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SeventhVan Cliburn InternationalPianoCompetition FortWorth, Texas May 13- Iune2,1985 Sponsors Van Clibum Foundation, Inc. National Guild of Piano Teachers TexasChristian University Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum Junior Leazueof Fort Worth Iort Wortli Chamberof Commerce
Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc. 3 5o5 West Lancaster Fort Worth, Texas 76!07 \8t7) 738-6536 Mrs. Joe A Tilley, Jr. Chairnan Iohn Giordano Chainuanof theJury Andrew Raebum Executive Director
TheYau Clibun InternationalPianoCowpetitiouis a mewbuot'the headquanered in Genua,Switzeiland Federation of IntemntioualMusicCowpetitions
Contents Sponsorsof the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition.. . Directorsa nd Adm inis t r at ionof t heVan Clibur nF o u n d a t i o nI ,n c . . . . . Representatives andConsultants..... Ackno wled gm ent s . . . . . GeneralInformation Intro du ctio ntot heCom pet it ion. . IrlAlliso na nd G r ac eW ar dlank f or d Prolo gu eb yV anClibur n. . . . . . Messagefrom the Chairman of the Van Cliburn Foundation, Mrs. Joe A. Tilley, Jr... Sch ed ule ofC om pet it ionEv ent s . Te levisio na ndRadioBr oadc as t s Comme rcia lRec or dings . Greefingsfrom PresidentReagan,Vice PresidentBush,GovernorWhite, Mayor Bolen and ChancellorTucker. InMe moria m. Fo rtWorth ,Te x as . . Museu mso fFor t W or t h. Te xa sCh risri anUniv er s it y Natio na lGuild of PianoTeac her s . Fo rtWorth PianoTeac her s For um . Ju nio rlea gu eof For t W or t h. Fo rtWorth Cham ber of Com m er c e. from EarlierCompetitions. Photographs SeventhVan Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition Sele cte dRu les f or Applic at ions Rule sa nd Pr oc edur es f or t heCom pet it ion. . Rule sRe lati ngt oPr iz esandEngagem ent s . . . . . Req uire dR eper t oir e. Prize sa nd Awar ds . Orch estral Engagem ent s RecitalEn gagem ent s . Euro pe anEn gagem ent s Th e Scre en ing of Com pet it ionApplic ant s . Inte rna tion alS c r eeningJ ur y Comp etitio nJur y . . . To kyoStrin gQuar t et . Fo rtWorth Sym phonyand For t W or t h Cham ber O r c h e s t r a s . Stan isla w Skrowac z ews k i. . . . . . . Jo hn Corig lian o. . . . . . F.Mu rrayAbra ham . Messa ge from Andr 6- M ic helSc hub. Van Cliburn International Piano Competitions1962-1981:Winnersand Juries Th e Comp etitor s in1985 AdvisoryCouncils. TCU/CliburnCompetitionPianolnstitute7985... Cliburn Council / International Friendsof the Van Cliburn Competition. Comp etitio nP ianos . Pian oTechn ic ians . . . . Beg inn ingbsyP aul Hum e. . f or t he Com pet it ion. . . . . , Spe cia lPrep ar at ions Fro mth e Direc t or ' sNot ebook by BillFer t ik Photographsfrom EarlierCompetitions. NewAu die ncesf or t he Com pet it ionby Andr ewR a e b u r n . . . Con tribu torLi s t s . .. Volunteerismis Alive and Well by Andrew Raeburn VolunteerCommittees. List of Adverti s er s. .. .
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Van Cliburn Foundation,Inc. Boardof Directors Executive Commiftee Officers CeneGordon
Mrs. Joe A Tilley, Jr. Chairnan kwis Kornfeld YiceChairwan Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Secretary He1'woodC. Clemons Tieasurer / FortWorthChatnberof Comnerce Rice M. Tilley, Jr. Attornal Mrs. Gordon W. Srnith CliburnConcms Mrs. L. EdwardMartin CliburnCouncil John Giordano Chairwanof theJury Dr. William E. Tucker TexasChistian U nivusity Harris W Cavender198I-82 Mrs.Wyatt M. Hall L9s2-s4 Mrs. Bi]]yJ.Bunch 1gg+-95 FortWorthPianoTeachers Foruw
AndrewRaeburn,Executive Director(left),Mrs.JoeA. Tillq,,Jr.,Chairrnan, awdLewis Kornfeld, YiceChairwan.
Members-at-Large Mrs. LouisH. Barnett Mrs. Harry E. Bartel RobertM. Bass Mrs.RobertM. Bass Ms. MinervaHobart Batts Mrs.JamesR. Blake Mrs. Wiliiam F.Bonnell Mrs. Rildia BeeO'Bryan Cliburn Van Cliburn Mrs. William S. Davis
Directors Emeriti Mrs. PerryR. Bass RichardLee Brown Mrs.WilliamM. Fuller Mrs.F.HowardWalsh,Sr
Mrs. BenjaminJ. Fortson Mrs. Mark L. Hart, Jr. Mrs.EdwardR. Hudson,Jr Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. William G. Marquardt Mrs. fuchardW. Moncrief Dr. JamesM. Moudy David O'Brien,Jr. Mrs.SebertL. Pate JamesR. Perry
Paul R. Ray,Sr. Mrs.JohnV Roach,II Mrs.EdwardW. Sampson, Jr Mrs. ClaytonSeymour Mrs. RiceM. Tilley, Jr. Mrs. S.SmithWilliams C. Dickie Williamson HerschelC. Winn S.PatrickWoodson,III Mrs.JosephA. Zant
Board of Directors Membersof the Board Jr. Mrs.DavidO'Brien, Dr.AM.Pate,h.
Mrs.David Giles RonaldGoldman Mrs.RonaldGoldman M. Grant Dr.Joseph M. Grant Mrs.Joseph Mrs.E.RichardHalden,Jr. Mrs.PhillipG. Hinson Dr.PeterJ.Hodgson Mrs.EricF.Hyden J.H.W Jacks Mrs.J.H.W Jacks Mrs.DonaldJ.Jackson PhilipR.Jonsson Mrs.JohnS.Justin,Jr. Mrs.DeeJ.Kelly,Jr. Mrs.RaymondB. Kelly Mrs.LewisKornfeld Mrs.WilliamA Landreth Mrs.PhillipE.Laughlin Mrs.HarryL. Logan,Jr. RobertT. Martin TedMayo,III Mrs.RoyE.McDermott Mrs.WilliamE.McKay Mrs.TimothyW.McKinney Mrs.PhillipI. Meek J.Meeker James H. Meeker Lawrence Mrs.HenryS.Miller,Jr. KeithMixson Mrs.KeithMixson Mrs.MarianneF.Morris M. Moudy Mrs.James
Irl Allison,Jr. Mrs.FelixAnkele E.Anthony Mrs.James Mrs.LarryH. Anton R.C. Archenhold Mrs.R.C. Archenhold lvlrs.O. C. fumstrong LouisH. Barnett JimBarney Mrs.GersonBernstein Mrs.LewisH. Bond LeonH. Brachman Mrs.LeonH. Brachman E.BlakeByrne Byrne Mrs.Mary Frances Mrs.AmonG. Carter,Jr. Mrs.Max E.Clark CarrollW. Collins Conrad W.James BradfordG. Corbett Mrs.BradfordG. Corbett Jr. J.F.Costello, MelvinO. Dacus Mrs.RichardP Dale A. Denny Mrs.Samuel NorwoodP.Dixon Mrs.RobertP.Dupree Mrs.DaleD. Eddy Mrs.HedrickFender Mrs.WalterS.Fortney,III Mrs.HarryB. Friedman Mrs.Wilford B. Fultz ScottGentling StuartGentling
Dr. JoycePate Lee A. Paulsel Mrs. John Roby Penn Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips Mrs. RichardE. Rainwater Mrs. Paul R. Ray, Sr. John V. Roach, II Mrs. Ewell J. Robinett Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse E. M. Rosenthal Dr. Nealie E. Ross,Jr. Mrs. Nealie E. Ross,Jr. John Paul Ryan Mrs. FlorenceSimon Emmet G. Smith William T. Smith Mrs. Byron H. Smyth Mrs. John R Stevenson John M. Stevenson Mrs. John M. Stevenson Mrs. SterlingSteves Dr. GeorgeT Tade Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mrs. Richird F.Walsh Mrs. Robert F.Watson Mrs. Valleau Wilkie, Jr. Mrs. J. Don Williamson Mrs. Earl StephenWilson Dr. Michael M. Winesanker Mrs. GeorgeM. Young Mrs. ConstanceB. Young
Administration Andrew Raebum Director Executive Iulia McAllister GenaalManagu
lody Grigsby Dwelopwent Officer
Kevin Bothwell Assistailtto theExecutiveDirector
Mary FrancesBarlow DirectorYolunteer Dana Montroy Asistant Developwent
Margie Laskowski Secriary
Delia Shiflet Secretary
BeckyTucker Recepttonist
Staff for the Seventh Competition
Blaine Smith Publicklatious Offico
Cricket Maples BoxOfficeManager
Claire McQuitty CowpetitorCooilinator LaVern Fowler Carol Hensley Secretaies
PollyDavis BoxOfficeSenetary
MarthaMurphy ant PublicRelations Assist
NancyGarnett StevenGanett Holly Henry BrendaKirkland BoxOffice,Assistauts
The Yan CliburuFoundationis a fuudedwewberof the Ats Councilof FottWorthand TarrantCounty
SeventhVan Cliburn InternationalPianoCompetition Offi cial Representatives National PressRepresentative Cynthia Robbins EdgarVincent-Cynthia Robbins Associates I24East 4Oth Street,Suite 3O4 New York, New York 1oo1o
Piano Technical Services Steiuw av audBdsendo#er Joel and Priscilla Rafpapon Rappaport'sPiano Workshop 1204 Lime Rock Drive Round Rock, Texas 78664 Baldwiu E. Stewart Cole Baldwin Piano and Organ Company 922 SeventhAvenue at 58th Street New York, New York Loolg Bechsteiu IoseFarina Kahn'sfor Pianos 427 PrcstonValley ShoppingCenter Dallas,Texas75230 Yamaha Andv Nishio YamahaIntemational Coroorafion P.O.Box oeoo BuenaPark,California goozz General Doug Parsons ParsonsPiano Service P.O.Box 37095 Fort Worth, Texas 76!77 Apprentices JohannesRuoss Matthias Stcickle Pianohauskpthien Freiburg,Wesi Germany Competition Photographers Ken Howard 13o West lzth Street New York, New York toott Gene Gordon 4605 Foxfire Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Music Producer Michael Woolcock Intemational Media Productions L2 Greenway Plaza Houston, Texas 77046
Official European Representative of the Seventh Competifion Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid Interartists Holland BV t'! FransVan Mierisstraat43 Schmiedestrasse 8 assoc.tanon 3OOO Hannover 1 lo71 RK Amsterdam wtrn West Germany The Netherlands
Audio Technical Services John A Moran Digital ServicesRecording lool River Oaks Bank Tower 2Oo1 Kirby Drive Houston,Texas77OL9 Gala Awards StageDirector Gary Halverson Witer Bill Fertik StageDesignu JamesCuomo Lighting Alan Adelman Certifi ed Public Accountants Arthur Young 22oo TexasAmerican Bank Building Fort Worth, Texas 76Lo2 Computer Services Radio ShackA Division of Tandy Corporation One Tandy Center Fort Worth, Texas 76Lo2 Computerized BusinessSystems,Inc. 21o8 West Freeway Fort Worth, Tex^s 76102
Consultants BroadcastMedia Consultant FraserM. Head The MacEntee Company P.O.Box 2o98 Darien, Connecficut0682o Television Consultant William Cosel Mugar Productions 96 Mount Aubum Street o2 138 Cambridge,Massachusetts Development Counsel Ketchum Inc. One Main Place Dallas,Texas75250 Marketing Consultant Tom Adams International Theatrical Arts Society 3725 Turtle Creek Dallas,Texas75219 Development Consultant Herbert Weissenstein 250 West 5zth Street,Suite 1332 New York, New York 1oto7
Suppliers of Sheet Music SouthemMusic Company Edward Carney P.O.Box 329 SanAntonio, Texas 78292 Food Service Tiay Chic FrederickRayner 5059 RidgleaLane #t2o4 Fort Worth, Texas 761-L6 Marriott Food Service BarbaraCook 2940 South University Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76Lo9 Graphic Design Tom Dawson/ GraphicDesign 10l SouthJennings, Suite lo+ Fort Worth. Texas 761,04
Representation is nade possihle NationalPress by undenwiting frow theAuon G, CarterFoundation is wadepossible by undmwitingfrow Mobil Oil Corporation MediaConsultancy and TaudyCorporation / RndioShack
Patricia P. Perini Vice President/ Programming
Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau Mark Jennette Pat Smith Kathy Suder Alva Walton
S. Kent Fannon SeniorVice President, Financeand Planning
American Airlines RobertL. Crandall Chairmanand President
RobertaWedlan Director,CorporateCommunications and Promotion
E.E. Rondeau Conventionsand CompanyMeetings
KERA Channel r: Dallas / Fort Worth
RichardJ. Meyer President
Center TanantCountyConveution Louis C. Owen CFE ExecutiveDirector Donald McCracken StageManager TexasChistian University Dr. William E. Tucker Chancellor Dr. GeorgeT. Tade Dean, Schoolof Fine futs Dr. PeterJ. Hodgson Chair,Departmentof Music Audrey C. Campau fusistant to the Dean of Fine Arts
KERA,/qo.FM Dallas,/ Fort Worth
L. C. Duncan,Jr. CorporateCommunications
SusanHarmon StationManager
Jim O'Sullivan Account Executive Conventionsand CompanyMeetings
Michael M. Nitka ProgtamDirector
Jill Estes FacilitiesCoordinator
KTCU-FM 88.7
Vincent Pankey StageManager Ed Landreth Auditorium
ConstantinoE. Bernardez StationManager RosemarySolomons BarbaraBaxter
Universlty ChistianChurch Dr. A M. Pennybacker SeniorMinister
Americana Hotel RobertI. Small GeneralManager Alice Bien Director of Sales Sony Corporation of America
JamesP.Wright, Jr. BusinessManager
Products Cowpany SonyConsuwer Neil Vander Dussen President,Sony United States Marketing Group
Competition Pianos
John Hollands Presidentof SonyTape SalesCompany RolandMartin SeniorVice President
Steinway Van Cliburn Foundation Van Cliburn Baldwin BaldwinPiano and Organ Company, Cincinatti, Ohio Baldwin FamilyMusic Center, Fort Worth and Dallas
Television Public Service Announcements CharlesBaker KXASJIV 39ooBarnettStreet Fort Worth, Texas76103
Bechstein Kahn'sfor Pianos,Dallas Bdsendorfer KirnballInternational,Jasper,Indiana Brook Mays Music Company,Dallas Yawaha YamahaInternational,BuenaPark,California Luke Wickman's, Fort Worth
PiahoCowpetition YauCliburnlnteruatiowal Airltnes is rheofftcialaircanierof theSeventh
PianoCowpetition YanCliburnlnternational TheAmericana,FortWorth,is theofficialhorelfor theSevenrh PianoCowpetition VanCliburnInternatioual to theSevewth of videorecordiugtape of Atnericais theofficialsupplier SonyCorporation
Thevorrnocslhallerinain the cornsof the HorrstonBallet.A galleryin Austin,an warehouse experimentai dancegroupin DallasTheo'd mastersat FortWorth'sKimbeilMuseum and the excitement of thatcitys SeventhVanCliburnInternationalPianoCompetrtron Tl-,^ I r ru
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and everybodysan a(ist Evenbankers
TexasAmerican. A specialkind of banker.
A theatercalled Texas.
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General Information Tickets
Lostand Found
The Van Cliburn Competition Box Office, located for the Preliminaries and Semifinalsin the Lobby of Ed Landreth Hall, is normally open from one hour before the first iession of the day until 9:3o pm. On Saturday,May 18, hours are 8:lo am to 6 pm; on Thursday, May 23, hours are 9 am to 5 pm. The Box Office will be closed Sunday, May 26. Telephone738-6533or 927-711.3.
On May 18 and 19, the parking lot at InterFirst Bank / Universiw Drive at the corner of University Drive and West Ber r v i s a v a i l a b l e f o r C o m p e t i t i o n Datrons.Freeconvenientshuttle service is availableberween the lot and Ed Landreth Auditorium, beginning one hour beforeeachsession.
During the Preliminariesand Semifinals foundarticles may be brought to the V a n C l i b u r n C o m p e t i t i o n Offi ce , located off the Lobby of Ed Landreth Hall. People who have lost articles should inquire at the Office.
On May 30 and 31, and June 1 (Finals) the Box Office at the Tarrant County Convention Center will open at 6 pm; on June z (Gala Awards) at 2 pm. Telephone 332-9222. Tickets are also availablethrough Centra l Ticke t Age nc y ( week day of f ic e hours) at 3 3 5-9ooo or metro 429-L18L; and through Ticketron outlets.
Cliburn Caf6 L un ch es, b ever agesand des s er t ar e availablein the Cliburn Caf6, located in Room Lo3 of Ed Landreth Hall. The Caf6 is open throughout the hours of the Competition.
From May 20 through May 2s the parkins lot at the northeastcorner of the TCU Stadiumparking area at the intersection of West Cantey and Stadium Drive is available for Competition patrons. Free convenient shuttle service is availablebetween the lot and Ed Landreth Auditorium, beginning one hour beforeeachsession. SecurityOfficers will patrol the parking lots at all times during official Competition events, beginning one hour before eacnsessron. From May 3o through June z parking is available at the Tarrant County Convention Centerpublic parkinglots at the regularchargeof $3 per car.
During the Finals and Gala Awards, the Lost and Found will be located in the Tarrant County Convention Center Box Office.
During the Preliminary and Semifinal rounds the Information Booth in the lobbv of Ed Landreth Hall will remain open during Competition events. Teleohone 921-7!7s. The Booth at the Tariant Counfy Convention Center will be open before and after the performances.
EighthVan Cliburn International PianoCompetition The dates of the Eighth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition are tentativelyscheduledfor Siturday, May 20 through Sunday,Jlune4, 1-989.
PleaseNote The u s e o f C a m e r a s a n d T a p e Recorders during events of the Seventh Van Clibum Intemational Piano Competition without written permission of the Van Cliburn Foundation is strictly prohibited. Electronic Beepersand Alarm Watches: Beepers,alarmsand other signalsshould be dis co n n e c t e db e f o r e t h e s t a r t o f Competition events. Physiciansand others who are on call should either use silent alarms or give their seat location to the Van Cliburn Office, located off the Lobby in Ed Landreth Hall, during the Preliminaries and Semifinals,or the Box Of f i c e a t t h e F i n a l s a n d G a l a Awards.
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Hearins Aids: Pleaseensure that the volume-iskept at a level low enough to avoid electronic feedback. Latecomerswill be seatedat convenient pauses.During the Preliminariesthey will be admiaed only between comperitors; during the Semifinalsand Finals befween movementswhen possible. By attending a sessionof the Seventh Van Clibum Intemational Piano ComDetition,eachpersonin attendanceconi"nts to being photographed,fllmed, taped,and recordedand waivesall rights with respectto any photographs,films, tapes,and recordingsmade during the Seventh Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
Van Cliburn InternationalPianoCompetition The Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was establishedto help build careers for outstandingly gifted young pianists.In 1958 the young Texas pianist Van Clibum won a famous viciory in the Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow, a victory which heralded a new confidencein the quality of American music-mahng as well as a new era in cultural relatibns between Eastand West.Through the personof its Founder and President,the late Dr. Irl Allison, the National Guild of Piano Teachersoffered a cashprize of $ to,ooo for the Grand Prize Winner of a new competition to be held in Texas and named after Van Cliburn in honor of his achievement and of his mother and first te ache r, Rildia Bee O ' Br y an Clibum. The first Comperition was held in Fort Worth in L962, and further Compe tition s took plac e in L966, L969, 19 73 ,19 77a nd 19g1. The First Van Clibum Competition was administeredbv the late Grace Ward Lankford, a well-known teacher of piano and co-founder of the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum. TheVan Clibum Foundarion, Inc., a chartered non-profit organization, was formed to sponsor t'he Competition. Other co-sponsorswere Texas Christian University, the Fort Worth Piano Teachers Forum, the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce and the National Guild of Piano Teachers.A sixth co-sponsorjoined for the second an d su bseq uent Com pet it ions : t he Junior Leagueof Fort Worth. The Competitions are a proven arena from which important careers have developed.Benefits are by no means restricted to winners: as a result of past Competitions several non-finalists are currently representedby major artist managementsand are pursuing successful concert careers.For this reason the Van Cliburn Competition seeksonly those artists who are completely prepared in eYery way to commit themse lve simmediat ely t o t he lif e of a conceft pianist with a major career.
Irl Allison (teqs-D z g') Irl Allison was born in Warren, Texas, and educated at Baylor University, Southwestern Conservatory Dallas, Hardin-Simmons Universiw and Houston Conservatory.A gifted pianist, he studied with, among others, Percy Grainger,EmestHutcheson,Harold von Michiitz and Walter Gilewicz. During a seriesof teachingpostsat Rusk College, Bavlor Colleee for Women and Montezuma Colleie, Dr. Allison formulated ideas for thJ allianceof piano teachers, orisinally basedin Dallas.By the end of thJ rqa os it h ad bec om e a nat ional o rsa nizatio n and was c alled t he Nition al Gu ild of Piano Teac her s . Through Dr. Allison's leadershipand co mmi-tmen t the Nat ional G uild of Pian o Te ache r s bec am e and has remained a sponsor of the Van Clibum Intemational Piano Competition.
I n add i t i o n t o h i s w o r k w i t h t h e National Guild, Irl Allison was himself a great educator and a prolific writer. He ivas a devoted servani of the music he loved. In 1918Dr. Allison marriedJessie Johnson,who quickly becamein her own rieht a leadins activist in the work of the-National Guild, directing the office from the Allisons' New York home while Dr. Allison traveled the length and breadth of the United Statesdeveloping the membership. Both Dr. and Mrs. Allison served as membersof the Executive Committee of the Van Clibum Foundation until their deaths.
GraceWard Lankford (tsoo-tgoz) Grace Ward Lankford, a native of Fort Worth, began playing the piano as a child, givin! her first recital ai the ageof tour. Iwo vearslater sne won a scnolarship to study with the French pianist Yves Nat at Texas Women's College (today Texas WesleyanCollege).From 1 91 6 to 19 18 s he at t ended Nebr as k a WesleyanColleseat Lincoln, where she stu die d with ta r l Beut el, and was awarded a degreein music. Severalyears later she retumed to Fort Wonh and taught music at North Texas Agricultural C6llege (now the Universitv of Texasat fulinston) from 1939to 1946. Shelater tauglt at North Texas State University. In 1950 Mrs. Lankford and Mrs. Marian Douglas Martin organized the Fort Worth Piano Teachers Foru m, a nd Mr s . Lank f or d bec am e President.
She and Dr. Allison were the inspiration behind the founding of the Van Clibum International Piano Competition, and Mrs. Lankford herself undertook much of the organizationof the First in 1962, attendingpersonallyto everydetail.She was Cha-iimanof rhe 1962 and lgoo Competitions. Among Mrs. Lankford's many honors was thi desree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. One of the rwo official American guests at the First Tchaikovsky Intemational Competition in Moscow, she was later invitid to the White House by President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson when they honored the Russian competition' The Pan American Union honored Mrs. Lankford for her contribution to music in the Western Hemisphere. She served as a iuror for the Queen Elisabethof Belsium and the Rio de Janeiro International PianoComperirions.
Prologue Ker Howard
The art of music, with its accent upon humanity, and its attraction for the deeper emotions of the human soul, symbolizesthe universalaspectof man to his shrinking world. In principal cities throughout the world, the quest for young and inspired talent continues as it has for thousands of ye ars. Fro m t he ear lies t ac c ount of recorded history, we read about the competitive events that have brought laurels to contestantsfrom every avenue of man'severexpandinghorizon. As we reach the SeventhVan Cliburn Comperition, we reflect gratefully that the competition conceivedby Dr. Irl Allison, Founder and then President of the National Guild of Piano Teachers, hastaken its placeasan important international musical event. Dr. Allison's hopes and dreamswere augmentedby the devotion of the late Mrs. Grace Ward Lankford, co-founder of the Fort Worth Piano TeachersForum. We know that the importance of any competirion is largely the result of the prestigeof the jury and the high qualiry of competitors.In both these areas,we have been extremely fortunate. Juries for the Van Cliburn Competition have consistentiybeen outstanding,and we have had many gifted yourig people ITOmnumerous countnes. The Board of Directorsof the Van Clib urn Fo un dat ion, I nc . joins m e in expre ssinggr eat appr ec iat iont o t he ma ny lo ya l f ollower s , donor s and patrons of the Competition. This support, which is international in scope, emphasizesthe great importance of music as a universallanguage. We eagerlylook forward to offering the hospitality of the City of Fort Worth, the beautiful State of Texasand the United Statesof America to the many visitors who will participate in the activities of the Va n Clibur n Com pet it ion. O ur warmest welcome is exiended to the young artists whose participation and presencein the Competifion continues to be an inspiration to all of us.
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from Mrs.IoeATilley, Jr. A Message Chairmanof the Van Cliburn InternationalPianoCompetition Welcome to our distinzuished visitors from throushout the riorld. This Seventh Compitidon is our silver anniversary.The 1985 Competition is the result of four yearsof preparation by hundreds of volunteers and contributors, and the efforts of a very dedicated staff. The Van Clibum Foundation is a privatelyfunded organization,and it seims appropriate to describe to you some of the varied and very generous support that it has received during recent years. Our permanent office spaceis provided by the William Edrington Scott Foundation. The Southwestem Exposifion and Fat StockShow hasloaned us the use of their Board Room for use by the Competition. Ed Landreth Auditorium, bffices, and the Chancellor'sDining Room have been provided by Texas Christian Universiw. Valuable time and exDertisehave been given by the Foundation's Attorney, Rice M. Tilley, Jr.;Paul R Ray and Company, through its international executive researchdMsion, led the searchfor the Executive Director in 1982; and countlesshours have been spent by our computer expert, Ginna Kenney.
The City of Fort Worth's Park and Recr e a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t , a n d Go r d o n BoswellFlowershave provided plants for the auditoriums, and flowers for our Official Guests.Neiman-Marcus/Estee Lauderhas providedfragrancesand Ben E . K e i t h a n d C o m p a n ! h a s p r o vi d e d fruit basketsfor our zuests.WilliamsonDickie Manufacturlng Company has donated banners which were decorated bv the public school children for the downtown area and has constructed canvaszipper casesfor our distinguished Jury. Thndy Corporation / Radio Shack again has "dressed" its downtown twin towers with "Piano Music" in honor of the Competition. Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. has turned on the traditional building lights for the occasion.The Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau assistedwith financing and bus scheduling. Texas Refinery Corporation and Carroll W. Collins are providing the limousine seryice. Volunteers have provided housing for t h e C o m p e t i t o r s i n p r i v a t e ho m e s, entertainment for guests,and transportation for all. This is the only major piano competition in the world that receivessuch extraordinary volunteer support. We are deeply grateful. It has truly been a pleasureto be associated with this exciting organizafion for the past sevenyears,and I know the succeedingadministration will continue the c l o s e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h i s e n ti r e communify.
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Scheduleof Events Preliminaries PhaseI Eachcompetitor performs repertory requested by theJury Ed LandrethAuditorium, TexasChristian University Announcer: Ralph Buels
Saturday Sunday Monday
May 18 May 19 May 20
9 : 3 Oa m
2 : 3 0p m 2:3Opm 2i3Oom
8 pm
PreliminariesPhase2 Eachcompetitorperformsrepertoryrequested by the Jury EdLandrethAud]tgriu4, TexasChristianUniversity Announcer:RalphBuels Monday May 20 Tiresday M a y2 L Wednesday May 22
9 : 3 Oa m 9:3Oam
8pm 8pm 8pm
2 : 3 Op m 2:3Opm
Announcement of the Semifinalists Wednesday Mav22
late evening
Semifinals Eaclrsemrfinalist performsa solorecitaland a pianoquintet mrn rne loKyo)tnng eutrtet EdLandrethAudjrgrium,TexasChristianUniversiry Announcer:RalphBuels Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday
May 24 May 25 May 27 May 28
7 : 3 Op m 7:3Opm 7 : 3 Op m 7i3Opm
Pm pm pm pm
Announcementof the Finalists Tuesday
May 28
late evening
Finals Eachfinal{t plays rwo.concertos,one with the Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra,the other with the Fort Worth SymphonyO_rchestra, conductedby Stanislaw Skrowaczewski Tarrant County Convention Center Theatre
Thursday Friday Saturday
May 30 May 31 June L
7:3Opm 7:3Opm 7 i 3 Op m
GalaAwardsCeremonv in honorof Mrs.MlliamM. Fnil.t,Chairman,
Fourth Van Chbum InternarionalPiano Comperition
Announcementand presentationofprizes and awards, hosted by F. Munay Abraham. The three medalistsperform with.the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by )tanNlaw )krowaczewski
5 pm
The he Upeilt,4g Openius Uata Galahas beeuunderwtitte.n hasbeeu underurinenby bythe theFort FortWonh WorthCleai, CleaingHouse4ssociation. Presentatiou of theFiunls ^. .tturu hasbeen undenwitten bythe Cliburu (Mav.3o);SidW. Louncil Counci[(May Sidw..Rkhardson'Foiii^ii9i1n Rkhardson Foundation (May y'\tl'iiy. 31); o] C.-A;;;:;;;;'[une 1).prisentation ot'theGalaAwards coewony -3o); beeu undmiittin by'theFortwini iiioirl il'it, Atioriitiii, Mr. followiug,have iir. and Lii-io. Mrs, Williara wittio* E. *fMr* lrrflr*ances E.McKav. McKav. Mr. and LeeA. Paukel, ^"!nd andthePufornring Arts,Grint Prosa*iitt' irepii"oy'inli ot'the Arts iit diiiiii';i Councilof F";' FortW;i Worthand TarrantCounty,
theCityot'Fortworth, ";;"#;^;;t;;;Yi, theTbxas Cowwisiiou ontheArts, audtheNatiouai i;il;,;*;;; i;; tii'eli
Televisionand RadioBroadcasts Completelive radio coverageof the Competition will be broalcast by KTCU-FM88.7,FortWorth. Live radio coverageof the Finalswill be producedand broadcastby KERA/ so.FM,Dallas/ Fort Worth, and distributed on AmericanPublic Radio.Hosts willbe SteveAllen andPaulHume.Each showwill start at 7 pm. A radio documentaryof the Competition will be producedand broadcaitby KERA/so.FMIune 2 at 7 pm, and distributed on AmericanPriblic Radio. Hosts will be Steve Allen and Paul Hume.
A go-minute television special about the Compefition will be broadcast by the
Tiresday, PublicBroadcast Service June4 pm Eastem, pm Central at 9 Dm E om at Eastem, tsastem,8 Central Time. A Bill Fertik Bill Fertik/ Robert RobertDalrymple Da Production. Presentedon PBSbv KEM-TV, Dallas/FortWorth.
Recordings Full-length recordings of performances made by each of the medalists during the Seventh Van Clibum Intemational Piano Competition will be issuedby the Moss Music Group on the Vox Summa Cum Laude label.
Worldwidetelevisiondistribution will be by TiansWorld Intemational, a diviInternational sionof Mark McCormack's Group. Management
arewailepossible bygrantsftom PianoCoupetitiou Broadcasts of theSweuthVanCliburnInteruational Shack andTandyCoryoration/Radio MobilOil Corporatiot'r
22, 1985
and be8t wishes to Nancy and I eend our greetlngs Piano International attending the Vm Cliburn everyone gathering of talented This extraordinary Competition. young mueicians is a shining exarnple of cooperation The Seventh sector and the art8. between the private and International should prove as exciting Van Cliburn memorable as the first six. to express my I would also like to take this opportunity of Mr. Cliburn. for the skills and dedication admiration he has shown that one of Through his performancea, the true measurea of talent i8 the cspacity of an artist To the delight of to communicate with his audlence. he ha8 many in this nation and around the world, of that talent with a sing:ular gâ&#x201A;Źnerosity exhibited Bpirit. g?eatly contributes Pimo Competition The International of art which unites all nations. to the understanding that these pianists and inepiration The encouragement To receive are an esgentlal part of their development. for your I send my deep appreciation those involved, efforts. Nancy ioins me in sending our and our wishes to Mr. Cliburn this year's participants.
wam Personal regards for succeaa for all of
(?...o C"-
M r s . J oe A. T i uey , Jr. Chalrun of the Board Van Cllburn Internatlonal 3505 west Lancaster Forth l.Jorth, Texas 75107
Piano CoEpetltion
Dear Phyl-J-is, greetings to the Barbara and l send our warest judges, and visitors contestants, who @ke the Van Cliburn Piano Conpetltlon the brilllant and productlve event lt ls. playing Listenlng to young and talented pianists rusic coBposed and flrst heard centurles ago, on an instruoent, the ancestor of vhich is at least five centurles old, Perf o@nce sharpens the ls the nost movlng experlence. sense of our debts to the Dast and Mkes us want to add our pass bit to unktndrs legacy and it on to future generatlons. t hope you vill Conpetltlon.
have a joyful
and satlsfylng
Cr-^ ceotge /5^-L Bush tr
l.lay 18, 1985
G r e e t i n gs: A s Go ve r n o ro f T e xa s, I e xte n dwa r mg r eeti ngs to al l those a t t e n d i ng a n d p a r ticip a tin g in th e Se ve n thVan C l i burn Intern a t i o n a l Pia n o Co m De titio n . T h e Va n Clib u r n In te r n a tio n a l Pia n o Co mD eti ti onhas become t h e u l t i m a te Am e r ica nm u sica l e xp e r ie n cea n d has attracted many t a l e n t e d a r tists a n d visito r s fr o m a cr o ss the nati on and around t h e w o r ' ld , I e xte n d a sp e cia l we lco m eto each of you. I am c e r t a i n yo u will e n jo y yo u r visit to th e L o neS tar S tate and the w a n nh o s p ita lity o f F o r t llo r th ' s m a n yfin e ci ti zens. T h e Sta te o f T e xa sh a s a lwa yse n co u r a ged arti sti c expressi on a n d s e e ksto a ttr a ct, d e ve lo pa n d su p p o r t n ewgrow thw i thi n i ts a r t i s t i c co m m u n ity. l,' lea r e h o n o r e dth a t T exasw as chosento h o s t t h is p r e stig io u s e ve n t wh ich e n co u r a gesand rew ardsthe w o r l d ' s m o st ta le n te d o ia n ists a n d h a s e n r ichedthe cul tural and s o c i a l f ab r ic o f o u r sta te . Y o u h a ve m y sin ce r e b e st wish e s fo r a successful and r e w a r d i ngco m p e ti tio n .
It4arkWhite Go ve r n o o r f T exas
Trrn Crrv on Foar Wonrrr Trxe.s
\i.Hf BoB^B@EN
GREETIi{GS ! 0n behalf of the citizens of Fort llorth, I am honored to welconethe SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano C ompeti ti on. S i nce the fi rst competi ti on, hel d here in 1952r{ith 47 contestants fron 11 countries, the Van Cliburn Competitionhas grown into one of the world's premi erevents for excepti onal l y gi fted youngarti sts. In the years to conE, we are confident that the prestige of the Van Cliburn Competitionwill grov{even nore. The Competitionexemplifies a "can do" spirit, the same spi ri t w hi ch has beenthe cornerstoneof Fort Worth's success. Fort l,lorth is a city with a western heritage. The cattle industry gave us our first big boost after we were settled as a U ,S . A my outpost i n 1849. In the earl y 1900's, the lGst Texasoil BoominJected net{ life into our city. Today, we have a complexand urbane c'lty with a dlverse economy,but we have not forgotten our heritage. Like our history, we have diverse points of interest. If your tastes are al ong the l i nes of fi ne art, our cul tural di stri ct is a 'must' stop. If you want to participate in our lrestern fl avor, the N orth S i de w i l l fi l l the bi l l . llhatever your preference may be, we are thrilled that you have cometo the Van Cliburn Competitionand to Fort l,lorth.
tu Bob Bolen Mayor B B ce :
ChancellorWilliam E.Tucker
Oltice of lhe Chancellor
rEXAS cHRrsrAN,u !:Y:i?',-;
l'4ay 1985
Tex6 Vm clibum is Clibum
trc, spirit spirit
the t niversity comts it a privilege to co-spruor ClEistiil The great traditim of the Intenational Pieo cqpetitim. a s@rce of pride on canpw as well 6 in Fort Wortlt.
tlpse wlro seek the good, tie The goal of Toj is to serye especially in tlle p6t hs left behind a new tlE beetiful. Each colpetiti@ gift of We expect the sffi and joy to thg search. adding vitality frm the 1985 Conpetitiq,,
The trustees, f@lty, in exterding a hearty ed vas1trols.
staff heartfelt
join me md students of the University jurors ed uelc@ to cqQetitors,
In Memoriam
ThomasH. Bamett,Jr. 7923- I985 Mewberof theBoardofDirectots
JuliusBloom r9r2 - L984 Advisory Countil Meruber of theNational
Arthur Fennimore L942- 7984 AWiuno of theFirstYau Clihun lntenational PianoCotupetition
Arthur Rubinstein t887 - 1982 Menba of the Intetuatioual Advisory Council
JohnS.Edwards r9I2 - 1984 Advkorandt'riendto theYanCliburn Iuteru atioualPianoCowvetition
L899 - L985
Couucil Mernbuot'theNatioualAdvisory
Marc Raubenheimer 1 9 5 2- r 9 8 J Sixth Yan ClibumI nten ational PianoCompetition and FirstPizeWinno of the 1982PalowaO'SheaIuteruatioual PiauoCot44petitiorl
Honoraria lvlrs.Rildia BeeO'BryanCliburn JulieandBenRogers EthelGraceZare-mba ThomasZaremba AliceJuneZaremba Mr.Van Clibum Mr. andMrs.RobertM. Bass RaymondT. Boswell Bierman,Solomon,Ross,Petrick& Caldwell Mr. andMrs.Antonio O. Floirendo Mr. andMrs.JohnGordano JulieandBenRogers Mrs.EdwardW. Sampson, Jr. Mr. Norwood P.Dixon Mr. andMrs.RiceM. Tilley,Jr. Mrs.JoeA. Tilley,Jr. Mrs.JodyGrigsby AndrewRaebum Mr. andMrs.GordonW. Smith Mr. andMrs.RiceM. Tilley,Jr.
Memorials Memorial donations have been made in the namesof the following during the past four years.They are acknowledgedwith gratitude.
In memoryof RobertAnton Hudsonfud EarlBaldridge,Ir. ThomasH. Barnett,Ir. Mrs.HazelHunter Barrett CharlesC. Bedford Mrs.David Belew,Ir. GeorgeR Brown,Ir, Mrs.AvoniaCampbell SarahCampbell Mrs.I. E. Canoll Amon G. Carter,Ir. Mrs. Burton Carter Hugh Colliton EverettComer RalphI. Cummins lvtrs.Floy E. Dunning RobertP.Dupree Arthur Fennimore Mrs. FrancislL Frasher ThomasMorris Gouger NancvHanks Mrs. EdnaHardy Mrs. Wvatt C. Hedrick Robbie'Hogg VernonC. Hulme PamelaHyden Mrs. EltonM. Hyder,Sr.
CIayIohnson Mrs.Iohn S.Iustin, Sr. Mrs.GeorgeKemble A.f. Kemp Mrs. Kay Kimbell Mrs.MamieLauritzen Dr. JudgeLyle Marian DouglasMartin KathleenMcGehee Denzil Merrill FrankMiner Mrs.AgnesRoachMoudy BrooksMorris LindaPhillips IMrs,fosephE. Refsnes Mrs.fuch Rowan Iohn C. Ryan,III Mrs.ThomasRyan H. I. Shands Wanen Shipman,fr. Dr.IamesH. Simmons Mrs. Arthur Temple,Sr. Philip K Thomas Mrs.EvelvnWatson Mrs. Eliza'bethWavman Cecil Wilson SamWoodson Mrs.Marie BalchWrisht Mrs.LucienWright
Donors Mr. andMrs.PerryR Bass Mr. andMrs.RobertM. Bass Mr. andMrs.SidR Bass Mr. andMrs.ThomasJ.Bibb Mr. andMrs.JamesR Blake Mrs. ElizabethRyanBond Mrs.Harold H. Brittingham Mrs.AmonG. Carter,Jr. Mrs.KelroyChadwick Mrs.FosterClayton RobertG. Coffin Mrs.GusCranz,Jr. Dr. andMrs.A. M. Cunningham, Jr. LindaEslinger Mr. andMrs.JamesC. Esslinger Mr. andMrs.BenjarninJ. Fortson Forum FortWorth PianoTeachers CarolA Francis Mr. andMrs.Arthur I. Ginsburg Mr. andMrs.WilliamB. Gordon Mr. andMrs.JackL. Grigsby Mr. andMrs.RobertE.Hardwicke, Jr. Mr. andMrs.JimrnieD. Harrington Mr. andMrs.EdwardR Hudson,Jr. Mr. andMrs.EricF.Hyden Mr. andMrs.EltonM. Hyder,Jr. Mr. andMrs.JohnH. James Mr andMrs.N. S.Kent JuliaMcAllister Ann E.McGillivray
Mr. andMrs.J. ClarkNowlin,Jr. JayNowlin,Jr. Mr. andMrs.FrankD. Olin DorothvLaneandMarvParker Drs. JoyceandA M. Pite, Jr. MatildaNail Peeler Mr. andMrs.JohnRobyPenn,Jr. Mr. andMrs.J. Olcoa Phillips AndrewRaebum Mr. andMrs.JackH. Reddy Mrs.C. L. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. A T. Seymour,III Mrs.ClaytonSeymour Mr.andMrs.RonaldK. Shiflet Mr. andMrs.GordonW. Smith Mr. andMrs.ByronH. Smyth Mr. andMrs.SterlingW. Steves Mr. andMrs.HosmerB. Stuck TexasAmericanBank Mrs.KellyR Thompson Mr. and Mrs.JoeA Tillev, Jr. LucilleK. Tilley Trust Mr. andMrs.RiceM. Tilley,Jr Mrs.HazelVemon ThomasC. Watson Mr. andMrs.EdP.Williams,Jr. Mrs.S.SmithWilliams Mr. andMrs.C. DickieWilliamson Mrs.SidneyJ.Wilson,Jr.
Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas,is a cify of more than ha lf a million people s it uat ed on t he Grand Prairie of northern Texas. Its originslie in an army fon built in 1849 to protect pioneers hom marauding Kiowa and ComancheIndians.The origl inal fort was built at the confluence of the Clear and West Forks of the Tlinity River and it is now the site of Heritage Park, designedby LawrenceHalprin. later the town becamea stagingpost on the famous Chisholm Trail and thus a welcome stopover for saddle-wearyand thirsty cowboys. Early in its history the economy of the city thrived on the cattle industry and the vast ranches of West Texas.Cotton and wheat farming were soon added as major sourcesof revenue and employment, and with the discovery of the huge Texas oil reserves in 191.7Fort Worth became a center for the operations of leading oil companies and indiyidual oilmen. From these fundamentalshas grown the diverse comolex of industrial concernsFort Worth presentstoday, notably in the aerospace industry. Much of Fort Worth's frontier heritage, peopled by such charactersas Butch Cassidv,the SundanceKid, the Hole in the Wall Gang and Bonnie and Clyde, lives on. ln the old North Side of the city, once the wealthiest per capita quarter in the entire United Statesand now restored for visitors and true cattlemen alike, there are cattle auctions in the Stoclcyardstwice a week. Regularrodeos in Cowtown Coliseumhave been a Fon Worth tradition for many years.Thistle Hill, a fine cattle baron mansion, adds a period eleganceto PennsylvaniaAvenue on the South Side.This heady flavor of past romance, raw energy,violence and elegancenow lives cheek by jowl with a coistruction boom unparalieled since 1920 which will yield when it is finished an additional three million square feet of office spaceand fifteen hundred new hotel rooms. Downtown Fort Worth is twenty-five minutes by car from the Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. The cify is rich in iarks, gardensand river walks.
Concurrent with its businessgrowth has been the development of the city's culrural activitiesand institurions.Among the first objects reportedly installed in the pioneer fort was a square piano. In L936, celebranngwith fantasticpanache the centennial of the founding of the State of Texas, a great entertainment complexwascreatedon the West Side of the city largelyby the drive and tenacity of Amon G. Carter. Of the original site, called the Will RogersMemorial Center after Carter'scowboy humorist friend, the fine Coliseum and Auditorium still stand, but the first Casa Manana and Frontier Palacehave disappeared,the former to be replacedbv a characteristic Buckminster Fuller dome structure. In the sarneareaof the city are four import ant m u s e u m s . T h e A m o n C a r t e r Museum of Western fut, in a building designedby Philip Johnson (who was also responsiblefor the Water Gardens downtoin) emphasizesin irs permanenr collection and changingexhibitionsthe history and art of Nonh America. The Fort Worth Art Museum contains art of the fwentieth century and housesmajor works by American artists such as Frank
Stella,Robert Rauschenberg,Andy Warhol and Morris Louis. The Fort Worth Museum of Scienceand History is one of the larsestof its kind in the United States,whlch now includes the Owni, a super 70 millimeter domed film theater. The Kimbell Art Museum'sbeautiful building is the last to be designedby Louis Kahn, and contains in its permanent collecfion masterpiecesof all disciplines and from all periods, as well as regularly housing travelling exhibitions of the highest international caliber.The most recent addition to Fort Worth's museums is the Sid Richardson Collection of Westem Art, located downtown, where paintings by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russellare on Dermanent exhibit. Among performing arts groups are the Fort Worth Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, the Opera Association, Schola Cantorum, the Ballet and the Fort Worth Theatre. Fort Worth is also the home of the intemafionally famous Texas Boys Choir and of CasaManana, the nafion's first permanent theater-inthe-round. The Van Clibum Foundation also presentsa conceft serieseach year, which includes mainsfream piano recitals and chambermusic as weU as vocal and instrumental music of the medieval, renaissanceand contemporary periods.
TheMuseumsof FortWorth Amon CarterMuseum 3 5o1 Camp Bowie Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 877/738-1933 Tuesday-Saturday 10-5 Sundays1-5:3o
Everett Shinn, StageScene,1906,Oil on canvas. Collection of Rita and Daniel Fraad. Amon Carter Museum
Opened in 1961 to house the collection of Fort Worth publisher and philanthropist Amon Carter, Sr. (ftzs-tsss), the Amon Carter Museum is one of the foremost museums of American art. Special exhibition May 24-Idy 14: AwericanPaintiugs, Watercolors, andDrawingsfrow theCollectionof RitaaudDanielFraad.The Fraads,among the leading collectors of American art, have assembledover the last 30 years an impressivegroup of American realist and impressionist art. This exhibition, organized by the Amon Carter Museum, brings together 53 works from an EastmanJohnBarusdatedtq+5. son drawingof about 1849 to CharlesSheeler's Shaker
The FortWorth Art Museum 1309Montgomery Street Fort Worth, Texas76Lo7 8L7/738-9215 Wednesday-Saturday 1o-5 Sunday1-5 Tuesdaylo-9 (Sept.July), lo-5
Louise Nevelson, BlachMajcty,195 5, Painted wood. Whitney Museum
The Fort Worth Art Museum housesa distinguishedcollection of twenrieth-century publications,Iectures,filmi, art and offers an acfive programof special "-"hibiriotts, and free group tours. children'sclasses During the Van Cliburn Competition, the Museum presents The Third Dimenslon: of the NewYorkSchool.Fifty works by Alexander Calder, Louise Nevelson, Sculprure Isamu Noguchi, David Smith and others reflect the exuberant freedom of postWorld War II sculpture during the yearc 1945-1960.This body of work-an inventive fusion of Surrealist,Expressionist,Cubist and Constructivist elements-is an imponant arrisdcsourcefoi sculptorstoday.
FortWorth Museumof Scienceand History 1.5o1Montgomery Street Fort Worth, Texas 76707 Monday-Saturday9-5 Sunday12-5
Fort Worth Museum of Scienceand History
The Fort Worth Museum of Scienceand History the largestmuseum of its kind in the Southwest,featurespermanent exhibitions on Texashistory fossilsand geology, man's everyday objects, human physiology, the history of medicine and computer technology.The museum offers astronomy and laserlight showsin the Noble Planetarium, over 600 classesfor children and adults in the museumschool,unique gifts, toys and books in the museum store and spectacularfilm presentarionsthat surround the yiewer in sight and sound in the 8o-foot diameter domed Omni Theater. The history of Fort Worth is recounted in an off-site museum exhibit, "150 Yearsof Fort Worthi'located in downtown SundanceSquarein Fire Station No. t.
The Kimbell Art Museum 3333 Camp Bowie Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76-l-07 817/332-8451, Tuesday-Saturday 1o-5 Sundaynoon-6
Juan Sinchez Cotdn, Melon ond Cucuwbq, ca. -t6oo, Quiuce,Cabbage, Oil on canvas. San Diego Museum of Art
The Kimbell Art Museum is one of the outstanding small art museumsin the United States.The award-winning building, opened in 7972, was the last work completed under the personal supervision of architect Louis I. Kahn. The collection includes representativepaintings by European mastersfrom Duccio to Picassoas well as selectedexamples of Egyptian, Greek, Pre-Columbian, African, and fuian art. On view through August 4: SpanishStill Lifein theGoldeuAge:1600-1650,the first internationalexhibition of Spanishsrill life ever beld in the United States.Organizedby the Kimbell, the exhibition featuresmasterpiecesbyYel|zquez,Ztxbar|n, and their illustrious contemporaries.
SidRichardsonCollectionof \MesternArt 3o9 Main Street Fort Worth, Texas76102 8L7/132-6554 Tuesday-Fridayro-5
Frederic Remington,The Puncht, Oil on canvas. The Sid Richardson Collection of Westem Art
Saturday 11-6 Sunday 1-5
The Sid RichardsonCollection of Westem Art Dresentsa Dermanentexhibition of l: painringsby the premier artists of the Ameiican Wesi, FredericRemington and CharlesM. Russell.The majoriry of the works were acquiredby prominent oilman and philanthropist Sid W. Richardson ftom 1942 until his death in 1959.The collection is housed in a replica of an 189 5 building located in downtown Fort Wortht historic SundanceSquare.Books, prints, postersand cards are for salein the Museum bookstore. Mail orders are welcome. Free admissionand gallery guide.
When there's a Yamaha at home, the concert's never over'
i l
TexasChristianUniversity Texas Christian University, bom on the cattle frontier in 1873, stands today amons the nation's distinzuished teaching arid research insdruti-ons. The present enrollment includes more than 6,700 students from all fifty states and the District of Columbia, and sixty-one foreign countries. They study with a widef-recognized faculty in the arts and sciences,business,fine arts, teacher education, nursing, and in TCU's graduate theological seminary.More than 80 percent of the faculw of az r hold Ph.Dlsor similar terminal degrees. Among the University's excellent facilities is a library with a collection of more than a million items. The Universiw's School of Fine Arts and its Department of Music have high reputations. The piano faculty includes artists/teachers such as Tam6s Ung6r, Donna Edwards, Judith Solomon, Caio Pagano and Andreas Klein. Dr. William E. Tucker, recognized scholar-administrator,became TCU's eighth chief executive officer in L979. An alumnus of Atlantic Christian Colleee and TCU's Brite DMniw School,he hdlds a Ph.D. degree from Yale University. Before being chosen Llniversity Chancellor,he servedas Dean of Brite Divinitv School for five years and as President of Bethany College in West Virginia. TCU is related to the Christian Church (Disciplesof Christ). Religiousactivity is voluntary, and the Universiw welcomes students without regard,to religious bellets,race,sex or naflonal on$n.
National Guild of PianoTeachers The National Guild of Piano Teachers, the teacher division of the American College of Musicians, was founded in L929bv Dr. Irl Allison, Dean of Music at Hardin-Simmons Universiw at Abilene, Texas.The College'smain purpose is to establish a standardized curriculum which indudes the finest literature for th e pia no , ar r anged by age lev els through seventeei and bey6nd. The Collegeprovides an outline of materials suitable for students from Elementarv to Artist level. The curriculum presentsthe general teaching plan of the membership, and tends to correlate the work of private teachers with that of consewatories, collegesand universiries.In addition to co-sponsoringthe Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, the American College of Musicians sponsors scholarships,the International Piano Recording Competition, and a Competition test.
FortWorth PianoTeachersForum The Fort Worth PianoTeachersForum its thirfv-fifth anniversarythis celebrates year.Organizedin the fall of reso by the late Dr. GraceWardLankfordand the late Marian DouglasMartin, the Forumhasworkedto achieveexcellence in pianoteachingat all levels.Its emphasison high standardshas consistently producedsuperioryoungpianists. The Forumwasthe first co-sponsorof the Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competitionin 't962.Dr. Irl Allison, founderof the NationalGuild of Piano Teachers,and Dr. Lankfordwere cofoundersof the Competition.Dr.Allison that the Comperidonbe held susgested inTort Worth if Dr. Linkford would serveasChairman.andif the FortWorth PianoTeachers Forumwould be one of the sponsors. Duringthe planningand formativeyears,mostof the work was done in Dr. Lankford'shome by membersof the Forumafter teachinghours andduringweekends.
Benefits organized by the Forum raised the funds needed to launch the First Competition in t962. That year the Forum gave the fourth prize, worth $r,ooo, which was won by C6cile Ousset a member of the Seventh Competition's Jury. Today, the Forum continues a close working relationship with the Competition. Each President servesas a member of the Van Cliburn Executive Committee, and a specialcommiffee of Forum membersis appointed to help in the Van Clibum Foundation's actMfies.
Iunior Leagueof Fort lVorth The purposeof theJuniorleagueof Fort Worth is to interestits membersin the needsof the community,to develop their potential asvolunteers,and to maketheir volunteer work effective. Fundsraisedby the lunior leaguefrom Mayfest,the Double ExposureThrift Shopand programsalesat the Fort Worth Fat StockShow and Rodeoare usedto supportprojectsdevelopedto meetcommunityneeds.The Junior I*ague workswith other groupsin the planningand implementationof significant and innovativeprogramsand services.Pastprojectsinclude the Child StudyCenter,ParentingGuidanceCenter,Sfreams andValleys,Inc.,andWomen'sHaven.The Junior Leagueof Fort Worth has providedvolunteersand fundingfor the Van CliburnFoundation since1964.
FortWorth Chamberof Commerce its Lo3rdyear,the Fort Now celebrating Worth Chambercontinuesits tradition of thinking progressively,,responding qulcKlyand acnngposluvelyon oenart of the citizensof Fort Worth and the membershipof the Chamber. The Chamberhasmadegreatstridesin the advancement of technolosythroush the devel opment e{forti ' for tfi e AdvancedRobotics ResearchInstitute. As a result of the efforts of Fort Worth the Chamberhaslaid fution Strategies, plansfor the year 2ooo. The Chamber hasalsoimprovedthe safetyof daily life throueh the activitiesof the Fort Worth Crim;Commission.In theseand other gpSoingprograms,the Fort Worth Chamberconfinuesto supportthe Fort Worth performingarts,recogrizingtheir importancein maintainingFortWorth's superiorqudity of life.
guest,aftives distingukhed RosinaLheviune. Finalswith CtaceWard the 19o2 for 'Lankford and lrl Allisou.
drawfor pofonningordu Cowpetitors in the 7969Cowpetition.,\ssistiugare Haden,left, Secretary Mrs.CatherineRussell of theCowpetitiou,and RichardLeeBrown, Chainnanot'theCotryetition.
RnlvhYotapek,1962Gold Medalkt'in his wrththe FortWorth Fin'alsverfmnauce Mihon Katiws, alsoChaiman of Svwvhouv. Screening I ury, tfie iges'International conducts,
with CistinaOrtiz, Dag GoldMedalist, (lefttonshi Dr.lrl Allison,Mrs'Cathetiue Russell rtaden,Mn. IrI Allisonand YanCliburu.
SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition SelectedRulesfor Applications L The SeventhVan Clibum Intemational Piano Competifion is opento pianistsof all nationalities.FirstPrizeWinnersof pievioui Van Clibum Competitionsarenot eligible fo compete.dpplicantsmusthavebeenbom afterJune1, 1955andbeforeMavL9,L967. 2.The number of competitorsparticipatingin the 1985 Competitionwill be limited to a maximumof rz. All applicationswill be reviewedby the Artistic AdvisoryCommittee and treatedas confidential.The Committeereseryes the right to requestadditional information from or about an applicant,and to requesthis/her attendanceat a proximity to screeningaudition in a location in reasonable his/her home to be determined.Repertoryfor screening auditionswill be chosenfrom that submittedby the applicant for the two PreliminaryPhasesof the Competition. Applicantsinvited to audition will be advisedof precise requirements, datesandlocationsafterthe closinedatefor reciipt of applications andnot laterthanFebruarir, res s. All applicantswill be notified of acceptance or rejectionfor the Competitionno later than March l, 1985.All repertory chosenby an applicantis subjectto approvalby the Artistic Mvisory Committee. l. Changesin submitted repertory may be made only with permissionof the Artistic AdvisoryCommittee.No ihangeswill be accepted afterfuril t, iges.
Applicatiot Book Publicatiouaud distributiouof theCowpetitiou hasbeenunderwritten by theAmou G. CarterFoundationand theGaneyTexasFoundatiou
Rulesand Proceduresfor the Competition 1. The Competition will consist of four separatephases:Preliminaries Phase 1; PreliminariesPhase2; Semifinals: Finals.No competitor will be eliminated until Phase2 has been completed.
6. Any juror having a family, teaching or professional relationship with a competitor must declare such relationship and abstain from voting on that competitor's pertormances.
2. The order of appearancewill be determined by random selection. The order of appearancewill be adhered to in both phasesof the Preliminaries except, at the discretion of the Chairman of the Jury, for reasonsof accident,illness or other unusual circumstances.The order of appearance in the Semifinalsand Finals will depend on rlhearsal scheduling, program content and administrative requirements, and may vary from that observedin the Preliminari_es. All phasesof the Competition will be open to the public.
7. A non-voting Chairman will oversee the deliberations of the memberJ of the Jury. Certification of all Jury tabulatiottr ud] be made by Arthur Young and Company, Certified Public Accountants. All decisio-nsof the Jurv ire final and are not subject to appeal.
3. Repertory must be chosen in accordancewith the Repertory Requirementsspecifiedon pase l+ of this Book.The Recital Section of the SemifinaL ivill incorporate a mandatory performanceof a new work, "Fantasii on an Osfinatol' especiallycomposedby John Corigliano. The Chamber Music Secfionof the Semifinalswif consistof a piano quintet to be performed with the Tokyo String Quartet, and the Finalswill consist of two piano concertosto be performed respectively with the Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra and the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Stanislaw Skrowaczewski.Competitors must make available to the Chairman of the Jury on request a copy of the edition of the scoreused in the preparaiion of each work performed. 4. In the two Preliminary Phases,competitors will be askedto play w^orlafrom their submitted repertoire selectedby the Jury Chairman. Competitors will perform for appioximately fwenry-five minutes in each Preliminarv'Phase. The Jury may, at its discretion, stop or intemrpt rhe pertormanceof any competitor at any time during the Competition._lt wr-ll_not,however, normally do so-during the Semifinals and Finals. It may also recall a competitor for further hearing during which any work in the comperitort submitted repertoire may be requested.Any such iction is not to be consfrued as favorable or unfavorable. 5. A selection of first classpianos cunently found in concerr halls throughout the world will be provided for comperitors' performan-ces. Time will be assignedto each competitor to choose his/her prefened instrument when helshe reports to the Competition Headquarterson arrival.
8. Competitors may not attempt to make contact nor speak with any member of the Jury so long as they continue to participate in the Competition. Any violation may disqualify the compefitor. 9. All competitors will complete both Phasesof the Preliminaries.The Jury will not advance more than twelve competitors to the Semifinals,nor more than six to the Finals. 10. Each Semifinalistwill be allotted time to practice the on stage on the instrument of his,/her o-"rm ff;i::] 11. Each Semifinalistwill be allotted one rehearsalof sevenwfive minutes with the Tokyo String Quartet. Before the Finals,each finalist will be allotted time with Maestro Skrowaczewskifor discussionof the concertosto be performed. There will be rehearsalsof fifrv-five minutes with each of the Orchestras. l2.The Finals of the Competition may be televised live; all Phasesof the Competition may be broadcasrhve, bv tapedelayor recordedon radio, and mav alsobe recordedandl or filmed for subsequentbroadcast,telecast,film or phonograph recording use. It is anticipated that a commercial recording of selectedCompetition performanceswill be produced and sold; and that a documentary record of the Compefirion incorporafing selected performances will be produced for televiiion. Cimera crewsmay photograph all compefition events. Neither the Van Clibum Foundation, Inc., nor its assigneesnor licenseesmay be held liable for any payments to competitors arising out of materials derivid from Competition performanies. Applicants are required to sign g ReleaseForm yielding alJrights on such matenalsto tne toundafion, lts asslgnees or lrcensees. 13. The First, Second and Third Prize Winners will, if requested,be expected to perform a maximum of two recitals without charge for the benefit of the Eishth Van Cliburn Internatiorial Piano Competition, tibe held in 1989.
RulesRelatingto Prizesand Engagements 1. The prizes and awards specifiedon page r s of this Book will constitute the only prizes and awards of the Seventh Van Clibum International Piano Competition. No other prizes, awards or remuneration will be permitted or bestowed except by expressdecision of the Executive Committee of the Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc. 2. The First and Second Prizes will be paid in four equal annual installments. 3. Taxes will be deducted from prizes according to U.S. tax laws in effect at the time of the Competition and at subsequentpayments of installments. 4. The Van Clibum Foundation, Inc. has negotiated a number of major engagementsfor the First, Secondand Third Prize Winners, to be performed within a thirty-month period following the Competition. Most of the engagements are listed in this Book. Schedulingof theseengagements will take into account anv prior commitments of winners, bul winner will beexpecteiio t'ulfiU all pize engagewents.Fallure to do so may result, at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the Foundation, in forfeiture of the winner's claim to prizes,awardsand engagements. 5. All fees for North American engagementswill accrue to no commisthe prizewinners;the toundation will assess sion-for its managementsewicesin this regard.Engagements obtained for winnersby the Foundation as part of the orizes are not commissionableto the winner's current or future artist management.Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid, Hannover, West Germany, official European representativeto the Seventh Van Cliburn Intemational Piano Competition, has undertaken to arrange,in cooDerationwith Interartists Holland b.v., Amsterdam, lnna Zubrzycka director, a tour v/ithin Europe. It is expectedthat this tour will include around fwenty engagements in sevencounfries. In the caseof Europeanengagements a commission agreed by the Van Clibum Foundation will be payable by the winner to Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid.The engagementsobtained in Europe will be consideredasif securedby the Foundation asa part of the prizes and therefore are not further commissionable to the winner's current or fufure artist management.The Foundation will, however, be entitled to receivethe benefit of discounts and concessionsgranted to the winners or the Competition in connection with winners' travel and lodging. 6. The Van Clibum Foundation, Inc., standsready to assume responsibilityto manage and promote the careersof at least the three medalistsfor a two-year period following the Competition. National pressrepresentationwill alsobe engaged.
RequiredRepertoire PreliminariesPhaseI (a) J. S. Bach:any EnglishSuite,Patita, Tocata;the Chromatk Fantasv audFuweithehaliauConcmo (b) Haydir: any Sonata; Beethoven:any Sonataup to and includingOp. 31 no. 3 (c) Chopin: any Ballade;any Scherzo; the Barcarolle; the Iwprowptuin F#, Polouaise in A, Polouaise in F# minor; Polouaise-Fantaisie (d) (r) Chopin:anyErudeof virtuosityand (z) any Ende of Debussy,Liszt,RachmaninovScriabin; the ProkofievToccataithe SchurnannToccata PreliminariesPhase2 (a) Mozart:anySonata (b) Beethoven:anySonata from the followingopusnumbers: 106,LOg,LIO,LLL 5], 57,81a,1O1, (c) Any major work of Brahms,Chopin, Grieg,Liszt,MacDowell,Rachmaninov,Schubert,Schumann,Tchaikovsky (d) Anv work not longer than 2o minutesat lensth of Alblniz, Barber,Bari'6k,Berg,Boulez,Copland,Dibussy, Falla,Ginastera,Granados,Hindemith, Messiaen,Prokofiev Ravel,SchoenbereScriabin,Shostakovich,Stockhausen,Stravinsky, Villa-tobos,Webem Semifinals (a) The PianoQuintetof Brahms,Dvoiik or Schumann, to be performedwith the TokyoStringQuartet. (b) A recitallastinga total of one hour consistingof worlcs chosenby the competitor,together with Fantasia ou an Ostinato,especiallycomposedby John Corigliano.The wassentto competitors no laterthan four scoreof Fautasia weelabeforethe startof the Competition. Finals (a) Mozart: PiauoConcerto in D niuor K.466; Mozart:Piano iu C wiuor K,497; Mozart: PianoConcerto in C Coucerto K.5o3;or Beethoven:PiauoCoucmono.2iu B flat, to be performedwith the Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra, conductedby Stanislaw Skrowaczewski. (b) A majorpianoconcertocomposed in or after 18oo,to be performedwith the FortWorth SymphonyOrchestra,conductedbv Stanislaw Skrowaczewsh.
bya grantfromtheClibun Council Purchueof sheetmusicof therequired repertoire fot usebytheJuryhw beeunadepossible
Prizesand Awards First Prize CashAward $tz,ooo awardedby the NationalGuild of PianoTeachers Van Cliburn Competition Gold Medal Lankford-Allison Memorial Cup awardedby CatheineLanhfordHadennndlrl Allison,Jr. Debut recital appearancein CarnegieHall Concert tours in North America and Europe for a period of thirry months following the Competition Air travel by American Airlines' domesricroutes awardedbyAuuican Airlines Recording on the Vox Cum Laude label Studio recording of a recital in Hilversum, The Netherlands awardedby TROS RndioandTeluision,TheNetherlauds The totalvalueof the FirstPize is estittatedto beiu excess of $zoo,ooo Second Prize CashAward $a,ooo awardedby theFullo Foundation Van Clibum Competition Silver Medal New York recital debut Concert tours for a period of thirry months following the Competition Recording on the Vox Cum Laude label Third Prize CashAward $o,ooo awardedby theMary PotishwanLard Trust Van Clibum Competition Bronze Medal Concert tours for a period of thirty months following the Competition Recording on the Vox Cum Laude label Fourth Prize Cashaward $+,ooo awardedbyMr. andMr* F, HowardWalsh,Sr, Fifth Prize CashAward $r,ooo awardedhy the T.] , Brownand C.J. LuptonFoundatiou
SixthPrize CashAward$t,soo awarded bytheFortWorthPianoTeachers Forutu BestPerformanceof ChamberMusic CashAward$r,ooo awarded byYanCliburu HighestRankingPianistof the United States CashAward$r,ooo awailedbyMr. andMrl A.T. Seywour, III asa wtewoial toMr. andMrs.A.T. Seywour, Ir. BestPerformanceof Fantasiaon an Ostiuato byfohn Corigliano Award:GoldWatch byNeimnu-Marcus awarded Award f ury DiscretionaryScholarship Scholarship Awardstotalingup to $2,5oo awarded hytheRnywoud E, BuckFoundatiou Cerfificates of Merit awarded to theSewifinalists
In addition to the cash pizes, a number of engagementswill be offered to prizewinners,the greatestamount to the Gold Medalist.These engagements, which are listed on pases36 and 31, are offered in frinciple by the auspicesconceme?to prizewinners of the SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition. However,final approvalof artists,datesand repertoireiests with artistic and administrative directors. The Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc. will coordinate dates to accommodatethe schedulesof the artists and auspicesconcemed.
The GoldMedalist'srecitalin CarnegieHall is madepossible bya grantfrow CapitalCitiesFoundation, lnc. Medalsaudcertific^tes areuuderwritteu byMr; San B. Cantq,lr.
OrchestralEngagements United Sates Akron SymphonyOrchestra AlabamaSymphonyOrchestra AmericanSymphonyOrchestra fulanta SymphonyOrchestra BaltimoreSymphonyOrchestra Bloomington-Normal Symphony Orchestra BoisePhilharmonicOrchestra BuffaloPhilharmonicOrchestra Chattanooea SvmphonvOrchestra ChicagoSv-mplionv Orihestra CincinnatiSymphonyOrchestra ColoradoSpringsSymphonyOrchestra ColumbusSymphonyOrchestra DallasSymphonyOrchestra Dayton PhilharmonicOrchestra DelawareSymphonyOrchestra Detroit SymphonyOrchestra EastTexasSymphonyOrchestra El PasoSymphonyOrchestra FloridaSymphonyOrchesna FortWorth ChamberOrchestra Fort Worth SymphonyOrchestra GrandRapidsSymphonyOrchestra Hartford SymphonyOrchestra Honolulu SymphonyOrchestra Houston SymphonyOrchestra Indianapolis SymphonyOrchesfra InlandEmpireSymphonyOrchestra JadaonvilleSymphonyOrchestra KansasCity SymphonyOrchestra Knoxville SymphonyOrchestra Lima SymphonyOrchestra long BeachSymphonyOrchestra long IslandPhilharmonicOrchestra
Canada los AngelesPhilharmonicOrchestra Mansfield SymphonyOrchesf,ra Marin SymphonyOrchestra MemphisSymphonyOrchestra lvlidlandSymphonyOrchestla MilwaukeeSymphonyOrcheitra MinnesotaOrchesf,ra NashvilleSymphonyOrchestra National SymphonyOrchestra New HavenSymphonyOrchestra New Merico SymphonyOrchestra New OrleansPhilharmonicOrchestra North CarolinaSymphonyOrchestra Northwood Orchestra OaklandSymphonyOrchestra OklahomaSvmphonvOrchestra OmahaSymihdnvOrchestra OregonSynphonyOrchestra PhilharmonicOrchestraof Florida PhoenixSymphony Orchestra PittsburghSymphonyOrchesna RhodeIslandPhilharmonicOrchestra Rochester PhilharmonicOrchestra Sacramento Symphony Orchestra SaintIouis Syrnphony Orchestra SanDiegoSymphonyOrchestra SanJoseSymphony Orchestra Savannah SymphonyOrchestra Spokane SymphonyOrchestra eld SymphonyOrchestra Springfi Syracuse SymphonyOrchestra ToledoSymphonyOrchestra TulsaPhilharmonicOrchesffa Utah SymphonyOrchestra WichitaSymphonyOrchestra
CalgaryPhilharmonicOrchestra EdmontonSymphonyOrchestra Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Mctoria SymphonyOrchestra WinnipegSymphonyOrchestra
Recital Engagements llnited States
Ambassador IntemationalCultural Foundation,Pasadena AspenMusic kstival Bartlesville CommuniwCenter BayShore-Brightwater PublicLibrary BronsonConcerts,Carmel CaldwellFineArts Series CarnesieHall ChamberMusicSociewof Detroit ChautauquaInstitution Concertson the Island CorpusChristiCathedralConcertSeries Culturd Activities Center DallasCivicMusic Dck WalterAttractions,Omaha EugenePerformingfuts Center FairfieldUniversiw FortWorth CelebriwGala JohnDrewTheatreGuild Hall,East Hampton,NewYork GalvestonCounw Cultural Arts Council InterlochenCenterfor the Arts LincolnCenterfor the PerformingArts LouisianaStateUniversiw MusicTeachers NationalAssociation Museumof FineArts,St.Petersburg Norton Galleryof Art, WestPalmBeach Oberlin College OneontaConcertAssociation OwensFineArt Center,SMU PaquetFrenchCruises PurdueUniversity ResionalArts Foundation, WestPalmBeach Spoletokstival USA StateUniversityCollegeat Geneseo Tiinity University Ti'uett-McConnell College Universiwof Califomia at SantaBarbara Universityof Coloradoat Boulder Universityof ConnecticutConcerts Universityof Dayton Universiwof Florida Universiwof Illinoisat Urbana4hampaign Universityof Massachusetts at Amherst Universityof MichiganMusicalSociety Universiwof Missouri-Columbia Universityof Texasat Ausfin Universityof Washington VictoriaFineArts Association WaneCelebritySeries,Boston WasliingtonPerformingArts Society
BanffSchoolof FineArts,Alberta Toronto CentreStage MusicSeries, Queen'sUniversity,Kingston VancouverRecitalSociefy
Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid, Hannover, West Germany, official European representative of the Seventh Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, has undertaken to arrange, itt cooperation with Interartists Holland b.v.,-Amsterdam,Itnna Zubrzycka director, a tour within Europe. It is expected that this tour will include around twenty engagementsin sevencountries.
'Copyright Fox & Jacobs,1985
The Screeningof CompetitionApplicants For the Sixth Competifion in 1981 the Van Cliburn Foundation instituted a new method of screeningapplicants.In the early Competitions the Artistic Advisory Committee had decided which applicants would come to Fort Worth. They judged from recordings, from teachers' and other musicians' recommendations and from the professional experience o f th e a pp liiant s . The recordings varied greatly in technical quality, and it was never possibleto tell whether thev had been edited or not. To be as fair ai possible the Committee chose a large number of competitors. This created a serio us pr oblem : t he Competition schedule allowed only rwenry minutes playing time in the Preliminarv round. lt was bv no meansan ideal situation ln Lg77 there was a record number of 2o5 applications. Ninety-five pianists were invited to Fort Worth on the strength of their tapes and documents; eighty were auditioned by a jury of five in three cities of the United States,from whom eleven were chosen as competitors. Sevenfy-six young pianists finally took part in the Fifth Competition. The problem of inadequate time for the Preliminary round remained. It was particularlv hard on those who had traveled seveial thousand miles to reach Fort Worth. In 1981 the Foundation was able to put into Dracticea fairer method, devisedby Anthbny Phillips, then Executive Director. Two teams, one under the supervision of Mr. Phillips, the other led liy the General Manager, visited the musical centersof the United Statesand Europe. Each applicant was invited to the center nearesthis or her home, and recorded on videotape, in the spaceof an hour, a short recital of twenw minutes. Those supervisin g ma de n ote s about t he acoustical q'ualitiesof the halls where the recordinss were made, and about the quality olthe pianos.The tapeswere brought back to Fort Worth, where a ScreeningJury of five reviewed the performances,and chose the competitors.
The 1981 experiment was greatly successful,and the Seventh Competition has us ed t he s am es c r e e n i n gD r o c e s s . Last Ianuary Julia McAllister] General Manager, together with Greg Stephan, engineer from the Department of Communications, University of Texas at Austin, traveled to European centers. The American screeningwas undertaken bv Kevin Bothwell. fusistant to the Executive Drector, with University of Texas engineerPhilippe Marcillac. Sony Corporation of America generously loaned equipment and donated video and audio tape. The recorders were Sony Beta hi-fi model 27oo, and for audio backup, Sony Professional Walkman.
The Intemational ScreeningJuryfor the Seventh Competition, Milton Katims, Chairman, Idil Biret, John Perry, Anthony Phillips and Barry Snyder, viewed nearlv 12o taDesbetween kbruary 18 and )+, finally choosing thirtyseven compefitors. since the quality of the recordings,especiallyof the sound, was of such high qualiry their task was as easy and comfortable as possible. Having watched and listened to all the tapes once, they were able to review a good number a second,and even a third rime, before making their choices.
Foundation uuderwritteu thecosts of thescreeniug isgatet'ulto theAnneBurnett andCharles D. Tandy TheYauCliburuFouudation for haviug process andto SonyCorporatiou ofAwoicafor theloauof equipueut anddonatiou of tape andof theIntenatioual Screeuinglury;
Milton Katims, Chairman
Idil Biret (Turkey)
Iohn Perry (USA)
Milton Katims, recently retired Artistic Director of the University of Houston Schoolof Music, has had a long and distinguished musical career. Born and raised in New York City, of RussianHungarianparentage,he was awarded his B.A degreefrom Columbia University and began his career as a violist. He wasAssistantConductor and solo violist of the Mutual BroadcastingCompany, first desk violist and assistantto A.rturo Toscanini at NBC, and guest conductor of the NBC Symphony. For many years he was guest artist with the Budapest Strin g Qu ar t et in c onc er t s and on recordings,was violist in the New York Piano Quartet, and on the faculw of The Juilliard School.
Idil Biret is also a member of the Competition Jury. For a biography pleasesee page44 of the Program.
John Perry, pianist and teacher,is a native of Minnesota. He was awarded the degreesof Bachelor and Master of Music at the Eastman School of Music, where he was a student of Cecile Staub Genhart and of Frank Mannheimer.The recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship,he continued his studies in Europe for three vears with Wodvslav Keira in Vienna and Carlo Zecchi in Rome.
ln 79 54 Mr. Kat im s bec am e M us ic Director of the Seattle Symphony and built the orchestrainto one of the maior symphoniesof the United States.During his twenty-two years in the post he helped found the Seattle Opera, developed Seattle'sFamily Concert Series, and introduced many brilliant young musicianson the "Stars of the Futuren series. Mr. Katims has been guest conductor of many major orchestras both in the Un ited State sand abr oad, inc luding those of Israeland lapan. He has madE recordings on the RCA, Columbia and Vox labels, and has appearedin television specials. Milton Katims served as conductor and Juror at the First Van Clibum International Piano Competition in 1962.
A veteran of severalcompetitions, Perry won special honors at the Marguerite Long - JacquesThibaud International Piano Competition in Paris, and prizes at the Busoni and Viotti International Piano Competitions, both in Italy. Wellknown for his interoretations of Beethoven and Mozart,-Mr. Perry has also successfullyintroduced severalimportant new piano works to the public. Mr. Perry has appearedwith major symphony orchestrasin both the United Statesand Europe. He is also much in demand for chambermusic, and hasperformed with several ensembles,including a group from the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra. After serving on the faculties of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Universities of Kansas and Texas,Mr. Perry is today on the faculties of the Universiw of Southern California and Rice University. He also performs each year at the fupen Summer Music kstival, among severalothers. His students have won prizes in the Queen Elisabethof Belgium,Naumburg and the Van Clibum Comperidons,and, most recently, first prize in the Rubinstein Competition. He has recorded on the Telefunken, Musical Heritage Sociew and Vox labels.
Theparticipatiou of theluteruational ScreeniugJury hasbeeu uuderwritten bytheAuneBurumaudCharles D. Tandy Foundation
Anthony Phillips (United Kingdom)
Anthony Phillips, former Executive Director of the Van Clibum Foundation, w as born an d ed ucate d in O x f or d, England, receiving his M.A. degree in I964.He hasworked in a variety of contexts within the musical administration field in the years since.He began his careerwith Victor Hochhauser,London's leading commercial impresario, then moved to managean arts centre in West Cumberland. In L97o Mr. Phillips was appointedinauguralDirector of the MacRobert Arts Centre, a new multiauditorium complex in the University of S tirling in Sco tlan d.He wa s c om m is sioned by the Scottish futs Council to produce a major report for the development of the arts in Scotland,and its successencouragedhim to move to Edinbursh, wheri with his wife Madeleine Williams. Iater to become Public Relations Coordinator at the Amon Carter Museum, he founded an impresariat for the arts in Scotland. He presentedmore than 1oo concerts by international orchestras and arfists all over Scotland before coming to Fort Worth in 1979. Durins his yeirs with the Van Cliburn Foundition Mr. Phillipsiniriated several innovations, among which were the enlargement of the scopeof the Clibum Concerts, and the videoscreeningselecfion processfor the Van Clibum International Piano Competition.
Barrv Snyder, Silver Medalist of the 1.966Yan Cliburn International Piano Competition, was born in Bethlehem, Pennsvlvania.He studied with Madimir Sokolov and, at the Eastman School of Music, with Cecile Staub Genhart. At Eastmanhe won the futist's Diploma, t he s c hool' s hi g h e s t a w a r d f o r perlormance.
In 1982 Mr. Phillips returned to London to becomeHead 6f ConcertPlanningat the South Bank Concert Halls. He is d irect ly respo nsiblefo r pro gr am m ing some 1,2oo concerts a year in the Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and the Purcell Room, as well as the a n nual S ou th Ban k Sum m er M us ic Festival.
Mr. Snyder made his New York debut in 1.976in Lincoln Center'sAlice Tully Hall and now performs regularly with orchestras and in recital in North America and Europe. He has recorded Mozart's "Coronation" Concerto with the Rochester Philharmonic and David Zinman, and has also appeared with the Atlanta, Houston, Detroit and National Symphonies ,am ong m a n y o t h e r s . R e c i t a l and chambermrisiccreditsinclude London s Wismore Hall, Washington'sKennedv Ceiter, and hallsin Piris, Frankfurt, Berlin, Amsterdam and Vienna. This year Mr. Snyder performs the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto as part of David Zinman'sinauguralseason as M us ic Dir ec t o r o f t h e - B a l t i m o r e Symphony. Mr. Snyder has recorded Dohn6nyi's Piano Quintet with the Cleveland Quartet, and his solo recordingsinclude Sonatasof Prokofiev and MacDowel], TheWhitePeacocfr of CharlesGriffes, and large-scaleworks by Vem Reynolds and Alec Wilder. Mr. Snyder is now an associateprofessor at the Eastman School of Music, where in 7979 he received the Edward Peck Curtis Award for excellencein undergraduate teaching.
, o}ifios!
Proudlys u p p l y i n gt h e Co n ce r tBe ch ste in for the V a n C l i b u r nc om p e tito r i.
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E l eg a n c eQ . u a lit y . V a lu e . l m p o rte rs o f th e Worl d' s fi nest pi anos. A l so, restorati onano e n h a n c e m e n to f fi n e o l d p i anosto concert qual i ty by our master craftsmen.
427 Preslon Vrlley Shopping Cenler . Preston Rd. nt LBi Freeway . Dall.rs. Tex.rs 75230 . i2141 231 1967
ConcertHalls and Auditoriums-ScreeningAuditions,USAand Europe 1985 January-February SalleErnestAnsermet Romande RadioSuisse Geneva,Switzerland Senn Jean-Louis PierreColombo,President kderation of IntemationalMusic Competitions BaverischerRundfunk Mrinich,WestGermany RenateRonnefeld, IntemationalRelations BudapestAcademyof Music Hungary Budapest, Drector Tam6sl(lenjinszlcy, Interkoncertkstival Bureau BulsariaHall Sofii, Bulsaria YoannaKisheva,Chiefof Department IntemationalComPetitions Committeefor Culture SalleGabrielFaur6 de Paris,France Conservatoire Genera-l Chanta]Bemard,Secretary Thibaud Margueritelong - Jacques InternarionalCompetition
AIma GluckAuditorium TirrtleBayMusicSchool,NewYorkCity Dr. CatherineM. Campbell, ExecutiveDirector AbrahamGoodmanHouse Merhn ConcertHall HebrewArts School New YorkCity lra Berger,TheaterManager Jesse HancockAuditorium Universityof SouthemCalifomia LosAneeles Bill Truiten,Schoolof Music Kimbell Art Museum FortWorth Dr. EdmundP.PillsburyDirector Lutkin Hall NorthwestemUniversitY Illinois Evanston, AliceBaehler,ConcertCoordinator QueenElizabethHall Purcell Room london, Ensland AnthonyPhiillips, ConcertsAdministrator
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Iohn Giordano, Chairman
Idil Biret (Turkey)
John Giordano, Music Director and Conductor of the Fort Worth Symphony and Fort Worth Chamber Orchestras, wastrained asa composer,studying with Halsey Stevensand Ingolf Dahl at the University of Southern California and with Samu el Adler at t he Eas t m an School of Music. As recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship,he spent two yearsat the Royal Conservatoryof Music in Brussels,studyins undei Marcel Poot. He also took iessbnsfrom Nadia Boulanger in Fontainebleau.Graduating with the Premier Prix and Dipl6me Sup6rieurefrom Brussels, he rerumed to the United Statesand studiedconducting with Walter Susskind and Ezra Rachlin.
Despite a busy schedulein Fort Worth, Mr. Giordano remains active in international music circles.His zuest conducting credits include appeirancesin Belgium, Brazil, China, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands. John Giordano's demanding schedule allows little time for his first field of study, composition,but he has several published works to his credit. The Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra performed the world premiereof his "West Texas Suitei' a piece which evolved from a film score composedfor a PBS documentary entitled "Milepost 4o7: A West Texas Storyl'
Now at the end of his twelfth season with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Giordano has worked tirelessly to enlarge the range of musical life in Fon Wonh. One of his most simificant accomplishments has been thd formation of the Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra, originally the Texas Little Symphonv, in 7976. ln addition to his duties is Music Director of the Fort Worth orchestras,Mr. Giordano becameJury Chairman for the Van Cliburn Intemational Piano Competition in 1.973,a position he has held ever since.In 1980 he was named Texas Christian University's Honorary Alumnus of the Year, and received an honorary doctorate in Fine Arts from Texas WesleyanCollege. He hasbeen a part of the Youth Orchestra of CreaterFortWorth sinceits besinning and continuesto lend his expeiis" asits music director.
Idil Biret was born in Ankara and began piano studies at age three. Later, the Turkish Parliamentpasseda specialbiJl enabling her to study at the Paris Conservatoire,where she graduatedwith three first prizes at the ageof fifteen. She studied with Alfred Cortot, Nadia Boulanger and Wilhelm Kempff. Immediately after,graduation she began her career,and has given concertsin the years since throughout Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and Australia, performing with major orchestrasunder-the direction of Monteux, Scherchen,Leinsdorf, Boult, Kempe, Sargent and Rozhdeswensky,among many others. Miss Biret has given more than sevenfy concerts in the USSR. She was twentyone at the time of her United States debut, when she appearedwith the Boston Symphony and Erich Leinsdorf. She has taken part in many of the worldt major festivals, among them Montreal, Persepolis,Athens, East Berlin, Gstaad and Istanbul. Miss Biret has recordedin Europe and the United Statesfor the Decca, Vega and Atlantic/Finnadar labels. Idil Biret was a member of the Jury for the 1978 Queen Elisabetbof Belgiurn Piano Competition, and earlier this year w a s a m e m b e r o f t h e I n t e r n a ti o n a l ScreeningJury for the SeventhVan Clibum International Piano Comoetition.
Thepanicipation of theJuryChairnaniswadepossible bytheWebMaddoxTrust possible Theparticipation of theotherrrewbers of theCowpetitiou bygransftow:Mr. audMrs,SidR Bass, Mr. audMrs.Jawes R. Iury k made Bryce Blake,WiIIianandCatherine MemoialFund,MaryPotishuan LardTrust, Mr. andMrs.IohuRoby Penu,TheRyanFoundation, Mr. aud Mrl PhilipK. Thowas, Crystelle Waggoner Chaitable TrustaudJawes L, audEunice West Foundatiou
Anton Dikov (Bulgaria)
Malcolm Frager (USA)
JorgeBolet, a native of Cuba, studied at the Curris Institute of Music, where he graduatedwith top honors, receiving the firstand only JosefHofmannAward. One of today's most sought-afterpianists, Mr. Bole t play s eac h y ear in t he United States,Europe,South and Central America, South Africa, the Orient andAustralia.Highlightsof the 1983-84 seasonwere recitalsin New York'sMet' ropolitan Museum,AmbassadorCollege in Pasadenaand here in Fort Worth as part of the Cliburn Concertsseries.He was also featured in two BBC teleyision productions which included interviews, masterclasses and an orchestralperfor' man ceo f Rachm aninov 'Thir s d' Piano Con ce rto with t he BBC Sc ot t is h Symphony.
Anton Dikov, born in Sofia in 1938, studiedwith Lyuba Enchevaat the Bulgar ian S t a t e C o n s e r v a t o r y .L a t e r h e itudied in Francewith Nadia Boulanger, Arthur Rubinstein and Robert Casadesus.Winner of the J. S. Bach Competit ion in L o n d o n , h e w a s a l s o a p i i z e winner of severalcompefirions.the Rio de Janeiro,the Liszt in Budapest,and the Long-Thibaudin Paris.
The only artist to win first prize in both the EdgarM. Leventritt Competition and the Queen Elisabethof Belgium International Piano Competition, Malcolm Fragerhas since performed with virtually all of the major orchestras throughout the world.
The 1984-85 season,during which Mr. Bolet celebratedhis sevenrieihbirthdav. includedrecitalsin New York s MetroDolitan Museum and Rockefeller Universiry Brooklyn College,and Londont Queen ElizabethHall. Among orchestral engagementswere a tour of England with th e L on do n Philhar m onic and l3aus Tennstedt,concertswith the PhiladelphiaOrchestraboth in Philadelphia and at CarnegieHall, and with the Santa Cecilia Orchestra in Rome. Mr. Bolet continued his BBC televisionserieswith more interviewsand masterclasses and a performanceof the SecondConcerto of Rachmaninov. Today the head of the Piano Department at the Curtis Institute, Mr. Bolet is the third person to hold the post, his pre de ce ssors ha v ing been J os ef Hof mann and Rudolf Serkin. An exclusive London/Decca recording futist, JorgeBolet has recentlyrecorded the completepiano works of FranzLiszt. Mr. Bolet servedas a juror in the First Van Cliburn International Piano Competitionin L962.
Today one of Bulgarias leadingpianists, Anton Dikov has toured in many countries, including Japan, the USA.,the USSR , a n d t h r o u g h o u t E u r o p e a n d South America, grving recitals and performingwith leadingorchestras. His vast repertoire rangesfrom Bach to the works of contemporary composers,while his many recordingsinclude the concertos of Beethoven,Brahms and Bart6k. A champion of Bulgarian music, Anton Dikov regularly plays charnber concerts with leadingensembles. Mr. Dikov teachesat the Bulsarian State Conservatory and in Japan.lle hasbeen a memberof the Jury of severalcompetitions, the Chopin in Warsaw the LisztBart6k in Budapest,the Long-Thibaud in Paris and the Beethoven in Vienna among them. He was awarded the title of People! futist of Bulgariain 1981.
A native of St. Louis, Mr. Fragerbegan studyingthe piano when he wasfour. He gavehis first recital at six and made his 6rchestral debut at the age of ten. At fourteen, he went to New York to study with Carl Friedberg,a pupil of Clara S c h u m a n n .H e i s a l s o a m a g na cu m laudegraduateof ColumbiaUniversiry, w h e r e h e m a j o r e d i n l a n g u a g e s.H e speakssevenlanguages. I n 1 9 6 7 M r . F r a g e r d i s c o v e r e d th e manuscriptof the original orchestration of the SchumannPiano Concerto in A minor, a work he hopes to have published.Mr. Frageris alsothe first pianist in the twentieth century to have perf o r m e d t h e o r i g i n a l v e r s i o n o f th e TchaikovskyB flat minor Concerto. In the 1984.85concertseasonMr. Frager has given over 1oo performancesin the United Statesand abroad,includins with the Concertgeboui appearances Orchestra, the Vienna, Warsaw,Prague and Helsinki Philharmonicsin Europe, a n d , i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s ,w i th th e ClevelandOrchestra,the ChicagoSymphony, the PhiladelphiaOrchestra,the New York Philharmonicand the Boston Symphony.During the L984-85Cliburn Concerts seasonhe appearedwith the Prague String Quartet. Mr. Fragerhas made numerous recordings,the most recentof which is a digital album of Chopin works for the Telarclabel.
Arpad loo (Hungary/USA)
Lili Kraus -Juror (New Zealand)
fupad Joo, born in Budapestin 1948, beganstudyingthe piano at a very early age.His talent attractedthe attention of the d istin gu ish ed c om pos er Zolt in Kodily, and at the age of six young Arpad Joo enteredthe Kod6ly Schoolof Music. By his teens he was enrolled in the Bart6k Conservatoryand wasgiving concert tours in Europe.In addition to his studies at the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest,Arpad Joo studiedin Southern Europe with Carlo Zecchi, Nikita Magaloff and Igor Markevich.
Lili Kraus has been a member of every Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Jury sincethe Firstin 1962.Her career and life have been remarkable even by the singular standardsof the professional concert performer. Bom in Budapest,she studied with Bart6k and Kod6ly at the Franz Liszt Academy there, and laterwent toVienna to study wit h E d u a r d S t e u e r m a n n a n d A r t u r Schnabel. At the age of twenty she becamea Professorat the Vienna Conservatoire. Her worldwide perforrning career began almost immediately. In 1,942 she was taken prisoner on the island of Java, and spint nearly three yearsin prison camps.After liberation at the end of the war she went to New Zeal, a n d w h e r e i n d u e c o u r s e s h e receivedcitizenship.
Mr. Joo won severalimportant awards including the L962 Liszt-Bart6k Competition, the prize at the 1965 Montreux Festival,and first pnze in the Bosto n In tern atio nal Lis z t Piano Competition. By this time Kod6ly was personallysupervisingMr Joo'smusical education.In 1968 Mr. Joo cameto the United Statesand was awardedscholarships to The Juilliard School and the Universiry of Indiana at Bloomington. A-fter graduation he was appointed to the faculty at Bloomington. From 1-973 to 1978 Mr. Joo was Music Director of the Knoxville Symphony, then became Music Director of the Calgary Philharmon ic Orch est r a. Las t y ear he was appointedPrincipalGuestConductor of the BudapestSymphonyOrchestra. In recent years Mr. Joo has conducted many leading orchestrasin North and Central America and in Europe.He has recordedthe major orchestralworks of Bart6k for Sefel Recordswith the Budapest Symphony and BudapestPhilharmonic Orchestras,and music by Kod6ly, Jan{dek,Brahms,Tchaikovsky and Ravel with the London SymphonyOrchestra. He has alsorecordedthe completechoral and orchestralworks of Kod6lv.
Lili Krausis regardedasone of the rnost searching interpreters of the classical reDertoire.Her collaboration has been sought by many of the rnost famous conductors, chamber ensemblesand instrumentalists of the last fortv vears. She has made many recordings,including all the piano conceftosand sonatas, and the chamber works involving piano of Mozart. ln 1967 in New York she performed all rwenry-fiveMozart concertos in a seriesof nine programs. Fr om 1 9 6 8 t o 1 9 8 3 M m e . K r a u s w a s artist-in-residenceat Texas Christian University. Her remarkable life was recently featured in the PBS special "Lilii'produced by Fort Worth Productions for Texas Christian University, which wasbroadcastlast January.
Li Min-qiang ( Peoplei Republicof China) Born in Shanghaiin 1936,Li Min-qiang began studying the piano with Alfred Wittenberg and Yu Cong-min at ageten. In 7956 he becamethe artistic director o f t h e o r c h e s t r a d e p a r t m e n t o f th e Shanghai Conservatory of Music. After s t u d y i n g w i t h T . P . K r a v c h e nko , a t e a c h e r f r o m t h e U S S R , M r . Li w a s a p p o i n t e d a f a c u l t y m e m b e r o f th e ShanghaiConservatory'spiano department. He is today assistantprofessor and deputy director of the department. I n a d d i t i o n , h e i s a m e m b e r o f th e Chinese Association of Literature and Art, and a memberof the board of direct o r s o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f Ch i n e se Musicians. Mr. Li has won awardsin severalpiano competitions,including third prize in the L957 SmetanaInternational Piano Competition in Prague,first prize in the 1958 EnescuInternational Piano Competition, and fourth prize in the 1960 Chopin International Competition. He servedas a juror for the EnescuCompetition in 1-964,and for the SydneyInternational Piano Competition in 1981. Recordingsmade by Mr. Li include the piano music of classicaland romantic t o m p o s e r s , a n d o f s e v e r a l C h i n e se composers. Mr. Li has toured extensively and given concerts in twenty-two countries of Asia,Europeand Australasia.
Minoru Nojima 0apan)
C6cileOusset (France)
Harold C. Schonberg (USA)
Minoru Nojima, Silver Medalist of the Third Van Cliburn International Piano Competitionln'1969, performsregularly throuehout the United States,the Far East ind Eu rop e. Bor n in Tok y o, he beganhis studies at three with Japan's p restigio uste ac her .Aik o I guc hi. M r . Noijmacontinuedhis musicaleducarion at the Toho Music School,and in tsoo wasawardeda specialscholarshipby the USSRto study in Moscow under Lev Oborin. He alsostudiedwith Constance Keeneand Abram Chasinsin New York.
C6c ile O u s s e t w a s b o r n i n T a r b e s , France,and gaveher first recital at the aseof five.Shestudiedat the ParisConsirvatoirewith MarcelCiampi,where,at the age of only fourteen,she won the FirstFrizein PianoGraduation.Shehas been a major prizewinnerat many of the world's foremost competitions, including the Queen Elisabethof Belgium, Busoni,Marguerite Long - JacquesThibaud, and the First Van Cliburn ComDetition in L962.She has had an active international concert careerthat has taken her to all five continents. In addition to her regular tours throughout Western Europe. Australasiaand the Americas,C6cile Ousset has often performed in major East Europeanmusic centers.
One of the world s foremostauthorities on pianosand pianists,Harold C. Schonberg is a veteranmusiccritic of the New YorhTiwes.
In a dd ition to his Nor t h Am er ic an tours, Mr. Nojima has performed with th e ma jor orches t r as of J apan. His appearances with the NHK Orchestrain Ja pa n,an d Prague,Ber lin and Hong Kong, among other cities,number more than 1oo. In recital Mr. Nojima has performed in the great concert halls of the Unite d State s,inc luding t wo appear ancesat CarnegieHall. Soloist with the Tokyo Symphony on its 1976 Western tour, he often collaborateswith the Tokyo String Quartet, the Dorian Wind Quartet and the Composers String Quartet. Mr. Nojima was featured in the first livefor-television studio concert produced by Japan'snational televisionnetwork, th e NHK. His r ec or dings f or EM I Toshiba include the Matsumura Concerto,which was composedfor him. Mr. Nojima served as a juror for the Sixth Van Cliburn Competifion in 1981.
In Britain, C6cile Ousset has become a frequentguestof the major symphony orchestras.following her debut at the Royal FestivalHall with the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields conducted by Neville Marriner. She has performed wit h t h e L o n d o n P h i l h a r m o n i c , t h e Philharmonia, the Royal Philharmonic and the English Chamber Orchestras, and hasalsoappearedat the Edinburgh, Harrogate,Bath, and Ciry of London Festivals.She made her debut with the Orchestrede Parisin 1952.Recenttours have taken Miss Ousset throushout Cer m a n y , F r a n c e ,H o l l a n d , B e l g i u m , Scandinavia, the United StatesandCanada.She made her debut with the MinnesotaOrchestrain 1984 and with the BostonSymphonythis year. C6cileOussethas made many recordings for EMI / Angel Records.Last year she was a member of the Jury of the Leeds I n t e r n a t i o n a l Pianoforte Competition.
A native of New York Ciry Mr. Schonberg is a graduateof Brooklyn College and holds a master'sdegreefrom New York Universiry. He studied music with Alica Frisca,Marion Bauer and Kuniyoshi at the Art StudentsLeague. Mr. Schonberehas had an incredible careerin writiris about music and musi' cians,beginningin L939when he was music critic for AwericanMusicLover.Following servicein the U.S. Army during World War II, he once againtook up his pen, writing for suchpublicationsai the l'lewYorkSun,TheCrawovhone of London andMusicalCouier.In 1950, Mr. Schonberg joined the staff of the New York Timesas a music critic. He served as SeniorMusic Critic from 1960 to 1980. From 1980-198SMr. Schonbergserved asCultural Correspondentto theTimes, and he is now RovingCorrespondent. In 1981,he wrote an extensiveseriesof articles on the Sixth Van Clibum International Piano Competition. Harold S c h o n b e r sw a s a w a r d e d t h e Pu l i tze r Prizefor.iti.ir- in 7g71. In additjon to contributing to many Americanmagazines, Mr. Schonberghas written nine books,includins The Great Pianlsts(r961), The GreatTonductors (pez), Livesof theCreatCou.rposers (tozo) a n d F a c i u gt h eM u s k ( l q s l ) . H i s l a te st b o o k , T l e G l o r i o u sO n e s- Cl a sstca l Music\ Legendary Peforwers,will be publishedthis year.
Soulima Stravinsky (USA)
Wolfgang Stresemann (WestGermanv/USA)
So ulima Stra v ins k y is equally well kn own as a pi anis t , c or npos er and teacher.Bom in Lausanne,Switzerland, he receivedhis musical education in Paris,where he studied piano with Isidor Philipp and theory and composition with Nadia Boulanger.
Wolfgang Stresemann,conductot music administrator, author and critic, was born in Dresden,Germany,in 1904.The son of GermanChancellorand Minister of Foreign Affairs Gustav Stresemann, about whom he wrote a book, Mr. Stresemannbegan studying the piano at age five. While enrolled at the Berlin Academ y o f M u s i c , h e w a s t h e p u p i l o f Helene Vehrs and Waldemar Liitschg. Mr. Stresemannalso received a fine arts educ a t i o n a t t h e M o m m s e n - a n d Bismarck-Gymnasiain Berlin; in addition, he studied law in Berlin, Heidelberg and Erlangen,where he receivedhis doctorate.
For more than forty yearsMr. Stravinsky appearedon concert stagesaround the world, frequently playing concertsunder the direcfion of his father, Igor Stravinsky, with whom he also performed on many occasions,as a duo-pianistteam, the Concerto for Two Pianos,composed by the masterat his son'srequest. In 1950 Mr. Stravinskyjoined the piano faculty of the University of Illinois wherehe taught piano and piano literature until his retirement.He is now ProfessorEmeritus. Mr. Stravinskyhasbeen a member of the jury of several competitions in the United Statesand abroad, including those of the Paris Conservatoireand Munich. ln 1974 the French Minister of Culture honored him with the distinctio n of "Che v alier des Ar t s et des Lettresl' Mr. Stravinskylives today in Sarasota, Florida, where he devotes most of his time to composition. He is Honorary Director of the SarasotaOpera Sociefy and a memberof the Board'ofDirectors of the SarasotaSymphony.
Wolfgang Stresemannbegan his career asa legal adviserto banking insfitutions. ln 1939 he came to the United States and be c a m e a n A m e r i c a n c i t i z e n i n 1945. Nter training as a conductor with the National Orchestral Associafion in New Y o r k , M r . S t r e s e m a n n w a s appointed conductor of the Westminster Choir College Orchestra in Princeton. Later appointed Conductor and Musical Director of the Toledo Symphony Orchestra, he appearedas guest conductor with orchestrasin both the United Statesand Europe,including the Berlin Philharmonic. Mr. Stresemann becameIntendant (General Manager and Music Director) of the Berlin Radio Symphony and, in 1959, Intendant of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, a post he held for nineteenyears. A prolific author, Mr. Stresemannhas,in addition to the biography of his father, written severalbooks on musical subjects. The latest, Mendelssohn, was publishedlast year.
TokyoStringQuartet The Tokyo String Quartet, which took part in the 1,977and tggl Van Cliburn international Piano Competitions, is intemationally acclaimed ai one of the world's great chamber ensembles.Since its formation in 1969 the Quartet has performed over 1,5OOconcerts on five ion tine nts a nd m ade num er ous recordings. Annual European tours take the Quar' tet to Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzer' land, the Netherlands,Franceand Great Britain. Future plans include tours to Norwav, Sweden and Poland. In 1983 the Qua rtet per f or m ed at m ajor Europeansummer festivals,including Salzburg,Edinburgh, Berlin, Lucerne, Flandersand Montreux. The Quartet has also appeared in Japan, Australia, South America, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In North America the Tokyo String Quartet's regular engagementsinclude pe rforma nces in Bos t on, Chic ago, Detroit, Montreal, Denver, Phoenix, Miami, SanFrancisco,Seattle,Los Angeles and Toronto. Annual appearances at the Mostly Mozart Festival,both at Lincoln Center and the Kennedv Center. and at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington,D.C., are addedto those at Yale and American Universities,where the membersare artists-in-residence. In the spring of Lgg+ the Quartet performed three concerts on Lincoln Cente r's "Gre at P er f or m er s " s er ies and closedCarnegieHallt "Great Quartets" seriesin April of this vear.
Members of the ensemble are violinists Peter Oundjian and Kikuei Ikeda, violist Kazuhide Isomura, and cellist Sadao Harada. Ikeda, Isomura and Harada were trained at the Toho Music Academy in Tokyo and later at The Juilliard School in New York. Oundiian, who joined t h e g r o u p i n J u n e i s 8 t , i s a native of Toronto, Canada,and received his master'sdegreefrom Juilliard.
The Tokyo String Quartet performs on four exquisite instruments created by t h e I t a l i a n l u t h i e r N i c o l d Am a ti b e t w e e n 1 6 5 6 a n d 1 6 T T , w h i ch h a ve beenloaned them by the CorcoranGallery of Art. The Quartet has recordedfor Deutsche Grammophon, CBS, Vox Cum Laude, Vanguard, RCA and Angel-EMI.
The TokyoStriugQuartet'sparticipationin theSueuthYan CliburnInteruationalPianoCowpetitionis wadepossible bygransfrow Mr. audMrs RobmM. BassandMr. andMr; kith Mixsou
FortWorth SymphonyOrchestra The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, foundedin 7925,isone ofthe mostDrogressiveand activeregionalorchesnisin the United States.Under the direction of Music Director John Giordano, the Fort Worth Symphonyhas brought great music to the people of the large metropolitan area it serves,and has expanded ihe musicalhorizonsof many thousands of music lovers in North Texas. The basisof the Orchestra'sactivity is its annual subscriotionseriesat Tarrant County Convention Center.In addition, there are concerts of popular music, open air performances,festival appearancesand extensivetouring to commu nitie s thro ughout Tex as . The Orchestra also tak-esoart each summer in the Ruidoso SummerMusic Festivalin New Mexico, and has appearedat the San Antonio International Festival. Among artists who have appeared recendy with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra are John Browning, Annie Fischer,Alicia de Larrocha,and the Gold Medalist of the Sixth Van Clibum International Piano Competition, Andr6Michel Schub.
Fort Worth ChamberOrchestra The Fort Worth Chamber Orchestrawas fou nd ed in L 976 by M r . G ior dano. Comprised of principal players of the Fort Worth Symphony, this classicalsized ensemble gives its own subscription series each year at Texas Christian University here in Fort Worth, and regularly performs in cities throughout Texas.In recent seasonsthe ensemble has traveled to Mexico, to Carnegie Hall, New York, and to San Antonio lor a Fesfivalappearance.Works have been especiallywritten for the Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra by Gian Carlo Menotti and Benjamin Lees.In the springof 1983 the Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra made a highly successfultour to the People'sRepublic of China and Hong Kong. The Orchestrat first recording, commemoratingthis historic tour, was recently released on the Canadian Sefellabel.
iswadepossible andSywphouy Orchestras in theSuenthYanCliburuluternational PiailoCowpetitiou bytheFortWorthChawber Participation (luue1);Mr. andMr; LeeA. (May31);Mrs.O. C.Anustroug bygran*t'rontheCliburnCouucil(May3o);SidWRichardsou Foundation (Juue Paulsel 2)
FortWorth SymphonyOrchestra
FortWorth ChamberOrchesfra
John Giordano MusicDirectorand Conductor
John Giordano MusicDirectorand Conductor Jose-LuisGarcia Pincipal GuestConductor
GeorgeDel Gobbo AssistantConductor
Violin I 'Robert Davidovici Concertmaster Mr and Mrl WilliawtS. DavisChair 'Andrew Hardy AssociateConcertmaster EkieMcKeuzieTaylorLardChair 'Marina Brubaker SywphouyLeagueChair 'Kenneth Schanewerk fusistant concertmaster BroohsMonis Chair -Marilyn Chandler 'Elizabeth Abbate 'Nancy Todd Weger Janet Bond Nancy Aan Helen Robertson Bruce Erwin Earl Hough Anna Dryer Jennifer Saleebey Violin II -Richard Pliler Principal SywphonyLeagueChair .Melanie Demer EvelyuWatsou Chair -Alice McDaniel Tumlinson Judith .Mikhail Barash Gretaand DavidM. Becherwan Chair Ruth Poindexter Vivian Potts Mary Collier Sylvia Stoddard Carol Falk Ruth Reed Andrea Tullis Viola .Osher
Green Principal Symphouy LeagueChair -David Hermann fusociate Principal -Thomas Demer .Scott Jessup Ruth Gibson Suzanne Hebert Sheila Madden Jone Baczewsh Don Miller Catherine Hom
Cello 'Wayne Burak Principal LeagueChair Symphouy 'Deborah Brooks Assistant Principal -Bonnie Gately .Monte Knutson Karen Hermann Haniet Woldt Auouymous Shelley Cimbalo Karen Roebuck Joanne Hall JaneMcCorrnick
Bass "JeffreyD. Stevenson Principal SidW Richardson Chair 'Robert Mclain AssociatePrincipal Dr. and Mrl LarryK, GreerChair Ed Rainbow Julie Vinsant Jeff Hall Fred Welker Kirby Nunez Flute Jan Crisanti Principal SidW.Richardson Chatr -Karen Adrian Cynthia Folio Piccolo .Karen Adrian Oboe Jan Eberle Principal Mrs. O. C. AflustrougChair -JaneOwen English Horn RogeneRussell Clarinet 'Andrew Crisanti Principal SidW, Richardsou Chnir Lohn Manry AssistantPrincipal BassClarinet Larry Thompson Bassoon .Kevin Hall Principal SidW,Richardson Chait .Charles Price AssistantPrincipal Contra Bassoon Kelbert Talor Mr. aud Mrl GarlaudM. Lasatu,Jr. Chair French Horn 'Tom Bacon Principal SidW.Richardson Chair -Cynthia Gray Lisa Launders Gordon Stangeland Terry Reynolds
Tiumpet tSteve Weger Co-Principal DorothyMea Chair -Don Thomas Co-Principal DorothyMea Chair John Nelson Tiombone Ron Wilson Principal LoukeMcFarlandChair John Mike Hayes BassTrombone Dennis Bubert Tuba Don Little Principal Naucy-L, andWilliataa P.Hallwat Chair Timpani .Jack Rumbley Principal Mr. andMr* E. M, Roseuthal Chair Deborah Mashburn Percussion Preston Thomas Principal Mr. and Mrs]ohu F. CranzChair Deborah Mashbum David Cook Harp Cynthia Greene Principal Mrl Harry B. Fiedman Chatr Keyboard CandaceBawcombe Principal Mr. and Mrl L. J. ScottChair Personnel Manager Don Thomas Librarian Karen Adrian Equipment Managers John Manry CharlesPrice
'Membeq Fon Worth Chanber
ExecutiveDirector Ann Koonsman
StanislawSkrowaczewski StanislawSkrowaczewski,Principal Conductor of the Halle Orchestrain Manchester.England,is distinguishedfor his interpretations of both the contemporary repeftoire and the great classical and romanfic literature. Bom in Lwow, Poland,he beganpiano and violin studies at the age of four, composedhis first symphonic work at seven,and at thirteen made his debut as a pianist and conductor.When an injury to his hands during a World War II bombing terminated his piano career,he turned to cornposition and conducting. A comp osit ion s t udent of Nadia Boulanger in Paris after the war and cofo un dir of t he av ant - gar de gr oup "Zodiaque)' Mr. Skrowaczewski won severalprizes in composition. By the e arly 19 5o s , his s y m phonic wor k s , including Sywphouyfor Stringsand Music at Night,were absorbedinto the European repertoire and later performed by the Philadelphia, Cleveland, New York and Chicago orchestras.His work Corcertofor Englkh Horn and Orchestra,presented at CarnegieHall in 't97o,has been recordedby Desto and played by leading orchestrasboth in America and Europe. Ricucari Notturni won the Kennedy Center FriedheimAward in 1978. ln 79 46 , St anis law Sk r owac z ews k i becamepermanent conductor of the Wroclaw (Breslau)Philharmonic and during the ensuingyearsservedasMusic Director of the Katowice Philharmonic (ts+s-ts s+), the Krakow Philharmonic (L954't956) and the WarsawNational Orch estra ( lgs e4s s s ) . He r ec eiv ed first prize in the International Competition for Conductorsin Romein 1956.In 1960, he was appointed Music Director of the Minnesota Orchestra, a Dost he held for nineteen years.
Durins the pastfwo decadeshe has resularlylonducted everv maior orchestia in Europe,the United States,Canada, Israel and South America. He made his American debut with the Cleveland Orchestrain 1958,his operadebut with the Vienna State Opera conducting Fidelioin -l-964and his Metrooolitan Opera debut with The Magic Flute in L969-7o.He has toured in Europewith the AmsterdamConcertgebouwOrchestra, the French National Orchestra, the Ha m b u r s R a d i o O r c h e s t r a , Wa r s a w -Orchestra, National and Israel Philharmonic, and has taken the Philadelphia O r c h e s t r at o L a t i n A m e r i c a a n d - t h e Cleveland Orchestra to Australia. He made his SalzburgFestivaldebut with the Vienna Philharmonicin L967.
pafticipationin theSueuthYan CliburuluternatioualPianoCotnpetitiou StanislawSlarowaczewshi's is wndepossible by a gnut frow the SidW.Richardsou Fouudariou
In recent seasons, he has conductedthe major American and Canadian orchestras and leading Europeanorchestras, a m o n g t h e m t h e N e w Y o r k Ph i l h a r monic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Boston Symphony,Los Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony, London Symphony, Orchestre de Paris, Toronto Symphony, Berlin Philharmonic, Berlin Radio Symphony, Munich Philharmonic, Frankfurt Philharmonic, Cologne Radio Symphony, BBC Symphony ind Vienna Symphony. During the L985-86season,in addition to his activities with the Halle Orchestra, Mr. Skrowaczewskiwill lead concerts of the Minnesota Orchestra, Vienna Symphony,Berlin Philharmonic and San FranciscoSymphony. In December of 1985, with the PhiladelphiaOrchestra, he will conduct the premiere of his Mol i n C o n c e r t o , c o m m i s s i o ne d b y th e Orchestra, with concertmaster Norman Carol assoloist.
Iohn Corigliano John Corigliano was commissionedto write the solo piano work for performanceby all competitorswho reachthe Semifinaisof the'seventh Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. He ha s title d his piec e "Fant as ia on an Ostinatol' One of the most frequently pe rforme d of t he y ounger Am er ic an composers, he is the son of the late John Corigliano, Sr., who was concertmaster of th e New Yor k Philhar m onic f or twenty-three years. The young John beganto composeand play the piano at an ea rly ag e. He s t udied wit h O t t o Luening at Columbia University and with Victor Giannini at the Manhattan Schoolof Music. Mr. Corigliano won a prize at The Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto,Italy, in 1 96 4 fo r a violin and piano s onat a which he wrote for his father. Sincethen his compositionshave covered a wide range oi forms, from Dylan Thomas poem settingsto works for two pianos, to concertos for assorted solo instruments and orchestra.Mr. Corielianohas receivedcommissionsfrom int'ernariona lly kno wn o r c hes t r as and s olois t s , including the New York Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony Orchestra and JamesGalway. Mr. Galway commissionedthe PiedPiper Fantasv, a concertofor flute and orchestra which was given its world premiere by the Lo s A ngeles Philhar m onic . Recently, Mr. Corigliano composed the Proweuade Ovefiurefor the celebration of the Boston SymphonyOrchestra'scentennial. His first full length opera has beencommissionedby the Metropolitan Operain honor of the recentcentennial. JamesLevine will conduct the world premiere in 19 89 . For his s c or e f or t he mofion pictwe Ahued SraresJohn Corigliano received both Academy Award and Grammy nominations.
Severalof Mr. Corigliano'sworks have been recorded,includingthe soundtrack for Akercd States,the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra and the Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra. In describing his approach to musical c om p o s i t i o n . M r . C o r i g l i a n o h a s observed:"lt has been fashionableof late for the artist to be misunderstood.I wish to be understood.I think it is the job of the composerto reachout to his audience with every means at his dispos a l . E v e n w h e n h e d e c i d e s t o u s e advancedtechniquesthat may be unfa' miliar, communication should be the primary goali'
Mr. Coriglianois now professorof music at Lehman Collegein New York and also on the composition faculty of the Manhattan School of Music. He joins a distinguished list of American composers w h o h a v e p r o v i d e d w o r k s fo r Va n Cliburn Competitions: 1962 Lee Hoibv Caviccioou Five Notes 1966 Willard Siraight Structure for Piano 1969 Norman Dello Joio Capiccioon theIntewalof a Second Aaron Copland Night Thoughts t97f (Howageto lves) 1977 SamuelBarberBallade 1981 Leonard BernsteinTouches
bya grantfronltheAwon C. CarterFoundation Thecowtuission on an Ostinatowaswadepossible for Fantasia
F.MurravAbraham F.Murray Abraham, winner of the Academv Award this vear for Best Actor for his portrayal of Salieri in Awadeus,is a na tive of El Pas o, Tex as . He won a drama scholarship to the University of Texasat II Paso,and later moved to Los Angeles.Equally at home in the theatre, in motion pictures and on television, Mr. Abraham has an enormousnumber of rolesto his credit. On Broadwayhe starred in the premiere of IsaacBashevisSinger'sTeibele aud Her Bad Habits,The Rirz and Dewot, Legend, TheMau in the GlassBooth.He appeared Off-Broadway in Andrei Serban'sproduction of UucleYanyaat LaMama and The Seasullat the Public Theatre. New York SliakespeareFestival appearances have included The Golen, Antigone,The MasterandMargueita andTheLandscape ot' th e Bo dy . Am ong m any ot her O f f productions have been The Broadwav '+l CaretakerThe Survivalof St. Joan. Little Murder1The Fantastichs, Rip Torn s RicLyd.III, TheDog RnuAway and LastChance >a100t4.
Mr. Abraham toured with Sandy Dennis in And Mks ReardonDriuhsa Little, and starred in the revival of The Goodbye Peopleat the Westport Playhouse.He played the title role in Center Stage's Television appearCyrauode Bergerac. ancesinclude star and guest roles in Sex aud theManied Wonan, Kojah and AII in theFamily.He also co-starredin NBC s MarcoPolo. Mr. Abraham repeated his stagerole in the motion Dicture of The Ritz. Other film credits include The Sundance Boys, The Pisonerof Second Avenue,All thePresident\ Men, Serpicoand Scaface.In addition to the Oscar,Mr. Abraham received the award for Best Actor in Awadeus from the Los AngelesFilm Critics, and earlier this year an Obie Award for his performancein UncleYanya
The appearance of F.MurrayAbrahawat theGalaAwardsis wadeposiblebya grantfrow Mr, andMr* Williaw E. MKay The GalaPresentation bygrantsfrom theFortWorthCleaingHouseAssociation, of Awardsand theperfonuances followingarewadepossible Mr. andMrs, LeeA. Paulselandfrow thePufonuiugArtsGrantPrograwwith supportof the ArtsCouucilof FortWorthand TanantCouuty, the City of Fofi Worth,theTexasCownissiorloh the Arts,and theI'lationalEndowment for the Arts.
from Andr6-MichelSchub A Message PianoCompetition Intemafional Clibum SixthVan the of Medalist Gold Henry Crossuan
M y p a r t j c i p a t i o ni n t h e t 9 8 l c o m p e ti tion was,without doubt,the mostexciti n g t i m e i n m y l i f e . f u a r e s u l to f th i s places ev"entI havetraveledto countless and made many musical friends throuehout the world. The Van Cliburn Comp-etitionaffordedme a platform asa solo irtist on many of the world's concert stages.My lifei dream of performing greit music and thus really.living -maturine with it is now a realiry. an? I t i s a p p r o p r i a t et h a t t h e V a n Cl i b u r n Compeiitionoccursin FortWorth. with its most generousand graciouspeople.I hope that everyoneconnectedwith the tsb I event will enjoy the warmth of this ciry asI have.
a-*; - il),,I-!, !,j,-(t
Van Cliburn International Piano Competitions
1 2 3 4 s o
1 2 3 4 5 o
r z 3 a 5 o z s
Ralph Votapek, USA Nikolai Petrov,USSR USSR Mikhail Voskresenski, Clcile Ousset,France Marilyn Neeley, USA SergioVarella-Cid,Portugal Arthur Fennimore,USA TakashiHironaka,Japan
Radu Lupu, Rumania Barry Snyder,USA BlancaUribe, Colombia Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito, Philippines RudolfBuchbinder, Austria BenediktKohlen, Germany
CristinaOrtiz, Brazll MinoruNojima,Japan MarkWestcott, USA USA GeraldRobbins, DianeWalsh,USA Michiko Fujinuma,Japan
Jury Members
Iury Members
Iury Members
LeopoldMannes,USA (Chairman of Jury) YaraBernette,Brazil JorgeBolet,USA Angelo Eagon,USA Rudolph Ganz,USA Don Luis Herrerade la Fuente,Mexico Motonari lguchi,Japan Milton Katims,USA Lili Kraus,New Zealand Lev Oborin, USSR LeonardPennario,USA SergeSaxe,USA (LocalChairman)
Howard Hanson,USA (Chairmanof Jury) JosephBenvenuti,France Reimar Dahlgrun, Germany Guillermo Espinosa,Colombia JozsefGat, Hungary ValentinCheorghiu,Rumania funi Kristjansson,Iceland Lili Kraus,New Zealand Alicia de Larrocha,Spain JeanMahaim, Belgium GeraldMoore, England Boyd Neel, Canada EzraRachlin,USA (LocalChairman) ClaudetteSorel,USA Marguerita Trombini-Kazuro, Poland BeveridgeWebster,USA Friedrich Wiihrer, Austria
EzraRachlin,USA (Chairman of Jury) Abram Chasins,USA Leon Fleisher,USA Peter Frankl, Great Britain Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer, France Bruce Hungerford, Austraha Motonari lguchi,Japan Mindru Katz,Israel ConstanceKeene,USA Lili Kraus,New Zealand LeonardPennario,USA
Henry Croswax
198 L
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 t 4
\4adimir Viardo, USSR Christian Zachaias, Germany Michael Houstoun, New Zealand Alberto Reyes,Uruguay Evgenii Korolev, USSR KrassimirGatev Bulgaria
StevenDe Groote, South Africa AlexanderToradze,USSR lefftey Swann,USA (tied) Christian BlackshawUnited Kingdom MichaelDalberto,France 5 (ried) Ian Hobson,United Kingdom AlexanderMndoyants,USSR
r Andr6-MichelSchub,USA 2 (tied) PanayisLyras,USA SantiagoRodriguez,USA a leffrey Kahane,USA s ChristopherO'Riley,USA 6 ZhuDa Ming, People'sRepublicof China
Iury Members
Iury Members
Iury Members
John Giordano,USA (Chairman of Jury) Abram Chasins,USA JamesDick, USA Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer,France John Hopkins,Australia ConstanceKeene,USA Lili Kraus,New Zealand FemandoLaires,Portugal EvseniiMalinin, USSR LeonardPennario,USA Mado Perlemuter,France Walter Susskind,USA Luis C. Valencia, Philippines
John Giordano,USA (Chairmanof Jury) Guido Agosti, Italy JamesDick, USA Rudolf Firkusny,USA Leon Fleisher,USA Alberto Ginastera,fugenrina LucreciaR. Kasilag,Philipprnes Lili Kraus,New Zealand Nikita Magaloff, Switzerland John Ogdon, United Kingdom LeonardPennario,USA Nicolai Petrov USSR PierreSancan,France Jos6Serebrier,Uruguay
John Giordano,USA (Chairman of Jury) MarcelloAbbado,Italy MauriceAbravanel,USA Abram Chasins,USA ValentinCheorghiu,Rumania France Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer, Lili Kraus,New Zealand Minoru Nojima, Japan LeonardPennario,USA Vlado Perlemutor,France Lucio SanPedro,Philippines EarlWild, USA Zhou Guang-Ren,People'sRepublicof China
Preparation for the Seventh Van Cliburn International Piano Competition involves hard work and dedication' Tuning the piano is just another item in months of preparation. But it's these details that ensure a successful performance. Recognizing the importance of details is the key to success in any competition, including business. Piano tuning isn't our business.Details are. At MBank Fort Worth, our attention to banking details is why many area orgat:'izations and individuals are consistent winners.
/! ttBonkFortworth Bank A Momentum
The Competitorsof the SeventhVan Cliburn Intemational PianoCompetition Name Dickran Atamian Dan Atanasiu Cristian Beldi Philippe Bianconi William Bloomquist Kathryn Brown David Buechner Hung-Kuan Chen Chia Chou MarieNodlle Damien Sergiode los Cobos Rian de Waal lora Dimitrova Barry Douglas fhomas Duis Jos6Feghali EduardusHalim Diane Hidy Ingrid Jacoby Youngho Kim Norman Krieger Paul Maillet Joel Martin Yuki Matsuzawa Kiroly Mocsiri Thomas Otten Ilan Rechtman SupanSavage K.athryn Selby Eun Soo Son Emma Takhmizian SharonJoy Vogan David Allen Wehr AndrewWilde Hans'Christian Wille Patti Wolf William Wolfram
Country Unired States Rumania Rumania France United States United States United States United States Canada Belgium Spain Netherlands Bulgaria United Kingdom West Germany Brazil Indonesia United States United States Korea United States United States United States Japan Hungary United States Israbl United States Australia Korea Bulgaria New Zealand United States United Kingdom West Germany United States United States
Age 29 29 27 25 28 23 25 27 25 23 28 27 22 25 26 24 23 26 26 28 28 27 t9 26 22 24 22 29 22 27 27 25 27 20 27 1.9 29
Dickran Atamian United States,age29 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
English Suiteno. 2 in A minorBWV eoz Sonatain C minorop. r3 "Path6tique" Balladeno. 3 in Afl,atop.+z Etudein B minorop.2 5 no. 10 Grande6tudede Paganini no. 6 in A minor
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Ravel
Sonatain A minor K.3 to Sonatain F minor op. 57 'Appassionata" Variations and Fugue on a theme of Handel op. 2+ Gaspardde la nuit
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Address: 4801 EastRoveyAvenue Scottsdale,Anzona 85253 Formal Debut: 1e76 Alice Tullv Hall. Lincoln Center Competitions and Awards: I975 Walter W Naumburg InternationalPiano Competition, First Prize Lg74 University of Maryland International Piano Competition, SecondPrize ProfessionalTraining: l97o-7 l OberlinConservatory of Music 797I-74 Universityof Texas,Austin Teachers: 1978-8oJorgeBolet L97L-77JohnPerry 1969-77Arnold Bullock Dickran Atamian was born in Chicaeo and now lives in Scottsdale,Arizona.Fe has appearedwith the Phoenix Symphony, the Detroit Symphony, the ClevelandOrchestra and the Omaha Symphony under the direction of such conductorsasJamesDe Preist,Eduardo Mata, David Zinman and Lorin Maazel. In recital Mr. Atamian has performed in San Fran cis c o,Los Angelesand New Yo rk. He h as been f eat ur ed in t wo national telecastsfor PBS, "Atamian SalutesKapell" and "An Eveningwith Dickran Atamianl' Recordingsinclude Stravinsky's"The Rite of Springl' Mr. Atamian is married, enjoys fumenian cooking, collecring Lincoln memorabilia and coachingbaseball.
Chopin Corigliano Prokofiev
Mazurkasop. 17 no. linBflat no.2inEminor no.4inAminor Polonaisein F# minor op. 44 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatano. 6 in Aop. 82
Finals Mozart Prokofiev
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.466 Piano Concertono. 3 in C op. ZO
Dan Atanasiu Rumania,age29 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
Chromatic Fantasyand FugueBWV 9o3 Sonatain D oP. 10 no. 3 Scherzono. 2 in B flat minor oP. 31 Etude in A minor oP. 2 5 no. 11 Etude d'ex6cufion transcendente no. 10 in F minor
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Prokofiev
Sonatain B flat K.l:: Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Sonatain B minor Sonata no' 7 in B flat oP' 83
Semifinals ChamberMusic Dvoi6k
Piano Quintet in A oP. 81
RecitalProgram Liszt Corigliano Chopin
Sonata in B minor Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonata in B flat minor oP' 3 5
Finals Mozart Chopin
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.q6e Piano Concertono. 2 in F minor op. 21
Address: Str. Dr. Romniceanu no. 6 SectorV Bucharest,RumaniaCOD zozzl, Formal Debut: Salledu Palais,Bucharest L968 Competitions and Awards: 1,984 MontreallnternationalMusic Competition' Iifth Prize DinoCiani ComPetitionfor 1983 YounePianists'Third Prize Intemational Frede'ricChopin l98o Piano ComPetition, Semifinalist 7978 BordeauxPiano ComPetition, Grand Prize 1977 MargueriteLong-Jacques Thi6aud lntemational Piano Competition, Fifth Prize ProfessionalTraining: L974-79Acad6miede Musique, Bucharest Teachers: 1969-85 Ana Pitis, Ioana Minei Dan Atanasiu was born in Timisoara and now lives in Bucharest.He has performed with the BucharestSymphony and the Tirzu Mures StatePhilharmonic Orchestra.-Asa recitalist he has performed in Milan and Bucharest.He has recorded for Radio Bucharest, and "iso made two recordings for "Electrehas cord" in Rumania. He isharried, speaks French,English,Italian and likes jazz.
Cristian Beldi Rumania,age27 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Partita no. 2 in C minor BWV szo Sonatain E ilatH.Nl/sz Scherzono. 1 in B minor op. 20 Etudein A minor op. 2 5 no. 11 Etude-tableauin E flat minor op. 39 no. 5
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Schubert Schoenberg
Sonatain I K.332 Sonatain A op. 1o1 Fantasiein C D.zoo "Wanderer" Drei Klavierstiickeop. 11
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms Address: 4 Placedu Cirque L204 G eneva, Switzerland Formal Debut: Bucharest,Rumania L976 Competitions and Awards: 1984 JoseIturbi InternationalPiano Competition,Iirst Prize Univlrsity of Maryland 7s84 InternationalPiano Comperition,SecondPrize AlessandroCasagrande L984 International Piino Competition, Third Prize Prem ioTom as s oni 1 98 I International Piano Competition,SecondPrize tq 83 Citti di Senigallia InternationalPiano Competition,FirstPrize
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Chopin Stravinsky Corigliano
Sonatain B flat minor op. 3 5 Three Movements ftom Petrushka Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Brahms
Piano Concertono. 24 in C minor K.491 Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. 83
Professional taining: 7965-77Collegeof Music, Bucharest 1,977 -g 1 StateConservatoryof Music, Bucharest 1.983-g 5 ConservatoireSup6rieurde Musique,Geneva Teachers: L983-85Harrv Dafvner 1.977- I I Gabriel Amiras 796 5-7 7 Ludmilla Popisteanu Cristian Beldi was born in Bucharest, Rumania. He has performed with the Maryland Fesrival Orchestra under the direction of Evan Whallon and with the Orchestra of the Hochschule fiir Musik conducted by Volker Wagenheim,and the Radio Orchestraof Rumania,under Alip i Na ide nov . I n r ec it al, he has appearedin Valencia, Bologna, Bucharestand Teplice.Mr. Beldiis marriedand speaksFrench,German,Italian, English, Bulgarianand Spanish.
PhilippeBianconi France,age25 Preliminaries Phase I
Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Debussy
Toccatain C minor BWV srr Sonatain C H.XVI/ro Balladeno. 1 in G rninorop. 23 Etudein A minorop.2 5 no. 11 Etudes. BookII: no. 9 "Pourlesnotesr6p6t6es"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Debussy
Sonatain C minor K.+52 Sonatain C minor op. 111 Mephisto Waltz no. 1 Estampes
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Schumann Ravel
Prokofiev Corigliano
Davidsbi.indlertanze op. 6 Miroirs: Noctuelles Une barque sur I'oc6an Sonatano. 3 in A minor op. 2 8 Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Brahms
Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.491 Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. 15
Address: 19 Rue Simart 75018Paris,France Competitions and Awards: 1981 RobertCasadesus Intemational Piano Competition, First Prize 1979 InternationalCompetition of Music,Munich. Finalist L977 InternationalCompetition of Young Musicians,Belgrade, First Prize ProfessionalTiaining: 1967-75Conservatoirede Nice L97o-77Lyc6eMass6na,Nice Teachers: 1977-84Gaby Casadesus 1,976-77 GabrielTacchino 197o-75 Mme. Delbert-F6vrier Born in Nice, Philippe Bianconi has appearedwith the Monte Carlo Orchestra, the Montpellier Orchestra and the Lille Orchestra under the direction of LawrenceFoster,Claude Bardon and As a recitalist he JeanClaude Casadesus. h a s p l a y e d i n P a r i s ,N u r e m b u r g a n d Rotterdam.He has recordedSchubert's "Winterreise" with Hermann Prey. Mr. Bianconiis single,speaksItalian, English and German and enjoys opera, theater ano mo!'res.
WilliamBloomquist UnitedStates,age28 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Scriabin
Partita no. r in B flat BWV ezs Sonatano. 2 in Aop. 2 Balladeno. 4 in F minor op. 52 Etude in G flat op. 10 no. 5 "Black Keys" Etudein D# minor op. 8 no. 12
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Scriabin
Sonatain B flat K.: a a Sonatain E op. 1o9 Vall6e d'Obermann Sonatano. 4 inF# op. 30
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Address: 600BarwoodPark,#zzo AUSiln,lexas /u / ) J Competitions and Awards: 1984 SanAntonio Intemational KeyboardCompetirion, Semifinalist 1983 Ima Hogg NarionalYoung fu rist Audition, Semifinalist 198o ShreveportSymphony-Nena Plant Wideman Annual Piano Competition, First Prize 7975 National CollegiateSoloist Competition, First Prize 1973 Las CrucesCivic Symphony Competition, First Prize Professional Training: 1974-78Universiryof Maryland, CollegePark 1.978-8oUniversity of Maryland GraduateWork 7983-85Universify of Texas,Austin Teachers: 1983-85Nancy Garrett 7974-8OThomas Schumacher 1,967-74Audrey Bart Brown William Bloomquist was bom in Douglas,Arizona. His orchestral engagements have included appearanceswith the Shreveport Symphony, the Las Cruces Symphony,and the National Symphony at Kennedy Center under the direction of such conductors as Patrick Flvnn, Marianna Gabbi and Murry Sidlin. Mr. Bloomquist likes chess,tennis, traveling and theater. He is married to a singer and they enjoy giving concerts together.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Beethoven Corigliano Liszt
Sonatain E op. 1o9 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain B minor
Finals Mozart Grieg
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.400 Piano Concertoin A minor op. 16
Kathrvn Brown United States,age23 PreliminariesPhaseL Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Uszt
EnglishSuite no. 3 in G minor BWV 8oB Sonatain D minor op. 31 no. 2 "Tempest" Balladeno. 4 in F minor op. 52 Etudein E op. 1o no. 3 Etude d'ex6cutiontranscendente no. 5 "Feux follets"
PreliminariesPhase2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Ravel
Sonatain A K.;: r Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Sonatain G minor op. 22 Valsesnobleset senfimentales
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Corigliano Mozart Chopin Lees
Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain A K.331 Andante spianatoand GrandePolonaise brillante in E flat op. 22 SonataBreve
Finals Mozart Prokofiev
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.466 PianoConcertono. 3 in C op.26
Address: 133 RampartWav #to+ EastLansing,Michigan48823 Competitions and Awards: 1984 A.rtisticAmbassadors,United StatesInformation Agency, Finalist '1"984 CatherineHerrick Cobb ScholarshipAward,FirstPrize 1984 Louis SudlerPrize for the Arts, First Prize Professional Training: 198o-84Michigan StateUniversiry 1,984-85 Michigan StateUniversiry, GraduateWork Teachers: 19I L- I 4 DeborahMoriarry 1982 JeaneanneDowis 1980 RalphVotapek Kathryn Brown, born in SaginawMichigan,madeher first public appearanceat age seven.She has performed with the LansingSymphony,and has givenrecitals at the Library of Congressin Washington, D.C.,at the AspenMusic Festival and in EastLansing,Michigan.A recent conceft tour took her to ten European countriesM . i s s B r o w n i s s i n g l e ,s p ea ks French,German and ltalian, and enioys meetingnew people.Her other interests include nature hikes, cooking and interior desisn.
United States,age2 5
PreliminariesPhase1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
Partita no. 1 in B flat BIW 825 Sonatain C minor op. 13 "Path6tique" Barcarollein F# op. 60 Etudein A flat op. 10 no. 10 Etude d'ex6cutiontranscendente no. 8 "Le chasseurmaudit"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Bart6k
Sonatain F K.slz/+s+ Sonatain A op. 1o1 Variationsand Fugueon a theme of Handel op. 24 Sonata
Semifinals ChamberMusic Dvoi6k Address: 295 Bennett Avenue #58 New York, New York too+o Formal Debut: L984 Kaufman Concert Hall, NewYork
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
RecitalProgram Franck Marrinff Corigliano Schubert
Prelude,Fugueand Variation op. 18 Fantaisieet Toccata Fantasiaon an Ostinato Fantasiein C D.zoo "Wanderer"
Finals Competitions and Awards: 7984 LeedslnternationalPianoforte Competition, Fifth Prize 1,984 Gina-Bachauerlntemational Piano Competition,FirstPrize rs83 Queen Elisibeth of Belgium InternationalMusic Competition, Ninth Prize
Mozart Rachmaninov
PianoConcertono.25 in C K.So: Piano Concertono. 1 in F# minor op.
Professional Training: L976-81,The Juilliard School LesL'85 The Juilliard School, Graduate Work Teachers: 198o-84Rudolf Firkusny 1976-80 BeveridgeWebster 1965-76ReynaldoReyes David Buechnerwas born in Baltimore, Maryland, and made his first public a pp ea ran ce at age s ix . O r c hes t r al engagements have included appearances with the New Orleans Philharmonic Orch estra, t he BBC Philhar m onic Orchestra, the Minneapolis Orchestra and the Utah Symphony.He has been married three years,and enjoysmovies, swimmingand reading.
i i
Hung-KuanChen United States,age 2z Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Iiszt
Chromatic Fantasyand FugueBWV soa Sonata in E flat op. 7 Polonaise-Fantaisiein A flat op. 61 Etude in Aminor op. 10 no. 2 Etude d'ex6cution transcendente no. 5 "kux follets"
PreliminariesPhase2 Mozart Beethoven Chopin Scriabin
Sonatain Sonata in Sonata in Sonatain
C minor K.457 B flat op. 106 "Hammerklavier" B flat minor op. 3 5 F# op. 51
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
Recial Program Schumann Liszt Ravel Bart6k Corigliano Scriabin
Gesinge der Frtihe op. 133 nos. 1 and 2 Sonata in B minor Gaspardde la nuit: Ondine Etude op. 18 no. 3 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain F# op. 53
Finals Mozart Prokofiev
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.466 Piano Concerto no. 2 in G rninor op. 16
Address: 1o8 CrescentStreet Auburndale, Massachusetts02 166 Formal Debut: 1984 Merkin Concert Hall. NewYork Competitions and Awards: 1983 futhur Rubinstein InternationalPiano Master Competition, SecondPrize Busoni Intemarional Piano L982 Competition, First Prize 1.982 GezaAnda Intemational Piano Competition, SecondPrize Professional Training: L973-75 StateCollegeof Music, Hannover 1975-77 StateCollegeof Music, Cologne 7977 -81 Boston University Teachers: 79 82-g5 Anthony diBonaventura 1981-82 Luis Batlle 197 7-g L Bela Bosormenyi'Nagy 1975-77 Alfons Kontarsky Hung-Kuan Chen, born in Taipei, Taiw a n , - h a sp e r f o r m e d w i t h s y m p h o n y orchestras in Montreal, Israel and Zuich. fu a recitalist he has performed in Yokohama,Munich, New Ybrk, Milan and Taipei. In Taiwan he made a recording of Chopin's twenfy-four Preludes, and he has made severalrecordingsof Beethoven and Brahms in West Germany. Mr. Chen is single and speaks Chinese,German and French.
ChiaChou Canada,age25
PreliminariesPhase1. Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Liszt
Partita no. 1 in B flat BWV 825 Sonata in E ilatH.KYl/ sz Scherzono.4 in E op. 54 Etude in A minor op. 10 no. 2 Etude de concert no.2 "Gnomenreigen"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Debussy
Sonatain D K.l rr Sonatain E flat op. 8la "LesAdieux" Variations and Fugue on a theme of Handel op. 24 Images:Book II
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms Address: Alexanderstrasse 52 Tooo Stuttgart 1 West Germany Formal Debut: 198o Ludwigsburglnternafional Schlossfestspiele Compefitions and Awards: 1981 SecondSvdnevInternational Piano Competition of Australia,FirstPnze 1980 MendelssohnPiano Cornpetition, First Prize L979 Citti di Senigallia InternationalPiano Competition, Third Prize Professional Training: 1973-76North Toronto Collegiate 1976-78 University of Toronto, Faculty of Music t978-85 StaatlicheHochschule ftir Musik, Stuttgart Teachers: 797 8-g5 Lieselotte Gierth Le72-7I Clifford Poole 1964-72 Carmelfuchambault Chia Chou was bom in Taipei, Taiwan. He has performedwith the'Los Angeles Philharmonic, Kammerorchestra, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Musicians and the Montreal Symp ho ny , under t he dir ec t ion of Loughran, Fdrber, Ajmone-Marsan, Katims and Dutoit. In recital he has appearedin Stuttgart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydneyand Toronto. Mr. Chou is single and speaksFrench,German and ltalian.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
Recital Program Corigliano Schumann Stravinsky
Fantasiaon an Ostinato Fantasiein C op. 17 Three Movements from Petrushka
Finals Mozart Beethoven
Piano Concertono. 24 in C minor K.491 Piano Concertono. 4 in G op. 58
Marie'Noille Damien Belgium, agez3 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Toccatain E minor BWV 914 Sonatain D op. 10 no. 3 Scherzono. 3 in C# minor op. 39 Etude in C op. 10 no. 1 Etude-tableauin A minor oD. 39 no. 6
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Scriabin
Sonatain E flatK. zgz Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Variations on a theme of Paganini op. 3 5 Book I Etudesop. 42 no. 3 in F# minor no. 4 in F# no. 5 in C# minor Sonatano. 4 in F# op. 30
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Scriabin
Ravel Corigliano Prokofiev
Etudesop. 42 no. 3 in F# minor no. 4 in F# no. 5 in C# minor Gaspardde la nuit: Scarbo Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatano. e in A op. sz
Finals Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.+91 Mozart Rachmaninov Piano Concertono. 3 in D minor op. 30
Address: Rue du Faisan39 B-zzoo Mouscron, Belgium Competitions and Awards: '1984 Masterolaverslnternational Piano Competition, First Prize 1983 Giam BattistaViotti International Competition of Music,SecondPrizl L974 Pro CMtate National Music Competition, First Prize ProfessionalTrainin g: 1978-8r ChapelleMisicale Reine Elisabeth 7977-78Conservatoryof Music, Brussels 1.974-77Conservatoryof Music, Ghent 7969-74Acad6miede Musique, Mouscron Teachers: L984 Boris Bechterev 1982 Irina Edelstein L974-8I Abel Matthys 7969-74 BernardGhesquiere Marie-Nodlle Damien made her first public appearanceat eight and her first television appearanceat twelve. She has performed with the Anvers Philharmonic Orchestraand the BrusselsConservatoryOrchestra.Miss Damien is single and speaksGerman and English.She enioys Agatha Christie novels, swimming and-takingwalks.
Sergiode los Cobos Spain,age28 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Debussy
Toccata in E minorBWVst+ Sonatain C H.XVI/so no. 3 in C# minorop. 39 Scherzo Etudein B minorop.2 5 no. 10 Etudes, BookII: no. 7 Pourlesdegr6es chromatiques
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Ravel
Sonatain F K.zeo Sonatain E op. 1o9 Aprds une lecture de Dante Miroirs: Alboradadel gracioso
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann Address: 1 Nant de Cuard CH-tztl Onex Geneva,Switzerland Formal Debut: 7978 Geneva,Switzerland Compefitions and Awards: YoungConcertArtists 1984 InternationalAuditions, Semifinalist 7984 Washingtonlnternational Competition,Semifinalist InternationalPiano Ig83 Competition,Epinal,France, Fourth Prize 1,981, Busoni InternationalPiano Competition, Semifinalist Professional Training: 1977-83Conservatoireof Geneva 1,98f-84Rice University,Houston Teachers: 1983-85JohnPerry 19I L-83 EduardoVercelli 7977-8 I Louis Hiltbrand Sergiode los Coboswasborn in Geneva, Switzerland.In Genevahe has appeared with the Collegium Academicum and the Orchestre du Conservatoire, and in Houston with the Shepherd Symphony Orch estra. He is s ingle and s peak s French, English and Russian.He likes reading,hiking, skiingand breadbaking.
Piano Quintet in E flat op. ++
RecitalProgram Messiaen Corigliano Beethoven AIb6niz
Vingt regardssur l'enfant J6sus: no. 11 Premidrecommunion de la vierge Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain E op. 1O9 F6te-Dieu i S6ville
Finals Beethoven Chopin
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. 19 Piano Concertono. 2 in F minor op. 21
Rian de Waal Netherlands,age26 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
Toccatain E minor BWV qr+ Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Polonaisein F# minor op. 44 Etude in C op. 1o no. 1 Grande 6tude de Paganini no. 3 in G# minor "La Campanella"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Prokofiev
Sonatain E ilatKjaz Sonatain C op. 53 "Waldstein" Sonatano. 2 inF# minor op. 2 Sonatano. z in B flat op. 83
Semifinals ChamberMusic
PianoQuintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Mendelssohn Preludeand Fugueno. 1 in E minor op. 35 Brahms Sonatano. 2 inF# minor op. 2 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Corigliano Godowski Symphonic metamorphosison themes from JohannStrauss'Kiinstlerleben
Address: 2 Van der Helststraat13 1o73AE, Amsterdam,Netherlands Competitions and Awards: 1983 Queen Elisabethof Belgium lnternationalMusic Competition,SeventhPrize
Finals Mozart Tchaikovsky
Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.+gt Piano Concerto no. 1 in B flat minor op. 2 3
Professional Training: 1.97 6-82 SweelinckConservatory Teachers: 7976-85 Edith Lateiner-Grosz L984 Rudolf Serkin Leon Fleisher 7983 Rian de Waal was born in Welkom, South Africa, and made his first public appearanceat the age of six. He has appearedwith the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, the Noordelfk Philharmonic Orchestra, the North Holland Philharmonic Orchestra, the Residentie Orchestra and the Rotterdam Orchestra under the direction of Giora Bernstein, Vladimir Valek, Roelof van Driesten, Hans Vonk and Heinz Friesen.Mr. de Waal is single,speaksEnglish,German and French,and enjoysreading,cooking ano swlmmrng.
Lora Dimitrova Bulgaia, age22 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
Partita no. 4 in D BWV s28 Sonatain E fl,at op.7 Balladeno. 3 in Afl,at op.47 Etude in A flat op. 10 no. 10 Etude d'ex6cution transcendenteno. 12 in B flat minor "Chasseneige"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Shostakovich
Sonatain D K.; rr Sonatain C op. 53 "Waldstein" Etudessymphoniquesop. 13 Prelude and Fugue no. 24 in D minor op 8 7
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann
Address: Complex "Tolstov" Bl. ri, Entr. G 1220 Sofia,Bulgaria Formal Debut: Apnl 2L, Le76 Competitions and Awards: 7984 J. S.Bach Intemational Comoetifion Ig77 YoungVrtuoso of Piano, Czechoslovakia Professional Training: 19 8O-84BulgarianStateConservatory Teachers: 7980-84 Konstantin Ganev 1973-8OMilena Kutteva Lora Dimitrova, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, has made several orchestral and recital appearancesat the Bulgarian State Conservatory.She has also appearedon Bulg aria n te levis ion and r adio. She made her first public appearanceat the ageof eleven.Miss Dimitrova is single aid speaksEnglish.
Piano Quintet in E flat op. 44
Recital Program
Bach Beethoven Hermann Corigliano
Chromatic Fantasyand Fugue BWV soa Sonatain C op. 53 "Waldstein" Toccata Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Beethoven
Piano Concerto no. 24 in C minor K.4gt Piano Concertono.4 in G op. 58
BarryDouglas United Kingdom, age25 Preliminaries Phase I Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Schumann
Partita no. 5 in G BWV s29 Sonatain E fl,at op.7 Scherzono. 3 in C# minor op. 3e Etudein A minor op. 2 5 no. 11 "Winter Wind" Toccatain C op. 7
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Scriabin
Sonatain C K.: to Sonatain A flat op. 11O Aprds une lecture de Dante Sonatano. 4 inF# op. ]o
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Beethoven Corigliano Mussorgsky
Sonatain A flat op. uo Fantasiaon an Ostinato Pictures from an Exhibition
Formal Debut: 1981 Wigmore Hall, London
Finals Beethoven Brahms
147 Agincourt Avenue BelfastBTzTQO Northern Ireland
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. 19 Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. t 5
Competitions and Awards: 1983 futhur Rubinstein InternationalPiano Master Competition,SilverMedal 7982 WorshipfulCompanyof Musicians,Medalist 1981 Sixth Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competirion, Jury Discretionary Award 1980 PalomaO'SheaInternational Piano Competirion,First Classification ProfessionalTraining: l97o-78 BelfastSchoolof Music 1.978-82RoyalCollegeof Music, London Teachers: '1,981-85 Maria Curcio Diamand 1978-82John Barstow I97 5-78BertramJones BarryDouglas,born in Belfast,Northern Ireland,made his formal debut in 1981 in London wherehe now resides.He has since performed with the London Symphony, the Radio Chamber Orchestra and the Roval Liverpool Philharmonic with Sir Chirles Groves. Mr. Douglas is single,speaksFrench and enjoys poetry by SeamusHeany and SylviaPlath.
ThomasDuis West Germany, age 26 Preliminaries Phase I
Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
Partita no. s in G BWV szs Sonatain B flat op.22 Balladeno. 1 in G minor op. 23 Etude in C op. 10 no. 1 Etude d'ex6cution transcendente no. 10 in F minor
PreliminariesPhase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Prokofiev
Sonatain D K.sze Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Sonatano. I in C op. 1 Sarcasms op. 17
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms Address: Herlenstueckshaag24 6233 Kelkheim West Germany Formal Debut: 1,964 Cologne,West Germany Competitions and Awards: LeedslnternationalPianoforte 7984 Competition, SeventhPrize Pretoria Intemational Piano 1984 Competition, Fourth Prize 1983 PremioTomassoni International Piano Competition, SecondPrize 1983 Athens Intemational Piano Competition, SecondPrize 7983 University of Maryland International Piano Competition, Fourth Prize 1982 Vercdlli International Piano Competition, SecondPrize 1,s82 CittidiSenigallia International Piano Competition, SecondPrize Professional Training: 1967'7 6 KonservatoriumWiesbaden (Meisterklasse) 197 8-8 6 Musikhochschule,Hannover Teachers: 197 8-85 Karl-Heinz Kdmmerling 7976-78FannyWaterman 1967-76Kurt Gerecke Thomas Duis, bom in Frankfurt, made his first public appearanceat the age of seven.He has performedwith orchestras in Pretoria, Colome, Athens and Vercelli. Mr. Duis is iingle, speaksEnglish and French, and likes literature, sports and modern music.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Corigliano Fantasiaon an Ostinato Rachmaninov Variations on a theme by Corelli op. +z Prokofiev Sonatano. 6 in A op. 82 Finals Mozart Brahms
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.4eo Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. 15
Ios6Feghali Brazil, age24 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Haydn Chopin Liszt Chopin
EnglishSuite no. 2 in A minor BWV eoz Sonatain E flat H.XVI/sz Scherzono. 1 in B minor op.2o Grande6tude de Paganini no. 6in A m i n o r Etude in C oo. 10 no. 1
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Chopin Berg
Sonatain D K.: rr Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Fantaisiein F minor op. 49 Sonataop. 1
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Piano Quintet in A op. s1
RecitalProgram Schumann Corigliano Prokofiev
Carnaval op. 9 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatano. 7 in B flat op. 82
Address: 6 StanhopeAvenue London N3 3IX, England Formal Debut: FairfieldHall, London 1980
Finals Mozart Tchaikovsky
Piano Concertono. 24 in C minor K.+gt Piano Concertono. 1 in B flat minor op. 23
Competifions and Awards: YoungConcert futists 1984 InteriationaiAuditions, Winner Dudley Piano Competition, 1982 First Prize 1981 GreaterLondon futs AssociationCompetirion, Winner InternationalYoungfutist 1980 Competition / Tunbridge Wells, First Prize I979 Queen SophiaInternational Piano Competition, SecondPrize Professional Training: 7978-82RoyalAcademyof Music, London Teachers: lg7 8-85 ChristopherElton 1976-80Maria Curcio Diamand Jos6Feghahwas born in Rio de Janeiro at and mide his first public appearance the age of five. Orchestral engagements have taken him to Rio, Bedworth, Dudley and London wherehe hasperformed under the direction of Carlos Veiga, P h i l i p J o n e s , C h r i s t o p h e r R o b i n sd n , Graham Stockwell and Howard Williams.Mr. Feghaliis singleand speaks E n e l i s h a n d S p a n i s h . H i s i n te r e sts tabletennis,philosincludeelectronics. ophy, psychologyand parapsychology.
Eduardus Halim Indonesia, age23 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Partita no. 4 in D BWV 828 Sonatain A flat H.XW/+e Polonaisein F# minor op. 44 Etude in G# minor op.25 no. 6 Etude-tableauin D op. 39 no.9
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Prokofiev
Sonatain B flat K.570 Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Variationson a theme of Paganiniop. 3 5 BooksI and II Sonatano. 2 in D minor op. 14
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Brahms Address: 319West zSthSneet#SA New York, New York looz: Formal Debut: 1975 Lyceum Christian Hall, Jakarta Competitions and Awards: 1984 Gina BachauerIntemarional Piano Competition, SpecialAward 7s84 liniversity of Maryland International Piano Competition, Third Prize 7984 Young Concert Artists International Audirions, First Prize 1,983 D'Angelo Intemational Young ArtisiCompetition, First Priz6 1983 Helen Hart Intemational Piano Comperition, SecondPrize 1982 BergenPhilharmonicPiano Competition, First Prize 7982 Vina-delMar Intemational Piano Competifion, Third Prize' Professional Training: l98o-85 The JuilliardSchool Teachers: 198o-85 SaschaGorodnitzki 1980-85 JamesBarbagallo 797I -80 StephenSulungan 1,975-78 SusawChing l97o-75 A Becalel Ed ua rdu s Halim , bor n in Banduns , Indonesia, has appearedwith the Ind6nesian Symphony, the Vina del Mar Orchestra,the Grand RapidsSymphony, the BersenPhilharmonicand the Erie Philharhonic Orchestrasunder such co nd uctor s as Adhi- Dar m a, I s idor Hendl, Semyon Bychkov, Peter Leonard and Walter Hendl. Mr. Halim is married, speaksEnglish and Mandarin. He enjoys soccer,carpentry,jazz, moviesand good tood.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Schumann Prokofiev Corigliano
Davidsbiindlertinze op. 6 Sonatano. 2 in D minor op. 14 Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Rachmaninov
Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.+gt Piano Concertono. 3 in D minor op. 30
DianeHidy United States,age26 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Scriabin
English Suite no. 2 in A minor BWV soz Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Scherzono. 3 in C# minor op. 39 Etude in G flat op. 10 no. 5 'BlackKeys-' Etudein C# minor op.42 no. 5
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Chopin Ravel
Sonatain DK.szo SonatainAop. 1o1 Ballade no. 4 in F minor op. 52 Gaspardde la nuit
Semifinals Chamber Music
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34 Address: 5oz North Madison Avenue Pasadena, Califomia 9 1101
RecitalProgram Ravel Corigliano Schumann
Gaspardde la nuit Fantasiaon an Ostinato Etudessymphoniquesop. 13
Finals Mozart Brahms
PianoConcertono. 25 in C K.fol PianoConcertono. I in D minor op.
Competitions and Awards: L982 Music TeachersNational Association Collegiate Artist Competition, First Prize 1982 loanna HodgesInternafional Piano Competition, First Place 1981 Califomia YoungArtist Award, Grand Prize ProfessionalTiaining: re78-7e The Juilliard School 1979-83Universityof Southem Califomia 79s3 -84 PeabodyInstitute Teachers: L979-85John Perry 1983-84Leon Fleisher leonard Shure Diane Hidy was bom in San Francisco. S h e h a s m a d e c o n c e r t a p p e a r a n ce s t h r o u g h o u t C a l i f o r n i a , p e r fo r m i n g under the direction of such conductors as Ben Eby, Samuel Grobach, Donald Jaegerand GerardSchwarz.Sheis single, s p e a k sF r e n c h , a n d e n j o y s a er o b i cs, swimming,hiking and reading.
Ingrid facoby United States.age26 Preliminaries Phase I Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Partita no. 2 in C minor BWV 826 Sonatain D op. 10 no. 3 Barcarollein F# op. 60 Etude in C op. to no. t Etude-tableauin D op. 39 no. 9
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Falla
Sonatain B flat K.;l: Sonatain E op. 1o9 Kreislerianaop. 16 FantasiaBaetica
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Brahms Address: 1r Carlingford Road GardenFlat Hampstead London NW; rRY, England Formal Debut: 1980 CarnegieRecitalHall, New York Competitions and Awards: 198o-81Concert ArristsGuild Competition, First Prize L979 Gina BachauerIntemarional Piano Competirion, Fourth Prize L979 University of Southem Califomia Graduate Piano Competition, First Prize lg79 Steinway Hall Artists Prize, First Prize 1978 Walter W Naumburg InternationalPiano Comnefition,Semifinalist 1973 Baldwin National MTNA Auditions, FirstPrize Professional Training: 1.973-77St. Louis Conservatoryof Music 1979-81.Universiryof Southem Califomia Teachers: 1981-85 BenjaminKaplan L977-gIJohnPerry 1,97o-77 LarisaGorodecka Ingrid Jacoby,born in St. Louis, made her debut recital at age twenfy-one in CarnegieRecitalHall, New York.Shehas ap pe are dwith t he Zur ic h Cham ber Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the St. Louis Philharmonic Orchestra and the Saint Louis Symphony under the direction of such conductors as Edmonde de Stoutz, Andr6 Bernard, Robert Hart Baker and Leonard Slatkin. Miss Jacoby is rnarried, speaksSpanish,and enjoys reading listening to records,and photography.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
Recital Program Bach-Busoni
Debussy Corigliano Mussorgsky
Chaconne in D minor Estampes: Jardins sousla pluie Fantasiaon an Ostinato Pictures ar an Exhibition
Finals Beethoven Rachmaninov
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. 19 Piano Concertono. 2 in C minor op. 18
YounghoKim Korea,age28 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Partita no. r in B flat BWV sz s Sonatain F H.XYI/23 Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat op. 61 Etude in A minor op. 10 no. 2 Etude-tableauin B minor oD. 39 no. 4
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Ravel
Sonatain t K.lzz Sonatain C op. 53 "Waldstein" Variations and Fugue on a theme of Handel op. 2+ Miroirs: Oiseauxtristes Une barquesur I'oc6an Alborada del gracioso
Chamber Music Dvoi6k
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
Address: 3o2o Edwin Avenue #1A Fort Lee,New Jerseyo7o24
RecitalProgram Chopin Prokofiev Corigliano
Sonatain B flat minor op. 3 5 Sonatano. z in B flat op. 83 Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Rachmaninov
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.4oe Piano Concertono. 2 in C minor op. 18
Formal Debut: 1983 TerraceTheater, Washington, D.C. Compefifions and Awards: 1984 Piano Teacher'sCongress Competifion, First Prize 1983 Helen Hart Intemarional Piano Competition, First Prize 1983 Manhattan Schoolof Music Concerto Competition, Co-winner LiederkranzFoundation L982 ScholarshipAwards,First Prize Professional Training: 1,e74-8oThe Juilliard School 1982-85Manhattan Schoolof Music Teachers: 1982-B5 SolomonMikowsky 198o-82Herbert Stessin I 974 -8o SashaGorodnitzki YounghoKim wasbom in Seoul,Korea. H i s o r c _ h e s t r a le n g a g e m e ! t s _ tta ve included appearanceswith the Korea Svmohonv in Seoul, the Korea SymSvmSymphony phony of New York, the Manhattan Symphony and the Owensboro Symphonv tr D hOnV under U nder the direction of Bruce i-r reroen and ano Leon Leon Gregorian. Mr. Kim is Ferden m a r r i e d , s p e a k sE n g l i s h , a n d e n j o ys tennis and swimming.
NormanKrieger United States,age28 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Chromatic Fanrasyand FugueBWV qof Sonatain A op.2 no.2 Balladeno. t in G minor op. 23 Etudein B minor op. 2 5 no. 10 Etude in E flat op. 3] no.2
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Berg
Sonatain C K.3lo Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" HungarianRhapsody no. 6 in D flat Sonataop. 1
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann
Address: 484West+lrd,Street#:lC NewYork,NewYork 1oo3o FormalDebut: 1979 CamegieHall,NewYork
Piano Quintet in E flat op. 44
Recital Program Chopin Polonaisein F# minor op. 44 Beethoven Sonatain D minor op. 31 no. 2 Corigliano Fanrasiaon an Osrinito Rachmaninov Prelude in G op. 32 no. 5 Liszt Aprds unelecture de Dante
Competitionsand Awards: Finals 1,984 LeedsIntemationalPianoforte 19 83 1 981
Competition, SecondRound Affiliate Artists Competition, First Prize Sixth Van Cliburn Intemational Piano Competition, Semifinalist
Professional Trainine: re72-81.The JuilhardSchool Teachers: Teachers: 1972-8I Adele Marcus 198O-81EstherLipton Norman Krieger, born in Los Angeles, has made concert appearanceswith the Youngstown-Symphbhy, the Bridgeport Symphony,the lrvington Symphonv,the Honolulu Symphonyand the Los AneeIes Philharmonic under the directi-on of such conductors as Peter Leonard, Gustav Meier, JamesSadewhite,Donald Johanos and Myung-Whun Chung. Mr. Kriegeris singleandspeaksGermai. His interestsinclude swimming, pkfdiving, gourmet cooking, theater, dance and people.
Mozart Brahms
Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.491 Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. 15
other and daughterwalked hand-in-handalongthe sidewalks of SundanceSquare,occasionallywanderinginto one of the tum-of-the-century buildings and re-emergingwith a new package.They made their way leisurely from one of the Square'smany restaurants,where they had enjoyed hamburgersand fresh peanuts,laughingas they joined in the customof throwing the shellson the floor. "Look, mommy!" the little girl cried, "Horsesl' The huge, shaggy hoovesof the Clydesdaleechoedloudly againstthe red-brick street as the magnificentanimal pulled acarnageproudly pastthem. "Can we go for a ride, mommy?" sheaskedexcitedly. "Maybe after we meet daddy at his officel' The two of them looked acrossthe streetat the wo shining towersthat seemedto riseto the clouds. ((n ,,^^ /1 ^^ ^-^----) ---^ -1' ^ top, -^^ -^,-^L we touch mommyl Can Can we go to the the skyl" "Well]' her mother laughed,"I'm not sure they go quite that highi' City Center: downtown FortWonh's principaldevelopment with 1.5 million squarefeet of office space, 55,000squarefeet of retailspace,world-classhotel and meeting facilities. Never before has any place been more appropriatelynamed.
Cruv CpNrBn
lassical music drifted down from the mezzanine, the no^tes almostin harmonywirh the gentlesoundof the two waterfalls UeninOthem. "Tlie meal was wonderful]' she said, "ur.uJin* slipping her arm through his as they strolledfrom Reflections restaurantto the hotel lobbY. He stoppedand put his hand over hers. 'Are you.reallyagexcited about this move as I am?" he asked,a shadeof worry crossinghis face' She reachedup to straightenhis tie in a reassuringgesrure."Of courseI am]' shesaid."Everybody'ssofriendly;it's a vibrant,growingcommunity; and vour new City Center offices are just perfect. Besidesl'she added with a smile, "with this hotel right acrossthe street, SundanceSquareis the perfect place to open the boutiqueI've beendreamingabouti' iiw Center:downtownFon \\brch'sprincipaldevelopment with 1.5 million squarefeet of office space' 55,000squarefeet of retail space,world-classhotel and meeting facilities. Never before has any place been more appropriatelynamed.
Ctrv Cpvrpn ca||81713903700 ofBassBmthm Entnpriss, Inc. For leasinginformation, A diz:ision
he Texas sun met him with a warrn embraceas he emerged from the cool, impressivebuilding. It was a productiveday, he thought,ashe smiledand loosenedhis tie. His exhilarationwas enhancedby the realizationthat Ciry Center addressedhis needsso well, providing both an effective businessenvironment and the recreationthat accompaniessuccess:a privateclub with gourmetrestaurant and state-of-the-artfitness facilities, sophisticatedoffice spaceand every convenienceimaginable. Then, as though advancingto the past, he crossedthe red bricks of Main Street to historical SundanceSquareand looked back at the silver towers reflecting the golden sunset. Standing in the center of this growing city, he knew that the decision to move his businessto Ciw Center had been the right one. Ciry Center: downtown Fon Wonh's principaldevelopment with 1.5 million squarefeet of office space, 55,000squarefeet of retail space,world-classhotel and meeting facilities. Never before has any place been more appropriatelynamed.
Crrv CBvrpn
i! li
PaulMaillet United States,age 27 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Prokofiev
Parfita no. f in G BWV szs Sonata in B flat op.22 Polonaise-Fantaisiein A flat op. 61 Etude in C# minor op. 10 no. 4 Toccata in D minor op. 1L
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Rachmaninov Bart6k
Sonatain B flat K.lzo Sonata in A flat op. 11o Sonata in B flat minor op. 36 Sonata
Semifinals ChamberMusic Dvoi6k
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
Recital Program iiil "-i:l:.
!: t:i:
Mozart Beethoven Corigliano Prokofiev Brahms
Rondo in D K.48 5 Sonafa in E flat op. 8la "Les Adieux" Fantasiaon an Ostinato Toccata op. 1.1 Variations and Fugue on a theme of Handel op. 2+
Finals Mozart Rachmaninov
Piano Concertono. 2 5 in C K.soa Piano Concerto no. 3 in D minor op. 30
Address: 274West Monument Sneet #Z Baltimore, Maryland zrzor Competitions and Awards: 1984 University of Maryland Intemational Piano Competition, Semifinalist 1984 LeedslntemationalPianoforte Competition, SecondRound Prize 1982 ShermanClay Steinway Competition, First Prize Lg82 Peabbdv Concerto Competition, First Prize 1982 Gina BachauerIntemational Piano Competition, Semifinalist 1980 EastmanConcerto Competition, First Prize Professional Trainins: 1976-80EastmanScFoolof Music 1980-85 PeabodvInstitute Teachers: 1980-85Leon Fleisher L976-80CecileGenhart 7978 John Perry 1.s74-7 6 Andrew Mihalso L972-74Karl Leifheit Paul Maillet, bom in Colorado Springs, has made concert and recital appearancesin Long Beach, Baltimore, San Antonio, Stanford (Connecticut), Rochester, Pommersfelden (West Germany) and Athens. In the spring of tggs Mr. Maillet was visitins fusistant Professor of Piano at the Eastman School of Music. He is single and speaksFrench and German. Mr. Maillet's interests include theater, film and books.
Ioel Martin United States,age 19 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Schumann Chopin
Italian ConcertoBIVV 971 Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Scherzono. 1 in B minor op. 20 Toccatain C op. 7 Etude in C minor op. 10 no. 12 "Revolutionary"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Prokofiev
Sonatain C K.t to Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Sonatain B minor Sonatano. 7 in B flat op. 82
Semifinals ChamberMusic Dvoi6k Address: 2O1 Ravine Avenue #4N Yonkers,NewYork tozot Formal Debut: 7976 University of Maryland, EasternShore Competifions and Awards: 1984 Vincent de Frank National Piano Competirion,Special Recognition 7984 EmersonStringQuartet StudentCompetirion,Winner Ig83 BaltimoreSymphony Orchestra Youth Audition, FirstPrize 1,982 TourgeeDeBoseNational Piano Competition, First Prize 1,982 PhiladelphiaOrchestraJunior Piano Competition, First Prize 1982 Young Concert Artists InternationalAuditions, Finalist Professional Tiaining: I979-84 WashingtonSeniorHigh School,PrincessAnn, Maryland 7983-84Hartt Collegeof Music, University of Hartford 1984-85StateUniversiryof New York at Purchase Teachers: 1,9I 4-85 Natalie Hinderas 7983-84RaymondHanson Moshe Paramov 1982-83SusanStarr Ursula Oppens 198O-83Natalie Hinderas JoelMarrin.bom in Raleieh,North Carolina,rnadehis firstpubliiappearance ar the a ge of n ine. He has m ade s olo appearanceswith the Baltimore Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Delaware Symphony under the direction of conductors such as Alan Balter,William Smith and StephenGunzen ha user.M r . M ar t in is J inele and speaksGerman and French. He is inter' estedin dogs,basketball,museumsand composingmusic.
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
RecitalProgram Bach Corigliano Liszt Chopin
ChromaticFantasyand FugueBWV soa Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain B minor Balladeno. 3 in Aflat op.47
Finals Beethoven PianoConcertono. 2 in B flat op. lo Rachmaninov Rhapsodyon a theme of Paganiniop. 43
Yuki Matsuzawa Iapan, age26 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Liszt
Italian ConcertoBWV szt Sonatain C op.2 no. 3 Scherzono. 2 in B flat minor op. 31 Etude d'ex6cution transcendente
no. 5 "Feuxfollets" Etudein F op. 10no. 8
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Scriabin
Sonatain B flat K. r r I Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Aprds une lecture de Dante Sonatano. 5 inF# op. 53
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
RecitalProgram Corigliano Beethoven Chopin
Fantasiaon an Osfinato Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Sonatain B flat minor op. 3 5
Finals Beethoven Prokofiev
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. te Piano Concerto no. 3 in C op.26
Address: 63 St. Quintin Avenue London,W1o 6NZ, England Competitions and Awards: L984 Montreal lnternational Music Competition, Ninth Prize t983 Queen Elisabethof Belgium InternationalPiano Competition, Semifinalist 1 9 8 3 Maria CallasInternational Music Competition, SecondPrize L982 Monza Intemational Piano Competition, SecondPrize 1982 Busoni International Piano Competition, Finalist 1982 Marii CanalsIntemational Music Competition, Third Prize Professional Training: 7977-gLTokyo Universiw of Fine Arts and'Music Teachers: 1983-85 Philip Fowke 7982-83 Sulamita fuonovsky L977-BLHiroshiTamura Yuki Matsuzawa, born in Tokyo, Japan, hasmade concert and recital appearancesthroughout Holland and England. She is singleand speaksEnglish,German, Spanishand French. Her favorite books are on the subjectsof philosophy and psychology.Miss Matsuzawa enjoys reading,traveling, and track and field.
K6rolyMocsiri Hungary, age22 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Liszt
ltalian ConcertoBWV 971 Sonatain C minor op. 13 "Path6tique" Ballade no. 2 in F op. 38 Etude in C# minor op. 10 no. 4 Etude de concert no. 2 in F minor "Lalegglerezza"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Prokofiev
Sonatain A K.: ro Sonatain F minor op. 57 'Appassionata" Fantasyand Fuguein G minor "B.AC.H:' Sonatano. 3 in Aminor op. 28
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann Address: 22oo MoDor N6meth Agostonutca 6 Hungary
Recital Program
Competitions and Awards: 1984 Montreal InternationalMusic Competition, Fifth Prize Lg83 Marii CallasInternational Music Competition,Diploma and Medal 1982 Tchaikovskylnternational Competition 1982 Marii CanalsInternational Music Competirion, SecondPrize 1981 Liszt-Bart6klnternational Piano Competition, SpecialPrize
Balakirev Corigliano Liszt
Professional Training: I97 2-84 tranz Liszt Academy of Music Teacher: 7973-84Gyorgy Nidor K6roly Mocs6ri,born in Budapest,Hungary,made his first public appearanceat eig ht. His o r c hes t r al engagem ent s include appearanceswith the Montreal SymphonyOrchestraand the Budapest Symphony Orchestra under the direction of such conductors as Franz-Paul Decker and Janos Kr6'lik. Mr. Mocs6ri is singleand speaksEnglish,German and Iapanese.He likes cats,carsand all kinds ofbooks.
Piano Quintet inE fl,at op. 44
Polichinelle op. 3 no. 4 Humoresqueop. 10 no. 5 Preludein G minor op. 23 no. 5 Islamey:Oriental Fantasia Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain B minor
Finals Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.+66 Mozart Rachmaninov Piano Concertono. 3 in D minor op. 30
Thomas Otten United States,age24 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin
Partita no. 1 in B flat BIW 925 Sonatain D H.Xy'l/lz Balladeno. 4 in F minor op. 52 Etude in G flat op. 10 no. 5 "Black Keys" Rachmaninov Etude-tableauin C minor oD. 39 no. 3
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Debussy
Sonatain E flatK.Zez Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Etudessymphoniquesop. 13 Images,Book II: no. 3 "Poissonsd'or"
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
Recital Program Corigliano
Debussy Beethoven
Fantasiaon an Ostinato Images,Book II Sonatain C minor op. 111
Finals Beethoven Prokofiev
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. fo Piano Concertono. 3 in C op.26
Address: 3o Cliffside Drive Dalv Citv, California 94o15 Competitions and Awards: 1984 California Youns Artists ShowcaseComp?tidon, Winner 1.983 Universityof Maryland InternationalPiano Competition,G. Maurice Hinson Award 7983 MTNA Wurlitzer Collesiate furists Comperition,Nitional Winner ProfessionalTraining: l e78-80Universiryof Maryland 198o-81 Hochschulefur Musik, Munich 1982-83University of Maryland 7984-85University of Southern California,GraduateWork Teachers: 1984-85John Perry 1982-83Nelita Tiue 198o-81Ludwig Hoffman 1977-8oNelita True ThomasOtten, born in Sacramento,has appearedwith the Universify of Maryland Symphony,the Alexandria Symphony, the Beethoven Pops and the National Symphonyunder the direction of such conductorsas William Hudson, George Steiner, Richard Weilenmann and ChristianBadea.Mr. Otten is single and speaksGerman and French. His interestsinclude yoga, opera, Trivial Pursuit,languagesand cooking pasta.
IIan Rechtman lstael, age22 Preliminaries Phase I
Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Liszt
Parrita no. s in G BWV eoz Sonatain E ilatH.XII/ sz Balladeno. 1 in G minor op. 23 Etude in B minor op. 25 no. 10 Etude d'ex6cutiontranscendente no. 5 "Feux follets"
Preliminaries Phase2
Mozart Beethoven Chopin Prokofiev
Sonatain D K.576 Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Balladeno. 3 in Aflaf. op.47 Sonatano. 7 in B flat op. 8 3
Semifinals Chamber Music
Brahms Address: Levitan 8 Str. RamatAviv I*ael 69204 Formal Debut: 1980 Tel Aviv Museum Competitions and Awards: 1984 Clairmont Piano Competition 1.984 The FrancoisShapiraPrize, Iirst Place San Antonio International 1984 Keyboard Competirion, SecondPrize Professional Training: 1977-TSlndianaSchoolof Music Teachers: L983-85YahaliWagman 1981-83 AlexanderVolkov 7978-87Arie Vardi 1"977-78Walter Robert Ilan Rechtman, born in Tel Aviv, made his first public appearanceat the age of n ine . His or c hes t r al engagem ent s include appearanceswith the IsraelPhilharmonic Orchestra, the Boston Civic Symph on y , t he Haif a Sy m phony Symphony Orchestraand the Jerusalem under such conductors as Sir John Pritch ard , Max Hobar t , M y ung- W hun Chung, Doron Solomon and Morton Gould. Mr. Rechtmanis single,speaks English,and enjoyschess,Chinese'food, silenceand philosophy.
PianoQuintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Scarlatti Scarlatti Mozart Liszt Corigliano Rechtman
Sonatain A L.135 Sonatain D L.L4 Rondoin Aminor K.511 Sonatain B minor Fantasiaon an Ostinato Fantasia
Finals Mozart Brahms
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.406 Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. 15
SusanSavage United States,age29 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Choirln Liszt
Partita no. 2 in C minor BWV ezo Sonatain D op. 10 no. 3 Scherzono. 2 in B flat minor op. 31 Etude in A minor op. 2 5 no. 11 "WinterWind" Grande 6tude de Paganini no. 2in E f l a t
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Chopin Prokofiev
Sonatain F K.zlz Sonatain E flat op. 81a "LesAdieux" Sonatain B minor op. 58 Sonatano. 3 in Aminor op. 28
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Schubert Corigliano Falla Chopin
Impromptu no. 3 in B flat op. 142 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Two Dancesfrom The Three Comered Hat Sonatain B minor op. 58
Finals Mozart Tchaikovsky
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.466 Piano Concertono. 1 in B flat minor op. 23
Address: 11318Martha Street North Holll'rvood, Califomia s 16or Competitions and Awards: tg79 Ninth Annual Mozart Competition, SecondPrize 1974-75 Afwater Kent Awards,UCLA, Winner AlbuquerqueSymphony Lg72 Young furists Comperition, First Prize Professional Training: tc74-76 Universityof Califomia, Los Angeles Teachers: 1983-85John Perry Lg75-84Aube Tzerko I971-74 GeorgeRobert S u s a nS a v a g e ,b o r n i n A l b u q u e r q u e , New Mexico, has performed in concert and recital in Scotisdale,fuizona, Albuquerqueand ldyllwild, California.At age six shemadeher first public appearance. Her recordingsinclude the "lntemrpted S u i t e " b y P i a G i l b e r t . M i s s S a va g ei s single,speaksHebrew and enjoys swimmiig, skiing,horsebackriding and dancrng.,\Jtnerlnterestslncluqe yoga ano psycnology.
Kathryn Selby Australia,age22 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Rachmaninov
Italian ConcertoBWV szt Sonatain EfIatH.YlT/sz Scherzono. 2 in B flat minor op. 3 1 Etudein C op. to no. t Etude-tableauin E flat minor op. 39 no. 5
PreliminariesPhase2 Mozart Beethoven Chopin Bart6k
Sonatain E fIatK.zez Sonatain E op. 1o9 Sonatain B flat minor op. 35 Sonata
Semifinals ChamberMusic
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
Recital Program
Address: 8-o AcademyHouse 142o LocustStreet Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19102 Formal Debut: 1983 New York City Competitions and Awards: 1981 SixthVan Cliburn International Piano Competition, Jury Discretionary Award 1980 YoungConcert Artists International Auditions, Bruce Hungerford Award 1979 BusoniInternationalPiano Comoetition, First Prize lg78 AmericanMusic Scholarship, First Prize ProfessionalTraining: L974-77SvdnevConservatorium of Music L977-79The Curtis Institute of Music 1979-83Bryn Mawr College 1983-85 The Curtis Institute of Music Teachers: 19I 3-8 5 MieczyslawHorszowski 1979-83ClaudeFrank 1.977-79 EleanorSokoloff Kathryn Selbywas born in Sydney,Australia, and now residesin Philadelphia. Her orchestral engagementsinclude appearances with the Hartford Chamber Orchestra, the Sydney Symphony and the Pittsburgh Symphony under the direction of such conductors as Max Rudolf, Patrick Thomas and Walter Hendl. Miss Selbyis single,speaksGerman and enjoysswimmingand reading.
Brahms Debussy Corigliano Liszt
Variationsand Fugueon a theme of Handel op. 2+ Lislejoyeuse Fantasiaon an Ostinato Mephisto Waltz no. 1
Finals Mozart Bart6k
Piano Concerto no.24 in C minor K.+gt Piano Concertono. 3
EunSooSon Korea,age21 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven
Chopin Chopin Uszt
Partita no. 2 in C minor BWV 826 Sonatain D minor op. 31 no. 2 "Temoest" Scherzono. 1 in B minor op. 20 Etude in A minor op. 2 5 no. 11 "WinterWind" Grande 6tude de Paganini no. 6 in Aminor
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Prokofiev
Sonatain D K.576 Sonata in E flat op. 8la "Les Adieux" Carnavalop.9 Sonata no. 2 in D minor op. 14
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Beethoven Debussy Corigliano Mennin Chopin
Sonatain E flat op. 81a "Les Adieux" Lisle joyeuse Fantasiaon an Ostinato Toccata Sonatain B minor op. 58
Finals Mozart Rachmaninov
Piano Concertono. 20 in D minor K.466 Piano Concerto no. 2 in C minor op. 18
Address: 10 West 66th Street#15D New York, New York tooz I Competitions and Awards: 1.982 University of Maryland International Piano Competition, Charles E. Morganston Award 1980 Busoni InternationalPiano Competition, Fifth Prize Threi RiversPiano t97g Competition, Fourth Prize 1978 Chopin YoungPianists Competition, First Prize 7977 Golden West College National Young PianistsCompetition, First Prize ProfessionalTrainins Ls76-s2 The Juilliard School, Pre-ColleseDMsion rs82-85 The luilliird School Teachers: 7983-g 5 Oxana Yablonskaya 1980-83Nadia Reisenberg Eun Soo Son, born in Seoul, Korea, now lives in New York City. At age seven she made her first public appearance.She has performed with the McKeesport Symphony and with the Pittsburgh Symphony under such conductors as James Meena and Donald Johanos.Miss Son is single,speaksEnglish,and her favorite books include The BrothersKanwazov and Confessious of Felix Krull.
Emma Takhmizian Bulgaria,age 27 PreliminariesPhase1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Debussy
ChromaticFantasyand FugueBWV soa Sonatain E flat op. 31 no. 3 Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat op. 61 E t u d ei n A m i n o r o p . 2 5 n o . l i "Winter Wind" Etudes,Book II: no. 9 "Pour les notes r6p6t6es"
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Debussy
Sonatain B flat K.szo Sonatain C minor op. 111 Davidsbiindlertanze op. 6 Images,Book II
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann Address: 15o4Sofia M. Zaimov ave. 15 Bulgaria
RecitalProgram Corigliano Schumann
Formal Debut: L977 Sofia,Bulgaria Competifions and Awards: 1,984 LeedslnternationalPianoforte Competition,Sixth Prize 1982 Tchaikovsky International Competition, SeventhPrize 1980 Montreal InternarionalMusic Competition, Fourth Prize t977 Robert Schumann InternationalContest, First Prize 1976 J. S. Bach International Competition,Fifth Prize 1974 SmetanaInternationalPiano Competition, Third Prize Professional Tiaining: 1976-80Conservatoryof Sofia 7980-82C]assedu Maitre d'artiste Teachers: 1976-82Julija and Konstantin Ganev 1,96'1,-7 6 PenkaPetkova EmmaTakhmizian, born in Plovdlv, Bulgaria, now lives in Sofia.At age five she made her first public appearance.She has performedwith orchestrasin Leeds, Leningrad, Moscow and Plovdiv. Miss Takhmizianis single,speaksFrench,and en joys a rt, re ading Dos t oev s k y and traveling.
Piano Quintet in E flat op. 44
Fantasiaon an Ostinato Bunte Bldtter op. eo n o s .2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 6 Preludium March Sonatano. 6 in A op. 82
Finals Mozart Prokofiev
PianoConcertono.24 in C minor K.491 Piano Concertono. 3 in C op.26
SharonIoy Vogan New Zealand,age25 Preliminaries Phase L Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Debussy
Parfita no. 2 in C minor BWV 826 Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Balladeno. 4 in F minor op. 5z Etude in F op. 1o no. 8 Etudes,Book II: no. 7 "Pourles degr6eschromatiques"
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Ginastera
Sonatain F K.zzz Sonatain E op. 1o9 Fantasiesttickeop. 12 Sonatano. 1
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann
Piano Quintet in E flat op. 4'1
RecitalProgram Chopin Ravel Barber Corigliano
Sonata in B minor op. 58 Jeux d'eat Excursions Fantasiaon an Ostinato
Finals Mozart Chopin
Piano Concertono. 24 in C minor K.+st Piano Concertono. 2 in F minor op. 21
Address: n fuchdall Place Avonhead, Christchurch + New Zealand Competitions and Awards: TV. New ZealandYouns lg82 MusiciansCompetition,Runner-up 1981 ChristchurchConcerto Competition, First Prize Hamilton FeltexPiano Award, 1976 First Prize ProfessionalTiaining: 7979-8o Otago University 1.9I I-8 4 Canterbury University Teachers: 1979-84 Maurice Till L964-78EvelynVogan Sharon Joy Vogan was born in Purley, Ensland,and now lives in Christchurch, Ne-wZealand. Orchestral and recital engagementshave taken her to various cities in New Zealand and Australia. "Music for Stringsi' an album of Schola Musica, is her most recent recording. S h e i s s i n e l e a n d s p e a k sF r e n c h a n d German.H-erhobbiesinclude horseback r i d i n g , k n i t t i n g a n d t r a v e l i n g . M i ss Vogan'sinterestin peoplehasled her to -volunteer do social'woik.
DavidAllen Wehr United States,age27
PreliminariesPhase1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Debussy
Toccata in D BWV srz Sonatain F minor op. 2 no. 1 Balladeno. 2 in F op. 3 8 Etudein B minor op. 2 5 no. 10 Etudes,Book II: no. 11 "Pour les arpdgescompos6s"
PreliminariesPhase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Barber
Sonatain C minor K.457 Sonatano. 2 in F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Sonatano. z inF# minor op. 2 Sonataop. 26: Fugue
Semifinals ChamberMusic Dvoi6k Address: 625 Main Sfieet #543 RooseveltIsland New York. New York too++
RecitalProgram Beethoven
Formal Debut: 1979 KansasCiry, Missouri
Tippett Corigliano Chopin Liszt
Competitions and Awards: 1983 Walter W. Naumburg InternationalPiano
1983 1977
Competition,SecondPrize NationalFederationof Music ClubsYoungArtist Audition, FirstPrize PalomaO'SheaInternational Piano Competition,Second Prize
Professional Training: r97 3-75 ClevelandIistitute of Music Ig75-8o University of Kansas Teachers: L976-80SequeiraCosta I97 I-7 5 EdwardZolas 1969-7 1 PeggyNeighbors Erwin David Allen Wehr was born in Princeton, New Jersey,and now lives in New York Ciry. His first public appearance was at age six. He has performed with orchestrasin Chautauqua, Houston, San ta Ba rba r a and O k lahom a Cit y under the direction of such conductors asVarujan Kojian, C. William Harwood, Frank Collura and Ainslee Cox. Mr. Wehr is singleand enjoysopera,Europeanhistory.and weightlifring.
Piano Quintet in A op. 81
Beethoven Prokofiev
Variarionsand Fuzuein E flat on a theme froir Prometheusop. 35 Sonatano. 2 Fantasiaon an Ostinato Nocturne in D flat op.27 no.2 Hungarian Rhapsodyno. 6
PianoConcertono. 2 in B flat op. 1l PianoConcertono. 2 in G minor op. 16
AndrewWilde United Kingdom, age20 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven Chopin Chopin Prokofiev
Chromatic Fantasyand FugueBWV so3 Sonatain C op. 2 no. 3 Scherzono. 2 in B flat minor op. 31 Etude in B minor op. 2 5 no. 10 Toccata in D minor op. 11
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Prokofiev
Sonatain A minor K.3 to Sonatain F minor op. 57 'Appassionata" Sonatano. 2 inF# minor op. 2 Sonatano. z in B flat op. 83
Semifinals ChamberMusic Brahms
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
RecitalProgram Bach-Busoni Corigliano Chopin Balakirev
Chaconnein D minor Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatain B minor op. 58 Islamey:Oriental Fantasy
Finals Mozart Brahms
PianoConcertono. 25 in C K.5o3 Piano Concertono. 1 in D minor op. 15
Address: "Chez Nous" zo Westcliffe Road West Derby Liverpool Ltz sIF,England Formal Debut: 1981 CrosbyCMc Hall, Merseyside, England Competitions and Awards: Intemational Piano Recordine Ig84 Competition, Grand Prize L983 Intemational Piano Recording Competition, Grand Prize BosendorferYoungPianist 198o Competition, First Prize (tied) Professional Tiaining: 1980-81Chetham'sSchoolof Music 1982-85RoyalNorthem Collegeof Music Teachers: 198o-85 RyszardBakst 197 I -7s JacquelineWilliamson lg7 5-77 KathleenMcGrath Andrew Wilde was born in Liverpool, England,where he still resides.Al age nin-ehe made his first public appearance. He has oerformed with orchestrasin Edinbursh,Liverpool,Blackpool,Southoort and Manchesterundei the batons of JamesLoughran, Willy de Cart and Emmanuel Hurwitz. Mr. Wilde's interestsinclude dogs,climbing,swimming, rare recordsand foreigncountries.
I i
Hans-ChristianWille West Germany, age27 Preliminaries Phase 1
Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Debussy
English Suite no. 3 in G minor Sonatain C H.XVI/so Balladeno. 2 in F op. 38 Etude in C op. 10 no. 1 Etude Book Ii: no. 11 "Pourles arpdgescompos6s"
Preliminaries Phase2 Mozart Beethoven Brahms Bart6k
Sonatain C K.tao Sonatain F minor op. 57 "Appassionata" Variations on a theme of Paganini Book I op. Sonata
Semifinals Chamber Music Brahms Address: 3305 Sickte Backhausweg2o West Germany Formal Debut: 7973 Braunschweig Competifions and Awards: 7978 ARD Intemational Music Competifion, Munich, First Prize 7978 Ciudad de Montevideo Piano Comperifion, First Prize 1,978 Geneva Piano Competition, SecondPrize Professional Training: 1973-82Hochschulefur Musik, Hannover Teachers: 1,97 3-82 Karl-Heinz Kdmmerling 1973-8OMado Perlemuter Hans-ChristianWille wasborn in Braunschweis,WestGermany,and now resides in Sick-te.At ase six he made his first public appearanie.He has made concert appearances in Regensburg, Ulm, Kiel, Frankfurt and Di.isseldorfunder such conductors as Fuchs,Kloke, Weise, Gielen and Giiller. Mr. Wille is single and enjoys sports,including swimming and skiins.
Piano Quintet in F minor op. 34
Recital Program Scarlatti Scarlatti Ravel Ravel Corigliano Ginastera
Sonatain E fl,atL.tz Sonatain D minor L.422 Jeux d'eau Le tombeau de Couperin Fantasiaon an Ostinato Sonatano. 1
Finals Beethoven Prokofiev
Piano Concerto no. 2 in B flat op. Piano Concertono. 3 in C op.26
PattiWolf United States,age 19 Preliminaries Phase 1 Bach Beethoven
Chopin Chopin Liszt
Partita no. 2 in C minor BWV ezo Sonatain D minor op' 31 no. 2 "TemPest" Scherzono. 3 in C# minor oP. 39 Etude in C# minor oP. 10 no' 4 Grande 6tude de Paganini no. 6 in Aminor
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Schumann Ginastera
Sonatain C minor K.4 57 Sonatain A oP. 1o1 Etudes symphoniquesop. 1'3 Sonatano. 1
Semifinals CharnberMusic Dvoi6k
PianoQuintet in A oP. 81
RecitalProgram Bach Schubert Corigliano Debussv Chopin' '
Toccata in E minor Fantasiein C op. 15 "Wanderer" Fantasiaon an Ostinato Lisleioyeuse Andante spianatoand Grande Polonaise brillantein E flat oP.22
Finals Beethoven B"ethov.tt
Piano Concertono' 2 in B fiat op' 19 Piano Concertono. 5 in E flat op' z3 "Emoeror"
Address: D917 RobandeeLane St. Louis,Missouri63146 Formal Debut: March 31, 1945 Competitions.and Awards: KosciuszkoFoundarion t984 Chopin Piano ComPetifion, Third Prize Music TeachersNational 1983 Association,High School Audition, FirstPrize Music of the Americas lg82 Competition, First Prize Young Concert Artists 1982 International Auditions, Third Prize 198o-81 AmericanMusic Scholarship fu sociation International Comperition' First Prize 1981 SaintLouisSYmPhonYYouth Orchestra ComPetition for Piano, First Prize 1978 J. S.Bach Internafional Competition for Junior Pianiits, First Prize ProfessionalTiaining; 1,984-85St. Louis Conservatoryof Music Teacher: 1,s77-85JaneAllen Patti Wolf, born in New York Ciry now lives in St. Louis, Missouri. On March I t of this year she made her formal debut r e c i t a l . S h e h a s a p P e a r e d w i t h th e Missouri Orchestra, the St' Louis ConservatoryOrchestra and the Saint Louis S v m p h o n vu n d e r s u c h c o n d u c t o r s a s konard Siatkin, Catherine Comet and Antonia Wilson. Miss Wolf is single and enioysreadingHemingway.Her interesfsinclude baleball an-dmovies'
William Wolfram United States,age29
PreliminariesPhase1 Bach Haydn Chopin Chopin Liszt
Toccatain F# minor BWV qro Sonata in E flat H.KYI/ sz Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat op. 61 Etudein B minor op. 2 5 no. 10 Etude d'ex6cutiontranscendenteno. 12 in B flat minor "Chasseneige"
Preliminaries Phase 2 Mozart Beethoven Liszt Scriabin
Sonatain E fl,arK,l2 Sonatain A flat op. 11o Aprds une lecture de Dante Sonatano. 4 inF# op.3o
Semifinals ChamberMusic Schumann Address: 148 West 68th Street New York, New York tooz 3
Recital Prograrn Schubert Liszt
Formal Debut: 1983 Town Hall. New York
Competitions and Awards: 1983 Walter W. Naumburg InternationalPiano Competition,SecondPrize 1980 Threl RiversInternational Piano Competition, First Prize 1980 Chopin InternationalPiano Competition, Semifinalist
Corigliano Schumann
Professional Training: 1e73-74Nonh CarolinaSchoolof futs 1,974-78The Juilliard School Teachers: L985 JosefRaieff L978-79Iacob Lateiner L968-7I Irwin and Lillian Freundlich William Wolfram was born in White Plains, New York and now lives in New York City. He has appearedwith the Mrginia Beach Pops, the Pittsburgh Ballet Orchestra, the Gloucester Symphony, the ChappaquaPhilharmonic and the PittsburghSymphonywith conductors suchasWalter Noona, Octavio de Rosa, Ro yston Nas h, Andr ew Lit t on and Leonard Slatkin. In recital Mr. Wolfram has appearedin Madrid, Boston,Easton, Tempe and New York City, and has made severalrecordings.Mr. Wolfram is singleand speaksa little French.
Piano Quintet in E flat op. +4
Impromptu in G flat op. 90 no. 3 Etude d'ex6cutiontranscendenteno. 12 in B flat minor "Chasseneige" Pr6ludes,Book II: no.7 "La terrassedesaudiences du clair de lune" Images,Book II: no. 3 "Poissonsd'or" Fantasiaon an Ostinato Humoresqueop. 2o
Finals Beethoven Chopin
Piano Concertono. 2 in B flat op. 19 Piano Concertono. 1 in E minor op. 11
t 5:.:rffi"r, r**ou
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hr.,r*Ta't L*.(.llot
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For four yearsnow,GeneralMotors has co-sponsored Magazinethe National Concerto with Seuenteen Competition-the only nationalcompetitionexclusively for high-school-age artists. GeneralMotors funds a $5,000musicscholarshipfor the winner in eachof three instrumentcategories. Thirty-four finalists were selectedthis year from morethan 200 entrants.From that talentedgroup, 1985'sthree winners were chosenby a panel of distinguishedjudges. In piano,Lori Sims,77,of Bloomfield,Colorado. In violin, Pyinah Chon,18,of Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.In horn, Adam Norris, 18,of Midlothian, Texas.GeneralMotorsapplaudsthe dedication,the talent, and the hard work of eachone. The "Mark of Excellence"has long beenGM's corporatesignature.We take great pride in acknowledging thoseyoungperformerswho would continuethe tradition of excellencethat is the history of music. If you know a young musicianwho deservesour attention,write for more informationto: Seuenteen Magazine and General Motors National Concerto Competition,850 Third Avenue,New York,NY 10022. Entriesfor 1986closeNovember15,1985.
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NationalAdvisoryCouncil Irl Allison, Jr. President, Atueican CoIIege of Musicians
Shirley Fleming Editor,MusicalAweica
Thomas J. Beczlctewicz Executive Dfuector, InternationalVioliil Coh4petition of Indianapolis
Robert Freeman Director,EastwanSchoolof Music
Leonard Bemstein Piauist Composo, Conductor, Martin Bookspan Executive YicePresideut, Directorof Artistsand Repmoire,The Moss MusicGroup,Inc. Margaret Carson Artisti Represent ative Schuyler G. Chapin Deau,Schoolof Arts,ColuwbiaUuivasity; ny Chairwan, Atneican Sytupho OrchestaLeawe Abram ChasirrsCou,tposer, Pianist,Teachu,Author; ProfessorEwteritus,Uuiversityof SouthenCalifomia Louis F. Chenette Deau,JordouCollegeof Fiue Arts, ButlerUnivusity JackG. Cohan Director,] oryehseu Auditoiutu, Univusity of Connecticut Aaron Copland L0u4p0ser Iohn Corigliano L0nrposef Curtis W. Davis PrograwwingArts YicePresident, audEntertainilaeht N ettvotk Hearst/ABC-RCTV Iohn de Lancie Directorand ChiefExecutive Officu, The CurtisInstituteof Music Avery Fisher DirectorLincoluCenterfor the Pert'onniug Arts
Catherine French ChiefExecutive Officu, Aruuican Sywphony Orchestrakague Victor W. Fuentealba Presideut, AuericauFederatiou of Musicians Maxim Gershunoff Maxiw Gershunoff Attractions,Inc, Sheldon Gold Presideut.ICM Artkts. Ltd. Edward Gordon Executive Directoraud ChiefOpuating aI Offi cer,Ravinia Festiv
Walter Pierce ManagingDirector,WangCelebitySeries, Boston JosephW. Polisi Presideut, The]uilliard School Gail W. Rector Presideng University MusicalSociety, Ann Arbor,Michigau JackRomann Managu,Coucm& ArtistDepatwent, BaldwinPiauoandOrganCowpany SeymourL. Rosen Artktic Director,CarnegieHall David W. Rubin SeniorYicePrcsideuL Steiuway & Sons Gunther Schuller Cotuposer, Conductor
Anthony P. Habig Executiv e YicePresident, Kiwball Inc. Iuteruatioual,
William Schuman Cotuposer
Gordon Hardy President, AspenMusic Festival
Rudolf Serkin Piankt
Patrick Hayes MnnagngDirectorEneritus,Washington Puformiug Arts Society
Gene Shalit Citic
Omus Hirshbein Directorof PerforwingArts,92nd Srreet
Grant Johannesen Piaukt: President, Clanlandlnstitute of Music ConstanceKeene Pianist;Chairmau,PianoDepanweut, MauhananSchoolof Musit Howard I(ein DeputyDirector,Divisionof Artsand Huna,4ities,TheRockefellerFouudatio n William LMngstone Editoriu Chief, "StereoReviat" Fredric R Mann Anbassador
Harold Shaw ShawConcms,lnc. ThomasZ.Shepard. DivisionYicePresident,RedSeal, RCARecords Wayne J. Shilkret Directorof PerforwingArts,Atubassador I uteruational Cuhural Foundation Barry Snyder CoucertPiankt;Associate Professor of Piano, EastmanSchoolof Music John H. Steinway Chairuanof theBoard,Steinway & Sons Roger L. Stevens Chairwau,JohnF. knuedy Centerfor the PuforwiugArts
CharlesChristopher Mark Editor/Publkher,The Ats ReportingSa"vice
CharlesWadsworth Anktic Director,ChauberMusic Society, LincolnCenter
Richard J. Meyer President and GeuualManager,
SusanWadsworth Director,YoungCoucm Artists,Inc,
KEWTV &FM Iohn F.Pfeiffer Executive Producu,RedSealArtistsaud Repmoire, RCARecords
Gideon Waldrop Deau,TheJuilliardSchool CharlesH. Webb Deau,IndianaUniversitySchoolof Music Nancy Wellman Associate Director,YoungConcm Artists, lnc.
EarlWild Piailkt
InternationalAdvisory Council ClaudioAnau Piailist
Meyer-Josten Ji.irgen Professor ofMusk,Munich
VolkerBanfield Piankt
MichaelGoughMatthews Director,RoyalColkgeof Music,Loudou
JacobBistritzky D irector, Athur Rubiustefu lttenatioual MusicSociety, TelAviv
M. R GalloisMontbrun Director, Coilservatoire uatioual supuieur de wusique, Pais
HumphreyBurton Executive Producer, MusicaudArts, BBCTela,ision
Anthony Phillips Headof ConcmPlanuing,Royalkstival HalI,Inndon
PieneColombo Couductor: President of theFedoation of MusicCowpetitious, Intenatioual Geua'a
RobertPonsonby,CBE Musiq BitishBroadcasting Controller, Corporation
ClaireDan,OBE andlnternational CoJoundo,YicePresideut Co-ordiuanr, SydnqlutmratnnalPiano Cofip etition of Australia
HansUlrich Schmid CoucmManager,H anuover HansHeinzStuckenschmidt Professor Dr. h.c.,Bulin
MeredithDavies Conductor; Pnncipal,TiinityCollege of Music, Loudon
KennethW Tlibe Chairwan,Music a Viva Australia
Alicia de Larrocha Pianist
fuieVardi Director,RubinAcadenyofMusic,TelAviv
Count Jean-Pierrede Launoit The Chairnauot'theExuutiveContnittee, lntenational Music QuunElisabeth Brussels Conpetition,
FannyWaterman,OBE Chainnan, Leeds lnternatbnalPianofotte Cot44petition
Antal Dorati Laurcate of theRoyal WE; Conduaor Philharwonic archestra, London, the DetroitSywphouy andthe Orchestra StockholmPhilhanaonic
Wiktor Weinbaum Houorary Mewbu,Federation of ns Iutunatio nalMusk Coupetitio Sir David Willcocks Forwerly Dirator, RoyalCollege of Music, London
MauriceAbravanel Laureate MusicDirector,UtnhSymphony; Atkt in Residence, Berkshire MusicCeuter BichardS.Contee YicePrcsident audManagiugDirector, Saiut PauIChanber Orchesna John Duffus MauagnHongKongPhilhannonic Geueral Orchestta BengtOlof Engstrdm President. Philhanuo Stockholm nic Ochutra EmestFleischmann Executive Director,LosAngeles Philharwouic PeterHemmings Ann Koonsman Executive Director,FortWorthSymphony Ochestra EduardoMata Musk Dirator, DallasSynphouy Orchestra Zubin Mehta MusicDirector,NauYorkaudlsrael Philhanuouic Orchestras JohnNelson MusicDirector, ludiauapolis Sywphouy Orchestra Avi Shoshani GenualSeoaary,lsraelPhilhaflato nic Orchestra
StanislawSlrowaczewski PincipalConducnranilMusicalAdvisor, HalleOrchestra
FriedrichGiirtler Piauist;kcnrer, RoyalDanishAcadewy of Music,Copenhagen
LeonardDavidStone Executive D irector, D allasSympho ny Association, lnc.
Rex Hobcroft Co-t'oundo audDirector, Sydney ittmrationalPianoCoipetitiouof Austtalia
Gdeon Toeplitz ExuutiveDirector,HoustouSywphony Otchestra
David Lumsden Pincipal,RoyalAcndewyof Music,London Yvonneloriod-Messiaen Piankt;Prdessor of piano,Consewatoire national supirieur dewusique, Pais
mtfttmftt ntftt#m#mffi#t*mmtmt##ftt fttm # # ffi####fttmftt##fttmffi+mftfr #ftt mft* m#mtm mm#m*ft*m*ft*fttft*m* ftt# mmft*#ftt#gtm#ntftfiftt#ftt#ftt ## ftt mmtmftAffiA m##ftt #ffim*mmm* ftAft* # ft*##m #m#mmn#ft*mm*ffiff fttm*# # #ft*mm*#mn*#ft*#m##m # m mftt fttftt ffim*#^mffi##mmtmft*#ftt m # # mmtn*mm*mft* mmn*ftfrftfr#ftt# #m #nf]. ftt #ftt m#mmm*mmmnt#mft* fttm m#mmmmm##ftt#mffift## fttm # ftt ffimntmtM4mmmmn*mmmf #m ftt # ftt fit mtftfim mt* m*fttffift# ftt# ftt ffiftftt # mffiffintmm*#ftfrfttmtft*#mfttftt ft*mmft/\ft* ft*fttft*mmmft*mnt#mffi##ftt m mft* m # # mftt#ft*m*mmft*m*fttmttr*m* #m #m # ft* m###ffiftft*m*fttmft*mm#ftt fttm # ## m# "n --/." flflnnrr
tunnr Y
Steinway M}
This concert season,326 out of 346soloistswill perforrn on a SteinwayPiano. 9tg. again, Steinway i9 the reso,undingfirst choice of soloistsscheduledto perform across North America during the 1984-1985season. For literature.about_Qt_e1nway, write to Director of Marketing, Steinway & Sons, 109$[est 57th Street,NewYork, N.Y. 10019. Or visit your local Steinwaydealer and start your own concert season. American Symphony Orchestra. 3 out of 3 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. 7 outof 7 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra . l0 out of l0 Brooklyn Philharmonic . 2 out of2 Boston Symphony Orchestra. 6 out of6 Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra .7 ontof 7 Chicago Symphony Orchestra. 6 out of6 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra . 9 out of 9 Cleveland Orchestra . 8 out of 8 Columbus Symphony Orchestra. 7 out of 7 Dallas Symphony . l0 out of l0 Denver Symphony Orchestra . 5 out of6 Detroit Symphony Orchestra. 8 out of 8 Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. 9 out of9 El Paso Symphony Orchestra. 2 out of2 Florida Orchestra. 4 out of4
Houston Symphony . l0 out of l0 Indianapolis Symphony. 6 out of6 Kansas City Symphony . I out of I Los Angeles Philharmonic . 16 out of 16 Louisville Orchestra. 2 out of2 Long Island Philharmonic.2 out of2 Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. 5 out of 6 Minnesota Orchestra . l0 out of l0 Orchestre Symphonique de Montr6al . l0 out of l0 Nashville Symphony. 4 out of 5 National Arts Centre Orchestra (Ottawa) . ll out of 12 National Symphony Orchestra. 7 out of 8 New JerseySymphony Orchestra. 2 out of2 New Mexico Symphony Orchestra . 3 out of 3 New Orleans Philharmonic . 4 out of 5 New York Philharmonic . 9 out of 9 Oregon Symphony Orchestra. 4 out of4
PhiladelphiaOrchestra. 5 out of8 PhoenixSymphonyOrchestra.6 out of8 PittsburghSymphony. 6 out of6 RichrnondSymphony. 2 out of3 RochesterPhilharmonic Orchestra. 6 out of7 SaintPaulChamberOrchestra. 9 out of9 SaintLouis SymphonyOrchestra. 6 out of8 SanDiego Symphony. 8 out of9 SanFranciscoSymphony. ll out of ll SeatdeSymphony. 8 out of8 Toronto Symphony. 17out of 18 TulsaSymphony. 2 out of3 Utah Symphony. l0 out of l0 VancouverSymphony. 7 out of8 S7ichitaSymphonyOrchestra. 3 out of4 I(linnipeg SymphonyOrchestra. I I out of I I
TCU/CIiburn Competition PianoInstitute MaY17 - Iune 3,1985 The TCU/Cliburn Competition Piano Institute is a cooperativeeducational venture undertakenbv the Van Clibum Foundation and TexasChristian University, a co-sponsorof the Van Cliburn Internationil Piano Competition since its inception in 1962. Desienedfor performers,teachers,studenti and thoie interestedin the piano, the TCU/Cliburn Competition Piano Institute presents a variety of activities durins the period of the SeventhVan Clibuin International Piano Competit ion. M a s t e r c l a s s e s ,s e m i n a r s a n d svmposiaconductedby membersof the disrinzuishedpanel of jurors and guests together rssemLledfor ihe Competirion,together Compeexciting evenis of the Compewith the exci tition itself, combine to offer a special oDDor t u n i t y f o r t h o s e w h o w o u l d enlargetheir understandingand vision of thi world of the piano' The TCU/Cliburn Competition Piano Institute has beengenerouslyfunded by a srant from the MeadowsFoundation an? bv TCU alumna Mrs. W. DeweY Lawrence. Parricipation in the TCU/Cliburn ComDetition Piano Institute is either as a performer, with full scholarship awards ior all performing parricipants, or as an auditor,with grants-in-aidavailable.
Fifteen performershave been selected by audition to participate in the masterclassesand reciive initruction from the d i s t i n s u i s h e d a r t i s t - t e a c h e r so f th e CompJtition jury. Performing-particin a n t s w i l l a l s o b e i n t r o d u c e d t o th e requirementsand standardsof an intern a i i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n ,t h u s p r e p a r i n g future competithemselvesas-possible tors. One masterclasswill focus on the preparafionnecessaryfor concerto perior-r.rce. This class,lirnited to three performingparticipants,will be taught Lv Maestr6Arpad ioo. The Piano Insritute wili provide accompanistsfor the concerto ioloists. Performingparricipants,and.the repers a v e be e n t o i r e f o r e a c h m a s t e r c l a sh carefully selectedin consultation with each artist-teacher. Auditors, including participantswho cannot be accommodatedas periormers as well as other in the masterclasses, pianists,teachersand piano devotees, seminars and bbserv" all masterclasses, symposia. Piano Institute performers and auditors receive Dassesto all events of the Seventh Van Cliburn International Piano Competition so that they may observe a n d i e a r n f r o m t h e f u l l s P e c t r umo f challengesand triumphs of experiences, those who parricipatein a major international competition.
TCU/CliburnCompetitionPianoInstituteFaculty JorgeBolet Piauist
C6cileOusset Pianist
John Corigliano Cotlposu
Joel and PriscillaRaPPaPort MasterPiauoBuilders
Ernest Fleischmann Director Executfue Los An gelesPhilharwonic
Harold C. Schonberg Citic
Malcolm Frager Pianist CharlesHamlen Artist Manager PeterJ. Hodgson Chat, TCU MusicDePartnent Arpad Joo Conductor Minoru Nojima Piauist
Soulima StravinskY Pianist Tam6sUns6r Pi anist,I nstituteD irector
CliburnCouncil/ InternationalFriendsof the Van CliburnCompetition Th e Clib urn Counc il, whic h is beins renamedthe lnternational FriendsoT the Van Cliburn Competition, was organized in 1974, and is the principal auxiliary of the Van Clibum Foundation. Its purposeis to assistand supportall activities of the Van Cliburn including the Competition and the Cliburn Concerts.
A Messagefrom the Chairman, Mrs. L. Edward Martin Memb ership of t he I nt er nat ional Friendsconsiitutes a vital resourcefor the Competition and for the marvelous p ub lic mu sic per f or m anc est hat t he Foundationpresentsto the communify. Monies raised from benefits,projects and membership dues have enabled us to contribute over $e 5,ooo to the Van Cliburn Foundation during the years since the Sixth Competition. The auxiliarv has financiallv-underwritten one night of the Finals and has provided fu nd ing to be gin a per r nanentm us ic librarvfor the Van Clibum International Piano Competition. I salute and commend our memberswho haveworked so diligentlythesepast four yearsl
We invite you to become a part of the activity and excitement of the International Friends of the Van Cliburn Piano Competition.Join now and experience the exciting and thrilling four years which will climax in the 1989 Competition. Among the opportunitiesand benefitsofferedto membersare, . Invitation to attend the Carnegie Hall Recital Debut by Gold Medalist of the SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition on October1q, lq85 .lssuesof the "Cliburn Newsi'providing current information on all Van Clibum activifies . Membership Directory . Invitations to benefits and special recitalsduring 1985-89cycle .Volunteer opportunities during the 1 " 9 8 5 - 8 9c y c l e a n d f o r t h e 1 s 8 s Competition
An exciting trip to New York is being planned foi thb CarnegieHall Recita'i Debut of the new Gold Medalist on October 19. Members of the International Friends of the Van Cliburn I n t e r n a t i o n a l P i a n o C o m pe ti ti o n , FoundationBoardMembersand Administration will be invited to take advantaseof this excitingvisit, due to climax wiih the Camegieffall recital. For information pleasecall the Van Cliburn officeat (817) 738-6536.To join, pleasecomplete the following membership form and mail to: Van Cliburn Foundation, 3505 West Lancaster,Fort Worth, Texas761o7.
Cliburn Council/ InternationalFriends ^ \r- r - 12L.- * t- ^- - ^!- t2^.. f ,l ^- L^- - L:I ^t rL Membership Form Competition the Van Cliburn of Annual
$ :s -
Cycle(throughCompetition'89) fi zs
fusociate (through Competition'89) $150 Will receive a specialgift Angel lthroughCompedrion'8e) Will receivea recordingof the 1985 Gold Medalist
$loo -
Please wahecheckpayableto thelnteruationalFiendsof theYan CliburnCorupetition
zip I I I I I I
Phone Numbers
Cliburn Council/International Friendsof the Van Cliburn Competition Officers
Benefitsand Projects
Mrs. L. EdwardMartin Chairman Mrs.Morton L. Herman Secretarv Mrs. RobertF.Watson MembershipChairmanand Drectory Editor Mrs. lon T. Wemer Treasurer Mn. William F.Bonnell Hospitality CommifteeChairman
"TheBigAppleSpecial" Honorins1s81Gold MedalWinner Andr6-M]chelSchub kbruarv 21, 1982 Ken Blasingame Mrs.William F.Bonnell Mrs. L. EdwardMartin Mrs.MichaelR Thomas e Rnffle Clibun CouncilDollhous April s, rgez Mrs.SamPenoBenson kcital Clibtm CouncilSpecial byBtrryDouflas AwardWinner 1981JuryDiscretionary October5, 1982 Mn. Morton L. Herman Mrs. L. EdwardMartin "An Evenins. of CanivalandMatdi Gra" Honoringie'ar SilverMedalWinner SantiagoRodriguez kbruarv 3, 1983 Mn. Ha'rrvE. Bartel,Chairman Mn. RobertA Layne Mn. RobertleMond Mrs. L. EdwardMartin Mrs.CharlesH. Webster lvlrs.EarlSteohenWilson Mrs.JosephA Zant "AuEveningiu theCountry withChrtstophuO'kley" Mry 27, 1983 Dr. andMrs. William F.Bonnell Mr. and Mrs. F.HowardWalsh,Sr. Yilentine Beneftt HonoringRobertDavidoviciand DeGroote Steven Rbruary 14,1984 Mrs.DonaldJ.Jac-kson, Chairman Mrs.JamesG. Denton lvlrs.David Sykes ClibunGuucilBenefit Houoing1981 GoldMedalWinuaAudri-Michel Schub May22, 1984 Dr. and Mrs.William E.Tircker,Hosts Mrs.JamesE.Anthony Mrs.L O. Brightbill,ill Mrs.JamesS.Garvev Mrs.Mark L Hart, Jr. Mrs.PaulW.Mason Mrs.ScottW Mooring,III Mrs.LeeA Paulsel Mrs.JamesR Perry Mrs. PaulR Ray,Sr. Mrs.JohnV.Roach,II Mrs.WilliamE.Steele,III Mrs.JohnM. Stevenson Mn. David L Tapp Mrs. RiceM. Tilley, Jr. Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mrs. RichardF.Walsh Mrs. S.SmithWilliams Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson
'\an CliburnGorrto thePlayofft" 6, 1985 January Mrs. David L Tapp,Chairman Mrs. R DennyAlexander Mrs. RobertBradlev Mrs. RobertBurkett Mrs.Dan Craine Mrs. BuddvDke Mrs. EugeneI. Dozier Mrs.JavFried Mrs.JackV Jones Mrs.Ken Keenum Mrs.Marvin Keith, Ir. Mrs.David Kristvnik Mrs. Tom Petw Mrs.W G. Portwood Mrs.WaynePosey Mrs.Jim Teague Mrs.HarryLeeWood ClibumCouncilReception duiry 1985 Competition Fimls May 30,1985 Mrs.Larry H.Anton Mrs. Morton L. Herman SautaHouseCalk 1981: Mrs. RobertA Lavne Mrs. L EdwardMirtin Mrs.MichaelR Thomas 1982i Mrs. MichaelR Thomas,Chairman Mrs.HarveyH. Boysen,Ir. Mrs.IaneJones Mrs. ThomasP.Weith Mrs. EarlStephenWilson 1983: Mn. HarveyH. Boysen, Jr.,Chairman Mrs.SamPenoBenson Mrs. Don Henry Collins lvlrs.PaulR Gessinger Mrs.JayLesok Mrs. L. EdwardMartin Mrs. M. L. Nelson Mrs.HenryB. Paup Mrs. Byron H. Smyth Mrs. MichaelR Thomas Mrs. ThomasP.Weith Mrs. Lon T. Wemer Mrs.ThomasC. Wemet Ms. leslie Williams Mrs. EarlStephenWilson
The CompetitionPianos Eightconcertgrandpianosareavailable for the competitorsof the SeventhVan Cliburn InternationalCompetition. During the daysprecedingthi Competition eachcompetitoris ableto spend an hour makinga choiceof the instrumenthe or she-prefers to use.Therewill be rwo SteinwayD insffumentsmanufacturedin NewYork and one Steinway D manufactured in HamburgGermany; two Baldwin SD-to pianosmanufactured in Arkansas;one BechsteinEN, manufacturedin Germanv;one Bcisendorfer 29OImperialfrom Austria; and oneYamahaCFIII fromJapan. Of the three availableSteinways,one of the New York pianoswaspresentedto theVan ClibumFoundation in L976bv membersof the Cliburn Council in honor of Rildia Bee O'Bryan Clibum, and to mark the Bicentennialof the United States.This instrumenthas recentlybeenextensivelyoverhauledby Rappaport's Piano Workshop,Round Rock,Texas,with the collaborationof Steinway& Sons,New York and London. The secondNew York Steinwav belonssto Van Cliburn,and hasalso been6verhauledby Rappaport's Piano Workshop.the HainbuisSieinwavalso belongstb VanClibum aid is on loan to the Foundation.The three Steinwavs aremaintaineddgringthe Compefition by JoelandPriscillaRippaport. The Baldwin SD-to pianoshave been preparedandaremaintainedby E.Stew art Cole, Chief ConcertTechnicianof BaldwinPianoandOrganCompany.
The BechsteinEN is suppliedby Kahns for Pianos,Dallas,and hasbeenpreparedand is maintainedby JoseFarina, headof Kahn'sservicedepartment. Andy Nshio, ConcertTuner of Yamaha IntemationalCorporation,hasprepared and maintainsthe YamahaCF III, supp l i e d by Y amaha Internati oni l Corporation. The Btisendorfer Imperial29o, selected in Vienna for the SeventhVan Clibum InternationalPiano Competitionby Gqnick Ohlsson,and providedby Kimball Intemational,is maintainedby Joel andPriscillaRappaport. The Van Clibum Foundationis srateful to BaldwinPianoand Orsan Co-mpany, Cincinnati,Ohio, for thirwo Salitwiir SD-tos;to the Houseof Bechsteinand Kahn'sfor Pianos,Dallas,for the BechsteinEN, which hasbeensentto the United Statesfrom Germanvesoeciallv for the Comperition;to KirirbailInter'nafional,Jasper, Indiana,for the BtisendorferImperial29o, andfor the Bijsendorter225,usedby the competitorsfor warm-up;and to Yamahalntemational Corporition,BuenaPark,California, and Luke Wickman'sof Fort Worth, for the YamahaCFIIL
The PianoTechnicians Joel and Priscilla Rappaport
E. Stewart Cole
Joel and Priscilla Rappaport are Master Piano Builders with diplomas from the Handwerkskammerof- Stuttgaft, West Germany. For five years they worked in the productionof grand pianosin the Bechsteinand Bcisendorferfactories, where their activities included all facets of the building, regulation, tuning and voicing of grand pianos.They attended the school for piano builders in Ludwigsburg, Germany,and passedthe State Ex am in a t i o n f o r t h e M a s t e r P i a n o BuildersDiploma.
E. Stewart Cole began his training in 1960 in Philadelphia. Further training from the Niles Bryant School of Piano Training and Technics in Sacramento, California, and from other skilled technicianscompletedhis education.He was employed by a Baldwin dealershipin Trenton, New Jersey,when he began working with major concert pianists.For a time he worked for the Steinway and Baldwin Concert Departments as an independent technician, then was emplovedin 1,976as concerttechnician by Baidwin. Eighteenmonths later he was appointed Chief Concert Technician. Today Stewart Cole maintains numerous concert instruments in the Concert Department in New York, prepares pianos for concerts nationwide, and trainspiano techniciansin Baldwin's Concert Technician Tiaining Program.
Today Joel and Priscilla Rappaportoperat e Rap p a p o r t 's P i a n o Wo r k s h o p , located near Austin, Texas, at Round Rock. They offer concen services,cons ult ing, a n d c o m p l e t e r e b u i l d i n g o f gr and p i a n o s o f q u a l i t y . T h e y h a v e recently rebuilt the two American Steinway concert grandswhich belong to the Van Cli b u r n F o u n d a t i o n , a n d o n e belongingto TexasChristianUniversity. -used which-is at the TCU/Cliburn Competition Piano Institute. ln April of this yearJoel and PriscillaRappaportspent ten daysin London wo*ingwith Robert Glazebrookof Steinway& Sons.
Iose Farina JoseFarina,a native of Nicaragua,is the third generation of a family of piano makeri. and has spent all his life devoted to the craft. Now head of the service departmentof Kahn s for Pianos,Dallas, he worked formerly at the Steinway piano factory in New York. He has prepared and servicedpianos for many of the world s leading pianists,Van Clibum amongthem, and maintainedpianosfor the Fourth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 1973. Andy Nishio Andy Nishio graduated from Tokyo Universiw anJ the YamahaTechnical Academy. His associationwith Yamaha, both in Japan and the United States, goesback nearly nineteen years.A-fter spendingfour yearsin the manufacturing divislon for'concertgrandpianosMr. Nishio became manager of more than 150 technicians in the Tokyo branch of Y a m a h a 's p a r e n t c o m p a n y N i p p o n Gakki Company.He spentsevenyearcas a Yamahaconcert tuner in Japanbefore coming to the United States.Mr. Nishio is a memberof the JapanPiano Technicians Guild.
Beginnings by PaulHume A br eak f a s t m e e t i n g a t 8 a m t o t a l k about starting an international piano competitionin Fort Worthl That wasmy introduction to the Van Cliburn Competition. It took placein Washingtonin 1960,two vearsbefore the First Competition was held in 1962.But that was one sign of the thorough planning and preoarationthat Grace Ward Lankford pur into the administrationof the now int er nati o n a l l y f a m o u s q u a d r e n n i a l Competition.She was an indomitable womin who calledme to say thatlwould be at that 8 o'clockbreakfastbecause that was the only tirne she could get Fr ed Ko r t h a n d S o l H u r o k a n d m e together. Korth, a long-time Fort Worth leader , w h o i s s t i l l p r a c t i c i n g l a w i n Washington,was then AssistantSecretary of the fumy. He was one of Grace's strongsuppoftersin gettingthe Compet it ion pr o p e r l y f i n a n c e da n d a d m i n j s tered. Hurok was, as he had been for manvvearsand remaineduntil his death in 1,974,the Number One Impresarioin the country whoseadvicewould be right out of the top drawer.Gracewanted me there both becauseof my role as Music Post and Edit or o f T h e Wa s h i n s . t o n bec aus eI w a s a l r e a d yi o m m i t t e d t o attendingthe First Competition as an oDserver. That Fir s t C o m p e t i t i o n b r o u g h t u p s om e m e m o r a b l e e x p e r i e n c e s .S o o n after I arrived in Fort Worth, Grace calledto ask me if I would be willing to sit. at the formal luncheon at the Fort Worth Club the day before the preliminar y r ou n d s w e r e t o b e g i n , b e t w e e n the Japanesejudge and the judge from the SovietUnion. Other than Japanese, the visitor from the Orient spoke only French,while the Russianjudge spoke only his languageand German.Grace s aidt ha t s h e d i d n o t k n o w a n y o n e i n Fort Worth who could discussmusicand r elat ed m a t t e r s i n b o t h F r e n c h a n d German. While I am comfortable in both languages , I d i s t i n c t l y r e m e m b e r t h e unus ua l s e n s a t i o no f t u r n i n g f r o m a c onv er s a t i o n a u f d e u t s c hw i t h L e v Oborin, the Sovietjudge,to one enfrangak with the gendemanfrom Japan.
Pau l Hume , Ed it or Er ner it us of The Washiu gto uPosr, is a dis t inguis hed author, conductor and award-winning radio producer and commentator. He co-hosts the radio coverageof the Finals and Awards of the SeventhVan Clibum International Piano Competition.
That luncheon was on a Sunday.One weeklater-by which time the competitors had becomeacquaintedwith each other and had built up the ever-present rivalries-a differentkind of experience demonstratedFort Worth'sgeneiosiryof spirit and hospitality. Someone told Grace Lankford that some of the compet it or s f r o m f o r e i g n c o u n t r i e s h a d never seen anything like an American supermarketdrug store.For Grace that was no challengeat all. On the Sunday morning midway through the Competition weeks,she asked a friend of hers who owned one of the biggestand shiniest of all these stores in the city to open it up just for the competitors.He
willingly complied,and for a couple of hours someamazedyoung pianistswan' deredwide-eyedaround the store,buyto ing all sortsof thingsfrom cosmetics articlesof clothing.One of the two comDetitorsfrom the Soviet Union insisted that the store "surely belongs to the g o v e r n m e n t l " a n d w a s a m a z e dto b e issured that it was very much a private enterpnse. (That samefounding year,Grace Lankford receivedhuge quantitiesof mail on every subject related to the Competition. While most of it was supportive and friendly,there was a small amount, probabiyinevitable,of hate mail, including one unsignedletter that said, "lf a Russianwins this contest,you aredead!" Happily there wasnot, during the Competition, or at any other time, any overt incident,but rather what seemedone long outpouring of Texan hospitaliryin the homeswherethe competitorswere guestsand throughoutthe sessions in Ed LandrethAuditorium of TexasChristian University.) It is a rare competition that does not have its shareof surprises.One of these unexpectedeventsoccurredat the close ofthe ts66 contest,the SecondVanCliburn. The winner, by an almost unanimous vote, was Radu Lupu, a superbly musicalyoung artist from Rumania.To the amazementand discomfortof the jury Lupu announcedthat he was not prepared to take on the public performancesin recitalsand orchestralappearancesthat went with the first prize,but t h a t h e w a s p l a n n i n gt o r e t u i n t o th e MoscowConsewatoryfor a final year of study.It is preciselyto avoid any repetition of such a surprisethat the competition brochure now statescategorically in English, French.Cerman.and Spanish rcfulfill all pnze that iinuerswill beexpeoed ehgagerfients. There wasa welcomefootnote to Lupu's startlingannouncement.however,ieveral yearslater when he won the prestigious LeedsCompetition in England. Gerald Moore, the great British pianist, who had been a judge in the 1966 Van Cliburn, wrote me a note saying,"You see- we were right in Fort Worthl" even though the winner refusedto start his public careerright then. Moore even added a further postscript to the 7966gatheringin his last volume Recital,publishedin of memoirs,Farewell 7978. He wrote, "Although he was not on the jury Paul Hume, the musiccritic to a]l the Posr,listened of TheWashtugton Beveridge candidates.Befweensessions, [Webster],Boyd [Neel] and I playedseveral rubbers of bridse with himl' Obviously, there is .ori to life in Fort Worth even while the Van Cliburn Competition is in progressthan just the music. t15
SpecialPreparationsfor the Competition fuide from the regular preparations for the Competition, which are described elsewherein the Program, there have been two other activities deserving of specialmention. The Fort Worth Independent School District, Dr. I. Carl Candoli, Superintendent of Schools,has been involved in both projects.Art students of the middle schoolshave designedand painted banners,using motifs relating to pianos and to flags of the world, which are hanging in downtown Fort Worth during the Competition. Fabric was donated by Williamson-Dickie Manuf acturing Comq a n y a n d s e w i n g b y A . B . C . Fl a g LOmpany. Studentsin the elementarv schoolshave leamed about the Van Cliburn Competition this spring through informati,on packetspreparedby Louise Canafax and Wayne Lee Gay for the elementary muslc teacners. The Van Clibum Foundation is srateful to Dr. Candoli and his colleaguei of the Fort Worth Independent School District for their coopcration in making these programsposslble.
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ffi t\--"
The Woodmont 1408 TexasAmerican BankBuilding, FortWorth,Texas76102 . Metro429-2152 8i7-336-3677
Fromthe Director'sNotebook bv Bill Fertik Mimi is dead. Puccini's crescendois moving toward its inevitable conclusion. Rodo l f o r e t u r n s , h e d i s c o v e r s h e r , "Mirnij' he wails. Marcello, the artist friend, embraceshim and implores . . . "Coraggioi' Rodolfo falls on her body, the curtain comes down. We sit in silencefor a moment, reminded of a part of ou r s e l v e s t h a t w e m a y h a v e l e f t behind. Courage,have courage- the courageto live, to go on - the artist implores. All works of art, no matter what form or size,havethis in common,Tolstoy said. They are uplifting and.give us.courage. I he very act or brlngrng art rnto tne world requirestremendous courage.The odds which have not changed in centuries are simply againstit.Next to the necessities - food, shelter, and securiry not to mention avarice and greedwhat chance does art have? Any attempt to encourage art on a grand scalemust be regarded as a monum en t a l t a s k . A n y a t t e m p t t o b r i n g young musicianstogether from all parti of thi globe, to aff6rd them an opport unity t o p e r f o r m g r e a t m u s i c i n a receptive atmosphere,to encouragethe pursuit of excellenceand to presenttangible possibilitiesfor a future career, must be regarded as a task at the very edge o f h u m a n c a p a c i t y o r n e a r l y beyond. For a few short weeks this Spring, the Van Cliburn Competition has somehow managedto create this very rare occasion where, for a short while, art and all the feelings associatedwith it will be given a chanceto exist.
fuademy Award winner Bill Fertik was recently director/writer of "The VII International Tchaikovskv Comoetition" and the 13-hourseries"'Bemsiein/ Beethoveni' He is director/writer of the television special on the SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition, due to be aired by PBSon JunL+.
It is into this setting that I, a filmmaker, step.With only the primitive tools of the electronicage,I will attempt to capture those fleeting moments and orginize them in such a way as to do justice to tne occaslon. Television is a dramatic medium. It is well suited for storytelling,but not parricularlv well suited for mlusic.lts viiual f a c i l i t y i s a t o n c e i t s s t r e n g th a n d i ts weakness. Unlike the paintei who must strugglewith color and line, the television director is saddled with the all too ready,too real image of the thing, like a rosesealedin a lucite cube. The super visualsof television are particularly harmful when it comes to the performance of music. Every great work of music carrieswith it its own indescribable image. Whatever that is, it is certainly not instant reportage,it is not the pointingof six camerasat the stage and cutting to the fiddle player sawing awayor to the line of flutespuffing or to the conductor flailing. Is this what Mozart had in mind, or had I better closemy eyesl This, then is the challenge the director faces.I must go quietly so as not to disturb, relying on a combination of perceptions,intuitions and concept. As a Stone Age savagehears each breaking twig I too must listen carefully.There is a finy voice inside which says,"This is wonderful; follow itt" I must capture those bits and pieces, those sudden expressions,that particular turn of the head, the quiet unnoficed m o m e n t s , t h e d r e a m s , t h e in sp i r e d phrase,and weave them into a iabric that not only makes sense,but reveals that elusive quality, the quality that g a v e r i s e t o t h e m u s i c i t s e l f - th a t underlying motif - that better, more noble attribute that reminds us of our strength and gives us courage.
RaduLupu,Dee GoldMedalist, in hk Fiuakperfortnauce withtheFortWoth Sywphouy, conducted byEzraRnchlin.
tszz GoldMedalisL leaves YladiwirYiardo, thestage ot'Carnegie HalI aftu hisdebut recitalin May 7974.
1966]ury wewberAlicia deLarrochaaud Yan Cliburnhavea litely couvusation duiug theOpeningDinnu.
GraceWard Laukford audYanCliburu at the7966Cowyetition.
of the MrlWilliamM. Fuller,Chairwan at the andYauCliburn 7973Corftvetition. 1977Coh4petition. StuenDe Groote.7977 GoldMedalkt,on at theTanantCountyConveution stage Cewterat theGala AwardsCerewony.Left, Dr, andMrg Allkon.
of the Mrs,EhonM. Hyder, ]r., Chairwan presides at theOpeuiug 7977Cowpetition, Dinnerwithheadtablepestslelttoight: (Jury Nancy Chairuan), JohnGiordauo Mrs.F.Howard Hanks(NEA Chairwan), Mrs,SidR Bass, Cliburn, Wakh,Yau Sawpsou, Mrs.EdwardW. F,HowardWakh, 197s-79). Ir. (Chairnan
At the 1981Draw PartyMrs. JoeA. Tilley' Ir., Chairwanof theYanCliburnFoundation,andAnthonyPhillips,Executive coufer Directotof the ls91 Cotnpetition, withJohuCiordano,Chairwanot'theluu. of theSixthYau CliburuInterThe Medalists ilationalPiano Cowpetitiou:(left to righr) PanaykLyras(Silver).Andri-MichelSchub (Silver). lCold).SanriagoRodng.tez
New Audiencesfor the Competition by Andrew Raeburn Backin the 193os,when the first major internafional music competitions were starting out, radio was still primitive, televisionwasexperimental,and recording was far away from digital tape and compactdisc.Half a centurylater,satellitesand lasersand other space-agetechnology have made television and radio coverage,as well as commercial recordings,a-norm for the world's important competitions. Exposure on television and radio hasbecomea necessitytoday inthe. successful launchingof a concert
In most countries the costs are underwritten by nat ional br oadc as t ing a uth oritie s. whic h in t ur n ar e government-funded.The situation in the United Statesis quite different: the comperition must itself find underwriting for both production and promotion of TV and radio broadcasts. The SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Competition is especiallyfortunate that Mobil Oil Corporation and Tandv Cornoration / Radio Shack have u nd erwritte n t he c os t of t he m os t extensivetelevision and radio coverage in the Van Cliburn's history. Mobil Oil has a long and distinguishedrecord of underwritingon PBS,notably in recent years of Mitupiece Theatreand Mystery. The Competitionis the first project that Mobil has co-sponsoredwith another corporation. Tandy Corporation / Radio Shack,headquarteredin Fort Worth, has for manv veirs been in the forefront of community arts support,but has never beforesponsoredso ambitious a television and radio project.
On June 4, at 9 pm Easternand 8 pm Central time, a television special about the Seventh Van Cliburn Intemational Piano Competition is scheduled for broadcastcoist-to-coaston the PBSnetwork. fiewers in Boston and SanFrancisco will see the show the following week.) KERATV Channel 13 of Dallas/ Fort Worth is the presentingstation. The production is in the chargeof Bill Fertikand RobertDalrymple,the awardwinn i n g t e a m r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e coverageof the rs82 TchaikovskyCompetition in Moscow. (An article by Bill Fertik appearson page119ofthe Prosram.)TransWorld International,a diviiion of Mark McCormack'sInternational ManagementGroup, will distribute the -worldwide, giving show television audienc e s i n m a n y o t h e r c o u n t r i e s t h e opportunity to experiencethe excite' ment of the Van Clibum Competition. State-of-the-artaudio is an essential ingredientof the project.Production is in the caoablehands of Michael Woolcock of International Media Productions. Mr. Woolcock was for many years a Grammy-award winning producer for London/Decca Records.Equipment is suppliedby Digital RecordingServicesof Houston; presidentof the companyand chief engineeris John Moran, whose credits include, among many others, Live from Lincoln Center, the Chicaeo Opera and BarbraStreisand. Audio of the musical performancesis provided by the Woolcock/Moran team not only for the television special,but also for radio and commercial recordings. KTCU-FM 88.7, the radio station of Texas Christian University, broadcaststhe Competition in its entirety. KERA/oo.FM, public broadcasting for North Texas,is the producer and presenter of all other radio coverage.There hav e b e e n i n t e r v i e w s w i t h v a r i o u s people connected with the Competition
on National Public Radios Mornine Edition. Ralph Votapek, Gold Medalist of the First Van Cliburn International Piano Competifion, and renowned commentatorMartin Bookspanhost a series of Gold Medalist recitals, recorded from 1983-84and tg8+-85 Cliburn Concerts given in Fort Worth. Representedare Mr. Votapek himself, Cristina Ortiz, Steven De Groote and Andr6-Michel Schub. These have been distributed in May on American Public Radio. There is also coverageof the Competition itself on A m e r i c a n P u b l i c R a d i o : m u si ci a n , raconteur and Renaissanceman Steve Allen teams up with Paul Hume, editor emeritus of The Washington Post to host the three eveningsof Finals.They introduce the concerto performancesof each of the six winners with illustrated commentary on their solo and chamber playing in the earlierrounds.On June 2 the radio program is an overview of the whole Competition, the climax being coverageof ihe Presentationof Awardsl Executive Producer for KERA/so.FM is Michael M. Nitka: Producer/Director for the coverageof the Competition is fua Guzelimian. Nancy Lamb is Contributing Reporter. The availabiliry of recordingsis alsovital for young artists.Moss Music Group plans to issue recitals by each of the three medalistsvery soon after the ComDetition's end on the Vox Cum Laude iabel. Performancesgiven during the Preliminarv and Sernifinalrounds will be chosenby MMG's Director of Artists and Repertoire Martin Bookspan. The Van Cliburn, as all of the worldt g r e a t m u s i c c o m p e t i t i o n s ,c on sta n tl y looks for more effecriveways to launch the careersof brilliant young musicians. fu people rely more and more heavily on electronic media for information and entertainment, it becomesequally more and more impoftant to provide these kinds of exposure.In 1985, thanks to M o b i l O i l C o r p o r a t i o n a n d Ta n d y Corporation / Radio Shack, millions of music lovers throughout the world will be able,as never before,to sharein the triumphs, the disappointments and, above all, the thrilling performancesof the finest young pianists in the world as they live through the chalJenges of the S e v e n t h V a n C l i b u r n I n t e r na ti o n a l P i a n o C o m p e t i t i o n . I t i s a s i gn i fi ca n t step forward in the historicalpiogressof the Competition.
SeventhVan CliburnInternationalPianoCompetitionContributors Television and Radio Coverage Mobil Oil Corporation Tandv Corporition / Radio Shack Audition Videotaping and ScreeningIury Anne Burnett and CharlesD. Tandy Foundation Eveningsof Finals Mrs. O. C. Armstrong Cliburn Council/ InternationalFriends of the Van Cliburn Competition Sid W fuchardsonFoundation Competition Application Book Amon G. Carter Foundation Garvey TexasFoundation Iury Chairman Web Maddox Trust National Publicity Amon G. Carter Foundation Volunteer Coordination Junior Leagueof Fort Worth Conductor Sid W. RichardsonFoundation Opening Gala Fort Worth CiearineHouse Association Tokyo String Quartet Mr. and Mrs. Roben M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson
Competition Jury Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. JamesR. Blake William and Catherine Bryce Memorial Fund Mary Potishman Lard Tiust Mr. and Mrs. John Roby Penn The Ryan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Thomas CrystelleWaggonerCharitable Trust JamesL. and EuniceWest Foundation Commissioned Work Amon G. CarterFoundation Gala AwardsPresentation Fort Worth ClearineHouseAssociation Mr. and Mrs. Witliim E. McKay Mr. and Mrs. LeeA Paulsel Performing futs Grant Program Prizesand Awards AmericanAirlines,Inc. AmericanCollegeof Musicians T. J. Brown and C. A Lupton Foundation The Buck Foundation CapitalCitiesFoundation Mrs. SamCantey,Jr. Mr. Van Cliburn Fort Worth Piano tachers Forum FullerFoundation Mary Potishman Lard Trust Neiman-Marcus Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Seymour,III Mr. and Mrs. F.Howard Walsh,Sr. Hospitality Suite Mr. and Mrs.William S.Davis Administrative Intem William RandolphHearstFoundation FacilitiesArrangements t. J. brown and L. A LuDton Foundation
with gratitudethesupportof theiudividuak,foundations, whosegenuous Inc. achuowledges corpontiot4s and agencies TheYan CliburnFouudatiou, helpwaheposibletheYanCliburnlntefl4ational PianoCowpetition, Theirsupport overa four-year cycleallowsthe unduwitingandcontributions activities of theFoundatiot4 to continueand assures theirfuture.
GoldenBenefactor ($lo,oooandover) American Airlines, Inc. Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bas Amon G. Carter Foundation Sid W Richardson Foundation Tandy Corporation,/ Radio Shack Anne Bumett and CharlesD. Tandy Foundation Mrs. O. C. Armstrong Mr. Van Clibum Intemational Friends of the Van Clibum Piano Competition (forrnerly Clibum Couniil) Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Floirendo Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Komfeld Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Ramos Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh. Sr. Silver Benefactor
($zo,ooo and over) Mr. andMrs.WilliamS.Davis FortWorth ClearingHouseAssociation The FullerFoundation MaryPotishmanLardTrust WebMaddoxTrust JohnMcShainCharities,Inc. Mr. andMrs.Keith Mixson The MoodyFoundation Ambassador andMrs.BienvenidoTantoco Mr. andMrs.PhiliDK. Thomas Mr. andMrs.JoeA Tilley,Jr. Anonymous Benefactor ($ro,ooo and over) American College of Musicians RobertM. Bass Grouo.Inc. Mr. andMrs.SidR. Biss Mr. andMrs.JamesR Blake WilliamandCatherineBryceMemorialFund, TexasAmericanBank/ FortWorth,N.A, Trustee CapitalCitiesFoundation Mrs.fuldiaBeeO'BryanClibum Estateof FloyE.Dunning GaweyTexasFoundation Mr. andMrs.EltonM. Hyder,Jr. JuniorLeazueof FortWorth Mr. andMis. fuchardW.Moncrief Mr andMrs.JohnRobyPenn The PerformingArts GrantProgram The RyanFoundation CrystelleWaggoner CharitableTi.ust JamesL. andEuniceWestCharitableTiust Guarantor ($E,oooand over) Dr. andMrs.WilliamF Bonnell Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation T. J. BrownandC.A LuptonFoundation, Inc. Mr. Canoll W. Collins Mr. andMrs.BenjaminJ. Fortson Wm.RandolphHearstFoundation Mr. andMrs.EdwardR Hudson,Jr. Mr. andMrs.J. LeeJohnson,III
Mrs. Dora Lee Lansdon Dorothea leonharit Fund of the Communities Foundation of Texas,Inc. Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward Martin Ella C. McFadden Charitable Tiust Dr. and Mrs. JamesM. Moudy Mr. and Mrs. Lee A Paulsel Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W Smith Mr and Mrs. Rice M. Tilley, Jr. Union Pacific Corporation / Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroad Companies. Champlin PetroleumCompany, RoclcyMountain EnergyCompany and Upland IndustriesComoration White RoseDistributing Company Patron
($z,roo and over) AutobahnImports Mr. andMrs.LouisH. Bamett RaymondE.BuckFoundation Mrs.AmonG. Carter,Jr. Mr. andMrs.HeywoodC. Clemons Mr. andMrs.RichardP Dale Mr. andMrs.FredB. Dickey Mr. andMrs.NorwoodP.Dixon Mrs.RobertP.Duoree PeterW GalierandAssociates Dr. andMrs.RichardC. Gasser Dr. andMrs.JosephM. Grant Mr. andMrs.John H. Gutfriend Mr. andMrs.JohnS.Justin,Jr. Mr. andMrs.WilliamA Landreth Mr. William F.McCann Mr. andMrs.WilliamE.McKay Mr. andMrs.K. Douglas McKenzie, Jr. Mr. AndrewRaeburn Mr. andMrs.RichardE.Rainwater Mr. and Mrs. PaulR Ray,Sr. Mr. andMrs.JohnV Roach,II Mr. andMrs.EwellJ.Robinett The Arch andStellaRowanFoundation. Inc Mr. andMrs.James R Sowell Mr. andMrs.PaulK. Trioolehom Dr. andMrs.WilliamE.Tucker Mr. andMrs.RobertF.Watson Mr. andMrs.C. DickieWilliamson Mr. William Kelly Young Donor ($r,ooo and over) AlconFoundation Dr. andMrs.JamesE.Anthony Mr. andMrs.LarryH. Anton Mr. andMrs.PerryR Bass Mr. andMrs. GersonBemstein Dr. andMrs.DavidM. Beyer Mr. andMrs.LewisH. Bond Bristol-Myers Fund Mrs.HaroldH. Brittineham LadlllaCralrrvlewUrban LreVelODment Mrs. Sam B. Cantey,Jr. Cantey, Hanger, Gooch, Munn, & Collins Capital National Bank Mi Robert G. Coffin
Mr. andMrs.W. HaldenConner Mr. andMrs.BradfordG. Corbett Mr. andMrs.DavidD. Corley Mr. JackF.Costello,Jr. Mr. andMrs.JohnE Cranz Mr. andMrs.HaydnH. Cutler Mr. andMrs.SamuelA Denny Mr. andMrs.fuchardDente Mr. andMrs.JamesS.DuBose Fifth AvenueFoundation FortWorth PianoTeachers Forum Mr. andMrs.WilliamM. Fuller Mrs.Wilford B. Fultz Mr. andMrs.KennethGarrett,Jr. Dr. andMrs.E.RichardHalden,Jr. Mrs.BameyB. Holland Mr. andMrs.JohnS.Howell,III Mr. andMrs.EricE Hyden InterFirstBankFortWorth,N.A Mr. PhilipR Jonsson Kahn'sfor Pianos BenE.Keith Foundation Mr. andMrs.DeeJ. Kelly Mr. andMrs.RaymondB. Kelh Jr. Koslow's LoneStarGasCompanv Dr. andMrs.DavidY.S.Lou Mr. JoeR Martin Mr. andMrs.PaulW.Mason Mr. andMrs.PhillipJ. Meek Dr andMrs.ErnestMenaldino Mr. andMrs.Henry S.Miller,Jr. Neiman-Marcus Mrs.HaroldC. Nowlin Drs.Joyceand A M. Pate,Jr. Mr. andMrs.JamesR Perry Mr. andMrs.J. Olcott Phillips Mr. andMrs.Tom E.Purvis CyrusK. andAnn C. RickelFoundation Foundation JulieandBenRogers Mr. andMrs.E.M. Rosenthal Dr. andMrs.NealieE.Ross, Jr Mrs.EdwardW. Sampson, Jr. Ms.LouisaStudeSarofim Mr. andMrs.A T. Seymour, III Shannon,Gracey,Ratliff & Miller Mrs.GeorgeThomasSmith Mr. andM-rs.WilliamT. Smith Mr. andMrs. AlastairStair Mr. andMrs.WilliamE. Steele,III Mr. andMrs.RichardI. Stevens Mr. andMrs.JohnM. Stevenson TL.L. TemuleFoundation Mr. andMis. So1Taylor Mr. andMrs.ThomasM. Taylor TexasAmericanBank/FortWorth Mr. andMrs.RiceM. Tille* Sr. Mr. andMrs.CharlesW Tindall Mr. SidUberman Mr. andMrs.E.DuerWagner, Jr. Mr. andMrs.RichardF Walsh Mr. andMrs.Harry K. Werst Mr. andMrs.J. Don Williamson Mrs.SidneyJ.Wilson,Jr. Mr. andMrs.HerschelC. Winn Mr. andMrs.S.PatrickWoodson,III B. Young Mrs.Constance Mr. andMrs.GeorgeM. Young YounsOil Corporation Mr. aid Mrs.J6seph1-Zant Mr. ThomasE.Ziremba
The Yau CliburuFouudatiou,Inc. gratet'ully acknowledges thesupportol thoseindividuak,t'ouudatious aud corporations whosegiftshelpwake possible the Yau CliburuluternationalPiano Cowpititioi. ihe npport 6t'thesecoitibutorsove,a founyeaicyclewahesposibli thecoutiuuiug\peratiiusof rhi Foundatiouaud assures itst'uture.Benefitpatronsareilot it4cluded in thk list. whosegit's werereceiyed Weregrettheowissiouof any coutributors toolatefor pinting deadliues.
Sustainer ($5oo and over)
Sponsor ($z 5o and over)
Mr. Rob T. Allen Mr. Irl Allison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bartel Bell Helicopter Textron Mr. and Mis. Raymond T Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Brachman Mr. and Mrs. E. Blake Byme Mr. and Mrs. Emorv A Cantev Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Chapman,II Mr and Mrs. Max E. Clark SusanDavis-Arvin Mr. and Mrs. William S. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. JamesDunaway Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dyess DynaplexSystems Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Preston M. Geren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Giordano Mr. and Mrs. William Y Harvey Dr. and Mrs. JamesE. Holmes Justin lndustries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. R StephenLefler Mrs. Harry L. Logan, lr. Loyd-Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Joe W Lydick Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mayo, III Col. and Mrs. John T. McKee Miss Louise McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Meeker Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Minker Mr. and Mrs. David O'Brien, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Paup Phillips Petroleum Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Pillsbury Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rappaport Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rauscher,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse Dr. and Mrs. Robb H. Rutledge Mrs. Clavton Sevmour Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Simmons Mrs. Landreth Smith Miss Evelyn Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Swafford TexasFederalSavings Mrs. Hazel Vernon Dr. and Mrs. JamesM. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Lon T Werner Mr. and Mrs. Ed P Williams,Jr Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Tadashi Yamagata
Mrs. Kathryn A Acosta Mr. Emest Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderlitch Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Felix Ankele Mr. and Mrs. Bemard S. Appel Mr. and Mrs. R C. fuchenholc Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ard Mrs. Louzelle Barclay Mrs. GeorgeJ. Barlow BatesContainer,Inc. Mrs. Dorothy Ball Beard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belew Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Bemabei Dr. Willian Bernell Bierman,Solomon,Ross, Petrick, & Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. William R. Biggs Mr. David Bonderman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Robert R Braeen Dr. and Mrs. H. R Bramand The Brants Company Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bratcher,Jr. Roy Browning and Jaye Skaggs Mr. and Mrs. Bilh J. Bunch Mr. and Mrs. J. CharlesBurden Thos. S. Byme, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Capper Larrv and Marv Ann Carlile Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Carvey,Ir. Dr. and Mrs. Emest M. Closuit, Jr. Mr. Andrew Clunn Mr. and Mrs. T. Gary Cole, Jr. Mr. Whitfield J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. William C. Conner Dr. and Mrs. Scott Cutler Dr. A R Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Decker Dr. and Mrs. J. Paul Donovan Max Eubank Roofins Mr. and Mrs. John A Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Dee Finley, lr. First City National Bank of Fort Worth The Fort Worth News Tribune Mr and Mrs. Walter S. Fortney, III Mr. Tonny Foy Mr. and Mrs. Peter W Galier Mr. and Mrs. Lawton G. Gambill Glenn and Marcia Garoon Jenkins Garrett Mr. and Mrs. David Giles Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goldman Dr. and Mrs. David A Grant Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Greenman Greenwood-Mount Olivet Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Grigsby Mrs. Earle A Haley Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hallman, Jr. Mr. Wm. Arthur Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Harutun Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Hart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leland A. Hodges,Jr. Dr and Mrs. JamesE. Holmes Rev. and Mrs. Bertrand N. Honea, Jr. JBM Builders, inc. Ms. Q'Zella O. Jeffus Mrs. Keith Kahle
Mr. and Mrs. JamesC. Karsch Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther King, lr Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. I(ine Dr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Lamensdorf Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Lasater,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lawrence Mrs. John Marvin Leonard Mr. and Mrs. John R Lively Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas Mr. Ron Lusk Dr. and Mrs. Don R Madsen Dr. CharlesMann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T Martir Mr. and Mrs. Retha ReginaldMartin, II Julia McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McAnulty JamesE. McCoy,M.D. McDonald, Sanders,Ginsberg,Maddox, Newkirk, and Day Mr. and Mrs. JamesMcGarry Mr. and Mrs. William H. Medary Meeker and Comoanv Mr. and Mrs. Jarrell R. Milbum Mr. Gary Miller Monnig's Department Stores,Inc. Mrs. EdwardM. Muse Mr. and Mrs. Hyman L. Nemser Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Nowlin Mr and Mrs. FrankD. Olin Dr. and Mrs. Anselo L. Otero Dr and Mrs. Marvin C. Overton, III Overton Park National Bank Mr. and Mrs. JosephG. Pacetti Mr. John W. Radiff Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton Rayzor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Reicher Mr. Barclav R Rvall Ms. Emily J. Sano Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Scott Dr. and Mrs. W BurgessSealy Mr. JamesR. Seitz,Jr Ms. Linda Sherrill Mrs. Florence Simon Mr. and Mrs. Lee A Smith SouthwesternBell Telephone SouthwesternExDosition & fat Stock 5how Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeW. Staples Dr. and Mrs. J. John Stasikowski Mrs. William D. Stewart,Jr Mr. and Mrs. Ben F.Stroder,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Georse H. Sullivan Mr and Mrs. Jamei D. Sweeney Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Taylor Mrs. Frank F.Taylor Mr. and Mrs. C. Mctor Thornton Dr. and Mrs. JamesTimberlake Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tumer, III Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ward Clavbourne and Avis Waldrop Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wallace Weaver and Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wickman Mr. and Mrs. W.W Wiley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Valleau Wilkie, Jr. Mr. John H. Williams Mrs. S. Smith Williams Mr. and Mrs. Earl StephenWilson Dr. and Mrs.JamesR. Winterringer Mr. Jerry Wolens Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Wroten Chris Van Wyk Designs Mr and Mrs. J. R Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Wynne Ms. Alice JuneZaremba Mrs. Ethel Zaremba Mr. and Mrs. CharlesC. Ziff
Supporter ($too andover) A&HVoltage,lnc. Ms.Kay BakerAcola Mr. andMrs.JosephD. Ambrose Mr andMrs.CharlesH. Andrews Mr andMrs.CharlesAnton Mr andMrs.W C. Bahan Mrs.RobertC. Barker Mr. andMrs.ThomasH. Bamett,Jr JackBarrow Mr. andMrs.PaulD. Bartlett Ms.MinervaHobartBatts Dr.lerry G. Bawcom Mrs.JohnnieDay Beaton Mr andMrs.JohnH. Beauchamp PeggyandBobBeckham Mr. andMrs.GeorgeBeggs, III Mrs.Irvin Beren Mr. andMrs.LeeV Berger Mr. andMrs.HowardBemstein Mr. andMrs.CIayJ.Berry Mr. andMrs.ThomasJ. Bibb Mrs.ElizabethRyanBond Mrs.EliasBrachman Mrs.Kirby Brannon Mrs.E.Ivan Bruce JohnBroudeandJudyRosenblum Dr. andMrs.JoelBussey Mrs.CharlesB. Campbell, Jr. Mrs.SamB. Cantey,III Mrs.ElectraM. Carlin Mr. andMrs.AlfredA Checchi Dr. Tilden L. Childs,III Ms.Dorothyj. Cline Mr. Ken Coe Mrs.WilliamP.Cranz Dr. EdwardJ. Crump,D.C. Dr. YaelDanieli Dr. BradfordL. Davis Mr. andMrs.SamDay Mr. FrankJ. Dellorfano Dr. RobertW. Dowling Marleneand RayDunian JimEagleTurf Industries,Inc. Mrs.S.GardnerEndress Dr. andMrs.RichardW Ernst Ms.HelenConstantinoFioratti FirstNationalBankof Euless Mr. Ieff L. Fraley Mrs.HarryB. Friedman KatherineB. Fultz Dr. andMrs.EdwardFurber Mr. EricWrightGardner
Mr. and Mrs. Tavlor Gandv Mr. and Mrs. John P. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Gillespre Ms. Dorothy Hedberg Gillesfie Mrs. Lacy W Goostree Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Grable Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W Graham Dr. and Mrs. Allan L. Graham Mrs. JamesH. Grammer Mrs. Jerome Davis Greene Mrs. John M. Griffith, Jr Mrs. Wyatt M. Hall Dr. and Dr. Fabian Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Billy A Hardie Mr and Mrs. Robert E. Hardwicke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harry Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Hart Ms. Melinda LevrisHassen Col. Floyd F. Haug Dr. Jack W Hendrix Dr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Hillarc Dr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Hinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hodge Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. CharlesW. Horan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoskins Ms. JeanW. Hovenkamp Dr. and Mrs. Sim Hulsey Mrs. Virgile P. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. John H. James Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ed H. Keltner Mr. and Mrs. D. Randall Kent Mrs. Gwvnne D. Kevland Mrs. Lee Kirkwood Mrs. E. RossKyger, Jr. Mrs. Marie Lauehlin Mr. and Mrs. Pliillip E. Laughlin Dr. Claudio Lehmann Amold and June Leondar Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Lery Dr. and Mrs. John Fiske Loud Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mack Mr and Mrs. H. C. Maoles Luella Martin Dr. and Mrs. Victor EugeneMcCall Mr. and Mrs. FrancisE. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. McClain Mrs. JamesO. McClister, III Mrs. Ligon McClure Ms. PeggyD. McConnell Mr. W B. McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W McKinney Dr. and Mrs. William W. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Dennis FrancisMcMahon, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuitty Mrs. Jack W. Melcher Metro Irrigation & Supply Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Michero Dr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Miles
Mrs.JamesR Mitchell Mr. andMrs.Meto Miteff Mr. andMrs.W. A Moncrief,Jr. Mrs.J.W Motheral MotheralDevelopment Ms.JudyG. Needham Mrs.C. P.Nemser Dr. andMrs.Alan P.Neuren Mrs.O. P Newberry,Jr. Mr. andMrs.JamesW Newcomer Mr. andMrs.LarryW Newell Mr. Wirt M. Norris,Jr. Dr. Martin J. O'Meara,Jr. Dr. andMrs.RichardO'Neal Dr. andMrs.JohnW O'Rear Mr. andMrs.WaynePalmer Mr. andMrs.GeorgeW. Pepper Mrs.WesleyH. Peterson Mr. andMrs.R JamesPhillips,Jr. Ms.WilleneH. Pitman Mrs.SueRowanPittman Mr. andMrs.Dan G. Poland,Jr. Mr.JohnH. C. Pomeroy,II Ms.MaryL. Porter Mr. andMrs.L. DanielPrescott Dr. andMrs.Dixon Presnall Mr. GeorseW Price Mr. andMrs.Dev Purkayastha Mr. CharlesM. Reid Mr. andMrs.ThomasB. Reynolds Mrs.YvonneReynolds Mr. andMrs.WarrenO. Rimbey Mrs.FrankF.Roberts Dr. andMrs.Tom Rogers, Jr. Mr. SamRosen Ms.PhyllisH. Rowan Mrs.CharlesL. Rowan Dr. andMrs.WilliamF.Runyon Mr. andMrs.T C. Salmon Mr. CharlesP Schwartz, Jr. Mrs.OgdenKelly Shannon,III Mrs.AdamsShugart FamilyFoundation Silverstein Ms.MaryAliceSmith Mr.JohnC. Snyder Mr. andMrs.SterlingW Steves Mrs.WilliamC. Stewart Mrs.JohnJ. Stuart Mrs.Frances J. Stuart Dr. andMrs.GeorgeT. Tade Mr. andMrs.HerbertH. Thaxton Mrs.FredD. Thompson,Jr. Ms.RuthTillman Mr. andMrs.J. DavidTiacy Mrs.DavidB. Tiammell Mrs.J. H. YanZant Mr. andMrs.DonaldE.Wahl Ms.ElnaWilkinson Mrs.DonaldE.Williams MaudiWalshWillson Mrs.MargaretWilson Wu ChengjTsu Ill Mr.andMrs.W ScottWysong. Mrs.A W Yadon Dr. andMrs.HectorO. Yanes
Associates (Up to $roo) Ajax Glass& Mirrors Mrs. Ruth Orcott Bacon Mr and Mrs. Warren Bakal Mr. and Mrs. Lathan Baker Mr. and Mrs. B. T Balcom Mr. and Mrs. John R Bankston Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Barminski Mrs. Winston A. Bamey Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bamey Ms. Laurene Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Harrv R Beaudrv Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peno Benson Mr. JamesH. Bloem Dr. SusanK. Blue Ms. A Marearet Bok Mr. and Mri. Louis B. Bonelli Mrs. John A Bonnet Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Borgers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Lorin A Boswell,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob P. Bowlin Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Boysen,Jr. Ms. LauraBozeman Nanry L. Brackett Dr. and Mrs. William V Bradshaw Vicci L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carter Burdette Ms..LisaA Burkard Ms. Ruth H. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Parks Campbell Mr. Bruce D. Campbell I. C. Candoli Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. David F. Chappell Mr and Mrs. William Emest Chilton, lr Ms. Mary Anne Clark Ms. Marv Whatlev Clarke Mrs. FosterClayton Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Clement Dr. and Mrs. Dolphus E. Compere Mrs. Robert E. Coplev Ms. Gavle Corkerv Mrs. Regent Costello Mrs. Gus Cranz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Cravens Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Crouser,III Judgeand Mrs. George A Crowley Dr and Mrs. A. M. Cunningham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O. Dacus Mr. William V Dafcik Mr. and Mrs. William B. David Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeJ. Davis Mr. and Mrs. JamesB. DeMoss,III Mrs. BealeDean Dr. and Mrs. JamesG. Denton Mr. and Mrs. EugeneJ. Dozier Mr. and Mrs. Howard R Drew Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Durst Mr. and Mrs. fuchard W. $ess Ms. Catherine M. Eckert Mrs. Dale D. Eddv Ms. Beth Eisenman Mrs. B. E. Ellman Linda Esslinger Mr. and MrslJamesC. Esslinger Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Eudaly,Jr. Mrs. Edgar S. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fahy,Jr. Mr. Charles H. Fish Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fowler Carol A Francis Ms. Emily Frazier Mrs. Saul Freundlich Mrs. Dorothy K. Frey Mr. Raymond E. Fryer Ms. Denice R. Galier Mr. and Mrs. Elliott S. Garsek JoanGaspard Mr. and Mrs. futhur I. Ginsburg
Mr. Robert R Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gore Mrs. Richard B. Grammer Mrs. Maria G. Grimaldo Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Guinn Catherine Guynes Mr. and Mrs. FiskeHanley Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Harmel Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. John C. Harrington Mr. Dale R Hanis Mrs. Albert J. Hart Mrs. SamL. Hassell John and Nikki Hatley Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henrichs Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Herman, III Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hogg Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay B. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Holt Mrs. Banks Howard General and Mrs. Hamilton H. Howze Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Jackson Miss IsabelieJohnson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kahn Ms. S.JaniceKee Ms. Florence Keen Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Kent Mrs. J. H. Kenyon Ms. Katherine W. Kilpatrick Lina Kirkpatrick Dr. and Mrs. JamesA Kiewer Ms. Muriel C. Knecht Mr. and Mrs. Royal G. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolodkin Dr. and Mrs. Lester Kuoerman Mrs. Carol Laesecke Mrs. Dorothy P. Lane Mr. Leo Lawless Ms. SaraS. Lawson Dr. and Mrs. H. Lehmann Dr. David M. Levine Dr. and Mrs. Tom S. Lipscomb Mrs. Hodge Livet Dr. and Mrs. W S. Lorimer, Jr. Mr. G. Malcolm Louden Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Ludvigson Mrs. A C. Luther The Lynch Foundation Mr. William W Lynch, Jr. Ms. Sheila Madden Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Mallard Mr. and Mrs. John C. Malone Mrs. H. D. McAfee Dr. and Mrs. JamesO. McBride Mr. and Mrs. JosephE. McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. JamesR McCarty Mr. Matthew P McDonald Ann E. McGillivray Mr. and Mrs. Willian W. Meadows Mr. J. Wade Meeker Mr. Dale E. Millen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miller Mrs. Marianne F.Morris Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murad Mr. and Mrs. JamesB. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Nat Myers Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A Nanes Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Nelson Mrs. Clay O'Hara
Mr andMrs.EmestA. Oliver Mr. andMrs.J.D. Osbum Mrs.G. C. Owen MaryParker Ms.MatildaNail Peeler Ms.EdithJ. Pew Dr. andMrs.L. Pitts,Jr. Mr. andMrs.RogerPortlvood G.J.Post,Jr. C. R Pritchard Mrs.WallacePutnam Mr. andMrs.Morty Rapfogel Mr. andMrs.JackH. Reddy Mrs.B. C. Reich,Jr. CarolG. Rhodes Mr. andMrs.BiUI. Riggs Mr. andMrs.HomerG. Riley Mr. andMrs.WilliamC. Riley,Jr. Mr. CharlesW Rogers Ms. KathleenK. Rotert Mr. andMrs.EdwinS.Ryan Ms.JeanneVan Zant Sanders Mrs.JackSankary RabbiandMrs.RobertJ. Schur Mr. andMrs.PaulP Schwartz Mr. andMrs.HerbertL. Schwarz DennisandFrancieScifres Mrs.Frances M. Scott Mr. andMrs.ByronB. Searcv Mr. andMrs.OgdenKelly Shannon, Jr TaunaTaylorShelton Mr. andMrs.RonaldK. Shiflet Mrs.CameronShrooshire Ms.JaneF.Sims Mrs.trrel J. Small Mr. andMrs.EmmetG. Smith Ms.EmilyGuthrieSmith Mr. andMrs.BvronH. Smvth Ms.ArleneL. Sollenberger Mr. RichardL. Spangler Mr. andMrs.RichardSteed Ms.JoyceE.Strong Mrs.HosmerB. Stuck H. F.StuteComoanv Ms.ElizabethEstesTaylor Mr. andMrs.JohnThomason Mr. J.Andy Thompson Mr. andMrs.Kelly R Thompson Mrs.D. H. Thombury Mrs.R NealTimberlake Dr andMrs.Martin Tobey Mr. GeorgeTownsend Mr. andMrs.KennethJ.Volk Mr. andMrs.F.HowardWalsh,Jr. Col.andMrs.HarryH. Wandry Mr. andMrs.Keith C. Watson Mr. ThomasC. Watson KathleenD. Webster Mrs.P.R Wells Mr. andMrs.EdwardOgdenWhipple Mr. andMrs.BrownloeWhitehead Mr andMrs.GalynS.Wilkins Mr. RandyN. Willis Mr. DoyleWillis,Jr Dr. andMrs.MichaelWinesanker Ms.JudiA Wood Mr. andMrs.W C. Woodard Mr. andMrs.CharlesA Wonell GerryNealYates Mr. andMrs.F.L. Yeates Ms.Betw RimbevZeiller
The Van CliburnFouudation, lnc, grntet'ully acknowledges thesupportof theseindividwls,t'oundatioils aud corporatiot4s
The following.organizations have_providedto the Foundation facilities and services, the value of which is immeasurable: Kimbell Art Museum Mobil Oil Corporation Paul R. Ray & Company,Inc. William EdringtonScoti Foundarion Tandy Corporation/ Radio Shack TexasChristianUniversiw TexasWesleyanCollege
organizations haveprovidedexceptional services, timeandproducts to supporttheVanCliburn
American Airlines Americana Hotel-Fort Worth Arts Council of Fort Worth & Thrrant County Bal{win Piano and Organ Company Mr. William R. Biess Gordon Boswell Fl-o'*"., Boswell-FoyInteriors Mr. Carroll W. Collins Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau
FortWorth ExpositionandFatStock Show FortWorth Newstibune FortWonh StarjTelegram BenE.Keith& Comuanv Mrs.EdwardPowellkennev Mr. WilliamMcCann Mr. RichardMcMullin Neiman-Marcus
The following Hallswereprovidedto the Foundationfor the video screeningprocedurewithout Bayerischer Rundfunk Munich,WestGermany Budapest fuademyof Music Budapest, Hungary BuleariaHall )ona,bulgana SalleGabriel Faur6 Conservatoire de Paris Paris,France SalleEmest Ansermet Radio SuisseRomande Geneva,Switzerland Luthn Hall Northwestem University Evanston,Illinois Hancock Auditorium University of Southern Califomia Los Angeles,Califomia
Pa* & Recreation Department - City of Fort Worth Sony Corporation of America Tarrant County Convention Center Texas Refinery Corporarion Mr. Rice M. Tillev, ir. Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Lompany Arthur Young
The Van Cliburn International Piano Competition is grateful to the following individuals, companies and organizations for their donations of time, servicesand products to support the Competition:
AB.C. Flag Company Acme Brick Company Adolphus Hotel Dallas Air Systems Amfac Hotel Dallas/ Fort Worth ARC Glassand Mirror Arlington Citizen Journal Arlington Stadium Bank of North Texas Bell Helicopter Textron. Inc. Bennett-Pennington Company Dr. David M. Beyer Bickley floors Billings Optical Billy Bob's Texas Bill Martin's Seafood Restaurants Blair Interiors, Inc. Ken Blasingame Blaylock Landscaping Blum & Katten Leonard Briscoe Entemrises Bruce Music Company Calhoun Street Oyster Company Carshon'sDelicatessen Amon G. Carter Museum Cauble-Hoshns fu chitects Central Bank and Tiust Central Ticket Agency Century ChevroletCo. Chicotikvt Clarksoni The Clothes Horse Coca-ColaBottling Company Colonial Savingsand Loan Association Colonial Cafetirias Colonial Catering Computerized BusinessServices Continental National Bank Coors Distributing Company The Craftsman, Inc. CumminsLighting Company,Inc. CumminsSupplyCompany The Dallas Cowboys Dallas Moming News Dallas Times Herald "D" Magazine a r ^n J. b. IJaUeS& Lompany Doubletree Inn of Dallas Dyer's Appliance Edd Ellis Executive Specialists Fanis Cash RegisterSales,Inc. Finley'sCleaners First American Title Company First City National Bank of fulington First State Bank Bedford
Williarn Ford Carpet Company Formby Wood Windows Fort Worth Art Museum Fort Worth Bank and Ti'ust Fort Worth Bone and Joint Clinic Fort Worth Building Owners and Managers l\ssooanon The Fort Worth Club Fort Worth Independent School District Fort Worth Musium of Scienceand History Fort Worth Magazine Fort Worth News tibune Frontier Paint & WallpaperCompany Fumiture in the Raw Gachman Metals Peter W. Galier & Associates Mr. William T. Garber Dr. RichardC. Gasser Gateway National Bank Wavne Lee Gav Virginia Geis General Brick SalesComoanv Harris Hospital Henderson Hardware Henry's Inc. Ms. Ann Hewitt Hlll and Knowlton, Inc. Charlie Hillard Ford Hilton Hotel Fort Worth Hilton Hotel LBJ Hive and Associates Hyatt RegencyDallas Hyatt RegencyFort Worth InterFirst Bank Fort Worth InterFirst Bank University Drive Internal Medicine Associatesof Fort Worth Justin Industries The Kee of Fort Worth Koslowi ExclusiveFurriers The Letter LLRV Inc. Jim Loveless LoewsAnatole Hotel, Dallas Luke Wickman's Pianos Mac'sHouse The Mandalay Four Seasons,Los Colinas The Mansion, Dallas Marco Chemical Robert Marklewitz Marvin Electronics McKenzie & CrossInc. Medical Plaza Hospital Michel Miller Brewing Company Minton-Corlev Mutual Building and Loan Association National Bank of Texas
N-Counter, Inc. Nordic FitnessProducts Off-Hours Overton Park National Bank PeacockStudio Pella Products PersonalityCups,Inc. P K. InsulatingCompany Edward H. Pine Insurance Mrs. Dixon Presnall Protection Engineers,Inc. PS Gifts Radiology Associatesof Fort Worth Mr. Steve Rapfogel The Registry Dallas Resdoor Company, Inc. Retina Consultants Rivaldi River Plaza Bank Rylander, Claly & Opitz Leieh Schmuck Wiiliam Fdrington Scott Theatre Scott Theatre Box Office SelleAlloys The Seville Shop Elbert Soencefuchitects Stockyaids Hotel Stripling & Cox Department Stores Summit National Bank R E. SweeneyCompany Szor-Diener Furs, Inc. Tarrant Concrete Company, Inc. Texas American Bancshares,Inc. Texas American Bank/ Fort Worth Texas Baroque Ensemble William Tinker Toby Corporation of America tavel l4anagement Intemafional I rouve Tyson Buick Inc. Universty Cleaners Walden's Distributing Company Harrv Ward lntemational, [nc. Ward Packaging,Inc. WashingtonProductions Wedgw6od Travel Westem Tile Sales.Inc. Wilco Electronics Lucien Wright Insurance Agenry
Radio Stations:
Television Stations: KXAS Channel 5 KERA Channel tl KTVT Channel rt KDFw Channel I WIAA Channel I
GoldenCircle Ms. Kay Baker Acola Ms. Kathryn A Acosta Mr. Rob T. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderlitch Mrs. Frank M. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Felix Ankele Mr. and Mrs. JamesE. Anthony Mrs. CharlesAnton Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Anton Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ard Mrs. Louzelle Barclay Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Barnett Mr Jack Barrow Mrs. Paul Bartlett Mr and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid R Bass Dr. Jerry G. Bawcom Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belew Miller Brewing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A Bemabei Dr. and Mrs. David M. Beyer Mr. and Mrs. William R Biggs Mr. and Mrs. JamesR Blake Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan Bond Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Bond Mr. David Bonderman Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Mr and Mrs. Leon H. Brachman Mr. and Mrs. Robert R Bragan Mr and Mrs. Joe Bratcher,Jr. Mrs. Harold H. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Burden Thos. S.Byme, Inc. Mr. A T. Seymour,III Mrs. CharlesB. Campbell,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emorv A Cantev Mrs. Sam B. Cantey, III Larrv and Marv Ann Carlile Mrs. Amon G. Carter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Heywood C. Clemons Mr. Ken Coe Mr. and Mrs. T. Gary Cole, Jr.
Mr. Carroll W. Collins Mr and Mrs. David D. Corley Mr. and Mrs. John F.Cranz Dr. and Mrs. Scott Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Dale Dr. Bradford L. Davis Ms. SusanDavis-Arvin Mr. and Mrs. William S. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Decker Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Donovan Mrs. JamesS.DuBose Mr. and Mrs. JamesDunaway Mrs. Robert P Dupree Mr. and Mrs. Dee Finley, Jr. First City Narional Bank of Fort Worth Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Fortson Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fuller Mrs. Wilford B. Fultz Mr. Eric Wright Gardner Glenn & Marcia Garoon Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins Garrett Cherrie and Ken Garrett Mr. and Mrs. JamesS. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Preston M. Geren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. RonaldColdmar. Dr. and Mrs. David A. Grant JosephM. and SheilaP Grant Mrs. JeromeDavis Greene Mrs. John M. Griffrth, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Richard Halden, Jr. Mrs. Earle A Haley Mr. Wm. Arthur Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Jack F Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Harutun Leland and Ann Hodees Dr. and Mrs. JamesE.-Holmes Ms. JeanW Hovenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Edward R Hudson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Hyden Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, lr. Ms. Q'Zella O. Jeftus Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Johnson,III Mrs. Keith Kahle Mrs. Gwvnne D. Kevland Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kornfeld Mrs. William A. Landreth Mrs. Marie Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. R. StephenLefler Mrs. John Marvin Leonard Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lively Mrs. Harry L. Logan,Jr. Loyd-Paxton Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Martin Mrs. Nicholas Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mayo, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank A McAnulty Mr and Mrs. Roy E. McDermott McDonald, Sanders,Ginsburg,Maddox, Newkirk & Day Mr. and Mrs. William E. McKay Col. and Mrs. John T. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Williarn H. Medary Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Lawrince H. Meeker Mr. and Mrs. Jarrell R Milbum Mrs. JamesR Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Moncrief Monnig'sDepartmentStores,Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. JamesM. Moudy Ms. Judy G. Needham Mrs. O. P. Newberry, Jr. Mrs. Frank D. Olin Dr. and Mrs. Aneelo L. Otero Sue and Marvin-C. Overton, III Mr. and Mrs. JosephG. PacettMr. and Mrs. Lee A Paulsel Henry B. & Anne S.Paup Mrs.John Roby Penn Mr. and Mrs. J. Olcott Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Edmund P Piilsbury Mr. John H. C. Pomeroy,II Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rainwater Paul R Ray and Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton Rayzor Mrs. Yvonne Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John V Roach, II Mr. and Mrs. Ewell J. Robinett Mr. and Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rosenthal Dr. and Mrs. Nealie E. Ross,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robb H. Rutledge Mr. Barclav R. Rvall Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Ryan Mrs. Clavton Seymour Mrs. George Thomas Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Smith Mrs. Landreth Smith Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Mr. and Mrs. George W Staples Dr. and Mrs. J. John Stasikowski Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stevenson Mrs. William D. Stewart,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Georse H. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Vern-onSwafford Anne Bumett & CharlesD. Tandy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mrs. Fred D. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe A'Tilley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. fuce M. Tilley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. JamesTimberlake Dr. and Mrs. William E. Tucker Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tumer, III Mrs. Hazel Vemon Mr. and Mrs. E. Duer Wagner,Jr. Clavbourne and Avis Waldrop Mr.'and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.Watson Dr. and Mrs. JamesM. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Lon T. Wemer Mr. and Mrs. Ed P.Wllliams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickie Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson Mrs. Sidney J. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephen Wilson Dr. and Mrs. JamesR Winterringer Mr. Jerry Wolens Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Wroten Chris Van Wyk Designs Mr. and Mrs. George M.Young Mr. William Kelly Young Mr. and Mrs. CharlesC. Ziff
The Van ClihurnFouudationk iydebtedto the GoldeuCirclesupporters t'ot theirpwchtseof tichetsaud donatious
1 .3 3
YanClibuln_Comp twooutofftetopfuee waewnneffi played theBaldwin.
Without equal.
istheofficialpianoof theMetropolitan 0pera,Kennedy Cente!Tanglewood, Chicago Symphony anda hostof otherfineinstitutions.
Arts CouncilAnnual CampaignVan Cliburn FoundationVolunteers 19 85
Mrs.ThomasF.Beech,Chairman Mrs.Lori Allen Mr. PeterW.A Ambler Mr. Dick Andrews Mrs.klix Ankele Mrs.CarolBenson Mrs.GersonBemstein Ms.CarolineBlinn lvls.Liz Brannon Mrs.D. ChrisBurditt lvls.SueCaldwell Mrs.Lori Campbell Ms.KelleyCarroll Mrs.Gail Cooke Mrs.MarvDonohue Ms.Frances Downing Ms.BethEisenman Mrs.WilliamElwood Mrs.fuchardJ. Fahy,Jr. lvls.Anita Falconer Mrs. ClarkeB. Gillespie Ms.JaneGlenn Mrs.Bob Herchert Ms.Vi Hertog Mr. LarryHysinger Mr. EdwardKemble Mr. RobertD. Kotarski Mrs. Gloria Kressin Ms.Ann Marek Dr. BradMcConnell Mr. BruceMcNeil Mrs.JoanMears Mrs. ChrisMedarv Mrs. NancvMitchell Ms.KarenO'Neill Mrs.EleneOndo Ms.DenisePage Mrs.L. DanielPrescott Mrs.PaulR R.y,Ir. Mrs. TerenceRyan Ms.BethStorey Mr. BenStrodeiJr. Mr. ScottWatson Mrs.IacftD. West lt4s.BeclcvWhite Mrs.HarrvWickes Mr. ThomasL. Wissins -lvis.SusanWilson
Mrs.HenryB. Paup,Chairman Ms.EmilyAuld Mrs.ShannonBailey Mrs. Harrv E. Bartel Mrs.MichaelW Bessire Mrs. Bob Bintliff Mrs.HarveyH. Boysen, Jr. Ms.LisaBuchanan Ms.HelenBuntin Ms. ClaudiaButts Mrs.Iu&e Byrd Ms. Kim Carey Ms.MaryChilton Ms.DebbieChristie Mrs. Don Henrv Collins Ms.KarenCook Mrs.CarolCorpening Ms.MarcieCummings Mrs.SamR Day Ms.SusanEstes Ms.RobinGamez lvls.Mary Lynn Garrett Mrs.DaleGasch Mrs. Gary Griffith Ms.MaryanneHall Mrs. RussellM. Haws Ms. Marcie Henry Ms. Kathy Hopwood Ms.Ann Korman Ms.PamLawrence Mrs.DarrellLester Ms. Marti l-eva Mrs. BartaraMcColrn Mr. andMrs.Mike McColm Ms. Lynn McKendrick Mrs. Timothy W McKinney Mrs. DianeMcMullin Ms. LauraMiller Ms.Julie Murphy Mn. SebertL. Pate Ms.JanePirtle Ms.SaraPrater lMs.Gina Ravnaas lvls.DannaShotwell Mrs.PeggySmith Mr. Jim Stuart Ms.CandyWhitenton
Mrs.SebertL Pate,Chairman Mrs. FelixAnkele Mrs.GersonB. Bemstein Mrs.Williarn R Biggs Mrs. RobertW. Brown Mrs. Norman Bruce Ms.JoanCampbell Mrs.PamChemick Mrs.EmestM. Closuit,Jr. Mrs.W.W.Collins Mrs.FredCruseman Mr. David Dike Mrs. Billie J. Ellis Mrs.JonFleming Mrs.JenkinsGarrett,Jr. Ms.CaroleGauntt Mrs.W. StephenGilmore Mrs.WilliamL. Gupton,Jr. Mrs.EdwardDouelasHardin Ms.NancvHawaMr. lre Hinricks lvls.Barbaralohnson Ms.MargretKelson Mrs.RobertW. Kine Ms.NancyKirkland Mrs.NorvalKneten Mrs. Harry L. logan, Jr. Mrs.JoeW. Lvdick Mrs.Olivia Mason Mrs.Victor McCall Mrs.JamesE.McClelland Mrs. Marv Ann Morris Mrs. CecilE. Munn I,ts.Julie Ratliff Mr. FredN. Reynolds Ms.NancyRicker Mrs.JamesRiley Mrs.Ian Sanderson Mrs.Don L. Smith Ms. Mary Alice Smith Mrs.JamesD. Sweeney Mrs. Roy Tavender Ms.KarenJoWaters Mrs. LeeV Williams,Jr. Mrs.J. Don Williamson Mrs.EarlWilson Mr. and Mrs. David Wooldridge Mrs.klix L. Yeates
futs Councilof FortWorth and TarrantCounfy fu a funded organizatio?, the Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc. is indebted to the following patrons for their contributions of $ loo or more to the Arts Council during the t9B3-94 fiscalyear. 1984 Annual Performance Fort Worth Campaign Benefactors
Amon G. Carter Foundation Fort Worth Clearins House Association Tandy Corporatiori Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh
Alcon ResearchFoundation American Airlines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Bell Helicopter/Textron Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Dale Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Dickey Garvey TexasFoundation General Dynamics Gittines Harbison-FischerManufacturing Company Hyatt RegencyFort Worth Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Lasater,Jr. lone Star Gas Companv Martin Sprocket & Gear, Inc. Mclean, Sanders,Price, Head & Ellis Miller Brewing Company Monnig's Motorola A M. Pate, Jr. and Sebert L. Pare Radio Shack Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rosenthal SangerHarris Department Stores Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Scott Stripling & Cox Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. ChariesW Tindall The G. R White Trust
Golden Guarantors Mrs. O. C. Armstrons William and Catheriie BryceMemorial Trust Fort Worth StarlTelegram Mary Potishman Lard Ti"ust PangbumFoundation TexasElectricServiceCompany JamesL. and Eunice West Charitable Tiust Guarantors Mr. Malcolm K. Brachman Mrs. Etta K. Brachman T. J. Brown and C. A Lupton Foundation Champlin Petroleum Company Mrs. Dorothea L. Leonhardt Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust William E. Scott Foundation SouthwesternBell Telephone Company Target Stores Young Oil Corporation
Presenters Mr. and Mrs. Bemard Appel Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bamett Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Bird Dr and Mrs. Virsil M. Cox, Jr. Dillard'sDeoartrient Store Mr. and Mri. JamesS. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. David A Grant Hudson and Hudson Mr. Byron L. Keil Law, Snakard,Brown and Gambill Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lesok Neiman'Marcus Comoanv Mrs. JamesSowell Mr. and Mrs. John R Stevenson TexasIndustries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson
Partners Atco RubberProducts Nell V BaileyCharitableTiust Mr. andMrs.DavidM. Beckerman Mr. andMrs.LewisH. Bond,Jr Mr. andMrs.BruceL. Boswell Mr. andMrs.CharlesBurden Mr. CanollW. Collins Colonial,Savings & Loanfusociation LOIOr
I lle. tnc.
Mr. William C. Conner Crystelle WaggonerCharitable Tiust Ken W Davis Foundation Deloitte, Haskins and Sells R R Donnelley & SonsCompany _Elllson s Ernst and Whinney Freeseand Nichols.Inc. Gearhart Industries Mr. PrestonM. Geren,lll Godfrey, Decker, McMackin, Shipman, McClane and Bourland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hodge, Jr. Rev and Mrs. Bertrand N. Honea, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Howard Hughes Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Johnson, III Ben E. Keith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Monroe J. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klabzuba Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Komfeld KXASJTV KXTXJTV Leonard Enterorises Mrs. J. Marvin Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson Overcash& Goodman Enterprises J. C. Pace& Company Mr J. C. Pace,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee A Paulsel Dr. Harris F. Pearson Petals,Inc. PetrochemicalsCompany Pier 1 Imports Price Waterhouse Mr. and Mrs. John V Roach, II fuch & Stella Rowan Foundatron Sanmons of Fort Worth Santa Fe Industries Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schutts Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff and Miller Mrs. George Thomas Smith The Sweet Shop Southland Corporation Mr. C. Victor Thomton Waples-PlatterCompanies Barbara FrancesWheeler Trust White RoseDistriburing Company Williamson-DickieMan-ufacturingCompany Withersooon Wynn, Brown, Mack, Renfro and Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Tadashi Yamagata
Sustainers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A Adams , Mrs. William L. Adams Mr. Emest Allen, Jr. Americana Hotel Aztec Manufacturins Mrs. Robert C. Barkir Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bass,Jr. BatesContainer Inc. Mr. Bob Belcher Dr. William R Bemell Big Four Automotive, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Jody Blaylock Dr. SusanK. Blue Dr. and Mrs. William F Bonnell Mr. and Mrs. V W Boswell Mr. David Dwight Bowes Dr. and Mrs. Craie H. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Leoi H. Brachman Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brachman Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradshaw The Brants Company Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brishtbill, ill Mrs. Harold H. Brittinlgham Brown, Herman, Scott, Dean & Miles Dr. and Mrs. Sam Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Buhler Burlington Northem Foundation Butcher & SweeneyConstruction Co. Thos. S. Byme Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Parks Camobell Mr. and Mrs. John W. Caple Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Carvey,Jr. Mr. JamesH. Cashion Century Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Chaoman, ll Chappell& Handv, P. C. Dr. ind Mrs. Karramat Choudhry Mr. Mike Coffey Mr. Whitfield J. Collins Computerized BusinessSystems Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Conlin Coors Distributine Co. Mr. and Mrs. JohiW Cosbv,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Haydn H. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. CassO. Edwards,II Ernpire of America Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Falconer Mr. Jan Fersing Fort Worth Production Company Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminJ. Fonson Geren Associates/CRS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodman, Jr. Mrs. R D. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gordon, Jr. Greenwood-Mount Olivet Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. M. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. JarnesM. Hamson Mrs. Albert J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hogan Hudson, Keltner, Smith, Brants & Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder,Jr. IBM Corporation
WilliamC.Jennings Co. Mr. andMrs.HaroldC.Johnson Mr. andMrs.MarkL. Johnson Dr andMrs.MelvinE.Johnson Iustin Industries Koslow's Dr. andMrs.R E.Kunkel Dr. andMrs.HughLamensdorf LandersMachineCompany Mr. andMrs.W.A Landreth Contractors Landscape of Texas Mr. andMrs.JackM. Langdon LennoxIndustries, Inc. Ms.MargaretJ. Lowdon Mr. ThomasJ.Machia MaiesticLiouorStoresInc. Mri. Dorot6yMarcum Mr. andMrs.L. EdwardMartin McDonald,Sanders, Ginsburg,Phillips, Maddox& Newkirk Col.andMrs.JohnT. McKee Mr. andMrs.PhillipJ. Meek Mr. andMrs.W.H. Michero HenryS.Miller Company Miller Distributingof FortWorth Inc. Mr. andMrs.fuchardW.Moncrief Mr.WAMoncrief,III Mr. andMrs.W.A Moncrief,Sr. MontgomeryWard Dr. andMrs.JamesM. Moudy Mr. andMrs.E.P.Munson,Jr Mrs.O. P.Newberry, Jr. Ms.Susan O'Brien Mrs.MaryJaneOverman Mr. andMrs.WaynePalmer Mr. andMrs.EarleN. Parker Ms.EmilyR Parker MissMarthaSueParr Mr. andMrs.JamesN. Patterson, Jr. Mr.JohnR Penn,Jr. J.C.PenneyCo.,Inc. Mr. andMrs.JamesR Perry Mr. andMrs.R James Phillips,Jr. ProcterandGambleFund MissDorothyRhea Dr. andMrs.JohnH. Richards Mr.andMrs.James C. Riley,III Mr. andMrs.WanenO. Rimbey Mr. andMrs.H. B. Roe,Jr. Dr. andMrs.TomRogers, Jr. RotanMosleFoundation Mr. DavidH. Rubin RyanMortgageCo. Safeway StoresInc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Sandelin SavinssWest Mr. aid Mrs. Bob L. Schieffer Mr and Mrs. Clifford C. Schmidt SearsRoebuck and Company Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Siegel Skyline Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennie Smith Dr. and Mrs. Bob Sorokolit Southland Royalry Company SpeedFab'Crete Corp. Int. Mr. E. W. Soieckerman Mr. and Mis. Joe Stasney,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Steele,III Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strittmatter Mrs. Hosmer B. Stuck Dr. and Mrs. George H. Sullivan SurgikosInc. The SwearingenCo. Tandy Brands Inc. Tandycrafts Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Taylor's Rental Equipment Co. Inc. Thompsons, Harveson & Cole Mr. and Mrs. Joe A Tilley, Jr. Touche, Ross& Co. Mrs. David B. tammell Trinity Valley Enterprises,Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Tiipplehorn Dr. and Mrs. William E. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Utter Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh,Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edmund N. Walsh Dr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Werst Westem Companyof North America WestemTex-PackExoressInc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenie D. White Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. JamesC. Williams, Jr. JamesK. Wilson Company Mrs. Sidney J. Wilson, Jr. Winfield's'o8 Restaurant Winn Dixie of Texas Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wolens Mr. Warren Woodward Dr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Wroten Mr. and Mrs. John R Wynne Dr and Mrs.John W. Zerdecki
afterthis list wascorupiledAugust21. 1984 The Ans Couucilsincuelythauhsthosepatrouswhocoutributed rc theaunualcatnpaigu
tt, is
a mary. splendored thhg! Whether on canvas or on the stage . . . qzhetherby sound or by sight . . . af,t,reflents the innermost feelings of the artist and communicates them to the rvilling recipient. The beauty and meaning of that art are as varied as those rvho enjoy it. Without
art we areleftto the limitations of our own experience and
miss the enrichment that comes in sharing.
/aZtlBdhkEast A Momentum Bank Beachat I - 30, 817- 536- 2811 P O. Box 50608, Fort Worth,TX 76105 MemberMCorp,MPACf,and FDIC
Volunteerismis Alive andWell... by Andrew Raeburn Once every four years the affention of the musical world tums to Fort Worth, and many distinguishedvisitors come to sharethe fine music and the excitement of America's "Piano Olympicsl' Fort Worth is a city of proud, dedicated and gene r o u s p e o p l e , w h o c h e r i s h t h e chance to open their homes and offer their hospitaliw to strangerswhose own homes aie often manv-thousandsof miles &stant. For more than two years the leaders of an army of volunteers, who number around'4oo by the time the Competition takesplace,have been making ilaborate plans to assim a great number of wide l y d i f f e r i n ! j o b 1 . T h e y h a v e recruited volunteer families, each of whom will take a competitor into their home, and provide not only hospitaliry but a l s o t h e n e e d e d p e a c e f u l a t m o sphere.Some of the hbst families will have pianos; in other casesthere are people who will make their instruments availablefor practice; other families will be responsiblefor the care of the jurors; there are organizersof backstageand front-of-house arrangementsat Texas Christian University and at the Tarrant County Convention Center; there is a team to organize and provide transportation for official guestsof the Compe-
tition; there are calligraphers,ushers, office helpers,music librarians, and buyers and sellers of special Competition mementos. There are volunteers who undertake liaison with the Ciw of Fort Worth, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, American Airlines, and other organizations.There are volunteers to DreDareinformation Dacketsfor visitors ind to man the Information Centers; to organize tours; and to recruit other volunteers. A whole division of the army readies itself to orovide old-fashioned Texas hospitaliry to the Competition's Jury and other specialsuests.They will orsanize the Hospitility Suite, the Gila Opening Dinner and many other luncheonsand dinners. Volunteerism is alive and well in Fort Worth. The wonderful peoplewho work so hard and conscientibusiy to make it all happen deservea salute. Pleasegive them a silent round of applausel
Volunteer Committees SeventhVan Cliburn International Piano Compefition Chairman Mrs.JoeA. Tilley,Jr. AssistantChairman Mrs.JohnV Roach,II Vice Chairmanfor Entertainment Mrs.C. DickieWilliamson ,AssistautChaimran Mrs.RichardF.Walsh Secretary Mrs.EdwinS.Ryan Screeuiug Jury Mrs.EricF.Hyden Mrs.RaymondB. Kelly,Jr. JurorReceptiou Mrs.C.WestonRoodhouse Mrs.W. ScottWysong,III Competitiou Jury Mrs.James R Blake Mrs.EarlWilson Mrs.EdmundP Pillsbury GreeuRoou/Luncheous Mrs.LeeA. Smith,Chairman Mrs.James M. Harrison, Assistant Chairman Mrs.J.Don Williamson, Assistant Chairman Mrs.JohnJ.Whipple, Assistant Chairman Mrs.William R Biggs Mrs.HughCarterBurdette Mrs.Amon G. Carter,Jr. Mrs.JeanPierreChaumont Mrs.TheodorePaulGorski Mrs.LelandA. Hodges,Jr. Mrs.JohnM. Hogg Mrs.JohnS.Justin,Jr. Mrs.HubertS.Laney Lefler Mrs.R Stephen Mrs.PhillipJ. Meek Mrs.FredS.Reynolds III Mrs.OgdenK. Shannon, Mrs.GeorgeY.Siddons Mrs.GordonW Smith Mrs.WilliamE.Steele, III Mrs.RichardI. Stevens Mrs.DavidL. Tapp Mrs.RobertJ. Turner,III Mrs.EdwardOgdenWhipple Mrs.S.SmithWilliams Mrs.GaryWolfe CottputetCousultdut Mrs.EdwardPowellKenney OpeuiusDiuuer Mis.JoFnRobyPenn,Chairman Mrs.DavidA McMahon, Chairman Assistant Resewatious Mrs.BayardH. Friedman Mrs.LouisE. Taylor Food Mrs.WinfredHooper Hostesses Mrs.RichardW Dyess,Chairman Mrs.WilliamE.Bailey Mrs.BradfordS.Bames Mrs.RobertC. Bond,Jr. Mrs.Mark A Brown Mrs.Kelly K. Buster Mrs.DavidColeman Mrs.GlennDarden Mrs.BradleyHolt Hickman,III Mrs.F.Kirk Johnson,III Mrs.LarryK. Montgomery Mrs.R DavidNewton Phillips, Mrs.RobertJames Jr. Mrs.LeeL. tnnison Mrs.Kelly R Thompson Mrs.PaulK. Tiipplehorn Mrs.Mitchell S.Wynne
Iuror Host Fauilies Mrs. Gordon W. Smith, Co-Chairman Mrs. Rice M. Tilley, Jr., Co-Chairman Mrs. Robert P Dupree, LO-Lnarrnan Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Bernabei Mrs. Kelroy Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. JeanPierre Chaumont Mr. and Mrs. ErnestF. Couch Mr. and Mrs. William S. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gasser Mr. and Mrs. Leland A Hodges,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay B. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David Y S. Lou Mr. and Mrs. William E. McKay Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeW Pepper Dr. and Mrs. Nealie E.Ross,Jr Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulbert Srnith Cowpetitor Ent ertaiflrileut Mrs. John F. Cranz Mrs. Mctor EugeneMcCall Closius Receptiou Mrs. PichardW Moncrief, Chairman Mrs. E Howard Walsh,Jr., AssistantChairman Resenations Mrs. John W McMackin Mrs. RoeserGreen Intitatious Mrs. Hugh Carter Burdette Mrs. Edriund M. Schenecker Vice Chairman for Competitor Arrangements Mrs. Earl SteohenWilson ,4ssistdut Chairntatr Mrs. Morton L. Herman Housius Mrs. L.Tdward Marrin Mrs. Rice M. Tilley, Jr Host Fswilies Dr. and Mrs. GeorgeArmstrong Mrs. Marv FrancesBvrne Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.Capper Mr. and Mrs. M. A Cardona Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cawey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clay Mr. and Mrs. He1'wood C. Clemons Mr. and Mrs. David D. Corley Judge and Mrs. GeorgeA. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. William S. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. David Eisenman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reed Fay Mrs. Hedrick Fender Mr. and Mrs. Lawton G. Gambill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goldman Mr. and Mrs. RussellM. Haws Dr. and Mrs. David Hendricks Mr and Mrs. Irwis Komfeld Dr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Lamensdorf Dr. and Mrs. Victor E. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mastin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F J. Milan Dr. and Mrs. Jay N. Murphy, III Mr. and Mrs. lohn Myers Mrs. Frank D. Olin Dr. and Mrs. O. D. "Doak" Raulston
Dr. and Mrs. Robb H. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scifres Mr. and Mrs. Sterlins W Steves Dr. and Mrs. GeorgdSullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. David Tiacy Dr. and Mrs. JamesM. Watts Mr and Mrs. CharlesH. Webster Mr. and Mrs. William O. Wuester Dr. and Mrs. Richard Yentis Piauos Mrs. Robert F Watson, Chairman Mrs. Robert F. Gunn, AssistantChairman Mr. and Mrs. R. Denny Alexander Dr. and Mrs. JamesE. Anthony BethesdaCommuniry Church Mr. and Mrs. Bob P Bowlin Mr and Mrs. Leon Brachman Bruce Music Comoanv Dr. and Mrs. Dani;l E. Bruhl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Capshaw Mr. and Mrs. W Halden Conner Mrs. Regent Costello Mr. and Mrs. Haydn H. Cutler Dr A R Daniell Mr. and Mrs. Norwood P Dixon Mr. and Mrs. JamesS. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Harold Eudaly Mrs. Kathv Guvnn Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hallman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, lr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Walton Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward Martin Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews Dr. and Mrs. JamesR McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Tirnothy W McKinney Mr. and Mrs. David A McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mixson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nast Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Paup Mr. and Mrs. R JamesPhillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. RichardE. Rainwater Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Richardson D r. and Mrs. N eal i eE . R os sJ, r Mr. and Mrs. CharlesW Seely Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sheinberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Siegel Mr and Mrs. Gordon W Smitn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Tatum, Jr. TexasWesleyanCollege Mr. and Mrs. fuce M. Tilley, Jr. Universiry Christian Church Dr. and Mrs. William J. Van Wyk Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Walsh, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.Watson Mr. and Mrs. Loftin V Witcher, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hector O. Yanes
Cowpetitionvolunteer coordinatiou hasbeenunderwittenby thelunior Leagueof FortWofth andTandyCorporation / RtdtoShach hasbeenwadeposiblebyMobil Oil Corporation TheClosingReceptioh
WelcotneSuite Mrs. Britton Reed West, Co-Chairman Mrs.JamesM. Watts, Co-Chairman Mrs. FosterClayton Mrs. Richard P Dale Mrs. Donald B. Ehrhart, Jr. Ms. JaneGlenn Mrs. Timothy M. Hayes Mrs. Dwight A Heard Mrs. Hap Holland Mrs. Gary W Kite Mrs. Royal G. Koch Mrs. Mike A McConnel] Mrs. David L. McMillan Mrs. Jarrell R. Mihurn Mrs. Alan P Neuren Mrs. CharlesNewman Mrs. Angelo L. Otero Dr. Nina K. Pappas Mrs. Lee A Paulsel Mrs. Henry B. Paup Mrs. GeorgeW. Pepper Mrs. Vernon Rew Ms. Mary Alice Smith Mrs. William E. Steele,III Mrs. Daniel W Sykes Mrs. Philip K. Thomas Mrs. StanleyWeiss Mrs. Luke Wickman Mrs. SteveWilmoth Miss Mary Louise Winston Mr. and Mrs. George Young Back StaseMother Mrs. Byr6n H. Smyth, Chairman Mrs. Jeremiah Collier, AssistantChairman Vice Chairman for Producfion/Logistics Mrs. W Halden Conner AssistautChainuau Mrs. JamesToal
k gratefulto TheYanCliburnFoundation Kahn'sfor Pianosfor theircontibution to theWelcowe Suite
Ushers-TCU Mrs. Timothy W McKinney Co-chairman Mrs. Earl Dyess Co-chairman Miss JaneAndrews Ms. Julianne R Barbolla Mrs. Winston A Barney Mrs. CharlesCampbell Mrs. M.W Carey Mrs. O. B. Carter Mrs. Goodrich F.Cleaver Mrs. L. B. Connelley Mrs. David Eisenman Mrs. William F. Elwood Mrs. Frank Everts Mrs. Elliott S. Garsek Mrs. Glenn Garoon Mrs. Dale Gasch Mr. Mark Green Mrs. Lindsay B. Holland Mrs. Tom Holmes Mrs. Robert E. Hughes Mr. Harold C. Johnson Ms. RhettaJ. Kassner Mrs. Gordon B. Kelly, Sr. Ms. Blanche King Mrs. Robert W. I(ine Mrs. Royal G. Koch Mrs. David Lobingier Mrs. FrancisH. McHenry Mrs. F.J.Milan Ms. FrancesMiles Mrs. Douglas More Ms. JaneE. Myers Mrs. Harold C. Nowlin Mrs. Angelo L. Otero Ms. Margaret Parker Ms. Ann Petruccelli Mrs. Paul Prater Mrs. C. Weston Roodhouse Mrs. JosephL. Roubicek Mrs. Robert E. Royer Mrs. Roy K. Russell Mrs. FrancesM. Scott Mrs. Don L. Smith Ms. Monica Spurlock Mrs. William C. Stewart Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mrs. Homer Tomlinson Mrs. Hazel Vemon Mrs. William C. Walker Ms. LaVerneWestbrook Mrs. Luke Wickman Mrs. Durwood E. Wilson Miss Mary Louise Winston Ushers- Finals and Aw drils Beta SigmaPhi Betty Mahlie Chairman Cliburu Corys Ms. Kay Higgins, Chairman Mr. Tim Ballard Ms. Kathy Jane Blankenship Ms. Kelly Brown Mr David Burnett Ms. Alicia Dean Ms. Devon Gilbert Ms. SarahGill Ms. CandaceGriffin Ms. Amy Lauer Mr. SaleemMallick Mr. Eddie Martin Ms. Meredith McKinney Ms. Emily Minton Ms. Angie Moffitt Ms. Nancy Nilasena Mr. Scott Prince Ms. Julie Renshaw Ms. Amy Roach Ms. Birgit Rohowsky Ms. Ashley Roodhouse Ms. Carol Scurlock Ms. Christine Speligene Mr. Joe A. Tillev, III
Ms. Marisa Tilley Ms. fuhley Walters Ms. Julia Watson Ms. Holly Webster Medicsl Enerseucy Mrs. John fuchardi I ut etpr et ersf lr anslator Mrs. Doroteo Almendral, Charrman Bulgaian Mr Nathan Shturman Mr. JamesStancoff Chinese Mr. and Mrs. Frank Liu Dr. and Mrs. David Y. S. Lou French Mrs. JeanPierre Chaumont Ms. Elizabeth Dodge Mr. and Mrs. John Knecht Mrs. Phillip E. Laughlin Gewuau Mr. Michael Beckman Ms. Ingrid Driskill Mrs. Phillip E. Laughlin Mrs. JamesT. Ward Spauish Ms. Berta Banta Mrs. Harry E. Bartel Mrs. Phillip E. Laughlin Mrs. David O'Brien, Jr Goliler Circle Mrs. Robert J. Turner, III Mrs. G. Douglas Tatum, Jr. Office Yolwtteer Mrs. J. Chris Stadler,Chairman Mrs. JamesM. Bailey Mrs. Winston A Bamey Mrs. Foster Clayton Mrs. J. M. Dysart Mrs. Donald B. Ehrhart, Jr. Mrs. Lawton G. Gambill Miss Darla Hodges Mrs. Clay Hook Mrs. Phillip E. Laughlin Miss Katy Lorimer Mrs. David Luskey Mr. and Mrs. Wemer Magnus Mr. Frank A McAnulty Mrs. Elmer F.McClain Mrs. David L. McMillan Mrs. Jarrell R Milburn Mrs. Robert E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tod Miller Miss Barbara Mitchell Miss Marcia Munch Mrs. Tillie Salam Mrs. CharlesSchmidt Mrs. EarlW Stadler Mrs. Roy D. Tavender Ms. LaVerne Westbrook Mrs. George Young
Officidl Guests Mis. Robert S. Capper,Chairman Mrs. JamesBausch Ms. Mary Elizabeth Berbridge Mrs. Fred Mallick Page Turuers Mri. StevenSotman,Chairman Ms. LeanneHedges Ms. PamelaJackson Ms. Mary Pagano Ms. Judith Solomon Sisns Mis. GregoryJ. Phillips.Chairman Mrs. StevenPedro Callisraphy Mrs. William E. Bailey Mrs. Robert C. Grable Mrs. Jim Jameson Competitiou Music Mrs.-MarvinCollins lufonuatiou Book Mrs. JamesIaylor Piano Institut e Yolunte ets Mrs. Thomas J. Bibb, Chairman Ms. Jean Alexander Mrs. Reva Jean Beck Mrs. Paul Bickley Ms. LouiseCanafax Ms. Shirley Counts Mrs. Dan Davis Ms. Jo Ann Gattis Ms. Tanya Gille Ms. Val Hennings Mrs. Ruth He1'wood Mrs. Noah Knepper Mrs. Mary DacusMorgan Mrs. EdwardPastusek Mrs. B. W. Silk Mrs. L. J. Von Tunglin Ms. Alice Walker Vice Chairman for Public Relations/Promotion Mrs. David O'Brien, Jr. ,\ssistaut Chairuan Mrs. George Scoggins Press Rootns Mrs. Paul R Ray,Jr., Chairman Mrs. Thomas E Beech, Assistant Chairman Mrs. Frank E. Brown, Jr., AssistantChairman Miss Nancy Ankele Mrs. David Burditt Mrs. Edmund Burke Mrs. Sam B. Cantey, III Mrs. Foster Clayton Mrs. Richard P Dale Mrs. Michael Donohue Mr. JamesDow Mrs. Walter Drexel Mrs. William F. Elwood Mrs. JosephGalassi Mrs. Darius W Gaskins,Jr. Mrs. Clarke B. Gillespie Ms. Jane Glenn Mrs. Bob Herchert Mrs. Burt Ising Ms. Linda Kowar Ms. Melinda Smith Lane Mrs. Tom Matthews Mrs. Tom Mears Mrs. Angelo L. Otero Mrs. Jody Payne Ms. Sandra Royer Mrs. Terence Ryan Ms. Mary Alice Smith Ms. Chris Turner Mrs. Kenneth J. Volk Mrs. Harry N. Ward, Jr. Mrs. Stanley Weiss Mrs. EdwardOgden WhiPPle Mrs. Luke Wickman Mrs. SteveWilmoth Mrs. Donald R Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Young
PrcssCouferenceatTCCC Mrs. Richard D. Minker Cowpetitiou Tichet Sales Mrs.idward StevenHarwood. Chairman Mrs. JamesG. Denton Mrs. William P Hallman, Jr. Citv of Fort Worth Prcnotiou Mri. Richard J. Fahy,Jr. Prograw Adveftising Mri. Henry B. Paup Out of TownYisitors Mr. David O'Brien, Jr. Pachet Coordiuatiou Mrs. futhur FosterNelson Store Liaisotl Mrs. David Giles Vice Chairman for Facility Arrangements Mrs. Harry E. Bartel ,Assistatt Chairurau Mrs. Donald J. Jackson TCU-Frout-oJ-House Mrs. Byron B. Searry Design Mr. Oliver Heisler Mr. Edd Ellis CliburuCat'l Mrs. StephenL. Tatum Boutique Mrs. John Kenneth TaYlor, Co'Chairman Mrs. Henry L. Luskey, Co-Chairman Mrs. Lester Kuperman, Co-Chairman Mrs. Donald Albert Mrs. Sheldon Anisman Mrs. Linda Barker Mrs. Bob Batton Mrs. Sumpter Bibb Mrs. Willis Brown Mrs. Jan Carter Mrs. John Cook Mrs. Sidney Cox Mrs. Nanry Craig Mr. Howard Drew Mrs. David Eisenman Mrs. Rod Estes Mrs. Amold Gachman Mrs. Ralph Green Mrs. Kenneth Gudgen Mrs. John Hotard Mrs. SteveHumble Mrs. Robert Johnson Ms. Cindy Jones Mrs. Bob Lanier Mrs. Crais Level Mrs. Thohas E. Matzinger Mrs. CharlesMcElree Mrs. JaniceMerrill Mrs. F.J.Milan Mrs. Frank D. Olin Mrs. Angelo L. Otero Mrs. Doug Pedersen Mrs. Paul Prater Mrs. Randy Putnam Mrs. Morry Rapfogel Ms. SarahRashti Mrs. Edward Sankary Mrs. Jack Sankary Mrs. Ronnie Savitz Mrs. Allen Schuster Mrs. Dan Settle Mrs. Richard Simon Mr. and Mrs. Jon Suder Mrs. Stan Thomas Mrs. Pat Tomerlin Mrs. Homer Tomlinson Mrs. Maureda Travis Mrs. Normand Tiemblay Ms. WendyVorholt Mrs. Harry N. Ward, Jr.
IufornationBooth Mrs. Daniel Wesley Sykes, Co-Chairman Mrs. Randy Ray, Co-Chairman Mrs. Patrick Barbolla Mrs. Angie Becker Mrs. Woody Berry Ms. Betty Ann Bird Mrs. Ron Bourland Mrs. DouglasE. Bryant Mrs. Jim Cain Mrs. Warren M. Carey Mrs. FosterClayton Ms. Patricia Crawford Ms. Karen L. Fisher Mrs. Taylor Gandy Mrs. Greg Hargrove Mrs. JamesHarris Mrs. Steve Helm Mrs. Mark Hill Mrs. Ira Hollander Ms. Marilyn L. Jones Mrs. C. B. Kendall, III Mrs. BlancheKing Ms. Melinda Srnith Lane Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leonard Mrs. Darreli Lester Mrs. JamesO. McBride Mrs. Robert P. McDonald Mrs. Robert E. Miller Ms. LesiaNabe Mrs. Jon Nelson Mrs. FrankD. Olin Mrs. Angelo L. Otero Ms. Margaret H. Parker Ms. SarahRashti Mrs. Ray Rhodes Mrs. Dan Russell Mrs. Roy K. Russell Mrs. Tillie Salam Mrs. Randall Schmidt Mrs. Gary Strong Mrs. David W. Sykes Mrs. Gary Thompson Mrs. Homer Tomlinson Mrs. Gary Vasseur Mrs. William C. Walker Mrs. Robert E. Welke Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. George Young Ms. Betty Rimbey Zeiller TCU-Bach-of-House Mrs. Mark L. Hart, Jr. Tarraut Couuty Coweution Cetter Mrs. Lon T Werner JuryHosyitality Mrs. FosterClalpool Mrs. John P. Ryan GreenRoou Mrs. S. Smith Williams
a Southern Baptist Convention agenc.yRussellH. Dilday,Jr.,president
Ameicaua Hotel HospitdlitvSuite Mrs.Samuel A Dennv.Chairman Mrs.TerryWright, AssistantChairman Mrs.JosephE.Cates, AssistantChairman Mr. and Mrs.RichardW. Chowning Mr. GuillaumeDecitre Mrs.MichaelJ. Doyle Mrs.DavidFrase MissDarlaHodges Mrs.RobertH. LeMond Mrs.MichaelA McConnell Mrs.JuleGreyMcGown Mr. andMrs.WilliamH. Medary Mrs.GlenB. Morris MissJaneOxsheer Mrs.StevenPedro Mr. andMrs.Tim Petrus Mrs.RonaldRobertson Mrs.RobertM. Shiels Mr. andMrs.Mark Sivers Mr. andMrs.ScottSmith Mrs.Mike Strange Mrs.Kelly R Thompson Mrs.DavidW. Tumer Mrs.FrankWilson Mrs.JackT. Wright Mrs.Joseph A Zant Patlfug/Secuity Dr. andMrs.Tom Rogers, Jr. Flowels Mrs.R LeeForshay Mrs.RobertA Layne
Vice Chairmanfor Tiansportation Mrs.SebertL. Pate AssistartChairwdu Mrs.J. Emestknder, Jr. Secretary Mrs.Tom E.Purvis Entertaiumeut Mrs.PaulR Ray,Sr. Arttals/Departures Mrs.S.SmithWilliams Aneicat Airlines Liaison Mrs.HedrickFender btTowu Mrs.BillieJ. Ellis Mrs.JimNayfa Dtivets Mrs.CharlesAnton Mrs.LarryH. Anton Mrs.FrankBailey Mrs.WalterE.Butler Mrs.FosterClayton Mrs.JamesCobum Mrs.StanlevEisenman Mrs.RobertGoodrich Mrs.EdwardD. W. Hardin MissJanetHardin Mrs.RobertE.Hardwicke, Jr. Mrs.JackHenckels Mrs.NormanHollen Mrs.FrankHood Mrs.GeorgeKemble Mrs.PhillipE.Laughlin Mrs.Ed Lawrence Mrs.JoeW Lydick Mrs.PaulJ. McClung Mrs.RichardD. Minker Ms.JulieMurphy Mrs.WilliamH. Neil Mrs.J.ClarkNowlin Mrs.Don L. Pardue MissDorothyRhea Mrs.RonaldRobertson Mrs.RobbH. Rutledge Mrs.DanielR Settle Mrs.JamesD. Sweeney Mrs.GeorgeThompson Mrs.CharlesTindall Mrs.DuerE.Wagner, Jr. Mrs.HarryE.Wood Mr. Hush Watson Mrs.DonaldE.Williams Mrs.LeeV Williams,Jr. Ms.LisaWilliams Mrs.HectorO. Yanes Mrs.F.L. Yeates
Apylication 7985 Competitiou BoohMailins Ms.KarenBin, Chairman Ms.PaulineBerge Mrs.ThomasJ.Bibb Ms.RubyBraggans Mrs.RobertS.Capper Mrs.GeraldineCasey Mrs.DonaldB. Ehrhart,Jr. Mrs.WanetaEzell Ms.Virgil LeeHickey Ms.CrystalKeith Mr.WemerMagnus Mrs.EmestineMcClain Ms.AlmedaMiller Mrs. RobertE.Miller Mrs.DonaldR Otto Mrs.Dixon Presnall Mrs.RoyRiddel Ms.WilletteRoach Mrs.BvronH. Smvth Mrs.DavidSturgis Mrs.W C.Weeden, Jr. OfficeYolunteets, YanClibun Foundatiou 7987-1985 Mrs.R DennyAlexander Mrs.JamesBausch Mrs.SamPenoBenson Mrs.ThomasJ. Bibb Mrs.WilliamF.Bonnell Mrs.JamesBordelon Ms.GayBrown Mrs.RobertS.Capper Mrs.RichardW Chowning Mrs.RalphDrews Mrs.DonaldB. Ehrhart,Jr. Mrs.WilliamF.Elwood Ms.MarleneEnglish Ms.DeniceR Galier Ms.JaneGlenn Mrs.Ruth Heywood C. Karsch Mrs.James Ms.MarvLou Kellv Mrs.Dan E.Lowrance Mrs.L. EdwardMartin Mrs.JanellR Mihum Mrs.RobertE.Miller Mrs.RollandF.Oakes Ms.MelissaPoteet Mrs.Dixon Presnall Ms.Tish Pruden Mrs.RoyRiddel Mrs.GordonW. Smith Mrs.ByronH. Smyth Mrs.StevenB. Sotman Mrs.DavidSturgiss Mrs.NormanJ.Taylor Mrs.W.C. Weeden, Jr. Mrs.StanleyWeiss Mrs.BobbyWroten Mrs.HectorO. Yanes
TheVauClibunFoundation'Inc',isespeciallygratefuIto.theseindividuakaudorglnizationsvhosehelpiuprepan\'g'fortheCowpxitiou'wasiuvaluable' ' The riwe and semice of all aredeqly appreciated. Sone nameshavebeenonitted dueto pilrtiry deadlines. auy-o-wktions.
provided The following hostsand hostesses luncheonsand dinnersfor the IntemationalScreening Juryin February1985:
have The followine hostsand hostesses arrangedluniheonsand dinnersfor the guestsof the Competitionin distinguished MayandJune,1985:
Mr.andMrs.RobertM. Bass Mr. CarrollW. Collins Mr. andMrs.DavidD. Corley Mrs.RobertP.Dupree Mr. andMrs.EltonM. Hyder,Jr. InterFirstFortWorth Mr. andMrs.RaymondB. Kelly,Jr. KirnbellArt Museum Mr. andMrs.WilliamA Landreth Mr. andMrs.K. DouglasMcKenzie,Jr. Mr.Joseph J. Minton,Jr. Mr. andMrs.GordonW. Smith Hotel Stockyards TexasAmericanBank/FortWorth Mr. andMrs.JoeA Tilley,Jr. Mr. and Mrs.RiceM. Tilley,Jr. Mr. andMrs.C. DickieWilliamson
Mr. andMrs.PerryR Bass Mr. andMrs.RobertM. Bass Mr. andMrs.JamesR Blake Mr. andMrs.LewisH. Bond Dr. andMrs.WilliamF.Bonnell Mr. andMrs.ErnoryA Cantey Mrs.Amon G. Carter,Jr. The Tiusteesof the AmonCarterMuseum Mr.Van Clibum Mr.andMrs.HaydnH. Cutler Mr. andMrs.WilliamS.Davis Mr. andMrs.EarlDyess II Mr. andMrs.CassO. Edwards, Mrs.HedrickFender FortWorth Art Museum FonWorthClearinsHouseAssociation Mr. andMrs.BenjairinJ. Fortson Mr. andMrs.PrestonM. Geren,Jr. Dr. andMrs.JosephM. Grant Mr. andMrs.WilliamY.Harvey Mr. andMrs.EdwardR Hudson,Jr. Mr. andMrs.EricF.Hyden Mr. andMrs.EltonM. Hyder,Jr. InterFirstFortWorth III Mr. andMrs.J.LeeJohnson, Mr. andMrs.Deel. Kelly KimbellArt Museum Mr. andMrs.WilliarnA Landreth Mr. andMrs.JoeW. Lydick Mr. andMrs.WilliamE.McKay Mr. andMrs.RichardD. Minker Mobil Oil Corporation Mr. andMrs.RichardW. Moncrief Museumof ScienceandHistory Neiman-Marcus Mr. andMrs.JohnRobyPenn Mr. andMrs.J. Olcott Phillips Mr. andMrs.RichardE.Rainwater Mr. andMrs.PaulR Ray,Sr. Foundation SidW. Richardson Mr.andMrs.IohnV. Roach,Il Mr. andMrs.MarshallT. Robinson Mr. andMrs.CharlesM. Simmons Mr. andMrs.GordonW. Smith TandvCorooration / RadioShack Mr. andMis. ThomasM. Taylor TexasChristianUniversity Dr. andMrs.WilliamE.Tucker Mr. andMrs.RichardF.Walsh Mr. andMrs.C. DickieWilliamson Mr. andMrs.J.Don Williamson Mr. andMrs.EarlWilson Mr. andMrs.HerschelC. Winn Mr. andMrs.S.PatrickWoodson,III Mr. andMrs.GeorgeM. Young
Receptions Following New York Debuts Reception following Andr6-Michel Schub's performance with the American Syrnphony Orchestra at Camegie Hall October 4, 1981 Mrs. Elton M. Hvder, Jr., Chairman Teledyne Acousiic Research Supper following Andr6-Michel Schub's Camegie Hall Recital Debut March e. tqgz Mrs. Sid R Bass.Chairman Capital Cities Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Hyder, Jr. Receprionfollowing PanayisLyras's AliceTully Hall {ecital bebut October 7I,1982 Consul General of Greece and Mrs. Nicolas A Cappellaris Reception following Santiago Rodriguez's Alice Tully Hall Recital Debut December 7, L982 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gutfreund Van Clibum Foundation Benefits Cala Benefit Receprionfollowing the performanceby PanayisLyrasand the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Mav 5. 1982 Board of Directors, Kimbell Art Foundarion Debut of the Chris Van Wyk Couture Collection September1. 1983 Mis. Richard W. Moncrief Chris Van Wyk 'A Gala Evening to Benefit the Van Clibum Competition and to Celebrate the Opening of Off-Hours" November 10, 1983 Mr. Richard L. Spangler Mr. L. Charles Weatherby,Jr. 'A Cabaretwith Bobby Short" Mav 24. 1984 Mr.'and Mrs. Robert M. Bass The Neiman-Marcus Catalogue Caper SeDtember23, L984 Mis. Hedrick knder, Chairman Mrs. Bradford Shaw Bames Mrs. J. Emest Fender,Jr. Mrs. Bayard H. Friedman Mrs. Dee J. Kelly Mrs. William A Landreth Mrs. K. Douglas McKenzie, Jr. Mrs. David A McMahon Mrs. R David Newton Mrs. Earle North Parker Mrs. A M. Pate, Jr. Mrs. John M. Stevenson Mrs. E. Duer Wagner,Jr.
Cliburn Concerts
Acknowledgments William Edrington Scott The-atre wiiii". T. Gar6er,ExecutiveDirector Kimbell Art Museum Dr. EdmundP.Pillsbury,Ditector LarryEubank,BuildingManager TexasChristianUniverlitY oi-wiUit. E.Tucker,Chancellor Ct"lt Departmentof Music il P"ilj:'H.al*n, VincentPankey,StageManager'ld Landreln Auditorium University Christian Church SeniorMinister di. I ttt. Fennvbacker, Manager i"..i n wtigttd,Jr.,Business College WesleYan Texas . P.resident Dr.JerryG. Baw-com, Arts Fine of School Simott, St"v"
Kimbell Art Museum BetaSismaPhi Betw Mahlie'Chairman TexasWesleYanCollege SigmaAlphalota TexasChristian UniversitY HouseManager ElanSchwericke, BetaSismaPhi BettvMahlie,Chairman
Mrs.GordonW Smith
Tiansportation Misskigh Schmuck
outheAfts Endowwent fot theAttsandtheTaascowwission in partbygautsfrou the Natioual aresupported TheClibumCouce.rts ofFortworthandTanantCounty of the ArtsCouncil isa fundednetuber TheYanCliburuFoundation
198l-1982 Cliburn Concerts Season
1982-1983Cliburn Concerts Season
Beaux Arts Trio Bolcom and Morris Lev Natochenny, piano JamesGalway, flute Gold and Fizdale, duo pianos Ralph Kirshbaum, cello and Jeffrey Swann,piano Claudio Arrau, piano Pekinel Sisters,duo pianos
Jeffrey Kahane, piano Annie Fischer,piano Ivan Moravec, piano The Cleveland Quartet, with Mlham De Rosa,cello The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra with Pinchas Zukerman, conductor & violin SanciagoRodrizuez, piano Antho-ny& JosephPiratore, duo pianos Andras Schiff, piano Calliope, a RenaissanceBand Menahem Pressler,piano Sour Cream, a Recorder Tlio Annapolis BrassQuintet
Reception Committee Mrs.GeorgeJ. Barlow Mrs.HarriE. Bartel Mr. RobertD. Batton Mrs.William F.Bonnell Mrs.CharlesBradley Mrs.J. PatrickBrennan Mrs.HuehCarterBurdette Mrs.DavidE Chappell Mrs.Jim Conrad Mrs.Dal DeWees Mrs.DaleD. Eddy Mrs.JayM. Fried GammaPhi Beta Mrs.Phil Hinson Mr. andMrs.Tom Hoskins Mrs.GaryJohnson Mrs.SamH. Lane,III Mrs,JohnR Lively Mrs.JerryLoftin Mrs.HenryL. Luskey Mr. andMrs.ReginaldMartin Mrs.K. DouglasMcKenzie,Jr. Ms.NancyMiller Mrs.JamesN. Murphy,III Phi Mu Mrs.Dan G. Poland,Jr. Mrs.GlennPorterfield Mrs. William F.Runyon Mrs.Don Siratt Mrs.MichaelSkaggs Mis AsbleySmith TexasWesleyan College Mrs.Mike Thomas Mrs.SchaferToothe Mrs.O. J.Wollenman Artist Entertainment Mr. andMrs.LewisKomfeld H. Meeker Mr. andMrs.Lawrence Dr. andMrs.NealieE.Ross Mr. andMrs.GordonW Smith
Artist Entertainment Mr. andMrs.RobertM. Bass Mr. andMrs.GersonBemstein CalhounStreetOysterBar Mr. andMrs.RonaldGoldman Mr. andMrs.EltonM. Hyder,Jr. Mr. andMrs.LewisKomfeld Mr. andMrs.K. DouelasMcKenzie,Jr. Mr. andMrs.LeeA Faulsel Mr. andMrs.C. DickieWilliamson Mr. andMrs.S.PatrickWoodson,III
1983-1984Cliburn ConcertsSeason Artists
Artist Entertainment
Harold C. Schonberg,lecture Gustavo Romero, piano Frankl, Pauk, and i(irshbaum Tiio JorgeBolet. piano London EarlvMusic Group Kenneth Cooper, harpsichord with Carol Wincenc, flute Robert Davidovici, violin and Steven DeGroote, piano PreservarionHall Jazi Band Igor Kipnis, harpsichord fuden Tiio Grant Johannesen,piano Gary Graffman, lecture Mendelssohn String Quartet, with StephanieBrown, piano Andr6-Michel Schub, oiano
Mrs.GeorqeJ. Barlow OysterBar CalhounS-treet Worth BoysClubs Dallas-Fort Mrs.Hedrickknder InterFirstBank- University Mr. AndrewRaebum Mr. andMrs.GordonW. Smith Mr. andMrs.JoeA Tiiley,Jr. Dr. andMrs.WilliamE.Tucker Mr. andMrs.JosephA Zant
SeasonTicket SalesCampaignVolunteers General Chairmen David and [.iz O'Brien, Jr. Advertising Sales BarbaraW. Chowning
Gift Solicitation
Telephone Sales
Iill Fortney
Leann Adams Margaret Augustat Patri'ciaAnni Banks Scottie Bartel, Captain RevaJean Beck SusanBibb, Refreshments Carol Boulware Helen Buntin Mary Helen Collier Mary Conner Al Covaleski Rose Covaleski Dan Duke Ann Elwood, Captain WesleyanEncore Elaine Jaclson Marty Johnson Sharon LeMond, Captain Alden McCall Elizabeth McCall, Captain Lisa McCall, Captain Shannon McCall SuzanneNardecchia Irene Norris Becky Nussbaum Amy Phillips Tin Raif Linda Rome Twila Smith Byron Smyth Eddie Maude Smyth, Captain Marsha Sotman Faith Spitz Judith Sullivan Jerry Tracy Beverly Weiss Jim Wemer Patricia Werner Sharon Wilemon Jan Wiseman
Group Club Sales Marsha Sotman
Present Subscriber Recruitment
Student Sales
Mary JeanneDyess,Co-chairman Ann McKinney, Co-chairman JosephineAnderlitch Lee Bemstein Emily Bigelow FlorenceBramanti Katherine Campbell Mary Anne Clark Waneta Ezell Opal Fultz Sharon Griffith Eleanor Hall Louise Logan SusanKneten Anne Paup Judy Strong
Liz O'Brien, Chairman Lois Glasser
La Veme Westbrook Telephone Renewals BarbaraCapper,Chairman RoseBausch Janie Black Loene Bowlin Joan Candoli Dayna Capper Alaine Capper BarbaraFuhrmann Beverly Griffith BarbaraGutierrez Shirley Hayter Cynthia Heard B.J. Honell Mary Lou Kelly Sophie Kelly Carmen Kimmel Kathryn Mear Toni Mear Judy Norman Bette Palmer Kaki O'Brien SaraJane O'Brien SarajaneO'Brien Mary Ryan Beth Thompson
Selling Parties Marjorie and David Lou, Co-chairmen Nanry Wilson, Co-chairman Sandraand Warren Gould Carol and Kent Lawrence Gerry and Ron Robertson ludy and George Scoggins Group BusinessSales David O'Brien, Jr., Chairman lerry Blaschke Sue Caldwell Robert A krguson Paul Fleming Rudy Flores Stan McClintock SusanMorgan SteveRapfogel Beverly Salvant Phyllis Van Aken
Private Mailing List Sales Gretchen Denny SusanTilley S. Smith Williams
1984.1985Cliburn ConcertsSeason
futists StevenDe Groote, Piano Cristina Ortiz, Piano Prague String Quanet and Malcotmfrager' Pl_ano RichardStoltzrian.-clarinetand Bill Douelas,piano,/bassoon Annapolis Frass'Quintet with ScholaCantorum Mclain FamilYBand Carter Brey, cello with Edmund BattersbY,Piano Paul O'Dette, lute Radu Lupu, piano Ralph Votapek, Piano
futist Entertainment Mr. and Mrs Helvood C Clemons Mr. and Mrs. W. H al den.C onner Mr. and Mn. Elton M. HYd.er'Jr' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Komfeld Mr and Mrs L. E dw ardMarti n Dr. and Mrs. Robb H. Rutledge Mi. and Mrs. Gordon W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joe A TilleY' Jr' Mr. and Mrs. fuce M. TilleY' Jr
SeasonTicket SalesCampaign Volunteers General Chairmen George and Malinda Young Telephone Renewals Kathryn Bryan BarbaraCapper Bob Capper Karen Harris Glenn Johnson Linda Johnson Bemice Rapfogel Morry Rapfogel
Group BusinessSales
Group Club Sales
David O'Brien, Jr., Co-chairman SteveRapfogel,Co-chairman Larry H. Anton Jim Atkinson GeorgeBarlow Edmund Brown Britt Cox Robin Davis Tom Davis SandraGould Glenn Isbell Rod Lawrence David Lou Marjorie Lou JoanPearson Al1enPennington Pam Roach Linda Smith Denny Spicer Carla Thompson Scott Watson David Wright Emery Young
SusanMorgan, Chairman Darlene Mann MarshaSotman Private Mailing List Sales Gretchen Denny, Chairman Scottie Bartel Annette Blaschke Harriett Clemons Norwood Dixon Judy Gasch Sharon Martin FrancieScifres Nancy Wilson Selling Parties Marv Beth Harrison David and Liz O'Brien, Jr. Burch and LisaWaldron Student Sales Patti Pennington,Chairman Gift Solicitations Amelda Penitt Julie Rucker
Carter. BlueCorn' lyn Havel Aufieq,. Richard Dennis . Lonewolf Kirby LeliaW.Koeppe ' Rosemary James . DolonaRoberts Miller . TuMoonwalker Bradley Siegel ' JohnSommers JanSauka. lsabelle Youngblood earistroh. JudyYoungbtool ' Nathan
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Index of Advertisers gratitudeto the followingadvertisers The Van Clibum Foundation,Inc. expresses who havehelpedto makepossiblethe production of the Official Program: A m er ic an A ir line s A m er ic anaHot e l .. B aldwinP iano&Org a n C o m p a n y .... B av ar ianM ot o rs B udget Rent aC a r A m onG . Car t erM u s e u m Cham plinP et r o l e u m Development. CityCenter Delt aA ir linesI ,n c . E v ely nS iegelGa l l e ry F or t W or t hA r t Mu s e u m FortWorth Museumof Science& History. F ox& J ac obs G ener alM ot ors . InterFirstBankFortWorth . K ahn' s f or P ian o s . K inballP ianos . KimbellArt Museum K X A S jT VChann , e5l ...... Linz J eweler s LucienWrightInsuranceAgency. M B anV E as t M B anV F or t W o rth .... Mobil Oil Corporation. SidW. Richardson Collectionof WesternArt. . . . Baptist Theological Southwestem Seminary & Steinway Sons. T M C/ A m er icIa, n c .... T andy Cor por a ti o n /R a d i o S h a c k .. TexasAmericanBanks,/FortWorth.... T hos S . .B y m eCo . W hit deM us ic . W oodm ont - Rid g m a rC e n fre WoodmontCorporation Y am aha P ianos .
..........BC ........L22 ......L34 .... LL6 ,.....,.L51 .......... 25 .......L24 ....... 81-84 ........1. 06 .......L52 .,... 2t . . . 25 ..... .... 38 ...,Lo4 . . . . . . . . 15o ..........4 2 ... L4o ..... . 2i ........ 2 .......159 . . . L32 .. ........ 138 ..... i8 .. . . lBC . . . . . 25 .. ... . ... . L44 ... 1o8 .. . ... 114 ......... I FC 8 ..........L 54 ...... r 57 .........118 .... t4 ...... 26
Fr:::i.:: : il,.i: ...iiiii:.i;: ili:liliiii.:lill:l:: :l:l:ij:::li:l:::: l::
: :::iiiii::::
: iati$i,,: l !r:.u+Ir:I.j
: : :::::sj !:
lln Celebration of TheSeventhVanCliburnInternational PianoCompetition
themanyfriendsof HarveyLavanCliburn at Mobil extendtheirbestwishes forthesuccess of theCompetition to VanCliburn andto theCompetition Organizers, Volunteers andHostFamilies of FortWorth,Texas. Youhavemadea dreamoossible foryoungmusicians aroundtheworld.
W ff
Somethirrespecialin the atr salutessomethirgspecialin tlreArts. At AmericanAirlines, we recognizenot only ghehard work and enthusiasmtl-ratgo into dre krficrming Arts, but also the importanceof theers inDallas/FonVbrrh. Ttiarb
why aspart of the communitv vou can find us whbre we've alwaysbeen - helping the Arts remain something special.