Issue 4

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Issue 4 2013

What’s on at C-Life!

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Mind Body





Sign up to MOVE this Movember by making a month-long pledge to increase your physical activity. Run, swim, surf, spin… we don’t mind, just get MOVING. Why MOVE? Sitting is the new smoking. The more often and longer you sit, the poorer your health becomes as your risk of disease increases.

We love to sit – in cars, at a desk or on the couch. New research is showing that extended periods of sitting and inactivity are linked to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and depression. Your body is designed to move and when you sit for extended periods it causes your body to shut down at a metabolic level. When muscles (especially certain leg muscles) remain stationary for too long, circulation slows and the body’s ability to utilise blood sugar and burn fat declines. Men who sit for more than six hours a day have an 18% increased risk of dying from heart disease and a 7.8% increased chance of dying from diabetes compared with someone who sits for three hours or less a day. In 2013, more deaths will be attributed to physical inactivity (5.3 million) than smoking (5 million). * Today’s 10-year-olds are the first generation expected to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. *

Support your Mo’Bros! Donate to our team and fight the good fight! DONATE HERE : Team ‘CAN-TACHE-BURY LEAGUE CLUB’



Congratulations to the following members for their well earned title of C-Life MOTIVATIONAL MEMBER. They will be rewarded with 1 month free membership and a 1 hour personal training session with trainer of their choice!

Elizabeth Ceissman

Congratulations on your accomplishments in 2013 with 4 obstacle challenges under your belt this year alone: Tough Bloke Try Grit Raw Challenge Tough Mudder Liz is a true inspiration to many of us here at C-Life, living proof that even in the face of adversity, with a positive attitude and the will to push through, we can overcome anything. The human body and mind are remarkable, it just takes a little faith and commitment to yourself to succeed.

Vivian Boules Nahri

Vivian is commited to setting a good example very early! Here she is, 81/2 months pregnant and looking and feeling better than ever! We wish Vivian and Eddie all the best with the new addition to their family.


Bring in a friend to train with you on us! Click here for more details.

C-Life News

Fitness Focus

Exercise Science


Mind Body


30 Days to change your life!


How often do we comment about how quickly a month has flown by? Also, common practice is to promise ourselves that we will start or change something ‘tomorrow’, only for that day to never come. But what if you could change your life 30 days at a time? We’re going to give it a go. We are asking you to commit to something, anything, for 30 days. It could be as simple as commiting to drinking 2 litres of water a day, walking for 10 minutes in your lunch break or giving your loved one a hug. Anything. Just commit to it, or another 30 days will pass you by that you could have or should have! Got Private Health Insurance? Well if you don’t use it, you lose it! Take advantage of our Health Fund billing Massage Therapist here at C-Life. Call 9750 7711 to book in for a well deserved traditional or Thai massage and claim your extras benefits before the end of the year!


Yes, it’s nutricious and delicious. But the best thing about Bircher Muesli is that you can make it however it suits you. Here is our take on a a beautiful Bircher. Swap your standard cereal or toast for this great summertime breakfast and you won’t be disappointed... Serves 4-6 INGREDIENTS 2 cups rolled oats 2 - 3 Granny Smith apples, grated 500ml unsweetened almond milk 2 tsp vanilla essence/extract Mixed nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pepitas and sunflower seeds) Raisins, sultanas or chopped dates. Traditional tub set Yoghurt - THE CREAMIER THE BETTER! Oats and spices can be combined and stored ahead of time to enhance flavour and fragrance. In a large mixing bowl, combine oats, spices, grated apple, almond milk and vanilla. Lay out in a shallow dish overnight to soak (quick oats may only need an hour or so). Depending on how you like it, adjust the liquid accordingly, you can also use apple juice together with, or to substitute the almond milk. Before serving, add raisins, nuts and seeds, folding through evenly and top with your favourite traditional yoghurt and fesh fruit. We love fresh berries, but frozen taste just as good and are something you can always have on hand. Drizzle honey if desired, or add a natural sweetener such as stevia to the almond milk before soaking.


Ready to Roll Why you should add a foam roller to your warm up There’s mixed opinion when it comes to stretching before a workout, but according to new reasearch published in the International Journal of Sports Physical therapy, a foam roller might give you the benefits you’re after. Researchers say that padded massage tools boost hamstring flexibility without limiting muscular strength or power in the way traditional static poses do. Roll a little self-massage into your warmup to get more from your workout.


total hip replacements were undertaken in 2011, a rise of 4% on the previous year. Source: Australian Orthopeadic Association National Joint Replacement Registry 2011-2012 annual report.

Running may protect against osteoarthritis, according to an analysis of two American studies - one of runners, one of walkers - published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. The runners in the study were half as likely as the walkers to develop osteoarthritis of the hip or need a hip replacement. Furthermore, the further they ran, the lower their risk. Between them, the studies have more than 90,000 participants and both have been going for more than 15 years.

C-Life News

Fitness Focus

Exercise Science


Mind Body


7 BIGGEST WORKOUT MISTAKES Could this be what’s holding you back from reaching your goals?

DROPPING THE DUMBELLS TO THE SIDE IN A BENCH PRESS (OR DROPPING THEM AT ALL!) You’r e on your last rep of chest presses and it’s tempting to just let the dumbells drop to the floor. But doing so puts your shoulder joint under great stress, hyperextending the joint capsule and greatly increasing the risk of injury. Istead, place the dumbells to your thighs and sit up off the bench. And save our equipment! LEANING ON A TREADMILL WHILST ON AN INCLINE If you’ve wound the inclune up to the maximum but need to hold onto the rails for dear life, your not doing yourself any good, nor are you burning more calories. The rail is only there for light support if you need it. Reduce the incline to a level where you can walk or run whilst maintaining an arm swing. Not only is it involving your upper body, but you’ll maintain a natural movement

pattern which will avoid injury and allow you to improve your cardio fitness and balance at the same time. RESTING BETWEEN EXERCISES Unless your training with very heavy weights in the efforts to increase muscle mass, there’s no need to rest 1-2 minutes between exercises. Get your metabolism firing by moving quickly from one exercise to another in a circuit training format or include some cardio such as skipping or jumping jacks between weight sets. DOING CABLE EXERCISES TOO FAST Control the cable, it does not control you! If you allow the machine to pull you back to start position, your missing one of the most beneficial stages of the exercises. Muscle gains it’s greatest strength in the eccentric or resistive phase of the exercises. Stay in control, and if it’s too difficult then chances are the weight is too high for the exercise.



USING POOR POSTURE ON AN EXERCISE BALL Although it was designed as a challenge to improve core strength, it will cause more damage if you’re slouching, bouncing or uncontrolled whilst completing your exercises. To properly engage your stabilising muscles, keep your core tight, your shoulderblades back and down and your posture long and tall. USING THE WRONG HEIGHT Check your seat height. Upper body machines - your shoulders should be in line with the handles, on a bicycle, your knees should have a slight bend at the bottom of the pedal stroke. USING TOO HIGH CADENCE AND TOO LOW RESISTANCE From spin classes to crosstrainers to weight machines, moving too quickly with little resistance is waisting your time. You need to subject your muscles to adequate force for changes to occur.

When was your last Health Check? Have you ever had a program tailored to your health and fitness goals? C-Life exercise specialists are available to get you on track to acheive your fitness goals for FREE! All our upfront and direct debit memberships include regular health check and program reviews every 6 weeks. What are you waiting for?!


The 5:2 revolution - Part 2

The 5:2 diet is simple. For two non-consecutive days a week you must limit yourself to 500 calories a day (600 for men) and the rest of the time you can eat normally. This concept of the 5:2 diet, or intermittent fasting, works by sending your body into ‘repair mode’ rather than storing fat (starvation mode), which can happen when you just cut down all together. This ‘repair mode’ causes the body to restore damaged cells, which uses more energy. The 5:2 Diet: Revolutionary approach or dangerous fad? The 5:2 diet is credited with not only being a remarkably easy diet to stick to with great weight loss results, but research also suggets that the fasting can help us to live longer and even ward off mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This is all well and good, but what sort of foods can we eat on the 5:2 diet fasting days that will keep us under the 500 calorie threshold? Maximum flavour for minimum calories • Fast Day and carbs don’t mix. A sugary croissant will eat up most of your daily allowance and leave you famished by eleven o’clock. • Focus instead on vegetables, salad and small servings of lean meat, fish, eggs or tofu. • Jazz them up with herbs, spices and flavourings – chilli flakes or curry pastes in soups, stews or baked beans; flavoured vinegars or lemon juice to dress salads, and fresh herbs as a topping for most dishes. • Soups are a great bet because they’ve been proven to fill you up for longer than the same ingredients served on a plate! Three square meals? • We’re always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – but many of us on 5:2 find that the later we eat, the less hungry we feel. • Experiment with meal times to see what suits you best. • Swapping three meals for two or even one gives you more calories per meal. Try brunch at 12 and supper at 6, or a bigger meal with your partner at 7pm. There’s some evidence that leaving longer between meals has bigger healthy benefits. • If you like ‘traditional’ meat and two veg, flip the proportions – serve a small piece of grilled chicken or seared tuna, with two or even three big portions of veg. Fresh is best – and cheapest • 5:2 saves you money, because you’re eating less and

because fresh, seasonal produce is the most satisfying and best value. • Pick what’s fresh and cheap at the supermarket or market stall – those overripe tomatoes will be delicious roasted with balsamic vinegar and herbs. You can turn any extra into soup. • In winter, root veg like parsnip and butternut squash are delicious in soup or roasted and served with low-fat feta. • Halved peppers can be stuffed with cream cheese, veggies or tuna, then grilled. You can even bake an egg in one. Fast swaps: • Swap bananas for fresh or frozen berries in yogurt, for less of a sugar rebound • Swap quiches or flans for omelettes – all the flavour, none of the high-calorie pastry • Swap high-fat hard cheeses for lower-fat ricotta, feta or reduced fat cream cheese • Swap cappuccino for a black expresso • Swap ice cream for home-made jelly made from low-sugar cordials and blueberries or raspberries • Swap rice for cauliflower ‘rice’ – grate a portion of uncooked cauliflower and microwave for 1-2 minutes for a lower-calorie substitute that – honestly – doesn’t taste of cauliflower! • Swap tagliatelle for zucchini sliced into thin ribbons with a potato peeler – boil or steam for 1 minute and serve with your normal pasta sauce. In case of emergency… • Have something instant to hand in case of a snack attack: if you love sweet things, then no-sugar jelly is ideal at under 10 calories. • For a savoury craving, a sachet of miso soup or lower-cal cup-a-soup is between 10-40 cals. • For days when you’re too tired to cook from scratch, a ready-made fresh soup or a small can of beans on a slice of wholemeal from a small loaf come in at under 200 calories. Final tips: • Drink plenty. Teas, coffees and herb teas are great, but remember to count cals in milk. Low-cal soft drinks or fizzy water are good too. • If you do get hungry, distract yourself with work or a phone call, the feeling will pass. • Ensure you have a source of protein in every meal, not only will it keep you satisfied for longer and stabilise blood sugar levels, it will also help reduce muscle wastage, especially if you’re exercising.

C-Life News

Fitness Focus

Exercise Science


Mind Body


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