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The Fifth Van Gliburn International Quadrennial Piano Gompetition
Texas Ghristian University and Tarrant Gounty Gonvention Gentre Theatre Fort Worth, Teras U.S.A. SEPTEMBERtt THROUGH25,1977
5th VAN CLIBURN COMPETITION SPON S O RS The Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. The NationalGuild of PianoTeachers TexasChristianUniversity The Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum The Junior Leagueof Fort Worth The Fort WorthChamberof Commerce
The Fifth Van Cliburn International
Quadrennial Piano Gompetition at Fort Worth, Texas
The Van Cliburn InternationalQuadrennialPianoCompetitionwas foundedfor the purposeof building careersfor extraordinarilygifted young pianists. The Competition therefore seeks those young artists who are completely preparedin every way to fulfill the commitmentsobtained for them by the VanCliburnCompetitionand to followthose careeropportunitieswhich will be forthcomingas a resultof the Competition.Pianists who are not ready to commit themselvesimmediatelyto the life of a concertartist with a major career have been discouragedfrom entering this Competition.
..., . . . . . . 10 ... . . . . . . 11 . .. . . . 12- 15 . . 16- 17 . . . . 18- . 19 .. . . . 20- 23 . . 24- 26 . 27- 30 . . . 31- 39
. ... . . 40- 4'I
.. . . . . . . 42
.43-128 ...... 129. 142 143-148 . . 150- 151 152- 156
..... 157. 163
..... 164- 165
. . . . 6- 7 . . . . . . 8- 9
.. . . . . 168 .., IN S ID EB A CK CO VER
Shennaileeker 1905-1974 This program is dedicatedto the memoryof ShennaMeeker, a lifelong friend and patron of the arts in Fort Worth, Texas, and is madepossibleby a gift from her family.
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The art of music, with its accent upon humanity,and with its aftractionfor the deeperemotionsof the human soul, symbolizesthe universalaspect of man to his shrinkingworld. In principlecitiesthroughoutthe world, the quest for young and inspired talent continues as it has for thousandsof years. From the earliest accountof recordedhistory,we read about the competitiveevents that have brought laurelsto contestantsfrom every avenueof man'sever expandinghorizon. We welcome you to the beautiful state of Texas and hope that you will enjoy the gracioushospitalityof Fort Worth,and, I might add, the UnitedStatesof America. As we approach our fifth competition,we reflect with pride and joy upon fifteen years of constructive competitionand are so gratefulto all who haveworked so hard and who have lovingly been a part of the buildingprocess,as well as to the many loyal followers,donors and patronsof the Competition.I must once again mentionmy dear friend,Dr. lrl Allison,Founderand PresidentEmeritusof the NationalGuild of PianoTeachers,in whose unselfishand far-visionedmind this competitionwas first conceived.Had it not been for his dedicatedplanningand the concertedefforts of the late Mrs. Grace Ward Lankford,Founderand past President of the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum, along with the other sponsors,Texas Christian University,the Fort Worth Chamberof Commerceand the Fort Worth Junior League,this worthwhileproject might never have materialized. We know that the importanceof any competitionis largely the result of the prestigeof the jury and the high quality of the contestants.In both these areas, we have been extremelyfortunatein the past as well as now.
With each international competition, creativeand inspiredyoung talents gather to expresstheir ideas and ideals in amicablecreative presentation;usuallythe net results for all competitorsare lasting friendships,treasuredmemoriesand strengthenedartistic determination. Winninga competitionserves,of course,to open a door. However,one must then walk throughthat door and continue to grow. Again,our warmestwelcomeis extendedto the young artists whose participationand presencein the Competitioncontinuesto be an inspiration to all of us. We all share a love for great music. Great music will live forever- as does a great painting live - in your mind, your heart and your soul.
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Photo: Chrislian Steiner
Dr. and Mrs. lrl Allison
Grace Ward Lankford
The first Van CliburnInternational QuadrennialPianoComoetitionwas presentedin 1962. lt was conceivedas an ideain 1958by Dr. lrl Allison,Founderand then Presidentof the NationalGuild of PianoTeachers,in the same year that the youngTexas pianistVan Cliburnwon the prestigiousTchaikovskyCompetitionin the SovietUnion.In honorof Van Cliburn,the NationalGuildof PianoTeachers,through Dr. Allison,offereda Grand Prizecash awardof $10,000to be presentedto a pianistselectedby a major international The competitionwas to be held competition. in Fort Worth, Texas and was to be administeredby the late Grace Ward Lankford,a well-knownteacherof piano and Co-Founderof the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum In 1961,the Van CliburnFoundation, Inc.,sponsoringbody of the Van Cliburn International QuadrennialPiano Competition.was charteredas a notfor-profitcorporationfor educational purposes.Co-sponsorsof the first Cliburn Competition in 1962were the National Guildof PianoTeachers,Texas Christian University,the Fort Worth PianoTeachers Forumand the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce.Forthe Competitionof 1966,a sixthsponsorwas added-the Junior Leagueof Fort Worth. Sincethat first event in 1962,the CliburnComoetitionhas been oresentedin 1966,1969and 1973and has grownin its scope and activityto the prestigious positionit now occupiesin the musical world.The remarkableforesightshown by Dr. lrl Allison,alwaysencouragedby his wifeJessie,as well as the untiringdevotion of Grace Ward Lankford, has provided talentedyoung pianistswith extraordinarily manycareeropportunitiesas the result ol their participationin the Cliburn Competition.
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Throughout its history,the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition hasendeavored to assist young concert in their careers.Thanks to the artists dedicated effortsand constant enthusiasm on the part of the Executive Committee and Boardof Directorsof the VanCliburnFoundation,Inc.,the active participation of hundredsof volunteers, andthe generousfinancialand moral given by our friends throughout support theworld,this Competitionhas no equal intermsof the careeropportunities to its winners. For this offered involvement by so many people, wearesincerelygrateful. Overthe past four years, we have beenworkinginternationallyon behalf ofourpastwinnersand have been preparing for our winners of the future. Morethaneightycontestantswill be joiningus in Fort Worth during this fifthCompetitionto compete for extraordinary opportunitiesto launch majorcareers.Each contestanthas metthe high standardsset by the Competition, and we are extremely honoredto have thirteen distinguished artistsservingas membersof the Jury. Excitementand expectationsare high.In the spirit of internationalgood will,we extendwarmest best wishes toall contestantsfor success in this Competition and for continuinggrowth intheirfuture careers.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1973-1978 CHAIRMAN Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN Mrs. Perry R. Bass RECORDINGSECRETARY Mrs. John H. Williams TREASU RE R J. F. Costello,Jr.
Dr. lrl Allison
Mrs. lrl Allison
J. E Costello.Jr.
Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller
ASSISTANTTREASURER Hugh L. Watson ATTORNEY Rice M. Tilley,Jr. PASTCHAIRMAN Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller CL IBURNCO UNCI LCH AIR M AN Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. N ATION A LG UI LDO F P IAN OT EA C H ER S Dr. and Mrs. lrl Allison FORT WORTH PIANOTEACHERSFORUM Mrs. Byron Smyth TEXASC HRI S T I A NUN IVE R S IT Y Dr. MichaelM. Winesanker J UNIORLE A G UEO F F O R T W OR T H Mrs. Denis L. Toothe FOR TW O RT H CHA M B E ROF C O MME R C E W. E. McKay MEMBERS-AT-LARGE R. C. Archenhold Mrs. Sid R. Bass Leon H. Brachman Van Cliburn Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,lll Mrs. RichardW. Moncrief Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll
Mrs. RichardW. Moncrief
Portraitsby Gittings/Neiman-Marcus
Mrs. Denis L. Toothe
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Mrs. Sid R. Bass
R.C. Archenhold
Lee Johnson,l l l
Leon H. Brachman
W. E. McKay
Mrs.EdwardR. Hudson,Jr.
Mrs. Elton M. Hvder.Jr.
Mrs.EdwardW. Sampson
Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll
Mrs. Byron Smyth
Rice M. Tilley,Jr.
Hugh L. Watson
Mrs.John H . W i l l i ams
Dr. MichaelM. Winesanker
ErnestAllen Dr. and Mrs. lrl Allison Mrs. Felix Ankele Mrs. Larry Anton Mrs. James E. Anthony R. C. Archenhold Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Mrs. GeorgeW. Armstrong,Jr. Mrs. Earl Baldridge,Jr. Thomas H. Barnett.Jr. Mrs. R. Hunter Barrett Mrs. HarrisH. Bass Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mrs. James R. Blake Mrs. Lewis H. Bond,Jr. LorinA. Boswell Leon H. Brachman Mrs. Leon H. Brachman Dr. Thomas B. Brewer RichardLee Brown Dr. WilliamJ. Bullock Mrs. RaifordBurton O. G. Carlson Mrs. Amon G. Carter,Jr. Mrs. Max E. Clark Mrs. Joe A. Clarke Mrs. H. L. Cliburn Van Cliburn Bradford G. Corbett J. E Costello,Jr. MelvinO. Dacus Mrs. David K. Danciger NorwoodP Dixon Mrs. Robert P Dupree Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mrs. VirginiaGosnellFlood Mrs. Walter Fortney,lll Bayard H. Friedman Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller Mrs. W. B. Fultz Mrs. James S. Garvey Scott Gentling Stuart Gentling ArthurL Ginsburg Mrs. Theodore P Gorski.Jr. Dr. Joseph M. Grant RichardA. Greenman Mrs. E. R. Halden,Jr. Mrs. RobertE. Hardwicke.Jr. Mrs.James E. Holmes B. N. Honea,Jr. Mrs. Edward R. Hudson.Jr. Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. James H. W. Jacks Mrs. DonaldJ. Jackson
Mrs.John H. James Mrs.J. Lee Johnson.ll Lewis Kornfeld Mrs. Evelyn Lambert Mrs. PhillipE. Laughlin Mrs. Harry L. Logan, Jr. Web Maddox Stanley Marcus WilliamG. Marquardt RobertT. Martin Ted D. Mayo, lll Mrs. Roy E. McDermott WilliamE. McKay Dr.James C. McKinney James J. Meeker Mrs. Richard W. Moncrief Dr.James M. Moudy Mrs. J. Clark Nowlin Lee Paulsel Dr. William M. Pearce Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips Leo Potishman Mrs. RichardE. Rainwater Mrs.T. E Rich.Jr. Mrs. EwellJ. Robinett Dr. Nealie Ross W. A. Rowan Dr.Joe B. Rushing Mrs. EdwardW. Sampson,Jr. Mrs.Jane Schlansker Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll Mrs. FlorenceSimon Mrs. GordonW. Smith Mrs. Byron Smyth Alan C. Snodgrass Mrs. CharlesL. Stephens Dr. George T. Tade Robert B. Thompson Rice M. Tilley,Jr. Mrs. Denis L. Toothe Dr. W. Earl Waldrop Mrs. E Howard Walsh Hugh L. Watson Charles H. Webster Mrs. ValleauWilkie.Jr. Mrs.John H. Williams Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mrs. J. Don Williamson Dr. MichaelM. Winesanker Mrs. Hector O. Yanes Mrs. George M. Young WilliamKelly Young
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IN MEMO RI UM Cultureis not a naturalresource. Where it thrives, as in Fort Worth, uncommonoersons have created a climatehospitableto it. Uniqueamong his peers,Sam Canteylinked the Brazos with beauty expressed in the creativearts. Museum and ConcertHall, past and present, classicaland common,mergedin him. Withhis leadershipand support,much of what is distinctivehere and now came into being. His style and spiritare impressed uoon"The Van Cliburn."
RabbiRobertJ. Schur
Sam B. Cantey lll 1905-1973
NATIONALADVISORYBOARD CLAUDIOARRAU Pianist SAMUELBARBER Composer HERBERTBARRETT ArtistManagel MRS.T. ROLANDBERNER Director The LeventrittCompetition JULIUSBLOOM ExecutiveDirector TheCarnegieHall Cotporation EUGENEBONELLI Dean,Conservatory of Music Univercityof Cincinnati MARTIN BOOKSPAN Coqdinatorof Symphonicand ConcertActivities AmericanSocietyof Composers, Authorsand Publishers IGOR BUKETOFF Director International Contemporary MusicExchange,lnc. MARGARETCARSON ArtistReDresentative ELLIOTTCARTER ComDoser ABRAMCHASINS Pianist CARLOS CHAVEZ Composer LOUIS E CHENEfiE Dean,Jodan Collegeof Music Butler University RICHARDC. CLARK President AftiliateArtists,lnc. AARON COPLAND Composer NORMANCOUSINS Editor SaturdayReview JOHN COVENEY Directorof Artist Relations AngelRecords
JOHN O. CROSBY President ManhattanSchoolof Music
FREDERICR. MANN President RobinHood Deil
CHARLESC. MARK. Publisher ArtsReportingService
JOHN DE LANCIE President Curtislnstituteof Music ALICIA DE LARROCHA Pianist SHIRLEYFLEMING Editor MusicalAmerica ROBERTFREEMAN Dhector EastmanSchoolof Music THOMAS FROST Directorof Artists& Repertoire Masterworks, Colum bia Becords SHELDONGOLD President ICM Artists,Ltd.
MARTIN MAYER Wtiter JOHN MAZZOLA President LincolnCenterfor the PerlormingArts,lnc. T. A. McEWEN Vice-President LondonRecords
GENE SHALIT Media Personality HAROLD SHAW ArtistManager THOMAS Z, SHEPARD DivisionVice-President Fed Sea/- Artists& Repertoire RCARecuds E. ALAN SILVER President Connoisseur Society,Inc. SHELDONSOFFER AttistManager
DR. MERLE MONTGOMERY Chairman NationalMusic Council
JOHN H. STEINWAY Vice-President Ste,nway& Sons
RISE STEVENS President MannesCollegeof Music
KI.AUS HALLIG President lnternational Television Trading Corporation
JOHN E PFEIFFER ExecutiveProducer RedSeal-Artists & Repertoire RCARecuds
JESSE REECE Director TownHall
PATRICKHAYES ManagingDirector JACK ROMANN WashingtonPertormingArts Society ConcertArtistManager BaldwinPianoand OrganCompany KAZUKO HILLYER ArtistManager DAVIDW. RUBIN Conceftand ArtistManager OMUS HIRSHBEIN Sterhway& Sors EducationDirector 92nd StreetYM-YWHA ARTHURRUBINSTEIN Pianist GRANTJOHANNESEN Director MARVIN SAINES Clevelandlnstituteof .Music Wce-President, Masterworks ColumbiaRecords WILLIAMJUDD ArtistManager THOMASSCHIPPERS Conductor CONSTANCEKEENE Pianist
PETERMENNIN President TheJuilliardSchool
RICHARDFRANKO GOLDMAN Director LEONARDPENNARIO PeabodyConservatory of Music Pianist
THOMASTHOMPSON Vice-President lnc. ColumbiaArtistsManagement, RICHARDTORRENCE ArtistManager JAC VENZA DirectoLPerformance Programs WNETIlS CHARLESWADSWORTH ArtisticDirector ChamberMusic Societyof LincolnCenter SUSAN POPKIN WADSWORTH Director YoungConcertArtists,lnc. GIDEONWALDROP Dean TheJuilliardSchool CHARLESH. WEBB Dean,Schoolof Music Indiana University DANIELWEBSTER Music Critic ThePhiladelphiaInquircr JOSEPHWECHSBERG Writer
1 rtril INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD M A R CEL L O ABBADO Director Gluseppe Verd i Conserv atory Milan, Italy J O H A NNA BEEK Attist Manager The Hague, The Netherlands J . B RIST BIT Z KY Director Atthur Rubinstein lnternational Piano Competition Tel-Aviv, lsrcel E R I C BRAVINGT ON Managing Director London PhiIharmonic Orc he stra London, England D O L ORES CARRIL L O- F L ORES Attist Managel Mexico D. F. A B E C OHEN AdministrativeDirector The lsrael Philharmonic Tel-Aviv, lsrael R E I MAR DAHL GRUN Pianistand Protessor StaatlicheHochschule fur Musik Hanover, Germany
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J E A NNE M ARIE DARRE' Pianist J E A N PIERRE DE L AUNOIT President Queen Elisabeth Competition Erusse/s,Belgium H A N S DE WIT T E Director, The Holland Festival Amsterdam, The Netherlands P E T E R DIAM ANO Dircctor The Edinburgh Festival Edinburgh, Scotland A N N S UM M ERS DOSSENA Attist Manager Rome, ltaly E R I C F EL DBUSCH Director ConservatoireRoyal de Musique Erusse/s,Belgium M Y E RS F OGGIN Principal Trinity College of Music London, England M A R C EL F OURNET Secretary General Long -Thib aud International Competition Paris,France
R, GA LLOIS MON TB R U N Dhector Conservatoire Nation al Superie ur de Musique Paris,France
A R IE V A R D I Ditector Rubin Academy of Music Tel-Aviv University Tel-Aviv, Israel
T ER E N C E H A R R IS ON Aftist Manager London, England
C H R IS TOP H V OLLME R Nord Deutscher Rundfunk Hamburg, Germany
HAN S H E G Writer Arnsterdam, The NetherIands
P IE R R E V OZLIN S K Y Director Radio France Paris, France
NIC OLE HEN R IOT-S C H WE ITZE R Pianist HAJO H IN R IC H S President Hochschule fur Musik Hamburg, Germany HAN S H IR S C H Polydor lntemational Hamburg, Germany
P E TE R WE IS E R Director WienerKonzeft hausgese/rsctaf Vienna,Austria DAVID WILLCOCKS Director Royal College of Music London, England
R. JA K OB Y Director Slaatliche Hochschule fur Musik Hanover, Germany F ELIC ITA S K E LLE R Attist Manager Madrid, Spain ANTHONY LEWIS Principal Royal Academy of Music London, England YV ON N E LOR IOD Pianist KUR T MA S U R Conductor ROBERT PONSONBY Controller, Music British Broadcaging Corporation HELMU T R OLOFF Director Hochschule fur Musik Berlin, Germany SYLVIO SAMAMA Artist Manager Laren, The Netherlands HAN S U LR IC H S C H MID Artist Manager Hanover, Germany JOC H E M S LOTH OU WE R Vereiniging M uzieklyceum y'fnste.dam, The Netherlands HAN S H E IN Z STU C K E N S C H MID T Music Ctitic Berlin, Germany
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Special Assistants
CompelitionSecretary EVELYNWATSON
ExecutiveDirector ROBERTH. ALEXANDER ExecutiveDirectorof the Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc., is currently in his nineteenthyear as a performingarts administrator, having begun his career in this field in Fort Worth. Texas.where he served as Managerof the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra,the YouthOrchestraof Greater Fort Worth and the Arts Councilof Fort Worth and Tarrant County. Subsequently,he served in several administrativepositionswith the Dallas Symphony Orchestra,and during the 1973-74 and 1974-75 seasons he held the positionsof Vice-Presidentfor Developmentand Vice-President of Chautauqua Foundationat Chautauqua lnstitutionin western New York State. Mr. Alexander returned to Fort Worth in 1975 to begin his associationwith the Van Cliburn Foundation.lnc.
Assistant to the ExecutiveDirector JULIAMcALLISTER
IITFII to 1974 he wrote criticism tor Time Magazine and, since then, he has written a weekly column on music for the New YorkDaily News. A free-lancejournalist,Mr. Jones's articles and criticismscan be seen in many nationalpublications.
MARYLOU FALCONE MaryLou Falcone has been retained as the national and press representativefor international theVanCliburnCompetition. As headof M. L. Falcone.Public Relations, a New York-basedfirm, MissFalconeis well-knownfor her representation of some of the leading artists in the musical world, as well as thoseyoungartists who are just beginning to make their markson the musical scene. Major international programs are also a part of the activities forthisdynamicfirm.
T CARSON MargaretCarson serves as a of the National Advisory Board theVanCliburnCompetitionand as a consultantto the Van Cliburn Inc. Sheis identifiedwith some of the jorperformingarts institutionsin the world,and is readily known theworld'sleading musical rsonalities. As an influential writerand representativeon the music she has an active international
J OH N PF E IF F ER John Pfeiffer,executiveproducerfor the Red Seal label of RCA Records,has combinedhis musicaltrainingand advancedstudyin electricalengineering to producethe recordingsof such legendaryartists as Jascha Heifetz, Vladimir Horowitz,Wanda Landowska, Arturo Toscanini,LeopoldStokowski, and Van Cliburn.He has also produced recordingsol the Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago SymphonyOrchestrasas well as numerousother instrumentalists, vocalistsand musicalgroups. Mr. Pfeifferis the author of a numberof articleson musicians. music,electronicmusic and other technical-musical subjects,and he has composedelectronicmusic,a television ballet and a film score. He also producedthe audio for televisionproductionsof opera for NationalEducationalTelevisionand for all of the "Live from LincolnCenter" programs. Mr. Pfeifferjoins the 1977 Yan CliburnCompetitionas the producerin chargeof all sound recording.He will also supervisethe productionof a limitededition recordingof the six Competitionfinalists.
R OB ER TJ O N ES Robert Jones. a leature writer and musiccritic,joins the 1977Van Cliburn Competitionon severalspecialwriting assignments.He is a pianistand attendedthe JuilliardSchoolof Music where he worked with KatherineBacon. Later he became an accompanistand opera coach. ln 1967 he was awardeda RockefellerFellowshipfor music criticism and, the next year, joined the New York llmes as a critic. From 1969
HENRYGROSSMAN Henry Grossmanhas a long establishedcareer as a leading photo-journalist.He has covered historic personalities- includingpresidents, prime ministers,authors and entertainers- as a photographerfor Time, Life, People, Newsweek, The New YorkTimes, Paris-Match and many otherworldwidepublications.His photographshave been featured in recentlypublishedbooks on Richard Rodgers,Beverly Sills, and Rudolf Nureyev,as well as in current issuesof Time, People and Horizon magazines. While photographingthe National Company of the MetropolitanOpera on assignmentlrom Life Magazine, Mr. Grossmanwas inspiredto pursue a career in music as a performer.He has subsequentlyappeared as a tenor soloistwith major American orchestras, and most recentlywith the Hamburg Philharmonicin Germany. Mr. Grossman'sappointmentas the official photographerfor the Van Cliburn Competitionis particularlyappropriate in lightof his expertisein music as well as photography.
3L, L977
and I send war:rn greetings to the Mrs. Carter Fifth fnternationalVan Cliburn Quadrerurial play an These competitions Piano Competition. young and talented role in helping important I know that skil-l-s. musicians develop their share my pride in the people of our country the accomplishments of these young people. also reminds us of the subThe competition stantial contributions to our musical heritage that so many peoples from so many different backgrounds have made. Our heartiest best wishes to the sponsors, judges and recipients of this year's awards.
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NFTIONFL I.IJFISHINETEN ENDDUJTNENT D.tr.eo50E FDR THE FIRTS A Federalagency advised by the NationalCouncrlon the Arts
of the On behalf pleasure me great Van Cliburn Fifth
the Endorrment for all of you on the International Quadrennial
National to join
gives it Arts, occasion of the Piano Competition.
competitions have established and maintain The Van Cliburn for the highest artistic a reputation encouraging standards and make great contrj-butions to the of music performance young development of the professional careers of many fine from all over the world. artists always has been a singularly impressive means of commnMusic gratifying icatj-on. is indeed to realize that through It young Americans annual event,s so many talented can parthese in an international competition and benefit from ticipate qifted pianists associations with other from abroad their jurors. and from your distinguished wishes for continued success to both the van Cliburn My best and the many young contestants Competitions International this event. to Fort worth for important traveling S j-ncereIy,
Nancy llanks Chairman
July 20, 1977
Greeti ngs: I deeply appreciate this opportunity of extending to each of you my warrest greetings on the occasion of the Van C' libu r n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Q u a d r e n n i a lP i a n o C o m p e t i t i o n . The citizens of the Lone Star State have proven themselves to be music loving people and manyhave attained success as m u s i c i a n s . Those of you who are associated with this outstanding musical event are to be congratu'latedfor your efforts in f os t e r i n g e x c e l l e n c e i n p i a n o i n o u r C o u n t r y a n d o u r St at e . My greetings to each of you. I know that it will be a memorableexperience for those attending and to all of you participating in the competition I exteqd my sincere bes t w i s h e s .
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oF TrrE MlYon Wonrrl ,Tnxes
It i6 nlth great pleasure that I, as Mayor, welcorne you to Fort lJolth. The people of Fort l{orth always l-ook forward to the vial-t of particlpants ln the Van Cliburn Competitione and guests who cone to our city to take part in the perforeancea. Fort Worth has nany cultural and recreational resources to offer, and we nl.ght suggest that, whl1e you are here, you vlslt ou! nuseums, our zoo, our beautifulBotanic Gardens and nany of the other places of interest far too numeroug to De[tion. I knon that you wl1l flnd our citizens to be friendly aod hospitabJ.e, and ne hope that you w-i11 have a very
FORTWORTH,TEXAS is a city of more than a half millionpeoplelocatedon the GrandPrairieof northemTexas. lt was establishedin 1849as a militaryoutpostto protectearly settlersfrom the Indians.Early in its history,its economywas foundedon the cattle industryand the vast ranches of West Texas. Cotton and wheat farming were soon addedas principalrevenue prrducingindustries.With the discoveryof oil in 1917, FortWorthbecamea cityfor the operationof majoroil companiesand individualoil operators.From these beginnings,Fort Worth has grownto includemajor industrialplantoperations. Concurrentwith its businessgrowth has beenthe developmentof cultural activities.Amongthe first objects repoftedly broughtto the pioneerfort was a 19th centurysquarepiano.Sincethat time, the city has developeda symphonyorchestra, an operaassociation,a communitytheater and a balletcompany. lt is the home of the internationally famousTexas Boys Choir and of Casa Manana,the nation'sfirst permanenttheater-in-the-round. Majormuseumsare an importantpart of the life of the Fort Worth community. lncludedare the Amon Cafter Museumof WestemArt,whichemphasizesthe history and art of westeringNofth Americain its permanentcollectionand changing exhibitions; the Fort Wodh Art Museum,a museumfeaturingart of the twentieth century;theFortWorthMuseumof Science and History,one of the largest and most traffickedmuseumsof its kind in the United States;and the KimbellMuseum,which housesmasterpiecesof all disciplinesand from all periodsof recordedtime in its oermanentcollection.
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Texas ChristianUniversityhas beena co-sponsorof the Van Cliburn PianoCompetitionsince its inception. Our participationhas broughtboth joy and pride to many, many facultYand students. Now as we experiencethe fifth of these importantcompetitions,we are pleasedto join in welcomingeverY contestantand the distinguishedjury. TCU's goal is always to serve, and we want to do everything possibleto assist andto pleaseall who come. lf we can helpyou in any way, please do not hesitateto ask. .?.tf
Cordiallyyours, J. M. Moudy,Chancellor
TEXASCHRISTIANUNIVERSITY, one of the sponsoringorganizationsof the CliburnComoetition,will be the site of preliminaryand semi-finalphasesof the 1977Competition.This University comprisesseven schoolsand collegeson a beautiful243-acrecampus.More than 6,000studentsfrom all over the United
Statesand manyforeigncountriesattendits and classeseachsemester.Undergraduate graduateprogramsleadto bachelor,master and doctoraldegrees.A librarycontaining 825,000volumesis among its excellent facilities.
VLADIMIRVIARDO,a graduateof the Moscow State Conservatoryand recipientof the coveted Lenin Stipend (the highest award given by the Conservatoryevery two years to one music student),was catapultedinto musicalprominenceupon winningthe Grand Prizeof the 1973 Van Cliburn Competition.His appearancesat New York'sCarnegie Hall have includeda solo recitalin 1973 (one of the awardsfrom the CliburnCompetition)and an appearance as soloist with the Moscow State Symphonyin the fall of '1975.His celebratedperformanceduring that same tour with the Moscow State Symphonyat the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington,D.C. was attendedby Mrs. Gerald Ford, Secretaryof State and Mrs. Henry Kissingerand Soviet Ambassadorto the United States and Mrs. AnatolyDobrynin. Sincereturningto the SovietUnionin 1975, Mr. Viardo has been presentedas recitalistand as soloistwith orchestrasin many parts of that country.Duringthe 1976-77season, he appeared in Moscow and Leningradand was re-engagedas soloistwith the LeningradPhilharmonic lorthe 1977-78season. He will be presentedin a Moscow recital in Novemberof this year, and he will also make radio and televisionappearances as well as commercialrecordings.He has just been appointed as one of the official soloistswith the Moscow Philharmonic, and he will make a tour with that orchestra in the springof 1978. Two televisionspecials on Vladimir Viardo have been produced by PBS stationsin the United States and are being aired frequentlyin various parts of this country. The Van Cliburn International Piano Competitionhas become an event of greatsignificancefor young musicians throughoutthe world.The personalcharm of Van Cliburn,one of the prominent pianistsof today, greatly adds to the event. I was honoredto win first place at the 1973CliburnComoetitionand find it difficultto expressthe emotionalfeelings which envelopedand stayed with me throughthe days of the Competition.I am confidentthat successfulplayingdepends upon the contact betweenthe performer and his audience.In my memoryis imbeddedthe attentivenessof Fort Worth 26
audiencesto the makingof music, and I gratefullyrememberthe sincerewarmth which they showed after performances. An event of this kind enablesthe performerto rise to the challengeof competitionand to express his personal credothroughmusic. The real celebrationof music is capturedin the CliburnCompetitiondue to the high professionalskill of the organizers,the kind-heartedness of the people,and the artistic mood of the contestants,many of whom became my friends at the 1973 Competition. I hope that the forthcoming will be a brilliantone and that Competition the contestantswill be of such a high calibrethat the competentjury will have difficultyin choosing a winner. I wish all the contestantsevery success and look forwardto welcominga new rising star in the rapidly-changing sky of music.
GRAND PRIZEWINNERTOUR NORTH AMERICA ALABAMA BirminghamMusicClub Universityof Alabama, Huntsville ARKANSAS Fort Smith SymphonyOrchestra CALIFORNIA Los AngelesPhilharmonic AmbassadorCollege, Pasadena CANADA Universityof Guelph,Ontario COLORADO Asoen Music Festival DenverSymphonyOrchestra CONNECTICUT ConnecticutCollege,New London DELAWARE WilmingtonSymphonyOrchestra DISTRICTOF COLUMBIA NationalSymphonyOrchestra FLORIDA LakelandCivic Center FloridaSymphonyOrchestra,Orlando Music at Eight Series, West Palm Beach ILLINOIS Bloomington-Normal SymphonyOrchestra Chicago SymphonyOrchestra INDIANA CenturyCenter,South Bend Purdue University,West Lafayette LOUISIANA Fine Arts Foundation, Lafayette New Orleans Opera Guild
NORTHCAROLINA BrevardMusic Center
oHto BowlingGreen State University CincinnatiSymphonyOrchestra ClevelandOrchestra ColumbusSymphonyOrchestra PENNSYLVANIA PhiladelphiaOrchestra PittsburghSymphonyOrchestra TENNESSEE KingsportSymphonyOrchestra TEXAS Austin SymphonyOrchestra Dallas SymphonyOrchestra North Texas State University,Denton Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra HoustonSymphonyOrchestra Society for the Performing Arts, Houston SouthwesternUnion College,Keene Festival-lnstiiuteat RoundTop San Antonio SymphonyOrchestra CulturalActivitiesCenter,Temple Victoria Fine Arts Association Wichita Falls SymphonyOrchestra UTAH Utah SymphonyOrchestra
wtscoNstN MilwaukeeSymphonyOrchestra
MARYLAND BaltimoreSymphonyOrchestra
MASSACHUSETTS Aaron RichmondConcerts,Boston
ConcertgebowOrchestra,Amsterdam RIAS Stellt Vor ConcertSeries, Berlin ConservatoireRoyal de Musique, Brussels RBT Symfonieorkest,Brussels NDR SymphonyOrchestraRadio Hamburg GewandhausorchesterLeipzig LondonRecitalDebut OrchestrePhilharmoniquede Nice NationalBroadcastingCompany "Radio France," Paris WienerKonzerthausgesellschaft, Vienna
MEXICO NationalUniversitySymphonyOrchestra MICHIGAN DetroitInstituteof Art Concert Series DetroitSymphonyOrchestra Calvin College, Grand Rapids Midland SymphonyOrchestra MINNESOTA MinneapolisSymphonyOrchestra MISSOURI Kansas City Philharmonic NEW J ERSEY New Jersey SymphonyOrchestra,Newark
NEW YORK Brightwaters-BayShore Public Library Buffalo Philharmonic ChautauquaInstitution Centerfor Music, Drama and Art, Lake Placid Carnegie Hall, New York City RochesterPhilharmonic
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John Giordano- conductor, performerand composer - is one of the most enormouslytalented and versatile musiciansof today. As a creative and dynamic force in the musicalworld,he has been intrinsicin the growthof the Van CliburnCompetition over the past four years, as well as being instrumental in the continuingmusical and fiscal developmentof the Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestraand the Texas Little Symphony. Mr. Giordano,a frequent guest conductorof major symphonyorchestras both here and abroad, assumed the leadershipof the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestrain 1971. Sincethat time, symphonyconcerts have increasedfrom eight performancesto more than eighty each year. The holdersof subscription tickets have increasedfrom seven hundredto five thousand. In '1973,Mr. Giordanoserved as the Chairmanof the Jury for the Van Cliburn Competition.He has since directed his energiestoward excellencefor the Competitionand opportunitiesfor its winners. John Giordanoremainsan integral part of the Van Cliburn Competitionas well as an invaluablefriend.
JOH N GIOR D A N O C H A IR MA NOF TH E JU R Y VanCliburnInternationalQuadrennialPianoCompetition MU S IC A LD IR E C TORA N D C ON D U C TOR Fort WorthSymphonyOrchestraand TexasLittle Symphony
LUIZ DE MOURA CASTRO Assistanf to the Chairman of the Jury Luiz de Moura Castro was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,where he graduatedwith highest honors from the NationalSchool of Music of the Federal Universityand the LorenzoFernandez Academyof Music.Afterwinningprizes in several national comoetitions. includingthe Liszt prize, he was awardeda scholarshipby the Hungarian governmentto further his studies at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. Mr. MouraCastrojoined the music faculty of Texas ChristianUniversityin 1969. Since that time, he has toured annually in the United States,Canada, Europeand South America. He is an accomplishedlecture-recitalistin four languagesand has made frequent recital broadcastsfor radio and televisionin Canada, ltaly, Portugal and Brazil.
Guido Agosti was born in Forli, Italy and studied at the Bologna Conservatoireunder Mugellini,lvaldi and Busoni.He graduatedat the age of 13, winnerof the "MugelliniPrize." Since 1921 he has performedin almost every Europeancountry as well as in New York, Mexico, South America and the Middle East. He is a professor atthe Venice and Rome State Conservatoiresand has held master classes for piano in Rome, Siena, Weimar,Helsinki,Copenhagenand Spain.Mr. Agosti has recentlybeen with the JuilliardSchoolof Music in New York. Mr. Agosti's works include compositionsfor piano and voice, and a transcriptionfor piano solo of three piecesfrom Stravinsky's"Firebird." Mr. Agosti is a frequent member of the juries of internationalpiano competitions.He is now vice president of the Santa Cecilia Academy,Rome,' and a memberof the International Chopin Society of Vienna.
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k' Unlfed Sfafes JAMESDICK James Dick, a nativeof Kansas, was a top prizewinnerin three pianocompetitions withina international periodof eight months- the Busoniin Italy,the Leventrittin New York and the Tchaikovskyin Moscow. He has studiedwith Dalies Frantzat the Universityof Texas and with the Britishpianist, Clitford Curzon. He is a recioientof the Beethoven Prize. the TobiasMatthay Fellowshipand the RecitalMedal awarded by the Royal Academyof Music in London where he studiedfor two years underthe auspices of a FulbrightScholarship.He has since beenelected an HonoraryAssociateof the Royal Academy. Mr. Dick has performedin hundreds of concertsthroughoutthe UnitedStates and Canada. He has been honored at the White House, and he is included in the 1970 edition ol the Outstanding YoungMen of America. He was the first Americanconcert artist to performin the PeoplesRepublicof China. ln 1971,Mr. Dick foundedthe InternationalFestival-lnstituteat Round Top,in the hill country of central Texas. It is currentlythe only summermusic festivalin Texas, and otfers a month-longseries of concerts and recitalstogether with concentrated studyfor talented young pianists. Mr.Dick returnsas a memberof the Juryof the Van Cliburn Competitionfor thesecondtime, havingserved as a jurorin the 1973 Competition.
RUDOLF FIRKUSNY United States Over the past 36 seasons Rudolf Firkusny has made 26 tours of Europe, 10 tours of South America,12 tours of Mexico,two tours of Australiaand three toursof lsrael- all this in additionto an annualtour of the UnitedStates.He has also performed at the world's great music festivals includingAspen, Edinburgh,Marlboro,Robin Hood Dell, Salzburg,Tanglewood,the Hollywood Bowl and the Blossom Festival. Born in Czechoslovakia,Mr. Firkusny,at the age of four,was pecking out one-fingertunes on the piano.A year later he was improvisingfluently and had learned to read musical notation, long beforehe had learnedthe alphabet. At ten, Mr. Firkusny made his debut playinga Mozart concerto in Prague with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.He later took up studieswith Artur Schnabel and made his first tour throughthe United States in 1938. In 1941,he made a second debut in Manhattan'sTown Hall. By this time he had developeda strengthand assurancewhich was reflectedin his playing.Duringthis tour Mr. Firkusny re-introducedto AmericaDvorak'sPrano Concerto in G Minor under Sir Thomas Beecham. Mr. Firkusny has made many recordingsfor a number of labels. His most recent release is a two-disc collaborationwith conductorRafael Kubelikof the complete piano music of Janacekfor DeutscheGrammophon.He has often combined his talentswith other celebratedmusicians.Among them are the famous cellist Gregor Piatigorskyand the renownedviolinist Erica Morini.
LEON FLEISHER United States Leon Fleisher gave his first public recitalat age six. He then withdrewfrom public life at nine years of age to study for ten years with Artur Schnabel. In 1952, he went on to win the coveted Queen Elisabethof Belgium Competition.Sold-outtours followed which included repeat engagements with America's foremost orchestras, includingthe New York Philharmonic and the Cleveland,St. Louis, San Franciscoand Philadelphia Symphonies. Adding a new dimensionto his life, Mr. Fleisher began a conductingcareer in earnestwhen he directed two concertsof the Mozart Festivalat New Yor4<'s LincolnCenter in the summer of 1970. He is now residentconductorof the BaltimoreSymphony Orchestra, dircctorof the Theater Chamber Players of the SmithsonianInstitution,and the AnnapolisSymphony in Maryland. He returns regularlyto conduct and play as soloistwith the Orchestre Nationaleof Brussels,Belgium. Mr. Fleisherholdsthe MellonChair at PeabodyConservatoryand has become both teacher and inspirationfor some of the outstandingyoung artistsof today.
Born in Buenos Aires, Alberto Ginasterabegan his musicaleducation at a very early age and graduatedwith highest honors from the National Conservatoryin Buenos Aires. In 1945,Mr. Ginasteramade his first visit to the United States under a GuggenheimFellowship.This first trip was followed by many others as his reputationgrew, and as his works were performedmore frequentlyby the most famousorchestrasin all the musical centersof the United States. Mr. Ginasterahas receivedmany importantcommissionsto write new works,includingthose from the PittsburghInternationalContemporary Music Festival,the LouisvilleOrchestra, the ElizabethSpragueCoolidge Foundation,the Serge Koussevitzky Foundation, the New York Philharmonic - "ViolinConcerto,"WashingtonOpera Society- "Bomarzo," Dartmouth College- "Cello Concerto,"and the VancouverSymphony Orchestra"Estudios Sinfonicos"writlen for Canada'sCentennialYear.His music has also gained success in Europe,and his reputationas the pre-eminent composerof Latin America is now firmly established. In his native country Mr. Ginastera has won many importantprizes, and he is presidentof the Argentine Section of the InternationalSociety for ContemporaryMusic. AlbertoGinasteraand his wife, the cellist Aurora Natola, currently live in Geneva, Switzerland. 34
LUCRECIAR. KASILAGThe Philippines Lucrecia Kasilag is presidentand directorfor the PerformingArts at the CulturalCenterof the Philippines,and she is dean of the Collegeof Music and Fine Arts at the PhilippineWomen's University.She has also served on the board ol directorsof the International Society for Music Education. Miss Kasilag receivedthe Masterof Musicdegreefrom the EastmanSchool of Music in 1950,and has been honored with numerousawards,among them the RepublicCulturalHeritageAward in Music,in '1960and in 1966.She has also been presentedwith the PresidentialAward as "Woman Composerof 1956,"the Mu Phi Epsilon Citationof Merit in 1964,the Philippine Women's UniversityAlumnae AssociationMost OutstandingAlumna Award in 1975, and the Otficer'sCross for the Order of Merit from the Federal Republicof Germanyin 1975.She is listed in a number of international dictionariesincludingthe International Biographical Dictionary, Marquis' Who's Who in the World andThe World's Who's Who of Musicians. Miss Kasilaghas long pioneeredin the researchand use of Asian musical instrumentsjuxtaposedwith orthodox Western instruments.She has written over a hundred compositionsranging throughfolksong arrangements,art songs, choral,chamber and orchestral woks. Her compositionshave been publishedand performedthroughoutthe world.
New Zealand
Lili Kraus, Hungarianborn pianist, professorand recordingartist, gave her first publicconcertat the age of eight. Since she was 18 years ol age she has been concertizingthroughoutthe world. Atthe age of20 she becamea professor at the Vienna Academy. While on a world tour in 1942,she and her husbandwere taken prisonerby the Japanesein Java and spent nearly three years in prison camps. Her reputationas a concert pianist afforded her accessto a pianoduring her imprisonment,and she gave regular concerts for fellow prisoners. MadameKraus made her stunning reentry onto the United States concert scenein 1967with a seriesof nine New York programsduring the course of which she performedall 25 Mozart PianoConcertito high acclaim. The NationalEducational TelevisionNetwork oroduced a 90-minuteTV specialentitled"Lili Kraus and the Mozart PianoConcerti"which features Madame Kraus as both performerand commentator.She has also recordedthe complete works of Mozart,includingchambermusic and concerti. Madame Kraus has lectured at leading universitiesaround the world and conducts master classes for studentsand teachersin a numberof leadingcities. She is a permanent memberof the Jury of the Van Cliburn Competitionand is also artist-inresidenceat Texas Christian Universitv.
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NikitaMagaloffwas born in St. Petersburg and studiedin Paris at the with lsidor Philipp. He Conservatoire graduated at the age of 17 with a first prize.Todayhe is acclaimedas one of theleadingpianistsof our time. Mr.Magaloffhas perlormedin virtually everycapitalof the world and is a favorite at many internationalfestivals. Hehasalso delightedaudiencesas a guestperformer with many of the world's leading orchestras. A citizenof Switzerland,he was in charge of the VirtuosityClass at the Geneva Conservatoirefor ten years. Mr.Magaloffhas served on the juriesof some of the world's most prestigious competitions.Followinghis tenure on the jury of the Van Cliburn he will return to Europe for Competition anextended concerttour.
John Ogdon is a leadingfigure among Britain'spianists.His sensitive artistry and amazing power have ovenivhelmedaudiencesand critics throughoutthe world. A widely traveled performer,Mr. Ogdon has representedhis country as soloistwith Britishorchestrasin Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan. He has recentlytoured such diverse areas as Hong Kong, Singapore,Australia,New Zealand,Kenya, Bulgaria,Poland, Scandinavia,Spain,Germanyand ltaly. He also tours bi-annuallyin the United States and Canada and has appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra,the Los the Denver AngelesPhilharmonic, Symphony,the BaltimoreSymphony, the CincinnatiSymphony,the Houston Symphony and other major orchestras. Mr. Ogdon gained international prominencein 1962 as a first prize winnerof the widely publicizedsecond TchaikovskyCompetition.Among the varioushonors he has received,he was chosen to be the guest soloistwith the Royal Philharmonicat the Investiture Concertfor His Royal Highness,the Princeof Waleson June 22, 1969 in London. CurrentlyJohn Ogdon is in the Schoolof artist-in-residence Music at the Universityof Indianain Bloomington.
LEONARD PENNARIO United States LeonardPennario,a concertpianist and recordingartist, studied with Olga Steeb,Guy Maier and Madame lsabelle Vengerova.Making his debut al age 12 with the DallasSymphonyOrchestra and his New York debut at age 19, he enteredthe U.S. Army after a year at the Universityof SouthernCalifornia. He has concertizedextensively throughoutthe world for many years and has appearedwith virtually every major Europeanand Americanorchestra, includingthe eight leadingorchestrasof Great Britain. His Capitol Records have repeatedlymade the best seller list and his most recent recordingsare on RCA and Victrola labels. In five concerts with the Los AngelesPhilharmonicconductedby Zubin Mehta, Mr. Pennariootfered the world premiere performancesof Niklos Rosza's Piano Concerto, Opus 31, which was composed for and dedicated to the artist. A highlightol his performingcareer were a seriesof chambermusic concertsin CarnegieHall and in Los Angelesin which he collaboratedwith Heifetz and Piatigorsky.These trio performanceswere so successfully receivedthat RCA has oroduced and releasedthe programson their recordinglabel. Mr. Pennariois a oermanent memberof the Jury of the Van Cliburn Competition.
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Nikolai Petrov was born to a musicalfamilyand beganto study music at an early age. His grandfatherwas the singerVassi[ Petroy the People'sArtist of the Russian Federation.His father was the Laureateof the first all-Russian competitionfor violinistsand cellists. Mr. Petrov began the study of pianowith ProfessorGoldenweiser and subsequentlyenteredthe Moscow Conservatory,where his teacher was Tatiana Kestner. He graduated from the Conservatorywith honors in 1961, after receivingan honorarydiploma from the all-Russiancompetitionof that same year. At the age of 19, Mr. Petrov sprang into prominenceas a studentof the famousteacher Jacov Zak, and it was at this time that he was the SilverMedal Winnerof the 1962 Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition.In 1964,he was the winnerof the gold medal in the Queen Elisabethof BelgiumCompetition.Since that time he has been heard in concert and recital aroundthe world. Mr. Petrov,second prize winner in the 1962 Van Cliburn Competition,has the distinctionof being the only medalist to return to serve as a member of its distinguished Jury.
PIERRESANCAN Pierre Sancan was born in the Southof France. He enteredthe Paris Conservatoryin 1934 in the class of Yves Nat, the famous professor,teacher and concert pianist.In 1937,Mr. Sancan was awardedthe FirstPrizein the Paris ConservatoryPiano Competition, followedby the First Prize of the HarmonyContestand the First Prize as piano accompanistat the Conservatory in 1938 and 1939,respectively. In 1943, he was awarded the First Grand Prizeof the FrenchAcademyin Rome.Since 1956,PierreSancanhas served as Professorof Piano at the NationalConservatoryof Music in Paris.and he has establisheda reoutationas an world-renowned orchestraconductor,as well as a composerof pianoconcertosand sonatas.In '1958,Mr. Sancanwas awardedthe French Legionof Honor.
Uruguay JOSE SEREBRIER Born in Montevideo,Uruguay,Jose Serebrierbegan studyingthe violin when he was nine, and made his conductingdebut at 11. He graduated from the MontevideoMunicipal School of Music at 15, and that year won an annual compositioncontest sponsored by the National Orchestrafor his "Legend of Faust" overture. He came to the United States in 1955. A graduateof the Curtis Instituteof Music in '1958.Mr. Serebrierreceived two Dorati Fellowshipsat the University of Minnesota,where he earned a Master'sdegree in 1960. Prior to that time, in 1956, he won a Koussevitzky FoundationAward at Tanglewood. Mr. Serebrierwas 23 years old when LeopoldStowkowskinamed him an associateconductorwith the newly formed American Symphony Orchestra in New York. He was previously apprenticeconductorfor two seasons with the MinneapolisSymphony.He made his New Yorkdebut as a conductor in 1965 with the American Symphonyin CarnegieHall,and he now conducts extensivelyin both North and South America and in Europe, including majorsymphoniesin London,Paris, Berlin, Munich, Warsaw, Moscow and Rome. As a composer,Mr. Serebrierhas written more than 30 works, including compositionsfor orchestra,chamber groups,band, chorus, voice and keyboard.Many of his works have been recorded.
"GinaBachauer'scontributions to the worldof music have beenimmeasurabfe. Not only was she a fine artist and true friend,butshe was also a personalinspiration to the thousands of personswhose livesshe touchedduring her long and illustriouscareer." John Giordano
Bruce Hungerford,pianist,Egyptologist, and photographer, was devotedto excellencein his own life. Throughouthis multi-facetedcareer, he endeavoredto share these qualitiesthroughhis prodigiousenergyand artistic expression.He servedthe Van CliburnCompetitionwith an unselfishenthusiasmthat will be missed.
G I NA B A C H A U E R(1 9 1 3 -1 9 7 6 )
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5th VAN GLIBURN COMPETITION PRELIMINARYSCREENINGPANEL 1977 VAN CLIBURN INTERNATIONALOUADRENNIALPIANO COMPETITION "The unprecedented192 applicationsreceived by the Co mp e t it ion on t he M ay 1 ,1 9 7 7 deadline reflected an extremely high levelof artistry.Our Artists AdvisoryCommitteewas able immediatelyto accept an obviously qualifiedgroupfrom the applications. A certainnumber obviouslynot qualiliedwere not accepted.For those remaining applicants,the decisionwas made to implementthe option as stated in the formalannouncementbrochure of the Competition.They werethen asked to audition for a special screeningpanel composedof six distinguishedmusicians.The screeningprocesswas established to insurethat no outstandingtalent was overlooked.This measurewas extremelyimportant,given the enormousscope and professional exposurethat the PrizeWinnersof this Comoetitionreceive." John Giordano C h a i rm anof t he J ur y The six distinguishedpanel memberswho participatedin these screeningauditionswere:
Schoolof Music. She conductsmaster classesthroughoutthe country,and has servedon many juries and as an adjudicator. She has just returnedfrom Europe,were she appearedwith Yehudi Menuhinat the GstaadFestivalin Switzerland.
A BR AMC H A STN S A protege of Josef Hofman at the Curtis Instituteof Music,Abram Chasins' performingcareer extendedfrom 1926 to 1946.He retiredfrom performing to become the musicaldirectorof WQXR in New York. He has won the PeabodyAward for music educationprojects,and has been a memberof the facultyat the CurtisInstitute and the BerkshireCenter.Mr. Chasinshas servedon many juries includingthe KosciuszkoFoundation's Chopin Prize, the Rachmaninoff Award and the LeventrittCompetition.He is currently musician-in-residence at the University of SouthernCalifornia'sSchoolof Music.
ABR AMCHA S I NS YURI KR A S NA P O LS K Y CONSTA NCEK E E NE AR IEL RUB S T E I N GITTA GRADOVA ABBEYS I M O N -"The Artists Advisory Committee reservesthe rightto . . . ask that applicantsappear for a screening auditionin a mutuallyagreeable location."
CONSTANCEKEENE A winnerof the 1943NaumburgAward as a teenager,ConstanceKeene has concertizedextensivelythroughoutthe UnitedStatesand Canada.She began her teachingcareerat the age of 17 when she was asked by Artur Rubinsteinto instruct his two youngchildren,and currently serves on the faculty of the Manhattan
Y U R I K R A S N A P OLS K Y Yuri Krasnapolskystudied piano at the Curtis Instituteunder lsabellaVengerova and at the JuilliardSchoolof Music with Jean Morel. He has been assistant conductorto Leonard Bernsteinand the New York Philharmonic,and conductorfor the Los AngelesCivic Opera,the Joffrey Balletand the Omaha Symphony Orchestra.Mr. Krasnapolskyhas guest conductedthe New YorkPhilharmonic,the Philadelphia Orchestra,the Baltimore SymphonyOrchestra and the Detroit Symphonyin this country,as well as the New Philharmoniaand BBC orchestrasin GreatBritain.He is currentlymusic director and conductorof the Des Moines Symphony.
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A R IE LR U B ST E I N A graduateof the Kiev Conservatory underPuchalsky,Ariel Rubsteincame to the United States at the reouestof ElizabethSpague Coolidgeto perform chambermusic.He remainedin the United Statesto become directorol the CommunityCenter Conservatoryof Music in New York. Later,in 1936, he moved to Portland,Oregon where he headed the PortlandSchool of Music, and established the PortlandOpera Association.He is currentlyan impresarioand head of CelebrityAttractionin Portland.
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GTTTAGRADOVA Gitta Gradovawas born in Chicagoof Russianparentage.She began her piano studies at age six with Louise Robin at the AmericanConservatory.She later studied at the ChicagoCollegeof Music with Maurice Aronson,who was broughtfrom Viennato work with her. At age 14 she continuedher studies in New Yorkwith the great pedagogue Sigusmund Stojowski. Her New York debut at age 19 consistedof two recitalstwo weeks apart, followedby a tour of the United States and Canada.Her first appearancewith the New YorkPhilharmonicwas in CarnegieHall in 1926,and her first appearancewith the ChicagoSymphonywas in 1927.ln1-934, she made her Europeandebut in Warsaw. followedby an extensiveconcert tour. Her musicallife has been deeply influencedby the close friendshipsof Serge Prokofiev,Sergei Rachmaninotf and Vladimir Horowitz.
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AB BE YSIMON A concertoianistwith an international career,Abbey Simon regularlyperforms in the capitolcitiesof the world.As a child prodigyhe was selectedat the age of eight to study with Josef Hofman at the Curtis Instituteof Music, and went on to win the NaumburgCompetitionat the age of 19. He currentlyperformsover 100 concerts per season and also recordsextensively.Mr. Simonhas 15 albumson the VOX label,as well as a soon to be releasedrecordingof the completeconcerti of Rachmaninoff.
Accompanyingthe chambermusic semi-finalphaseof the ClibumCompetition will be the TOKYO STRINGQUARTET,a remarkablegroupof young instrumentalists who literallyburst upon the musicalscene some five years ago when they won first prizeat the intemationallyrenowned MunichComoetition.Each of these attractiveyoung musicianswas trained at the famous Toho Music Academy in Tokyo.All have similarhistoriesin their earlytraining. The groupwas first inspiredto pursue a careerin the stringquartetworld by the formerfirst violistof the JuilliardString Quartet,RaphaelHil[er, when he andother membersof the JuilliardQuadetwere on thefacultyof a chambermusicworkshopin Nikko,Japan.Juilliardscholarshipswere offeredto the young musicians,followedby intensiveindividualst0dy with the finest possibleteachers.As a chamberensemble, the Quartetstudiedexclusivelywith RobertMann,currentlyfirst violinistof the JuilliardQuartet. Followingthe victory of the Tokyo StringQuartetin the MunichCompetition, requestsfor their services poured in from all over the continent.and Deutsche Grammophonoffered them a contract tor a seriesof recordings.Sincethen, the successand fame of the Quartet has become legendary.Each season these youngmusiciansappearin more than 100 key cities all over the world.
Koichiro Harada - Violin Kikuei fkeda-Violin Kazuhide lsomura- Viola Sadao Harada - Violoncello
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The FORT WORTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA is widely recognized as one of the most progressive and active orchestras in the United States. Under the direction of its young and aggressive Music Director and Conductor John Giordano, who also serves as Chairman of the Jury for the Cliburn Competition, it has grown immensely in musical stature and service to the community. It has been a guiding force in bringing music to the people of the large metropolitan area it serves, and it is credited with expanding the musical horizons of tens of thousands of people in the north Texas area. The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra has won critical acclaim over the years for its imaginative and creative programming and, as a result, enjoys an enthusiastic and dedicated following. Playing to standing-room-only audiences for its subscription concert series, this major performing arts ensemble is now in its 52nd year of service to the greater Fort Worth area. The TEXAS LITTLE SYMPHONY was established in 1976 by its Music Director and Conductor John Giordano. The musicians comprising its membership are virtuoso performers, all of whom have been brought together to form this classical size orchestra which has already established itself as a formidable and unique addition to the musical productivity of the southwestern United States. It is the only such unit in the Southwest to have been created to serve audiences of various sizes and diverse musical interests. Plans are currently being developed for nationwide touring by this orchestra as well as the production of recordings by leading record companies. The Van Cliburn International Quadrennial Piano Competition is pleased to be able to present this outstanding orchestral unit as the accompanying vehicle for the Mozart Concertos in the Finals phase of the 1977 Competition.
Musical Director and Conductor, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
VAN CLIBURN Piano Soloist
The eminent Americancomposer SAMUETBARBERwas commissioned to compose the Ballade to be performed in the semi-finalphase of the 1977 Van CliburnInternational QuadrennialPiano Competition.Barber thus adds another importantwork to a sizeablecatalogueof compositions,includingseveral for the keyboard.One of Samuel Barber's most importantand often-performedworks, his Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, was also commissioned,by his publisher, G. Schirmer,Inc., in recognitionof its centennialanniversaryin 1963. One of the leadingcomposersof this generation,Mr. Barber has written a numberof commissionedworks for some of the world's leading artists and most prestigiouspeformingorganizations.He was commissionedin 1964 to write an opera for the opening of the new MetropolitanOpera House in Lincoln Center for the PerformingArts in New YorkCity. For this importantoccasion,he chose as his subject Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. with a production designedand directedby FrancoZeffirelli. His many prizes and awards include two PulitzerPrizes - one in 1958 for his opera Vanessa,which was produced by the MetropolitanOpera and a second for the Piano Concertoof 1963. The Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc., sponsoringorganizationof the Cliburn Competition,is pleasedto continue its traditionof commissioningan American composerto provideone of the required selectionsfor the Competition.Other Americansthus recognized,togetherwith their compositions,are as follows: 1962 - Lee Hoiby Capriccio on Five Notes 1966 - Willard StraightStructure for Piano 1969- NormanDelloJoio Capriccio on the lnterval of a Second 1973 - Aaron CoplandNight Thoughts (Homage to lves) The commissionedwork for the 1977 Van Cliburn Competitionwas made possibleby a grant from Mrs. J. Lee Johnson, lll in honor of her mother, Mrs. Nenetta Burton Carter.
FREDEBIC.MARGEL AGUESSY Age: 21 France Address: 13, Parc De LAbbaye 91330.Yerres.France First So/o Appearance: Age 6, Concert for First Prize in "Realm of Theatre,Paris Music,"Champs-Elysees Scho/arshrpsand Awards: given pupilsof "Cyclede Scholarship Perfection-ment"of the NationalSuperior Conservatoryof Music, Paris '76 "Liszt-Bartok"Competition- 2nd '74 "A. Casella'Comoetition- 2nd '74 Geneva InternationalMusic Competition2nd & Gold Medal Teachers: '74:77 DominioueMerlet '73:74 Pierre Barbizet '72:73 YvonneLefebure '68-72 Moniouede la Bruchollerie '60.68 JacquelineEvstigneef-Roy
Pa rti taN o . 1 i n B b Maj or S o n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. . .. Balladein G Minor.Oo. 23 Transcendental Etude No. 5 "Feux follets"
Sonatain C Major,K. 309 Fantasyin C Major,Op. 15 From Le Tombeaude Couperin Prelude- Forlane- Toccata
RECITAL Ballade So n a ta i n B M inor Le Tombeaude Couperin
1 rffil Schoo/s: CentreNationalde Tele-Enseignement Universitvof Paris - Sorbonne ConservitoireNationalSuperieurde Musique de Paris Frederic-MarcelAguessy made his first professionalappearancein Paris at 17 years of aoe in a recordedrecital at Maison de "Hadio-France." His officialdebut was made at WigmoreHall, London,in 1976.He has appearedin concert and recital in France, Hungaryand Belgium,with programsrecorded and televised.He is single, speaks French and Englishand lists his interestsas reading, painting,music and swimming.
. . . . . Bach . . Beet hoven . Chopin . . . Liszt
.. Mozart Schubert .. .. . Ravel
. . . . . Bar ber . . . . . Liszt . .. . Ravel
C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n Eb Maj or,Op. 44
. .. . Schum ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
Mozart . . TchaikovskY
GREGORYDEAN ALLEN Age: 28 UnitedStates Address: 2116West EleventhStreet Austin,Texas 78703 Firsf So/o Appearance: Age 13, full solo recital,Alamogordo,New Mexico Scho/arshlps and Awatds: Four-yearScholarshipat Oberlin College '70:71 Kate Neal KinleyMemorialFellowship, Universityof lllinois '66 & '67 San Diego Musical Merit Foundation -
'67 '69
La Jolla Civic OrchestraYoungArtist - 1s t SouthwestYouthMusic Festival2nd YoungMusiciansFoundation,Los Angeles- 1st
'63-66 FlorenceStephenson '61-63 DorothyShoup Schoo/s: PeabodyConservatory Music Academvof the West OberlinCollegd Born in Cheyenne,Wyoming,GregoryAllen has performedin recital and concert in California, Maryland,Washington,New York,lllinoisand Texas. He is on the statf of the Music Departmentat the Universityof Texas, Austin. He has toured the United States and Canada withviolinistMasukoUshioda,has accompanied voice, string and wind recitalsthroughoutthe UnitedStates and has oerformedwith the Oberlin,Akron and AnnapolisSymphoniesas bassoonist.He is singleand speaksGerman.
Teachers: '70:72 Leon Fleisher '71 (summer)JeromeLowenthal '66-'70 John Perrv
P a rti taN o . 4 i n D Maj or So n a tai n E b M a j or,Op. 27, N o. 1 Ba l l a d ei n F M i n o r,Op. 52 N o. 2 " C hasse-nei ge" T ra n s c e n d e n ta Etude l
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 So n a tai n B Mi n o r Va ri a ti o n s
RECITAL B a g a te l l ei n G Mi n or,Op. 119,N o. 1 Bagatellein C Major,Op. 33, No. 2 . Rondo a Capriccioin G Major,Op. 129 N o c tu rn eN o . 1 1 i n F# Mi nor,Op. 104,N o. 1 . B a rc a ro l l e N o . 5 i n F# Mi nor,Op. 66 ScherzofromAMidsummerNight'sDream Ballade Sonata No. 6 in A Major,Op. 82 C H A M BE RM U S I C Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in G Minor
. .. .. . Bach .. .. . B eet hoven .. ChoPin . .. .. . . . Liszt
. Mozart .. . . . Liszt .. Copland
... B eet hoven ... Beethoven . Beethoven ...... Faur e .. .. . . . Faur e ....Mendelssohn-Rachmaninoff ... .. . Bar ber .. Prokofiev
. Brahms
Mozart . ... .. Pr okof iev
LYDIA TAMARA ARTYMIW UnitedStates Address.' 100 Walker Street Cambridge,Massachusetts02 138
Age: 23
Permanent Address.' 950 Hartel Avenue Pennsylvania 19111 Philadelphia, Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 5, recital program,UkrainianMusic Club, Philadelphia Scho/arshrpsand Awards.'75-76 KatchenScholarship- full scholarship aid to Philadelphia Collegeof PerformingArts for lessonswith Gary Graffman '72 Chopin KosciuskoFoundation, Comoetition- 1st '69 YoungPianistsChopin Competition1s t '63, '64, '69 PhiladelphiaOrchestraYouth Auditions- 1st
Teachers: '67:77 Gary Gratlman '62:67 Frcda Pastor Berkowitz '58-61 GeorgeOransky Schoo/s; StevensSchool,Philadelphia Philadelphia Collegeof PerformingArts Born in Philadelphia,Lydia Artymiw made her first professionalpublic appearanceat age eight with the PhiladelphiaOrchestraat the Academy as winnerof children's of Music,Philadelphia, auditions.She made her New Yorkdebut in 1974 at the MetropolitanMuseum, and her Chicago debut at OrchestraHall in 1975. She has appearedin recital and concert in Connecticut, Pennsylvania,Massachusetts,New Jersey, Californiaand Florida.She is married,speaks Ukrainian,German,Frenchand Englishand is interestedin writing programnotes, reading,and Ukrainianembroidery.
Pa rti taN o . 2 in C Mi nor S o n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. ... Balladein Ab Major,Op. 47 E tu d ei n A Mi nor,Op. 25, N o. 11 .
Sonatain D Major,K. 311 . Sonatain A Minor,Op.42 SonataNo. 2 in D Minor,Op. 14
RECITAL So n a tai n F # Maj or,Op. 78 F a n ta s i e s tu cke, Op. 12 .... Ba l l a d e Fantasyin F# Minor,Op. 28 Polonaisein F# Minor,Op. 44
.. . . Beet hoven . . . . Schum ann . . . . . Bar ber . Mendelssohn . .. . . Chopin
C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin Eb Malor,Op. 44
. .. . Schumann
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in C Minor
Mozart .. Rachmaninoff
. . . . . . Bach . . Beet hoven ChoPin . . Chopin
.. Mozart Schubert .. Prokofiev
JAMES ANGELO BARBAGALLO United States Age: 24 Address; 312 W. 92nd Street,#2B New York,New York 10025 Permanent Address: 948 Oakes Boulevard San Leandro,California94577 First So/o Appearance: Age 16,TrutnerMemorialConcert,Collegeof the Holy Names Symphony,Oakland, California Scho/arships and Awards: '76 NationalArts Club Scholarshipand Lado, Inc. Scholarship '76 Olga SamaroffPrize,Juilliard '75 Full Scholarship, Juilliard '74 llva Atlas & Mark Asarow Memorial Prize,Juilliard '72-'74 JuilliardScholarship Scholarship to High School '77 PortlandYoungArtists Competition1s t '74 JuilliardConcertoComoetition- 1st '7O San FranciscoSymphonyYoungArtists Comoetition- 1st
Teachers: '72SaschaGorodnitzki '70-72 JulianWhite '65170 James Beail Schoo/s: BishopO'Dowd High School CaliforniaState Universityat Hayward The JuilliardSchool James Barbagallomade his first professional public appearanceat 19 years of age in San Franciscoin the Norman FrommConcert Series. He has appearedin New York and Maine in concertand recital.He is singleand enjoys swimmingand reading.
F re n c hS u i teN o . 3 i n B Mi nor So n a tai n C Ma j o r Op. , 2, N o. 3 .. .. . Scherzoin B Minor,Op. 20 E tu d e -T a b l e ai u n A Mi nor,Op. 39, N o. 6.
Sonatain Bb Major,K.57O So n a taN o . 2 i n G M i nor,Op.22 Alboradadel gracioso lrom Miroirs
RECITAL So n a tai n D Ma j o r F o u r P re l u d e s .... . Ondine La ouertadel vino La Terrassedes audiencesdu clair de lune GeneralLavine-eccentric Ballade SonataNo. 2 in G Minor,Op.22 C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n F Mi n o r
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
. .. .. . . Bach . . B eet hoven . Chopin .. . R achm aninof f
. Mozart S chum ann .. Ravel
.. . Haydn Debussv
.. .. . Bar ber Schumann
. .. Fr anck
Mozart . Rachmaninoff
JULIE IREIIE BEES Age: 24 United States Address.' Auhofstrasse126/15 Austria 113o-Vienna, Pemanent Address.' 2946 Zuercher Road Dahon.Ohio 4,1618 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 9, scholarshipstudentrecital,Coral Gables, FlorkJa Scho/arshlpsand Aw ards: '72 LouisUnger Scholarship '71&'72 Music Academyof the West '70:74 Joseph E. Maddy Scholarshipto Peabody Conservatory '7O Van Cliburn Piano Scholarshioto NationalMusic Camp, Interlochen '75 InternationalPiano Recording Comoetition- lrl AllisonGrand Prize '71 WilliamS. Boyd NationalCompetition - 1st
Teachers: '76-77 Noel Flores '75 Dieter Weber '70:74 Leon Fleisher '68-70 Alfred Mouledous '62-'68 Peggy NeighborsErwin Schoo/s; Hockaday School, Dallas PeabodyConservatory,Baltimore Hochschulefur Musik, Vienna .
Born in Miami, Florida,Julie Bees has been winning scholarshipsfor study here and abroad since1962.She has appearedwith the Music Academyof the West Symphonyin Santa Barbaraand the Augusta Symphonyin Georgia as well as in recital in Vienna.She [s married, speaksGerman and enjoys bridge,reading, and raising African violets.
En g l i s hSu i t e,N o. 2 i n A Mi nor So n a tai n D Maj or,Op. 10, N o. 3 . Balladein F Minor,Op.52 Etude-Tableau in C Major,Op. 33, No. 2.
Sonatain C Malor,K. 330 Kre i s l e ri a na, Op. 16 Sonata No. 4 in F# Major,Op. 30
... Mozart . . . . . Schum ann .. Scriabin
RECITAL K re i s l e ri a n Op. a, 16 Ballade Sonata No. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84
.. . . . Schum ann . . . . . . Bar be . Prokofiev
CHAMBERMUSIC Q u i n te ti n E b Maj or,Op. 44
.. . . . Schum ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor
. . . . . . . Bach ... . . . Beet hove .. Chopin .... Rachmanino
. Mozart .. . Chooin
1 !TF'I
RICHARD CALVIN BISHOP Age: 24 UnitedStates Address; 600 Rodeo Road Fullerton,California92635 First So/o Appearance: 28, Universityof Age 15, KCET-Channel SouthernCaliforniaSpecial Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '77 MTNA NationalCollegiateCompetition1st '75 OrangeCountyYoungMusicians- 1st '75 MusicTeachersAssociationof California1s t '74 Mf AC Solo ComDetition - 1st
Schoo/s; SunnyHills High School Universityof SouthernCalifornia,Los Angeles CaliforniaState University,Fullerton RichardBishop,born in Los Angeles,has appearedin recital and concert in California. A prizewinner and finalistin many piano competitions, his interestsincludetennis, readingand skiing.
Teachers: '73EarleVoorhies '70:73 BernardoSegall '7O John Crown '67-'70 Nancy Bricard '59-'66 LouiseFoss
Pa rti taN o . 6 i n E Mi nor S o n a tai n D M i n or,Op. 31, N o. 2 . Balladein F Minor.Oo. 52 Etu d e -T a b l e aiun E b Mi nor,Op. 39, N o. 5 .. . .
Sonatain F Major,K.280 F a n ta s i ai n C . Oo . 15 . .. Es ta m p e s
RECITAL So n a taN o . 4 8 i n C Maj or Ballade Barcarolle,Op. 60 SonataNo. 6 in A Major,Op. 82
.. . . . . Bach ..... Beet hoven . . Chooin .. . .. R ach m aninof f
. . Mozart . Schuber t . Debussy
.. . Haydn ..... Bar ber . . Chopin . Prokofiev
C H A M BE RM U S I C Qu i n te ti n Eb Ma j o r,Op. 44
. .. . S chum ann
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 C o n c e rtoN o .2 i n C Mi nor
Mozart .. R ach m aninof f
WILLTAM DAVID BLACK UnitedStates Address: 140 W. 70th Street,Apt. 4F New York,New York 10023
Age: 25
PermanentAddress: 7023 Midbury Drive Dallas,Texas 75230 F,?st So/o Appearance: Age 11, solo recital,Dallas,Texas Scho/arshlps and Awards: '76 Mason & Hamlin Scholarship Fellowship,Yale University Morris Loeb Award from Juilliard Pi Kappa Lambda, honorarymusic society
Schoo/s; St. Mark's School of Texas OberlinCollege The JuilliardSchool
William Black was born in Dallas,Texas. He made his tirst professionalpublic appearanc with the Wichita Falls Orchestraas winner o TexomaYoungArtists Competition.He made formaldebut at Carnegie RecitalHall, New Y< in'1977.A prizewinnerin ConcertArtists Guik DealeyCompetitions,he has appeared as soloistwith Texas orchestrasand in recital ir New York and New Jersey.Mr. Black is singl and speaks French and German. He is interestedin gourmet cooking and literature.
Teachers: '76BeveridgeWebster '74-'76 Rosina Lhevinne& Martin Canin '74 Emil Danenberg '70-73 Arthur Dann '66-'70 Bomar Cramer
F re n c hS u i teN o. 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .... . Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etude in C Minor,Op. 10, No. 12 .
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 333 S o n a tai n F Mi nor,Op. 5. lmprovisations on HungarianFolksongs,Op. 20
RECITAL Sonata in G Major,Op. 37, No. 2 . So n a tai n F Mi nor,Op. 57 Ba l l a d e T w o P re l udes.B ook l l ..... La Terrassedes audiencesdu clair du lune Feux d'artifice U l s l ej o y e use CHAMBER MUSIC Qu i n te ti n E b Maj or,Op.44
C o n c e rtoin D Mi nor,K . 466 ConcertoNo. 2 in C Minor
. . . . . . . Bac . . Beet hov .. Chop .. Chop
. Moza . . Br ahn ... Bartc
Clemen .. . . . . Beet hov . . . . . Bar b . . . . . . Debus
. . . . . Debus
. . . . Schum a
. . . . . . . M oza ... Rachmanin
1 lrFil
Age: 28
The Gate House,Turkey Street BullsCross,Enfield Middlesex,England First SoloAppearance: BirminghamTV Age 13,solo performance, Studios ps and Awards: Scholarshi '77 Shinn Fellow,RoyalAcademyof Music '72:74 Countessof MunsterScholarshioto Royal Academy,London '70: 72 Soviet Ministry-BritishCouncil Scholarshipto Leningrad '65-70 RothschildScholarship to Royal ManchesterCollege '74 CasellaCompetition- 1st '74 Clara HaskilMozartPrize- 1st '68 Britishand Commonwealth Comoetition - 1s t Teachers: '65:70,'72:74 GordonGreen '70:72 Moysey Halfin
Schoo/s: The King'sSchool,Macclesfield RoyalManchesterCollegeof Music LeningradState Conservatory RoyalAcademyof Music,London Bornin Cheshire,England,ChristianBlackshaw publicappearanceal made his firstprofessional recitalat the Camden age 20 in a prizewinner's Festival,London.He made his formaldebut in Londonin 1974.He has appearedthroughout Englandin concertand recitaland has also performedin Germanyand ltaly.He is single, speaksEnglish,Russianand ltalian,and is interestedin reading,gardeningand conversation.
F re n c hS u i teN o .5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n D Ma j o l Op. 10, N o. 3 . Ba l l a d ei n F M i n o r,Op. 52 Etu d ei n D # M i n o r,Op. 8, N o. 12 ....
....... Bach .. . .. B eet hoven .. Chopin . . . . Scr iabin
Sonata in C Major,K. 330 H u mo re s k eO, p . 2 0 S o n a ta(1 9 2 6 ) .
.. Mozart .... . S chum ann .. .. . Bar t ok
RECITAL T o c c a tai n D M a l o r Prelude,choralet fugue . Ba l l a d e Sonata No. 7 in Bb Major,Op. 83
ti 't I
C H AMB ERM U S IC Q u i n te ti n F Mi n o r
. . . Bach . .. Franck .. .. . Bar ber . Prokofiev
.. . Fr anck
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 2 in Bb Maior
Mozart Brahms
rt rff
BORIS BLOCH Age: 26 UnitedStates Addl'essi 225 Cenral Park West New York,New York 10024 First So/o Appearance: Age 7, class recital,Odessa'sHoldarskySchool, U. S. S. R. Scho/arshlps and Awatds: BosendorferScholarship,Vienna JuilliardScholarship '75 Jaen Piano Competition '75 Viotti Competition,ltaly lsrael,Silver ArthurRubinsteinCompetition, Medal Teachers: '76SaschaGorodnitski '74175 DieterWeber '7O:74 Dmiti Bashkirov '68-70 TatianaNicolaeva '58-68 EleanoraLevinson
Frenchsuite No' 1 in D Minor So n a tai n D M aj or,Op. 10, N o. 3 . B a l l a d ei n F M i nor.Oo.52 E tu d ei n F Maj or,Op. 10, N o. 8 .
S o n a tai n C Mi nor,K .457 SonataNo. 2 in G Minor,Op.22 4 ...... . F o u rPi e c e s Oo.
RECITAL Thirty{wo Variationsin C Minor Sonatain B Minor,oP' 58 Ballade R h a p s o d i eE spagnol e C H AMB ERM U S IC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
Concertoin D Minot K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Maior
Schoo/s; SpecialMusic School,Odessa,U.S.S.R. TchaikovskyState Conservatory,Moscow The JuilliardSchool Bornin Odessa,Russia,BorisBlochcame to thit country in 1974. He made his first professional publicappearanceat age 16 as soloistwith the OdessaSymphonyOrchestra.He made his formaldebut at the 92nd Street Y, New York,itt 1976.A prizewinnerin majorinternational competitions,he has appeared in concert recital in Europe and the United States. He is singleand is interestedin opera,swimming, traveling,and languages.He speaks Russian, Ukrainian,English,German,and some French and l tal i an.
BachPR .. .. . Beet hoven . ' ChoPin . . . Chopin
" M ozar PR Schumanr Prokofier
SEI Beethovet ' ' choPir . '. '. Bar bet . '. . . . '. Lis/
. Dvoral
.. . . . . . M ozar ,. TchaikovskF;
Age: 21 UnitedStates Address: 3245 Pefty Avenue Bronx,New York10467 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, PTA Recital,PublicSchool56, Bronx, New York Scho/arshrpsand Awards: New York State Regents Scholarship from Juilliard UFT Scholarshio Josef LhevinneScholarshio '76 WilliamS. Boyd Competition- 1st '76 BusoniInternational Comoetition- Finalist '76 MontrealInternational Competition- 6th Teachers: '73Howard Aibel '73.76 RosinaLhevinne '65-73 Edgar Roberts
his al ne in rno rd tl
ch en ) in )rn
1 rffil
ll :art PRELIMINARY/PHASE lnn iiev
SEMI.FINAL /en rpin ber iszt
P a rti taN o . 4 i n D M aj or So n a tai n D Ma j o r,Op. 10, N o. 3 . Balladein F Major,Op. 38 Transcendental Etude,No. 5 "Feux follets"
Sonatain D Major,K. 311 . S o n a tai n B M i n o r Ondine from Gaspard de la nuit . . .
Schoo/s: BronxHigh Schoolof Science The JuilliardSchool Born in New York City, Michael Blum made his first protessionalpublic appearanceat age 14 in ForestHills. New York. in a recital. He has appearedin concert and recital in New York, Georgia,New Jersey and Canada. He is single, speaks French and is interestedin chess and backgammon.
.. .. . . Bach .. . . . B ee t hoven . . Chopin .. . Liszt
.. Mozart . .. . . Liszt . . Ravel
RECITAL S o n a tai n F # M i n o r,Op. 26, N o. 2. So n a tai n B Mi n o r,Op. 58 Ballade R o m a n c ei n F # Maj or,Op. 28 lslamey
. .. .. . Clem ent i .. Chopin .....Bar ber .. S chum ann .. . B alakir ev
C H A M BE RM U S IC Qu i n te ti n E b M a j o l Op. 44
... . S chum ann
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
Mozart ... Tchaikovskv
zarl 'SKY FNAL
1, rffili,
DANIEL BLUMENTHAL Age: 24 UnitedStates Address; 200 W. 70th Street, Apt. gLl New York,New York 10023 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 10,conservatoryhonorsrecital,Kansas.City Scho/arshlps and Awards: Scholarshipsfor study at Universityof Michigan and The JuilliardSchool;StanleyMedal, Universityof Michigan '77 North CarolinaSymphonyCompetition'Ist DealeyAwards and PortlandSymphony OrchestraCompetitions- 3rd Sydney InternationalPiano Comoetition- 7th '76 NationalArts Club - Erin and DouglasWay Awardsfor Pianists- 1st Teachers: '75Joset Raieff '74:75 Jean Fassina '73:74 Charles Fisher '70-73 Mrs. MarianOwen '66.70 CharlesCrowder
Schoo/s: Universityof Michigan The JuilliardSchool Ecole Normalede Musique, Paris AcademieInternationale,Nice RestonMusic Center AmericanUniversityPreparatoryDivision Born in Germanywhile his father was statione with the U.S. military,DanielBlumenthalbegar music studiesat age five in Paris. He has toure extensivelyin France, Germany and the Unite( States,and has made several recordingsof Brahms and Dvorak. His interestsinclude reading,swimming,medieval history,and traveling.He also speaks French.
Pa rti taN o .' l i n B b Maj or Sonatain D Major,Op. 10, No. 3 . Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
Sonata in D Major,K. 576 S o n a tai n B Mi nor,Op. 58 Alboradadel gracioso from Miroirs
RECTTAL S o n a tai n A Fl at Maj or,Op. 110 ... Sonatain B Minor,Op. 58 Ba l l a d e l s l a me y
SE .. . . Beet hove .. Chopi . . . . . Bar br . . . Balakir e
C H A M BE RM U S IC Qu i n te ti n E b Maj or,Op. 44
. . . . Schum ar
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K . 488 C o n c e rtoN o. 3 i n C Maj or
. . . . . . . M oza ... . . . Pr okof ie
. . . . . BacP .. . .. Beethovet . Chopi . Chopit
.. MozaPR . . Chopi .. Ravt
-t I 1, TI
1 rffil
rneo gan rred ited
UnitedStates Age: 26 Address: 216 West Hudson Street Long Beach,New York l1561 First So/o Appearance: Age 10, Long BeachPublicLibrary,Concert Series ps and Awards: Scholarshi '68 RobbinAward,BrownMusicFoundation of New York '70 YoungArtists Award, Five Towns Music & Art Foundation '66-'68 HonoraryScholarship, The Juilliard SchoolPre-CollegeDivision '75 WashingtonlnternationalCompetition - Srd '73 New York Federationof Music Clubs1s t '72 Piano TeachersCongressof New York - 2nd
iA C h PR EL IM I NA RY / P HA S EI rVen opin c p in
P a rti taN o . 1 i n Bb Maj or So n a tai n C Ma j o r Op. , 2, N o. 3 .. .. . Ba l l a d ei n F M i n o r,Op. 52 Etude No. 1 "Pour les cinq doigts"
Sonata in C Minor,K. 457 C a rn a v a l Op , .9 . l ma g e s(S e t l ) .
opl n avel
SEMI.FINAL )ven ro pin trDer < i r ev
la nn
RECITAL Pa rti taN o . 1 i n Bb Maj or Ba l l a d e From the Ballet,Fomeo and Juilet,Op. 75 The Montaguesand Capulets Romeo and Juliet beforeParting Variationsand Fugueon a Theme b y H a n d e l ,O p.24
Teachers: '73Carl Schachter '68-'73 MieczyslawMunz '64168 Anne Hull '58-'64 BernardFrank Schoo/s: Long Beach High School The JuilliardSchool Born in New York,MichaelBoriskinmade his formaldebut in London'sWigmoreHall. He has appearedon regular concert series broadcasts in New Yorkand Pennsylvania. His interests includereading,cinema,historyand botany.He is marriedand also soeaksFrench.
. .. . . Bach .. B eet hoven .. Chopin Debussy
.. Mozart S c hum ann .. . Debussy
.. .. . Bach ..... Bar ber .. .. . Prokofiev
.. .. Br ahm s
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozart . Brahms
',Zafi lfiev
1 rffi]
MICHAEL JAMES GALDWELL Age: 27 UnitedStates Address: P.O. Box 9724 HollinsCollege,Yirginia2402O Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 13, recital,A&T State University Scho/arshrpsand Awards: of Miami- full academicscholarship Universitv studentof VladimirAshkenazy Scholarship Ford/MellonGrant to attend Aspen Festival '76 G. B. Dealey Awards - 1st '67 NorthCarolinaWomen'sClub Competition - 1st '66 Omega Talent Hunt Competition- 1st
Schoo/s: FayettevilleSenior High, Fayetteville, NorthCarolina Universityof Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Bornin NorthCarolina,MichaelCaldwellmade his first professionalpublic appearanceat 20 vears ot aqe with Arthur Fiedler at the Marine Stadiumin Miami.He made his formaldebut at GusmanConcertHall in CoralGables.He has appearedas soloist with the Dallas Symphony aird in recital in Virginiaand at Aspen. He is married,speaks French and Spanish and is interestedin art movies, Russian literature, billiards,antiquecollecting,operaand horseback riding.
Teachers: '76Dr. Bela Nagy '76 (summeONeaneaneDowis '75-'76 FernandoLaires '71-73 lvan Davis (summer)VladimirAshkenazy '67
F re n c hS u i teN o. 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n D Maj or,Op. 28 Balladein F Maior,Op. 38 P a g a n i nEtu i deN o. 6 i n A Mi nor
Sonatain C Major,K. 330 .. Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35 Sonata No. 7 in Bb Major,Op. 83
RECITAL Fantasyin C Major,Op. 15 SonataNo. 7 in Bb Major,OP. 83 T h re eT o n e Pi ctures,Op. 5 . Ballade
C H AMB ERM U S IC Q u i n te ti n E b Mal or,Op. 44
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K .488 ConcertoNo. 2 in A Maior
'. . . . . . Bach .. .. . Beet hoven '. ChoPin . . . '. Liszl
Mozarl P . ChoPin . Prokofiev
S Schubei .... . . Pr okof iel ... '. . . G r if les Barber
. . '. Schum ant
" "'"
M ozar l .. . ' Lisz
JEFFREYLEON CAMPBELL UnitedStates Age: 2'l Address; 1022 Tafiyall Dtive Dallas,Texas 75224 First So/o Appearance: Age 5, studentrecital Scho/arshrpsand Awards: AllisonCompetitiveScholarship NorthTexas State UniversityScholarship '76 Ravel FoundationScholarshipfor study abroad '76 NationalYoungArtists Competition, Midland,Texas - 1st '76 AmarilloSymphonyCompetition- 1st '75 TMTA State Piano Auditions- lst SouthCentralDivisionalPianoAuditions, MTNA - 1st MTNA NationalYoungCollegianArtists Competition; Hemphill-WellsAward Teachers: '75:77 Larry Walz '60:77 CarclynJones Campbell '73-75 John Perry '70:73 Dr. Paul Van Katwijk
20 ine 'ut
has ony is s
iach ven )pin
P a rti taN o . 1 i n Bb Maj or So n a tai n Bb Ma j o r,Op.22 Balladein F Major,Op. 38 Etude-Tableau in C Minor,Op. 39, No. 1 .
So n a ta i n F Ma j o r,K 332. Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35 l ma g e s(Se t l l )
RECITAL Thirty-twoVariationsin C Minor. Sonata in Bb Minor,Op. 35 F a n ta s i e nO , p. 116 Caoriccioin D Minor Intermezzoin E Major Capriccioin D Minor T o c a tta ,Op .7 . P a r l u i to u t a e te fai t from .. Sur l'Enfant Jesus Ba l l a d e
zatl cpin rfiev
zarl Liszt
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n Eb Ma j o l Op. 44
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in A Maior
1 rFfr? Schoo/s-' J.E KimballHigh School Universityof Texas, Austin NorthTexas State UniversitySchool of Music Born in Dallas,Jeffrey Campbellhas performed with orchestraand in recitallhroughoutthe UnitedStates. He was presentedin a solo performanceon televisionin France and also pertormedwith the CapitolOrchestraof Toulouse.He is single, enioys reading,tennis, ceramics,sculpture,and astronomyand has studiedGerman and French.
... . . Bach ... . B e et hoven .. Chopin ... Rachmaninoff
.. M ozar t . Chopin .. .. Debussy
Beethoven . Chopin . Br ahm s
.S ch um ann ..... Messiaen . .. .. Bar ber
. .. . S c hum ann
Mozarl . .. . Liszt 57
PI.HSIEN GHEN Age: 26 Germany Address: 5067 Kurten Oldorf 8 Germany Firsl So/o Appearance: Age 5, Children'sConcert,Taipei,Taiwan Scho/arshlps and Award s: '77 SchonbergCompetition- 1st '72 Badio-Munich Competition- 1st '72 QueenElisabeth,Belgium- 12th Teachers: '71-'75 Hans Leygraf '61-'70 Hans-OttoSchmidl Schoo/s; Hochschule fur Musik
Bornin Taipei,Pi-HsienChen made her first professionalpublic appearancein a concertin Munich.Her formal orizewinner's debut took place in Cologne at age 19. She has oerformedas soloistwith orchestrasin the Netherlands,Germany,Switzerland,and Luxembourg.She is married and speaks German.
P a rti taN o . 4 i n D Maj or So n a tai n G M aj ol Op. 31, N o. 1 Scherzoin E Major,Op. 54 Transcendental EtudeNo. 5 "Feux follets"
. . . . . . Bach PI ..... . Beet hoven . ChoPin .. . LisZ
S o n a tai n Bb M aj or,K .281 . Sonatain C Minor.Oo. Posth. Su i te ,O p . 2 5 . ...
.. . . . . . M ozar l PI .. . Schuberl .... . Schoenber g
RECITAL S o n a tai n Bb Maj or,K .281 . Ga s o a rdd e l a N ui t "Apres une lecturedu Dante," fa n ta s i aq uasisonata Ballade C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
SI .. . . . . . M ozai . . . Ravel . . . . Liszl . . . . . Bar ber
. Brahmt
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor .
.... . . . M ozai . Chopin
JOSECARLOS COCARELLI Age: 18 B'azil Address: Rua Marquesde Abrantes,115/1303 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 10, recital,MunicipalTheatre, Rio de Janeiro Scholarshipsand Awards: Scholarship,Sao Bento College '74 Pro Arte Comoetition- 1st '72 Brazil150 ComDetition- 1st '71 LorcnzoFernanderComoetition- 1st Teachers: '65Judith M. Cruz Cocarelli '70172 JacouesKlein '69-'70 Bruno Seidlhofer '72 Magda Tagliaferro '72 Miguel Proenca
Schoo/s: Sao Bento College Rio de Janeiro Music University Born in Brazil,Jose Cocarellibegan piano studiesat age six with his motherwith whom he still studies.He began winning prizes and competitionsat age nine and has appeared in concert and recital throughoutBrazil. He is singleand speaksEnglish,Frenchand Portuguese.
F re n c hSu i teN o . 4 in E b Maj or. So n a tai n D Ma j o r,Op. 28 S c h e rz oi n C # M i n or,Op. 39 Etude in F Major,Op. 10, No. 8 .
..... Bach ..... B ee t hoven ...... Chopin .. . Chopin
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 Sonata No. 2 in G Minor,Op.22 S u i te" P o u rl e P i a n o"
.. Mozart Schumann . .. .. Debussy
RECITAL Ballade Thirty{wo Variations Sonatain B Minor,Op. 58 Sonata No. 4 in C Minor,Op. 29
..... Bar ber ... . Beethoven .. Chopin . Prokofiev
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
. Dvorak
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozart . Brahms
1 rF
VLADIIIIR GONTA Age:23 Romania Address: 51 Bis rue JacquesDalphinc/o Claudet 1227 Carcuge,Geneva, Switzerland Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 10, NationalYouthCompetition,Bucharest, Romania Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '69 Geneva Conservatory,scholarship '71 Scholarshipsfor summerstudy in Salzbourg, Austria and TaorminaFestival,ltaly '73 Katia PopovaMusic Festival,Bulgaria - 1st '69 Taormina(ltaly) - 1st '64 &'69 NationalRomanianCompetition- 1st
F re n c hSui teN o. 2 i n C Mi nor S o n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. . .. S c h e rz oi n B b Mi nor.Oo. 31 . E tu d ei n B Mi nor,Op. 25, N o. ' 10
Sonatain A Major,K. 331 . Fantasyin C Major,Op. 15 Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka
RECITAL Ki n d e rs c e nen, Op. 15 Ba l l a d e Picturesfrom an Exhibition C H A M BE RMU S IC Quintetin F Minor.Oo. 34
Born in Arad. Romania.VladimirConta made i n '1 9 6 7w appearancein'1967 first professional.public the BucharestRadio Orchestra.He made his formal debut in Bucharestin 1969. He has performedthroughoutEurope and in the USS as soloistwith symphony orchestrasin conce and on radio. He is married, speaks Romania French,ltalian,Englishand Hungarianand is interestedin orchestraconducting.
Teachers: '77Eduardo Vercelli '71-75 LouisHiltbrand '69 (summer)Carlo Zecchi '66-71 LudmilaPopisteanu
Schoo/s.' G. Enesco School of Music, Bucharest Geneva Conservatoryof Music
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K . 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
. . . . . . . Bac . . Beet hove . . . . . . Choo . . . Chop
.Moza Schube ... . Stravinsk
. . . Schum an . . . . . Bar be . .. . Mussorgs
. Brahm
. . . . . . . M oza . Brahm
LYNNE COOPER Age: 27 South Africa Address: 89 Cadogan Place LondonSW1,England Flrst So/o Appearcnce: Age 4, school concert Scho/arshrpsand Aw ard s: '74 Scholarshipawarded for post-graduate study by the Royal Collegeof Music The ChappellGold Medal - highestaward for pianists,Royal Collegeof Music The Peter MorrisonPrize with debut in WigmoreHall '7'l Peter MorrisonPrize - 3rd '73 RaymondRussellCompetition- 1st '73 GeotfreyTankardPrize-'lst
nade 967 Je his 1as ma n i â&#x201A;Ź and is
Schoo/s: CarmelHigh School,SouthAfrica RoyalCollegeof Music,London Born in Pretoria,Carol LynneCoopermade her first professionalpublic pertormancein a prize-winningconcert in Johannesburgat age 12. She has concertizedwidelythroughoutSouth Africaand Britain,includinga Command Performancefor the Queen Mother.She made her formal debut in Wigmore Hall, London. She has degreesin piano teaching and performance teaching.She and alsoa diplomain harpsichord is married,speaksEnglish,Afrikaans,and Hebrew,and is interestedin painting,batik printing,readingand swimming.
Teachers: '75:77 Peler Feuchtwanger '72:74 Kendal Taylor '69-'7'l Lamar Crowson '69-74 Ruth Dyson '66j68 Dr. S. Paxinos '53-66 Joyce Cooper
En g l i s hSu i teN o . 3 i n G Mi nor Sonatain F Major,Hob. 23 Ba l l a d ei n F Mi n o r,Op. 52 E tu d e -T a b l e ai u n Eb Mi nor,Op. 33 . ...
S o n a tai n B M a j or,K .281 . SonataNo. 3 in F Minor,Op. '14 SonataNo. 3 in A Minor,Op. 28
RECITAL T o c c a tai n G Mi n or Two Sonatas G Ma j o r,K.3 14 D Major,K. 455 Variationson a Theme by Rode,Op. 33 Pre l u d e ,c h o raelt fugue. Ba l l a d e N o c tu rn ei n C # M i nor,Op. P osth. F u n e ra i l l e s Op. 33 Three Etudes-Tableau, C Major- G Minor- Eb Minor Liebeslied
m a nn iarber rrgsky
ozarl rhm s
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in C Minor
. .. .. . . Bach .. Haydn .. Chopin ..... R ach m aninof f
. . M ozar t Schumann .. Prokofiev
..... A . Scar lat t i ... D. Scarlatti
.. . Czerny .. . Fr anck .. . . . Bar ber . . Chopin . . . . Liszt .. . .. . Rachmaninoff . .. K rei sl er-R a chm aninof f
. Dvorak
Mozart .. Rachmaninoff 6'l
MIGHEL.JEAN.JACOUES DALBE RTO France Age: 22 Address; 35, Avenue FerdinandBuisson 75016Paris. France Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 5lz, student recital,NationalConservatory, Paris Scho/arshlps and Awards: Cycle de PerfectionnementAward, National SuperieurConservatory '75 Cla'a HaskilCompetition, Switzerland - 1st '75 Mozaft Competition,Austria - 2nd Teachers: '70-'76 RaymondTrouard '68.70 Vlado Perlemuter
Pa rti taN o . 6 i n E Mi nor S o n a ta i n Eb Maj or,Op.7. B a l l a d ei n F Mi nor,Op. 52 Etu d eN o . 1 0 " P ourl es sonori tes opposees"
Sonatain C Minor,K. 457 Sonatain A Major,D. 959 SonataNo. 9 in F Major,Op. 68
RECITAL Prelude,aria et final Ba l l a d e F a s c h i n g s s c hw ank aus W i en,Op. 26 ... l m a g e s ,Se t l l . . Clochesa traversles feuilles Et la lune descendsur le templequi fut Poissonsd'or C H A M BE RM US IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o . 3 i n C Mi nor
IITFiI Schoo/s; NationalSuoerieurde Paris Conservatoire Born in Paris,Michel-Jean-Jacques Dalberto made his formaldebut in WigmoreHall, London, in 1976.He has appeared in concert and recital throughoutEurope.He enjoysskiing,golf and automobiles. He is singleand his languagesare French,Englishand German.
. . . . . . Bach ..... Beet hoven . . Chopin .. . . . Debussy
.. Mozart Schubert ... Scriabin
. Franck . . . . . Bar ber .. .. . . Schum ann . . . Debussy
. Brahms
Mozart .... . Beet hoven
4, fil
Age: 25
Address; Herderstr.9 D1 Berlin41, Germany Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 5 Scho/arshlps and Awards: to ViennaConservatory Scholarships for masterclasseswith Guido Scholarshios Agosti and Badura-Skoda Teachers: '77 Herr Riebensahm '76 GerhardPuchelt '72:76 D. |iew '68:72 Ptol. Rauoenstauch '60-68 M. Saroe Schoo/s: Munklyzeum,Bucharest Vienna State Conservatory
o oo n , cital no ; are
lc h /en pin isy
F re n c hS u i teN o , 3 i n B Mi nor Sonata in F# Major,Op. 78 B a l l a d ei n G Mi n o r Op. , 23 P a g a n i nE i tu d eN o. 4 i n E Maj or
art ert c in
Sonatain D Major,K. 311 . S o n a taN o . 1 i n F # Mi nor.Oo. 11 . S u i te .O o . 1 4 ....
RECITAL Seven Bagatelles,Op. 33 .. . . S o n a tai n C Mi n o r Op. . 13 S o n a tai n E M a j o r,Op. 109 Ballade
ck )er .n n ;SY
1 rffi]
Bornin Romania,CarmenDanielabegan her piano studiesat age five and began composing at age seven. She made her first professional appearanceon televisionin Bucharestat nine years of age. She has concertizedwidely in Austria,Romania,Germanyand ltaly.She enjoyscomposing,swimming,the theatreand cooking,and her languagesare Romanian, German,French,Russian,ltalianand some Enolish.
. .. .. . . Bach . . .. Beethoven .. Chopin . .. . . Liszt
.. Mozart ..... S c hum ann .. . Bar t ok
. . Beethoven . .... . B e et hoven ... .. B e et hoven .. .. . Bar ber
C H A M BE RM U S I C Qu i n te ti n E b M a j or,Op. 44
.... S c hum ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o . 3 i n C Mi nor
Mozart ..... B eet hoven
1 ITfi''I il
STEVEN DeGROOTE South Africa Age: 24 Address; 1931ChestnutStreet Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Permanent Address: 3 Naval Road Bloemfontein,South Africa Scho/arshrpsand Awards: Full scholarship(five years), Curtis Institute '74 Alex de Vries Prize Three Rivers Piano Comoetition- 2nd '71 InternationalBeethovenComoetitionorizewinner Teachers: '73MieczyslawHorszowski '75-'76 SeymourLipkin '73-75 RudolfSerkin '69-72 Eduardodel Pueyo '64-'69 Lamar Crowson
Schoo/s; WesterfordHigh School, Cape Town, South Africa BrusselsRoyal Conservatoryof Music Curtis Institute Born in Johannesburg,South Africa, Steven DeGrootebegan piano study at age five. He has appearedwith symphony orchestrasin South Africa and has toured Europewith his family's stringquintet. He also has performedfor televisionand in recital in Canada, the Netherlands,Belgium and South Africa. His interestsincludetable tennis, backgammonand chess. He speaks English and French.
.. . . . . . Bach PF . Haydn .. . . . . Chopin . . Chopin
En g l i s hS u i teN o . 6 i n D Mi nor Sonata in D Major,Hob.24 Sc h e rz oi n C # Mi nor,Op. 39 Etu d ei n A Mi n o r,Op. 25, N o. 11 .
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 Variationsand Fugueon a Theme by Handel,Op. 24 Suite "Out of Doors"
RECITAL So n a tai n A Mi n or,Op. 143 Polonaise-Fantaisie, Op. 61 . Sonata No. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84 Ba l l a d e
.... .. Schuber t Chopin . Prokofiev ... . . . Bar ber
C H AMB ERMU SIC Qu i n te ti n E b M a j or,Op. 44
.. .. Schum ann
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 3 in C Major
.. . .. . . Mozart Fll Prokofiev
.. Mozart PF . . . . Brahms . Bartok
MARTINDORRIE Germany Age: 25 Address: Edenstrasse'12 3 Hannover1, West Germany Permanent Address; AM Stadtwege 21 33 Braunschweig-Voelkenrode, Germany Firsf So/o Appearance: Age 11, Braunscheweig
ren He
outh nily's
Born in Hildesheim,Germany,Martin Ddrrie made his first public appearanceas prizewinner of the GrotrianSteinwayCompetition, Braunschweig,at age 11. His formal debut in 1975,in Hannover,was radio-broadcast.He has appearedin concert and recital in Germany and Switzerland.His interestsinclude sports, languages,and electricalscience.He is married and speaksGerman,English,Russian, JaDaneseand French.
Scho/arshrpsand Awards: Fiveyear scholarshipfrom GermanGovernment '77 Ciani InternationalCompetition- Sth '73 German HochschuleCompetition- 2nd '72 Geneva lnternationalComoetition- 2nd Teachers: '72 StephenBishop '70-76 Vlado Perlemuter '7O:71 Andre Tchaikowsky '64KarFHeinzKammerling
lis )n
I Bach PRELIMINARY/PHASE laydn hopin hopin
E n g l i s hS u i teN o . 4 i n F Maj or So n a tai n D Ma j o r Op. , 10, N o. 3 . Ba l l a d ei n F M i n o r,Op. 52 T ra n s c e n d e n ta Eltu deN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
... .. . . Bach .. ... B eet hoven .. Chopin .... . . Liszt
II ozan PRELIMINARY/PHASE ahms artok
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 333 So n a taN o . 1 i n F # Mi nor,Op. 11 . SonataNo. 10 in C Major,Op. 70
. Mozart ..... S chum ann .. Scriabin
RECITAL S o n a tai n E M a j o r,Op. 109 , 143 S o n a tai n A Mi n o r Op. Ballade SonataNo. 10 in C Major,Op. 70
. .... B eet hoven ...... Schuber t . .. .. Bar ber .. Scdabin
SEMI.FINAL ubert hopin (ofiev arber
lozarl FINAL <ofiev
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n Eb M a j or,Op. 44
.. .. S c hum ann
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
Mozart . Rachmaninoff
1 IFfi
Address: ul Szara14 m.zo 00-420 Warsaw,Poland Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 8, recital,Katowice,Poland Scho/arshrpsand Aw ard s: '76 Paloma O'Shea Competition,Spain - 4th and Bronze medal '68 KatowiceCompetitionfor YoungTalent 1st Teachers: '58173 Wanda Chmielowska '73 ReginaSmendzianka Schoo/s.' Lycee"Karlowiez,"Katowice, Poland GrandeSchool of Music, Warsaw
PartitaNo. 2 in C Minor So n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 ..... Scherzoin E Major,Op. 54 Etude No. 1 "Pour les cinq doigts"
Sonatain A Minor.K. 310. Sonatain Ab Major,Op. 110 Sonata No. 4 in C Minor,Op. 29
RECITAL Variationsand Fugue on a Theme by Handel,Op.24 Sonata in Bb Minor,Op. 35 S o n a taN o.2 . Ballade CHAMBER MUSIC Quintetin F Minor
Concertoin D Minor.K. 466 Concerto No. 4 in G Major
Born in Katowice, Poland,Nina Drath has studiedwith Wanda Chmielowskasince the of four.She has performedin concert and in Polandand she made her formal debut in Cruces. New Mexico in 1967.while on a visit her father,ProfessorJan Drath,of the Univer of Corpus Christi Music Department.She is interestedin good movies,iazz and opera, â&#x201A;Ź speaks French, Russian and a little English.
1 rffi]
THOMAS NELSON EARL DAVID Age: 25 South Africa Address: 39 Tite Street LondonSW3 4JA, England Permanent Address: 102 Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch7700 Cape Town, South Africa
has re the tnd but in r a visit
Un 3he is f,era, ano n gl i s h .
Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 9, EisteddfodFestival,Cape Town Scho/arshrpsand Awards: PerformersScholarship,Universityof South Africa Founder'sScholarship,TrinityCollege,London Cape TercentenaryScholarship '76 SABC Piano Competition,- 1st '75 Maria Canals InternationalCompetitionDiploma Teachers: '75 Peter Feuchtwanger '71:74 Jacob Kaletsky '7'l llona Kabos '73 Guido Agosti '59-70 Sona Whiteman
Schoo/s: RondeboschBoys' High School,S.A. Collegeof Music, Cape Town University TrinityCollegeof Music, London Bornin Stellenbosch. S.A..DavidEarlmadehis formaldebut at WigmoreHall, London,in 1974. He has appearedin concertand recitalin South Africa and London and made broadcastson SABC and BBC. He has also performedin Great Britain,ltaly,Austria and Spain. He is a composerand portrait painter,writesnovelsand poetry and speaks Englishand Afrikaans.
I ... Bac h PRELIMINARY/PHASE ethoven . Chopin )ebussy
E n g l i s hS u i teN o.3 i n G Mi nor Sonata in Bb Major,Hob. 41 Scherzoin E Major,Op.54. Etu d e -T a b l e ai u n E bMi nor,Op.33, N o.4 ....
Sonatain C Major,K.279 Va ri a ti o nos n a Themeby S chumann,Op. 9 Sonata No. 5 in F# Mapr, Op. 53
. . Mozart ...... Br ahm s . . Scriabin
RECITAL Chaconnein D Minor Sonata in Bb Major,Hob. 4'l Sonata in Eb Major,Op. 81a Ballade N o c tu rn e fo rth eLeftH and. PolonaiseNo. 2 in E Major
. Bach-Busoni . Haydn ... Beethoven .... . Bar ber ...... Scr iabin ... Liszt
'ethoven trokofiev
SEMI.FINAL , Brahms . Chopin ]acewicz . Barber
. Franck
. Mozarl lethoven
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
..... . . Bach . Haydn . Chopin ..... R achm aninof f
. Dvorak
Mozart . Rachmaninotf
1 rffi
YOURI EGOROV Residentof Netherlands Age: 22 Address; Brouwersgracht84 Amsterdam,Netherlands Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 8, recital,Kazan,U.S.S.R. Scho/arshlps and Awards: '71 MargueriteLong Competition- 4th '75 TchaikovskyInternationalCompetition3rd '76 Queen ElizabethInternationalComoetition - 3rd Teachers: '76:71 lrina Dubinina '71:76 Jacov Zak
Schoo/s; KazanMusic High School NationalConservatoryof Moscow YouriEgorov made his first professionalpubli appearanceat 12 years of age in recital in Kazan.He has appearedin concert and recital Italy,Belgium,France and Russia. In the 1977-'78season, he will begin to record for E.M.l.He is single,speaksRussian,English, Dutch and is interestedin literatureand cookir
P a rti taN o . 6 in E Mi nor S o n a tai n C Mi not H ob.20 S c h e rz oi n B M i nor,Op. 20 Pa g a n i nEtu i deN o.3" LaC ampanel l a" .
. . . . . . 8r yR91 . .. . . . . . Hayt .... . . . . Chop . . . . . 1i$
Sonatain A Minor,K. 310. Kre i s l e ri a n aO, p. 16 Su i te ,O p .' 1 4 ....
. . MozapRE .... Schum a . . . Bar f t
RECITAL Six Sonatas L. 37, L. 23, L.487, L. 483, L. 116,L. 423 Ba l l a d e Sonata No. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84 C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n F M i nor,Op. 34
C o n c e rtoi n D Mi nor,K .466 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
Scarftg6;1 . . . . . . Bar b . Prokofi
. .. . . . . . Br ahl
... . . . . M 02 . Rachmanin
EL.BAGHA Lebanon Age: 28 Address; c/o Mr. & Mrs. Barenton "Le Stangur" St. Goustan 56400 Auray,France Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 10, student recital,AmericanUniversityof Beirut Scho/arshlps and Awards: FrenchGovernmentscholarshipto National SuperieurConservatoryof Paris '75 Long Thibault Competition- 6th Teachers: '67:74 Zvaft Sarkissian '74:77 Pierre Sancan Schoo/s: NationalSuperiorConservatoryof Paris
P a rti tai n A Mi n o r,N o. 3 . So n a tai n C M a j o r,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. ... Balladein F Major,Op. 38 Etude-Tableau in C Minor,Op. 39, No. 1 .
Sonata in Bb Major,K.57O Sonata in Bb Major,Op. 106 From Gaspardde la Nuit ... Le Gibet - Scarbo
RECITAL T o c c a tai n C M a j o r Ba l l a d ei n F Ma j o r,Op. 38 B a l l a d ei n F Mi n o r,Op. 52 S c h e rz o i n B b M i n or,Op.3l . Ballade lslamey
1 IFFI Abdel-RahmanEl-Bacha made his first professionalpublic appearanceat l6 years of age in a recital at the American Universityof Beirut.His formal debut was also made there in '1975.He has appearedin concert and recital in Franceand Lebanon. He is married,enjoys walkingand readingand speaks Arabic, French and English.
.... Bach .. B eet hoven .. Chopin ... Rachmaninoff
. Mozart ... Beethoven . Ravel
..... S ch um ann .. Chopin .. Chopin ......Chopin ... .. Bar ber .. . B a lakir ev
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n Eb Ma j o r ,Op. 44
.... S ch um ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o . 2 i n G Mi nor
Mozart ..... . P r okof iev
l an l
NOEL ENGEBRETSON Age: 27 United States Address: .1219HollowCreek Drive #4 Austin.Texas 78704 First So/o Appearance: Auditorium Age 7, recital,Minneapolis-McPhail Scho/arshlps and Award s: Universityof Texas Scholarship '73 SchubertClub and Thursdav Musical Comoetitions- 1st Teachers: '74John Perry '66-74 Paul Freed '71 FrankMannheimer '57-66 RolandJulian Schoo/s: Universityof Minnesota Universityof Texas
FrenchSuite No. 5 in G Major So n a tai n C Maj or,H ob.50 Ba l l a d ei n G Mi not Op. 23 Etu d ei n D # Mi nor,Op. 8, N o. 12 ....
Sonata in C Major,K. 330 Sonatain B Minor Scarbofrom Gaspardde la nuit...
RECITAL Sonatain Eb Major,Op. 81a Theme with Variationson the n a meo f " A B E GG,"Op. 1 . S o n a tai n B Mi nor. Ballade C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin Eb Major,Op.44
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 Concerto No. 5 in Eb Major
Bornin Minneapolis,Noel Engebretsonmade first professionalpublic appearancewith the Minneapolis-McPhail ProfessionalOrchestra age nine. He has appearedas soloist with orchestrasin Kansas. Missouriand He is single and is interestedin electronics.
ENGERER BRIGITTE n made vith the 3hestra at t with 4innesota, :ronics.
Age: 26 France Address: 65. Bue du Javelot.Tour Mexico 75645 Paris,Cedex 13, France Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 6, Radio Tunis Scho/arshlps and Aw ards: 3-year Scholarship,Paris MoscowConservatoryScholarship Scholarshipto the Mozarteumand Sienna '75 TchaikovskyInternationalCompetition6th '69 MargueriteLong Competition- 6th Teachers: '70-'77 StanislavNeuhaus '58-'70 Lucette Descaves '57-62 Mme Ostermeyer '56 Mme Granara
P a rti taN o . 1 i n B b Maj or So n a tai n E b M a j or,Op.7. Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
S o n a tai n A Mi n or,K . 310. SonataNo. 2 in G Minor SonataNo. 3 in A Minor.Oo.28
RECITAL Fantasyin C Maior,Op. 15 Estampes Pagodes Soireedans Grenade Jardinssous la pluie Ba l l a d e Sonata No. 7 in Bb Major,Op. 83
Schoo/s; Vincennes ConservatoireSuperieurde Paris ConservatoireSuperieurde Moscow Born in Leningrad,YevgenyKrushevskymade his first professionalpublic appearancein 1966 in concertwith the orchestrafor the studentsof the School of Music, Wborg. He has appeared as soloistwith the TbilisiPhilharmonicOrchestra and in recitalat the MoscowConservatoiv.He is married,speaks Russianand some Gerriran, and is interestedin art.
.. . . . Bach ..... Beet hoven .. Chopin . Chopin
. . M ozar t Schumann . Prokofiev
Schubert . DebussY
.... . Bar ber Prokofiev
S c h um C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n F Mi n or
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
. . . Fr anck
Mozart . Brahms
VERDA ERMAN Age: 29 Turkey Address: Gulibrisimsokak l/l Yesilkoy,lstanbul,Turkey First So/o Appearance: Age 9, soloistwith lstanbulChamberOrchestra Scho/arshrpsand Awards: TurkishMinistryof EducationScholarship FrenchGovernmentScholarshio '71 LeventrittCompetition- finalist '65 MontrealInternationalComoetition- 2nd '63 Long-ThibaudInternationalCompetition4rh Teachers: '65-67 Bruno LeonardoGelber '63-64 Peter Feuchtwanger '61-'63 MargueriteLong '57-'63 Lazare Levy '57-'63 Lucette Descaves
Schoo/s; BeyogluHigh School,lstanbul Paris NationalConservatorv Born in lstanbul,Verda Erman has been Stat( Artist of Turkey and soloist since 1969 with th TurkishPresidentialSymphonyOrchestra.Shr has concertizedand given recitalsthroughoul Europe,Asia,the MiddleEast, SouthAmerica Africaand has also made freouenttelevisionar radioappearancesin those countries.She mad her New Yorkdebut in Alice Tully Hall in 1971ar has toured the United States each year since 1972.She is marriedto the ChileanlinguistRer Zapata,speaks Turkish, Greek, French and Englishand enjoysswimmingand embroider)
Frenchsuite No. 5 in G Major So n a tai n E Mi nor,H ob. 34 B a l l a d ei n G Mi nor,Op. 23 P a g a n i nEtu i d eN o. 2 i n E b Maj or .
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 Fantasy in C Major,Op. 15 Su i te" Po u rl e Pi ano"
RECITAL Sonatain F Major,K. 44.. So n a tai n E Maj or,K .216 . So n a tai n D M inor,Op. 3' l, N o. 2 . Variationson a Theme by P a g i n i n iO , p. 35, B ook2 Ba l l a d e Jeuxd'eau S u i te ,O p . ' 1 4 ....
. ... . . Br ahn .. . . . Bar br ...... . . . . Rav . . . Bar h
C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n F M inor,Op. 34
.. .. . . . . Br ahn
BacPRE . .. . . . . . Hayd . .. . . . . . Chopl . .. .. . . . . . Lis;
. YeT4PRE Schuber .. . . . Debuss
SEM . Scarlal ..... . . Scar lal ..... Beet hove
C o n c e rtoi n A M aj or,K . 488 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paginini
... . . . . M oza .. Rachmaninr
I FU J|I Age: 22 Japan Address; Tour Sapporo215 70 Rue du Javelot 75645 Paris, France Permanent Address: 2-33-5 Numabukuro.Nakano-Ku Tokyo, Japan First So/o Appearance: Age 13, recordingsession Fukiu, Panan Scho/arshrpsand Award s: '75 French GovernmentScholarship '76 OlivierMessiaenInternationalCompetition - 2nd '74 YamahaFoundationComoetition- lst Teachers: '75YvonneLoriod '75HenriettePuig-Roget '75GermaineMounier '73-'75 Futaba Inoue '60-73 TerujiKarashima
;ion te
971 srnce
Pa rti taN o . 4 i n D M aj or S o n a tai n C Ma j o l Op. 2, N o. 3 .... . Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etude No. 5 "Pour les octaves"
Sonatain A Minor.K. 310. Sonatain B Minor,Op. 58 Scarbo from Gaspard de la nuit . . .
RECITAL S o n a taN o . 3 i n B M i nor NocturneNo. 6 in Db Major L a v a p i e sfro ml b e ria,B ook l l l Ballade L E s p ri td e J o i e
Schoo/s: NationalUniversityof Fine Arts & Music, Tokyo NationalSuperiorConservatoryof Music, Paris Born in Tokyo, Kazuoki Fujii has peformedin concert and recital in Japan and Paris and appearedon radio and television.He is single, speaks.French and Japanese and enjoys swrmmrng.
. .. .. . Bach . . B ee t hoven .. Chopin ... Debussy
. . Mozart .. Chopin . . Ravel
. .. . Chopin . . Faure ..... Albeniz ..... Bar ber .. Messiaen
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n F Mi n o r
... Fr anck
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. l in E Minor
Mozart .. Chopin
ROBERT GROSLOT Belgium Age: 26 Address: Ravenbergstraat20 Mechelen,Belgium Fr'rst So/o Appearance: Age I, student recital,MechelenConservatory Scho/arshlps and Awards: Scholarshipsby BelgianGovernmentand Antwerp Conservatory '74 CasagrandeInternationalCompetition1st Alex de Vries Prize
Schoo/s; Old Humaniora AntwerpConservatory Born in Mechelen,Belgium, Robert Groslot performed in concert and recital throughout Belgium.He is married, speaks Dutch, Frer and English and enjoys chess and sciencer
Teachers: '74Jacques DeTiege Ptiot to'74 Yvonne Van Den Berghe
Partita No. 4 in D Major Sonatain C Minor.Hob. 20 Scherzoin Bb Minor,Op. 31 . Gn o me n re i g en.....
Sonata in F Major,K. 332 Sonatain G Minor,Op.22 Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka
RECITAL Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op. 26 . . . V a l s e sn o b l e set senti mental es .... Ballade Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin Eb Major,Op.44
Concerto in A Ma1or,K. 488 C o n c e rtoN o . 1 i n B b Mi nor
.. .. .. .. .. T,
4 rffi]
MARIANELIZABETH HAHN United States Age: 28 Address: 23 West 73rd Street New York;New York 10023 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 10, Music TeachersLeague Recital,Town Hall, New York Scho/arshlps and Awards: '71 JuilliardScholarship '69 KosciuszkoFoundationScholarship '68 Bezzazian Scholarship, Oberlin '76 Leventritt- Finalist(no winner chosen) '73 Concert Artists Guild - 1st '69 Chopin Competition,Kosciuszko Foundation- 1st '69 North CarolinaSymphonyAuditions- 1st Teachers: '74:76 Leon Fleisher '73-74 Guido Agosti '71-'73 llonaKabos '67-71 John Perry '57-67 Lothar Eppstein
F re n c hS u i teN o . 5 i n G Mal or So n a ta i n Eb Ma j o r,Op.7. Ba l l a d ei n F Mi n o r ,Op. 52 Pa g a n i nE i l u d e# 2 i n E b Maj or
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 333 Sonata in A Major,D. 959 So n a ta(1 9 2 6 ) .
RECITAL So n a tai n E M a j o r,Op. 109 N o v e l l e tte ,Op .2 l ,N o. 1. A ra b e s q u eO , p. 18 T o c c a ta ,Op .7 . Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Ba l l a d e
um rvir
Schoo/s: MamoroneckHigh School OberlinCollege The JuilliardSchool Born in Greenwich,Connecticut,Marian Hahn made her formal debut at Carnegie Recital Hall in 1974.She has perlormed in concert and recital in the East and Mid-West.She is single and is interested in reading and chambâ&#x201A;Źr music. She also speaks French and some German.
... .. . . Bach ..... B eet hoven .. Chopin .... . . Liszt
. Mozart Schubert ..... Bar t ok
..... B eet hoven ......S ch um ann ..... S chum ann .S ch um ann .. Chopin .. ... Bar ber
C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozart . Brahms
STEVEII IIALL United States Age: 23 Address; 1609Woodlaivn Austin, Texas 78703 Permanent Address: 1220 Magnolia Richardson,Texas 75080 Firsf So/o Appearance: Age 10, Richardson,Texas Scho/arshrpsand Awards: NGPT PaderewskyHigh School Award Guy Mier Scholarship '72:73 Cecilian Club Scholarships '72-73 JuilliardSchool '76 MTNA State, Divisional& National Competitions- 1st '76 Bloch Competition- 1st '76 Augusta NationalCompetition- 1st Teachers: '73John Perry '72:73 Ad,eleMarcus '63-72 Betty Lief Sims
EnglishSuite No. 4 in F Major Sonatain G Major,Op. 31, No. 1 Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etude in G# Minor,Op. 25, No. 6 .
Sonata in F Major,K. 533 and Rondo 494 Sonatain Ab Major,Op. 110 Three Pieces,Op. 11
RECITAL sonata in Bb Major,(D. 960) Ballade Gaspardde la nuit C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in Bb Maior
Schoo/s: RichardsonHigh School Universityof Texas, Austin The JuilliardSchool Born in Dallas, Steven Hall made his first professionalappearanceas soloistwith the RichardsonSymphony.He has appearedwith w symphonyorchestrasin Georgia,Oklahomaar Texas and is currentlycompletinghis Master'r Degree at the Universityof Texas. He is singk and is interested in teaching.
DEREKHAN Aoe: 2O UnitedStates Address; c/o Aw. GianguidoScalfi Via Vivaio 12 20122 Milan, ltaly Pemanent Address: 4280 CamborneRoad Columbus, Ohio 43220 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 8, recital,Ohio State University Scho/arships and Awards: to Juilliard Scholarshio to AccademiaMusicaleChigiana, Scholarship Italy Scholarship to Duke University '77 AthensInternational Competition- 1st Teachers: '73GuidoAgosti '72:76 Gina Bachauer '67-'73 llonaKabos
is first with the eared with (lahomaand ris Master's le is single
. .. . B a ch leethoven .. C hopi n .. Chop i n
F re n c hSu i t eN o. 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n C Mai or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. .. . Sc h e rz o i n BbMi nor,Op.3l . E tu d ei n F Maj or,Op. 10, N o. 8 .
.. Moz a rt ,eethoven hoenberg
S o n a tai n G Maj or,K .283 S o n a tai n B b Maj or,Op. P osth. Ga s o a rdd e l a nui t
RECITAL Fantasyin C Majol Op. 15 T h re e R o n d os..... Ballade G a s o a rdd e l a nui t
Schubert . . Bar b e r . . . R ave l
. B r ahms
Mozart B r ahms
Schoo/s: UpperArlingtonHigh School The JuilliardSchool AccademiaMusicaleChigiana
Bornin Columbus,Ohio,Derer Han is presently studyingin ltaly.He has appearedin concertand recitaland on televisionin Greeceand ltaly.He is singleand speaksEnglish,French,ltalianand Chinese.
. . . . . . . Bach . . Beet hoven . ". . . . Chopin . . . Chopin
. . M ozar t . . Schuber t . . . Ravel
Schubert . Bar t ok . . . . . Bar ber . . . Ravel
C H A M BE RMU S IC Qu i n te ti n F Mi nor.Oo.34
. Br ahm s
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o. 1i n E Mi nor
Mozart . . Chooin
HARUMI I{ANAFUSA Japan Age:25 Address: 1. rue Lacarriere France 94470 Boissy-Saint-Leger, Permanent Address.' 2036, Asahigaoka,Nerima-ku Tokyo,Japan Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, public recital Scho/arshlps and Award s: French GovernmentScholarshipfor study at NationalConservatory '76 InternationalCziffra- 2nd (no first prize) and audiencechoice '75 Queen Elisabeth,Belgium- gth & special prize for originalconcerto '74 Monza and Viotti Competitions, ltaly - 2nd and 3rd Teachers: '71Pierre Sancan '69-71 Aiko lguchi & Molonari lguchi '67-'69 Kataoko Midori '61-'67M. HiroshiMiura Yoko lchi Hashi
Schoo/s: Toho Gakuen School Toho Music Academy NationalSuperiorConservatory,Paris Born in Tokyo, Harumi Hanafusa made her professionalpublic appearancein Tokyo in Chopin Festival.She has appeared in conc and recital in France, Belgium,and Japan. : is single, is interestedin photographyand travelingand speaks Japanese, French and some English.
French Suite No. 6 in E Major S o n a tai n C M i nor.H ob.20 Scherzo in E Major,Op. 54 Transcendental EtudeNo. 4 "Mazeppa"...
So n a tai n A M a j or,K . 331. MephistoWaltz . F o u rP re l u d e s..... La Danse de Puck La puerta del vino La Terrassedes audiencesdu clair de lune Feux de'artifice
RECITAL SymphonicEtudes,Op. 13 (with Supplement).. . Gaspardde la nuit Ondine Gibet Scarbo Ballade C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin Eb Major,Op.44
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 3 in C Maior.
...... . . H
...... . . . M oz
BOAZDAVID HEILMAN Age: 27 UnitedStates Address: c/o Mrs. D. Bronston 5618S. SherbourneDrive Los Angeles,California90056 Pemanent Address: EinsteinSt. 121A Haifa, lsrael First Solo Appearance: Age 11,Tel Aviv Scho/arshios and Awards. Scholarships for studywith Jakob Gimpeland AlexandreUninsky '62 Young PianistAward '68 Ferde Grofe - Best Performerof Season Award '69 NancyKendall-Robinson Scholarship Award and AtwaterKent ComoetitionAward '73 HemphillWells-Sorantin Competition- 1st '73 ShreveportYoungArtist Competition- lst '73 OaklandYoungArtist Competition- 1st
r first 1 the cert . She ld
Bach aydn nopin Liszt
lozarl Liszt )ussy
Pa rti taN o . 2 i n C Mi nor So n a tai n D M i n or,Op. 3' l, N o. 2 . Balladein Ab Major,Op. 47 Etu d ei n C Ma j o r Op. , 10, N o. 1 .
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 333 Sonata in Ab Malor,Op. 110 S o n a ta ,O p .1 .
RECITAL C h ro m a ti cF a n ta s yand Fugue Fantasyin C Major,Op. 15 Ballade F i v e P i e c e sfo r P i ano,Op. 34
3arber FINAL
Teachers: '69172 AlexandreUninsky '68-69 Jakob Gimoel '61-'68Dony Bronston,EmanuelBay, SergeTarnosky '59-61 Adi Neer Schoo/s: FairfaxHigh School,Los Angeles Universityof Californiaat Los Angeles SouthernMethodist Universitv.Dallas Born in Hadera.lsrael.Boaz David Heilman cameto the UnitedStateswith his f amilvin 1961. Havingearnedhis Bachelorof Music d-egree from SouthernMethodistUniversitv.he returned to lsraelin 1973where he has playedin recitals and done several solo and concerto recordings for the lsraelBroadcastingAuthority.He has also oerformedas soloistwith the Jerusalem SymphonyOrchestra.He is singleand is interestedin painting,photography,and writing. He speaksEnglishand Hebrew.
. . . . . . Bach ..... Beet hoven Chopin .. . Chopin
. Mozart . . . . Beethoven .... . . . Ber g
.. . . . . . Bach Schubert .. .. . Bar ber .. . Ben- Haim
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozarl . Brahms
Mozart rkofiev 79
JOHN HENDRICKSOI{ Age: 21 Canada Address.' 148 W. 68th Street, #4G New York, New York 10023 Permanent Address: 9835- 113 Street(1501) Edmonton,Alberta,Canada T5K 1N4 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, student recital,Edmonton,Canada Scho/arships and Award s: Canada CouncilArts Grant '74:75 Juilliard School Scholarshio '76 MontrealInternationalCompetition3rd '76 Chopin InternationalCompetition- gth Teachers: '73:77 lvin Freundlich '68-'73 AlexandraMunn
PartitaNo. 6 in E Minor Sonata in Eb Major,Hob. 52 Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Transcendental Etude No. 4 "Mazeppa".. .
Sonata in Eb Major,K 282 Fantasy in C Major,Op. 15 Estampes
RECITAL Ballade Thirty{hree Variationson a Waltz by Diabelli,Op. 120 Fantasyon Bellini'sNorma C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintet in F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Schoo/s.' EastglenComposite High School, Edmonton The Juilliard School Born in Montreal,Quebec, John made his first professional appearance at age at "Expo '67" in Montreal.He has appearedu svmohonvorchestrasin Canada and the Un symphony Unil States as well as in recital. He is single and interestsincludetheatre and literature.
1 ITfi.l
)nd 1Ce at
rd the ingle ure.
,r \ \"
Canada Age: 19 Address: 221 WilshireAvenue Ottawa.Ontario.Canada K2C OE6 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 9, solo recital,Toronto Royal Conservatory Scho/arsflps and Awards: Canada Councilfor the Arts grants for study abroad Scholarship,Universityof Ottawa Scholarship,Boyal Conservatoryof Music (nine years) '77 SchumannInternationalComoetition4th '76 CasagrandelnternationalCompetition - Finalist '76 InternationalBach Competition- 6th T' BuffaloChopin YoungPianists Competition- 1st '75 MontrealSymphonyOrchestra Competition- 2nd '75 CanadianMusic Comoetitions- 2nd t5 InternationalBach Competition, Washington- 2nd
En g l i s hSu i teN o . 6 i n D Mi nor So n a tai n D M a j o r,Op. 28 Scherzoin E Major,Op. 54 T ra n s c e n d e n ta Elt udeN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 S o n a taN o .' li n F # Mi nor,Op. 11 . Sonata No. 4 in C Minor,Op. 29
RECITAL S o n a tai n A M a j o r,Op. 101 Ballade So n a tai n B M i n o r C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor
'6s-'69 & '72:75 Otlawa Music Fesiival '70 TorontoKiwanis Festival '64-'69 QuebecMusic Festivalwinner Teachers: '73 Jean-PaulSevilla '70-73 Myrtle Guerrero '64-'70 Earle Moss Schoo/s; Glebe CollegiateInstitute,Ottawa Universityof Ottawa Royal Conservatoryof Music, Toronto Born in Ottawa, of a musical family,Angela Hewitt has performedin concert and recital in Washington,Ontarioand Quebec.She made her first professionalpublic performanceat age ten with the Ottawa Civic Symphonyand her formal debut at 16 in Ottawa. She is single, speaks English,French,Germanand Spanishand enjoys classicalballet and sewing.
... ... . Bach .... . B eet hoven . Chopin ... . . . Liszt
.. Mozart ...... S c hum ann .. Prokofiev
..... B e et hoven .... . Bar ber . .. . . Liszt
. Brahms
Mozart .. Chopin
BABETTE HIERHOLZER Age: 20 Germany Address: Thielallee26 D1000Berlin-33, West Germany First So/o Appearance: Age I, Young People'sConcert sponsoredby BerlinSenate Scho/arshlps and Aw ards: German Governmentscholarshio Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation Edwin FischerFund '65-72 SteinwayPiano Competitionsseven-timewinner '66-74 NationalGerman Piano Competition1st
Schoo/s.' HumanisticGymnasium FolkwangHochschule,Essen West Berlin Conservatory Born in Freiburg/Breisgau,Babette made her first professionalpublic appearance Berlin'sPhilharmonicHall at age 11 as sok with the symphonyorchestra.She has performedwith orchestrain Germany,ltaly Hunoarv.She is single, sinole. is interestedin and Hungary. literatureand Greek archeologyand speaks German and English.
Teachers: '76:77 Paul Badura-Skoda '76 Maria Tipo '74-'76 W. Saschowa '73 H. Stessin '64:73 E. Dounias-Sindermann
EnglishSuite No. 2 in A Minor Sonatain E Minor,Hob. 34 Balladein G Minor,Op.23 Concert Etude No. 2 " La Leggierezza"
Sonatain Bb Maior,K. 281 Sonatain Eb Major,Op. 81a Three Pieces,Op. 11
RECITAL Sonatain F# Minor,Op. 26, No. 2. SonataNo. 2 in G Minor,Op.22 Visionsfugitives,Op. 22 Etudes " L a Leggierezza" " L a Campanella" Ballade C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin Eb Major,Op.44
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Maior
. . . Bee
1 rffil
RICHARDHOBSON England Age: 25 Address: 707 Balboa Drive Champaign,lllinois61820 First So/o Appearance: Age 11,winnerof open pianocompetition, HerefordShire Hall Scho/arships and Awards: BeethovenPrize, Boyal Academyof Music CambridgeScholarship Lockwood,Tapp and Parker Prizes, Yale Schoolof Music Portland(Maine) SymphonyYoungArtist Awardwinner '75 First Chopin National Piano CompetitionZnd '74 KosciuszkoChopin Competitionand Aspen FestivalConcertoComoetition- 1st Teachers: '76Manahem Pressler '72-'75 Claude Frank Ward Davenny
lzet cel oist 1
Bach laydn hopin . Liszt
Pa rti taN o . 5 i n G Maj or Sonatain Eb Major,Op. 7. Scherzoin E Major,Op. 54 Etude in G# Minor,Op. 25, No. 6 .
A oz hoven Inberg
S o n a tai n D Ma j o r,K.284 Sonatain Bb Major,Op. 106 Ga s o a rdd e l a n u i t
ementi Jmann rkofiev . Liszt
RECITAL So n a tai n B Mi n o r,Op. 58 Five Preludes Bb Major- D MajorB Minor- Db Major Liebeslied Liebesfreud Ba l l a d e
Born!n Wolverhampton, England,lan Hobson made his formal debut at Royal FestivalHall, London,in June, 1977.He has appearedwith symphonyorchestrasin lllinois,Connecticut, Coloradoand Virginia,and on televisionwith the Portland(Maine)Symphony,as well as in recital. He is married,enjoystennis,theatre,and literatureand also speaks French.
. .. ... Bach . . . . . Beethoven . Chopin . Chopin
.. M ozar l . . . Beethoven . .. Ravel
.. Chopin Rachmaninoff Eb Minor
C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
'71 &'73 Jeanne-MarieDarre '70:72 MichelBlack '65:72 SidneyHarrison Schoo/s; Royal Academyof Music CambridgeUniversity Yale UniversitySchool of Music University of lllinois(faculty)
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paginini
... K rei sl er/R achm aninof f . Kreisler/Rachmaninoff .. . .. Bar ber
. Brahms
Mozart . . Rachmaninoff
DIANA KACSO Brazil Address.' 714 Ladd Road Bronx,New York 10471 Permanent Address: Rua da Gloria,268/608 20.000 Rio de Jdneiro, Brazil
Age: 24
First So/o Appearance: Age 15, soloistwith BrazilianSymphony Scho/arships and Awards: JuilliardScholarships'72-77 LindaJoan lsrael Scholarship "Who's Who Among Studentsin University Colleges" '77 RubinsteinlnternationalMaster Piano Competition- 2nd '76 TeresaCarrenoLatinAmericanCompetition - lst '75 Chopin InternationalCompetition- Finalist
PartitaNo. 2 in C Minor Sonata in Ab Major,Op. 26 Ballade in F Major,Op. 52 PaganiniEtude No. 3 "La Campanella"
Sonatain Bb Majot K.28'l . Sonata in B Minor,Op. 58 Sonata No. 5 in F# MEor,Op. 53
RECITAL SonataNo. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84 MephistoWaltz Ballade C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor
Teachers: '72SaschaGorodnitzki '67:72 Elzia Amabile '60-'67 Celina P deMello Schoo/s: Colegio Pedro ll, Rio de Janeiro NationalSchool of Music, Brazil BrazilianConservatoryof Music The Juilliard School Born in Rio de Janeiro, Diana Kacso made formaldebut recital at Carnegie Recital Ha January,1977.She has appearedas soloist tlrc lsrael Philharmonicand Venezuela SymphonyOrchestras.She is single and sp Portuguese,English and French. She likes swimming,reading,cooking and correspon
& rade rl Hall, )loist dsp ikes
Chopin Scriabin
Korea Age: 21 Address: 300 W. 55th Street,Apt. 7U New York,New York 10019 Permanent Address: 1603Villa Mansion Aot. 1 Chon-Dong,Yong San-Ku Seoul, Korea First So/o Appearance: Age 8, nationaltelevisionbroadcast,Seoul, Korea Scholarshipsand Awards: KosciuzkoFoundationAward '77 PoftlandYoungArtist Competition- 1st '76 Chopin (KosciuzkoFoundation)- 1st '73 Aspen ConcertoCompetition- 1st Teachers: '71-77 Sascha Gorodnitzki '76 MariaDiamond '71:74 Herberl Stessin '69-71 Byron Janis '68-69 ClarenceAdler
F re n c hSu i teN o . 1 i n D Mi nor So n a taN o . 2 1 i n F Maj or Sc h e rz oi n C # M i nor,Op. 39 Etude-Tableau in B Minor,Op. 39, No. 4 .
Sonatain F Major,K. 332 So n a tai n E M a j o r,Op. 109 Une Barque sur l'ocean trom Miroirs
RECITAL Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35 Mi ro i rs Ballade Brahms
C H A M BE RM U S I C Q u i n te ti n F M i n o r
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Concerto No. 3 in C Major
Schoo/s: ColumbiaPreparatory The JuilliardSchool Born in Seoul,Korea,Yungho Kim made his first professionalappearancein recital in Palm Beach, Floridaat age 13. He made his formal debut in Seoulat age 16. He has performedwith the Aspen, Seoul,and Queens Symphoniesand in recital in Connecticutand New York. He is single,enjoys films and tennis and speaks Koreanand English.
.. .. . . . Bach .. . Haydn .. .... Chopin ... Rachmaninoff
.. Mozart .. ... B e et hoven . Ravel
. Chopin ....... Ravel ... . . Bar ber
.. . Fr anck
Mozart Prokofiev
AGLAIA C. KORAS Age: 21 UnitedStates Address: 222 W. Rittenhouse.Aot. 15C Philadelphia,Pennsylvania PermanentAddress: 2853 MariposaDrive Burlingame,California94010 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 8, recital,San Mateo, California Scholarshipsand Awards: Curtis InstituteAlumni AssociationScholarship '77 AmericanNational Association Competition - 1st '74 AmericanMusic Scholarship- 2nd '73 Chopin Young Pianists(New York)- 1st '73 NationalYoungMusiciansFoundation - 1st
Schoo/s; MillsHigh School Curtis Instituteof Music Born in San Francisco,Aglaia Koras made first professionalpublic appearanceat age with the San FranciscoSymphony Orches She has performedin concert in Californiaa recital in New York and Pennsylvania.She single,likes swimmingand creative writing also soeaks some French and Greek.
Teachers: '73Rudoll Serkin '73MieczyslawHorszowski '64:72 Thomas LaRatta '59-64 Mrs. James Koras
PartitaNo. 1 in Bb Major Sonatain E Major,Op. 14, No. 1 . Scherzoin B Minor,Op. 20 Etude in C Minor,Op. 10, No. 12 .
Sonatain C Minor,K.457 S o n a tai n A b Maj or,Op. 110 l- lsle joyeuse
RECITAL lntermezzi,Op. 118 Ballade So n a tai n Ab Maj or,Op. 110 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 25, No. 7 . Barcarolle,Op. 60 C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintet in F Minor,Op. 34
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor
.. . . Beel
.. . . Beel
1 rffi'l
Age: 22
Address: 15 NeglinnayaStreet Moscow,U.S.S.R. First So/o Appearance: Age 11,studentconcert,Wborg, U.S.S.R Teachers: '74M. Voskresensky '66-'74 N. Grauerman '66:74 L. Selikhman '66-74 M. Mekler '62-'66 N. Chulkhadina '62-'66 Y. Zhukovskaya Schoo/s: fborg School of Music LeningradConservatorySchool of Music MoscowConservatory
rs made her e at age 11 Orchestra. liforniaandin ria. She is l writing and eK .
Born in Leningrad,YevgenyKrushevskymade his first professionalpublic appearancein 1966 in concertwith the orchestrafor the studentsof the Schoolof Music,$borg. He has appearedas soloistwith the Tbilisi PhilharmonicOrchestra and in recital at the Moscow Conservatory.He is married,speaks Russianand some German, and is interestedin art.
I . .. . B a ch PRELIMINARY/PHASE leethoven .. Chop i n . . Chopin
Pa rti taN o . 2 i n C Mi nor Sonatain E Major,Hob. 31 Sc h e rz oi n C # Mi nor,Op. 39 T ra n s c e n d e n tal E tudeN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
.. . . . . Bach .. Haydn .... . . Chopin . . . . . . Liszt
II . . Mozart PRELIMINARY/PHASE leethoven . Debussy
Sonatain F Major,K. 332 Scarbo from Gaspard de la nuit . . . H u n g a ri a nR h a psodyN o. 12 .
.. Mozart . . Ravel ... . . . . . Liszt
SEMI.FINAL . Brahms .. Bar b e r eethoven .. Chop i n . . C hopi n
RECITAL B b M a j o rD u o Sonata "Aords une lecturedu Dante," fa n ta s i aq uasisonata Bagatelles,Op. 33, Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7 P re l u d e sO , p .32, G Mi norandC Mi nor Va ri a ti o n s o na Theme by P agani niS , et l l .. Ballade
.... . . . . Soler . . . . Liszt . . . . . Beethoven ..... R achm aninof f .... . . Br ahm s .. . . . Bar ber
. Brahms C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n F Mi nor . Mozart . Chopin Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
. . . Fr anck
Mozart ... Tchaikovskv
A}IDRE LAPLANTE Age:27 Canada Address.' 2 RiversideDrive. #4C New York, New York 10023 Permanent Address: 166 Boulevardlberville Repentigny,Quebec, Canada F,?sfSo/o Appearance: Age 12, Quebec Music Festival Scho/arships and Awards: '71-'76 Quebec Government Award '69173 Canada Council tor Arts Four-Year Scholarship '77 Sydney InternationalCompetition- 3rd '76 Geneva lnternationalCompetitionBronze medal '74 Cziffra Competition - 4th '73 Marguerite Long Competition - 3rd
Partita No. 2 in C Minor Sonatain Eb Major Scherzo in C# Minor,Op. 39 Etude in A Minor,Op. 25.
Sonata in C Major,K. 330 Sonata in Bb Minor,Op. 35 SonataNo. 7 in Bb Major,Op.83
RECITAL Sonata in C Major,Op. 53 Sonatain B Minor Regardde I'Espritde Joie Ballade C H AMB ERM US IC Quintet in Eb Major,Op.44
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Concerto No. 2 in C Minor
Teachers: '69-'70 Sacha Gorodnitsky '76:77 '71:74 Yvonne Lefebure '65-70 Yvonne Hubert Schoo/s.' St. Mary and Notre Dame College, The Juilliard School, New York Born in Rimouski,Quebec, Andre LaPlante made his first professionalpublic appearan with the Montreal Symphony in Place des Montreal.He has appearedas soloist with Ontario and Quebec symphoniesas well recitaland on radio broadcast,CBC, Car He is married and speaks French and He enjoys swimming,reading,cooking photography.
1 rtril
F, LARRABEE Age: 29 UnitedStates Address; c/o Eugene List, 310 West 83rd Street New York,New York 10024 Permanent Address: 774 Ynez Cicle Danville,California94526 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 14, soloistwith orchestra,Los Altos, California Scho/arshrpsand Awards: YoungMusicians'Foundationof Los Angeles Juilliard Josef LhevinneScholarship, FulbrightScholarshipto Moscow '75 InternationalChopin Competition '73 YoungMusicians'Foundation,Los Angeles
as ad gli rd
Teachers: StanislavNewhaus Rosina Lhevinne Martin Canin EugeneList
En g l i s hS u i teN o . 2 i n A Mi nor S o n a tai n C # Mi n o r ,Op.27, N o.2. Scherzoin E Major,Op. 54 T ra n s c e n d e n taEltu d eN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
Sonata in Bb Major,K.281 . H u n g a ri a nR h a p s o dyN o. ' 12i n C # Mi nor Scarbofrom Gaspartde la nuit ..
Schoo/s: Los Altos, CaliforniaHigh School EastmanSchool of Music The JuilliardSchool MoscowConservatory Born in Worcester,Massachusetts, Neal Larrabeemade his first orofessionaloublic appearanceat 21 years of age in recital in Louisville,Kentucky.He made his formal debut recital in PhilharmonicHall in November,1975. He has been playingconcerts in Poland under the auspicesof the official Polish government agency,PAGART.He touredthe Soviet Union in the Aprilunderthe auspicesof GOSCONCERT, offbial Soviet Concert agency.He is the first pianistacceptedfor study in the Soviet Union under an Exchange Program recently inaugurated betweenthe U.S. and the U.S.S.R. He is single,speaks English and Russian and is interestedin hiking.
RECITAL S o n a tai n C # M i n o r,Op.27, N o.2. T w o E tu d e sfro m Op. 25 ... N o .5 i n EMi n o r N o . 1 0 i n B Mi n o r Andantespianatoand GrandePolonaise,Op.22 Ballade Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka
. ...... Bach .... B ee t hoven . Chopin .... . . Liszt
Mozart .. . . Liszt ... Ravel
.... B ee t hoven Chopin
.. Chopin .. .. . Bar ber .... Stravinskv
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n F M i n o r,Op.34
......1. Br ahm s
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
Mozart ... Tchai kovskv
DAVID ALLAN LEVINE Age: 28 United States Address: 1 Berlin38 Niklasstrasse7Z West Germany Permanent Address: 250 West 85th Street New York, New York 10024 Frrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, Carnegie Recital Hall Scholarshipsand Awards: Curtis' RegentsScholarship Instituteof InternationalEducation AccademieChigiana,North CarolinaSchool of Arts MarlboroMusic Festival DelsonAward'(Tanglewood) Teachers: '76:77 Hetbett Stessin '69-74 RudolfSerkin '69-'73 MicizyslawHorzowski '66-'68 Claude Frank, Richard Goode '63167 Zenon Fishbein
Partita No. 5 in G Major Sonatain Bb Major,Op.22 Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Etude No. 5 "Pour les octaves"
Sonata in D Major,K. 576 Humoreske,Op. 20 Three Studies.Oo. 18
RECITAL Ballade "Eroica"Variations,Op. 35 T w o C a p ri c c i os... Davidsb0ndlerthnze, Op. 6 . C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 Concerto No. 4 in G Major
ScDoo/s: Sheepshead Bay High School MannesCollegeof Music Curtis Instituteof Music Born in New York City, David Levine made first professionalpublic appearancein reci Goddard College, Vermont at the age of tel made his professionaldebut in New York's Hall at age 26 and his London debut at Hall at age 25. He has concertized ex throughout Europe and recorded for leadingradio stations. He is single, speaks German and French and is interested in Ger literatureand drawings.
1 rFfi,,I
IIICHAELR. LEWIN Age: 22 UnitedStates Address: 160 West 7'lst Street, #5-U New York, New York 10023 Pemanent Address; 10 Wilwade Road Great Neck, New York 11020 First So/o Appearance: Age 12, competitionwinner solo debut Scho/arshrbsand Awards: Scholarshipaid from Juilliard '77 Prizewinnerin NationalArts Club Competition '76 Prizewinner in Musicians'Club of New York YoungArtists Competition '75 Prizewinnerin Augusta Symphony'sBoyd Competition Teachers: Inrin Freundlich Jane Carlson Sylvia Rabinof EdmundArkus
PRELIMINARY/PHASE I oven lopin ,ussy
F re n c hS u i teN o . 5 i n G Maj or , So n a tai n C Ma j o r Op. 2, N o. 3 ..... Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
Sonatain C Minor,K. 457 Fantasyin C Major,Op. 15 Sonata No. 3 in A Minor,Oo.28
SEIIIhFINAL roven 'laydn mann
RECITAL T h re e P re l u d e sBook , l l ..... La puertadel vino Ondine Feux d'artifice Balladein G Minor,Op.23 Ba l l a d e So n a tai n B Mi n o r
Schoo/s: Great Neck South High School Pre-College Division,JuilliardSchool The JuilliardSchoolot Music Born in New York, Michael Lewin made his first professionalpublic appearanceat l6 years of age in the Saratoga PerformingArts Center for the NationalFederationof Music Clubs. A prizewinnerin many competitions,he has oerformedin concert and recitalin New Yorkand Michigan.He is single,speaksSpanishand is interestedin tennis and reading.
....... Bach .. B e et hoven . Chopin . Chopin
.. Mozart Schubert . . Prokofiev
. .. .. Debussy
. Chopin .. .. . Bar ber .. .. . Liszt
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
. Dvorak
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozart . Brahms
l{Al{CY LOO Age:29 Great Britain Address.' c/o Mr. BenlaminKaplan 64 Addison Way, Golders Green London,N.W.11, England Permanent Address: 34E Braga Circuit Kowloon,Hong Kong First Solo Appearance: Age 5, Hong Kong Music Competition Sct o/arsl,ips and Awards: '74:76 Royal Northern College of Music '74 K. VaughnWilliamsTrust, United Kingdom '65-71 The Juilliard School '65 Lady Armstrong Scholarship, Hong Kong '76 Rina Sala Gallo Competition- lst (ltaly) '76 Jaen Competition,Spain - 2nd '73 Viotti Competition, ltaly - 3rd '73 Marguerite Long Competition, France 8th
PartitaNo. 2 in C Minor Sonatain D Major,Op. 10, No. 3 . Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Etu d ei n D # M i nor,Op. 8, N o. 12 ....
Sonata in C Major Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35
RECITAL Ballade SonataNo. 6 in A Major,Op. 82 So n a taN o . 3 , O p. 36 .... CHAMBER MUSIC Quintetin Eb Major,Op.44
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Concerto No. 1 in Eb Major
Teachers: '76 Derrick Wyndham '74-'75 R. Bakst '73 Guido Agosti '73 Valdo Perlemuter '66-'72 Adele Marcus Schoo/s: MaryknollConvent School, Kowloon The Juilliard School Royal NorthernCollege of Music,
Bornin HongKong,NancyLoo madeher professional publicappearanceas soloist years of th€ Hong th€ HongKong KonqPhilharmonic Philharmonic at 15 at 15years o
She made her formaldeubt in the PurcellR London,in 1976. She has appeared in conc and recital in Europe and the Far East. She married,speaks Chinese,English, French Italian and is interested in cooking and gar
LYRAS Age: 23 UnitedStates Address: 155 W. 68th, #382 New York, New York 10023 First So/o Appearance: Age 10, ConservatoryConcert,Athens, Greece Scho/arshrpsand Award s: Athens ConservatoryScholarship JuilliardScholarshio New York State RegentsScholarship Prizewinnerin Universityof Maryland Competition Prizewinner in AmericanMusicScholarship Comoetition Prizewinnerin W. S. Boyd Competition Teachers: Adele Marcus RobertArmstrong Dr. Helen Moore Zoe Aghelaston
her loist rrs of ) ell 1
;t. She :nch d
E n g l i s hS u i teN o . 3 i n G Mi nor Sonatain C Major,Hob. 50 Balladein F Major,Op. 38 P a g a n i nE i tu d eN o . 3 " La C ampanel l a".
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 570 So n a tai n B Mi n o r Alboradadel gracioso lrom Miroirs
RECITAL So n a tai n F Mi n o r .Oo. 57 Ba l l a d e T o c c a tai n C Ma j o r Op. , 7 . Va l l e ed ' O b e rma nn. Sonata No. 5 in F# M$or, Op. 53 C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o . 2 i n G Mi nor
Schoo/s: Highschoolof PerformingArts The JuilliardSchool Athens Conservatory Born in Athens,Greece,PanayisLyrasmade his first professionalpublic appearancewith the St. LouisSymphonyat 21 years of age. He has appearedas soloistwith the St. Louis,Baltimore, and AugustaSymphonies.He is single,speaks English,Greek and French and is interestedin book collecting,sports and electronics.
.. .. .. . Bach . Haydn .. Chopin .. . . . Liszt
. Mozart . .. . . Liszt . . . Ravel
... .. . B e et hoven .....Bar ber .. .. . S chum ann .. . Liszt . . Scriabin
. Dvorak
Mozart .. .. .. Pr okof iev
ALAN DAVID UARKS Age:28 United States Address: 441 West End Avenue,Apt. 10A New York, New York 10024 FrTstSo/o Appearance: Age 16, soloistwith orchestraas concerto winner,InterlochenNationalMusic Camp Scho/arships and Awards: '71 &'77 Careergrant, MarthaBaird Rockefeller Fund '71 Carl Roeder Prize,Juilliard '67:71 Honoraryscholarshipat Juilliard '75 NationalChopin Competition Teachers: '71:72 Leon Fleisher '67-71 Inrin Freundlich '62167 Shirley Parnas Adams Schoo/s.' Clayton High School, St. Louis The JuilliardSchool
Alan Marks made his first professionalpublic appearance at 17 years of age with the St. Lor Symphonyas winner of the YoungArtist Competition. He has since performed as solo with symphoniesin New York,Connecticut Florida. He made his formal debut at Carnl Hall at age 21 and was one of six artists play in the Concert Artists Guild 20th t Gala at Carnegie Hall. He was one of three performersto present solo recitals in the inaugural season of the Central City Festival, Colorado.For three seasons Mr. Marks heldt Affiliate Artists appointment in Los Angeles. has recorded for both the Canadian and BroadcastingCompanies.He is married, French and enjoys jogging, cooking and relationships.
French Suite No. 5 in G Major Sonata in C Major,Hob. 50 Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Etude in B Minor,Op. 25, No. 10 .
Sonatain D Major,K.284 Carnaval,Op. 9 . Sonata No. 9 in F Major
RECITAL AndanteSpianatoand GrandePolonaise,Op. 22. Estudioa Rubinstein T h re e Pre l u d es.B ook l l ..... Bruyeres General Lavine - eccentric Feux d'artifice Ballade Carnaval,Op. 9 . C H A M BE RMU S IC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 Concerto No. 1 in D Minor
1 tFfl
IUtIAl{ MARTIN Uniled States Age: 26 Address: 4618 Keswick Road Baltimore,Maryland21210 Permanent Address: GeneralDelivery Lisman,Alabama36912 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 11, recital,Butler,Alabama Scho/arships and Awards: RockefellerFoundationScholarshipto Peabody Conservatory Fulltuitionscholarship, twice,to Ecolesd'art Americaines,Fontainebleau,France '75 MontevideoInternationalPianoComoetition - 2nd (no 1st prizegiven) '75 Ravel-Casadesus International Comoetition - 2nd '75 Universityof MarylandInternational ComDetition- 3rd
P a rti taN o . 1 i n B b Maj or So n a tai n C Mi n o r,O p. 10, N o. 1 . . Ba l l a d ei n F M i n o r,O p.52 Etude in G# Minor,Op. 25, No. 6 .
Sonata in Bb Major,K. 333 T a ra n te l l laro m Ve nezi aeN apol i From Miroirs Une Barouesur I'ocean Alboradadel gracioso
RECITAL Rondo in D Major,K. 485 So n a ta(1 9 3 5 ) . Ba l l a d e Polonaise-Fantaisie, Op. 61 . El Albaicintromlberia, Book lll L l s l ej o y e u s e
'dn pin pin
art 1n rin
'in >z iy
C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n Eb Ma j o r ,Op. 44
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Major
Teachers: '69Leon Fleisher '69-71 (summers)Nadia Boulangerand RobertCasadesus '61-'68 VernonRaines '57.61 BeverlyGibbons Schoo/s: ChoctawCounty,Butler,Alabama PeabodyConservatory public JulianMartinmade his first professional appearanceas soloistwith the orchestrain Meridian,Mississippi.He has performedin concertand recital in Alabama, Mississippiand Maryland.As well as touringJapan and giving joint recitalswith violinistKisikoSuzumi,he has also toured Uruguay,performingin recitalsand as soloistwith the NationalBroadcastingSystem of UruguayOrchestra.He is singleand speaks French,Spanishand Japanese.He enloysfilms and cooking.
.. .. . Bach .... . B eet hoven .. Chopin . Chopin
. Mozarl .... . Liszt . Ravel
. .. Mozart .. . .. . Bloch .. .. . Bar ber Chopin . . . . Albeniz ..... Debussy
... . S chum ann
Mozart . . . Liszt
1, rffi'l
STEVEN ALLAN MAYER UnitedStates Age: 25 Address: 333 West 86th Street New York,New York 10024 PermanentAddress: RFD 2, Box 31 Springfield,Vermont05156 First So/o Appearance: Age 14, FieldstonSchool Recital Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '76 Universityof Maryland International Competition- 3rd '74 G. B. Dealey Awards - 3rd '74 BusoniInternational Comoetition- 4th Teachers: '75:77 Leon Fleisher '70-75 Sascha Gorodnitski '64170 HerbertStessin
Schoo/s: FieldstonHigh School The New School,ColumbiaUniversity The JuilliardSchool PeabodyConservatory Steven Mayer has performedas soloistwith symphonyorchestrasin Fisher and Carnegie Halls.New York. and in Marvland and D.C., as well as in recital in Washingiton, Maryland,New York and New Jersey. He has also presentedrecitalson radio. He is single, speaks French,German and ltalian and enjoys stamp collecting,cooking,tennis, squash and hiking.
Pa rti taN o . 4 i n D Maj or So n a tai n B b M aj or,Op.22 Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 T ra n s c e n d e n tal E tudeN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
. . . . . . Bach .... Beet hoven . . Chopin . . . . . . Liszl
Sonata in Bb Majol K. 333 F a s c h i n g s s c hw ank aus W i en,Op. 26 ... Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka
. Mozarl . .. . .. Schum ann .... Stravinskv
RECITAL S o n a tai n B b M aj or,Op.22 Ba l l a d e C a rn a v a lOp , .9. C H AMB ERM US IC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K . 488 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
.. .. Beet hoven . . . . . Bar ber Schum ann
. Dvorak
.. .. . . . M ozar l . Rachmaninoll
ALEXANDERASHOTOVICH MNDOYANTS Age: 28 U. S. S. R. Address: 15 NeglinnayaStreet Moscow,U.S.S.R. Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, studentconcert, School of Music, Yerevan Teachers: '76:77 A. lokheles '68-'73 B. Davidovich '60-'68 Ye. Khoven '56-'60 E. Aoresova Schoo/s; MoscowConservatory 1968-1973 CentralSchoolof Music 1960-1968 YerevanSchool ol Music 1956-1960
)h .rn
F re n c hSu i teN o . 3 i n B Mi nor Sonata in Bb Major(in two movements) Balladein Ab Major,Op.47 E tu d e -T a b l e aNuo . 4 i n B Mi nor
Sonatain C Minor,K. 457 Polonaise-Fantaisie, Op. 6'l SonataNo. 9 in F Major,Op. 68
RECITAL T h re e So n a ta s . .. .. Novellettein F# Minor Ballade Picturesfrom an Exhibition
... .. . Scar lat t i . . Schumann . .. .. Bar ber . .. . Mussorgsky
C H AMB ERM U S IC Q u i n te ti n Eb M a j or,Op. 44
.... S ch um ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 3 in C Major
Mozart Prokofiev
en )er nn
:art 'roff
AlexanderMndoyantsmade his first professional publicappearancein 1974 at Yerevanin a guest oerformancewhile on tour. He made his formal debut the same year at Yerevan.He has appearedas soloistwith the TbilisiPhilharmonia and in recitalsin Moscowand Tbilisi.He is single,speaks a little German and is interested in painting,swimming,and the theatre.
,in ;A
rrt nn ky
1 rffil
.. .... . Bach ... . Haydn Chopin . ... . R achm aninof f
.. Mozart Chopin ... Scriabin
1 rffil
IIARIA.JOSE MORAIS Portugal Age: 28 Address: 85 BlenheimCrescent LondonW11, England Permanent Address; 327, R. FernaoMendes Pinto VN. Gaia, Portugal Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 4, student recital, Porto, Portugal Scho/arships and Award s: '73 -'75 PortugueseGovernmentScholarship '68 & '73 GulbenkianScholarships,Lisbon '72 Viotti Competition,ltaly - 4th '66 GulbenkianPrize - 1st InternationalPiano Competition (France-Spain)- sth Teachers: '73:76 Fanny Watermann '68-'73 J. M. Darre '63-'67 Alves Sousa '55-'63 Helena Costa
F re n c hS u i teN o . 5 i n G Maj or S o n a tai n D M a jor,Op. 10, N o. 3 . S c h e rz oi n C # M i nor,Op. 39 E tu d ei n C Mi n o r,Op. 10, N o. 12 .
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 M e p h i s toW a l tz . SonataNo. 3 in A Minor,Oo. 28
RECITAL S o n a tai n F M i nor,Op. 57 Fantasiebetica . Barcarolle,Op. 60 Ba l l a d e M e p h i s toW a l tz . C H A M BE RMU SIC Qu i n te ti n Eb Maj or,Op. 44
Schoo/s; Porto High School Lisbon University Porto Conservatory Maria-JoseMorais made her first professional publicappearanceat nine years of age as soloist with the symphonyorchestrain Porto, Portugal. She has performedwith symphoniesin Mississippi,Portugal,Poland,and in recitalsin France,London, Poland,Portugaland Mississippi.She made her formal debut in WigmoreHall,London,in 1975.She is single, speaks English, French, German, ltalian and Spanish,and enjoys readingand driving.
.. . . . . . Bach P .. ... Beet hoven . ... . . Chopin . . Chopin
.. Mozart PI .. . . . . Liszt . Prokofiev
s .. . .. . Beet hoven .. . de Falla . . Chopin .. . . . Bar ber . . . . . . Liszt
.. .. Schum ann
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K . 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Major
.. ... . . M ozar l . .. Liszt
VURIKOMURAKAMI Age: 23 Japan Address: 39 Wood Vale LondonN.10,England First So/o Appearance: Age 21, recital,AlexandraPalace,London
rl >ist
Teachers: '74 GordonGreen '72 Cyril Smith '69 KendallTaylor '65 Kiko lguchi '64 Ray Lev Schoo/s; St. Maur'sConventSchool Royal Collegeof Music, London
l al. in
Born in Japan, Yuriko Murakamimade her first professional publicappearancein 1976as soloistwith the Royal Philharmonicat Fairfield. She made her formaldebut at WiomoreHall. London,in Novemberof the same-year.She has appearedin concertand recitalin London.She is single,speaksEnglishand Japaneseand is interestedin cooking, readingand golf.
,ch en )in )in
F re n c hSu i teN o . 5 i n G Maj or Sonatain C Major,Hob. 50 Sc h e rz oi n C # Mi n ot Op. 39 C o n c e rtE tu d eN o . 2 i n F Mi nor
art szt iev
Sonata in Bb Major,K.570 So n a tai n E Ma j o r,O p. 109 So n a ta ,O p . 1 .
. Mozart . ... . B ee t hoven .. .. . . . Ber g
RECITAL So n a tai n E b Ma j o r,Op. 27, N o. 1 Ballade Picturesfrom an Exhibition
... .. B e et hoven . .. .. Bar ber . ... Mussorgsky
'en rlla pin )er Szt
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
Concertoin D Minot K. 466 Rhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini
. ... .. . Bach . Haydn .. , .. . Chopin . .. . . . Liszt
. Dvorak
Mozart . Rachmaninoff
SHIGEO S. NERIK! Age: 26 Jaoan Address: 741 South3rd Ave. Tucson,Arizona 85701 Permanent Address: 3-7-4TakanodaiNerima-Ku, Tokyo,Japan First So/o Appearance: Age 3, televisionprogram,N.H.K.Studio,Tokyo Scho/arships and Awards. Associatelnstructorship,Indiana University IndianaUniversityFellowshiP SouthwestPianist FoundationScholarship AldredgeScholarship Ozan & PatriciaMarshAward '76 SouthwestPianist Foundation- lst '74 TchaikovskyInternational CompetitionBest Accompanist '65 All Japan MusicContest- 1st
Teachers: '76 Ozan Marsh '71 Gyorgy Sebok '66 MasayasuOhshima Schoo/s: TohoSchoolof Music IndianaUniversity Universityof Arizona ShiqeoNerikimade his formaldebutrecital Toldo at 18 years ot age and has appeared the iloston Pops,the Nationalsymphonyin Washinqtonand the Minnesotas well asin many duo recitalswith He is single,speaksEnglishand Japanese likes soorts.
PartitaNo. 4 in D Major Sonatain Eb Major,Hob. 52 Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 Pa g a n i nE i tu d eN o. 6 i n A Mi nor
Sonatain C Minor,K. 457 Sonatain Ab Major,OP. 110 L l s l ej o y e u s e
RECITAL Preludeand Fugue in Bb Minor(WTC Book l) . . . Sonatain C Maior,OP. 53 SonataNo. 7 in Bb Maior,OP. 83 MephistoWaltz . C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
.. . . . . . M ozal I . . . TchaikovskN I
1 rffi]
ORTH UnitedStates Address: 135 West 79th Street,Apt. 110 New York,New York10024
in vith LS
ker. and
zatl ven rssy
]ach )ven fiev -iszt
Age: 23
First So/o Appearance: Age 10, private recital Scholarshipsand Awards: Scholarshio studentat Juilliard '76 AmericanMusic ScholarshipAssociation1st '76 InternationalMarylandPiano Festival& Comoetition- 2nd '77 Midland-OdessaYoungArtists - 1st Teachers: '71AdeleMarcus '68.71 BenjaminWhitten '67-'68 EleanorSokoloff
Pa rti taN o . 6 i n E Mi nor S o n a tai n A Ma j o r,Op. 2, N o. 2 .... S c h e rz oi n Bb Mi n o r Op. , 31 . E tu d ei n D b Ma j o r,Op. 25, N o. 8.
Sonatain Eb Major,K.282 Sonatain G Major,Op. 78 SonataNo. 4 in F# Major,Op. 29
RECITAL Sonatain G Major,Op. 78 Ballade F o u rD u e ts Polonaise-Fantaisie, Op. 61 . P re l u d ei n Eb , O p . 2 3 , N o. 9 .... . E tu d e -T a b l e aOp u , . 39, N o. 9.
Schoo/s; WilsonSeniorHigh, Reading,Pa. The JuilliardSchool PeterOrth made his first orofessionalpublic appearancewith the PhiladelphiaOrchestraas winnerof YoungPeoplesContest at age 17. He has appearedin concert and rqcital in Georgia, Texas,Maryland,Floridaand Washington.He is singleand speaksGermanand English.
...... Bach ... B eethoven . ... .. Chopin .. Chopin
. Mozart Schubert .. Scriabin
Schubert ..... Bar ber .... Bach Ghopin .. R achm aninof f .. . .. . R achmaninof f
C H A M BE RMU SIC Qu i n te ti n E b Ma j o r,O p. 44
.... S chum ann
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in D Minor
Mozart . Brahms
)zail vsky
KAY ROBERTINE PACE UnitedStates Address: 4350 WoodleySquare, Apt. 3-1'll Montgomery,Alabama 36116 Permanent Address.' 1 106 SummervilleStreet Mobile,Alabama366'17 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, Casher Studio Hall Recital
Age: 29
Scho/arshlps and Awards: Scholarshipat Xavier University - Southernlllinois GraduateAssistantshio Universitv Assistanfshipat PeabodyConservatory ( Sept . ' 77) '75 YoungArtist Competition- 1st '74 Artist PresentationSociety- 1st '72 lllinoisState Music TeachersYoungArtist Competition- 1st '70 WebsterGroves Civic Symphony Comoetition- 3rd
F re n c hSu i t eN o. 5 i n G Maj or S o n a tai n C Mi nor,Op. 10, N o. 1 . . Balladein G Minor.Oo. 23 E tu d e i n D # M i nor,Op.8,N o. 12....
Sonatain A Minor,K. 310. C a rn a v a l o . o.9. So n a ta
RECITAL G a v o ttew i th V ari ati ons.. .. . S o n a tai n A Maj or,Op. 101 Ballade Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 39, Nos. 5 and 9 Barcarolle The Legendof St. Francisof Paul W a l k i n gon the W aves...,. C H A M BE RMU S IC Qu i n te ti n FMi nor
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Maior
Teachers: '68-70 Steven Barwich '65-68 MalcolmBreda '64-65 David de Lisle, Jules Gentil and WalterWhite Schoo/s: XavierUniversityot Louisiana(B.A.) SouthernlllinoisUniversity(M.M.) Kay Pace gave her formal debut in St. Louis, Missouriin 1974.A memberot the facultyof Alabama State University,Miss Pace is single and speaks German. She enjoys readingand playingbridge.
. . . . . . . Bach .. . . . Beet hoven . ChoPin . . . . Scr iabin
. . Mozarl Schum ann . . . . . . . . 8er 9
. . . . . Ram eal .. . . . Beet hove . . . . . Bar ber . .. .. Rachmaninol .. . ChoPin . . . . . . Lisd
. . . Fr anck
. . . . . . . M ozail . . . Liszl
1 rffil
Age: 18 Address; 515 West 59th Street,#23 N New York,New York 10019 Permanent Address: 105-15Huam-dong,Yong San-ku Seoul,Korea Flrsl So/o Appearance: Age 7, recital,Seoul, Korea Scho/arships and Awards. Scholarshio studentat Juilliardsince 1973 TheresaKleppelAwa'd,' 7 5-'76 '77 Thcee RiversComoetition- srd '76 MeadowbrookYoungArtists - 1st '75 NationalYoungArtists,Texas - 1st Teachers: '76 Sascha Gorodnitzki '73 -'76 HerbertStessin '60's-'73Won-BokKim
Pa rti taN o . 2 i n C M i n or Sonatain G Malor,Hob. 39 Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 T ra n s c e n d e n ta Etu l d eN o. 10 i n F Mi nor
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 S o n a tai n B Mi n o r SonataNo. 5 in F# Mapr, Op. 53
Schoo/s; ProfessionalChildren'sSchool The JuilliardSchool JuilliardPre-College public Miryo Park made her first professional appearanceat the age of seven in recital and concertwith the SeoulPhilharmonicOrchestra in Korea.She made her formaldebut with the DetroitSymphonyat the MeadowbrookMusic Festivalat age 18. She has appearedin concert and recital in Colorado,Minnesota,New York and Hawaii.She is singleand speaksEnglish, Koreanand some French and Japanese. Miss Parkenjoysswimmingand reading.
.. . ... B a ch . Haydn . . Chopin .. .. .. Liszt
. Mozart .. .. . Liszt . . Scriabin l
RECITAL Ba l l a d e So n a tai n C Mi n o r,O p . 111 So n a tai n B Mi n o r C H A M BE RMU SIC Qu i n te ti n F Mi n o r.Oo . 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
.. .. . B arber .. ... B eetho ven . .. .. Liszt
. B rah m s
.. .. .. Mozar t . Tchaikovsky
1 rffi]
PAMELA MIA PAUL UnitedStates Address: 280 RiversideDrive New York,New York 10025
Age: 27
Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 9, soloistwith Long lslandLittleOrchestra, GardenCity, Long lsland Scho/arshlps and Awards: HonoraryScholarships, JuilliardSchool,'66-'70 MonetaryScholarship, JuilliardSchool,'71-'72 '72-73 Olga SamaroffScholarship, '72 ConcertArtists Guild, Ambler Award - 1st '70 Genevalnternational MusicComoetition2nd Teachers: '71AdeleMarcus '66-'70 llonaKabos '65-66 Nadia Reisenberg '60-65 Edward Steuermann '56-60 CharlesF. Paul
Schoo/s: FriendsAcademy The JuilliardSchool
PamelaPaul gave her formaldebut recitalin CarnegieRecitalHall, New Yorkat the age of 23, She has appearedas soloistwith the St. Louis Symphonyand Cosmopolitan Orchestra,New York,as well as with symphonyorchestrasin Germany.She has also performed in Europein radiorecitals.Miss Paulis single,speaksFrench and German,and is interestedin cooking, theater,museums.and dancing.
Pa rti taN o . 2 i n C Mi nor S o n a tai n G Maj or,Op. 31, N o. 1 S c h e rz oi n C# Mi nor,Op. 39 P a g a n i nEtude i N o. 2 i n E b Maj or .
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 SonataNo. 3 in F Minor,Op. 14 Variations
. Mozarl Schumann . . Cooland
RECITAL SonataNo. 3 in F Minor,Op. 14 Ballade L l s l e j o y e u se H a rmo n i e sd u soi r R i g o l e ttoP a r aphrase
Schumann . . . . . Bar ber . . . . . Debussy . . . . Liszl .. . . . . . . . Liszl
. . . . . . Bach ..... . Beet hoven . . . . . . Chopin . . . Liszl
C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintet in A Major,Op. 81 .
. Dvorak
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 C o n c e rto
. .. . .. . Mozarl . . . . Bar ber
4, rffil
MARTINEZ PINZOLAS Age:26 Spain Address.' BAT Heim. Grandweg.16 2000 Hamburg62, West Germany Permanent Address; Oxigeno,19 Madrid-21, Spain Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 15, recital,Madrid,Spain Scho/arshrpsand Award s: Juan March Fellowshipto study in London,1970 Alexandervon Humboldt-StifiungFellowshipto study in Hamburg,Germany,1975 '74 PalomaO'Shea. SantanderInternational Piano Comoetition- 2nd plus 1st prizefor SpanishMusic '70 International PianoCompetition, Jaen,Spain - 1s t '69 International Sommer-Akademie, Salzburg, Austria- 1st
Teachers: '75:77 Ya'a Bernette '74-'70 Maria Curcio '65-'69 Manuel Carra Schoo/sr Royal Conservatory,Madrid Jose-MariaPinzolasmade his first orofessional publicappearanceat the age of 18 in the Grand Saal of the Mozarteum,Salzburg,as soloistwith the MozarteumOrchestra.His most recent formaldebut recitalwas in the Musikhalle, Hamburg,Germanyin 1977.He has appearedin concert and made broadcaststhroughout Europeand Great Britain. He is single and speaksSpanish,ltalian,English,German, Frenchand some Russian.
P a rti taN o . 4 i n D Ma j o r S o n a tai n C M i n o r,O p . 1 3 B a l l a d ei n F Mi n o r,O p . 52 Etude in B Minor,Op. 25, No. 10 .
Sonatain Eb Major,K.282 So n a tai n B Mi n o r l ma g e s(Se t l ) .
..... . B a ch ...... B eetho ven .. C hopin .. Chopin
: .. ....
RECITAL So n a tai n E Ma j o r,Op . 109 Barcarolle,Op. 60 AndanteSpianatoet GrandePolonaise,Op.22 From Goyescas, Part ll El Amor y la Muerte El Pelele:escena goyesca Ballade
. Mozart . .. .. Liszt .. . D ebu ssy
..... B eetho ven .. Chopin .. . Chopin . Granados ..... B arb er
C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concerto in D Minor.K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in E Minor
Mozart .. Chopin
-) t
GYNTHIA ANN RAIM Age: 25 UnitedStates Address; 30 South22nd Street Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19103 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, pertormanceas recipientof scholarship by MusicClub of Detroit,Michigan Scho/arshlps and Award s: FestorazziAward, Curtis Institute Music Study Club of Detroit NationalMusicCamp, Interlochen '77 Three Rivers Piano Comoetition- 1st '73 Bach InternationalPiano Competitionznd Teachers: '74RudolfSerkin '7O- MieczyslawHorszowski '58-70 MischaKottler
P a rti taN o. 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n D Maj or,Op. ' 10,N o. 3 . Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Transcendental EtudeNo. 5 "Feux follets"
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 C a rn a v a lOp.9. , So n a ta ,Op.l .
RECITAL S o n a tai n A Maj ol Op. 120 Fantasyin F Minor,Op. 49 L e T o m b e aude C ouperi n Ba l l a d e C H A M BE RMU S IC Quintet in A Malor,Op. 81 .
C o n c e rtoi n D Mi nor,K . 466 C o n c e rtoN o. 3 i n C Maj or,Op.28.
! |
Schoo/s: Cass Tech, High School Curtis Instituteof Music
Bornin Detroit,CynthiaAnn Raim made herfir professionalpublic appearanceas soloistwith the DetroitSymphony at nine years of age an has since performedas soloistwith the Pittsbu and Grosse Point, Michigan, Symphoniesas well as in recital.She is single and lists fooda her hobby.
. . . . . . Bac . . . . . Beet hove .. Chopi ... Lisz
.. Moza Schum an . . . . . . . 8er 9
. . . . . . Schube
. . . . Rave . . . . . Bar be
. Dvora
. . . . . . . M oza . . . . . . Pr okolie
ANDRE,LUISRANGEL Age: 24 Brazil Address: Rua Sao FranciscoXavier, 121l3O8ZC-09 Tiiuca Rio Rio de Janeiro,26.000BRAZIL Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 8, concertwith orchestra,Rio de Janeiro Scho/arshlps and Awards: GermanGovernmentScholarship The NordanScholarshipAward (TexasChristianUniversity) '74 "Natho Henn" PianoCompetition,Brazil1st '71 lnternational Music Comoetitionof the BavarianRadio,Munich,GermanyFinalist- Soecial Award '70 South American Piano Comoetition.Brazil - 1st
Teachers: '75:77 ArnaldoEstrella '73-75 GilbertoTinetti '72:73 Luiz C. Moura Castro '65-72 MyriamDavelsberg Schoo/s; FederalUniversityof Rio de Janeiro Bornin Rio de Janeiro,Andr6 Rangelmade his first professionalappearancein recital at 21 yearsof age in Sao Paulo.He made his formal debut the same year in the Sao Paulo Art MuseumConcert Hall. He has appeared in concertand recitalin Brazil.He is singleand speaks Portuguese,English and some French. He enjoysdrawing,singing,and cooking.
Pa rti taN o . 1 i n Bb M a jor S o n a tai n C M i n o r.O o . 13 Balladein F Minor,Op. 52 Etu d ei n A M i n o r,O p . 25, N o. 4 .
. .. .. Bach .. . .. . B eethoven . . Chopin . .. C h opin
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 F a n ta s yi n C Ma j o r,Op.17 SonataNo. 4 in F# Malor,Op. 30
. Mozart ..... S chumann .. Scriabin
RECITAL So n a tai n Bb M a j o r,D . 960 Ba l l a d e Alboradadel graciosofrom "Miroirs T h re e Etu d e s Ondine- Bruyeres- Minstrels V a l s a d a D o r..
.. .. .. S chuber t .. .. . B a r ber . .. Ravel ..... D ebussv .V i l l a-Lobos
C H A M BE RM U S IC Qu i n te ti n E b M a j o r,O p. 44
.. . . S chum ann
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 C o n c e rto N o .1 i n E M i nor
Mozart ..C hooin
JAMES RAPHAEL UnitedStates Age: 24 Address: c/o A. Mosick 22 John Street SpringValley,New York 10977 Permanent Address: 3 Largo San Godenzo Rome, ltaly Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 14, Concert at GardnerMuseum, Boston. Scho/arshlps and Awards: Honoraryscholarshipsto attendConservatoryof Athens,Greece, and to study with Rosina Lhevinneat Juilliardin New York. '72 GenevaWorld Competition- sth Teachers: '75:76 A. B. Michelangeli '73:76 Carlo Zecchi '72 Nikita Magalotf,Aldo Ciccolini, PierreSancan,Nadia Boulanger, J. Febrier
Schoo/s: OverseasAmerican School of Rome, ltaly AmericanUniversityof Paris Loyola Universityof Rome and Chicago Academia& Conservatoryof Santa Cecilia Conservatoryof Paris
James Raphaelmade his first professional public appearanceat age l6 in the Royal Pavillion, Brighton,England.He made his forn debut in Hong Kong at 22 years of age with the HongKong Philharmonic. He has perform in concertand recitalin the UnitedStates,lsra Hong Kong and ltaly. He is single and speak English,French, ltalian and Greek. He enjoy creativewriting,tennis,skiingand sky-divin
En g l i s hSui teN o. 2 i n A Mi nor So n a ta i n FMaj or Scherzoin C# Minor,Op. 39 G ra n dEtudei n E b Mai or
Sonatain D Major F a n ta s yi n C Maj or,Op. 17 T h re ePi e ces,Op. 11
.. Moza . . . . . Schum a . . Schoenbe
RECITAL Chaconne Sonatain E Major,Op. 109 F a n ta s yi n C Maj or,Op. 17 Ba l l a d e Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka
. . . . Ba . . . .. Beethov . . . . . Schum a . . . . . Bar br . .. .. Prokof
C H A M BE RMU S IC Quintetin F Minor.Oo. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
. . . . . . . Bac . . . Hayd . . .. . . Chop . . . . . Lis
. Brahn
. . . . . . . M o2a . . . Tchaikovs
iLtANE RODRTGUES(NASCTMENTOI Age: 18 Btazil Address: Rua SilveiraMartins,24 apat.1104 Rio de Janeiro,Brazil Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 4, televisionrecitalin Rio de Janeiro Scho/arshipsand Awards.'76 The Third NationalMusic Competitionof Goias- 1st '75 The FirstLuciaBrancoNationalCompetition - 1s t '74 The FirstNatho Henn NationalPiano Competition- 1st Teachers: '69 ArnaldoEstrella '63 HelenaG. Gallo
Irffi't Born in Rio de Janeiro,Eliane Rodriguesmade publicappearanceat 13 her first professional yearsof age in recital at the Petropolisin Rio de Janeiro. Her formal debut recital took place at age 15 in CeciliaMeirelesConcertHall, Rio de Janeiro.She has appearedin recitaland concert in Braziland has more than 200 oublished includinga Fantasyfor Pianoand compositions, Orchestra.She is married,speaksPortuguese and understandsEnglish.She is interestedin horsemanshio.
Schoo/s; CiceroPennaHigh Schoo
Pa rti taN o . 6 i n E M i n o r So n a tai n D M i n o r,Op . 3 1 , N o. 2 . Balladein F Major,Op. 38 E tu d ei n C # Mi n o r,Op . 1 0 , N o. 4 .
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 C a rn a v a l ,Op .9 . Su i te ,O p .1 4 ....
RECITAL C h ro ma ti cF a n ta s y a n dFugue So n a tai n C M a j o r,Op . 5 3 Fantasyin F Minor,Op. 49 Poissond'or from lmages, Set ll . FestavoSertao Ba l l a d e
. .. .. . B ac h ..... B eethoven . . Chopin . C hop in
.. Mozart S chumann ...B arto k
....... B ac h . ... . B eethoven . Chopin . Debussy . Villa-Lobos .... . B arbe r
C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoN o . 1 i n E Mi n o r
Mozart ..C hooin
1 09
Address: H-1.126Budapest Marvanyu.40. Hungary Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 13, recital in Dresden,Germany Scho/arshlps and Award s: Scholarshipsawarded by Mrs. Bartok and Ditta Pasztory '76 LisZ-Bartok lnternationalComoetition3rd '73 Piano Competitionof the HungarianRadio - Soecial Prize Teachers: '71-'76KornelZempleni '67-71 Magda Vasarhelyi
P a rti taN o. 4 i n D Mal or So n a tai n A b Maj or,Op. 26 Ba l l a dei n A b Maj or Transcendental Etude No. 2 in A Minor
S o n a t ai n D Maj or,K . 3' l' l . F a n ta si estucke.Oo. 12.... Three Pieces trom Out of Doors
RECITAL S o n a t ai n E b Maj or,H ob.52 So n a tai n F Mi nor,Op. 5. Al b o ra dadelgraci osol romMi roi rs Ba l l a de
Schoo/s; Bela Bartok Music High School, Budapes Franz Liszt Academy of Music, BudaoestMusic School. Budapest
lmre Rohmannmade his tirst professiona appearanceat the age of 20'as soloist wi PhilharmonicSociety of Hungary in Buda He has appearedin concerts in Germany Hungary,ltaly and France.He is singlear speaksEnglishand German.
.. .. .. I . . . . Beet h . . . . . . . . Ct
......... M . . . . Schur . . . . Bi
....... H . . . . . . . . . Br i ......... F . . . . . Bi
C H A M B E RMU S IC Qu i n te ti n E b Maj or,Op. 44
. . . . Schu
C o n c e rtoi n A Maj or,K . 488 C o n c ertoN o. 1 i n D Mi nor
..... .. Mr . . . . . . . . Br e
1 rffil
IIYRONROMANUL Age: 23 UnitedStates Address; 90 Clinton Road 02146 Brookline,Massachusetts Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 11,soloistwith BostonWomen'sSymphony in the Hatch Shell, Boston Scho/arshlps and Awards' Tuitionscholarshipfrom the New England of Music'72:73,'73:74 Conservatory '71 YouthConcertsat SymphonyHall Competition- 1st '65 Harry Dubbs MemorialAward Competition - lst Teachers: '75AdeleMarcus '70-'75 Theodore Lettvin '62-'70 Leo Litwin
IpnelrnnrnnnY/PHASE l I
MyronRomanulmade his first professional public appearanceas soloist in a Newton SymphonyPops Concert at Boston College at the age of 16. He has performedseveral times with Arthur Fiedlerand the Boston PoDsand with symphoniesin Maine,Nebraska,Indianapolis and New York.He is singleand speaksEnglish and French. He enjoys playing several different instruments,studyingorchestralscores,hiking, cooking,sailing,and assemblingelectronickits.
En g l i s hSu i teN o . 3 i n G Mi nor S o n a tai n C Ma j o r,Op . 2 , N o. 3 .. .. . S c h e rz oi n C # M i n o r,O p. 39 E tu d e -T a b l e aNuo . 9 i n D Maj or,Op. 39
S o n a tai n C Ma j o r,K . 3 3 0 Andantespianatoand GrandePolonaise,Op. 22 So n a ta(1 9 5 2 ).
RECITAL F o u r P i e c e s Op , . ' l' 1 9 Ba l l a d e SonataNo. 5 in F# Major,Op. 53 Andantespianatoand GrandePolonaise,Op. 22 M e o h i s toW a l tz . C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
Schoo/s: BrooklineHigh School New EnglandConservatory
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
. .. .. .. B a ch . . B eethoven . .. .. . C hop in . .. . R achmani nof f
.. Moza r t . . Chopin . .. Gi naster a
. .. .. . B rahms .....B arbe r .. Scriabin . . . Chopin ......, Li szt
. Dvorak
...... Moza r t . . Tchaikovsky
1 ITfil
EUGENE ROWLEY Age: 22 UnitedStates Address: Post Office Box 74 RoundTop, Texas 78954 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 14, orchestralappearanceas competition winnerin Salina,Kansas Scho/arshrpsand Awards: Scholarshipto study with James Dick awarded by InternationalFestival-lnstituteat RoundTop, Texas '76 Winnerof ShreveportSymphonyAuditions, FinancialFederalNationalMusical Showcaseand El Paso SouthwestPianists' Foundation '75 Winnerof San AntonioTuesdayMusicClub Award and NaftzgerAward '74 Winner of Bloch YoungArtists Award and Hemphill-WellsSorantinAward Teachers: '73James Dick '70-'73 James Rivers
P a rti taN o . 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n C Mi nor,Op. 13 Scherzoin B Minor,Op. 20 E tu d ei n B Mi nor,Op. 25, N o. ' 10.
Sonatain D Major,K. 576 Variationsand Fugueon a Theme by Handel,Op. 24 Estampes
RECITAL Preludesfor Piano So n a tai n C Mi nor.Oo. 13 Ba l l a d e So n a taN o . 2 i n B b Mi nor
Schoo/s: HeringtonHigh School WashburnUniversity InternationalFestival-lnstitute,Round Top
Eugene Rowley made his first professional publicappearanceat 18 years of age in a recita at the McNay Museumof Art, San Antonio.He made his formaldebut at the NationalGalleryo Art, Washington,D.C. at age 2'1.He has oerformedas soloist several times with the HoustonSymphonyas well as with symphonie in Louisiana. Oklahoma.Kansasand Wisconsi He is single,speaks French and enjoys reading swimmingand backgammon.
. . . . . . Bach . .. . . . Beet hove . Chopin . . Chopin
. . Mozar
. . . . Brahms1 i . Debussy
Cummino . . . . . . Beet hove . . . . . Bar ber .. . Rachm anino
C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
. Dvorak
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in Bb Maior
. . . . . . . M ozar t Brahms
rffil ltaly Age: 23 Address: Via Marcona,82 Milan,ftaly First So/o Appearance: Age 12, recital,Como, ltaly Scho/arshrps and Aw ard s: '73 RassegnaDiplomati-Cesena Competition1st '75 RassegnaInternationalCompetition,Naples - 1st Teachers: '75:77 Albefto Mozzati '76 HelenaCosta '74:75 Marcello Abbado '70:74 Paolo Bordoni
Schoo/s: Conservaloryof Music Elornin Rome, RuggeroRuoccohas appearedin concerland recitalin ltaly and Monaco. He is single,speaksonly ltalianand enioys chess.
Pa rti taN o . 5 i n G Maj or Sonatain Eb Major,Hob. 52 Balladein F Major,Op. 38 Etude,Op. 2, No. 1
Sonatain Bb Major,K. 333 Fantasiestucke, Op. 12 Sarcasms,Op. 17
RECITAL So n a tai n C M a 1 o r, O p. 53 Variationson a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35 (Set ll) Two Etudes Pourles huit doigts Pourles degreschromatiques Suite "Out of Doors"
C H AMB ERM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 C o n c e rtoN o . 1 i n Eb Maj or
.. .. . . Bach . Havdn .. Chopin prokofiev
.. Mozart .. Schumann . prokofiev
.. .. .. B eethoven . Brahms Debussv
. Bartok .... Bar ber
.. B r ahm s
. Mozart .... LisZ
rffi] lsrael Age: 28 Address: 385 UndercliffAvenue Edgwater,New Jersey 07020 First So/o Appearance: Age 11,specialA.l.C.Econcertin Tel Aviv with NationalYouthOrchestra Scho/arshlps and Awards: America-lsraelCultural Foundation '60.72 Scholarships, Full graduatescholarshipat Boston University '70 Geneva InternationalCompetition- 2nd '68 Kestenberg,Tel Aviv - 1st Teachers: '71ClaudioAnau '72-'74 LeonardShure '71-'72 llonaKabos '64-71 MindruKatz
Schoo/s: Haifa, lsrael High School Tel Aviv University Boston University The JuilliardSchool
GershonSilbertmade his first orofessional public appearanceas soloistwith the lsrael PhilharmonicOrchestrain Tel Aviv at 20 vearsol age. He made his formaldebut in Tel Aviv at age 21. He has performedconcerts and recitalsin lsrael,Maryland,Pennsylvania,Floridaand New York.He is single and speaks English, French, Hebrewand Yiddish.
F re n c hSu i t eN o. 2 i n C Mi nor S o n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 ... .. Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 E tu d ei n D # Mi nor,Op. 8, N o. 12 ... .
Sonatain C Major,K. 330 C a rn a v a lOp.9. , SonataNo. 9 in F Major,Op. 68
RECITAL Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35 Ballade Picturesfrom an Exhibition
. Chooin . . . . . Bar ber .... Mussorgsky
C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n Eb Maj or,Op. 44
. . . . Schum ann
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 Concertoin G Major
. . . . . . . Bach . . Beet hoven . Chopin . . . . Scr iabin
.. Mozarl Schum ann .. Scriabin
Mozart .. Ravel
1 rffil
PAULSMITH UnitedStates Address; P O. Box 312 San Rafael,California94902 First So/o Appearance: Age 10, Beaumont,Texas
Age: 26
Scho/arshiosand Awards: Scholarships to RoyalCollegeof Music, DominicanCollegeand S. W. Richardson FoundationScholarshio '77 FresnoPhilharmonic YoungArtist- 2nd '76 ModestoSymphonyYoungArtist- 1st '76 MarinSymphonyYoungArtist- 1st Teachers: '75-77 JulianWhite '72-74 Bernard Roberts ' 69- 71 J ohn Lill
Schoo/s: L. D. Bell High School,Hurst,Texas DominicanCollege,California ViennaAcademy RoyalCollegeof Music,London Bornin FortWorth.Texas.Paul Smithmade his publicappearanceat 25 years firstprofessional of age with the Modesto,CaliforniaSymphony. He has appearedas soloistwith the Marin and ModestoSymphoniesand performedin recitalin He is singleand enjoyscollectingand California. restoringAbarth sportscars.
Pa rti ta N o .1 i n Bb Ma j o r So n a ta i n Eb Ma j o r,O p.7. Sc h e rz oi n B b Mi n o r,Op. 31 . E tu d eN o .1 1 " Po u rl e s arpeges"
..... Bach ..... B eethoven .. . .. . C ho pin .. D ebu ssy
So n a tai n F M a j o r,K.3 32 D a v i d s b i rn d l e rl e n O z ep.6. , Three MovementsfromPetrouchka
.. Mo zar t ..... S chum ann .... Stravinskv
RECITAL Etu d e s ,B o o k 1 Ba l l a d e So n a tai n C Mi n o t Op . 111
.... D ebu ssy .....B arb er .. .. . B eetho ven
C H A M BE RMU SIC Qu i n te ti n E b M a j o r,O p. 44
.. .. S chum ann
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 Concertoin G Major
Mozart .. Ravel
1 rffil
JEAN.LOUIS STEUERMAN Age: 28 Brazil Address; 10 Clabon Mews London,S.W.1,England PermanentAddress: Rua Paulo Cezar de Andrade 232 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 1'1,recital in Rio de Janeiro Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '72 Bach InternationalCompetition- 2nd '66 NationalCompetition,Bahia, Brazil- 1st '65 LorenzoFernandezComoetition.Brazil 1st Teachers: '75-76 Balint Vazsonyi '71:74 Matia Curcio Diamand '68-69 VincenzoVitale '60-'67 Arnaldo Estrella '60 Lucia Branco
Pa rti taN o . 5 i n G Maj or So n a tai n Eb Maj or,H ob.52 S c h e rz o i n B bMi nor,Op.3l . Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
Sonatain A Minor,K. 310. F a s c h i n g s schw ank ausW i en,Op.26 ... S o n a ta ,Op . 1 .
RECITAL Ita l i a nC o n c e rtoi n F Maj or . So n a tai n E Maj or,Op. 109
N:ii;:"":: Sonata No. 5 in F# Major,Op. 53 C H A M BE RM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 2 in C Minor
Schoo/s: Lycee Francais,Rio de Janeiro Born in Rio de Janeiro, Jean-LouisSteuerman gave his first professionalpublic performance at 14 years of age in a concert with the Brazilian Symphonyin Rio de Janeiro.He made his formal debut in the PurcellRoom, London,in 1976,and has appearedin concert and recital in London, Scoiland,Brazil and Germany.He is singleand speaksEnglish,French,ltalian,Spanishand Portuguese.He enjoys skiing,soccer,chessand literature.
. . . . . . Bach . . . . . . . Haydn . . . . . . Chopin . Chopin
. . Mozart ..... . Schum ann . . . . . . . Ber g
.. . . . . . . . Bach .... . Beet hoven
'::.,Tl . . Scriabin . Brahms
.. . . . . . M ozar l . ,?achmaninofl
lrxouls w. sruMPF Germany Age: 27 Address: '1862BeaconStreet, Bldg. 6, Apt. 6A Brookline,Massachusetts02146 Permanent Address: c/o Hong Kong ChristianService 33 GranvilleRoad, Kowloon, Hong Kong First Solo Appearance: Age 7, Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Scho/arshlps and Awards: '70 BosendorferPrize, Mozarteum, Salzburg '72 LilliLehmannMedal,New England Conservatory '75-76 New England ConservatoryScholarship and ChoralAccomoaniment Assistantship '76:77 New England Conservatorypiano TeachingFellowship '77 International New Enoland ConservatoryCompeiition- 1st '69 InternationalMozarteumComoetition1st
Bornin Shanghai,Thomas Stumpf made his firsl professionalpublic appearanceat 14 years of age in the City Hall Theatre, Hong Kong, in a HongKong PhilharmonicChamberMusic concert.He made his formal debut at age 19 in the same theatre. He has appearedwith Arthur Fiedlerand the Boston Pops and with symphony orchestrasin Germany and Austria. He has touredthe Far East as piano accompanistand assistantin master-classeswith Hanna Ludwig and performedon radio and televisionin Europe. He is singleand speaksGerman,English and some French. He enjoys travel, stampcollecting,literatureand psychology.
P a rti taN o . 2 i n C Mi n or S o n a tai n G Ma j o r,O p. 31, N o. 1 Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 T ra n s c e n d e n ta l d eN o. 8 " W i l deJagd" . Etu
.. .... Bach ...... B eethoven . Chopin ... Liszt
Sonata in C Major,K. 330 Variationson a Theme by Paganini,Op. 35 (S e ts l a n d l l ) l ma g e s(Se t l ) .
RECITAL Toccatain D Major Pi c tu re sfro m a n E x h i bi ti on Ballade E tu d eN o .7 " Po u r l e sdegreschromati ques Transcendental Etude No. 8 "WildeJagd" . C H AMB ERM U S IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 4 in G Maior .
Teachers: '75lrma Wolpe Rademacher '69:72 Kurt Neumuller '67-69 HeinzScholz '55-67 AnnemarieStumof Schoo/s; King GeorgeV School, Hong Kong Hochschule fur Musik"Mozarteum",Salzburg New EnglandConservatory
. . Mozarl ..B ra hm s . .. D ebussy
... Bach .... Musso r gsky .. ... B a r ber ...... D eb ussy ... Liszt
. Brahms
Mozarl . -.. B eetho ven
JEFFREY SWANN Age: 25 UnitedStates Address: 161W. 75th Street, Apt. 14F New York,New York 10023 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, special recital in Flagstaff,Arizona at NorthernArizona University Scho/arshlps and Awards: '63-'69 S.M.U.SpecialMusicStudyScholarship '67 Aspen FestivalScholarship '64-'69 St. Marks SchoolScholarship '69-75 JuilliardSchool (MorrisLoeb Prize ,73) '69-73 NationalMeritScholarship '7O-'74l.l.F.Grants(5) '75 Dino Ciani Competition,La Scala,ltaly1s t '72 QueenElizabethCompetition,Belgium2nd '71 MontrealInternationaland Vianna da Motta, Lisbon- 4th '70 International ChopinCompetition,Warsaw - Critic'sPrize
En g l i s hS ui teN o.5 i n E Mi nor So n a tai n D Maj or,Op. 10, N o. 3 . Sc h e rz oi n E Maj or,Op. 54 T ra n s c endental E tudeN o.5 " Feuxfol l ets"
Sonatain D Major,K.284 Me o h i s toW al tz. s u i te " o utof D oors"
RECITAL F a n ta s yi n C Maj or,Op. 17 Ba l l a d e T h re e E t udes Pour les quartes Pour les arpeges Pour les accords Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka C H AMB E RMU S IC Q u i n te tin F Mi nor
Concertoin A Majot K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
Teachers: '73-76 Adele Marcus '69-73 BeveridgeWebster '62-'69 AlexanderUninsky '56-62 Mrs. GloriaSwann Schoo/s; St. Marks School of Texas The JuilliardSchool
Winner of many competitions,Jetfrey Swan has appearedas soloistwith symphony orchestrasboth in the United States and Eur and has given solo recitals in many Europe cities.He has made four tours of Poland,asu as four recordingsfor Ars Polona, and can b heard on Deutche GramrnophonRecords.H receivedboth the Bachelorand MasteroJMu degreesfrom Juilliard School and is current the Juilliarddoctoral program. He is singlea speaksFrench,ltalian,Germanand Portugu He enjoys literature,chess and cooking.
. . . . '. . Ba . . . . . Beet ho . . ' '. . . . Cho . . . . . . . . . . Li
. . Moz . . . . . . lis Bar "'""'
. . . . . Schum . . . . . Bar '""Debur
. .. . Stravin
. . . . . . . . . 'Fr e
1 rffi'l
SONDRATAMMAM Age: 25 UnitedStates Address: 1168ProsoectStreet Westfield,New Jersey 07090 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 7, Concert for School Music Scho/arshlps and Aw ard s: fromJuilliard,ManhattanSchoolof Scholarshios Music,John Myers Foundation,The Paderewski N.Y, The KosciuzskoFoundation, Foundation, Congressof Piano Teachers Gold Medalin NationalGuild Recording Comoetition Scholarshipsfor study with all teachers listed '76 ConcertArtist Guild,N.Y Finalist '75 JuilliardConcertoCompetition- 1st '74 International Competitionof N.Y.Congress of PianoTeachers- 1st '73 PaderewskiComoetition- 1st Teachers: '75:77 Artur Balsam '73-75 RosinaLhevinne& MartinCanin '69-73 Dora Zaslavsky
'67169 JeanetteHaien '65-'67 Alton Jones '62-65 Edwin Hughes Schoo/s: SummitHigh School,New Jersey ManhattanSchool of Music The JuilliardSchool SondraTammam made her first orofessional public appearanceat ten years of age in a concertooerformancewith the Suburban Symphonyin Cranford,New Jersey.She made her Carnegie Recital Hall debut at age 22. She has appearedas soloistwith symphony orchestrasin New York, ltaly and New Jersey and in recital in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She is marriedand speaksEnglishand French. She enjoys studyingfine art, travel, swimming and dancing.
P a rti taN o .2 i n C M i nor So n a tai n D M i n o r,Op. 31, N o. 2 . Balladein G Minor,Op. 23 E tu d ei n C M a j o l Op . 10, N o. 1 .
Sonatain F Major,K. 332 Variationsand Fugueon a Theme by Handel,Op, 24 Sonata No. 5 in C Major,Op. 38
RECITAL Three Sonatas .. . K.3 4 7 . K. 1 9 7 .K . 348 So n a tai n F M i n o r.O o. 57 Ballade Barcarolle,Op. 60 T w o P re l u d e s ..... Op . 3 2 , N o . 5 i n G Maj or O p . 2 3 , N o . 2 i n B b Maj or C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n E b M a j o r,Op. 44
Concertoin A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Maior
...... Bach ..... B eethoven . Chopin ... Chopin
. . Mozart . . . . Brahms .. Prokofiev
. Scarlatti ... .. . B eet hoven .. .. . Bar ber . . Chopin ..R achmaninof f
... . S chu m ann
Mozart . . . Liszt
1 rffi]
OSCAR TARRAGO Age:25 Mexico Address: TecualiapanNo. 36/4-6 Mexico21, D.E Mexico Permanent Address: (c/o Bronillet) PalenqueNo. 392 Col. Vertiz-Narvarte Mexico13, D.E Mexico Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 10,debut recitalat NationalConservatoryof Mexico Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '61-'67 and '67-'70 Scholarshipfrom Secretary of PublicEducation '67-70 LionsClub of Mexico '73 BosendorferFirm, Vienna '74:76 VetactuzUniversity '76 VeracruzGovernment Teachers: '67:70 and'72-76 DieterWeber '74:75 MieczyslavMunz
E n g l i s hS u i teN o. 5 i n E Mi nor So n a tai n C Maj or,Op. 2, N o. 3 .... . Sc h e rz o i n BbMi nor,Op.3l . Transcendental EtudeNo. 5 "Feux follets"
Sonatain C Minor,K. 457 So n a tai n B M i nor Scarbo trom Gaspard de la nuit . . .
RECITAL Andantespianatoand Grand Polonaise,Op. 22 Sonatain Bb Minor,Op. 35 Ballade Sonata No. 7 in Bb Malor,Op. 83
'71:72 GerhardMuench '66-'67 Enrique Batiz '60-'66 Joaquin Amparan '64-'65 YolandaMoreno '63-65 Bernard Flavigny '55-'62 AngelicaTarrago Schoo/s-BenlaminFranklin High School NationalConservatory,Mexico Music Academy,Vienna, Austria OscarTarrag6made his first professionalpublic appearanceat 1'l years of age in a Benefit Recitalin Orizaba, Veracruz,Mexico. He made his formal debut in the Conservatoryof Mexico Ar.rditorium the month before.He has performed as soloistwith symphoniesin Mexico and has also performedin recitals. He is single, and speaksEnglish,Germanand Spanish.He enjoys painting,literatureand swimming.
. . . . . . . Bach . . Beet hoven . . . . . . Chopin ... Liszl
.. Mozart . . . . . Liszt . . Ravel
. . . Chopin . Chopin . . . . . Bar ber . Prokofiev
C H A M BE RMU S IC Qu i n te ti n Eb Maj or,Op. 44
.. . . Schum ann
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 2 in G Minor
... . . . Pr okof iev,
}IINATICHMAN Age:28 UnitedStates Address: 11 Blumenthalstr. 69 Heidelberg, West Germany First So/o Appearance: Age 15,debut recitalat KosmosClub, D.C. Washington, Scho/arshlpsand Awards: RegentsScholarshipat Barnard Four-yeartuitionscholarshipat Juilliard '73 Mendelssohn Comoetition- lst '72 CasagrandeCompetition- 1st '71 BusoniCompetition - 2nd (no 1st awarded) Teachers: '76DorothyTaubman '73-75 Hans Leygraf '71:72 AllonsKontarsky '69-'71 llonaKabos '62-'69 Jane Carlson
P a rti ta N o .6 i n E Mi n o r So n a tai n D Ma j o r,O p . 10, N o. 3 . Ba l l a d ei n G M i n o l O p . 23 E tu d e" Po u rl e s d e g re schromati ques
Sonata in C Minor,K. 457 "Apresune lecturedu Dante," fantasiaquasi sonata T w o E tu d e s(B o o kl l ) Pour les arpegescomposes Pour les notes repetees
RECITAL Ballade Pa rti taN o . 6 i n E M i n or C a rn a v a l ,O p .9 .
Schoo/s; BarnardCollege The JuilliardSchool public NinaTichmanmade her first professional appearanceat 17 yearsof age with the symphonyorchestrain Hewlett,New York, and her formal debut at Grace Rainey Rogers auditoriumin 1977.She has oerformedas soloist with symphoniesin Germanyand in recitalin New York,Vermontand Massachusettsin the UnitedStates.She is married and soeaks German,Spanish,ltalianand French.She enjoyscookingand reading.
...... Bach . ... . B eetho ven . C h opin .. . . . D ebussy
.. Mozart . .. . Liszt .. .. . D ebussy
.....B ar ber . .. .. . Bach S chumann
C H AMB ERMU SIC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
. Dvorak
Concertoin A Maior,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Eb Maior
Mozart . . . Liszt
!F Age: 25 U. S. S. R. Address: 15 NeglinnayaStreet Moscow,U.S.S.R. First So/o Appearance: Age 7, studentconcert, School of Music, Tbilisi Scho/arshrpsand Awards: '75 CasagrandeInternationalCompetition3rd '69 TranscaucasusPiano Competition- 1st
Alexander(Lekso) Toradze made his first professionalpublic appearanceat nine yean age in a commemorativeconcert in Tbilisi in honorof Yury Gagarin and man's first space flight. He has performedas soloist with symphoniesin Russiaand made his formal debut in Yerevanin 1977. He is single, spea Russianand a little English and enjoys jazz compositionsand painting
Teachers: '74B. Zemlyansky '71:74 Ya. Zak '70:71 E. Gurevich '58169 R. Rozhok Schoo/s: GraduateSchool of Moscow Conservatorv MoscowConservatory TbilisiConservatory PaliashviliSchool of Music
Pa rti taN o. 2 i n C Mi nor So n a tai n G Mi nor(i n tw o movements) Sc h e rz oin C # Mi nor,Op. 39 Etude-Tableau in D Major,Op. 39, No. 9.
. . . . . . Ba . . . . . Hay . . . . . . Cho . . . Rachmanin
So n a tai n E b Maj or,K .282 Variationson a Theme of Bach, " We i nen,K l agen,Zorgen,Zagen" Sonata No. 7 in Bb Major,Op. 83
. . . . . . . . M oz
RECITAL S o n a tai n B Mi nor Two Sonatasin D Minor Three Movementsfrom Petrouchka Ballade C H AMB E RMU S IC Q u i n te ti n F Mi nor,Op. 34
1 22
Concertoin A Malor,K. 488 C o n c e rt oN o. 3 i n C Mai or.
. . . . . . . Li . Prokof
. . . . . lis . .. Scar .. .. Stravin . . . . . Bar
. . . . . . . . Br ah
.......M 0 2 a .....p r o ko fi e
1 ITF'I Age: 24 UnitedStates Address: 70-02 31st Avenue,Queens New York, New York 11370 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 4Vz,Talent Competitionin Covent Garden, Cairo Scho/arshlps and Awards: . '64 Full scholarshios for JuilliardSchooland ProfessionalChildren'sSchool '77 Three RiversNationalCompetition- 4th '71 WOXR,New YorkTimesCompetition- 1st '70 WQXR, New YorkTimesCompetition- 2nd Teachers: '76:77 WilliamMasselos '7'l-'76 Jacob Lateinez '64:71 Jane Carlson Priorto '64 ConstantinToufexis
Pa rti taN o . 4 i n D Maj o S o n a tai n C M a j o r,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. .. . B a l l a d ei n F M i n o r,Op. 52 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
S o n a tai n A M i n o r,K . 310. So n a tai n B Mi n o r ,Op. 58 SonataNo. 4 in F# Malor,Op. 30
RECITAL S c h e rz oi n B b M i n or,Op. 31 . Sonatain E Major,Op. 109 M e p h i s toW a l tz . Ba l l a d e Etu d ei n Eb Mi n o r Op. , 39, N o. 5 . Two Etudes Op . 2 , N o . 1 i n C # Mi nor Oo . 8 . N o . 1 2 i n D # Mi nor
:t ri { r
C H A M BE RMU SIC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
Schoo/s; ProfessionalChildren'sSchool JuilliardPre-College Division The JuilliardSchool Born in lsmaylia,Egypt, DimitriToufexismade his first professionalpublic appearanceat seven years of age in a recital on the National Radio, Cairo. He has appearedas soloistwith symphonyorchestrasin the state of Washington and in New York.He is single,speaksEnglish, Greek,some Arabic and ltalian and enjoys musicalbiographies, swimming,wines,and films.
.. .. . . Bach .. B eet hoven .. Chopin . Chopin
. . M ozar t .. Chopin . Scriabin
.. .. .. Chopin . .. . . Beethoven .. .. . . Liszt . .. .. Bar ber .. R ach m aninof f Scriabin
. Brahms
Mozart . . Tchaikovsky
4 rffil
GEOFFREY TOZER Australia Age: 22 Address: 15 AinslieParkAvenue Croydon,Victoria3136, Australia First So/o Appeatance: Age 8, A.B.C.,Melbourne,"YoungAustralia" broadcast Scho/arshlps and Awards: '68-71 WinstonChurchillScholarshio '77 Attut RubinsteinComoetition- 7th Teachers: '69-77 Mme. Maria Curcio-Diamand '66-69 Miss EileenRalf '58'66 Mrs. VeronicaTozer Sdhoo/s: De La SalleCollege,Melbourne
Pa rti ta N o .6 i n E Mi nor Sonata in C Mayor,Hob. 50 Balladein Ab Major,Op. 47 Etude in C# Minor,Op. 10, No. 4 .
Sonata in F Major,K. 533 and 494 So n a tai n A M aj or,Op. 101 Suite "Out of Doors"
RECITAL T o c c a tai n D .. Sonatain C Major,Op. 11,No. 3 . E tu d e ,O p . 5 2 , N o. 3 .. ... Ballade Variationsand Fugueon a theme b y H a n del ,Op.24 C H AMB ERMU S IC Quintetin A Major,Op. 81 .
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 C o n c e rtoN o . 3 i n C Mi nor
GeoffreyTozer made his first professionalpublic appearancein Royal Albert Hall, London at 15 years or of age aqe In in a PromenadeConcert and his formal debut formal debut at age a 16 in Antwerp,Belgium. He has performedwith symphoniesand in recital in Australia.As well as makinqtelevision appearancesthroughoutAustralia, he has also recordedradio broadcastsfor the B.B.C. in London,and toured Asia. makino broadcastsin Singapore,Bangkok, Se6ul and "Manila.He is single,speaksGerman,Russianand French and enjoyswalking,photographyand sound recordingoutdoors.
. . . . . . Bach . Haydn Chopin . Chopin
. Mozart .. . . . Beet hoven . Bartok
. . . . . . . Bach . Medtner Pr okof iev . . . . . Bar ber . . . . Br ahm s
. Dvorak
Mozart . ... . Beet hoven
MARIOARA TRIFAN Age: 27 UnitedStates Address: D-5000Koln 41 Franz-Marc-Strasse 21, West Germany Permanent Address: '1040GarrisonAvenue Teaneck,New Jersey 07666 Flrsf So/o Appearance: Age 5, concertwith Princeton,N.J.,Orchestra Scho/arships and Aw ards : Juilliardscholarshio '69 Josef Lhevinnescholarship '74:76 German Governmentscholarshiofor study '77 Sydney InternationalPiano Competition _ 4rh '77 MendelssohnPrize Comoetition- 1st '76 MontrealInternationalComoetition- 7th '75 PalomaO'Shea International Competition - ls t '75 PremioDino Ciani Comoetition- 3rd
E n g l i s hS u i teN o . 3 i n G Mi nor So n a tai n C M a j o r,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. . .. Balladein F Major,Op. 38 Etu d e -T a b l e ai u n A Mi nor,Op. 39, N o. 6.
Sonatain Bb Major,K.281 . Sonatain Ab Major,Op. 110 Sonata No. 5 in F# Maior,Op. 53
RECITAL S o n a tai n C Ma j o r,Op. 2, N o. 3 .. .. . Ballade Sonata No. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84 C H AMB ERMU SIC Q u i n te ti n E M a j o r,Op. 44
Concerto in D Minor,K. 466 ConcertoNo. 2 in G Minor
Teachers: '74Alfons Kontarsky '72:75 Deiter Weber '71:72 Olga Barabini '65-'71 RosinaLhevinne '59165 EleanorSokoloff Schoo/s: The JuilliardSchool Juilliardand Curtis lnstitute Hochschule of Vienna Winnerof many competitions, MarioaraTrifan made her formaldebut at CarnegieRecitalHall, New York, in 1972 and her London debut at WigmoreHall in 1976.She has performedas soloistwith symphonyorchestrasin Maryland, Russia,and Germanyand in recitalin lreland, Spain,Germanyand England.She is singleand speaksGerman,Spanish,some ltalian,French, Portugueseand Russian.She enjoys traveling, handicrafts, bicycling,walking,films and ballet.
.. .. .. . Bach .. B ee t hoven .. Chopin ... R achmaninof f
Mozart . .. . Beethoven . . Scriabin
. . B eet hoven .. .. . Bar ber . Prokofiev
..... S chum ann
Mozart ... .. P rokof iev
125 j
1\ rffi'l
Age: 26
Address: 14 Link Way,Ham, Richmond Surrey,England Firsf So/o Appearance: Age 16, recital,Thessaloniki, Greece Scho/arshlps and Awards: BritishCouncilScholarship GreekGovernmentScholarship '75 Jaen, Spain,Competition- 1st, SoanishMusic '70 Terni, ltaly,Competition- 2nd Teachers: '72-'76 MariaCurcio '68-'76 EduardMrazeu Schoo/s: HighSchoolof Thessaloniki Universityof Thessaloniki Academyof Music, Vienna
P a rti taN o . 2 i n C Mi nor S o n a tai n C M i nor,Op. 13 S c h e rz oi n Bb M i nor,Op. 31 . E tu d ei n C # M inor,Op. 10, N o. 4 "
S o n a ta So n a tai n B M i nor SonataNo. 4 in F# MEor,Op. 30
RECITAL Ba l l a d e Fantasyin C Major,.Op.15 H u n g a ri a nR h a psodyN o. 6 i n D b Maj or
John (Janis)Vakarelismade his first professional publicappearanceat 19 years of age in recitalin Salzburg,Austria.A leadingpianistin his own country,John Vakarelishas performedwith variousGreek orchestras,the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra,the London Repertoireand Young MusiciansOrchestrasin London.He is married and speaksEnglish,Germanand French.He enjoysreading,the theatre,and miniaturetrains.
. . . . . . Bach .. .. . . Beet hoven . .. . . . Chopin . Chopin
.. . . . . M ozar t . . . . . Liszt . Scriabin
.. . . . Bar ber Schubert . . . . . . Liszt
C H A M BE RM US IC Quintetin F Minor,Op. 34
. Brahms
Concerto in A Major,K. 488 ConcertoNo. 3 in C Maior
Mozart Prokofiev
1 rffil
VALARIE VALOIS Age: 29 UnitedStates Address: 56 Welsh Tract Road, #105 Newark,Delaware19713 Permanent Address; 2151Burnett Road Topeka,Kansas 66614 Flrst So/o Appearance: Age 6, recitalat SouthwesternCollege Scho/arshlps and Awards: '54 Free lessons from E. Marie Burdette '70:71 Free lessonsfrom A. B. Michelangeli '66-67 Boston UniversityScholar (4-yeartull scholarship) '69 YoungArtist SymphonyCompetition, SouthernlllinoisUniversitv- 1st Bloomington-Normal Sym-phony Young Artist - 1st 'lst '68 NaftzgerYoungArtists Teachers: '54Miss E. Marie Burdette '74:75 Freida Valenzi
En g l i s hS u i teN o . 3 i n G Mi nor So n a tai n D Ma j o l Op. 10, N o. 3 . Balladein F Major,Op. 38 E tu d eN o . 2 " P o u r l e s ti erces"
S o n a tai n A M i n o r,K. 310. D a v i d s b u n d l e rta n ze. Oo.6. So n a ta(1 9 5 2 ).
RECITAL FromDouze Preludes,Book | . La Danse de Puck La Cathedraleengloutie L e T o mb e a ud e C o uperi n Ba l l a d e S o n a ta(1 9 5 2 ). C H A M BE RM U S IC Qu i n te ti n E b M a j o r,Op. 44
Concertoin D Minor,K. 466 C o n c e rtoi n G M a j o r
' 72: 74 AlexanderJenner '70:71 A. B. Michelangeli '68.70 RenatoPoemessi '66-'67 JoseohBloch Schoo/s: Boston University SouthwesternCollege,Winfield,Kansas Southernlllinois University ViennaAcademyof Music ValarieValois made her first professionalpublic appearanceat 21 years of age with the Wichita SymphonyOrchestrain Wichita,Kansas.She has performedas soloistwith orchestrasin Kansasand lllinoisand in recitalin lran, Delawareand Kansas. She is married and speakssome German,ltalian,French,Persian, Arabicand Spanish.She enjoys horticulture, gourmetfood, metaphysics,philosophy,high fashionand languages.
.. .. .. . Bach .. Chopin . . Chopin . .. . D ebussv
.. Mozar t .... S ch um ann ... Gi nast er a
... Debussy
. .. . Ravel .. .. . Bar ber ... Gi nast er a
. .. . S chum ann
Mozart .. Ravel
1 rffil
WILLIAM WOLFRAM Age: 22 UnitedStates Address: 148 West 68th Street New York,New York 10023 Scho/arshlps and Awards: Honoraryscholarshipat Juilliard School Pre-Collegeand College KosciuskoFoundationAid as result of WestchesterSymphonyScholarshipAward Internationallnstituteof EducationGrant '75 ChopinInternational CompetitionLaureate '76 Lisa-Bartok Competition- finalist Teachers: '77Mrs. InrvinFreundlich '68-77 lnivinFreundlich '67-68 MichaelPollon '66-67 Morton Estrin '60-67 Mrs. Anna Cunningham
F re n c hSu i teNo. 2 i n C Mi nor S o n a tai n E M a j or,Op. 14, N o. 1 . Balladein F Minor,Oo. 52 T ra n s c e n d e n tal E tudeN o. 12 " C hasse-nei ge"
Sonatain Eb Major,K.282 S o n a tai n B M i nor Mi ro i rs
RECITAL T o c c a ta ,Op .7. V a l l e ed ' O b e rmann. Ballade Sonata No. 8 in Bb Major,Op. 84
Schoo/s: White Plains High School North CarolinaSchool of the Arts JuilliardPre-College The JuilliardSchool WilliamWolfram has appearedwith symphony orchestrasin Poland and in recital in Rhode lsland.North Carolina.Massachusettsand also in New Yorkwhere he made broadcastsfor radio. He is single and speaks French.
.. . . . . . Bach . .. ... Beet hoven .. Chopin . . . . . . . Liszt
. Mozarl . . . . . LisZ ... . . . . Ravel
. Schum ann . . . Liszt .. . . . Bar ber . Prokofiev
C H AMB ERMU S IC Q u i n te ti n Eb M aj or,Op. 44
.. .. Schum ann
C o n c e rtoi n A b Maj or,K . 488 ConcertoNo. 1 in Bb Minor
. .. . . . M ozar t . .. Tchaikovskv
1 IFF'T DURINGTHE CYCLEOF THE FIFTHCOMPETITION CONTRIBUTIONS The ExecutiveCommitteeand the Boardof Directorsof the Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. are profoundlygrateful to the followingsupportersfor such dedicated expressionsof interestover the past three years. Withoutthe continuingpatronage of these individuals,foundations, organizationsand businesses,there would be no Competition.The Van Cliburn Foundationextends a most sincere and very special thank you. GUARANTORS The Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County The Amon G. Carter Foundation Van Cliburnand RildiaBee Cliburn The CliburnCouncil Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Floirendo The Fuller Foundation The Moody Foundation Neiman-Marcus The Sid W. RichardsonFoundation The C. L. Rowan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. BienvenidoTantoco Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh
PRIZESOF THE COMPETITION Gra n dP ri z eAw ard. SecondPrizeAward Third PrizeAward . FourthPrizeAward. FifthPrizeAward. SixthPrizeAward .
.. .... N ati onalGui l dof P i anoTeacher s .. The FullerFoundation ..... Mary PotishmanLard Trust ... F. HowardWalsh Foundation ... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll as a memorialto Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,Jr. .... .. Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum as a memorialto Grace Ward Lankford
SPECIAL AWARDS OF THE COMPETITION .. Van Cliburn ChamberMusic Award Neiman-Marcus CommissionedWork Award . . . Organizationof American States HighestRanking Pianistof the AmericasAward RaymondE. Buck Foundation ScholarshipAward Jury Discretionary Grand Prize Winner Cash Award ..... RCA Records and RecordingContractOption Grand Prize Winner Cash Award S ymphonyOrchest r a,M exico A ppearance...... .. .. N ati onalU ni versi ty a n d Orc h e s tral ... Mrs. NenettaBurtonCarter CarnegieHall Recital in honor ol her daughter, Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,lll SPECIALCOMPETITION EVENTSAND PROGRAMS Work Commissioned O p e n i n gD i n n e r P ri n te dP ro g ra mB ook.. M e d a l sa n d Me dal l i ons....
Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,lll in honor of her mother, Mrs. Nenetta Burton Carter ..... Mr. and Mrs. F H owar dWalsh ...JamesJ. M eeker . Mrs. S am B. Cant ey,Jr . in honorof her son, Sam B. Cantey,lll
JURY UNDERWRITING Carl J. AldenhovenFoundation,Inc. Mrs. O. C. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mrs. Fred A. Elliston Mrs. W. B. Fultz Mr. and Mrs. Wilford B. Fultz Mr. and Mrs. James H. W. Jacks (Dallas,Texas) Mary Potishman Lard Trust Pangburn Foundation Elsa von Seggern (Dallas,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh FORT WORTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA UNDERWRITINGFOR FINALS Thursday Nlght The T. J. Brown and C. A. Lupton Foundation Friday Nlght The Tandy Corporation Saturday Nlght A gift as a memorial to Dr. Jane Byars and Jane Langdon
SPECIALBENEFACTORS Foundation, Inc. CarlJ. Aldenhoven Mrs.O. C. Armstrong The T. J. Brownand C. A. LuptonFoundation Mrs.BurtonCarter Mrs.FredA. Elliston The FlemingFoundation HenryFordll Fund GarveyTexasFoundation Mr.and Mrs.JamesH. W. Jacks Mr.and Mrs.J. LeeJohnson,lll MaryPotishmanLardTrust Inc. JohnMcShainCharities, Mr.and Mrs.AllertonD. Marshall JamesJ. Meeker NationalGuildof PianoTeachers The PangburnFoundation SuCrestCorporation Elsavon Seggern The TandyCorporation Jack WolframFoundation Mr.and Mrs.John ClaytonYost
srh vAN cLtBuRil coMPETtTtON
BENEFACTORS ErnestAllen Dr. and Mrs. lrl Allison,Sr. (Austin,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. RobertM. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass KlausJ. Braemer (New York,New York) RaymondE. Buck Foundation Mrs. S. B. Cantey,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Amon G. Carter,Jr. ContinentalNationalBank Mr. and Mrs. WilliamS. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duchin (New York, New York) Mrs. CharlesW. Engelhard,Jr. (New York, New York) First National Bank of Fort Worth Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Fort Worth Clearing House Association Fort Worth National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller Mrs. W. B. Fultz Mr. and Mrs. WilfordB. Fultz Mr. and Mrs. James S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. RichardE Garvey Mr. and Mrs. RobertW. Gerrard Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hand (Cleveland, Ohio) Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Landreth Mrs. Harry L. Logan,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson MotheralPrintingCompany NationalUniversitySymphonyOrchestra (Mexico) J. Roby Penn,Jr. The Leo PotishmanFoundation
Rogers Brothers Foundation (Beaumont, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rosenthal Mrs. CharlesL. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA. Rowan Sanger-Harris Mr. and Mrs. Joe James Sawyer WilliamEdringtonScott Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Sweat TRW Foundation (Cleveland, Ohio) Mr. and Mrs. CharlesD. Tandy Williamson-Dickie ManufacturingCompany Mr. and Mrs. George M. Young Mr. and Mrs. WilliamKelly Young
CONTRIBUTORS Myrna E. Agerton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ambrose Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Mrs. Lee H. Armer Mrs. BradfordArmstrong (Midland, Texas) The Arts Organization Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Atwood WilliamAtwood Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bailey,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ballard,Jr. Bank of Fort Worth LouzelleBarclay RobertD. Barclay,Jr. (San Antonio, Texas) Dr. and Mrs. Bobert C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barneft Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baumgardner Bazer & Reese (Mineral Wells, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs, lll Mrs. Walter R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. LeonardBernstein Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Biedenharn,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blake SusanK. Blue Mrs. ElizabethRyan Bond Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Mr. and Mrs. MarshallA. Brachman Mr. and Mrs. H. Clayton Brants,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Branum (Midland, Texas) Mrs. Paul A. Bristow Mrs. H. H. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs, John B. Bulloch Thomas Caruolo,Jr. (Providence, Rhode lsland) Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Chesterfieldlnteriors Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Chiles Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest Chilton Mrs. Joe A. Clarke Laura Jane Copley Mr. and Mrs. BradfordC. Corbett Mrs. H. G. Cox Terry Crane Associates Mr. and Mrs. CarlisleG. Cravens (Arlington, Texas) Credit Consultants,Inc. (Providence, Rhode lsland) Ruth R. Creed Maria C. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steve Deifik HelgaE. Downing Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Dupree Mrs. B. E. Ellman
Evyan Perfumes,Inc. (New York,New York) Mrs. W. F. Fahrenkamp,Jr. Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mrs.J. E. Fitzpatrick RobertC. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Fortson Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. James B. Francis (Dallas,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Freese Mrs. S. Freundlich E. & J. Gallo Winery (Modesto, California) Geren Associates Mrs. AlfredGiles,lll (Midland, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. AlfredC. Glassell,Jr. (Houston, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gordon,Jr. Mrs.James Henry Grammer Mr. and Mrs. WilliamD. Greenhill Mr. and Mrs. George Grimaldo Mr. and Mrs. LeonardHaber Mr. and Mrs. John R. Halsell,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Harrington Enid A. Hauot (New York, New York) Mrs. Wyatt C. Hedrick Dr. and Mrs. W. P Higgins,Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd L. Hogan Dr. and Mrs. James E. Holmes Rev.and Mrs. BertrandN. Honea,Jr Mr. and Mrs. John B. Howell Mrs. Lucile B. Huff (Wichita Falls,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie HYde Mr. and Mrs. Eric E Hyden Mr. and Mrs. William W. Jagoda (Dallas,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. John H. James Q'ZellaOliverJeffus Edna Cora Johnson ElizabethM. Johnson Charles R. Johnston (San Antonio, Texas) Philio R. Jonsson (Dallas,Texas) Mrs. Collins Kanto FlorenceSue Keen Mr. and Mrs. Bartram KelleY Mr. and Mrs. Dee J. Kelly Carla Kemo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Koontz (Placedo, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld,Jr. Raloh Lauren-PoloFashions (New York,New York)
Mrs. J. Marvin Leonard Mrs. Anne Livet Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lowdon Loyd-Paxton Mrs. WilliamW. Lynch,Sr. (Dallas, Texas) Mrs. Paul Lyons Julia H. McAllister Lora Brown McAlpin Mr. and Mrs. Staley T. McBrayer Dr. and Mrs. James O. McBride G. L. McOarthy (Dallas,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. DonaldW. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. D. E McMahon,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. WilliamR. Magnussen FredericR. Mann, ll (Philadelphi a, Pennsylvani a) Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Marouardt Mr. and Mrs. WilliamMassad Mr. and Mrs. WalterW. Mecum Mr. and Mrs. Myer Mehl Mrs. B. C. Miller FranklinMiner (New York, New York) Minton-Corley Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Molyneaux Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Moncrief Mrs. EdwardM. Muse Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Newsom Organizationof American States Mr. and Mrs. James B. Owen (Tyler,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pace, Jr. HollandParker (Bryan, Texas) Ruby W. Papp Mrs. J. Loyd Parker,Jr. Mrs. N. R. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Sebert L. Pate Dr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Pearce Mrs. Ray Peeler,Jr. (Bonham, Texas) Mrs. HoneaPenn Miss Lamon Perdue Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peterson John E Pfeiffer (New York,New York) Mr. and Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceS. Pollock (Dallas, Texas) Mrs. Marion R. Pruitt Paul R. Ray & Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Warren O. Rimbey Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robinett
Royal CopenhagenPorcelainCorporation (Elmsford, New York) Dr. and Mrs. Joe B. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Samoson.Jr. LouisaStude Sarofim (Houston, Texas) Mrs. Serge Saxe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider (Midland, Texas) James R. Seitz, Jr. (Wichita Falls,Texas) EuniceShamburger Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shipp,Jr. (Midland, Texas) Dr. and Mrs. G. WilliamSickel Mr. and Mrs. RichardU. Simon W. D. Smith Lottie E Street Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Strinoer.Jr. (San Angelo, Texas) Mrs. John J. Stuari Mr. and Mrs. GordonN. Teague Mr. and Mrs. PhilioK. Thomas RobertB. Thomoson Mr. and Mrs. C. VictorThornton Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Tilley Mr. and Mrs. Rice M. Tilley,Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Trammell Trumter PetroleumCorporation Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Vance Mr. and Mrs. ClaybourneWaldrop (Arlington, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wallenberg Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh, Jr. Col. and Mrs. Harry H. Wandry Mr. and Mrs. Ariel L. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Watson Mr. and Mrs. John Watson (Dallas, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. D. Weiner (Midland, Texas) The WesternCompany Mr. and Mrs. ValleauWilkie.Jr. ElnaWilkinson Jack B. Wilkinson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. C. DickieWilliamson Mr. and Mrs. J. Don Williamson Mrs. MertzWilliamson GertrudeB. Windsor (Tyler,Texas) MargueriteWright
The Van Cliburn Foundation.Inc. gratefullyacknowledgesthe gift of flag from embassiesof the followingcount with specialthanks to Congressman Ji Wrightfor the UnitedStatesflag whichl flown over the United States Capitolon August 23,1977, in honorof the Van CliburnCompetition. FLAGS Australia Austria Bahamas Belgium Brazil Canada R epubl i cof C hi na Cyprus France West Germany Great Britain Greece lsrael Japan Korea P hi l i ppi nes Portugal SouthAfrica Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Turkey United States
1 tFf]
Gifts to the Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc.have been made in memorv of thcfollowingpersons:
Memorial Gifts to the Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc. have been made by the following:
Mrs.Frank A. Bailey,Sr. Mrs.GordonClark H.L. Cliburn I G. Cole l\4rs. James Foy, Jr. FurdHalsell A. Haltom Chester l\4rs. J. Lee Johnson. Jr. Fritz J. Keller l\4rs. Marian Douglas Martin W.A. Schmid Stuart Shaffer Shropshire Cameron Mrs.Peter L. Tennant
AmericanSociety of InteriorDesigners Patrice Babienko (San Francisco, California) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass PatriciaBaumgartner Mr. and Mrs. William F. Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Butz, Jr. The CanadianConsulate (Dallas, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. Amon G. Carter,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Cato, Jr. Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. RonaldClinkscale Alden Cotfey, Jr. GeraldN. Craig Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Crowlev Mrs. C. E. Curtis Floyd G. Davenport (Dallas,Texas) DesignAmerica The Dike Company Dr. Jack G. Dutfy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferree Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum Mrs. and Mrs. James Foy (Dallas, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. James S. Garvev T. D. Gholson Mrs. John L. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. RonaldJ. Goldman Fran Miller Gould Harriet Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gritfith,Jr. Frank H. Guse Associates Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Harvard (Baytown, Texas) Rev.and Mrs. BertrandN. Honea,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. InquirerSunday School Class Q'ZellaOliver Jetfus Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Jones (The Netherlands) Mr. and Mrs. Clay Kitchens Helen T. Lee Mrs. J. Marvin Leonard Rhonda Lepore (New York, New York) Dr. and Mrs. Cuvier P Lipscomb WilliamT. McGee
Mrs. Lynn Marsh and Lynda Marsh (Anarillo, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE Meili HaroldW Miller (Kermit, Texas) Jan S. Miller Kirk H. Millican Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neighbors (New Canaan, Connecticut) Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Nowlin Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paulsel Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Paulus Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rapp Mrs. J. L. Reid Mr. and Mrs. James H. Roberts Dr. Rufus A. Roberts and Drue B. Roberts C. L. Rowan Charitableand EducationalFund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sandel LorraineSherley Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Shipman, lll Mrs. Donald Shomper (Sulpher, Louisiana) Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. SterlingW Steves Alma Stovall (Sulphuf Louisiana) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Sturdivant VernonR. Thiel Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Van Meter Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. lrvin S. Weisman O'Bera M. Whitley Mr. and Mrs. DonaldE. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. Don Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Loftin V. Witcher Mrs. Otis E. Witt
5th VAN CLIBURN COMPETITION PATRONSTO THE VAN CLIBURN FOUNOATIONBENEFITS DURINGTHE COMPETITION CYCLE 1974.1978 Ackerman,Robert D. (Dallas, Texas) Adams,RaymondL., Jr. (Waco, Texas) Adams,Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Jr. Addyman,Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Alexander,Mrs. Charles Alexander,Mr. and Mrs. R. Denny Alexander,Mr. and Mrs. Bobert H. Allen,Mr. Ernest Allen, Mr. J. Harvey Allen, Ms. Frances Marion Allen,Ms. Sheila Emery Allison,Dr. and Mrs. lrl Anderlitch.Mrs. Joseohine Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews,Mrs. FrankM. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. John C. (Dallas,Texas) Angell,Mrs. J. E. Anthony,Mrs. J. E. Anton,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anton, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Appel, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Archenhold,Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archer,Maj. James A. Ard, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ardoin,Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Arechaederra, (Beverly Hills, California) Arena, Mr. and Mrs. Javier Armer,Mrs. Lee H. Armstrong,Mrs. John R. Armstrong,Mrs. O. C. Arnn. Mr. and Mrs. Terrv B. (Arlington, Texas) Aurin, Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Bailey,Mr. and Mrs. Frank,Jr. Bailey,Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bailey,Dr. and Mrs. Noel R. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Baker,Mrs. Edward L. Baldridge,Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Jr. Baldwin,Mrs. Fortson Ball.Mr. & Mrs. FrankE.. Jr. (Dallas,Texas) Ballard,Mr. and Mrs. J. J., Jr. Ballew,Mrs. MarionE. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben (Brownwood, Texas) Barnett,Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barnett,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Barrett,Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Bartel,Mrs. Harry Bartlett,Mrs. Paul Bass,Mrs. HarrisH. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass,Mr. and Mrs. RobertM. Bass,Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Batcha,Mrs. Verna Batts. Mrs. Robert E. L.. Jr.
Beall,Mrs. K. H. Bean,Mrs. C. Jack Beard,Dottie Beaton,Mrs. Hugh Beck, Mr. Dean A. (Los Angeles, Calitornia) Beckman,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE Beggs, Mr" and Mrs. George lll (Aledo, Texas) Belew,Mr. and Mrs. David O., Jr. Bell,Mr. and Mrs. FrankJ Bellah,Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belloli,Jay Bennett,Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bernabei,Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bernath,R. L (Bryan,Texas) Bernell,Dr. and Mrs. WilliamR. Bernstein,Mrs. Al (Dallas,Texas) Bernstein,Mr. and Mrs. Elvin R. Beny, Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Betzel,Charles A. (Dallas,Texas) Beyer,Dr. and Mrs. David M. Biggs,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamR. Billuos.Mrs. James (San Antonio, Texas) Bivens,Mr. and Mrs. Lee Teel (Amarillo, Texas) Blair,Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Blake,Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. (Midland, Texas) Blake,Mr. and Mrs. James Blakeley,Mr. WilliamRogers Blaschke,Jerry W. Blass.Bill. Ltd. (New York, New York) Blaylock,J. B. Blonkvist,Dr. and Mrs. Brent G. (Midland, Texas) Blue,Dr. Daniel Boden,Mr. and Mrs. Clifton R. Bond,Mr. and Mrs. LewisH., Jr. Bond, Mrs. Ryan Bonham,Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Eugene Bonnell,Dr. and Mrs. WilliamF Booher,Bill Boorman,Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bordeaux,Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Botts,Cecil E. Bowden,Dr. and Mrs. Andy J. Jr. Bowerman,Bill H. (Arlington Texas) Brachman,Mrs. Ella B. Brachman,Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Bradford,Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. (Midland, Texas) Branch,Dr. R. E. Brants,Mr. H. Clayton,Jr. Braun,l-ouise Bright,Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Jr. (Dallas,Texas)
Mrs. H. H. Brittingham, Brochstein,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Houston, Texas) Brockermeyer, M. R. Broderick,Mrs. A. J. Bronstad,Dr. and Mrs. M. T., Jr. Brooks,Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brown, Etta Mae Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Brown,Mrs. John S. Brown,Mrs. R. E. Brown, Mrs. Robert W. Brownlee,Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Travis B. Jr. (Bryan, Texas) Buck, Mrs. RaymondE. Buck, Mrs. RaymondE. Jr. Burdette,Mr. and Mrs. H. Carter Burgess,Mrs. John J. Burgess,Mr. and Mrs. John J., Jr. Burmeister,Mrs. Letress Bursey,D. and Mrs. Leroy Bussey,Dr. Joe L. Buxton,Lydia Burgess Byrne,Mr. and Mrs. Blake Byrne,Thomas S., Inc. Cadenhead,Mr. and Mrs. John T. Camivet,Jean Patrick (New York, New York) Cannon, HerbertC. Cantey,Mr. and Mrs. Emory A. Cantey,Mrs. Sam B., Jr. Cantey,Mrs. Sam 8., lll Cardona,Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carey,Mildred W. Cargile,Mr. and Mrs. John S. (San Angelo, Texas) Carlson,O. G. Carter,Mr. and Mrs. Amon G., Jr. Carter,Mrs. Burton Cartwright,Grace (Weatherfud, Texas) Caruolo.Thomas.Jr. (Warick, Rhode Island) Cates, Joe Cather,Mr. and Mrs. Harlow H. Cayce, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Cecil,Maj. Gen. and Mrs. C. W (Ret.) Celebrity,Inc. (New York, New York) Cervin,Nita-Carol (Dallas,Texas) Chamberlain,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Chamy,Joe Chappell,Mrs. David Chase,Dr. and Mrs. Ralph (San Angelo, Texas) Chidambaram,Mr. Sada Childs, Mr. and Mrs. George W., Jr. Childs.Dr. Tilden L.. Jr. Chiles, Mr. and Mrs. HarrellEdmond Chilton,Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest, Jr.
1\ rffil
Chism, Olin Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ann , Clancy, (Houston,Texas) . Clark,Mr. and Mrs. A. RenerickClark Clark,Mr. and Mrs. Max E Clarke. Mrs. Joe A. Clawson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E . Clay, Mr. and Mrs. James H. B. Clayton, Alexander , Clayton, Dr. and Mrs. lrvin Clement, James . (Kingsville,Texas) Clemons, Mr. and Mrs. Heywood C. , Cliburn, Mrs. RildiaBee Mr. and Mrs. E. M., Jr. , Closuit, ,l Cloyd, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Texas) ) (Arlington, . Cochrane, Alex J. Texas) ,(Dallas, E. J. . Coldencott, ena, Californi a) . (Pasad ,l Cole,Renate I Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuart ,l Coleman, (Erownwood,Texas) Cot. and Mrs. Ned L ,lCotia, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. . Colley, Collins, Carroll W. Collins, Earl M. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Collins, Collins, Mrs. Victoria Collins, Mr. and Mrs. WhitfieldJ. Continental National Bank Compere, Dr. and Mrs. Dolphus E Compton, Mrs. E. A. Conner, Halden Conner, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. BradfordG. , Corbett, , Corley, Mr. and Mrs. David D. . Corley, Mr. Don L. t Cornell, Mrs. H. D. , Cosby, John W., Jr. 1 Costello, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Jr. 'Courtney, Mrs. Mary Jane B. Mrs. QuintardP 'Courtney, i Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Will A. 1 Cowan, Mrs. Howard t (tulsa,Oklahoma) . Cowan, Dr. and Mrs. William W. ,Cozby, Mrs. Allison , Cravens, Mrs. Carlisle , (Arlington, Texas) ,Cranz, Mr. and Mrs. John F Mrs. WilliamL., lll ;Crawford, , (Dal/as,Iexas) Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. , Cunningham, LonnieC. Texas) ,(Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Haydn I Cutler, j Date,tvtr.and Mrs. Richard P
Danciger,Mr. and Mrs. David K. Darden,Mr. and Mrs. Frank David,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamB. Davis, Mrs. James A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Deakins,Mrs. Carl V Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Decker,Mr. and Mrs. RobertW. Deen, Mr. and Mrs. George C. DeVore,Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Dillard,Mr. and Mrs. William,Sr. (Little Rock, Arkansas) Dirk,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamR. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. NorwoodP Donaldson,Dr. Manly Donovan,Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Douglass,Dr. and Mrs. Bobert S. DuBose, Mr. and Mrs. James S. DuBose,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamS. Dulle,Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dunlap, Devore Dunn,Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Victoria, Texas) Dunning,Floyd Duoree. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Durkin,Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durst, Mr. and Mrs. Roy T Dyess, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Ehrhart, Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Eidson,Col. and Mrs. Hany T. Eidson, Dr. and Mrs. Jack l. (Weatherford, Texas) Elkin, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (Dallas,Texas) Elliston,Mrs. Fred A. Emmons, B. (Coors)Valley Dist. (Fort Stockton, Texas) Endress,Mrs. S. Gardner English,Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Estabrook,Mr. and Mrs. Evans (Tyler,Texas) Eureka, Leonard Evans, Brice Ezell,Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Eyrich,Mrs. Claire FainiveathetMr. and Mrs. CharlesW. (Amarillo, Texas) Fahrenkamp,Mrg. W E, Jr. Fanning,Mr. and Mrs. John A. Farkas,F Chris Fort Worth NationalBank Faudree,Mrs. Harriett (Midland, Texas) Feldman,Robert C. (Dallas, Texas) Fender,Mrs. Hedrick Ferey,Mr. and Mrs. lrwin, Jr. (Beaumont, Texas) Fersing,Jan E. Filcox,Charles Fillingim,Dan Fillingham, Mr. and Mrs. RichardM.
First NationalBank of Fort Worth Fisher,Mr. Beeman Fleming,Mrs. RalphG., Jr. Flood, Mrs. Gosnell Ford, DouglasC. Forshagen,Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fortson,Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Foster,Mrs. Hubert Foy,Mr. James Jr. Fraley,Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Frank,Theresa (Dallas,Texas) Frazier,Curtis L. Frazier,Miss Emily Freese, Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. French,Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Friedman,Mr. and Mrs. Bayard H. Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Fryer,Raymond E. Fuller,Donna (New York, New York) Fuller,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Fultz,Mrs. W. B. Fultz,Mr. and Mrs. Wilford 8., Jr. Fulwiler.Mrs. J. E.. Jr. Gaines,Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Dublin, Texas) Gambill,Mr. and Mrs. Lawton G. Garner,John P Garrett,Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins Garrett,Mr. and Mrs. Rufus S., Jr. Garvey,Mr. and Mrs. James S. Garvey,Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gates, Dr. and Mrs. George (San Antonio, Texas) Gentling,Mr. Scott Gentling,Mr. Stuart Gerard,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Malakoff, Texas) Geren, Mr. and Mrs. Presion M., Jr. Gerrard,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gkyton, Barbara Gibbs, Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gibson,W. R. Gilk. Dr. Donald S. Gilbert,Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gillespie,Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Ginsburg,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I Ginsburg,Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Giordano,Mrs. John G. Giordano,Mr. and Mrs. John R. Glover,WilliamM. Godfrey,Mr. and Mrs. Berl E. Goldberg,Dr. and Mrs. A. l. Goldman,Mr. and Mrs. RonaldJ. Gomez, Mr. and Mrs. EduardoW. Goodrich,Mr. and Mrs. David E. Goodwin,Mr. and Mrs. Larry Goostree,Mrs. Lacy W. Gordon,Mr. and Mrs. W.K.,Jr. Gorski,Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreP, Jr.
Grady,Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sloan (Dailas, Texas) Grammer,Mrs. J. Henry Grandinetti,Mr. James R. (Arlington, Texas) Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S., Jr. Green,Mr. and Mrs. PhillipR. Greenman,Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Gregor,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gregory,Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gregory,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gribi,Mrs. Johnson Griffis,Mrs. W. Scott Griffith,Mr. and Mrs. John, Jr. Guerra, Mr. and Mrs. James F. (Dallas, Texas) Guillermo,Mr. and Mrs. (New York, New York) Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. E S. Guoton.Mr. and Mrs. WilliamL. Guse, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gwozdz,Dr. and Mrs. Feliks Gill,Miss Mary Hackel,Martin C. (Dallas,Texas) Hackney,Mr. and Mrs. John W. Halden,Dr. and Mrs. E. Richard,Jr. Hall,Mr. and Mrs. Art Haftler,Harry Haltom,Ms. Mary Haltom,Mr. and Mrs. RobertC. Hamill,Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hardwick,Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hardwicke,Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jr, Harold,Margaret Harriman,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Harris,Mr. and Mrs. W. E. (Babylon, New York) Harrison,Mr. and Mrs. James M. Harrison,Mr. and Mrs. O. Delton (Shreveport, Louisiana) Hanold, Charles Hart. Mrs. Mark. Sr. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Mark, Jr. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Haskett,Mrs. Fred, Jr. (Dallas, Texas) Haulers,Permit Haun,Donna Haynes,Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. (Dallas,Texas) Haws, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hedrick,Mrs. Wyatt C. Heywood,Mrs. Milton S. Herold,Ms. Toni Hicks,Dr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Hill, Anthony Hitchcock,Mrs. Patti Hodges,Mr. and Mrs. LelandA. Hoffman,Marilyn (Dallas, Texas) Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hogg,Mr. and Mrs. John M. Holland,Mrs. Barney B. Holland,Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Holmes,Bertran N. Jr. Holmes,Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hott,Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. (Midland, Texas) Honea, Rev. and Mrs. B. N. Jr. Hooper,Mr. and Mrs. Winfred,Jr. Hopkins,Toni Horan,Mr. and Mrs. Charles W., Jr. Horan,Mrs. Robert R. Horan,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA. Houstoun,Michael Hovenkamo.Mrs. Jean Hovenkamp,Miss Maude Howell,Mrs. J. L., Jr. Howell,Mr. and Mrs. John S. Howell,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph,Jr. (Dailas, Texas) Howze,Gen. & Mrs. H. H. Hubbard,Mr. and Mrs. John Bany Hudson,Mr. and Mrs. EdwardR., Jr. Hudson,Mrs. Edward R., Sr. Hughes,RobertG. (Pueblo, Colorado) Hulsey,Mr. and Mrs. Burl 8., Jr. Humphrey,Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. (Dallas,Texas) Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. Boyd Hunt,Mr. and Mrs. L. J" Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie Hyden, Mr. and Mrs. Eric E Hyder,Mr. and Mr. Elton M., Jr. Harrold,Mrs. CharlesJ. lzquierdo,Dr. and Mrs. Hector (Dallas,Texas) Jacks, Mr. and Mrs. James H. W. (Dallas, Texas) Jackson,Bill Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. DonaldJ. (Aledo, Texas) James,Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jeffus,Q'ZellaOliver Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. Clay,Jr. Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. T. Jesse (Tyler,Texas) Johnson,Mrs. E Kirk Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. HaroldC. Johnson,Mrs. J. Lee, Jr. Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee, lll Johnson,M. E. Jr. Johnson,Mr. and Mrs. TravisJ. Jones,EdwardM., lll (Dallas,Texas) Jones, Mrs. Ovid Jonsson.PhilipR. (Dallas, Texas) Jorns, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Joyner,Edwin Earl Jung, Mr. and Mrs. HermanJ. Juree,Jim (Dallas,Texas)
Justin,Mr. and Mrs. John S., Jr. Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Palm Beach, Florida) Keen, Mrs. Florence Keenan,Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Keil, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Keith,Mr. and Mrs. Marvin,Jr. Kelley,Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kellow,Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kelly,Mr. and Mrs. Dee J. Kelly,Dr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Kelly,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond8., Jr Kemble,Mrs. George C. Kemble, Mr. and Mrs. George,Jr. Kemble,Mr. and Mrs. W. S., Jr. Kemo.Mr. and Mrs. AndrewJ., Jr. Kendall,John Kennedy,Mrs. John Kent, Mr. and Mrs. David R., Jr. Kent,FrankCadillac,lnc. Kilpatrick,Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Kimbell,Mrs. Kay Kimerer,Col. and Mrs. Perry Kimmell,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kinnaird,Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kirby,Mrs. Edward M. Kirkwood,Mrs. Lee Klein,Mr. and Mrs. RichardP (Amarillo, Texas) Knox, T. B. (Weatherford, Texas) Knighton,Neal Kobs, Dr. and Mrs. Tracy -. Komatsu,Mr. and Mrs. AlbertS. Koontz,Mr. and Mrs. HenrYClaY (Placedo, Texas) Kornfeld,Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kravitz Company (Nuristown, Penn sy lv ania) Kyger,Dr. and Mrs. E. Ross, Jr. Labovitz,Marvin Lamb,Nancy C. Lamensdorf,Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Lamont,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Landreth,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Landrum,Carl (Tishigimino, Oklahoma) Langdon,Judge Jack M. Lary Mr. and Mrs. Yale (Euless,Texas) Lasater,Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Jr. Lauderdale,Sharon Laughlin,Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Lauver,Mrs. Roy E Law, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. (Houston, Texas) Law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lawrence,Mrs. J. Walton Lawton,Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Sulphur, Louisiana) Ledyard,Ms. Elizabeth Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Royce L. Leggett,James V
1 rffi]
LeJeune,Mr. and Mrs. WinstonJ. (Amarillo,Texas) Leonard,Mrs. J. Marvin Leonard,Mrs. O. P Leonard,Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Leonard,Mr. and Mrs. Robert W., Jr. Leopard,Mr. and Mrs. Dan N. Levy,Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Lewis,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay, Dr. and Mrs. John E Lotfland, Mrs. Tom W. Logan,Mrs. Harry L., Jr. Lorimer, Dr. and Mrs. W. S., Jr. Lovejoy, Mrs. J. B. Lovin,Dr. and Mrs. Claxton E. Lowdon,Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lowe,Mrs. Ralph Lovd-Paxton. Inc. (Dhllas,Texas) Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Philip (Dallas,Texas) Lunsford, Mr. Jim (Dallas,Texas) Lydick,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lvkes.Dr. and Mrs. Fred (Victoria,Texas) Lynch,Gary L. (Weathertord,Texas) Mr. and Mrs. Staley T. McBrayer, McOaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. (Dallas,Texas) McCarthy, G. L. McOlain, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E McClelland, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. i/cCluer,Dr. and Mrs. Charles E A., Jr. l\4cOlure, Robert (Jacksboro,Texas) McOonnico, Mrs. Ann l\4cOord. Condron. McDonald l\4cOullar, Billy W. McCurdy, Mrs. E. J., Jr. l/cDaniel,Mr. and Mrs. R. Leon l\,lcDavid. Bill G.. Sr. McDavis. Mrs. Bill G.. Sr. (Weatherford,Texas) l\,lcDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McGollirk, Mrs. G. C. McGown,Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeQ., Jr. McLure,Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. McKay,Mr. and Mrs. A. E. l/cKay,Mr. and Mrs. William E. McKee,Col. and Mrs. John T. McKeever,Mrs. Warren W. irlcKenzie,Mr. and Mrs. K. D., Jr. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. ElwoodJ. l\rlcKinney, Mrs. Galen H. McKinney,Dr. and Mrs. William W. l\'|cLaughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Blaine McMahon,Mr. and Mrs. David A. l\,tcMackin, Mr. and Mrs. John W. McNab,Mrs. lan A (SanAntonio, Texas) Mabe,Mr. and Mrs. James -.
Maddox, Web Magill, Mr. and Mrs. RobertT. (Dallas, Texas) Mann. FredricR.. ll (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Mariotti,Madelon L. Marquardtt,Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. RobertT. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert W Martin-Viscount, William Mashek.John D.. Jr. (Dallas, Texas) Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Mastin,Mr. and Mrs. Tom,Jr. Matthews,Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Matz, Charles A. (Dallas,Texas) Maulsby,Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. Ted, lll Mavs. James W. (Ddttas,Texas) Meadows,Mr. and Mrs. Algur H. Meadows,Dr. and Mrs. David (Arlington, Texas) Meadows,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meehan,Mrs. John B. Meeker,Mr. JamesJ. Meekins,Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E., Jr. Melikian,Louis (Marietta, Georgia) Menill,Mrs. Frances Michero,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Michie.Mrs. John M.. Jr. Miles,John G. Miles,Suzanne Miller,Mr. and Mrs. HenryS., Jr. (Dallas,Texas) Miller,Jack Minton,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J., Jr. Mitchell,Mr. and Mrs. James Royce (Dallas,Texas) Mitchell,Mrs. N. l. Miteff, Mr. and Mrs. Meto Mitts. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. lll Mixson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moncrief,Mr. and Mrs. RichardW Moody,Mrs. G. L. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Moore, Sgt. and Mrs. John Moore, Robert Moore,Mrs. Ruth Monnig'sDepartmentStore Montoya,Ms. Minnie Morris,Mrs. Clifton Morris,Mr. and Mrs. Jackson C. (Arlington, Texas) Moudy,Dr. and Mrs. James M. Mullanax,Dr. and Mrs. M. Gayle (Arlington, Texas) Murad, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murchison,Mrs. John D. (Addison, Texas) Murphey,Dr. and Mrs. Willis,Jr.
Murphy,Mr. and Mrs. James R. Murray,Mr. and Mrs. James L. Muse, Mrs. EdwardM. Myers, Dr. Marceau Nash,Mrs. CharlesE. Naumer.Mr. and Mrs. HelmuthJ. Nazarian,Dr. M. Neal, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson,Dr. and Mrs. EdwardR., Jr Newell,Mr. and Mrs. Lany M. Newkirk, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nemser,Mr. and Mrs. Hyman L. Nordan,Mrs. Marian (San Antonio, Texas) Nonis,Miss Nancy North, Mr. and Mrs. Phil R. Norton,D. A. (Neiman-Marcus - Dallas, Texas) Nowlin,Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Nowlin,Mrs. HaroldC. Nowlin, Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Nugent,Mr. and Mrs. G. R. (Azle, Texas) O'Brien,Mr. and Mrs. S. M. O'Callaghan,Jack (Dallas,Texas) O'Connell,Mary Nell O'Dowd, Miss Katherine O'Hara,Mrs. Clay O'Shea,Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Oliver,Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Olivel Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Overcash,Clif Overton,Dr. and Mrs. M. C., lll Owens,Mrs. C. H. Pace.Mr. and Mrs. J. C.. Jr. Page, Mr. and Mrs. George (Austin,Texas) Palmer,Mr. and Mrs. T. C. (Houston, Texas) Pardue,Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Parker,Mrs. David B. Parker,Mrs. Lou Baker Parker,Mrs. Margaret H. Parmer,Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Q. Panish,Mrs. M. Clyde Parsons,Mrs. N. R. Pate. Mr. and Mrs. A. M.. Jr. Pate, Mrs. Sebert L. Patton,Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Paul, Jerome T. (Dallas, Texas) Paulsel,Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paup, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Paxton,Mr. and Mrs. John L. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston Payton,Mr. and Mrs. Billy (Dallas,Texas) Pealer,Mrs. P J. Pearce,Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Pearson,Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pearson.Mrs. Rose
Pease, Dr. RodneYP Peck,Mr. Clair L., Jr' ( l-os Ange les, Ca litorni a) Penn,John Roby Penn, Robert Penn, Mrs. Kaposta Penner,Mr. and Mrs. Ted Perham,WaYneA. Perrone,Mr. and Mrs. Paul M' Peny, Jr. and Mrs. James R. Peterson,Mr. and Mrs' W. H. Pettit,Mrs. Gribi Phillips,Dr. Dale S. Phillips,HarrYS. Phillips,Mr. and Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips,Mrs. LarrY Pickering,Tom (Texas Motors Fotd) Pierson,Mr. and Mrs. Donald R' Pirtle, Dr. and Mrs. William Planick,Mrs. Annette MeYers Poland,Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Porter,Mr. and Mrs. Horace Posey,Mr. and Mrs. H' Wayne Powell,Mr. and Mrs' David (Dallas,Texas) Prince,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Rainwater,Mr. and Mrs' Richard E. Randall,Mrs. Edward,Jr. (Galveston, Texas) Rashti,Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Rath, Mr. and Mrs' (Dallas,Texas) Ratlitf,Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ray, Mrs. Cecil Y., Jr. Ray, Herbert L. RCS Fixtures,Inc. (Dallas,Texas) Record,HarrY Reed. FerrellG. (Dallas,Texas) Reeder,Mrs. Dickson Reese, Pat Reich,Mrs. B. C. Reid, Robert Reinel,Richard (Houston,Texas) Resnick,Sherman Reynolds,Mrs. Caroline Reynolds,Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Rhea,Mr. and Mrs. AlexanderD., lll Rhea, Miss DorothY Rice,Mrs. D. Owens (Dallas,Texas) Rice, LarrYM. Richards,Mrs. K. S. Richardson;Gertrude Windsor (Tyler,Texas) Riddle,Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ridomar Associates (Kiig of Prussia, PennsYlvania)
Riley,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. Rigney,Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. (Dallas,Texas) Risner.Harold (San Antonio, Texas) Ritchie,Gladys Rivaldi,Mr. Kemp E. Robertson,Ronald Robertson,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA., Jr. Robinett,Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rooers.Mr. and Mrs. Ben (Bdaumont, Texas) Rogers,Charles W. Rogers,Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Roquemore,Mrs. LeroY Rose, Robert (Dallas,Texas) Rosenthal,Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ross,Dr. and Mrs. NealieE., Jr. Rowan, Mrs. Charles L. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rovall.John Richard @dttas,Texas) Rubin,Mr. and Mrs. JaY Lewis (San Antonio, Texas) Rudnick,Lorna (Bala Cynwyd, PennsYlvania) Rume, Richard (Houston, Texas) Runyon,Dr. WilliamE Rushing,Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Russell,Mrs. CatherineL. Russell,Mr. and Mrs. RoYK. Rutledge,Jerrel Rutledge,LesterJ. (Houston, Texas) Rutledge,Mrs. Robb H. Ryall,Mr. and Mrs. Barclay R. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. John Rydell,Dr. and Mrs. Paul Samson, David Sampson,Mr. and Mrs. Edward W, Jr. Sanders.John T. Sankary,Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Sawyer,Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Scharff, Dr. and Mrs. Earle U., Jr' Schlager,Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schmid,Miss Suzanne Schmid,Mrs. W. A. Schmid,Walter,Jr. Schoenborn,Mr. Jack (Dallas,Texas) Scionti,Dr. lsabel Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Seeligson,Mr. and Mrs. A' A.' Jr. (San Antonio, Texas) Seleny,Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seymour,Mr. and Mrs. A. T'' lll Schaetfer,Dr. Robert J. Shaffer,Mrs. Fannin Shampain,Mr. and Mrs. MichaelR' (Dallas,Texas)
Shannon,Mr. and Mrs' Ogden K''.Jr' Shannon,Mr. and Mrs. O' KellY'lll Shawver,Clara Shelton,Mr. and Mrs' J. Howard Sheridan,Mr. and Mrs. DaYton Sherley,Lorraine Sherrill,Mr. and Mrs. O' B. Shropshire,Dr. and Mrs. Cameron,Jr' Shropshire,Mrs' Grady L. Silcox,C. R. Silenyl,StePhen Simmons,CharlesM. Simon,E. L. Simon, Mrs. Florence Simon, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Simon,Mr. and Mrs. Henry W., Jr' Simons,Mr. and Mrs. J' Charles Sivalls, Robert J. Slack,Dr. and Mrs. E M., Jr' Small. Mr. and Mrs. TerrellJ. Smith,CharlesE. (Dallas, Texas) Smith, Martha EvelYn Smith, Mrs. Garrett M. Smith, Mrs. George T. Smith Smith, Mr. and Mrs. GordonW. Smith. Joseph C. Smilh, Mr. and Mrs. Keller Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lee A' Smith, Nancy (Dallas, Texas) Smith, Dr. and Mrs. O. Leon Smith,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamT' Smyers,Mr. and Mrs. Gene Snodgrass,Mr. and Mrs. Alan C' Snyder,Mr. and Mrs' David C. Snyder,Mr. and Mrs. John C. South, Mrs. BeverlY Staples,Mr. and Mrs. John S. Starkey,Mr. and Mrs. L. R' Steed, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Stephens,Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Stevenson,Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stewart,Miss LloYd Stewart, R. E. Stewart,Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Stocker,Mr. and Mrs. C. W.' Jr. Stocker,Mr. and Mrs' Edward E. Stork,Mrs. Alida J. Stouffer, Dr. James G. Stoughton,Mr. and Mrs' C. V Stovall,Gaine A. Strauss,Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. (Dallas, Texas) Stripling,Mr. and Mrs. W. C., Jr. Stumhotfer,Mr. and Mrs' C. W Stanley,Mr. and Mrs. H' L., Jr. Sykes, Mrs. G. Sutherland Tandy,Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Tant, Jean Taylor,Cynthia Rowan (Houston, Texas)
Taylor,Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Taylor,Loyd Ray (Dallas,Texas) Teague,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Teague,Robert L. Teny,Mrs. W. H. A. Titley,Robert Dallas.Texas Thomas,George A. (Midland,Texas) Thomas,Mary Galen Thomas,Mr. and Mrs. PhillipK. Thomason,Mr. and Mrs. Ronald (Weatherford,Texas) Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. B. V, Jr. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. George,lll Thompson,Mrs. John R. Thompson, WilliamH. Thornhill, Felder (Austin,Texas) Thornton,Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe A., Jr. Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Rice M., Jr. Tillman, Mrs. Burgess Tinsley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Todd,Mr. and Mrs. Jerre R. Tomlinson. Mrs. Homer.Jr. Toothe,Mr. and Mrs. Denis L. Toppin, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Triga,Mr. and Mrs. Charlie (Brownwood,Texas) Trinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tuchin,Mrs. Herbert L. Tulecke, Mrs. Rose Tunstill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner, Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Turner. Dr. Robert J.. lll Uberman,Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Vance,Mr. and Mrs. E. H. (Hurst,Texas) Vance,Mr. and Mrs. Estil VanNess, A. Legare VanZandt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Vernon, Hazel P Volla, Mr. and Mrs. Martin (LosAngeles, California) Walder, Jules D. (Dallas,Texas) Waldrop, Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Walker, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wallace, (Galveston,Texas) Wallace, June Ross Wallenberg, Mrs. H. C. Walsh,Mr. and Mrs. F Howard, Sr. Walsh,Mr. and Mrs. E Howard,Jr. Walsh,Mr. and Mrs. Richard E Walsh,Sally (Houston,Texas) Walz,Larry Wand,Sydney P (New York, New York)
Ward, Dr. and Mrs. G. W Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Harry N., Jr. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. WendellBarker Warnecke,John Carl (New York, New York) Watson,Dr. and Mrs. Asa Watson,Charles Watson,Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Watson,Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Watson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee (Brownwood, Texas) Watts, Dr. and Mrs. James M. Webster,Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Werner,Mr. and Mrs. Lon (Dallas,Texas) Wersal,Jim A. (Dallas,Texas) Westbrook,Mrs. M. L. Westfall,Marla Wheeler,Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. (Dallas,Texas) White,Mr. and Mrs. DennisL. (Dallas,Texas) White,Mrs. J. E. White, Mrs. James W. White, Mrs. Joy Walker Whiteman,Larry Wickenden,Mrs. C. R. E Wickman, Mr. and Mrs. BufordM. Wilburn,Mr. and Mrs. WilliamC. Wilkie.Mr. and Mrs. Valleau Wilkinson.Jack 8.. Jr. (Midland, Texas) Wilkirson,Mrs. E. S. Williams,Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williamson,Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson,Mr. and Mrs. J. Don Williamson,Mrs. Mertz Willson, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wilson,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson,Mrs. Helen Wilson,Mrs. Ralph (Temple, Texas) Winesanker,Dr. and Mrs. MichaelM. Winkle, Ms. Barbara Winn,Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Wolf, Vernard (Houston, Texas) Wolk, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wren, Mr. and Mrs. J. L., Jr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. lan M. (Plano, Texas) Wright,Mrs. MinervaO. (Hurst, Texas) Yamagata,E. Y. Yates,Mrs. ElizabethH. Yeates,Mr. and Mrs. Felix L. Yentis,Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Yost,Mr. and Mrs. John C. (Houston, Texas) Young,Mr. and Mrs. Emery O., Jr. Young,Mr. and Mrs. George M. Young,Mrs. Marshall R.
Young,Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly Yturria,Mrs. Dorothy (Houston, Texas) Yturria, Mary A. (Brownsville, Texas) Zappe, Dr. H. Arthur (Mineral Wells, Texas) Ziegle1Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ziegler,Marilyn Kaplan (Dallas,Texas) Zivney,Mrs. Charles E. Zschiesche,Jim
Membersof the CliburnCouncil, principalauxiliaryof the Van Cliburn Foundation.Inc.. made contributions of $150towardthe purchaseof a Steinwayconcert grand piano to be used duringthe Van Cliburn International PianoCompetitionand its relatedactivities.Listed below, as
engravedon a sterlingsilver plaque permanentlyaffixedto this instrument,are the namesof the individuals,foundationsand organizationsresponsiblefor its purchase,togetherwith the dedicationof the oianoto Rildia Bee Cliburn,motherof Van Cliburn.
Jean and Robert Alexander Lois Cannon Andrews in memorv of Frank M. Andrews FredriekaAnkele Shirleyand Charles Anton Helenand Arch Archenhold ElizabethMeans Armstrong Maxine Davidson Baker Bettie and Earl Baldridge,Jr. Jeri and Joe Ballard,Jr. LouzelleBarclay Nancy Lee and Perry Bass Anne and Robert Bass Anne and Sid Bass Robertaand William E Beckman Josephineand Lorin A. Boswell Fay and Leon Brachman Lucile Matthews Brittingham Ruth lsbelland BillyJ. Bunch,Sr. Mary Lou and Jack L. Butler Lydia BurgessBuxton Beverlyand Moises Cardona GeorgeAnn and Amon Carter,Jr. Ahdel Reich Chadwick RildiaBee Cliburn Van Cliburn CarrollW. Collins Rinda and Jack Costello,Jr. Emma and David Danciger Elizabethand NoruvoodP Dixon Joy and James S. DuBose Betty Claire and Robert P Oupree Lura Duff Elliston Mary Lou Falcone Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestraAssociation RaymondE. Fryer The Fuller Foundation Ooal Divine Fultz The Garvey Texas Foundation Juanita and Don Gibbs Jeanette M. and Arthur l. Ginsburg Mary Alice and John Giordano Caroland RonnieGoldman David GarfieldGrifliths Genie and Fred Grimes Lavonneand Raloh Guenther Ruby Jo and E. Richard Halden,Jr. Barbaraand Bob Hardwicke MildredSterlingHedrick Ruth Devall Heywood Nancy and Jim Holmes Rosemaryand Charles Horan,Jr. Ann and Ed Hudson Martha and Efton Hyder Brent,Whitney and Elton Hyder
Marlaand Jay Jacks Bess McGhee Johnson Faye and Travis J. Johnson WilliamD. Johnson.Jr. and Kate Y. Z. Johnson PaulineSeed Kirkwood Ethel and Lewis E Kornfeld.Jr. Elsie Taylor Lard MarthaHamillLawrencein memorv of Mrs. Bert K. Smith Louise Burgess Logan Loyd-Paxton,Inc. G. L. McCarthy Caroland Bill McKay Linda and Keith Mixson Marslandand Dick Moncrief Lucilleand James M. Moudv Gwen and Albert Neal Neiman-Marcus J. J. Meeker Alice T. Nowlin Patriciaand Lee Paulsel Pollyand Olcott Phillips Piano Guild Cliburn Award Annette Meyers Planick KatherineKilander Rich and T. E Rich, Jr. MerleMillerRowan Anne and Edward Sampson Bertha and Tom Seymour Carol Fannin Shatfer FlorenceMeltzer Simon Wilma and BennieSmith Martha Evelyn Smith CatherineTerrell Smith Mary Marshalland KilloughK. Smith, Jr. Margaretand Edward Stocker Symphony Leagueof Fort Worth Anna Belleand PhilipKnox Thomas Margaretand C. VictorThornton Betty Webb Utter Elsa Von Seggern Ann Louise Waldrop Venice Luse Wallenberg Mary D. and Howard Walsh Evelyn and Hugh Watson Marge and Val Wilkie Suzy and John Williams HelenCross Wilson in memory of HelenTapp Pratt Amiee and Richard Yentis Diane and George Young Constanceand William Kelly Young YouthOrchestraof Greater Fort Worth
CHAIRMAN Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. VICE.CHAIRMAN Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman SECRETARY Mrs. Hal Box TREASURER Lee A. Smith BENEFITS Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll VOLUNTEEB COORDINATO RS Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mrs. T. J. Tinker MEMBEBSHI P Mrs. R. E. L. Batts, Jr. Mrs. C. DickieWilliamson LECTURE/PERFO RM ANCESERI ES Mrs. SamuelA. Denny Mrs. Robert P Duoree EX-OFFICIOMEMBER Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. LEGALADVISOR Rice M. Tilley,Jr. HOSPITALITY Mrs. George Clark Kemble MEMBERS.AT.LARGE Stuart Gentling Mrs. George M. Young
Organizedin the Fall ol 1974, The CliburnCouncilis the principal auxiliaryof the Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. With a membership rosterof more than seven hundred dedicatedand involved participants, The CliburnCouncilhas becomea principalsupporterof the Van CliburnFoundation,Inc. and its various activities. The purposeof The Cliburn Council is "to promotethe Competitionby stimulating enthusiasmin the communityamong personswho will providecontinuing supportfor the Competitionduring the interimyears." The Cliburn Counciloffers music educationand appreciationseminarspriorto the Competition,excursionswithin the United States and abroad to hear debutsof CompetitionWinners and to attend other competitionsand music festivals,as well as special recitals by outstandingpianists when they are in the Fort Worth area. Since its beginning,membersof The CliburnCouncilhave enjoyedhearingthe followingartists: November14, 1974
JanuarY 30'1e75
CristinaOrtiz (GrandPrizeWinner, Van CliburnCompetition- 1969)
isir"".$ff:iilfl'#l Van Cliburnbompetition-
M a y 1 5 ,1 9 7 5 . . .
March 1'1s76'
. . . . . . . M i c h a e lH o u sto u n (BronzeMedal Winner, Van CliburnCompetition- 1973)
ii";:ilgr:'"*fiI Queen ElisabethCompetition- 1975)
A p r i l2 6 , 1 9 7 6 . . .
. . . J o h n Ow i n g s
casadesus iwi""Li Hobert Competition- 1976)
Seotember15. 1976
. . . . . . V a nC l i b u r n (Dedicatingthe new Steinway Concert Grand Piano purchasedby membersof The CliburnCouncil)
Membersof The Cliburn Councilwere responsiblefor the purchaseof a new SteinwayConcert Grand Pianowhich will be used PianoCompetitions, as well as the for the Van CliburnInternational otheractivitiessponsoredby The CliburnCounciland the Van Cliburn Foundation.Inc. The 1974-1977 AngelMembersof The CliburnCouncilare: Miss ConstanceJ. Harrison ErnestAllen Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baldridge,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Efton M. Hyder,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mrs. F Kirk Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. and Mrs"J. Lee Johnson,lll Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Lorin A. Boswell Leggett,Leggett& Leggett Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. McKay Mrs. RaifordH. Burton (Midland, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson Mr. and Mrs. Emory A. Cantey Mrs. T. E Rich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ewell J. Robinett John Otis Cole Mrs. Charles L. Rowan (Big Spring, Texas) Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA. Rowan CanollW Collins Mr. and Mrs.BradfordG.Corbett Miss MarthaEvelynSmith Mr. and Mrs. E Howard Walsh Terry Crane Mr. and Mrs. George M. Young John E Cranz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur l. Ginsburo Mr. and Mrs. WilliamKellyYoung
5th VAN CLIBURN GOMPETITION C L IBURN LE CT URE PERFO RM A NCE S E R IE S The Cliburn Lecture/ PerformanceSeriesis an annual project sponsoredby the Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. each winter-springseason.This seriesoi five events is presentedin the WilliamEdringtonScott Theater and has been completely subscribedsince it began in 1976. Eachof the eventsare focusedon a particularperiodof music or on a selectedcomposeror composersby a well known musicalartistwhose discussionsare accompaniedby piano performances.Following each program,a receptionhonoring the artist is held in the Solarium of the Fort Worth Art Museum, hostessedby twenty-five volunteers. Chairmanof this seriessince its inceptionis Mrs. RobertP Duoree.a memberof the Board of Directorsof the Van Cliburn Foundation,lnc. The presentations of the CliburnLecture/Performance Seriesare listedbelow:
1976 SEASON J a n u a ry29 .... F e b ru a ry' 19.... March11 Ao ri l1 . May9. O c to b e r s.....
. .. .. Gol d and Fi zdal e,Duo- Pianist s " The D iaghilevEr a" ... Li l i Kr aus,pianist "The VienneseSchool" Hilde Somer,Pianist "ScriabinLazer Light Concert" .. . .. C arl etonS m it h,Lect ur er "My Worldof Music" ..James Dick, Pianist " P i anoMusi cof Am er ica" ... H aro ldSchonber g SoecialLecture
1977 SEASON J a n u a ry25 .. .. February8 . .. . M a rc h8 Ap ri l1 2
.. .. . Gol d and Fi zdal e,Duo- Pianist s "The RomanticEra" GarYTowlen,Pianist "The AmericanRegionalists" .. .. . GyorgyS andor ,Pianist " The H ungar ianSchool" . .. .. . LortnH ol l a nderPianist , "Bach: Storiesin Sound"
;ih; v"nciiolin c"ti1,,ifil3"tJ"?ffi
1978 SEASON J a n u a ry12.... J a n u a ry24 ... F e b ru a r y14 .... March21 A p ri l' l1
..A aronC opl an d, Com poser . R uth Laredo,Pianist " Rachmaninoff' ... . Gol dand Fi zdal e,Duo- Pianist s "Mozartand the Sons of Bach" Susan Starr,Pianist "Ravel and Griffes" ...l van Davis,Pianist "Liszt"
Pictured,left to right front row: Mmes. Eric E Hyden,Lewis H. Bond, R. HunterBarrett; rightto left, up the stairs: Mmes. Raymond B. Kelly,Jr., CharlesL. Stephens,LouisE. Taylor,John M. Stevenson,GeorgeA. Meihaus,Jr.
Pictured,rightto left: Mrs. RobertP Dupree,Chairman,CliburnLecture/Performance Series; Mmes.SamuelA. Denny,NormanB. Robbins,Jr., EdwardE. Stockel RobertL. Greenman, RobertW Gerrard,Bayard H. Friedman,Rufus S. Garrett,Jr., Barney B. Holland, LindsayHolland,LelandA. Hodges,Jr., J. Olcott Phillips,Thomas E Mastin,Jr.
1 lFFi-l KEY.NOTE COURSE CLIBURN As a preludeto the Fifth Van CliburnCompetition,a five-week seriesof mini-lecturesand recitals especiallyfor volunteers, designed patronsand all others interestedin theCompetitionwas presentedin thespring ot 1977. Offeredtwo timesa week, each lecturewas givenon Mondayeveningsand Thursday morningsin the Solarium ofthe Fort Worth Art Museum.The Thursdaylectureswere followed by which noon{imemini-recitals featuredlocal and regional keyboardartists. Mrs. GordonW. Smith served asChairmanof this activity by the Van Cliburn sponsored Foundation. Inc.. and the schedule forthe serieswas as follows:
A p ri l4 & 7 .. .
The CompetitionRepertory: "The ClassicalPeriod" Dr. Paul Morgan,Lecturer .. ... The C ompet it ion: Panel Discussion
Ap ri l1 1 & 1 4 ..
.. The C ompeti ti onR eper t or y: "Romanticismand lmoressionism" Dr. Paul Morgan,Lecturer
Ap ri l1 8 &2 1 ..
..The C ompeti ti onR eper t or y: "The TwentiethCentury" Dr. Paul Morgan,Lecturer
April25 & 28. .
. . The Solo Repertory Paul Hume, Lecturer
MINI.RECITAL EVENTS March31 April7 . April14 April21 April28
. Riley Haws, Pianist John Salmon,Pianist . Ruth Morgan,Pianist . Jo Boatright& Mary LouiseSpain, Pianists Larry Palmer,Harpsichordist
Mrs.Gordon W Smith
.,45 ]
5th VAN CLIBURN COMPETITION THE COMMITTEEFOR THE 1977 COMPETITION COMMITTEECOORDINATOR Mrs. John H. Williams ANGELS Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mrs. Richard E. Rainwarer ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. J. E Costello,Jr. Mrs. James R. Blake FLAGS Mrs. Hugh L. Watson GREEN ROOM Mrs. A. T. Seymourlll HILTONINN HOSPITALITYSUITE Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mrs. Edwin S. Ryan HOUSING Mrs. Rice M. Tilley,Jr. Mrs. Robert Watson JURY TRANSPORTATION Mrs. Charles Anton LECTURE/PERFORMANCE SERIES Mrs. Robert P Dupree Mrs. Eric E Hyden O P ENINGDINNEB Mrs. Louis Tavlor Mrs. Paul Maion PUBLICRELATIONS Mrs. DonaldJ. Jackson TEXASCHRISTIANUNIVERSITY ARRANGEMENTS Mrs. Denis Toothe
ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. J. E Costello,Jr., Chairman Mrs.James R. Blake,Co-Chairman Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brachman Mr. and Mrs. Amon G. Carter,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David D. Corley Mr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Efton M. Hyder,Jr. Mrs. Ralph Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Minton Mr. and Mrs. J. Olcott phillips Mrs. C. L. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Flowan Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour lll Mr. and Mrs. GordonW Smith GREENROOM COMMITTEE Mrs. A. T. Seymourlll, Chairman Mrs. J. Ernest Fender,Jr. Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman Mrs. Rufus H. Garrett,Jr. Mrs. Eric E Hyden Mrs. RaymondB. Kelly Mrs. J. Olcott Phiilips Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse Mrs. Hosmer Bartels Stuck HOSPITALITYCOMMITTEE Mrs. C. DickieWilliamson,Chairman Mrs. Edwin S. Ryan,Co-Chairman Mrs. Robert H. Bass Mrs. Robert E. Collett Mrs.WilliamA. Landreth Mrs. G. Quentin McGown llt Mrs. Edward M. Muse Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse Mrs. Robb H. Ruiledge Mrs.JosephA. Tilley HOUSINGCOMMITTEE Mrs. Rice M. Tilley,Jr., Chalrman Mrs. Joseph J. Minton,Jr., Co-Chairman Mrs. RobertWatson,Co-Chairman Mr. Ernest Allen Mrs. Haydn H. Cuiler Mrs. A. T. Seymour lll Mrs. John S. Sharpe Mrs. Charles Stephens Mrs. Estil Vance,Jr. Mrs. RichardWalsh JURY TRANSPORTATIONCOMMITTEE Mrs. CharlesAnton, Chairman Mrs. GordonAppleman Mrs. Leon Brachman Mrs. W. E. Chilton Mrs. T. Z. Hamm Mrs. Barney Holland Mrs. Richard Minker Mrs. FlorenceSimon
CLIBURNLECTURE/PERFORMANCE SERIES Mrs. Robert P Dupree, Chairman STEERINGCOMMITTEE Mrs. RobertP Dupree,Chairman Mrs. SamuelA. Denny,Co-Chairman Mrs. Harry T. Eidson Mrs. Robert L. Greenman Mrs. Barney B. Holland Mr. B. N. Honea.Jr. Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr., Ex Officio Mrs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr., Ex Otficio Mrs. Edward E. Stocker GENERALHOSTESSCOMMITTEE Mrs. Eric F Hyden,Chairman Mrs. James E. Anthonv Mrs. R. Hunter Barrett Mrs. Amon G. Carter Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman Mrs. Rufus S. Garrett,Jr. Mrs. Robert W. Gerrard Mrs. LelandA. Hodges,Jr. Mrs. Lindsay Holland Mrs. John S. Justin, Jr. Mrs. Raymond B. Kelly,Jr. Mrs. A. J. Kemo Mrs. Paul W. Mason Mrs. Thomas F Mastin, .ir. Mrs. George A. Meihaus,Jr. Mrs. Cecil E. Munn Mrs.J. Olcott Phillips Mrs. NormanB. Robbins.ur. Mrs. Robb H. Ruiledge Mrs. W A. Schmid,Jr. Mrs. John M. Scott Mrs. John M. Stevenson Mrs. James D. Sweenev Mrs. Louis E. Taylor OPENINGDINNERCOMMITTEE Mrs. Louis E. Taylor,Chairman Mrs. Paul W. Mason,Co-Chairman Mrs. Frank A. Bailey,Jr. Mrs. W. P Cranz, Jr. Mrs. Eric E Hyden Mrs. Fred S. Reynolds PUBLIC RELATIONSCOMMITTEE Mrs. DonaldJ. Jackson, Chairman Mrs. Walter E Bowie Mrs. Charles N. Currv Mrs. Mark Hart Mrs. Albon Head Mrs. Dan Mcleland Mrs. Richard D. Minker Mrs. D. Jim Nayfa Mrs. William G. Portwood Mrs. W. Kent Riley Mrs. Earl StephenWilson
1 IFFI BENEFIT COMMITTEESAND VOLUNTEERS Mrs.A. T. Seymour,lll, Chairman RADULUPU BENEFITCONCERT April 14, 1975 Mrs.Sid R. Bass Mrs.Edward R. Hudson,Jr. [/rs.WarrenW. McKeever V L A D I MIV RIARDOBENEFITCO NCERT 16, 1975 October f/rs.EdwinStriplingRyan,Chairman Mrs.RobertW. Brown Mrs.JoseohM. Grant Mrs.RichardW Moncrief Mrs.Richard SteohenTucker Mrs.F Howard Walsh, Jr. Mrs.Richard E Walsh Mrs.John H. Williams Mrs.George Marshall Young DIANE WALSH BENEFITCONCERT october18, 1976 Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips,Co-Chairman Mrs.DenisL. Toothe,Co-Chairman ll4rs. R. Hunter Barrett Mrs.Richard S. Bordeaux Mrs.Amon G. Carter,Jr. Mrs.W. E. Chitton,Jr. li4rs. Theodore P Gorski,Jr. VANCLIBURNBENEFITCONCERT Mav17. 1977 Mrs.Sid R. Bass,Co-Chairman Mrs.EdwardR. Hudson,Jr., Co-Chairman Mrs.James B. Blake Mrs. James H. B. Clay lr,lrs. John M. Hogg Mrs. JosephJ. Minton,Jr. Mrs.W. A. Bowan li4rs. Edward W. Sampson,Jr. Mrs. O. K. Shannon,lll f,4rs. George M. Young N E IMA N.MARCUS BENEFIT July30, 1977 [/rs.RichardW Moncrief,Chairman Mrs.Larry Anton Mrs. JulianArd, Midland [/rs.Terry Tryan Arnn, Arlington l\,lrs. Sid R. Bass Mrs.Lee Bevins, Amarillo l\.,lrs. Thomas M. Biggs, Houston Mrs.Mary Lou Braemer,Abilene Mrs.Travis B. Bryan, Jr., Bryan Mrs.John Cargile, San Angelo Mrs.Amon G. Carter,Jr. [/rs.Jerome Cartwright,Waco [/rs.RalphChase, San Angelo Mrs.James H. Clement,South Texas Mrs.ErnestM. Closuit,Jr. lil|rs. J. F Costello,Jr. [/rs.Howard Cowan, Tulsa, Oklahoma Mrs.John Evans Estabrook,Tyler Mrs.InivinJ. Feray,Beaumont lVlrs. Searcy Ferguson,Dallas Mrs.Walter S. Fortney,lll Mrs.James B. Francis, Dallas Mrs.Alfred C. Glassell.Jr.. Houston
Mrs. Theodore P Gorski,Jr. Mrs.WilliamGreen,Bay City Mrs.John M. Hogg Mrs. RobertB. Holt,Midland Mrs. EdwardR. Hudson,Jr. Mrs. DonaldJ. Jackson Mrs. Dee J. Kelly Mrs. Henry Clay Koontz,Victoria Mrs. Fritz-AlanKorth,Washington,D.C. Mrs.EugeniaGarza Laguera, Monterrey,Mexico Mrs.WinstonLeJeune,Amarillo Mrs. Frank Lewis, Bay City Mrs. Adlai Mast, Jr., Nacogdoches Mrs. Roy E. McDermott Mrs.Dale Miller,Washington,D.C. Mrs. Charles B. Moncrief,Weatherford Mrs.John D. Murchison,Dallas Mrs.J. Clark Nowlin Mrs. George M. Page, Austin Mrs. Felix Palau, Monterrey,Mexico Mrs. Kaposta Penn Mrs.John Rhodes,Alice Mrs.WilliamA. Rowan Mrs.ArthurA. Seeligson,Jr., San Antonio Mrs.O. K. Shannon,lll Mrs. J. LawrenceSheerin,San Antonio Jr. Mrs.CameronE. Shropshire, Mrs.G. FelderThornhill,lll, Austin Mrs. Richard M. Waggoner,Wichita Falls Mrs. John R. Wallace,Galveston Mrs. F. Howard Walsh, Jr. Mrs. GeraldWestby,Tulsa,Oklahoma Mrs.John B. Winston,Lufkin Mrs.GeorgeMarshallYoung Mrs.WilliamKellyYoung Mrs.FrankYturria,Brownsville OFFICEVOLUNTEERS Mrs. Robert M. Bass Ms. BrendaBullock Mrs.MildredCarey Mrs.KelroyChadwick Mrs. Ernest Chilton Mrs. RichardDale Mrs. Raloh W. Drews Mrs.Janice Epperson Mrs. RobertHardwicke,Jr. Mrs. Boyd Hunt Mrs. M. S. Heywood Mrs. PamelaJackson Mrs.WilliamH. Jackson Mrs. HaroldKnight Mrs. J. Wafton Lawrence,Sr. Mrs. Anne Lindsay Mrs. Albert Neal Mrs. Bill Newman Mrs. RichardE. Rainwater Mrs.NealieE. Ross,lll Ms. MaurineRutherford Mrs. June Sexton Mrs. John Sharoe Mrs. Byron Smythe Mrs.Carl Snyder Mrs.Jon S. Steohens Mrs. HerbertH. Thaxton Mrs. T. J. Tinker Mrs. Earl S. Wilson
Mrs. RichardT. Wall Mrs.Wiley H. Willis J U N I O RL E A G U EV O L U N T E E R S Mrs. Walter S. Fortney,lll, Programs Mrs. Estil Vance,Jr., Host InlormationKit Mrs.SamuelP Woodson,lll, Visitor InformationKit Mrs. Theodore P Gorski,Special Projects Mrs. Tim W. McKinney,CompetitionUshers N E I M A N . M A R C UB SE N E F I TV O L UN TEER S Mrs.WilliamG. Blackmon Mrs. William V. Bradshaw Mrs. Steven Brown Mrs.MarvinChamplin Mrs. Edwin Cohen Mrs.CharlesCurry Mrs.DavidK. Danciger Mrs.WilliamS. Davis Mrs.Mark Dubinsky Mrs.StanleyEisenman Mrs. Howard Fender Mrs.Sol Gale Mrs.Jay Garrett Mrs. Terry Gill Mrs. RonaldGoldman Mrs. FrankH. Goldthwaite, Jr. Mrs.WilliamGreenhill Mrs. DonaldJ. Jackson Mrs. LesterKuperman Mrs.Hugh Lamensdorf Mrs. West Langdon Mrs. Royce L. Lee Mrs. Dan Mcleland Mrs. RichardD. Minker Mrs. W. Scott Mooring Mrs.Jim Nayfa Mrs. Larry M. Newell Mrs. Johnny Patton Mrs.Lee Paulsel Mrs. RichardE. Rainwater Mrs.ShermanResnick Mrs. Doug Roper Mrs.James Schell Mrs.O. Kelly Shannon,lll Ms. Kathy Vaughn Mrs. Gerald Ward Mrs. RobertW. Watson Mrs. MarionWeil Mrs. Earl SteohenWilson
Mr. and Mrs. R. DennyAlexander Mr. Ernest Allen Dr. and Mrs. James Anthony Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archenhold Dr. and Mrs. John R. Armstrono "Mrs. O. C. Armstrong *Mrs. Tom Barker "Mr. and Mrs. KennethBarr Mrs. HarrisH. Bass .Mrs. L. G. Baumann Ms. Dottie Beard Mr. and Mrs. W E Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Bernabei *BirchmanAvenue Baotist Church (Mr.Phil Jones) Dr. and Mrs. WilliamE Bonnell Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Brachman Mrs. H. C. Brants 'Mrs. H. H. Brittingham Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Brooks Dr. and Mrs. MarionJ. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Brown Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. L. E "Curly"Broyles *Dr.and Mrs. DanielE. Bruhl,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Byrne tMr. and Mrs. Jerry Canon Dr. and Mrs. RobertS. Capper Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. David E Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Jean PierreChaumont Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Clay Mr. and Mrs. Heywood C. Clemons Mr. and Mrs. WilliamC. Conner .Mr. and Mrs. J. E Costello,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F Couch Mr. and Mrs. David K. Dancioer -Dr. A. R. Daniell Mr. and Mrs. Beale Dean .Mr. and Mrs. Norwood P Dixon Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dowling "Mr. and Mrs. James DuBose Mr. and Mrs. WilliamS. DuBose -Mrs. EdwardDubiel *Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Duoree Mrs. Fred A. Elliston Dr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Fay *Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fenton -First MethodistChurch (Mr. Stanley Shepelwich) Mr. James Foy,Jr. *Mr.and Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller -Mr. and Mrs. James S. Garvev *Mrs._Louis E. Gibson Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Goggans -Mr. David M. Graham,Jr. -Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gordon,Jr. 148
Mr.and Mrs. H. John Grebing,Jr. 'Mrs. Robert Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Guse -Mrs. Toby Guynn Ms. MargaretHarold Mr. and Mrs. James M. Harrison *Mr.and Mrs. WilliamY Harvey 'Mr. and Mrs. David Hawes -Mrs. WilliamB. Henderson Mrs. Milton S. Heywood Mrs. John Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. RobertB. Holmgren Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Horan,Jr. -Mr. Michael Houstoun *Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie Hyde 'Mr. and Mrs. Eric F Hyden *Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. 'Rev. R. W. Jablonowski .Mrs. O'ZellaOliverJeffus Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. GeorgeC. Kemble .Mrs. A. J. Kemo -Mr. and Mrs. WilliamS. Kilborne,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Knecht tMrs. RoyalG. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld -E. Don Lewis tMr. and Mrs. CharlesLittle,lll Mrs. Harry L. Logan,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Loucks -Luke Piano Company (Mr.Luke Wickerman) Judge and Mrs. EldonB. Mahon *Dr.and Mrs. WilliamS. Marrow Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mastin -Mr. Ted Mayo, lll Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. McKay Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKenzie -Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meeker "Mrs.JarrellR. Milburn Mr. and Mrs. JosephJ. Minton,Jr. .Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson 'Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Morohis Dr. and Mrs. CharlesM. Myers Mr. and Mrs. John W. Myers 'Dr. and Mrs. AlbertO. Neal 'Mrs. PatrickO. Needham -Mr. Don Nobles Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Nowlin -Mrs. Ed Oertel Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Olin *Mrs. John HoustonPayne *Mrs. Barwise Penn Mr. and Mrs. RobertM. Randoloh Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Raulston .Mrs. T. E Rich, Jr.
- RidgleaPresbyterianChurch (T. N. Retif) Dr. and Mrs. BaymondJ. Rimmer Dr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers,Jr. 'Mr. WilliamR. Rogers "Mrs. E. G. Rosen Dr. and Mrs. Nealie E. Ross -Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA. Rowan .Mrs. CatherineL. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Robb H. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Salmon .Mr. and Mrs. EdwardW Sampson,Jr' Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Sanders *T. G. Sanderson,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Earle U. Scharff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron B. SearcY 'Mrs. Lu Rounds Settle tDr. LorraineSherley *Dr. and Mrs. PhilipSheinberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Siegel "Mr. and Mrs. Emmet G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon w. Smith Mrs. GeorgeThomas Smith .Mrs. W. D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John C. Snyder -Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. Steele,lll Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. StePhens Mr. and Mrs. SterlingW. Steves Dr. Tom Stokes,Jr. 'Mr. W. B. Stuart Dr. and Mrs. GeorgeH. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Joseoh Tarride 'Dr. and Mrs. LouisE. TaYlor -Texas Boys' Choir .Texas Girls' Choir'(ShirleyCarter) 'Texas WesleyanCollege 'Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson Mrs. Ruth BurgessTillman -Mr. and Mrs. JamesTribble -UniversityBaptist Church (Bob Hatfield) - UniversityChristianChurch (Ron Shirey) Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh, Jr. -Mrs. E Howard Walsh, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Ware Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Watson Mr. and Mrs. James W. White 'Dr. and Mrs. James B. White Dr. and Mrs. Howard G. Wible, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. WilliamC. Wilburn .Mrs. CharlesB. Williams Dr. and Mrs. H. LawrenceWilsey 'Mrs. John W. Winter -Mrs. MarshallR. Young Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Yentis "Pianosonly
1977 COMPETITION lrl Allison,Jr. Aroundthe Corner Deli VirginiaAtherton C. G. Barfield Fred R. Bigelow Binyon-O'KeefeMoving & StorageCompany Boswell-FoyInteriors Greta Brizendine Mr. and Mrs. Emory A. Cantey CommunicationsCorporationof America Dr. Ed Etier Fifth Avenue Clinic First NationalBank of Fort Worth Fort Worth Chamberof Commerce Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum Fort Worth Piano TechniciansGuild Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestra James Foy,Jr. E. & J. Gallo Winery Dr. DonaldS. Gibbs Mary Alice Giordano RonaldJ. Goldman Tina Guthrie HiftonInn of Fort Worth MichaelHoustoun TravisJ. Johnson Junior League of Fort Worth Lili Kraus Ronnie Levin WalterMerchant Dr. MalcolmA. Nanes ElainePadgham Dr. Albert M. Pennybacker William Perrotta Radio Shack Corooration Record Town Pat Reese CatherineL. Russeil Ted Salmon Bill Shelton SigmaAlpha lota Nel Smart lr,lrs.Byron Smyth Bill Stevens SouthwesternBell TelephoneCompany TypewriterSupply Company U.S. PostalService,WeighingSection UniversityChristianChurch ElizabethVann Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Watson White Rose DistributingCompany James P Wright, Jr. CongressmanJim Wright Arthur Young& Company
DECORATIONS AND OFFICE Mrs. James R. Blake DavidHigbee Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. Loyd-Paxton,lnc. Minton-Corley Ted Roos & Associates Sid W. RichardsonFoundation Mrs. Edward W. Samoson,Jr. Mrs. A. T. Seymour,lll B. J. Taylor ENTERTAINMENT Mr. and Mrs..PerryR. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass JamesBernhard Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Brachman Centuryll Club ChristinaFord Fort Worth Club Mrs. EdithJ. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Etton M. Hyder,Jr. Mrs. Ralph W. Lowe Mrs. EdwardB. Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. McKay Mr. and Mrs. RichardW. Moncrief Felix Pastore RidgleaCountryClub Mrs.C. L. Rowan EmilyM. Whiteside FLOWERS AND DECOR Mr. and Mrs. FelixAnkele GordonBoswell Flowers Terry Crane Associates Fifth Avenue Greenhouse Lige Green Flowers Joy Floral Adam Whitney FUNDI N G A N D F U N D R A I S I N G Thomas Alexander Angelo Arena Arts Councilof Fort Worth and Tarrant County Thomas H. Barnett Mrs. Sid R. Bass KlausJ. Braemer RildiaBee Cliburn Van Cliburn Mary Lou Falcone Antonio Floirendo Bayard H. Freidman Barbara Haskett Mrs. EdwardR. Hudson,Jr. Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. Radu Luou RichardMarcus
SuzanneMiles FranklinMiner Mrs. Richard W. Moncrief Neiman-Marcus Keith Nix Bruce Petty Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips Mrs. EdwardW. Sampson,Jr. Sanger-Harris Harvey Scharfman CharlesD. Tandy Jo Throckmorton VictoriaTimberlake VladimirViardo DianeWalsh ValleauWilkie,Jr. Mrs. John H. Williams Mrs. George M. Young MEDIA Fort Worth Star Telegram Dallas/Fort Worth Business DallasMorningNews DallasTimes Herald The News-Tribune The Observer Radio Stations KBOX,KERA, KFJZ, K-JIM,KLIE KNOK, KOAX,KPLX, KRLD, KRXV KTCU, KVIL, KXOL,WBAB WFAA,WRR-FM TelevisionStations KAUZ (WichitaFalls),KCBD (Lubbock), K D F W ( D / F W) ,K E R A ( D / FW) ,KFD X (WichitaFalls),KLBK (Lubbock),KLTV (Tyler),KRBC (Abilene),KTVT (D/FW), KWTX (Waco),KXAS (Di FW), WFAA (Di FW) Specialthanks to KXAS Televisionfor promotionalspot announcements,production and distributionto other stations S P E C I A L M E D I A P L A N N I NG Ann Blumenthal BlakeByrne RenateCole John Ford Bob Gould DavidGriffiths KERA Television KXAS Television B i l lK e l l e y Tom Madigan Sam Paul EdwardJ. Pfister RalphB. Rogers Buss Thornton Jac Venza BarryWells
M US IC A L INSTRUMENTS BaldwinPianoand Organ Company Bosendorfer of Vienna, Inc. Divisionof KimballInternational, AnthonyP Habig GeorgeNewman JackRomann DavidRubin Steinway& Sons, Inc. JohnH. Steinway WhittleMusic Company SteveWilmeth LukeWickmanPianoCompany PE R F O RMANCE ARRANGEM ENTS CarnegieHall J uliusB loo m CarolynCriddle MarilynPosnick StewartWarkow FortWorth Art Museum Jay Belloli Anne Livet Julie Lukeman KimbellArt Museum E. B. Brown Dr. Richard Fargo Brown ShirleySpieckerman WilliamEdringtonScott Theater Mrs. Fred A. Elliston JesseGambrell WilliamGa rbe r B. Don Magness RobertMillican HowardParsons TarrantCounty CentreTheatre Convention Pat Knight MelvinMorgan LouisC. Owen MauricePilcher Jan Tomlin PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS B & H P latingCo mpa ny BaccaratCrystal W.H. Bledsoe Clarkson's C,H. Gerth Haltomlndustries CharlesMays N e iman-Ma rcu s
PRI NTI NG DE S I G N A N D E X E C U T I O N Jean Alexander Bud Brumley Clarkson's CarolJettun KlineEngravingCompany BeckyLivingston MotheralPrintingCompany MilburnTaylor BessThomas Type Case
TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Jane Blailock Dr.Thomas B. Brewer AudreyCampau Al Lloyd Al Mladenka Dr.James M. Moudy LindaPitts Emmet G. Smith Dr. GeorgeT. Tade Dr. MichaelM. Winesanker
PUBLI C RELA T I O N S A N D PROMOTION ContinentalNationalBank KevinCopps Mary Hester ErnestW. Hunsperger ConstanceKeene David Lancarte DashelleMaines ClaudiaMartinez Roy E. McDermott FrancesMerrill Truett Myers Jane Schlansker Lucy Scott SouthwesternBaptist Radioand TelevisionCommission Jerre R. Todd & Associates MarshallYaeger
TRANSLATION ErnestAllen Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cardona Mrs. Max E. Clark Peter Gregory Dr. John Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Jean Knecht M r s . P h i l l i pE . L a u g h l i n Dr. John E Loud Dr. AnthonyRivares Dr. E. Romanenghi Mrs. Paul P Schwartz TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION AmericanAirlines Branifflnlernational Fay Brachman CenturyChevrolet Canoll W. Collins FortWorthChamberof Commerce CharlieHillardFord LoyalTravel Wi l l i a mE . M c K a y RidgleaTravel BarbaraSeamster
SPECIAL RECEPTIONS, 1975 (NEW YORK AND WASHTNGTON, D.C.) Mrs.JuliusBloom Mrs. HowardBurris Mrs. Everett Hutchinson Mrs. Fritz-AlanKorth USHERS AND TICKETS Mrs. Dale Miller Neal Burgess Mrs. DavidMiller Bank of Fort Worth Mrs. Robert Schieffer Beta Sigma Phi WILLIAM EDRINGTON SCOTT Carter& Burgess,Inc. THEATER CentralTicket Office Arts Councilof Fort Worth RobertaDisney and Tarrant County Janet Gilbed Mrs. Fred A. Elliston BettyJo Mahlie DorothyFord FortWorthOpera Association WilliamGarber PhyllisJones The most special thanks to Junior Leagueof Fort Worth ELTON M. HYDER, JR. RobertMillican for his generoussupport Howard Parsons of the Competition.
VLADIMIRVIARDO 1973GRANDPRIZEWINNER A. GrandPrizeWinner VladimirViardobackstage followinghis FinalsPhase performance. B. GrandPrizeWinner VladimirViardoat the presentationceremony. C. VladimirViardo,Grand PrizeWinner,leavingthe stageof CarnegieHall,followinghisformal debutrecitalin May of 1974. D. GrandPrizeWinner VladimirViardoonstageat the John F. KennedyCenterfor the PerformingArts,togetherwith ConductorDmitriKitaenko, followingtheir performance with the MoscowState Symphony in Novemberof 1975E. VladimirViardo,Grand PrizeWinner,in the Presidential Box at the John F. Kennedy Centerfor the PerformingArts in Washington, D.C.,followinghis oerformance as soloistwith the MoscowState Symphony: Secretaryof Stateand Mrs. Henry Kissinger, Viardo,Mrs. Gerald Ford,SovietAmbassadorto the UnitedStatesand Mrs. Anatolv Dobrynin.November,1975 F. PrizeWinners'reunion: MarilynNeeley(Fifth Prize Winner,1962),VladimirViardo (GrandPrizeWinner,1973), DianeWalsh(FifthPrizeWinner, 1969),MinoruNojima(Second .1969), Mrs.EltonM. PrizeWinner, Hyder,Jr., Chairmanof the Iot 1977,and Van Competition Cliburn.
1973 COMPETITION A. ContestantJohn (laterchosen as an Hendrickson aldrence favoritein the 1975 Chopin Competitionin Warsaw, aswell as beingvotedwinnerby IheAssociationof Polish Music Critics) is serenadedat the opening Competitiondinner. B. ComoetitionFinalists atpresentation ceremony:Evgenii (Fifih Prize Winner), Korolev Michael Houstoun(Third Prize Winner), VladimirViardo (Grand hizeWinner),Mrs. WilliamM. Fuller, Chairmanof the Competition, Alberto Reyes Fourth PrizeWinner),Krassimir (SixthPrize Winner) and Gatev Christian Zacharias(SecondPrize ilinner). C.The openingdinnerof heCompetition : EvgeniiKorolev PrizeWinner),Van Cliburn, lFifth Irladame Pankovaof the Soviet lrlinistry of Culture,Vladimir (Grand Prize Winner) and /iardo I4rs. WilliamM. Fuller,Chairman tltheComoetition. D. SovietJury member ivgenii Malininand John iiordano, Chairmanof the Jury. E.Jury memberVlado )erlemuter (France). F.Jury for the Competitioniontrow, seated: Lili Kraus, ;onstance Keene;back row: Luis LValencia,Vlado Perlemuter, :ernando Laires,James Dick, .eonard Pennario,John iiordano. Abram Chasins.John lopkins, EvgeniiMalinin. G.ChristianZacharias Seeond Prize Winner),currently ruring extensivelyin Europe. H,Jury memberNicole ienriot-Schweitzer. l. Finalsguest conductor rValter Susskindrehearseswith heFortWorth Symphony lrchestra. E
1969COMPETITION A. Jury for the CompetitionFrontrow, seated:Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer, Lili Kraus, ConstanceKeene: back row, MindruKatz, Bruce Hungerford, Motonarilguchi,Peter Frankl, LeonFleisher,Ezra Rachlin, LeonardPennario,Abram Chasins. B. Reception followingformal CarnegieHalldebut:Hostess, Mrs. David Rockefeller;Cristina Ortiz(GrandPrizeWinner);Dr. lrl Allison,Founderand Presidentof NationalGuildof PianoTeachers; and Host, David Rockefeller. C. GrandPrizeWinner CristinaOrtizcongratulatedby her Fort Worth hostess,Mrs. Edward W. Samoson.Jr. D. Contestantsdrawingfor performingpositionin the Competition.Assistingare Mrs. CatherineL. Russell.left. Secretaryof the Competition;and BichardLee Brown,Chairmanof the Competition. E. DianeWalsh, Fifth Prize Winnerin the Comoetition.and later highestprizewinner in the Mozart InternationalCompetition and winnerof the 1975Munich Competition. F. Jury conference:Lili Kraus, Leon Fleisher,Peter Frankl. G. Grand Prize Winner CristinaOrtiz in her Semi{inals oerformance. H. Finalistsgather at Van's traditionallake party: Mark Westcott(Third PrizeWinner), GeraldRobbins(Fourth Prize Winner),RaduLupu(GrandPrize Minoru Winner1966Competition), Nojima(SecondPrize Winner), CristinaOrtiz (Grand Prize Winner)and Van Cliburn. l. MinoruNojima(Second PrizeWinner)at his May, 1970 CarnegieHall DebutRecital.
A. Jury for the Competition Seated:JozsefGat, Friedrich Wuhrer,Aliciade Larrocha, ClaudetteSorel,Marguerita Trombini-Kazuro, Beveridge Webster,Joseph Benvenuti; standing:Boyd Neel, Gerald Moore,GuillermoEspinosa, HowardHanson,Jean Mahaim, Arni Kristjansson,Valentin Georghiu,ReimarDahlgrun. B. Sam B. Cantey,lll, Chairmanof the Competition. A Rudolf C. Semi-finalists: (FifthPrizeWinner), Buchbinder JoseSandoval,RobertSilverman, ThomasHrynkiw,Barry Snyder (SecondPrizeWinner),BenediK Koehlen(SixthPrizeWinner), LarryGraham,RaduLupu(Grand PrizeWinner),CatherineSilie, HenriBarda,MariaLuisa (FourthPrizeWinner), Lopez-Vito and BlancaUribe(ThirdPrize Winner). D. Animatedconversation: AIiciade Larrocha,Van Cliburn. E. Van Cliburnconferswith RalphVotapek(1962GrandPrize Winner)and Radu Lupu,Grand PrizeWinnerof the 1966 Competition. F. HowardHanson,Chairman of the Jury, greetedby Mrs. Grace Ward Lankford,Executive Secretaryof the Competition. G. The irresistible keyboard: Jury memberGeraldMoore. H. Radu Lupu, Grand Prize Winner,duringthe FinalsPhaseof the Competitionwith the Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestra,Ezra Rachlinconducting. l. WashingtonPost Musrc EditorPaul Hume,an official observorof the Competition, in a relaxedmomentat the keyboard.
J. RudolfBuchbinder(Fifth PrizeWinner),now louring e):tensivelyin the UnitedStates and abroad.
1962COMPETITION A. Van Cliburngreets permanentmemberof the Jury, LiliKraus B. A meetingof keyboard Lev Oborin(USSR), colleagues: MadameRosinaLhevinneand RudolphGanz. C. RalphVotapek,Grand PrizeWinner,performingin the FinalsPhasewiththe Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestraconducted by MiltonKatims. D. Mrs. GraceWard Lankford, Chairmanof the Competition, congratulates RalphVotapek, GrandPrizeWinner. E. A backstagemomentwith two Sovietcontestants: Mikhail (ThirdPrizeWinner) Voskresenski and NikolaiPetrov(SecondPrize Winner). - Front F. Jury deliberations row:Luis Herrerade la Fuente, YaraBernette,LeonardPennario, LiliKraus,Motonarilguchi;back row:Lev Oborin,Jorge Bolet, AngeloEagon,and Jury ChairmanLeopoldMannes. G. LeopoldMannes,Chairman of the Jury for the Competition. H. Backstagepreparation forthe FinalsPhase:Cecile Ousset(FourthPrizeWinner) from France.
1 rffil GENERALINFORMATION 1. CliburnCompetitionConcerts,a divisionof the CliburnCompetition,has been establishedto obtain engagements and to promotethe careersof Competition winnersuntil artist managementshave assumedtheseresoonsibilities. Nationaland internationalpress representation has beenengagedto assist in this purpose. CliburnCompetitionConcertshas arrangeda numberof majorengagements to be performedby the GrandPrizeWinner withina two-yearperiodfollowingthe Comoetition. Engagementshave also been arrangedfor the Secondand Third Prize wtnners. All fees for these engagements willaccrueto the prizewinners.Cliburn CompetitionConcertswill assess no commissionfor its managementservices in this regard. Engagements obtainedfor winners of the Competitionby CliburnCompetition Concertswill supersedeany management contractforthcomingfromthe Competition, and such engagementsare not commissionable to the management. 2. Representatives of major artist managementcorporationswi ll attend semi-finaland final phasesof the Cliburn Competition.lt is thereforeanticipatedthat managementcontractswill be offeredto one or more oianistswho have advanced to the semi{inalsor finalsof the Comoetition. CliburnComoetition Concertslooks forwardto its associationwith adist managementsand has pledgeditselfto give full supportand assistanceto the developmentand groMh of the careers of these young artists. 3. All phasesol the Competition may be broadcastlive and may also be recordedand filmedfor subsequentradio, televisionand audio-visualuse. Materials thus producedmay be edited prior to distribution. Neitherthe CliburnCompetitionnor its assigneeswill be liableto prizewinners for any paymentsarisingout of useof their oerformancesfor commercialor non-commercialbroadcastpurposes. 4. Commercialrecordingsof Competitioneventswill be produced,and incomefrom such recordingswill benefit the CliburnCompetition. Subsequent commercialrecordingsof prizewinners
are planned.Fees from the latterwill accruedirectlyand totallyto the prize winners. 5. Prizewinnerswho fail to fulfill appearancesarrangedforthem by Cliburn CompetitionConcertsmay, at the discretionof the Cliburn Competition ExecutiveCommittee,be asked to forfeit claimto their prizes and awards. 6. Semi-final andfinalohasesof the CliburnCompetition will be recordedfor broadcastthroughthe Voice of America. 7. The CliburnComoetitionwill not be responsible for the traveland/orlodging of any officialobserverto the Competition or of any personaccompanying a contestant.
INFORMATIONFOR THE CONTESTANTS 1. The CliburnCompetitionis open to pianistsof all nationalities. To be eligible for acceptanceas a contestant,the applicantmust have been born on or beforeSeptember11, 1959,or on or after September26, 1947. No contestantmay be underthe age of eighteenat the startof the Competition on September11, 1977, or havereachedhisor herthirtiethbirthday on or beforethe close of the Comoetition on September 25, 1977.A certifiedcopy of applicant'sbirthcertificateor other proofof age is requiredwith the application. FormerGrandPrizeWinnersof the CliburnCompetitionare not eligibleto comoete. 2. The printedapplication form in this brochure,completedand signed, togetherwithall requiredenclosures, must be sent to CliburnCompetition,3505 West Lancaster,FortWorth,Texas 76107 U.S.A.,postmarkedno laterthan May 1, 1977. An acknowledgmentcard will be mailedto the applicantimmediatelyupon receiptof the applicationform and enclosures. 3. All applications will be reviewed by an ArtistsAdvisoryCommitteeand will be treated as confidential.The Artists
AdvisoryCommitteewill examine the credentials,referencesand repertory submittedby each applicant.Each applicant willthenbe notifiedby mailof his or her acceptanceor rejection,in no instancelaterthanJuly 1, 1977.The ArtistsAdvisoryCommitteereservesthe rightto requestadditionalinformation from applicants or to ask that applicantsappear for a screeningauditionin a mutually agreeablelocation. 4. Passportswill be neededby all foreigncontestants.In some cases a visa will also be necessary.Applicantsare urgedto contactthe nearestAmerican embassyor consulatefor advice. 5. The CliburnCompetitionwill not be responsiblefor the transportationcosts of any contestantto and from Fort Worth, Texas. 6. Contestantsmust arrive in Fort Worth,Texas, before midnighton Thursday,September8, 1977. Contestantsshould notifythe Cliburn CompetitionOfficeof theirexpectedarrival time in the Fort Worth area so that arrangements can be madeto meetthem. Contestantsmust report in oersonto the CliburnCompetitionHeadquarters in the
Fort Worth Hilton Inn immediatelyupon arrivalin Fort Worth. 7. Contestantswill draw for their orderof appearancein the Competitionat an opening banquetto be held on S u n d a ye v ening,S ept emb e1( 1,1 9 7 7 ,a t 7:00 P.M.Whenthe orderof appearanceis established,it will be retainedthroughout the Competition. 8. Changes in submittedrepertory will not be acceptedafterAugust1,1977. 9. Throughoutthe Competition, all workswill be performedfrom memory,with the exceptionof the semi-finalschamber music phase. 10. Contestantsmay not attemptto make contactor speak with any member of the Jury duringthe Competition. Any violationof this rule could disqualifythe contestant. 11. Contestantswill be housedin privatehomes,with meals, practice facilitiesand transportationprovided,from the time of their arrival in Fort Worth until the conclusionof the Competition- from September8 throughSeptember25, 1977. Such accomodationsare availableonly to contestantsacceptedin the Competition, except under very specialcircumstances.
Each host and hostesswill endeavorto makethe contestantcomfortableand help himor heras muchas possibleto makehis or her stay in Fod Worth enjoyableas well as successful.Meals served in the homeswill be of the quality and quantity customarilyserved,and under no circumstanceswill specialdiets be provided.Contestantswho are eliminated in earlyphasesof the CliburnCompetition will not be reouiredto remain in Fort Worthfor the remainderof the Competition. 12. lt, by reasonof accident,illness, or unusualcircumstance,a contestantis unableto performat his or her assigned time period,and if he or she wishes to continuein the Competition,he or she might,at the discretionof the Chairmanof the Jury, be reassigneda later positionin the Competitionphasein whichthe accident.illness.or unusualcircumstance occurs. 13.The GrandPrizeWinner,as well as the Second and Third Prize Winners of the CliburnCompetition, will be expectedto presenttwo recitalswithout fee for the benefitof the Competition,if reouested.
THE COMPETITION JURY 1. A Chairmanof the Jury without rightto vote will overseethe deliberations of the Jury. 2. The Jurywillvoteby secretballot. The Jury will gradethe performanceof each contestantby allotingpoints based on the followingscale: 90 - 100 Superior 80 89 Excellent 70 79 Good 60 69 Average Under 60 Weak The Jury will amass pointson contestants,basedon their overall performancein each phase of the Certification of all Jury Competition. willbe madeby ArthurYoung& tabulations Company,CertifiedPublicAccountants. 3. The numberof contestants advancedfrom Phase I to Phase ll of the will be ComoetitionPreliminaries determinedby the Jury. 4. Exceptundervery special circumstances,no more than twelve willadvanceto the semi-finals, contestants and no more than six contestantswill advanceto the finals. 5. The Jury, at its discretion,may interruptor stop the performanceof any contestantat any time duringthe Also,the Jury may recalla Competition. contestantfor fufther tests which may includepiecesfrom the repertorythe contestantwill have submittedin advance. Any actionof the Jury underthis rule shall not be construedas being either favorable or unfavorable. 6. The Jury will meet priorto the to reviewthe of the Competition beginning which ensurethe integrityof safeguards theCompetition. Jurorswill be expectedto themselvesas judges in the disqualify case of contestantswho are relatedto themorwho havestudiedwiththem at any time duringthe five years precedingthe beginningof the Competition. 7. The Jury may withholdthe awardingof the Grand Prizeif, in the judgmentof a majorityof the Jury, no contestantis deemed oualifiedto receive the prize.In such an event,Second throughSixthPrizeswill be awardedand a SeventhPrize ot $500 will be added. 8. All decisionsof the Jury are final and not subjectto appeal.
1 - RalphVotapek- USA 2 - NikolaiPetrov- USSF - USSF 3 - MikhailVoskresenski 4 - CecileOusset - France 5 - MarilynNeeley- USA 6 - SergioVarella-Cid Portugal-England 7 - Arthur Fennimore- USA 8 - Takashi Hironaka- Japan CommissionedWork Award Capriccioon Five Notes by Lee Hoiby AfthurFennimore- USA ChamberMusicAward RalphVotapek- USA HirokoNakamura- Japan
LeopoldMannes,USA Chairmanof Jury Yara Bernette - Brazil Jorge Bolet- USA Angelo Eagon- USA Dr. RudolohGanz - USA Don Luis Herrerade la FuenteMotonari lguchi - Japan MiltonKatims- USA Lili Kraus- New Zealand Lev Oborin - USSF LeonardPennario- USA Serge Saxe - Local Chairman
1 - Radu Lupu - Rumania 2 - Barry Snyder - USA 3 - Blanca Uribe - Colombia 4 - Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito- Philippines 5 - RudolfBuchbinder- Austria 6 - BenediktKohlen- GermanY CommissionedWork Award Structurefor Piano by Willard Straight RaduLuou- Rumania 'l9th CenturyMusic Award BlancaUribe- Colombia ChamberMusicAward BarrySnyder- USA CoolandSonata Award RaduLuou- Rumania
HowardHanson,USA -Chairman of Jury JosephBenvenuti- France ReimarDahlgrun- Germany GuillermoEspinosa- Colombia Jozsef Gat - Hungary ValentinGheorghiu- Rumania Lili Kraus- New Zealand Arni Kristjansson- lceland Aliciade Larrocha- Sparn Jean Mahaim- Belgium GeraldMoore- England Boyd Neel - Canada Ezra Rachlin- USA - LocalChairman ClaudetteSorel - USA MargueritaTrombini-Kazuro- Poland BeveridgeWebster- USA FriedrichWuhrer- Austria
4, rffil
1 - Cristina Orliz - Brazil 2 - MinoruNojima- JaPan 3 - Mark Westcott - USA 4 - Gerald Robbins- USA 5 - DianeWalsh- USA 6 - MichikoFujinuma- JaPan CommissionedWork Award Capriccioon the Intervalof a Second by NormanDelloJoio MinoruNojima- JaPan ChamberMusic Award DianeWalsh- USA SchumannAward Cristina Oftiz - Brazil
Ezra Rachlin,USA - Chairmanof Jury Abram Chasins- USA Leon Fleisher- USA Peter Frankl - Hungary - France NicoleHenriot-Schweitzer BruceHungerford- Australia Motonari lguchi - JaPan MindruKalz - lsrael ConstanceKeene - USA Lili Kraus- New Zealand LeonardPennario- USA
'l - VladimirViardo- USSR 2 - ChristianZacharias- GermanY 3 - MichaelHoustoun- New Zealand 4 - Alberto Reyes - UruguaY 5 - EvgeniiKorolev- USSF 6 - KrassimirGatev - Bulgaria CommissionedWork Award NightThoughtsbY Aaron CoPland VladimirViardo- USSR RachmaninoffEtude TableauAward AlbertoReyes- UruguaY VladimirViardo- USSR ChamberMusic Award ChristianZacharias- GermanY
John Giordano,USA - Chairmanof Jury AbramChasins- USA JamesDick- USA - France NicoleHenriot-Schweitzer John Hookins- Australia ConstanceKeene - USA Lili Kraus- New Zealand FernandoLaires- Portugal EvgeniiMalinin- USSF LeonardPennario- USA Vlado Perlemuter- France Walter Susskind- USA LuisC. Valencia- PhiliPPines
sth VAN CLIBURN COMPETITION INDEX .. Acknowledgments AdvisoryBoards N a ti o n a l fn te rn a ti onal SamuelBarber BenefitPatrons(1974-1977) B o a rdo l D i re c tors C h a i rma nMe s s age C l i b u rnC o u n c il V a nC l i b u rnMessage
. . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . 17 .. . . 42 . 136-141 . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . 11 . . . 143 . . . . 8- 9 . . . . . . 42
C o m m i s s i o n eWork d Committees (1974 -1977 ) C o mp e ti ti on Be n e fi ts
.. . . . . . . . 146 . . . . . 147
Contestants C o u n tri e sa nd S tatesR epresented Bi o g ra p h i esandR epertori es...
. . . . . . . . . . 43 . 44- 128
Contributors (1974 -1977 ) Gu a ra n to rs Prizes,SpecialAwards,CompetitionEvents,Programs Jury Underwriting, Fort Worth SymphonyUnderwriting, Sp e c i alB enefactors Be n e fa c to rs C o n tri b u tors M e m o ri a l a s nd Memori alGi fts . Data on Past Competitions. D e d i c a ti o n ExecutiveCommittee F l a g D o n o rs F o rtW o rth ,T exas. F o rtW o rthS y mphonyOrchestra J o h n G i o rd a n o..... H i s to ry o fth e Competi ti on.. H o s tsa n d H o s t esses, 1977C ompeti ti on .. In d e x.. GeneralInformation- Comoetition Ge n e ra l Information for Contestants.. ... T h e C o mp eti ti on Jury
. 150{51
.. . . . . . . . 129 .... 130 . . . . 131 .. . . . . . . . 132 .. . . . 133- 134 . . . . . 135 . 162-163 . . . . . . . 6- 7 ...12-13 . . . . . 134 . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . 148 .. . . . . 164- 165 . . . . 157 158-159 . . . . . . . 160
1 rtri'l
Jury C o m o e ti ti o n Screening L e c tu re /Pe rfo rma nceS eri es.
. . .. .. 32- 36 . 38-39 .. . '|, 44
Letters J i m m y C a rte r. NancyHanks D o l p h B ri s c o e .... H u g h Pa rme r
...... . 24 ....... . 21 ......... . 22 ....... . 23
M e m o ri a l as n d Me mori alGi fts .
.. ... ... . 135
In Memoriam Sa m B. C a n te y l, l l .. ... G i n a Ba c h a u e r.. ... Bru c e H u n g e rfo rd.. M i n i -L e c tu re /R e c iSeri ta l es . D r.J a m e s M.Mo u d y N o te s . Photographs V l a d i m i Vi r a rd o . 1 9 7 3C o mp e ti ti on... ' 1 9 6 9C o mo e ti ti on. .. 1 9 6 6C o mp e ti ti on... 1 9 6 2C o mp e ti ti on... Pi a n oPu rc h a s eD o n ors Prizesand Awards Gra n dP ri z eWi n n er Gra n d P ri z e Wi n nerTour.. Other Prizesand Awards S i l v e ra n d B ro n z eMedalW i nnersTours R e p e rto ry oth f e C o m peti ti on.. Scheduleof the Competition. . Staff C o mo e ti ti o n C o n s u l ta n ts Sta te me not f Pu rp o s e
.... . . 15 ........ . 37 ........ . 37 .. . . 145 ..... . 25 .....149, 161,1 66- 169 ..... 152 .... .. . . 153 ... .. . . . 154 . .. .. . . . 155 . ....... 156 ......... 142 ........ . 27 ........ . 28 . . . .29 .. . . . 30 ......... 17O . . . InsideBack Cover ... .. . .. . . 18 . . ... .. . . . 19 ... . . . 4
T a b l eo f C o n te n ts
.. . .. . . . . 5
T e x a s C h ri s ti a U n n i v e rsi ty
....... . 25
T e x a sL i ttl eS y mp h o ny T o k y oS tri n gQ u a rte t VladimirViardo Volunteers
. . . . 41 .. . . . 40 26 147
s310il I i-.!-l I
A. Bach: One ol the English Suites, French Suites or Partitas (no repeats). B. Any Haydn Sonata or any BeethovenSonata up to but not includingOp. 31, No. 3 (no repeatsexcept in Minuet and Trio Movements). C. Any Balladeor Scherzo by Chopin. D. Any Etude of virtuosityby Chopin, Debussy,Liszt, Rachmaninotfor Scriabin.
A, Any Sonata of Mozart (no repeats except in Minuet and Trio Movements). B. A large-scalework by one of the followingcomposers:Beethoven(late sonatas only from Op. 81a), Brahms, Chopin, Liszt, Schubert or Schumann. C. A contemporaryor impressionisticwork (between8 and 15 minutesin length)of the contestant'schoice by one of the followingcomposers: Bartok, Berg, Copland,Debussy,Ginastera,Prokofiev Ravel, Schoenberg,Scriabin,or Stravinsky.
A. Chamber Music: Each contestantwill perform from score with the TOKYO STRING QUARTETone of the following Piano Quintets: Brahms, Dvorak, Franckor Schumann.One rehearsalgranted. B. Recital:Each contestantwill play a one-hourrecitalof his or her own choosing. Requiredon this recitalwill be a Ballade,6 to 8 minutesin length,especially commissionedfor this Competitionby the Americancomposer Samuel Barber. (All contestantswill receivethis compositionno laterthan four weeks priorto the Competition.)Contestantsmay peform only one work on this recital from a previouscategoryof the Competition.
Two concertosto be performedwith the FORT WORTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.One rehearsalgranted (not to exceed two hours in length). Contestantswill be requiredto peform each concerto in its entirety. A.Required:MozartK. 466, D Minor;or K. 488, A Major. B. Any one of the followingconcertos: Barber Bartok No. 3 BeethovenNo. 3, C Minor; No. 4, G Major;or No. 5, Eb Major BrahmsNo. 1, D Minor;or No. 2, Bb Major Chopin No. 1, E Minor;or No. 2, F Minor GinasteraNo. 1 Liszt No. 1, Eb Major;or No. 2, A Major ProkofievNo. 2, G Minor;or No. 3, C Major RachmaninotfNo. 2. C Minor RachmaninoffRhapsodyon a Theme by Paganini Ravel G Major TchaikovskyNo. 1, Bb Minor
5rh vAlr cLtBuRil GomPETtTtol{
SCHEDULEOF EVENTS PRELIMINARIES/PHASEI Sunday-Thursday September11, 12, 13, 14,'15
PRELIilINARIES/PHASE II Frklay, September16 Satuday, September'17
SEIII.FINALS Monday-Wednesday September '|.9,20, 2'l
FINALS Thursday-Saturday 22,23,24 September
GALA CLOSINGEVENT Sunday 25 September
9:30A.M.& 3:00PM.
TexasChristianUniversity Ed LandrethAuditorium
9:30A.M.,3:00& 8:00PM. 9:30A.M.& 3:00PM.
Texas Christian University Ed LandrethAuditorium
9:30A.M.& 3:00PM. ChamberMusicwithTokyoString Quartetand one-hourrecital performedby eachsemi{inalist.
Texas Christian University Ed LandrethAuditorium
7:30 PM. Two concertos by each of six finalists. Two contestants performingeach evening with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and the Texas Little Symphony.
TarrantCountyConvention Centre KennedyTheatre
3:00PM. Announcement of winners. presentation of awards,solo performances by the Gold,Silver and BronzeMedalWinners.
TarrantCountyConvention Centre KennedyTheatre
PROGRAM Editor:Maidee Walker Design:MilburnTaylor Typesetting:Type Case Printing:Motheral PrintingCompany