996r ',6 UirsoJfo HcnouHr 9z uelgJ^r{rdils
( 1900-1964)serued, as wi.tbdi.stinction
,2t . Qeala,il-ZannA
Thi.s program for cbairmanof tbe Tury of tbe fi.rst competi.ti.on. Piano Competi.ti.on tbe second.Van Cli.burnInrernationalQuad' to hi.smemory by tbe sponsori.nggroups: i.s d.ed.icated, THE THE THE THE
(pp? '?)rraurv tqSrur I Jo sat"ls patrun aqt 'puz 'glro2tr uod Jo drllerrdsoq snol:ur8 arlt lolua 'sexea ;o at€ts ln;rr -n"aq eqt trsrl ol sJnosp)rsnru Surppnq ,{uztu eqr Jo auos eEernorua or 1q8nos a^?q oqa suosrad petseretul ,(1daap1o errsep era)urs aqr tuesardef ot sJo,\"apuelr tng <elq"traeuraJ? seDrJ?Irrursq8noqr '.raqro duz alelnu,raor pauueld tou sp.^a. uollnadruol srqr 'aro;aq ples I sV 'Pezrl?Ilal?tua,req rerteu lqStur na(ord lseuodrur srql 'an8zal tolunf r{trol1 tJod er{t pu? eJraururo3 Jo Jaqur?q3qtJol)NuoJ aqt ',{tlsraz'runu?nsrJq3 sexea 'slosuodsraqro 3ql Pu? IUTLIo{sJeq)ual ouEld rltJo1x\ tJod ar{t Jo turprseJd rsed pue r;,Pulloc '.Proplu"I Pr?1x\at?rg srw Jo stroJJepatrefuof pu? elqrpa-Dur aqr pue Suruuzld pat?)rpepslq roJ uaeq lou rl p"H 'pllreluor tsrrl s",,rd uoulladur.or srqr purtu pouorsrl-J?Jpu€ qsrllasun esor{raur ,sraqrza; ouBrd eqr turprsa,td pu? rapunoJ .uosrllv IrI to Plrnc IEuorl?N Jo 'rq 'puarr; .rzapdur SuruonuaururuEzurory ur?rJeJtouu?J ,srval mo; 1 rsed aqr lnoq8norqr slueruoru Sulpre-alardueur eqr Surrrar,rer u1 'sreuur^apuz sruedr:rtred paruapr pue Eurpuerslno aqt dq pa,(qd straruor Surrldsur puz SulrsaraturduBurpue Z96I efurs petuatuo: sdrqs -pual{ duzu uaaq e^?q aJar{tt?qt ezrper ot r{lro4r tJod ur sn Jo IIp ol EurEernoruadra,r os sr tr 'uonuadurof puotes rno qtzorddz el. sV 'uon?ururJatop)usnJ? pauagr8uarrspu" sarJouau palns -earr 'sdlqspualrl 8unse1 srau dlensn tl 't"qurof eap?erJ alqpfrur€ ur spapr rraqt pup suoprrraql sso.rdxeot raqrzS sruapr Eunod InJrapuond ueq/N 'dtlr e ot Surrq stueae r{)ns uonurldsur pue a8zrnor sno uroue aqr punoJ sr oraqr .suonneduro: lo
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ADVISORY BOARD ARTURRunrNsrelN, Honorary Chairman; New york Ciry Hrnngnt BARRETT,Concert Management; New york City Juuus Broou, ExecutiveDirecror, CarnegieHall-JeunessesMusicales,Inc., New york ciry Dn. RuoorpH GANZ, president Emeritus, chicago Musical College; chicagq Iilinois Dn. Hovrann HANsoN, president, Eastman School of Music; Rochester. New york Sor Hunor, Impresario, New york Ciry Mrss Turooann JoHNsoN, New york Ciry LenuNsrl, Pianist-in-residence, University of Kansas;Lawrencg Kansas Mns. Encan M. LwBNrnrrr, president, Leventritt Foundarion; New york ciry MaoaMs Rosrua LnrvwN4 Juliard Schoolof Music; New york ciry srn EnNBsr MacM[raN, chairman, canadian Music Council; Toronto, c-anada
Dn. FnaNr MANNurlMm., pedagogue;SanraRosa,California sn Ronnnr MAyER, Founder and president, youth and Music; London, England Dn. PBrnn MeNNrN, president, Juilliard School of Music; New york City Dn. MsRrs Moxrc,ounnv,
Oxford press; New york Ciry
RsNr Nrcory, president, JeunessesMusicales, Inc.; paris, France Lurs senor, president,Narional Music committee of Mexico; Mexico, D. F. Mtss Rosrnra savrnn, supervising Music Editor, Summy-Birchard,Inc.; Evanston,Illinois Ruoorr SnnKrN, Pianist-Teacher,Crutis Institure; philadelphia Isaac SrrnN, \7orld Renowned Violinist; New york Gry Dn. GroBoN l7Atonor, Dean, Juilliard Schoolof Music; New york Citv
6 'oJ Sulllrog ?lo]-?lo] &rsre,r.ru1u?nsrJq3 s?xel rolla)u?q3 '^(noJAI 'W sawvf 'uC ruaPrsard-afrA a^rrrDaxf ''ur'Nos(oo,4il,'d wvs tuvrSalaa-rzrs quo/( uod Jetrr/x\ erntsad 'ua)aa1q '[ sgl^lvf lrtsrsrttun u"IlsIJqJ s"xeJ tunJof sJJr{l?eJ ou?rd qrJo/N rroc 'lueutrzdaq rrsnyq'uzuuteq3 rePUnoc-oJ 'ua)NVSlrNr/N'htr'I tr'uCI 'NIIuVy{'C NVIUYW'suy{ uHoiI(NIAr'C J.uaso)J'SuIAJ 'ru1'sarolg snrJ?W-u?urleN Nos]I/N ruviJ 'suI^J tuePrsard'snfuvl J ,\E'rNVIS NOSWVI'I'IIrX\ NoC 'I 'SuW seruador4 xopp"y{ ruerSalaa-rrrs qtro/N uo{ tuaprsard'xoccyry rril/N fnrJ] frsnw ')fo'rIIHlrN g(A'IJ 'g f.rzuruiagp:l3o1oa,rtTrsrrdeg 'of IIo aPnJJ s?xaJ uretsenlqrnos'rrsntr41 ;o Iooqls tuaprsard 'uaNra2X caa u?rq 'AlrNNr)fhl 'f sawvf 'uq 'ol aluEJnsul JJo]^arsc]w Aol{ 'suI^J u?)Iralrrv eJrf PJEPUETS reurnJ pu€ urJeng 'ralddg tuePrserd'III'ouocuaHrYslN wvs luePrsJJd-3)IA HS-rVrrN CuY.4A.OH'd ',SUntr 'us'^HruYlfi I'f 'c drrsre.trun u?nslrq3 spxol'.sJIeJJV qnlJ s.ueuro/NaqJ I?uJalxg JoJ rolleluzql-ell^ tuaprserd'NIAo1 Norxvl3 'sufi 'aoucrv26 'Iuvg 'lN 'uC 'oJ uPo'I pue s8uuz5 qlro/( lroC Jerua] aJI-I a)IAJaS rueprsrrd'sraNal 'l NHo[ .ra8uuz1,rtr Surppng qnD^ s,u"ruol( eqJ '{ar"rn 'O ruaso'll Jets?u?wssaulsng NosdrroHJ -rv 'sut{ 'saxof'g HtroNg 'suw ,\(INVJ SE-TUVHJ'SuW l l l ' N osN H o[ saf ' I' su w a8a11o3u-e,{e1se2X szxal ssard qlJolx\ lJod aq] tuaPrserd'sNosa\v'I'uCI rollPfl'.AauHdwnH uaI'IV/)N urz:8epa-rers quo/)N rroC 'uf 'NosqnH ouYrloa 'suw rotrpg SurSzuery'HJrhrS'f ',4A, NOWISNOI-IIY\J'SUW rusrrrrH '"I'lI'suw ' us' cN rcuY H ' i I' u ' su w rarals >r:vf 'sury ':u1 'S seuroqJ 'aurdg s,uaruolxr qnl] I€uon€uretuJ ruePrseJd-afrA luaPrseJd o^DrD axg' III'U nOnrA AS' J' V 'o(rYwru5)'c Yluvw'suw rnrr3 'rasoduro3 NYWC'ro:) 'IAtr'ni 'suw axvs asuas ,daurotry'ounasNrg snfuyry IlirNftrou'f rra,ng'suyq aJJa'r'rr9 ISod'razvH'suw Hrru x:vf 'suw 'ru1's:orz,ta1gda^Lrzg NVT THSTIOd Oa'I tuaprseJd',ra.Luvg) sswvf urrf-rod r^rYrf'rrrN'suw uaoNlr{ xflu(IaH 'suw ,Llr^Vfnc Nlra.(Ig 'suw urzr8alaa-.rzrsqrJo/X\ rJoC f,IrrD )Isnw 'ssY-r9noc rusrrolJ'u(l
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eca.use the role of the piano and the appreciation of fine music continues to be an important
factor in the growth and develop-
ment of our city, it is a special honor to welcome you and the Van International Quadrennial Piano Competition the citizens of Fort ril/orth, Texas.
on behalf of
The piano becamea part of pioneer Fort \Zorth life only one yar after it was founded as an army outpost one hundred and seventeen years ago to protect settlersfrom the Indians. A squarepiano, the symbol of this piano competition, was brought here by the fort comrnander's wife, Mts. Ripley Arnold. Shortly after she arrived, a piano teacher named Adolphus Gounant who was a French refugee from thb Revolution of 1848, was engaged to instruct the children in their crude log cabin within the stockade ovedooking the grand prairie of Nonh and S7est Texas. The piano must have played a major cultural role in the life of the prirniitive fo,rt becauseit is the onJy item of furnirure or utensil of dress for which there is any referencein the historical records of rhat first year of the city's existence. Many others have followed the Arnold and Gounant families to Fort -Worth from many different countries of the world. \7e invite you to enjoy tlr'e culture and friendship of Fort \7orth as one of our neighbors here in America or as a visitor from across the sea. Best wishes for a most successfulcompetition and an enjoyable sojourn in the Ciry of Fort \7orth. Sincerely,
iT .blua) qil.oA
,Lapaqtr lprs
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'llattltd aql fftpd.l1 saupq) pu! uol8urutad |7/ra?atl lo vtool -u1t4 '|tp uDlraAl ,tplloP uoIltut-lq/t111 to uo4laftot uoruv hup) o rarnool ltv utalrala t to ultarnw
'1q3il' ,t'Pt It upA aql rufttrofiphtl ln!4turaq atll u, ?/aq aq illor uo44ad'ilt'o) olt'p|d ilnq4) to slpult acltr'tupH qqlqxg pup unastlo) 'unLt'otrt?t1v 'l?ttouaw rhSo\ llrA
uollbltldod. p qlrn rt|tt 1trupufp p-rudaq
'suor,n4. 000',00, aarcr to aql ahqtn-spxatr'cluoA l.tol
r#i' 9#,p,
Vieu ol the 243-ate campus ol Texas Christian (Jniuersity. Tbroush its eisht scbools and colleget located on campat, TCU prouides thorough un2ergradtrZte and. graduate tralning, ot't'ering baihelor, master and. doctoil degreii. More than.7,000 students ol all laiths t'rom the United States and. loreign coilntrier enroll each sert.ester.
TCU ReLigion Centel and Robert Carr Chapel
M. E. Sadler Hall, aCministration and clatsroom build.inx.
Mary Couts Barnet, Librarlt houses some 550,000 aolumes.
l{trsJa^run usrlsrfql rollarueqJ
sExal 'lt 'f
'& i. !.
'd1a:arutg 'sndurzr Jno uo nod Sur,rzq uI aJP o1l\ se 'Sururol dq papre^aa'ar su aq deur nod rzqr adoq a.t 'lrsntu aul; ar?I{s Pu? uelsll ol ,{1dwrs ro sruedlrurzd s? auro) no,,{ ragraq4q 'dltunurtuor Jno uI lua,ra 1et:ads srqr Sutpuauz nod 1o q)?e ot aruo)lena IPIPJoJ ,trart e puelxe a,{l 'drrsra.,rrun aqr ;o suorsrlrp ro(zur rqSla Jo auo s? Peqsllq"tse s?^d slJV auld to looq)S arurzdas e )e!] â&#x201A;¬t/6I fq suorlrodord qlrls Pol{r"ar SPIaIJ eseql uI 'lrrsra^Iull aqr Jo aJII riuraPx)e etlt ut luauttuord aq ol Penurr 1ro26 -uor a^?q erl"aqr puz 're 'la11eq'llsnur 'sread eql q8norql 'Q.L9I uI Surpuno; srl aruls stJ" auIJ eqt uo stseqdu.ra rear8 pa:e1d s"q nll 'sndurz: Jno ol sJotrsrl Jaqro puz'suelllsntu paqsrn8urrslp ;o lrnf slql'sluelsa] -uor Sunod pelualet duetu asaqt ureSe auro:1a,t o1 arnszald Jno sI lr 'uolrrraduro3 ouzt4 'uorlnadu;ol puoles slqr to uols")fo eqt uo 'dzpo; I?uoneurarul utnqIIJ u?A lsrlJ eqt JoJ lsot{ PuP losuods-ol s? alros sexal o8z sread 'tno ./7) or pa8alr,urd sz,t dlrsra,rrun u?Ilslrq]
cLIBURN International Quadrennial Piano Competition begafi as an idea of the Fort \7orth Piano Teacher's Forum. This group of piano teachers was interested in organizing a regional competition.
Tne vex
Sometime later the Forum honored as a teacher, Rildia Bee Cliburn, til7orth. On the occasion of this the mother of Van, at a dinner in Fort dinner, Dr. Irl Ailison, founder and president o'f the National Guild of Piano Teachers, announced that the Guild would offer as a prize $10,000 in cash for a piano competition which would honor the yo'ung American pianist, Van Cliburn. The prize was the largsst monetary award ever to be given in any piano competition, at that time.
The 48 contertantr in the 1962 competi.tion represented.l6 countries.
Soon afterwards, Dr. Allison and the Guild joined forces with the Fort Worth Piano Teachers' Forum, and with the help and additional sponsorship of Texas Christian Unirnersity and influential citizens of Fort \7orth, working through the Chamber of Commerce, this competitio'n became a reality. The first competition was held in September of 1962. At that time 18 contestants from the United States and 28 contestants from abroad participated in the event. The first prize was won by Ralph Votapek who, in four years since the contest, has received wide acclaim in the music world. Since the first competition, the Fort rilTorth Junior League has joined the groups sponsoring the competition.
ffi:ffiK;;'amffi&*'#i Morning and alternoon sessionsot' the 1962 contest Preliminaries dret' fulL houses in l L U s L d L d n Ar e lh AilAr IOr t/' /m ,
It 'alpubg
:lttroqo s,tw lsttplx 1lt7 aup?PIU :1cl3u ol ltal 'tnor luotl upA l?ohurj ,t aT: |qrn 7l ,,,p uol ol M:[n[ a ql /o uttli l ,i ltqr P1 o7 taxps aS ras;ztoS pg oP S uv lsauuoly plo4oaj ;ralog agro[ ;ot.r.ouua4?nuoa1 :zu4g cldloPnd 'rO :alaand tl ap ahltaH rtnj uo(I :1q?t,r o7 tlal'not dipg [tilt Z96I aqt to t.taqtuatu aql 'stw cllttn anoqs rt ilrkqtl) ueA aqt to 11prllilpq) '?ol|ur1 ?u? 'uo4ttaiuo)
'n'aapt) a?paw $raptd Sunot'statttu - pp t ! q t o auo't ut q cl t t A 't upt t at uot uotl tl ai apA -arc3 Z96I ot a34s qrpq suatrq unqll)
'tbqrtal outld to ?ltnt lpuoll -/N aql S utT uas at( at' ,u o s4 1 y /tI' ttw Pu p 'J.e xuolt traiuot aql ut uotloltttgtoQ lo a|ot sttp,uatuvlry -rt4ht siq tantaiat r4Mqalow 'puno8Vtxq aqt ut spna1ddo ul nqq) u pA 'b uta A ?a tr' i lw Pu p l ro ttl lv arptt rrw ?ilp '.LQ '?totvupT ?tpA lrl 's4ry rtq apvu Suraq n ?f,rtnp aq1 'uo44aQ upA lsrtl aqt lo fiuutn -ruo) ouptd unq4) w p?atu no? aqt rantarat qadqoA qdpd
%n'6"o4e/rrti:re"gt"y THE COMPETITION JURY
Author of "Harmonic Materials of Modern Music." 1960. Academic career includes Director of Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, 1924-64: Director Institute of American Music, Universiry of Rochester,1964-. Guest conductor of many symphony orchestras in the United States and abroad. Fellow of Royal Academy of Music in S w eden, 1938.
Howard Hanson, Chairman of the Competition Jury; United States Ezra Rachlin, Local Chairman of the Competition Jury; UnitecJ States Joseph Benvenuti, France Reimar Dahlgrun, Germany Gtrillermo Espinosa, United. Statet/ Colombia Jozsef Gat, Hungary Valentin Gheorghiu, Rumania
HANSON HO\?'ARD Chairman of the Competition Jury
Lili Kraus, Nett, Zealand.
Ad.d.ress: 560 Universiry Avenue, Rochester, New York
Arni Kristjansson, I celancl
Nationality: American
Alicia de Larrocha, Spain
Prot'estion: Composer, Conductor, Educator
Jean Mahaim,
Ed.ucation: Luther Junior College, nflahoo, Nebraska University of Nebraska, Lincoin, Nebraska Instinrte of Musical Art, New York City Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 27 Honorary degrees
Margerita Trombini-Ka zuro, P olan cl
Gerald Moore, England. Boyd Neel, Canad'a Claudette Sorel, Unitetl States Beveridge \Zebster, United States Friedrich \Wuhrer, Aastria
+ As in the 1962 contfetition, contertantt tuill again be scored ttitb electronic accuracy by a high speed. cornpilter at the TCU Computer Center. Eacb contestanl is giten a point score by the jud.ges on hfu or her performance. Tbese scaresarr punched on IBM card.sat the Center an:l tbe card.sfed tbrough the computer. The winner of the eaent taill be announced uithin minutes after the lart conteJtanl has perforrned.. Dr. A. A. I. Holt'man is director of the TCIJ Contpilter Center.
Career: In 792I awarded Prix de Rome Many honors including 1944 Pulitzer Prize for Symphony No. 4, Opus 34. National Federation of Music Clubs Citation for distinguished contribution to Ameri can musi c. 1957. 1963-Rotary Club Award, Rochester, New York 196)-I75th Anniversary Medal of Honor, Georgerown Universiry Alumni . Is on the Advisory Board of National Cultural Center in I7ashington, 1960.
JOSEPH BENVENUTI Ad.dress: 6, rue du Colonel Moll Paris, France Nationality: French Profession: Pianist and Professor of Chamber Music
Education: Attended Conservatory of Paris Career: Greatly renowned French pianist. Child prodigy. At the age of seven gave concerts in native city of Tunis. At the age of 72 he entered the Conservatoire of Paris to obtain a solid technical basis, and obtained a first prize of piano. Benvenuti toured Switzedand, Italy,
rql. pue tS6I ul paqsrlqnd,.8urdzy4 ou?rd Jo anbruq:aa eqJ,, Jo roqtny :ha,n)
'Ippo) ug)Ioz pue lgtr"g EIrg p3pnpur sraqr?Jl 'tsadppng ur rrsn4 tzsrl zueJ1 aqt tu turpnls Jo duap"rv :uotlpJn?E ouzrd Jo JossaJoJd :uotrratotd uer:eBun11 :Iltlouotlo 1,tr ,{l z8 u np1 '1 1 r se d epn g .fl "lnPu?w :rratPPV 6z
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'ua8equadoS 'sl assnr g pup JaA ouu?FI uaaaraq a8u?qrxg lurPnrs lEuorlsu -rerul aqt papuno] unrslqzq Urgr:^:: -uEH ur ,,erlzeql PUP lrsnJAJrnJ alnq)c r{)oH qrrlts?rs,, eqr Jo a.r"uas rq] Jo rrq -rrrJur su IIJA s" tueunJzdap ouerd pue tsrolos aqt Jo Perq PU" JossaJord sarrl -unof Jar{to puz du?rureC ur sa)u?rujoJ -:ad orpz: puB stJa)uor '9t/6I aru\S :Darp) '8t 6I ul pat €npcr g':a18uem -tJnc uileqlr/N 'Jaq)srd ur.rPg 'uesu€H JaPUn urlJeg Pu? JaAouu€H P"luo] ur lrsnul 7o sa3a11orle Ipnls ollsuel -xe 88.-8.r.51ruo:; lzruoldrp-tt6l 'la^ou - u?H ur , , r unl szut u. 43sl u11, , p epuJ ttv :uorlpJn?g lsrusrd lra:uol
puu Jossa1oJd :uotstato,td u"ruJec :{lllpuortpN
r{ueurrag 'JaAouu?H ass?Jtslqlerqar-I /I
'u oD Dto -uro] ou?rd uJnqrD u?A gg61 3qr ur s?)rJeruv eql Jo 1snJ" Sultaduror rsaq8lq aqt ol s")rrJrxY Jo II?H aqt ur Ietrl -aJ Pu? 00E$ azrrd uorual u"trJerrrv Jo ue4 z 3ur:e;;o ur IsiuarrlnJtsur s",u. aH 'aJotUDPg ur frsn4 Jo frot"^rasuo3 ,tpoqped tB s:eaI p:ales JoJ rq8n?t usourdsE .JJ^[ 'urzdg puz s?JrJeruv aql Jo lrsnJ^l Jo l?^DseJ rsJrd aqt puE g(6I ur unSeq '3 q 'uo:3ulqse1x! ur sl"^rl -sal )rsnw uEJr.raurv-rrtuJ oqt :Er6I or un8aq surpul ap Eu;8"tr"l Jo sl"^nseg Ipnuu? Jo sarJasaql pazruzS:g '€to8og ur ?f,rsnJ^I aP ou")rJaru€JaruJ l?^Dsad er{r paDerrp pue pazrueS.ro8t6I ur puu ze6l ur. ?rrsnlr'{ rP ou?)rJaruuorsql I3^ -DSJC S?)?rsJ Aqr peuJjrp puz pezruzS -Jo aH 'sJe€I duzu par:npuor aq q)rqa
's)rrrlod 'srrodg ,rry :!1ralarul PrJa4s 'slzurnof puorssaJ -ord Sulpz:1 ur paqsryqnd sa1:n.rz,{uzy41 '1y pyodoal Jo uoulunsrp urlSlag ar{t papJ?.^d" szlx\
Jo l"prul
'.lo rsoJ['uol trtaduo3,t>1sro1req: sa '"p?u€3 ul uonltaduro3 JrsnJ^{ I?uorl -puJalul pue ^4d,?sJ?Arut uonnadruoJ urdoqf 't96I 'unr31ag ur uorlnaduro3 qreqzzrlg uaan$ aqr pue V96I 'q)N -rrw :2961'uz8rrnl g :096I'uuog : 196l uldoq3 u"rrJJaC :suorl 'uolrlraduro3 -neduol duuur ur fun( aqr Jo Jaqule4 '3;nqzlzg pu? rulogrllots
'on8er4 'slre4
'lsrurlora ? osJ" sr pu" tsllJ? Surpro:ea 'sdnot8 rrsnru raq -ru?qf g)uaJ{ Jo lsrrJ aqr Suoure paluz.r r{Jrq,r orrl Ngg snour?J aqr pepunoJ oJJBA"N aJPUV PU" rDaPrueg euau 'elueJ{ ql.r ;aqta8o1 ur sa)u"J"ed -de l\ueIJJ Pu? e)rJJV qtroN 'pu"l8ug < pu"l od'f u"8unH 'ur nr Fl ag', ( u" urJ aC
History of the Piano" published in 1 9 6 4 . S i n c e i9 l9 h a s g ive n co u r se so f lectures for the continuative education o f m u s i c t ea ch cr s. M a n y in n o va tio n s and techniques introduced and has been employed in the field of solfdge-teachrng. Mr. Git is also interested in the theory and practice of the choirmaster's work. From L949 to 7956 he was the leading professor at the Hungarian Academy of Music and of the faculty for choirmasters and singing teachers. Since 19)2 he has given many combalo and clav.ichord concerts. Records and recordings, Geoffrey Crankshaw.
cles and studied under Noel Galion and Lazare Levy. First appearance with Bucharest Philh a rmoni c Orchestratn 1941. S i nce 1948 he has been engaged as soloist with Bu charest S tate P hi l harmoni c.
Nationality: Icelandic
Tours abroad in Germany, Hungary, France, Egypt, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria, Austria, U.S.S.R., Italy, England, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey. Participated in 796) irt the great Musical Festivals in Prague, Dubrovnik, Salzburg.
Career: Pupil of Professor Mayer Mahr. Principal teacher at the Reykiavik Conservatory of Music, 1933-59. Head of Piano Department and Vice Director of the Conservatory 19j6-56. Director of Conservatory 1956-59. Since 1959 has been Director of the Music Section at the Iceland State Broadcast Service. Served as a committee member of the League of Icelandic Artists and Chairman of the Association of Icelandic Concert Artists. Since 1962 has been teaching piano for advanced students at the Conservatory of Music.
Prize winner of International CompetiP rague tio n of B udapest (1949 ); ( 1 951), B ucharest (195i ). In 1958 was awarded f irst prize of George Enescu International Competition. Composer of several sonatas for piano; trio for piano, violin and cello; two symphonies.
Profession: Pianist and Teacher E:lucati.on: Copenhagen and Berlin
In 1.954 was awarded George Enescu prize for Composition. 1963 was awarded prize for composition o f the R .P .R . A cademy for pi ano concerto. For his exceptional merits, he received ]n 1949 the State Prize, and in 1951 was awarded the title of Merited Artist o f the R .P .R .
Ad.dress: Bd Dacia 49 Bucharest, Rumania LILI
Nationalitl: Rumanian Born in Galatz 7928
Address: 29 Cascade Avenue, London, England
Prolession: Concert pianist - considered exceptional
Nationality: Citizen of New Zealand
Education: Bucharest Conservatory Paris National Conservatory 19i7-1939.
Prot'ession: Concert Pianist and Professor
Careet: Mr. Gheorghiu was admitted to the Bucharest Conservatory at the early age of six, and studied with Professor Constanta Erbiceanu. \Zas recommended by C e o r g e E n e scuto th e Pa r isia n m u sic cir -
Add.ress: lceland State Broadcast Service Bo x 120 Reykjavik, Iceland
Ed.ucation: Budapest Royal Academy of Music Vienna Conservatorium Career: Hungarian born. First public concert at the age of eight. Since 18 she has been soloist with leading orchestras through-
-E^ lnoqP JesL.PZ u3 S? Set]JIl dustu
-pll Pu" 'A'J uo^Jalur uaJg s?H 'JnSolo)rsnuj ? sB saurzeSsllJ Pu€ sJJd?d -snaau JoJ SJIJIIJE dU?Ur UsllIJA SEq aq
'q)eg 'S 'f uo 1;oal q)J"rser qr"-
-puzrs qSrq Jo allJll ,{1lrue11e:rsnru e ut pr^rl aq 'qrno.{ srq Jo II? SuIrnC 'riirl-I ;o ,(rotel:asuoJ aql l" JJtlfPtl 'uu,\tls -uolquao suIJIePuI^['srw ']un? slq qlIA 'xrs 3o a8e aqt tz uzltaq sJIPnls ou?Id ;uotlpJnPg 'PaJnJJ ,toN raprsolfl 'V
'sl assnr g '( Ia rl s ) IPraurC S aqr 1o :ab'eue141 'IorrlrPqJ
') u'f 'v aqr Jo ra8?ueJi{ leraulg trodxq ''{ I V '8 'I'I'V 'a8ar1 1o dllsJa,uun aql Jo ,,UJIJIJ] -)ila PUE sauIJAJsJP 1ru3 :narua8ul,, 's dJ o] r aeuIS UAJo lu e u.r ln aI- Is" (8 I6I re,x PIrorN rsrlJ aqt PaPUg :uo/ -116I)
a8atl ul u.:oq 'uer81ag :Il tl pu o /tp N urnrSlag 'E sl3ssnrg 'eslno-I anua^V (8E :ssat?PV I^UVHVJ^I NYgf
aqr ,{q paqsln8uIrsIP sz.^aaqs Z96I ul ' lelarsodruo3 ue e)IsnJ,{) ..rlsnJ^{ r{sru?ds Jo ssJno] IsucllEuJaluJ,, aql ;o ;;zrs Surqrual aql Jo rrqurrtu 3 urrq spq uorlupunoJ sll a)uIs 'PU? PUolJlJsg Jo ,,llPqsrew "r{uaP?1v,, aqt Jo rol)rr -lc rq r uJJq szq rqs 6E 6; a:ur5 t uu: f -o:d ?urq:eat snoroiltn D sarJJ?foslz aqs 'zIU eql V dg ,."Irrql a] I nS , , rql Jo SurPro)rr aql .ro1 ,,anbsrq np x rr d PU P j {),, aqr req faP rE A P susd Jo ,,sor] selJ?rlJ rilxJPPlV,, aqr 096I ul ':rsnru ouBrd qsruzdg ;o :ora:d -ratur Surpuelstno tsoru )qt PaJJPIsuol sr eqs pup 'sllrul PIJoa rxoJJ asluJd tseuJ:?nA tqr PJ^IJIJJ a,teg 's8ulpro: -a: auoqdouz:b' :aq sz IIJA se 'lsEE alPPrI^{ aqt PU? p)IratUY qlnos 'salEls palrufl aqr 'rdorna tnoq8no:ql s.Inol uafuor JeH 'uleds '?uolelJeg ;o trrll JAD?U Ur g a3e 1e lJJfuo) lsll1 eAEc :taafi)
'looqrs -ouerd ,sopzuzJC anbuug Jo Jossalfns aqt s"^\ or{id 'll?qsJ?tr{ 1uz:g;o lldn4 :uoll?Jn4g Jossa;oJdpuz lsluetd tJe)uoJ tSSA :11O tOld qsruzdg :[1rPuo1112N ureds '<pl rP st{ '9-0e 'eV ) l V salouEdsEsJI?)IsnI{ solnlel:adsg ?IJorIA o/ J :tfatPPV VHfOu){VI
' ( I 9 5 I uo P -uo'I ) ,.lupaw IelJotuall{ IIsaeJePEd., a qr PU ? (99 (1 uop u ol ) ,,sP r? av r lsnw IsuonEUJaluI uaqo] lrIJJeH,, Jo IEPaW eqt ' ( €16I uu ola )r"g) ,,l l egs rs J{ e lu aP -?rv eql Jo I"Pat^[ PIo9,, aq] Pa^ID -aJ osl? s?q eqs 'rrrrl{ II^IJ Jo raPro
'Surzrt:a:uo: Jaq enull u I a^Il - uof l l r nd aqs'196I '. , l Jenr qt c -rJJJa aurorag aq o1 nfJ, r? eluJPlsrll -ur-lsnJv patuloddz uaaq seq eui?PEJAI 'uol : r r aduo: 996 I aql Pr?.trol ParlddP aq ol sPUnJ aql 'r Jr uJJ t JV Jr ] r r P I JJ) uo) aq: anz S l qs '196l ur. pue ast:d:alua stJu euIJ aql ol uoDnqrJtuol PUosJad aIEUJ Ol qslri| " " passJldxa aqs uouDadtuo] uJnqIIJ U?A aql :o; rsr:n( E s? SuIArrs allq^d Z96I uI 'sa)u"uJJoJ -JJd ]u^Dsa] lzrrads pue sa)uEJpedde uorsr^alat 'stss?lt Jetsuuj 'sl:a:uo: ,tuz11 'soualuo] ouerd Lz eql s? IIe^\ s" ouerd aql Sururutuo: llsnu lequr"q) slq 1p 3urpn1:ur rrezo],4[ Jo slro.d. 3rrluJ ar{l Profal ol ,96I uI uolsog Jo drerros uPd?H eqr qll.t uoll)unluo) uI 'sI?) -u?JJ srlrqdorslq 'urIJ q)uard aql dq pasorssrurruo) se^ '09-6V6I ur ,hrsra,r -ru;1 unoladz'; 1z ouerd Jo JossaJoJd sB pr^JJS 'ser€rs Prrlun 3q1 PUP luaulluo] aqr Surpnyrul 'sJnol ua)uo) ,{1readapeur su11 'dr qsuezl t l ) qsl l l Jg pat uz:3 s en .c.eN uI .,slualrrJ^arq)? aqs 'pu?l"Jz u r s el J l P uor l zr nP e JoJ P uu P aau -unor Jo pI" uI slJoJJt Surluala:un,, :og 'Lv- 9r 6I ut P uevez aaN P U P '{ :l uno: rzqr Jo srnol PaPuarxa aPpu Pu? EIPrI -snv ol u.eol} s?a eqs'uoIr?JaqII Jarlv 's:auosl:d ato11a; Jaq JoJ stJe)uo: :z1n3a: a,rz8 puz ouurd e^"q ot pJltlruJad s3.[ aqs 'o,{]oI " ur ?rqunloJ loJ spJo)JJ rzlndod f:al to Jaqrunu z aperu Sul,leq pue uedzf or lrsv, :zr-ald z 3ul:np suaJuof snorla:d 'sdurel uoslld ul sltar( ]o llnsJJ z sy aa:qt ,(1:zau ruads puz e^e[ ut asauzdzf aJaa Pueqsnq leq aql dg srauoslrd ua>1u1 P U ? eqs '0261 ul r nol P l r oa e 3ur:ng '"rssnU pup ?IpuI '?uIqJ 'uedef'etrtly qtnos '?rlprrsnv 'adornf '")uaurY qlnos pu€ qrroN groq 8urpnl:ut Plrond'aqr lno
rious interpretations of recordings of famous artists. Since the Brussels'University created a Musicology chair, he has followed the courses and obtained several diplomas. Since the creation and as a patron of H. M. the Queen Elisabeth Competition, he has followed all the conresrs. As a great lover of J. S. Bach music, for many years he has sent recordings of his works made by him to his {riends at Christmas time.
and Accompanist" and his memoirs "Am I Too Lo,td?" (1962) all published by Macmillan in United States. Moore is a familiar figure at all the European Musical Festivals-Edinburg, Salzburg, Holiand, etc. He tours the U. S. A. and Canada annually with his lecture-recitals. In 1951 Mr. Moore was presented the Cobbett Gold Medal for chamber music, and in 1954 was appointed Commander of the British Empire for his services to music.
I I a
- GERALD MOORE Address: Beechwood Cottage, Penn Bottom, Penn Bucks, England Nationality: English Profession: Accompanist and \Triter Careet: One of the greatest accompanists of our day. Since his youth he has devoted his life to the art of ensemble. Has been associated with nearly all of the great singers and instrumentalists during the past generation and "He is the musician who has done more than anyone to make people realize what the Art of Accompanying Means." Name appears on many gramaphone fecords. 'Won world-wide reputation by his radio talks and his lecture-recirals and also his books, "The Unashamed Accompanist" published h 1943; "Singer
Address: University of Toronto Toronto ), Ontario, Canada Nationali.ty: Canadian Prolession: Musician and Dean of Royal ,Conservatory of Music of Toronto since September 1953. Ed.ucation: Royal Naval College-Dartmouth, EngIand-Cambridge Universiry-B. A. 1926 (now has M.A.), St. George's Hospital Medical School, London, England. MRCS and LRCP 1930. Career: Destined for Navy, but took up medical career on leaving Dartmouth. House Surgeon and Physician at St. George's Hospital, London. Founded Boyd Neel Orchestra, 1933, which was so success-
ful that he turned to music as a career. Has conducted all leading English orchestras and toured with his orchestra ail over Europe. Conducted at the first performance Glyndebourne 1934; Salzburg Festival l9)7; Sadler I7ells Opera Company, London, 1944-45; conducror for two London seasons the D'Oyly Carte Opera C.ompany 7948-49. Vent to Paris with orchestra 1947; to Australia and New Zealand under auspices of British Council (entire orchestra and equipment flown across Atlantic and Pacific, thus making history); tours through Europe and U.S.A. from 1948 to 1952. A frequent broadcaster on musical subjects; author of "The Story of an Orchestra," 19)0. In 1914 he formed the llart House Orchestra of Toronto. a chamber music group similar to this English ensemble. He conducted the orchestra in many concerts at the first Stratford Music Festival in I9)5 and, since then, it has toured the United States, Cbnada, and has played on the CBC and given regular series of concefts on the Universiry of Toronto campus. The Hart House Orchestra represented Canada on its national day at the Brussels 'W'odds Fair in 1918. In March of 1965, he was made an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music, London, England.
',fuolu,L:asuoJ,4l"sJ"1N\ Jrll ]e Jossa]oJd Pu" tslPJoqlrsdJ€rl 'rsruPrd ;uotsatotd q sl l od :rtttpuottDN pu?lod 'rdusrz1x\.'9Il L evsef :ssaJ?PV
'sDarqns IIB ur tsag JoJ qrsoJruEc iu"JJ PU" ouPrd tseg Jot SraquesoU Jo spr?ap dot o,r l a q t uoa Lf(1 '(d:orsrq s.p:erl l r nf ur a1enpu.l8lsa8unod) drqsnolya; .rea,tarrg
)rsnw Jo looq)s atsnP?rc przrllrnf -JrpJI€A-sr?e[
'u?rJol eaJqt ur looq:g qFrg :uotlplnPa
'sruoPaJc tu lroi! aa51 ;o Irrs -JJ^run at"ts Jqr ]P tuaujtJedJc ou€rd Jo P?3q PUB rosseJord tsru?rd rra)uol ;uotrsato"td 'PIIqr ? s? 's '1-l o1 aurEJ 'raqrow uer:u8ung pue Jarlted q)uaJC ? Jo 'elu?JC 'srJed ur uJog 'uazltr) uErIJJruV ;IttlpuoqaN IroI aaN '>lro^ aeN anue^V P U E rsal N t €t :rsatPPV fEUOS
-rsn]Atrs"a 6E6I \rI'duor{drxds uotsnoH qtra oJlsapw Jo uoDutr^Ur t" ^)lsaolots slreruo] tuaPnts ez errlue PaDnPUo) '?rlser{)ro duoqdul,{5 uDsnv aqr Jo JotreJrc l")rsnw luau€ru -:ad yo rsod agt perxnssp Jq pJpu) .r11ol srqr reUV '616I ul qrnos Jo rnol "rrrjv ? dq paaolloJ 8t/6I u! ado.rng ;o :not y 'JODnPUO]
,{u?druo3 eredg erqdyapzlrq6 aqr paurot aq '?Jtsaqrro rruorur?qlrqd lJoI aaN qtrnd safusJEtdde pue asnoH Jlrql( aqt ]s 3)usuJJoJJad PuEruuol Jauv 'JeurslI ztrJjl 'JO rltra 8uD:npuo: ;o ,iprus s:ea,{ o,r; '?Jlsrqfro,{uoqdu:.{5 erqdlapelrq4 aqt Jo tJa)uo] rlrnol l€ I{s^\olors " plodoaf qtrnd tsroJos lsJrJ aq ol sluersJl -uo) 000'9 uJorJ par)elas s?/)N tI a8e tp lnqap IIEH ar8aure3 'lnqep uIIrag srq aP"ur aq 'rnqaP srq Pridolloj q)Iq.^d edoJng ur ,(pnrs s;za,{ o.dt JatJV 'tsIU?Id ueJuo) t uJur uJe ue'Jaql ow qr IA dP nrs lsJrJ '€ruroJrl"J ur E e8E rP rngaP )Ilqnd :ba,Q)
JJura)I zrrJJ 'Jc )IsnJAI Jo alnlrlsuJ sIlJnJ :uorlpJflPg
'8 :aq u aoq rg pl oJe H's rs l -uE r d teaJ g aqJ :s ursE q] ru sr qv's rs ru ? -r4 ;o Surleads : V'S'n aqr Jo ururol)N uefIJa ruV S urpuu l sl n6 :tseA ' uatu ol (
rol)nPU03 :uoltsalord usfrJeuJV :[!dpao4pN
s,oq/N:uI O"lilr":j :?ruaurvul oq.4A, -z8ytu ro;
sal)nJp du?tu uaDIJttr ssH 'ueq)olJaruI
'p rB ^ar g' oroql reJ AI'En b ner nP qJ'a rIq s -1: ag' uadsy ur sl p,{n salur p atz drtD:?4 'srnot uzadorng aa:qa ' pue 18ug ' epe ue )' V S 'n ul s lPr lrrr OE t 'o ruot uv U ES' su eal Jo a JN 'DE uu rl uIJ 't ror r aO' puE Ire zu a S'q :r:n 7' puz 13u E ralrr ur rruoureqlrqd uoPuo-I ''J'g'N -r oj ' uotso g 'z lq d1a p e1r q4' (s atu 1 1rno J) rruoruJ?qFld >lro^ aaN 8urpn1:ut sc-tt -saq)ro (t rllrnd rsrolos 11zg ar8au:z3 id.tN lruorur?gllqd lJol t3 "rtsrqlro u I 0I 43" qrr A r srol os-11 6 l ' tr 6l lP /ilr] )ro^ rdeN rnqec IIUH uaoJ :raatp) 'slsIlJP
-uor roJ 2961 ul ru€rc uonuPunoJ Prod I( 6I rq Sl rq ln { 'ql?w uI aPne'I urnJ '196I atenPefi ,tus:arrun Plqtunlo] '€E-8y61 f,rsnw Jo ernrlrsuJ sIUnJ
lJoC :sexa1 'ullsnv :tsa,tP?v V]IZE
'parurot uaaq s€q dror)os Jrs -n IAIrJqu;sql ql ro/N uoJ aqr a: uepr nS srq JaPun PU? qtrol)N tJo{ Jal?arc Jo JollaJIC osP Jo "rlseqlJo qlnol sr all ',tuoqduI,{S unsnv Jo rouallc I?) rs nw sP 8ur^ras IIP S 'E 96I ur sr r seqr -rg duoqdur,tg guol1\ rro{ Jo Jot)aJIC I?)rsnw s3 quoa\ lJod ol a{rj?) ullqrEu .E 96I JO Jaruruns q8no:qr ,{tt:edet slql uI PeAtaS 'aldoad 000'9ZI Jo a)uarPnz uE eroJ -Jq strrruo) CZ Jo pJrslsuo) t"qt duoqd -uJdS Jaujurns uotsnoH Jo Jotlatlo I?l
Served on jury in 1960 Chopin Competition in \Tarsaw and later toured Europe receiving great acclaim. Is a recording artist and has appeared on television several times.
Has made many broadcasts on the Pol i s h R a d i o a n d fo r e ig n sta tio n s. During the German occupation she taught at a secret conservatory organized by Stanislaw Kazuro and was Head of the piano faculry at the Academy many years. Currently chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the Frederic Chopin Sociery. Madame Kazuro organized a group of concert pianists whose repertoire includes all the concerti for one, two, three and four grand pianos (harpsichords) bV J. S. Bach and other composers. Edacation: Srudied in Ifarsaw from R. Strobl, H. Melcer, and Egan Petri. Studied in Rome at St. Cecilia Musical Academy under Giovann.i Sgambati. Obtained her Master's degree there. Srudied harpsichord from \Wanda Landawska at her school at Saint Leula Foret. Studied German classical music f rom \Tilhelm Kempff. Career: Has concertized since her debut in Rome in Italy, France, Germany, Finland, Norway, Hungary, and Poland. Has served many times as jury member of International Piano Competitions such as Chopin Competition in S7arsaw, J. S. Bach rn Leipzig, F. Busoni in Bolz a n o , T s c h a i ko wsky in Ru ssia . Madame has received from the Polish government the State Prize, first degree; Polonia Restituta Officer's Cross; Labor Banner; Gold Cross of Merit and Tenth Anniversary Medal.
BEVERIDGE WEBSTER Address: Juilliard School of Music 120 Claremont Avenue New York, New York Nationality: American Education: American Conservatory, Fontainebleu, France Paris Conservatory, Paris, France Career: Born Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Father founder of Pittsburgh Conservatory of of 5. Music. First piano lessons at ^ge Family moved to Paris when 14 years of age. Srudied with Isidor Philipp and after first year won first prize at American Conservatory in Fontainebleau. Recital debut at age 7) very Paris. Entered Paris Conservatory and became first American to win first prize in piano there. Toured all European Countries, interrupting his tour to srudy with Artur Schnabel in Berlin. First U. S. appearance in 1934, soloist with N ew Y ork P hi l harmoni c. Principally known as soloist, frequently played in chamber music ensembles, accompanist, and a prominent teacher at Juilliard School. Has appeared in Festival at Aspen, Colorado for four summers. He is a member of Board of the \Walter Naumburg Foundation and was the President of the Artur Schnabel Memorial Committee.
FRIEDRICH 'OTUHRER Add.ress: 8036 Herrsching, Ammersee Munich, Germany Nationality: Austrian Ptot'ession: Concert pianist. He has gained a high reputation as an interpreter of Beethoven's music. Education: In 1906 he received his first piano lesson from Marius Szudolsk,. Graduated ]n 1920 from the Vienna Academy of Music where he studied under Franz Schmidt and Josef Marx. Careet: Professor at Vienna Academy of Music from 1925,28. In 1928 many recitals and concerts in almost every European country and made his London debut the same year. Since 1955 has been noted as interpreter and performer of Beethoven's mustc. Presently is teaching at the Munich State Academy of Music, Munich, Germany.
Address: 546 L Street, Alaska Nationality: American Profession: Composer-Conductor-Pianist-Teacher Education: Rudolph Ganz Vittario Risti Mieczuslaw Horszowski
Composerof "Slructure f or Piano," ccnnnistionetl by tbe Van Cliburn Piano Competitionto be played. by eachcontertantd,uring the Preliminary.
Career: Born in Indiana. Toured as solo pianist for 15 years. Has appeared with Chicago, Detroit, Oklahoma City and Grant P ark {C hi cago) S ymphoni es. \Vas assistant conductor for opera workshop of Roosevelt University, Chicago; two years with opera workshop of National Music Camp at Interlochen. Composer of many compositions such as "Development for Orchestra" recorded by London Philharmonic Orchestra; "Concerto for Piano and Orchcstra" recorded with composer as solQist with the Canadian Broadca.ting Corpbration Orchestra and has been played by ABC and Mutual networks, Armed Forces Radio Network and Voice of America. Recently has been in Alaska where he s'as commissioned by the T. Lloyd Kelly Founclation to write for the llth Alaska Festival of Mr,rsic, "Structure for Orchestra-Resurgence."This was conducted by Donald Johanos of Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Currently is commissioned by the Alaska Centennial to write a musical drama based upon "The Lord of Alaska" by Hector Chevigny, an historical novel about Alexander Baranof and the Russian era of Alaskan colonization, to be premi ered i n j ul y of 1967, i n A l as k a.
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n naa/ // e %arzy'e&7tb ?eaa.fu
Monday, September 26th thro'ugh Saturday, October 1 Monday, Tuesday, rDTednesday,Saturday 9 :0 0 A.M.. 1 :1 5 P .M.
donated by National Guild of Piano Teachers Dr. and Mrs. Id Allison, Founders
Thursday, Friday 1 :0 0 P.M.,7 :0 0 P.M.
Ed Landreth Auditorium, Texas Christian University
donated by Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Boswell
uitb Curtis Str'i.ngQuartet,The New School of Music, Philad.elphia, Pennsylaani.a Monday, October 3 through N7ednesday,October 5 9 :0 0 A.M., 1 :1 5 P . M. Ed Landreth Auditorium, Texas Christian Universiry
donatedby Mr. Leo Potishman * FOURTH
u.,iththe Fort \Y/orth Symphony Orcbestra,Ezra Rachlin, Cond'ucting
donated by Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour, III as a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Seymour,Jr.
8:00 P. M. Rogers Memorial Auditorium
First Place V/inner Solo Concert Z Pretentalion ol Award't
Sunday, October 9 3:00 P.M.
donated by Mrs. Carl Beutel as a memorial to Mr. Cad Beutel *
Ed Landreth Auditorium, Texas Christian Universiry
MEDALLIONS Note: Tape record.itgs ile no, pern?irred. d*.ring tbe Competition and ttill be confiscated'.
Friday, October 7 and Sarurday,Ocober 8
donated by F. Howard ITalsh Foundation *
donated by Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barnett
SPECIAL A!${/ARDS First place winner Concert Management under Hurok Attractions, Inc.
SCHOLARSHIPS u,,ill be offered. by tbe follou,ing lnstitutions: u,ho uill baue representatites in Room 105 ol Ed Landreth Hall
+ Best Performance Commissioned American Composition "Structure for Piano"
by $Tillard Straight $500 Gold \7atch donated by Neiman-Marcus
* Best Performance of Chamber Music
$600 donated by Van Cliburn honoring Dr. and Mrs. Irl Allison
+ Best Performance of Copland Sonata The Annunciata Beall Gold Memorial Medal
Texas Christian Universiry Fort tVorth, Texas
SPECIAL APPEARANCES FOR THE \$TINNER Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra October tB, 1966 .L
Oklahoma Ciry Symphony Sociery October 24 and 25, 1966
+ Atlanta SymphonyOrchestra November3, 1966
Juilliard School of Music New York City
Easfman School of Music Rochester, New York
Wichita Falls Symphony Orchestra November 19, 1966
+ RoanokeSymphonyOrchestra November21, 1966 .L
Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore Baitimore, Maryland
Mi dl and-Odessa S ymphoni es N ovember 28 & 29, l g66
Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
Bloomington-Normal Symphony Orchestra Bloomington, Indiana December 4, 1966 .t
The University of Texas Austin, Texas
St. Cecilia Society Grand Rapids, Michigan December 9, 1966
North Texas Srate Universiry Denton, Texas
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Rochester, New york D ecember 15, 1966
Allison-Lankford CuP T
The Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Crenshaw Memorial Award given by their daughter, Jessie Deane Trulove, and presented at the discretion of the jury. .L
Pan American Union V a s h i n g to n , D.C. $500 and an appearance i n t h e H a l l o f th e Am e r ica s
Interlochen Music Camp Interlochen, Michigan
Chicago Musical College of Roosevelt Universiry Chicago, Illinois
Converse College School of Music Spartanburg, South Carolina and Chautauqua Institute Chautauqua, New York
Austin Symphony Orchestra Austin, Texas December 19, 1966 't
European Tour under auspices ' Carnegie Hall-Jeunesses-Musicales,Inc. Julius Bloom, Manager New York, New york January through March, 7967
+ Carnegie Hall Debut April 12, 1967 Awarded by Mrs. Maxine Shannon Pavelic .t.
to the highest competing contestant of the Americas
So u thern Methodi st U ni versi ty Dallas, Teras
Symphonic Orchestra of Mexico Autumn of 1966-67 season
ARGENTINA Dante H. Medina Eduardo Olcese Ana Maria Trenchi
Carl Michaei Cave Los Angeles
AUSTRIA Rudolf Buchbinder BRAZIL Marco Antonio Abissamra Dolores Maciel Flavio Vatani BULGARIA Milena Mollova CANADA Leslie Jones Shirley Pethes Robert Silverman COLOMBIA Blanca Utibe CUBA Henry Lowinger FRANCE Henri Barda Catherine Silie GERMANY Benedikt Kohlen Christoph Lieske GREECE Nelly Kokinos JAPAN Michiko Fujinuma Yuko Yamaguchi KOREA Theresa Chung MEXICO Enrique Batiz Jose Sandoval Maria
Phan Thi
Monique Charland Sanra Barbara Renee Chevalier San Franchco \Talker ludith La Mirada FLORIDA David C. \fyche Greenoille GEORGIA David B. Northington Macon ILLINOIS Karyl Louwenaar lV beaton INDIANA Barbara Crouse lnd'ianaPolis Larry \7. Keenan lnd'ianaPolis KANSAS Richard Reber Lawrence KFNTUCKY Jean Younce Corbin NE\f JERSEY Allen F. Kindt Clark
NE\fl YORK Francisco Aybat Forest Hills John Basquin Neut York Uga Grants Bellerose Raymond Herbert Batlalo Edward Lee Itbaca Joy Pottle Neta York City Janet A. Robens Neut York City Pamela H. Ross Queens Village Peter Schaaf New York City OKLAHOMA Larrv' M. Graham Ada Susan Smeltzer SaPalPa PENNSYLVANIA Linda Greer Pittsbargb Thomas Hrynkiw rililkes-Barre Barry L. Snyder Betblehen TEXAS Margarct Lacl Houston \TASHINGTON Tim Strong Tacoma
PRELIMINARY Villa Lobos Bach . Mozart Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Debussy Albeniz. Aaron Copland \Tillard Smaight.
. . Minstrel Impressions . . .. . .Prelude aod Fugue, Book I, No. 4 SonataK-310 No. 10, C Major . , . .. .Mazurka,Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . ".Nocturne, Opus 37, No. 2 Erude "Pour Les Accords" No. 12 .....E1 Albaicin from "Iberia" Sonata (194I) . . . Strucnrre for Piano
A g e :2 1
Address: R. da Consolacao,2270-aPto. 802 Consolacao-Sao Paula, Brazil, Z.P. 3
SEMI-FINAL Piano Quintette, Opus 34 ....S onatas-Longo 23 Longo 46I . . Nocturne . .SymphonicEtudes,Opus 13
Brahms. Scadatti. Barber Schumann.
ScholanbiPs: Private lessons from Eunice Katunka Instruction for Van Cliburn Competition being financed by Brazilian Industrialist Paula Taques Bittencourt T eacbers: Mrs. Ida Stefaninni Schultz Eunice Katunda Schools: Oswaldo Cruz Conservatory
FINAI Prokofieff. B eet hov en. Beethoven.
.....Concerto, Number 2, First Movement .........C o n cenq Opus 15, N o. 1 . . .Concerro, Opus 73, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Schumann. Bach.. Beethoven. Chopin Chopin Chopin Debussy Albeniz. Aaron Copland. \Tillard Straight .
!i I
United States
. .Toccata,Opus 7 Prelude and Fugue, Book I, No. 4 . . .Sonara,Opus 31, No. 2 .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 62, No. 2 . Erude, Bk. I, No. 6 . Evocation from "Iberia" .. Sonata(1941) Strucrure for Piano
Age: 2)
Address: 111-30 75th Avenue F o r e s t H i l ls, Ne w Yo r k, 1 1 3 7 5 Fint Solo: Age 73, Forest Hills, New York Solo Appearances: New York, Town Hall, April 22, 1966 Boston, Jordan Hall, April 16, 1966 Philadelphia, April 12, 1966 rS7ashington,D.C., Corcoran Gallery,
Awit 3,1966
Manhattanville College Recitals, 1963 and 7964 Town Hall Concert, T)62 Series of about 20 concerts at New York area secondary and elementary schools for "School Concerrs" organization Various radio and TV aDpearancesfrom 7962 to present time
SEMI-FINAL Schumann S carl atti .
euintette ......S onaras-Longo428 Longo 103
Kirchner Chopin
Sonata, second movement . . Fantaisie, Opus 49, f minor
Scholarships: Partial scholarship from Clarence Adler since 1962 Teacbers: Clarence Adler, New York Iain Hamilton Joseph Rann Sisters of the I.H.M. Schools: Fordham University, 1965
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerto,Opus 54, a minor, third movement . .Concerto,Opus 15, No. 1, C Major
PRELIMINARY Prokofieff Bach. . . . Haydn. . . Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Rachrnaninoff .. Albeniz. Aaron Copland \Tillard Straight
. . . . Sonata No. 7, Opus 83 . . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I. No. 4 Sonata,Opus 78 Mazttka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 1 . . Etude, Opus 39, No. 5 . . . .Tiana from "Iberia" . ..S onata(1941) Structure for Piano
A ge: 25
Address: 12 Rue des Epinettes P ari s 17e, France Firtt Solo: 2) years, Paris, France Solo APpearancet: Public Competitions Recital, Paris, 7964
SEMI-FINAL Franck Scarlatti
Quintette Sonatas-- Longo 188 Longo 465
Barber. Liszt . ,
Sonata, Opus 26, third and fourth movements .....Mephisro
Wa l t z
Au,ards: First prize, Conservatoire National Sup6rieur de Musique, Paris, 7962-63 T eachers; Mr. J. Benvenuti, 1960-62 Mr. Jean Hubeau, 1961-62 M. L. Lazare-Levy, 1957-&+ Schools: Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique, Paris, France Lycee Francai sdu C ai re tE gypte)
Prokofieff MacDowell Schumann.
. . . . . C-oncerto, No. 2, first movement . . . Concerto, d minor, first movement . . Concerto, a minor, third movement
PRELIMINARY Brahms Bach.. Mozatt. Chopin Chopin Chopin Liszt-Paganini.. Albeniz Aaron C.opland. Wiilard Straight
. .Pagan,iniVariarions, Opus 35, Bk. II . . . . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4
'i?Tilif ,iJi;BKIT
. . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . Nocrurne, Opus 48, No. 1 . . Etude, E Flar major . . Fete-Dieu a Seville from "Iberia" ....S onat a ( I 94I ) Structure for Piano
Ag e : 2 2
First Solo: Age 6, Queens, New York Solo Appearancet: Solo Recital, Carleton C,allege, 1966 Manhattan School of Music, 1965 Museum of the City of New York, 1964 IlVith Orchestta: Manhattan School Orchestra, 1966 Ganz Competition Finalist, 1965 Grant Park Symphony, 196J Manhattan School Repertoire Orchestra, 1965 Minneapolis Symphony, 1963 Scholarsbipt: National Arts Club Music Scholarshio \flinner,1966 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra four year scholarship to Manhattan School of Music, 1962 'Winner of Arlington Civic Symphony Contest,1957 Partial schoiarships from teachers Auards: Kit-Kat Club Award, New york, l96j National Merit Scholar Teachers: Dota Zaslavsky, New York, 1960-63 p;t!la-m E. Nelson, Minneapolis, 1919-63 rDfashington, D.C., 4_qt!oly Chanaka,
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatti. B arber.. Schubert
Barbara Steinbach, Calirornia Sylvia_Baron, lVashington, D.C. Schools: Manhattan School of Music, 1967 Catleron College, Nonhfield, Minnesota, 196i B.S.
....Qui ntette , O pus 34 Sonaas Longo 118 Longo L25 . . Sonat4 Finale Fantasy "Der Ifanderer"
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. Beethoven.
. . . . . Concerro, No. 2, ffust movement . . Concerto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY S c hum ann. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. . . . . . . Chopin. Debussy Albeniz Aaron Coplaod. S7illard Straight
.....Toccata,Opus7 . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I. No. 4 . . . . .Sonata,Opus 31, No. 2 .....M azurka, Opus 59, N o. 1 ..E cude,Opus 10, N o.4 Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 2 Octave Etude
Tiana from "Iberia" Sonata (194L) . . Strucrure for Piano
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Scarlatti
Quintette,Opus 34 So,natas- Inngo 461 I-ongo 23 Sonata,Opus 26, Fugue .Sonata,Opus 35, No. 2
Barber. Chopin.
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. Beethoven.
. . . . . Concertq No. 2, f,irst movement . . . C"oncerto,a minor, third movement Concerto. No. 1
Age: 22
Address: Avenida Horacio 327, Mexico 5, D.F. First Solo: 5 years, Mexico City Solo Appearancet: European Tour,1965 Recital, Juilliard School of Music, 1965 Recital at La Universidad de Campeche in Mexico, 1964 O.S.N. and O.S.X. appearanceson a govefnment sponsored concett tour of Mexico, 1964 Presented program foi Museum of the City of New York, 1964 Southern Methodist University School of Music Recital, 1962 tX/it h Orc hestra.' Mexico City, 1964 Scbolarsbips: Pan American Union Fellowship for Music, 1966 Full Music Scholarship at Southern Methodist University, 196l-62 Two scholarships in memory of Newton \SThite for srudy at Juilliard School of Music given by Van Cliburn Au'ards: Diploma from Marguerite Long and special prize from Madame Long in recognition of outstanding talent in June International Competition, 1965 'Winner National Piano Contest, and Chopin Contest, Mexico, 1960 Teacbers: Andrej Wasowxky Maestro Francisco Agez, Mexico Gyorgy Sandor, Adele Marcus Scbools: Southern Methodist University Tuilliard School of Music
RUDOLF BUCHBINDER Debussy Bach . . Beethoven C hopi n. Chopin. Chopin Scriabin. Albeniz Aaron Copland. \Tillard Straight
. . . Pour le Piano Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . . . .Sonata,Opus 31, No. 3 .....Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocturne, Opus 62, No. 1 .Erude,Opus 8, No. 12 El Polo from "Iberia" Sonata (194L)
Structdre for Piano
Ag e : l)
First Solo: 6 years, Vienna, Austria Solo Appearancet: Tour: Hong Kong, Manila, New Zealand and Fiii Islands as member of Vienna Trio, Summer 1966 Tour: U. S. of A. as member of Vienna Trio, 1965 Recitals in Austria, Germany, the British Isles, South America, Cairo, Istanbul, South Africa and Holland lVith Orcbesna: Royal Philharmonic, London, 1965 Orquestra Filharmonica de Sao Pauio,
196t Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional, Buenos Aires, 1961 L o n d o n P h i l h a r m cn ic, 1 9 6 3 Rias Philharmonic, Berlin, 1962
SEMI.FINAL Dvorak Scarlatti
Quintette, Opus 31 .Sonatas- No. 15 No. 20 (Ed. Peters,Book 2) \7aves from Poems of the Sea .....S onara, Opus 58
Bloch. . Chopin
Scbolarships: Austrian Ministry of Education, 196O-6i International Musical Contest of German Radio Affairs in Music, 1961 Awards: First prize to the Vienna Trio, at the International Competition in Munich,
Teacbers: Professor Bruno Seidlhofer, 1958-66 Professor Marianne Lauda, 79J2-58 Scbool: Academy for Music and the Arts, Vienna, Austria, 1952
FINAL Prokofieff . . Beethoven.. Schumann.. .
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerto, No. 1 Concerto, a minor, third movement
Prelude and Fugue,Bk. i, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 10! .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 55, No. 2 ..Etude, Opus 8, No. 12 El A,lbaicin from "Iberia" .. Sonara(I94I) Strucrure for Piano
Beethoven Chopin. . . Cho pin ..
Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aaron Copland. \Tillard Straight
United States
A ge: 22
Ad.dress: 1904 S. Robertson Street Los Angeles, California Otber Lang*aget: French, German, some Italian, Russian, S pani sh
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatri
. . . Quintette,Opus 34 . .Sonatas- Longo 23 Longo 104 American Ballades,Nos. 1, 2, 5 . . . . .Sonata,Posthumous
Harris. . Schubert
First Solo: A ge 15, R ol l a, Mi ssouri Solo Appearances: Several Recitals, California, 1965-66 lV'itb Orcbestra: Los Angeles, California, 7966 Scholart hips: Ford Foundation-full tuition to California Institute of Arts, Los Angeles,
1965-66 Partial tuition to California Institute of A rts, Los A ngel es, 1964-65 Music Scholarship, full tuition to r$(/ashington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1962-6) Au,ard.s: National Society of Arts and Letters place Award-third
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. Concerto,No. 2, first movemenr Concerto, third movemenr Concerro. No. 5
Teacher: Johana Harris, 1964-66 Julia bal deZuniga, I95i-54 Robert \Wallenborn, 1962 -6j Fred Remingtot, 1957 -62 Scbools: California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles 1964-66 rJTashington University, St. Louis, Missouri 1962-61
PRELIMINARY ChoPin. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. ChoPin. Chopin. Livt-Paganini Albeniz. Aaron Copland \Tillard Straight.
.Ballade Opn:s 52, No. 4 . . prelude and Fugug Bk. I, No. 4 ....Sonata, Opus gla . . . .. .Mazurka,Opus 59, No. t . .Erude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocnrrne, Opus 4g, No. 2 . ..Erude in E Flat . Evocation from .,Iberia,, ...sonata (lg4I) . . . .Strucnrre for piano
Age: 2(
Ad.d.ress: 422 Consuelo Drive Santa Barbara, California Otber Lang*age: French First Solo: Age 7, Montreal, Canada Solo Appearancet: Numerous recitals in Santa Barbara. California area, 1962-66 Finalist of Fresno Young Anist Awards,
lVith Orchestra: Music Academy of the West Symphony Orchestra, 1959 Santa Barbara Symphony Orchestra,
SEMI-FINAL Schumano Scarlatti.
Miller. Chopin
Sonaa, Opus 58, b minor
Scbol.anhipt: Music Academy of the $[est (summer session), lp65 Autards: Expense money for trip to the International Edgar M. Leventritt Competition in New York, l96j Teacben: Victor Aller Oliver Grosse Gyorgy Sandor Lloyd Browning Gabriel Cusson Edmond Trudel Scbooh: U_niversity of California, Santa Barbara, 1963 to present Music Academy of the West, California 4cademie de Musique de Quebec, C.antda
Longo 449 "Pedt Caprice"Opus 52
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. Beethoven.
. . . .Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . Concerto,a minor, third movement .....C oncerto. No. 1
PRELIMINARY . . SonataNo. 2, b flat minor . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 ....S onata,Opus109 .. ... Mazurka,Opus 59, N o. 1 . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 .....Nocturne, Opus 27,N o.2 Erude No. 3 "Pour les Quartes" El Puerto from "Iberia" ...S onata (1941) ...Strucn-rrefor Piano
Chopin. Bach. . B eet hov en . Chopin Chopin Chopin. Debussy. Albeniz. A ar onCopla n d ... I7illard Straight.
United States
Age: 25
Address: J00 Thornton Avenue San Francisco, California 94124 First Solo: Age 12, San Francisco, California
SEMI.FINAL Brahms Scadatti
Quintette,Opus 34 Sonatas- Longo 429 Longo 33 . . . Sonata,third movement SymphonicEtudes .
Andrew Imbrie Schumann . . .
Solo Appearances: Anaheim National Guild, 1961 Motalvo, 1962 Saratoga, 1962 San Francisco Dutton Club, 1962 lVitb Orcbestra: Fresno Philharmonic, 1966 Long Beach Symphony, 1965 San Francisco Symphony, 1962 Summer Pop Berkeley Youth Symphony, 1962 Auards: First Place, Young Artists Competition, sponsored by Fresno Philharmonic Symphony and the Fresno Junior League,
Long Beach Furjanick Award,7965 A l ameda Musi c TeachersA ssoc i ati on Award Pacific Musical Society Award I eachefi;
Prokofieff. MacDowell Beethoven.
......Concerto, No. 2 . . . Concerto, d minor, first movement Concerto, No. 5
Robert Vetlesen, 1963Adolph Baller, 1960-6i A l i ce E hl ers, i 960 Caroline Irons, 1956-60 Madame Elizabeth Boris, 1950-56 Schools: University of California, Betkeley, California B.A. 1961, Phi Beta Kappa
PR.ELIMINARY Liszt. . Bach. . Beethoven..
. . Gnomen-Reigen (Two C-oncertErudes,No. 2 ) . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . .Sonata,Opus 110
Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Liszt-Paganini.. . . .. Albeniz. Aaron Copland. I7illard Staight
Mazurk4 Opus 59, No. 1 . Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 .. . . .Nocturne, Opus 15, No. 2 . . . .Etude in E Flat Majot El Puern from "Iberia" ...S onata ( I 94L) Strucnrre for Piano
Age: 21
Address: 1t5, 3 KA Chongno Chongno-ku, Seoul, Korea First Solo: 13 yeats, Seoul, Korea
i I
I' I
Solo Appearances: Student recitals, Baird Hall, 1964 Recitals at the State University of New York. Buffalo, 1953 Graduate recital, Seoul National University, 1962 Soloist at First Memorial Concert of April Students' Revolution, 1962 Tour of South Korea, 1962 Accompanied vocal recitals at College of Music at Seoul, 1961 ly/itb Orchertra: Second Annual Concert for Talented Youth,1958 ScholanbiPs: Simon's Scholarship from the State University of New York, 1963-65 Au'ard.s: Davidsbundler's Prize at the State University of New York, 1963 First prize for Ewha University Music Competition, 1957 Vinner in Kyunggi Girl's High School in Piano Teacbers: Mr. Leo Smit, 1963-6t Mr. Jin \7oo Chung, 1959-6i Miss Jae Duk Shin, I9t7-59 Sebools: State University of New York, 1964 Ssoul National Universitf, 1963
SEMI.FINAL Schumann Scarlatti Griffes Chopin
Quintette Longo 336
crouds rrom rhe*.JK#i Scherzo,Opus 54
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. MacDowell
. . . Concerto,No. 2, first movement Concerto in a minor, third movement Concerto in d minor, first movement
PRELIMINARY Debussy Bach. . Mozart. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Rac hm anino ft..... Aaron C-opland rDfillardStraight.
Les feux d'artifice . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,K.575, D Major .....Mazurka, Opus 59, N o. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nccturne, Opus 27, No. 2 ...Eru d e Tabl eaux, Opus 39, N o.5 Sonata (194I) ....Structure for Piano
United States
Age: 2l
Address: 8824 Cholla Drive Indianapolis, Indiana First Solo: Age 13, Indianapolis
SEMI-FINAL Shostakovitch
Scadani Griffes. Brahms
. . .Quintette, Opus 51 Sonatas- Longo 104 Longo 387 .....S cherzo,Opus 6 Variations and Fugue oo a theme by Handel, Opus 24
Solo Appearancet: Recital, Stephens College, Missouri,
1964.1965 Recital, College of San Mateo, 1P66 \Y/ith Orches.tra: Stephens College, 196J Scholarthips: Scholarship, Miss Gertrude Ribla, 1964 Dimitri Mitropoulos Scholarship for Stephens College, 1963 State \Tinner of National competitions: Stillman-Kelley Scholarships, 1960 Teachets: Dorothy Munger Thomas LaRatta Richard Johnson Ania Dorfmann Schooh: StephensCollege, Missouri, 1961
FINAL Prokofieff. . . . Schumann.. . . Rachmaninoff.
. . . . . Concerto,No. 2, first movement . . . Concertq a minor, third movement . . . . . Concerto, No. 4, fitst movement
Brahms. . . .Variations on a Theme by Paganini,Opus 35, No. 2 . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I. No. 4 Bach. . ....S onata,OPus81A B eethoven. Mazurka,Opus5 9, No.1 ...... C hopi n. . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Chopin. .Nocturne, OPus 27, No. 2 .... Chopin. ....E tude' i nE Flat Li szt-P agani ni ...... . .Triona from "Iberia" Albeniz .....S onata ( 194L) A aronC opl and.... \Tillard Straight.
Age: 21
Addrest: 3 4 Higashi Matsushitacho Kanda Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan Firtt Solo: Age 10, Tokyo, Japan
li fl t:
Solo Appearances: Piano and Chamber Music Concet, Otaru, 1965 Chamber Music Concert, Tokyo, 1965 Open Piano Course by Rudolf Serkin, Tokyo, 1965 32nd Music Contest, Tokyo, 1963 tY/ith Orchestra: Concert Evening, Toho Music Academy,
SEMI-FINAL Franck Scadatti.
Quintette Longo 104
T.ongo422 Sonata,Opus 26, fourth movement
. . Sonata, OPus 5
1t :i LI li
Teacbert: Motonari Iguchi Mrs. Kazuko Ariga Scbools: Toho Music Academy, Tokyo, 196)-
t1 FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. B eethoven.
. . . .Concertq No. 2, first movement . .Concertq a mino(' third movement .....C oncerto , No. 5
PRELIMINARY S c hum ann. Bach. . B eet hov en. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Liszt-Paganini Albeniz. A ar onCopla n d .... \Tillard Straight
.....Toccata,Opus7 . . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. L No. 4 .....S onata,Opus57 Mazwka, Opus 59, No. 1 . .Emde, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocnrrne, Opus 48, No. 1 Erude No. 2, E Flat El Albaicin from "Iberia" .....S onata (1941.) Strucnrre for Piano
United States
Age: 22
Addrest: 1111 East9th Street Ada, Oklahoma 74820 Firtt Solo: Age 14, Oklahoma
SEMI-FINAt Brahms Scarlatti
. .. .Quintette, Opus 34 Sonatas- Longo 27I Longo 498 . . .Three PreludesforPiano TJTanderer Fantasy,Opus 15
Kent Kennan Schubert.
Solo Appearances: Severalappearancesin Florida, l96t-66 Dallas Symphory, 1961 Numerousrecitalsin Oklahoma, 1918-6, ll/ith Orebettra: Oklahoma City, 1964 Scbolanbips: Universityof SouthernFlorida, 196r-66 Juilliard Schcolof Music, 1963-65 Auards: Dealey Award, Dallas, Texas, 1964 Bloch Award, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 7964 Teacbers: JacquesAbram, 196r-66 Rosina Lhevinne, 1962-65 Robert Pace,summers19J9-61 Mabel Crabtree, 1952-
FINAT Prokofieff. MacDowell.
. Concerto,No. 2, first movement .Concerto. d rninor. first movement Concerto. No. 1
Scbools: University of South Florida, 1965Juilliard Schoolof Music, 1962-6)
PRELIMINARY Brahms Bach.. B eethoven..... Chopin Chopin. Chopin Liszt-Paganini . Albeniz Aaron Copland, Willard Sraight
Sonata,Opus 5, f minor Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I. No. 4 Sonata"Opus 110 . . . . . Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . Nocrurne, Opus 48, No. 1 . . Erude in E flat . .Triana from "Iberia" ..S onata(1 941) ....S trucrurefor Piano
United States Ag e : 2 7 (born Lise Province, Czechoslovakia) Address: 80-14 233rd Street Bellerose, New York 10027 First Solo: Age 11, Michigan Solo Appearances: Recital, lVisconsin, 1966 Recitals in Lincoln, Nebraska; Toronto, Canada and Chicago, Illinois, 1965 Recital, Villiam Carey College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 1964 l[/ith Orcheora: The Festival Orchestra, Muskegon, Michigan, 1964
SEMI-FINAL Brahms.. Scadami.
Quintette, Opus 34 ... S onatas-Longo 4L3 I-ongo 384 . Nocturne . . Carnaval
Barber . . Schumann
Scbolarships: Curtis Institute of Music-full tuition University of Tennessee-full tuition Teachert: Nelson and Neal, 1962-66 Lee Luvisi, 1959-62 John Wheeler, 1917 -59 ,c'Orrnnamodt, Ly>>-) / Isle Musto, 19t0-55 Scbools: Curtis Institute of Music, 1962 University of Tennessee, Junior year 7)66
Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement , . Concerto, a minor, third movement Clncerto,
No. 5
PRELIMINARY . Ballade, Opus 52, No. 4 Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I. No. 4 ......S onata,Opus110 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 2 . .. .Etude in E Flat Triana from "Iberia" .....S onata (1941) . . Structure for Piano
Chopin B ac h. . Beethoven.
Chopin. Choprn Chopin Uszt-Paganini Albeniz Aaron C-opland. NTillard Suaight
United States
Age: 27
Address: 4 Hartle Lane Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15228 First Solo: Age 10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
SEMI-FINAL S c hur nann Scarlatti.
.....Qui ntette . .Sonatas- Longo 119 Longo 286 . . Poemsfor Piano, Book 2 Vincent Persichecti Sleep,\Veary Mind Make Me Drunken with Deep Red Torrents of Joy Dust in Sunlight and Memory in Corners Brahms Handel Variations
Solo APPearances: Various recitals, Oklahoma, Colorado, Alabama, Georgia Debut Recital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
)964 l{/ith Orcbcsta: Oklahoma State University Orchestra,
1966 Independence, Missouri Symphony Orchestra, 1964 \Theeling, \7est Virginia Symphony Orchestra, 1958 Scbolarhips: partial Juilliard School of Music-two scholarships Aspen Music School-partial scholarship Au'ards: \Tinner of Young Artists Auditions, Alabama Federation of Music Clubs, 196, Pittsburgh Area Artists Audition \finner, YMHA Musical Society, 1964 .I eachef-t:
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. B eet hov en.
. . . .Concertq No. 2, first movement . Concerto, a rninor, third movement .....C -oncerto.N o. 1
RosinaLhevinne,1964-66 Dow,is, 1964-66 Jeaneane Katherine Bacon, 1960-63 Martin Canin, 1960-6i SelmarJanson,l9t6-60 Scbools: Aspen Music School,1966 University of Pittsburgh, 1960-6, Juilliard Schoolof Music,M.S. 1963
RAYMOND HERBERT C hopi n.. B ach..... Beethoven C hopi n Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin Albeniz. A aronC opl and.... Villard Straight.
United States
....Fantasy,Opus 49, f m inor Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I. No. 4 Sonata,Opus 109 ......Mazurka,Opus 5 9, No. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocrurne, Opus 32, No. 1 . . Etude, Opus 42, No. 1 .Evocationfrom "Iberia" .....S onata ( 194L) . . . Strucrure for Piano
Age: 25
Addrets: 3 7 L i n d a D r ive Buffalo, New York, 14225 First Solo: Age 11, Providence, Rhode Island Solo Appearances: Recitals in Lake Placid, Rosary Hill, Corning and Rochester, New York V/ Orchestra: Eastman School of Music Symphony Orchestra, 1964 Kilbourn Hall, 1961 ScbolarshiPt: Eastman School of Music, college and graduate schoois, 1957 -65 Graduate Assistantship, Eastman School of Music
SEMI-FINAL . . . . Q u i n te tte
..Sonatas -Longo
Longo 486 . . Noctutne Fantasy,Opus 17, C Major
Barber Schumann
Autards: Received Alton \7. Jones Foundation Award for Piano Study, Rochester and Lake Placid, New York, 1964-65 First place winner in two events, National Guild of Piano Teachers, 1961 and 1960 I edcnefs: Jose Echaniz, 1958-6, C. Alexander Peloquin, 1951-i8 Mrs. Carlton Mott, 1946-)l Schooh: Eastman School of Music, B.M. 1962;
M.M. 1964
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
Concenq No. 2, first movement
t'"'l*ll aminor' *::*:'ffi:T
PRELIMINARY Scriabin. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. . . . . . . Scriabin. Albeniz. A ar on Copla n d .... \Tillard Straight.
. Sonara,Opus 53, No. 5 Prelude and Fugue, Book, I, No. 4 ....Sonata, Opus 110 ......M azurka,Opus 59,N o. L ..Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 .....N octurne, Opus 27,N o. 2 . . Erude, Opus 42, No. 5 .....Fete Dieu a Sevillefrom "Iberia" .....S onata (1941) . .. .Srucnrre for Piano
Age: 25
Addrest: 122 North Empire Street Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania First Solo: Age L3, \Tilkes-Barre,
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatti.
.,. .Quintette,Opus 34 . Sonatas- lnngo 407 I-ongo 416
Flagello. Schumann.
Sonata, third movement
Fantasia, Opus 17
Solo Appearancet: Recitals in New York and Pennsylvania Radio performances in New York lVitb Orcbeara: Manhattan School of Music Orchestra,
1966 PhiladelphiaMusical Academy Orchestra,1965 Binghamton Philharmonic, 1964 Scranton Philharmonic, 1963 NiagaraFallsPhilharmonic,1961 ScholarbiPs: Manhattan School of Music-full scholarship Ifilkes College-full scholarship Auards: $7on Eastern Division Piano C.ompetition sponsoredby National Music TeachersAssociation,1962
FINAL Prokofieff. MacDowell . Beethoven.
. . Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerro, d rninor, first movement Conceno, No. 5
Teachers: Dora Zaslavsky,1964-66 Anne Liva, l9r7 -6) Scbools: Manhattan School of' Music, 1954-66 'Wilkes College,19r7-6J
. Barcarolle Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 57 . Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus !, No. 1 ....E tude , E f lat M ajor . El Puerto ,from "Iberia" Sonata (I94I) Strucnue for Piano
Beethoven Chopin. . . Chopin. . . Chopin. Liszt-Paganini
Albeniz Aaron Copland. $Tillard Suaight.
Age: 21
Address: 16 Alphonse Crescent Streetsville, Ontario, Canada First SoJo: Age 12, Port Credit, Ontario Solo Appearancet: Recitals in Tampa, Florida and the University of South Florida, l96t-66 l[/itlt
Orchestra: University Symphony Orchestra, University of South Florida, Tampa 1963 Scholart hiPs: Annual Piano Merit Scholarship ($600.00), University of South Florida Canadian National Exhibition Scholarship 1964 Kiwanis Music Festival Scholarship, Toronto 1961 South Peel Music Festival-Five Scholarships
SEMI.FINAL Schumann Scarlatti.. Barber. . . Brahms. .
Longo 204 Longo 46I
r'Jr"ffi;?.T: 3fti:U variationr
Araards: STinner of "Talented Unlimited" Competition in London, Ontario 1958 Many lesser awards Teacbers: Jacques Abram, 1962-66 Louis Murch, 1952-59 Miss B. Stuart, 1949-51 Schools: University of South Florida, Associate of Royal Conservatory of Toronto 1962-66
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann B eethoven.
....C,oncerto, No. 2, first movement . Concerto,a minor, third movement .....C oncer t o. No. 5
PRELIMINARY Chopin. Bach. . B eet hov en. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aaron Copland r$Tillard Suaight
....Polonaise-Fanrasy, Opus 61 . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 .....S onaa, Opus 57 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . Erude, Opus 10, No. 4 .. . ..Nocrurn6; Opus 62, No. L . .Etude,Opus 8, No. 12 .....Fete-Dizu a Sevillefrorn "Iberia" ...Sonata (L94I) . . . Strucnrre fo,r Piano
Age: 25 144 BuckinghamDrive Indianapolis, Indiada 46208 First Solo: Age 21, Indiana University
SEMI-FINAL Shostakovich Scarlatti. Iv es . . . Schumann.
...Quintette ...Sonatas-Longo 23 I-ongo 465 ...F i rs ts o nata,fourthmovement . Symphonic Etudes,Opus 13
Solo Appearancet: Bardstown,Kentucky: Opening recital, StephenFosterMusic Club, 1963-65 Ursuline College, Louisville, Kentucky, ConvocationRecital, 1964 Nazareth College, Nazareth, Kentucky, ConvocationRecital, 1964 Indiana University, Student Recital, 1962 lY/itb Orcbestra: Louisville, Kentucky Orchestra, 1p65 Bloomington, Illinois Symphony, 1962 Scbolanhips: Indiana University, 196r-66 Dwight AndersooMemorial Scholarship, University of Louisville, 1964-6, Autard.t: Kentucky Music TeachersAssociation Competit.ion,1965 Bloomington Symphony Society's Young Artist Awad, 1962
FINAT Prokofieff. MacDowell Beethoven.
. . . Concerto,No. 2, first movement . Concerro,d minor, first movement Concerto. No. 5
Teacbers: JosephBattista,1965 ar,d 1960-63 Lee Luvisi, 1964-65 Mrs. RossJohnson,1947-14 Scbools: University of Louisville, B.M. 1965 lnllitana University, 1965-
ALLEN F. KINDT Schubert B ach... Haydn. . Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. A-lbeniz. Aaron Copland. ITillard Straight
. Sonata,Opus Posthumous Prelude and Fugue, Book I, No. 4 ,Sonata,No. 1, E flat Major . . Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . . Erude, Opus 10, No. 4 .Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 2 Etude, Opus 42, No. 5 Titana frorn "Iberia" .....S onat a ( I 94I ) . . Strucnrre for Piano
Age: 27
Address: 12 Hilltop Avenue Clark, New Jersey 07066 Ftrs, Jotro: Age 16, Newark, New JerseY-Young Artist Concert Griffith Music Foundation Solo APPearances: Recitals and appearances in Newark and Plainfield, New Jersey 1964-66 Ei Paso, Texas 796) Joint recital, Atlantic City, New Jersey
SEMI-FINAL Schumann . . . Scadaui
IVith Orchestra: Symphony C.oncert, Nutley, New Jersey
19t 7 ScholarsbiPs:
Barber. Brahms.
No.10, c minor (Longo) No. 33, b minor (Longo) . . Sonata,Opus 26, Fourth movement Sonata,Opus 5, f rninor
year Universiry of Michigan-three National Def'ense Education Fellowship to begin in August 1966 (for doctoral study in piano performance) tuiJuilliard School of Music-partial tion 7965-66 tuition 1965 Dartmouth College--full summer sessron tuition Curtis Institute of Music-full
1957 -6r Teacbers: RosinaLhevinne,1964-66 Martin C,anin,1964-66 Lee Luvisi, 1957-61 SylviaRaminof, 1953-17 Schools: University ol Michigan 7966Juiiliard School of Mtsic 1964-66 Curtis Institute of Music 1957-51
Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . . Concerto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PREUMINARY Schumann. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. A ar onCoplan d ..... S7illard Straight.
.Symphonic Etudes, Opus 13 . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Mazwka, Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 9, No. 3 . . .Etude, Opus 8, No. 9 .. .Ttiana from "Iberia" ....S onata (I} L) . . . .Smrcnrre for Piano
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatti. Barber. Brahms.
. . Quintette, Opus 34 Sonatas- Longo 58 Longo 25 . Sonata,Opus 26, first movement .Paganini-Variations,Opus 35, Books I and II
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. Beethoven.
Concerto No. 2 .Cnncerto, a minor, third movement : .. . . .Concerto. No. 1
Age: 2l
Address: 8 Miiunchen 13 Hiltenspergerstr. 84 Germany First Solo: Concertof pupils (Landau/Pi. Festhalle) Solo Appearances: German FederalSelectionof Concertsof Young Artists and TV appezuances, 1966 Many appearancesin Munich, Salzburg and Hanover, 1963-66 Recitals in Mannheim, 1962-6) Recitalsin London, 1919-60 lVith Orcbestra: AcademyOrchestra,Salzburg,as winner of the SoloistsContest 1965 Munich Philharmonic, 196445 College Orchestra,Mannheim, 1963 Scbolarfiipr Student Foundation of the German Perlple, 1964Lion's Club, Munich, 1963-64 Rotary Club, Mannheim, 1962 Atuardt: Busoni Contest, Salzburg,Fifth prize, 196t Salzburg Summer Musical Academy, winning soloist, 1964 Teachert: Prof. Friedrich \7iihrer, 1963-66 Direktor Professor Richard Laugs, 1960-6j Prisident ProfessorKarl Hcioller Schooh: Kiinstlerische Staatspriifung,1965
PREUMINARY Paganini-Liszt Bach. .
B eethoven..... Chopin Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aaron Copland. $Tillard Straight
Etude, g sha4>minor (La Campanella) Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . Sonata,Opus 57, f rninor . Mazurka,Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Erude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocrurne, Opus 72, No. 1 . . . . Erude,Opus 8, No. 11 . . . .Tliana from "Iberia" ...S ona t a ( I 94I ) Strucrure for Piano
11ge; lz
Ad.dress: 6 2 2 V e s t 1 4 1 st Str e e t New York, New York First Solo: Age 7, Bucharest, Rumania Solo Appearances: Numerous recitals in New York and New Jersey, 1960-6, lVitb Orchestra: Manhattan Orchestra, 1960
Scholar:bips: Manhattan School of Music, 7956-64 Study scholarships with H. Kalomiris and at Athens Conservatory, 1950-56
SEMI-FINAL Brahms.. S cadati ..
. Quintette, Opus 34 ....S onams -Longo 465 Longo 188 . . . Sonata,Opus 26, finale SymphonicEtudes
Barber. Schumann
Auards: 'Winner of Harold Bauer Award, Manhattan School of Music, 1964 li7inner of Queen Frederica's "Lykion Hellinidon National Contesr, Athens, Greece,1955 Recipient of U.S. Information Service Award, Athens, Greece, 1954 I eacbef!:
R o b e r t G o l dsa n d , 1 9 5 6 - 6 4 H. Kalomiris, 1950-56 Natalie Foundouka., 1947 -50 Schools: Manhattan School of Music, 1964 M.M. Manhattan School of Music, 1962 B.M. National Conservatory of Music Athens, Greece, 1950-56
FINAL Prokofieff. . . . Rachmaninoff. Beethoven.. . .
Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerto, No. 4, first movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Bartok . . . B ac h. . . . . Beethoven. Chopin .. Chopin. Chopin. . . Liszt-Paganini Albeniz. Aaron Copland. . \Tillard Straight. .
Out-of-Doors Suite Prelude and Fugue, Book I, No. 4 . . .Sonata,Opus 110 . . .Mazurka",Opus 59, No. 1 . . . . . Etud,e,Opus 10, No. 4 . . Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 1 ..... E tude i n E Fl at Maj or . . . . .Almeria from "Iberia" .....S onata (1941) . Sffucture for Piano
United States
SEMI-FINAL Do hn an yi Scarlatti
...Quintette . . . . .sonatas - K. 46I
K. 513 Aaron Copland Chopin.
Sonata, on-,,SllTlitil
Age: 26
Ad.dress: 6608 Sherwood Street Houston, Texas 70027 First SoJo: 15 years Solo Appearances u,i.tlt Orchestra: Houston Summer Orchestra, 1965 Nutley, New Jersey, 1965 Paterson, New Jersey, 1964 New Mariboro Music Center Orchestra, 1963-64 Bloomfield, New Jersey, 1963 Oberlin Orchestra, Oberlin, Ohio 1962 Houston Symphony, 1958 Concerts: New Jersey, Massachusetts, Texas Scbolarships: Irwin Freundlich, Juilliard Schocl of Musi c, 1965 I. Sant Ambrogio, 1963-64 Oberlin Conservatory rJ7orthing Foundation, Houston, $4,000.00 schol arshi p,1959 Red Fox Music Camp, $600.00 summer scholarship New Marlboro Music Center, Mass. Au,ards: \Tinner auditions for Boston Pops, i965; Nutley Symphony, New Jersey, i965; North Jersey Philharmonic, 1964 Music Educators Assoc. of New Jersey,
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . Concerto,No. 2, first movemenr .....C o n c e rto , a mi nor, thi rd movement Concerto, No. 5
Teacbers: I. Sant Ambrogio, 1961-66 Irwin Freundlich, 196)-64 Schools: Juilliard School of Music, New York Oberlin Crnservatory of Music, Ohio Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria, 1960-61
ED\rARD LEE Bach.. . Bach . Haydn. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin
. . . . . C h r o m a t i c F a n t a s y a n d Fu g u e . . Prelude and Fugue, Book I, No. 4 . . . Sonata, No. 8 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1
Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 2 . . . .Erude,Opus 33, No. 7 T/,aoa from "Iberia" ...S ona t a ( I 94I ) Suucnrre for Piano
Albeniz Aaron Copland. I7illard Straight
United States
Age: 26
Address: 110 Ringwood Court, R.D. #2 Ithaca, New York 14850 Fir.rt Solo: 22 years Solo Appearances: Several New York Recitals, 1964-66 Cornell University, 7)64 Pentucket Regional School, 1962 Orchestra: Ithaca High School, 1965 I eacbers: Alton Heinz, 1950-66
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti.. Palmer. . . Schumann
Longo 23 Longo 345 SecondPiano Sonata,secondmovement .....S ympho nic Et udes Sonatas-
Scbools: Cornell University, Class of 1961
Prokofieff. Schumann. Beethoven.
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . Concerto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. I
PRELMINARY B. Bartok B ac h. . . . M oz ar t . . Chopin. . Chopin. . Chopin. . Debussy., Albeniz. Aaron Copland. \Tillard Straight.
Sanata, 1926 Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,KV 570 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 .Noctume, Opus 9, No. 1 Etude. No. XI Rondena from "Iberia" Sonata (194I) . . , Strucnrre for Piano
z I
Address: 3 Hannover Thomastrake 5 Hannover, Germany
SEMI-FINAL S c hur nr ann Scadatti
Bartok. Moussorgsky.
.....Qui ntette So,natas- No. 4 No. 23 (Ed. Peters, Keler-\Teismann) . . . Six Pieces from Microcosmos PicruresAt An Exhibition
First Solo: l0 years, Orchestra Concert Duisburg Solo Appea.rances: Several appearances in Germany, 1966 lVitb Orchestra: Appearances in Germany, 1P65 Au'ards: Promotion's Award of the Arts Award of Lower Saxony Teachers: Hans Leygrap, 1954-64 Liselotte Iatz-Miller, 1945-54 Schools: Academy of Music and Theater, Hannover, 1962-64 Academy, Darmstadt, PMP, 1954-52 Conservaory Duisburg, 19 46-54
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . Concerto,No. 2, first movement Concefto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY R avel . Bach. . Beethoven. C hopi n. Chopin. Chopin. Debussy. Albeniz. A aronC opl aod.... rtrTillardStraight.
Age: 27
Address: 8 Galazy Bel Air Village Makati Rizal, Philippioes First Solo: l0 years,1949 Solo Appearances: Solo recital, Manila, 1965 Town Hall Series,1962 SeveralYoung Artists Recitals,1962 RecitalsPhilippine cities,1961-65 Kaufman Hall, New York City, 1P61 \Y, Orcbertua: Manila Symphony, 196), 1966 Filipino Youth Symphony,1954 Berlin Chamber Orchestta,1962 Scholarsbips: Marlboro Music Festival,Vermont, 1962 MannesCollege of Music, 1960-62 Tanglewood Music Festival, 1958 Autardy 'N7'onsixth place ex-aequo,Busoni International Piano Competition, Bolzano, ltaly, 1964 Awarded "Diplome avec Medaille a la Unanimite" at Geneva International Piano Competition, 7964 First prize, Mozart Bi-centennial Cornpetition, Manila, 1963 'S7inner, National Mozart Competition, Manila, L956 Teacher: Olga Stroumillo, 1957-62 Benjamin Ttpas 1915-17 Mary Lopez-Vito, 1944-56 Scbools: Mannes College of Music, 1961 Assumption C.ollege,ManiIa, 1954
. . . . Scar bo . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk I, No. 4 ....Sonara, Opus 110 ......Mazurka,Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocnrme, Opus 9, No. 3 . Erude Pour les Quartes .Evocation from "Iberia" ....S o' rr aa ( L94I ) ..,.Structure for Piano
. . Quintette . Sonatas- K.491 K.492 Sonatina, Opus 7 Sonata,Opus 143, a minor
Aschaffenburg Schubert
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. B eethoven.
. . . .Concerto, No. 2, firsr movement Concerto in a minor. third movement .....C o.r..r t o, No. 5
B ac h. . . . . . Beethoven.. Chopin. . . . Chopin. . . . Chopin . . . L is z t - P aganini ...... Albeniz. Aar onCopland ... S7illardStraight.
Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4
:::::;r,*5"T*;;;il; N@turne, Opus 62, No. 2 ....E rude i n E Fl at Mai or . . .Tiana from .,Iberia,' .....S onata (1941) ....suucrure for piano
United States
11ge: lo
Address: 911 East Liberty Wheaton,Iliinois 60187 First Solo:
SEMI-FINAL Franck Scarlatti
. . Sonatas-
Inngo 23 Longo 10 Sonata,Opus 26, Fugue . . . Kreisleriana
Barber .. Schumann
il I li
Prokofieff MacDowell Beethoven.
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . . Concerro, d minor, first movemenr
Concerto, No. 5
13 years, Grand Rapids, Michigan Solo Appearances: Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1966 Fort Sfayne Bible Coliege, 1966 University of Illinois graduate recital,
lVith Orchestra: rJfheaton Summer Symphony, Illinois, 196t Scholarshios: Musicians-Club of Vomen, ChicagoFarwell Award, 1966 University of Illinois, 1962-63 Presser Foundation at \fheaton College, 1960-52 Autard.s: rJ/inner of Allied Arts Piano Contest sponsored by Society of American Musicians, Chicago, l)66 Bloomington Normal, Young Artists, 1966 Wheaton C ol l ege, 1959-60' Teacbers: Gui Mombaerts, 196j to present Stanley Fletcher, 1962-64 Lillian Powers \Tadsworth, l9t8-62 Joseph Van Beck, 1946-58 Mrs. Jacob Louwenaar, mother, 1945-48 Sclsools: University of Illinois, graduate work 1964 'Wheaton College, Illinois, 1962
Beethoven Chopin. . Chopin. . Chopin. Liszt-Paganini.. Albeniz. Aaron Copland. N7iliard Straight
Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4
Sonata,Opus 53 .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocrurne, Opus 72, No. 1 . . . Etude in E Flat Major . Evocation from "Iberia" ..S onat a( 194L) Strucrure for Piano
Ag e : 2 I
Add.ress: 721 Veronica Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 Firtt Solo: 10 years, Havana, Cuba Solo Appearances: Pittsburgh Concert Society, 1964-65 lVitb Orchestra: Carnegie Community Otchestn, 7966 Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra of McKeesport, 1965 Teacbers: Jasha Fisherman, 1950-60 Harry Franklin, 1!61
SEMI-FINAL . . . Quintette, Opus 34 Sonatas-Lorgo' 451 Longo 345 Ornamental Erude C,arnaval,Opus 9
Brahms Scarlatti Benjarnin Lees Schumann. . . .
Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . Concerto in a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Schubert Bach. . . . Beethoven Chopin. . Chopin. . Chopin. . Lis z t - P aganin i ..... Albeniz Aaron Copland STillard Straight
Sonata in a mtnor
Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 .....S onata,Opus 110 . . . . Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocrurng Opus 27, No. 2 .....Enrde i n E fl at Maj or Evocarion from "Iberia" ...S onata (194I) Strucrure for Piano
Age: 20
Ad.dress: R. S. Romania,Brasov Piata Teatrului, BI. 9, Ap. 2 Firtt Solo:
SEMI-FINAL ....Qui ntette
Shostakovich Scarlatti
Barber. Chopin
So n a t a s - C F l a t M a j o r E Flat Maior
Sonata,Opus 26, third movement The First Ballade
FINAL Prokofieff . Rachrnaninoff . Be eth oven ....
....Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerto,No. 4, first movement Concerto. No. 5
12 years, Public Concert in Rumania Solo Appearances: Recitals in Moscow and kningrad, 1966 Appearances in Bucarest and other towns V/ith Orcbestra: Musical Theatre Orchestra, Brasov,
19t6-66,1959-64 Symphony Orchestra of Iassy,l96t-66 Moscow Conservatory Orchestra, 1965-66 Symphony Orchestra, Ploiesti, 1964-6, Scholarsbips: Ministry of Instruction, 1960 Attards: Fifth place winner of Beethoven International Contest, 1961 For composition of hymn for Tenth Anniversary of the Popular Rumanian Republic, 1954 From Pre-conservatory of Moscow: Bach Prize, Beethoven Prize, Ischostakovetch Prize Teacbers: H. G. Neuhaus, S. H. Neuhaus, Helene Kaspina, 1963-66 Galina Equiasarova, 196 l -6) Professor Forica Muzicescu and Cella Delavranca, 1960-61 Li a B usui oceanu,1951-)8 Scbools: Moscow Conservatory, 1961-66 Pre-conservatory of Moscow, 1961-63 Conservatory of Bucarest, 1960-61
PRELIMINARY Prokofieff. Bach. . Haydn. C hopi n. Chopin. C hopi n. Scriabin. Albeniz. A aronC opl and.... S7illardSraight.
Sonata, No. 3 . . prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . .. .. .Sonatain F Major ......Maastka,Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Ops 10, No. 4 ......N octurne,Opus9, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 8, No. 10 .El puerto from .Iberia" .....S o,nat a ( I 94I ) ....Structure for piano
: Brazil
Age: 20
Addrest: Rua Tabira #81 Recife, Brazil First Solo: 9 yearc, Recife, Brazil
Solo Appeauncet: Recitals in Rome, Georgia and Recife, Brazil V/ith Orcbettra: Symphony Orchestra of Recife, Brazil,
Symphony Orchestra of Recife, Brazil in Alagaos, Brazil, 196)
SEMI-FINAI Schumann Scarlatti.
Quintere Sonatas- Seite 16 Seite10, No.4 ....S ui te f or Piano Carnival
Dello Joio. Schumann
Scbolarshipt: Georgia Rotary Club, 1966 Manhattan &hool of Music, 1966-67 Autardt: First prize from Escola de Belas Artes, University of Recife, Brazil, 7964
l I
Teaclten: Elizabeth Buday Edson Bandeira de Mello Yara Portella Maciel Jose Kaplan Scbools: Shorter College, Rome, Georgia Escola Belas Artes, University of Recife, Brazil
i l
FINAL Prokofieff. B eethoven. B eethoven.
....Concerto, No.2, first movement ....C ,oncert o, No. 1 .....C oncertqNo. 5
I i
Bach Beethoven.
Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aaron C-opland. \Tillard Straight.
...Pour le Piant, Prelude Sarabande Toccata Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 109 ......M a zw ka,Opus59,N o. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocnrrne, Opus 27, No. 1 . . . Erude, Opus 8, No. ! Corpus Christi en Sevilla from "Iberia" Sonata (L94I) Structure for Piano Argentina
Age: 24
Addres: Obispo Salquero784 Cordoba, Republic of Argentina First Solo: 18 years
SEMI-FINAL Dvorak Scarlatti.
....Qui ntette I-ongo 490 I-ongo 430 Nocmne Ragusa Fantasia,Opus 17
Ernest Schelli.g . .. Schumann
Solo Appearunces: Several recitals in Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1965 Several TV Recitals Concert Hall of National Radio. Cordoba, 1961 Participatedin completeseriesof the 12 Piano Sonatasof Bethoven on radio in Cordoba lY/ith Orchettru: String Orchestraof Rio Ctano, L961 Rosario SymphonyOrchestra,1965 Concert School of Arts, Cordoba, 1964 Au,,ardt: General Cultural Program Prize, Santa Fe, 1964 C.ontestfor soloists,Rosario Special Pize, 1963
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. Rachmaninoff
....Concertq No.2, firsr movement . . Concerto,a minor, third movement Concerto,No. 4, firsr movemenr
Teacbert: ProfessorSeglried Pnger, l)63-66 ProfessorJoseLuis Volpini, 1956 Schooh: University of Cordoba, l96j-66 University of Cordoba School of Fine Arts, 1918-61
MILENA MOLLOVA Chopin. . Bach.. . . Mozatt... Chopin. Chopin. Chopin Scriabin. Albeniz. A aron C opl and.... Sfillard Straight.
. . .Ballade,Opus 52, No. 4 . . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 .Sonata,K- 576, D Major .Mazurka, Opus 39, o. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4
. Nocturne,Opus 27, No. 1 . . . . Erude,Opus 8, No. 10 . . . . .Triana.from "Iberia" .....S onata ( 194I ) ....Structure for Piano
Age: 26
Bulgaria Address: Sofia 5, Rue Bratja Miladinovi, Bulgaria First Solo: 9 years, Sofia, Bulgaria
Solo APPearances:' Nineteen Sonatas for piano and violin in three performances, 1966 Many recitals in Sofia, Hungary,
1963-66 lYith Orcbesta: Many appearances frorn 1952-64 with orchestras in Bulgaria, Russia, Germany and other European countries ScbolarsbiPs: State Scholarship from Ministry Bulgarian Cuiture I960-6L Autards: International Vinner Munich, 1962
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlati.
Barber . . Schumann
(Peters Edition) No. 17 No. 19 Nocrurne .Opus P, Carnavaj
Radio Contest,
I eacbef!:
Emil Guilels, 1960-61 ProfessorPanka Pelischek,1954-59 Schools: StateAcademyof Music, Sofia, 19)9
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. Beethoven.
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . Concerto in a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Mozart. Bach. . Beethoven
.Sonat4 G Major . Prelude . and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 57
Choprn. Chopin. Chopin. Debussy. Albeniz. Aaron C.opland. ...
. .. . . .Mazurka,Opus59,No. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 .. . . .Nocnrrne,Opus55, No. 1 . Etudefor Five Fingers,Vol. I .. .. .Sonata(194L)
\Tillard Straight
Strucnrre for Piano
South Vietnam
Age: 23 362 Bd. Fran Hoang-Quan Cholon Saigon, South Vietnam First Solo: l! years Solo Appearancet: Numerous recitals in South Vietnam and at Goethe Institute, Vietnam, 1963
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scadatti.. John Powell Beethoven..
. Quintette Sonatas -
. The Rhapsodie Sonata, Opus 53
Teacher Otto Soellner Scbool: College of Music and Theater of Hue, Vietnam, 1963-65
FINAL Prokofieff . Schurnann. Rachmaninoff
. . . .Concerm, No. 2, first movement . . Concerto,a minor, third movement . . Concerto, No. 4, first rnovement
PRELIMINARY Schubert Bach. . . Haydn. . Chopin Chopin. Chopin. Debussy. Albeniz. Aaron Copland. $Tillard Suaight
United Srates
Sonata, Opus 143 Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . . Sonata, Ijrtext
No. 38
.Mantrka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 1 . . .Erude for Eight Fingers . . Evocation from "Iberia" ...S onara ( I 94L) Structure for Piano
Age: IB
Ad.dress: 2 1 8 6 I n g l e s i de Ave n u e Macon, Georgia First Solo: 9 years, Ingley Srudio Recitals, Macon, Georgia Solo Appearances: l1e;hman- Piano Recital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1966 Recirals, Macon, Georgia, 1964-66 lVitb Orchestra: Georgia All-Srare Orchestra, Atlanta, Georgia, 1965
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti..
euintete Longo 104 Longo 343 Sonara,Opus 26, Fugue . Sonara,Opus 1 . Sonaras-
Barber. . Brahms..
Scholarsbips: S t u d e n t , S c h o la r sh ip wir h Ho wa r d rngley, Jr. Y e a r l y S c h o l ar sh ip , Cin cin n a ti Co lle g e , ( r n s e r v a r o r y of M u sic Macon Morning Music CIub, 1965 Atuards: Mo-st outstanding All-State Musician, 196' Macon Morning Music Club Teacbers: R a y m o n d D u d l e y, 1 9 6 j- 6 6 H o w a r d I n g l e y, Jr ., l9 S8 - 6 5 Scbooh: Univ_ersityof Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
Prokofieff Schumann . Beethoven.
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . Concerto in a minor, third movement . Concerto, No. 5
PREUMINARY Schoenberg. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. AaronCopland \Tillard Straight.
...3 Klaviersrucke,Opus 11 . . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 . .. .Sonata,Opus 8La ......M u " " rka,Opus59,N o. I . .Etude, Qpus 10, No. 4 . . ...Nocrune, Opus 48, No. 2 . . Etude, Opus 8, No. ! .Evocation from "Iberia" ...Sonata (194I) . . ..&ructure for Piano
Age: 26
Addrer: P. Obligado 849 BuenosAires, Argentina First Solo: 5 years, Buenos Aires
SEMI.FINAL Schumann Scarlatti.
.. ...Quintette ...Sonatas -Inngo 23 Inngo 430 ....A chtamar . . ...Sonata,Opus 57
A lan Hov hane s s .. Beethoven.
Solo Appearances: Concerts and Recitals in Buenos Aires, 1962-6t Several Radio Performances,1964 tt/itb Orcbe$ra: BuenosAires, 1961 Scbolanbipt: C)ne of seven finalists chosen by French Embassyto study in Pais, L962 Autard.s: Appointed Cultural Adviser in 1964 Teacbers: Juan Montes, 1!62Cados E. I0olff: 1962-(harmony and counterpoint) Schooh: University Nacional de BuenosAires,
FINAL Prokofieff. Rachmaninoff Beethoven.
Conservatorio "Fracassi," Buenos Aires ConservatorioNacional "Lopez Buchardo"
Concertq No. 2, first movement Concerto, No. 4, firsr movement ... . .Concenq No. 5
SHIRLEY TERESA PETHES Bartok. . . B ach..... Beethoven Chopin Chopin, Chopin Scriabin Albeniz. Aaron Copland. \Tillard Straight
Ag e : 2 5
Address: 257 Wortley Road London, Ontario, Canada First Solo: 72 years,London, Canada Solo Appearances: Chamber Music Recital, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1965 Chamber Music Soioist, London, Canada, 7964 Graduate Recital, Indiana University, 1961 and 1964 lVith Orchettra: Soloist with London and Brantford Symphony Orchestras, 1965 Scholarsbipt: Indiana Universiry, 1962-66 Several scholarships from Music Festivals, 19t2-6t University of Toronto, 1958-61 Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, 1956-58 Auardt: Jeunesses Musicales Camp, Magog, Quebec, 1961 Highest Mark in piano at Royal Conservatory of Music, Totonto, 1952 Teacbers: Gyorgy Sebok, 1963-66 Vlado Perlemuter, 7962-61 Adele Marcus, 1961-62 Doris \fatts, 1944-t6 Scbools: Indiana University, M.M. 1964 University of Toronto, 1961 Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, A.R.C.T., 1958
...S onata ( 1926) ...P rel udeand Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 . Sonata,Opus 81a .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 27, No. 2 . . . Etude, Opus 8, No. 12 El Albaicin from "Iberia" Sonata(1941) Strucrure for Piano
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti . .
. Quintette . . . Sonatas: Longo 497
Longct 286 Griffes. . . Schumann
Sonata, third movement
. . C,arnaval
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . Concerto, No. 2, first movemâ&#x201A;Źnt . . Concerto. third movement ....Concerto. No. 5
PRELIMINARY Brahms. Bach. . Mozan Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aar on Copland .... STillard Straight.
.Sonata,Opus 5, first movement . . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,K.282 . .. . . .Mazvrka,Opus 59, No. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 . . .. .Nocrurne, Opus 62, No. 2 Erude, Opus 42, C sharp mino.r . . . . . .El Albaicin from "Iberia" ....S onata (I94I) Structure for Piano
United States
Age: 27
SEMI-FINAL Schumann . . Scadatti.. . . . Stearns,Peter F r anc k .. . .
. . . . . . .Sorru.u, - trltJT:;
Longo 42)
. .. ...p,a,,a., dJ,:ffiJf#:
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. B eet hov en.
. . . .Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . Concerto,a minor, third movement .....C oncerto, N o. 5
924 Vest End Avenue New York, New York First Solo: 10 years,Los Angeles Bach Festival Solo Appemances: Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, 196, GardnerMuseum,Boston,Mass.,1!64 Tour of Scandinavia,1963 Regularly appears in Youth Concert Artists Recitals JudsonHail, New York, 1963 Town Hail, New York, 1962 lVith Orchestra: Baltimore Symphony, 1964 Severalappearances with Boston Pops San Diego and Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestras Concertsfor Youth, PasadenaSymphony StandardHour Orchestra1910-present Scholarthips: MannesCollegeof Music, 1958-61 Marlboro Festival,1959 BerkshireMusic Center. 1958 Juilliard Schooiof Music, 1957 Music Academy of the !7est, 1950, r952-t5 Auard.s: l7inner three times of Coleman Chamber Music Competition,1950, I95j-54 Teacbers: Dr. B6elaBdszcirmdnyi-N^Cy, 1963-66 Hans Neumann,1958-61 RosinaLhevinne,1957 Beveridge\7ebster,1957 Scbools: Mannes College of Music, 7958-61 Juiiliard Schoolof Music, 1957
PRFTIMINARY Hindernith. Bach. . B eethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin Li szt-P agani ni ...... Albeniz Aaron Copland I7illard Sraight.
.Sonata,No. 2 . . prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 ....S onata, O pus109 Mazutka, Opus 59, No. 1 .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 32, No. 1 ....E tude i n E f lat M ajor Evocation from "Iberia" .Sonata (1941) ....Strucrure for Piano
Age: 27
Ad.dress: 432-B Missouri Street Lawrence, Kansas 66044 First Solo: 13 years, Reading, Pennsylvania Solo Appearances: Faculty Recitals, University
SEMI-FINAL of Kansas,
Carnegie Hall Recital, 1962 Recitals, 1959-62
Schumann Scarlatti..
Scholarships: Fulbright, Vienna, 1962-61 Eastman School of Music, 1960-62
Frederic Lieberman. Chopin.
Quinteme Longo 23 Longo 286 . Prelude and Etude (1962) Scherzo,Opus 39 Sonaras-
Awards: Rotary CIub Music Scholarship, L956 Teaclten: Dr. David Burge, 1964 Greta Hinterhofer, Vienna, 1962-6) Cecile S. Genhart, 1959-62 Mary Nan Mailman, 1956-59 Schools: Eastman School of Music, M . M . 1 9 6 2 , B.M . 1 9 6 0
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. Concerto,No..2, first movement
. -n"*ol:-t"""::::.ff'ffi:"i
PREUMINARY Ravel. Bach. . Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin Rac hm aninof. .f ... Albeniz. Aar onCopland.... Willard Straight.
. .....Txcata 'Le Tombeaude Couperin' . . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 . . .Sonata,Opus 81A Mazutka, Opus 59, No. 1 .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Noctutne, Opus 27, No. 2 .....E rude,Opus 39,N o.3 . , .Triana from "Iberia" .....S onata (194I) ....Strucnue for Piano
Age: 2)
Address: 311 ITest 70th Street,Apt. lE New York, New York First Solo: 12 years,C.asper,IU7yoming
SEMI-FINAL Franck Scarlani
Quintette .Sonatas- Iongo 188 Iongo 104 Sonata,Opus 26, Fugue . ...S onata i n b mi nor
Barber. Chopin.
Solo Appearancet: Liszt Competition at Juilliard School of Music, 1965 Four public recitals at Juilliard School of Music, 1962-65 WNYC Televisionrecital, 1965 lY/ith Orchestra: Casper Symphony Orchestra,!/yomin.g, l9)4 and 1957 Scbolanhips: Aspen Summer School,1956 Three consecutivescholarshiosat Juilliard School of Music Teacbers: JosefRaieff, 1962-66 Victor Babin, 1916 Arthur Dann, 1960-61
FINAL Prokofieff.. Schumann Beethoven
Scbooh: Juilliard Schoolof Music, 1961-65 Oberlin College, 1960-61
. . . . .Concerto, No. 2, first movement . Concertq a rninor, third movemenr Concerto,,No. 5
Mephisto \Valtz Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 ...S onata,O pus 109 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. I Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 62, No. 1
Chopin Chopin Chopin. Scriabin Albeniz Aaron Copland. Willard Straight
United States
Etude,Opus65, No. 3 Triara from "Iberia" .....S ona t a ( I 94I ) . . Strucnrre for Piano
Age: 20
Address: 94-67 Springfield Boulevard QueensVillage, New York First Solo: 11 years,Brooklyn,New York Solo A.ppearancet: Performances as result of winning competitionsin Queensand Brooklyn, 196r, 1962, 1965 lVith Orchestra: Benefit Concert,New York, 1957 Scholarsbips: Juilliard Schoolof M:usic,7957-54
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatti
. Quintette, Opus 34 Sonatas- Longo 8 Longo 386 . . .Fantasy Pieces . . . . . .Sonata,Opus 58, b minor
Bergsma Chopin.
Autards: Queens College Orchestra Society Award, 7965 Annual Competitionfor Ciry Universiry students,1965 Queens College Orchestra Society Award,7962 Queens Symphony Orchestra Award, 1 96 r Teaclters: I/ard Davenny,1P6) EdwardSteuermann,1962-64 JaneCarlson,1957-62 Scbools: QueensCollege,8.4., 1965 Juilliard School of Musiq 1957-6'1
FINAT Prokofieff. Schumann, Beethoven.
Concerto, No. 2, first movement ...,Concerto, a minor. third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Liszt.. Bach. . B eet hov en. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz AaronCopland ITillard Straight.
.S.panishRhapsody . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 .....S onat4 Opus.53 ......M a zurka,Opus 59,N o. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocturne, Opus 15, No. 1 . . .En:de. No. 10 . . .Trrata frorn "Iberia" ...Sonata (1941.) ....Strucn:re for Piano
Age: 22
Mina 1130 Sur Monterrey, Mexico First Solo: 15 years, Torreon City, Mexico
SEMI-FINAI Shostakovich Scarlatti.
...Quintette ..Sonatas-Longo 372 Inngo 373 . . .. .Toccata Sonata,Opus 35, No. 2
Roy Hards. Chopin.
Solo Appearances: Professionalengagernentsin Atchison, Kansas,1964 Mexico City, l)64 Recitals at University of Kansas;Dunngo City, 1963 TV and radio appearancesincluding wodd-wide fi Fine Arts Hour in Mexico City rVitb Orcbestra: Monterrey, Mexico, 1964 ScbolarshiPs: Pttial: Compania General de Aceptaciones, Monterrey, Mexico Presidential Scholarship,Mexico City University of Kansas Juilliard School of Music Full: Aspen Music School summer, 1966
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. Rac hm aninof t.....
....Concerto, No.2, first movement . . Concerto, a minor, third movement ...C o n c e rt o,N o.4,fi rstmovement
Auards: Chosenbest insuumentalist of the Young Artist Naftzger Competition, 1963 T eaclters: Beveridge !?'ebster Scbooh: Universidad La Bastida luilliard School of Music
PETER SCHAAF Ravel Bach. . B eethoven. Choptn. Chopin. Chopin. P agani ni -Li szt..... Albeniz A aronC opl and.... Ifillard Straight.
...Sonatine . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 .....S onata, O pus 57 . . . . .Mazurk4 Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 1.0,No. 4 . . .. .Nocrurne, Opus 37, No. 2 .....E tude ti n E Flat M ajoa ....Triana from "Iberia" .....S onae a ( L941) Structure fo,r Piano
Age: 23
Ad.drets: 431 \7est l2lst Street New York, New York Fint Solo: 19 years,Columbia University, New York Solo Appearaaces: Recitals in New York and Florida, 196r-6, Scbolaubipt: Five consecutiveyears Juilliard Schoolof Music Auards: Morris Loeb Memorial ,Prizefor excellenceat Schoolof Music, 1965 'W'inner Juilliard of Kosciuszko Foundation $1000.00 annual Chopin Scholarship award
SEMI.FINAL . . . Quintette, Opus l4 Sonatas- Longo 205 I-ango 422 Preludes,Opus 5, Nos. 1, 2,3, 6 Fantasy, Opus 17
Brahms. Scarlatti. Paul Creston Schumann..
Teachers: JensNygaard,1P62RosinaLhevinne,1960-65 SaschaGorodnitzki, 1960 -65 Frances Mann, 1951-)9 CecilyIambert, l95L -t9 Scbools: Juilliard School of Music, B.M. 1964, M.S. l96t
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann.. Beethoven.,
Concertq No. 2, first movement
tlli'"o inamrnor'#i,:"litrT
PRELIMINARY Ravel . Bach .
Haydn. Chopin. Chopin Chopin. Rachmaninoff
A ar on Copland ..... \Tillard Straight.
. Tomb of Couperin Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 . . .Sonata,No. 15 Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 .....N o c rurne, Opus 27,N o- 2 Etude-Tableau,Opus 39, No. 5 . .Tiana from "Iberia" ....S onata (194I) . . . .Structure for Piano
Age: 27
Address: 18 Rue de I'Hotel de Ville Paris 4c, France First Solo: 9 years
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti.. Barber. . . Beethoven
....Qui ntette Sonatas- Longo 461 Longo 15 Sonata (1926), fourth movement Sonata,Opus 111
FINAL Prokofieff Rachmaninoff Be eth oven ...
Concerto, No. 2, first movement Concerto,No. 4, first movement Concerto, No. 5
Solo APPearancet: Recitals in France Concet tour in Algeria llith Orcbesta: P ai s,1964 Paris Orchestre de la Societe Auard.s: Fifth prize, Vianna da motta International Contest, 1964 Diploma in Tschaikowsky Internationai Contest, Moscow, 1962 Diploma in Dmitri Mitropoulos International Contest, 1961 First Grand prize in Maria Callas International Contest, Barcelona, 1961 Fourth prize, Marguerite Long Jacques Thibaud Contest, 1961 Second prize, International Contest, Geneva, 1959 National Higher Conservatory of Music Aq'ard, 1958, 1960, 1961 Teachers: Pierre Sancan Yves Nat Jacques de la Presle Noel Gallon Sean Hubeau Henrietta Roget Schooh: National Conservatory of Paris, 1918
PRELIMINARY Liszt B ach... Beethoven Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz Aaron Copland. S7illard Straight
. Sonata in b minor Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 . Sonata,Op'us 111 . . .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . . . . Etude, 10, No. 4 . . Nocfurne, Opus 27, No. 2 . . . . . Erude, Opus 8, No. 12 . . El Albaicin from "Iberia" Sonata (1941) . . . Strucrure for Piano
Age: 28
Addrest: 4746 Lacombe Avenue Montreal, Quebec, Canada Firtt Solo: 15 years, Montreal, Canada Solo Appearances: Recitals in Montreal lVith Orchestra: Chautauqr.raSymphony Orchestra, 1965 E a s t m a n Ph ilh a r m o n ic, 1 9 6 5 Boston Pops, 1962-63 Scholar hips: Eastman School of Music Assistantship,
SEMI-FINAL Brahms.. Scarlatti.
. ...Qui ntet t e,O pus 34 Sonatas - Longo 286 Longo 187 Sonata (1926) first movement . . . Sonata No. 2. b flat minor
Barber.. Chopin
1965-6 6
Quebec Government Grants, 196j-64 C a n a d a Co u n cil Gr a n ts, 1 9 6 I- 6 2 Atuard.s: Rio de Janeiro International Piano Cornpetition, Sixth prize, 1966 Artists Advisory Council Auditions, F i r s t p r ize , 1 P6 5 V i n n e r , Qu e b e c M u sic F e stiva l, 1 9 6 1 CBC Talent Festival, Second prize, 1961 ,l ea( lJ el J;
Cecile Genhart Scbools: S i r C e or g e \T illia m s Un ive r sir y Vienna Academy McGill University Eastman School of Music
Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . . . Co'ncerto, No. 2, first movement . . . Concerto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
Brahms. . Variations on a Theme by Paganini,Opus 35, Bk. II B ac h. . . . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 Beethoven Sonata,Opus 109 Chopin. . Mazvk4 Opus 59, No. 1 Chopin. . . ,Ecude,Opus 10, No. 4 Chopin . Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 1 Rac hm aninof f..... .... E tude,Opus33,N o.6 A lbeniz . ....E l A lbai ci nfrom" Iberi a" Aaron Copland. .....S onata (I94L) \Tillard Straight Strucrure for Piano
Age: 25
Add.ress: 72024 Mootpark Street, Apt. #1 Srudio City, California First Solo: 9 years,Sapulpa,Oklahoma
SEMI-FINAL Brahms. Scarlatti Barber Liszr.. .
. . Quintette,Opus 34 Sonatas- Inngo 24 Inngo 49 . Sonata,Opus 26, fourth movement ...S onatai n b mi nor
AppearanceslVitb Orchestru: Oklahoma City Symphony, 1966 University of S:outhernCalifornia q--hL^--
Amarillo Symphony Orchestra, 1964 Abilene Philharmonic Orchestta, l)64 Scbolan bips: Robert Laughli n, 1961-63 George Brite, 1957-59 Gunnison, Colorado Music Summer Study Scholarship for outstanding musician, 1918 Awards: Young Artist Awards, 1962-6) National Federation of Music Clubs A w ard, 1961 Oklahoma Music Teachers Award, 1961
FINAL Prokofieff. . . Rachmaninoff . Beethoven. . . .
. . . . . Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . . . . Concerto,No. 4, first movement Concerto, No. 5
I edcnefs: Lillian Stuber, 1964Robert Laughlin, 196l-64 Dr. Clarence Bvg, 1959-60 Dale Roller, 1953-t7 B oyd R i ngo, 1917-r9 Ina Iadd Scbools: University of Southern California, Oklahoma City University, 1963
Beethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. R achmani noff.. ... Albeniz. Aaron Copland.. . . . .. N7illard Straight
United States
Islamey . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 ..Sonata,Opus 57 .Mazurka,Opus 59, No. 1 . . . Ecude,Opus 10, No. 4 Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 2 . . . Etude, Opus 39, No. 5 Fete-Dieu a Seville from "Iberia" . . Sonata (1941) Strucrure for Piano
Age: 22
Add.rets: 42) West Broad Street Bethlehem, Pennsylvania l r J l J o l o: 8 years, Student recital for Bethlehem Conservatory of Music Solo Appearances: Eastman School of Mtsic, 196),7966 Formal Debut, \(/orcester Music Festival, \Torcester, Massachusetts,196) Pocono Crest Summer Lyceum Series, P e n n s y l v a n ia , l!5 J lV itb Orchestra: As winner of Allentown Symphony Youth Contest, 1918
SEMI.FINAL B rahms...... S carl atti .....
Quintette, Opus 34 ....S onatas-L ongo 486 Longo 461 . . . Toccata . . . Ballade,Opus 52, f minor
Peter Mennin C hopi n......
ScholarshiPs: New School of Music, Philadelphia,
1960-62 Rochester National Scholarship-four years full tuition at the Eastman School of Music 7'eachert: Cecile Genhart, 1962-66 Dr. Vladimir Sokoloff, 1960-62 Professor'W'ilbur Hollman, l9t6-60 Janet Ensminger, 7952-56 Scbools: Eastman School of Music, B.M., 1966
Prokofieff Schumann. B eethoven.......
. Concertq No. 2, first morvement
tl""l'l"-1""" J:Il,?:iil'T
Alborada del Gracioso Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 . . .Sonata,Opus 31, No. 1 . Mazurka, Opus 59, No. 1 . . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 Nocrurne, Opus 15, No. 2 . .Erude, No. 12 El Polo from "Iberia" .....S onata (1941) . . Strucrure for Piano
Beethoven Chopin. . Chopin. . Chopin. . Debussy. Albeoiz. Aaron Copland. . l7illard Straight.
A ge: l )
Ad.dress: 3812 South l1th Street Tacoma,\Tashington Age: 79 r tf sL\olo: 10 years, Tacoma, Washington
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti
Robert Starer. Chopin
Longo 2i Kalmus 32 Sonata( 1950), third movement Sonata, Opus 58
Solo Appearancet: $Tashington State Music Teachers Competition, 1961 Recognition Recital of Tacoma Arts for Youth Council, 1P55 Guest Pianist with Orpheus Male Chorus of Tacoma,7964 Student Recital, 1963 lYtitb Orcbeara: Pacific Lutheran University, 1964 Claude Park High School, 1963 Scholarship: University of Puget Sound, full tuition Teacher.r: Ronald Booth, 1965 Leonard Jacobsen, 1962-6i E l i nor H ol mes, l 95t-62 Schools:
FINAL Prokofieff . Schumann. B eet hov en.
University of Puget Sound
. . . .Concerto,No. 2, first movement . . Concerto, a minor, first movement .....C oncerto, N o. 1
ANA MARIA TRENCHI Chopin. . Bach.. . . Beethoven Chopin . Chopin . C hopi n
.Sonata,Opus 58, b minor Prelude and Fugue, Book I, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 57 . . . .Mazurka,Opus 59, No. 1
0, No. 4 .....N ocrurne, Opus 9, No. 2 Etude in E flat Major .Tiana from "Iberia" ....S onata ( 1941) S'uucturefor Piano
Liszt-Paganini . . . Albeniz
A aron C opl and.... \Tillard Straight
Age: 28
Add.ress: Monroe, 1115 Buenos Aires Republica Argentina frfit Jolo: 5 years, Montevideo, Uruguay Solo APPearances: Formal Debut, Buenos Aires, 1946 tVitb Orcbesta: Orchestra of "Radio Nacional" ScholarsbiPs: Government of France, 19rr-56 I7ashington University, 196) Awards: First prize, Asociacion Musical Adrodue, 1961 First prize, Liszt Contest "Asociacion El Piato", 196l First prize, Asociacion \Tagneriana de Buenos Aires, 1958 First prize, Ministerio de La Nacion,
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Scarlatti Barber. Liszt. . .
Quintette, Opus 34 Sonatas- E Major D Major Sonata,Opus 26, fourth movement ...S onata,b m inor
1958 ,l eachels: Robert I7allenborn, 196)Dr. Ernesto Epstein, 1962-6) Conservadorio National de Musique a Paris, 1952-)6 Ives Nat Lucette Descaves Robert Sihoan Ana Sieiro de Trenchi (mother), 7940-t2 Scbools: Universidad Santa Maria de los, Buenos Aires Conservatorio General Urquiza Conservatoire National de Musique, Paris Ifashington University
Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
Concerto, No. 2, first movement . . . .Concerto, a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 5
PRELIMINARY Be eth oven ...
. Diabelli Variations, Opus 120 Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No.4 Sonat4 Opus 111 .Mazurka, Opus 59, No. L . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Nocrurne, Opus 55, No. 2 Etude Apr6s Czetny El Pueno from "Iberia" ...S onata (I94L) Structure for Piano
Bach Beethoven
Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Debussy A lbeniz . . . . . . Aaron Copland S7illard Straight
Age: 26
Address: Circular 3 No. 668-103 Medellin, Colombia, South America First Solo: 11 years, Bogota, Colombia National Symphony Orchestra
. Quinterte
.Sonatas -
Peter Mennin Schumann
B flat Major d minor
Canto and Toccata Fantasy, Opus 17
Solo Appearances: Several in the United States of America Formal Debut, Vienna, Austria, 1963 l{/ith Orchestra: Many in Europe, South America and the United States of America Scholarships: Josef Lhevinne Memorial Scholarship at Juilliard School of Music, 1961-66 Organization of American States for two years tuition scholarships at the Academy of Music, Vienna Awmds: Beethoven International Competition, Vienna 7th Chopin International Competition, 'W'arsaw, 1965
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. Beethoven.
Concertq No. 2, first movement . . . . Conc er t o, a minor, third movement
Conceno. No. 1
Teacbers: Rosina Lhevinne,1963Richard Hauser, Vienna Academy of Music, I9r7 -6j Dr. rilTiktor Labunski, Conservatory of Music, Kansas Ciry, Missouri, l95r-57 Scbools: Juilliard School of Music, 1966 Academy of Music, Yien,na, 1952
FLAVIO" VARANI Chopin. Bach.
B eethoven. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Debussy. Atbeniz Aaron Copland ITillard Straight.
...Twenry-four Preludes Prelude and Fugue, Bk. I, No. 4 .....S onata , O pus 57 . .. . Mazurk4 Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 .. . . .Nocnune, Opus 48, No. 2 . . . . Etude "Pour les Notes R6p6tdes" . .. .Triara from 'ibe.;"" ...Sonata (1941) . . . .S'trucrurefo,r Piano
Age: 24
Address: 2161 Av. Angelica Sao Paulo, S.P., Brazil Fira Solo: 9 years,SaoPaulo TV Solo Appearancet: Many appearancesin France,Austria, Spain, Brazil, 1960-64 Many recitals in New York arca, 1962-66 V/ith Orchettra: Appearancesin Blnzil, 1961, 1963-64 Scholarshilts: ManhattanSchoolof Music, 196)-66 Aspen Summer School, 1965 Juilliard School of Music, 1964-65 ItNESCO, Paris, 1963-64 FrenchGovernmentScholarship,Paris, 1959-62
SBMI-FINAI .... Quintetoe
Franck Scarlatti
Sonatas -
K. 426
K. 427 Barber. . . Schumann.
Sonata,(1926) fourth movement
Carnaval,Opus 9
Auards: First prize, Chopin International Competition, Mallorca, Spain, 1960 Prize at Mozarteum Academy,Salzburg, 1960 Teacbers: Dora Zaslavskky,196r-66 RosinaLhevinne,1964-65 Magda Tagliafeno, l9)9 -64 Scbools: Manhattan School of Music Juilliard School of Music Ecole Piano Tagliafeno
FINAL Prokofieff.. . .. S chunrann,.... B eethoven.....
. . . . .C,oncertq No. 2, first movement . . . C.o,ncerto, a minor, third movement ....C .once r t o.No. 5
PRELIMINARY Kabalevsky Bach. .
Sonata,No. 3, F Major Preludeand Fugue,Bk. I, No.4 Sonata,Opus 57 Mazutka, Opus 59, No. 1 Etude,Opus 10, No. 4 Nocune, Opus 48, No. 1 .....E tude, Opus 39,N o. 3 . El Puerto from "Iberia" Sonata (I94L) Strucrure for Piano
Chopin Chopin Chopin. R ac hm aninof. .f... Albeniz. Aaron Copland. STillard Straight
United States
A ge: l )
Ad.dress: 14911 S abi ne D ri ve La Mirada, California Firtt Solo: 'Washington 16 years, Vancouver,
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scarlatti. . .
Solo Appearances: Recitals in Vancouver, I(ashington,
....Qui ntette Sonatas- Longo 15 Longo 47 ....A meri can B al l ade Ballade,No. 4, f minor
Roy Harris Chopin. . .
1964-65 Recital, Portland, Oregon, 1965 Scbolarships: State of $Tashington Scholarship Ford Foundation Grant Carter Scholarship Grant First annual Bishoprick Scholarship Au'ards: Tuesday Morning
Music Club
Teachers: Earle C. Voorhies, 1964-66 Robert Sherman, 1962-64 Edwina Duncan, 1956-62 Schools: California Institute of the Arts California Arts School of Music
FINAL Prokofieff. S c hum ann B eet hov en.
....Concerto, No.2, first movement ....C o n c e rto , ami nof,fi rstmovement .....C oncerto. N o. 1
PRELIMINARY Franck. ...... Bach. . Beethoven. Choprn. Chopin. Chopin. Scriabin. Albeniz. Aaron Copland I7illard Suaight.
.....P rel ude,C horal eandFugue . .Prelude and Fugdg Bk I, No.4 . . . . .Sonat4 Opus 31, No. 2 Maztrka, Opus 59, No. 1 . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . . . . .Nocturne, Opus 48, No. L .Etude Opus 42 .Evocatio'n from "Iberia" ...Sonata (194I) . . . .S,tructue for Piano
Age: 20
Route l, Box 29 Greenville, Florida First Solo: 12 years,talent contest
Solo Appearances: Three performances as winner of various competitions Student recitals,1962-63
Scbolarshipt: Financial assistanceftom Mrs. Johnnie V. Lee, Tallahassee,Florida, teacher
C opl and S chumann.
. . Quintette Sonatas-
K. 158
K. 1t9
.....P a ssacaglia ....C -arnava l, O pus9
Auardt: Ifinner of severaltalent awards in Florida Teacbers: Mrs. Johnnie Y. Lee, 1959-66 Mrs. Mary \f. Roberts, 1964-66 Schooh: Florid aA&M Univ er s ir y
FINAL Prokofieff . MacDowell . Schumann.
. . . .Concerto, No. 2, first movement . Concertq d minor, first movement . . C,oncerto,a minor, th'ird rnovement
PRELIMINARY Pr ok of ief f . Bach. . B eet hov en. Chopin. Chopin. Chopin. Albeniz A ar onCopland .... \X/illardStraight.
.....S o nata, Opus 83, N o.7 . . Prelude and Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 ......So n a ta ,Opus53" V al dstei n" Mazwka, Opus 59, No. 1 . .Erude,Opus 10, No. 4 . .. . .Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 1 . . . . .Etude in E flat Maior El Albaicin from "Iberia" .....S o,nata (I94I) ....Structure for Prano
Age: 23
Address: l-8 Wakaba Shirjuku Tokyo, Japan Firtt Solo: 1l years, Tokyo, Japan
SEMI-FINAL Franck Scarlatti. B ar ber . Schumann
. . Quintette . .Sonatas-Longo 429 Longo 433 ......S o n a ta (I9 26),fourthmovement . ..Symphoniic Erudes
Solo Appearancet: Aspen Music Festival, 1965 Juilliard School of Music, 1963 Many concerts in Japan, 1960-61 lY/ith Orchestra: Solo pianist for season at Lincoln Center for Performing Arrs, 195J-66 Tokyo Town HalI, 1964 Aspen Music Festival, 1963 Scholarsbips: Marriam Memorial Scholarship, 1965 Juilliard School of Music, 196l-66 Three Art Club, Juilliard School of Music, 1963 Fulbright, 1961 Autardt: Mainichi Newspaper Music First prize, 1960
FINAL Prokofieff Schumann Beethoven
. . . Concerto,No. 2, first movement . Concerto,a minor, third movement Concerto, No. 1
Teacbers: Beveridge lVebster, 196l-66 Ironido Kochanski, 19rr-6I Mrs. Akiko lguchi, 1947-55 Schools: Juilliard School of Music
TEAN PARKER YOUNCE Brahms Bach Beethoven
C hopi n. Chopin Chopin Debussy Albeniz Aaron C-opland. \Tillard Straight
Rhapsody,Opus 11P,No. 4 Preludeand Fugue,Bk. I, No. 4 Sonata,Opus 57 ......Mazw ka,Opus5 9, No. 1 . . . . Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 . Nocturne, Opus 37, No. 2 .....E rude, P our les Sixt es . . . Evocation from "Iberia" .....S onata ( 1941) . Structure for Piano
Age: 22
Address: 6011 Sth Street Corbin, Kentucky First Solo: ) years, student recital Solo ApPearances: Student recitals, 1961-64 Cumberland College Choir tour, 1964 Piano Festival, Kentucky State Fair ScbolarsbiPt: Peabody College Cumberland College I edcne(s: Dr. Nell Moore, 1962\Terner Zepernick, 1961-62 Alvira Vankirk, 1957 -61 Mrs. Robert L. Jones, 1955-t7
SEMI-FINAL Schumann Scadatti.. Barber. . . Schumann
Inngo 345 Inngo 14 Sonata (1926) , secondmovement .C,arnaval,Opus 9 . . .Sonatas-
Schools: Cumberland College, W i l l i a m s b u r g , Ke n tu cky, 1 9 6 4
FINAL Prokofieff. Schumann. MacDowell
. . Concerto,No. 2, first movement Concerto,a minor, third movement . Concerto. d minor, first movement
All d'onorsto the Comnrunity Arts Fund, arc all contri.butors to the Van Cliburn Internarional Piano Competition. Tl:e lht of thete persou u.)asnot aaai.lableal tbe time tbit program uen, ,o prcri. Other contriburotr to tbe Van Cliburn Piano Competition Found.ation are:
National Guild of Piano Teachers Dr. and Mrs. Irl Allison, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Iorin A. Boswell Mr. Leo Potishman Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Valsh Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour, III Mrs. Carl Beutel Mr. Van CJiburn Neiman-Marcus Fuller Foundation Mrs. J. rJ7. Hershey Mrs. G. P. Tandy Mr. and Mrs. W'. R. Humphrey Mrs. Maxine S. Pavelic Mr. and Mrs. Y. Q. McCammon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Buck Mr. and Mrs. A. Bernhard Ostby and Gary Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Russeil, Jr. and Patricia Mr. and Mrs. Vernon K. Anderson and Linda Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Fain Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Truelson Mrs. $7'. E. Hiett Mrs. W'illiam D. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Vance K. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark Ratliff Miss Ann Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Schutts Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henckels Dr. and Mrs. Robert I7. Brown. Beverly and Kaydee Dr. and l\{rs. Drue S. W'ard, Cathy and Jim Mr. and Mrs. Toke B. Mansker Mrs. George Meihaus Mrs. Q. P. Courtney, Jr. Mrs. D. F. McMahon, Jr. Mrs. J. C. Llewelyn Mrs. D. L. Johnson Mrs. George Linnabery Mrs. P. N. '$0'iggins,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S7. A. Landreth Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moreton Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Johnson, III Mrs. Jewel Nail Bomar Mrs. Richard U. Simon Mrs. Jessie Deane Trulove
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barnett, donors ol Medallions Miss Edna Cora Johnson Mrs. Enoch E. Jones
The haae conrributed,toward' tbe furnisbing and, nta;ntenance ol the Van Cliburn Found,ation Office: Mr. Iflarren Day Mr. Curtis Frazier Leonards Department Store Mr. Joe Wallis Mr. Joe Chowning Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hyder, Jr. Mr. Milton S. Simon Mrs. Jack Rich Mrs. Ray Pitman, Jr. Mr. Frank Benton Mr. Jack Rattikio Mr. Robert L. \fard Mr. \Tarren McKeever Mr. Rice Tilley Mr. Fred B. Dickey Mr. James B. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour, III The Fort \7orth Nationai Bank Stafford-lowdon Co. Texas Consumer Finance Company Hugh L. I7atson VOLUNTEERS The Junior League of Fort $forth Mrs. Leon Alenik Mrs. Jack M. Collier Miss Lee Crane Miss Helen Russell Mrs. C. \W. Portwood Mrs. Al Thompson Mrs. Paul Joyce Mrs. Eweli J. Robinen Mrs. Hazel Post Gillette Miss Cheryi Purselley Miss Barbara Agee Miss Sally Palmer Miss Laurie Goodwin Miss Shelley Foster Miss Sannye \Taters Miss Shawn l7ard Miss Cathi Rogers Miss Madeline Aultman Miss Betty Prater Miss Mary Boenker Miss Sharon Giilespie Miss Verna Robison Miss $Thitney Hyder Miss Barbara Nordhein Miss Charlotte McClelland Miss Janet Kauffmann Mrs. Doris Chandler Mr. Robert Alexander
Miss Maurine Rutherford Mrs. Helen Collins Miss Sharon Russell Mrs. Floyd Smith Mr. and Mrs. George A. Livney Mrs. Jeannette Dolman Mrs. M. S. Heywood Mrs. Jeannie !(estbrook Mrs. Sam Beall Miss Katherine O'Dowd Miss Rhealene Stewart Mrs. Marian D. Martin Miss Kathleen McGehee Meriwether kwis Morley Mrs. T. J. Tinker Marie Balch ITright Mrs. Denzil Merrill Mrs. Wm. H. Jackson Mrs. John G. Heit Mrs. Richard T. lUfall Mrs. T. E. Springer Mrs. Doris Lancaster Mrs. Dina Dykes Mrs. Marian H. 'Wright Mrs. Cecil H. Mallow Miss Alma Ray Mrs. William Jackson Miss Marilyn Cook Mrs. Byron Smyth Miss Dorothy Dooley Mrs. Diane Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox Mrs. Flor.ence Gunn Mrs. P. A. Thomson Mrs. Catherine Chaffee Mrs. !(/'. B. Hancock Mrs. Gerald Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seleny Kathr-vn Hardgrave Mrs. Hooper Mrs. E. F. I7eber Mrs. Fred Koetler Mrs. Drue rUflard HOSPITALITY Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
Elton Hyder, Jr., Cbauman Amon Carter, Jr., V ice-Chairman Villiam Fuller Perry Bass Roy McDermott Wm. A. Rowan Earl \Wilson, Jr. Sterling Steves Penrose Bishop Hedrick Fender Charles \Tebster Max Clark Sam C-antey, III John Lewis Rice Tilley, Jr. E. R. Hudson, II
E N TE R TA IN T HOS E P R OV ID IN G MENT FOR JURORS AND CONTESTANTS Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bass Mr. and Mrs. Amon Carterr Jr. Mr. and Mrs. u?illiam Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chilton Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted \Teiner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickey Mrs. Robert F. \Tindfohr Mrs. Grace Ward Lankford Mrs. George rtr7. Armstrong, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cantey, III Mr. and Mrs. Ead l$filson, Jr. Mr. Van Ciiburn Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Barrett Mrs. Kay Kimbell Mr. and Mrs. Matcus Ginsburg Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Guenther Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Goldman Mrs. Marvin Leonatd Mrs. J. Lee Johnson, III The Carter Foundation Mrs. John Howell SCHOLARSHIP
Dr. David P. Appleby, Chairman Mrs. Jack Rich Mrs. George W. Armstrong, Jr. Mts. Reisner Mrs. O. C. Armstrong Dr. Frank C. Hughes Mr. Lorin Boswell Dr. Law Sone GRBEN ROOM HOSTESSFS FOR JURY MEMBERS Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
Milton S. Simon, Cbairman Frank M. Andrews $7'illiam L. Bess, Jr. A. M. Campbell Max E. Clark Patricia Corbett Guy G. Crawford Marcel Dandois Jerry I7. Davidson Jack Gachman S. R. Gale Ike H. Haas Arthur Laurence Hessin Robert B. Holmgren Robert L. Iby Virgil L. Kennedy George H. Linnabery l7ernet Magnus Maurice B. Meyerson Norman B. Robbins
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs.
Irving S. Rosenthai Larkin B. Scott Oliver P. Seale K. K. Smith Frank F. Taylor James F. Van Ifyckhouse Mildred Vinson Barvo Valker 'Wickenden C. R. F.
HOUSING COMMITTEE Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
A. T. Seymour, IlI, Rufus Garrett, Jr. Gordon Smith Hedrick Fender Elton Hyder, Jr. Paul Joyce
THOSE PROVIDING HOMES FOR THE CONTESTANTS ARE: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adcock Mr. Ernest Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Bauet Dr. and Mrs. Marion R. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess, Jt. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cardona Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Carvey, Jr. Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Dr. and Mrs. John Church Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox Mr. and Mts. Beale Dean Mr. and Mrs. Norwood P. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. V. S. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dupree Dr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. \filliam M. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Goldman Mr. and and Mrs. C- C. Gumm, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. \7. B. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Henry Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Barney B. Holland Mr. and Mrs. John Howell Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Don Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Claxton Lovin Mr. Jim Meeker Mr. and Mrs. Nathan I. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newkirk Mr. and Mrs. Bob O'Toole Mr. and Mrs. Richard Padgham Mr. and Mrs. Aggie Pate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rich Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Rimmer Mr. and Mrs. Es'ell J. Robinett Mr. and Mrs. Ted Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. $7. A. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Shropshire, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Siegel Dr. and Mrs. James Simmons Mrs. Lucille Bishop Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Springer Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. rJfatson Dr. and Mrs. Howard G. \7ible Dr. and Mrs. M. B. \Tidess Rev. and Mrs. Fred I7olf
SPECIAL APPR.ECIATION is expressed. ,o Mrs, James R. (Catber,ine) Russell, rabote deuotion to the Con perition and. adrninistratite ellort in i.ts behalf bas been an inspiration to all.
SPECIAL ACKNO\TLEDGMENTS Liston Slach, The Hotel Texas-Mr. Manager Mrs. Ruth Sickafus, V/ashington, D. C. Congressman Jim Wright Mr. Thomas C. Dove, Progranc Aduiser, U.S.LA., l[/ashington, D. C. Mr. Angelo Eagon, Matic Adaiter, U.S.l.A., lVashington, D. C. Mr. Dean Claussen, U.S.l.A., New York Mrs. Luneil Dutko, U.S./.1 ,, Neu York The German Embassy The Italian Embassy The French Embassy The Spanish Embassy Bosweli Dairies Gordon Bosweil Florist Bruce Piano Company Steinway & Sons, Neu York City Neiman-Marcus Bror Utter Dickson Reeder The Fifth Avenue ClinicDoctors and Nartes or eall d.uring tbe Cornpetition. The International Women's Club of Fort Worth Texas Christian UniversityDepartment ol Forcign Langaages School ol Fine Arts Diuision of Pzblit Relations U nia ersily Conzpttter C enter The First National Bank of Fort I7orth The Fort \S(/orth National Bank Fort Vorth Junior Chamber of Comrnerce Binyon-O'Keefe Storage Company Hogan Office Supply Mr. Peter Gregory Usbers: The Junior League of Fort 'Worth Beta Sigma Phi Sorority The many people who offered pianos for the contestants' use. Mrs. Wvatt Hedrick