$ri dl


t1 Herbert Barrett

1910-2007 l n t e r n a lio n a l A c l v r s o i yCo u n ri1

PerryR. Bass 1914-2006

JanJacobBistritzky 1920-2008

BobbyeJo Brooks 1927-2008

Daniel Cariaga

Bou d Monbcr of tht Van CliburnFrtundatittn

Fou'tcltrof Lfu Art]ru' RLrbinsfcin lnk.rnalional PianoNIasLer ComptIiIion

\ran CIibunt ln t( r tu l ion(LI

PrcssJLrly I nLtrnaLi trutlP i ano

P i ano C omyttti ti on V ol unkcr


C Lmtpt' ti ti on l or Oal -s l andi ng A matc urs


Norman DelloJoio

r913-2008 Conni.ssionecl Composer 1969VctnCliburn I ntcr nttLionol Pi cnttt CompcLtLion

Mildred Le Tersky Lynne "Angel" Harvey Paul Harvey 1916-2008 Giordano 19r8-2009 1914-2.007 Paul Harvey,Awctrtls I{rvnolc Sptahcr Ccremon.y Mothtto.f.lohnGiortlano 1993VanCliburn ln,rrnttlittnttlPiuto Contytt'tition

Milton Katims

r909-2006 VtrnCliburnInLctncttioncLl PittnoContpcLitiot't Itn or

Boartl NIt'nrbtt o.l the Vtm Clibu r n F o unclotittn

:'s ..i$ffi*ffi* ftt


IreneM. Kilborne r934-2005

Vtrt'tClibu rn Intt r ntrtional PiurutContpetiLton.J uror

PastPre.side nt Forl WorLh PianoTettchtrsFotum

Constance Keene

ErnestAllen t923-2007 BoardMtmbtr oJ LhcVan ClibttrnFountlation Husbantlol ElcuntYdma.gz,t.o, BoardMcmbcrol tht VanClibur n Founclation Tadashi Yamagata



Louise Burgess Logan 1910-2007 BoartlMentbcrof tht Vcut CliburnFotmtlation

DianeMyers 1947-2008

JuanitaLewis Miller l9t2-2005

Van Clibtrrn In tcntttti onal PianoCornpcliLion CompcIiLor HoslFarnily

tsoattlNlembcroJ tht Vcn Clibur n FountlaLion


MarciaJ. Fender 1922-2007

Wift ot'Lton BrcLthmtrn BoardMcmbcro.ftht:VtLn CliburnFoundaliot't

VcmCliburnInk ntational PianoComytetition Vtlunku'

Fay Brachman

Mary Virginia Foncannon 1918- 2005 V an C l i burn E ndov tmenL TrtLsLPttlron


Lucille Moudy 1924-2.008

Raymond D. Nasher

Wi/t' rlJcmr'.sM. MoLrdy BourtlMcnittr o.l tht' Vn Clibtrr n F otLntLttion

Botrrtl Mcntbt'r ttl lht Vul

Lev Nicolaevich Naumov r925-2005

CI ib ur n I;o un tlttl i tnt

Van CIibu r n In tt'r nctli ttn crl

Leonard Pennario 1924-2.008


Marilyn Neely r938-2007

WarrenC. Norwood 1945-2005

Lt tnct rt Pi anisL. Edttt uto r

Forntt'tStullMtn'tbtrol tlu Vn (.libtn'n Ftuntlation

Piono Contpcti Irorr.,f Liroi

Vttn Chbut n Intt:rnaLionctl

MelissaK. Postnikoff 1 9 6 1 -2 0 0 5

Pi ttno Cont 1ttI ilitnt .l u rtu

Forntt't Stttfi Mt'niltt'r of tht

Robert Rauschenberg r925-2008 Arlist.forlL)89VcmClihurn

Vut Clihutn Foun tlatittt

Inl t:rnul iutttl Pitut Lt

PaulR. Ray r9l8-2007 BottrtlNlunbcr o.t'thr: Vtut Clibur n Fonn tlulittn

Mstislav Rostropovich 1927-2007 lntt't ntttiontil A i l r,i srl .r,C oi i nc i l

Co ni /rcti ti {)n P ().sl ('i '

Ruth Schonthal

r92+-2006 A tn t' r i t tut Conr.poscr-s I t'tt' i l u LitutctlF inalist 2005 V u t C l i b w n

Alexei Sultanov 1969-2005 GoldMcdcrhst ol thc J989 Yun CIibunt I t-rIt' r nttti on ctl Pitu'nt Cont1ttlition

Alexander Slobodyanik 1942-2008

Henry Steinway I9l 5-2008

Mary D. Walsh l9l3-2005

For t'ncr Pre siclenl

Clib u'n C onLt:rl .sA 11i sl ,

ctnd Cltuirnton

BourtlMtmbcr of Ll'te Vtu't OliburnFt-tundcttion

l 9BB- I 989

I t'tt t' t nu Lio nul Pictno

Stcinway & -Soirs

Comp t : t i t i o n

Irene Keller Hyden

r92+-2006 Vtn't CIib u r n In k rncttit>nal PicutoCompcliLtott V olunlt t 'r C h a i r m a n

Linda Reimers John H. Rauscher Mixson t925-2006 Husbntdo.fMar.y.lo 1926-2005 Wi/cry'KcithMi,xson Vaughan RauschcrBoardMembt:rof LhcVun BoartlMctnbtrof the V u nC l i b u rn Fo u n d c rl i o n Cliburn Fottnclct Litt n

Jo Ann Woodson 1937-2007 Wi.leoJ5. Patrich Woodson III BoardMtmber o.ftht Vun CIibur n FoundctLitn'r


M E MOR I AALN DT R I B U TD EONAT IONS I N M E MOR OF Y ErnestAllen,lr. Mr. and Mrs. EugeneDozier Samand IsabelleHulsey Marty Leonard Mrs. PaulW Mason Ellen Roeser Perry R. Bass CarolineRoseHunr Fay Brachman Mrs. CharlesAnton Judy and Ted Mayo

TheHonorableJeromeGaroon Tr r r ]r r Rncpnhl r r m **/



MildredLe TershyGiordano Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bolen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Doan Glenn and MarciaGaroon Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. Jenny and Brett Robertson

ConnieBettyMooreLfunt Mark and Pam Robinson Mr andMr: L. O. BnghtbillJr Bagby Mr. and Mrs. L. O. BrightbrllIll RoxanneJ.Boyd Guy and CarolynCamarata LoulsCatuogno Fort Worth Independent RebeccaR. Henson SchoolDistrict Jack and Jill Harrington Vicki Richardson WendyKentChurchill Melanieand Mahlon Tate Wells Fargo NancieWingo and Jean Mr. andMrs.Hcu'vey Thurmond L. Cliburn Mrs. Donald G. Malarcher,Sr. ShirleyWilcox Dr. WilliamBoydHunt DouglasJ. Boyd Winton E. Boyd MaryCatheint"Cay"de\.4aming Fort Worth Independent David deVlamlng SchoolDistnct Anita W Moore NottuoodP.Dixon Vrcki Richardson Melanieand Mahlon Tate Mrs. Norwood P Di.xon

BnanJ.Daniels JosephS. Daniels

JoyLouDuBose Mrs. AndrewJ. Kemp,Jr. CassO. EdwardsII Mr. and Mrs. RiceM. Tilley,Jr. BayardH.Fiedman I n rnolla



Jenl' GannawaY RebeccaR. Henson

Kites Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld Gail and Bill Landreth D r.andMrs.W S . Lonmer.l r. Mrs. PaulW Mason MargaretS. Meihaus Mr and Mrs.WilliamJ. Nolan Dr. and Mrs.JamesR. Osborn ClaireA. Perkins Mr. and Mrs.JamesR P erry PHPR Gail W Rawl S hannonand B reckR ay Saniord,Baumeister& Frazier,PLLC Gayla Shivers S terl i npand R eni eS teves Nenettaand SteveTatum Mairin and Kevin Terry Mrs. Morton G. Ware Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W Wilson BillyJohnKenna Ola Duckworth and Belinda K. Henry Randy Renshaw

JoanElizabethPerhinsKelly Mrs. JosephD. Ambrose Mrs. GeorgeW Bean BeckyBeasley Mr. and Mrs. CharlesBlanton USPI-Houston John and Monica Burks Cheryl Camin

JoeKelly Pace Mr. and Mrs RiceM Tilley.Jr. FranhRalph Karen Ralph BonnieRassmusson PatriciaA. Steffen PauIR. Ray Mrs.AndrewJ. Kemp,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld DianneFrankRobertson ur. ano IVIrs.uoug Lonmer Alann BedfordSampson Ingnd R. Speros GeorgeL. Speros Carl A. Stempeland EleanorB. Stempel l \,4r and

\,4 r<


rY rrJ , , v' , , , , r. -. -, , . | / r,


S t a mn p l

PhyllisJonesTilley Gail W Rawl Mary D. FlemingWalsh Gail W Rawl Mr. and Mrs. RiceM Tilley.Jr ElsaMay Wilson

BertieRuthUsreyl-a.Roe Malcolm and Katie Usrey LouiseBurgess Logan and Ted Mayo Judy DonaldG. Malarcher, lr Mrs. DonaldG. Malarcher, Sr

Mrs. ThomasE Mastin,Jr.


Mrs. MamieFnedman CorneliaCheneyFrledman


IreneKeILer Hyden Mr. and Mrs. RichardLee Brown Nina Maria and Gary Cole Gunhild Corbett Mrs. DarleneMann

Curtis and TeresaCarter FosterJ. Clayton Estherand Will Courtney Samand IsabelleHulsey

DonaldG. Malarcher, Sr Mrs. DonaldG. Malarcher, Sr. AiIeen Westbrook M alloy Judy and Ted Mayo Linda ReimersMkson Melinda Lindsey

Jo AnnWoodson Judy and Ted Mayo TadlshiYamagata Mrs. CharlesAnton William Kelly Young Mr. and Mrs RiceM Tilley.Jr ShirleyAnneKellerZimmermann Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Gaither David L. and PaulaK. Hope Mr. and Mrs. RobertKennamer Marvin ElectronicsCompany Nursing Center,LfD Stonegate


Mr. and,Mrs. RalphF.Cox Samand IsabelleHulsey

Pat Innmer ThomasL. Smith

PatAlexander Spectrum Group of The Woman's Club of Fort Worth

LucyDarden Sam and IsabelleHulsey Suzy Williams

BeatnceMalarcher Falvey and Diane Malarcher

ShirleyAnton Mary FrancesAntwell

MildredFender Mrs. CharlesAnton Mr. and Mrs. JamesR. Blake

CarolynBarber Peggyand Bob Beckham

Mr and Mrs.JohnGiordano Vicki, Ed and Madi Bass

RobBechham Peggyand Bob Beckham

PaigeHendichs Patricia and Win Ryan

Harry H. Bernbaum Betty Eaton and Don Learner

Anne and.BarneyHolland Glenn and Marcia Garoon

CorneliaandJimBlahe Anne and Robert D. Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marsh

Mrs.SamBHulsey Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr.

Inuise Canafax Irving Womans CIub SatishModi, M.D.

Martha Hyder Mr. and Mrs.John R. Giordano

Barbara Clarhin and WalterSaner Mr. Ralph C. Hart and Mrs. Ralph C. Hart* VanCliburn Mrs. H. E. Chiles Tiish and Menard Doswell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Fortson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Giordano Mrs. Donald G. Malarcher,Sr. ReginaRogers Mr. and Mrs. StuartM. Ross

Mrs.lean Kernp Dr. Eric and Mrs.JuneFurman OlgaKern SuzyWilliams RoseAnn andLewisKornfeld Mrs. CharlesAnton AnneandRobKrebs Mr. and Mrs. JamesR. Blake LegalDepartmentoJ AmencanAirlines Mr. and Mrs. DeeJ. Kelly

JohnMcReynolds Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld RichardMedici LoeriaRhemm andBarbaraMinnella Joseph Christine Durner AlfredMouledous Ruth Ann Hoffman JamesJ. NachleyIII Linda and David Boyd

Richard Rodzinshi John Giordano Alann Bedt'ord Sarnpson Megan and Victor Boschini Van Cliburn Mary Alice andJohn Giordano Jerry and Lyn Grinstein Samand IsabelleHulsey ThomasL. Smith Suzy Williams ThomasL. Smith Mr. and Mrs Edward P Bass Mr. and Mrs.John R. Giordano Anstine Tesauro Deborah Hinchey Vernon

CarlaThornpson Mr. andMrs.JamesE. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Mr. and Mrs. TimothyJ. Brarron Roels.Sr. Ithas Vondraceh InurenB. Pointer GeorgeL. Speros Gary N. Pointer Burtonand"JortnWeiss Mr. and Mrs.David Porter Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Dodson Mr. and Mrs. SteohenCoslik Mr. andMrs.lefJWentworth GaiIW Rawl Mr. and Mrs. RobertBaker Samand IsabelleHulsey Mr. and Mrs. RogerHorchow SuzyWilliams Mr. and Mrs. JamesR. Perry Alann BedfordSampson YvonneReynolds Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Ruth Ann Hoffman Smith II SusanRobertson Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum

Jie Yuan William H. Shambaugh


B E COMA ECHAMPION O FTH EV A NC L I B U R N FOUNDATION ANNUAL CO NTRI BUTI O NS Membership Nurturey our love oJmusicwith a Foundationmembership , beglnningat $75. ,\ll membersreceiyeearly notifcationoJFoundationeyents,includingtheinternational cornpetitions. KeyboardCirclemembers,who gve $1,500annually,receivepnonty seatingforCliburnConcerts, complimentary valetparhing,and GreenRoompnvileges, recitalwith a Cliburnwinner. andeniovan exclusive Tribute Fund Makea git'tinhonoror inmemoryof alovedoneorfiend. Corporate Sponsorship Alignyourcontpany wtththeAiburn Cornpetttion, CliburnConrerts, or educationprograms Benefitsof thisassociatron mayincluderecognitton wth a corplratesponsorship. in radioand pint adsandin programboo'Ls, andcornplimentary concerttichets.

NINGCONTRI BUTIONS SUSTAI Cliburn International Circle MembersoJthismajor muln-yeargiftprogrameryoyJouryearsoJbenefits, includinganannualdinnerwithVanCliburn,bymahingamalor glft of $20,000,payable o",erJouryearsor less. The LegacySociety kave alegacyofyour lovefor musicbyincludingthe VanCliburnFoundation or tLreVan CliburnFoundanonTrustin your will or estatepIans. Endowment Letyour passion t'or musicliveforeverby mahinga gift to the VanCliburn Endowment kust. Yourglftwillhelp sustainthe missionof theFoundationJor generations to come.


W VANCLIBURN TRUST TheBoardof Directorsof theVanCliburnFoundationgratefullyacknowledges the followingdonorsfor perpetuating themissionof theVanCliburnFoundation gift of $10,000or more. by makinga majorendowment

OUTSTAN DING LEADERSH IP Anne and Robert M. Bass Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass ry Virginia Foncannon Tr ward and Ann Frasher Marsha and John Kleinheinz The MeadowsFoundation Rosal)'nand Manny Rosenthal Anna Belle P Thomas D. and F Howard Walsh*

LEADERSHIP Estateof Ernest Allen, Jr. A. M. Pate,Jr. Charitable Trust Cornelia and JamesR. Blake 1995 Branch lrrevocable Tiust The Brown Foundation, I Ra)rmondE. Buck Fou ElectraCarlin Estate Amon G. CarterFou

Nawatilova Childrens Youth Foundation rt L. Pate

Phillips,Jr. I Fund 's Foundation Ben and rdon W Smith, Blaine Smith, Susanand Dee Smith Star-Telegram Estateof Marie Stirner Stripling 6z Cox (Dunlap Company) Rice M. Tilley,Jr. SusanB. Tilley Union Pacifi.cCorporation Union Pacific Foundation

RildiaBeeO'BryanNWW* Van Cliburn Carol W Collins WhitfieldJ. Col Scott Cutler Floye Dunning

CLIBURN LEGACY SOCIETY l-eavealegacyofyour Your legacygift ensuresthat

music by includrng the Van Clibum Foundation in your will or estateplarn. and appreciationof classicalmuslc will continue for generationsto come.

Anonymous(2) ShirleyAnton and

Mr, and Mrs. Lau Paul DesRochers Gail Aronoff

WilliamJoseph Bryan Martin Burdeaux Louise T. Canafax BarbaraJ. Clarkin

S. Cooke

Henry Swallen Shores *deceased

lf you have included, or would like to include, the Van Cliburn Foundation in your will or other estateplans, pleasecall 8I7 .738.6536.



DRHYEW passion Musicisthevery"essence" of herlife,andit isthatrevered to impart to herstudents atWeatherford thatDr.Hyeyoung Songstrives instructor forstudents inResidence andmusic College. AstheArtist main Dr.Song's fromvaried backgrounds andmusical experience, goalasa teacher, thebeauty of music." shesaysisto"share Dr.Songenjoys a varied career asa soloist, chamber satisfying to her. musician andteacher, andallareequally "Music hasalways beenthecenter of mylife,"saysDr.Song. "Through mymusic, mylifehasbeenblessed. I appreciate allmy allwhohelped mealongtheway teachers, andI wishto honor toenjoymusic as I do." byhelping others anddedicated Dr.Songis butoneofthetalented Department facultv intheFineArtsandCommunications atWeatherford College, wherestudents canlearnthe perhaps, moreimportantly, a deep technical skills and forcontemporary music appreciation andclassical performance; fineartpainting, drawing andsculpture; photog raphy; instrumental/jazzperlormance ; andchoraI andtheatre oerformance.

abouttheFineArtsprograms at Formoreinformation Deoartment CalLewiston at Chair 817-598-6233.

WnaTHERFoRD ConEGE 817-594-5471 AnEqual Opportunity institution/equal access tothedisabled.


Founded in honorof NancyLecanclPerryR. Bassandin memoryo.lRildiaBeeO'BrycLn Cliburn Mt'mbe rs o.ftht'CltburnInternaLktnal CirclecommiL$20,000or m()rcttvtr a pertoclo.f.ltturyears.

THEGO L DCI RCL E$ 2 5 O , O O O + MirrshaanclJohn Kleinheinz RosalynG. Rosenthal*

THESILVER CIRCLE$1OO,OOO+ lr4r.and Mrs. EclwardP Bass Mr. and Mrs. LeeM. Bass NancyLeeBass'r' Mr. and Mrs. SiclR. Bass

Mr and Mrs. D eeJ K el l y Mr. rrrd \,'1' l 5..l trhn L. V rri on Mr. anclMrs. RichardW Moncrief Mary D. anclF HowalclWzrlsh+"'

Mr. irnclMrs.JamesR. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Benjarnin J. Fortson Marciaand Bobby Frencl-r Mr. anclMrs. Edr,varcl R. Huclson,Jr.

THEB RO NZCI E RCL E$ 2 O , O O O + Anony'mous Mrs. CharlesAntor-r (ieorgeAnn Carlcr Bzrhan SLreandJohn Allen Chalk Van Cliburn The CorbettFanrily Estherand Will Courtney \-i^. I\tlrd

\ 1 .-: Lv ldr r J

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Barbaraand RalphCox Dr. ScottCutler Dr. Ron anclJuan:rRosaDaniell Mr. and Mrs. GlennDarden Lucy Darden Ji11and CharlcsFischer John E Forestner Dr. and Mrs JosephM Grant/ IexasCapital Bank

Melissaand ScotHollmanrr Mzltha R Hyder Vc l i n rl r ;rn{| l ( n'') \ t""I()l rnstr)n MoLLieand C'arlanclL:isater Mr. ancl Mrs. Joe R. Martin, Jr. Louella and Nicholas Martin Stacic ancl David McDavid Rnllnr r ,. r n,l

l r r r el l

\1i 11;u1n

\,,[r Fmm u- tt.. \4 ..'...r \,4r,..) rrrrh

Linda Todd Murphy Gail W Rawl JeanandJohn Roach ReglnaJ.Rogers in lovingmemoryol U.ilclia BeeO'Bryrrr S ,rH rl rc; l c \rn t l rl .urnrrn.ll LLl i&r BenRogers Matt and LisaRose

A l ann B ctlItrl tlS atttp:rrr. CharlesSirnmons ThomasL. Smith VirgrnraS. Smith Kath;r$nqg6l Nenettaanc[SteveTaturrr Mrs.Anna BelleP Thomas'r' Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. fhornpson r^^., r....,| .(--.1 D i L,-r l \l l l 1 d tl l ttU JC d l

n l IIr d

F w i tl sh

Rinda R. Wentworth DonnaanclBryanWhitworth Pat anclDon Williamsorr HerdeWo11

INTERNATI O NAL CLIBURN CO RPO RATE CIRCLE CrectLe cl in httnttr of Exxon Mrtbil CorporatLon,RuclLoShach, and Tcxus ChristictnUnivcrsify

P R IN C IP ALC OR P OR A TES P ON S OR ExxonMobil OF F IC IALC OR P OR A TES P ON S OR S City of Fort Worth AmericanAirlines WaggonerCharitableTr-r-rst, J .P M o rg an Cr"ystelle o l Am cr iceFr o u n ( llr tio n Star-Tclegram U . S . l r u s r& B : r n l <

Steinway6r'Sons XTO Energylnc.

CORPORATE SPONSOR Rr rl i t'S hr. k f 111'1;i r1-3111rp

OFFICIAL SPONSORS Amon G. CarterFoundation Arts Councilof ForLWorth & TarrantCounty

Beaurlont Foundation of America The Burnett Foundation

Sid W Richardson Founclatit.rn T. Boone Pickens Founclatior-r

G UA RA NT O RS Alcon BNSFRailwayCompany P A R TN E R S

Alann P and Charles E Bedford Fund Comrnunily Foundation of N. Texas Compass Bank Elizabeth L. and RussellF Hallberg Foundation Frdelity Investments Fifth Avenue Foundation Frost National Bank 'Endowr'dgilt +Deccctst'cl

( ,r r - \' n\'

laYr -

F nr r nr l :111( ) n

Hobbs Charitablefiust, Wclls targo Brnk. Trustce f h cJ u n i or Leagurof Fort W trrth.Inc. Luther King CapitalManagement The MeadowsFoundation" Qun-ulbli Foundation n - ..-r r l u r r.r r\d/ u



D ,, .1. tr,,,ndl t i on t l !r L (


RildiaB. O'BryanCliburn Foundation Tha




S & B TechnicalProducts,Inc. TJ. Brown & C.A. Lupton Foundation,[nc. TexasCommissionon the Arts Tcxa>C hri sti rrn U ni rcrsi ty W i l l i rm f . S cottfoundrti rrn



PLATINUM CIRCLE aso. A f pr il2 3 ,2 0 0 9 Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Arthur AlberL G. Karl AlexanderJr. AmericanAirlines A m on C. C a rte rF o u n c l a L i o n M r .andM rs .J a meEs.A n th o n y Mr. and Mrs. BernardAppel John and Mary Armsuong Doc & Leilani Ashbaugh MargaretWall Augustat Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Baekeland GeorgeAnn & Bill Bahan Bank of AmericaFort Worth

Barbaraand Ralph Cox ScottCutler Dr. DennisDalton Ron and Juan RosaDaniell Mr. and Mrs. GlennDarden Mr. anclMrs, William S. Davis KarenFortson-Davis Mr. RonaldDeFord MargaretW andJamesB. DeMoss Charronand PeterDenker Deenaand DavrdDresslrn Virginia Clay Dorman \ 1 - ar u ^ - - ,, uD^ - te l ^ -r u. 1 r\v rrr J-r v lr . . r rarl dr M r. a n d Mrs LarryD uggi ns / Mr. and Mrs EdwardP Bass Edward Dumit Ramonaand LeeBass Carol and JamesDunaway Anne T. and RobertM. Bass Dr. and Mrs. Edwin F Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass ExxonMobil Corporation RobertH. Baum and Mary Carol L. Fletcher Beth Kretz John E. Forestner,G. Bradley Drs. Joyceand RobertBeck Alford Mr. and Mrs.WilliamR.Biggs Mr. and Mrs. BenJ.Fortson Mr. and Mrs.JamesBlake JamesC. Francis BNSFRailwayCompany Marciaand Bobby French Tiafton Bogert Dr. Eric and Mrs.JuneFunnan Neal Burgess Sh i rl e e J a nd Tayl orC andy The Burnett Foundation ThomasGay Martine Cardin-Allen GldeonToal Carolyn Carter Laila Gleason Richardand RobertaCase RichardGoodspeed l vl_'^'' i ke C h e rn rhom ec _ .-'^.''_ Gal1Aronoff Granek / Shik Kei Chuk David Haley City of Fort Wcrrth Nancy L and William P Harriett and He1'wood Hallman,Jr. Clemons JamesR. and Mary Ann Harris J udir hS an d D o n a l dM . Cohen,M .D Carol Henderson Gary and Nina Maria Cole PaigeKelly Hendricks Mr. Carroll W Collins Carol P Hendnx Mr. and Mrs. Cliff H. Condrey Cheryl Holmes Martin and Michelle Conroy Ann F and Edward R. Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceS. Hudson,Jr. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. E. Randall Gunhild Corbeu HudsonIII Mary and David Corley Samand IsabelleHulsey Will A. Courtney Sr. Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. AndreaandWilliamCowanJr. Melinda and JerryJohnston


DudleyD. JonesM.D. J.PMorgan Mr. and Mrs. RobertP Judd Mr. and Mrs. R B. Kelly ill Allan R. Kelly,MD Jeanand Gordon Kel1y Mrs. AndrewJ Kemp Mrs. Lori Kendrick GwyrrneDuBoseKeyland Anje Kim In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Yong Kie Kim Lews and RoseAnn Kornfeld C nnni e

T qnoc tnn

Mr. anclMrs C arl andM Lasater,Jr. Law Officesof Henry B. Paup & Associates Marty V Leonard I rrrhpr



Management Dr. and Mrs.W S. Lonmer,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Malcolm Louden Carol K. March Priscillaand Joe Martin, Jr. SharonMartin Lou Martin Olivia Mason Ted Mayo III RichardN. (Dick) and Dorothy McCree Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McDermott A nn and Ti m McK i nney Ellen Messman BerleneT andJarrell R. Milburn Mr. and Mrs. Richard W Moncrief Mr. and Mrs Rlchard W Moncrlef,Jr. Fred and Cheryl Moore Deniseand Clint Mullins Dawn and Mark Palmer Tom E Parker,III, MD Mr. and Mrs. SebertL. Pare Laine Perry Mrs. Olcott Phillips

SusanPratt RadioShack Kim and GeoffreyRaynor JeanandJohn Roach Laurie and Len Roberts Ms. EllenRoeser Mrs. Fred Rogers RozRosenthal William and Rozanne Rosenthal Ben and RoseannRoth SusanD. Ruddy Dr. JaniceB. Rushing Ann Ryan Alann Bedlbrd Sampson Mrs. FrancesBeclford Sampson Ashley Schaffer Dr. BetsyBrown Schenck 'l :l nd l \,4r rrrr-(ehe4q[

Patand Alan Schutts David M. Schwarz ArchitecturalServices Foundation Karenand David Seidler Mr. W i l l i e m H. Sham bar r l'h CharlesSimmons KathleenKel1ySneed SouthwestBank R nhpr t

Snr p n t a l l

Star-Telegram PatriciaA. Steffen Steinway& Sons Mr. and Mrs. RichardI. Stevens Warren and Janny Strickland Deniceand Dale Swift Sallieand JosephTarride NenettaC. Tatum Anna BelleP Thomas Mrs. Kelly R. Thompson SarahThune Michael and LesleyTlerra Mr. and Mrs. RrceM. Tilley.Jr. Dr. and Mrs. RobertJ, Turner III Unrversityof Texasat Arlington

ThePlatinuntand GoldenCircleReception Area and Zoo Partyare underwritteniryJ.PMorgan.


Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh,Jr. Alice Walton Mariettaand Bob Watson Wells Farso

Jack Welsh Jeff Wildin JuiianneL. Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. Don Williamson

Wiliamson-Dickie Manufacturing Mrs. Echo Maurer Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Frank W Winker

Dr. and Mrs. John Paul Wood, Jr. Berry Woodson XTO Energy,Inc.

Lyn L. Evans Drs. Daniel and Maria Fawcett Karol Frailey Juan S. Frias GeorgannGasaway-New PianoPreparatorySchool Sarahand Baker Gentry Carol A. Goldman Tom and Sally Gooch Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P Gorski Mr. and Mrs. RobertC. Grable Sarahand David Grimes Michaeland ElaineGriver PeggyL. Hagan Patsyand EarleHaley Gail Heaslet PatriciaHo Dr. and Mrs. Vincente L. Jocson David R. Johnson

Mary Ann Knesevich Mary E. Lattimore Dr. PeterandJulie Lazarus Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Madalin Doris E. Manci CharlesMasonand Jackie Zogut GastonC. Maurin and Kyle E Kerr Juiianne Mclean Laurent and Nicole Meister Frank and JaniceMorgan Mr. Emmett M. Murphy Nat and Ly'nn O'Day RobertR. Otto JamesH. and Patricia E. Phillips Clyde and Tru Picht Mr. and Mrs. David M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Frost Prioleau Shannonand BreckRay

Nancy and Tai Roberts Dr. NealieRoss SamRotman Terry andJude Ryan Scott and SelmaSherman EstherSwallenShores Patrickand JoyceSlattery Whit and Gretchen Smith GeraldE. Thiel Bob and SharonTimmons Bonnieand GarrettR. TuckerIII Wes and Shirley furner Willam Watsonand Marge Tillman BeverlyWeiss RindaWentworth Donna and BryanWhitworth SusanandJon Wilcox Echo Wilson Caroly'rL and HerschelWinn ElaineY. Yamagata Martha R. Yocum Dr. Mari Yoshihara

G O L DE N CIRCLE as oJApril 13,2009 Anonymous AngelaE. Addario-Mclean Lee S. AndersonMD Thomas H. Andrews Mary FrancesAntweil Bill and ShirleyBaird Mr. and Mrs. KennethL. Barr Dr. Jack L. Berg Mrs. SamH. Berry Mr. and Mrs. CharlesBlanton Dr. and Mrs. RobertC. Bolz,Jr Erin Bradley Judy and Jerry Cagle Mr. and Mrs.JamesCashion,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Casper Sueand John Allen Chalk Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coston Betty B. Cowger Rudolf Dietter Joe and Mary Duiie LoisJ. Dunne Mary JeanneDyess

RadioShack sponsors AwardsCeremony the ThirteenthCompetition and Gala ClosingReception.



The Van Cliburn Foundalion acknor'vledgesr.vith clccp rtppreciaLione\rcr)roner,vhohas macle tl're determir-rcclclecision Lo leavc a lcgre;'rvith rr gili Lo thc Endtrwmcnl-.thc priniipal ol which wili remain in perpetuiLyancl work to enhzlnccthe mission o{ the t l rhurn. l1 it;tttlt(rn ()t'lor c c ( ) Aniz ! ' t lt Cir g. nc h, s it y lr r r J l( ) e x p r . s s r 'r r r a ] r i J i n g S r t t i t r . t L l c l i 'r 't h e i r t r u ) t . T h c s p r | i t t r l , 1 , h w i l l be an inspiration Lhroughollt thc ILltllre.

MARS H A N DJ O H NK L E I N HEINZ VANCL IBURNFOUNDA TION S UP P ORT .ltom MarshaunclJohn Kleinhcin: Mzushais a mcnrbcr ol the executrvcc(lmmlttee rrntl tlrc btrarcLo[ clirce[trr-s. She and John rvcrc the compeLitor J-rosL famil1' lor fin;rljst Dar.,ideCa]t;rssi in 2005, and hrtvc givcn generor.rsl;,Lo t-heeclucaLionoutreach progratn, Mu.sicalAwchcnings,ancl other Founclation progralns ancl events.

MARYD. AND F. HOWARD WALSHT JO H NG IORDA NO JURYCHA IRMA N DISCRETIONARY AWARD .lront Mary D. untl l: Howard'Wrtlsh Ma11.D. Walsh scn'cc[ on thc Van C-]iltur-nFounclatior.rboard of clirectors lor lorty )'ears, as lroth boarcl mcnrbcr and dirccttrl unrcritLls.Excnrpl;rr;' lcaclcr-sand phrlantl.rroltists,the Wrlshcs u,'ereinvolvccl u'ith the C1iltr-rrn sincc its inceptior-r,presentinq I trrp l)fize rrt uaehVan C-liburnlnternatior-rztl P i irno C orn pctition .

+ 'Dr'itltlSt]tl


Historic Camp Bowie


W ohn'r'rp* t/,* % /tir,,tpn tVo* Vhhl/,ru "t/,


rLatp/ "1rU, /,ir,il,rprr,qA,t, @l drr,tiqrr"*x


offering lp,7a /,int't %arrttqrr"**

x'W^tn z* 6 *on thr'r,tp,6onn * 7 ^r*lr',r/ a/4d,mnnpl

Located at 72OO Camp Bowie BIvd. Fort Worth,Texas Z6l I 6 (ShoPPing)8 I 7-377'oe r o %ht%<t"t qandua%*,7<.n ru (at r)rl | -ZGZ3 Op e n M o n .- Sat . lO -6 / Sun. 12-6 tlJ,utuuW

aut U'//lpn ca,r*i,l,u.u,t o

VANCLIBURN FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTORS The Van Cliburn Foundationacknowledges with deep gratitudethe support of the followingindividuals,corporations,and foundations,whose generousunderwriting during the 2005-2009 cornpetitioncycle helps make possiblethe Van Cliburn InlernationalPianoCompetition,the InternationalPianoCompetrtionfor OutstandingAmateurs,Cliburn Concerts,and education programs.Included are contributions to the Cliburn InternationalCircle, InternationalAssocration,competitlons,and the Van Cliburn Endowment Trust. The list reflectsall gifts made betweenJuly I, 2005 and April 23, 2009. The Van Cliburn Foundation also wishesto expressits sincereappreciationfor thosewhosecontributionswere receivedafter this list was compiled on April 23, 2009 LEADERSHIP GOLDEN GUARANTOR SILVERGUARANTOR GUARANTOR BENEFACTORPATRON . SPONSORPATRON SUPPORTINGPATRON CONTRIBUTING PATRON PATRON PARTNER FRIEND ASSOCIATE lN DIVIDUALS Golden Guarantors Marshaand John Kleinheinz RosalynG. Rosenthal Silver Guarantors Nancy Lee Bass Ramonaand Lee Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. JamesR Blake Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminJ. Fortson Marciaand Bohhv French Mr. and Mrs. DeeJ. Kelly Anne and John Marlon Mr. and Mrs. RichardW Moncrief Mary D. and F Howar4 Walsh* Guarantors Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edward p Bass Sueand lohn Allen Chalk.Sr. Gunhild Corbett Lucy Darden Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Darden

a contributionof $500,000or greater a contributionof $250.000to $499.999 a contributionof $100,000to $249,999 a contributionof $50.000Lo$99.999 a contributionof 5i20.000to $49.000 a contributionoi $10.000to $i9.999 a contributionof $5.000to $9.999 a contributionof $2,000ro $4.999 a contributionof $ 1.000ro $ 1.999 a contributionof 11500 to $999 a contributionof $ 100 to $499 a contributionof uo to $99

Estateof MarieStirner Jill and CharlesFischer PriscillaandJoe R. Martin,Jr. KathleenKelly Sneed Heide Wolf BenefactorPatrons ErnestAllen, Jr. Estate Mrs. CharlesAnton GeorgeAnn CarterBahan Nina Maria and Gary Cole Barbaraand Ralph Cox Dr. Scott Cutler Dr. Ron and JuanaRosa Danlell Mitzi and Bill Davis/ Fort Worth & WesternRailroad Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. CarolineRoseHunt, The Mansionon Turtlecreek Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. Melinda and JerryJohnston GwynneDuBoseKeyland Mollie and GarlandLasater Stacieand David McDavid Mrs. Alma W Moreton Mr. Emmett M. Murphy

Linda Todd Murphy Gail W Rawl Mr. and Mrs.John V RoachII ReginaRogers Mrs. Anna BelleP Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs.RiceM. Tilley,Jr. Anna Jeanand RichardF Walsh Mr. and Mrs. F Howard Walsh,Jr. Rindaand Jeff Wentworth Donna and BryanWhitworth Sponsor Patrons Thomasand Wanda Andrews Louiseand Frank Carvey Jamesand JoEIlenCashion Van Cliburn Estherand Will Courtney Dr. Dennis Dalton Joanieand Toby Darden Mr. and Mrs.JamesR. Dunaway Mary JeanneDyess John E. Forestner

Dr. and Mrs.JosephM. Grant, TexasCapitalBank Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld Eddie M Lesok Louellaand NicholasMartin Count and Countess PaoloMarzotto Margeand Nate McGrew Mr. and Mrs. JarrellR. Milburn Mr. and Mrs. SebertL. Pate Mr. and Mrs. David M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. ThomasH Puff MaryJo V Rauscherand * Jr. John H. Rauscher, Alann BedfordSampson CharlesSimmons Virginia StreetSmith CharitableFund of the Community Foundation of North Texas ThomasL. Smith PatriciaA. Steffen Saraand PeterSterling Nenettaand SteveTatum Pat and Don Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winker

TheOpentng Dinner andDrawPartyeventis mad,e possible bysupport JromMitzi and Bill Davis/FortWorth & WesternRailroad, Mrs. Mary RalphLowe,andMr.and Mrs.JohnOudt.


VANCL I B U R N F O U N D A T I ON CONT RIBUT ORS CO NT I NU E D Supporting Patrons Anonymous M r . and M rs . Be rn a rdAp p e l Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Avondet Louis and Madiyn Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bartel Mrs. SamH. Berry Ann and Bill Biggs Andrew Blake Dr. and Mrs. William F Bonnell LouiseT. Canafax Judrth S. and Donald M Cohen,M .D . Jennrferand BradfordCorbett Charron and PeterDenker Drs.Jeffreyand Rosemary Detweiler Virginia Clay Dorman SallyFulwiler Beth and RandyGideon Feliceand Marvin Girouard Laila Minder Gleason Cami and John Goff PaigeK. Hendrlcks RebeccaR. Henson Alberta Hogg and Family Mr. and Mrs. ScotHollmann Samand lsabelleHulsey Dr. and Mrs. VicenteL.

Mr. and Mrs. Woody Srimavin Mrs. John R. Stevenson William E. andJeanTucker Marlettaand Bob Watson Susanand Jon Wllcox SuzyWilliams

Neshaand GeorgeMorey John and LesaOudt PatriciaPope EllenRoeser Matt and Lisa Rose Br11y and RozanneRosenthal Bob and PatriciaSchleffer Ron and Alpha Shlrey Gordon W Smith

Curtis and CarolynHigh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Hill

I tt'



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Wood,Jr. Mrs. TadashiY^magala

PatriciaHyde Mr. and Mrs. RobertL. Jameson I Ar o f



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Mary JaneBrownJohndroe R nh


T anet hr dd

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koonsman Mrs. Phillip Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Russell Laughlin Dr. and Mrs. W S. Lorimer,Jr.

Contributing Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Edward E Ahnert Pat and Karl Alexander FredriekaAnkele Mr. and Mrs. P Bradley Lummrs RobertH. Baum and Mary Beth Kretz, Lake Forest,IL Mary E Lurry Harry and Harriet Bernbaum Ms. FrancineR. Manilow Mrs. ThomasF Mastin,Jr. Lou Ann Blaylock Mr. BillBond Judy and Ted Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. PeggyandJesseBooher McCall,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. CharlesM. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. VemonW Bryant Ann and Tim McKinney Beuy ClaireMcKnight Sis Carr Mr. and Mrs. Don Carter Claraand ErnestMenaldino Harriett and Helvood Clint and DeniseMullins BrendaP Philips Clemons Mrs.J. Olcott Phillips Carroll W Collins Mr. and Mrs. Frost Prioleau Dr. Martin and Michelle Shannonand Breck Ray Conroy Jocson Oh, The PlacesYou'll Go! Robymand Craig Kelly JeanetteRelnolds Laurie and LeonardRoberts RoseAnne andBuzzCranz Mrs. AndrewJ. Kemp,Jr. Missy and RandyRodgers M r .andM r s J L u th e rK i n g ,J r. Ron DeFord Mr. and Mrs.John C. Koechel KarenM. Doolittle JamesR. Seitz,Jr. Rob Sell Menard Doswell Dr. Stanand MarciaKurtz Tiish and Cynthia and Terry Siegel Gail and Bill Landreth Mrs. O. M. Engel Marty Leonard Mr. and Mrs. BakerGentry Gretchenand Whit Smith n- ^- l r f- /^^^- ^^ u ur , 4r r u r v r l ) . uf ur Sf r r . Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreP JosephMacchia Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marsh Sullivan Gorski,Jr. Mrs PaulW Mason Sallieand JosephTarride Gail Heaslet l \,4r and \r l r c I Andr r v tLAt r\a/ a I Iu u 4 vl u Dr. L. L. McCasland Thompson Hendricks GregoryL. McCoy






Community Foundation of North Texas Mr. and Mrs. RogerHorchow \I V I{I .- A- I-I U.1 rI V If^ T^L- tL . I >. JU IIII



Mr. and Mrs. Randall HudsonIII

Martha and J.R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. HerschelC. Winn Mr. and Mrs. Mitch WpLne

Mrs. C. Victor Thornton and Mr. C. Vrctor Thornton * Dr. and Mrs. RobertJ. Turner IIi Chris and Wym Van Wyk Kelly and Chip Wagner KarenW Watkins Dr. Stanleyand Beverly Weiss

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Neils Agather Mr. and Mr s.William R Allen Joan Allison Mrs Josep hD. Am br osc Dr. Lee StewartAnderson Dr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Andrews Mary FrancesAntweil Mary T. and Julian Ard Dr. and Mrs. John R. Armstrong,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E Bailey Mr. and Mr s. Kenneth L Barr Drs. Joyceand RobertBeck JoanneBeck Janieand GeorgeBeggsIII MichaelBennettand Melissa Mitchell Dr, and Mrs David M. Beyer Dorothy and Rick Bjorck Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blanton KennethW Blasingame SusanK. Blue,M.D. Mr. and Mrs. RaymondT. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. DouglasK Bratton Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brightbill III WilliamJoseph Bryan Neal Burgess Dr. RobertandJoycePate Capper Mr. and Mrs. Tim Carter Mr. and Mrs. RichardB. Casper Mrs. H. E. Chiles Janiceand R GreggChilton BarbaraJ. Clarkin Beth and Craig Collins Mattie PetersonCompton

lury dinnersarehostedby Mercedes and Sid Bassand Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bratton

VANCL IBURN F OUNDAT ION CONT RIBUTOR S C ON TINUED Mary and David Corley Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cosgrove Sue Cutler n-U 1J,

rf^-lIVIAL A

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Dambro Dr. Bengeand JackieDaniel GregoryT. Davis Karen and M. Ray Dean MargaretW andJamesB. DeMoss Mrs. Norwood P Drxon Mr. and Mrs. Larry Duggins Nancy Elhson and Wllliam D Rolinick Mrs. William C. Estes vlf

q na


n pr \ r t

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Juan S. Frias Dr. Eric and Mrs. June Furman Arnold and Harriette Gachman Glenn and Marcia Garoon Kenneth and Cherrie Garrett Foundation Colleenand PrestonGeren Mr. and Mrs. John R. Giordano Carol and Ronnie GoldrrLan Mr. and Mrs. PeterB. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Grable Iarr-,


T rm


Elaineand Michael Griver Mr. and Mrs. Ted B. Gupton Patsyand EarleHaley Ma ry An n andJ am esR. Harris Adele and Mark Hart Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hilcher Ruth Ann Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. ThomasMack House,Jr. GeorgeW Hutson Dana and Dee Kelly Allan and Mary Kelly Anne and RobertD. Krebs Mr. and Mrs. JamesA. Kruger

Mrs. and Mr. LauraLadner Dr. and Mrs. Tom Leavens Georgeand NataheLee Mr. and Mrs. Brett Leonard Mr. ReganSmith and Dr. Carol Leone Laura Lumley Renpdptr o " _'_!>* !>__\+* r '

T r r nn

M r. a n d Mrs H e n ryL u s k ey Norman B. Lyons Bnan and ShelleyMaher SharonA. Martln Tlr


N,4r c Jamcc R

McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Mike McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McDermott JulianneD. Mclean Ellen McStay El1enMessman Henry S. Mr11er, Jr. and Trrcnita

T arrric


Mrs. William M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ardon Moore Mr. and Mrs. RandalK. Moore M r. a n d Mrs D o u g l a sG. LVlOre

Charles D. Nelson Michael and Linda Nolan Shannon and Steve Nolan tfM1.

^-l d1lu

rf-^ tvll>.

\r/rll:^* T VVLllldLtlJ.


Mr. Paul R. Ray * Jeniferand Terry Readdick Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Relnolds Beth Riversand Woody Grossman Drs. Daniel and Denise Rodeheaver Beth and RichardRodzinski \trrf,^-l Lvrl. dLLu rvrl).

Ti-^1L,, r1rl1uLrr/

T J.

Roels,Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers Mr. and Mrs. StuartM. Ross Kelleyand Br11 Royer Ann B. Ryan Mrs. FrancesBedford Sampson Betty Sanders Dl^i-^ ularllc

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Scheideman Mr. and Mrs. David R Seidler RichardL. and KarenA. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. EarleA. Shields,Jr. Lyndaand Grady Shropshire Susanand JamesSmith Mr. and Mrs. Emmet G. Smith RosemarySolomons GeorgeL. Speros Mr. and Mrs. MarkJ. Stupfel Kathrr



JamesM. Syler Cordeliaand John Owings Dr. TheodoreS. Thkata Dawn and Mark Palmer Harry L. Tennisonx Anne S r nd Hennr Erleenand Ace Thurmarr ' ' ' , R- P' au P l\,4r < In<enh R Palir h lr Dr. and Mrs. James H""" R. Penn IV Timberlake J. Eleanorand StephenPenrose Bob and SharonTimmons \/ir oinie

f tmPq

O' T) onnell






Phillips Pat and Dr. Jack Pierce Drs. Bill and Ruth Pitts JosephF Postnikoff SusanPratt PatriciaPurvis \,4onr



Jim Ramsey Mrs. Paul R. Rayand




Nina Velliquette R hondaand D i ck V ennt William Watsonand Marge Tillman JeffWildin Partners Anonymous Mr and Mrs. RichardA. A.leska MarthaJaneand JamesE. Anthony Foundation Pamand GeorgeN. Armstrong,Jr. l \,4ar i anne

Malcolm D. Arnoult Doc and Leiiani Ashbaugh RichardS. Bailey Dr. and Mrs. William R. Baird Mr. Allen Baird Winston and ElizabethBarney ClaireBarry Mr. and Mrs. John F Beadles Peggyand Bob Beckham StephenH. Berry Vlktors Berstis T 4',r4

Jury dinnersarehostedby ChesapeakeEnergy GndYar.Cliburn and Marcia and Bobby French




DouglasL Biake Mr. and Mrs. Clive Bode Dr. BarbaraM. Bolton RobertBook Meganand V i ctorB osch ini Veretyand Bill Braymen Ellie and CarterBurdette David and Linda Cameron l(qrhorlno



Mark Cannon FosterJ.Clayton Mrs. William A. Col1ey Dr. and Mrs. Atiee M.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tirpplehorn Mr. and Mrs.John William TLrk Shirleyand WesleyJurner SueTurner/ C ravesGroupP romoti ons Dr. Thmdsand Jutka Ungar Mrs. Harris MonroeVeale

Ar m s tr nno



Shirleyand John Dean Joe and Marjorie Dishron Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Dodson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dowling Edward Dumit \4r

en d \,,[t<



Dunlap, Sr.


VANCLIBURN FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTORS CO NT I NU E D FrangoisDupiat RobertB. P Dupree Lreoeuuson Dr. and Mrs. Abram Ersenstein JoseFeghali Wallaceand Suzanne Ferguson Kennethand SondraFerstl Keith Flanigan It,4r




Fredencks CorneliaCheneyFriedman Ellen Fujlkawa Mr. and Mrs. Lawton G. Gambill Phil Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Goodspeed RoyJ. andJeanneGrogan ShrrleyR. Gross GeorgeGulevich Ruth S. Guydosh PeggyL. Hagan HazelA. Hare Mr William W Harrell BarbaraJaneHarvey Dr. MichaelJ Hawley Joe and Ann Horkey Nancy Hughes Dr. and Mrs Christopher K Hull Mr. and Mrs. Neil Isbell JannJackson Dr. StanleyE. Jackson Mr. and Mrs.John H. James DudleyD JonesM.D. David and BrendaKors Mr. and Mrs. GeneLange Beuy Landy DonovanLewis Betty and Bill Looney Dr. and Mrs. Doug Lorimer Katy L. Lorimer Dr. and Mrs. RobertJ. Lovett JeromeLowenthal Dr. and Mrs. BruceLowry Ellen and TheodoreMack Joe and Doris Manci M r . and M rs Wi l l i a mA Massad


RobertH. Matt GastonMaunn and Kyle Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Dick McCree Dr. and Mrs. StuartD. McDonald JeanVaughnMcDonald

Katheryn Votaw Wei-Ling Wang Mr. and Mrs. ThomasJ. Williams Michaeland Mona Winter June Wo1{f RobertWood Dr. Robertand Marilyn Wood Martha and Craig Woodson Ruth W Wright GeorgeM. and DianeD Young

Bill G Beaty Dr and Mrs. RobertJ.Beck Donan Bennett Dale Bennett June M. Berry Fred andJoAnnBerry Dr. SteveBlevins M S N ,4ei har r < _ _ar - '_oer D - ' et Dr. and Mrs. LeeC. Minton Bloemendal Joseph SarishModi, M.D. A l l an B l ument hai,M . D Carl and StarBoetticher Jamesand LauraMorgan PamelaC. Murnn Tiafton Bogert Pattyand Bob Neilson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bolerr Mary Nell O'Connell Dr. TommyJ.Boley RossH. Paradeau Friends BarbaraBonous-Smrt Mr. and Mrs. RobertJ.Patton Anon)rmous Mrs. DanielS. Bowling Ms. Mary Perry Mrs. William C. Adams and Linda and David Boyd * Mr. and Mrs. Wynne F Dr. William C. Adams DouglasJ. Boyd I^^--^ A l^-^ Perryman Winton E. Boyd J Uaru ra nu4 r rr) GregoryJ. Phillips,M.D Curtis Adams Josephand Vr ct or iaBr agin Dane and SuzannePranke Mr. and Mrs MichaelAdler E l ai neA m ackerBr idges Mrs. Warren O. Rimbeyand Dr. and Mrs Arthur Albert Mr. and Mr s.Jam esBr it t ain Mr. WarrenO. Rimbey * Julie S. Alexander J. MichaelBrounoff CharlesG. Allard Charlesand Zona Browder JamesD. and StellaM. Robertson Mrs. FredricG. Altman Dr. and Mrs. RobertW Brown William E Runyon,Jr. LourseW Anderson Mr. and Mrs. F E. Brown,Jr. MichaelG. Appleman Mary Prudie Brown Jude and Terry Ryan and Rye Gilbert Brad Steven Anngton Mr. and Mrs. JorgeBuchanan Judrth Nancy T. Sabbag Henry and Barbara Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bucher David M. Schwarz Armstrong Norman Bucknor ArchitecturalSen'ices Dr.John H. Atherton USPI-Houston Foundatron Dr. and Mrs. FranciscoAviles John and Monica Burks Mr. and Mrs. StephenSeleny Dr. and Mrs Fredenck Raul Bustamante Mary G. Settle Baekeland GeorgeButcher Mrginia K. Shehee W Douglasand SusanRudd Linda W Byrd Scottand SelmaSherman Bailey Guy and Caroiyn Camarata C. RichardBaird Irene M. Cannon Joslynand GregShirey I) r :nd \,4r c F r oene P Michael Baker Col. Louis S. Carmona '- '" J. - * b .''-' Sholdra ElizabethBaker Mr. and Mrs. RobertA. EstherSwallenShores Mr. and Mrs. RobertBaker Carler Martin and EvelynSiegel Terry W Yeazeyand Donna Dr JoseLuis Castaneda Shirleyand Sid Singer K. Baldwin-Veazey Mrs. Fred W Catterall Mr. and Mrs. Fredenck AndreaBallard Mr. and Mrs. Ed ChaplineIII M. Smith II Ste11a MaeBarber Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceJ. L.R. and BerneitaStarkey Biil and Amy Barneu Chenier Glyn Stone Linda S. Barrett Dr. Adnan and PatricraCheong Dr. and Mrs. ScottA. Lawrenceand Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs StephenP Sullivan Barron Christie Gary and Martha Upton ElizabethC. Bass Mrs. Gali Clark Mrs. Estil A. Vance,Jr. RobertBateman Lue Ann Claypool Mr. and Mrs. RalphVotapek Jamesand ElizabethBates Mr. and Mrs. LelandClemons d by Lalla Gleason and theKimbell Art Foundation Board of Directors Jury dinnersare hoste


Lyn L Evans LieseC. Farless Drs. Danreland Maria Aquino Fawcett Mary and RobertFelsman Dr. Robertand Phyllis F e n to nPh i l a n th ro p i r Fund RobertS. Finley C. KennedyFischer,Jr. K. Flories Mary W Foose Bob and Krki Ford Rick Fortner

Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Harmei Christopherand Meredyth Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Harns Kippes Tq m c c I C l rrh rrrn M. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Klein, Jr. James MargueriteHarrison* Julie Cohen John Kleinline Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coldiron Mr. Ralph C. Hart and RichardB. and Shirley M. ThomasCollier Mrs. Ralph C. Hart* Knight DeniseCollins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knox Gary and Judy Havener SharonM. Conger TrevaHawthorne Nancy and Mike Korman A. Corboyand M. Poteet Mr. and Mrs. Stefan GenevieveKorte Marty and Mike Craddock Heinzelmann Mark Lambert Dr. David and RachelCristol Bryan and MacrineHelbert Dr. and Mrs. Hugh RobertaCrow KarenL. Henry Lamensdorf Ic net C c ar oe H er ql el Ellen Crowl Janeenand Bill Lamkin Craigand Marilyn Cruit Ann Herlong Dr. and Mrs. Richard I\,4arrr IJrr ctonp Fnctar D r l -d w a rdT Cr r r m n D. C . Mr. and Mrs. ReeseD. E Land Karol Frailey Hlllard ClaudeLandry Jimmy Culp Mr. and Mrs. CharlesR. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller French Mark Holden Ouida HayesLanier Cummings Mark and Dawn Fuller Robertand PeggyHolt Lewis Larson T rrnn Terrell C.cfforrl SusanA. Cummins Sandraand Al1anHoweth CarolJ. Lawrence H qr r r er r H nr r r i ns ton Ka th i ea n d ClayCum m ins Kenneth Gardner Lauraand Dan Lazarescou Hannah Cutshall Dr. and Mrs. RobertI. Garrett Dr. Dean E. Hutter Nicole M. LeBlanc PeterDahlberg Pattyand Elliott Garsek Ken lisaka Mrs. Diann PetersLeNeveu Anthony Dang Mr. and Mrs. RichardF Ralphand Nicole Isenberg June and Arnold Leondar Dr. TommyJ. Davidson Garvey Mr. and Mrs. S. Keith Jay Lesok Clnthia Davis and Dr. GeorgannGasaway Mrs. SelmaB. Lewis Jackson,Jr. RandallDavis R. V Gibson Mau C. Jansha Melinda Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. BealeDean Lee Gibson Wendy and LarryJenkins Brigitte V Little vat f lal^ llPAn dplt < PatriciaIngle Gilhs Barry and SusannaJohnson GeorgeandJoyceLoegel n{-^ ^- --l rIvIt>. ^-^.. Elizabethand Tom Delaney Mr. and Mrs. DiegoO. -.L Phylllsand MelJohnson ur. arrq nllttlulty Dr. Henri Delbeau Glordano Dr. and Mrs. BradleyK. Jones Lomenzo J. VeronlcaDente Richardand Ann Gipson Dr. and Mrs. Warren P Edwin and Kathleen Paul DesRochers Carolyn Glenn Longstreet Jurgensen ua v ru uc v r4lrrrr rE AysegulGokcin Bill and CarolynLorimer GeraldKaplan Mrs. JamesP DeWolfe,Jr. SandraGould KarenKaplan J. C . Ma qn a I no k a\ r l4m ac P CecihoE. Gracias,Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. BaconKe Falveyand Diane Malarcher DeWolfe,Jr. * Mrs DonaldC. Malarcher, Sr. JamesE. Graham JamesRayKeith Rudolf Dietter GarlAronoff Granek Mrs. Ben R. Keller,Jr. and Mr. and Mrs.J. CharlesMalone Mr. and Mrs. EugeneDozier MargaretGreen Dr. Ben R. Keller,Jr. * JanetJaskolsklMangano B. DuIf Drs. Warren and Carol Mr. Mrs. Raymond B. Bunkie Mangum and Jane Mr. and Mrs. JosephK. Dulle Greene Kelly III Mrs. DarleneMann Biil and ResaDunkin Susieand Clark Gregg Mr. and Mrs. F V Manni n g Jeanand Gordon Kelly,Jr. ChristineDurner Sarahand Dayid Crimes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carol K. March Mr. and Mrs.Joe C. Eakin III Kelly L. Gross Kennamer John Markey II Betty Eaton and Don Learner Marisol Guadarrama Mr. and Mrs. D. Randall Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Martin Dan H. Ellinor Kent,Jr. The Readersof AUS John C. Guevara,M.D. u r , Lu a l tu r v r ar Mrs. Wm. L, Gupton Linda Kerwood y Lt r r > Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward \,4r anrl \4r< J (]rrrlerr Tiicla Ells William S. Kilborne and Martin III Kevin Emge PatsyD. Gurley Irene McDonald Kilborne* Maria Martinez Lrndy Pitcock Eubank Nancy L. Hallman SusanKillian John W Masonand M. Mr. and Mrs. NathanD. Kelth Hallock Mr. and Mrs. Jeff King Ann Mason \4r 1- r f^,r ) c k Eudaly Il Roy and Judith Hamada Masonand ShannonKing L vr L . a^^l r vr r J, u r LLU d y tvl d L I( - - ^.. j:/'___



Iury dinnersare hostedbv theModern Art Museum of Fort Worth President of the Board andMarsland and Dick Moncrief




JamesGray Matthews Wililam E. Mayers JamesW McCartne;' \ehar 7

\/l- l

l oh.hoh

Dr. and Mrs. M, Dwain McDonald Victoria and Hunter McGrath John ThomasMclnerney Mark and Terry Mcleod Maria Guralnik and Sevan Melikyan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michalowski ElaineMichero Mr. and Mrs. William S Michero

PatriciaM. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. John L. Paxton willis M. Payne(Jodie) Don and Audrey Pedersen I lnn\/


Kti l

Po n n l /

ClaireA. Perkins Mr. and Mrs.JamesR. Perry Dr. Vincent C. Phillips David Pilkentonand Dr. MarciaK. Bilbao Kay Pineda Scottand KarenPltre Gary N. Pornter Mrs. Nell Polson Mary LouisePowell

Joann and Wayne Schuricht Patriciaand Jack Schutts Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Schwarz Len and Rose-Marie Schweitzer Judy Scoggins Lloyd Scurlock Mrs. Mary Alice Chandler Selcer BrooksShafer William H. Shambaugh Judy Sherrard GaylaShivers SandraSiler,NCTM RoseSimmons Ann and John Simms Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sisson B. BlaineSmith Ronaldand CarolineSpillers

( andr r

T nml i n s n n

Tony Tortorice Mr. and Mrs. David Tracy Don and Angie Trahan Al and MauredaTiar-ls Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tiuman Mr. and Mrs. Chi-Chun Tsai Mr. and Mrs. John Tuggle Gerry and MeralenTyson MichaelTyson Tampc



RosemaryHaggarVaughan lanot


\.u arrcht.-.I

Dr. W Lyndel Vaught n \4 r n /

Fr 4 n a a c


RandallVemer Elllott K. and Joan H. Vemer Edward and Carol Proctor VaughnO. VennerbergII I trc t r m Pc 4ha | \/nn DeborahHinchey Vernon JoeN. Prothro Middleton M r. a n d Mrs.R onal dJoseph Carl and Dawn von Bernuth lAnnrter F \nrPno Mrs. William K. Miles and Pyeatt RobertWalker and Gretchen Dr. William K. Miles* SherlaRao Mr. and Mrs. EdgarSprinkle Walker Mr. and Mrs. RobertE. Miller Steveand MarshaRapfogel Cynthia R. Stancil John C. Wang Mr. and Mrs.Jerry L. Milligan DianeV and Kent Rasmussen Richard Stanford RoseM. Weaver P at r ic kHe n ryMo n c ri e f Mrs. Willis E. Recror RichardSteed,Jr. Kathy and CharlesWebster Kit TennisonMoncrief Mr. and Mrs.John A. Srempel Hollaceand BruceWeiner Josephand YvonneReeves Sendr r enr l \4i La ( r enn MichaelMoore RenaReynolds Jerry and SylviaWeiner Dr. Dennis and JanieMoore LoeriaRhemm Dr. and Mrs. MichaelJ. r rrrlarrLrrruPrL r urru Frank and Jan Morgan Clnthia A. Riley Stevener Tommie G. Wells Michael and Helen Mornson CarmenH. Rios Richardl. and KathleenB Phillip Westine k4\mnha A kr ck tr Mark S. Morrison Stevens Ann M. Whipp (tion Rnh anrl Amrr Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Mrs. CelesteJ.Robbins SusanA. Whittaker Mueller Tal Roberts Mrs. Donald C. Strathdee SachikoWilbanks Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Munn D r. a n d Mrs.Tom R ogers.Jr. Mrs. Jack Sutherland Marnie and Kern Wildenthal Rprrerlrr Srrraffnrd Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Murph Dr.and Mrs.NealieE. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wilgus Jr. -" ' " " ) Dr. and Mrs. A. F Murph MargaretDee Tagliavia Anne Williams J. Cy and VeraM. Rowell Kathrln D. Rucker Mrs. YoshikoTamai Mrs. Richard T. Williams Judy G. Needham Sr cr n f) Rrrddrr RogerNeei Dr. and Mrs. RobertG. Mi chaelGlennWilliam s Mr. and Mrs. FosterNelson Carl R. Rueckl,Sr.VP Tancredi June Wolff Dr. and Mrs. Luat Q. Nguyen Morgan Stanley Mike and MelissaTapp Dr. Barry Russell SteveN. Tchamouroff Ms. BobbieWygant John P Nicholas Dr. Rob Nickeson Bettyand John Rutherford Mairin and Kevin Terry Phillip Young 6r Associates l \/l 1 cc P4 m 4 l 4 k larrr/ StellaNorman DebbieRyan Ms. B arb ar aJ. Yountand M r . Mary Nell O'Connell M r a n d M r s. E dr.ri nS R yan ChristineTesauro CraigW Cathey ColleenA. O'Connor GeraldE. Thiel The Honorableand Mrs. Jamesand Faith Ryffel Nltf anrl I rrnn f.)'T)arr H e r n / \A/ l h n m e c Nancy Salmon Bill Zedler R e rth e Od n onncnff CamilleSanders u4LU r nl l LL r r r ur r r P>ur r Maura T. Zlody RichardJ.Olsen Carl Schaer Bill and Lyle Thornton Chris and Mike Orlie Mr. and Mrs. Howard E Michaeland LesleyTierra Nan Paden Schmidt Ginny and Joe Tigue Associates Mrs. SheilaPalagi Arthur and CaroleSchreiber Mr. and Mrs. Bob Titus Anonymous F l T q\r


l nh


\ 1 r7 . n n o


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A jury dinneris hostedby Donna and Bryan Whitworth

VANCLIBURN FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTORS C ON TINUED Chilton Anderson Dr. and Mrs. David P Appleby Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Arnn Dr. Mark A. L. Atkinson Mark and Pam Robinson Bagby MargaretA. Baker Mrs. GeorgeW Bean BeckyBeasley Mark Beckham-Shirey John R. Blackburn Dr. and Mrs. Walter Bosworth RoxanneJ.Boyd Chris Boyles JaniceBradley Lynwood F Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Brown Cheryl Camln Ms. MeggieCarter Curtis and TeresaCarter Ruth Minter Castillon Ava Nell Chambers Sung Chang Terri A

C h en n rrre th

Robertand Donna Chicotsky LUrrrr/4rrB

vrru r

Marie LouiseCole Patrick Coleman LaurenceS. Cooke Edwin and Diana Cooley Mary Handy Cowles Edmund P.Cranz FrederickR. Czeswik JosephS. Daniels Vivia Daniels Anne ShannonDemarest Dr. and Mrs. RonaldDevere JamesDeWire Mrs. Edward Dickson* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Doan Anr]rprxr


Bonnie S. Dove Edward Dubiel Ola Duckworth and BelindaK. Henry Douglasand Doris Dunlap Ann and Bill Faulkner

Lady N. Feaster RoseMary Fitzpatrick Detra D. Flatt Ronaldand LeahFlowers Mrs. JamesC. Francls IsaacFried CharlesM. Furr, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Gaither Joan B. Gathercoal Bodo Greiner EmeseGreksa Kathryn A. Grobey Mr. and Mrs. ChariesGrose ElizabethGunter Mrs. Jo Ann Haniman Dr. and Mrs. RichardM. Hannah JaneHarmon Jack and Jill Harrington Tom and Ellen Harris Mike and Anne Harrison PaulinaHaslett Sandy Hawkins Johnny N. Heard Conrad C. Heede Dave and Gunda Hiebert Mrs. DoloresM. Hill David L. and PaulaK. Hope Teresaand Jim Hubbard Diane Hughes SusanJ. Hunter Charlesand DominiqueInge D r. a n d M rs F R .J e n k i n s.Jr. AlethaJeske Gregand MaryJoan Johnston Mr. and Mrs. RichardS. Justiss Ed Keltner CoralieK. Key Dr. Simon and Mrs.Jima King Hanne and Jack Klein Olivia Kochbeck BarbaraL. Koerble Wen-ChenKu SueLazara ScottLeather Adelle G. LeJeune Felix R. Leuch David and FrancesLichtman

Wiiliam Liles Mr. and Mrs. Way-Yu Lin Don Lockwood Mrs. H. L. ( Virginia ) Long Wiiliam Loyd Judy Lugrin L;mn Mahony JeanMainous lcmcz



John McCormick Mr. and Mrs. ThomasMcCraw Ms. KelseyMclntyre Lauren Ford McMurrey Mary McNally RabbiRalphMecklenburger RobertMeegan,M.D. Mrs.JaniceG. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Andre Meyer Bruceand Etta Miller Clnthia A. Miller Amy Monier CaryA. and Ruth E. Moore Anita W Moore Ruth Morrow Ed Morzak Dianne Moss Dr. SusanMotheral,Ph.D. GregoryD. Myers PatriciaNapolitano Diane K. Oberlin Linda O'Connor JoseAlberto Ortlz-Marrero Dr. and Mrs.JamesR. Osbom TracyPapa Clark and MarcellaPenas Mae Cora Peterson ShereeM. Petrone BettyPitchford JeraldM. Plummer Kris Powell Mrs. C. H. Puckett Karen Ralph I n n m tc

kq m p r /

JeanneG. Rand Cecil and Carol Ray Randy Renshaw Vicki Richardson Jenny and Brett Robertson Mr. Juan M. Rodriguez KennethRogers RosemaryM. Romine *

The2009 CliburnGift Shopis underwrittenbytheJunior Leagueof Fort Worth.

Judy Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rountree Patriciaand Win Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Edward W Sampsonlll Eiko Sato Alice Scoma Dr. Jack C. Scou CarlaSelfand Joe Nedley E dw ardJ.and Li ndaS . Seng Phr r l l i s


( hi r l er r

( haar <


Minette Sicard SuzanneSmall Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder Al c v c nder

( neneer

HeleneInga Stankiewitz JeanS. Stevens Sterlingand RenieSteves Harold A. Stopp ThomasP Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kinson Tam Dr. Mary M. Tannahill Melanieand Mahlon Tate SueTaylor Lillian Teddlie DennisV Thacker NancieWingo and Jean Thurmond Carol and Tom Tierney,Jr. Mr. Ben O. Timberlake,Jr. Takako Tokuda David Turpin Maicolm and Katie Usrey RozanneVeeser Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vroman Gordon and Marybelle Walker Mrs. Morton G. Ware Linda S. Westerburg Wanda White ShirleyWilcox Reid and Ann Williams Libby and Doyle Willis, Jr. CaroleL. Wilmoth Dr. and Mrs. ThomasW Wilson BettyA. Youngman Vivian and SidneyZimelman *Deceased



A ND C ORPORA TIONS FOUNDATIONS Leadership Sid W Richardson Foundation Golden Guarantor Arts Council of Fort Worth Al'l-arrant


City of Fort Worth ExxonMobil Mary Virginia Foncannon Tiust

BenefactorPatron Adeline & GeorgeMcQueen Foundation Citigroup ( r eqcPnt

Re 2l F s l 2l e

l - ai l l tl es

EhzabethL. and RusseilE HallbergFoundation Fideii r r r Jnr r es r m ents


Fifth AvenueFoundatiotr GarveyTexasFoundation,Inc Hobbs CharitableTiust, \\oll.




Marciaand Bobby French Mary PotishmanLard Trust RrldiaBeeO'BryanCiiburn Silver Guarantor Foundation Alcon S & B TechnicalProductslnc AmericanAirlines Amon G. CarterFoundation T. J. Brown & C. A. Lupton Foundatlon,lnc. BeaumontFoundationof The Junior Leagueof Fort America Worth, Inc. CrystelleWaggonerCharitable The RyanFoundation Trust, U.S. Tiust & Bank Walsh Foundation of AmericaFoundation RadioShackCorporation Sponsor Patron Star-Telegram 1995 Branchlrrevocable (tainrxzcrr At (nnc Tiust T. BoonePickensFoundation Ann and Gordon Getty The Burnett Foundation Foundation The MeadowsFoundation ARTSNET The PangburnFoundation, Bank of Texas JPMorganChaseBank, Buxton N.A., Tiustee XTO EnergyInc.

CanrP\l,trHanoer ,=-,'b....--' a rir/

Guarantor Alann P and CharlesF BedfordFund of the Com m u n i l yF o u n d ai to n of North Texas BNSFRailwayCompany CompassBank FrancesC. and Wiiham P SmallwoodFoundation J.PMorgan J rrth e r


Canir ql i Jt^ r - - - '

- ! ^ '- j ! j l - - - - b

Management Qurumbli Foundation TexasChristian University TexasCommissionon the Arts W illiam E . Sc o ttF o u n d aito n






Colonial Country Club CharitiesFund of the Community Foundation of North Texas FLUOR Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Fort Worth DallasBallet Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum Frost Harris MethodistFort Worth Hospital Harmp<



Hillwood Development Corporation

& VisitorsBureau JacksonWalker,LLP Justln Boot Company JonesA ud iology5r Hear ing K i mbel lA rt foundati or Aid Center,Inc. KleinheinzCapitalPartners Juli Dewar Designs Lucien Wright Insurance LockheedMartln Lowe Foundation Services Mae StempleCharitableTrust McKinsey& Company National Endowment Performing Arts Fort Worth T^'_' he Ganr P ri t e rc n n for the Arts -.^'/ Bank Foundation OmniAmerican PhoneTeiPatentServices, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Partner Ra;rmondE. Buck Foundation C ombi ne dFeder alCam paign W hi rney CraddockMovlng & Storage R ow anFoundati on. H . Moreand B rentH yder EleanorDuffy,Inc. Harris Franklin Pearson Skly Sprrits PrivateFoundation SonyBMG Commerciai Lawrence's Music Group f lap. LoneS tarBanner and s SouthwestBank Speedway Childrens Chanties Medtronic Foundation Mrller Brewing Company SteinwayHail-Fort Worth SundanceSquare Friend rc^a) La PrLar uarl^ Anon)'mous The Fnll Foundation Ben E. Keith Foods unl 0n ractncFouncal ton Designsby Alyson Wachovia Domain XCIY Inc. Web Maddox Tiust GeorgetownSymphony Society Contributing Patron Hartford PianoSociety Acme Brick Company Irving Music Teachers Bell Helicopter 4 TeYtrAn l'-nmnanrr Association Irving Bowden Antiques Woman's Club Carter Kay'sHalimark Shop GideonToal Kelly,Hart & Hallman L.L.P Kites Draperies LouiseW Kahn Endowment PS. The Letter Fund of The Dallas Roy Pope Grocery Sanford,Baumeister Foundation J rrcLprr'c/Rrrnnt & Frazier,PLLC Moll,rreaux Charitable Shulas347 Grlll Foundation The Staffof PHPR OnceUpon a Time... RentA Frog Valet,LLC Associate Fort Worth Independent S. King Collection TXU SchoolDistrict Kite'sCleaners Patron SpectrumGroup ofThe W omans Club of For r Clos du BoisWines uuLa-uura uuLLrurS uu. Worth of North Texas StonegateNursrng Center,LfD Fort Worth Convention The SchusterFamily and

F OUNDAT ION CONT RIBUTOR S VANCL IBURN CONTINUED Marvin Electronics Company The Board of Directors of the Van Cliburn Foundation acknowledgeswith deep gatitude the matching gifts made by the following corporations and foundations. AT&T Foundation Bank of America Matching Gilts Program ChevronTexacoMatching Gift Program D el l D i re c tCiv ingCam pa i g n ExxonMobil Matching Gift Programs IBM Matching Gifis Program Johnson6rJohnsonFamily of Companies,Matching Gifts Program PNC Foundation RadioShackMatching Grft Program SBCFoundation Matching Gifts Program (n r i n r

F n r r n d q ti o n

"v ' - - - !j

Textron Matching Gift Program T h e R o sewood F oundat io n UBSFinancialSer-r,rces Inc. VerizonFoundation


2006 G A L A- C O C O N UGTR OVE


Man in thc Moon (-rysLe11e \\hcsone r Ch.rrrtrble .lllstec TrusL.Brrnliof Arncricrr,

Fuill Moon \lt. .,rt.l\1t.. :1.[ R. 0.... Annc ancl ]olrn N'lalion 'l-he Pn-rgbnrn Founclation. Banl<Onc. Tlustec

BlueMoon IIN SF Raillvrrr,(-ompan; (-LrrbettFirnrilr I-ucv Dar-clcn- Gail ItrruI (-aini ancl Jolrn ColVClcsccnt Ilcal Estate l:c1r-rities \lr-. ancl \h's .JohnKlt-tnlrcin: Ii.icharcl\\i rrncLNlar-slrtucl NloncfieI

S u c a n c lJ o h n Al l e n C h r r l l i , Sr . Ilar-baraancl lhlph (-ox l(inr ancl ('lcnn Darclcn Iti llh Avt-r-rtrc I ;oLlncliltior rCantcy'f.r l{angcr, l-.1-.P K . r i . r n t l F Lt r I , 't'tr ,r r l t \ i c l i n c 1 ar n c l J cl n ' Jo h n sto l r I : c l c h cN 1 .L e s o l i N l r t g , , r r r t l\l l . \l .t 'r ,r r Lr-rthe r Kinu Capital Nlrrnirscnrent l-LrtherKir.rc(.irpital\lenegcurentII \4r'.ancl i\'{r's.Joe R. \"frrltin, Jr. l\'1ar-t.Pot i sh nrrur Larcl Tr-rrsL Li ncla'lbclclN1Lrrph,rl\[r. ai-iclNlrs Tor.nH. I'lrll'\'lr. ancl N4rs Pctcr.Stcrling (]Lrrr-rmbIiI ;LrurrclaLiolr llircliLrSl-ncli( -or-Porzrtiot r Ilosrrlvn(l lkrscntlul (.hlrrles Srnrnror-is ( . a r l a a n d K c l l v Th o n r p so n \ l - L ) L n c r g r l n c.

Clrrrlit 1-lrrnrlcr.s rrrrrlA.'Iail' RallrhLrrrle

\irrr (.1 r/rrr r.r rAlc , r rrrr . 5c r r r r ps or r lrrr,l Ric hai11Rr r r l ; i r r s l l i



BettyTaylor,lcinieBeggs,Carla Thompsttn,GeorgeBeggs,Kelly Thompson,andJecrnKemp

Moonlighter - A Developmentof Hillwood AllianceTexas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Avondel Mr. and Mrs. Edward P Bass Mr. and Mrs. JamesBlake CompassBank Dr. Ron and JuanaRosaDaniell Mitzi and Brll Davis/FortWorth and WesternRailroad Gideon Toal Carol1nand RandallHudson Mrs. Andrew J. Kemp - Mrs. Paul Mason Mollie and GarlandLasaler Mr. and Mrs. DarridM Porter PricewaterhouseCoopers Jeanand John Roach Missy and RandyRodgers Alann BedfordSampson Star-Telegram Sundance Square TexasBalletTheater TexasCaprtalBank TexasChristlanUniversity TXU ElectricDelivery Chris and Wym Van Wyk Kelly and Chip Wagner Wells Fargo Donna and BryanWhitworth

Martha Willidms,ChtpWagner,and LesaOudt



Hnf T HA NKY O UT O O UR -P -i rn- i n-o a> MA J O RUNDE RWRI T E RS Alcon

Ringof Fire CrystelleWaggoner Charltable Tr-r-ist, Bank of America, Trustee H l nr tno " ,- ,1..'5 Anne

r n,l'-

H PnPt,l r fnr r Jr -nhn

l \,4r r i nn

The frngbi rrn Fuundrti trn. JPMorganChaseBank,N.A., TrusLee

SizzlingSponsors BNSF Rallway Con-rpan;'


M . r r ,i r r n , l R n h h r l l e n l l - 1 William lt,l Fuller Foundation Sheila and Jody Crant - fexas Capital Bank Melinda and .JerryJohnston Eddie Lesok - Marge ancl Nate McGreu,

CorbetLCompanies Lucy Darden - Gail W Ralvl

PriscillaandJoe \.'lartin

Mr and Mrs. John C. Golf - Crescent

LV i ar) I'ul rsnmi l n LJ rd l rtt5t

Real Estate Equities

R i nda R egent Mec l ary V' :ro i n"''i r (t rr ,.t (rn i t l L "6"


BIIIand GeorgeAnnBahan,.loaniean(l TobyDarden

Mr. and Mrs. Edr,vardP Bass Mr. and Mrs.JamesBlake Sueand John Allen Cl-Lalk, Sr Barbaraand Ra1pl-L Cox Kim anclGlenn Darden .JoanieanclToby Darclen Carol and Jrm Dun:r\\,ay

J r r r h,'r - Ki....b no C r n rr,, rl ^,tJsclltcnt _..1 . . . . \ ,.'.['rr

Mr. ancl Mrs. John Kleinheinz Marsiand and Dick Moncrief Rin,1,tdil,lJr'IfVl nrrvtrrth

P r tfr n n <

Mr. and Mrs Tonr H. Pufl \l r. rnrl Mrs. l ct cr . r cr linS


Marilyn dndNIikcBur,Qurumbli ForLnclation Alann BeclfordSan'rpson CharlesSimmons N4r.ancl1\'{rs.Ke1lyR. Thorrrpson N,{r.anclN{rs.Frank \\i Winker XTO EnergyInc

Combustible Champiotts Acme Brick Companl' AIlianceTeras- A Development of Hilllvooci A tn. ' r L,. Crrrtct lou n\l.rli , ) ll N4rs.Sam H. Berry Compass Bank Ron and Juana llosa Daniell te,vHanger, LLP Fiftl-r Aven ue Fo r-rndatiorVC:rn Harns \.{ethoclist Fort \\brth Ilospital Jackson \\hlker, LLP Kel1y Hart ancl Halln-ran. LLP N{rs. Anclrelv,.[.Kcn-rp - l\4rs. Prrul Mason

Anna.ltan and Rit.hdrclWcrlsl'r

Linda Tocld N{urph1' C)mnlAmerican Banl<

Rosal,vnG. Rosenthal

Mr. :rnd Mrs. Davrd M. Porter

Sundance Sqr,rare

Pricewalerhor-rseCoopers,LLP N,larthaand Frost Prioleau Sarah and Baker (,entr1

Ieras BalletTheater \Vells Fargc'r

.Jeanancl John Roach

Donna ancl Br1'an Whrtr,vorth

Teras Christian Unir,ersity



Each year, the Van Cliburn Foundalion hosts a special event to recognize members of the Keyboard Circle. These patrons support the Cliburn with an annual gili of $ f ,500 or trlore, and are invitecl to a prlvare recrtal with a Cliburn winner, in addrtion ro receiving complimentary valet parking and Green Room privileges for Cliburn at the Bass performances.

TedHarp and ChristelLaughlin,JoyceYang,Jolm pdttl and Tia Wood

Harry Bartel,Ed and Ann Hudson,Scottie Bartel,and Kathy Sneed


SusanPratt, Nina Maria cLndGary Cole


The Cliburn International Circle is the beclrockof support lor the Foundatton.Membersinclude individuals' corporations, or more over a four-yearperiod rn support of annual operations,competitions,or the and foundationsthat commit $2O,OO0 Van Cliburn endowment.Clrcle membersreceivespecialbenefitsand recognitron,and are invited to an annr'laldinner with

Van Cliburn andRuth Carter Stevenson

T;i,ii',,,o'r,,.ii i,,i J

FulLerFrench, Bo Frencl't, qnd VanCltburn,TommySmit:h, MarciaFrench

VanCliburn and Ann Hudson

VanCliburn and RozRosenthal



Voluntarismis a treasuredtradltion at the Cliburn, beginning with the First Competitionin 1962. The Junior Leagueof Fort Worth becamea sponsor for the SecondCompetition, and has provided volunteersand funds for each successive competition.Thousandsfrom the communityhavegivcnthcir' s ro u g h ()u th t im e. s k ills .a n d re s o u rc eth t e years.rncl udi ng serviceon the Cliburn board of directors.

Worthington Hospitality Suite, loglstics coordination, and management of oflicial guests are staffed by Junior League active members. All together, there are fifty-two committces and more than twelve hundred volunteers participating in this compctition-tlrany'of

whom have served for several previcrus

competitions and return every lbur years to lend thcir expertise a n d b c i n v t r h - e dw i t h t h e e x c i t e m e n t .

For the Thirteenth Competition, the Junior Leagueis giving This is a partnership that has stood the test of time. The underwriting lor the Gift Shopand volunteersfor the numerous Cliburn salutes with our dcep apprecration the Junior League shifts;additionally,the areasof airport transportation,in-town of Fort Worth for its loyal and vivacic.russupopri. transportation,welcomepackets,fiont and back of house,

thecompetitors to FortWorLh SuzyWilliantswelcon'tes


Ann Hudsonentertains a Cllburnfan and iury member




SamCantey,NancyLeeBass,and Martlu Hyder

Drews,SheaPatterson,Laun Lawrence, Ann Coburn,TenDomingueT,Lynsey l-r bottom:ElizabethBartolomei,Kara Morey,Stephanie Blatr,Holly Edwards,Stephanie Sheppard,CheryIStewart,Laura Thomas,Anna Harns, ShannonLowe,Knsty Odom,Amy Bender, DeirdreGoodmanNOT PICTURED:DanielleMoorman.GarrettAmis.ValeneGarrett



The BigSi-t (-r): KathrynLaughlin,TtnaGorshi,JudeRyan,ScottieBartel,ShannonRay,ManettaWatson


A competitorparty ishostedby Martha Hyder, Tracy and Brent Hyder, and Whitney and Doug More



Michelle Purvis RebeccaSheppard Alyxls Stlnson Rozl Stone Anne Tall ClaudiaTaylor ShelieyVaubois DebbleVernon LeannWhite COMPETITOR HOUSING

Chairmcm Kathryn Laughlin Vice Chairman Anna MelissaPhilpott

Calligraphy PeggyBowie ElizabethMasters EileenThurman Closing Dinner Committee Gail and Bill Landreth* Martha and J.R.Williams* Lelgh Ann and Bill Connally Ann and Mack House Lauri Lawrence DanielleMoorman Shannon and Breck Ray Kelleyand Bill Royer Jerreand David Tiacy Opening Dinner and Draw Party |

Assistant Managers GaretteAmls" DeirdreGoodman* ShannonLowe* Stephanre Sheppard" LauraThomas'' Iar lrlll)

Chairman Marietta Watson

v r Kc t t

Volunteers Charity Aughinbaugh KaydeeBailey Jo Ann Balthrop BrendaBrunette Linda Cameron Deann Cline Kim Darden ValerieDoty SusyDuggins Kim Dyess Judy Eagle Liz Garza KrissyHull Julie Kleberg FrancesLawrence Nrki Long KelseyMalanga MeghanaMathew CeceMiles CaraMoczulski Kara Morey LeslieMoritz SarahPetty Martha Pool

Vice Chainnan Maureda Tiayis Fran Blanton BarbaraClarkin MaryJeanneDyess AdelaideLeavens


Chairmqn Tina Gorshi Yice Chainnan GaylordLummis

A competitorparty is hostedbyJulie and Scott Kleberg

4 tt4

| n n m h cn n

Mary RalphLowe* LesaOudt'* SusanneAvondet KaydeeBailey Amy Bender Kimberly Darden Beth Gideon Cami Goff CarolynHudson Kathryn Laughlin DeniseMullins Anna MelissaPhilpott Dana Porter ShannonRay NenettaTatum Martha Wrlliams lnvitations Allison Beadles* KaraBel1 Enn Daily Ann Futch ShannonHaddaway Ashley Hawkins ShellyJuliao Krista Manning NatalieMartin P,l-.tha


ChristenO'Neal Dana Quisenberry Herh


Christina Smith

MelissaTapp (


l h n m n cn h

Juror Host Families Dr. and MrsJohn Armstrong rr^-l rvrr,4rLu





Mrs. Oirvia Bernabei Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F Cox Mrs. Laila M. Gleason The Right Reverendand Mrs. SamB Hulsey Mr. and Mrs.lewrs KomfeldJr. Dr. and Mrs. StuartMcDonald Dr.and Mrs.NealieE.Ross.Jr. T-)r





furner III S rrzvS mi rhW i l l i am s Mrs "- '' ""'l Jury Green Room Leigh Ann Connally* Kay Howell* Mary Kathryn Anderson Anne Davidovich Incenhine


Kathe Goodwin Anne Green ElaineRubin Griver JanieHarper LauraHarrison Marcia Kurtz LauraLadner Kristi Newton Adana Peloubet Gina Ravnaas Jury Home Dinners GaylordLummis Jury Hotel Dinners Nancy Bryant JoanneIles Host Families Mr. and Mrs. John F Beadles Mr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Blanton Mr. and Mrs. William Bra)rynen Mr. and Mrs.Jerry Brooks ur. anO l vl rs. Jal me Lasl ro

Mr. and Mrs.DavidCorley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Daily Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Daniell


THIRTEENTH COMPETITION VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES CO NT I NU E D Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franklin Darden Mr. and Mrs. Arlie T. DavenportJr. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson Mr. and Mrs.JosephK. Dulle Mr. and Mrs. Rob Felton M r . and M rs .Wi l l i a mG ra y Dr. and Ms. GeorgeDavid Hendricks,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. ChristopherHull Mrs. KennethT. Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. ThomasLeavens Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matheus Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moczulski Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Murray Mr. Andrew Power Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rye Mr. and Mrs. David Seidler Mr. RobertJ.Sell Mr. and Mrs. Woody Srimavin Mr. and Mrs. MarkJ. Stupfel Mr. JonathanSuder Mr. and Mrs. JamesC. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. GarrettR. Tuckerlli Mr. and Mrs. GregWilson Social Hosts (Young Professionals) Amanda Barrett Sallyand ChaseBlackmon Andrew Blakeand LaurenPointer Celiaand ReaganBrowning Angie and Nick Bulaich Janannand Kemper Cowden SusannaGorski Taylorand RalelghGreen Alec Jhangiani H r rn tP r Jn h n snn

Laceyand Chris Kruger JohnathanLively Kelly Imlg RaeLorimer Anne Lummis and Doug Wright AshleyMartin MeghanaMathew Laura Mayberry

2L O

Colin McConnell Whitney and SpencerPerry Mary Rehfeldt John Storm BobbyTanev Amar Tanna LauraLeigh Whitnell Ryan Wiggins

Sponsor Support Coordinator KathleenSneed TaraWilson

Platinum,/GoldenCircle Kristin Henderson* DanaPorter*

Thirteenth Competition Hosts and Hostesses Anne Marie and Doug Bratton Mercedesand Sid Bass Mitzi and Bill Davis Laila Gleason Martha Hyder Tiacy and Brent Hyder Marciaand Bobby French Kimbell Art Museum

MissyAnthony KaydeeBailey vrr


uar r rar u

StaceyBass SusanBrown Kay Carpenter 1 qnvt'e


Jan Clinkscale Kristen Coffee RoseAnne Cranz Ktmnptt\/

| larnon

Ruth Anne Douglass Vickie Dunkelberg ElizabethFleischer l\41tL)/


AndreeGriffin Caroli.'nHudson Teri Kramer Gary Leatherwood MelissaMclaughlin M.L. Menelee Alann Nolan MarleneParker DebbiePearce Jenny Price \.tr artr C arr or (to.L'o.t

ReneeWalsh RSVP Committee Mary Lynn Garrett

Sponsor Packet Coordinator Lori Hessing

J.PMorgan Julie and Scou Kleberg Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth Marslandand Richard Moncrief Whitney and Doug More Lesaand John Oudt RadioShack Donna and BryanWhitworth

BackstageMother LouiseCanafax* Kathie Cummins Competition Welcome Suite VeraRowell* ElaineSmail* Gail Granek PatriciaHelme Gerry Houk SandiKennedy JaneLovedahl Mattie Mattern Cy Rowell JamesSmith SusanSmith Parking/Security Ann Biggs Bill Biggs Plants, Flowers & Signs Jenny Michero Visitor Information C hon,l

Al .- "-' 1 . . x

" ....,/. Pat Steffen* Nicole Alexander Colin Alexander Nadine Barker FACILITY ARRANGEMENTS ThomasBarker Connie Bohn Amy Brown SueChalk Chloe Clifton MelissaClifton Bill Colegrove

Zoo Party SusanneAvondet KaydeeBailey

r^,,.o c

^l -..^,,-

JerryCollins LoisCoilins

ScreeningJury Entertainment Donna Whitworth Special Assistants Gail Granek FrancesSampson

Back and Front of House Kimberly Bri.tton* Kristy Odom

Sher nn

( - nnq e r

LeslieDell Chairman ScottieBartel Yice Chairman PeggltBooher

Judith Escher MarileeEvans JanieHart John Hart

THIRTEENTH COMPETITION VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES C ON TINUED LaurenHarwell Lnanesflolland Judy Holland RachelJarvis LisaJohnson PeggyJones Alice Knudson DeborahNorris Lynn O'Day Nat O'Day SheilaPatrick Audrey Remley Mary Alice Selcer Mary Smith Sue Stevens KathieenStewart GraceTaylor Nancy Vanderhelt Alice Walker Bob Wiison MarkoletaWilson BarbaraWorthley William Worthley LesiieZimpelman Michael Zimpelman Worthington Hospitality Teri Dominguez* StephanieDrews* ValerieGarrettx Joe Alberti Gail Anderson BlakeBarclay Scott Barclay Bob Berta SherryBester Kim Blouin TabithaBoring GregoryBurner Julie Bumer Fran Burns Bart Christenson Adrienne Cornelsen John Cornelsen Kathryn Davis Marian DeMott SusanDoyle Eric Evans ShelleyFerguson Jan Finch Cheryi Hart Mike Hart

VieshaKaminska Eva Kavanagh MaggieKnapp Marion Knight Dianne Kramer GayleKrengel John Landers Burk Lowe Larry Lutz Nan Marson Eua Miller Darrell Noe StellaNorman PeggyReidy DeniseSchrader BrendaSims Kathy Spicer Robin Sanders Jan Taborsky Ron Tatsumi Kathnn Thilman JanineThomas Joy Thomas Linda Traugott ShirelTyson

Information Book Andi Cowan In-Town Transportation Marian Frymire* Anna Harris Jury Shepherd DeniseCollins* KatherineJohnston Liaison to Volunteer Coordinator ElizabethBartolomei Lauri Lawrence DanielleMoorman

Competition Donations Ramonaand LeeBass BenE. Keith Bistro Louise Blue Mesa CafeAspen CCs Touchof Nature CentralMarket Chicorsky's Clos du BoisWines PRODUCTION/LOGISTICS Coca-ColaBouling Co. of North Texas Corner Bakery Diane Clough West Studio Dr. and Mrs. Mike Cosgrove CraddockMoving & Storage Graphics2 CrescentRealEstate Will A.Courtney DenitechFort Worth, Inc. Elliotr Garsek Fernandez Ca[€ Chairman The Fort Worth Club ShannonRay Fort Worth Zoo Four Day Weekend Vice Chqirman Harper'sBlue BonnetBakery AnnHouse Harris MethodistFort Worth Hospital Competition Music Higginbotham& Associares June and Arnold Leondar Glazer\ Echo Maurer Wilson Jason'sDeli Justin Boot Company Daily Programs Kay'sHallmark Shop ClaudiaForeman Kite'sDraperies ColleenKleuser

Linbeck Lone Star Banners& Flags DougiasD. Lorimer MD LUSKEY'S/Ryons Alan Luskey Mike Luskey The Lunch Box Marvin Electronics McKinleys Jenny Miller Neiman Marcus P S. The Leuer 5rernwayHall-FortWorth SundanceSquare Mr. and Mrs. RiceM. Tilley Jr. EileenThurman UniversityBaptistChurch UniversityChristianChurch VendingNut Co. valenewebber Williamson-Dickie Martha andJ. R. Williams Williams Trew RealEstate Services BarbaraWyatt VendingNut Co. YogisBageiCaf€ Medical Emergency MichaelCosgrove,DDS DouglasLorimer,MD Name Tags JaniceKnowles Official Guests LynseyBlair Ann Coburn Page Turners Carol Boyle Faith Boyle Marina Motet Danny Zellbor Transportation /Airport MicheleHahnfeld* SheaPatterson* Cheryl Srewarr* StacyBridger Terry Bridger JanisBrous



Billie Cooke David Cooke Jane Cote Mike Dickens

T )i ar r ir h

Feror r qnn

KarenFox Clarke Grllespie RosemaryGillespie Karen Goldthwaite lr m


hr r / 4 r t o

- ^ldf

C omo fl ement:rv


ColleenKleuser Larry Lydick

Beth Collins Kevin Connelly Peggy Cooke Juana Rosa Daniell Paula Fultz



Yice Chairmqn Dana Porter


Gloria Kies Claire Lukeman Malcolm McDonald Stuart McDonald David Mellina Tisha Moore Esther Mulqueen

Kirkpatrick Middle School

Thomas Pace

Leonard 6th Grade


Adopt-A-Competitor JenniferCorbett

J- i l rr R C l arrtnn Fl -- emenr / - r"'r" - 'arY

Whitney Neal Kathy Nicol Alann Nolan Bill Nolan Lyonio Nufles DebbiePearce Micheile Perry Martha Price Ties Riley

ShlrleyReid Bill Ritter Evan Ritter CourtenayTaylor E'Lyn Taylor Emily Youree

Hubbard Heights ElementarySchool SamRosenElementarySchool SpnngdaleElementarySchool

\/ltornra krlP\/ '''tr''''-'.'''-/

vvd) 1r r 115LU r 1r r c r 5r r L)

Trimble TechnicalHigh School West Handley Elementary School WesternHi1lsHigh School WoodwayElementary School

SpeakersBureau Terry Ryanx Jude Ryan

Poster Distribution ElaineRubin Griver JoyceGerrick Marilyn Rubin

Welcome Bags/Packet Coordinators Amy Bender Kara Morey



Carol McCluer Cynthia McElrath MaggieMoore \/^-il-,rvrArrrlrr


CeciliaRollins Van Rollins Jo Ann Royer Gary Stone RozrStone h n rn tnn *'../' T_'_", ''_"__ LlsaWaidron SusanWest MarthaWilliams JRWilliams



School Mclean Middle School North SideHigh School Participating FWISD O.D. Wyatt High School Schools Burton Hill ElementarySchool R.L.PaschalHigh School South Hi Mount Elementary Ali,' c aer lcnn Annl i er 'l ' 'H r ,'- * School REEL Rosen J er r nin o f enter S outh H i l l s H i gh S choo Carolyn Lee EastHandleyElementary S chool T.A .S i mcFl ementarv School

Flem cntenr

Sr hnnl

WestcliffElementarySchool WestparkElementarySchool VersiaWilllams Elementary School

K rve

Banner Installation

T crrren

Downtown Businesses Tiacy Gilmour

Food Coordinator Kim Baldi FWISD Banners RebeccaLawton

Piano Marathon MauredaTiavis PressRoom Cheryl McDonald* MargaretMcDonald* TeresaNewton* Lise Bessant JanetBishop \i l e r o i a

Scrapbook/Clipping BettyJeanWillbanks


Nancy Carter

\,,[eoqn Henr]crson '_ 'b *, '

2t 2

S chool

Internalional Newcomer

Jor r er r " _' _



Diamond Hrll Jan'is High Schooi Hubbard Heights

Chairman Jude Ryan

Linda Hopkins KarenHunn A n o i n e tte_' _ ' _' _b__' _

David Connelly


School BonnieBraeElementary Nancy Garnett School Jack Harklerode C arl erR i versi de H i ph cchool Priscilla Harrier

F e ro rrcnn



Applied Learning Academy r lDi n Hciohr<H i "o h _A _ ''''_ .* '_o '_r .-o _ bn _ _ '" * "b

Ginger Dickson Anne

Brenda Cline

Learning Center

Bill Dickson \,,[e ri ]rm

Participating FWISD Schools

C a r r ta o n

Welcome Bags/Donors Barnes& Noble Caf6 Circle Theatre City Streets DaddyJacksSeafood Earth Bones Fort Worth Convention and VisitorsBureau JambaJuice Leddy'sRanch Milan Gallery

THIRTEENTH COMPETITION VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES C ON TINUED Mercury Chop House Jeanand PalmerBowers PappagalloClassiques Kathy Bowman Mexican Grill Barbara Brickley Qdoba Quiznos Subs Judy and David Brown Retro Cowboy ThomasFinley Brown Pat anr l lnhn R,r nLla.t RisckysBBQ SchakoladChocolateFactory PatriciaBuckmeyer SUNDANCE SQUARE SueBurdette ThomasKinkadeGallery Joan Burgett Vessels Kay Byron JeanCallann VO L U N T E E R SNoel Campos OTHE R Tlunlzsro all Bass JeanE Candler Perforntance Hall Ushers JenniferCannon Kay Caperton .for Lheircttntributiont-tt Caroll-nCarr theThirteenthVanClibw n Cynthia Carson InternaLictnaL Picrno SueandJosephChe CompeLition. Pam Chenault BAS SH AL LU S H E R S ChaucerChern BettyandJay Chick Myrtle and Walter Adanrs MelindaAlexander T P n e l l c An dcrc,rn

Marilyn Anderson KarenArio ScottArnold Suzy and BruceAtkinson LeonaBaer Tim Baldwin Tim Baike Donna Barkholtz Kammi Barnard Ann and Dudley Barnes RobertBartsch PamelaBass FreddieBates Pat Bathory PatriciaBeasley RevaJeanand RobertBeck Debbie Beli Harriett Bertelsen Trrt t a R e r t e l s e n

ElaineBettinger Ann Birka Marjorie Black Victoria Blanton Berry Bock Linda Bogle Hennr


JoAnn Bollman Judy Bollman Karenand Tom Bonlour

ReeLr r ahr icr ancen

BarbaraChristenson SandraandJoeBob Clendenin Karen Conkright Ellie Cooper JaneCooper Vlrginla Copher CatherineCorpus Stephanieand SteveCowden JosephineCox MargaretCreamer DebbieCrowder Gerry Curtis

JoyceEckstein Uta and Larry Engelhart CarolynErnst Paul Ernst BonnieEvans IreneEverett Elizabethand David Fahmer Tina Farquhar Ellen Farrar SarahFauikner SandraFitch KristinaFlinn Enid Flores Pat and RandyFord Reverlrr


Kc t r i ne

ClaudiaForeman JudyeFouts Kathi Fowler Kay Fox GenevieveFrelx GraceFrick Ppoor r r nd

R nh


'r n

Ruth D'Ascenzo Cynthia Davis Marcy Davis PamelaDay Anne Daye

SheilaGalis Wanda Gann MarcellaGarcia ThomasGarcia Dee Gates PatriciaGazewood June George HelgaGerlinger AngelaGilmore Susanand Jim Gilmore Mary and Larry Goodman ElizabethGordon CharnaandJohn Gray Amber and StephenGreen Doris and William Habenicht AndreaHarbaugh Cheryl Harbison Judy Harrah


IJ or nthr r

I/--i1,,f,,-+;rvr4r rr) rr uul tl>

l\rlaria T-)oCr rir

Bob Dellamura Carol Deramus JanieDeterly LaquitaDixon Leettaand Fred Doelling MarciaDoherty StephanieDonath LouiseDungan John Eastman Donald Ebert JaniceEbert

H ar r i c

SarahHarris Linda Harville Iva Heath Shirlcv """'-/

JamesHinsey,Jr. Vicki Hlavacek Nancyand DerbonHodges ChristianHodson Margo Hogan Jan Holcomb Martha Hollis Anna Holzer Mary Hommer Anita Hope CarolynHoward Mary Ann Hudak Caroleand David Huebner LennaHughes


ElaineHerring Dorothy Hess JoyceHibler Nelda Hickman BrendaHille LaJeanHindman Pageand Bart Hines

[n ur e m ^ "b * "'

Lori Irvin Evaand Neil Isbell SusieIsbell PeggyJacobi SherryJames BarbaraJani Arnold Jansen TomJansen VAl tl ( '1 A

l ^ tl Pr cr r n

RonJencopale RonJennett JoAnnJeske RosemaryJobe Mary Lou Jobes HappyJohns D.A.Johnson JaredJohnson DeniseJones JanisJones VelmaJones DaleJoneson VieshaKaminska Eva Kavanagh Anne Marie Kearney GeorgiaKeck BarbaraKelly Donna Kendrick N ol anand Gl endaK enne dy JoanneKilborn Michael Kimbro Larry Kincade Diane Kinzlmaier Patriciaand Frank Kluge n m m \/a

\1 1 p

K h r Tf,h

Joseand Gary Koettel Joan and William Kolp Dianne Kramer




Kr rrrl-en

r] oll

Connie LaCIair Susan Lauer Eddie Lawrence Cathy Lawshe Jim Leahy Angie Lee F\/At\m Tennifcr


Kr il

I oa

T chmen

M a r i h m____ n I- - _eDiq h - ------l _HDl6h

I r dht h^ d \ t

S rrn n rz J i n d qer r

Linda Link Taranaand CharlesLizotte Carolyn and Peie Lombard Wanda Lowrey Pat Lukert Lea Lyles Jeanand Donald Lyons Mary and Michael Mackey EmeliaMandeville Pam and Carl Manning Ann Marks Nelda Martin Valri Martin EmogeneMashburn Laura Matson Willie Mayfield Pat McBee Joann McBride VictoriaandJohn McCain Rettrr


PaulaMcClintic I erhq C-rcec \rleCnrr

Gerlln McDonald Mike McGehee Dottie McKenzie Judy McMahon Fran Meines Lezlieand JamesMichael Mary Ann Michael Carol and Paul Micklas Etta Miller PatriciaMiller Lila Millican Anna Ruth Mitchell Dorothy and AI Mladenka Jeanieand Tom Monahan Martin Montes Mei-JingMoore


StephanieMoore Donna Moran MelissaMorgan MichelleMorvan Rollin Munger BeverlyMurray Irene Myers Irene Nash Kay Naughton SinaeNewman Eddie Kay Nichols Edith and Tom Nichols MichaelNigrelli Mimi Nimocks Bill Nlx Tina andJay Norelius Barbaraand Bill Norman StellaNorman Bessieand Jim Norton BeverlyOakes Gayle and Vern Ogden Jaye Omberg CelestePalmer Janiceand RichardParcells BettePark Donna Park Betty and FosterParsell Diane and RogerParsons Jo Patton Donna and John Pawlowski Glenda Perry John Pettit Michelle Pierce MelissaPlaster Bobby Ponder Fran Popek Walne Pravitz Beuy Pray KarenPri1l Joycelynand RollandQuick MargaretQuigley Judy Rawlins BarbaraReed Anita and Dale Reisdorfer Rcr r cr lr z Rpr mnl dc - " '" - - l

Beth Rhodes SheilaRichards Arla Richter Marilee Rigg Mary Ann Rike Barbaraand Gerald Riney

Judy Roark Wilhe Roberson Kr thnm

--*.','/'-R nher tc nn BettyRogers C er her i nc

R noc r <

Mimi Rogers Levi Rogers,Jr. BarbaraRubin Pauy Rudder Laura Rugg VermaRussell Oleta Rust Andrew and Marcella Sadowski Mike Saliba Mona Scarborough Iqne

c nA C her l c <

Schneeberger Nlqnmr


Kit Sears Carol and Michael Seay (eirlencninner




Billie Sellers ShirleyShady SharonShannon ( r r z r r ( her r nF c l d T rm

( l a i 1 - 1 ffi h

Linda Short Winnie Shu CeceliaSieling Glendaand Bob Signs EileenSimmerman (immnnc


Helen Slater Norma Slocum William Slocum Adair Smith Andr ea

Snodor ac c

AliceAnnaSobel RalphSobel Patti

( tenl etnn

J nr z ec Stenhenq

Jamie Sulllvan Soniaand Jim Sullivan Luz Summers Suzanneand John Sweek Jan Taborsky Ron Tatsuml Jane Taylor Yih-mei Teng

rvr41)r' nrrlr

r rrurrlP)urr

SusanThrower SherriToon l \m d , l ^ r ..a

lr4rron .h d


I lar7a


ThomasTioupe Mary Ulrickson Joan Van Dyke Wanda and KensonVarLce DeloriseVarble Cindy Vaughan PatriciaVoss Mark Vozar Jan Waddell MonrettaWalker PatriciaWa11 JoyceWallace Lynn Walters Terry Wang Wensy Wang Norma Warner BettieLu Washburn CharleneWatson Jeanand PaulWei Ceci Weislo DebbieWelch Shirley Welch Joan Wellhouser Fulton Welsh Bruceand Carol Wetmore Sylvia Whitfill CharleneWhitfili-Franko PeggyWidaman Glenn Wiehardt Janice Wigen Marilln Wilkinson Judith Williams Pam Williamson Madonna Willkie Linda Wilson SusanWinn (tanhenia


Brock Witherspoon Linda Witt Karenand Warren Woolley Marian Works Barbaraand William Worthley KarenYapelli Judith Yarbro F l ai ne - - - ..^"

Yi noli n o " " b" ' ^ b


T H I R T EENT H PET IT ION COM VOL UNT EER COM M IT TE E S CONTINUED RobertZak DazhengZhu Sukie and Dale Zimmerman

Puddin furner Donna Whitworth Fort Worth Screening Ushers

FORT WORTH JeanBowers SPECIAL SCREENINGPalmerBowers Lowell Bryan VOLUNTEERS Special thanks: JeremyByrd Wrll Courtney Officer Ervey Garcia Flo Hill CharleneSmith David Winter Hosts and Hostesses Dr. and Mrs. VrctorJ. Boschlni,Jr. Nancy and Tim Carter Paul Chaston Barbaraand Ralph Cox PaigeHendricks and Tom Thompson Eddie Lesok Nadine and Richard Sabatowski Special Screening Volunteers GaretteAmis Louise Canafax Ann Coburn Anne Davidovich Mike Dickens ClaudiaForeman JosephineGarrett Deirdre Goodman Tina Gorski Linda Hamilton Laura Harrison Kay Howell Kathryn Laughlin ShannonLowe Gaylord Lummis Jennrr

BarbaraChristenson Edythe Cohen JanieDeterly John Eastman Lady Feaster Dee Gates Dorothy Harris Gail Heaslet Anna Holzer PeggyJacobi RonJennett JanisJones BerryKeller BarbaraKelly JamesKey JanetKey GeorgiaKidweil Lea Lyles Tom Lyles Carolln Lombard Neida Martin Liz Matthes Maril;.n Matthews Mike McGehee GayleMcGregor Eua Miller Al Mladenka Dorothy Mladenka BarbaraRubin Verma Russell LorettaSisson Ron Tatsumi Kathryn Thilman


Lyonio BottasslNunes Vera Rowell StephanieSheppard EiaineSmall Laura Thomas


Thi rteenthV an C lib u r nln t e r n a t io n aPl ia n oCo m o e t it io n i n oartnershi ow i th the L o n e Sta r F i l m S oci ety and the FortW orth B usi nessP ress f'resent

nE[[ n0$]l A Film Festivaldedicatedto the works of PeterRosen Cu ra t e db y Mic h a e H. l F ric e J u n e I -5 7 O O 9 '

FourDayW eeken dThe ate r. 3l 2 HoustonStreet . fune I June2 fune3

l:30 FirstPersonSingulonl.M. Pei (90m) (52m)+ Shodows (54m) 7:30 Leonord Bernstein in Porodise l:30 TheGlmorein the Keyof G (57m)

f une 4

+ AWorl<shop for Peace(54m) 7:30 WhoGetsIoCollltArt?(80m) l:30 Toscanini:T he Moestro(86m) 4:30 TheGoldenAgeof thePiono(56m)+ Ihe Pionists (56m)

f une 5


Downtown Fort Wort

CornegieHall ot 100 (57m) + Hollryood Bowl:Musicunder the Stors(46m) 4:30 Khochoturian(83m) l:30 Coruso:Voice of the Century(45m) + The Museumon the Mountoin(45m) 4:30 VonCliburn:ConcertPionist(50m) + RubinsteinRemembered(60m)


ALLE G RC OI R C L E Denise Mullins B. Blaine Smith Carla Thompson

CO NCE R T PRO G R AM CO M M I T T EE Harry Bartel William R. Biggs Andrew Biake JamesR. Blake BarbaraCox GregoryT Davis CharlesK. Fischer John Forestner Bill Ha1lman,Jr. Ann F Hudson Lewis Kornfeld Jr. Nicole LeBlanc DeniseMullins StephenSeleny CariaThompson

ARTIST TRANSPORTATION ANDHOSPITALIry JesusCastro-Balbi John Baker Doug Blake Estherand Wili Courtney Kathie Cummins Juana-Rosaand Ron Daniell JoseFeghali JeremyGarnett MarisaHaines David and Anna Hibbard Samand lsabelleHulsey Gloria Lin DeniseMullins Judy Needham Lyonio Nunes Nat O'Day Kristen Queen Gregg Smith Dawn and Woody Srimar,rn Tara Tooke Nancy and Bob Williams Jocelynand Bill Wuester

C L IB U R C N ON C E RTS Beth Rivers CarlaKemp Thompson, RECEPTION HOSTS Brad Alford Mercedesand Sid Bass Andrew Blake Corneliaand Jim Blake Meganand Victor Boschini Kim and Glenn Darden Sueand John A1lenChalk Carroll Collins and Ron Daniell Juana-Rosa Lucy Darden Mildred Fender John Forestner uurKy

r tlcullldll

Mary Ann and Diego O. Giordano Kelly and Paul Greenwell Nancy and Bill Hallman An n a n d Ed w a rdH u d s o n .Tr. Martha Hyder JeanKemp I tr^-+-. rvrarLy

I ..^-^-l Lcurratu

Eddie M. Lesok Joe Minton Ftm mort


" ' " ' v " ./ Olive Pelich Gail Rawl Alann BedfordSampson SteinwayHall-Fort Worth Carla and Keliy Thompson Sandraand RiceTilley Jerreand David Tracy Nancy and Bob Williams

D E V E L OP ME N T C OMMIT T E E Kenneth L. Barr, Chairman


HUM ANRESOURCES Ann E Hudson ShannonRay,Chairman I

a r ta

I n n m n cn n

RiceM. Til1ey, Jr. William E. Tucker WesleyR. Turner

NO MI NA T I NG CO MMI T T E E Kimberly Williamson Darden Randall(Randy)Clifton Gideon Mollie Lupe Lasater Tim McKinney ShannonYoungRay RiceM. Tilley,Jr. William E. Tucker,Chairman

OFFICE VOLUNTEERS VeraRowell KateySteffen Kelcy Stefien PatriciaA. Steffen

VANCLIBURN TRUST 2003 -2005: Tim McKinney and Bill Tucker 2003-2007 Dee Kelly and Jeff King 2003-2009:Harry Barteland UAI




2005-201l : Tim McKinney and William E. Tucker

EDUCATION Mollie l-asateqChairman

FINA NCE COMMITT E E KennethL. Barr Harry E. Bartel Wiliiam R. Biggs Vernon W Bryant Tim Carter Loren K. Jensen Eddie M. Lesok

For yolunteers at theAmateur Competition, seepage For volunteers at the ThtrteenthCompetLtion, seepage219.

TheVanCliburnFoundationhonorsall the indivtduals and organiTations whohavehelpedin prepanng.for the ThirteenthCompetition. We reg;ret any omissions causedbyprintingdeadlines. Thetimt and serviceof aII aredeeplyappreciated.



TheVanCliburn Foundatton, Inc. is deeplygrateJulto the f ollowingorganizations and individuals major for providing aciLities hospitality, services , .f , andproducts:

WIT HGRATITUDE Arrangementsby Mary Parks Cadbury Adams CingularWireless,now the new AT&T DenitechFort Worth, Inc. Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum


AmericanAirlines Steinway Hall-Dallas TexasChristianUniversity The Renaissance \A/^Yihr n^f^6

H ^f6l

FACILITIES Will Courtney StelnwayHall-Fort Worth T ri n i trr

T e rreee

University Christian Church



Kar t h



FoodserviceDivision Blue Mesa Dr. Victor Boschini Coca-ColaBottling of North Texas Carroll Collins CoorsDistributing Company Sue Cutler Lucy Darden FernandezCaf€ John Forestner Harper'sBlue BonnetBakery The Lunch Box Ann Ryan Trqtr



Annette Williamson

PACKETS WELCOME F i n q te i n



eurotazzacoffeehouse Fort Worth Convention and VisitorsBureau Fort Worth Magaztne Joe T. Garcia'sMexican Restaurant Kimbell Art Museum The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth Neiman Marcus Pulidos Mexican Restaurants Quick Print Sid RichardsonCollectionof Western Art




( - e ta 1 a

Dr. RichardGipson,Director TexasChristianUniversity, Schoolo[ Music FlorenceHill, Manager TexasChristianU n iversity. ConferenceServices Members of the Fort Worth Syrnphony and other areaorchestras Dr. ScottSullivan,Dean Collegeof Fine Arts, Texas Christian University Dr. Tam6sUng6r, Director PianoTexas International Academyand Festival Dr. Wym Van Wyk




*Michelle Hahnfeld

*Kathie Cummins



*Louise Canalax

*Neal Burgess

Kathie Cummins

Jenny Michero



*Anne Holland Margo Key

*Claudia Foreman

| 4mh \/


k ph

Walter Zvorchenko

Cindy Ashbaker ShirleyBaird Joann Basham Tcen Rnrrzerc

CALLIGRAPHY PeggyBowie ElizabethMasters EileenThurmond

PalmerBowers raehha

Bobbye Brooks Lowell Bryan Ann

C O UR T N EHYO U SE *Shields-CollinsBray


Rr r r oecc

BarbaraChristenson Edythe Cohen PatYl.V

I ^\mD

DECORATIONS *Fran Blanton Pat Steffen


HOSPITALITY *Jenny Michero


PatsyCoyne JanieDeterly JeanDodds lnhh


I adrr


BeverlyFogelman JeanFrick Dee Gates Frank Gross \r :- - :^:^ v r r Br r r r 4 ur u) > - - ^^^

*DeniseCollins Leigh Ann Connally Kay Howell Elaine Griver

Judy Grunewald Dorothy Harris Gail Heaslet Anna Holzer PeggyJacobi


JanisJones RichardJones Beuy Keller BarbaraKelly JamesKey JanetKey Jennifer Lehman Carol Lombard

Amy Brown John Fisher JosephineMoses Leilani Motet Marina Motet Emily Wy'nne Danny Zellbor

PeterLombard Gloria Long Marvin Long Lea Lyles Nelda Martin Liz Matthes Marilyn Matthews Etta Miller Ai Mladenka Dorothy Mladenka Joan Piper Anita Reisdorfer Dale Reisdorfer CledaRoubicek BarbaraRubin Verma Russell Loretta Sisson KathryrLThilman Yulan Thomas SandyTomlinson SusanThrower In T prrre Tndd


WAITSHALL *Lauri Lawrence Cathy Anderson J enet Annc tl e

F r r oenp "* b '^ ^ '

N ah:m

Pai.gePate Ann Patrick Joan Piper Shpr r r r

Pnr r ndc

Clare Pritchett SheilaReynolds Lisa Robertson Kris Russell Bobbie Shosty Amy Sutton l a n n r To f

I r l r a l cn h

Mary Helen Walters Brook Whitworth JaniceWalsh Aubra Wilson

WELCOME BAGS *Cara Moczulski

VOLUNTEERS Tom Andrews Lyonio BottassiNunes RichardGoodspeed David Hibbard Nat O'Day Kelly Royer SusanAndrews Taylor

Bob Batsche Janie Batsche Alissa Berryman Malinda Burt Jill Clay 1.^^ L/ rrrr

/^-^^ur 4rrz

MaureenDonohue MeredythHaller Kelly Hanley Judy Hill MandyJohnston Heather Magruder Frank Mascorro GennyMascorro SusanMedina Erika McCarthy BettyeMcDaniel




Individualslil<eyou maheahugeimpacton thehealthandwelfareof theartsin our community.TlrcBoardof DirectorsandstalJof the Arts CouncLI ot'ferour sincerethanhsto thesegenerous donorswhomadea contnbutionof $150or moreto our 2008AnnualFundCampaign $100,000 6r above City of Fort Worth XTO Energy

$r,000- $2,499 Mr. & Mrs.WilliamR.Allen

$500 - $999 Mr. & Mrs. R. Denny Al mos EnergyCorporation Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Barnett Dr. & Mrs. CharlesE. Andrews Dr. 6r Mrs. BruceBollinger Mr. C.B. Baird $25,000 - $+9,999 BNSFRailwayCompany Mr. William R. Bond Mr. & Mrs. David M. CrystelleWaggonerTiust Mr. & Mrs. DouglasK. Bratton Beckerman Miss Dorothy Rhea Mr. & Mrs. L.O. BrightbillIII Mr. & Mrs. RickeyBrantley LockheedMartin Aeronautics Mary JaneBrownJohndroe Mr. & Mrs. FrankC appucci o Cclmpany Mr Frank X. Buhler Mr. & Mrs. Will A. Courtney Star-Telegram Kay and Buzz Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Arlie T. TexasCommisron on the Arts ZohraA. Choudhry.M D. DavenportJr. Nina Maria & Gary Cole Ms. MarlieeE Evans Memorial Fund Colli ns-BinkleyFoundation Ms. Kathy Flories Ms. PatriciaDeanBoswell Mr. & Mrs.RandallGideon v rrSlrrra uvr rr Lar r urJ/ Dr. David Hendricks & $10, 000- $ 2 4 ,9 9 9 Nancy &Jack Larson Mr. & Mrs. Frank P Can'ey Ms. Vicki Ray Ms. Martha V LeonardFund The RyanFoundation Cynthia H. Hammett WachoviaSecurities of the Community Mr. C. BrodieHyde ll Foundationo[ North Texas JewishWomen International, LINBECK S i mchaC hapter1036 $5, 000- $9 ,9 9 9 Mr. Dan E. Lowrance Alcon Laboratories D r. 6r Mrs.S tanl eyM. K urtz BatesContainer,Inc. M r. & Mrs.JohnL. Mari on Mr. & Mrs. G. Al1enLaureyns Mary EugeniaSchofield Dr . & M r s . R o b e rtC . Bo l zl r Mr. & Mrs. ScottMcDonald Maxwell Mr. VanceA. Duffy Mrs. WH. Mlchero Oncor Mr. 6r Mrs. WA Moncnef III John {r Annie Mason Mrs. Betty Sanders Ms. Melinda Mason Mr. & Mrs. Wade Nowhn McDonald SandersLaw Firm Mr. & Mrs. Nat R. O'Day Sid W Richardson Mr. & Mrs. CharlesMiddleton Mr. & Mrs.JamesN. Patterson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Siegel Dr. & Mrs. L.E. Nugent Mr. & Mrs. JamesR. Perry - l- ^- - ^^t r - ^, , - f - , M'_ r_ bo'_in ir O' I)nnnel l r ar I aI I L LUur r L / D r & Mrs W P aulP hi i l i ps '_ _ Sue& Bill Parish Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mrs. Fred S. Reynolds Dr. & Mrs.BuftonH. Patterson Ms. Ann L. Rhodes Drs. DianaValdez& MargretMcDonald Rimmer $2,500- s4,999 ( lr connr Phi l l i nc Mr. & Mrs. Sid R. Bass The RoachFoundation Alice Pelton& Wayre Posey Dr. & Mrs. GregoryB. Beli Helicopter/Textron Mr. ThomasW Blakely Mrs. JareenE. Schmidt Scheideman Heddon Punch Mr. & Mrs.JamesL. & Shaw DuBoseFamily Foundatron Julia Freeseand Nichols, Inc Mr. 6r Mrs. David Smith Strlpling Mrs. Virginia StreetSmlth Cons ulti n gEn g i n e e rs Dr. & Mrs. William E. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Kim Gill Mrs. Karl E. Snyder Dr. & Mrs. John Via III L.L.P Dr. Waiker, & Mrs. George H. D r. & Mrs. B ruceH . W ei ner Sullivan Jackson Mollie & GarlandLasater Ginny &Joe Tigue Mr. & Mrs. ThomasJ. Fund of the Community Mr. John E Tinsley Willlams Foundationof North Texas Lisa & Martin Wax Mr. RichardWiseman Willlamson-Dickie RosalynG. Rosenthal Wortham - Fort Worth lr r dr fh



lr ffi


l \ , {^ - . . {^ ^ r , , - ; - ^ rvrdllulaLLur


f^ u v.

$r50 - $499 Mr. JeralAhtone Mr. & Mrs. LawrenceAlland Mr. & Mrs. CharlesAnderson Mr. J. Allen Baird Dr. & Mrs. William R. Baird BalletGuild of Fort Worth Mr. & Mrs. MichaelR. Baylor Dr. & Mrs. RobertBeck Mr. & Mrs.Wiiliam D. Benge Mr. & Mrs, M ichaelK. Ber r y Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bickley Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bird Ms. Eva Bonilla Mr. & Mrs. RichardJ. Borinstein Mr. & Mrs. StephenM. Boysen Ms. Tommie Broyles Mr. & Mrs. JamesE. Burgess Dr. & Mrs. Fred L. Carrington Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. CharlesW Seely Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Chavern Mr. GeorgeF Christie Mrs. BarbaraJoanClarkin Coca-Cola Dr. & Mrs. Donald Cohen Mrs. Mary O. Collier Mr. John Allen Colotta Ms. MattiePetersonCompton Ms. KathleenE. Connors Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Cook Mrs.Jeanette JoanCross Mr. & Mrs. BobJ. Crow Mr. & Mrs.Fr edE. Cur r ie Dr & Mrs. A.R. Daniell Mr. & Mrs.Jim De Moss Ms. BlissDodd Mr. & Mrs. JosephK. Duelle Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dunkin Jr. Mr. & Mrs.TerryK. DunlapSr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dunlear,y Ms. MaryJ. Dyess lr,4r A; Ir,4rc (tenlerr


Eisenman Mr. & Mrs. LelandP Ekstrom


Mr. RobertIsaacFernandez Mr. & Mrs. Jim Finley Dr. & Mrs. R. Lee Forshay Ms. SaraFunkhouser Ms. Mary Ann Fyfe Dr. & Mrs. RobertGarwell Dr. & Mrs. Allan L. Graham Mr. 6s Mrs. RichardA. Greenman Dr. & Mrs. Clark Red Gregg Mr. Lee Roy Hahnfeld Mr.& Mrs.Dand HalbowerIr. Mr. & Mrs. RobertW Hampton Mr. & Mrs. MichaelD. Haney Mr. Tom Harkrider Mr. & Mrs. B. DouglasHarman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Havener Mr. & Mrs. Grant Hodgkins Rt. Rev & Mrs Sam Hulsey Mr. & Mrs. Neil Isbell \ /lvrr.

f! u

r r-^ r^., Lvrl5. )dy

r^ ^^L^ )dLUU>

Dr. & Mrs. John H. James r lr






Ms. DaphneM. Jose Mr. & Mrs. Ali,rn D. Kaplan Ms. SandraKautz Mr. Mrs. Byron L. Keil Mr. Ra).-rnond B. Kelly lll Mr. 6s Mrs. John P Kimzey Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W Kling Mrs. Philip E. Laughlin

Mrs. ElizabethH. Ledyard Mrs. LazarusJ.Loeb Dr. Howard Luttrell Mary StewartRamseyFund of the Community Foundationo[ North Texas Mr. & Mrs. SetphenC. Maxweil Mr. & Mrs.John B. McClane Mr. GregoryL. McCoy Dr. & Mrs. M. Dwain McDonald Mr & Mrs. RidgeMcMichael Mr. & Mrs William W Meadows Mr. 6r Mrs. Jerry L. Miillgan Mr. & Mrs. H. Gray MillsJr. Patsy& Larry Milrany Mr, Er Mrs. RobertP Moher Mr. R i c h a rdH . M o o re J r. Mr. 6 r M rs . Be rn a rdS. A n nel Mr. & Mrs. David Tiacy Mr. & Mrs. CharlesW Nrxon Ms. PatriciaJ,O'Neal Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kel1yPace Mr. & Mrs.AdolphusPatterson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Pense Martha Peters& Patrick Vickner Mr. & M rs . D o n C . P l a ttsmi e Mrs. Dan G. PolandJr. Ms. Nell Polson

Mr. & Mrs. Carroll A.

Mr. RichardS. Talley

QuarlesJr. Mrs. LawrenceRawl Ms. Mary SueRay Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. RayJr. Drs. Jeff 6r Audrey Rogers Mr. John Rohrbach Mr. & Mrs. Van and Cecilia RollinsVan Donselaar The RossKing Co. Dr. & Mrs. NealieE. Ross D r. 6r Mrs. R obH . R utl edge Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sanders Mrs. CamilleSanders Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Schussler Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. RobertW Semple Dr. Howard L. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs.E arlA . S hi el dsl r Mr. & Mrs. Grady L. Shropshire Mrs. PhilipJ. Slover Mr. & Mrs. EmmetG. Smith Mr. & Mrs. MarcB. SmiLhJr. Dr. & Mrs. W B. Smith Dr. & Mrs. WarrenR. Spielman SprolesWoodard,L.L.P Mr John M. Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. ThomasC. Sturdivant

Mr. & Mrs. Wllliam D. TatschJr. Mrs. Martha Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Mark Thistlethwaite Mr. & Mrs. Art Thompson Mr. & Mrs.D enni sJ.Trojak D r. MontcE ur,cneTroutm an - - b '_ _ .- '^ - - - _ Mr. 6r Mrs. L C. TuhbJr. Dr. & Mrs.JamesN. Tulloh Mr. & Mrs. ScottW Turner Mr. & Mrs. Aian E. Ware Mrs. CharleneWatson Mr. & Mrs. CharlesH. Webster Mr. & Mrs. JamesC. Werner Mr. & Mrs.JackWest Mr. & Mrs. RobertG. West Mr. 6r Mrs.Gl en f. W i l l i am s Mrs. SuzanneS Williams Mr. & Mrs.John H. Wilson II Ms. Myrna Winnick Mr. {r Mrs. Loftin V Witcher Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John William Woldt Ms. June Wolff Ms. BobbieWygant Mr. & Mrs. BillJ. Zimmerman

rvrL. u





A RT SCO UNCI L of Fort Worth & Tafrarlt County

Arts Council of Fort Worth & TarrantCounty 1300 Gendy Street,Fort Worth, Texas76107 8L7-732-2360




PRETIMINARY PREI.IMINARY ROUND ROUND l:00-4:45 PM* l:00-4:45 PM 7:30-10:30 PM 7:30-10:30 PM

oPm[{G Dlt{lttR JheRenoisonce Worthington Hotel Z(}O PM




MAY 28

PREI.IITIIINARY PRE[MNARYPREI.IMINARY ROUND ROUND ROUND PM l:00-4:45 PM l:00-4:45 l:00-4:45 PM 130-10:30 PM 130-10:30 PM 130-10:30 PM Semifinolists Announced MAY31

J U N E1

fliARAIHol{ PtAlro SETUIIIINAT 2:ffi-5:00 PM ROU1'lD MrDavid Audilorium PM l:30-4:40 RIH. Rostl{ 7:30-10:20 PM fllj{l f[sTlvAt

JU NE 2 PIAM} IIIARAIIIOI{ 2:00-5110 PM lkDovid Auditodum

JU N E3 SYMPOSIUM 10:00All R05tN RrH. Ht-trtl ttsTtvAt l:30PM,4:30 PM Four Doy Weekend

RtH. RoSIN fllJilttsTlvAr l:30PM l:30PM AUEGRO CIRCTT I3OPM I3OPM 6:00-7:ffi PM Four DoyWeekend.. Four DoyWeekend

Finolists Announced JUNE7

FINAI ROUI{D l:30-4:30 PM AWARDS CEREThOI{Y PM 5:00 (omoelilion evenls willlokeoloce ofBoss Performonce Holl. - AllThirteenth .* FourDovWeekend isloroted ot312Houston Slreet inSundonre Souore. Subied fochonge. Allending limes oreopproximofe.





SEilIIFINAI. sEtt|ltfll{At ROUND ROUND l:30-4:40 PM l:30-4:40 PM SEINFNAI. PM PM t30-10:20 ROUIID 130-10:20 l:30-4:40 PM PM 130-10:20 AI.UGRO CIRCU 6:00-7:00 PM




SYINPOSUTI lrl't 10:00

10:00 Lrl{ Rtfl.Ros${ Frrfil ttsTtvAr l:30PM 4:30 PM Four Doy Weekend

RtttRostN flllfl ttsTlvAt l:30PM 4:30 PM tourDoy Weekend



TINAI. ROUND l:30-4:30 PM PM ROUND 230-10:30 ROUNDTINAI. ROUNDFINAI. FINAI. PM 130-10:30 PM PM 130-10:30 130-10:30

l,]ff ff3 E. T'

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Mathandscience in the keyof life. Everymeasureis math, everysound a science.Behindeventhe greatestof symphoniesare powerfulmath and scienceideas,They are keys to a more productivelife.At ExxonMobilwe highlyvalue this thinking.Math and scienceare essentialto our business,We employover 14,000scientistsand engineersaroundthe world. And as one of the leadingsupportersof math and scienceeducation, ExxonMobil is proudto be a foundingsponsorof the NationalMath We're proudto sponsorthis initiative-just and ScienceInitiative. Piano as we're oroudto soonsorthe Van CliburnInternational Competition, The learningof music,likethe learningof math and science,can makea betterlifefor all of us. The storycontinuesat

FXoNIMobil -l

Brands ofED(onMobil


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