Epigenetic Test - Montreux (EN)

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Epigenetic test and assessment TAKE CONTROL OVER YOUR BIOLOGICAL AGING

EPIGENETICS SCIENCE Epigenetics, means ‘on top of’ genetics. It studies the mechanisms that affect how our genes behave, specifically the mechanisms that switch genes “on” and “off”. Epigenetic processes are closely linked to wellbeing, aging and diseases, and are affected by our environment and lifestyles.

« Epigenetic signatures are indeed shaped by the food we eat, how we sleep, our stress levels, our physical activity, the environment we live in.»

A STEP TOWARDS A HEALTHIER FUTURE Scientific research shows that our lifestyle and the daily choices we make can influence the epigenetic signatures on our DNA. Those influences can be summarized by how much older or younger you are, offering an unparalleled insight on how healthily you will age. You can reverse the impact of any negative lifestyle choices in the past and help yourself increase your longevity.

CLINIQUE LA PRAIRIE EPIGENETIC ASSESSMENT Measuring how lifestyle is shaping biological age is now available through an Epigenetic screening at Clinique La Prairie thanks to a collaboration between the clinic and Swiss laboratories Genknowme. It offers a unique new reading of DNA: an epigenetic health assessment that measures the reversible impacts of lifestyle on your genes HOW IS IT PERFORMED? • • •

A minimally-invasive blood test is performed the first day of your stay Complemented by a questionnaire about your lifestyle A consultation with your Clinique La Prairie longevity doctor is scheduled few days after to share the report and the recommendations


BIOLOGICAL AGE Your chronological age will always increase as the years pass. However, there are steps you can take to improve your biological age. With the right lifestyle changes, you could even have a younger biological age than your chronological age.


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Your epigenetic youth capital: the difference between your chronological and your biological ages Analysis of your epigenetic markers (lifestyle habits and impacts) Risks and recommendations

HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT FROM IT? With these unique insights, our specialists will help you pinpoint the specific factors which are impacting on your health and make specific interventions (for instance changes in diet, exercise or sleep) that can work for your wellbeing in the long-term.

CHF 1’950.-

For the highest level of personalized results and recommendations, you can add an epigenetic assessment to your health & wellness program. Please contact our team for information and to schedule one : E reservation@laprairie.ch T +41 21 989 34 81



Rue du Lac 142 | 1815 Clarens-Montreux | Switzerland

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