Tag Rugby Course Date: 5/4
Art Adventure
Forest Fun Morning
Time: 1330–1600
Course Date: 28/3
Course Date: 4/4
Age: 6–7 years
Time: 1330–1600
Time: 0930–1230
Price: £20
Age: 5–7 years
Age: 5–7 years
Price: £20
Price: £20
An exciting course with a real hands-on approach. Children will work closely with experienced staff to create some wonderfully creative masterpieces using a range of materials. An informative and fun session for all 5–7 year olds.
A fantastic opportunity to enjoy outdoor exploration of the landscape. A variety of exciting age specific creative activities linked to the great outdoors will make this morning session rewarding and enjoyable.
A fun insight into this exciting non-contact, fastmoving game and initial skill development as our qualified coach passes on knowledge through a variety of drills, competitions and gameplay.
Junior Football
Please note that children will travel by minibus to our forest school site at Clifton College Sports Ground, Abbots Leigh with qualified staff. Children will require outdoor clothes, wet weather gear and a change of footwear.
Course Date: 3/4 Time: 1330–1600 Age: 6–7 years Price: £20 An action packed afternoon course providing the opportunity for young footballers to take part in various games, skill sessions and small-sided matches that ensure an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all. Please note all children should bring a change of footwear and shin pads.
Book Online click here
Catch, Hit and Throw Course Date: 9/4 Time: 1330–1600 Age: 6–7 years Price: £20 An action packed afternoon of sporting fun and small-sided games aimed at developing hand/eye co-ordination and turning body movements into skills. Based in Clifton College Sports Centre, our qualified sports staff will coach children through a variety of ‘taster’ activities that focus on catching, hitting and throwing including indoor tennis, hockey, cricket and frisbee.