(t a%J 971), civicleader,philanthropist
and prominent in the businessand political affairs of his community, state and nation. While serving as president of the Fort Worth Chamber ol Commerce, he was instrumental in helping establish the first Van Cliburn International Quadrennial Piano Competition. This program for the fourth competition is dedicated to his rnernory by the sponsoring organizations THE NATIONAL GUILD OF PIANO TEACHERS THE FORT WORTH PIANO TEACHERS FORUM TD(AS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSMY THE IUNIOR LEAGUE OF FORT WORTH, INC. THE FORT WORTH CHAMBER ON COMMERCE THE VAN CLIBURN COMPETITION FOUNDATION, INC. THE RAYMOND E. BUCK FOUNDATION
of competitions, thereis foundthe
enormouscourageand inspiration such eventsbring to a city. When wonderful young talentsgatherto expresstheir ideasand their ideals in amicable creative combat, it usually nets lasting friendships, treasured memories and strengthenedartistic determination. As we approachour fourth competition,it is so very encouraging to all of us in Fort Worth to realize that there have been many friendshipscementedsince 1962 and many interestingand inspiring concerts played by the outstanding and talented participants and winners. In reviewing the many rewarding moments throughout the past elevenyears,I cannot refrain from againmentioningmy dear friend, Dr. Irl Allison. Founder and President:Emeritusof the National Guild of Piano Teachers,in whose unselfishand far-visioned mind this competition was first conceived.Had it not been for his dedicated planning and the incredible and concertedefforts of the late Mrs. Grace Ward Lankford, Founder and past President of the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum and the other sponsors,Texas Christian University, the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Worth Junior League, this important project might never have materialized. As I said before, this competition was not planned to emulate any other, though similarities are inevitable, but it endeavorsto representthe sincere desire of deeply interestedpersonswho have sought to encouragesome of the many budding musical souls to visit the beautiful state of Texas, enjoy the gracioushospitality of Fort Worth, and, I inight add, the United Statesof America.
lh^ 04"l^^'*.---Van Cliburn
SPONSORS: The National Guild of Piano Teachers Texas Christian University The Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum, Inc. The Junior League of Fort Worth The Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce General Telephone and Electronics World Service Life Insurance Co. The Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc.
VAN CLIBURN FOUNDATION, INC. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Officersof CompetitionFoundation of SponsoringGroups: and Representatives Mns. WrruAM M. Funpn Chairman Dn. Mrcnanr, M. WTNBSANKER Vice-Chairman J. F. Cosrsr,r,o, JR. Treasurer Mns. Eownno R. Huosol. Jn. RecordingSecretary Mns. CeruE,nrNpL. Russnr,r, ExecutiveSecretary Rrcneno Lss BnowN PastChairman Snlt B. C.lNrev, III ChairmanEmeritus Dn. Inr, Ar,rrsoN National Guild ol Piano Teachers Mns. JouN H. Wrrrr^lvrs Junior Leagueol Fort Worth Mns. T. SNtrH McConxrn Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum. Inc. R. E. Cox, III Fort llorth Chamberof Commerce Members-at-Large: Mns. Pennv R. Bass VIN CrreunN Mns. ErroN M. HvoBn, Jn. Mns. J. Lnn JonNsor.r,III Mn. aNo Mns. A. T. Srvrroun. III
DR. JOE A. CLARKE 1897-1972
DR. FRANK C. HUGI{ES 1916-1973
Banker - Civic Leader -frcasu1s1 of Van Cliburn Foundation. Iic.1960-1.972.
Dean,Schoolof Fine Arts, Texas Christian University Vice-Chairman,Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. 1969-73.
Anrun RusrNstplN, Honorary Chairman HBnsenr Bannert Jur,rus Broovt AeneNI CnnsINs Runorpn GeNz (deceased) Howano HaNsoN Sor, Hunor TsBorlrn JonNsolt CoNsreNce KBeNs Mns. Eoc,qn M. LsvsNrmrr MeneNrs RosINA LSBvTNNB Srn EnNnsr MecMtnaN (deceased) Fn^c,NxMeNNHeIr,Irn (deceased) PsrBR MBNNIN Mnnrn MoNrcovtBnv Roepnre SnvreR Ruoorpn SpnxIN GloeoN Wer,pnop
EnNssr Ar,r,nN Mns Ferx ANxer,s R. C. AncsENHoLD Mns. R. C. AncseNsoro Mns. Geoncs W. AnN{srnoNc,Jn. Mns. Elnr BlrpnIocp. Jn. THoues H. BlnNBrr, Jn. Mns. Sn R. Blss Buxe Mns. J,cN4ss Mns. Drcr T. Bosenr, Jn. Lnwrs BoNo Mns. Lewrs BoNo LoRrNA. Boswprr, LeoN BnncrrN{aN O. G. CnnrsoN AvroN G. Cenrrn, Jn. Mns. AvroN G. Cnnrpn, Jn. Mlx E. CraRr Mns. Mex E. Crlnx Mns. Jon A. Crnnxs H. L. CLIeunI.I Mns. H. L. CrlsunN MsA,osB. CnaNe TneNrN,leLL Cnow MsrvlN O. Decus Mns. Peur, Drstrenus Nonwoor P. DlxoN Mns. EpwIN DucAvEr Mns. RosBnr DupnBB Eusreeuto EsceNooN Mns. Eusreeulo EsceNooN Mns. HBnntcx FnNosn BpEuhN FIsHun Beveno FnteoueN Mns. Juues GlnvBY Anrnun GlNsnunc
Mns. M. M. GornvraN Mns. JeuBs Hor,vtes Mns. Pnrr Laucsr,rx JosN L. Lpwrs G. L. McCanrHv Mns. Rov McDnnuorr Wrnreu E. McKeY Dn. JeNrEsC. McKTNNBY WE,sMlorox SraNrBv Mencus Mns. MenleN D. M,lnrrN J^q,r,{ns J. Mrsxnn Mns. Peur, Moss Dn. JnrvrnsM. Mounv J. Crlm Nowr,tx A. M. Parn. Jn. Mns. A. M. Peru. Jn. LE,E,Paursnr Dn. W. M. Penncp GsoRcEF. Pscr. Jn. Mns. Jacr RIcs Mns. Ewerr, J. RosNnrr Dn. NnauB Ross Mns. Epwano W. Se.upsoN.Jn. Brrl D. Ssnneur,r Mns. FronrNcs StMoN Dn. GsoncE,T. Taoe RrcB M. TnrnY, Jn. Mns. ErvruNn P. VaN ZlNot, Jn. Dn. W. Eanr, W.lronop Mns. F. HoweRo Wnr,sn Hucu L. WersoN Cnenrss H. WsssrBn Tpo WBtNsn Mns. C. Drcrrr, WttrreusoN Mns. J. DoN WlnnusoN Sevr P. Wooosox. Jn.
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GREETINGS: of Fort Worth always look fomard to the Citizens in the Van Cllburn visit of participants Conpetitions and guests who come to our city to attend and enjoy the performdnces. On behaLf of our citizens, it is with sincere pleasure that I, as Mayor, welcome you to Fort Worth. The Van Cliburn Coopetition is a leader among Fort llorthrs mny outstanding events, and we are sure the performnces will exceed your highest expectations, Fort Worth has @ny cultural and recreational resources and we might suggest that, whlle you are here, to offer, you visit our ouseums, our zoo, our beautiful Botanic Gardens and many of the other places of interest far too nuerous to nentLon. I know that you will find our citizens to be friendly and hospitable, and we hope your stay with us will be uost enJoyable. STncereLt"zl
./ -ay'Zz'*4"-'"'z-x--*:tu, stovall Mayor
Downtown Fort Worth, Texas . . . hub of a dynamic All-American city with a population of over 400,000 people.
Tarrant County Convention Center in downtown Fort Worth with its 3,000 seat theatre in the foresround. The finals and solo concert of the Vari Cliburn Piano Competition will be held in the beautiful theatre.
is pleasedand honored
to serve as co-sponsor and host to the Van Cliburn International Quadrennial Piano Competition. As we welcome the fourth of these important artistic events, we want to assure our talented young contestants and our distinguished jury members that every effort will be made to assure a pleasant and memorable experience.
We also extend a cordial welcome to each person who attends as a spectator and auditor. We hope that your spirits are enlarged and lifted bv what vou see and hear.
Cordially yours,
MouDY, Chancellor
Ed Landreth Hall, home of TCU's School of Fine Arts, where the Van Cliburn Piano Competition preliminaries and semi-finals will be held.
How thrilling to realize and contemplate the success of my brain-storm of 1958 which in 1962, after a four year gestation, was finally born during which time Fort Worth was made the permanent home through the wisdom and foresight of Grace Ward Lankford who even then joined the parenthood of the movement which has now made the famed Van Cliburn International Competition truly worldwide in scope. Guild members one and all, have been proud of my vision that made them donors of their four cents yearly to raise the promised grand prize from the Piano Guild, U.S.A., of Ten Thousand dollars every four years. As we return to Fort Worth for this fourth grand event, we are filled with gratitude to God for all the good people of the great city of Fort Worth who have helped make it our city, too. We would like everyone concerned to know our feelings of gratefulness for the full acceptance and adoption of my second big idea, the Van Cliburn, the first of which was its essentialforerunner, the Piano Guild, without which these great events of 1973 would not be possible. Hence, the beginning of the Van Cliburn Competition was in reality 44 yEars ago - 1929, when the Piano Guild was born. It was truly prophetic when Mrs. Cliburn joined the infant Piano Guild as a Charter Member, as also did that great lady of Fort Worth, Grace Ward Lankford.
No less essential for this year's success has been the unerring leadership of Mrs. Adelaide Fuller and all the others who have backed the Executive Committee and the Executive Secretary, as she did the 1001 daily chores absolutely necessaryfor the 19'73 Yan Cliburn Competition to come to pass. Thank you, one and all. Your Fort Worth Citizen by Adoption,
dn{_ruSo.-. Irl Allison, Sr. Co-Founderof the Van Cliburn International Founderof the Piano Guild. U.S.A. T4
with Marcel Poot, former director of the Royal Conservatory.in Brussels, with Ezra Rachlin, former conductor of the Austin and Fort Worth Svmphonies. and with Walter Susskind, conductor of the St. Louis Symphony. Formerly on the music faculty of North Texas State Universitv. Mr. Giordano is now conductor of the Texas Christian University Symphony and assistant professor of theory and composruon.
John Giordano, Chairman ol the Competitton Iury, United States Abram Chasins, United States James Dick, United States Madame Nicole HenriotSchweitzer, France John Hopkins, A ustralia Constance Keene, United States Lili Kraus, New Zealand Fernando Laires, Portugal Evgeni Malinin, U..!..S.R. Leonard Pennario, United States Vlado Perlemuter, France Walter Susskind, United States Luis Valencia. Philippines
JOHN GIORDANO Chairmanol the Iury John Giordan6, musical director and conductor of ' the Fort Worth Svmohonv Orchastra, is an internatlonally recognizedconductorand performer. His versatility has given him remarkable insight into music of all from the conases and stvles te-mporarysoundsof today's youth to the most austere concert surroundinss. He is equallv at home conduct' inE an orchestral performance with a Mbog Synthesizer or a more traditional soloist. Mr. Giordano served as guest conductor of the Fort Worth SymphonY during the 1971 season, and was named musical director and conductor for 1972-73. He has been musical director and conductor of the Youth Orchestra of Greater Fort Worth since 1968, and. has just returned from a tour of Europe with the Youth Or c h e s t r a a n d c o n c e r t s p l a y e d . i n Prague,Vienna, Salzburg,Amsterdam and in Luxembourg. Last Spring Mr. Giordano servedas a conductor of the Eighth Annual American Youth Performs National Concerts in Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall, and has been named to conduct the Ninth Annual Concerts next May. He will also conduct the Nebraska All-State Orchestra in November. In 1970 and during the summer of 1.973Mr. Giordano served as suest conductor of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Giordano holds Bachelor and Master degreesfrom Texas Christian University and the Diplome Superieur from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels.He was awarded the Premier Prix with distinction from the Conservatory.He has also further advanced study at the University of Southern California and at North Texas State University. He has studied composition privately with Halsey Stephensof Los Angeles and Samuel Adler of the Eastman School of Music. He has studied conductins
ABRAM CHASINS United States As the protegeof Josef Hofmann, Abram Chasins'performingcareerextendedfrom 1926to 1946,when he
appearedin recitaland as soloistwith the leadine orchestrasof America and Europe. He retired from the platform to devote himself to the musical directorship of WQXR, the radio network of The New York Times, winning the Peabody Award for musiceducation projects. He retired from this position in 1965. Mr. Chasins has been a faculty member of the Curtis Institute, Philadelphia, and the Berkshire Center, Tanglewood:has servedon many juries including the Kosciuszko Foundation's Chopin Prize, the Rachmaninoff Award and the Leventritt Competition. He served on the distinguished panel of judges of the Van Cliburn Intemational Piano Competition in 1969. Has composedover 100 published works, mainly for piano, and is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Music, Who's Who in Radio, etc. Mr. Chasins concentrates now on lecturing for prominent universities and orgaqizations,writing books and contributing to national magazines. He has recently been named Musicianin-Residence by the University of Southern California's School of Music. His most recent book, "Music at the Crossroads" is dedicated to Dr. Irl Allison, Co-Founder of the Van Cliburn Piano Competition.
JAMES DICK United Statas Jan-resDick, a native of Kansas, wlrs a top p rize winner in t hr ee internationalcompetitionswithin a period of eight months; the Busoni, the Leventritt and the Tchaikowsky.The Soviet News Agency TASS declared him to be the "favorite of musically audiences." soohisticated Mr. Dick studiedwith DailesFrantz at the University of Texas and with the British pianist, Clifford Curzon. He wa s a war ded t he Beet hov en Prize, the Tobias Matthay Fellowship and the Recital Medal by the Royal Academy of Music in London where he studied for two years after receiving a Fulbright scholarship.He has since been elected an Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy by its Board of Directors. Mr. Dick has performed over 300 concertsin the past four (4) seasons thro ug ho ut th e Unit ed St at es and Canada;honored at the White House and is included in the 1970 edition of The Outstanding Young Men of America. Proving his constant interest in the youth of our country, Mr. Dick also gives informal concerts without charge in the public schools when they can be arranged with his concert schedule. In June of 1971 the Institute of International Education, New York, proposed that James Dick be the first American Concert artist to oerform in the People'sReprrblicof China. Was awarded first prize in the International Recording Competition sponsored by the National Cuild of Piano Teachers and norv judgesthis competition.
MADAME NICOLE HENRIOT-SCHWEITZER France M a cl anre N i col e H enri ot-S cw ei tzer, F r e n ch pi ani st, has appeared w i th Br u ss el s P hi l harnroni c and at Li ege a n d A nvers. A fter the Fal l of France, sh e conti nued her career. Was the fir st French pi ani st heard i n E ngl and a fte r the armi sti ce. Made her A n-reri ca n c l ebut w i th the N ew Y ork P hi l h a r m oni c i n 1948. Ha s pl ayed w i th maj or orchestras a ll o v er the w orl d. Member of -H i urv ei fo r Cl i burn C ompeti ti on. 1969. r e co r di ngs have been among the best sellers, selected by the "Record Club" and the recording of the month.
JOHN HOPKINS Australia A native of England, Mr. HoPkins attended the Royal Manchester College of Music. He receivedthe "Hiles" Gold medal for greatestproficiency in orchestral playing, taking his studies with Joseph Lewis and Carlo Zecchi. ln 1949 he was appointed to the British Broadcasting Corporation of Glasgow as Assistant Conductor of BBC Scottish Orchestra and conductor of the BBC Scottish Singers. In 1952 he was appointed Conductor of the BBC Northern Orchestra in Manchesterand was the youngestconductor of a major British orchestra. During this time he also guest conducted in Yugoslavia and Swedenand lectured throughout the North of England and was Examiner at the Royal ManchesterCollege of Music. In 1957 he became Conductor of the National Orchestra of the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation. He was responsible for founding the National Youth Orchestra of New Zealand:.the Trainee Scheme attached to the National Orchestra and the series of New Music concerts. He acted in an advisory capacity to the Department of Internal Affairs on musical matters; was Musical Director for the New Zealand Opera Company for four years, conducting over 100 opera performances. In 1963,Mr. Hopkinswas appointed Director of Music for the Australian Broadcasting Commission and is responsible for all serious music on radio, TV and in concerts throughout Australia. He has been instrumental in the founding of many orchestrasand has toured world-wide as guest conductor. He was recently appointed Dean of the School of Music at the newly established Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne.
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CONSTANCE KEENE United States ln 1943,ConstanceKeenewon the NaumburgAward when still a teenager. Since that time, Miss Keene
has concertized extensively throughout the United States and Canada, serving as soloist with such orchestras as the New York Philharmonic, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Berlin, Halle and BBC Orchestras. Miss Keene started to teach at the age of seventeen,when she was asked by Arthur Rubinstein to instruct his two young children. Miss Keene's teaching activities have continued throughout her concert career. Among her students are a considerablenumber of prominent concert pianists, recording artists and teachers,including David Bar-Illan and Peter Nero. In addition to Miss Keene'sprivate pedagogical work, she has conducted master classes and has served on many juries and as adjudicator for such organizations at the Pittsburgh Concert Society Awards, the Young People'sNew York Philharmonic, the National Guild of Piano Teachersand as the Senior adjudicator of the Spokane Music Festival. She served on the distinguished panel of judges for the 1969 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Miss Keene is currently on the faculty of the Manhattan School of Music.
qj .' lf,
MADAMB LILI KRAUS New Zealand MadameLili Kraus,Hungarianborn pianist,professorand recordingartist, gave her first public concert at
age eight (8). Sinceshe was 18 years of age has been concertizingthroughout the world. At the age of 20 she became a professor at the Vienna Academy and became a naturalized British citizen. While on a world tour in 1942, she and her husband were taken prisoner by the Japanese in Java and spent nearly three years in prison camps. Her reputation as a concert pianist enabled her to have a piano and give regular concerts for fellow prisoners. Served as professor of piano at Capetown University and is currently Artist-in-Residenceat Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.During the 1966-67seasonMadame made her stunning re-entry onto the United States concert scene with a series of nine (9) New York programs during the course of which she played all 25 Mogqrt Piano Concerti, receiving high acclarm, The National Educational Television Network produced a 90-minute TV special entitled "Lili Kraus and the Mozart Piano Concerti" which features Madame Kraus both as performer and commentator. During the 1967-68 season, she performed the complete l\lozart Sonatasin a series of New York recitals and has been commissioned to record the entire works of Mozart, including chamber music and concertos. Madame has lectured at leadins universitiesaround the world, holdl master classesfor studentsand teachers in a number of leading cities. In 1964 she gave a benefit concert for the second Van Cliburn Competition and is a permanent member of the jury for the contest.
Portugal Acknowledged by the world's most perceptive critics as a "Genius in his own Right," Fernando Laires is delighting audiencesall over the world with his playing and gracious personality. Mr. Laires began studying at the age of three (3). He was a Diploma Graduate of the National Conservatory of Music in Lisbon, completing a 12 yeat curriculum in an amazing eight (8) years, graduating with the highest honors ever awarded in the history of the school. At age 19 Mr. Laires gave ten Pub' lic recitals of the 32 piano Sonatasof Beethoven and for this achievement received a grand piano from the National Conservatory in Lisbon. After winning a national comPetition organized by the Portuguese Government, which only takes place every ten to 12 years, Mr. Laires undertook several years of intensive study in the United States, including the Juilliard School of Music and the Chautauqua School of Music. He has studied with the French PedagogueIsidor Philipp, the German pianist Winifred Wolf, James Friskin, Ernest Hutcheson and Alfred Cortot. After making his debut in London he has performed with orchestras and in recital throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand,Central America and the United States. Laires served as artist-in-residence at the National Conservatory in Lisbon, on the faculty at the University of Texas, Oklahoma College of Libe r a l A r t s , A r t i s t - i n - R e s i d e n ce a n d Chairman of the piano department of Interlochen Academy and this year is instructor of piano at Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. ln 1971 he was soloist with the Wiener Symphoniker in Vienna; soloist in the inaugural concerts of the Lisbon Philharmonic Orchestra at the inauguration of the Teatro Municipal de S. Luis, in Lisbon, Portugal.
u. s.s.R. "Fortepiano poet" that is the way one of the best Soviet pianists, Evgenii Malinin is often called. This definition, perhaps,expressesthe basic feature of creative image of the artist. The special sincerity and inner warmth are oeculiarto the manner of his oerformance.And this is what attracied to him sincere sympathiesof the listeners already for more than twenty years. The Central school of music of the Moscow Conservatory accepts gifted children from seven to eight years of age. But the outstanding talents of Evgenii Malinin were so evident that he began to study there at the age of five. Fame came to him alio early. In 1954, Malinin graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of the remarkable Soviet teacher and pianist, Genrikh Neigauz (our spelling: Henry Newhouse). By this time, Evgenii already was a well known pianist, not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad: in 1949, he was the winner of the piano competition at the Second International Festival of Democratic Youth and Students in Budapest.That same year, he earned the laureatelaurels at the F. Chopin Competition in Warsaw,and in 1953, he was again a vvinnsl - this time at the Margaret Long and Jacques Thibaud International Competition in did not interfere, Paris. The successes however, with the young musicians' efforts to attain perfection in the postsraduate studies at the Moscow Coniervatory under the direction of H" Newhouse.
United States In recent years, Mal i ni n has been giving a great deal of attention to the te a chi ng acti vi ty i n the Moscow C onservatory and he was often invited to b e a member of the j ury i n i nternatio n al comoeti ti ons. H i s concert i ti ne r a r ies. i nci eed. know no boundari es. Bu t al l thi s does not take the ol ace o f w hat i s the most i mportant i n the life of a pianist - the concert activity. His appearances met with triumphal success in Italy, Czechoslovakia, Gr e at B ri tai n, German D emocrati c Republic, Argentina, Poland Malin in earned the hi ghest and l asti ng reputation long ago. In 1964, the Rome Academy of World Culture had conferred on the Soviet pianist the title of Honorary Academician and by this act had emphasized once more that Evgenii Malinin belongs among the greatest artists of our time.
Leonard Pennario of California, American concert pianist and recording artist, studied with Olga Steeb, Guy Maier and later studies were w i t h M a d a m e I s a b e l l e V e n se r o va . Making his debut at age 12 wJth the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and his New York debut at age 19, he entered the U. S. Army after a year at the University of Southern California. Pennariohas concertized extensively throughout the world for many years and has appearedwith virtually every major European and American Orchestra,including the eight (8) leading orchestras of Great Britain. His Capitol Recordshave repeatedlymade the best seller list and his most recent recordings are on RCA and Victrola labels. In five (5) concerts with the Los Angeles Philharmonic conducted by Zubin Mehta, Pennario offered the world premiere performances of Niklos Rozsa' Piano Concerto, Opus 31, which was composed for and dedicated to the artist. Mr. Pennario is a permanent member of the jury for the Van Cliburn Competition.
International French Pianist and professor, Mr. Perlemuter has Periormed in every major European city, Canada and the United States. In 1951, he was named Professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique of Paris and has given a series of three interpretation courses in Japan plus playing the comPlete works of Maurice Ravel. After having met Maurice Ravel in 1927 and working with him for several months on interpreting all of the latter's piano comDositions, he coordinated with Helene Jourdan-Morhange and wrote a book on this subject. He is the last living pupil of this composer. Since 1958 he has participated in the Music Summer School of Dartington, England, and since 1960 has taught at the Canadian Musical Youth Camp at Mount-Orford, Canada. Rer Perlemuter has served on the jury of many international competitions including the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium and the Chopin Competition in Poland. The integral piano works of Ravel, including the concertos, the Mozart sonatas,Chopin's 24 preludes and all of Chopin's waltzes have been recorded by Perlemuter on Vox-Production records. At the present time he is recording a series to be broadcast on BBC in London which includes almost the entire works of ChoPin. In 1960 he was made a Knight of Arts and Literature; named Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music in London in 1971 and has recently been named a Ifuight of the Legion of Honor.
United States Walter Susskind.conductor and music director of the St. Louis Symphony, was born in Prague, but is now a British citizen, trained extensively as a pianist, composer and conductor at the State Conservatory in Prague. He became assistantconductor to George Szell at the Prague German Opera House at the age of 20. During this time he had many of his compositions introduced in many European countries. When the German Opera closed in 1938, Susskind toured for two years as recitalist and conductor through 26 countries,finally making his home in England. In 1941 he resumed his career as opera conductor at the Strand Theater and during the next two years he was principal conductor of the Carl Rosa Opera Company and appeared as suest conductor of the Sadler Wells OpEra 'and the Glyndbourne Opera Company. In 1945 he made his English debut as a symphony conductor with the Liverpool Philharmonic. During the next 10 years, he conducted on all five continents, and in 1957 became conductor and music director of the Toronto Symphony, a post he held nine years. While in Toronto, Susskind founded and conducted the National Youth Orchestra. He also directed the Canadian Opera Company and was conductor of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. In addition to his duties as conductor and music director of the St. Louis Symphony, a post he assumed in 1968, Susskind also servesin that capacity when the orchestra is in residence at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, for the MississippiRiver Festival in July and August each year.
LUIS C. VALENCIA Philippines Prof Luis C. Valencia graduated from the University of the Philippines Conservatory of Music in 1933. He took up post-graduate studies in the same institution. He furthered his studies in 1936 in Vienna. He graduated from the Vienna State Academy of Music in 1938 on a scholarship grant sponsored by the late Mr. and Mrs. Felino Cajucom. After eight years of performing on the concert stage as a violinist-conductor during which he enriched his music background with successesin the field of the symphony and the ballet, Prof. Valencia organized the Filipino Youth Symphony Orchestra with the most promising among his students. In 1954, Prof. Valencia received a Smith-Mundt leader grant from the U.S. State Department to observe trends in opera conducting. In 1963, he was chosen "Orchestra Conductor of the Year" by the Manila Music Lovers Society. In 1968, the Music Promotion Foundation of the Philippines sent him on a tour of Genoa, Rome, Vienna, New York, Toronto and other music capitals of the world to observe the latest methods in opera conducting. Prof. Valencia is head of the Violin Department of the College of Music and Fine Arts of the Philippine Women's University. Under the auspices of the First Lady, Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, the CCP Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in April 1973 with Prof. Valencia as its training and resident conductor.
The music of Brooklyn-born Copland has been an integral part of the American scene since 1924 when his first piece was heard at a concert of the League of Composers. He began his study of theory under Rubin Goldmark, whose pupils included George Gershwin and subsequently,Copland became the first American student of Nadia Boulanger at the then newly established Fountainebleau School of Music in France. Awards and honors have been showered on the 72year-old Copland since 1925 when he became the first composer to be awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. Outstanding among the numerous honorary degrees, awards, medals and memberships is the Presidential Medal of Freedom presented him by the late Lyndon B. Johnson. He won an Academy Award in 1949 for his background music for the motion picture, "The Heiress" and a Pulitzer Prize and New York Music Critics Circle Award in 1945 the following year after its premiere with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
His influence has spread beyond the orchestral stage into music for ballets, operas, television, choruses, theatre, films and special events. Mr. Copland is the author of four books and has lectured extensively throughout the country. In recent years, he has been increasingly active as a conductor, appearing with the country's major orchestras. He has also served as conductor with some of the world's leading symphonic organuations in Europe, Russia, Scandanavia, Japan, Mexico and South America.
'&oru/"n -/Lor" A native of Buffalo, New York, Eudice Shapiro began violin lessonswith her father at the age of five. One year later, she made her first public appearance with her mother at the piano. Soon thereafter, she was awarded a Special Violin Scholarship to the Eastman Schooi of Music, followed by another important scholarship to the Curtis Institute of Music, where she was the only girl student of Efrem Zimbalist. During these years, she concertized widely through the East, her early career being highlighted by her solo appearancewith the Philadelphia Orchestra.A debut as a fullfledged artist began with a Town Hall debut following the winning of the Violin Award given by the National Fedration of Music Clubs. Having appearedin recital or vrith orchestra in most of the major musical centersof America. Europe and New Zealand.Miss Shapiro ha s wo n a c c laimas s oloir t wit h m any of t he m o s t f a m e d s y m p h b n y conductors. She has played chamber music concerts with such world-renowned personalitiesas Heifetz, Piatigorsky,Artur Schnabel and Bruno Walter. Among composerswho have chosen her to join them in introducing their works to the public are Copland, Foss, Kirchner, Milhaud and Stravinsky. Some of Miss Shapiro's most recent tours include a tour of Southern States with the Atlanta Symphony, Robert Shaw conducting; an appearancewith the Washington, D. C. Symphony and the Utah Symphony. Miss Shapiro resides in Los Angeles, where she is head of the Violin Department at the University of Southern California School of Music. During the past 15 summers she has taught and performed at the Aspen Music School and Festival. During the past two summers she also taught and performed at the Flagstafi, Arizona, Festival. She has recorded with Ava, Contemporary, Columbia, Capitol, Epic and Vanguard Records and her newest release, the Concerto for Violin and PercussionOrchestra by Lou Harrison is with Crystal Record Company.
Hungarian-born cellist, Laszlo Varga began his musical studiesat the age of seven and graduated with top honors at the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest and became solo-cellist of the BudapestSymphony in 1945. During the past 23 years, while living in the United States, Mr. Varga has concertized widely in the United States, Europe, Russia, South America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand; has conducted the Budapest Symphony and Chamber Orchestras and is the Founder and conductor of the Virtuosi of New York. Soon after entering the United States he was chosen for the coveted position of solo-cellist with the New York Philharmonic which he held for eleven years. During this time he appeared as recitalist and soloist with many top conductors.He toured as cellist with the Lener and the Canadian String quartets, the Trio Concertante and the New York Philharmonic Cello-Quartet. He has recorded for Columbia, RCA, Decca, Contemporary, Period, Westminster, Deutsche Gramophone and CRI Records. Varga has been Professor of Music on the faculties of the University of Toronto, the New York College of Music and the Chatauqua School of Music. For the past eight years, he has been Professor of cello, chamber music and conducting at San Francisco State College and conductor of their Symphony Orchestra. He is music director of the San Leandro, California, Symphony. Every summer he is Professor of Cello at the Aspen Music School and -Music performs frequently at the famous Aspen Festival. He is heard weekly on nationwide CBC network as soloist and in chamber musrc.
,%nd.rbrd "/l/"
Monday, September17th through Saturday,September22 Monday, Tuesday,Friday, Saturday 9:00 A.M., 1:30 P.M. Wednesday,Thursday 1:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. Ed Landreth Auditorium, TexasChristianUniversity
with Eudice Shapiro,Violinist and Laszlo Varga, Cellist l
Monday, September24th through Wednesday,September26th 9:30 A.M., 1:30 P.M. Ed Landreth Auditorium, TexasChristianUniversity
with the Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestra, ll alter Susskind,Conducting Presentationol Awards Friday, September28th and Saturday,September29th 7:30 P.M. Tarrant Countv ConventionCentreTheatre
$10,000 (Payablein four equal annual installments) Awarded by the National Guild of Piano Teachers Dr. and Mrs. Irl Allison. Founders * SECOND
$6,000 (Payablein three equal annualinstallments) Awarded by the Fuller Foundation & THIRD
$3,000 Awarded by the late Dr. JaneByars as a Memorial to Miss Jane Langdon * FOURTH PRIZE
$1,500 Awarded by the F. Howard Walsh Foundation .$1 FIFTH
$1,000 Awarded by Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,III as a Memorial to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,Jr. .&
First Place l(inner Sola Concert Sunday,September30th 3:00 P.M. Tarrant County ConventionCentreTheatre
Please Note: Tape recordings are not permitted during the Competition sessionsand will be confiscated. Admittance to the auditorium will be allowed only between contestants.
$750 Awarded by the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum as a Memorial to Dr. Grace Ward Lankford, co-founder
_ ,%"or>/,t*tn/o Special Prize (To be announced) Awarded by Mrs. Raiford H. Burton in memory of Dr. Grace Ward Lankford Best Performanceof the Chamber Music Awarded by Van Cliburn in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Irl Allison Best Performance Aaron Copland "Night Thoughts" Awarded by Neiman-Marcus
. . $500 Gold Watch
Commissionedpiece courtesy of Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,III in honor of her Mother, Mrs. Nenetta Burton Carter. The winner of the Competition will be presentedin recital at Carnegie Hall in New York, through the courtesy of Mrs. Nenetta Burton Carter in honor of her daughter, Mrs. J. Lee Johnson. III. Pan American Union $500 prize and a recital in the Hall of the Americas to the highest competing pianist of the Americas. Over 50 concert and symphony engagementsfor the 1973-74 seasonin the United States, Canada, and El Salvador have been arranged for the first prize winner. The opening dinner is underwritten by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation of Fort Worth, Texas. In commemoration of Rachmaninoff's 100th birthday, a $300 cash award and medal will be given by Van Cliburn for the best performance of the Rachmaninoff Etude-Tableau in the preliminary stageof the competition. The winner may be awarded a contract for concert management by Hurok Concerts, Inc. This contract will cover performances in Latin America, Canada, the United States and its possessions. Michigan State University television station WKAR in East Lansing will record one or more half-hour recital programs with the 1973 first-placewinner and/or selectedfinalists. The programs will be distributed to public television stations throughout the United States.
/g73 64"nrra,
Fort Smith Symphony Fort Smith, Arkansas October15,1973
St. Mary of the Woods College St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana December Ll, L973
Austin College Sherman,Texas March 2,1974
Monmouth College Monmouth. Illinois October 19,1973
Greenville College Greenville, Illinois December14, 1973
Brownwood, Texas March Il,1974
SussexCounty Music Foundation Newtoq, New Jersey October2I, 1973
Florida Symphony Orchestra Orlando & Daytona, Florida January9, L0,1974
Mercer University Macon, Georgia October23.1973 Bradley University Peoria.Illinois Octob6r 25, 1973 Abilene Svmphonv Abilene &Sah Angelo,Texas October29,30, L973 Green Valley, Arizona Novemberl,1973 Tucson Young Artists Tucson,Arizona November2. 1973 Prescott College Prescott,Arizona November3, 1973
University of California Santa Cruz. California January11,1974 Muncie Symphony Association Muncie, Indiana January 17,1974 Fairleigh-Dickinson University Hackensack,New Jersey January20,1974 Connecticut College New London, Connecticut January22,1974 Fargo-MoorheadSymphony Fargo, North Dakota January26,1974
Amarillo Symphony Orchestra Amarillo. Texas March 16,1974 Fort Worth Symphony Fort Worth, Texas March 19,1974 Wichita Falls Symphony Wichita Falls, Texas March 23, 1974 Delaware Symphony Wilmington, Delaware March 28, 1974 Edmonton Symphony Edmonton, Canada April 6, 7, 1974 Cincinnati, Ohio Symphony April 11, 13, 1974 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio Apil 16,1974
Peoria Symphony Peoria, Illinois January29, L974
Lansing Symphony Lansing, Michigan April2O, 1974
Universitv of Puerto Rico Rio Piedris, Puerto Rico February I, L974
University of Houston SymphonY Houston, Texas Aprld?4,1974
Polk Junior College Winter Haven, Florida February5,1974
University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio April3O, 1974
Huntsville Chamber Music Guild Huntsville,Alabama February8,1974
Berkshire Symphony Williamstown, Massachusetts May 2, 1974
University of Massachusetts Amherst. Massachusetts February 13, L4, 1974
Roanoke Symphony Roanoke,Virginia May 6, 1974
Washington StateUniversity Pullman, Washington February 20, 1974
JamesDick International Festival-Institute Round Top, Texas June 16. 1974
Arlington Concert Association Arlington, Texas February22,1974
El SalvadorSymphony San Salvador, El Salvador Iluly 15,1974
Carneigie Hall debut December3. 1973
Richardson Symphony Richardson,Texas February 26, 1974
Cambridge Concert Association November19,1974
BloomingtonSymphony Bloomington,Illinois December9. L973
Austin Symphony Orchestra Austin, Texas February 28,1974
Grambling UniversitY Grambling, Louisiana November 6, 1973 Louisiana Tech UniversitY Ruston,Louisiana November7,8, 1973 Kingsport Symphony Kingsport,Tennessee November 10, 1973 Lees-McRaeCollege Banner Elk, North Carolina November 12. 1973 Pan American Union Washington,D. C. November 14, 1973 MacMurray College Jacksonville,Illinois November17, 1973 SpokaneSymphony Spokane,Washington November 20, L973
Svmphonv Orchestra of the National - OicheslralAssociation,Inc. New York - Carnegie Hall 1974-75Season
William DeVan Patrick Mullins
Leonard Danek
Milton Granger Francis Schindler ThomasSchmidt
William Brown
Dennis Hennig GeoffreySaba Geoffrey Tozer
David Oei
Diana Kacso
Susan Campbell Lauren Gayle Richard Ratliff Ronald Rosen Robert Shoumaker Leigh Unger
Daniel Adni JAPAN
Katsurako Mikami Shigeo Neriki
Krasimir Gatev
Kristin Prior John Van Buskirk
John Hendrickson Arthur Ozolins
Young Sook Kim Dai Uk Lee Wha-In Lee
cHrNA(rnrwnN) Joyce Chung
Michael Houstoun
Leon Bates William Horn David Syme
Robert Weirich FLORIDA
Janice Feld Tom White GEORGIA
Beverly Gilbert
Gregory Davis David Golub Alan Marks Kimberly Schmidt
Ivan Klansky
Craig Nies
KANSAS Cameron Dibble
Ian Hobson
Bill Blaine Van Zandt Ellis Judith Jonson
Raymund Havenith Christian Zacharias
UTAH Alan Ball
Aleka Simeonidou WASHINGTON
Deborah Moriarity
Gillian Lin
ChristineDe Shon JosephRies
Christian Petrescu
Stefan Scaggiari
Pawel Checinski
Timothy Mueller
Alberto Reyes u.s.s.R. Evgenii Korolev Vladimir Viardo
PRELIMINARY .....Ballade No. 2, OPus38
Chopin Bach.
......PreludeandFugueincmino'r, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book II . ' .Sonatain c minor, K' 457 Mozart Beethoven 'Sonata, OPus 110 . . . . .Etude, OPus 10, No' 5 Chopin Rachmaninoff . . . . .Etude-tableauin E Flat Major, Opus 33, No' 7 .MePhisto Waltz No' I Lisrt . .Night Thoughts (Hornage to Ives) Copland
Age: 21
Address: 51 The Pryors East Heath Road London NW3, England First Solo: Age L2, Haifa, Israel Scholarship: Sharet Foundation, Israel, 1958-66 Teacher: Vlado Perlemuter Schools: Israel Conservatory Paris Conservatory Daniel Adni made his formal debut at Wigmore Hall, London, at the age of 19. He has aPPeared at both the Briehton and Har:rogate Festivals in Ensland. His American debut was ma-de at the University of Massachu' setts in 1972. While studying at the Paris Conservatory, where he completed his studies in one year instead 6f the usual two, he was awarded first prize for piano, solfege, and sight reading. He had already concertized in England and Germany with several first-rank orchestras before coming to this country. Adni sPeaks four languages(Hebrew, English, German and French), and enjoys cinema, theatre, sports, and bridge.
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Ram da-Oz
'Trio in d minor of Handel Theme a .....Variations . . .Sonata No' 3, OPus 28 .....Images Bookl .. ' .Capricciofor Piano (1962)
FINAL .Concerto No' 4, G Majol ..Concerto No' 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .Fantasia in C Major, Opus 17 . .Prelude and Fugue in A Flat Maior, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book II Mozart .. .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 Beethoven .Sonata, Opus 101 Chopin . . . .Etude in c sharp minor, Opus 10, No. 4 Rachmaninoff . . . . .Etude-tableauin c sharp minor, Opus 33, No. 9 ......Mephisto Waltz Liszt . . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland Schumann Bach .
United States
Ag e :2 3
Address: 2052 East 9th South salt Lake city, utah 84108 First Solo: Age 14, Salt Lake Tabernacle, Utah Symphony Concerto Concerts
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Chopin Prokofieff Ravel . Prigmore
.....Trio in B Flat ...Sonata in b minor . . . .. .Sonata No. 6 in A Major, Opus 82 .. .Gaspardde la Nuit . Episodes Integrales
Scholarships: National Society of Arts and Letters, Santa Barbara Chapter, for study at Peabody Conservatory, 1969 University of Utah, full tuition, 1967-68,l97t-73 Private study with Gladys Gladstone, ,full tuition, 1972-73 Teachers: Gladys Gladstone Vladimir Ashkenazy Leon Fleisher Schools: University of Utah, 8.M., 1972 Peabody Conservatory, 1968-69 Meadowbrook Festival, summer 1970 Alan Ball, a native gf Utah, has appeared frequently in recitals and chamber music concerts at the Uni-, versity of Utah. He has also had many orchestral and solo appearances in Utah, California, Nevada, and Texas. His other interests include recordcollecting, golf, chess, and literature.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
.Concerto No. 4, G Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
...Fantasy in C, Opus 17
Schumann Bach .
. .. .Prelude and Fugue, No. 8, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I
. . .Sonata in c minor. K. 457
. . Sonata, Opus 28 .. ...E tude, Opus 10, No. 12
C h opi n R a chmani noff ....
.. .. .Funerailles .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Liszt Copland
United States
..E tude-tabl eau,Opus 33, No. 6
Age: 23
Address: 6223 Greene Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19144 First Solo: Age 7, Germantown Boys CIub Scholarships and Awards: Louis and Peter Verrett Memorial Scholarship,Temple University Philadelphia Board of Education Music Scholarship Drexel Music Award, 1965 Collegiate Artists awards Teachers: Christofor Sinjani Irene Beck Natalie Hinderas Schools: Settlement Music School, 1964-67 Temple University, 1.967-72
SEMI-FINAL . Trio in d minor
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel . Sonata (1926)
Brahms Bartok R a vel .
...Gasparddel a Nuit .Sonata No. 1 (1953)
Leon Bates began his formal study of music at age six. He has appeared with the Symphony of the New World, the Cincinnati Symphony, and the Philadelphia Orchestra. He has won many awards, including the Philadelphia Orchestra Senior Student Auditions and the National Association of Neg ro Musicia ns c om pet it ion. His concertizing includes many college and series appearances. Other interests are reading, auto sports, and football.
FINAL Beethoven
. .Concerto No. 3, c minor
..Concerto No. 3, C Major
Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff... . Liszt Copland
BILL ALAN BLAINE , . .La Leggeriezza
. . . . . Prelude and Fugue in f sharp minor,
'*:'l-'"-::'": :::T ;i::l:'ilTilT,; . . Sonata,Opus 111 . .Etude in A Flat, No. 2 from Trois Etudes, Opus posthumous ..Etude-tableau, Opus 39, No. I ...Orage . .Night Thoughts(Homageto lves)
United States
Age: 27
Address: 605 Oak Celina, Texas 75009 First Solo: Age 10, Denton, Texas, private recital Scholarships: Southern Methodist University, full tuition Pi Kappa Lambda grant for graduate study, North Texas State University
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Lees.
.. . . .Trio in C Major . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 ......Sonata in d minor.Opus 14 ......L'Isle loy"rrrc ......Fantasia (1954)
Teachers: Larry Walz Alexander Uninsky Schools: Southern Methodist University, 1969-72 North Texas State University, 1972-73 Bill Blaine, a native Texan, first ap peared as soloist with the North Texas State University Orchestra as winner of the N.T.S.U. Piano Competition. He speaks English and Spanish, and is interested in photography, golf, and swrmmrng,
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
fr'' li !
. . Toccata, Opus 7 ......Prelude and Fuguein g minor, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I Mozafi . . . .Sonatain B Flat. K. 281 Beethoven ....,..Sonata, Opus 111 Chopin . .Etude in b minor, Opus 25, No. 10 Rachmaninoff. .. . .. . . . .Etude-tableauin E Flat, Opus 35, No. 7 Liszt . .Nrght Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland Schumann Bach .
United States
Age: 25
Address: 127 University Apts.-W Bloomington, Indiana 47401 First Solo Appearance: Age 16, Soloist with South Arkansas Symphony Scholarships and Award.s: Performer's Certificate, Baylor University Teaching Assistantship, Indiana University Senior Scholastic Award, Phi Mu Alpha Teachers: Mrs. Dan Whidden Mrs. George Baker Roger Keyes Menahem Pressler
SEMI-FINAL . .. . .Trio in C Major . . .Sonata in f sharp minor .Sonate .....Fugue, Opus 26 ......L'IsIe Joyeuse
Brahms Schumann Bartok Barber Debussy
Schools: Baylor University, B. M. with honors, 1969 Indiana University, M.M, 1972, D.M., 1973 William Brown, a native of Arkansas, was a prize-winner in the Texas Music Teachers Association contest in 1969, when he also placed in tle National Guild of Piano Teachers International Recording Contest. He is married, and enjoys the sports of swimming and bicycling.
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major ..Conceroo No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
30 ul
PRELIMINARY .....C horal e
Dut illeux
. . . .Prelude and Fugue No. 2,
Bach .
Mozart Beethozen Chopin Rachmaninoff.... Liszt . Copland
et V ari ati ons
'*:11:-::::ffil:TTH'H:Ji .Sonata,OPus 110
....Etude in c sharpminor, Opus 10, No. 4 . .Etude-tableau, Opus 33, No. 6 . Etude d'bpresPaganini,No. 2 . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
United States
Age: 26
Address: 154 rue de Fr6mur Angers 49, France First Solo Appearance: Age 18, O'Grady Young Artists Competition, Santa Monica, California
SEMI-FINAL .....Trio inCMajor ....Sonata in b minor . Sonata. Number 2 ... ...Alborada del Graziosa ....Three Preludes
Brahms Chopin Prokofieft Ravel . Gershwin
Teachers: Anita Evans Mac Gilbert Reese Jeanne-Marie Darr6 Genevieve Joy Schools: San Fernando Valley State College, 1964-65 Paris Conservatory, 1966-7| Susan Campbell, native of Hollywood, California, began her musical studies at age seven. She won several local and national competitions before going to France in 1.966, where she began her studies at the Paris Conservatory with Jeanne Marie Darr6. After four years of study she won a first prize for piano and second for chamber music. She lives in France with her husband, Yves Potrel, a n o t e d . c e l l i s t . H e r h o b b i e s i n cl u d e reading and gardening.
FINAL Brahms Prokofieft
......Concerto No. 2, B Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
...P ol onai se Fant aisie
C h opi n Bach .
. . . Prelude and Fugue in e flat minor, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I
. .. .Sonata in B Flat, K. 281
. .Etude in G Sharp, Opus 25, No. 6
Chopin Rachmaninotr . . . .
Etude-tableau in f sharp minor, Opus 39 ....Transcendental E tude i n f mi nor, No. l0 .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
L i szt . Copland
.Sonata, Opus 111
Age: 27
Address: Narutowicza 69 Lodz, Poland First Solo Appearance: Age 10, Lodz, Poland; school concert Scltolarslips and Av,ards: Fulbright Grant for study at Juilliard Scholarshipsfrom Juilliard and the Kosciuszko Foundation James Friskin Memorial Fund Scholarship B. SmetanaContest,Prizewinner, 1967 National ClassicalMusic Competition, Poland, First Prize, 1968 Concert Artists Guild Auditions winner, 1972 Temple Institute Concerto Competition winner, 7972 Teaclters: Wladyslaw Masewicz Zygmunt Jesmian Zbigniew Drzewiecki Ryszard Bakst Leon Fleisher Mieczyslaw Munz Scltools: Music Lyceum,Lodz, Diploma with honors, 1964 Academy of Music, Warsaw, M.A., 1969 Juilliard Schoolof Music, 1971-73
SEMI-FINAL ... ..Trio in C Major . . . PreludeShoraleand Fugue . . .. .Sonata,No. 7 ...GasparddelaNuit ...Sheherazade from "Masques"
Brahms Franck Prokofieff Ravel . Szymanowski....
FINAL Concerto No. 2, B Flat Major
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Pawel Checinski began his piano studies at the age of six. His manY prizes and awards also include a special award at the Chopin Competition in 1970. He has concertizedwidely in Europe, and made his American debut at Carnegie Hall in 1973, in a recital sponsoredby the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciencesin America. Mr. Checinski,who is married, speaks Polish, English, and Russian, and enjoys traveling.
PRELIMINARY Chopin Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff. . .. Liszt . Copland
....Scherzo, Opus 31 . . . .Preludeand Fugue,No. 3, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I . . .sonata in c minor, K. 457 . . . .Sonata,Opus 2, No. 3 .. . . ..Etude, Opus 25, No. 2 . .Etude-tableau,Opus 33, No. 2 .Etude No. 3, Paysage . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Taiwan, Republic of China
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Chopin Ginastera Debussy
......Trio in B Flat ....Sonata in b minor .....Sonata . . Suite pour le Piano I Prelude II Sarabande III Toccata ...DrumDance
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Joyce (Yu-Chen) Chung_hfs made numerous appearances in Taiwan and Guam, as soloist with orchestras and in solo concerts, many of which were broadcast on radio as well as television. Since coming to the United States in 1972, she has performed in Anaheim and Santa Barbara. She studies piano in the Chapman College Department of Music witl Norman Thompson. She speaks Chinese and English.
Age: 13
Address: 3124 Monroe Way Costa Mesa, California 92626 First Solo Appearance: Age 7, Tao Yuan, Taiwan, City Contest Awards: Tao Yuan City Contest, 2nd Place, 1967 Northern District, Taiwan, 1st Place, 1969 Hwa Kang Music Camp, Taiwan, lst Place, 1970 Taipei City Contest, Taiwan, lst Placn, l97l Provincial Contest, Taiwan, lst Place, l97l Teachers: Louise Wu (mother) Azusa Fujita Helen Quach Nornran Thompson Schools: Kuang Jen School, Taipei, 1967-72 Hwa Kang Music Camp, Taiwan, 1970 Chapman College, Music Dqrt., 1972South Jr. High, Anaheim, California, 1972-
. Ballade in g minor, OPus 23 . Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp Major
Chopin Bach .
Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff.... Liszt . Copland
United States
.Sonata,OPus 110 ,.....Etude, OPus10,No.3 Opus 33, No' 6 ..Etude-tableau, . .. . . .Sonetto 104 del Petraca . .Night Thoughts (Homage to lves)
Age: 23
Address: 1523 Hvthe Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 First Solo: Age 12, Hutchinson, Minnesota Scholarships and Awards: American Federation of Music Clubs Award, Atlantic CitY, New JerseY Teachers: Dr. Duncan McNab Cecil Rhodes Mrs. Fred Galbraith Schools: University of Minnesota: BFA' MFA Leonard Danek began the studY of the piano at the age of six. He was accebted as a piano student at the Uniiersitv of Minnesota at thirteen' and enter-edthat school as a freshman with advanced standing at sixteen. He made his formal debut at the age of eighteen with the Minneapolis Civic Oichestra. His many awards and scholarships include a Foundation Grant to attend the 4th International Bach Organ Competition in Leipzig, East Germany. Mr. Danek is married, speaks English, Germany, some Finnish and French, and his hobbies include astronomy, reading, golf and tennls.
SEMI-FINAL Beethoven Schumann Barber Ravel . Ives ..
' '"Archduke" Trio " ' sonata in f sharp minor 'Sonata la Nuit de GasPard " ' ...."Concord" Sonata,4th movement
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo' 3, c minot . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY Stravinsky Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff. . . . Liszt Copland
. . . Three Movementsfrom .,petrouchka', . Preludeand Fugut in a minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II . . .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 . . . .sonata in A N{ajor,Opus 101 . . .Etude in a minor, Opus 10, No. 2 . Etude in f sharpminor, Opus 39, No. 3 ....vallee d,obermann . .Night Thoughts(Homageto lves)
United States
Age: 24
Address: 118 Holiday Park Drive #360 Champbign, Illinois 61820 First Solo: Age 15, Berwyn, Illinois
SEMI-FINAL Ravel . Chopin Prokofieff Debussy fves . .
... ...Trio in a minor ....Sonata in b minor . . . .SonataNo. 7, opus g3 ..... .L,IsleJoyeuse . .SonataNo. l. lst movement
Scholarships and Awards: Frederick B. Stiven Scholarship r965-66 Fellowship for Graduate Study, University of Illinois, 1969-70 Teacher: Soulima Stravinsky Schools: University of Illinois, BM, MM Gregory Davis participated in international competition in Munich following his graduation, then returned to the University of Illinois to study Applied Piano under Professor Stravinsky. After a year of teaching at Arkansas Polytechnic College in Russellville, Arkansas. he entered further competition in Montreal and Paris. He has performed throughout the midwest and now teaches Applied Piano at his Alma Mater. Davis is married, speaks English and some French and German. His hobbies include chess,reading history and science and boating.
FINAL Brahms Prokofieff
......ConcertoNo.2,BFlatMajor . . Concerto No. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY MacD ow el l ......P rael udi um
(from Fi rst Modern S ui te, O pus 10) .. .Prelude and Fugue No. 15,
Bach .
?:*; '":::',"Jxt; ...S onata, Opus 2, No. 3
Etude, Opus 10, No. 2
Chopin Rachmani notr .... L i szt . Copland
United States
..E tude-tabl eau,Opus 39, No. 2
.....V enezi a e Napoli (supplement aux Annees de Pelerinage second annee) .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: l7
Address: 1643 South Stevens Tacoma, Washington 98405 First SoIo: Age 16, Tacoma Community College Scholorslips and Awards: Award trom Teacher, Lennard Anderson University Talent Award, Pacific Lutheran University Teachers: Lennatd Anderson Calvin Knapp School.s: Saint Leo's High School, 1973 Will attend Pacific Lutheran University
S chubert
.Tri o in B Flat
. Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue
. . . .Sonata, Opus 1, No. 1
. . Suite pour le Piano
MacDowell . . . . .Praeludium (from First Modern Suite, Opus l0)
Christine De Shon has been playing piano for ten years. She has played in several contests and recitals in Tacoma and in Seattle Young Artists Music Festival. She is a member of the American Theatre Organ Society. She speaks English, some French, and hopes to teach at the University level.
FINAL Beethoven
. .Concerto No. 3, c minor
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
United States
Age: 23
Brahms Bach .
.....Klavierstiicke,Opus 76 . . .Preludeand Fugue in e flat minor, from "Well-TemperedClavier," Book I Mozaft . . .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven . .. .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 Chopin ......Etude,Opus10,No. I Rachmaninoff ......Etude-tableauin e flat minor,Opus33, No. 6 Liszt . ......Mephisto Waltz Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
Address: 42 Pioneer Trail. N. E. Marietta, Georgia 30062 First Solo: Age 13, Atlanta Pops Orchestra
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Chopin Barber Debussy Cowell
......Trio in B Flat Major ....Sonata in b minor . . .. .Sonatafor Piano Images, Set I ......Six Inss
Scholarslips and Awards: Carling Scholarship, 1967 Janette Bradbury Memorial Scholarship, 1970 Fine Arts Foundation of Atlanta Scholarships,1968-1971 Aspen Schbol of Music ScholarshiP, 1972 Cornelius Crane Scholarship, 1972 Lily May Caldwell Competition, First Prize. 1973 Teachers: Elisabeth Tillman Mme. Ania Dorfmann Jeaneane Dowis Schools: Cleveland Institute of Music, 1967, 1968 Juilliard Schools, 1968 to present Aspen Music School, Summers 1968-1972 William DeVan, Jr. began his piano studies at the age of nine. He appeared as soloist with the Chicago Symphony at the age of 14, and has appeared in recitals throughout the state of Georgia. DeVan speaks English and German and his hobbies include aviation and reading.
FINAL Beethoven P r ok of ief f
.. C oncertoN o.3,C Maj or
CAMERON SHAWN DIBBLE Schubert Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoft... . Liszt . Copland
United States
.....SonatainDMajor,D.V.850 ...Preludeand Fuguein c minor,BWV 871, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II . . . . .Sonatain B Flat Major, K. 281 . . . Sonata,OPus 2, No. 3 . . . . .Etude,Opus 25, No. 11 Opus 33, No. 6 ..Etude-tableau, minor, No. 10 in f Etude ....Transcendental . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 27
Address: 2540 Seabrook Topeka, Kansas 66614 First Solo: Age 5, Topeka, Kansas Scholarships and Awards: University of Texas at Austin Scholarship (declined) Topeka Civic Symphony & CaPital Federal Savings& Loan Award Teachers: Irene Flanagan James Rivers John Perry Schools: Washburn University Oberlin Conservatory of Music
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Bartok
.Trio in d minor . . .Variationson a Theme of Handel Sonate .. . . . .Valses Nobles et Sentimentales ...Variations on a Short Theme, Opus 39
Ravel Mailman
Cameron Dibble began piano lessons at the age of four. He is PresentlY working toward a B.M. degree in piano performance. Dibble has periormed with the Topeka Civic Symphonv and the Jardine School Orchesira. He speaksEnglish, some German and Spanish, enjoys tennis and reading, and plans a career either in music or the foreign seryice.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
. Scherzoin b minor, Opus 20 . . Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor
Beethoven .Sonata,Opus 101 Chopin ....Etude in c sharpminor, Opus 10, No. 4 Rachmaninoff .......Etude-tableauin e flatminor,Opus39, No.5 Liszt . La Campanella Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) E:.... E
= United States
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Brah,ms Prokofieff Ravel . Barber
..... .Trio in B Flat . , . Variationson a Theme of Handel . . . SonataNo. 7, Opus 83 ...JeuxD'Eau . . . .. .Fugue,from the Sonata
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . . ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Ag e :2 8
Address: 51 Seventh Avenue South New York, New York 10014 First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Fort Worth Conservatory, student recital Scholaiships and Awards: Manhattan School of Music, full scholarship Fulbright Scholarship North Carolina School of the Arts, summer study scholarship in Siena, Italy Martha Baird Rockefeller Grant Institute of International Education Grant Fort Worth Harmony Club Grant Teachers: Jeanette Tillett Robert Goldsand Olegna Fuschi Schools: Texas Christian University, 1962-64 Manhattan School of Music, B.M., M.M., 1964-68 Hochschule fur Musik, Munich, 1968-69 Yan Zandt Ellis is a native of Fort Worth. He appeared as soloist winner of the Honor's Competition at Tgxas Christian University, and was twice winner of the Concerto Competition at the Manhattan School, appearing as soloist with the Manhattan Orchestra. Upon graduation he received the Harold Bauer Award presented annually to the outstanding graduate. He has most recently been an Instructor in Piano at Mount Kisco School of Music, New York. He speaks German and French.
JANICE FELD Chopin Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff... Liszt . Copland
United States
.Etude in c sharp minor, Opus No. 4 .Preludeand Fugue in A Flat Major, No. 17, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I ...Sonata in c minor. K. 457 .Sonata,Opus 110 . .Etude in E Major, Opus 10, No. 3 ...Etude-tableau, Opus39, No. 5 .TranscendentalEtude No. 10 .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 26
Address: 3145 Fairview Street, Apt. 102 Chesapeake,Y ir glnia 23325 First Solo Appearance: Age 11, Miami ConserYatory,fulllength recital Scholarships and Awards: Dmitri Mitropoulous Scholarship University of Miami, undergraduate scholarship and graduate assistantship Yale University Summer School of Music fellowship Teachers: Hortense Buys Cyrus Ullian Rosalina Sackstein Schools: Stephens College, 1964-65 University of Miami, B.M,, M.M., 1965-7|
SEMI-FINAL .Trio in d minor ...Sonatain b minor .....Sonata No. 7 ......Pour le Piano . Preludes for Piano
Mendelssohn Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Gershwin
Janice Feld, a native of Miami, Florida, began playing the piano at age six. She has played in a concert with Dr. Frederick Fennell, who conducted the Eastman Symphony Orchestra, and has given many other concerts. She has been an instructor of piano at Norfolk State College since 1971. Her other interests include reading and. attending concerts, plays, and movtes.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieft
. Concerto No. 4, G Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
.Toccata, C Major . Prelude and Fugue in a minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II Mozart . . . .Sonatain B Flat. K. 281 Beethoven .Sonata,Opus 110 Chopin .....Etude No. 10, Opus 10 Rachmaninoff ........Etude-tableau, Opus39, No. 5, e flat minor Liszt . . .. .. .Mazeppa Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Schumann Bach
Age: 2E
Address: "Khan Kroum" 5 Sofia, Bulgaria First Solo Appearance: Age 11, Sofia, Bulgaria Scholarships and Awards: State Scholarship
SEMI-FINAL ......Trio
Schubert Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Vladiguerov
in B Flat
. . . Variationson a Theme of Handel .....Sonata. No. 7 . . Suite pour le pianc ...Mouvement rithmique
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieft
. ConcertoNo. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Schools: State School of Music. Sofia Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow, 1965-67 Krassimir Gatev, upon completion of his studies in Moscow, was designated Concert Performer and serves as State Artist and soloist. He has been a prizewinner in these competitions: the Eighth Youth Festival in Helsinki, 1962; the Marguerite Long lnternational Competition in Paris, 1963; the Queen Elizabeth Competition in Brussels, 1963; and the Montreal International Competition in 1968. He has appeared with the Pleven Philharmonic Orchestra in Bulgaria. He speaks French.
PRELIMINARY Liszt Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff .... Liszt Copland
United States
.....Sonata in b minor . . Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I . .Sonatain D Major, K. 284 .Sonata,Opus 101 . . . . .Etude,Opus 25, No. 11 ..Etude-tableau, Opus 33, No. 8 .Mephisto Waltz .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 2l
Address: 44014 Elm Avenue Lancaster. California 93534 First Solo Appearance: Age 14, Antelope Valley High School, California Scholarships and Awards: Jacques Tushinsky Memorial Scholarship (three times), given through Young Musicians Foundation of Los Angeles Teachers: Aube Tzuko Leah Effenbach Schools: Antelope Valley Junior College, 1969-71 U.C.L.A., Fine Arts Dept., l97l-73
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff Ravel . Gershwin
Lauren Gayle has been the recipient of several awards in his hometown of Lancaster; these 'include the Sousa Award for Frcnch Horn in his school band, two from the Woman's Club, and two from the Allied Arts Association. He has been a prizewinner at the Aspen Music Festival and has performed with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Aspen and the San Gabriel Symphony. He has also played for the First Baptist Church in Lancaster for many years. He speaks "a little French" and he enjoys swimming.
. Trio in d minor . . Variationson a Theme bv Handel ....SonataNo.6, AMajor ....Le Tombeaude Couperin . .PreludeNo. 1, "Allegro Ben Ritmato E Deciso"
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major:
Sonatain g minor, Opus22, No. 2 . . . . . Prelude and Fugue in b flat minor, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I, No. 22
Mozart B eet hov en Chopin
. .Sonata in D Major, K. 284 ......S o n a ta
i n C Maj or, Opus 2, N o. 3
....Etu d e i n G Fl at Maj or, Opus 10, N o. 5
Rac hm anin o ff ......Etu d e -ta b l e a u i n e fl at mi nor, Opus 39, N o. 5 Liszt . Copland
..Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
United Srates
Ag e :2 5
Address: P. O. Box 225 Blakely, Georgia 31723 First Solo Appearance: Age 5, Blakely, Kindergarten graduation
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Barber
. Trio in d minot . . . Variationson a Themeof Handel .Sonatain a minor, Opus 28, No. 3 ..Suite Bergamasque ...Fusue from Sonata
Scholarships and Awards: University of Cincinnati Honor Scholarships(2) Cincinnati Symphony Club Award American Music ScholarshipAssoc. Competition Dorolhy B. Albers Scholarship Mae C. Grannis Scholarship Delta Omicron Award (2) Teachers: Raymond Dudley Ilonka Deckers Schools: University of Cincinnati, CollegeConservatoryof Music, B.M., 1969, M.M., 1970
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo, 3, c minor . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Beverly Gilbert has been the recipient of numerous other prizes and awards. Both degrees from the Cincinnati Conservatory were awarded with highest honors. She has performed with the Cincinnati Symphony, Atlanta Symphony, and as May Festival pianist under the direction of Thomas Schippers, Robert Shaw and Julius Rudel. She has spent the past three years as an artist student of Ilonka Deckers in Milan, for whom Miss Gilbert also served as an assistant. She speaks English and Italian; her outside interest is swimmins.
DAVID JOSEPHGOLUB Chopin Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoft.... Liszt . Copland
United States
. . .Introduction and Grand Rondo, Optrs 16 . .Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II .....Sonata in B FlatMajor, K.281 . .Sonata in E Flat Major, Opus 7 . .Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 11 ..Etude in e flat minor, Opus 33, No. 6 ..Hungarian RhapsodyNo. 12 .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 23
Address: 1 Sherman Square, Apt. 34F New York, New York 10023 First Solo Appearance: Age l?, Amarillo, Texas, with orchestra Scholarships: The Juilliard School, full scholarship four years Teacher: Bevgridge Webster Betty Lief Sims School: The Juilliard School. 1968David Golub, a native of Chicago, graduated from high school in Richardson, Texas, where his parents re. side. He has won many internal competitions at the Juilliard School, and has won a number of awards in major competitions. He has played with cellist Leonard Rose, and was a participant in the "Beethoven 200" series at Southern Methodist University in 1970. His other interests include chess, art history, and sports.
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Chopin Prokofieff Ravel . Barber
.Trio in d minor . .Sonata in b minor, Opus 58 ... . . .SonataNo. 3 ......ValsesNoblesetSentimentales .Fugue from Sonatafor Piano
FINAL .......ConcertoNo.2,BFlatMajor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Brahms Prokofieff
Schoenberg Bach .
. . .Suite, Opus 25 . . Prelude and Fugue in f sharp minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart . .Sonatain D Major, K. 284 Beethoven .Sonata,Opus 101 Chopin . . . . Etude in g sharpminor, Opus 25, No. 6 Rachmaninoft ......Etude-tableauin e flat minor,Opus39, No. 5 Liszt . .. ..SecondBalladein b minor Copland.... i. ..Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Chopin Barber Ravel . Stout .
United States
.....Trio in C Major ....Sonata in b minor . Sonata ...Gaspardde la Nuit ..Two Studies(1967)
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieft
. Concerto No. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Milton Granger, a native of Missouri, made the first of several appearances with the Kansas City Philharmonic at age 11. He has also performed with several other orchestras. The composer of some 200 songs,a one-act opera, and several musical plays, he has a popular style musical act with his wife Linda. He is currentlv on the music faculty of Hollins Coilege and is working on his doctorate from Northwestern. He has a readine knowledge of French and German] his pastimes include swimming and hiking.
Age: 25
Address: Box 9607 Hollins College, Virginia 24020 Firit Solo Appearance: Age 8, Kansas City, Missouri, student recital Scholarships and Awards: Sigma Alpha Iota Scholarship Kansas City Music Club Scholarship Northwestern University, opera coaching assistantship Amelia Hoff Piano Award Chicago Dasch Award Society of American Musicians Young Artist Competition winner,
Naftzger Competition prizewinner, 1968 HoustonSymphonyCompetition prizewinner,1968 Teachers: Gui Mombaerts Wiktor Labunski Walter Cook Richard Angeletti Schools: NorthwesternUniversity, 1965-66, 1,969KansasUniversity, 1967 Universityof Missouri,KansasCity, B.M.. 1969
Germany ,i
PRELIMINARY .Ballade in g minor, Opus 23 ......PreludeandFugueinbMinor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II . . . . .Sonata in B Flat Major, K. 281 Mozart Beethoven .Sonatain C Major, Opus 2, No. 3 . .Etude in c minor, Opus 10, No. 12 Chopin Rachmaninotr ........Etude-tableau in D Major, Opus39, No.9 .Mephisto Waltz No. 1 Liszt . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland Chopin Bach.
Age: 25
Address: Feldstrasse 26 Herzo genrath-Kohlscheid D 512, Germany First Solo Appearance: Age 14, Herzogenrath-Aachen, Germany Scholarships and Awards: Student Scholarship of the German People City of Hamburg, scholarship Oscar and Vera Ritter Scholarship, Hamburg, 2 years Teachers: Gunter Ludwig Erica Bergel
SEMI-FINAL Beethoven Chopin Prokofieff Ravel Leyendecker
.."Archduke" Trio ...Sonata in b minor .. . . . .SonataNo. 3 "Scarbo" ......KlavierstiickIII (1968)
Schools: State Academy of Music, Cologne (6 years) Conservatory of Music, Geneva (1 year) Raymund Havenith has made appearances with orchestras in Cologne, Germany; Hamburg, Helsinki, Berlin and Fulda. He was a prizewinner in a Mendelssohn contest in Berlin. He has been heard on radio broadcasts throughout Europe. He is married, speaks German and English, and enjoys literature, art, the theatre, and films.
FTNAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Albeniz Bach .
Triana from "Iberia" . . Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor from "Well-Tempered Clavichord,,'-Book I Mozafi . . .. .Sonaiain B Flat Major, K. 2gl Beethoven . . . .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 Chopin . .Etude in b minor, Opus 25, No. 10 Rachmaninoff . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt .Mephisto waltz Copland . .Nrght Thoughts (Hgmage to Ives)
SEMI-FINAL Brahms chopin
Bartok Ravel Archer
.....Trio in C Major . .Sonatain b minor, opus 5g ...Sonata (1926) . . . .Scarbofrom "Gaspardde la Nuit" . .. .Six Preludes
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
.ConcertoNo. 4, G Major ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Age: 17
Address: 11128-60Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5W 3Y7 First Solo Appearance: Age 11, Montreal, Expo'67 for appnox. 100,000 people Scholarships and Awards: Kiwanis Music Festivals of Canada. first and other prizes. 1967-1973 Choqin Young-Pianists Competition co-winner. 1972 Royal Ov6rseas League Piano Competition winner, 1972 Edmonton Music Club Awards Competition wrwrer, 1972 Cultural Development Branch, Gov't of Alberta, study awards, l97l and,72 Canadian Music Competitions, Inc. winner, 1973 Teachers: Alexandra Munn Irwin Freundlich School: East Glen Composite High School, Edmonton, 1973 graduaie John Hendrickson, a native of Montreal, Canada, has recently been awarded a Canada Council Arts Grant for study this year at the Juilliard School, to continue his studies with Irwin Freundlich. He has given recitals in several Canadian cities and has appeared with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. He received the diploma of Associate of Music from the Western Board of Music with the University of Alberta's Board of Governors Goldtfedal.
DENNIS JOHN HENNIG Chopin Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff Liszt/Paganirri . . . Copland
.....Ballade in A FlatMajor ......Prelude and Fuguein C Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II . .Sonatain D Major, K. 284 ......Sonata in A Flat Major, Opus 110 . . . . .Etude, OPus 25, No. 12 . .. . . .Etude-tableauOpus 33, No. 2 . . .Liszt-PaganiniEtude No. 6 in a minor .Night Thoughts (Homageto Iies)
I l
Age: 22
Address: I Montana Street Burwood. Victoria Australia 3125 First Solo Appearance: Age 12, Carey Grammar School, Australia Scholarships and Awards: Ormond Exhibition Award Allan Award Teachers: Keith Humble Roy Shepherd Schools: Carey Grammar School Conservatorium of Music, Melboure University
SEMI-FINAL Ravel . Franck Barber Ravel .. Austin-Phillips
......Trioinaminor . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue .Sonata ..'.Jeuxd'Eau for Piano) ....."Anandy" (A Burlesque
Dennis Hennig has appeared numer' ous times in concerts at the Melbourne University, including a performance with the University Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Other appearances have been at the Camberwell Civic Center and the "Coronella" Community Centre. He speaks English, "a little French and German." His other interests include snow-skiing, malacology, tennis, and swimmin{.
FTNAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
....Scherzo,Opus 54 . Prelude and Fugue in a minor,
l':T :'{i:1"#?,*"?# j-:il:T:r:i fJJill;; Chopin ......Etude,Opus 10,No. I Rachmaninotr. . . . .Etude-tableauin E Flat Major, Opus 33, No. 7 Liszt . .....Hungarian Rhapsody No. 15 (RakoczyMarch) Copland . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Great Britain
Age: 27
Address: Yale School of Music, Stoeckel Hall Wall Street New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Permanent Address: 12J Baginton Road Coventry, England
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Schumann Prokofieff Ravel . Elgar .
.Trio in d minor .Sonatain f sharpminor, Opus 11 ......SonataNo. ? ...Gaspardde la Nuit
First Solo Appearance: Age 9, Hereford High School Festival Winner Scholarships and Awards: Royal Academy of Music Recital Diploma, 1969for piano, 1971 for organ Portland Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Award winner, 1973 Cambridge University Scholarship Yale University, graduate assistantship Schools: Magdalene College, Cambridge, England, 1970-72 Royal Academy of Music, London, 1969-72 Yale University School of Music, 1972Teachers: Sidney Harrison Ward Davenny
FINAL Brahms Prokofieff
......Concerto No. 2,BFlat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Ian Hobson is not only a pianist, but a harpsichordist and organist as well. He has appeared in several concerts throughout England, and in Connecticut and Maine in this country, Mr, Hobson is married, speaks English and French, and is interested in theatre, chess, tennip and literature.
ALAN HORN Chopin Bach .
. . . . . .Nocturnein B Major, Opus 62, No. 1 . . . Prelude and Fugue in b flat minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I . . .Sonatain c minor, K. 457 . . .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 .Etude in c minor, Opus 10, No. 12 (Revolutionary)
Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff .........Etude-tableau in C Major,Opus33, No.2 Liszt . .....Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10 in E Major Copland . .Night Thoughts (Homageto lves)
United States
Age: 25
Address: ll24 Gainsboro Road Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 First Solo Appearance: Age 12, Wayne, Pennsylvania, TriCounty Music Festival Scholarships and Awards: Philadelphia Orchestra Competition winner, 1965,1972 Curtis Institute of Music Scholarship Teachers: Eleanor Sokoloff Susan Starr Gary Graffman School: Curtis Institute of Music, B.M., 1970
SEMI-FINAL .....Trio in C Major ....Sonata in b minor,No. 3 ....Sonata (1952)
Brahms Chopin Ginastera Debussy
.....Images, Book I . . Passacaglia
William Horn began his piano studies at the age of six. He has performed as soloist with The Philadelphia Orchestra on several occasions and has appeared both in the Temple University Music Festival at Ambler and at the Marlboro Music Festival. He is now a member of the faculty at the Philadelphia Music Academy. He speaks French, and has studied German, Italian, Russian, and Hebrew.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY .Triana from "Iberia" Albeniz Bach..;.... ...firgtistrSuite,No.4 Mozart . . .Sonatain c minor, K. 457 Beethoven .....Sonataincminor, OpusLLL Chopin .'. . . .Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 1l ("Winter Wind") Rachmaninoft . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt.;.... ,MephistoWaltz (Homage Copland Thoughts .Night to Ives)
New Zealand
Age: 20
Address: ClaremontRoad,No.4 R.D. Timaru, New Zealand First Solo Appearance: Age 9, Timaru, Competition Demonstration Concert
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Carr .
.....Trio in CMajor . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 . .Sonatain B Flat Major, Opus 83, No. 7 . . . .. .Pour le Piano ..Piano Sonata (1964)
Scholarshipsand Awards: QueenElizabeth U Arts Council Grant, 1973 AucklandStar ConcertoPizn, 1970 ChristchurchCivic Council's ConcertoCompetition,1971 Teachers: Sister Mary Culalie Maurice Till Schools: University of Canterbury,1971 University of Otago, 1972-73 Michael Houstounhas beenpresented as soloist with the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestra,the Symphoniaof Auckland, the ChristchurchCivic Orches. tra, and Wellington'sLindsayOrchestra. He joined his teacher, Maurice Till, in presentinga piano duo recital at the Auckland Festival opening in 1972, He speaksEnglish, French and German. His hobbies include. tennis, horse riding, water skiing, swimming, and table tennis.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff.......
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major ..ConcertoNo.3,CMajor
JUDITH ANNE JONSON Ravel . Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff .... Liszt Copland
United States
. . .Une barque sur I'Ocean (Miroirs) . . .English Suite No. 4 . . .Sonata in c minor. K. 457 . . .Sonata,Opus 7 ......Etude,Opus 10,No.4 ..Etude-tableau, Opus 33,No. 7 .....Funerailles . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 19
Address: 912 Thornton Street Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 First SoIo Appearance: Age 11, Louisiana College, Pineville, solo recital Scholarships and Awards: National Merit Scholarship Pi Kappa Lambda Scholarship Matinee Musical Club, Alexandria, 3 scholarships Scholarships for study at Brevard and Aspen North Texas State University, piano scholarship Teachers: Richard Cass Lilian Kallir Max Pugh Ernst Pilzer Paul Torgrimson Lee Luvisi
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Chopin Ginastera Debussy Dello Joio
.....Trio in C Major . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 . . . . .Sonata ......L'Isle Joyeuse . . . . Capriccio on the Interval of a Second
Schools: North Texas State University, 1970Brevard Music Center, summers 196 7,6 9,7 0 Aspen Music Festival, summer 1972 Judith Jonson has performed with several symphony orchestras, as well as presenting a number of solo recitals in Texas and Louisiana. She is a native of Houston, Texas. Her other interests include swimming and reading.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
WITHDREW 9/7 /73 PRELIMINARY Schumann Bach .
. Carnaval,Opus 9 .....Prelude and Fuguein B Major,No.23,
l'T*1i::T:-1 :::Hl;#::;: l,Jlill;;
Chopin . . . . .Etude,Opus25, No. 11 Rachmaninoff......Etude-tableau in e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt. .....Concert-etude,"LaLeggierezza" Copland . .Night Thoughts (Horyageto Ives)
Age: 2O
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieft Debussy Villa-Lobos
. Trio in d minor Variationsand Fugue on a Theme of Handel ...Sonata, Opus 83, No. 7 . . Suite pour le Piano . . Festa no Sertao
FINAL Brahms Prokofieff
......Concerto No. 2, B Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
711 Ladd Road Bronx, New York 10471 Permanent Address: Rua Antonio Mendes Campos 2ll Casa 1, ZC-01 Gloria 20,000 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil First Solo Appearance: Age 14, Brazilian Conservatory of Music, recital Scholarships and Awards: Beethoven Competition, Brazil, prizewinner, 1970 International Academy of Paris study scholarship, 1972 The Juilliard School, study scholarship, 1972-73 Teachers: Elzira Polonia Amabile Magda Tagliaferro Jacque Klein Hans Graf Bruno Seiflhofer Celina Pimenta de Mello Schools: Brazilian Conservatory of Music, t96t-7| National School of Music. Rio de Janeiro, 1960-68 International Academy of Piano, Paris, 1972 The Juilliard School, 1972-73 Diana Kacso has received many honors in her native country, including prizes in the Concurso Nacional, de Piano de Santos. She has performed on radio and television in Brazil. She speaks English, French, and Portuguese,
. . .Nocturne,Opus 27, No. I .....Prelude and Fuguein G Major, No. 15,
Chopin Bach .
:=,:;:i*,ti l'J,ill; :'::..-:'.l:T-'.1 C hopin Rachmaninoff... . Liszt . Copland
......Etude,Opus 10,No.8 ..Etude-tableau, Opus 33, No. 6 . . .HungarianRhapsodyNo. 8 . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 2O
Address: 1310 East Victoria Street South Bend. Indiana 46614 Permanent Address: 100-70 Chang Chen Dong Su-daemoon Ku Seoul, Korea First SoIo Appearance: Age 9, Seoul Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Awards and Scholarships: National Wide Art Contest award, Seoul Young Musicians Contest, Indiana State Symphony Society, 1st Place, 1970 Indiana University, full scholarship (4 years) High School Performers Clinic, Bloomington, scholarship
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms G inastera Debussy Sang-KeunLee . .
. Trio in d minor . . . Variationson a Theme of Handel ....Sonata (1953) ......Pour le Piano . . .Rondo from "Fantasy" (1968)
Teachers: Jin-Woo Chung Robert Hamilton Schools: Ewha Girls High School Elkhart, Indiana, High School Indiana University Young Sook Kim, an exchange student to Indiana, has performed with the Seoul National Symphony, Korean Broadcast Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony, and the South Bend Symphony. "Sooka," as she is known to her American friends, lists among her hobbies thinking, reading, social work with young organizations, and languages(Korean, English, Italian, German, French, and Japanese).
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
.ConcertoNo. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY Bach Bach . Mozaft Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff . . . . Liszt Copland
.Chromatic FantasYand Fugue Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp Major, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I . .Sonatain D Major, K. 284 ....Sonata in c minor, Opus 111 . . .Etude No. 17 in e minor, Opus 25, No. 5 . . .Etude in e flat minor, Opus 33, No. 3 .....Harmonies du soir . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: ?A
Address: Italsk6 I Prague 2, Czechoslovakia First Solo Appearance: Age 9, Prague, contest for Young pianists
SEMI-FINAL .Trio in d minot Theme of Handel . . .Variations on a .Sonata in f minor, OPus I
Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff Ravel Smetana
' " ' ' 'Sonatina . . . Concert-Etude"At the Seashore"
Scholarships and Awards: Busoni International Competition, Italy, 2nd place,1967 Casella Competition, Naples, 3rd place, 1968 International Bach Competition, Leipzig, 2nd place, 1968 Maria Canals Competition, Barcelona, 2nd place, 1970 International Chopin Competition, Warsaw, finalist, 1970 Schools: Prague Conservatory of M.usic,
r963-68 of Music,1968-7t PragueAcademy
Ivan Klansky, in addition to his numerous competition appearances, has also given r-ecitals in Africa, Russia, and Europe. He has also appeared as soloist with several orchestras. He speaks Czech, German, and "some English". His hobbies are motorism and chess,
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor ..ConcertoNo.3,CMajor
. , "Christmas" . .Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I Mozaft . . . . .Sonata in B Flat Major, K. 281 Beethoven . .. .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 Chopin . ..Etude in e minor, Opus 25, No. 5 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin D Major, Opus 39, No. 9 Liszt . .Funeral March . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland
Age: 23
Address: Neglinnaia St. 15 Moscow, U.S.S.R. First Solo Appearance: Age 11, Moscow Conservatory, student concert Awards: Bach International Competition, l*ipzig, 3rd place, 1968 Teachers: A. D. Artobolevska Lev Oborin Schools: Central Music School, Moscow, 1959-67 Tchaikowsky Moscow State Conservatory, 1967-72
SEMI-FINAL . . .. .Trio in C Major . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue ....SonataNo.5, CMajor ....Estampes . .. ..Two Sarcasms
Brahms Franck Prokofieff Debussy Prokofieff
Evgenii Korolev graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1972, with honors, and was given the title "concert performer and concert meisterteacher." He is now an assistant under instruction at the Conservatory. Most recently he appeared in Moscow in a concert dedicated to the works of Bach and in Leningrad in a concert with orchestra. Mr, Korolev is married, _speaksRussian, and enjoys playing chess.
FINAL . .Concerto No. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
.....Sonata in b flat minor,Opus35 . ... .Preludeand Fuguein D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart . . . Sonatain c minor, K. 457 Beethoven .....Sonata in c minor,Opuslil Chopin\..... ..Etude inCMajor, Opus 10, No. 1 Rachmaninoff ........Etude-tableau in DMajor, Opus39, No.9 Liszt . ....Transcendental EtudeNo. 10 in f minor Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto lves) Chopin Bach .
Age: 25
Address: 808 West End Avenue New York, New York 10025
SEMI-FINAL . Trio in d minor
Mendelssohn Brahms
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel
. . Sonata in a minor. No. 3 ...Gasparddei aN ui t
Rav el . Byong-Kon Kim . .
. . Four Short Piano Pieces
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
.ConcertoNo. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
First Solo Appearance: Age 10. Seoul Philharmonic Scholarshipsand Awards: Juilliard Scholarship Gaston Dethier Prize in Piano, 1971 Teachers: Sascha Gorodnitzki Rosina Lhevinne Schools: Kyunggi High School, 1965 Juilliard School of Music, B.M., 1973 Dai Uk Lee has appeared with the K.B.S. Symphony in Korea, as well as with several symphonies throughout the United States. He speaks English and Korean,
PRELIMINARY Chopln Bach. Mozarl..Sonata Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoft Liszt . Copland
. .Ballade in f minor, Opus 52 ....EnglishSuiteNo.4 in D Major, K.284 .Sonata,Opus 111, No. 32 .. . . . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 ..Etude-tableau No. 8 .TranscendentalEtude No. 10 . .NiCht Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Age: 22
Address: Box 24034, T.W.U. Station Denton, Texas 16204 First Solo Appearance: AgB 19, Seoul, Korea, recital Schohrships and. Awards: Delta Omicron Club Scholarship Texas Woman's University graduate teaching assistantship Dr. Isabel Scionti, scholarship Teachers: Sung-Bok Kim J. Wilgus Eberly Dr. Isabel Scionti Schools: E Wha Women's University, 1968:72 Texas Woman's University, 1972-
SEMI-FINAL Beethoven Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Dong-WhanKim .
. "Archduke" Trio . . . Variations on a Theme of Handel . . .Sonata,No. 3, Opus 28 .Etude No. 1 . ...Suite No. 3 for Piano
Miss Wha-ln ke is presently a graduate assistant at Texas Woman's University. She has appeared with the Korean National Symphony. lt 1973 she won first prize in the Texas Yormg Artist Competition, and was awarded an honorarium and a performance with the Fort lVorth Symphony. She is married, speaks Korean and English, and enjoys playing table tennis for relaxation.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
58 l!
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
. . . .Ballade in g minor, No. 1 Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp, No. 3, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I
M oz ar t Beethoven Chopin Rac hm aninot r ....
Liszt . Copland
. . .S onatai n D Maj or, K .284 Sonata in A Flat Major, Opus 110 . . .Etude in F Major, Opus 10, No. 8 ...Etu d e-tabl eau Opus 39, N o. 1 . . . . La Campanellafrom the Paganini Etudes .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
t Great Britain
Ace: 26
Address: c/o Australian Embassy, Koninginnegracht 23 The Hague, Netherlands Pernnnent Address: c/o D. E. McFeat, Esq. Dept. of Foreign Affairs Canberra A.C.T.. Australia
SEMI-FINAL .Tri o i n d mi nor
M endels s ohn Brahms
. . . Variations on a Theme of Handel
P r ok of ief f
.. ..S eventh S onata ....E stampes
Debus s y
... . ..S econd S onata (1962)
T ippet t
First Solo Appearancc: Age 9, Singapore,Piano Competition Scholarshipsand Av,ards: AssociatedBoard of the Royal Schoolsof Music, Scholarship Countessof Munster Trust Fund Award, 1965 and 1966 Marie-Ellen Curtis Prize Teaclrcr: Cyril Smith Schools: Royal College of Music, London Gillian Lin was born in Singapore and began her study of music at age five. After completing her schooling in England she began her studies at the Royal College of Music; at the age of 15 she gained the highest marks ever awarded by the College for the A.R.C.M. Performers Diploma. She gave her debut at Wigmore Hall in 1968. and has concertized widely throughout SoutheastAsia. She is married, speaks English and French, and enjoys reading and working crossword puzzles.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
United States
. . . . .Impromptu in F SharpMajor, Opus 36 ......Prelude and Fuguein D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart .....1 ...Sonatain c minor.K.457 Beethoven . . . .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 Chopin . . .Etude in c minor, Opus 25, No. 12 Rachmaninoff. . . . .Etude-tableauin E Flat Major, Opus 33, No. 7 Liszt . ... .Balladein b minor Copland . .Night Thoughts (Homageto Ives)
Age: 20
Address: 2847 Hewlett Avenue Merrick. New York 11566 First Solo Appearance: Age 9, Merrick, New York Awards and Scholarships: Broadcast Music Inc.. Student Composers Awards, 1968, 69 and 70 Amerlcan Music Scholarship Association, lst prizn, l97l' Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Competition, Znd priz.e,,1972 Midland-OdessaNational Youne Artist Competition, 2nd pize, 1973 Teacher: Joseph Schwartz
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Ives ..
.. ... .Trio in B Flat Major . Variation and Fugueon a Theme of Handel ......Sonata in aminor, Opus28 .. ..Estampes .....The Alcottsfrom the "ConcordSonata"
Schools: The Juilliard School. 1964-70 Oberlin College, 1970-74 Howard Lubin has appeared in numerous recitals and with the Bayshore Symphony and the Cincinnati Orchestra. He was also a prizewinner in the Five Towns Music and Art Foundation contest in 1973. He speaks English and German. and his hobbies are composing and reading.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
.ConcertoNo. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Chopin Bach .
.PolonaiseFantasie,Opus 61 . Prelude.andFuguein d minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozaft . . .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven . Sonatain C Major, Opus 2, No. 3 Chopin ....Etude in c sharpminor,Opus10, No.4 Rachmaninoff .........Etude-tableau in D Major,Opus39, No.9 . Mephisto Waltz Liszt (Homage Thoughts Copland .Night to Ives)
United States
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Brahms Bartok Debussy Ives ..
. .. ...Trio in B Flat . . . Variationson a Theme of Handel Sonata(1.926\ .....Images, Book I .....The Alcottsfromthe "ConcordSonata"
FINAL Brahms Prokofieft
Concerto No. 2, B Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Alan Marks, a former St. Louisan, was born in Chicago. He has already been heard in numerous solo recitals, in appearancesat the Marlboro Festival, and in performances with the Juilliard Orchestra,the St. Louis Symphony, and the Cincinnati Symphony. Presented in his New York debut by the Concert Artists Guild, he also played in the Guild's 20th Anniversary Gala Concert at Carnegie Hall. In addition to teaching privately, Mr. Marks participates in the Lincoln Center Student Program, giving lecturerecitals in the New York City Public Schools. He enjoys cooking, and also speaks French.
Ape: 23
Address: 441 West End Avenue, Apt. 10A New York, New York 10024 First Solo Appearance: Age 16, Interlochen Music Camp, with orchestra Awards and Scholarships: St. Louis Symphony Young Artist Competition winner Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Prize. 1968 Concert Artist Guild Auditions winner. 1970 Carl Rogers Award National Federation of Music Clubs award Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund grant The Juilliard School,4 year honorary scholarship Teachers: Shirley Parnas Adams Eugene List Leon Fleisher Irwin Freundlich Scltools: The Juilliard School,B.M., 1971
. Alborada del gracioso ....Prelude and Fuguein e flat minor, No. 8, from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I . . .Sonatain c minor, K.457 Mozart . . . .Sonatain A Major, Opus 101 Beethoven . .Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 11 Chopin Rachmaninoff ........Etude-tableau in C Major, Opus 33, No.2 ..Rigoletto Paraphrase Liszt . (Homageto Ives) Thoughts . .Night Copland Ravel . Bach .
Age: 25
Address: 171 West 57th Street,Apt. 3-D New York, New York 10019 Permanent Address: Kita 8, Nishi 12 Sapporo, Hokkaido, Iapan First Solo Appearance: Age 6, Sapporo, for Japan Broadcasting Corp. Awards and Scholarships: All Japan Student Music Competition, 1964, lst place National Music Competition, 1965, lst place French Government Scholarship The Juilliard School, scholarship Teachers: Aiko lguchi Mado Perlemuter Sascha Gorodnitzki
SEMI-FINAL Ravel . Chopin Prokofieff Ravel SadaoBekku ....
......Trioin aminor . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 . . . .SonataNo. 3, Opus 28 'ondine ....Ohara-bushifrom ThreeParaphrases
Schools: Toho Gakuen High School of Music, Tokyo Paris Conservatory The luilliard School Katsurako Mikami began her music studies at age four. After winning the Silver Medal at the Marguerite Long Competition in 1967, she continued her studies with Vlado Perlemuter in Paris. She appeared with the Juilliard Orchestra this year, and has made many appearances, both recital and with orchestra, in Japan. She is married and speaks both Japanese and English.
FINAL ConcertoNo. 2, B Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
Brahms Prokofieff
....Polonaise-FantasY Preludeand Fugue in g minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II . . . Sonatain c minor, K. 457 Mozart . Sonata,Opus 111 Beethoven Etude, Opus 25, No. I Chopin in c minor,Opus39, No. 1 Rachmaninoff . . . ... .. ..Etude-tableau ..Third MephistoWaltz Liszt (Homage to Ives) Night Thoughts . Copland Chopin Bach .
United States
Age: 22
SEMI-FINAL .."Archduke" Trio ...Sonata in f sharpminor ....SonataNo.2. d minor ... . Estampes .. ..Piano Variations
Beethoven Schumann Prokofieff Debussy Copland
27 Wyman Street Lowell. Massachusetts01852 First SoIo Appearance: Age 11, Boston, Massachusetts, Children's Esplanada Concerts Scholarships and Awards: New England Pianoforte Teachers Competition, lst place Mason & Hamelin Piano Competition, lst place Curtis Institute of Music, full scholarship French Government grant for study in France New England Conservatory of Music, scholarship The Juilliard School, scholarship Concours Debussy de St. Germainen-Laye, medal winner Teachers: Beveridge Webster Madame Yvonne Lefebure Russell Sherman Sandor Vegh Eleanor Sokoloff Victor Rosenbaum Schools: Curtis Institute of Music. 1968-69 The luilliard School. 1969-70 New England Conservatory, 8,M,,
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Deborah Moriarty, now working toward a Master of Music at the New England Conservatory, has played with the Boston Civic Symphony and Wellesley Symphony. She has played in the Young Artist Series in Philadelphia and at the Aspen Music Festival. She speaks French and enjoys reading.
...ScherzoOpus39, No. 3 in c sharpminor . . Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II, No. 4 Mozart . . . .Sonatain B Flat. K. 281 Beethoven ..SonataOpus 110 Chopin . . . . .Etude in c sharpminor, Opus 10, No. 4 Rachmaninoft.....Etude-tableau in f sharpminor, Opus 39, No. 3 Liszt . .Mephisto Waltz Copland . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Chopin Bach
United States
Address: c/o Eastman School of Music 26 Gibbs Street Rochester, New York 14606 Permanent Address: 1940 Elm Terrace Circle Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Minomonee Falls, Wisconsin, student recital Scholarships and Awards: American Opera Society Young Artist Award Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs, student auditions winner, 1968 Chopin Piano Competition of Polanki, Inc., winner National Federation of Music Clubs, Stillman Kelly Auditions prizewinner Eastman School of Music, full scholarship (4 years)
SEMI-FINAL Beethoven Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Barber
.."Archduke" Trio . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 .Sonatain B Flat, Opus 83 . . . . . .L'Isle foyeuse ...Excursions, lst movement
Teacher: Maria Luisa Faini School: Eastman School of Music. 1969Timothy Mueller completed his undergraduate work at Eastman "with highest distinction." He has appeared as soloist with the Milwaukee Civic Symphony Orchestra, the Green Bay Symphony Orchestra, and the Milwaukee Catholic Symphony Orchestra. He has also given lecture-recitals at Alverno College, Wisconsin. He lists swimming, tennis, and chess as his hobbies and speaks some German and French.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY Schumann Bach . Mozaft Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff. . . . Liszt Copland
......Toccata in C Major . Preludeand Fuguein f minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I ...Sonata in c minor. K. 457 . .....Sonata in C Major, Opus2, No. 3 . . . . Etude in g sharpminor, Opus 25, No. 6 Etude-tableauin b minor, Opus 39, No. 4 . Mephisto Waltz .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
United States
Ag e :2 1
Address: 106 West l3th Street,#24 New York. New York 10011 First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Enterprise, Alabama
SEMI.FINAL Beethoven Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Ives
.."Archduke" Trio ....Sonata in b minor ...Sonata No. 2'in d minor ....Estampes ...Thoreau from the "ConcordSonata"
Scholarships and Awards: Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Scholarship, 1969 Mason Hamlin Award, 2nd place, 1970 National Arts Club, New York, lst place Teachers: Ilona Kabos Roy McAllister Jeaneane Dowis Nadia Boulanger Schools: Enterprise High School, Enterprise, Alabama The Juilliard School Patrick Mullins has appeared in recitals in the past few years in the United States and Paris. In 1965 he performed with the University of Alabama Orchestra, and has also appeared with the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, He speaks English and French, and lists walking, motorcycling, yoga, painting, and dancing as his hobbies.
FINAL Brahms Prokofieft
ConcertoNo. 2, B Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
.Ballade in g minor, Opus 23 . . . .. .Preludeand Fugue in a minor, No. 20 from "Well-Tempered Clavichord," Book I Mozart . . .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 Beethoven ......Sonata in A Flat Major, Opus 110 Chopin ....Etude in E Flat Major, Opus 10,No. 11 Rachmaninoft. . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 33, No. 6 Liszt . . . . . .Vall6e d'Obermanfrom "Ann6esde Pelerinage" . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Copland Chopin Bach .
Age: 23
Address: 1302 Atwater Avenuo Bloomington, Indiana 47401 First Solo Appearance: Age 3, Tokyo, student recital Scholarships: Indiana University School of Music, teaching assistantship Teachers: Gyorgy Sebok Schools: Toho Music School for Children Toho Music High School Indiana University School of Music
SEMI-FINAL ......Trio in B Flat Major . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue . . .SonataNo. 7 in B Flat Major, Opus 83 ... ...L'Isle Joyeuse Suite"In SuchTime" (1967)
Schubert Franck Prokofieff Debussy Miyoshi
So merry is dabbling! A witch will give you somesweets Well, let's play in the garden Lions live in far and far lands For his mamma
Shigeo Neriki is currently enrolled in the Artist Diploma Program at Indiana University, where he is studying with Gyorgy Sebok. He recently appeared as guest soloist with the Redlands Bowl Symphony Orchestra, Redlands, California, under the baton of Henry Farbman. He speaks fapanese and English. His hobbies include skiing, swimming, fishing, and hunting.
FINAL ......ConcertoNo.2,BFlat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Brahms Prokofieff
Brahms .....Variations on a Themeof Paganini,Opus 35, Book I Bach . . .. . .Preludeand Fugue No. 15 in G Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I Mozart . . . Sonatain c minor, K. 457 ......Sonata in A Flat Major,Opus 110 Beethoven Chopin ..Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 11 Rachmaninoff.....Etude-tableau in f sharpminor, Opus39, No. 3 Liszt . . . .MephistoWaltz (Original Version) Copland...:.. .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
United States
Ag e :2 4
Address: 6210 East 5th Street Long Beach, California 90814 First Solo Appearance: Age 12, Los Angeles Institute of Musical Arts. solo recital
SEMI-FINAL .. ..Trio in C Major . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 . . . .SonataNo. 7, Opus 83 . ...Le Tombeaude Couperin . .Four Piano Blues (1948)
Brahms Chopin Prokofieff Ravel . Copland
Awards and Scholarships: Ford Foundation Grant to study at California Institute of the Arts Orange County Young Musicians Contest, grand priz.e, 1972 Teachers: Earle C. Voorhies Miecyslaw Horszowski Rudolf Serkin Schools: California Institute of the Arts, 1966-68 Curtis Institute of Music, 1968Craig Nies has appeared as soloist with many of the Symphony orchestras in his area of Southern California on at least 16 occasions, in addition to several recitals in California and Pennsylvania. His other interests includes sports, reading, and foods,
FINAL Brahms Prokofieff
......Concerto No.2,BFlat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
......Etude,Opus8,No. 12 . . Preludeand Fuguein G Major, from
Scriabin Bach .
-:l:'::::'"".::*'"11j#"l |,Jllll^
Chopin Rachmaninofi... . Liszt. Copland
Hong Kong
... ...Etude, Opus 10, No. 5 Opus 33, No. 7 . .Etude-tableau, .....Tarantella . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
Age: 22
Address: 421 West 57th Street,APt. 6C New York, New York 10019 First Solo Appearance: Age 5, Hong Kong Scholarshipsand Awards: Hong Kong Music Festival, 11 First Prizes Interlochen Concerto Competitions prizewinner -Busoni International Competition prizewinner Concert Artists Guild Annual Auditions prizewinner
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Chopin Bartok Debussy ChanPui-Fan...
' Trio in d minor . .. .Sonatain b minor . Sonata Etude "Pour les Arpeg6sCompos6s" ....."ThePedler"
Teachers: Tu Yuet-sien Mieczyslaw Munz Ilona Kabos Schools: Friends School, 1962-64 Peabody Conservatory, 1962-64. Horace Mann School. 1'964-66 ProfessionalChildren's School, 1,966-69 The Juilliard School. 1964-72 David Oei began his study of the piano at age four in Hong Kong. After coming to this country at age ten, he has been awarded scholarships at each school he has attended. He has performed as soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the Baltimore* Symihony, and the New York Philh armo nic on one of Leonar d Bernstein's Young People's Concerts. He has appeared on nation-wide television, the "Today" show, and on radio as winner of Station WQXR
FINAL . . Concerto No. 4, G Major . . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
(New York) Young Artist ComPetition. Mr. Oei is married, speaksEnglish and Cantonese, and enjoYs PoP singing, basketball, and baseball.
. . . . .SonataNo. 9, Opus 63 . Preludeand Fuguein f minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I Mozart . . . .Sonatain B Flat, K. 281 .Sonata,Opus 110 Beethoven . .Etudein Octaves,Opus 25, No. 10 Chopin Rachmaninoff. .. ...Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt. .....SonettodelPetrarca104 .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland Scriabin Bach .
SEMI-FINAL . Trio in d minor ....Sonata in b minor . . . .SonataNo. 7, Opus 83 . Scarbo .Etude in B Flat (1959)
Mendelssohn Chopin Prokofieff Ravel . Papineau-Couture .
Age: 27
Address: 159 Colin Avenue Toronto, Canada 197 First Solo Appearance: Age 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina, solo recital Scholarships and Awards: Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, full tuition Mannes College of Music, full turtlon Canada Council Grants for study abroad (4) Teachers: Nadia Boulanger Nadia Reisenberg Vlado Perlemuter Schools: Mannes College of Music, B.Sc. Royal Conservatory of Music, A.R.T.C.
FINAL Beethoven
. Concerto No. 4, G Major
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Arthur Ozolins. now a Canadian citizen, was born in Germany of Latvian parents. He has appeared as soloist with the major orchestras in Canada and with the St. Louis Symphony, and his concerts have taken him throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe. He made his London debut in Wigmore Hall, New York in Carnegie Hall, and opened the new Canadian Musical Center in Paris. He has also played many times for radio and television. Currently on the music faculty of the University of Toronto and the Mannes College, Mr. Ozolins speaksEnglish, Spanish,German. French and Latvian.
Moza* Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninofi .... Liszt. Copland
Native of Rumania
. .SonataOpus106, No. 29 . . Preludeand Fuguein E Major, from
*']":::Ti,fflfTH;1::Ji .....SonataOpus7,No.4 ......Etude, Opus 10,No. 1 ..Etude-tableauNo. 4inbminor ....WildeJagd . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
Age: 23
Address: 5601 Blvd. East. #6H West New York, New lersey 07093 First Solo Appearance: Age 17, Bucharest, recital Scholarships: The Juilliard School, scholarship Teachers: Josef Raieff Madame Pitis Schools: Liceul de Muzica No. l. Bucharest Bucharest Conservatory The Juilliard School Cristian Petrescu began the study of music at age five in Rumania, where he first appeared with orchestra in 1969. Before coming to the United States, he lived and studied where he also appeared in recitals. Since coming to this country, he has won the second biennial Aram Khachaturian Competition. He is the composer of a choral work for 8 voices and a Passacaglia,based on a theme from the Brahms Fourth Svmphony. Languages are his hobby'he speaks Armenian, English, French, and Romanian.
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Brahms Bartok Debussy Boulez
.. ...Trio in C Major . . . Variationson a Themeof Handel . Sonata .. .. .Images,Book I . . . . .Trope from Third Sonata
FINAL Beethoven Prokofleff
70 L
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major . . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Schubert Bach .
. . . . .Impromptu in G Flat Major, Opus 90, No. 3 . . Prelude and Fugue in c sharp minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,".Book I, No. 4 Mozart .. .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven . . . . Sonata,Opus 2, No. 3 Chopin . . . . .Etude, Opus 10, No. 4 Rachmaninoft. . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt . ......Mephisto Waltz . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Copland
United States
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn.... Chopin Bartok Ravel Barber
...Trioindminor . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 ......Sonata (1926) Sonatine . . .Nocturne,Opus 33
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Kristin Prior began the study of piano with her mother at age two; at four she entered Eastman Preparatory, the youngest ever enrolled. She has performed with symphony orchestras on 20 occasions, including the Rochester Civic, Portland, and the Chatauqua Festival Orchestras. She has won numerous otler awards and prizes, and has been on the Dean's list throughout her studies at Eastman College.
Age: 20
Address: 32 Castlebar Road Rochester, New York 14610 First Solo Appearance: Age 4, Eastman School of Music Scholarships and Awards: Eastman Preparatory Department scholarship, 13 years Interlochen and Van Cliburn Scholarships. Interlochen Chopin Y6ung Artists Competition, lst place Portland Symphony Young Artist Award, lst place Kosciuszko Foundation Competition finalist National Guild of Piano Teachers recording contests, repeated winner of lst place awards Chautauqua Symphony Award Teachers: Evelyn Prior Ozan Marsh Patricia Benkman Marsh Frauk'Glazer Schools: Columbia School, Rochester Eastman School of Music Preparatory Department Interlochen Arts Academy Eastman School of Music Chautauqua School of Music, 10 summers
6 ;,
PRELIMINARY Schubert Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin . Rachmaninoft Liszt . Copland
...,..Sonata in a minor,Opus 143 . . . . Preludeand Fuguein f sharpminor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II .....Sonata in B FlatMajor, K.28I .... .Sonatain c minor,Opus 111 . . . .Etudein c sharpminor,Opus 10, No. 4 . . Etude-tableauin D, Opus 39, No. 9 . .HungarianRhapsody,No. 12 . .Night Thoughts (Homageto lves)
,--4i United States
Age: 22
Address: 1719 Greeley Way Stockton, California 95207 First Solo Appearance: Age 13, Stockton, student recital Scholarshipsand Awards: Music Trades Assn. of California Scholarship, 1968 Manlio Silva Scholarship, 1968-69 University of the Pacific scholarship, 1 96 8-7 0 Curtis Institute scholarship, 1970-71 Eastman School scholarship, 1971-73 Easley-HardenberghPrize, Eastman Teachers: Edward G. Shadbolt Brooks Smith Barry Snyder Schools: University of the Pacific Conservatory Curtis Institute of Music Eastman School of Music Richard Ratliff recently graduated from the Eastman School of Music with highest honors, placing first in his class. Since his first appearance with orchestra in Stockton in 1967. he has made numerouspublic appearances including a performance with the Pacific Music Camp Orchestra under the direction of Arthur Fiedler, He was invited by the California Arts Commission to play at the annual convention of the Association of California Symphony Orchestras.He enjoys chess,record collecting and sports and speaks some German.
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Brahms Ginastera Debussy Ives ..
.....Trio in C Major . Variationsand Fugueon a Themeof Handel .....Sonata (1952) L'Isle Joyeuse . ....The Alcottsfrom the "ConcordSonata"
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major ...ConcertoNo,3,CMajor
PRELIMINARY Tchaikovsky Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff.... Liszt Copland
. .Dumka .. . . . .Preludeand Fugue in g minor. from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I . . .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 .Sonata,Opus 110 ......Etude, Opus10,No.4 ...EtudeinEFlatMajor ....,.Mazeppa . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
Age: 25
Address: University Apts. 8119 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Permanent Address: Adolfo Berro 1032 Montevideo, Uruguay First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Atheneum of Montevideo, solo recital
SEMI.FINAL ......Trio in B Flat . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue ....Sonata (1952)
Schubert Franck Ginastera Ravel Tosar .
Sonatina .Danza Criolla (1941)
Scholarships and Awards: Organization of American States Grant. 1966-68 Rosita Renard and Ernest Hofzimmer Scholarships,1969 &70, at Indiana University Teachers: Mme. Sarah Bourdillon de Santorsola Sidney Foster Schools: Escuela Normal de Musica. Montevideo, 1954-66 Indiana University, 1966-
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Alberto Reyes began his musical studies at age six, and made his debut at 13 with the Uruguayan Symphony Orchestra. He has been a prizewinner in several international competitions : Leventritt, Tchaikovsky, Rio de Janeiro, and City of Montevideo. He first toured the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1971-72 season. Mr, Reyes is married, speaks English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, and enjoys reading and movies.
. .Polonaise-Fantasie, Opus 61 . . . Preludeand Fugue in a minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I, No. 20 Mozart . . . .Sonatain c minor, K, 457 Beethoven . . . . .Sonatain c minor, Opus 111 Chopin . . . .Etudein a minor, Opus 10, No. 2 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableau in a minor, Opus 39, No. 6 Liszt . . . . .Funerailles Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
United States
Age: 2O
Address: 3174 East 22nd Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114 First Solo Appearance: Age 14, University of Tulsa, special honor recital Scholarships and Awards: National Merit Scholar Bloch Young Artist Competition, Oklahoma City, 1972, lst place Naftzger Young Artist Contest, 1972, lst place Midland-Odessa National Competition, 1970, lst place Grace Ward Lankford Award. 1968 Dallas Civic Orchestra Concerto Competition, 1970 University of Tulsa Concerto Competition, 1971 Clanrdio Arrau, private study scholarship Teachers: AIdo Mancinelli William E. McKee Claudio Arrau Joseph Ries, a native of Kentucky, began his study of piano at an early age by listening to records; his for: mal study began at age 12. His many competition awards have provided him the opportunity to perform with orchestras including the Dallas Civic Symphony, Wichita Symphony, Tblsa Philharmonic Orchestra. and the Midland-Odessa Symphony. He is interested in all forms of music, especially Chamber Music and Wagnerian opera. He speaks German as well as English, and enjoys basketball and hockey.
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Trio in B Flat Brahms . . . Variationson a Theme of Handel Prokofieff . . . .SonataNo. 7, Opus 83 Ravel . .Ondine Barber ......Sonata, Opus26: First Movement(Allegro energico)
FINAL Beethoven
. .Concerto No. 3. c minor
. . .Concerto No. 3, CMajor
Bach '
... ...SonataNo.2 in b flat minor,Opus35
. . .Sonatain c minor, K. 457 Mozart ....Sonata in c minor,Opus 111 Beethoven ..Etude in c minor, Opus 25, No. 12 Chopin Rachmaninoff .........Etude-tableau in g minor,Opus33, No. 8 Liszt . .HungarianRhapsodyNo. 6 in D Flat Copland
Age: 2l
Address: 5228 St. Claude Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 First Solo Appearance: Age 9, New Orleans Symphony Concert
SEMI.FINAL Brahms Franck Ginastera Debussy Lecuona
.....Trio inC Major . . Prelude,Choraleand Fugue .. .Sonatafor Piano L'Isle Joyeuse . Cordobafrom "Andalucia" and Gitanerias
Scholarships and Awards: Ima Hogg Scholarship Bloch Young Artist Award Irl and JesseAllison Scholarship, University of Texas Johnson Piano Award Music Teachers National Association Auditions, winner Midland-Odessa National Young Artist Competition, 1971, winner Teachers: William Race Schools: Conservatory of Havana University of Texas, B.M., 1973 Santiago Rodriquez first appeared as soloist with orchestra in Oklahoma City. He also has performed with symphonies in Fort Worth, Shreveport, Midland-Odessa,New Orleans, and Austin. In 197| he was one of two piano students in the United States to perform at the University of Chicago Festival of the Arts. He speaks Spanish and English; his hobbies are chess, books, and records.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
......Piano SonataNo.4, Opus30 ......Prelude and Fuguein f minor,No. 12,
":T -il1*l:,_il":'#*l |,ililx;;
Chopin ......Etude, Opus25, No.5 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin g minor, Opus 33, No. 8 Liszt. ......Sonetto lO4delPetrarca . .Night Thoughts (Homageto Ives) Copland
United States
Age: 20
Address: 1990 North Roosevelt Avenue Altadena, California 91001 First Solo Appearance: Age 14, Santa Monica, Music Teachers Assoc. Orchestra Soloist Scholarships and Awards: National Guild of Piano Teachers Recording Competition, lst place,
Music Teachers Assoc. of California Scholarships Etude Club of Los Angeles, lst place, 1972 PasadenaMusic Arts Club award,
Karl Ulrich Schnabel master class scholarship
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Chopin Ginastera Ravel . Copland
......Trio in B Flat ....Sonatainbminor .....Sonata ......Sonatine . . Sonata,SecondMovement
Teacher: Robert Turner Schools: Pasadena City College, 1970-72 University of California at Los Angeles, 1972Ronald Rosen has made numerous recital and orchestra appearances in the Southern California area, He has appeared with the Repertoire Chamber Orchestra, San Gabriel Valley Symphony, Orange Country Symphony, and the Santa Barbara Symphony, He has also performed in several of the noon concert recitals at UCLA. He speaks some French and is interested in biology, handball, and tennis.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. .ConcertoNo. 4, G Major ...ConcertoNo.3,CMajor
PRELIMINARY Schumann Bach .
..."Humoreske," Opus 20 . . Prelude and Fugue in B Flat Major,
*?illl;; l-:-:l':::--i:i1i:*J:l# Chopin Rachmaninotr .... Liszt . Copland
.....Etude, Opus25, No. 11 ...Etude-tableau Opus33, No. 9 Etude No. 12 "Chasse-Neige"Transcendental (Homage . .Night Thoughts to Ives)
Age: 26
Address: 24 Connaught Square London W2, England First Solo Appearance: Age 19, Toowoomba, Australia, recital
SEMI-FINAL ..... .Trio in B Flat ....Sonata in b minor . Sonata ....Estampes ....Doubles (1972)
Schubert Chopin Bartok Debussy Brumby
Scholarshipsand Awards. University of Queensland Music Scholarship, 1963 Australian Musicians' Overseas Scholarship,1968, 1st place Teachers: Audrey Askin Mary Childe Raymond Lambert Ada Corder Maria Curcio Peter Feuchtwanger Frederick Bontoft Vlado Perlemuter Schools: University of Melbourne Melbourne Conservatory Geoffrey Saba, born in Toowoomba,
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . ConcertoNo. 4, G Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Queensland, Australia, now resides in London, where he made his Wigmore Hall debut in 1972. He has given solo recitals in Djakarta, London, and throughout Australia. He is commissioning works by Australian composers for performance overseasand has recently premiered a work by Helen Gifford, Melbourne composer. Mr. Saba is married and enjoys reading, studying antique carpets, and family life. His languages are English and French,
....Ballade inf minor . . Preludeand Fuguein G Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart . . .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 Beethoven .Sonatain A Flat Major, Opus 110 Chopin . . . . Etude in f minor, Opus 25, No. 2 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt . .. .. .HungarianRhapsodyin a minor, No. 11 , .Night Thoughts (Homageto Ives) Copland
United States
Age: 25
Address: 4817 SweetserAvenue Evansville, lndiana 477 15 First Solo Appearance: Age 13, University of Evansville, convocation for graduation Scholarshipsand Awards: Eastman School of Music. full scholarship Enlow Award Aspen Scholarship, 1968 Aspen Concerto Contest, 1967, wlnner Teachers: Eugene List Jos6 Echaniz Brooks Smith Konrad Wolff Leon Fleisher
SEMI-FINAL .."Archduke"
....V ari ati onsonaThemeo f
B rahms
. .....S on at a No. 7
P rokofi eff R avel .
....Jeux d'Eau ....P i ano
C opl and
Var iat ions
Schools: Eastman School of Music, B.M., 19 68 Peabody Conservatory,N.M. Stefan Scaggiari received the Performers Certificate from Eastman and the Honors Award from Masters Recital at Peabody Conservatory. He has appeared with Evansville Symphony, the Aspen Mqsic Festival Orchestra, the Indianapolis Symphony, and the Rochester Symphony Civic Orchestra. Most recently he has been a member of the United States Marine Band, as the official White House pianist, and has appearedin chamber music recitals in Washington at Barker Hall, the Cosmos Club, and the Pan American Union. Mr. Scaggiari is married.
FINAL Beethoven
. . Concerto No. 4, G Major
P rokofi eff
...C oncertoN o.3, CM ajor
. "Trois Piecespour Piano," Opus 49 .Prelude and,Fuguein c minor, No. 2, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I Mozatt . . .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven .Sonata,Opus 111 Chopin . .Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 1l Rachmaninoff . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin D Major, Opus 39, No. 9 Liszt . ....Legende No. 2-"St. Francoisde Paule marchant sur les Flots" . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland Roussel Bach .
United States
Address: 3930 Pennsvlvania St. Louis, Missouri 63118 First Solo Appearance: Age 16, St. Louis, orchestra soloist
SEMI-FINAL Beethoven Franck Prokofieff Ravel . Barber
.."Archduke" Trio . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue .Troisidme Sonate,Opus 28 . . . "Toccata" from Le Tombeau de Couperin . . . . . Fugue from Sonatafor Piano, Opus 26
Teachers: Robert Wallenborn Jules Gentil Schools: Washington Univergity, 8.A,, M.M. Ecole Normale de Musique, Paris, t97lFrank Schindler plays the harpsichord and organ as well as the piano, and has also directed a choir. He has appeared in many recitals on college campuses and as soloist with symphony orchestras in the St. Louis area and in France. He has extensive experience as a vocal accompanist, and was awarded an assistantshipin vocal accompanying and coaching while working on his degrees. He is now studying in France with lules Gentil. His languages are English and French; his hobby is the cinema.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
Scholarships and Awards: Washington University, graduate assistantship Albert Roussel Committee of Paris grant
. .Concerto No. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Scarlatti Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff.... Lisrt . Copland
...Sonatain E Major .....PreludeandFugueineflatminor,from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I . . . . .Sonatain B Flat Major, K. 281 . . . . Sonata,Opus 2, No. 3 .Etude in b minor, Opus 25 (octave) ...Etude,Opus33,No.6 . . .Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
ffi United States
Age: 23
ll3 South Evergreen Avenue Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 First Solo Appearance: Age 7, Arlington Heights, student recital Scholarships and Awards: Eastman School of Music, scholarships (4 years) and fellowship, 1973-74 Chicago Allied Arts Competition, lst place Temple University, summer scholarships Royal College, exchange scholarship Martin Musical Scholarship, London
. Trio in d minor Mendelssohn Franck . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue Prokofieft ......SonataNo.3 Debussy . . .Images, 1st Series Barber . . . .Fuga: Allegro con Spirito,from Sonata,Opus 26
Teachers: Eugene List Cyril Smith James Starker Franco Gulli Schools: Eastman School of Music, 1968-72 Royal College of Music, London, r972-73 Temple University, summer 1971 Kimberly Schmidt has extensive experince in accompanying and chamber music, in addition to recital and orchestral appearances. He served as orchestral pianist in the Student Philharmonia under Walter Hendl and has worked with such artists as Beverly Sills, Gian Carlo Menotti, Eduard Villela, and Patricia MacBride. He has attended the Jeunesses Musicales in Belgium and North Caro-
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
lina School of the Arts in Italy on scholarships. He speaksltalian as well as English; his hobbies include swimming, acting, reading, and chess.
. .ConcertoNo. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
- --
. French SuiteNo. 3 in b minor Preludeand Fuguein D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart . . .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven Sonatain A Flat Major, Opus 110 Chopin . . . .Etude in G Flat Major, Opus 10, No. 5 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . .Etude-tableauin e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt . .Mephisto Waltz No. 1 Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
United States
Ag e :2 6
Address: 5550 Fieldston Road Bronx, New York 10471 First SoIo Appearance: Age 9, St. Louis, Missouri, student recital
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Brahms Prokofieff Ravel . Barber
......Trioin B FlatMajor . . . Variationson a Theme of Handel ......SonataNo.7 ...GasparddelaNuit . . . . .ExcursionsNo. 1. No. 3
Scholarshipsutd Awards: Valparaiso University, full tuition scholarship, 1964-68 University of Wisconsin, Knapp Fellowship Teaclters: Paul Badura-Skoda Newman Powell Dorothy Dring Smutz Schools: Valparaiso University, B.M., 1968 University of Wisconsin,M.M., 1971 Thomas Schmidt, a native of Missouri, has appeared as soloist with the Valparaiso University Civic Orchestra, the Bronxville Concordia Festival Orchestra, and the University of Wisconsin Orchestra. In 1970 he made his Carnegie Hall debut to a sold-out house. He is now head of the Piano Department at Concordia College, Bronxville. He is married, speaks English and German, and enjoys. visiting art museums and seeing movles.
FINAL Beethoven
. Concerto No. 4, G Major
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
PRELIMINARY . . .PerpetualMotion (Rondo) from Sonatain C Major . .. .. .Preludeand Fuguein E Major,
Weber Bach .
il::; T:::':":::T:::::iil'#ilH:
Beethoven . .Sonata,Opus 110 Chopin . . .Etude in A Flat, Opus 10, No. 10 Rachmaninoff . . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin c minor, Opus 39, No. I .....Funerailles Liszt . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland
United States
Age: 18
Address: 21047 Lanark Street Canoga Park, California 91304 Ftrst Solo Appearance: Age 12, Reseda, California, solo recital Scholarships and Awards: 3lst District PTA Scholarship 1968 Etude Music Club of Los Angeles award National Society of Arts and lrtters, scholarship award National Guild of Piano Teachers Recording Competition, special award, l97l Jacob Gimpel, tuition scholarship for study, 1973-74
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Franck Prokofieff Debussy Sessions
.Trio in d minor .Prelude, Chorale and Fugue . . . .. .SonataNo. 3 in a minor, Opus 28 . .Suite pour le Piano . .From My Diary, No. 2 (2nd Movement)
Teachers: Charles kwis Robert Turner Schools: Chaminade Preparatory California State University, Northridge Robert Shoumaker has performed with the Repertoire Chamber Orchestra, which was organized by his former teacher Robert Turner for the pulpose of providing opportunities for young musicians to play with orchestras. He has received excellent ratings in National Piano Guild Auditions, and won first prize in a number of Jr, Bach Festivals. He speaks Spanish in addition to English, and lnjoys traveling and mathematics.
FINAL . .Concerto No. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
. ...Sonatain b minor .....Prelude andFuguein c sharpminor (5 voices), from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I Mozart . . . . .Sonatain B Flat Major, K. 281 Beethoven . Sonata,Opus 111 . .Etude,Opus25, No. 10, in octaves Chopin Rachmaninoff... , ..Etude-tableau, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt . ....,.Sonnetti del Petrarca47, 104 and I23 , .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Copland Liszt . Bach .
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Schumann Prokofieff Ravel . Hadjidakis
. Trio in d minor ...Sonatain f sharpminor . .... .SonataNo. 7 .....La Valse . . . . . Suitefor piano "For a little white seashell"
FINAL Beethoven
.Concerto No. 4, G Major
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Age: 19
Address: 611 Park Avenue,Apt. 1104 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 PermanentAddress: 6, Panagi Zervou St. Paleon Psychikon Athens, Greece First Solo Appearance: Age 9, Athens Conservatory, recital Scholarsltipsand Awards: Athens Conservatory,full scholarship Athens Conservatory,lst prize and gold medal artist diploma, 1968 Ford Foundation Grant, study in US Leon Fleisher Award Peabody Conservatory,full scholarship Young Musicians Foundation, Tushinsky Scholarship Teachers: Yannis Papadopoulos Marika Papaioannov Leon Fleisher Schools: Athens Conservatory The Juilliard School, Pre-College Division Peabody Conservatory Aleka Simeonidou began her music study at age 5, even though she did not have a piano. She was the youngest pianist (13) ever to be graduated from the Athens Conservatory with highest honors. She has given recitals in Greece and in Aspen, Los Angeles, Cambridge, and Baltimore, and has appeared on radio and television in Greece and the United States. She enjoys reading, climbing, and biology; she speaks Greek, English, and some French. :.
DAVID L. SYME Chopin Bach . Mozari Beethoven Chopin .... Rachmaninoff Liszt . Copland
Uoited States
.. .. 'BalladeNo. 3 in A Flat . . Prelude and Fugue in a minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I ' ' .Sonatain c minor, K' 457 .Sonata,OPus 110 ..Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 11 ....Etude-tableauinD,Opus39 ...,TranscendentalEtude in f minor, No' 10 . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives)
Address: 3490 Parkland Birmingham, Michigan 48010 First Solo Appearance: Age 13, Concert Scholarships and Awards: The Juilliard School, 1967, award University of Arizona, 1968-69, full scholarship Chatauqua, 3 scholarshiPs Teachers: Jorge Bolet Ozan Marsh Ania Dorfman Julius Chajes Mischa Kottler Schools: University of University of Wayne State The Juilliard
SEMI-FINAL Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Mennin
'Trio in d minor . . . Variations on a Theme of Handel " " 'Sonata No' 7 '. . . 'Images,Book I .Three Pieces (1956)
Michigan Arizona UniversitY School
David Syme, a native of Pennsylvania, has performed with several orchestras, including the Detroit Symphony, the Detroit Metropolitan Orchestra, and the Chatauqua SYmPhonY Orchestra. He has comPleted a EuroDean concert tour with Morely Mere' ilith of the Metropolitan Opera. Besides music, he enjoys reading Russian, existentialist, and romantic lit' erature. He speaks English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, and Italian.
FINAL . .Concerto No. 3, c minor . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieft
PRELIMINARY . . . Out of Doors Suite . . . .Preludeand Fuguein e flat minor, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I . . . .Sonatain B Flat, K. 28i Mozart .Sonata,OPus 101 Beethoven . . . Etude in f minor, Opus25, No. 2 Chopin in e flat minor,Opus33, No. 6 Rachmaninoff. ... . . .Etude-tableau .....Vallee d'Obermann from Anneesde Pelerinage Liszt . . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Copland Bartok Bach .
Ape: 18
Address: 8 Peckville Street North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
SEMI-FINAL . Trio in d minor
Mendelssohn Brahms Prokofieff
. . . Variations on a Theme of Handel Sonata No. 7 . .. .. .L' Isl e Joyeuse
Debus s y
6;;J "' ",i'e',ti"ilJ|itfi:,Trllgl;
Scholarships and Awards: Winston Churchill Fellowship, 1968-7| Leeds International Competition, 1969. prizewinner Commbnwealth Royal Overseas League Festival Competition, lst place, 1970 Teachers: Veronica Tozer Eileen Ralf Maria Curcio Schools: De La Salle College, Melbourne
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Geoffrey Tozer was born in India and has lived in Australia since age 3. where he received his first music lessons from his mother. He has performed extensively in Australia, with symphony orchestras and in solo recitals; his appearancesin Europe include a Prom debut in London with the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra; the Aldeburgh Festival; St. James Palace for members of the Royal Family; and with the Ulster, Ireland, National Orchestra. Since returning to Australia, he has given solo recitals in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Canberra, and concerto performances with the Melbourne and Sydney Symphony Orchestras.
PRELIMINARY Chopin Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff .... Liszt . Copland
United States
.Scherzoin b minor, Opus 20 . . .English Suite No. 4 . . . .Sonatain B Flat. K. 281 . Sonata,Opus 111 ......Etude, Opus 10, No.4 ..Etude-tableau, Opus 39,No. 5 .Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (Homage to Ives) Thoughts . .Night
Address: 3 South Lemon Anaheim, California 92805 First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Milwaukee Conservatory, student recital Scholarships and Awards: Musical Arts Club of Orange County Auditions, lst place, 1962 Anaheim Symphony Orchestra Auditions, lst place, 1962 Whittier College, Special Men's Scholarship, 1963 California State University, Fullerton, scholarship, 1971 and Music Associates Prize. 1973 Orange County Young Musicians Contest, 2n.d place, 1973
SEMI-FINAL Schubert Brahms Prokofieff Debussy Barber
......Trio in B Flat . . . Variations on a Theme of Handel ......SonataNo.3 .....Images, Book I . Fugue from the Piano Sonata
Teachers: Margaretha Lohmann Earle C. Voorhies Schools: Whittier College, 8.A., 1967 California State Universitv at Fullerton, M.4' 1973 Leigh Unger, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has won many additional awards and scholarships. He also has attehded master classes with Rosina Lhevinne and Karl Ulrich Schnabel. He has performed with several college orchestras and given solo recitals in the Los Angeles area. He is married, speaks English, and enjoys music composition, bicycling, and traveling.
FINAL Brahms Prokofieff
ConcertoNo. 2, B Flat Major ..Concerto No. 3, C Major
."Weinen,Klagen. ." on a motif from Bach) &;;ion Bach . Prelude and Fugue in D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book II Mozart . . . . .Sonatain B Flat Major, K. 281 Beethoven . Sonatain C Major, Opus 2, No. 3 Chopin . .Etude in a minor, Opus 25, No. 11 Rachmaninoff. . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin D Major, Opus 39, No. 9 Liszt . . . .HungarianRhapsodyNo. 6 . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives) Copland Liszt.
United States
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Franck Prokofieff Ravel . DelloJoio
.....Trio in C Major . . Prelude, Chorale and Fugue . .SonataNo. 6 in A Major ......Alborada del Gracioso III and IV .....Piano SonataNo. 3, Movements
Ag e :2 7
Address: 135 Great Plain Avenue Wellesley, Massachusetts02181 First Solo Appearance: Age 10, Watertown, New York, student recital Scholarships and Awards: Crane Special Scholarship New York State RegentsScholarship Eastman Alumni Scholarship Watertown Morning Musical Assoc. Scholarship Teachers: Ireno Rosenberg Grau Helen King Eugene List Adele Marcus Josef Raieff Jeaneane Dowis Peter Solymos Schools: State University, Potsdam, New York, 1963-65 Eastman School of Music, B.M,, 1967 The luilliard School, M.S., 1969
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Liszt Academy, Budapest, 1972-73 John Van Buskirk began studying piano at age 7. He has appeared with the Eastman Rochester Philharmonic, the Lake Placid Sinfonietta, and the Aspen Festival Orchestra. As a harpsichordist, he has played in several chamber music concerts. He taught piano at the Kodaly Institute, and has most recently studied at the Liszt Academy in Budapest. Mr. Van Buskirk is married.
PRELIMINARY Prokofieff Bach . Mozart Beethoven Chopin Rachmaninoff. ... Liszt . Copland
. "Fleeting Glances" Preludeand Fuguein C Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord,"Book I . . . . .Sonatain B Flat Major, K. 281 .Sonata,Opus 110 . . . .Etude in e minor, No. 17 .Etude-tableau in c minor .Funeral March . .Night Thoughts (Homageto Ives)
Age: 23
Address: Neglinnaia St. 15 Moscow, U,S.S.R. First SoIo Appearance: Age 16, Moscow, competition Scholarships and Awards: Marguerite Long Competition, Paris, 3rd place and Laureate, 1971 Teachers: I. I. Naumov L. N. Naumov Schools: Musical School of Sochi, 1955-63 State Gnessins Musical School. 1965-69 Tchaikovsky State Conservatory, Moscow, 1969Vladimir Viardo began studying music at age six, and completed the Musical School of Sochi at age 14. In 1965 he was admitted to the State Musical Teachers' School. named after Gnessins, in the class'of I. L Naumov. In 1969 he entered the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory in the class of Professor L. N. Naumov, where he is at the present time a 4th-year student, After winning third place in the Marguerite Long Competition in 1971, he performed in a number of concerts in the Soviet Union. Mr. Viardo speaks Russian, and enjoys books and poetry.
SEMI-FINAL . . .. .Trio in C Major ...Sonata in b minor .....SonataNo.5 ....Estampes .PreludesNo. 6. 10. 14 and 17
Brahms Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Shostakovich
FINAL Beethoven
. Concerto No. 4, G Major
. .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Bach .
Sonatain f minor, Opus 57 ......Prelude and Fuguein C Sharp,No. 4, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book I Mozarl ...Sonata in c minor, K. 457 Beethoven .....SonatainDMajor, Opus28 Chopin . . . .Etude in A Flat, Opus 25, No. 1 Rachmaninoff......Etude-tableau in e flat minor, Opus 39, No. 5 Liszt . . . Sonettodel PetrarcaNo. 104 Copland . .Night Thoughts(Homageto Ives)
United States
Ag e :2 6
Address: 1525 Walnut Avenue Venice, California 90291 First Solo Appearance: Age 4, Charleston, West Virginia, WSAZ-TV program
SEMI-FINAL Brahms Brahms Ginastera Debussy Harris
. . .. .Trio in C Major . . . Variations on a Theme of Handel ....Sonata (1953) ....E.tu-p", . Toccata
Scholarships and Awards: State of Washington, tuition scholarship, 1954 First Annual Bishoprick Award, 1964 Carter-Elks Scholarship, 1964 Etude Club Award, 1965 Matinee Musical Club Award. 1966 National Society of Arts & Letters Award. 1966 Orange County Symphony Society Competition, lst place, 1968 Teachers: Johana Harris Schools: Washington State School for the Blind Califomia Institute of the Arts, School of Music
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .ConcertoNo. 5, B Flat Major . .ConcertoNo. 3, C Major
Judyth Walker was born in Charleston, West Virginia, where her first public appearancewas made at age 4. She has played piano concâ&#x201A;Źrts throughout the West Coast states and has appeared as soloist with the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony, the Los Angeles Southeast Symphony, the CaArts Symphony and others. She is married to Michael Cave, a previous Clibum Competition contestant. She speaks English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
PRELIMINARY . . .Embryons Dess6ch6s .Prelude and Fugue in D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II . . .Sonatain c minor. K. 457 Mozart . Sonata,Opus 111 Beethoven Chopin . . . . .Etude in D Flat Major, Opus 25, No. 8 Rachmaninoff . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin d minor, Opus 33, No. 5 (Op. Post.) .....R6miniscensesdeLuciadiLammerrnoor Liszt . . .Night Thoughts (Homage to lves) Copland
Satie Bach
United States
Age: 23
Address: Vermont Academy Saxtons River, Vermont 05154 First Solo Appearance: Age 8, Massillon, Ohio, recital Scholarships and Awards: Oberlin Conservatory, 4 year scholarship Pi Kappa Lambda awards, 1970, l97 l Foreign study scholarship, l97l (summer) Emil Danenberg, scholarship study Teachers: Emil Danenberg
SEMI-FINAL ... ...Trio in B Flat Major . . . Variations on a Theme of Handel . Sonata ....LeTombeaudeCouperin . Piano Sonata.First Movement
Schubert Brahms Bartok Ravel . Carter
Schools: Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1968:72 Robert Weirich is a native of Massillon, Ohio, where he made his first solo public appearance at age 8. His first solo appearance with orchestra in 1967 was with the Canton Svmphony; as winner of a concerto c6mpetition he later played with orchestra in Oberlin. He is currentlv on the faculty of the Vermont Academy. Mr. Weirich is married, speaks German as well as English, and lists photography as his hobby.
FINAL . . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
Beethoven Prokofieff
Schumann Bach .
. . Carnaval, Opus 9 .. . . . .Preludeand Fuguein d minor, No. 6, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II Mozart . . .Sonatain D Major, K.284 Beethoven .. . . .Sonatain D Major, Opus 28 Chopin . . . .Etude in c sharp minor, Opus 10, No. 4 Rachmaninoff ..Etude-tableau in C Major, Opus 33, No. 2 Liszt . ..Concert Etude in D Flat Major, No. 3 (IlSospiro) . .Night Thoughts (Homage to Ives) Copland
United States
Ag e :2 2
Address: 8919 York Circle Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 First Solo Appearance: AEe 20, Minneapolis, solo recital
SEMI-FINAL .....Trio in C Major . .Sonatain b minor, Opus 58 .Sonata in B Flat, Opus 83 .. .Gaspardde la Nuit .Fugue from Sonata,Opus 26
Brahms Chopin Prokofieff Ravel . Barber
Scholarships and Awards: University of Minnesota, freshman music scholarship Wigley and Associates,Inc., private study scholarships Teacher: Herbert J. Wieley Schools: University of Minnesota, 1968-73 Tom White was born in Jacksonville, Florida, but has lived in Minnesota for some time, He plays the organ as well as the piano, having made his debut as an organ soloist at age 15. He has given numerous solo recitals in the Minneapolis area. His languages are English, some German, French, and ltalian. His outside interests are photography and reading.
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieft
. .Concerto No. 3, c minor . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
...t.....Scherzo inEMajor, No.4 . .. . . .Preludeand Fuguein D Major, from "Well-TemperedClavichord," Book II Mozart . . . .Sonatain B Flat. K. 281 Beethoven . .Sonata,Opus 101 . . .Etude in F Major, Opus 10, No. 8 Chopin Rachmaninoft . . . . . . . . .Etude-tableauin C Major, Opus 33, No. 2 .....Funerailles Liszt (Homage . .Night Thoughts Copland to Ives)
Chopin Bach .
Age: 23
Address: Wikingerstrasse 4 0-7501 Karlsbad, Germany First Solo Appearance: Age 13, Karlsruhe, Germany, Youth Concert
Scholarships and Awards: Mozart Society of Dortmund, stipend Teachers: Irene Slavin Vlado Perlemuter Schools: Helmholtz Gymnasium, Karlsruhe Badische Hochchule for Music
Schubert Chopin Prokofieff Debussy Webern
Christian Zacharias was born in Jamshedpur, India to German parents, but has lived in Germany since early childhood. His first solo ippearance with an orchestra was in 1971. when he played with the Crakow, Poiand. Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also appeared with the Lodz, Poland, Philharmonic. He has performed in several German cities, and was a participant in the International Munich Music Competition in 1972, under a grant from the Mozart Society of Dortmund. His languages are German, English, and French; his special interests include literature, art, and languages,
......Trio in B Flat ....Sonata in b minor .....Sonata No. 8 .... .Images,Book I . .Variations, Opus 27
FINAL Beethoven Prokofieff
. . . .Concerto No. 5, E Flat Major . .Concerto No. 3, C Major
All do n o r s t o t h e C o m m u n i t y Pride Campaign of the Arts Council of Greater Fort lTorth, Incorporated dre contributors to the Piano Van Cliburn Internstional Competition. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE VAN CLIBURN FOUNDATION:
Memorial contributionshave beenmade in memory of: Dr. Iane Byars Mr. Iames R. Russell Mr. E. Clyde Whitlock Mrs. Grace llard Lankford Mr. loe A. Clarke Mrs. Yirginia Thompson Mrs. Helen Pratt Mr. l. D. Follis Mr. E, P, Van Zandt, lr, Mr. and Mrs, Guy Pitner Dr, Frank C. Hughes Mr. Maurice Brownfield Mrs. Sydia Spheckels Mr. Bert K. Smith, Ir. Mr. Ed P. Byars Mrs. Ililliam Kilpatick Mr. L. Paul loyce by the following people: Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Muse Mr. and Mrs. Ewell H. Muse. Jr. Miss Ann Rhodes Mrs. Ryan Bond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Mack McAnally Mrs. Catherine L. Russell Mrs. O. P. Newberry Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gordon. Jr. Mrs. Bruce Young Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Gifford Hill American. Inc. Mr. William Massad Mrs. Joe A. Clarke Mr. Harry C. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Jon Knox Rhodes Mrs. Gus Cranz. Ir. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Chamberlain Ms. Jean B. Flanagan Miss Katherine Breckenridee
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bahan Mrs. S. B. Cantey Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chilton. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Compton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cochran Mr. Charles H. White Mrs. Collins Patton Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Works Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Costello, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Von D. Yount Fort Worth Piano Teacher's Forum Mr. and Mrs. Meade B. Crane Mr. and Mrs. George Linnabery Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dickerson Mrs. Wiley B. Willis William J. Marsh Music Club Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parker, Jr. Mrs. JessieBoaz Gumm Mrs. Aileen M. Kirby Miss Kathleen McGehee Miss Winnie Arbogast Mrs. ElizabethW. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cliburn Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hyder, Jr. Mrs. H. H. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Carvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Moorman. Ir. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mrs. Culver C. Gorsuch Reverend and Mrs. Norman V. Hollen Mrs. Fred A. Elliston Mrs. Nancy M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Spears Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Tinker Mrs. B. C. Reich, Jr. Miss Sheila Allen Mrs. H. C. Vanderpool Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cardona Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Labovitz Madeira Manchester Music Club Miss Karla Hesser Officers of the First National Bank of Fort Worth Mr. Van Cliburn Mrs. Raiford H. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hyder, Jr. Miss Louzelle Barclay Mrs. Q'Zella O. Jeffus Mrs. Donovan Williamson Mr. and Mrs. I. Don Williamson The Fleming Foundation
OTHER CONTRIBUTORS TO THE VAN CLIBURN FOUNDATION ARE: The \ational Guild of piano Teachers The Fuller Foundation Dr. Jane Bvars F. Howard Walsh Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,III Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum Mr. Van Cliburn Neiman-Marcus Mrs. Nenetta Burton Carter Sid W. Richardson Foundation Mrs. Alice B. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth Gualandi Mrs. Paul Moss Mrs. J. E. Wilhite Miss Edna Cora Johnson Mrs. Louis B. Hansen 9_enelqlTelephoneand Electronics The FIeming-Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Watitr Mrs. Ann Goldbere Mrs. John Leddy J5nes Mrs. Ruth Carter Johnson J\{rs..Patrick E. Haggerty W-orld Service Life In-surinceCompany Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. srmon Miss Judy Cannon Mrs. Martha Boucher Mr. John T. Bailev Mrs. Mary W-ilsonWandry Mrs. Ben L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. peter A. Schwartz !!r. 4d Mrs. Carlisle Cravens Ms. Barbara Chamberlain Mrs. Josephiney. Shannon Mrs. E. P. Van Zandt.Jr. Mrs. Gary B. Lauehlin Dr. David M. Bevir Y.. g4 Mrs. B. F. phillips,Jr. Mr. Ralph G. Campbell Mrs. C. C. Gumm ^ Mr. and Mrs. StanleyMarcus Mrs. Marian D. Maitin ffr. gd Mrs. CIay Johnson,Jr. Mr. Barclay R. Rvall Miss Dorothy F. Shahan Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Snyder l4I. ald Mrs. Lorin A. Boswell Miss Ruth R. Creed Mrs. Isabelle R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. paul Desmarais Mr. and Mrs. JamesM. Whitsett p-r. qrd Mrs. Ralph R. Guenther Mr. Rady G. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Cris p. Xeros aqd Mrs. Arthur Gleckler 1-l-r. Mrs. John J. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. E. Don Lewis Mr. JamesRay Seitz.Jr. Mr. Porter Kins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard U. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Ethan B. Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Hicks Mr. William Gillock Mrs. Joy Whire Mr. C. W. Horan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeLinnaberv Mrs. MargueriteWlieht Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Davis The Junior Leagueof Fort Worth Mrs. Betty tief-Sims Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor Thornton Miss Margaret Lacy V.r. uld l\lrs. Earl Baldridge,Jr. Miss Ima Hoee Mrs. Lucille Ml Bradv Mr. Gibson Morrissev Mrs. Lee Armer Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hodees Mr. and Mrs. S. W. FreesJ Mr. J. B. Wilkinson,Jr. Mrs. Gecige W. Armstrong,Jr. Miss Eunice Shamburser 14.. ul4 Nlrs.T. F. Ri;h, Jr. Mrs. Maria Grimaldo it{r. 1nd Mrs. Noah Knepper Mr. Ernest Allen NIr5.Wendy Kent Roach Mrs. Caroiine Dickerson Mrs. Bansy Johnson Mrs. Jerry L. Van Camp Mr. and_Mrs.RobertThompson Mr. G. L. McCarthy Many other contributions were receivedtoo late to be acknowledged in the program. CONTESTANT GREETING COMMITTEE Mr..an.dMrs. Richard A. Greenman, Clmirmen Mr. and Mrs. JamesBaker Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Mr. Terry Crane Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Doby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Creenman Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lanse Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Mayo, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter Mclean Dr. and Mrs. Jay Nolan Mumhv. III Mr. and Mrs. BernardRubin- ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watson JUROR GREETING COMMITTEE Mrs. Lewis Bond, Chairman Mrs. JamesGarvev Mrs. William Harvev Mrs. Walton Lawrence.Jr. Mrs. Steve Murrin
Mrs. Edward^W. Sampson,Jr. tvlrs. James Sawver Mrs. Edward Duir Wagner, Jr. Mrs. S. P. Woodson, III HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE
Charles H. Webster,Chairman Mrs. Cenie Blackaller Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Bowie Mr. and Mrs. Bill HalI Mr. Lyndell Kirklev Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lans Mrs. Drenda Martin _N!..?ld Mrs. William Schlansker Mr. Bill Swift, Jr. HOUSING COMMITTEE Mrs. Dick T. Bobbirt. Ir., Chairman Mrs. Robert Dupree. Co-Chairman M r s s S u z a n n eS c h m i d NIrs.John H. Williams Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mrs. Elton M. Hyder. Jr. Miss Fredrieka Ankele Mrs. Catherine L. Russell OPENING DINNER COMMITTEE trlrs. Perry R. Bass,Cltairman Mrs. Frank Bailel Mrs. Sid RichardsonBass Mrs. W. E. Chilton. Jr. Mrs. Rufus Garrett, Jr. Mrs. F'dward R. Hudson, Jr. Mrs. A. T. Seymour. ' III Mrs. Lewis Tavlor Mrs. Harry Tehnison GREEN ROOM COMMITTEE Mrs. Hedrick F'ender.Co-Chairman Mrs. Joe A. Clarke, Co-Cltairman M r s . P h i l l i p E . l . a u g h l in ,C o _ C h u i r m a n Mrs. Cecil Munn Mrs. Frank A. Bailey,Jr. Mrs. Poynor Duniean Mrs. E. Don LewiJ Mrs. David A. McMahon, Jr. Mrs. Sebert Pate Mrs. Dan Poland Mrs. Merwin Sherline Mrs. A. J. Kemp, Jr. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. Efton M. Hyder, Cltairmon 1,4...4. T. Seymour,Jr., Co_Chairman Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mrs. Bruce Toppin Mrs. David Dantiser
t_- ____
THOSE PROVIDING ENTERTAINMENT FOR JURORS AND CONTESTANTS Mrs. GeorgeW. Armstrong,Jr. Mr. and MJs. Earl Baldridge'Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs,III. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brachman Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. CanteY,III Mr. O. G. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Amon G. Carter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank CarveY Mr. Van Cliburn Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cliburn Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Costello, Ir. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cox, III Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O. Dacus Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mr. and Mrs. BeemanFisher Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Friedman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,III Mrs. Ralph Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKay Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nowlin Mrs. C. L. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Ted Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Serrault Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tandy Mr. and Mrs. Rice Tilley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mr. and Mrs. J. Don Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Iohn H. Williams JUNIOR LEAGUE COMMITTEE Mrs. John H. Williams. Chairman Mrs. Earl Baldridge, Ir., Co-Chairman Mrs. Robert W. Kline Mrs. Wallace Schmuck Mrs. John A. Thompson Mrs. Denis L. Toothe PIANO TEACHERS FORUM COMMITTEE TO THE CLIBURN COMPETITION Mrs. Allan A. Lathan, Cllairmsn Mrs. Winston A. Barney Mrs. Ruth Bunch Mrs. Ruth Heywood Mrs. Ralph A. Capshaw Mrs. Bettye Newman Miss Katherine O'Dowd Mrs. Eiland Scarbrough Mrs. T. J. Tinker
OFFICE ASSISTANTS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE International Womens Club Mrs, Jutta Bertelsen Mrs. Lois Crowe Mrs. iVlaria Grimaldo Mrs. Sonja Lamford Mrs. Henny PerrY Mrs. Barbara Smerke Fort Worth Alumnae ChaPterof Sigma Alpha Iota Mrs. Birney Gross Mrs. E. M. Kirby M r s . W. R . J o h n s o nJ, r . Mrs. John L. Long Miss Willie Fayette MontgomerY Mrs. B. W. Sills Mrs. Robert Wooley HOSTS AND HOSTESSES PROVIDING HOMES FOR THE CONTESTANTS Mr. Ernest Allen Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Mrs. George W. Armstrong, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beck Dr. David Beyer Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brachman Dr. and Mrs. Marion J. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Brown Mr. and Mrs. R. A. CaPshaw Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cardona Mr. and Mrs. W. E Chilton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Irvin ClaYton Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Comola Captain and Mrs. Gilbert CooleY Mr^.and Mrs. Robert Corrigan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. M. E. CoY Mr. and Mrs. David Danciger Mr. and Mrs. Beale Dean Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Dixon Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dubose Mr. and Mrs. J. Briant Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. EudalY Dr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ferrel Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Freed Mrs. Simon Freese Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gerrard Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gumm, Jr. Mrs. Couts Hutcheson Mr. and Mrs. Eltdn M. Hyder, Ir. Mrs. George C. Kemble Dr. and Mrs. George C. Kemble, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kemp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kovschak Mrs. Marvin Leonard Mr. and Mrs. George Linnabery
Mrs. Harry Logan Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lowrie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Magnus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mastin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William McKay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nast Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Neville Mr. and Mrs. John Grady O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. Richard Padgham Mr. and Mrs. JosephPelich,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert RandolPh Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reece Dr. and Mrs. RaymondRimmer Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Nealie E. Ross Dr. and Mrs, Robb Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Ted Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Martin Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. StevenS. Stavron Dr. and Mrs. JamesStoufter Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Swann Mr. and Mrs. Albin J. Ulrickson Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watson Dr. and Mrs. Howard G. Wible, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wyly
VOLUNTEERS Mrs, Felix Ankeler Miss Fredrieka Ankele Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Mrs. Earl Baldridge, Jr. Mrs. William D. Barney Mrs. Winston Barney Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mrs. Helen Russell Baxter Ms. Ieannette Bell Beta Sigma Phi Mrs. Julie Bishop Mrs. Twylla Blue Mrs. Dick T. Bobbitt, Jr. Mrs. R. T. Bolerjack Mrs. Lewis H, Bond Mrs. Arthur Boswell Mrs. Greta Brizendine Mr. Ross Bruner Mrs. Travis Bryan Mrs. Ruth Isbell Bunch Mr. Sam B. Cantey, III Mrs. M. A. Cardona Miss Mary Jane Cardona Miss Kelly Cash Mrs. Joe A. Clarke Mrs. Perry C. Coldwell, III Mrs. R. E. Collier Miss Cathy Collins Miss Sally Conrad Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Costello. Jr. Mr. R. E. Cox, III Mrs. Shirley S. Counts Miss Alan Crane Mr. and Mrs. George Crane Mr. and Mrs. Meade Crane Miss Kelly Darmon Master Richard B. Darmon. III Mrs. Polly Davis Mrs. Jean Dilley Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Members Mrs. Milton A. Frost Mrs. William M. Fuller Mr. John Giordano Mrs. James Garvey Mr. Peter Gregory Dr. Feliks Gwozdz Mrs. E. R. Halden. Ir. Mrs. Wyatt M. Hall Mr. Bill Harris Mr. Steve Harrison Mrs. Ron Heflin Mrs. Ruth Devall Hevwood Mrs. Richard HewittMiss Lisa Hiett Mrs. Pearl Hobson Mrs. W. Boyd Hunt Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, Jr. Mrs. William H. Jackson Mrs. L. Paul Joyce Mrs. Edward M. Kirby Mr. Rudolf Kruger Mrs. George W. Lacey, fr,
Mrs. Allan A. Lathan Mrs. Helen Padgett Lee Mrs. Ron Luther Mrs. Iohn M. Martin Mrs. Richard Mason Miss Rosemary McCandless Mrs. T. Smith Mccorkle Mrs. Roy McDermott Miss Kathleen McGehee Mrs. Denzil Merrill Miss Paula Milling Mrs. C. JamesMoore Mrs, Meriwether L, Morlev Mu Phi Epsilon, TCU Mrs. Bettye Baker Newman Miss Katherine O'Dowd Mr. Lee Paulsel Mrs. John Houston Payne Phi Mu Alpha, TCU Pi Beta Phi, TCU Mrs. Jack M. Plemons Miss Vivian Pollard Miss Karen Reece Mrs. Ewell J. Robinett Mrs. Nealie Ross Miss Maurine Rutherford Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Miss Leigh Schmuck Mrs. Wallace Schmuck Mrs. E. A. Scarborough Mrs. A. T. Seymour,III Mr. Michael Shapiro Sigma Alpha lota, TCU and Alumnae Mrs. Beverly Smith Miss Dana Smith Mr. Dean Smith Mrs. Nancy Smith Miss Shay Smith Mrs. Byron H. Smyth Mr. Loyd Spears Mrs. J. M. Stams Miss Elizabeth Stephan Mrs. W. L. Stewart Mrs. J. R. Stovall Mr. Robert B. Thompson Mrs. Virginia Thompson Mrs. T. J. Tinker Mrs. Richard T. Wall Mrs. F. Howard Walsh Mr. Hugh Watson Mr. Charles Webster Mrs. Maxwell B. Whitlock Miss Elizabeth Williams Mrs. John H. Williams Mrs. J. Don Williamson Mrs. Wiley H. Willis Mrs. SidneyJ. Wilson, Ir. Mrs. Robert E. Wooley Mrs. Hector Yanes
SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mrs. Allan A. Lathan Typewriter Supply Co. F6rt Worth National Bank First of Fort Worth Roto-Flex Ovens Mrs, Frances Libert International Pizza ComPanY Ross Bruner American Airlines Beta Sigma Phi Sheraton-Fort Worth Hotel Tandy Corporation M. M. Goldman Mrs. Audrey Campau Texas Christian Universi8 Dr. R. C. Norris Frank Bonner Steve Dakin Tom Bold Tommy Brittain Jurv Hosts Keith Mixson Dr. Michael Winesanker Dr. Ralph Guenther Dr. George Tade Noah Knepper Mrs. Harriett Woldt John Woldt David Graham Emmet Smith Binyon-O'Keefe Allied Van Lines Ben E. Keith Company Typewriter Supply Company Elton M. Hyder, Jr. William M. Fuller Felix Ankele Neiman-Marcus Ronald Goldman Delta Airlines Braniff Airlines Bank of Fort Worth Sigma Alpha Iota, Actives, Alumnae, and Patronesses Beta Sigma Phi Phi Mu Alpha Mu Phi Epsilon Mr. Beef Restaurants, Inc. Harris Cavender Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum
U|lt{NERS I23456789-
of Jury USA- Chairman Mannes, Leopold - Brazil YaraBernette Bolet - USA Jorge - USA Eason Anselo Ganz - USA Or.-Rudotptr dela Fuente - Mexico DonLuisHenera - JaPan lguchi Motonari - USA Katims Milton - England LiliKraus - Russia LevOborin Pennario - USA Leonard Chairman Saxe Serge - Local
VotaPek - USA Ralph - Russia Petrov Nikolai - Russia Voskresenski Mikhail - France 0usset Cecile - USA NeeleY Marilvn - Portugal-England Varella-Cid Sersi6 - USA Fennimore Artfiur - JaPan Hironaka Takashi (refused) - Japan Nakamura Hiroko
WorkAward Commissioned byLeeHoiby onFiveNotes Caoriccio - USA Fennimore Arthur Award Music Chamber Nakamura andHiroko Votapek Ralph
1966 of JwY USA- Chairman Hanson, Howard France Benvenuti Joseph Dahlgrun - GermanY Reimar - Colombia EsPinosa Guillermo Gat- HungarY Jozsef - Rumania Georghiu Valentin - lceland ArniKristiansson LiliKraus - England - Spain deLanocha Alicia Mahaim - Belgium Jean - England Moore Gerald Neel - Canada Bovd Chairman - Local EziaRachlin - USA - USA Sorel Claudette - Poland Trombini-Kazuro Marsuerita - USA Webster BeveJidge - Austria Wuhrer Friedrich
LuPu - Rumania I - Radu - USA 2 -Barry SnYder - Colombia Uribe 3 - Blanca - Philippines 4 - MariaLuisaLopez-Vito Austria Buchbinder Rudolf 5- GermanY Kohlen 6 - Benedikt WorkAward Commissioned Straight byWillard for Piano Structure - Rumania Lupu Radu Award Music lgthCentury - Colombia Uribe Blanca Award Music Chamber - USA Snyder Barry Award Sonata Copland Lupu- Rumania Radu
1969 I23456-
0rtiz- Brazil Cristina - Japan Nojima Minoru - USA MarkWestcott Robbins - USA Gerald Walsh Diane - USA - JaPan Fuiinuma Michiko
WorkAward Commissioned of a Second ontheInterval Capriccio Joio Dello byNorman Nojima - JaPan Minoru
of JurY USA- Chairman EzraRachlin, - USA Chasins Abram - USA LeonFleisher - Hungary Frankl Peter - France Henriot'schweitzer Nicole Hungerford - Australia Bruce lguchi - Japan Motonari - lsrael Katz Mindru - USA Keene Constance - England LiliKraus - USA Leonard Pennario
Award Music Chamber - USA Walsh Diane Award Schumann 0rtiz- Brazil Cristina 98