Conscious Living Expo Program October 19-21, 2018

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Program of Events - 19th to 21st October 2018

Explore Experience Enjoy


Conscious Living Expo 2018

COME ANd EXPERIENCE 3 DAYS THAT COULD TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE This year’s Expo is a celebration of 30 years of supporting health, wellness and spirituality in Western Australia. Established since 1988 Conscious Living is the longest running independent Expo of its kind in Australia.


Join us in creating 3 Records for the greatest number of participants. Friday 11am Didgeridoo Sound Healing; Saturday 11am – Laughter Yoga and Sunday 11am - Mindfulness Meditation. Meet our Exhibitors and discover what motivates and drives their passion for healthy lifestyle choices. Consult with leading natural health & wellness practitioners. Participate in Free Talks, Seminars and Workshops. Discover natural solutions for Stress, Depression, Weight Gain, Insomnia & Gut Health. Experience mindfulness, meditations, music, laughter yoga, sound healing. Sample Organic, Gluten Free, Vegan, Raw and Allergy Free Super Foods and Organic Wines. Pamper yourself with Essential Oils, and Massage. Find Eco Friendly Organic Home and Beauty Products. Enjoy Family Friendly activities for Kids. OPE N I NG TI MES Friday Sat Sun

19th October 20th October 21st October

9:30am - 5:30pm 9:30am - 5:30pm 9:30am - 5:30pm


T RA N S P O RT : The best way to avoid traffic and parking hassles is to take the Train or Bus to the Claremont Showground Station. TR A IN: The Train services is on the Fremantle

Claremont Showgrounds-Silver Jubilee Pavilion Line. Stop at the Showground Station or you can stop at the Claremont Station which is 1 Graylands Rd, Claremont WA 6010

a short walk to the Showgrounds.

Tic k ets On li ne :

Bus: Bus numbers 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 98/99 (circle route), 102, 103 and 107 all stop or Scan the QR Code below.

close by.

Transperth InfoLine 13 62 13 visit Seniors Travel Free on trains and buses

CA R:Parking is available at $5 per day in the Showgrounds. Enter through Gate 5 off Graylands Road, Claremont WA. Celebrating 30 Years


Celebrate 30 Years of E Help Us Create 3 World

Join with hundreds of people gathering to celebrate Life, L Friday 19th October - 11:00am Experience the magic of the didgeridoo and the healing vibration of the crystal bowls and gongs. Facilitated by Mark Steinward from One Tribe Healing with Christine Morrison, Heather Jean and Kyela.

Saturday 20th October - 11:00am Janni Goss (Author of Love Laughter and Longevity) will lead you to a place of laughter and release. Imagine the joy and jubilation of being in large group with one focus and one intent laughing away stress.


Expanding Consciousness d Records over 3 Days

Laughter, Mother Earth, Health, Wellness and World Peace. Sunday 21st October - 11:00am You will be led by Eric Harrison (from the Perth Meditation Centre) and other mindfulness and yoga practitioners through simple techniques to find a place of centred being, thought and emotion.

To bring clarity, calm, and presence in the moment. Supported by Yoga for Everybody and Greenwood Yoga School. • Participants MUST register TO REGIST E R individually for EACH event or simply scan QR code below • Registrants get FREE entry into the Expo DIDGERIDOO SOUND HEALING • Each days event will have Friday 19th October - 11:00am a different corresponding coloured armband • Check-In is strictly by 10.30am LAUGHTER YOGA • Each event is officially registered Saturday20thOctober-11:00am with Guiness Book of Records • All events will be broadcast MINDFULNESS MEDITATION ‘live’ through Facebook. Sunday 21st October - 11:00am • Get your whole tribe involved Celebrating 30 Years



EXPO ADMISSION TICKETS At The Expo: 1 Day Admission Concession 2 Day Admission 3 Day Admission Children Under 15

- $18 - $15 - $36 - $54 - FREE

Concession Eligibility:

Seniors Card, Pension Card, Dept of Human Services Concession Cards, Student I.D Cards


All day access to the Main Stage Performances, Food Demonstrations and Discussion Panels, Talks and Interviews in the Conversation Cafe and Food Demonstrations. Please register for Free Tickets on Eventbrite for Workshops and Seminars in the Talks Theatre and Free Meditation in the Sound Temple.


1 Day Admission 2 Day Admission 3 Day Admission

- $12 - $18 - $27

Psychic Reading - $50

Early Bird Online Ticket with FREE

Admission until 10th Oct.

Early Bird Online Special: Bring a friend for FREE

Get 2 tickets for $18 until 10th Oct


Tickets MUST be purchased prior to Event

(Early Bird Online Ticket includes FREE Admission to Expo until 10th Oct)

Messages From Heaven


EarlyBird - $45

New Paradigm Healing


EarlyBird - $35

Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath


EarlyBird - $20

Didgeridoo Sound Healing


EarlyBird - $30

Sound Healing Journey


EarlyBird - $35

Meet Your Spirit Guides


EarlyBird - $35

Celestial Sound Healing Voyage


EarlyBird - $30

Light Language Activation Ceremony


Early Bird - $30

With Anthony Grzelka Mediumship With Clairvoyant Medium - Tony Norgrove With Miranda & Karl With One Tribe

With Sound Oracle Heather Jean With Shamanic Healer and Teacher, Mark Steinward Sound Healer, Musical Alchemist, Composer - Christine Morrison Sound Healer, Musical Alchemist, Composer - Christine Morrison

Any Queries please call: (08) 61549928 After Hours 0427 277 803 email: ALL TICKETS ARE NON REFUNDABLE BUT CAN BE TRANSFERRED 6

Conscious Living Expo 2018

KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS - To raise your vibration TON Y N ORGROVE Clairvoyant Medium NEW PARADIGM HEALING

Sp ir


HOW TO LIFT YOUR FREQUENCY TO ‘HAPPY’ Friday 1:00pm - 2:30pm - Talks Theatre Tickets: $45 Early Bird $35

Learn how to release attachments and other controls that may be holding you back. In this workshop you will meet Zac, an informative yet playful Arcturian teacher of Tony Norgrove, with a direct voice channelling by Tony explaining How to Lift your frequency, to ‘Happy’ and subdue incessant worrying and tiredness! Tony will explain a permanent shielding process that can create a frequency fence around you. Tony is a clairvoyant medium who works with the highest realms, the God within you and the Universal Law, to bring information and insights relevant to this time of your evolution on Earth. OVERHEAD AUDIENCE CHANNELINGS - WITH TONY NORGROVE Saturday 12:00pm | Sunday 2:30pm - Main Stage - Free Event

Ra G h I DA

Soul Healer Inka Shaman and 5D Ascension Activator ASCENSION AND 5D ACTIVATION Friday 12:00pm - 12:45pm - Sound Temple - Tickets Free Event, Register on Eventbrite

Experience 5D Activation Ascension, Twin Flames, Sacred Geometry and Mathematics and Collective Soul Pod Healing. Learn more about the change in human evolution and accelerated ascension at this time on our planet. Raghida will open and awaken your DNA and all your light codes through her voice. Raghida is a Soul Healer, Inka Shaman and 5D Ascension Activator. She has been a wellknown healer and speaker in the industry for over 20 years. Her passion is to facilitate change and bring every soul she touches back to harmony, peace and equilibrium within. TWIN FLAMES, SOUL UNIONS AND CONNECTIONS - How they are tied in with Ascension Saturday 2:00pm - 2:20pm - Conversation Cafe - Free Event SACRED GEOMETRY AND 11:11 - Activation Awakenings in the Body Sunday 1:30pm - 1:50pm - Main Stage - Free Event Celebrating 30 Years


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KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS - To raise your vibration C hri sti ne Mo rrison


Friday 3:30pm - 4:30pm - Sound Temple Tickets: $35 Early Bird $30

Christine Morrison is a unique Musician, Sound Healer, Musical Alchemist, Composer and Teacher, who has been working with sound for 20 years. Come and be held in a space of divine love and pure heart essence, connecting you deeper with your soul, with the earth and the cosmos. Christine tunes into your soul, and channels the sounds and music, attuning you with your soul’s essence and purpose. Christine will guide you to safely connect with your divine heart, leaving you bathing in blissful angelic vibes. LIGHT LANGUAGE CEREMONY Sunday 3:30pm - 4:30pm - Sound Temple - Tickets: $35 Early Bird $30

During the Light Language Activation Ceremony, Christine sings the universal languages of sound and light from higher realms into the now, activating your own Light Language within. Christine sings your soul, aligning you with your true authentic self. OTHER PERFORMANCES - Main Stage - Free Event Friday 10:30am - Opening Event |Sunday 1:00pm & 4:30pm Closing Event

HEATHER JE A N Oracle OF Sound

EXPERIENTIAL SOUND HEALING JOURNEY Saturday 2:00pm - 3:30pm - Sound Temple Tickets: $45 Early Bird $35

Experience being bathed and cleansed with the healing sounds of Angelic Voice together with the sonic sounds of the pure crystal alchemy bowls. In this workshop Master Sound Healer Heather Jean specifically channels for the people attending to align with the energy of the new moon/new beginnings cycle and set your healing intentions specifically for your heart and soul at this time. Heather Jean, is a universal spiritual teacher, sound alchemist, author and speaker. WORLD RECORD EVENT: Didgeridoo Sound Healing for Mother Earth Friday 11:00am - 11:30am - Main Stage - Free Event, Register on Eventbrite SONIC SOUND HEALING Saturday 10:00am - 10:20am - Main Stage - Free Event 8

KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS - To raise your vibration A N T H O N Y GRZELKA


Sp ir


Saturday 12:45pm - 2:15pm - Talks Theatre Tickets: $55 Early Bird $45

In a live awe inspiring performance Anthony will take you on a spell binding journey demystifying the spirit world demonstrating that Spirit can and will communicate with the living! Anthony’s skill for connecting with and conveying messages from loved ones passed is simply astounding. Without fail the dearly departed will come through, each with a message of love or comfort for a loved-one in the audience. Pets too are not shy about coming forward. Anthony Grzelka stepped into the media’s psychic spot light over thirteen years ago and has rapidly risen to international acclaim earning him the title Australia’s ‘Ghost Whisperer’. Endorsed by America’s James Van Praagh the creator and executive producer of TV’s “Ghost Whisperer Anthony has pioneered a method of communication he refers to as ‘Soul Talking’ and his success has led to a request from a team of USA doctors specialising in early onset Alzheimer’s to test his Soul Talking technique. He has written 3 books: Medium Down Under, Life & Beyond: A Medium’s Guide to Dealing with Life and Loss and Spooked.


Author, Coach and Healer Guided Activation for Positive Change in All Areas of Your Life Sunday 3:15pm - 4:45pm - Talks Theatre Tickets: Free Event, Register on Eventbrite

If you lack clarity on your real purpose, are afraid to ask for what you want and think it is not spiritual to be wealthy or struggle with pain and sickness this workshop is for you! Release a lifetime of struggle, body aches and pains. Free your mind from the roadblocks that are preventing you from achieving your life’s purpose. Join Transformational Coach Rochelle McDonnell in this dynamic and guided workshop to experience the connection to all that is you and the energy that is All that Is (God, Source, the Universe – whatever word you use). Rochelle McDonnell is a business strategist, author, coach and healer who brings through messages and guidance from Source to assist individuals to align with their unique value and purpose.

Messages & Guidance from Source - with Rochelle McDonnell Saturday 2:00pm - 2:20pm - Main Stage

Celebrating 30 Years


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KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS - To raise your vibration M ARK ST E INWAR D

Shamanic Practitioner MEET YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE

Sunday 12:00pm - 1:30pm - Sound Temple Tickets: $45 Early Bird $35

Every one of us has spirit guides who are assigned to help awaken our compassionate heart and to walk on this planet with dignity, power and self-respect. During this powerful workshop you will meet and begin working with your spirit guide. One Tribe are a group of four sound healers who combine the didgeridoo with drums, crystal bowls, gongs, flutes, vocals and more to inspire, transform and clear the stress of modern living. Mark Steinward is a shamanic practitioner at One Tribe, who runs the school. He has been teaching this work for over 12 years and will be facilitating this workshop. DIDGERIDOO SOUND HEALING - ONE TRIBE Saturday 12:00pm - 12:45pm - Sound Temple - Tickets: $35 Early Bird $30

Come to this didgeridoo sound healing to clear stress and recharge your system. Experience the healing power of these ancient instruments to awaken forgotten talents within you... an experience you will never forget! WORLD RECORD EVENT - Didgeridoo Sound Healing For Mother Earth Friday 11:00am - 11:30am - Main Stage - Free Event, Register on Eventbrite


Saturday 3:30pm - Main Stage - Free Event


Presenter, Writer, Healer and Crystal Alchemist A NEW DAWN IN WORKING WITH CRYSTALS Sunday 1:00pm - 1:45pm - Talks Theatre Tickets: Free Event

Learn about Nature’s wisdom and guidance through crystals. Adam explains the reasons behind cleansing and programming crystals, how to do it, different techniques as well as a deeper look at using crystals every day. It’s time to get your crystals off the shelf and start using them for healing, manifestation and much more! This workshop will show you how. LIVE READINGS WITH ADAM BARRALET - Natures Wisdom Oracle Friday 12:00pm | Saturday 1:30pm - Main Stage - Free Event

CYRSTAL MAGIC - Connect with the Crystal Kingdom

Saturday 3:30pm - 4:00pm - Conversation Cafe - Free Event

Renowned presenter, writer, healer and crystal alchemist, Adam Barralet has now established himself as one of Australia’s premier spiritual teachers, adept at working with crystals, along with essential oils, animal guides, tarot and astrology. 10 Conscious Living Expo 2018

INTUITIVE GUIDANCE - PSYCHIC READING ROOM BE GUIDED AND INSPIRED Have a personal reading with one of our professional Psychics. Choose from mediumship, tarot, numerology palmistry, angel readings and more!

Pre book before the Expo to avoid the queues!

20 Minute Reading

Alison Tucker Palmistry

Colleen Gillick

Arlene Davis

Intuitive Medium |Numerology Tarot Readings

Joanne Palmer

Beverly Whitcher Spiritual Duidance | Runes

Kay Gallagher

Psychic Medium | Healer

Medium | Tarot | Healing Clearing

Psychic Clairvoyant |Psychic

Paige Maree Hanlon

Steven Giles

Myrtle Harvey

Psychic | Medium | Tarot reader

Tarot Readings

Medium | Tarot Tea Leaf Readings


Catherin Finch Medium | Psychic Tarot

Maria de Cinque

Clairvoyant | Psychic Reader Medium | Energy Healer

Sonia McAlpine

Photo Reader | Clairvoyant Tarot | Angel Card Reader

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Book Online before 19 Oct and get FREE Admission to the Expo Ramzi Peska

Psychic Mediumship

Celebrating 30 Years




Sound Therapy VIBRATIONAL SOUND BATH - Sound Temple - Tickets: $25 Early Bird $20 Friday 2:00pm - 2:30pm | 2:45pm - 3:15pm Saturday 10:00am - 10:30am | 4:00pm - 4:30pm Sunday 10:00am - 10:30am | 2:45pm - 3:15pm

Experience the healing power of Music and Sound in a deeply relaxing vibrational sound bath. You can totally relax on comfortable mats as your body receives the healing tones of Kyela playing the crystal and Tibetan bowls, Fibonacci pipes, Solfeggio pipes, Koshi bells and a Wuhan gong. WORLD RECORD EVENT - Didgeridoo Sound Healing For Mother Earth Friday 11:00am - 11:30am - Main Stage - Free Event

Kyela is the sacred sound ensemble formed by Karl Akkerman and Miranda Munro, founders of The Kyela Vibrational Healing Centre and the Australian College of Sound Healing.

IN D IA JIVA- Ron Ragel & Vicki Hansen THE MAGICAL HEALING POWER OF MUSIC AND SOUND - Tickets: Free Event Sunday 1:45pm - 2:30pm - Sound Temple SACRED MEDICINE MUSIC - Main Stage Friday 12:30pm - 1:00pm | 4:00pm - 4:30pm Saturday 12:30pm - 1:00pm Sunday 12:00pm - 12:30pm | Closing Celebration 4:30pm

Did you know that listening to sacred music and chanting can help to heal the body? Experience and learn how sacred music and chant can affect the human body, mind and emotions and bring about changes to the heart beat, breath and brain physiology. India Jiva are the duo of multi-instrumentalists and composers, Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen. Together they have carved a niche for themselves in the field of world fusion music. 12


CYN THIA HAR RISON Subliminal Stress The Invisible Shadow and Energy Medicine Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm - Talks Theatre - Tickets: Free Event, Rgister on Eventbrite Boost your immune system, increase vitality and improve your wellbeing. Gain practical techniques to instantly address the invisible stressors and regulate your nervous system for physical and energetic health and wellness. Cynthia is an energy teacher. Her goal is to assist people to live well, bringing together energy understanding, technology and the arts into new ways of knowing, offering a complete experience (mind, body, spirit) to enable transformative growth, unified education and unlimited possibilities to reach your full potential.

CH R ISTOFF E L S N E IJDE RS Change your top 3 negative beliefs/habits in just 3 days to live the life you desire Saturday 2:30pm - 3:15pm - Talks Theatre - Tickets: Free Event, Register on Eventbrite Learn how to create a more fulfilling life and eliminate those limiting beliefs that sabotage us. Find out how you can break through the limiting habits of the past and live the life you truly desire. Experience how clinical hypnotherapy can help you to overcome your life issues! Friday 1:40pm - 2:00pm - Main Stage - Free Event Christoffel Sneijders is a Professor at the IE Business School of Behavioural Leadership and Organisation, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, Master in NLP and Reiki, and Director of the CastorPollux school for clinical Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy and NLP. His passion is to bring out the best in people and companies, embracing the principle of “walk the talk” instead of “talk the talk”. Celebrating 30 Years


th s l a s H e lln e We



Chronic Inflammation - Fight Back Friday 2:45pm - 3:30pm - Talks Theatre

Tickets: Free Event

Learn how to identify signs of chronic inflammation, how to reverse it and more importantly how to prevent it. Develop a better understanding of foods that harm and foods that heal. Learn more about plant medicine and how you can use herbs in your daily life. Deb Nye Chart is wellness consultant with a special interest in GUT health. She helps people with autoimmune diseases, particularly thyroid issues, to reduce pain and inflammation. Deb is passionate about using food as medicine and the power of real food to improve health for everyone of us.


Founder of My Gut Wellness Gut Health, Easy ways to get your health back Saturday 10:00am - 10:45am - Talks Theatre Tickets: Free Event

From her teen years Hayley suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had tried many treatments and products to assist. Her son Blake was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism and ADHD from a young age. Hayley and her family have worked tirelessly with different treatments and protocols to assist Blake to manage significant anger and aggression issues. Hayley learned about the significance and importance of gut health and cleansing and detoxification of the body. From implementing a specific detoxification protocol herself, Hayley no longer has the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue. In her informative talk, Hayley will share about the importance of gut health and it’s impact on the body, detoxification and offer solutions that can help to restore your health. 14 Conscious Living Expo 2018

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Unlock your Genes for Weight Loss Saturday 11:45am - 12:30pm - Talks Theatre Tickets: Free Event

If you ever thought it was hard to lose weight, hear from Dr Peter Dingle as he brings common sense and science with many thought provoking ideas to ponder and challenge us but most of all to help us lose weight. 7 Steps to Reset your Gut - Tickets: Free Event Sunday 10:00am - 10:45am - Talks Theatre Poor gut health is linked with virtually every Health conditions like Depression and Anxiety. Learn 7 simple strategies to reset your gut health in your first steps to regain your health. Nobody knows wellness like author, Dr Peter Dingle, Australia’s most engaging and innovative thought leader on the topics of health, wellness, weight loss and gut health. He presents cutting-edge science in a bold, courageous, humourous and straight-shooting manner.

ST UA RT M O R I C K Does Eating Fat Make you Fat? Sunday 2:15pm - 3:00pm Talks Theatre

Tickets: Free Event

Does it really raise your cholesterol? Does eating fat make you unhealthy, or is fat actually a necessary part of your diet? Can you eat fat and still lose weight? Discover the difference between so-called good fats and bad fats. Stuart Morick, owner of Pure Health and Wellness Clinic in Bassendean is a naturopath specialising in live blood analysis and health assessments.






Claremont Showground

Exhibition Centre Silver Jubilee Pavilion 1 Graylands Rd, Claremont Celebrating 30 Years



Value $330

Lea 0407991491

18 Conscious Living Expo 2018


Rent Your Own Private Denmark Retreat Book 3 Nights Stay 2 Extra FREEÂ

T: 0418955396

Celebrating 30 Years


W HA T ’ S N E W REST , R ECOVER, REBA L A N C E A N D R E - E N E RG I S E The BioBlanket

1. 2. 3. 4.

The BioBlanket is used for helping the body to energetically re-compose itself. The new 3rd generation ET Energy BioBlankets have been developed with double reflective layers as well as Negative Ion layers to help induce the body and mind to rest, recover, rebalance and re-energise. It has 4 main functions: To help Protect the body by deflecting away external energy influences, To help balance the body’s multiple energies by establishing a cocoon To help reflect back to the body its own energy output = BioFeedback To help raise core body temperature and to synergise with InfraBed® Find out more at Booth P48

The Metatron The Metatron is a technology that reads the messages from the Para-sympathetic and Sympathetic nervous systems that are constantly being sent to the brain. The Metatron system gives a general assessment of wellbeing, using computer models that allow the operator to examine a three-dimensional display of organs superimposed on the virtual model. Visit Booth P51 to learn more about your health and have a Metatron reading with Barbara Barker.

Regenerative Electromagnetic Therapy The Theraphi is a ground breaking new device which creates a radiative bio-active plasma field and has profound healing and regenerative effects on the body-mind-spirit. Users of the Theraphi Device have reported positive results in pain reduction and inflammation, improved energy levels; enhanced mental energy and positive uplift in mood. Experience a Group Session or an Individual Guided Session with Zsuzsanna Hay in the Theraphi Marquee Booth 72 and be prepared for some transformational changes in your life! 20


ACCESS BARS Lie back and enjoy a Bars treatment with the team at Access Consciousness. Bars® sessions create amazing shifts in unlocking the way people function from upset, limiting thoughts and feelings, anger, anxiety, lack of sleep and so much more. BIODYNAMIC CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY A remarkable body therapy that has created a highly skilled way of listening to the body’s inherent health expressions. Try a taster session. MASSAGE AND HEALING Enjoy soothing hands-on healing and empowering intuitive guidance to help you and your well-being. Try Tao Healing , Divine Healing , Chinese Massage and more. KI ENERGY TREATMENT Experience a dynamic acupressure massage and energy treatment which can relieve stress and fatigue. EXPERIENCE CUTTING EDGE NEW THERAPIES Which utilize frequencies to discover and treat a wide range of health issues such as The Theraphi light plasma treatment; Metatron Scanning - a safe and non-invasive full body health analysis ,Biofield Imaging , Neurofeedback and Bio Resonance therapy. PAMPER YOURSELF with natural and organic beauty treatments, have a Mineral Make Up or a hand massage with pure essential oils. HEALTH ASSESSMENTS You can have your blood analysed as part of a naturopathic health consultation with Stuart Morick at Pure Health and Wellness SPINE CHECK Have your spine and posture checked with our Chiropractors. Celebrating 30 Years



YOGA NIDRA Experience the deep relaxation that comes with Yoga Nidra meditation. William Forde from Perth Yoga for Everybody will facilitate the session on Saturday at 4:45 – 5:30 pm in the Sound Temple. Perth Yoga for Everybody is on a mission to make yogic practice available for everybody. They have classes around the metro area. You can visit Will and his dedicated team at Booth T13 ACRO YOGA Acro Yoga is a dynamic practice, uplifting and enlivening us through movement, connection, creativity, and play, which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage. Enjoy this energetic demonstration with Sarah Fae and her team Saturday 2:30pm at the main stage. You can learn more about Acro Yoga at Booth T11 SAHAJA KUNDALINI YOGA Learn how to experience the new awareness and peace of true Sahaja Kundalini – a combination of movement and meditation practice. Have a free session at Booth T10. LAUGHTER YOGA Laughter is a magic way to step into your joy, release stress and connect with your heart and soul. Join the Mass Record Event on Saturday at 11am and have a chat with facilitator and author of Laughter and Longevity, Janni Goss in the Conversation Cafe.

22 Conscious Living Expo 2018


In the food court you can enjoy delicious organic, gluten free, vegan and raw foods. Try Gluten Free Pasta Salad infused with essential oils at the live demo Friday at 1pm – the perfect meal if you suffer from severe food allergies and food intolerance. Find allergy free and paleo products which are non GMO with organic ingredients such as Pasta, Almond Flour Breads & Pizza Bases, Crunchy Bread Crumbs, Vegan Brownies and other special ‘good for you’ treats. Learn how to make your own Vegan Organic friendly Pizzas Saturday 3pm live demo on the Main stage. Sample gluten and dairy free with vegetarian options and experience the taste of traditional Vietnamese street food. Treat yourself to a Vegan Bagel - From fried halloumi and salad to fillings such as Avocado and Feta smash, and much more! They are 100% vegetarian and offer many vegan options, and all of their products are made with natural and organic ingredients.

Eat Positive – Have you tried Superfoods such at chia seeds, choc cacao nibs; coconut chips? Enjoy a 100% plant based Vegan dishes with dishes inspired by the most popular flavours and recipes from the streets and coasts of Latin America. Green Juices Enjoy detoxing and energizing fresh cold pressed green juices and wheat grass. Organic Wine Sample and purchase the best selection of organic wines from vineyards that produce 100% certified organic wines that are also allergy friendly Vegan friendly and Preservative Free. Celebrating 30 Years


KIDS PROGRAM Record Events for Kids 11 am each day in the Kids Corner Friday Kids Sound Healing - Saturday Kids Laughter Yoga - Sunday Kids Meditation

STORY TIME 12:30 pm – 2:30pm

Saturday AND Sunday Join Conny for balloon fun and face painting PLUS A LITTLE MAGIC from 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Children just love magic. It’s a show where children and parents can come for a laugh together, that’s packed with comedy, magic, puppets and laughs.

Friday 19

12.00pm – Clara

2.00pm – Unicorn

11.30am – Unicorn

2.00pm – Clara

11.30am – Unicorn

2.00pm – Clara

Saturday 20 Sunday 21

Clara the Climate Changer What if you woke up one morning and had the chance to change the world – while still in your pyjamas? Well, that is what happened to Clara, and it all started with the big red majestic balloon that slowly came descending down on to her street…

The Baby Unicorn Manifesto


“You are a gift,” they whisper. “The likes of which the world has never seen,” they say. “You are a beautiful contribution to the world and our lives, and we are so grateful you are here.”

Author Diana Smith will be launching her new children’s book at the Expo ‘My Welcome Book’ Friday, Saturday and Sunday 3:00pm-3:30pm Discover a magic world where everything is possible. Diana will read her books My Welcome Book and My Grateful Book


Kinetica Circus - Fri 3:30pm - Sat 10:30am - Sun 2:00pm Kinetica is a contemporary circus that fuses awe-in-spiring aerials and dance with quirky characters and original storytelling. Kinetica regularly performs for festivals as well as corporate and community events throughout WA. CHOIR4KIDS - Sunday 10:30 am - 10:50 am

The Chior4Kids, led by Sue Ross sing songs for you that promote a feeling of happiness and confidence within. Children have something special in their natural love for music and singing allows them all to shine without the need to purchase a musical instrument. These children just love to sing. 24

Celebrating 30 Years





Noongah elder, Aunty Violet will open the Expo,acknowledging the ancestors and the Aboriginal custodianship of the land.

Music to Soothe the Soul with Sound Healer, Musical Alchemist, Composer Christine Morrison

11:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:40pm

2:20pm 2:50pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm


Mass Didgeridoo Sound Healing for Mother Earth

Messages from Nature

Live readings with Oracle Cards by Adam Barralet

Sacred Medicine Music

with world renowned duo India Jiva - Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen

Food Demo: Paleo Gluten free Pasta with essential oils

and dairy free Hollandaise sauce with Michele from Casella Kitchen

Healing Demonstration: with Christoffel Sneijders

Experience how clinical hypnotherapy can help you overcome your life issues

An Elegant, Classy and Vibrant Bellydance

Performance Belly Dance Central

Up-Cycle Fashion Show

presented by Diana Oliver and Karen Dennis

Kinetica Circus - Art and Fitness

ive aerial acrobatics

Sacred Music

with world renowned duo, India Jiva

Kundalini Sahaja Yoga Music




Talk: Bio Resonance Perth - Zoran Cunjak


Interview with Kez: Publisher Carolyn McAndrew of Picardie Press

Mass Didgeridoo Sound Healing for Mother Earth

with authors, Elizabeth Mulvey, Diana Smith and Tristan Bray


Talk: Conscious Kids - Conscious Parents


Interview with Kez: Gerard Bini: What are EMF”S?

Pam Grace & Bernice Smith

Researching the health issues; creating public awareness and offering solutions


Interview with Kez: How the ‘Theraphi Device’ is changing lives.

Zsuzsanna Hay


Interview with Kez: Patricia Hamilton & Jacquie Walker

The legacy and the future of Conscious Living

26 Conscious Living Expo 2018


World Record Event:

Mass Didgeridoo Sound Healing for Mother Earth

Ticket: Free Event 12.00pm

Your Divine Spark - Three Fold Flame with Mary Marechal and Margo Norman from Summit Light house.

Ticket: Free Event 1.00pm

New Paradigm Healing

How to lift your Frequency to “Happy” Workshop with Tony Norgrove

Ticket: $45 Early Bird $35 2.45pm

Chronic Inflammation - Fighting Back with Deb Nye Chart from My Gut Wellness

Ticket: Free Event 3.45pm

Tao Calligraphy Blessing & Soul Massage for Pain Relief and Emotional & Mental Healing

with Anne Stewart

Ticket: FREE Workshop


World Record Event:

Mass Sound Healing for Mother Earth

Ticket: Free Event 12:00pm

1.00pm Ascension and 5 D Activation

with Twin Flame Activator Raghida Inka Shaman

Ticket: Free Event


Neuro Flexibility:

How to engage your glutes

FREE Fitness Class with personal trainer Joe Mosca 2.00pm

Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath

with Miranda Munro and Karl Akkerman

Ticket: $25 Early Bird $20


Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath

with Miranda Munro and Karl Akkerman

Ticket: $25 Early Bird $20


Celestial Sound Healing Voyage - WORKSHOP

with Christine Morrisson

Ticket: $35 Early Bird $30 Celebrating 30 Years


PROGRAM OF EVENTS - SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 MAIN STAGE 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.40am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm


Sonic Sound Healing

with Heather Jean - Oracle of Sound

Kinetica Circus - Art and Fitness live aerial acrobatics Australian Record Event:

Laughter Yoga - Laugh Away Stress

Yoga Class - Perth - Yoga for Everybody Overhead Audience Channelings

with Tony Norgrove

Sacred Medicine Music

with world renowned duo India Jiva

Tai Chi for Heath and Recreation

a demonstration with Monika Wong

Messages from Nature: Live readings

with Oracle Cards by Adam Barralet

Messages & Guidance from Source

with Rochelle McDonnell

Acro Yoga - Flying through Life - Demonstration Food Demonstration:

Vegan Organic Garlic and Herb Pizza bases + red sauce base with grilled red pepper , mushroomsand Magic Green by Michele of Casella Kitchen

Concert to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Conscious Living

with One Tribe


Kundalini Sahaja Yoga Music


Talk: Bio Resonance Perth - Zoran Cunjak

11.00am 12.00pm

Australian Record Event : Laughter Yoga Panel Discussion on Laughter Yoga

with Janni Goss + Laugh WA Facilitators


Interview with Kez:


Interview with Kez:


Interview with Kez:


Interview with Kez and Rachel Stanley

Peter Wingard: Putting Health at the Top Helen and Mark from Essentials4Life Raghida: Twin Flames, Soul Unions and Connetions: How they are tied in with Ascension Healthy living inside and out in 30 days


Interview with Kez: Kim and Luke Herman: The Creatrix and Innovatrix process and how it helps over come trauma, depression and break down


Talk: Crystal Magic- connecting with your crystals on


Talk: Conscious Kids - Conscious Parents

a deeper level with Adam Barralet.

with Pam Grace & Bernice Smith from Access Consciousness

28 Conscious Living Expo 2018


Gut Health - Easy ways to get your health back with Hayley Peak Ticket: Free Event

Australian Record Event: Laughter Yoga Ticket: Free Event 11:45am Unlock your Genes for Weight Loss with Dr Peter Dingle Ticket: Free Event


12:45pm Messages From Heaven - Mediumship Event with Ghost whisperer Anthony Grzelka

Ticket: $55 Early Bird $45


How can you change your top 3 negative beliefs/ habits in just 3 days to live the life you desire? with Christoffel Sneijders Ticket: Free Event


Sick Building Syndrome and how it affects your health and wellbeing. EMF�S in your home and workplace. with Gerard Bini from Orgone Effects

Ticket: Free Event


Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath

with Miranda Munro and Karl Akkerman

Ticket: $25 Early Bird$20

11.00am 12.00pm

Australian Record Event: Laughter Yoga FREE Ticket

Didgeridoo Sound Healing Session

with One Tribe

Ticket: $35 Early Bird $30


The Sound of Soul FREE Meditation


Experiential Sound Healing Journey Workshop

with Jean Hunt from Eckankar. with Heather Jean

Ticket: $45 Early Bird $35


Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath Session with Miranda Munro and Karl Akkerman

Ticket: $25 Early Bird$20


Yoga Nidra - Conscious Dreaming - FREE Meditation

facilitated by Will Forde from Perth Yoga for Everybody

Celebrating 30 Years


PROGRAM OF EVENTS - SUNDAY OCTOBER 21 MAIN STAGE 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm

Yoga Class with Perth Yoga for Everybody Chiors4Kids led by Sue Ross Singing for Happiness inspiring confidence. World Record Event Mindfulness Meditation: Class led by Eric Harrison Tai Chi for Health and Recreation a demonstration with Monika Wong Sacred Medicine Music with world renowned duo India Jiva An Access BarsÂŽ Demonstration with Bernice Smith and Gigi Waters Music to Soothe the Soul with Christine Morrison Sound Healer, Musical Alchemist, Composer, Sacred Geometry & 11:11 Activation Awakenings in the Body with Raghida Kinetica Circus: Art and Fitness live aerial acrobatics Overhead Audience Channelings with Tony Norgrove An Elegant, Classy and Vibrant Bellydance Performance- Belly Dance Central Awards: Celebrating 30 years with Patricia Hamilton and Jacquie Walker Kundalini Sahaja Yoga Music Closing Music Celebration for the 30th Anniversary of Conscious Living Expo One Tribe; India Jiva; Lou Vanstone and friends.


11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm

Talk: The Invisible Mediator of True Health: Explore the fascinating works of our nervous system from embryology to adult maturity Jessyca Rowe World Record Event: Mindfulness Meditation Class Discussion Panel: Why Mindfulness Meditation is so good for you with Will Forde, Eric Harrison and Margaret Wilcox Interview with Kez: with Jeanne Prosser: Numerology and Your Life Potential Talk: What’s My Role? - Healther Jean talks about the Evolution of the NEW Consciousness of Frequency on the Planet - Living in the NOW Interview with Kez: Debbie Childs CEO from Helping MindsHow to improve your mental health Talk: Relationships Unmasked - Maria de Cinque Interview with Kez: Tristan author with Picardie Press Author Talk for Horse Lovers: Conscious Horse Conscious Rider- Alex Nicol



1.00pm 2.15pm 3.15pm

Talk: Gut Secrets 7 Steps to Reset your Gut - FREE seminar with Dr Peter Dingle - Ticket: Free Event World Record Event: Mindfulness Meditation Class Ticket: Free Event Subliminal Stress: The Invisible Shadow and Energy Medicine with Cynthia Harrison Ticket: Free seminar A New Dawn Working With Crystals with Adam Barralet - Ticket: Free Event Does eating fat make you fat? with Naturopath Stuart Morick (Pure Health and Wellness Clinic) Guided Activation for Positive Change In All Areas of Your Life - Ticket: Free Event with Transformation Coach & Author, Rochelle McDonnell


Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath with Miranda Munro & Karl Akkerman Ticket: $25 Early Bird $20


World Record Event: Mindfulness Meditation Class led by Eric Harrison Ticket: Free Tevent Meet Your Spirit Guide - Workshop with facilitator Mark Steinward from One Tribe Ticket: $45 arly Bird $35

12.00pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.30pm

The Magical Healing Power of Music and Sound with India Jiva duo - Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen Ticket: Free workshop Kyela Vibrational Sound Bath with Miranda Munro and Karl Akkerman Ticket: $25 early Bird $20 Light Language Activation Ceremony with Christine Morrison Ticket: $35 Early Bird $30 Celebrating 30 Years



Claremont Showgrounds

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